Requirements for design documentation of construction projects. Basic requirements for design and working documentation. General requirements for the content of documentation

Design and working documentation is the main package of documents on the basis of which construction work will be carried out. If the design documentation may contain a lot of “superfluous things” from the point of view of the builder (labor and environmental protection, etc.), then the working documentation is a set of rules - what should be built and in what order according to the technical specifications. It includes estimates, basic drawings for all types of work, equipment and tools necessary for the work, as well as other documents that may be required at different stages of construction.


Working documentation - rules for the preparation and execution of working and design documentation

Detailed documentation is a set of text and graphic documents that ensure the implementation of technical solutions for a capital construction project adopted in the approved design documentation, necessary for construction and installation work, providing construction with equipment, products and materials and/or manufacturing construction products.

The working documentation includes the main sets of working drawings, specifications of equipment, products and materials, estimates, and other attached documents developed in addition to the working drawings of the main set.

The composition, design and content of working documentation are determined by the requirements of the GOST SPDS set of documents and can be specified in the design assignment by the Technical Customer.

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, in contrast to previously existing regulatory documents, design stages are not provided for: “Feasibility Study”, “Project”, “Working Design”, “Working Documentation”, but the concepts “Project Documentation” and “Working Documentation” are used. The difference between “Project Documentation” and the previously existing “Project” stage is that it is more detailed.


Working documentation for construction

Since the release of the “Temporary Instructions” in the second half of the last century, working documentation for construction has undergone and is undergoing constant changes that take into account current trends affecting construction. Over the course of evolution, working documentation has formed as a separate concept with its own composition and staging characteristics. Already in recent history, there have been changes in the state standard, which also from this side required a refinement of the basic parameters that currently constitute the content of working documentation for construction.

The key idea of ​​creating working documentation for construction

The practice of design and construction organizations is based on the current system of regulatory documents, which:

  • regulate the procedure for the formation of project documentation from development and coordination to approval,
  • establish the requirements for equipment, volume of materials and other resources,
  • allow you to determine the estimated cost of installation and construction work.

This regulatory system includes state standards, building codes and regulations, technical specifications, becoming technical, methodological, organizational, and legal frameworks for bringing the design and construction process into a single format so that participants in the process can communicate in the same language and use common language designations, be guided by generally accepted requirements. Standardization and unification led to the creation of the SPDS (construction design documentation system), which includes several dozen standards.

The beginning of standardization and the fight against the diversity of forms is considered to be the release of the “Temporary Instructions” (SN 460-74), which dealt with the composition of working drawings in construction and the method of their design. To replace this instruction, since 1977, various system standards began to be developed, to one degree or another relating to the creation of design documentation for construction. These standards required coordination with the Unified System of Design Documentation so that during operation there would be no intra-system contradictions between SPDS and ESKD.

In the early 90s, some standards, which were not compiled into a single set and sometimes were not revised for decades, required revision and reissue, which was done by the Central Research Institute (a design institute dealing with the issues of standardization of design documentation). At the same time, domestic and foreign experience, confirmed by practicing documentation development organizations, was taken as a basis.

Today, the system (SPDS), taking into account the requirements of new times, still retains functionality, which, among other things, is ensured by the ability to clarify the specific features of construction when drawing up an agreement between the designer and the customer during the design of a specific object.

Definition of working documentation

Working documentation for construction in practice is a package of basic sets of working drawings, which present different types and directions of construction work, text documents for them, drawings and diagrams, in accordance with SPDS standards. In the Resolution on the composition of sections relating to project documentation (PP No. 87), paragraph 4 of the general provisions states that working documentation is developed for the implementation of various architectural, technical and technological solutions during the construction process.

That is, for each capital construction project, working documentation is drawn up in the form of working drawings, text documents, specifications of products and/or equipment. There are rules and standards for the development of each of these parts, which will be described below.

In sets, such documents are combined by brand - letter abbreviations, in which this or that type of construction and installation activity is encrypted (for example, GP - General Plan, AR - Architectural Solutions, etc.).

The complete list of such brands is a list of several dozen items, some of which are combined.

  • Constructive decisions,
  • power supply,
  • water supply and sanitation,
  • heating and cooling supply,
  • air supply,
  • gas supply,
  • protective systems,
  • telecommunications direction, etc.

These types represent elements of engineering design, in addition to which there is transport (roads, bridges), architectural (ground objects, including buildings), industrial, landscape, technical and design planning related to interior and exterior design.

GOST R-21.1101-2013 stipulates that the working documentation transferred to the customer contains working drawings of the main set and additional documents attached to them, which, in turn, include:

  • working documentation related to construction products,
  • sketch drawings representing the general appearance of non-standard products,
  • dimensional drawings presented on the basis of data from manufacturers and questionnaires,
  • Hardware Specification,
  • specification of materials,
  • product specifications,
  • local estimate (on forms) and other documents in accordance with SPDS.

The specification here is carried out according to the requirements of GOST-21. 110, and sketch drawings - according to the requirements of GOST-21. 114.

The content of the package of attached documents in each specific case is established not only according to SPDS standards, but also in accordance with the design assignment, the content elements of which are discussed between the customer and the designer. All clarifications and agreements between them are recorded in the contract (agreement). In this standard, the attached documents (supplementing the working drawings of the main set) are also included in the working documentation (see 4.2.

SNiP-11-01-95 stated that the working documentation does not include:

  • the construction standards themselves at various levels (state, republican, industry),
  • reference documents - drawings of standard structures that are referenced in working drawings.

However, all these materials can also be transferred from the contractor to the customer if this is specified in the contract. This rule has been preserved in the 2013 standard.

A number of regulatory clarifications and clarifications are aimed at separating the scope of the concept and the content of design documentation and, as a separate type, working documentation. But the place of the working documentation in relation to the design documentation was not immediately determined. At first there was a staged design, which was then (after the entry into force of PP No. 87) in the meaning of “the previous division and a certain sequence” was canceled.

Place of working documentation as part of the construction project documentation, SPDS

According to the provisions of the Town Planning Code, according to its types, design is divided into territorial and architectural-construction, which applies to objects (and their parts) related to capital construction, as well as to objects under construction and reconstruction. Architectural and construction design is also used when carrying out major repairs if structural elements that affect safety characteristics are included in the repair.

