Transport engineering. Heavy engineering


3.1.Heavy engineering has low labor intensity, high material intensity, is focused on raw materials and consumers and produces large-sized products in small batches. Includes production:

· mining equipment (concentrated in Donetsk, Kharkov, Gorlovka, Lugansk, Yasinovataya, etc.);

· metallurgical equipment (in Kramatorsk, Mariupol, Dnepropetrovsk, etc.);

· equipment for oil and gas production (in Chernivtsi, Drohobych, Kharkov, Konotop);

· power equipment (in Kharkov).

3.2.Machine tool industry the basic branch of mechanical engineering, which determines the level of scientific and technological progress in the country. Therefore, up to 75% of the world's machine tool industry is concentrated in the most developed countries of the world (Japan, Germany, USA, Switzerland, France and Italy).

The main centers of machine tool manufacturing remain: Kramatorsk, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk (heavy machine tools), as well as Kyiv, Zhitomir, Lvov (automatic machines), Kharkov (aggregate machines).

In Ukraine, the production of machine tools has decreased sharply over the years of independence (Table 9.1).

Table 9.1.

Production of some types of machine tools in Ukraine, thousand units.

3.3.Precision engineering – specializes in the production of electrical and radio measuring instruments, optical devices, consumer electronics, VT, ACS, etc. This industry is characterized by minimal metal consumption and is focused on the availability of a research base and highly qualified personnel. The centers of precision engineering in Ukraine are: Kyiv, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Lvov, Ternopil, Odessa, Donetsk, Cherkassy, ​​Simferopol.

Currently, many enterprises are engaged in assembling products from parts coming from other countries (Table 9.2).

Table 9.2.

Production of consumer electronics in Ukraine, thousand units.

3.4.1. Automotive industry (passenger cars, trucks and buses) is an industry that determines the level of economic development of the country, one of the main consumers of the achievements of scientific and technical progress, a stimulator of the development of science and technology and the growth of skills of workers. And although Ukraine has good prerequisites for the development of the automotive industry (the country has established metal production, the production of tires and plastics has been developed, there is a sufficient number of qualified personnel and there is a constant increase in demand for finished products), this industry is not yet a key sector of the economy (up to 2-4 % of GDP).

Currently, there are about 100 enterprises in Ukraine that produce cars and trucks, special vehicles, off-road vehicles, buses, motorcycles, components and spare parts. Also, domestic enterprises are engaged in the so-called. "screwdriver" assembly of cars of famous foreign brands (Table 9.3).

Table 9.3.

The main manufacturers of cars and buses in Ukraine,

their range and production volumes in 2003

Company Products Staff Car intake volume
origin from Ukraine, pcs. beat weight, % "screwdriver" assembly, pcs. beat weight, %
Kremenchug Automobile Assembly Plant (KrASZ) Passenger cars (GAZ, VAZ, UAZ)
"Eurocar" Cars Skoda, Volkswagen
Lutsk Automobile Plant (LuAZ) Passenger cars (VAZ, UAZ, LuAZ)
"Cherkassy bus" Buses "Bogdan"
Zaporozhye Automobile Plant (ZAZ) Passenger cars (Tavria, Slavuta, Sens, Lanos, Opel Astra, VAZ
Lviv Bus Plant (LAZ) LAZ buses
"AvtoKrAZ" KrAZ trucks

More than 40% of the Ukrainian car market belongs to the UkrAvto corporation (the main manufacturer passenger cars– Zaporozhye Automobile Plant (“Avto-ZAZ”) and its subsidiaries producing ZAZ, VAZ, Chery, Deu, Chevrolet, Opel and Mercedes-Benz cars).

Next comes the Bogdan corporation - it includes Lutsky (LuAZ), Cherkasy Bus and Bogdan Spetsavtotekhnika, where they assemble VAZ, KIA and Hyundai cars, as well as trucks and buses.

Atoll Holding has secured up to 5% of the market: the Eurocar plant (Transcarpathian region) produces Skoda, Volkswagen and Seat cars.

Concerning buses, then the main manufacturer is the Lviv Bus Plant (LAZ) - the largest enterprise in the CIS, with a design annual capacity of 16 thousand buses per year. However, up to 70% of components and parts for this brand are produced outside of Ukraine (Table 10.4).

On the production of large-capacity trucks(on-board trucks, dump trucks, tractors, timber trucks) the KrAZ enterprise in Kremenchug specializes, which completely covers Ukraine’s needs for vehicles of this class. Basic model– KrAZ-6510 with a carrying capacity of up to 13.5 tons.

An undoubted positive point is that in Ukraine (in Lvov, Dnepropetrovsk and Kyiv) its own production of trolleybuses was established with the capacity to produce up to 800 units per year. However, their production volumes are still insignificant (Table 9.4), although the country’s need is about 1 thousand cars per year.

Table 9.4.

Dynamics of car production by type, thousand units.

3.4.2. Locomotive Engineering ( tied to metallurgical bases).

Ukraine has established its own production:

· diesel locomotives (in Lugansk and Kharkov);

· industrial electric locomotives (in Dnepropetrovsk);

· cars (in Dneprodzerzhinsk, Kremenchug, Stakhanov);

· tank cars (in Mariupol);

· trams (in Lugansk, Dnepropetrovsk).

3.5.Shipbuilding (sea and river).

Ukraine's share is only 0.5% of world production (15th place), although it has a highly developed shipbuilding industry, which produced up to 40% (by number) of all ships of the former USSR. There are large shipbuilding and ship repair yards on the territory of Ukraine: in Kherson, Kyiv, Sevastopol, Kerch, Odessa, Mariupol, etc. The main center since the time Russian Empire is Nikolaev, where 3 shipbuilding enterprises operate.

3.6.Agricultural engineering traditionally occupied one of the leading places in the structure of the mechanical engineering complex of Ukraine. The industry is consumer-oriented and its location is associated with the zonal specialization of agriculture. In Ukraine there are a number of large specialized production enterprises:

· tractors (in Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk (wheeled tractors));

· bread and corn harvesters (in Kherson);

· beet harvesters (in Dnepropetrovsk and Ternopol);

· seeders (in Kirovograd);

· tractor plows (in Odessa);

equipment for livestock farming (in Berdyansk)

· parts and assemblies (in Kyiv, Vinnitsa, Donetsk, Lugansk, Melitopol, etc.).

Agricultural engineering industry suffered the most as a result of the crisis of the 90s (Table 9.5), and to date the situation has not improved.

Table 9.5.

Production of agricultural machines, thousand units.

