Requirements for cement according to GOST 22266. Cement mortar for bricklaying. "sulfate-resistant cements. technical specifications"

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(EN 197-1:2011, NEQ) (EN 197-2:2000, NEQ)

Official publication

Moscow Standardinform 2014

GOST 22266-2013 Preface

The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2--2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards. rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Development rules. acceptance. applications. updates and cancellations

Standard information


2 INTRODUCED Technical Committee on standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization. metrology and certification (protocol No. 44-2013 dated November 14, 2013)

Short name of the country according to Country code according to MK Short name of the national t of the Republic of Armenia State Standard of the Republic of Belarus

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstandart Mopdova-Standard


4 This standard conforms to the following European regional standards. EN 197-1.2011 Cement - Pan 1. Composition, specification and conforming criteria for common cements (Cement. Part 1: Composition, technical requirements and conformity criteria for common cements). EM197-2.2000 Setegi - Paradise 2: Sopyugtyu euashayop (Cement. Part 2. Confirmation of conformity) regarding the classification of cements by material composition and strength

5 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 11, 2014 No. 653-st, the interstate standard GOST 22266-2013 was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from January 1, 2015

6 INSTEAD GOST 22266-94

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”. and the text of the changes and amendments is in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information. Regulations and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standardinfora, 2014

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced.

published, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

GOST 22266-2013


SULFATE-RESISTANT CEMENTS Technical specifications

Sulfate-resistant cements. Specifications

Date of introduction - 2015-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to sulfate-resistant cements (hereinafter referred to as cements). intended for the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures with increased corrosion resistance when exposed to environments. aggressive in sulfate content.

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards.

GOST 3476-74 Granulated blast furnace and electrothermophosphorus slags for cement production

GOST 4013-82 Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone for the production of binding materials. Specifications

GOST 5382-91 Cements and materials for cement production. Chemical analysis methods

GOST 6613-86 Woven wire mesh with square cells. Specifications

GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 30515-2013 Cements. General technical conditions

GOST 30744-20001 Cements. Test methods using polyfraction sand

GOST 31108-2003 General construction cements. Specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the effect of reference standards in the information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information guide “National Standards. which is published as of January 1 of this year. and on issues of the monthly information index “National Standards for this year. If the bulk standard is replaced (changed). then when using this standard, one should be guided by the replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement. The provision in which a reference is made to it is applied to the extent not affecting this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms and definitions in accordance with GOST 30515.

4 Classification and designations

4.1 Classification of cements by type. strength classes and subclasses must comply with GOST 30515 with the additional designation of sulfate resistance “SS” and Table 1 of this standard.

4.2 Based on their chemical composition, cements are divided into types.

CEM GSS - sulfate-resistant Portland cement;

TsEM A SS and TsEM ShV SS - sulfate-resistant Portland cement with mineral additives:

TsEM IMA SS - sulfate-resistant Portland slag cement.

4.3 Types, classes and subclasses of strength of sulfate-resistant cements. as well as additives approved for use - the main components of cement are listed in Table 1.

Official publication

GOST 22266-2013

Table 1 Name CeType of cement Used compounds and Permitted minerals strength subclasses additives - main components Sulfate-resistant | CEMTSS 32.5N. 32.55. 42.5H; | Portland cement 42.56 ee TsEM SHA-SH SS Blast-furnace - granulatedSulfate-resistant | I eat |uv-sh SS slag

C SS 32.5N; 32.55; 42.5N bases TsEM PA-K(Sh-MAK GC | ss Mixture of slag with [Mixture of slag © fluffed | m ss | 1MA-K(Sh- P.MK) SS or Ewes wana

Sulfate resistant | LEM IVA CC 32.5H: 32.56; 42.5H Blast furnace granulated Portland slag cement

Note - Types. strength classes and subclasses - according to GOST 31108.

4.4 The designation of cement must be:

From the name of cement according to 4.2 and table 1.

Cement type designations according to table 1:

Strength class and subclass;

Sulfate resistance designations “SS”;

Symbols of this standard.

Example symbol sulfate-resistant Portland cement, strength class 42.5, quick-hardening:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement TsEM 142.56 SS GOST 22266-2013.

The same symbol for sulfate-resistant Portland cement with the addition of pozzolana of strength class 32.5, normal-hardening:

Portlandiement with pozzolana TsEM SHA-P 32.5N SS GOST 22266-2013.

It is allowed to omit its name in the symbol of cement.

Example of symbol 1:

TsEM 1 42.5B SS GOST 22266-2013.

Example of symbol 2.

TsEM SHA-P 32.5N SS GOST 22266-2013.

Symbols for plasticized or hydrophobized cements must additionally include the designation of plasticization “PL” or hydrophobization “GF”, placed before the number of this standard.

An example of a symbol for plasticized sulfate-resistant Portland cement of strength class 42.5, normal-hardening:

Sulfate-resistant Portlandiement CEM 1! 42.5N SS PL GOST 22266-2013 and TsEM 142.5N SS PL GOST 22266-2013.

The same hydrophobized sulfate-resistant Portland cement with a slag content of 20% to 35%. strength class 32.5, normal hardening:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement with filler TsEM ShV-Sh 32.5N SS GF GOST 22266-2013 or TsEM Sh/V-Sh 32.5N SS GF GOST 22266-20013.

Symbol for cement in which the content of alkali oxides B:O does not exceed 0.6% of its mass. supplemented with the word “low alkaline” and the designation “NSCH”.

An example of a symbol for sulfate-resistant Portland cement. strength class 32.5. fast-hardening. low alkaline, pastified.

TsEM 1 32.5B SS NSCH PL GOST 22266-2013.

5 Technical requirements

Cements must comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to technological documentation. approved by the manufacturer.

GOST 22266-2013 5.1 Characteristics

5.1.1 Clinker. used in the production of cement. in terms of chemical and calculated mineralogical composition must meet the requirements. given in table 2.

Table 2 Percentage of clinker mass

Name Type of cement


Tricalcium - aluminum - 3.5 50 70 minate C, A. no more than S.A + S.AE]. no more

Alumina Ald; He fo | | Me more

5.1.2 Cement according to chemical composition must meet the requirements given in Table 3.

Table 3 Percentage of cement mass Name of display-

tepya M E. TsEM PNA SS

classes and subCEM 1!V-SH SS. all passes

strength passes TsEM SHA-P SS. and subclasses

32.5H: 32.56. . TsEM SHA-K SS strength

42.5N all classes and subclasses of strength

Loss on ignition is not standardized by PPP). no more than Insoluble residue Not standardized

(HO). He Gonee oe

Chlorine ion SG.

