Self-development training for women. The best exercises for personal growth training. The negative side of self-development methods

With the increasing complexity of civilizational development in the 20th century, there was an increase in the requirements for professional skills, as well as the productivity of workers and employees.

To achieve excellent results, a person needs constant personal growth (Abraham Maslow).

To motivate a person to make positive changes, to help her form or discover qualities that are useful for her life - that’s what the benefit was

The first trainings appeared in the first half of the last century and gained enormous popularity thanks to the works of Dale Carnegie, Kurt Lewin, Carl Rogers, Alexander Everett, and Manfred Forberg. The word “training” comes from the English “to teach, educate”, so this form implies active methods training to improve a person’s personal and professional sphere.

The driving force behind the training was, first of all, the desire to earn more with minimal expenditure of human resources. They were aimed at developing a person’s potential abilities, expanding his capabilities, as well as effective use hidden talents and reserves. As a result of the use of A. Everett's training programs, ordinary employees turned into effective sellers, whose financial well-being increased many times over.

In accordance with the purpose of the proposed changes, trainings are divided into professionally oriented, psychotherapeutic and personal growth.

Professionally oriented training always has a clear goal, which is achieved through the use of a number of techniques, such as role-playing games, dialogue, situational modeling, and increasing personal and professional effectiveness. Participants usually set themselves development goals leadership qualities, career success, the formation of any important skill, the ability to speak and persuade, etc. It is very convenient to conduct such classes in a group form, when there is active communication and interaction between the participants.

Psychotherapeutic training involves using as much agile methods, excluding stress reactions in participants. Its goal is a smooth natural transformation of personality, the formation of the necessary individual characteristics and overcoming negative psychological manifestations. The classes create a relaxed, harmonious atmosphere and emotional comfort, which allows you to objectively analyze the experience of the past and understand your mistakes.

Personal growth training allows you to achieve a change in a person’s life position, his habits and stereotypes that prevent him from finding happiness and success. From this type of activity we can expect qualitative positive changes in the human psyche that will allow him to move to new stage development.

The meaning and features of personal growth trainings

They are aimed at increasing the potential of the individual, revealing and improving the most best qualities. Specially developed techniques make it possible to literally program a person for success, after which he gains confidence and calmness in any situation.

These methods are divided into two main areas:

  • natural personal growth trainings;
  • trainings for active personal growth.

Training sessions that promote natural personal growth, have a general healing effect, remove complexes and blocks, provide an opportunity to reveal the individual’s potential, creating conditions for success in life. They are often called transformational, hinting at working with the deep mechanisms of consciousness and the unconscious.

The type of personal growth training, which involves the active development of a person, contains tasks related to the formation of a number of skills and abilities. The goals here are the development of leadership qualities, goal-setting and goal-achievement skills, professional development, operational efficiency, and self-confidence. Techniques that have an active positive impact on the volitional sphere of a person are actively used.

The benefits of training sessions are obvious for human development and self-improvement. Interaction in a group makes it possible to:

  • Formation necessary knowledge, abilities and skills, social attitudes.
  • Gaining new experiences of communication and interaction with other people.
  • Developing self-confidence, removing complexes.
  • Education and consolidation of personal qualities.
  • The possibility of self-reflection, in-depth introspection.
  • Identifying your own positive inclinations, getting rid of qualities that hinder development.

At the same time, there is no clear opinion regarding the impact of training on the human psyche and his subsequent behavior. Many skeptics doubt the incredible capabilities of such techniques. If the formation of any specific professional or personal qualities, abilities, skills is more or less clear, then self-development trainings in general cause distrust. As a rule, the trainer talks a lot during classes, but spends minimal time modeling life situations.

Pessimists also note that it is almost impossible to completely change oneself in a few weeks, to rebuild one’s life path, since mental structures have a certain degree of conservatism. At the same time, there are reasonable concerns about people’s overreaction to events occurring after the end of classes. Some participants begin to boldly quit their jobs, change family partners, and end long-term contacts with friends, which cannot be clearly called positive changes.

In order for real benefits to be felt from attending classes, you should consider some points when choosing training programs:

  • The training must correspond to the actual needs of the person.

It is necessary to solve problems that are important today (professional growth, increasing income, improving family relations), which can be helped by objective self-analysis.

  • The program should be as clear as possible to the participant.

This is detailed information about training goals, principles, methods, and actions that will be implemented during the training. Comprehensive clarity will prevent you from unexpectedly falling into the hands of scammers or a sect.

  • It is important to prevent unceremonious intrusion into the student’s psyche.

