Cleaning of staircases. Washing entrances: how many times to clean and who is responsible for cleaning

Russian legislation does not guarantee cleaners at each specific entrance. But, if the housing complex does not assign employees to clean the entrances of multi-storey buildings, then the utility services are breaking the law. The management company is responsible for cleaning corridors, staircases, spaces in front of the entrance doors of apartments, bars, elevators and landings, correspondent boxes, in general, the entire space between front door into the house and through the personal doors of apartment residents. If the company has entered into obligations to the people living in this house, then it must fulfill them.

Important! Decree of the State Construction Committee No. 170 dated September 27, 2003 indicates that housing office workers must clean the entrances of multi-storey buildings. Management companies can not only recruit personal staff, but also use the services of cleaning companies and enter into contract agreements.

When carrying out their activities, companies must be guided by the rules specified in the following regulations:

  • Government Decree of 04/03/2013 No. 209
  • Government Decree No. 491 of August 13, 2006
  • GOST R 51617-2000 “on housing and communal services and services”

It is important to remember that Article 36 of the Housing Code and comments to it indicate that housing complexes must monitor cleanliness in basements and attics, and not just in elevators, on stairs and the spaces between them. Accordingly, cleaners must service these facilities: carry out wet cleaning of all common areas in houses, cages, grates and elevators. Of course, the dirtiest place in homes is often the garbage disposal area, and special attention should be paid to it.

When residential companies enter into an agreement with residents of buildings, they must develop a cleaning schedule for the agreement, namely, what, when and how much should be washed, swept and cleaned. And residents of high-rise buildings, in turn, have the right to agree or express their proposals for improving the schedule. There is a standard template on the Internet that companies can use as an example. Everyone understands that different entrances require different cleaning, the space in front of the garbage chute gets dirty faster, more residents means more dirt, so it needs to be washed more often. If you are dissatisfied with the cleanliness and sanitary condition of the spaces starting after entering the house, then you should, first of all, familiarize yourself with the cleaning schedule that your residential complex has. If this document turns out that according to the plan, the residential complex should be cleaned once a month, then you should not be surprised at the disorder in the entrances. (Well, this is of course an extreme case, this does not happen).

Norms and regulations for cleaning entrances in apartment buildings

So, in order to understand the minimum number of times a residential complex must send a cleaner, let’s look at our legislation. Government Decree No. 209 dated April 3, 2013 approves a list of work that must be carried out in apartment buildings by cleaners. Another document that regulates the rules for cleaning entrances is GOST 51617-2000.
There are rules established by law for cleaning the spaces between the front door and the doors to apartments:

When sweeping, the broom must be wet. And the floors in elevators, on the first and second floors, next to garbage disposal areas (if they are inside the house) should be swept. All those spaces between the garbage chute and the elevator should be cleaned regularly. Few people know about this, but in our houses we should wash radiators, railings, doors, window sills, walls and ceilings in the front rooms with a rag (I can’t imagine how it would be to wash the ceiling with a rag, especially if it’s whitewashed) Windows and shades/chandeliers too must be kept clean, the cleaning lady must clean them from dust and dirt.

To perform the necessary job functions at high level The management company must comply with cleaning standards in entrances apartment buildings, specified in guest 51617-2000. These standards include not only sweeping and washing floors and stairs, cleaning the entrance area, but also regularly ventilating entrances, cleaning ventilation, and sweeping ceilings. The elevator area, which includes the floor and walls, is first wiped with a wet broom and then washed with a clean rag with cleaning agents added to water. If there is a garbage chute in a residential area, the cleaner is obliged to remove waste from a special room and restore order there, not forgetting to disinfect the components of the garbage chute and hatches once a month. All structures in the entrance must be maintained in good conditions, this includes pipes and heating systems.

Housing standards or housing standards contain and approve the regulations for cleaning the territory, requirements for the maintenance of the entrance, what actions are necessary to maintain the responsible area, the organization of control over the condition of the entrance, the procedure for carrying out general cleaning and cleaning according to schedule.

Frequency of cleaning

When performing her duties, the cleaner must comply with the requirements and regulations of the sanitary regulations to maintain cleanliness in the premises. According to the standards, washing of entrances, staircases and flights should be carried out 2 times a month. Be sure to thoroughly sweep every day and wipe the floor on the first floor of the house and in the elevator with a wet rag. Every day, according to the standards, the cleaning lady is recommended to wipe the floors and staircases.

