Pipe made of polyethylene pe rt. Pipe for underfloor heating made of PE-RT polyethylene - Thermotech Thermosystem. What materials and tools are needed

Many private houses are heated using water heated floor systems. This factor is explained by the efficiency of this type of heating. The coolant circulating through the pipeline laid under the floor has a much lower temperature than in radiators. This means that much less energy resources are spent on heating it.

Warm floors do not spoil the interior of the premises at all, since they are hidden from the eyes of others by the finishing coating. And the air, heated over the entire surface of the floor, is always directed upward, creating a favorable microclimate and increasing the level of comfort.

Ideally, the use of such heating systems should be envisaged at the stage of building a house. Otherwise, you will need to carry out calculations and large-scale work that requires certain skills and craftsmanship. In addition to choosing high-quality heating and pumping equipment, it is necessary to pay close attention to the choice of consumables, the main of which is the pipe.

It is a mistake to believe that any pipe can be laid in a concrete screed. Increased demands are placed on this element of the system, since the service life of the heated water floor and the quality of operation of the entire system will depend on it.

And although this consumable material is presented in a huge assortment on the construction market, not each of them meets all quality and safety requirements.

Which pipe is suitable for laying the water circuit and will not only extend its service life, but also save money? What do the designations PEX and PE-RT mean? What are the advantages of PERT polyethylene, which recently appeared on the Russian market?

Requirements for pipes

In most cases, the contours of a water heated floor are filled with a heavy concrete screed, closed finishing. Even after removing tiles or removing part of the laminate, it will be impossible to visually inspect the system for leaks or any other malfunctions.

Therefore, any pipe that is part of a water-heated floor system must meet the strict requirements stipulated by special conditions its operation.

The main element of water heated floor systems has standard diameter, which can correspond to the following values:

It should be noted that when using consumables a smaller diameter reduces heat transfer, which leads to a reduction in the distance between the loops of the circuit and, accordingly, to an increase in material consumption. In addition, the small diameter of the pipe leads to overloads of the pumping equipment. It is also inadvisable to use pipes of too large a diameter, since in this case the thickness of the concrete screed will increase and, as a result, the load on the floor.

DIY water heated floor

What materials are pipes for heated floors made from?

So what material should be preferred when installing water-based floor heating systems? And here you should not rely on sellers’ assurances that all their goods meet the necessary requirements. Such carelessness can lead to problems that arise already at the installation stage of the systems.

Several materials are used in the production of pipes for heated floors.

  • Polypropylene. This option is the most budget-friendly. And this is perhaps his only positive quality. It will not be possible to mount a circuit from a single piece of pipe, since they are sold in small meters. This material is not highly plastic, so laying the contour is possible only if a large step is observed between the loops. And most importantly, polypropylene has a very low heat transfer coefficient, so the system will be ineffective.

  • Metal. Metal pipes can be made of copper and corrugated steel. These materials are of high quality and durability. But their significant drawback is high price, inaccessible to most of the population.

  • Polyethylene (PEX and PE-RT). This also includes metal-plastic. In the production of all varieties, different types of polyethylene are used, and each pipe has a special structure and is processed using various technologies. These materials are distinguished by ease of installation, resistance to mechanical and temperature influences, as well as affordable cost.

PEX pipes

First of all, you need to understand what the term “cross-linked polyethylene” or PEX means. Many household items are made from polyethylene. However, in its original form, this material is sensitive to high temperatures.

And it’s all because of the structure of the material, the molecules of which are not connected to each other in any way. This drawback is eliminated by using a special treatment of polyethylene, which allows the molecules to be “cross-linked”, due to which the polyethylene becomes stable and does not melt under the influence of high temperatures.

Pipes for heated floors

As a result of such processing, the PEX pipe acquires another positive quality, which is the ability to return to its original shape. That is, if during the operation of water heated floor systems the pipe experiences overload or is subject to mechanical stress that changes its position, after reducing the intensity of the load it will take on its originally specified shape.

