Cracked glass of interior door repair. How to replace glass in an interior door with your own hands? Basic Rules. In sliding structures

Most often, repair of interior doors comes down to replacement broken glass. There are cases when you can change it yourself, but sometimes you have to turn to specialists. In this article we will talk about when you can replace damaged glass yourself and how to do it correctly and quickly.

What types of glass are there for interior doors?

  • lamination. During production, glass is poured into several layers, between which a special film is placed. The result is a durable material that does not crumble upon impact.
  • liquid filling. In this case, a special liquid resin is poured onto the glass, which hardens under the influence of UV rays. It is quite durable, but costs less than that obtained by lamination.

What to do if glass breaks

This unpleasant situation can happen to anyone and, unfortunately, can lead to injury. First you need to remove the fragments from the floor so as not to damage your legs. And then you can remove the remaining glass in the following way:

  1. We wear thick rubber gloves to avoid injuring your hands.
  2. Using a screwdriver, loosen the glazing beads (the part that holds the glass).
  3. We take out the fragments and wrap them in paper. We start with the large parts and then move on to the small ones.
  4. We check the gasket tape for damage and replace it with a new one if necessary.

Advice! It is best to wear shoes with hard soles so as not to injure your feet from small fragments. And after you have removed the remaining glass, vacuum the floor again.

After the remaining glass is removed, we take measurements to purchase a new one. You can call a glazier or measure it yourself with a tape measure. If the opening has a complex geometric shape, transfer the dimensions onto tracing paper.

Attention! The glass must fit freely into the door. To do this, you need to reduce its dimensions by 1-2 mm on each side.

How to replace glass yourself

Typically, glass is secured to the door frame using glazing beads (quarters). Then the replacement of the coating will be carried out as follows:

  • Using a chisel or screwdriver, pull out the nails that hold the quarters in place. Then we grab it with pliers and pull it out.

Attention! First, pull out the side spatulas, then the bottom ones, and then the top ones.

  • We remove the old gasket (if it is dried out or torn), as well as traces of glue and old sealant.
  • We coat the bed for the glass sheet with silicone for windows or sealant.
  • We insert the purchased glass into the canvas.

Advice! The glass should not fit tightly into the gasket; it is better to trim it.

  • We install the spatulas, adjust them to size, and then secure them with decorative nails.

Advice! If you purchased ordinary glass and want to receive decorative texture, you can stick a special film. First you need to moisten the glass with soapy water and carefully stick the film, carefully removing all the air so that there are no bubbles.

How to change glass in monolithic doors

There are door models on which the glass is attached without the use of putties. In this case, you will have to disassemble the door according to the following scheme:

  1. Remove the door from its hinges and place it on a flat surface.
  2. Remove the plugs and unscrew the fasteners
  3. Now you can carefully remove the side of the door and remove the damaged glass.
  4. We install a new glass sheet and close it back with the side panel. If you have problems with the seal that prevents the glass sheet from rattling, moisten the edge of the glass with soapy water.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are situations when replacing broken glass in an interior door yourself is impossible. For example, triplex glass needs to be replaced at the factory, just as broken material on PVC doors cannot be replaced.

Replacing broken glass: video

Replacing glass in a door with your own hands: photo

Replacing glass in an interior door is not considered a particularly difficult task, but it must be done accurately and carefully. The fragile insert requires skills in handling the material and the appropriate tools, so it is better to order cutting from specialists. Trading construction organizations They provide such services directly when purchasing glass decor.

Glass inserts are most often changed for the following reasons:

  1. Broken glass must be removed, even if it did not fall out. A sudden movement when closing the door will result in possible personal injury.
  2. Aging of decorative inserts affects their appearance and also often leads to replacement.
  3. Installation glass doors in the living room is an easy way to freshen up the interior. The repair option only includes replacing the glass in the panel or changing the size of the frame.
  4. The glass insert may be accidentally stained or scratched. You can replace the glass if it's easier than cleaning it up.