Important! According to GOST, the responsible person is required not only to comply necessary rules And state standards, but perform their duties with specified frequency.

For high-quality maintenance of the entrances of apartment buildings, it is necessary to perform the following frequency, which is established by GOST and sanitation standards:

Daily thorough cleaning of the elevator

Daily elevator cleaning includes:

  • Use a damp broom 2 times during the week to clean up, starting from the third floor. Clean the first and second floors daily
  • once a year it is necessary to clean and arrange a wet wash for lampshades, windows, staircase grilles, cabinets for electric meters, correspondence boxes
  • Once a week, the cleaning lady must clean the area in front of the entrance, the porch, and brush the grate
  • Twice a year sanitary standards recommend washing window sills and heating appliances

Complaints about poor cleaning

If utility services do not take care of the entrances or do not regularly maintain order. If the cleaner does not follow the work schedule and does not wash the stairs, floors and elevators properly, and does not properly monitor the access area, then the residents need to go to the housing and communal services, where a specialist will advise them and answer all their questions. Explanations from management company employees do not always satisfy residents and often cause obvious disagreement. Then you can send a complaint about the state of cleaning to the management company, which will send a special commission to evaluate the cleaning of the premises and find out how many times and how often the cleaning was carried out. The claim must indicate the coordinates of the entrance, where it is located, and the essence of the claim. If the management company is inactive and cleans no more than once every six months, then the residents of the entrance have the right to send a complaint first to the district administration, and then to Rospotrebnadzor and the Prosecutor's Office. As a rule, claims are processed within 1 month, and if circumstances require it, the period can be reduced to 5 days.

When there are no positive results from the consideration of the complaint, it is necessary to prepare to file a claim in court. You can find a sample of such a statement on the World Wide Web. If it does not follow from the contract that the management company is obliged to carry out cleaning, then by law the company is obliged to carry out measures to clean the premises. This norm is specified in Government Decree No. 491 of August 13, 2006. In order to demand normal sanitary cleaning at the entrance in court, residents must fulfill all the conditions specified in the contract and other documents, for example, provide evidence of regular payment of utility bills.


Residents of the entrance should not dump themselves on the cleaning lady or on our own wash corridors or staircases. We must always remember that the Housing Code stipulates that cleaning the entrance is the responsibility of the management company, to which residents pay monthly money for its work. Some management companies ignore their responsibilities, and residents should not remain idle, because any property owner can file a complaint and hold the housing office accountable. And if the cleaner says, “I’m cleaning” the floors, but in fact does not follow the established schedule, then the residents of the house have every reason to contact special structures for clarification of the cleaner’s work.

Not all owners are satisfied with the quality of cleaning of the entrances to their home. Someone says that the entrance is cleaned only by the residents. Management organizations always have arguments for owner dissatisfaction: lack of funds, lack of employees.

A situation like this should not happen. Today we will tell you who is responsible for cleaning the entrances of apartment buildings, what cleaning standards exist and how to calculate the cost of cleaning common areas.

Who should clean entrances to apartment buildings?

Just a few years ago, the owners of the premises cleaned the entrances of apartment buildings themselves. Some created a duty schedule, others hired contractors for cleaning.

Frequency of cleaning of entrances

According to this document, the frequency of cleaning entrances to Moscow apartment buildings depends on the type of equipment located in the entrance.

In entrances where there are elevators and garbage chutes, the management organization:

  • daily sweeps the cages and flights of the first two floors and the area near the loading valve of the garbage chute with a wet broom or brush, washes the floor of the elevator car;
  • once a week sweeps the staircases and flights of the third and subsequent floors with a wet broom or brush;
  • washes staircases and flights once a month;
  • twice a month, wipe the walls, doors and ceiling of the elevator car with a damp cloth.

If the entrance is equipped only with an elevator, the frequency of work remains the same. Cleaning the waste chute area is excluded from the list of works.

When there is no elevator at the entrance, but there is a garbage chute, the frequency of cleaning changes. The staircases and flights of the first two floors are swept daily with a wet broom or brush. Twice a week, the cages and flights of the third and subsequent floors are swept with a wet broom or brush. Stairwells are cleaned at least twice a month.

