Water pipe to the house: select and install. Let's compare which water pipes are better Good quality pipes for domestic water supply

When choosing pipes for laying water supply, you should take into account their price and material of manufacture. Many are inclined towards a compromise option (cost versus quality). Today, PVC and polyethylene pipes are often laid for water supply installations. Modern products vary in technical parameters and prices.

  • water supply reliability;
  • durability;
  • prices for materials (pipes, fittings);
  • the cost of installation or additional equipment necessary to set up the system.

A justified choice of the type of material, high-quality installation (the technology should be strictly followed) significantly increases the efficiency of the water supply system. On the modern market there is a wide range of products from domestic and foreign manufacturers. To choose the best option from the existing range, you need to consider:

  • terms of Use;
  • temperatures that will affect the products;
  • total length of the route;
  • possible pressure in the system and other important points.

Non-metallic pipes have very serious advantages. The products are resistant to corrosion. They have a perfectly smooth inner surface and deposits do not accumulate on the walls. Plastic pipes have been successfully used to transport water at temperatures that can reach 95°C. The products can withstand pressure up to 16 atmospheres. Such a cold water supply system can successfully last up to 50 years (depending on temperature and pressure). These types of pipes are used in arranging water supply systems in city apartments and private houses. If the system is laid outside the room, then the route must be insulated. This does not depend on the type of pipes.

Plastic products are actively used in everyday life and industry. They have the following positive characteristics and advantages:

  • light in weight;
  • durable;
  • easy to install;
  • affordable.

They are good for open wiring. Because such a pipeline looks neat. Plastic products are also used in hidden plumbing systems.

Polyethylene pipes (PE)

One of the types of plastic pipes are products made of polyethylene. They differ in the following technical characteristics:

  • elasticity;
  • strength;
  • frost resistance;
  • non-toxic;
  • designed for working pressure up to 16 atmospheres;
  • produced with a diameter of 10-1000 mm;
  • low thermal conductivity, which eliminates heat loss.

Polyethylene is solid, which differ nearby positive qualities, He:

  • has high elasticity;
  • good dielectric;
  • characterized by resistance to the action of many chemical reagents.

During production, light stabilizers are added to polyethylene. This gives the material (products made from it) increased resistance to sunlight and reduces its wear.

Polyethylene pipes are used in the construction or repair of water pipelines, as well as for equipment:

  • automated irrigation systems;
  • swimming pools;
  • water supply from an artesian well.

Polyethylene products low pressure withstands temperatures well in the range from 0°C to +40°C. All connections are made by soldering. Polyethylene pipes are easy to lay and bend easily. The products are used for arranging any water supply systems, for example, drinking water supply systems.

Polyethylene pipes are produced in lengths of 12 m, as well as in coils of 100 m. Products can be produced significantly longer than metal pipes of the same diameter. The number of joints in the system is reduced, and the likelihood of accidents is reduced. Polyethylene pipes are environmentally friendly products and do not have a negative impact on the quality of water passing through the system.

The disadvantages of polyethylene pipes include:

  • insufficient heat resistance;
  • high coefficient of linear expansion;
  • The connections are non-separable; when repairing the system, it has to be cut.

By changing the parameters of the polymerization technology (pressure and temperature), polyethylene is obtained:

  • high pressure (LDPE);
  • average pressure (PESD);
  • low pressure (HDPE).

Separately, we can highlight cross-linked polyethylene (PEX), produced using a special technology. The resulting material is characterized by all the basic properties of plastic. Products made from cross-linked polyethylene are more durable. They can also be used to equip water supply systems (cold, hot).

The material (PEX), compared to conventional polyethylene, is resistant to high temperatures and increased mechanical loads. It has good heat shrinkage. The technology improves the following material properties:

  • long lasting strength;
  • frost resistance
  • chemical resistance;
  • characterized by mechanical strength.

PEX pipes are manufactured in diameters ranging from 12-315 mm.

Such pipes are the best choice if Vacation home or the cottage does not have constant heating. The products are used to create a durable, practical and inexpensive water supply system. Their installation can be carried out by specialists, but it is quite easy to do it yourself (simple technology and tools).

Low-pressure polyethylene (HDPE) pipes are popular today. They differ affordable price and are widely used for arranging various pipelines (also water supply). These pipes are successfully installed when laying main systems. These products are resistant to corrosion, have a long service life, and are easy to install.

It is recommended to operate these pipes at certain temperatures. It is necessary to limit the presence of products in low temperatures. They should be laid at depth or ensure a sufficient level of insulation. The pipes are easy to install, but the fittings are relatively expensive.

Polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVC)

PVC pipes and fittings are made from polyvinyl chloride with the addition of plasticizers and fillers in various proportions. The products are used in the arrangement of water supply (cold, hot). PVC pipes are the toughest of the plastics. By working pressure parameters O neither are available: 0.6, 1.0 and 1.25 MPa. PVC pipes are designed for water temperatures up to +90°C.

Installation of a system made from such products is simple and does not require the use of complex tools. Pipeline elements are connected through fittings using the gluing method. In terms of cost, PVC products are classified as inexpensive options arrangement of the water supply system.

Comparing pipes made of polyvinyl chloride with polyethylene, you can see that they are characterized by greater strength and special resistance to chemicals. PVC pipes are produced with diameters ranging from 16-500 mm. Due to the characteristics of the material (polyvinyl chloride), the products are non-flammable and have dielectric properties.