In order to somehow support manufacturers of domestic agricultural machinery, the government introduced an additional 13% tax on almost all imports of agricultural machinery, making the import of a significant part of it unprofitable. In addition, since 2009, a ban has been introduced on the import of agricultural machinery, analogues of which are produced in Ukraine.

3.7.Aerospace industry is the most important indicator of the country’s technical potential. Ukraine, despite economic difficulties, is capable of single-handedly developing and producing competitive aerospace technology, using the potential accumulated in the Soviet Union and modern developments.

However, today in terms of aviation production volumes, Ukraine occupies only 90th place in the world ranking with a particle of 0.1% of global output.

Currently, the aviation industry of Ukraine is represented by 40 enterprises with centers in Kyiv, Kharkov and Zaporozhye.

In Kyiv scientific and technical complex named after. Antonov, who is one of the strongest developers of aircraft throughout the CIS (this is an assessment general director air complex named after Ilyushin V. Livanov) and the Aviant plant. In 2009, these enterprises united with the goal of jointly overcoming the crisis. The company specializes in the production of An aircraft. The An-124 and An-225 became the most famous in the world. Now the main priority at the updated enterprise will be the new generation regional aircraft An-148 and An-158.

Kharkovsky The aircraft plant and design bureau specializes in the production of the regional passenger An-140 and military transport An-72 and An-74.

Zaporozhye The Motor Sich enterprise produces engines that are used on aircraft in many countries around the world.

In recent years, the issue of development of the aviation industry in Ukraine has become especially acute. Thus, for the period from 1999 to 2004. The Ukrainian aviation industry delivered only a little more than 20 aircraft to customers. And although the Aviation Industry Development Program until 2010 was adopted, providing for the allocation of funds for the development of the aircraft industry, but in order for the industry to successfully compete with world leaders and develop dynamically, these pennies barely allow making ends meet.

Concerning space industry, then today it is one of the key sectors of the national economy, which ensures the development and production of competitive products. It includes about 30 enterprises with centers in Dnepropetrovsk (the world-famous Yuzhnoye Design Bureau named after M. Yangel and the Yuzhmash Production Association), Kyiv and Kharkov.

Several Ukrainian rocket and space complexes are operated at several foreign cosmodromes (Baikonur, Plesetsk, Sea Launch): Cyclone, Zenit and Dnepr.

3.8.Weapons production (military industrial complex) – also one of the most expensive, but also the most profitable branches of mechanical engineering.

After the breakup Soviet Union Approximately 1/3 of the USSR military-industrial complex went to Ukraine. At the time of the declaration of independence, the military-industrial complex of Ukraine consisted of more than 3.5 thousand enterprises, about 140 research institutes and 3 million employees. The bulk of production was concentrated at 30 large enterprises (in Kyiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Simferopol, etc.). Ukrainian military-industrial complex enterprises specialized in the production of military aircraft and ships, armored vehicles, and radio systems. Such a powerful military-industrial complex became very burdensome for Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR. In the 90s, government orders and funding practically ceased. The question arose about carrying out a conversion—a partial repurposing of military production into civilian production.

More than 500 conversion programs were developed, and the production of agricultural machinery, equipment for the food and processing industries, and consumer goods was named as priorities. But due to the specifics technological processes and the features of the equipment of the military-industrial complex enterprise were difficult to reconstruct. The ill-conceived conversion caused irreparable damage to the military-industrial complex and led to the undermining of the country's military-economic security. Only the number of workers in the industry (and these are highly qualified workers and scientific personnel) has decreased by more than 7 times, and a significant part of R&D has been stopped. This largely caused the decline in GDP and significant economic losses for the state.

September 24, 2018, On the rules for providing subsidies from the federal budget for the formation of an after-sales service system Message from Dmitry Kozak at a meeting with deputy prime ministers on September 24, 2018.

September 24, 2018, Support for non-resource exports On subsidizing mechanical engineering organizations to create an after-sales service system Resolution of September 20, 2018 No. 1116. Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget have been approved Russian organizations automotive, agricultural and railway engineering to compensate for part of the costs associated with the creation of an after-sales service system. It is planned to create at least 30 service centers By after sales service products of these branches of mechanical engineering.

August 25, 2018, Transport engineering To workers and veterans of the Tver Carriage Works August 25 marks the 120th anniversary of the founding of the Tver Carriage Works.

August 8, 2018, Transport engineering On actions to increase the volume of transport engineering products Resolution of August 6, 2018 No. 920. In order for Russian transport engineering enterprises to enter the markets of countries, technical requirements for railways that differ from those operating on the territory of Russia and other countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, the requirements for the manufacture or use of large car castings produced in Russia change.

August 8, 2018, Transport engineering On support for the production of passenger cars Order of August 6, 2018 No. 1633-r. 2.1 billion rubles are allocated from the reserve fund of the Russian Government to provide a subsidy to finance part of the costs of producing passenger cars. The subsidy will allow the construction of at least 1 thousand passenger cars by 2022.

April 11, 2018, Transport engineering In heavy engineering, production volume increased by 38% between 2014 and 2017. Exports increased 1.5 times.

February 22, 2018, Transport engineering On subsidizing the purchase of freight railway rolling stock Resolution of February 20, 2018 No. 175. It will allow us to continue updating the fleet of freight railway rolling stock, ensure additional utilization of the production capacities of enterprises, and preserve jobs, including in related industries.

February 19, 2018, Transport engineering On subsidizing manufacturers of multi-unit rolling stock in order to provide discounts to buyers Resolution of February 13, 2018 No. 157. It will allow us to continue updating the fleet of suburban electric trains, ensure additional utilization of enterprises' production capacities, and preserve jobs, including in related industries.

December 12, 2017, Transport engineering On the redistribution of budgetary allocations from the reserve fund of the Russian Government to support certain industries Order of December 9, 2017 No. 2747-r. In accordance with the action plan in certain sectors of the economy in 2017. Additional budgetary allocations have been allocated to provide subsidies to buyers of wagons in connection with the acquisition of freight railway rolling stock, to manufacturers of agricultural machinery in order to modernize the fleet of such equipment, to industrial organizations to replenish working capital and finance current production activities by appropriately adjusting the volume of financing in a number of other areas.

September 4, 2017, Transport engineering On approval of the Strategy for the development of exports of railway engineering products Order of August 31, 2017 No. 1878-r. The implementation of the Strategy will create a structured approach to solving key problems facing Russian manufacturers-exporters, increase the competitiveness of Russian products in foreign markets, ensure the contribution of railway mechanical engineering to the development of manufacturing industries and diversification of the economy, growth of gross domestic product, increased competitiveness of railway mechanical engineering enterprises in domestic and foreign markets.

