Herbal teas for women's health in a pharmacy. The most effective herbs for women's health. Borovaya queen and cinquefoil

With the help of these herbs, you can restore women's health, the reproductive system, and even conceive and give birth to a healthy, long-awaited child.

Herbs that heal the female body on a physical and energetic level.

These herbs seem to be created to help women become more beautiful, younger and more feminine.With the help of these herbs, you can restore women's health, the reproductive system, and even conceive and give birth to a healthy, long-awaited child.

In addition to the fact that they work with our body and our reproductive organs, these plants have special feminine energy, and therefore they also correct our thin body, and help heal from diseases on a subtle level. Therefore, they can be consumed not only as tea, you can also stuff a small pillow with them and sleep with it, so that they work with your energy field all night long.


In another way it is called field carnation. Cloves arvensis is an active mother plant that does not have any side effects. It is able to stimulate and increase the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus. The uterus is the center of female power, and it is very important for us to take care of its health!

IN folk medicine boletus uterus has many names: motherwort, hogweed, female grass, uterus from forty diseases. Borovaya uterus has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antitumor, absorbable, analgesic and diuretic effects. Helps maintain immunity. Preparations from boron uterus can increase the functional activity of the uterus and appendages, and therefore improve the functioning of the reproductive system as a whole. And our beauty and youth depend on the reproductive system

This plant is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature, uterine fibroids, infertility, uterine bleeding, toxicosis, menstrual irregularities, adhesions, obstruction and inflammation of the tubes. In addition, boron uterus is used as a disinfectant for inflammatory processes. As you can see, this plant, when used correctly, can bring benefits to the whole family.

And even if you are absolutely healthy (which is what we wish for you!) the hog uterus will strengthen your health and fill your uterus with even more strength!


A valuable plant that grows in Altai.

Red brush preparations have a pronounced hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic, immunomodulatory and mild tonic effect, increase mental and physical performance. Relieve cerebral vascular spasms and have no contraindications.

Moreover, this plant is a unique natural hormone that eliminates disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands. It can be successfully used for the treatment of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, because sharply reduces the number of free radicals and suppresses the growth of cancer cells.

And of course, a special gift is that the red brush can rejuvenate the body. The greatest effect in treatment various diseases gives sharing red brush with white cinquefoil root, because it contains a huge variety of micro and macro elements, also helps restore hormonal balance in the body, is a powerful antioxidant and thereby enhances the effect of red brush preparations on the body.

The role of the plant in gynecological diseases is invaluable, where it is best to use it with the hogweed and wintergreen roundifolia, because this complex has an effect on the entire genitourinary system as a whole, localizing inflammatory and tumor processes. This combination allows you to significantly reduce the size or completely get rid of fibroids, fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, tumors of various etiologies, etc.

The red brush is used for menstrual disorders, adnexitis, menopause, mastopathy, ovarian cysts, hypothyroidism, mastopathy and other hormonal disorders. Increases mental and physical performance. Recommended for cancer, improves blood composition. Increases resistance to infectious diseases. There is information about the properties of the red brush to accelerate the healing of fractures.


Shatavari is a plant widely used in Eastern medicine, particularly in Ayurveda, for the treatment and harmonization of many conditions.

The shatavari plant got its name due to its amazing effect on the female genital area. From Sanskrit it is translated as “having a hundred husbands.” Shatavari is a rejuvenating remedy for women, which gives strength to the reproductive organs, normalizes the function of the body's hormonal and immune systems.

According to ancient texts, shatavari nourishes ojas and the peaceful nature of this plant develops love, sacrifice and higher consciousness.

Shatavari balances the female hormonal system, accelerating the transition of estradiol to estrol at the liver level, and stimulates the synthesis of progesterone. Thus, the plant prevents the development of estrogen-dependent diseases (fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis, cervical erosion, sporadic goiter).