Alkaline oxides K:O in terms of Ma.O

* The requirement for the content of alkali oxides in cement is applied by agreement between the supplier and the consumer

Sulfur oxide $O.. no more

5.1.3 It is allowed to introduce additives - auxiliary components - into all types of cements. complying with the requirements of GOST 31108. At the same time, in cements of types TsEM IP and TsEM Sh, the total content of additives - main and auxiliary components should not be more than specified in Table 1 of GOST 31108.

5.1.4 By agreement between the supplier and the consumer, it is allowed to add plasticizing additives to the cement during grinding in an amount of no more than 0.5% of the cement mass in terms of the dry substance of the additive. Plasticizing additives should not be used. if they do not combine well with super- or hyperplasticizers. introduced into a concrete or mortar mixture during their manufacture to reduce water demand and/or increase the survivability of these mixtures.

5.1.5 For protection from moisture and CO; air and lengthening the shelf life of cement, it is allowed to add water-repellent additives to the cement during grinding in an amount of no more than 0.3% of the mass of cement in terms of the dry substance of the additive. Hydrophobized cement should not absorb water within 5 minutes from the moment a drop of water is applied to the surface of the cement.

5.1.6 During the production of cement, to intensify the grinding process, it is allowed to introduce technological additives that do not impair the quality of the cement. in an amount of no more than 0.5, organic additives - no more than 0.1% of the mass of cement in terms of the dry matter of the additive. In this case, the total content of all types of organic additives. introduced into cement. should not be more than 0.5%.

GOST 22266-2013

Efficiency of processing aids when first used. as well as the absence of their negative impact on the properties of cement and concrete must be confirmed by test results in accredited testing centers.

5.1.7 The compressive strength of cement of the corresponding class and strength subclass is given in Table 4.

Table 4 Class and subclass compressive strength, MPa. aged

strength 2 cyt. 7 days, cement no less than no less than 22.5H 2

32.51 a 32.56 r “ * AS 0

5.1.8 The cement must withstand tests for uniformity of volume change. The expansion of the samples should not be more than 10 mm.

5.1.93 In terms of the timing of the beginning of setting, cements must comply with the requirements of GOST 31108 for the corresponding classes and subclasses of strength.

5.1.10 Fineness of cement grinding, determined by the specific surface area using the air permeability method. should be at least 250 m“/kg. For cements. containing punzolan supplements. The grinding fineness is determined by the residue on the siev with mesh No. 009 according to GOST 6613. The residue on the sieve should not be more than 10% of the mass of the sifted sample. It is allowed to carry out determinations on a sieve with mesh No. 008 in accordance with GOST 6613. The residue on sieve No. 008 should not be more than 12% of the sifted mass

samples. 5.2 Material requirements

5.2.1 Used for the manufacture of cements.

Portland cement clinker of standardized composition in accordance with the requirements. shown in table 2;

Gypsum or gypsum anhydrite stone in accordance with GOST 40143. Other materials can be used. containing mainly calcium sulfate. according to the relevant regulatory documentation:

Granulated blast furnace slag according to GOST 3476. Aluminum oxide content A!.O. in slags for the production of cements TsEM P!A-Sh SS and TsEM MA-K SS there should be no more than 8%, in slags for the production of cements TsEM 11/8 SS and TsEM SS - no more than 12;

Pozzolana or microsilica according to current regulations.

5.2.2 Active mineral supplements must meet the requirements. given in subclause of GOST 31108.

5.2.3 Materials. used as auxiliary components must meet the requirements for these materials given in paragraph 5.2.3 of GOST 31108.

5.3 Packaging Cement packaging - according to GOST 30515. 5.4 Marking

Cement marking - according to GOST 30515

6 Safety requirements

6.1 Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A.” cement should contain no more than 370 Bq/kg, and mineral additives used in the manufacture of cement should not exceed 740 Bq/kg.

GOST 22266-2013

6.2 When producing and using cement, the requirements of hygienic standards must be met. established by the authorized body on the territory of the state. safety requirements of the technical regulations in force in the country.

6.3 It is not allowed to introduce technological or special additives into cement. increasing the hazard class of cements.

7 Acceptance rules

7.1 Acceptance of cement. including in-stream acceptance. carried out in accordance with GOST 30515 with the additions given in Table 5.

Table 5

Name Minor defect in the indicator Strength classes and subclasses 32.5H 32.55 42.5N 42.56

Compressive strength, MPa (lower limit). no less. in 803-

Start of setting, min. not earlier

Uniformity of changes in volume Significant defects are not allowed (expanding), mm. without getting sick

7.2 Each batch of cement or part. delivered to one address. must be accompanied by a quality document in accordance with GOST 30515.

8 Confirmation of compliance with the quality level of cement







(EN 197-1:2011, NEQ)

(EN 197-2:2000, NEQ)

Official publication



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

Standard information


2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction)”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol No. 44-2013 of November 14, 2013)

4 This standard is in accordance with the following European regional standards: EN 197*1:2011 Cement - Part 1: Composition, specification and conforming criteria for common cements: EN197-2: 2000 Cement - Part 2: Conformity evaluation (Cement. Part 2: Confirmation of conformity) regarding the classification of cements by material composition and strength

5 By order Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated June 11, 2014 N9 653-st interstate standard GOST 22266-2013 entered into force as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2015.

6 INSTEAD GOST 22266-94

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index " National standards", and the text of changes and amendments is in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information. notification and texts are also posted in information system for general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standardinform, 2014

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be reproduced in whole or in part. replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

(IMS No. 10 2015)


SULFATE-RESISTANT CEMENTS Technical specifications

Sulfate-resistant cements. Specifications

Date of introduction - 2015-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to sulfate-resistant cements (hereinafter referred to as cements) intended for the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures with increased corrosion resistance when exposed to environments that contain aggressive sulfates.

This standard uses regulatory references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 3476-74 Granulated blast furnace and electrothermophosphorus tars for cement production

GOST 4013-82 Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone for the production of binding materials. Specifications

GOST 5382-91 Cements and materials for cement production. Methods chemical analysis

GOST 6613-86 Woven wire mesh with square cells. Specifications

GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 30515-2013 Cements. Are common technical specifications

GOST 30744-2001 Cements. Test methods using polyfraction sand

GOST 31108-2003 General construction cements. Specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and by monthly issues information index"National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given shall apply to Part 8, which does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms and definitions according to GOST 30515.

4 Classification and designations

4.1 Classification of cements by types, classes and subclasses of strength must comply with GOST 30515 with the additional designation of sulfate resistance “SS” and Table 1 of this standard.