Selecting pipes is a rather complex process. In this case, it is necessary to take into account many nuances. Therefore, each individual case should be considered individually. If you plan to install plumbing yourself, then you need to take into account the complexity of the installation technology and the availability of the necessary tools. The most the best option The choice of plastic pipes is considered. They are easy to install.

It is quite difficult to determine unambiguously which pipes are better. When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances. These are not only the operating conditions of the water supply system, but also the financial capabilities of the owner. In terms of a number of performance characteristics (reliability, strength, etc.) among non-metallic products, elements made of cross-linked polyethylene are considered the best. They are superior to polypropylene and metal plastic pipes. Water supply elements made from cross-linked polyethylene are more expensive than metal-plastic and PVC products. When making a choice, it is important to familiarize yourself with the documents confirming the quality of the selected product.

To create an efficient, reliable and durable water supply system, it is necessary to thoroughly study the range of water pipes offered by our trade organizations and find out the differences in their technical characteristics.

Indeed, today there is a wide range of pipe products used to organize the water supply network. Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages, which determines their scope of application.

There is a distinction between water supply networks based on the following criteria:

  • Location. There are external networks that are subject to external influences. atmospheric factors and internal ones, on which such impacts are minimized.
  • Bandwidth. The water supply network is divided into main (general) and local. In the first case, pipe products are used large section, designed to supply water to many consumers. In the second case, as a rule, pipe products with a cross section of 0.5 or ¾ inches are used.

Types of pipes used for plumbing systems

Currently, for organizing water supply in residential, public and production premises The following types of pipelines are used:


Are traditional material, used for almost a hundred years for the production of water supply pipeline systems. With proper operation, steel pipelines can regularly supply consumers with water for many decades.

The advantages of steel pipes include:

  • Highest mechanical strength. These products are able to withstand mechanical loads many times higher than the maximum permissible for plastic analogues. This applies to both external influences - dynamic shocks, static loads, and internal pressure of the system.
  • Another advantage of these products is that they are quite low coefficient of thermal expansion.

But today the use of steel pipelines is not the most promising investment due to the many shortcomings inherent in them:

  • Significant mass, complicating installation/repair work of the water supply system.
  • Low corrosion resistance. During transportation aquatic environment Corrosion processes quickly develop in steel pipelines, which leads to a decrease in quality drinking water, a decrease in the useful diameter of the system and premature destruction - the appearance of leaks and fistulas.
  • Installation of pipeline systems made of black steel is carried out by welding or threaded connections, which requires significant labor costs. And threaded joints are the most weak point systems where there is a very high probability of depressurization and leaks.
  • Characteristic of steel excessive condensation leads to similar corrosive deposits on the outer surface of the pipeline, which significantly worsens aesthetic performance.

For plumbing systems, two types of steel pipes are usually used:

  • Welded. They are made from bent steel strip, butt-welded along the length.
  • Seamless. They are made from round timber - long steel blanks on a special piercing machine.


Stainless steel pipe systems for hot/ cold water have undoubted operational advantages over similar products made of ferrous metal. Their main advantage is the ability to resist corrosion processes for a long time.

Also stainless steel can withstand higher temperatures, chemical influences, is hypoallergenic and absolutely safe for human health. It was the latter factor that determined the predominant use of stainless pipelines in the food, pharmaceutical and medicine industries.

Disadvantages of stainless steel systems include:

  • High price. The production of high-alloy stainless alloys and products made from them is characterized by high complexity and, accordingly, cost.
  • Difficulty of processing. Since stainless steel has increased mechanical strength compared to ferrous alloys, it is much more difficult to process with hand tools. In addition, welding stainless steel products requires specialized Supplies and highly qualified welders.


Professionally executed copper pipework in itself can serve as a design decoration for the premises, since it is distinguished by a characteristic yellow-reddish luster that can last a long time.

And since copper is a very expensive metal, products made from it in a private home indicate the high wealth of the owner, that is, they belong to the status category.

Copper pipe systems have many advantages, in addition to their beautiful appearance:

  • Water pipes made from copper alloys have antibacterial properties, that is, they inhibit the development of pathogenic microbes.
  • The service life of copper pipe systems is practically unlimited. Today there are water pipelines that have been successfully functioning without repairs for fifty years or more.
  • Due to the ductility and softness of copper, they are easily subject to various types of mechanical processing: soldering, drilling, bending, cutting.
  • Over time, copper piping does not develop mineral/biological deposits that reduce the diameter of the pipes.
  • Highest corrosion resistance. Copper is practically not subject to corrosion processes. The maximum change during operation may be the appearance of a thin film of oxides, which in no way impedes the passage of water, but, on the contrary, imparts additional resistance to negative influences.

To the disadvantages of copper pipe distribution This can be attributed only to the highest cost among similar systems, the requirements for highly qualified installers and a fairly large mass.


One of the most popular when organizing water supply systems today are metal-plastic pipelines. These pipe products have a three-layer structure: the inner layer is plastic, then there is a metal layer made of aluminum, the outer surface is also made of plastic.

Have undeniable advantages when organizing a majority modern systems water supply:

  • Highest durability. The first pipelines manufactured using this technology continue to function successfully to this day. In general, the guaranteed service life of metal-plastic pipe lines, subject to operating conditions, is at least fifty years.
  • Complete absence of operating costs for pipeline cleaning(when using them to transport ordinary water) due to the impossibility of the formation of salt and bacteriological deposits on the inner surface of the pipes.
  • Light weight pipe products along with sufficiently high mechanical strength.
  • Smooth inner surface does not create resistance to the flow of liquid media.