Cross-linking of polyethylene is done using different technologies, denoted as follows:

It should be noted that when arranging water circuits, PEX-a pipe is most often used. The next two varieties are used much less frequently due to their lower quality. And PEX-d pipes in last years and are not used at all.

PE-RT polyethylene pipes

The designation on the pipe “PE-RT” means that it is made of polyethylene with increased heat resistance. This concept does not mean that cross-linking technology was used in relation to it, since the unique PE-RT material already has all the necessary qualities. Distinctive feature PERT pipes is the possibility of connection in the circuit using welding or fittings. Regardless of the type of work performed, PERT does not lose its strength and ductility.

PERT polyethylene is also used in production metal-plastic pipes, distinctive feature which is the presence of an internal aluminum layer. If a PE-RT polyethylene pipe is produced without an internal metal layer, it is protected from oxygen penetration by other means, for example, by an airtight layer of OXYDEX.

A water heated floor mounted from a PERT pipe has higher performance characteristics. This material, unlike PEX, has increased elasticity and the ability to withstand heat up to 124.7°C. Considering the lower cost of production of PE-RT polyethylene, the installation of heated floor systems from PE-RT pipes is somewhat cheaper, while meeting all the requirements for this method heating

Video: Warm water floor

The number of supporters of home heating according to the "" principle is constantly increasing - it has proven its high efficiency and convenience. Indeed, a properly planned, competently installed and well-functioning water floor heating system is distinguished by high efficiency, and therefore cost-effectiveness, the most optimal the microclimate created by it - with rising currents of warm air and a comfortable distribution of air temperature along the height. If we add to this the fact that with such heating the floor surface acts as a heat exchanger, and there are simply no radiators that do not fit well into the interior, then the growing popularity of this type of room heating receives a complete logical explanation.

Accordingly, the number of home owners who are seriously considering a complete transition to water underfloor heating is increasing. However, it should be noted that this is a rather complex and very large-scale undertaking. In addition to the difficulties with conducting construction work, it is necessary to correctly calculate and select heating equipment, distribution fittings, special devices and monitoring, control and safety devices. And finally, very important point are, in fact, the pipes for the warm water floor. For these components similar system heating must be shown Special attention, due to the fact that the main load - both thermal and mechanical - falls on them.

What should the pipes for a warm water floor be like?

Copper pipe

This material has a full “bouquet” of all kinds positive qualities. Copper pipes conduct and transfer heat well. This material has excellent ductility along with high mechanical strength. Copper is a very durable metal due to its chemical properties. capable of special features Excellent corrosion resistance. Moreover, in modern pipes copper walls are also covered with an additional high-strength polymer film - service life similar products are calculated over many decades.

Copper pipe - practically no drawbacks, except for a very high price and installation difficulties

The disadvantage is that installation is quite complex, which requires special tools and stable skills to work with it. This greatly limits the possibility of independently creating such a heating system. But, probably, this is not even the main thing - the cost of such pipelines, especially in comparison with polymer ones, is extremely high, and, alas, is affordable to very few.

Corrugated Steel Pipe

And this is probably the only one types of pipes that It is not prohibited to splice along the length of the heating circuit - their fitting connections are considered so reliable.

Such pipes are made from of stainless steel, they bend easily and retain their given position well. The problems of corrosion resistance, high heat transfer and mechanical strength are not even raised here - such pipes fully meet these requirements. They are given special additional protection by a special coating made of high-quality high-density polyethylene.

Such pipelines, by the way, are actively used on production lines in chemical industry many developed countries - and this says a lot. And yet they are not yet widely used in private residential construction. The main reasons are high prices and, perhaps, even a lack of information among home owners about such materials.

The production form of corrugated stainless pipes is ready-made sections of various lengths or coils up to 30 or 50 meters long.

Polyethylene-based pipes

Here it is necessary to immediately make one important note. If you read the variety of articles on water pipes used for heating circuits, you will notice one common mistake. Authors share diversity flexible pipes to metal-plastic and made of cross-linked polyethylene. From such a presentation, the reader often gets the misconception that metal-plastic products use some kind of ordinary polyethylene, and in addition to this, there is also cross-linked polyethylene. Nothing like this! All types of polyethylene used in modern production technologies have one degree or another of cross-linking. And it will be better to distinguish between pipes using other criteria - based on the polymer processing technology and the structure of the pipe itself.