4.2 Based on their material composition, cements are divided into types:

CEM I SS - sulfate-resistant Portland cement;

CEM II/A SS and CEM II/B SS - sulfate-resistant Portland cement with mineral additives:

CEM Ill/A SS - sulfate-resistant slag-ortland cement.

4.3 Types, classes and subclasses of strength of sulfate-resistant cements, as well as additives permitted for use - the main components of cement are listed in Table 1.

Official publication

Table 1

Name of cement

Type of cement

Applicable strength classes and subclasses

Permitted mineral supplements - main components

Sulfate resistant

potland cement

32.5N. 32.5B. 42.5H; 42.5B

Not allowed

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement with mineral additives

TsEM ll/A-Sh SS TsEM ll/B-Sh SS

32.5H; 32.5B; 42.5N

Blast furnace granulated slag

TsEM ll/A-P SS



A mixture of slag with pozzolana or microsilica

Sulfate resistant


32.5H; 32.5B; 42.5N

Blast furnace granulated slag

Note - Types, classes and subclasses of strength - according to GOST 31108.

4.4 The symbol for cement should be:

From the name of cement according to 4.2 and table 1:

Cement type designations according to table 1:

Strength class and subclass;

Sulfate resistance designations “SS”;

Symbols of this standard.

An example of a symbol for sulfate-resistant Portland cement of strength class 42.5, fast-hardening:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement TsEM142.56 SS GOST 22266-2013.

The same symbol for sulfate-resistant Portland cement with the addition of pozzolana of strength class 32.5, normal-hardening:

Sulphated Portland cement with pozzolans TsEM ll/A-P 32.5N SS GOST 22266-2013.

It is allowed to omit its name in the symbol of cement.

Example of symbol 1:

TsEM / 42.56 SS GOST 22266-2013.

Example of symbol 2:

TsEM11/A-P 32.5N SS GOST22266-2013.

Symbols for plasticized or hydrophobic cements must additionally include the designation of plasticization “PL” or hydrophobicity “GF”, placed before the number of this standard.

An example of a symbol for plasticized sulfate-resistant Portland cement of strength class 42.5, normal-hardening:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement TsEM I 42.5N SS PL GOST 22266-2013 or TsEM 142.SH SS PL GOST 22266-2013.

The same hydrophobic sulfate-resistant Portland cement with a slag content of 20% to 35%. strength class 32.5. normal-weight:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement with slag TsEM 11/8-Sh 32.5N SS GF GOST 22266-2013 or TsEM I/V-Sh 32.5N SS GF GOST 22266-2013.

The symbol for cement, in which the content of alkaline oxides RjO does not exceed 0.6% of its mass, is supplemented with the word “low-alkaline” or the designation “NSH.”

An example of a symbol for sulfate-resistant Portland cement, strength class 32.5, fast-hardening. low-alkaline, plasticized:

TsEM 132.56 SS NSh PL GOST 22266-2013.

5 Technical requirements

Cements must comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to technological documentation approved by the manufacturer.

5.1 Characteristics

5.1.1 Clinker used in cement production must meet the requirements given in Table 2 in terms of chemical and calculated mineralogical composition.

Table 2 Percentage of clinker mass



Type of cement

TsEM 11/A-sh SS


Tricalcium aluminate CjA. no more

(S.A + C.AFI. no more

Not nominated

Not nominated

Aluminum oxide AljOj no more

Not standardized

Magnesium oxide MdO. no more

5.1.2 The chemical composition of the cement must meet the requirements given in Table 3.

Table3 Percentage of cement mass

Name of the indicator

Types of sulfate-resistant cements

strength classes and subclasses 32.5N; 32.5B: 42.5N

strength class and subclass 42.5B

TsEM li/A-lu SS.

TsEM lt/B-SH SS. TsEM 11/A-P SS. TsEM N/A-K SS of all classes and subclasses of luster

TsEM iil/A SS

all classes and subclasses of strength

Losses on ignition PPP1. no more

Not standardized

Insoluble residue

Not standardized

Sulfur oxide SOi. no whiter

Chlorine ion C! . no more

Alkali oxides RjO in terms of Ma-.0

Not standardized

* The requirement for the content of alkali oxides in cement is applied by agreement between the supplier and the consumer._

5.1.3 It is allowed to introduce into all types of cements additives - auxiliary components that meet the requirements of GOST 31108. Moreover, in cements of types TsEM I and TsEM III, the total content of additives - main and auxiliary components should not exceed that specified in Table 1 of GOST 31108.

5.1.4 By agreement between the supplier and the consumer, it is allowed to add plasticizing additives to the cement during grinding in an amount of no more than 0.5% of the cement mass in terms of the dry substance of the additive. Plasticizing additives should not be used if they do not combine well with super- or hyperplasticizers introduced into concrete or mortar mixture during their manufacture to reduce water demand and/or increase the survivability of these mixtures.

5.1.5 To protect against the effects of moisture and CO2 in the air and to extend the shelf life of cement, it is allowed to add water-repellent additives to the cement during grinding in an amount of no more than 0.3% of the mass of cement in terms of the dry substance of the additive. Hydrophobic cement should not absorb water within 5 minutes from the moment a drop of water is applied to the surface of the cement.

5.1.8 When producing cement to intensify the grinding process, it is allowed to introduce technological additives that do not impair the quality of cement in an amount of no more than 0.5. organic additives - no more than 0.1% of the mass of cement, calculated on the dry matter of the additive. In this case, the total content of all types of organic additives introduced into cement should not be more than 0.5%.

The effectiveness of technological additives when they are first used, as well as the absence of their negative impact on the properties of cement and concrete, must be confirmed by test results in accredited testing centers.

5.1.7 The compressive strength of cement of the corresponding class and strength subclass is given in Table 4.

Table 4

Class and subclass durable gi ueueHia

Compression strength. MPa. and voeasta

2 days no less

7 days no less

5.1.8 The cement must withstand tests for uniformity of volume change. The expansion of the samples should not be more than 10 mm.

5.1.9 In terms of the timing of the beginning of setting, cements must comply with the requirements of GOST 31108 for the corresponding classes and subclasses of strength.

5.1.10 Fineness of cement grinding, determined by the specific surface area using the air permeability method. must be at least 250 m 2 /kg. For cements containing pozzolana additives, the grinding fineness is determined by the residue on a sieve with mesh No. 009 in accordance with GOST 6613. The residue on the sieve should not be more than 10% of the mass of the sifted sample. It is allowed to carry out determinations on a sieve with mesh No. 008 in accordance with GOST 6613. The residue on sieve No. 008 should not be more than 12% of the mass of the sifted sample.