Thus, the different specifics of the tasks being solved make it possible to distinguish the following types of projects being developed:

  • new construction,
  • expansion, refurbishment and reconstruction,
  • overhaul, restoration and strengthening.

To document processes in previous times, a staged design procedure was introduced. In February 2008, it was abolished after the approval of Resolution No. 87 of the Regulations on the composition and content of sections of project documentation. In its place came a division into design and working documentation, which were filled with the following content:

  1. Project documentation. This is the main project package of documents, consisting of two parts: graphic and text. Almost always, this package of documents undergoes a state examination, for which it is sent by the customer. In case of successful conclusion of the expert commissions at different stages of the inspection, the package of documents is sent to the customer for approval. An important feature of the project documentation is the lack of comprehensive data in it for carrying out turnkey construction work. The design documentation contains a description of all the main technical solutions, which are sufficient to justify the technical feasibility, assess the safety and/or economic feasibility of construction, but are not enough for the construction itself, since there is no proper degree of detail and a complete set of project specifications.
  2. Working documentation. This type of documentation is precisely developed to provide technical solutions with the proper degree of elaboration in the form of graphic and text documents: working drawings, explanatory texts, specifications. There is no single consolidated document in which all parameters of the composition and content of such documentation would be systematically organized. But there is an explanation from the Ministry of Regional Development, where the function of determining the composition, volume and actual content of working documentation is assigned to the customer, who in his decision is guided by SPDS standards.

The customer’s task is to draw up a task that does not contradict the provisions of the SPDS. Thus, simultaneous documentary unification is achieved, on the one hand, and the creation of conditions for the implementation of a unique project, on the other hand.

It is important that nowhere in the Regulations does it speak of a mandatory specific sequence for the development of these types of documentation, which means either the possibility of parallel development of working and design documentation, or the order in which the design always precedes the working documentation. The last requirement is due to process logic and technical reasons.

As a result, with the abolition of the concept of stages in the previous normative meaning, we can talk about different types of design, taking into account the combination of types of documentation:

  1. Single-stage design occurs during the parallel development of working and design documentation.
  2. A two-stage process arises when the design documentation is first developed and then the working documentation.
  3. A three-stage approach is possible if it is necessary to develop a pre-project proposal, followed by design and working documentation. This form is used for objects of categories 5-4 of complexity, as well as for those objects of category 3 that do not have a sufficient list of initial permitting documentation and are carried out on individual projects.

This understanding of stages differs from the once accepted understanding, where a single-stage process was represented by the RP - a working draft that combines the approved part of the working draft and the attached working documentation. Two-stage in the previous understanding was a sequential combination of the first stage “Feasibility Study” and the second stage “Detailed Documentation”, having the general name “Project”.

In addition, in the mentioned letter of the Ministry of Regional Development N 19088-SK/08 (pertaining to June 2009), the application of SNiP 11-01-95, which previously regulated the composition and procedure for the development of construction documentation, is canceled, as well as SP 11-101-95 - the previously existing composition justification of construction investments. Further explanations clarify two more important points:

  1. Cost of design work. Its definition is advisory in nature, with working documentation accounting for 60% of the total cost, and design documentation accounting for 40%. The base price is calculated based on the prices of design work given in reference books. The mobility of this parameter is emphasized by mentioning the specifics of various construction projects, which are taken into account when making an agreement between the customer of the work and the executor of the construction documentation. In addition, the degree of correlated development of types of documentation is also taken into account - the completeness of design and working documentation in construction. The total percentage can also be adjusted by agreement between the customer and the designer-executor, if the work is carried out within the framework of a one-stage process - by simultaneous preparation of design and working documentation in full or partial form. This format is provided for by the design assignment and depends on specific architectural, structural, technical, and technological parameters. The degree of detail also plays a role.
  2. State examination. Project documentation is subject to the provisions of Resolution No. 145, according to which the customer is obliged to prepare and submit a corresponding package of documents for state examination. Working documentation, together with the design documentation in full and the overall package, can be submitted for state examination by decision and initiative of the customer, as well as with the consent of the expert organization, if the development of packages of these stages is carried out simultaneously.

The state examination proceeds sequentially in several stages after the customer transfers documents to the government expert council. After passing the Main State Expertise, a number of ministries (Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, natural resources, healthcare, etc.), the documents are submitted for consideration to federal expert executive bodies and departmental experts. The result of the review is a summary conclusion, which is approved and, if there are no comments, remains with the customer, and if there are any, it is sent for revision to the design organization.

Since September 2016, state examination of documentation carried out during the construction of objects financed (even partially) from the federal budget has switched to electronic form. Resolution No. 145 has been amended accordingly in this regard. Since 2017, this approach began to be applied to regional examinations with the exception of cases of restricted access to engineering and design information. The issuance of the conclusion, accordingly, is also converted into electronic form.

Thus, the developer and design organization are left with quite a lot of scope for adjusting the process to the specific features of the construction of a particular facility.

Initial design data, what is it? Sections according to the town planning code of the Russian Federation

The Urban Planning Code of Russia regulates the general composition of the design documentation package, which is specified by Resolution No. 87 for objects of both industrial and non-industrial purposes (excluding linear objects). It consists of:

  1. Explanatory note.
  2. Land plot plans.
  3. Section of architectural solutions.
  4. Constructive solutions (space-planning parameters are placed in the same section).
  5. Information about engineering and technical support in terms of equipment, networks, events, technological solutions. Each engineering solution in this section is assigned its own subsection, describing the systems of gas, heat, water, electricity, ventilation (air conditioning), communication networks, etc.
  6. Designing the organization of construction activities.
  7. Designing the organization of dismantling work.
  8. Plan of environmental protection measures to preserve the environment.
  9. Fire safety plan.
  10. Activities aimed at comfortable access and movement of people with disabilities.
  11. Construction estimate.
  12. Other documentation.

At the same time, in terms of working documentation, one should, first of all, focus on SPDS standards and customer requirements relating to a specific object and detail.