August 17, 2017, Transport engineering On approval of the Transport Engineering Development Strategy for the period until 2030 Order of August 17, 2017 No. 1756-r. The strategy was developed in order to create conditions for the dynamic development of the Russian transport engineering industry, meeting the needs transport complex Russia in an economical, highly efficient technology, diversification of the country's export potential.

2.2 Transport engineering

The production of vehicles is the second most important branch of modern mechanical engineering. It includes the production of land vehicles (automobiles, locomotives and wagons for railways), water vehicles (sea, lake and river vessels), air vehicles (airplanes and helicopters), as well as components for them (engines, spare parts) and repair enterprises. Transport engineering products have a clearly defined dual purpose - civil and military, which determines the organization of firms and enterprises that produce products in both directions.

The automotive industry, which originated in late XIX c., is usually classified as a new industry, which is the main integral part transport engineering. Moreover, in many industrial countries it accounts for 5 to 10% of total GNP production. But its significance goes far beyond the transport sub-sector.

The automobile industry plays a prominent role in the economies of the largest industrialized countries. In Germany, for example, which ranked third in the world in car production, after the USA and Japan, in the late 80s. it accounted for 12% of all those employed in the manufacturing industry, 13% of the volume of its products, 18% of all exports (1st place), in Japan - 1/10 of all manufacturing products and about 1/5 of all exports (also 1st place).

Global car production by the end of the 90s. close to 60 million cars per year; more than 2/3 of them were cars and combined vehicles and about 1/3 were trucks and buses. Of the passenger cars and combination cars, more than 1/5 are produced in Japan, almost the same amount - in North America, about 2/5 - in European countries, where Germany (more than 13%), France (more than 9%), Italy and Spain stand out. The USA and Japan also lead in the production of trucks, but Germany is ahead in the production of vehicles with a carrying capacity of more than 16 tons. Among developing countries, the Republic of Korea, Brazil, China, Mexico, India, and Argentina have significant automobile production capacities (owned in many cases by foreign TNCs); in most other countries, the automotive industry is represented almost exclusively by pure assembly and repair plants.

Over the past decade, significant changes have occurred in the location of the automotive industry associated with political changes and the liberalization of the conditions for the development of economic ties between Western countries and post-socialist countries, which is largely explained by the desire of Western European countries to gain a foothold in the potentially promising markets of the Central European countries. of Eastern Europe and use them cheap labor.

The automotive industry is closely related to other industries modern industry. One of the most important trends is the increasing share of electrical and electronic equipment in the cost of cars, already reaching 20% ​​or more in the newest brands of passenger cars.

The automotive industry is one of the most monopolized industries in the world. Of the 250 automobile companies, 95% of cars are produced by only 20 companies, which have spread the production, assembly and repair of cars to almost all countries of the world. A wave of mergers and acquisitions of automotive TNCs, as well as the active development of other forms international cooperation corporations in recent years indicates that the automotive industry is transforming from a collection of independent national automakers into a complex web of interconnected multinationals, the degree of mutual integration of which continues to increase.

Shipbuilding is a typical old industry, the development of which in the second half of the twentieth century. strongly depended on economic conditions and experienced periods of both relative growth and sharp decline. This industry is increasingly becoming the province of countries with cheap labor and relatively lower requirements for its qualifications.

With the internationalization of the world economy, specialization and cooperation, transport shipbuilding developed at an exceptionally high pace. Moreover, in shipbuilding, specialization by type and purpose of ships is clearly visible. Japan and the Republic of Korea produce mainly large-capacity tankers, car carriers, bulk carriers and combined vessels. France specializes in the construction of tankers and refrigerators. Germany produces container ships, car carriers, and high-speed vessels. Sweden – large-capacity tankers and bulk carriers. Finland produces icebreakers, passenger and fishing boats. The construction of passenger cruise ships, container ships, fish canning floating bases, and research vessels has become widespread; big specific gravity in shipbuilding has Navy.

From the second half of the twentieth century. in world shipbuilding, the first places in the number and tonnage of sea vessels launched (million gross registered tons (million GRT)) are occupied by Japan (8-10 million GRT), the Republic of Korea (4-5 million GRT), Germany (0.9 million BRT). Behind them come Singapore, Fr. Taiwan, Poland, Denmark, Spain, Great Britain, China, France, Brazil, Finland, etc.

On the eve of the 21st century. In the field of marine shipbuilding, the Republic of Korea takes the first position. Thus, the classic shipbuilding powers - Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany - apparently forever ceded leadership in this area of ​​mechanical engineering, as in many other areas of the economy.

The aerospace industry (ARKP) is a typical newest branch of modern mechanical engineering. It arose on the basis of the previously existing aviation industry, to which in the era of scientific and technological revolution was added the production of rockets, various types of spacecraft, engines, instruments, etc. This industry is one of the most knowledge-intensive, leading (together with electronics) in R&D costs. Moreover, there is a traditional connection, technical and R&D dependence of the ARKP on the military-industrial complex of highly developed countries led by the USA and former USSR.

Cost of products of the world aviation industry in the mid-90s. was estimated at $250 billion, about 4 times less than the automobile industry. The annual production of large passenger aircraft in the world does not exceed one thousand; approximately the same number of helicopters. Significantly greater production of aircraft is associated with the production of light vehicles for sports, communications, medical care, agriculture and business services.

The production of transcontinental airliners is different high level monopolization. Competition in the global aerospace market is forcing firms to integrate. Thus, the American firms Boeing and Magdonnell-Douglas merged. European Airbus Industry has united aviation companies France, Germany, Great Britain and Spain.

Middle-class aircraft for domestic airlines, as well as light vehicles and engines for them, are produced in more than 20 countries around the world, but the most powerful ARCM area is (after the collapse of the USSR) the United States.

The number of countries producing missile technology, including satellite systems for peaceful and military purposes, is expanding, among which the United States (Lockheed Martin, Narthrop Grumman, United Technology) and Russia are leading. India, Japan, and China have started creating their national ARCPs. Brazil, Pakistan, etc. may be next in line.

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In terms of the volume of military aircraft production, Russia is in 2nd place in the world, and in helicopter manufacturing - in 3rd place in the world (6% of the world helicopter market).

In 2010, the revenue of Russian aviation industry enterprises amounted to more than 504 billion rubles, of which 31% came from aircraft manufacturing, 18% from helicopter manufacturing, 24% from engine manufacturing, 8% from aggregate manufacturing, 11% from instrument manufacturing, 8% from special equipment manufacturing. During this year, more than 100 military aircraft were produced in Russia.