Preliminary stage

To repair a damaged door with a glass panel, you need to carry out preparatory work. Before installing a new insert:

  • remove protruding fragments from the frame (most often they are easy to remove with a little effort);
  • remove the fabric from the loops and lay it on a flat surface;
  • inspect the door and try to determine how the insert is installed;
  • If the glass is not broken, then dismantle it.

In old apartments, glass was inserted into the door frame using putty. To repair interior doors and replace broken glass, you need to use a knife or screwdriver to pry off the bead holding the insert. After this, pull out the nails with pliers, remove the glass part and clean the opening from any remaining paint and putty.

To work, you need to prepare the following tools:

  1. glass cutter;
  2. hammer;
  3. small nails;
  4. silicone sealant.

Often the glazing beads also need to be replaced. You can buy them at a hardware store, in the lumber department.


Door glazing is done using different types material:

  • transparent - often complemented by pasting with decorative films with patterns imitating stained glass;
  • matte - rarely requires additional finishing;
  • with a pattern, corrugated and stained glass are decorative species glass, it is better to entrust cutting them to specialists;
  • tinted or mirrored.

Material selection

Frosted or corrugated glass is used where a view of the room from the outside is undesirable: in the bathroom, bathroom, bedroom. These types of material are thicker than transparent window glass: it reaches 4-6 mm. Home master will not always be able to cope with cutting on his own. Therefore, after dismantling the old glass, it is recommended to take the dimensions of the opening for insertion and order a replacement in the workshop construction company.

For the living room, decorative glass for doors is more often selected: with an engraved pattern, made using complex technology and surface treatment with a sandblasting unit, stained glass, consisting of colored pieces connected together. If desired, you can use both grooved and frosted glass, if the interior design is not particularly luxurious or is made in a minimalist style.

Both transparent and any other can be installed in the kitchen. A budget option is a simple window glass covered with film, or decorative curtains on glazed structure.

Options for replacement

If it is not possible to quickly insert decorative glass into doors instead of broken glass, there is an option to replace it with other materials. For temporary insertion you can use:

  1. plywood or fiberboard covered with a film that matches the veneered surface of the canvas;
  2. plexiglass (monolithic polycarbonate);
  3. window glass covered with stained glass film.

These materials are not the best decor for a door, so in the future you will have to make repairs again and insert new glass into the opening.

How to replace glass in an interior door

In economy class doors, the insert is removed and installed from above, through a special groove. The seal is silicone sealant: do not forget to thoroughly clean the frame from any remaining residue. Before replacing a glass part, you need to find out its dimensions.

Glass in inexpensive models It has a rectangular shape, so it is enough to determine the dimensions of the glass opening in terms of width and length. When taking measurements, it is important not to forget about the allowances that are needed to secure the insert in the grooves. Measuring the allowance is simple: slide the ruler into the groove. Add the resulting value to the length and width of the opening.

It is advisable to cut the glass as accurately as possible so that it fits easily into the mounting gaps. Before installing glass in interior door fill the grooves with sealant.

Doors more complex design To replace the glass you will have to disassemble it. To do this, you need to find bolts on the sides, closed with special decorative plugs. By unscrewing the bolts, you can remove part of the blade and remove the insert. Take measurements taking into account allowances.

When inserting glass into a kitchen door with a panel, the master must find the dowels in the top and lower parts canvases. They need to be removed and 1 side of the frame removed. Pull the glass panel out of the groove, take measurements and cut out a replacement part. Assemble the structure in reverse order. Place the dowels on glue.

How to insert rectangular glass

Rectangular inserts can be found in interior or kitchen doors of old apartments, and in expensive products in new buildings. Inserting glass into an old-style door is easy:

  • after dismantling the bead and cleaning the recesses, measure the opening taking into account the groove;
  • cut a rectangle to size and insert it into the opening, applying a little sealant there;
  • install the glazing bead in place and secure with nails.

Inexpensive plastic, laminated and veneered products come with inserts on fastenings with glazing beads. In such a case, repairs are carried out as indicated for old-style doors, removing the strips around the perimeter of the opening on only one side of the door. It is advisable to save the nails that secure the glazing bead and use them when installing the planks in place. To prevent rattling of the newly inserted glass, before the procedure, silicone sealant should be applied to the recess between the blade and the slats.