The medicinal properties of shatavari are used in the following cases:

  • as a strong aphrodisiac, increases sexual energy and desire, treats frigidity in women, increases libido;
  • According to ancient Indian tradition, shatavari promotes the development of love and devotion.
  • as a remedy for infertility, it activates eggs and increases their ability to fertilize;
  • for pain and cramps during menstruation, due to its antispasmodic and soothing properties, it normalizes the monthly cycle;
  • to balance the female hormonal system and prevent the development of many female diseases and the growth of tumors;
  • after surgery to remove the uterus and during menopause, since it contains a large number of natural analogues female sex hormones;
  • to prevent miscarriage;
  • in the treatment of impotence and inflammation of the male genital organs;
  • as an antiseptic, cleanses the mucous membranes of the female genital tract;
  • to increase secretion secretion breast milk;
  • as a diuretic, antibacterial and emollient, helps with cystitis and urolithiasis;
  • as an antibacterial agent, cleanses the blood;
  • as an anti-inflammatory agent it is also used for colds and for prolonged and prolonged fevers;
  • as an emollient for the mucous membranes of the lungs, kidneys and genitals.

Shatavari is used in the form of powder, paste, oils or decoction and is often washed down with warm milk or warm water, to which unrefined sugar, honey or ghee may be added. In combination with ginger tea Shatavari provokes menstruation and is taken for menstrual delays. For ease of administration, it is produced in capsules.


Melissa was grown by the ancient Romans two thousand years ago. They added it to food to stimulate appetite. Translated from Greek, "melissa" means "bee" - due to its fresh lemon aroma it has a calming effect not only on bees, but also on people. Melissa is called "lemon grass" or "lemon balm" because of its scent, and "heart grass" because of its soothing properties. Thanks to its aroma, lemon balm is also highly valued as a spice in cooking.

Melissa has a lot of useful properties that are widely used in medicine:

1. Melissa is a natural antidepressant that calms the nervous system. A few centuries ago, in many countries it was used as a sedative and a cure for mental illness.

2. Melissa infusion helps with heart diseases. With regular use, as prescribed by a doctor, heart pain is reduced, blood pressure is normalized (however, lemon balm cannot be used for low blood pressure), and shortness of breath is reduced.

3. Melissa has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves spasms and helps with digestive disorders of various types, especially constipation.

4. Melissa decoction is used externally for diseases of teeth and gums.

5. Also, lemon balm decoction helps relieve headaches and dizziness.

6. Infusion of lemon balm is used for asthma, anemia, neuralgia, and to treat dysfunction of the reproductive system.

7. Melissa is used in folk medicine for women's diseases: in preparations for menstrual irregularities.

8. Melissa is used to normalize metabolism.

9. Melissa is prescribed to pregnant women to prevent toxicosis.


Gentle wild flower Chamomile is the helper of any woman. The popularity of this plant is due to its magnificent healing properties daisies. The benefits of chamomile have been well known since ancient times. For treatment, chamomile flowers are used, which contain:

chamomile essential oil, the content of which is 1%;

  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • tannins;
  • acids – oleic, salicylic, palmitic, stearic;
  • bitterness;
  • glucose.

Thanks to this set, the benefits of chamomile are obvious: a simple flower has a remarkable antibacterial effect and high medicinal value. Chamomile blooms in May - June, chamomile flowers are small, light with a wonderful soothing aroma.

Properties of chamomile:

  • calms the nervous system;
  • has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects;
  • dilates blood vessels, eliminates headache;
  • has an excellent cosmetic skin effect.

Chamomile is an effective anti-inflammatory agent. Medicinal chamomile is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, Bladder, for colds, chamomile has proven itself well for late menstruation, and for various allergies.


First of all, it is a powerful antioxidant that can give a woman freshness and youth. It is surprising that in small doses it calms, and in more concentrated doses it tones.

Peppermint has analgesic as well as vasodilating properties.

Peppermint improves digestion, eliminates nausea, has choleretic properties, and is used for asthma and flatulence. Mint decoctions are drunk as a sedative for inflammatory processes in the bronchi, lungs, as well as for cardiovascular and gynecological diseases.

Decoctions of mint leaves are used to disinfect the oral cavity during various inflammatory processes. They relieve stomach pain, heart pain, and heartburn. Mint baths have calming properties.

Mint harmonizes female and male sexual energy, helps to sublimate it and transfer it to more high level. And of course, it gives peace and lightness, which is very important for us women.