There are special rules for safe exit from training that you definitely need to know. You should not unconditionally trust a coach as a guru, because he simply guides a person’s development, but is not responsible for his life. It is extremely important not to make hasty decisions, which is often typical for emotional people.

  • When going to training sessions, you need to be prepared for possible changes in your life and accept them without doubt or fear.

You will have to get out of your “comfort zone” to start actively working on yourself. The goals of participation should be extremely specific, for example: not just “improve your career,” but “get the position of head of a department.”

  • The results of the training should be supported by continuous self-education, self-motivation, and self-discipline. The acquired knowledge must be tested in practice.

It is not difficult to understand that a training program is beneficial to a person. Experienced specialists will definitely explain what his problems are connected with, and also offer alternative effective options for behavior. In order for the participant to get used to this model, knowledge will be consolidated through group work. After this, the person will not only begin to behave differently, he will begin to think differently.

It doesn’t matter what the goal of participation in the training was - improving health, relationships with others, acquiring professional skills, improving self-esteem or increasing income - these classes allow you to believe in your own capabilities and strengths, choose the best, worthy, and rise to a new level of development.

The self deserves special attention. Emotional and professional. Where can you find the strength not to break down, but to develop and grow above yourself, especially in moments of internal or external crisis? How to start realizing a dream that has been living in your soul for many years? How to focus on opportunities instead of regretting lost chances? Personal growth training will help you get a professional guide to solving your impasse in life.

What is personal growth training

Personal growth training- This is an instruction for your own life. Clear guidance on achieving personal goals. People accumulate energy for years to take the first step, which they never dare to take. The future is viewed through the prism of past experience. Personal energy is spent on rehashing old troubles or worrying about the distant future, which, in fact, may not come. Internal resistance is so great that strength is spent fighting with oneself. Self-development training will introduce you to techniques that allow you to start changes here-and-now.

Personal growth training is a real opportunity to start making your dreams come true. Take the first step, albeit small, but visible. Stop blaming external circumstances and find answers to questions within yourself. Look around for solutions offered by professionals. Add new acquaintances and sensations to your old habits. The experience of people who have already achieved heights in life, coupled with the skill of the coach, inspires. After all, if one person could do Something Cool, then surely others can do it too. Self-development training will show that in addition to pleasures in life there is joy, pride in one’s achievements and happiness. And then the world will just become a little wider.

Why do you need personal growth training?

Every person lives life with their own stereotypes in their heads. Life along a well-trodden track is reassuring with its predictability. But at one point, the usual actions no longer bring the expected result. The surrounding reality is less and less stable, so such moments come more and more often. You can fall into depression, calling what is happening a “crisis of age.” You can pull yourself together to benefit yourself and those around you. And remember that the word “crisis”, written in Chinese characters, consists of two meanings: “danger” and “opportunity”.

Personal growth begins with going beyond comfort. Doing something you've never done before, gaining new experience - the process of growth is not painless. What steps need to be taken on the path of self-development?

  1. Honesty towards yourself. Excuses can be found endlessly. Honestly admitting to yourself that you are standing still is only the first step. Many take a wait-and-see attitude, hoping to return to the past. Those who are not ready to justify their own idleness start looking for a coach.
  2. Changing daily habits. There is one psychological technique called "pay it forward." Before you get what you want later, you need to “pay” the advance today. For example, get rid of bad habit. Or buy a useful one. Moreover, the desire and the payment for it can be in different areas of life.
  3. Work on mistakes. Dependence on stereotypes and public opinion constantly put a fence around a person. Fear of error freezes the body and mind. But every new failure increases the chances of success. You can make a mistake in anything, even in the choice of training. But consider the mistake as an experience, albeit a negative one, and continue to move on.
  4. Showing feelings. People “conserve” dreams, feelings, and experiences within themselves. They consider love to be the most important thing in life, but they do not know how to express it. Sincerity of feelings becomes a bigger problem than lack of money. The ability to express emotions without harming others is an art that is also taught in trainings.

Overcoming internal resistance is part of personal growth. Even a clear goal setting does not save you from a long period of waiting. After all, people pass all the facts of life through their own filter. Filter personal experience and your own beliefs. Personal growth trainings do not provide guarantees. They provide a chance to try on the glasses of a different reality in which success exists.

What types of personal growth courses are there?

Courses are a more familiar word than training, especially for older people. Courses are rarely intensive; they are characterized by a more measured pace. This category may include lectures or seminars where the trainer provides information without engaging the group in active dialogue.

The training, which lasts 2-3 days, is presented in the form of abstracts. Companies invite famous trainers to proofread short course. In this case, the activity of the participants is important. A timely raised hand and asked question– This is an opportunity to get an answer to a personal question. Passive listening is a reason to make sure that nothing can be changed.