After the BRIC summit in April 2010, it became known that negotiations were underway with the Brazilian aerospace corporation Embraer on the joint development and production of an aircraft for Russian regional aviation. Probably, we are talking about using the capacities of the Kazan Aviation Plant.

There are estimates according to which, in the event of a merger of the Russian and Ukrainian aviation industries, aircraft manufacturers of the two countries are capable of forming the third most important center of global aircraft manufacturing - after the United States and Western Europe. In April 2010, UAC and the Ukrainian state company Antonov agreed to create a company coordinating the joint production of An-124 aircraft, production of An-148, An-70 and An-140 aircraft. It is also assumed that UAC will gain control of Antonov in exchange for a stake in UAC.

Rocket and space engineering is a sub-branch of transport engineering that produces rockets and rocket and space systems.

The structure of Roscosmos, according to the agency’s official website, includes 66 enterprises. The largest enterprises in the space industry:

    • JSC RSC Energia named after. S. P. Koroleva”,
    • GKNPTs im. M. V. Khrunicheva,
    • TsSKB-Progress,
    • Scientific and Production Corporation "Precision Instrument Engineering Systems"
    • NPO Mashinostroyeniye
    • OJSC NPO Energomash named after Academician V. P. Glushko
    • JSC "State Rocket Center named after Academician V.P. Makeev" (JSC "GRC Makeev")
    • Research and Production Association named after. S. A. Lavochkina.

As of 2006, Russia had approximately 11% of the global space services market. According to the State Strategy for the Development of the Rocket and Space Industry, by 2015 the share of rocket and space industry products in the global rocket and space technology production market should reach 15% by 2015.

In terms of the intensity of space activities (in terms of the number of spacecraft launched and the number of spacecraft launched), Russia has been occupying a leading position over the past few years.

According to the volume of funding for civil space activities, according to recent years, Russia ranks sixth in the world.

Currently, the Roscosmos agency has concluded intergovernmental agreements on cooperation in space activities with 19 countries; among them are the USA, Japan, India, Brazil, Sweden, Argentina and countries that are members of the European Space Agency (ESA).

In March 2010, France ordered 14 Soyuz launch vehicles from Russia for $1 billion.

Thus, the aviation, rocket and space industries, and shipbuilding are actively developing in Russia. Railway engineering is developing at a slower pace. Russian companies producing vehicles are establishing relationships with foreign partners, which contributes to their further development.

2.2.Territorial and sectoral organization of transport engineering. Main centers.

Transport engineering enterprises are widespread in Russia. But in some regions, transport engineering is of primary importance, while in others its functions are limited mainly to meeting internal needs for industry products. Sometimes it only complements the profile of those industrial complexes, the creation of which is due to the use of natural resources.

Table 2 presents the largest transport engineering centers in Russia.

table 2

The largest centers of transport engineering in Russia

Sub-sector of transport engineering The largest


Diesel locomotive construction Bryansk, Kaluga, Lyudinovo, Murom and the Urals
Freight car building Western Siberia (Novoaltaisk), Eastern Siberia(Abakan)
Passenger carriages Tverskoy, Demikhovsky and St. Petersburg plants
Track machines Kaluga, Tula, Vyatka, Saratov, Engels, Armavir, Tikhoretsk.
Aviation industry Aircraft production: Moscow, Smolensk, Voronezh, Taganrog, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Saratov, Omsk, Novosibirsk.

Helicopter production: Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Ulan-Ude.

Marine shipbuilding St. Petersburg, Vyborg, Kaliningrad, Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
River shipbuilding Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Volgograd, Syktyvkar, Veliky Ustyug, Tyumen, Blagoveshchensk

Under the influence of factors determining the territorial and sectoral location of transport engineering enterprises, the geography of Russian TMs was formed. Table 2 shows the main centers of transport engineering. It can be noted that the enterprises are located mainly in the central part of Russia, where there is a small amount of raw materials necessary for production, but there are enough qualified labor force.

Diesel locomotive construction, the construction of passenger cars and track machines are concentrated in the European part of Russia, and, therefore, near the main railway lines of the country. This is influenced by the factor of proximity to the consumer.

Back in 1863, a plant was founded near the city of Kolomna, which in 1935 was given the name Kolomna Diesel Locomotive Plant named after V.V. Kuibyshev (JSC Kolomna Plant). The main activities of the enterprise: design, industrial production and maintenance of mainline locomotives (passenger and freight diesel locomotives, passenger electric locomotives direct current), diesel units (medium-speed diesel engines and diesel generators for diesel locomotives, power plants, heavy-duty dump trucks, ships). Kolomensky Zavod is the only Russian manufacturer of mainline passenger diesel locomotives, the creator of the first domestic samples of mainline high-speed passenger electric locomotives alternating current EP200, DC passenger electric locomotives EP2K, freight diesel locomotives 2TE70. Passenger diesel locomotives TEP70 (together with modifications TEP70U and TEP70BS) provide a significant part of passenger transportation on non-electrified sections of railways in Russia and neighboring countries. Kolomna Plant is Russia's largest supplier of medium-speed engines with a power of 450-5000 kW.

Freight car manufacturing is developed in Siberia, as it is metal-intensive, and a large amount of metals is mined in the regions of Eastern and Western Siberia. Abakanvagonmash (JSC Abakanvagonmash) is located in the city of Abakan (Khakassia). This is an enterprise for the production of wagons and large-tonnage containers. It is part of the Russian Machines holding, created to manage the machine-building assets of Basic Element. The plant was founded in 1977. It includes car-building, container, tool, and steel production, as well as its own thermal power plant. OJSC Abakanvagonmash produces large-capacity containers, fitting platforms, spare parts for rolling stock, and consumer goods. In 2005, the plant produced 3,390 cars, its revenue amounted to $19 million.

The aviation industry is located in large cities, with developed scientific centers and research institutes, such as Moscow, Kazan, Samara, Ulyanovsk. This is due to the science intensity of this industry.

One of the aviation industry enterprises in Russia is Aviakor, located in Samara. The main activity of the plant is construction, repair, maintenance and supply of spare parts for Tu-154 and An-140 passenger aircraft. The plant is one of the few Russian enterprises that have experience in the field of mass production of civil and military aircraft from parts, components and assemblies of its own production.

The location of maritime shipbuilding centers in St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad is due to the presence in these cities of access to Baltic Sea, in Vladivostok - access to the Sea of ​​Japan, in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - to the Pacific Ocean.