Options for doors with complex designs sometimes include permanent fastenings: a groove with hidden wedges. Such a product will have to be taken to a workshop for a proprietary replacement: it is impossible to do this with your own hands. According to user reviews, repairs of complex structures with hidden fixation costs more than buying another door, so it makes sense to find out the details from the sales consultant in advance.

Installing custom forms yourself

Manufacturers produce unusual models of doors with glass complex shape. They are beautiful, but repairing them will not be possible without the help of a specialist. When replacing glass in an interior door with your own hands, you need to start by inspecting the fastening of the insert: if it is too complicated, then you should immediately call a specialist to your home. But if there are removable elements, as a rule, you can replace the insert yourself:

  1. Remove the door from its hinges and place it on a piece of cardboard. Its size should be sufficient to completely close the opening.
  2. Outline the outline of the opening as accurately as possible, do not forget to take into account allowances for installation.
  3. The template must be cut out and fitted into the opening. It must fit exactly the size of the frame.
  4. The template for glass with complex shapes must be taken to a cutting workshop.
  5. All that remains is to insert the finished parts into the grooves coated with sealant and secure with decorative overlays.

In sliding structures

A sliding door can consist of a large glass sheet and a thin frame around the perimeter or look like a hinged one: with inserts in wood or plastic panel. In any case, the canvas must be removed from the awnings and laid on the floor. To remove a heavy object from the profile grooves, you will need an assistant to slide the sashes.

If the door consists of a frame and glass, you will need to disassemble it completely. You can find bolts on the edge of the framing structure and remove them. The edge of the glass is protected by a silicone seal, which must be removed and stored if it is not damaged. If the integrity of the material is compromised, it must be ordered together with the glass door.

Take measurements along the length and width of the canvas. It does not shatter into fragments, but only becomes covered with cracks, so the task is easy to cope with. When ordering glass from a workshop, you must specify that the required material is protective film(or triplex, as for car windows). After receiving the ordered product, all that remains is to insert it into the frame, first putting the seal on the edges. When installing, cut the silicone tape so that it is 5 mm smaller than the glass on each side.

When installing glass element between MDF panels the canvas is collected on a horizontal surface. To install glass, overlays that are attached to nails are most often used. When installing the insert and driving small fasteners into wooden door you need to act carefully so as not to break the glass: one wrong move will lead to repeated repairs. Raise the assembled canvas and install it in the profile runners for the sliding door.

Replacing broken glass when repairing interior doors is very not an easy task. There are many special nuances in it that must be carefully adhered to. If you make a mistake, it will only be possible to correct it by purchasing new glass.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know about all the small details when repairing glass doors. The design and material of the door panels is also important. Of course, repair specialists do not advise everyone to take on such work. There are only two reasons for this:

  1. The complexity of the door design. Modern design developments offer very complex options. Not everyone will be able to deal with them. But the first thing you need to understand is how the glass is fixed.
  2. New technologies. Even repair specialists are not familiar with all the new products. Each model may have unique qualities. In this case, you should only contact a master for reconstruction.

In principle, the main problems in replacing glass in interior doors are related precisely to the complexity and unusualness of modern design solutions. When it comes to a simple apartment without frills, replacing a transparent element does not involve any particular difficulties.

To carry out the process of reconstruction and replacement of glass in the door, it is worth carrying out detailed preparation. The first step is to find out about the required materials. It is important to remember that glass is not special and there are many ways to replace it.

Currently presented a large number of options that are offered for room decoration. Among them are some methods of glazing interior doors:

  1. Use of decorative glass. This option is the most expensive of all possible. Few manufacturers use this insert in their products. Decorative glass can safely be considered ideal. However, even the best examples have disadvantages. In this case, we can highlight uniqueness and rarity. If the glass on one sash breaks, it will be very difficult to find an identical option.
  2. Simple glass. The most common and frequently encountered option. However, due to its excessive simplicity and low price, it requires extra work. Thus, there is a need to cover glass with various films. On average, the cost is 2 times less than its decorative counterpart.
  3. Organic glass. No matter how beautiful and aesthetic glass inserts are, they have their main drawback - fragility. The use of plexiglass completely neutralizes this problem. At its core, such material can be called transparent plastic. Its only problem is its susceptibility to scratches.
  4. Fiberboard or plywood. Budget option Replacing glass in doors can be the use of laminated fiberboard. It is also possible to cover it with a special film. However, this option will become very unaesthetic and unattractive.