Personal growth courses are distinguished by:

  • Subject. Business growth or communication skills development. You can develop in the field healthy image life or in the spiritual realm.
  • Format. Indoor and outdoor events are sponsored by corporations or individuals. On-site courses on the seashore or webinars that participants take in front of a computer monitor.
  • Methods. Some people prefer meditation, while others run through the streets in search of money, following the instructions of the trainer. Some people imagine the day of their own death or fall into a trance state. When choosing a training, you should pay attention Special attention on the moderator's working methods.
  • Degree of preparation of participants. Basic courses provide general information. Participants learn to interact with each other and with the leader. The prepared audience communicates with each other in professional terms. Trainers give complex tasks designed for experienced participants.

There is no ready-made solution. No personal growth course will provide a specific answer like: “you have to do this... to get this...”. Learning provides opportunities. The goal of the participants is to take advantage of them. After all, any, even the smallest achievement raises self-esteem. And success is built on the foundation of failure.

How to choose a personal growth coach

Universal recipe personal development does not exist. To get more on the scale of life, you will have to pay the most expensive thing - personal comfort. Conscious choice a coach will help you overcome the journey with fewer losses (but you still can’t do without them). How to choose a coach in absentia? Here are a few ways to get to know him better:

  • author's blog or page on social networks;
  • materials that are in the public domain;
  • real reviews on forums from participants who attended the author’s trainings;
  • advice from people who have already undergone this type of event will help evaluate the promises from the point of view of common sense.

Personal development trainer – psychologist and coach rolled into one:

  • Tough, but not rough. He does not set himself the goal of humiliating the participant. But a timely “kick” is a justified and win-win psychological technique.
  • Attentive, but not lisping. He will grasp the essence of someone else's problem without listening to complaints about life.
  • With a sense of humor, but without vulgarity. An appropriate joke can defuse the situation. The trainer avoids indecent jokes and suppresses them from the audience.
  • Persistent, but not intrusive. Resistance to innovation is a natural reaction to change. The coach will persistently strive to complete the task, but will not impose his conclusions or point of view.
  • Motivating, but not forcing. Participants take their steps independently. The coach may point out mistakes, but will not provide a clear action plan. Even if they ask him about it.

By paying for courses from a famous trainer, participants buy his experience. Knowledge is only worth what people are willing to pay for it. Nobody says it will be easy. No one can tell you how to succeed the first time. The trainer will provide participants with more than just information. He will provide them with that “kick” that will lead to specific actions. And any action is a win-win option.

Personal change begins with recognizing the fact that safety is much worse than risk. It's not just about knowing. The important thing is to do it. The next day after the training, normal everyday life begins again, and only daily work on yourself will help you get what you want. Personal growth training helps you put together fragments of individual abilities and goals to assemble a personality constructor. One participant will fold a bicycle, and the other will build a spaceship.

Friends, something incomprehensible is happening in the world right now. But there is something that is known for sure: everything around is becoming more expensive, prices are biting, like wolves in the forest. Need to do something! Therefore, on the MYTH blog we are launching a project: all week we will be giving advice on how to work, develop, have fun and just live, spending a minimum of money.

Anti-Crisis Week opens with an article about what a cool free substitute there is for self-development trainings: they are quite expensive, but you can do just as well at home, on your own. And even much better. And it will be powerful 😉

Amazing future

Do you believe that you can take a lot from life, despite your starting point? And this is so. Even if there is an economic crisis in the world, political strife and everything in general is very sad, you can make a breakthrough for yourself personally. In fact, to say that external factors interfere is to look for excuses. In psychology, this is called an external locus of control (or simply put, a person blames other people and living conditions for everything, but not himself).

The worse, more difficult, or more hopeless your current situation looks, the more amazing the future you create can be.

Let your dream soar into the skies!

Eric Bertrand Larssen, author of the cool self-development training and book “On the Limit”, which is called Hell Week, believes this: “I do not believe that the life of each of us is predetermined, as some religions and sects shrouded in dark mysticism claim. A personal growth coach needs to believe in what is called “free will” in philosophy. This is the common denominator for most people: we have the right to choose what we want to make our lives.

Unfortunately, many people are limited external factors: political system, repression, poverty, discrimination based on race, gender, religion or sexual preference. However, each of us is free to decide for ourselves. Everyone without exception. We can formulate dreams and goals in our imagination. Here and now I encourage you to try to achieve your goals. If you don’t succeed, then trying will be valuable in itself, because striving for what you want means being true to yourself.”