What is cross-linked polyethylene PEX?

If you don’t figure this out right away, you can simply get confused in the concepts in the future.

Well-known and so popular in the production of many household items polyethylene, for all its advantages, is still not stable. It has a pronounced linear molecular structure, these “chains” are in no way connected to each other, and even with a slight temperature effect, ordinary polyethylene simply begins to “float”. It cannot be used in products that are subject to thermal stress.

It’s a different matter if the mentioned molecular chains are “stitched” - that is, creating stable numerous cross-links, transforming the linear structure into a three-dimensional one. In this case, the polymer does not lose its properties at all. positive characteristics, and plus it gains stability. The more such intermolecular “bridges” there are, the higher the so-called degree of cross-linking (measured as a percentage), and the better and stronger the resulting material.

Moreover, cross-linked polyethylene has a very unique “memory” property. Products made from it, deforming to a certain extent from mechanical, baric or thermal loads, always tend to return to their original shape once given to them after the external influence stops completely or weakens. This is extremely important feature specifically for pipe production.

Cross-linked polyethylene has the accepted designation PEX. Cross-linking, that is, the creation of transverse intermolecular bonds, is technologically carried out in different ways.

  • PEX-a - with this technology, the formation of new bonds is caused by chemical treatment of raw materials with peroxide. Of all existing methods– it is this that gives the maximum degree of cross-linking (about 85%), polyethylene does not lose any elasticity, it turns out to be highly durable and with a pronounced “memory”. The disadvantage of the technology is its rather high complexity and high cost. However, the process is completely controlled, which allows us to obtain material with strictly specified qualities.
  • PEX-b - this technology appeared later and was initially considered as a simpler and cheaper alternative to PEX-a. It would seem that this cross-linking technique, which was a win-win and cheap method using water vapor, did not fully justify the hopes placed on it. The material turns out to be not so elastic, that is, there will certainly be restrictions on its bending radius. And at the same time, the degree of crosslinking is only about 65%. During production, it is extremely difficult to control the process, so often such pipes do not fully comply with the declared characteristics. In a number of European countries, PEX-b pipes are not allowed for use in heat distribution networks. There is another interesting feature - the sluggish process of stitching in PEX-b polymer never stops. That is, over time, the material significantly changes its characteristics, becomes stiffer, and shrinks, so PEX-b pipelines often require regular tightening of connections, and metal-plastic pipes can delaminate.
  • PEX-s - in this case, the sewing process is caused by directed electron radiation. The production of pipes from such plastic is characterized by low cost, but the material, it must be said, is significantly inferior in terms of quality characteristics to the same PEX. Nevertheless, such a polymer is still used, for example, in the manufacture of inexpensive metal-plastic pipes.
  • PEX-d is a technology that has almost completely fallen out of industrial use, in which intermolecular bonds were obtained by treating raw materials with special nitrogen compounds.

PEX cross-linked polyethylene pipes

Having undergone special processing, cross-linked polyethylene is very widely used for the production of various types of pipes, some of which are quite suitable for creating, and some are even specifically designed for these purposes.

  • For quite some time now, craftsmen have been actively using metal-plastic pipes PEX-Al-PEX for the contours of heated floors. It would seem that such a material is suitable for such purposes like no other. It combines the advantages of both polymer and metal, easily bends into the desired curved shape (subject to certain technologies) and holds the configuration given to it, and conducts heat well.

This is where you need to pay special attention to the specific type of polymer used to produce this pipe. As already mentioned, the optimal solution would be PEX pipes, although they are, of course, much more expensive.

There is another one with metal-plastic pipes important nuance– too many on the market building materials counterfeit, obvious and low-quality fakes, absolutely unknown manufacturers who do not accompany their products with any documents or guarantees. Therefore, when purchasing metal plastic, you should never be shy - you must be persistent and demand that the products be presented with certificates of quality and compliance with existing standards.