There is a separate schedule for cleaning the garbage chutes themselves:

  • Every day, garbage collection chambers are cleared of debris, they are cleaned and replacement garbage containers are washed;
  • once a week, the loading chambers of garbage chutes are cleaned;
  • once a month a preventive inspection of garbage chutes is carried out;
  • once a month the waste chute valve is washed and Bottom part its trunk, disinfection and cleaning of all elements of the garbage chute trunk and disinfection of garbage containers are carried out;
  • If necessary, blockages in the garbage chute are cleared.

If there is neither a garbage chute nor an elevator at the entrance, the amount of work is noticeably reduced, and the frequency of completion increases. In this case, you will have to sweep the staircases and flights of the upper two floors every day with a wet broom or brush. Twice a week it is necessary to carry out the same work on the third and subsequent floors. And at least twice a week - wash the staircases and flights.

There are also types of work that are performed regardless of the type of equipment in the entrance. For example, once a year the management organization needs to wash the windows, clean the area at the entrance to the entrance, clean the pit, metal grating and wipe the walls with a damp cloth, attic stairs, window grilles, doors, staircase lamps, mailboxes, cabinets for electric meters, low-current devices.

Twice a year, the management organization must ensure that dust is swept from ceilings, and wet cleaning of window sills and heating radiators.

Calculation of the cost of cleaning entrances

The owners ask where the price for cleaning the entrance came from. The management organization must be able to justify the cost of the service.

To clean the entrance of the management organization you need:

1. Hire employees.

The salary of first-class technical personnel must be no less than living wage. For determining tariff rate, which will be needed for the employee’s salary, the management organization should take the cost of living for the second quarter current year and index it to the planned consumer price growth index.

We also must not forget about compensatory charges, payment of insurance premiums and industry target payments, the annual balance of working hours and the standard absenteeism rate of working personnel.

2. Purchase materials.

The management company can use inexpensive detergents, rags, and gloves, but the area of ​​common property cannot be compared with an apartment that the owner cleans himself. Therefore, it is worth explaining to residents that materials are spent annually large sum money.

3. Pay taxes.

4. Pay paying agents.

All payments are made through banks, mail or other payment systems. Typically, they charge a fee for transferring the payment.

5. Pay contractors for the services of maintaining personal accounts, preparing payment documents and delivering them to residents.

To calculate the tariff, first determine the area to be cleaned. It is equal to the area of ​​common areas indicated in the technical passport.

The calculation can be performed using different methods. The simplest is the unit pricing method: multiply the cleaning area by the frequency of work, and you will get the annual volume of services in physical terms.

Then, to obtain the annual cost of services, multiply the annual volume of services by the unit price. As a basis for a unit price, we recommend using the collection “Costs of work and services for the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment building", developed by the Center for Municipal Economics and Law.

Last step- tariff calculation. For this purpose the received annual cost Divide the work by the sum of residential and non-residential areas and by twelve months.

What happens if the building authority does not clean the entrances well?

First negative consequence poor-quality cleaning - dissatisfaction of residents. First, residents make verbal complaints to the management organization. If they are not heard, they begin to submit written complaints to the Administrative Office.

If the management organization receives a written complaint, it must organize a special commission to assess the quality of cleaning of entrances. If the commission confirms that the entrances are poorly cleaned, the management authority must take measures to eliminate the deficiencies and notify the owners about this.

It also happens that the management office does not respond to either oral or written complaints from residents. This could turn out negatively for her: the residents will conduct an OSS and choose another method of managing the apartment building or contact the State Housing Property Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office, city or district administration.

Based on complaints from owners, the controlling body has the right to conduct an unscheduled inspection. If it is proven that there are violations in the work of the management organization, it will be given an order to eliminate the violations. In particular, they may be required to make a recalculation for those types of services that were provided poorly.

It is in the interests of the management organization to correct all the shortcomings specified in the order on time.

Anyone normal person the sight of dirt evokes negative emotions, especially since cleanliness directly affects the health of his body.

In their own apartments people keep order on their own and can create cleanliness and comfort every day.

At the entrances, cleaning and maintenance are included in the service of the apartment building.

This requirement is specified in Housing Code in Article 36. Below we describe in detail the standards for keeping staircases in order.

Definition of concepts and legislative regulation of the issue

The law does not provide for the presence of a cleaner for each individual entrance. It can remove from three to ten objects at once. If the housing and communal services sector does not provide such specialists at all, then it violates legal norms.

According to Resolution of the State Construction Committee Russian Federation 170 , approved since September 27, 2003, employees of the management company must clean the staircases. It is also allowed to enter into agreements with contractors. In accordance with Government Decree under Article 290, adopted on April 3, 2013, as well as GOST on housing and communal responsibilities and services, cleaning of staircases is carried out by designated persons. Carrying out professional duties, they are guided by the rules from the listed documents.