But, like other pipe products, metal-plastic ones also have flaws. These include:

  • Possibility of damage finished or installed network during the production of repair, construction or finishing works. The resistance to mechanical stress of metal-plastic is significantly lower than that of all-metal products.
  • Insufficient, in comparison with the same steel pipe systems, resistance to temperature changes. Metal-plastic pipe lines are especially sensitive to frost.

All these factors limit the use of metal-plastic pipe products to constantly heated residential and industrial premises.

Metal-plastic water pipes cannot be used:

  • as fire protection;
  • as high pressure systems (at values ​​exceeding 10 bar);
  • in high temperature rooms.



This type of pipe product can withstand repeated freezing. Due to their high ductility and elasticity, polypropylene pipes return to their original dimensions after expansion as a result of water freezing in them.

The technology for assembling water pipes from polypropylene products allows us to minimize the likelihood of leaks at the connections. Polypropylene is very resistant to the ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight.

Accessories, various fittings for installation of polypropylene water supply systems are quite low in cost.


  • large wall thickness compared to the useful diameter;
  • Polypropylene pipes cannot be bent. Any turns must be organized using corner fittings;
  • the resulting connections are permanent, which significantly complicates the process of repair work;
  • the cost of polypropylene products is quite high.

For more information about choosing polypropylene pipes for a private home, watch the video:

Polyethylene or HDPE

Polyethylene pipelines or HDPE (made from low-density polyethylene) began to be used relatively recently, but have already gained the trust of consumers. The main advantages of polyethylene pipe products include:

  • Unprecedented long service life. According to the developers, such pipe systems can last three hundred years. Manufacturers, however, indicate slightly different periods - up to fifty years.
  • Such pipes Ideal for outdoor plumbing in a private house.
  • Highest reliability pipe systems at normal conditions operation.
  • No likelihood of corrosion processes occurring and the formation of bacterial or fungal colonies within the system.
  • Highest resistance to water hammer. Due to its excellent ductility, polyethylene is able to withstand significant dynamic impacts.
  • When installing water supply networks made of polyethylene pipes no additional protection required. And during their operation there is no need for regular maintenance.
  • Excellent thermal insulation qualities. At underground installation in almost any conditions there is no need to organize additional thermal insulation.
  • Relatively low cost.

The only significant drawback of polyethylene pipes is their low resistance to ultraviolet radiation, so their use is limited to concealed installation systems.


almost ideally meets the requirements for hot water supply equipment.

Main advantages of PVC pipes are considered:

  • Minimum values ​​of coefficient of thermal expansion and linear stiffness, which allows you to keep the configuration of the hot water pipelines practically unchanged and use a smaller number of fasteners during the installation process. These indicators are especially important when installing vertical sections of water pipelines – risers.
  • Absolute fire resistance. Thanks to the chlorine contained in the pipe material, ignition, as well as maintaining combustion, is impossible. This makes it possible to use polypropylene pipes to create fire extinguishing systems.
  • And thanks to the almost perfectly polished inner surface, there is no friction of the transported liquids against the walls of the pipeline and the formation of lime and biological deposits is eliminated.
  • Life time PVC water pipes can last up to a hundred years.

The disadvantages of PVC pipelines are:

  • high thermal conductivity, which requires the use of additional thermal insulation during transportation hot water;
  • low plasticity characteristics at low temperatures;
  • impossibility of making threaded connections with metal elements.

Pipe installation in a private house

The installation of a water supply network in a private house can be done on your own, especially when using plastic pipes. Depending on the type of products used, the plumbing system is assembled in the following ways:

  • Welded or through threaded connections– for steel pipelines. Stainless steel pipes in most cases they are connected using threaded fittings.
  • Using soldering. This method is suitable for copper pipework and some types of polymer products.
  • Using a crimping press. This method is used when assembling a metal-plastic pipeline.

Water supply network wiring diagram for a two-story house

Water supply to a private house is usually carried out from the main water supply, pumping station or a hydraulic accumulator. Wiring is carried out in kitchens, bathrooms and rooms. The first two categories of premises require hot water.

Water heating can be carried out centrally - through double-circuit heating boilers, various designs boilers, stoves, or carried out directly near the consumer - kitchen sink, bathroom. In this case, various models of instantaneous and storage water heaters are used.

In the case of organizing a centralized water heating system, it is advisable to insulate all outgoing pipes in order to minimize heat loss during long distance between the heating source and the consumer.

A standard water supply network wiring diagram for a two-story house is shown in the following figure:

Maintenance and repair of internal pipelines

Maintenance of hot water supply and hot water supply systems is carried out based on the material of the pipes. Thus, metal plumbing systems require regular painting to avoid corrosion processes on the external surfaces of the pipes. It also requires periodic replacement or cleaning of filter elements, which can become clogged with iron oxide products and biological components.

All types polymer pipes, used in plumbing systems, require much less attention during operation. It is enough just to monitor their integrity and eliminate leaks that may arise as a result of insufficiently high-quality installation.

Repair of water supply pipelines usually comes down to replacing damaged sections, inserting new pipes, or, in the case minor damage, soldering/sealing of leaks is carried out.