Make friends with these herbs, and they will give you beauty, youth, and good women's health! published

A gynecological collection usually includes various herbs that have an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect. Women's herbs normalize the functioning of the reproductive system and restore hormonal levels. Such fees are effective only for minor violations reproductive function. Herbal treatment can only be used as prescribed by a specialist and after a comprehensive examination.

What herbs are used to treat female diseases?

Three groups of medicinal herbs are usually used in collections:

  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • containing phytoestrogens.

The first group of medicinal herbs includes: yarrow, nettle, barberry, water pepper. Plants stop uterine bleeding of any origin. Used for heavy menstruation, to stop bleeding and better contraction of the uterus after childbirth, in the postoperative period, during a miscarriage early stages pregnancy with extensive bleeding.

Anti-inflammatory herbs in gynecology use the following: sage, chamomile, St. John's wort. Prescribed for gynecological diseases accompanied by inflammation. Healing herbs used as douching, in the form of tampons, and can be prescribed for oral use.

Plants such as horsetail, St. John's wort, oregano, red clover, and knotweed contain phytoestrogens. They are prescribed for hormonal imbalances to restore the functioning of the reproductive system, menstrual cycle, and during menopause. Medicinal plants help slow down the growth of tumors in the reproductive system of women that arise against the background of hormonal imbalance.

Hog queen

Borovaya uterus - unique medicine, helping women achieve the long-awaited conception and cure many diseases of the female organs. Noted high efficiency of this remedy for endometriosis, uterine fibroids. The herb can only be used according to a special recipe and after consultation with a specialist.

The boron uterus should be used with caution by women with adhesions and tubal obstruction, since taking the medicine increases the risk of pregnancy. Due to obstruction of the tubes and adhesions in the organs of the reproductive system, the uterus can cause an ectopic pregnancy.

Preparing the medicine is quite simple:

  1. 1. Pour 2 tablespoons of dry medicinal raw material into 500 ml of boiling water and place in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  2. 2. Divide the medicine into three equal parts and take before meals.

The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Antitumor collection

Uterine fibroids are one of the most common diseases that occurs against the background of hormonal changes in women over 35 years of age. The tumor often causes discomfort to the fair sex and prevents the long-awaited pregnancy. Often, treatment of a tumor comes down to surgery, since the diagnosis is made in the later stages. If fibroids are detected on early stages development, conservative treatment can bring good results.

The antitumor collection includes:

  • mistletoe;
  • calendula;
  • harmala;
  • knotweed;
  • hop;
  • blackberry;
  • field horsetail.

Herbs can be purchased separately at the pharmacy and mixed yourself, taking 2 tablespoons of each plant. You can purchase a ready-made collection. Before admission, please readwith instructions for use.


For women's health, many pharmaceutical companies have made ready-made gynecological preparations based on medicinal herbs. Evalar women's tea includes the following components:

  • oregano;
  • calendula;
  • Melissa;
  • yarrow.

This is a natural medicine that has a gentle effect on a woman’s body, restoring health. Tea has delicate taste And pleasant aroma. Apply 1 filter bag twice a day. Tea has an anti-inflammatory, soothing, hemostatic effect.

The composition of the “Women’s” collection includes extracts medicinal plants, have long been and traditionally used in Russian folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases of the female genital area.

Composition and therapeutic and prophylactic effect of the “Women’s” collection

Composition of the “Women’s” plant collection: rhizomes with roots of Rhodiola quadruple (red brush grass), Ortilia unilateral grass (hogweed grass), stinging nettle leaf, shepherd's purse grass, calendula officinalis flowers, oregano herb, licorice root.

Expressed anti-inflammatory effect“Women’s” collection is associated with the vitamin C, flavonoids and tannins present in its composition (which are rich in all plant ingredients of the collection), zinc and manganese (their main sources in the collection are calendula, hogweed and red brush herbs), as well as carotenoids, The high content of which is distinguished by the extracts of nettle leaf, calendula officinalis flowers, and shepherd's purse herb included in the "Women's" collection. The presence of flavonoids in the composition of the “Female” collection also determines antispasmodic, analgesic and mild sedative properties this herbal product.