Try going through Hell Week. It's very energizing and inspiring stuff. It reveals everything valuable that is inside you. After all, every person has great dreams that speak about who he is - or at least who he wants to become. Over the years we forget about them. We stop believing.

But the dream is still alive, he still loves the endless oceans, the huge sky above his head and the sound of the wind in the sails.

Take a broader look at life

Get up at five every morning
Go to bed at ten every night
Analyze your mood and concentration
Plan your day
Stay upbeat, positive and determined
Be energetic and active
Increase your demands on your clothing and appearance in general.
IN work time- no social networks
SMS, calls, emails to friends during working hours are prohibited.
Conversations about the weather with colleagues are kept to a minimum
Physical activity - at least once a day, preferably in the morning
Throughout the week - only healthy food
TV is prohibited
Be attentive to your loved ones
Work hard
Have fun!
Do not give up

Push yourself forward!

And further. As you prepare for Hell Week, you should come up with a special reward that will be waiting for you on Sunday. If you pass the test with dignity, you should definitely pamper yourself. The thought of a reward will support you throughout the week, during those periods when it will be especially difficult. You can choose an ice-cold beer, your favorite red wine or a piece chocolate pie. You know better. The reward may be related to other people, or it may remain your little secret.

But you have to look forward to it.

Rise and shine, or what to do during Hell Week

Five o'clock in the morning. Before your hand reaches the alarm clock, the voices in your head are already telling you that it’s too early, too dark and too cold to leave bed. Aching muscles do not move in protest - they pretend that they do not hear the brain commanding them to move. Many voices are shouting in unison for you to turn off the alarm clock and return to the kingdom of dreams - but you didn’t ask them.

The voice you choose to listen to is the voice of disobedience. First of all, it reminds you that you set the alarm for a reason. So sit down, put your feet on the floor and don't look back, because there's work waiting for you.

Welcome to Hell Week!

You may not want to get up, but your goal is a dream?..

What is every day if not a constant choice between the right path and the easy one?

This is a real battle between you, your brain, your body and the devil that sits on your shoulder and whispers that it is just a game, that it is a waste of time, that your enemies are stronger. Silence the voice of uncertainty and stop the beating of your heart. Burn out doubts with inner fire. Remember what you are fighting for.

So here's what you'll do on each of the seven days. Remember and look forward to it!

Monday: Habits

The first day of Hell Week begins with attention. Why? Because they say a lot about who we are and what we are capable of achieving. They control our behavior, determine our priorities and dictate our decisions. Some habits are difficult to change. However, research suggests that an action becomes a habit after a certain number of repetitions. This is an elementary transition from quantity to quality.

Your task for Monday: make a list of habits, determine which ones are useful and which are harmful, and think about what new things you want to acquire.

Tuesday: attitude and focus

The purpose of this day is to help you find your optimal state of mind. Anyone who decides in advance what mood to be in and what to focus on increases their chances of success. Therefore, you need to monitor your mood, firstly, and your concentration, secondly. Concentration and concentration is a state when all senses are directed to one task. How many times a week do you manage to achieve this state? We think it's quite rare. So focus more on Tuesday.

Your task for Tuesday: watch your mood (it should be positive) and plan what and when you will do. Do only one thing at a time and try not to get distracted. Concentrate on what you are doing here and now.

Wednesday: time management

On Wednesday, you'll learn to manage your time—24 hours a day, 168 hours a week, and 8,736 hours a year—to get the most out of it. AND we're talking about not only about work, but also about communication with family, entertainment, sports, relaxation and reflection on life. This is the time when you can live the way you want. Many people experience stress because they take on too much, because they are unable to prioritize and say no.

You are busy with one thing, and suddenly another task appears, a client comes into the office or an important call comes in. How to behave? During Hell Week, procrastination should be strictly prohibited. This does not mean that you will have to deal with all the tasks assigned to you at the same time, otherwise your days would turn into complete chaos.

Your task for Wednesday: create a to-do list, make a plan for the year, for the week, for the day and learn to transfer items from the to-do list to the calendar.

Thursday: out of your comfort zone

Thursday is the hardest day of Hell Week. It should provide you with invaluable experience, show you that your limits are much wider than you thought, and give you a taste of what it's like to be outside your comfort zone. On Thursday, it is important to remind yourself all the time: everything comes to an end, and this too will end. And when you go to bed at ten o'clock on Friday evening, you will be more pleased with yourself than ever before. The test will be difficult - both physically and psychologically. But as time passes, you realize that you did better than you hoped.