Current prices for pipes used in indoor plumbing systems vary widely. Let's consider the approximate cost of water pipes from different materials the most popular section is ½ inch:

  • steel water and gas seamless(wall thickness 2.5 mm) – about 100 rubles per linear meter;
  • stainless steel the same diameter with a wall thickness of 2 mm will cost more than 150 rubles per linear meter;
  • the most expensive are copper pipe products. One meter today costs about 270-300 rubles;
  • metal-plastic, depending on the characteristics, costs from 45 to 90 rubles per meter;
  • cost of regular polyethylene pipes today are the minimum among analogues - about twenty rubles per meter;
  • polypropylene the pipeline will cost twice as much - the price of one meter is from 40 rubles;
  • A polyvinyl chloride(PVC) can be found at a price of 30-35 rubles per linear meter.

Approximately the same price proportion for various fittings - joints, couplings, turns, splitters and others.

For more information on how to choose pipes for heating and plumbing in a private home, watch the video:


To summarize this article, I would like to draw your attention once again: metal pipelines today are far from the most successful for the production of a water supply network in a private house or apartment.

It is much more durable, more efficient and cheaper to use polymer products, and for a house in which people live all year round, it will be optimal PVC organization or metal-plastic water supply, and for country house It is better to use freeze-resistant polyethylene pipe.

In a popular film about water they said that it is the source of life and at the same time the cause of the greatest disasters in human history. To prevent water from becoming the root of local problems in a single apartment, it is necessary to take care of a reliable system for its transportation. We are talking about an internal pipeline that supplies water to and some. Incorrect choice may cause insufficient water pressure in the system or, much worse, pipe bursting. In any case, it’s not enough to be pleasant, so let’s try to figure out which pipes for the water supply are best to choose, which ones are suitable for an apartment, and which ones are suitable for a private house.

Modern housing involves the functioning and cold and hot water supply. In addition, the peak pressure in the system is very different in the conditions of a private house and an ordinary apartment in a high-rise building. Temperature and pressure conditions- the two most important factors to consider when choosing pipes for. Some products can be used in almost any conditions, others will not withstand exposure to high temperatures, so you will have to take either two types of pipes or settle on a universal option.

No. 1. Steel pipes for water supply

Not so long ago steel products were leaders in the field of organizing internal water supply. No one even thought about which pipes for water supply were best to choose - steel ones were installed everywhere. The reason is simple - there were no alternatives. Today, when there is so much to choose from, the popularity of steel pipes has decreased, but there is still a demand for them.

Basic advantages:


  • low resistance to corrosion, however, can somewhat slow down the formation of rust, but over time the protective layer wears off and the corrosion process starts;
  • gradual overgrowing of the inner surface of the pipe, resulting in a decrease in throughput and gets worse. To extend its service life, the system will have to be periodically cleaned of accumulated deposits, but the choice of products should be approached with the utmost caution - alkaline ones, for example, will not work and will only aggravate the situation;
  • complexity of installation. Installation is carried out either using or thanks to threaded connections. In both cases, you cannot do without the help of a professional, if, of course, you want to get a sealed, reliable water supply system;
  • high electrical conductivity of pipes.

With proper care steel pipes can last about 40-50 years, but today they are used more for reconstruction existing systems water supply than for organizing new ones. If your choice falls on steel pipes, then pay attention to the thickness of the walls: there are light, ordinary and reinforced pipes. The thicker the wall, the more durable and reliable the product will be.

Recently, pipes have appeared on the market in which the inside is made of plastic. In a similar way, the problem of corrosion and overgrowth was solved while maintaining the strength properties of the steel. Such pipes have a somewhat limited scope of use - they are suitable only under the condition of a maximum temperature in the system of 75 0 C and a pressure of 16 atm.

No. 2. Stainless steel pipes

To obtain a corrosion-resistant material, steel is alloyed mainly with chromium. “Stainless steel” looks great and has outstanding performance qualities. It is as durable as pipes made of ordinary and galvanized steel, withstands changes in pressure and temperature, and is not afraid of shocks. Moreover, Corrosion is not a problem for such pipes, so the upper limit of durability exceeds 50 years. Among the main cons not even the difficulty of installation, but high price material, so stainless steel pipes are used extremely rarely today, although Excellent for hot and cold water supply systems.

No. 3. Copper pipes

Usually, they try to hide the water supply system in an apartment from view in every possible way, because there is little that is attractive about pipes and all kinds of fittings. This is true, but not in the case of copper pipes. They can boast unique appearance, so they can easily become a decoration for an interior made in. Appearance is not the only advantage of this type of pipe, among other advantages:

Among cons:

  • high price and small range. Everything that is on the market today is mainly products from foreign manufacturers. In addition, there are problems with searching necessary accessories for pipe installation;
  • complex installation using soldering;
  • low mechanical strength

If you choose which pipes for water supply are better, then copper ones can easily compete for the title of winner, but their high cost still does not allow them to become a leader in this area. Where running water is not possible, copper pipes could be a very good option.

No. 4. Metal-plastic pipes

Looking ahead, we note that - great option for organizing water supply cottage or private house. The product has a multilayer design: around a layer of aluminum foil there are an outer and an inner layer of plastic. They are fastened together with strong glue. The metal layer provides the necessary strength, and the plastic provides lightness, flexibility, and resistance to corrosion and overgrowth.



  • From time to time you will have to tighten the threaded connections, so it is necessary to ensure easy access to them. The reason that the joints weaken is simple - aluminum contracts more than plastic when the temperature changes;
  • connecting elements do not have a budget price;
  • not the best strength of the joints, and even the pipes themselves.