Beneficial effect on hormonal levels in the body of a woman, the “Female” collection is due to the high concentration of phytoestrogens (plant analogues of the sex hormone estrogen) contained in extracts of calendula flowers, stinging nettle leaf, licorice root and other components of the collection. The phytoestrogens present in the “Female” collection help restore the normal regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle, and also compensate for the deficiency of female sex hormones in a woman’s body characteristic of the menopausal period (usually accompanied by a variety of painful sensations (dryness, burning and itching in the vagina, pain when urinating or intimacy), “hot flashes”, frequent urination, headache, excessive sweating, increased fatigue, causeless irritability, sudden mood swings, insomnia). The phytoestrogens contained in the “Female” collection also significantly reduce the risk of developing a number of diseases associated with the “fading” of the hormonal function of the ovaries characteristic of menopause (osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer and hormone-dependent diseases of the female genitalia that develop during menopause organs).

Providing anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, antiseptic and hemostatic effects, helping to restore normal hormonal balance in a woman’s body, the “Women’s” herbal collection is recommended for use:

  • For uterine bleeding(the extracts of shepherd’s purse herb and stinging nettle leaf included in the “Women’s” collection have a hemostatic effect during uterine bleeding, due to the high content of vitamin C and “antihemorrhagic” vitamin K in these plant extracts, which stimulates the production of the blood clotting factor prothrombin).
  • As part of the prevention and complex treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases female reproductive system (salpingoophoritis (adnexitis), endometritis, endomyometritis, parametritis, cervicitis, endocervicitis, cervical erosion accompanied by inflammation, vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, etc.).
  • For various types of menstrual irregularities(amenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, opsomenorrhea, proyomenorrhea, hypermenorrhea), as well as during menstruation, accompanied by severe pain(dysmenorrhea).
  • As part of the prevention and complex treatment of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, mastopathy, cysts and polycystic ovaries, tumors of the female genital organs of various etiologies, female infertility
  • With adhesions in the pelvic organs
  • In case of obstruction of the fallopian tubes
  • To accelerate the involution (restoration) of the uterus in the postpartum period(carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A) contained in the “Women’s” collection significantly accelerate the process of epithelization of the uterine mucosa during the period after childbirth)
  • For painful sensations, vasomotor and psychoemotional disorders characteristic of the premenstrual or menopausal periods (the extracts of calendula flowers, nettle leaf, oregano, and red brush included in the “Women’s” collection help reduce excitability nervous system, eliminating headaches, irritability, insomnia).
  • As part of the prevention and complex treatment of diseases associated with menopause(osteoporosis, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, oncological diseases breasts, ovaries, uterus).
  • To prevent premature skin aging associated with a deficiency of female sex hormones characteristic of menopause

Method of application of the “Women’s” collection

1 tbsp. Place a spoon (5 g) or 2 filter bags of the “Women’s” plant collection in a glass or enamel bowl, pour 200 ml (1 glass) of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, then strain. Take the resulting infusion 3 times a day with meals, 1/3 cup. The duration of the course of taking the “Women’s” collection is 1 month.


Individual intolerance to the components of the collection. Pregnancy and breastfeeding, increased blood clotting, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis. Before using the “Female” collection, you should discuss with your doctor the possibility of combining the use this fee with taking other medications.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 o C.

Shelf life: 24 months.

According to statistics, almost every second woman had one or another gynecological disease. Along with medications, herbal medicine has proven itself well in the fight against women's ailments. Here's what's useful to know about the use of some herbs that can not only be excellent prophylactic, but also to treat many female diseases.

For fibroids and suspected cancer It is recommended to take hemlock tincture. It can have a strong healing effect. However, treatment must be carried out with caution. Take hemlock according to the following scheme: from 1 drop to 40 and back. That is, today – 1 drop, tomorrow – 2 drops, the day after tomorrow – 3 and so on. After 40 days, we reached forty drops, now from day 41 we should go back - 39 drops, 38 and so on until one. The tincture is diluted in a glass of water or in a decoction of licorice or oregano. With the help of these herbs it is removed allergic reaction on hemlocks. But be careful: oregano is contraindicated during pregnancy!

For the treatment of small fibroids or cervical erosions the greatest efficiency can bring the use of a hog uterus. This herb is a real gift from nature for a woman’s health. Borovaya uterus has the ability to cure almost all gynecological diseases. It is also an excellent disinfectant for the genitourinary system.