5.2 Material requirements

5.2.1 For the production of cements the following is used:

Portland cement clinker of standardized composition in accordance with the requirements given in Table 2:

Gypsum or gypsum anhydrite stone in accordance with GOST 4013. Other materials can be used. containing mainly calcium sulfate, according to the relevant regulatory documentation;

Granulated blast furnace slag according to GOST 3476. The content of aluminum oxide A1 2 0 3 in slags for the production of cements TsEM 11/A-Sh SS and TsEM 11UA-K SS should be no more than 8%, in slags for the production of cements TsEM I/V-Sh SS and TsEM Sh/A SS - no more than 12;

Pozzolana or microsilica according to current regulations.

5.2.2 Active mineral additives must meet the requirements given in subclause S.2.2.2 of GOST 31108.

5.2.3 Materials used as auxiliary components must comply with the requirements for these materials given in paragraph 5.2.3 of GOST 31108.

5.3 Packaging

Cement packaging - according to GOST 30515.

5.4 Marking

Cement marking - according to GOST 3CS15

b Safety requirements

6.1 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A, f f in cement should be no more than 370 Bq/khg. and mineral additives used in the production of cement - no more than 740 Bq/kg.

6.2 When producing and using cement, the requirements of hygienic standards established by the authorized body on the territory of the state and the safety requirements of the technical regulations in force in the country must be met.

6.3 It is not allowed to introduce technological or special additives into cement that increase the hazard class of cements.

7 Acceptance rules

7.1 Acceptance of cement, including acceptance in flow, is carried out in accordance with GOST 30515 with the additions given in Table 5.

Table 5



Minor defect

Classes and subclasses

Compressive strength. MPa (lower limit), not less, at age:

Start of setting, min. not oanwe

Uniformity of volume change (estimation). mm. no more

Minor defects are not allowed

TsEM ll/A-Sh SS TsEM ll/B-Sh SS TsEM ll/A-P SS TsEM II/A-K SS


7.2 Each batch of cement or part thereof delivered to one address must be accompanied by a quality document in accordance with GOST 30515.

8 Confirmation of compliance with the quality level of cement

8.1 Assessment of compliance of the quality level with the requirements of this standard is carried out in accordance with GOST 30515 with the additions given in Table 6.

Table 6

Indicator name

Type of cement

Statistical method quality level confirmation

Score by Variables

Acceptance grade

Contents of S%A in clincheo

Amount C "A + CiAF in klinkoe


Compressive strength

Contents of oxide (VI) SO,

Start of setting

Uniformity of volume change (expansion)

Material composition of cement

The quality level is assessed.

The quality level is not assessed.

9 Test methods

9.1 Physical and mechanical properties of cements are determined according to GOST 30744.

9.2 Chemical parameters of clinker, cement and materials used in their production. determined according to GOST 5382.

9.3 Calculation of the mineralogical composition of clinker for cement type CEM I SS is carried out on the basis of data on the chemical composition of cement, for other cements - on the basis of data on the chemical composition of clinker using the formulas:

C>A (3Ca0A1 2 0 3) = 2.65 (A1 g 0 3 - 0.64 Fe 0 3).

C AF (4CaO■ AI203 Fe203) = 3.04 Fe 2 0 3 .

R 2 0 = Na z O + 0.658 KgO.

9.4 The material composition of cements is determined in samples taken at the manufacturing plant according to accepted certified methods.

9.5 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A >s>t> in cement is determined according to GOST 30108. Tests are performed periodically in accredited testing laboratories.

10 Transportation and storage

Transportation and storage of cements is carried out in accordance with GOST 30515.

11 Manufacturer's warranty

Manufacturer's guarantees - in accordance with GOST 30515.

Depending on the requirements for concrete, cements are recommended to be used in accordance with Table A.1.

Table A.1

Special requirements for concrete

Type of cement

TsEM 11/A-Sh SS TsEM 11/V-Sh SS



Corrosion resistance when exposed to environments that contain aggressive sulfates

All cements can be used

Corrosion resistance when exposed to environments that contain aggressive sulfates, with simultaneous systematic freezing and thawing and/or wetting and drying

Strength classes and subclasses of 32.56 and 42.5N are allowed based on test results

Corrosion resistance when exposed to environments that contain aggressive sugphates. and requires reduced heat generation

UDC 691.54:006.354 MKS 91.100.10 NEQ

Key words: sulfate-resistant cements, technical requirements, acceptance rules and quality level assessment, test methods

Signed for publication on November 1, 2014. Format 60x84V#.

Uel. oven l. 1.40. Circulation 50 eke. Zach. 4461

Prepared based on the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard


123995 Moscow, Granatny lane, 4.

In the Russian Federation, GOST R 51795 “Cements. Methods for determining the content of mineral additives"

In the Russian Federation, sulfate-resistant cement is used in concrete for transport purposes. must also meet the requirements of GOST R 55224-2012 “Cements for transport construction. Technical conditions".

Put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 11, 2014 N 653-st

Interstate standard GOST 22266-2013


Sulfate-resistant cements. Specifications


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application , updates and cancellations"

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to sulfate-resistant cements (hereinafter referred to as cements) intended for the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures that have increased corrosion resistance when exposed to environments that contain aggressive sulfates.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 3476-74 Granulated blast furnace and electrothermophosphorus slags for cement production

GOST 4013-82 Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone for the production of binding materials. Specifications

GOST 5382-91 Cements and materials for cement production. Chemical analysis methods

GOST 6613-86 Woven wire mesh with square cells. Specifications

GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 30515-2013 Cements. General technical conditions

GOST 30744-2001 Cements. Test methods using polyfraction sand

GOST 31108-2003 General construction cements. Specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms and definitions in accordance with GOST 30515.

4 Classification and designations

4.1 Classification of cements by types, classes and subclasses of strength must comply with GOST 30515 with the additional designation of sulfate resistance "SS" and Table 1 of this standard.

4.2 Based on their material composition, cements are divided into types:

CEM I SS - sulfate-resistant Portland cement;

CEM II/A SS and CEM II/B SS - sulfate-resistant Portland cement with mineral additives;

CEM Ill/A SS - sulfate-resistant Portland slag cement.

4.3 Types, classes and subclasses of strength of sulfate-resistant cements, as well as additives permitted for use - the main components of cement are listed in Table 1.

Table 1

Name of cement

Type of cement

Applicable strength classes and subclasses

Permitted mineral supplements - main components

Sulfate resistant Portland cement

32.5H; 32.5B; 42.5N; 42.5B

Not allowed

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement with mineral additives



32.5H; 32.5B; 42.5N

Blast furnace granulated slag





Mixture of slag with pozzolana or microsilica

Sulfate-resistant Portland slag cement

32.5H; 32.5B; 42.5N

Blast furnace granulated slag

Note - Types, classes and subclasses of strength - according to GOST 31108.