Metal-plastic can withstand temperature up to +95 0 C at a pressure of 10 atm. The pipes will maintain their integrity when short-term increase in temperature to +110 0 C at constant pressure. The material will also withstand pressure increases of up to 25 atmospheres at temperatures up to +25 0 C.

For arrangement cold water supply you can take blue and blue color– they are adapted to work at water temperatures no higher than +35 0 C and are cheaper than white pipes that can be used for transportation hot water. This is a very good option for a dacha and a private house, but for an apartment building you can choose more suitable pipes.

No. 5. Polyethylene pipes

Pipes from polyethylene, polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride are often combined into general group plastic pipes. Despite the similarity of some characteristics, each of these materials has a set of unique properties, and we will begin by considering polyethylene structures.

Let us note right away that it is necessary to separate low pressure polyethylene pipes And . They are characterized by temperature resistance. The former can withstand temperatures of no more than +40 0 C, are suitable for organizing cold water supply, and are often used to transport water from a private home, since they are not afraid of frost and do not burst when exposed to heat.

XLPE pipes They can be used in a hot water supply system, but they are also more expensive. Not used for installation sealing rubber bands– the required degree of tightness is achieved by compressing the fitting with a pipe.

A number of experts call cross-linked polyethylene pipes the best option for organizing water supply. They are resistant to corrosion, do not overgrow, are inert to all substances contained in water, and allow you to create strong connections. From cons not the best low price and the need for special equipment for installation.

No. 6. Polypropylene pipes

Advantages of polypropylene pipes:

  • durability up to 50 years;
  • ability to withstand temperature inside the pipes up to +90-95 0 C and pressure up to 20 atmospheres(this applies to the reinforced version);
  • relatively easy installation. The pipes are connected using a special welding machine for polypropylene. Working with it is not difficult; it will take a little time to learn and bring the process to automation;
  • strong connections;
  • such pipes will even withstand freezing of water inside them;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • sufficiently high strength;
  • relatively low price

Among cons fear of high external temperatures, so this is not an option for fire hazardous areas. In addition, even when reinforced with aluminum or nylon thread, the material retains high level temperature deformation, therefore without use they are used only for cold water supply, withstand temperature fluctuations up to +65 0 С, pressure up to 16 atmospheres, are often used for supplying water to the house, but rarely for internal wiring.

Among benefits:

  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • low weight;
  • resistance to corrosion and overgrowth;
  • fire resistance;
  • durability about 50 years;
  • Relatively simple installation; high tightness of connections.

Among cons In addition to instability to high temperatures, it is worth noting the sensitivity to scratches and the difficulty of disposal.

No. 8. Diameter of pipes for water supply inside the house

A specialist will help you choose the correct diameter of pipes for water supply in a house or apartment, taking into account a lot of parameters. However, you can cope on our own, if consider factors on which the internal diameter of the pipeline depends:

With an average water speed in pipes of 0.02 km/s, the throughput of a system with a diameter of 25 mm will be 30 l/s, and a pipeline with a diameter of 32 mm will be already 50 l/s. It all depends on the required level of consumption. When organizing a water supply system for a private home, you will, of course, have to think carefully and even apply special formulas, but in ordinary apartments As a rule, the wiring has already been introduced; the required diameter is 15-20 mm.

Finally, we note that it is not worth saving and taking pipes with a smaller diameter than necessary for normal operation of the system. Take into account the maximum peak temperatures and pressures in the system - this will give you confidence that the pipes will survive water hammer and remain intact. For an apartment building, for example, the pressure safety factor should be 12 atmospheres.


There are several types of plastic pipes, namely:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polypropylene;
  • polyethylene;
  • metal-plastic.

The features of each of them can be found below.

Polyvinyl chloride

Pressure polyvinyl chloride pipes (UPVC) used for water supply are made from environmentally friendly food grade material, while other types of PVC products may contain toxic substances.

PVC-U pipes are the most environmentally friendly and safe for human health

Pressure pipes are produced by drawing polyvinyl chloride, to which special components and lubricants are added. The presence of chlorine atoms in the material ensures its self-extinguishing in case of fire.

Plastic water supply PVC pipes can transport liquids with temperatures up to +40°C. If the air around is cooled to 0°C or lower, then insulation of the structure is required, since under such conditions the material loses its elasticity and may collapse.

Average price for plastic water pipes PVC-U - 10 rubles per meter.


Polypropylene pipes for water supply are extremely durable, abrasion-resistant, flexible, can withstand temperatures down to -25°C and are practically not affected by surfactants. These qualities allow them to be guaranteed to last for 50 years.

A polypropylene water pipeline without harming the material is capable of supplying liquids with temperatures up to +75°C, and in the short term - up to +95°C.


Plastic pipes for water supply made of polyethylene operate in the temperature range of 0–+40°C. They are absolutely harmless and do not affect the quality of transported drinking water.

Polyethylene will keep water in its original condition for you

Depending on the difference in the production process, five types of polyethylene products are distinguished:

  • LPG (low pressure);
  • MSD (medium pressure);
  • HPV (high pressure);
  • PEX (stitched).

With their help, products with different characteristics and scope.


Metal-plastic pipes are a structure of three layers:

  • inner layer made of cross-linked polyethylene;
  • aluminum foil no more than ½ millimeter thick;
  • protective coating made of polyethylene.