How to repair an interior door yourself, read. How to make repairs front door? Helpful information In this article .

Standard method of installing glass in a door

In most cases, repairing interior doors with glass using quarters is very simple. A common mistake is to confuse them with glazing beads, but in some cases they can really be called that. However, this is not as important as the fact that repairing a door with this design becomes a quick and easy task.

And the process itself involves the following stages:

  1. To begin with, you will need to use tools like a chisel to slightly undermine the quarters. The main purpose of this is to expose the holding studs to the outside.
  2. The next step involves removing the nails using pliers. In this case, the sequence of removing the quarters must not be disrupted. If you do this, the glass may fall out at any moment and break. Initially, you need to remove the side beads, then the bottom one, and finally the remaining top one. Precisely when last step you need to be especially vigilant.
  3. Dimensions. It is worth taking measurements that will allow you to choose the right glass.
  4. Installation. The process only involves inserting the beads into the door and attaching them. That is, there are no special features - just repeating the removal in the reverse order.
  5. Glass installation. When it comes to choosing ordinary glass, then additional effort will be required. For the process to be successful, you need to moisten the glass surface with soapy water. When gluing, it is important not to forget to smooth the film. After this, you can install the element in the door and fasten it with quarters.

It is important to be especially careful when removing nails. In the absence of concentration, there is a possibility of damaging the door surface, which will require additional repairs.

Typical problems that our craftsmen encounter when repairing interior doors are defects associated with the aging of materials and structures door block. These are various gaps, cracks, sagging and curvature of the geometry of the doorway, poor performance of the fittings.

As a rule, they are all complex. Drying out of an interior door leads to the appearance of cracks and prevents tight closure and the appearance of gaps between elements door leaf. This violates the heat and sound insulation properties of the structure and, moreover, looks unaesthetic. And this problem also needs to be dealt with comprehensively.

If you simply cover such cracks with putty and cover them with a layer of paint, very soon the problem will manifest itself again - after all, it has not been solved. Unfortunately, in this case by simple means not enough. You will have to disassemble the door into elements, clean them and glue them back together under pressure. This is the only way to cope with further drying out.

And after this you can do aesthetic “cosmetics” - level the surface, fill cracks, sand and paint (varnish) the surface.

Another frequently occurring problem is sagging doors. There is only one symptom of this “disease” - the door sags and closes poorly, resting against the bottom bar door frame or gender But there may be several reasons:

  • loosening of bolts and, as a result, lag of hinges;
  • curvature of the geometry of the canvas or box;
  • hinges that are not suitable for the weight of the door.

You need to get rid of sagging interior doors by eliminating its causes. Therefore, the solution can be either simple: strengthening the hinges, or complex: removing the door frame, eliminating the distortion.

The shortest-lived elements of the entire door block design are the locking mechanisms - the handle and the lock, which are used much more often in interior doors than in apartment doors. For repairs, all mechanisms are removed from the door and checked for functionality and troubleshooting capabilities. If repairs are possible and practical, we will repair the fittings on site.

"Weakness" sliding doors- a roller mechanism that needs periodic checking and adjustment. We repair all types of sliding doors, including book, accordion, radius and cascade sliding doors.

Replacement of glass, if it is carried out outside of scheduled repairs, is also carried out without removing the door leaf. We simply prepare a glass piece of suitable size and color and the master installs it on site. This work will not cause any inconvenience and is completed in a short period of time.

Repair of an interior door from the OknaDel company can give it a second life. Very often, the doors we repair not only look decent, but become an interior decoration. Don't rush to throw it away old door- call OknaDel!