4.4 The symbol for cement should be:

From the name of cement according to 4.2 and table 1;

Designations of cement type according to table 1;

Strength class and subclass;

Sulfate resistance designations "SS";

Symbols of this standard.

An example of a symbol for sulfate-resistant Portland cement of strength class 42.5, quick-hardening:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement TsEM I 42.5B SS GOST 22266-2013.

The same symbol for sulfate-resistant Portland cement with the addition of pozzolana of strength class 32.5, normal-hardening:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement with pozzolana CEM II/A-P 32.5N SS GOST 22266-2013.

It is allowed to omit its name in the symbol of cement.

Example of symbol 1:

TsEM I 42.5B SS GOST 22266-2013.

Example of symbol 2:

TsEM II/A-P 32.5N SS GOST 22266-2013.

Symbols for plasticized or hydrophobized cements must additionally include the designation of plasticization “PL” or hydrophobization “GF”, placed before the number of this standard.

An example of a symbol for plasticized sulfate-resistant Portland cement of strength class 42.5, normal-hardening:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement TsEM I 42.5N SS PL GOST 22266-2013 or TsEM I 42.5N SS PL GOST 22266-2013.

The same hydrophobized sulfate-resistant Portland cement with a slag content of 20% to 35%, strength class 32.5, normal hardening:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement with slag TsEM II/V-Sh 32.5N SS GF GOST 22266-2013 or TsEM II/V-Sh 32.5N SS GF GOST 22266-2013.

The symbol for cement, in which the content of alkaline oxides R 2 O does not exceed 0.6% of its mass, is supplemented with the word “low-alkaline” or the designation “NSH.”

An example of a symbol for sulfate-resistant Portland cement, strength class 32.5, fast-hardening, low-alkali, plasticized:

TsEM I 32.5B SS NSCH PL GOST 22266-2013.

5 Technical requirements

Cements must comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to technological documentation approved by the manufacturer.

5.1 Characteristics

5.1.1 Clinker used in cement production must meet the requirements given in Table 2 in terms of chemical and calculated mineralogical composition.

table 2

Percentage of clinker mass

5.1.2 The chemical composition of the cement must meet the requirements given in Table 3.

Table 3

Percentage of cement mass

Indicator name

Types of sulfate-resistant cements

TsEM I SS classes and subclasses of strength 32.5N; 32.5B; 42.5N

CEM I SS class and strength subclass 42.5B

TsEM ll/A-Sh SS, TsEM ll/B-Sh SS, TsEM Il/A-P SS, TsEM II/A-K SS
all classes and subclasses of strength

TsEM Ill/A SS of all strength classes and subclasses

Loss on ignition (LOI), no more

Not standardized

Insoluble residue (IOR),

Not standardized

Sulfur oxide SO 3, no more

Chlorine ion Cl -, no more

Alkaline oxides R 2 O in terms of Na 2 O

Not standardized

* The requirement for the content of alkali oxides in cement is applied by agreement between the supplier and the consumer.

5.1.3 It is allowed to introduce into all types of cements additives - auxiliary components that meet the requirements of GOST 31108. Moreover, in cements of types CEM II and CEM III, the total content of additives - main and auxiliary components should not exceed that specified in Table 1 of GOST 31108.

5.1.4 By agreement between the supplier and the consumer, it is allowed to add plasticizing additives to the cement during grinding in an amount of no more than 0.5% of the cement mass in terms of the dry substance of the additive. Plasticizing additives should not be used if they do not combine well with super- or hyperplasticizers introduced into the concrete or mortar mixture during their manufacture to reduce water demand and/or increase the survivability of these mixtures.

5.1.5 To protect against the effects of moisture and CO 2 in the air and to extend the shelf life of cement, it is allowed to add water-repellent additives to the cement during grinding in an amount of no more than 0.3% of the mass of cement in terms of the dry substance of the additive. Hydrophobized cement should not absorb water within 5 minutes from the moment a drop of water is applied to the surface of the cement.

5.1.6 In the production of cement, to intensify the grinding process, it is allowed to introduce technological additives that do not impair the quality of cement in an amount of no more than 0.5, organic additives - no more than 0.1% of the mass of cement in terms of the dry substance of the additive. In this case, the total content of all types of organic additives introduced into cement should not exceed 0.5%.

The effectiveness of technological additives when first used, as well as the absence of their negative impact on the properties of cement and concrete, must be confirmed by test results in accredited testing centers.

5.1.7 The compressive strength of cement of the corresponding class and strength subclass is given in Table 4.

Table 4

5.1.8 The cement must withstand tests for uniformity of volume change. The expansion of the samples should not be more than 10 mm.

5.1.9 In terms of the timing of the beginning of setting, cements must comply with the requirements of GOST 31108 for the corresponding classes and subclasses of strength.

5.1.10 The grinding fineness of cement, determined by the specific surface area using the air permeability method, must be at least 250 m 2 /kg. For cements containing pozzolana additives, the grinding fineness is determined by the residue on a sieve with mesh N 009 in accordance with GOST 6613. The residue on the sieve should not be more than 10% of the mass of the sifted sample. It is allowed to carry out determinations on a sieve with mesh No. 008 in accordance with GOST 6613. The residue on sieve No. 008 should not be more than 12% of the mass of the sifted sample.

5.2 Material requirements

5.2.1 For the production of cements the following is used:

Portland cement clinker of standardized composition in accordance with the requirements given in Table 2;

Gypsum or gypsum anhydrite stone in accordance with GOST 4013. It is allowed to use other materials containing mainly calcium sulfate, in accordance with the relevant regulatory documentation;

Granulated blast furnace slag according to GOST 3476. The content of aluminum oxide Al 2 O 3 in slags for the production of cements TsEM II/A-Sh SS and TsEM II/A-K SS should be no more than 8%, in slags for the production of cements TsEM ll/V -SH SS and TsEM Ill/A SS - no more than 12;

Pozzolana or microsilica according to current regulations.

5.2.2 Active mineral additives must meet the requirements given in subclause of GOST 31108.

5.2.3 Materials used as auxiliary components must comply with the requirements for these materials given in paragraph 5.2.3 of GOST 31108.

5.3 Packaging

Cement packaging - according to GOST 30515.

5.4 Marking

Cement marking - according to GOST 30515

6 Safety requirements

6.1 Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides Aeff in cement should be no more than 370 Bq/kg, and mineral additives used in the manufacture of cement should be no more than 740 Bq/kg.

6.2 When producing and using cement, the requirements of hygienic standards established by the authorized body on the territory of the state and the safety requirements of the technical regulations in force in the country must be met.