But even high-quality PEX-Al-PEX pipes still have significant drawbacks. Thus, the heterogeneity of the wall material, and hence the coefficient of linear expansion of the layers, leads to their delamination over time. The only question is time - but this process is inevitable. The inner layer of PEX is forcedly narrowed (to about 0.8 mm), and does not always cope with peak loads (any experienced plumber can tell you about ruptures of metal-plastic pipes). In this case, a thin layer of foil (from 0.2 to 0.4 mm), even with perfect welding, cannot become a barrier to critical pressure.

For their manufacture, PEX-a or PEX-b are used. The pipe wall can have a completely monolithic structure, or be equipped with a special layer of EVON¸ which serves as an oxygen barrier.

These pipes are very convenient to lay out when installing “warm floor” circuits. They have good ductility, which allows installation with a minimum step between adjacent loops.

All leading manufacturers necessarily equip their products with reliable connecting fittings, which makes installation quite simple and an understandable activity.

When choosing any polymer pipes, you need to understand at least a little about the system of their classification and labeling. It may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer, but still basic principles are saved. You can consider it with a specific example.

1- in the first place, the specific model of the pipe and its brand are usually indicated.

2 – outer diameter of the pipe and total thickness of its walls.

3 – special European standards indicating the possibility of using pipes. In this case, this is an indication that the pipe is suitable even for drinking water.

4 – applied technology for quality control of finished products.

5 – polyethylene cross-linking technology (in accordance with Engel classification, which was described above).

6 – compliance of pipe parameters for operating temperature and pressure with European standards DIN 16892/16893. Specific values ​​of operating parameters and service life can be indicated in the accompanying documentation in the form of a plate:

It also happens that these values ​​are applied directly to the pipe body - for example "DIN 16892 PB 12/60 °C PB 11/70 °C PB 9/90 °C".

7—information about the date and time of production, line or machine number, etc.

In addition, this is usually followed by a pipe length mark - every meter. This simplifies both the implementation of pipes and the work with them directly during installation.

Video: useful information about cross-linked polyethylene pipes

Polyethylene pipes RE- RT

A technological breakthrough can probably be considered the emergence of a completely new type of polyethylene in the production of pipes - PE-RT(short for " Polyethylene oof Raised Temperature resistance"—polyethylene with increased heat resistance). By and large, it is not a crosslinking product, and even the initial raw material, granulate, already has the necessary qualities - numerous and stable intermolecular bonds.

This became possible with the development of technologies for controlled processes of spatial formation of macromolecules. Such polymers open up the broadest opportunities– you can create materials with precisely specified characteristics, focusing on one or another property.

The complex mesh-like structure of the lattice makes it possible to dramatically increase the resistance of the material to external and internal loads, and to cracking during bending. And at the same time, the material, unlike PEX, remains thermoplastic, that is, it can be connected not only using mechanical adapters (fittings), but also using welding, which significantly increases the reliability of joints if necessary.

Polyethylene PE-RT are being used on an ever wider scale, and there is a strong tendency that over time it will completely displace its “stitched brother” - PEX. All this is thanks to a whole “bouquet” of their positive qualities:

  • Pipe production PE-RT- much simpler, the material does not require crosslinking, all intermolecular bonds are already incorporated in the semi-finished product. By the way, this polyethylene can be easily recycled without loss of quality.
  • The service life of such pipes is about 50 years or more.
  • Pipes PE-RT are not afraid of freezing - they are able to withstand several cycles of complete freezing of water without losing the integrity of the walls.
  • Unlike PEX, such pipes are easy to repair.
  • The contours of these pipes do not creak in a “warm floor” and are absolutely silent even with high intensity water flow.

Polyethylene is used PE-RT, just like PEX, both for the production of metal-plastic pipes and for purely polymer ones.

In both cases performance characteristics– significantly higher than using cross-linked analogues.