What particularly sets Thursday apart from other days of Hell Week is the lack of sleep. You have to stay awake around the clock. Work all night and then all day on Friday. And one more task: remember your main fear and get ready to face it during Thursday. Do what you're afraid of. This is not advice - it is an order.

Your task for Thursday: work for 24 hours (during this time you will solve all the work and home tasks that you put off before) and arrange a meeting with your biggest fear in life. And even if for you this fear is to sing karaoke.

Dreams are, of course, pleasant. But your own achievements warm your soul much more, -

Friday: rest and recovery

This Friday is the same as all the others, the only difference is that you did not sleep the previous night. This means that we must be extremely attentive and use every opportunity for a short, effective rest. Rest makes you more creative, helps you absorb information more easily, allows you to think more broadly and embrace the whole picture, be more productive and more decisive in solving problems. Each person has their own way of relaxing.

Quality rest gives decent results in all areas. But it is important not to forget that vacation needs to be planned. It should become part of yours Everyday life- part of a week, month, year. And by the way: relaxation has many faces. Doing a completely different thing, switching your thoughts from one thing to another, is also a kind of relaxation.

Your task for Friday: Learn techniques for effective rest and recognize the value of recovery.

Saturday: Inner Dialogue

Remember that you have to work this Saturday. Preferably during normal working hours. Just like Thursday, which became an experiment in overcoming oneself, Saturday will also become an experiment - but of a different kind. This will be the so-called “happy day” when you tune in exclusively to positive and life-affirming thoughts about the world, about the people around you and about yourself.

Your goal is to understand how much your thinking affects your emotions. Most people are characterized by a pessimistic way of thinking. Today your task is to do just the opposite. Let's say right away: this is not an easy task, because what sounds in our heads is mostly programmed. The Saturday of Hell Week should be an experience of life-affirming thinking. You will need to choose your thoughts and words carefully, even for internal dialogue.

Your task for Saturday: make a list of everything that you do well, think only good things about yourself and consider that everything that happens on this day is for the better.

On the last day of the week we will return to the starting point, to what was perhaps the most important part of the preparation for the start. Sunday is a day off. Set aside some time for yourself: a couple of precious minutes, a quarter of an hour or even several hours to think. It's not often that we have the opportunity to think about the important things in our lives.

You might want to sleep all day, but don't. Listen to your feelings. Admit that you are exhausted, but also glad you did it. Be proud of yourself, smile at yourself and those around you - you succeeded.

Your task for Sunday: Treat yourself to something non-food related on Sunday. On Sunday afternoon you are allowed to have fun. Also, you should - and this is very important - congratulate yourself.

Be proud of yourself! You did it! —

Most likely, you know about it, you just rarely remember, so at the end of the week it may be a surprise to you that the little things in life mean more than you thought. You will begin to appreciate, notice, feel, perceive certain nuances like never before.

By making extreme efforts, a person breaks out of his usual state and awakens all aspects of life.

Returning from work, he not only decides to devote himself entirely to home and family, but actually feels gratitude for what awaits him outside the door: for children’s laughter and the smile of his family.

This experiment will give you new thoughts, instill new habits, and ultimately give you new faith in your capabilities. You have a responsibility to follow your dreams. And you only have one chance. Believe in yourself and your dream. You can do much more than you think.

We are confident that everything will be fine. Everything passes, including crises too -)

Post cover: P.S. Want to try it for yourself? We are recruiting a new stream for Hell Week.

Self-development training. Day three!

Having analyzed my qualities, I realized that it is really very difficult to comply with everything, no matter how simple it may seem.

1. Honesty and sincerity with yourself. Probably the most difficult thing is to be honest with yourself. Sometimes it seems that you are completely true to yourself, but then an external event comes and tries to test you whether you really want it. But if you look at it with common sense, then this is probably the path of development. These tests help us become stronger.

2. Honesty towards others. This is also very difficult, because sometimes you don’t want to tell the truth, you can seem tough and a little arrogant. Especially if you refuse someone outright. As for honesty in general, in order to speak directly to your face as if it were unpleasant, this requires character and time.

Dreams and goals are what give you the energy to get up every day and do it, no matter how hard it is. I have my own goals in sports, relationships, finances and career.

But in general, the qualities that are most needed in life are discipline, integrity, kindness, flexibility and rigidity in one’s place. To achieve this, you need to gradually introduce them into your life every day, and try to act based on them in different situations. Personal self-development will help me.

Task No. 3
Self-development training

Today's challenge is to be honest with yourself and with those around you.