The developer must (in accordance with Article 48 of the sixth paragraph of the Town Planning Code) transfer the following initial data to the project executor (design organization):

  • regarding information about the allocated land - Urban development plan of the site.
  • in terms of environmental, geodetic, geological surveys - a consolidated package of such engineering studies,
  • in terms of technical support - technical conditions for connecting to utility networks.

In fact, this initial package almost always comes with:

  • A letter from the State Control Committee for the Protection of Monuments with permission to conduct construction activities, if the object is to be located in the protection zone of historically valuable immovable monuments.
  • Requirements regarding emergency and civil defense measures according to engineering and technical parameters.
  • Conclusion of the authorized bodies on the results of the inspection of structures and foundations (such inspections are carried out on the surrounding buildings in the case of cramped construction conditions and in the case of reconstruction at the site).
  • Measurement drawings (also for reconstructed objects).
  • Inventory plans for the floors of the surrounding building.
  • For projects with special technologies - an approved technical specification.
  • Approved design assignment as a whole.

By agreement with the customer, the initial list can be expanded to carry out specific design work.

GOST R 21.1101-2013 as a system of basic requirements for working documentation

This standard replaced GOST R-21.1101-2009, implementing the requirements of the Urban Planning Code and combining current documentation standards into a single system. In terms of basic terminology related to the topic of working documentation, the standard gives the following basic definitions:

  • The main set of working documentation here is the set of main sets of working drawings. These drawings are supplemented by reference documents and appendices.
  • The main set of working drawings, in turn, are documents presented in graphical form that contain sufficient information to carry out the work. The kit consists of various drawings and diagrams describing construction or installation work of a certain type. This type of work is called a “mark” in the standard.
  • “Mark” is a kind of work cipher - alphabetic (often in the form of an abbreviation based on the first letters of the phrase) or alphanumeric code (index), which denotes a certain type of work in the documentation. With its help, work is marked in working drawings.

In addition, brands can indicate the design features of building elements, distinguishing one from another.

Stamps and codes

In this standard, the brands of the main sets of working drawings are collected in Appendix B (Table B1). But each of these sets can be further divided into several “subsets” while maintaining the same markings, but with the addition of a numerical value (ordinal number). In addition, it is allowed (if necessary) to assign additional marks, and recommendations for their formation are given. This is what is recommended:

  • make up a brand of no more than 3 capital letters, orienting them to the initial letters of the name,
  • use letters of the Russian alphabet,
  • if necessary, select letters of the Latin alphabet based on the rules established in the organization’s standard, and/or digital codes.

In total, the mentioned table shows 39 valid brands for 42 names of sets, including combined names. But when various design organizations demonstrate their expanded list, it contains 50 or more used names and labeling correspondences.

For example, “Construction estimates” and “Monitoring prices of building materials” are carried out under the same brand with a different numerical code: CD1 and CD2, respectively. However, depending on the project specifics, this list can be further expanded.

  • APU – for dust removal systems,
  • AOB – for heating and ventilation systems,
  • AVK – for water supply and sewerage systems,
  • ANV – for external water supply systems,
  • ANVK – for external water supply and sewerage systems, etc.

In addition to the marks in Appendix B, the standard recommends the use of ciphers for documents attached to the main documentation. These ciphers are also made up of letters of the Russian alphabet, but if necessary, Latin can also be used. Thus, code “C” in the attached documents is used for specifications, code “N” for sketches of non-standard products, “I” for product drawings, “OL” for questionnaires, “LS” for local estimates.

For “Calculations”, the list of attached documents also includes the code “RR”, but calculations are often not included in the working documentation. The exception here is cases when the inclusion of calculations in the composition is stipulated in the contract.

Working drawings: general data

The main kit includes general data, drawings and diagrams. Each individual main set is assigned a designation, which consists of two parts:

  1. The basic (main) part, representing the notation system adopted in the organization. It can be the code of the construction site, the contract number, the number according to the general plan.
  2. The corresponding brand of the main kit.

In this form, the designation looks like this: 1234-56-TR. If the main set is divided into several documents, then a digital value is added to the designation - a serial number: 1234-56-TR.1, 1234-56-TR.2. Moreover, the first number in this case always contains general data on these working drawings.

In working drawings it is permissible to refer to documents whose contents are drawings of standard structures or assemblies. But these documents themselves do not belong to the working documentation and, without a special agreement, should not be attached along with the package transferred to the customer. That is, standards with drawings and drawings of standard products are not transmitted in a package of documents. The exception here is when the transfer of these documents is stipulated in a separate agreement.

General data on the transferred working drawings is placed on the first sheet of each main set. General data includes:

  • Gazette:
    • working drawings of the main set (form 1) – a list of sheets of the main set in sequential order,
    • specifications for several layouts in the main set (form 1),
    • reference (in a separate section indicating, in addition to the name of the standard, also the number and series of production drawings of standard structures and products) and attached (in a separate section) documents (form 2),
    • main sets of working drawings (Form 2) on the general data sheets of any set of working drawings - in the form of a listing of the main sets of drawings that are part of a complete set of working documentation.
    • Symbols (from among those not established by generally accepted national standards, unless they have been explained on other sheets of the main set).
    • General instructions. Here they give:
      • information about the documents that became the basis for the development of a package of documents (for example, a design assignment),
      • record of compliance with the assignment, technical conditions, requirements of regulations and standards,
      • a list of regulations and documents with standards according to which technical decisions are made and implemented,
      • absolute “conditionally zero” mark (usually for drawings of structural and architectural solutions),
      • results of checking for patent purity and patentability with numbers of applications and patents for processes, equipment, products, etc., involved for the first time in the project,
      • information about the owner of intellectual property,
      • operational requirements for the construction site,
      • a list of works that affect safety, if for them it is necessary to carry out inspections of hidden work confirmed by an inspection report.

Points of general instructions are numbered and written on a new line each. The technical requirements placed on other sheets are not repeated here.

The mentioned form 1, according to which records of the working drawings of the main set and specifications are kept, requires the following completion:

  • In the “Sheet” column, in the part of the working drawings, enter the serial number of the sheet, in the part of the specifications, the number of the sheet of the main set of working drawings where the specification is located.
  • In the “Name” column – names of images based on the names of the main inscription of the sheet and names duplicated from the drawings for specifications.
  • In the “Note” column, enter additional information that relates, for example, to changes being made.