When manufacturing a polymer pipe without a metal insert, manufacturers often use their own proprietary developments to ensure oxygen impermeability walls For example, this could be an airtight OXYDEX layer, or a special anti-diffusion EVON barrier.

The main operational characteristics of such pipes are given as an example in the following table:

Index16 × 2 mm20 × 2 mm
Volume (l/linear m)0.113 0.201
Weight (kg/linear m)0,071 0.127
Minimum bending radius – 5d (mm)60 100
Temperature (°C)20 20
Pressure (bar)20 20
Service life (years)more than 50more than 50
Temperature (°C)75 75
Pressure (bar)10 10
Service life (years)more than 50more than 50
Temperature (°C)95 95
Pressure (bar)6 6
Service life (years)more than 50more than 50
Ultimate pressure (bar)6 4.5
at temperature (°C)110 110
Ultimate pressure (bar)11 10
at temperature (°C)90 90
Linear elongation coefficient max
at t=95°С (1/°С)
1.8 1E-48.2 1E-5
Thermal conductivity coefficient (W/K m)0.41
Internal surface roughness (µm)0.125 (Class 10)
Design strength of material (Mpa)6.3

To summarize what has been said, it can be noted that polyethylene pipes PE-RT today they are probably the material that best meets the requirements of a “warm floor” system, while remaining in the sector of reasonable affordability.

How much will it cost to buy pipes?

It depends, Firstly, on the length of the heating system circuits. – you can find out by reading the corresponding publication on our portal.

When making calculations, one should not forget about the sections from the floor to the distribution manifold, taking into account the connecting margin of at least 500 mm at each end.

The cost of pipes may depend on the manufacturer, the specific model, and the region where the material is purchased. The products of well-known European companies – “Uponor”, ​​“Rehau”, “Kermi”, “Henco”, “Oventrop” and others - enjoy the greatest authority and, accordingly, demand. For example, the table shows several models of pipes suitable for “warm floors”. Prices are indicative, typical for the central regions of Russia:

Manufacturer, brandDiameter, mmBrief technical specificationsCoil lengthPrice per 1 linear meter
Uponor PEXа evalPEX Q&E 16 x 2.016 Cross-linked polyethylene, wall 2 mm, t max – up to 95 degrees, (short-term heating up to 110)50 – 240 m90 rub
Uponor PEXа evalPEX Q&E 20 x 2.0,20 -//- 50 – 120 m114
REHAU "Rautitan stabil"16 Metal plastic, PE-Xc/AI/PE wall 2.6 mm100 105
REHAU "Rautitan stabil"20 Metal plastic, PE-Xа–AL–PE wall 2.9 mm100 150
REHAU "Rautitan flex"16 Cross-linked polyethylene RAU-PE-Xa, wall 2.2 mm100 105
Kermi MKV xnet 16 x 2.016 Metal-plastic, PE-Xс–AL–PE–Xс100 55
REHAU "Rautitan Pink"16 Cross-linked polyethylene RAU-PE-Xa, wall 2.2 mm, t swing - up to 90 degrees120 64
Wieland cuprotherm CTX20 Copper pipe in a plastic sheath, wall 2 mm50 240
FLEXSY-2020 Corrugated Annealed stainless pipe With polymer coating, wall 2 mmup to 50175
BioPipe PERT 16x2.016 Monolayer, t max – up to 100 degrees, pressure – up to 6 bar.240 m35
Thermotech MultiPipe PE-RT II, ​​16*2 mm16 Five-layer with diffuse barrier240 m85

The table deliberately does not indicate the most inexpensive types of pipes, from unknown or very dubious manufacturers. It is worth thinking carefully before buying cheap, untrustworthy products, since a water-heated floor system poured with a concrete screed should not cause any reason for concern for the home owner.

And finally, a video assessing pipes for a “warm floor” system from a specialist.

Prices for water pipes

Water pipes

Video: which pipes are better for “warm floors”?

We always want to start a text in a non-trivial way. And here is just another opportunity and that same case. Due to the fact that the price list for this system is limited to only two items, you should not expect multi-letter texts in the description, but it is better to immediately familiarize yourself with the prices we offer.