Catch the evening report:
1.Today I told the truth and only the truth. Despite everything.
2. I analyzed why, in fact, some of my goals, desires and dreams are still far from me.
3. To achieve my goals, I will need qualities such as perseverance, stress resistance and independence.
4. I came to the conclusion that I will achieve my goals by radically changing my life.
5. Self-development and self-improvement are fundamental points in a radical change in life. I'll start with them.

Task 3. Self-development training

Yes, today’s task is a really serious matter, no matter how simple it may seem at first glance. Therefore, today they will probably write without nonsense.

(No, as always, it didn’t work out!)
Looking ahead, I will say that these points have been resolved. Now I’m implementing a program using the 12-weeks-a-year method – it’s a great thing, I’m very pleased so far, I recommend it. But it no longer depends on the book, but on the mood, naturally. And the mood can take years to form.

Within the framework of this program, tasks of a strategic scale and tactical actions have already been carried out, as well as priorities and skills that should be reinforced. Work in progress, and it seems to me successful. The goals don’t seem completely distant to me, we are approaching them bit by bit, the main thing is to choose the right vector.

I won’t talk about the tasks themselves, but about the strategic skill that is at the forefront of the entire plan - doing what you set out to do regularly and on time. That is, fulfilling one’s obligations, responsibility, etc. It's okay for now. And to achieve it, you just need to do what you set out to do, it seems simple. This is truly the cornerstone of everything, in my case. Since I’m good at coming up with all sorts of ambitious adventures and starting to implement them, the problem is that at certain stages they need to be pushed through like a dry lump in the throat. And when something can be solved in 3 days, I can solve it in 3 months.

As for the global worldview and dreams, this is a complex matter. Sometimes I am amazed that people can find the answer to their dreams without much difficulty. This is a really difficult philosophy for me. Once upon a time, I naively decided to build a strategic plan, taking into account all my interests and so on. I thought that 2-4 weeks would be enough for me to decide on the type of activity, take into account the directions of my movement in life, and the like.

In general, a little more than 4 weeks have passed. About 8 years ago. I made a slight mistake in the calculations. At the same time, it seems to me that I still cannot answer simple questions and literally only half a year ago I solved one important point, in my opinion, is quite a turning point, and I didn’t decide it with my head, but somewhere out there, in the depths of the unknown. Therefore, if you really confuse the task for today, you can solve it a little longer.

Task No. 2: do not lie to others. It's easier here. Thank God I don't have to lie this moment There is no point in life and even not finishing something. Yes, lies destroy us from the inside. This is a fact for me. But even here you can philosophize, now that you have started. I think lies can be divided into several groups.

1. Lying to others in order to obtain benefits (manipulation, deception, all sorts of scams and other legally unacceptable things). Still this useful tool although not very ethical, whatever one may say, lying is a means of achieving a goal, protection, etc. Yes, using such a tool will entail condemnation from others and torment of conscience, if there is one. But in fatal moments of life, in moments when the question of your survival is at stake, I think it’s worth being able to use this mechanism. It's OK. Use it and you will simply be hated, perhaps even respected. So I think that this skill can even be developed, at least to identify such an action in relation to oneself. This is what human self-development consists of – awareness of one’s own lies.

2. Lying out of fear, when we are afraid of being shamed or not recognized, and so on. Something like “I’m leaving the house, I see a brigade of combat guys standing, I waved my finger - they disappeared.” And other tales from the storyteller. I know such people, but I don’t want to call them anything other than slugs. I think that such people can be exploited mercilessly. Probably, the use of such a lie will only lead to contempt from others (if it is revealed) and the destruction of everything internally good. Fu Fu Fu. We must fight such lies.

3. White lies. Philosophical thing. It seems to me that it exists, but more often it is just an excuse to reassure the liars from the symbiosis of group 1-2. The essence of their imagination.

4. I don’t know, there are also funny lies that only make me smile from ear to ear.

I remember how I sold 5 tons of specially processed mushrooms to a wholesaler who transported them to Poland. There is such a specific business with a large number of resellers. And I decided to take up this matter. But in order to increase profitability, I decided to get rid of the need to work with any intermediaries. I didn’t have the nerve to think that I would drive trucks to Poland. But working directly with a wholesaler is very convenient.

The problem was that at the time of these thoughts I had a couple of kilos of mushrooms in the bag. Tons appeared when I decided to meet with the director of this office, either for purchasing, or just the director, I don’t remember. I figured that if I wanted, I could find about 5 tons and process it. And to meet and discuss the terms of sale of these mushrooms and further work went to sell fictitious 5 tons finished products I told these guys, as an example, that I would bring samples. Well, because without 5 tons no one would talk to me - this is a fact, you can take my word for it. In general, I made 2 jars from these couple of kg of mushrooms and went. We met, and it was very funny, because they ruined my products. Then I really wanted to understand why. And in fact, it wasn’t funny to me then. It's just now.