The guaranteed period of their operation is 30 years, and their operating temperature in the long term reaches 95°C. Safe operation for several hours at 110°C is also possible.

Such a product can withstand internal pressure of up to 10 atmospheres.

Metal-plastic ones can withstand very high pressure and are safely used in production

Is it possible to use plastic pipes for heating?

Plastic quickly loses technical characteristics when exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, when choosing plastic pipes for heating, you need to select products that meet a number of requirements:

  1. The plastic must be able to withstand the temperature of the coolant. Maximum temperature regime- 95 degrees. At this temperature, the pipes should not be deformed.
  2. The tubes must withstand high pressure so that water hammer occurring in the system cannot destroy the pipeline.
  3. Minimum coefficient of thermal expansion. Otherwise individual elements the pipelines will sag when heated. When temperatures drop, internal stresses may occur, which negatively affect the strength of the tubes.
  4. The pipes must be straight from the inside. If this requirement is not taken into account, plaque will accumulate on the inner walls, which will lead to blockages.
  5. Pipeline elements should not be destroyed when exposed to various chemicals that may be contained in tap water.
  6. The individual elements from which the heating circuit is assembled must be durable in order to function for a long time without breakdowns.
  7. The pipes must have a high level of sound insulation so that the flow of water cannot be heard in the rooms.


There are several types of plastic used to make pipelines:

  • PVC pipes;
  • polypropylene products;
  • polyethylene parts.

TO separate group These include tubes in the manufacture of which a reinforcing layer of aluminum foil or fiberglass is placed between layers of plastic.

The marking varies depending on the type of polymer. There is no point in describing the designations on PVC, since this material is not used for the manufacture of water supply and heating pipelines. This type of polymer releases when heated harmful substances, has low performance characteristics.

Polyethylene marking:

  1. PE 32 is a type of polyethylene with the lowest density. It is rarely used for making pipes.
  2. PE 63 - used for assembling non-pressure systems. It can be sewage, Summer shower. This type of polyethylene cannot withstand high pressure and is destroyed by water hammer.
  3. PE 80 is a type of polyethylene with a high strength index. Used for assembling cold water supply systems. If the pipeline is laid outside buildings, additional insulation must be used.
  4. PE 100 - pipes made from this type of polyethylene have the highest strength index. They are used for the manufacture of industrial pipelines, hot and cold water supply systems, heating circuits.

The marking of polyethylene tubes contains the abbreviation SDR, followed by numbers. The lower this indicator, the stronger the product.

Marking of polypropylene tubes:

  1. PN10. Products with this designation can withstand pressure up to 1 MPa. The permissible liquid temperature is 45 degrees Celsius. Due to their low strength and heat resistance, such tubes are used for assembling sewage drains and cold water supply pipelines.
  2. PN16. The maximum permissible pressure level is 1.5 MPa. The coolant temperature should not exceed 60 degrees. Popular for the manufacture of cold water supply systems. Rarely used for assembling hot water circuits.
  3. PN20. Tubes made of this type of polypropylene can withstand pressure up to 2 MPa. Maximum permissible temperature coolant - 80 degrees. Used for assembling hot and cold water supply systems, heating circuits.
  4. PN25 is the most durable type of polypropylene. This material can withstand pressure up to 2.5 MPa. The coolant temperature can rise to 95 degrees. Withstands temperature surges - up to 110 degrees.

Marking of multilayer products:

  1. PPR - the outer layer of the tubes is covered with polypropylene;
  2. AL - has a reinforcing layer of aluminum foil;
  3. PP-RCT is a designation for modified polypropylene, which has increased thermostatic properties.

If there is a layer of fiberglass inside the pipe, the marking will contain the letters FG, FR.

Heating pipes made of polypropylene


Assembling a plastic water pipe with your own hands is not a difficult task, but it requires strict adherence to all the rules. The whole process consists of two stages: preparation and assembly.

The first stage involves constructing a pipeline diagram and selecting tools. The diagram is made in the form of a drawing or as markings on the walls of the room. When compiling it, it should be taken into account that the internal water supply system consists of several elements: distribution main, input, water metering unit, risers, shut-off, control and water fittings, as well as pumps and tanks. All of them must be marked on the diagram. This measure will allow you to choose the most favorable location of the water supply network and avoid installation errors.

The selection of tools is carried out depending on the type of materials used and the method of laying them. You may need:

  • fitting;
  • welding machine;
  • support;
  • device for cutting pipes.

Installation of water pipes made of each type of plastic has its own characteristics.

The assembly of metal-plastic pipes is carried out in two ways: pressing and collet. The press connection of water pipes is carried out using press jaws and a crimping press. This method is considered the most reliable, but requires expensive equipment and fittings. Collet fastening is made using brass fittings of the same name. Thanks to this method, water supply from plastic pipes can be easily dismantled if necessary. But under the influence of elevated temperatures, the connection may be damaged, so its condition should be periodically checked and, if necessary, parts replaced.

Plastic pipes made of polypropylene are fastened by welding. Using a special apparatus at a certain temperature, the pipe is heated at the junction with outside. Next, the heating element is inserted into the plastic fitting for a while, after which the pipeline parts are carefully connected.

Plastic pipes are fastened using special welding

During the process, it is important to strictly observe the temperature regime and duration, since underheating does not ensure effective sealing, and overheating deforms the parts. The value of the parameters depends on the diameter and thickness of the product and is presented in special tables

Do-it-yourself installation of PVC pipes is possible in two ways - in a socket or using the method cold welding.