Mandatory cleaning of entrances multi-apartment residential complex is carried out in accordance with Government legislation dated April 20, 2013. Display graphic arts A similar process is included in the annex to the contractual agreement with the housing authority.

Rules for putting things in order

From Section 36 of the Housing Code it follows that the common property of an apartment building consists of elevators, corridors, landings, attics, technical floors, stairs, basements and other premises located in this building.

According to Government Resolution 290 the management company is responsible for performing a minimum number of various actions related to keeping the house clean and providing an acceptable appearance to each entrance.

The same paragraph contains provisions according to which cleansing and wet cleaning are produced for the following areas:

  • corridors and vestibules;
  • window sills, elevators, window grilles and pits;
  • cabinets and doors to electrical panels;
  • mailboxes and staircases.

Cleaning entrances that complies with all legal standards is a responsibility. Therefore, the introduced cash residents are sent to this organization for its repair and maintenance.

Frequency of implementation

According to general technical conditions GOST of the Russian Federation 51617-2000 about housing and utilities ah, the cleaning lady must do the following work:

Responsible for maintaining cleanliness

In accordance with the Government Decree, it is the responsibility of all public utilities to properly maintain bearing structures residential building, equipment, engineering and technical systems.

From the twenty-third point one can clearly distinguish actions related to the maintenance of premises located in an apartment building. These include:

  • carrying out wet and dry cleaning in halls, vestibules, galleries, corridors, elevator cabins and landings, ramps, staircases;
  • wiping off dust that covers window grilles, window sills, stair railings, electric meter cabinets, mailboxes, low-current devices, door leaves, boxes and handles, closers;
  • cleaning window glass;
  • removing dirt from protective devices. As a rule, these are metal gratings, cell covers, pits, and textile mats.

Conflict situations and methods for resolving them

Today, apartment residents very often encounter poor quality cleaning in their hallways. Many people complain about bad condition flights of stairs due to a noticeable layer of dirt or dust on them, debris, cobwebs, surrounding inscriptions, including on the walls. Obviously, these situations arise due to irregular restoration of order in the entrances.

Not everyone can silently react to this state of affairs, so they try to defend their own rights. You can be indignant for a long time, hoping for changes for the better, but the most effective way is to contact the housing and communal services or management organization servicing the corresponding residential building. These companies are required to provide advice on maintaining cleanliness in the premises, because payment for utility services includes cleaning of entrances belonging to a particular house. Dissatisfied residents should be provided with qualified specialist advice.

Residents have the right to send written complaint in the form, regarding the dirty condition of staircases or entrances. Such a document is drawn up in any form indicating the requirements. Employees of the management company or housing and communal services are required to provide a number of necessary explanations for completing the application.

Conflicts may be related to the work of cleaners in hallways. All complaints regarding failure to complete the tasks assigned to them, violation of laws regarding the maintenance of staircase landings, as well as the absence of an employee at the place of his work are submitted to the management of the management company at the place of residence. They, in turn, must take measures against the negligent employee, including removing him from his position for further neglect of his work.

The residential building management company is obliged send a special commission, in order to assess how well the work was done to maintain cleanliness in the entrances.

If the apartment building maintenance company does not take any action on a complaint received from the owners, then they have every right to send to the following organizations:

  • Federal Service Rospotrebnadzor;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • city ​​and district administration.

Review period of complaints sent is no more than one month from the date of their receipt. If the application is urgent, the consideration period is reduced to one or five days.

Thus, maintaining cleanliness in the entrances of buildings with a large number of apartments is a mandatory legal norm approved on April 20, 2013. When concluding a contractual agreement with a management company servicing an apartment building, a cleaning procedure must be attached to it. This organization is responsible for the provision of such services to the owners of residential premises.

The rules for providing cleaning services in apartment buildings by management companies are described in the following video:

State standard of the Russian Federation “Housing and communal services. Are common technical specifications» clearly stipulates how often it is necessary to clean entrances, elevators, and so on. If you don’t see anything like this in your entrance, feel free to file a claim with the organization that provides housing and communal services to your home.