In general, the guys probably realized that I don’t have 5 tons. But the product really was “G”. Then I had to go to bases of more or less average tailoring to find out why they were “G”. But the point is that going to sell something you don’t have and not really understanding the topic was really funny and scary. But when I remember, I always smile from ear to ear. It seems like a lie, but such, as for me, only brings benefit and a little trouble to those who had to deal with me. They probably found it funny too. I think if some guy came to me for a pre-arranged meeting 250 km away, who wanted to discuss the terms of delivery of finished products and further work, and came with 2 jars of an incomprehensible “G” and complained that he had 5 tons instead Just these 2 jars, I think I myself would simply be riding away from such negotiations.

Well, that’s the end of the fairy tale, whoever read it did a great job. Something really freaked me out today. And finally, if you lie, a camel will eat you. What else can I add here - that’s all.

P.S. Development and self-development, I see, are as necessary to me as air.

Recently, so-called seminars and personal growth trainings. I often hear and read reviews from people who have attended these events, and I also know several of the trainers who run them, watched the videos, and attended them as a guest several times. Previously, I myself attended several dozen trainings on personal growth and self-development, although I was lucky in that they were all free, because it was for work.

And so, since I have something to compare, I compare those free personal growth trainings that were conducted full-time employees enterprises, with those seminars and trainings conducted by all kinds of “schools of success” and private trainers for whom this is a source of income. And I see certain differences in this comparison, which I decided to write about today.

Advertising and training announcements.

As you understand, the task of companies and direct people conducting personal growth trainings is to attract as many people as possible to their events and, accordingly, earn more from it. Therefore, in announcements and advertising, they do not skimp on big words and expressions:

– You will begin to enjoy great success with the opposite sex!

- Etc.

Is all this true? Does everyone really come out of personal growth training as a completely different person, their life radically changed? I assure you: in 99% of cases this is not the case. Yes, of course, a person, as a rule, receives a certain charge of positive energy and a certain “magic kick”. But whether he will be able to direct this energy in the right direction and whether he will take advantage of the advice he received, in general, whether he will be able to apply everything that he has learned about in life is another question...

Therefore, most often, after attending self-development trainings, a person walks around in an inspired state for some short time (they say, now I will radically change my life), but very soon this state passes. This usually happens when he encounters the first difficulties in implementing the acquired knowledge. And more often than not, he doesn’t even try to apply them in life, because it’s difficult.

Conclusion: personal growth trainings will not make you successful, rich and happy, they can only tell you how to do this. Well, only you yourself can change your life, and no one else.

Personality of the trainer.

I think it’s no secret to anyone that, first of all, the entire effectiveness of a training or seminar on personal growth depends on the personality of the trainer and his ability to conduct such meetings. How the trainer can establish contact with the audience and convey the desired message to each participant largely determines what thoughts, what mood this participant will leave with, and what he will do after, whether he will begin to change something or not.

Therefore, for example, someone can easily gather an audience of thousands for a lot of money, but 5 people will come to Vasya Pupkin’s training, and that’s because it’s free. And this despite the fact that both Bodo Schaefer and Vasya Pupkin will talk about exactly the same thing.

Based on this, every personal growth coach strives to create a certain positive image for himself, to present himself in the best light, that is, he is engaged. He will create for himself the image of a person who himself lives by the rules that he voices in his trainings, and for whom this helped change his life. The coach will always smile and demonstrate his skills, he will seem successful and happy man who does not know grief, who is not bothered or irritated by anything, who looks at life’s problems differently, and emerges victorious from any situation.

But in fact, personal growth coaches are most often ordinary people. And they do not always themselves adhere to the principles that they teach their visitors at trainings. It’s good if they adhere to it at least 50% of the time!

Believe me, I know several such coaches. Their lives are far from ideal, they also cannot solve many of their own problems, they also sometimes get upset over trifles, get offended and even become depressed. True true!

But, we must pay tribute, they present themselves competently and professionally, and are quite capable of charging others with the right ideas and leading them along. This is their main value.

Conclusion: personal growth coaches are not always what they seem; in life, they may not be particularly different from other people. Therefore, it makes no sense to elevate a coach to a cult or, even worse, to envy him, no matter how famous and famous he is - in many ways, this is just a created image necessary for work. It’s better to just try to remember and write down during trainings important information, and then apply it in practice.

Beliefs that can be heard at self-development trainings.