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, signed in March 2007, the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) was created. This is a Russian state shipbuilding holding. The company's headquarters is located in St. Petersburg.The United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) will include all state shipbuilding assets and state stakes in private companies. The corporation will produce warships and civilian vessels. Its structure includes three regional subholdings:

    • Northern Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (Severodvinsk),
    • Western shipbuilding center (St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad),
    • Far Eastern Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (Vladivostok).

River shipbuilding centers are located mainly in the Volga region cities:Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Volgograd. This allows you to save money on transportation finished products river shipbuilding.

The product range of JSC Volgograd Shipyard includes shipbuilding, ship repair, ship engineering and production of critical metal structures. That is, the plant provides not only the production of river vessels, but also their further maintenance.

Thus, it is clear that the largest centers of transport engineering in Russia were formed not spontaneously, but under the influence of factors such as science intensity, labor intensity, metal intensity, and attraction to raw material bases.

2.3. The main problems of transport engineering in Russia

Due to unfavorable factors, the share of knowledge-intensive industries has decreased, while the share of the automotive industry has stabilized. The conditions for this stabilization are the containment of tariffs on energy resources, products of the metallurgical and chemical complexes, railway transportation, and the extension of protectionist customs measures. The structure of the release itself must undergo changes, since it does not yet meet modern requirements. The implementation of structural-target programs is associated with significant investment costs and time.

In the sub-industry of carriage building, production volumes are determined by the financial capabilities of the main customer - the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation. Since financial resources are limited, this does not allow us to significantly increase the production of rolling stock, which is so necessary for Russian railways. In this regard, the production of freight cars increased slightly. It is expected that there will be a change in the structure of production of passenger cars that meet modern requirements for comfort and traffic safety. This creates the opportunity to stop importing them.

Export supplies of railway equipment, which have always existed at enterprises of this kind, cannot fully cover their production capabilities. To ensure optimal utilization of enterprises in this complex, it is necessary to search for new markets both within Russia itself and beyond its borders.

Russian transport engineering can offer a full range of economical and environmentally friendly transport technologies designed for the exploitation of natural deposits, which can provide priority for participation in tenders for their development by Russian mining companies - provided they work together with machine-building complex, as part of a possible concern. In addition, the effective participation of the state in this system of cooperation will allow, firstly, to provide companies with diplomatic support, and secondly, in some cases, to influence the development of transport systems in other states based on long-term geopolitical interests.

The systemic problem of the industry is due to the following factors:

  • Technological lag. The key problem of transport engineering in Russia is the technological lag of the industry from the world level, which does not allow meeting the needs of Russian railway and urban rail transport in modern high-performance rolling stock for the unconditional full implementation of freight and passenger transportation along the railway network, tram organizations and subways. Without solving this problem, it is impossible to effectively develop transport engineering and increase its export potential. The solution to the problem of technological lag in the final products of transport engineering must be carried out in conjunction with the solution of corresponding problems in related industries, including the electrical industry, diesel industry, the products of which are also inferior to world analogues.
  • Disposal, wear and tear and underutilization of production capacity. Currently, existing production capacities cannot be fully utilized, even with orders from consumers. This is due to a significant reduction in personnel at enterprises in the industry, disruption of cooperation ties with related industries and the presence of bottlenecks
  • High dependence on third-party suppliers of key components for rolling stock. To reduce dependence on third-party suppliers, it is advisable to organize in-house production of key components within holding companies in the field of transport engineering. Such components include diesel engines, electrical equipment, electric motors, trolleys, bodies. The role of the state in this process is to remove obstacles when concluding transactions for the purchase by transport engineering enterprises of assets that produce key components.
  • Lack of production of high-tech components. In Russia at present there is virtually no production of a number of components, without which it is impossible to create equipment that meets world standards.
  • Lack of qualified personnel. In addition, in recent years, the workforce of industrial enterprises has been aging. A comprehensive solution to the problem of providing the industry with qualified personnel is possible only if the state participates in the organization of a comprehensive system of continuous education and advanced training of specialists in the field of railway engineering at all levels with targeted funding from the federal budget on the basis of vocational schools, colleges, departments of specialized universities and universities.
  • Lack of long-term contracts for the supply of products and pricing problems. Currently, in Russia it is practiced to conclude short-term (for a period of up to a year) contracts. A reduction in the preliminary order volume at the production development stage can lead to higher prices and, as a consequence, a decrease in the economic efficiency of new models of rolling stock
  • Industry risks associated with reforming railway transport. To compensate for these risks, it is advisable to develop measures that encourage transport engineering enterprises to reorganize the management system, introduce risk management systems, and increase the flexibility of planning systems. At the same time, it is necessary to stimulate the diversification of production and entry into new markets, including external ones.

Description of work

The purpose of this course work is the study of the geography of transport engineering in Russia. Such tasks are set as determining the structure of transport engineering, identifying the main factors influencing the industry and territorial organization transport engineering, identifying the main centers and their significance in the country's economy, as well as studying the problems and main directions of development of transport engineering.


Chapter 1. general characteristics transport
mechanical engineering of Russia……………………………………………………………………..
1.1.Definition and structure of transport engineering……….
1.2. The main factors influencing the sectoral and territorial organization of transport engineering…….
1.3. The importance of transport engineering in the Russian economy.....
Chapter 2. Economic and geographical characteristics of transport engineering…………………………………………………………..
2.1. Transport engineering in Russia…………………………..
2.2. Territorial and sectoral organization of transport engineering. Main centers………………………………………………………..
2.3. The main problems of transport engineering in Russia.....
Chapter 3. Promising directions for the development of transport engineering in Russia……………………………………………………………………..
3.1. State policy in the field of transport engineering……………………………………………………………….
3.2. Prospects for the development of transport engineering in Russia.…
List of references……………………………………………………….

The production of vehicles is the second most important branch of modern mechanical engineering. It includes the production of land vehicles (automobiles, locomotives and wagons for railways), water vehicles (sea and river vessels), air vehicles (airplanes and helicopters), as well as components for them (engines, spare parts) and repair enterprises. Transport engineering products have a clearly defined dual purpose - civil and military, which determines the organization of firms and enterprises that produce products in both directions.

The development of transport engineering directly reflected the tasks and requirements of the economies of the countries of the world in each historical period. In the era of GTR and MTR, the need arose for massive transportation of goods by water and land. This led to the strong development of first shipbuilding, and later locomotive and carriage building, which predetermined the production of their products mainly in the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries. They also carried out tasks to create vehicles for the population (passenger carriages, passenger high-speed ships - liners that made regular flights).