Form 2 is distinguished by the first column “Designation”, where for the main set of working drawings its designation and/or index of the organization that issued the document is indicated. When filling out the list of reference and attached documents, the same column of Form 2 contains the designations (indices) of the corresponding attached and reference documents.

Despite the indication of the sizes of graphs and columns in the illustrations, they can be changed at the discretion of the developer. It is also permissible to change the number of columns and graphs as necessary.

Attached documents: composition

According to clause 4.2.1, the attached documents represent part of the working documentation intended for delivery to the customer. These include:

  • Working documentation for construction products - that is, for those that are used as an element of a structure or its structure, where the structure is also a part of the building responsible for the load-bearing, enclosing or aesthetic function.
  • General view sketches (drawings) of non-standard products (according to GOST-21.114). The exact name of the document: “Sketch drawing of the general appearance of a non-standard product.” Its contents include information materials that will be needed for the development of design documentation:
    • a simplified image of an installation block, device, system, engineering structure (internal and external) or other structural product, which, in most cases, was first manufactured at the site of installation work,
    • main parameters of the original design,
    • technical requirements (according to technical specifications).
    • Specifications. According to the definition adopted in the same standard, this includes such textual documents on the project that determine the composition of materials, equipment and products necessary for the preparation and implementation of construction. They are carried out in accordance with GOST-21.110.
    • Questionnaires. And in the same paragraph, dimensional drawings are mentioned. They are manufactured based on data from equipment suppliers (manufacturers).
    • Local estimates.

The design assignment can be adjusted and clarified by the listed composition of the attached documents. This package is sent along with the main set of drawings. In this case, each document is encrypted (the code is placed with a dot after the designation of the main set: 1234-56-TR.S). Here “C” means “Specifications”, and the full list of ciphers is presented in GOST - in table B1, and in this article - above, in the section “Brands and codes”.

Specifications on drawings

Specifications for drawings are drawn up in accordance with Form 7 of the mandatory appendix under the letter “K” of this standard, and in the case of drawings made using the group method (group specification) - in Form 8.

Most often they are placed on a sheet of drawings where installation plans and equipment locations, diagrams are placed. But it is permissible to carry out the specification on separate, subsequent sheets of drawings.

Working drawings: basic requirements

In design practice, the requirements for working drawings require maintaining a certain balance between “inflating” their volume and being informative. On the one hand, the drawings must contain enough information to carry out the construction and installation process in full.

On the other hand, drawings should avoid repetition, unnecessary detail and should not include information that would be redundant for construction. Based on this, it is generally accepted that working documentation in terms of working drawings should be presented in a minimum and sufficient volume. This is also facilitated by the criterion of logical feasibility of drawing up a package of documents and recording them.

Thus, to avoid duplication and confusion, each document is assigned its own number, and links to standards and technical specifications must meet a number of requirements. For example:

  • links should lead to the entire regulatory document or its section, and not to its individual paragraph,
  • the standards must fully define the requirements for the relevant element of the working drawings,
  • symbols, simplified images, which are established by standards, are not explained in the drawings (except for the provided indications of the standard number and cases when the symbols used are not provided for in the standards),
  • the dimensions of the symbols must be clear, visual and standardized for all documentation,
  • to execute graphic documents, the default color is black, but some elements and their designations can be made in other colors (for symbols, the color is indicated in the relevant standards, but if some of them are missing, they are indicated in the drawings),
  • recommended fonts: Arial, Times New Roman.

All of these requirements logically follow from the requirements of convenience and information content.

Nowadays, documentation is most often carried out automatically in paper form with duplication in electronic form (DE - electronic document). Such documents, if they represent the same type and name, are interchangeable and equal, for which the developer is responsible. Both 2D electronic drawings and paper drawings can be based on an electronic (3D) building model.

Working drawings, depending on the complexity and amount of information, choose the optimal scale in accordance with GOST-2.302. The scales of images are not indicated on the drawings, except in cases provided for by SPDS standards. With such exceptions, the scales are taken in parentheses and placed immediately after the image, as stipulated by GOST-2.316.

The form of presentation of the package of documents is determined by the documentation developer and agreed with the customer. Moreover, various forms of presentation are acceptable as part of the working documentation.

Text documents

Texts in working documentation are also subject to the principles of accessibility and convenience, which presupposes standardization and an optimal recording format (for example, technical conditions and calculations are made in continuous text, and the text of statements, tables, specifications is divided into graphs). Each sheet of text documents, most often, is framed and contains the main inscription and its complementary columns. Without them, it is allowed to execute text documents that contain mainly continuous text (including sections and subsections). But in this case, a number of conditions are adhered to:

  • The first sheet contains a list of performers with positions, full names, initials of designers involved not only in development, but also in control and approval. There should also be space for a signature and date.
  • The second sheet contains a table of contents with numbers and names of sections (subsections) and applications. If necessary, it is expanded to subsequent sheets.
  • The document designation is indicated in the header on the left side if the documentation is printed single-sided. If documents are double-sided (double-sided printing option), then the designation is placed for even pages - in the right corner, for odd pages - in the upper left corner.
  • The logo and name of the organization that prepared the document, the name of the document, as well as the sheet number are placed in the footer on the right or left, also depending on the printing option (double-sided, single-sided) according to the same principle.

For texts in working documentation there are a number of requirements that are dictated by the logic of drawing up any document presented with the goal of being understood equally by all interested parties. Among them are the following:

  • In terms of content, the text of the document should not allow different interpretations. Therefore, terms established by regulatory documents are used, and the list of scientific and technical terms is indicated in the contents of the document. In addition, words that are close in meaning, foreign synonyms are not used, and the use of different variants of a term for the same concept is not allowed.
  • In terms of form, words (verbs), in the case of describing mandatory requirements, unambiguous ones are used: “should”, “must”, etc. Abbreviations are not allowed unless they are established by spelling rules. Also, symbols that can be understood in two ways are not used (for example, the word “minus” is used to denote the “-” sign, etc.).