And finally, let's look at the most common false statements that are resorted to in personal growth trainings, apparently wanting to have some kind of motivating effect on the audience. Motivation is, of course, good, but if you take such statements at face value, they can often not only not bring any benefit, but even cause some harm. Now I will show you this with examples.

Lie #1. You can achieve anything you want, the main thing is to want it! Very often during personal growth trainings they try to instill in a person something similar. However, you should not take such statements too literally, because sometimes achieving success requires certain inclinations that someone may absolutely not have.

For example, everyone has probably seen how, at various music shows, contestants who have neither hearing nor voice, but are absolutely sure that they are superstars, take the stage. The judges and the whole audience laugh at them, but they don’t understand why: it seems to them that they are perfect! Then they really become Youtube stars, not because they performed well, but because everyone laughs at them.

This can actually lead to serious psychological trauma. Therefore, of course, you need to strive for success, but only by adequately assessing your capabilities. No one can achieve everything, everything, everything.

A blindness acquired through self-development training will only bring harm - it must be adequate.

Lie #2. Changing yourself and your life is easy! In fact, of course not! It’s difficult, and how difficult it is! But the trainers say this, probably, so as not to scare the person. After all, if you tell the truth: serious changes are very hard work, which not everyone can do, then most people will simply immediately lose any desire to change.

Any kind is always associated with certain sacrifices and leaving the comfort zone that a person had previously created over the years. Therefore, as a rule, they are very difficult, and there is nothing easy there.

If you hear at personal growth trainings that you can easily change yourself and your life, take this as some kind of encouragement from the trainer, but know that in reality this is not the case.

Lie #3. You can quickly achieve perfection in what you need! That's also not true. To truly achieve excellence requires long years! This is evidenced by what has been repeatedly proven by various researchers - it is precisely this time spent in practical exercises that is required to bring the level of mastery in the matter to high degree professionalism. Convert these hours into days and years, based on how many hours a day you will devote to the desired task - and see your real time frame for achieving perfection.

If a person leaves a personal growth training convinced that, say, in a month he will become a professional in something and achieve great success, then after this month he will be deeply disappointed. And often it is also accompanied by some kind of losses, for example, monetary ones.

For example, a person goes to some kind of trading training course. He studies there for, say, a couple of weeks or a month. He graduates, thinking that he already knows everything about the market, and starts trading. As a result, they quickly drain their account. And it’s also good if he doesn’t contribute new money to “recoup losses.”

It should be understood that in order to achieve truly high results in any business, it will take years. And if a personal growth coach tells you otherwise, he is lying.

Lie #4. Self-hypnosis and money attraction techniques work! Sometimes during personal growth trainings they can describe all sorts of self-hypnosis techniques and techniques for attracting money based on Feng Shui, esotericism, horoscope, etc. Something like what is needed somewhere in there full moon bury the coin under Money Tree, water it and read mantras at the same time, and then wealth and success will definitely come to you. Moreover, they will give many examples of people for whom this really works, including themselves.

Of course, all this is very far from reality. If similar techniques work for someone without any additional actions, this will probably be more of a coincidence than a pattern.

To attract money, you need to earn it different ways. If you just repeat the mantra “I am rich” every day before going to bed. Money comes to me. I feel their energy...”, etc., without taking any action to earn money - I assure you, this will not give anything. Well, if you don’t believe it, of course you can try it and see for yourself.

If the entire personal growth training comes down to promoting some similar method of attracting money and attracting success, then by paying for your visit you are simply increasing the attraction of money to the trainer. That's all.

Lie #5. You can repeat the path to success as a coach! Very often, during personal growth and self-development trainings, trainers give many examples from personal life, and they may even be quite true. They can tell you how they changed their life, how they found their dream job, how they learned to earn money and invest, etc. And what helped them in this.

At the same time, training is often built on the principle “If it helps me, it will help you too!” But this is absolutely not true. The fact is that each person is individual and perceives and reacts to different processes and phenomena in completely different ways. Therefore, what can be a salvation for one person can be simply disastrous for another!

When attending personal growth trainings, you can try to adopt the experience and ideas of the trainer, however, you must completely adapt them to your personality, to your life, to your conditions. You must find the path that will be optimal for you, and not for the coach.

In conclusion, I would like to draw the following conclusion, paraphrasing famous phrase from the advertisement:

Not all personal growth trainings are equally useful! And not all the information received there should be taken literally. Such events are good tool for self-development, but it will only benefit those who know how to use these tools competently, and it can even cause injury to incompetent “masters.” Be careful and attentive!

I will end here. Wish you good results in what you are striving for! Until next time, add the site to your bookmarks, there is a lot of interesting and useful information here.