The automobile marked the beginning of its formation at the beginning of the 20th century. a new branch of transport engineering - automobile manufacturing as a means of creating an individual car, and then a truck. During the era, the pace of economic and social life increased so much that they required new means of transport for transporting passengers and a number of types of goods requiring urgent delivery. Therefore, in the middle of the 20th century. The production of airliners, and then large aircraft for cargo transportation, is rapidly developing.

Scientific and technological progress has had a huge impact on the development of transport engineering. This can be clearly seen in the example of power plants. different types on transport. The steam engine on locomotives and steamships was supplemented by an electric engine on electric locomotives and turbines on ships: already in the 19th century. Turboprops began to be widely introduced, and in the middle of the 20th century. — gas turbine ships and turboelectric ships. The internal combustion engine has become widely used in vehicles. Thus, the use of diesel led to the creation of diesel locomotives for railways, diesel-electric ships on water vehicles, and later it was used on cars and even airplanes. The invention of the gas turbine engine made it possible to produce gas turbine locomotives and gas turbine locomotives.

The gasoline internal combustion engine has become the most popular for land (cars, motorcycles), air (propeller-propelled aircraft), and water (motorized small boats) transport. It has retained its significance to the present day. Only in the era of scientific and technological revolution, this type of engine, especially in aviation, began to be replaced by jet engines (air-breathing engines, rocket engines). Creation jet engine made it possible to use it not only for combat missiles, but also for civilian purposes (launching communication satellites, weather satellites, etc.). In the automotive industry, a transition to the use of an electric motor is expected.

Completely new types of vehicles have appeared. The aviation industry has mastered the production of helicopters, not only for military but also for civilian needs. New types of rolling stock for railways began to be produced - maglev trains, as well as high-speed trains (250-400 km/h). The shipbuilding industry has mastered the production of floating craft that use the “air cushion” principle, allowing them to move both above the water surface and on land. This led to the creation of the ekranoplan (ekranoplan) - aircraft type of aircraft.

The role of individual vehicles in the production of transport engineering products changed depending on the needs of the national economy. At the end of the last century, only two types of these products were manufactured - rolling stock for railways and shipbuilding products (at the beginning of the century its importance increased). By the beginning of World War II, road transport and the automobile industry had developed significantly. During the interwar period 1919-1939. The production of civil aircraft began and passenger air transportation was organized.

After the end of World War II, the recovery of vehicle losses again stimulated the growth of shipbuilding and the production of rolling stock for railways. Only in the 60s. rapid growth in the production of cars and passenger aircraft began. Since then, the automotive and aviation industries have occupied leading positions in the world in terms of product value, and in terms of mass production. Shipbuilding sharply increased production in the 70s, during the “oil boom”, and, with fluctuations, maintains its production level. The production of locomotives - diesel and electric locomotives, as well as all types of cars - has decreased significantly compared to the 50s.

The automotive industry is the largest transport sector with large-scale production of vehicles. For its products in the 90s. accounted for more than 4% of GDP and about 12% of the value of global industry products. This industry employs the majority of workers in transport engineering, and it has achieved the highest labor productivity per employee. The automobile is one of the leading export goods of mechanical engineering: for 1950-1997. The production of cars in the world increased by 5.2 times, and their exports by more than 18 times (from 1.2 to 22 million). In general, up to 35-40% of produced cars are exported. This role of the industry is due to the multifunctional features of the car as a means of individual and public transport, a means of transporting large quantities of goods, as well as special purposes.

The development of the automotive industry is largely determined by the vehicle cycle. In freight or passenger transport in developed countries, the cycle is 3-5 years; however, it is not the physical wear and tear of the car that makes its further operation ineffective (for such a period it is small). The overwhelming majority of cars are purchased due to the growing standard of living to replace quite suitable old ones, which accordingly increases the requirements for newly purchased cars. The creation of new types and modifications of cars poses a number of technical and economic problems in the design and production, sale and operation.

The automotive industry is one of the most highly profitable, profitable sectors of the global manufacturing industry. The achievements of scientific and technical progress have ensured very high labor productivity in the industry: it takes only 120-130 man-hours to produce one car in Japan. Taking into account the mass production of products, their short life cycle and the frequent replacement of old machines in developed countries, the annual profits of companies are quite stable and large. Therefore, among the largest industrial corporations in terms of turnover, the top ten also includes four automobile corporations.

Scientific and technological progress in the automotive industry is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • increasing the reliability of machine design;
  • strengthening the vehicle's safety features when used in various difficult situations;
  • achieving maximum environmental friendliness when operating the machine;
  • maximum efficiency of the car during its mileage and maintenance.

To this end, the main scientific and design efforts are aimed at the use of new materials, the introduction of environmentally friendly energy sources, and the expansion of the scope of use electronic technology in automobile units.

All this determines the further growth of connections between the automotive industry and other industries. It is one of the main consumers of steel, sheet glass and non-ferrous metals (aluminum, lead, zinc), rubbers and plastics, as well as paint and varnish industry products, etc. The automotive industry is the most important consumer of bearings in the entire industry. In the last decade, the use of noble metals (platinum as a catalyst for exhaust gases, other metals of this group in electronic equipment) has sharply increased. The role of electronic technology in the industry is constantly increasing.

The development of the automotive industry is determined by the growth of the global automobile market. The automobile is the most popular product in the transport engineering industry, and in terms of demand it is second only to electronic products in the engineering industry. It is the most expensive product among mass-market products, so its sales are determined by the buyers’ ability to purchase a car and operate it. This is determined by the level of income of the population, which varies greatly among countries of the world and in different social groups one state. Thus, in the USA, the average cost of a new car in the 90s. were 13 thousand dollars, and in family budget annual expenses on it reached 8%, second only to housing costs and expenses on food and clothing. These figures are higher - 10% in the budget. In developing countries, a car is still a luxury item.

The dynamics of car production has its own patterns. It grew especially rapidly with the advent of the scientific and technological revolution era, which had a strong impact on: transport and changes in the structure of transportation; the oil production and oil refining industry, which sharply increased the production of light petroleum products; improving the standard of living of the population in the USA, Western Europe, Japan, etc. Therefore, the peak increase in car production in the world occurred in the period 1960-1970. After 1990, the growth of automobile production in the world decreased. The demand for them is currently significantly less than the industry’s capacity: in the world’s automotive industry, plant utilization is about 80%, i.e. 1/5 of their capacity is not used.