The first method is extremely simple and consists of connecting the elements in series using a rubber ring as a seal.

Installation of water supply pipes using the cold welding method occurs as follows:

In order to ensure that the dimensions of the parts match, it is necessary to connect them “dry”.

  1. The edges of the pipes are processed with a file or a special knife.
  2. The elements at the joints are coated with a primer, which cleans and prepares the surface for the most effective interaction with the adhesive.
  3. A special aggressive glue is applied to the outer edge of the pipe and the inside of the fitting, which changes the structure of the top layer of plastic, ensuring the interpenetration of molecules of the contacting parts. This ensures reliable fixation of parts.

To connect a plastic and metal pipe, use a spiral double adapter, one side of which has a thread for the metal part, and a smooth end for the plastic on the other.


Choosing a support is a responsible task. It provides the support that plastic pipe plumbing needs, increasing its performance and service life.

There are several types of supports:

  • motionless;
  • movable;
  • sliding;
  • clamp

A fixed support supports the structure from below and prevents movement.

A movable support for water pipelines protects pipes located above the ground from the effects of negative weather conditions and elements (seismic activity, wind, etc.). Thanks to this support, the pipe does not swing vertically, but is subject to moderate vibrations.


A plumbing sliding support supports the pipeline and helps distribute the pressure placed on it.

The sliding clamp support for pipelines is made of steel. It provides them with reliable support, but provides for some expansion or vibration of the elements. Plastic pipes for water supply

Characteristics of plastic pipes for water supply

The modern water pipe market offers a huge selection of plastic products of different types and properties. But, despite some differences between them, there are certain characteristics that characterize plastic pipelines.


Plastic pipes for water supply have the following positive qualities:

  1. rust resistance;
  2. guaranteed service life up to 50 years;
  3. low degree of thermal conductivity;
  4. flexibility;
  5. elasticity;
  6. light weight;
  7. ease of installation;
  8. lack of electrical conductivity;
  9. Widely used indoors and outdoors;
  10. sound insulation ability;
  11. the smooth coating of the inner surface prevents the deposition of insoluble substances on the walls and clogging of the passage;
  12. lack of reaction with aggressive chemical environments;
  13. unsuitability for the development of bacterial flora;
  14. wide range operating temperature― from -100°C to +95°C.

The listed features allow plastic communications to be used even in conditions of freezing of the transported liquid. Their integrity in this case will not be compromised.

Plastic pipes will really save your budget


Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that the operating temperature is limited to +95°C. But this feature is not critical for water pipes, since the transported liquid rarely reaches such a maximum level.

Plastic water pipes cannot be used in fire protection systems. They should not be located near potential ignition sources, as some of them are highly flammable.

In order to determine which pipes are best for water supply, you must first weigh the pros and cons of each material. Therefore, today we will talk about the types of water pipes, consider their strengths and weak sides, taking into account not only the technical characteristics, but also the comparative cost and complexity of installation.

Let's start with the types of water pipes.

Water pipes are conventionally divided into two large categories. Metal pipes include:

  • steel;
  • stainless steel pipes;
  • copper.

TO non-metallic pipes relate:

  • metal-plastic;
  • polypropylene;
  • polyethylene;
  • made of cross-linked polyethylene;
  • PVC pipes.

Metal pipes

Metal pipes are a classic. They have been serving for many decades and have not lost their popularity to this day. Among them there are those that are used exclusively for cold water, and others for hot water supply. Let's look at the pros and cons of each type of pipe.

They come in regular and galvanized versions. During installation, pipes are connected with threads, for which tees, adapters, couplings, etc. are used. Steel pipes have gained considerable popularity due to their reliability and durability. They are not afraid of sudden temperature changes and high blood pressure, and according to the manufacturing method they are divided into:

  • welded;
  • seamless.

If we talk about which steel pipes are of the highest quality, then there is only one option - seamless with galvanized coating. Zinc is known to prevent corrosion, so there is no need to paint or prime these pipes.

Note! Steel pipes only need painting at the joints. The fact is that any connection, regardless of type, will destroy the structure of the protective coating, so it should be additionally protected with a layer of paint or primer.

We've looked at the advantages of steel pipes, now let's see what their disadvantages are.

  1. Large weight, as a result - difficulties in transportation and installation.
  2. Corrosion.
  3. When installing the pipeline, it is required welding work, which further complicates the process.
  4. There will be foreign impurities in the water passing through the pipes.
  5. All seams must be carefully sealed.
  6. During long-term operation, the internal diameter of the pipes decreases, as build-up forms. As a result, the pressure drops significantly.

Not long ago, pipe manufacturers surprised us with their unique production technology. The fact is that steel pipes have appeared, coated on the inside with a non-metallic layer, which prevents the formation of build-up and corrosion. The outer layer of the products remains metal for durability.

Stainless steel pipes

Stainless steel pipes do not have any technical disadvantages. They can be used at a wide variety of temperatures, elevated pressures, etc. But such pipes are rarely found due to their only drawback - the very high cost.

Copper pipes

Copper pipes also have excellent corrosion resistance; moreover, their internal surface is less rough than other metal analogues. For this reason, such pipes have a higher throughput, due to which the copper pipeline can be smaller in diameter compared to steel.

Copper is distinguished not only by its long service life (copper pipes can last more than fifty years), but also by its disinfecting characteristics - water coming into contact with it is purified of harmful microorganisms. Also, a copper pipeline is quite easy and quick to install. In general, copper is optimal material for water supply, because it does not change the taste of water, but, on the contrary, improves it.