In accordance with the requirements for textual documentation, calculations of technological and design solutions are also drawn up, which, however, are not included in the working documentation, representing a mandatory preparatory element of the design stage.

Working documentation: specifics of making changes

During the creation of project documentation, it may be necessary to make changes to it. Such edits are also regulated by the standard. This may be an internal standard of the organization, but it still should not contradict GOST, therefore, in this case, it is developed on the basis of the provisions of the corresponding section of the SPDS.

Any correction (including additions and deletions) is considered a change to a document previously transferred to the customer, unless the designations of this document change. But the designation by this standard is allowed to be changed only if the same designations were assigned to different documents by mistake (or an error was made in the designation). Otherwise, a new document must be issued, which will have a new designation. A change in one document entails mandatory changes in all related documents using the same rules.

Changes are made to the original document, and information about this is entered in the title block of paper documents (and/or in the table for registering such changes), in the details of electronic documents, in accounting documents and statements (in the “Note” column).

Permission to change is also issued in Form 9 on a paper document (the originals are then moved to the organization’s archive) or in electronic form. Such permission is approved by the head of the organization developing the documentation.

For each document, it is common practice to issue a separate decision on changes, but it is also permissible to issue a single permit for changes in several documents if the changes are of the same type and interrelated in all documents mentioned in the permit. Also, with one general permit, changes are made to the main set of working drawings, which are drawn up in separate documents, and to project documentation documents.

Changes are numbered, but all changes that occur on the basis of one permit go under the same serial number. Electronically, the change is indexed with the status of a new version of the document.

In paper versions, changes can be made in a variety of ways, from crossing out and erasing to replacing, adding or deleting sheets. This can be done either manually or automatically. It is important that the physical state of the original is taken into account and that high-quality copies can then be made using reprographic methods. In electronic documents, when changes are made, a new version of the document is released.

The automated method of making changes involves making a new original. This also happens if there is not enough space for handwritten changes or if the clarity of the image may be affected during correction. When replacing one sheet of the original, the inventory number of the original is retained on it, but when replacing all sheets, the original is assigned a new number. When changes are made, estimate documentation occurs in an automated way, and the entire document is replaced.

  • In text documents, if a new sheet is added, it can be assigned the serial number of the previous sheet, but with the addition of an Arabic numeral or a lowercase Russian letter (for example, 5.6 or 5e). A similar technique of adding a letter is used in text documents that contain mostly solid text if a new paragraph is added. But if an item is excluded, then the serial numbers of subsequent items are retained.
  • In images, the changeable parts are outlined with a closed solid line and crossed out crosswise with the same thin solid lines.

If a new one is placed next to the area of ​​the image being replaced, then they are connected by callouts (thin lines conveying information), and the change number is indicated in a parallelogram.

With regard to construction working documentation, there are other rules of a more specific nature that regulate the order of indicating coordination axes, drawing slopes or cuts and sections. Since every nuance affects the quality of design in terms of working documentation, when preparing a package of documents during construction and installation, it is advisable to refer directly to regulations and standards.

Let's consider all stages of the project in order:

Stage 1 - PP. Pre-design studies (concept, preliminary design)

At this stage, the concept of the future facility is being developed and the main technical and economic characteristics (TEC) are being determined. The sketch determines the placement of the object on the ground, its volumetric-spatial solution (VSD), and the structural diagram. Also at this stage, the main engineering loads for water, heat and electricity are calculated, the so-called. calculation of loads.

Development Stages of "PP" is not mandatory, but helps save time and money during further design.

Stage 2 - PD. Project documentation

Unlike the preliminary design Stage "Project"(“PD” or simply “P”) is mandatory and subject to approval by state executive authorities. Based on the results of approval of the “Project” Stage, a permit for the construction of the facility is issued. The composition and content of this stage is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008. Of course, the composition will be individual for each project, but we will try to compile the most complete list of all possible sections and subsections of the “PD” Stage:

Number Section code Section title
Section 1 Explanatory note
Volume 1 HMO Explanatory note
Volume 2 IRD Initial permitting documentation
Section 2 ROM Scheme of planning organization of a land plot
Section 3 AR Architectural solutions
Section 4 Constructive and space-planning solutions
Volume 1 KR1 Reinforced concrete structures
Volume 2 KR2 Metal constructions
Volume 3 KR3 Wooden structures
Volume 4 KR.R Static calculation
Section 5 Information about engineering equipment, engineering support networks, a list of engineering activities, the content of technological solutions.
Subsection 1 Power supply system
Volume 1 IOS1.1 Outdoor power supply
Volume 2 IOS1.2 Power equipment
Volume 3 IOS1.3 Electric lighting
Subsection 2 Water supply system
Volume 1 IOS2.1 External water supply
Volume 2 IOS2.2 Domestic water supply
Subsection 3 Drainage system
Volume 1 IOS3.1 External drainage
Volume 2 IOS3.2 Internal drainage
Subsection 4 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks
Volume 1 IOS4.1 Heating and ventilation
Volume 2 IOS4.2 Heat supply
Volume 3 IOS4.3 Individual heating point
Subsection 5 Communication networks
Volume 1 IOS5.1
Volume 2 IOS5.2
Volume 3 IOS5.3
Volume 4 IOS5.4 CCTV
Volume 5 iOS5.5 Security alarm
Volume 6 IOS5.6
Volume 7 IOS5.7 Other low current systems
Subsection 6 Gas supply system
Volume 1 IOS6.1 Outdoor gas supply
Volume 2 IOS6.2 Domestic gas supply
Subsection 7 Technological solutions
Volume 1 IOS7.1 Technological solutions
Volume 2 IOS7.2
Volume 3 IOS7.3 Air supply
Volume 4 IOS7.4 Refrigeration
Volume 5 IOS7.5 Steam supply
Volume 6 IOS7.6 Dust removal
Volume 7 IOS7.7 Other technological systems
Section 6 POS Construction organization project
Section 7 UNDER Project for organizing work on demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects
Section 8
Volume 1 OOC List of environmental protection measures
Volume 2 OOS.TR Draft technological regulations for the management of construction waste at the site
Volume 3 IEI Engineering and environmental surveys
Section 9
Volume 1 PB1 Fire safety measures
Volume 2 PB2
Volume 3 PB3
Volume 4 PB4
Section 10 ODI Measures to ensure access for people with disabilities
Section 10(1) ME Measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements
and equipment requirements for buildings, structures and structures
metering devices for used energy resources
Section 11
Volume 1 SM1 Estimates for the construction of capital construction projects
Volume 2 SM2 Monitoring prices for materials
Section 12 Other documentation in cases provided for by Federal laws
Volume 1 KEO Lighting calculations of insolation and natural illumination (KEO)
Volume 2 ZSH Measures to protect against noise and vibration.
Assessment of noise impact for the period of operation of the facility
Volume 3 ITM GOiChS Engineering and technical measures of civil defense.
Measures to prevent emergency situations
Volume 4 ED Building Operating Instructions
Volume 5 PTA Measures to counter terrorist acts
Volume 6 DPB Declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