The structure of global automobile production has its own characteristics. The car was created as a means of individual transport. This main function he has retained it to this day, despite the appearance trucks, buses, special vehicles. In global automobile production, the share of passenger cars remains consistently high (about 75%). A decrease in this share occurred only during periods of political crises and economic downturns: thus, production declined sharply passenger cars During the war years, the production of trucks for the army increased. During the years of the oil crises (70s - 80s), there was also a temporary reduction in demand and production of passenger cars.

There have been and continue to be large differences in the structure of car production across countries. The share of trucks is high in countries with developed demand for light-duty vehicles (up to 2 tons), including pickups and vans (in the USA, Canada, Japan). If in most countries of the world in 1995 the share of trucks did not exceed 25%, then in India it was 38%, Canada - 45, USA - 47, and in China it reached 78%. In the USSR until the mid-70s. The production of heavy trucks sharply predominated. This is typical for countries (for example, China) that create their own in the process of industrialization, with low level life of the population, as well as with large military-industrial complex and a large army. Japan created large production both small and heavy trucks.

A feature of the modern structure of the world's automotive industry is the desire to diversify the range of produced types, types, models of both passenger cars and trucks in accordance with market requirements and orders. Often, individual companies produce dozens of types and models of cars, often on one assembly line. At the same time, even the individual customer’s requirements for the vehicle’s equipment and its design are taken into account.

Major changes occurred in the organization of the automobile industry during the scientific and technological revolution. Before World War II, connections between suppliers of parts and materials were often limited to the territory of one country. From the middle of the 20th century. strong regional ties appeared (for example, supplies of electrical equipment, and then entire units from automobile factories). According to this principle, the production of cars is created from imported parts (however, for example, up to 40% of the components are our own). Currently, suppliers of parts and materials from most companies are dispersed throughout the world; their products are used to equip cars of different companies around the world.

The automobile industry is one of the most monopolized industries in the world. In 1996 four largest companies 48% of the world's cars were produced in their national territories and abroad (General Motors - 14.3%, Ford - 12.6, Volkswagen - 10.6, Toyota - 10.3%). The second most important group of companies is another 29% (Fiat -6.3%, Peugeot-Citroen-Talbot -6.3, Nissan -6.0, Honda -5.4, Renault) - 5.1%). Thus, the 9 leading automobile companies in just five countries accounted for 77% of global automobile production. Such high monopolization has led to extremely intense competition among automobile firms in the world market.

Competition in high-volume automotive production is driven by more rapid growth capacity in the industry than the demand for new cars. This competitive fight manifests itself between automobile companies of the same country. It stimulates the improvement of the quality of machines, expands their range through the development of new models and the improvement of all units. Recently, the desire to survive has forced companies to merge both within the country (Peugeot-Citroen in France) and with companies from other countries. In some cases, more powerful firms buy weaker ones (for example, firms bought up factories of other firms in the UK, Spain and outside Europe).

Competition is also developing between car producing countries. States protect their national markets from the import of foreign cars (even high quality ones) with strict customs policies. During the periods of creation of the national automobile industry, foreign trade barriers were established on the import of cars: Japan and (50s), (60s), etc. They still remain at the level of 40% in Spain and up to 300% in China. Some countries have banned the import of foreign cars altogether (). However, even liberal low tariffs create considerable difficulties for car-producing countries to export them.

The desire to overcome customs barriers to the import of finished cars was facilitated by the practice of trading in sets of parts and assemblies, which were subject to low duties. This, in turn, led to the need to create car assembly plants in the importing country (,). Even more preferable for large firms was the construction of their own automobile plants in countries with great demand for cars. In this way, Ford plants emerged in Europe and other regions. Currently, this experience is widely used in other countries different regions. Thus, in the United States, which imports a large number of cars, Japanese firms have built a number of engine and car assembly plants.

In the location of the global automotive industry in the period 1950-1995. noticeable changes have occurred. It was created in several dozen countries. Many of them (for example, the Republic of Korea, China) began to produce cars for the first time, others (Japan, Spain) greatly increased their production. In a number of Eastern European countries (especially in Russia and other countries, Romania, Czechoslovakia, etc.) a structural restructuring of the automotive industry took place, which caused a decline in car production. Thus, back in 1990, the USSR shared 5th-6th place in global car production. in 1995 it was not even included in the top ten leading countries: car production for 1990-1997. decreased (mainly due to trucks) from 1.8 to 1.0 million. Imports of used cars increased sharply. In some countries of Eastern Europe, foreign firms (Volkswagen, Fiat, etc.) began to buy and modernize car factories (in the Czech Republic, Poland, etc.) or build new ones, transferring production to the production of more advanced cars for both domestic and for the foreign market. However, the production of passenger cars remains at the level of the late 80s. In a number of countries (,), the production of trucks and buses has almost ceased. In Belarus, the Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine it decreased by 70-93%.

This changed the geography of the global automobile industry: the role of countries and regions in car production changed; There is a new development of automobiles, directions of their export and import. The main results of the changes that have occurred in the geography of the global automotive industry:

  • three main areas of the industry were formed (Asian - with the leading role of Japan in it, North American - with the powerful dominance of the USA in it, and Western Europe - with a less pronounced role of Germany), which in 1995 accounted for 90% of the world's car production;
  • the overwhelming majority of cars (86%) are produced by only 10 countries of the world (in 1950 their share reached 99.7%);
  • the role of the three leading states in the world's automotive industry has significantly decreased (1950 - 87.6%, 1995 - 54.1%);
  • the leaders in the industry are equally the USA and Japan;
  • the US share in car production over the years has decreased in the world from 76 to 24%;
  • New directions of foreign trade have emerged: intraregional trade has increased significantly in all three of its leading areas, as well as interregional trade, especially the export of cars from the Asian and Western European automotive manufacturing areas.

The aeronautics and space industry (ARKI), an integrated branch of mechanical engineering that emerged during the scientific and technological revolution era, united the aviation industry created during the scientific and technological revolution period with the latest rocket and space industry. ARCP, along with electronics, is the most knowledge-intensive industry. Unlike electronic, it is much more dependent on innovative structural materials supplied by metallurgy and. For ARKP, products of the electronics industry (“avionics” - electronic equipment of aircraft and highly complex systems electronic equipment for rockets and satellites).