Related materials:

You left the apartment on the landing in the morning - and your mood immediately deteriorated? Or, on the contrary, they returned in the evening - and with guests too! - and almost got into a pile of garbage right in front of the elevator? What to do if a person whose responsibilities include cleaning the entrance (including eliminating annoying advertising in elevators) neglects these responsibilities? What standards exist for cleaning entrances and staircases and what document regulates them?

This document, which clearly regulates all the actions of the cleaner, is called.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 290 dated 04/03/2013, which came into force on 04/20/2013 (confirmed by the response of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated June 25, 2013), specifies a minimum list of works and services designed to ensure the proper level of maintenance of common property in an apartment building (apartment building). Clause 23 of the List contains a list of works related to the maintenance of premises related to common property apartment building. Cleaning work on entrances to apartment buildings is mandatory, and since April 20, 2013, the management company of the apartment building is responsible for their organization. She also develops a schedule for cleaning entrances, which is prescribed in the annex to the management agreement for apartment buildings.

Frequency of cleaning work on entrances and staircases

Type of work

Type of equipment on staircases

no equipment

garbage chute


garbage chute and elevator

Wet sweeping of landings and flights of the lower 2 floors





Wet sweeping of staircases and flights above

2nd floor

Wet sweeping of areas in front of waste chute loading valves



Washing staircases and flights

Cleaning the elevator car floor



Wet wiping of walls, doors, lampshades and ceilings of elevator cabins

Window cleaning

1 time per year

Cleaning the area in front of the entrance. Cleaning the metal grate and pit.

1 time per week

Wet wiping of walls, doors, lampshades, etc.

1 time per year

Wet wiping of window sills and heating devices

2 times per year

This document also sets out standards for cleaning garbage chutes in the entrances of residential buildings. Here's what cleaners are required to do:

Frequency of maintenance work for garbage chutes


Type of work


Preventive inspection of garbage chutes

2 times a month

Removing garbage from garbage collection chambers


Cleaning waste chambers


Cleaning the loading valves of garbage chutes

1 time per week

Washing of replacement waste bins


Washing the bottom of the barrel and gate of the garbage chute

1 time per month

Cleaning and disinfection of all elements of the waste chute

1 time per month

Disinfection of waste bins

1 time per month

Clearing the blockage

as needed

The following types of work are carried out once a year:

  • window cleaning;
  • cleaning the area at the entrance to the entrance;
  • cleaning pits and metal gratings;
  • wiping the following objects with a damp cloth: walls, attic stairs, window grilles, doors, staircase lamps, mailboxes, cabinets for electric meters, low-current devices.

Twice a year, dust is swept from the ceilings, window sills and heating devices are wiped with a damp cloth.

If you haven’t seen anything like this on your staircase for a long time, if the last cleaning of the entrance was done in the last millennium, feel free to submit it to the organization that services your home. If this doesn’t help, go complain to higher authorities.

Regarding cleaning the entrance to an apartment building, there are specific standards that must be observed by employees. They include quantitative (cleaning frequency, mode) and quantitative indicators. What requirements are described in the legislation, and where you can complain in case of systematic violation, is described in detail below.

The legislation states that the territory of the entrance, elevators, and garbage chutes is a common area. This means that it belongs equally (in proportion to the area of ​​the apartments) to all home owners (as well as official tenants). A complete list of such property is given in the Housing Code.

Therefore, apartment owners must monitor the cleanliness of the entrance themselves or entrust responsibility Management company(UK) or HOA. An official agreement is concluded with these organizations, in accordance with which the maintenance is carried out. common territory(cleaning, short-term and major renovation, eliminating the consequences of accidents).

The statement that cleaning in the entrance of an apartment building is carried out by employees of the management company in accordance with accepted standards can be found in various legal acts, for example:

Along with these federal acts, there may also be municipal documents that should not contradict the former. In the same sources you can find out what specific requirements are imposed on the quality and quantity of cleaning work. They concern not only the actual cleaning of the floors, but also the cleaning of lampshades, windows, railings, etc.

Frequency of work: features of the service delivery mode

The standards by which the cleaning schedule for the entrance to the house is developed are presented in the table.

type of work frequency
cleaning flights and stairs with a damp broom on the first and second floors daily
cleaning flights and stairs using a damp broom from the third floor to the top floor inclusive weekly
cleaning with a wet broom the area in front of the garbage chute, where the hatch into which waste is dumped is located daily
wet cleaning of the entire entrance 1 time per month
wet cleaning of the floor surface in the elevator daily
wet cleaning of wall surfaces, lighting shades, as well as flow surfaces in the elevator 2 times a month

Sometimes the entrance to an apartment building is equipped with a garbage chute: it is important to know that it has its own cleaning standards.