Stage 3 - RD. Working documentation

Stage "RD" It is needed primarily by builders, since it develops design solutions in the most complete and detailed manner, which were only indicated in the “PD” Stage. Unlike “P”, “Working” includes drawings of components, axonometric diagrams and profiles of utility networks, specifications, etc. On the other hand, at the working stage the documentation is deprived of some sections, the completeness of which was exhausted at the design stage (for example , POS, OOS, KEO, ITM GOiChS, etc.). As at Stage “P”, the composition of the “Working Documents” will be individual for each project, but we will try to compile the most complete list of all possible sections of the “Working Documentation” Stage:

Section code Section title
- GP General plan
- TR Transport structures
- GT General plan and transport (when merging GP and TR)
- blood pressure Car roads
- RV Railways
- AR Architectural solutions
- AC Architectural and construction solutions (when combining AR and KR)
- AI Interiors
- QOL Constructive decisions. Reinforced concrete structures
- KJ0 Constructive decisions. Reinforced concrete structures. Foundations
- KM Constructive decisions. Metal constructions
- KMD Constructive decisions. Metal structures detailing
- KD Constructive decisions. Wooden structures
- KRR Constructive decisions. Static calculation
- GR Hydraulic solutions
- ES Power supply system. Outdoor power supply
- EM Power supply system. Power equipment
- EO Power supply system. Electric lighting
- EN Power supply system. Outdoor electric lighting
- EIS Power supply for engineering systems
- NV Water supply system. External networks
- NK Drainage system. External networks
- NVK Water supply and drainage system. External networks
- VC Water supply and drainage system. Internal networks
- HVAC Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
- TS Heat supply
- TM Thermomechanical solutions (Boiler room, ITP, etc.)
- RT Telephony, Radio, Telereception
- SKS Structured Cabling Networks
- AIS Automation of engineering systems
- ATP Automation of technological processes
- AK Complex automation (when combining AIS and ATP)
- OS Security alarm
- ACS Access control and accounting system
- GOS Outdoor gas supply
- FGP Domestic gas supply
- TX Technological solutions
- TK Technological communications
- Sun Air supply
- HS Refrigeration
- PS Steam supply
- PU Dust removal
Automatic fire alarm installation,
Fire warning and evacuation control system
- APPZ Automatic fire protection
- PT Special fire extinguishing (water, powder, etc.)
- T1DM Estimates for the construction of capital construction projects
- T2DM Monitoring prices for materials
- AZ Anti-corrosion protection
- TI Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines

GOST R 21.1101-2013 Design documentation system:

4.2. Working documentation
4.2.1. The working documentation transferred to the customer includes:
- working drawings intended for construction and installation work;
- attached documents developed in addition to the working drawings of the main set.
4.2.2. The main sets of working drawings include general data on working drawings, drawings and diagrams provided for by the relevant standards of the Design Documentation System for Construction (hereinafter referred to as SPDS).
4.2.6. The attached documents include:
- working documentation for construction products;
- sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products, made in accordance with GOST 21.114;
- specification of equipment, products and materials, carried out in accordance with GOST 21.110;
- questionnaires and dimensional drawings, carried out in accordance with the data of the equipment manufacturers;
- local estimate according to forms;
- other documents provided for by the relevant SPDS standards.
The specific composition of the attached documents and the need for their implementation are established by the relevant SPDS standards and the design assignment.
4.2.8. In working drawings it is allowed to use standard building structures, products and assemblies by referring to documents containing working drawings of these structures and products. Reference documents include:
- drawings of standard structures, products and components;
- standards, which include drawings intended for the manufacture of products.
Reference documents are not included in the working documentation transferred to the customer. The design organization, if necessary, transfers them to the customer under a separate agreement.

SNiP 11-01-95 Composition of working documentation:

5.1. The composition of the working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures is determined by the relevant state SPDS standards and is specified by the customer and the designer in the design agreement (contract).

5.2. State, industry and republican standards, as well as drawings of standard structures, products and assemblies, which are referenced in the working drawings, are not included in the working documentation and can be transferred by the designer to the customer if this is stipulated in the contract.

Each project must have its own independent symbol. I have to work with many design organizations. Sometimes it seems that some people do not understand how to designate project documentation.

The designation of design documentation consists of two parts: the base designation and the brand of the set of drawings, separated by a hyphen.


ХХХХ – designation of the design organization;

YY - number of the building or structure according to the general plan;

ZZ – brand of the main set of drawings.

For example, 2014-1-EM1, 2014-1-EM2, 2014-2-EP.

The capital letter “H” is added to the designations of sketch drawings through a period.

Example: ХХХХ-YY-ZZ.Н

Text documents included in the list of attached documents must have a designation with the addition of the corresponding capital letters separated by a period:

CO - for equipment specification;

LO - for the questionnaire;

LS - for local estimates;

VM - for the statement of material requirements;

VR - for reporting the volume of installation and construction work.

Example: 2014-1-EM.LO1

I would like to note that here (where I worked and work) it is customary to assign the letter “C” to specifications, and “OL” to questionnaires.

As you can see, the number of the general designer’s contract (as well as the contractor’s, if any) and the year are added here.

1 Electrical working documentation. General requirements and recommendations for composition and design. (Replaces VSN 381-85). Moscow 1993.