6.3 It is not allowed to introduce technological or special additives into cement that increase the hazard class of cements.

7 Acceptance rules

7.1 Acceptance of cement, including acceptance in flow, is carried out in accordance with GOST 30515 with the additions given in Table 5.

Table 5

Indicator name

Minor defect

Strength classes and subclasses

Compressive strength, MPa (lower limit), not less, at age:

Start of setting, min, not earlier

Uniformity of volume change (expansion), mm, no more

Minor defects are not allowed





7.2 Each batch of cement or part thereof delivered to one address must be accompanied by a quality document in accordance with GOST 30515.

8 Confirmation of compliance with the quality level of cement

8.1 Assessment of compliance of the quality level with the requirements of this standard is carried out in accordance with GOST 30515 with the additions given in Table 6.

Table 6

Indicator name

Type of cement

Statistical method for confirming quality level

Score by Variables

Evaluation by acceptance number

Sum C 3 A+C 4 AF in clinker

Compressive strength

Start of setting

Uniformity of volume change (expansion)

Material composition of cement

The quality level is assessed.

The quality level is not assessed.

9 Test methods

9.1 Physical and mechanical properties of cements are determined according to GOST 30744.

9.2 Chemical parameters of clinker, cement and materials used in their production are determined according to GOST 5382.

9.3 Calculation of the mineralogical composition of clinker for cement type CEM I SS is carried out on the basis of data on the chemical composition of cement, for other cements - on the basis of data on the chemical composition of clinker using the formulas:

C 3 A(3CaO Al 2 O 3)=2.65(Al 2 O 3 -0.64Fe 2 O 3),

(4CaO Al 2 O 3 Fe 2 O 3) = 3.04 Fe 2 O 3,

R 2 O=Na 2 O +0.658K 2 O.

9.4 The material composition of cements is determined in samples taken at the manufacturer according to accepted certified methods *.

9.5 Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides Aeff in cement is determined according to GOST 30108. Tests are performed periodically in accredited testing laboratories.

10 Transportation and storage

Transportation and storage of cements is carried out in accordance with GOST 30515.

11 Manufacturer's warranty

Manufacturer's guarantees - in accordance with GOST 30515.

* In the Russian Federation, GOST R 51795 "Cements. Methods for determining the content of mineral additives" is in force.

Depending on the requirements for concrete, cements are recommended to be used in accordance with Table A.1.

Table A.1

Special requirements for concrete

Type of cement




Corrosion resistance when exposed to environments that contain aggressive sulfates

All cements can be used

Corrosion resistance when exposed to environments that contain aggressive sulfates, with simultaneous systematic freezing and thawing and/or wetting and drying

Strength classes and subclasses 32.5B and 42.5N are allowed based on test results

Corrosion resistance when exposed to sulfate-aggressive environments and requires reduced heat generation


* In the Russian Federation, sulfate-resistant cement used in concrete for transport purposes must also meet the requirements of GOST R 55224-2012 "Cements for transport construction. Technical conditions".

About construction. Technical conditions".

Interstate standard GOST 22266-2013
"Sulfate-resistant cements. Technical specifications"
(put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 11, 2014 N 653-st)

Sulfate-resistant cements. Specifications


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application , updates and cancellations"

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to sulfate-resistant cements (hereinafter referred to as cements) intended for the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures that have increased corrosion resistance when exposed to environments that contain aggressive sulfates.

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

Table 1

Name of cement

Type of cement

Applicable strength classes and subclasses

Permitted mineral supplements - main components

Sulfate resistant Portland cement

32.5H; 32.5B; 42.5N; 42.5B

Not allowed

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement with mineral additives



32.5H; 32.5B; 42.5N

Blast furnace granulated slag





Mixture of slag with pozzolana or microsilica

Sulfate-resistant Portland slag cement

32.5H; 32.5B; 42.5N

Blast furnace granulated slag

Note - Types, classes and subclasses of strength - according to GOST 31108.

4.4 The symbol for cement should be:

From the name of cement according to 4.2 and table 1;

Cement type designations according to table 1;

Strength class and subclass;

Sulfate resistance designations "SS";

Symbols of this standard.

An example of a symbol for sulfate-resistant Portland cement of strength class 42.5, quick-hardening:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement TsEM I 42.5B SS GOST 22266-2013.

The same symbol for sulfate-resistant Portland cement with the addition of pozzolana of strength class 32.5, normal-hardening:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement with pozzolana CEM II/A-P 32.5N SS GOST 22266-2013.

It is allowed to omit its name in the symbol of cement.

Example of symbol 1:

TsEM I 42.5B SS GOST 22266-2013.

Example of symbol 2:

TsEM II/A-P 32.5N SS GOST 22266-2013.

Symbols for plasticized or hydrophobized cements must additionally include the designation of plasticization “PL” or hydrophobization “GF”, placed before the number of this standard.

An example of a symbol for plasticized sulfate-resistant Portland cement of strength class 42.5, normal-hardening:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement TsEM I 42.5N SS PL GOST 22266-2013 or TsEM I 42.5N SS PL GOST 22266-2013.

The same hydrophobized sulfate-resistant Portland cement with a slag content of 20% to 35%, strength class 32.5, normal hardening:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement with slag TsEM II/V-Sh 32.5N SS GF GOST 22266-2013 or TsEM II/V-Sh 32.5N SS GF GOST 22266-2013.

The symbol for cement, in which the content of alkaline oxides does not exceed 0.6% of its mass, is supplemented with the word “low-alkaline” or the designation “NSH.”

An example of a symbol for sulfate-resistant Portland cement, strength class 32.5, fast-hardening, low-alkali, plasticized:

TsEM I 32.5B SS NSCH PL GOST 22266-2013.

5 Technical requirements

Cements must comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to technological documentation approved by the manufacturer.

5.1 Characteristics

5.1.1 Clinker used in cement production must meet the requirements given in Table 2 in terms of chemical and calculated mineralogical composition.

table 2

Percentage of clinker mass

Indicator name

Type of cement






Tricalcium aluminate, no more

No more

Not standardized

Not standardized

Aluminum oxide, no more

Not standardized

Magnesium oxide MgO, no more

5.1.2 The chemical composition of the cement must meet the requirements given in Table 3.

Table 3

Percentage of cement mass

Indicator name

Types of sulfate-resistant cements

TsEM I SS classes and subclasses of strength 32.5N; 32.5B; 42.5N

CEM I SS class and strength subclass 42.5B

TsEM ll/A-Sh SS, TsEM ll/B-Sh SS, TsEM Il/A-P SS, TsEM II/A-K SS
all classes and subclasses of strength

TsEM Ill/A SS of all strength classes and subclasses

Loss on ignition (LOI), no more

Not standardized

Insoluble residue (IOR),

Not standardized

Sulfur oxide, no more

Chlorine ion, no more

Alkaline oxides in terms of

Not standardized

* The requirement for the content of alkali oxides in cement is applied by agreement between the supplier and the consumer.