A schedule has also been established for cleaning specific parts and equipment in the entrance. At least once a year(usually in the warm season) the following types of work should be performed:

  1. Wet cleaning of all windows, including dormer windows.
  2. Washing the entrance area (vestibule) in front of the door leading directly to the entrance.
  3. Wiping the surfaces of the walls, stairs leading to the attic, and all doors with a damp cloth.
  4. Wiping lampshades and surfaces with a rag mailboxes, as well as communal meters.

As for cleaning ceilings (dust, dirt, cobwebs), radiators and window sills, it is carried out at least 2 times a year using a damp cloth.

Quality requirements

Specific qualitative indicators are not indicated in the documents. However, it is obvious that if the established frequency is observed, the order in the entrance will meet the following requirements:

  1. The floors are free of significant dirt, there are no stubborn stains or dried dirty stains.
  2. No foreign debris in large quantities(beer cans, pieces of paper, foreign objects, bags, etc.).
  3. There are no cobwebs in the corners, large lumps of dirt, or accumulations of dust.
  4. The garbage disposal is clean, there is no clogged debris, and all garbage receptacles are empty and ready to go.

SIGNS IN ENTRANCES. From a formal point of view, there is a standard for cleaning entrances, which states that the walls in an apartment building are washed once a year. However, inscriptions tend to appear much more frequently. And eliminate them using conventional means household chemicals impossible. Therefore, the cleaning lady is not obliged to display drawings, letters, etc. Residents can only wait for scheduled repairs to be carried out, when the walls will be plastered and painted. To speed up the process, you can jointly organize independent repairs.

Where to complain about poor cleaning

In practice, it is often observed that established standards are not fully implemented or are even directly violated. Even if formally cleaning takes place the required number of times a week, month or year, in fact the services are provided with poor quality, which is why dirt constantly accumulates in the entrance, and general form spoils quickly.

In such situations, you should not come into direct contact with the cleaning lady, since in most cases this will only end in an unpleasant conversation. It is preferable to follow this procedure:

  1. First, they contact the Management Company, which sends a cleaner and other employees to maintain order in the house.
  2. The next authority is the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor.
  3. Next, they contact the Housing Inspectorate, which is located under the City (District) Administration.
  4. Then you can write a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office, and also go to court. Moreover, in all cases, both an individual tenant and a group of owners can complain, which is more common.

The complaint itself is drawn up in any form. The application is drawn up in the name of the relevant official - for example, the head of the Management Company or an employee of Rospotrebnadzor, the Prosecutor's Office, etc. The text must reflect that the applicant is the owner and regularly pays for the service "". If possible, you should also refer to regulations and the agreement itself with the management company.

If similar appeals have been submitted previously, copies of them are also attached to the complaint. Resolutions and acts of services (for example, sanitary and epidemiological) are also attached if they have previously analyzed the condition of the entrance at the request of the residents. In this case, the application itself is always drawn up in at least 2 copies, 1 of which remains in the hands of the owner (owners).

After a complaint to the Criminal Code, she must form a commission that is sent directly to the site to inspect the entrance and draw appropriate conclusions about the quality of the cleaning work being carried out. The response to the complaint must be received within 30 calendar days. As a result, disciplinary measures are taken against employees (cleaners) up to and including dismissal.

Regardless of where to complain about non-compliance with entrance cleaning standards, it is better for residents of an apartment building to take care of the evidence themselves. Photo and video materials are provided that confirm the fact of poor-quality services provided. In addition, it is better to sign the application collectively. The opportunity to sort out the situation is in the interests of all owners.

Alternative option: cleaning by residents

In some cases, it is easier for residents to organize their own cleaning work. There are two options:

  1. The owners come to a meeting and choose one person (neighbor) who will clean the premises for a fee. As a rule, he also collects money and also provides the relevant reporting documents (receipts for the purchase detergents, mops, etc.).
  2. The owners also organize a meeting, but decide to invite an outside cleaner. A responsible person is selected who will enter into an agreement with the cleaning company, as well as develop a schedule, organize fundraising and reporting.

In practice, the second option turns out to be preferable, since the cleaning of the area will be carried out by a professional, experienced worker. In any case, the corresponding decision is made in writing in order to subsequently avoid disagreements and other unpleasant situations.