2 Instructions for preparing project documentation.

3 GOST R 21.1101—2009. System of design documents for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation.

What rules for designating PSD do you follow?

According to the provisions of SNiP 11-01-95, working documentation (its composition) in the field of construction of enterprises, structures and buildings is determined by state SPDS standards, however, it is clarified by the designer and the customer during the preparation of an agreement or design contract. Industry, republican and state standards are not included in the working documentation. Also, it does not include those drawings of standard structures, components and products that are referenced in the working documentation drawings. But they, depending on the terms of the contract, can also be transferred to the customer. The composition of the provided working documentation is individual for each project, however, the content of a number of sections constitutes a standard list for the Working Documentation stage.

Detailed documentation as a stage in the preparation of project documentation

All project documentation can be presented in the form of packages representing three stages:

  1. Preliminary design (). This is the stage of developing the concept of a future facility with the determination of its main technical and economic characteristics. The preliminary design shows how the object is “planted” on the ground, what its structural layout and volumetric-spatial solution will be. This stage is distinguished conditionally. Pre-design studies are not always created when preparing the main packages of documents. However, practitioners believe that creating a preliminary design allows you to save a lot of time, effort and resources in the long-term implementation.
  2. Project documentation. Unlike the previous stage, this is a mandatory stage, which is subject to agreement with state executive authorities. The result of the approval is permission to construct the facility. The composition of the project documentation being developed is regulated by RF PP No. 87, however, the actual composition for each specific project will be individual, since the specifics of each project are unique.
  3. . Here, those design solutions that were outlined in the previous stage are developed in detail and as exhaustively as possible. Detailed documentation includes specifications, utility network profiles, drawings of original components, and/or axonometric diagrams. At this stage, there are no longer a number of sections presented and exhausted at the stage of project documentation: OOS (list of measures related to environmental protection), PIC (construction organization project), KEO (lighting and technical calculations of natural illumination and insolation), ITM (engineering and technical measures of civil defense) and others.

This ratio of two mandatory formats of documentation - design and working - replaced the previously existing standards, which provided for a different format for staged design with the inclusion of the “Feasibility Study” phase, the “Project” and “Detailed Design” phases (changes based on a letter from the Ministry of Regional Development RF No. 19088-SK/08 - 06/22/2009).

Now (based on RF PP N 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” - 02/16/2008) a definition of working documentation is given, according to which it includes documentation developed for the purpose of implementing technical, technological and architectural solutions during the construction process . The content and composition of the developed working documentation depend on the requirements of the customer (developer), which, in turn, depend on the level of detail of those solutions contained in the design documentation and included in the design assignment.

The Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, on the basis of RF PP No. 87, in connection with changes in the requirements for sections of project documentation, published its recommendations. According to them, when calculating the cost of design work, the following distribution of the base design price is accepted:

  • 40% – design documentation,
  • 60% – working documentation.

This base price is calculated using design work price guides based on the design stage. But the specified price ratio can be adjusted by agreement between the customer and the contractor, who, when making a decision, are guided by the specifics of construction projects and the completeness of the development of both types of documentation. Also, by agreement between the customer (developer) and the contractor (the person preparing the documents), the percentage of the base price is determined if the task provides for the parallel development of design and working documentation in full or partial volumes. Here the decision is also made based on:

  • functional and technological features,
  • architectural specifics,
  • constructive approaches,
  • engineering requirements,
  • degree of detail of each design element.

According to the mentioned recommendation of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, in the case of simultaneous development of both types of documentation at the initiative of the customer and with the consent of the expert organization, the documentation can be submitted for consideration by the state examination. The structural diagram of such an examination assumes the following sequence when submitting documentation:

  1. The design organization prepares urban planning, pre-design (sketch) and design and estimate documentation, which the customer gets acquainted with.
  2. The customer transfers the package to the expert council under the government of the Russian Federation, thereby initiating the State Comprehensive Expertise.
  3. The package of documents goes through sequentially:
    • Glavgosexpertiza of the Russian Federation,
    • Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense and Emergencies, Natural Resources, Health and Social Development, Industry and Energy,
    • federal executive authorities authorized to conduct the examination.
  4. Based on expert opinions, a summary conclusion is issued based on the results of the examination.
  5. The documentation is submitted for approval, after which, if the examination is successfully completed, it is returned to the customer, and, in case of comments, it is sent to the design organization for revision.

At the final stage, the customer can make his comments in the preparation of documentation, which is returned to the customer after the defects are eliminated.

Regulation of the composition of working documentation

SPDS standards and clarifications from the customer in the design assignment determine the composition of the developed working documentation.


Terms such as “detailed design”, “detailed documentation” were first introduced in SNiP 1.02.01-85, replacing or modifying the terminological set, which included the terms “technical design”, “technical design”, “working drawings” (SPDS standards , which began to be developed in the seventies, also extended to “working drawings”).

SNiP 1.02.01-85 in terms of the composition of working documentation was close to GOST 21.101-97, which defines the requirements for design and working documentation, where paragraph 3.2 states that the composition of the developed working documentation for the design and construction of buildings and structures generally includes:

  • Working drawings intended for construction and installation work.
  • Documentation according to GOST 21.501 for construction products.
  • Sketch drawings of non-standard products in accordance with GOST 21.114, which are carried out as necessary.
  • Specifications of equipment, materials and products in accordance with GOST 21.110.
  • Other documentation required by the SPDS.
  • Estimate documentation according to established forms.

In GOST R 21.1101-2013, in the description of the design documentation system, paragraph 4.2 with subparagraphs is devoted to working documentation, where it includes working drawings that are intended for installation and construction work and the documents attached to them from the main set. Here the main set includes working drawings and diagrams provided for by SPDS standards. And the list of attached documents includes:

In working drawings, by indicating references to documents, it is allowed to use standard structures, assemblies and products with working drawings in them, but reference documents (including drawings and standards containing drawings) do not apply to working documentation.

Sections of working documentation

The composition of the developed working documentation will differ in each specific project, but it usually consists of the following sections.