5.1.3 It is allowed to introduce additives into all types of cements - auxiliary components that meet the requirements of GOST 31108. At the same time, in cements of types CEM II and CEM III, the total content of additives - main and auxiliary components should not exceed that specified in GOST 31108.

5.1.4 By agreement between the supplier and the consumer, it is allowed to add plasticizing additives to the cement during grinding in an amount of no more than 0.5% of the cement mass in terms of the dry substance of the additive. Plasticizing additives should not be used if they do not combine well with super- or hyperplasticizers introduced into the concrete or mortar mixture during their manufacture to reduce water demand and/or increase the survivability of these mixtures.

5.1.5 To protect against the effects of moisture and air and extend the shelf life of cement, it is allowed to add water-repellent additives to the cement during grinding in an amount of no more than 0.3% of the mass of cement in terms of the dry substance of the additive. Hydrophobized cement should not absorb water within 5 minutes from the moment a drop of water is applied to the surface of the cement.

5.1.6 In the production of cement, to intensify the grinding process, it is allowed to introduce technological additives that do not impair the quality of cement in an amount of no more than 0.5, organic additives - no more than 0.1% of the mass of cement in terms of the dry substance of the additive. In this case, the total content of all types of organic additives introduced into cement should not exceed 0.5%.

The effectiveness of technological additives when first used, as well as the absence of their negative impact on the properties of cement and concrete, must be confirmed by test results in accredited testing centers.

5.1.7 The compressive strength of cement of the corresponding class and strength subclass is given in Table 4.

Table 4

Class and subclass of cement strength

Compressive strength, MPa, aged

2 days, no less

7 days, no less

5.1.8 The cement must withstand tests for uniformity of volume change. The expansion of the samples should not be more than 10 mm.

5.1.9 In terms of the timing of the beginning of setting, cements must comply with the requirements of GOST 31108 for the corresponding classes and subclasses of strength.

5.1.10 The grinding fineness of cement, determined by the specific surface area using the air permeability method, must be at least 250. For cements containing pozzolanic additives, the grinding fineness is determined by the residue on a sieve with mesh N 009 according to GOST 6613. The residue on the sieve should not be more than 10% of the weight of the sample being sifted. It is allowed to carry out determinations on a sieve with mesh N 008 in accordance with GOST 6613. The residue on sieve No. 008 should not be more than 12% of the weight of the sifted sample.

5.2 Material requirements

5.2.1 For the production of cements the following is used:

Portland cement clinker of standardized composition in accordance with the requirements given in Table 2;

Gypsum or gypsum anhydrite stone according to GOST 4013. It is allowed to use other materials containing mainly calcium sulfate, in accordance with the relevant regulatory documentation;

Granulated blast furnace slag according to GOST 3476. The content of aluminum oxide in slags for the production of cements TsEM II/A-Sh SS and TsEM II/A-K SS should be no more than 8%, in slags for the production of cements TsEM II/A-Sh SS and TsEM Ill/A SS - not more than 12;

Pozzolana or microsilica according to current regulations.

5.2.2 Active mineral additives must meet the requirements given in subclause of GOST 31108.

5.2.3 Materials used as auxiliary components must comply with the requirements for these materials given in paragraph 5.2.3 of GOST 31108.

6 Safety requirements

6.1 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in cement should be no more than 370 Bq/kg, and the mineral additives used in the manufacture of cement should not be more than 740 Bq/kg.

6.2 When producing and using cement, the requirements of hygienic standards established by the authorized body on the territory of the state and the safety requirements of the technical regulations in force in the country must be met.

6.3 It is not allowed to introduce technological or special additives into cement that increase the hazard class of cements.

7 Acceptance rules

7.1 Acceptance of cement, including acceptance in flow, is carried out in accordance with GOST 30515 with the additions given in Table 5.

Table 5

Indicator name

Minor defect

Strength classes and subclasses

Compressive strength, MPa (lower limit), not less, at age:

Start of setting, min, not earlier

Uniformity of volume change (expansion), mm, no more

Minor defects are not allowed




Official publication

(EN 197-1:2011,NEQ) (EN 197-2:2000,NEQ)


Debate is not

The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system Basic provisions” and GOST 1.2-2009 “Interstate standardization system Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization Rules for development, adoption; application, renewal and cancellation"

Standard information


2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 44-2013 of November 14, 2013)

4 This standard is in accordance with the following European regional standards: EN 197-1:2011 Cement - Part 1: Composition, specification and confoiming criteria for common cements, EN 197-2: 2000 Cement - Part 2: Confonmtyevaluation (Cement Part 2: Confirmation of conformity) regarding the classification of cements according to substances of different composition and strength

5 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 11, 2014 No. 653-st, the interstate standard GOST 22266-2013 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2015.

Information about changes to this standard is given to the public in the annual information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is in the monthly information index “National Standards* In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in monthly informationионном указателе «Национальные стандарты*. Соответствующая информазщя, уведомление и тексты размещаются также в информационной системе общего пользования - на офшщальном сайте Федерального агентства по техническому регулированию иметрологгш в сети Интернет!}

© Standardinform, 2014

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology II

GOST 22266-2013

1 area of ​​use............................................... ...................

3 Terms and definitions................................................... ..............

4 Classification and symbols.................................................

5 Technical requirements........................................................ .............

6 Safety requirements................................................................... ..........

7 Acceptance rules......................................................... ........................

8 Confirmation of compliance with the quality level of the cement.......

9 Test methods................................................... ....................

Yu Transportation and storage................................................... .

And Manufacturer's Warranty................................................... ...............

sulphate of resistant cements....................................


SULFATE-RESISTANT CEMENTS Technical specifications

Sulfate-resistant cements. Specifications

Date of introduction -2015-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to sulfate-resistant cements (hereinafter referred to as cements) intended for the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures that have increased corrosion resistance when exposed to environments that contain aggressive sulfates.

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 3476-74 Granulated blast furnace and electrothermophosphorus slags for cement production

GOST 4013-82 Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone for the production of binding materials Technical conditions

GOST 5382-91 Cements and materials for cement production. Chemical analysis methods

GOST 6613-86 Woven wire mesh with square cells. Specifications

GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

Official publication

GOST 22266-2013

GOST 30515-2013 Cements General technical conditions GOST 30744-2001 Cements. Test methods using

polyfraction sand

GOST 31108-2003 General construction cements. Technical conditions

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index “National Standards” for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using these standards you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms and definitions according to GOST 30515.