Borovaya uterus is prepared in two forms - in alcohol or water infusion. If you combine the use of boron uterus simultaneously with the use of a gynecological herbal mixture, the result will not be long in coming.

A gynecological herbal mixture is prepared from the herbs of shepherd's purse, yarrow, St. John's wort, fireweed, calendula and peony root. All herbs are mixed in equal proportions. They are brewed with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes, after which they are filtered. You need to drink half a glass before meals for 1 month. Then take a break for two weeks and repeat the course again. You should know: you need to brew herbs daily and drink them warm, this will give you more effect.

Perhaps as self-cooking gynecological collection, and purchasing it at the pharmacy. It should be borne in mind that in ready-made pharmaceutical preparations, herbs can be taken in different percentages. With the help of a gynecological herbal collection, the functioning of the genitourinary system will significantly improve, bleeding will stop, the menstrual cycle will improve and the timely exit of waste products from the body will be ensured.

Another advantage of using herbs is that they are taken not only internally, but also applied externally. Decoctions of these herbs can be of great benefit when douching. For douching, you can brew a gynecological collection or boron uterus with boiling water. You need to take 2-3 tablespoons of the collection or dry herb per 1 liter of water. Leave for 20-30 minutes, then strain through gauze and syringe the vagina with a warm broth. The douching procedure itself is very useful as a preventive measure against all female ailments. Once every 10 days will be enough.

If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, that is, menstruation does not come on time, it is recommended to take an infusion of gum grass and shepherd’s purse. You need to take one tablespoon of each herb per 300 ml of boiling water. Infuse the product for one hour and drink throughout the day in equal portions. Take for 5 days.

In case of heavy menstruation, tea made from wild strawberry leaves can help. Strawberry leaves are collected, dried, and then brewed in a ratio of 1 tablespoon of leaves per 1 liter of boiling water. Drink throughout the day.

For thrush They use an infusion from a collection of herbs, which includes shepherd's purse and ergot. Take a teaspoon of each herb and brew it with one glass of boiling water. Then leave for half an hour and filter. This infusion must be drunk 3 times during the day. Take herbal infusion during menstruation.

During premenstrual syndrome use an infusion of plakun-herb. This remedy also helps with pain and ailments in the lower abdomen. 2 tablespoons of plakun-herb are poured into 300 ml of warm water, infused for half an hour, after which you can drink throughout the day.

Apart from the above herbs, there are several more herbs that are good for women's health. Here's what will be useful for you to know about the properties of these herbs in relation to women's health:

2. Stinging nettle– a highly effective medicinal plant that has a diuretic, antirheumatic, restorative and libido enhancer. Helps strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff, and prepared tea from nettle leaves helps with insomnia and loss of appetite.

3. Chamomile is a mild antiseptic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent. When taken orally, a decoction of chamomile flowers will make your periods less painful, and when used externally, chamomile is good remedy for washing and rinsing.

4. Calendula officinalis good in gynecological collection, which was described above. It is a herbal antibiotic and antiseptic. It has a destructive effect on Trichomonas, streptococci and staphylococci.

5. Peppermint is a powerful antioxidant. It has been noticed that mint, taken in small doses, promotes calm, and in larger volume– toning the body. It has a mild analgesic effect, which is useful during menstruation.

6. Yarrow is a powerful agent that increases blood clotting. The peculiarity of this plant is that when blood clots during bleeding, it does not provoke the formation of blood clots. An excellent remedy for stopping uterine, hemorrhoidal and nosebleeds. It is used in the treatment of fibroids, fibroids, cystitis, enuresis, adnexitis, and thrush. With the help of yarrow, lactation is enhanced.

7. Shepherd's Purse used in the gynecological collection indicated above. It helps normalize the monthly cycle, eliminate acyclic bleeding, stimulate the muscles of the uterus, relieve painful menstruation, hemorrhoidal bleeding, and nosebleeds.

8. St. John's wort- it was nicknamed as a cure for 99 diseases. It has an antibacterial, diuretic, astringent effect, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues.

9. Salvia officinalis is a bactericidal and antifungal agent. Due to the high content of flavonoids in essential oil sage has antispasmodic and antioxidant effects.