Main sections and their codes (brands):

  • Master Plan (GP).
  • Transport (TR).
  • Combined section of the master plan and transport (GT).
  • Highways (AH).
  • Railway tracks (RW).
  • Architectural solutions (AR).
  • The combined section of architectural and structural solutions is architectural and construction solutions (AC).
  • Technological solutions (TX).
  • Interiors (AI).
  • Technological communications (TC).
  • Estimates for capital construction projects (SD1).
  • Monitoring of prices of materials (SD2).
  • Complex automation (AC).

Sections related to design solutions and their codes (brands):

  • Reinforced concrete structures (RC).
  • Foundations and reinforced concrete structures (RCS).
  • Metal structures (CM).
  • Detailing metal structures (CMD).
  • Wooden structures (KD).
  • Static calculation (SRC).

Sections related to power supply and their codes (brands):

  • External power supply (ES).
  • Electric lighting (EL).
  • External electric lighting (EL).
  • Power electrical equipment (EM).
  • Power supply of engineering systems (EIS).

Sections related to water supply and their codes (brands):

  • Hydraulic solutions (HR).
  • External networks of the water supply system (WS).
  • External networks of the drainage system (DS).
  • Joint division of external water supply and sanitation networks (NVK).
  • Joint division of internal water supply and sanitation networks (VK).

Sections related to air flow, heat and cold supply and their codes (brands):

  • Dust removal (PU).
  • Ventilation, air conditioning and heating (HVAC).
  • Heat supply (HS).
  • Thermal mechanics (TM).
  • Refrigeration supply (CS).
  • Air supply (air supply).

Sections related to steam and gas supply and their codes:

  • External gas supply (GSN).
  • Internal gas supply (IGS).
  • Steam supply (PS).

Sections related to security systems, telecommunications and their codes (brands):

  • Radio and telephony (RT)
  • Structured cabling networks (SCN).
  • Video surveillance (VS).
  • Security alarm (OS).
  • Access control and accounting system (ACS).
  • Special fire extinguishing (FS).
  • Anti-corrosion protection (AZ).
  • Thermal insulation (TI).

Sections of working documentation can be presented in the form of standardized sets, which can be adjusted depending on the characteristics of a particular object.

Options for sets of working documentation

Below are presented several of the most common sets of working documentation in practice for industrial facilities.

General Plan (GP), as well as a combined section of the General Plan and Transport (GT)

General plan and transport structures (GOST 21.508-93 SPDS) in the case of combining working drawings into a single set in accordance with GOST 21.204-93 SPDS.

Composition of working documentation:

  • working drawings of the general plan (main set of the GP brand) and in a single set with transport structures - the main set of the GT brand,
  • sketch drawings of general views for non-standard products,
  • list of material requirements (GOST 21.110),
  • statement of volumes of installation and construction work (GOST 21.110).

The main set of working drawings of the general plan:

  • Total information,
  • plans: organization of relief, landscaping, earth masses, utility networks (consolidated),
  • layout plan,
  • remote fragments and elements (assemblies) (GOST 21.101).

Working drawings, with the exception of the plan of earth masses, are carried out on an engineering topographical plan.

Production technology (TX)

Working drawings for the technological solutions section include:

  • assignment for the production of detail drawings of technological units, which are assembled by organizations carrying out installation,
  • drawings for installation of process pipelines and equipment (basic set of TX brand),
  • drawings of special types of process pipelines,
  • requirements for the creation of design documentation for individually manufactured equipment (GOST 15.001-73), if these requirements are not presented in the working design.

The main set of working drawings of the TX brand:

  • Total information,
  • wiring diagram,
  • location of equipment and pipelines (drawings),
  • pipeline list.

The main kit is accompanied by statements about the requirements for materials (GOST 21.109-80) and the scope of installation work (GOST 21.111-84), as well as equipment specifications (GOST 21.110-82).

Architectural solutions (AR, GOST 21.501-93 SPDS)

For architectural solutions, working drawings of construction and installation works are carried out as part of the main kits with a grade assigned according to GOST 21.101. If necessary, an equipment specification is drawn up according to them (GOST 21.110). Construction and architectural drawings indicate the accuracy of the geometric parameters of structures, structures, and buildings (GOST 21.113). Requirements for the magnitude of accuracy for functional geometric parameters correlate with the requirements for the magnitude of accuracy in the manufacture and installation of structural elements, axes layout by calculation according to GOST 21780.

Basic set of working drawings of the AP brand:

  • Total information,
  • floor plans, technical underground, basement, technical floor, attic,
  • facades,
  • cuts,
  • floor plans,
  • roof plan (roof),
  • layout diagrams of prefabricated partitions and their elements,
  • layout diagrams of window openings and filling elements, as well as other openings,
  • extension fragments, elements (nodes)
  • specifications for layout diagrams (GOST 21.101).

When combining construction and architectural decisions, the composition of the AS is adopted.

Fire alarm (PS, GOST 25 1241-86)

Working drawings, according to which construction and installation work is carried out to create fire protection, are combined into basic sets according to the brands PS (fire alarm), PT (fire extinguishing), OS (security and fire and burglar alarm). Other markings are also possible - for example, APT (automated fire extinguishing, smoke removal system), etc.

The main set of working drawings of the PS brand:

  • Total information,
  • copying from the general plan, situational plan,
  • plan of premises, fire extinguishing station control units,
  • plan of protected buildings and structures (if necessary, with piping and cable wiring),
  • plan of protected buildings, structures with external pipeline routes,
  • a plan for the layout of cables, wires, pipelines, arrangement of equipment in protected premises, in the premises of control units, pumping stations and fire stations, as well as, if necessary, diagrams of pipelines and equipment of pumping stations.
  • grounding plan,
  • cuts, sections,
  • circuit diagram of monitoring and control,
  • diagram of electrical connections, connections and – if necessary – general electrical diagrams of the fire alarm system,
  • cable magazine.

In addition, if necessary, the kit includes:

  • functional and structural diagrams of AUP,
  • list of pipes filled with cables,
  • pipe bill of lading,
  • general views (drawings) of non-standard structures and equipment.

Basic kits can be divided by type of fire extinguishing (alarm), by type of installation work, by construction queues into several different basic kits.

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