The material for the manufacture of PE-RT pipes (polyethylene with high temperature resistance) is a copolymer of polyethylene with octene, characterized by increased temperature resistance. Heat-stable polyethylene still welds and processes well hand tools; being flexible, it withstands pressure well and has many characteristics superior to the previous cross-linked one (PE-X).

The difference between PE-RT polyethylene and PE-X polyethylene is in the molecular structure of the pipe. PE-RT has more carbon bonds and does not require the introduction of additional components for cross-linking (silanes or peroxides) of molecules during production, which makes the structure of the material homogeneous.

PE-RT pipes are better than PE-X:

  • More flexible at temperatures close to zero;
  • They are characterized by a homogeneous material structure;
  • Many connection options (butt welding, press connections, compression, sleeve welding);
  • Recyclable;
  • Does not require laboratory testing of the degree of crosslinking.
  • They have better thermal conductivity compared to PE-X. PE-Xa has 0.324 W/m, PE-RT has 0.344 W/m.

PE-RT pipes are better than PP-R:

  • Withstands higher pressures and for a longer time at higher temperatures than PP-R pipes;
  • They have better thermal conductivity compared to PP-R (PP-RCT, PP-R Beta). PP-R - 0.206 W/m, PE-RT - 0.344 W/m;

Distinctive characteristics of PE-RT pipes:

  • Maintainability;
  • Light weight;
  • Low noise (regardless of the fluid flow rate in the pipeline).

Single layer pipes

Yes, you guessed it - consisting of one layer, i.e. monolayer. SLT Aqua PE-RT pipes are produced in various standard sizes.

They are intended for installation:

  • Underfloor heating;
  • Cold and hot water supply;
  • Radiator heating;
  • Snow melting systems;
  • Technological pipelines.

The exceptional flexibility of the material and high thermal conductivity make it possible to install complex systems without losing the functional properties of the pipeline and maintaining maximum heat transfer.

Pipes can be produced in diameters of 10, 12, 16, 20, 25 and 32, 40 and 50 mm with a wall thickness of 2 mm and above. The SLT Aqua company produces PE-RT pipes in two sizes: 16x2.0 mm and 20x2.0 mm. Source material serves as raw material LG Chem SP980.

The PE-RT pipe with a diameter of 16 mm and a wall thickness of 2 mm, used for the installation of water heated floor systems, heating systems, hot water supply and hot water supply, has a mass of only 0.085 kg/m and can be bent with a radius of curvature of up to 80 mm.

Anti-diffusion coating - a layer of ethylene-vinyl-alcohol EVOH (or EVAL) is applied to the outer surface of the main body of the pipe or its inner part.

The presence of an oxygen barrier in pipes is not prerequisite application and refers to an additional, although not mandatory, measure to protect the system from oxygen penetration. Modern systems reliably protected from contact with external air, therefore, as a rule, they do not need additional protection. That is why we recommend SLT AQUA pipes specifically for the installation of heated floors. They do not contain an oxygen barrier, but this does not in any way affect the mechanical, thermal and chemical characteristics of the pipe, but reduces their cost and weight. Take this into account, since only 4% of oxygen passes through the surface of the pipes, and the remaining 96% passes through the threaded connections.

The distinctive color of such pipes is red. You can buy them in coils of lengths of 100 m, 150 m and 200 m. On request, we can supply pipes in coils of up to 600 m. The greatest demand is for PE-RT pipes for heated floors 20x2 mm and 16x2 mm. They are connected using brass and polyphenylsulfone press and compression fittings - the usual fastening methods for plastic pipes, as well as welding methods - socket and butt (electric welded fittings are not yet available). This makes them the most convenient to use and almost universal.

Where to buy pipes for heated floors

Buy SLT Aqua PE-RT pipes in Moscow for heated floors, cold water and hot water supply systems, heating systems, as well as the most modern equipment for the installation of heating and plumbing systems, sewerage and storm systems, the most convenient way is to contact the KV Engineering company. There is not only the widest selection of materials and tools, but also the opportunity to get professional advice on any issue.