4 Classification and designations

4.1 Classification of cements by types, classes and subclasses of strength must comply with GOST 30515 with the additional designation of sulfate resistance “C C” and Table 1 of this standard

4.2 Based on their material composition, cements are divided into types:

CEMI SS - sulfate-resistant Portland cement;

TsEM P/A SS and TsEM P/V SS - sulfate-resistant Portland cement with mineral additives,

TsEM Sh/A SS - sulfate-resistant Portland slag.

4.3 Types, classes and subclasses of strength of sulfate-resistant cements, as well as additives approved for use - the main components of cement are listed in Table 1

GOST 22266-2013

Table 1


Type of cement

Applicable strength classes and subclasses

Permitted mineral supplements - main components

Sulphate East Portland cement

32.5N, 32.5B, 42.5N, 42.5B

Not allowed

East Portland cement sulfate with mineral additives


32.5H; 32.5B; 42.5N

Blast furnace granulated slag




Mixture of slag with pozzolan or microsilica

Sulfate ost oy slag port-land cement


32.5H; 32.5B; 42.5N

Blast furnace granulated slag

Note - Types, classes and subclasses of strength - according to GOST 31108.

4.4 The symbol for cement should be:

From the name of cement according to 4.2 and table 1;

Designations of cement type according to table 1;

Strength class and subclass,

Sulfate resistance designations “SS”;

Symbols of this standard.

An example of a symbol for sulfate-resistant Portland cement, strength class 42.5, fast-hardening: Supfa-resistant Portland cement TsEM142.5B SS GOST 22266-2013.

The same symbol for sulfate-resistant Portland cement with the addition of pozzolana of strength class 32.5 of normal hardness:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement with pozzopan TsEM 11/A-P 32.5N

SS GOST22266-2013.

GOST 22266-2013

It is allowed to omit its name in the symbol of cement.

Example of symbol 1:

TsEM142.5B SS GOST22266-2013.

Example of symbol 2:

TSEMP/A-P32.5N SS GOST22266-2013.

Symbols for plasticized or hydrophobized cements must additionally include the designation of plasticization “PL” or hydrophobization “GF”, placed before the number of this standard.

An example of a symbol for plasticized sulfate-resistant Portland cement of strength class 42.5, normal-hardening.

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement CEM I 42.5N SS PL GOST 22266-2013 or CEM 142.5N SS PL GOST 22266-2013.

The same hydrocarbon of other sulfate-resistant Portland cement with a slag content of 20% to 35%, strength class 32.5, normal hardening:

Sulfate-resistant Portland cement with donkey TsEM 11/V-Sh 32.5N SS GF GOST22266-2013 or TsEM1UV-Sh 32.5N SS GF GOST22266-2013.

The symbol for cement, in which the content of alkaline oxides R:0 does not exceed 0.6% of its mass, is supplemented with the word “low-alkaline” or the designation “NSH.”

An example of a symbol for sulfate-resistant Portland cement, strength class 32.5, fast-hardening, low-alkaline, plasticized:

TsEM132.5V SS NSCH PL GOST22266-2013.

GOST 22266-2013

5 Technical requirements

Cements must comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to technological documentation approved by the manufacturer

5.1 Character acting

5.1.1 Clinker used in cement production must meet the requirements given in Table 2 in terms of chemical and calculated mineralogical composition.

Table 2 Percentage of clinker mass

5.1.2 The chemical composition of cement must correspond to three

requirements given in table 3.

Table3 Percentage of cement mass

Ending/publish 3

* The requirement for the content of alkali oxides in cement is applied by agreement between the supplier and the consumer

5.1.3 It is allowed to introduce additives into all types of cements - auxiliary components that meet the requirements of GOST 31108. At the same time, in cements of types TsEM P and TsEM Sh, the total content of additives - main and auxiliary components should not be more than indicated in Table 1 of GOST 31108.

5 14 By agreement between the supplier and the consumer, it is allowed to add plasticizing additives to the cement during grinding in an amount of no more than 0.5% of the cement mass in terms of the dry substance of the additive. Plasticizing additives should not be used if they do not combine well with super- or hyper-plasticizers introduced into the concrete or mortar mixture during their manufacture to reduce water demand and/or increase the survivability of these mixtures.

5.1.5 To protect against moisture and air and extend the shelf life of cement, it is allowed to add hydrophobic additives to the cement during grinding in an amount of no more than 0.3% of the cement mass

GOST 22266-2013

in terms of dry matter of the additive. Hydrophobized cement should not absorb water within 5 minutes from the moment a drop of water is applied to the surface of the cement.

5.1.6 In the production of cement, to intensify the grinding process, it is allowed to introduce technological additives that do not impair the quality of cement in an amount of no more than 0.5, organic additives - no more than 0.1% of the mass of cement in terms of the dry substance of the additive. In this case, the total content of all types of organic additives introduced into cement should not be more than 0.5%

The effectiveness of technological additives when first used, as well as the absence of their negative impact on the properties of cement and concrete, must be confirmed by test results in accredited testing centers.

5.1.7 The compressive strength of cement of the corresponding class and strength subclass is given in Table 4.

Table 4

5.1.8 The cement must withstand tests for uniformity of volume change. The expansion of the samples should not be more than 10 mm.

GOST 22266-2013

5.1.9 In terms of the timing of the beginning of setting, cements must comply with the requirements of GOST 31108 for the corresponding classes and subclasses of strength.

5.1.10 The grinding fineness of cement, determined by the specific surface area using the air permeability method, must be at least 250 g/kg. For cements containing pozzolana additives, the grinding fineness is determined by the residue on a sieve with mesh No. 009 according to GOST 6613. The residue on the sieve should not be more than 10% of the weight of the sifted sample. It is allowed to carry out determinations on a sieve with mesh No. 008 according to GOST 6613. The residue on sieve No. 008 should not be more than 12% of the weight of the sifted sample

5.2 Material requirements

5.2.1 For the production of cements the following is used:

Portland cement clinker of standardized composition in accordance with the requirements given in Table 2;

Gypsum or gypsum anhydrite stone in accordance with GOST 4013 It is allowed to use other materials containing mainly calcium sulfate, in accordance with the relevant regulatory documentation,

Granulated blast furnace slag according to GOST 3476. The content of aluminum oxide AlO3 in slags for the production of cements TsEM P/A-Sh SS and TsEM P/A-K SS should be no more than 8%, in slags for the production of cements TsEM P/V-Sh SS and TsEM Sh/A SS - no more than 12;

Pozzolana or microsilica according to current regulations