The main disadvantage of copper is its high cost.

You may be interested in information about what it should be.

Video - Water supply from copper pipes

Non-metallic pipes

Is it worth replacing old metal pipes with more modern non-metallic ones? This question interests many, let’s try to understand it. The main advantage of non-metallic water pipes is their resistance to rust. Moreover, the inner surface is flat and smooth, which is why the growths characteristic of metal will not appear on it.

Plastic pipes can withstand high temperatures (but not more than 95°C) and pressure of about ten atmospheres. Plastic water pipe will last more than half a century (only copper pipes have such operational durability).

Metal-plastic pipes

The design of metal-plastic pipes is multilayer. They have plastic on the outside and inside, and a layer of aluminum in the middle. The advantage is high strength combined with low weight. For example, 20 m of such a pipe weighs no more than 3-4 kg.

Metal-plastic pipes are elastic and can be given any shape. They also conduct heat well. When installing metal-plastic pipes, no welding work is required; they are connected to each other with a wrench and special fittings.

Among the disadvantages, I would like to note the fact that with a sharp temperature jump in water passing through the pipeline, aluminum will shrink faster than plastic. Plus high blood pressure. It turns out that the “Achilles heel” of pipes is precisely the connections.

Note! By purchasing metal-plastic pipes, know that the products of blue color should be used only for cold water supply (water temperature should not exceed 30°). White pipes are used for hot water supply.

Polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes do not have the disadvantages that metal-plastic pipes have, although their technical characteristics are almost the same. The advantage is that the pipes are connected to each other by thermal welding, which ensures high strength of the joints. At the same time, polypropylene is significantly stiffer, which is why it will not be possible to change the direction of the water supply with ordinary bending - this is ensured by fittings.

Polypropylene pipes are characterized by durability and low cost. They can last more than 50 years (if we're talking about about hot water supply, this figure is halved). Moreover, polypropylene’s characteristics remain unchanged even when water freezes.

The main disadvantage of such pipes is considered to be a high linear expansion rate, that is, when high temperatures the pipeline lengthens and sags somewhat. They are also negatively affected ultraviolet radiation, and temperatures above 75°C can even cause a water pipe to burst.

Video - How to choose polypropylene pipes

Polyethylene pipes

Polyethylene pipes can withstand pressures of up to 16 atmospheres and temperatures from -40° to +40°. As we can see, their heat resistance is quite low, which, together with a high linear expansion rate, can be considered a negative quality.

For this reason, polyethylene is not often used in water supply; its “relative” is much more popular - cross-linked polyethylene. This material appeared not so long ago, but has already acquired thousands of supporters. Indeed, the installation of cross-linked polyethylene pipes is very simple, because the fittings used for this do not have rubber seals - the pipe is crimped with a special fitting to ensure tightness.

So, the advantages of cross-linked polyethylene are as follows:

  • it tolerates sub-zero temperatures well;
  • cross-linked polyethylene is inert to various substances in circulating water;
  • PE pipe connections are very durable;
  • the fittings used here do not reduce water permeability.

PVC pipes

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is superior to all previous versions of plastic pipes both in strength and resistance to chemicals. Indeed, such pipes can withstand pressure of about 46 atmospheres. Moreover, the material does not burn; it can be used to supply both hot water (tolerates temperatures of 90°) and cold.

No need for PVC pipes when installing welding machine or other specific tools, so it is quite possible to do all the work on arranging the plumbing yourself. The pipes are connected only through couplings and angles, which makes the process of installing a water supply more economical.

Prices for water supply pipes

water supply pipes

Features of installation of metal pipes

As mentioned earlier, when buying pipes for water supply, you need to pay attention not only to the cost and technical specifications, but also on the complexity of installation. As for metal pipelines, there can be two installation methods.

  1. Demountable installation

Collapsible method pipeline installation involves connecting pipes using special threaded fittings. The pipe is screwed into the fitting, and the joint itself is clamped with a lock nut. In other words, there are no fittings with fittings, as is the case with plastic pipes, here.

For installation you only need a regular wrench, but such simplicity also has a downside - if the diameter of the pipes exceeds 6.3 cm, then dismountable installation will not be possible, since locknuts, as well as fittings, of such a diameter do not exist.

  1. Permanent installation

As you probably already guessed, non-separable method consists of welding or soldering joints. It is characteristic that in this case the diameter of the pipeline will not play any role.

This versatility of the method requires the use special tools– a welding machine, a gas cutter, etc. This is where the main disadvantage of permanent installation “surfaced” - not all welders know how to weld pipes.

Features of installation of plastic pipes

If we consider plastic pipes from the point of view of installation complexity, then they are much preferable. Indeed, they can be fastened with fittings, welding, molds and even assembly adhesive. The simplest installation method in this case is detachable fittings, which even a housewife can handle. If you require a more reliable connection, then pay attention to press fittings. By the way, such a docking method is also quite simple to implement.

As a conclusion – what to choose?

Here we come to the most important thing - the answer to the question that interests us about the choice of pipes for the water supply. Undoubtedly, the best material What remains is copper, the many advantages of which we spoke about. The only thing is that copper pipes are very expensive, and if you cannot afford such a purchase, then you can pay attention to plastic pipes. Among them, cross-linked polyethylene has the best characteristics, which, like copper, costs much more than its plastic “competitors”.