Prices for pipes and other products from manufacturers SLT Aqua, HANSA, Frankische, KME, Itap are easy to find out by visiting the company’s website. Here you can order everything you need for installation engineering systems based on your calculations, or in consultation with our specialists. Terms of purchase and delivery can be clarified by phone.

» PE-RT pipes– characteristics of new pipes for plumbing

The popularity of PEX series plumbing pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene has suddenly been called into question. And it was done by none other than the manufacturer himself. American company Legend recognized the undeniable popularity of PEX, but at the same time noted the negative properties of this product. The PEX pipe series suffered from a serious operational drawback - residual traces of chemicals in the water. Plus, disposal and recycling promises a lot of difficulties. Therefore new plumbing pipes PE-RT, based on bimodal polyethylene, is confidently replacing the PEX series from the leading position in the plumbing market.

PE-RT series for plumbing

The American company Legend began producing innovative plumbing products that are functionally and technically more advanced back in 2015.

Polyethylene plumbing hoses for heating and hot water supply, marked with the “HyperPure PE-RT” brand, increase the efficiency and performance of the hydraulic system.

PE-RT- it is modern and versatile polymer material, characterized by a large margin of safety and high resistance to temperature influences. Pipes made of PE-RT type 2 can be used for heating, cold and hot water supply. They are also widely used to protect power supply and communication cables. Compared to other types of polyethylene pipes, products made from PE-RT type 2 have the following advantages:

Widest operating temperature range. Acceptable constant temperature coolant 95°C. At the same time, flexibility is maintained sub-zero temperatures, down to -50°C, which eliminates the formation of cracks during storage and transportation in winter. When the water inside freezes, the pipes are also not damaged; after defrosting, they retain their original shape.

Resistant to corrosion and chemical attack. Pipes made of PE-RT are not affected by hard water and can withstand acidic and alkaline environments. Deposits do not form on the walls of polyethylene pipes, reducing throughput.

Flexibility and resilience. Pipes of small diameters are suitable for hidden wiring and can be concreted. PE-RT pipes with a diameter of up to 110 mm inclusive can be supplied in coils, which allows such pipes to be laid using the trenchless method, as well as inside old metal pipelines without dismantling them.

High operating pressure. For pipes with sufficient wall thickness, the nominal operating pressure is 16 atmospheres at a temperature of the transmitted medium up to 95°C. Thin-walled pipes are designed for constant pressure up to 10 atmospheres.

Fast installation. The length of the section in the bay allows you to do without intermediate connections. This also reduces the amount of waste.

Low thermal conductivity allows minimizing heat loss in heating networks.

Reliable connection. Pipes made of PE-RT can be welded in the same way as any other polyethylene pipes - end-to-end or using electric welded fittings.

Using PE-RT pipes for cable laying

Type II PE-RT pipes are often used for cable installation. In this case, both standard pipes and pipes specially designed for this purpose with an additional protective layer can be used.

Manufacturers offer several options for pipes designed for laying power, telecommunications and signal cables, as well as fiber optic lines. For example, the Tekhstroy company produces a series of TEHSTROY TR (temperature resistant) pipes made of polyethylene with increased heat resistance. High resistance to temperature fluctuations allows the pipe to be laid at any depth, including above the soil freezing depth. Operating temperature ranges from -20°C to +95°C.

The TEHSTROY TR series includes single-layer pipes with a nominal outer diameter Dn and pipes with an additional protective layer, sold under the brand Technical Construction TR-1 Prosafe. Protective shell made from thermoplastic polymer, may have red or green color. Both types of pipes are available in diameters from 16 to 630 mm, which allows you to select the optimal size for both mains and single signal and communication lines.

The use of pipes with a protective layer allows pipelines to be laid directly into the ground, as well as along the bottom of reservoirs with or without burial into the ground. Using the HDD method often reduces installation costs, since it does not require earthworks and greatly reduces the number of joints.