The aviation industry was initially formed as a military industry and only later switched to the production of civil aircraft. The same process is repeated by the rocket and space industry, which for now remains predominantly an industry. It is only making its first efforts to manufacture civilian products (communications satellites, weather satellites, etc.). Therefore, both industries are highly militarized, their development is determined by the size of the state’s permanent military orders, and in the aviation industry, by the possibilities of exporting aviation equipment to the majority. Civil aircraft production is entirely dependent on orders received from national and global markets and can fluctuate greatly from year to year.
Cost of products of the world aviation industry in the mid-90s. XX century was estimated at $250 billion, i.e. approximately 4 times less than in a car. This is due to the peculiarities of production: production is not mass - piece. Thus, the annual production of large passenger aircraft - airliners - does not exceed 1 thousand. The same applies to helicopters for military and civilian use - 600-1200 units per year. Only the production of light aircraft (training, sports, business, etc.) is carried out in large volumes due to the significant demand for them and relatively low prices (a large airliner costs up to $180 million, and a light aircraft - $20-80 thousand).

The high knowledge intensity of the industry is the result of the particular complexity of the industry's products. It takes from 5 to 10 years to develop new designs for military and civil aviation, and even more so for rocket and space technology. The task of achieving high operational reliability of products and ensuring the long service life of aircraft (airliners up to 20-30 years) necessitates the creation of new types of structural materials and the improvement of all components of aviation and rocket technology. This makes it very high costs for R&D. The entire level of costs for the design and creation of ARCP products is so high that only a few companies in several industrial countries of the world can afford it.

The high degree of capital intensity of ARCP determines the correspondingly high monopolization of the industry: in the leading countries there are only a few (3-4) firms in this industry. Extremely fierce competition contributes to the merger of even large firms within one country (Boeing and McDonnell-Douglas in the USA) and firms from different countries in Western Europe (Airbus Industry, which united aviation firms from France, Germany, Great Britain and Spain). The goal of the European association is to confront US aircraft manufacturers. The role of monopolies can be judged by the fact that in 1996, about 90% of large civil airliners (with 100 or more passengers) were produced by two companies in the world: Boeing and Airbus. The production of engines was also limited to 10 companies.

The structure of the ARCP of industrial countries is complex: it highlights rocket science, production spacecraft as the newest independent industries; the aviation industry is represented by production different types aircraft and helicopters, engines, avionics (electronic equipment). Although rocket production technology has been mastered by many countries, less than 10 countries provide heavy multi-stage rocket systems for launching satellites. spaceships reusable - USA only, and permanent space station created only in the USSR.

Currently, airplanes and helicopters are made in more than 20 countries around the world, but their production capabilities are not the same, both in the production of civil and, especially, military aircraft. Large airliners for 100-400 passengers are produced only by the United States, a joint company of the leading countries of Western Europe - Airbus, as well as CIS countries (Russia,). They can also produce super cargo transport aircraft. These aircraft with a flight range of up to 10 thousand km or more are designed to serve intercontinental airlines. These countries and a number of others (Brazil, Canada, China) produce airliners with up to 100 passengers for intracontinental lines.

The production of light civil aircraft for various purposes is becoming increasingly important. The cheapest and most popular are “business” ones, for patrolling, police, sports, ambulances with a number of seats up to 10. In 1995, the number of such aircraft in operation in different countries, was estimated at 330 thousand in the world. This also includes light helicopters for the same purposes.

The production of such light and cheap aircraft is carried out by companies in many countries that have aircraft factories and produce them under foreign licenses.

In the production of military aircraft of all types - from strategic bombers to fighters, trainers and military transports - the USA and the USSR were unrivaled. They had experienced personnel in R&D, aircraft manufacturing, enterprises and to support national programs for the development of military aviation. Most other states had less technical and scientific capabilities and produced primarily fighters, medium front-line bombers and attack aircraft. Many of them produced helicopters under licenses or of their own designs.

A high level of monopolization is also inherent in engine production. They are subject to more and more technical, economic, and environmental requirements, which are increasingly stringent (reliability, reduced fuel consumption, reduced noise and hazardous emissions). Many countries produce engines for light aircraft, but engines for airliners and military aircraft are produced by a limited number of countries and companies. These engines are expensive (up to 35% of the cost of the airliner), and the most specialized companies specialize in their production. large firms(in the USA - General Electric, Pratt & Whitney; in the UK - Rolls-Royce; in France - SNECMA; in Germany there is also one company; in Russia - factories in Rybinsk, etc.; in Ukraine - Zaporozhye). These firms became monopolists in the production of powerful aircraft engines.

In the post-war years, the role of individual countries and regions in the global production of aviation equipment changed significantly. Germany and Japan, which had very large aviation industries before World War II, virtually eliminated them. Despite all their modern scientific potential, accumulated experience in aircraft construction and industrial power, for various reasons (including the ban after the war on having military aircraft) they did not restore their lost positions in the global aviation industry. To a certain extent, this also applies to Italy.

The most powerful area of ​​ARKP is the USA. During the Second World War and after it, in the process of creating and deploying weapons systems, extremely favorable conditions developed for military aircraft construction and the production of powerful missiles. The rapid growth in the production of civil aircraft was facilitated by the need to provide transportation within the country and abroad. In the post-war years, the United States did not have strong competitors in the creation of various types of passenger aircraft (a small number of them were produced only by Great Britain and). Therefore, the entire aviation market of Western countries ended up with the United States: they supplied their military aircraft to NATO members, and passenger aircraft to the vast majority of countries in the world. All this stimulated the growth of all sectors of the country's aviation industry.

The material basis for the development of the ARKP is the industrial base of the United States with its supply of all the needs of aviation and missile production. Particular mention should be made of the world's largest electronics industry, chemical and. The country has the world's largest scientific base, which has been largely involved in the implementation of research work for ARKP. The monopolization of the entire industry is extremely high; the leading ARKP firms do not have strong competitors, but they are in the process of merging and increasing their role in the country and in the world.
In the US ARCP in the 80s. 1.3 million people were employed, in 1996 their number decreased to 0.8 million, which is 3 times more than in the entire industry in Western Europe. In 1996, the United States accounted for 45% of aircraft sales in the world (up to 1/3 of it was exported). Leading companies produce military and civil aircraft for various purposes (Boeing and McDonnell - mainly airliners, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman - military, Bell Technology - helicopters, etc.). Their role in the global aircraft industry is very large: in 1997, Boeing produced 70% of aircraft on the world market (Western European Airbus - 15%).

In the Western European ARKP, the most significant role is played by France and Great Britain. Both countries, in addition to Airbus passenger airliners, produce a number of types of military aircraft (fighters) and rocket and space technology, and supply their engines to the United States. These countries, together with Germany, produce transport helicopters. Most NATO countries in Western Europe are armed with US aircraft, and attempts to create their own aircraft models for the 21st century. so far without results (project “Eurofighter”).

Until 1991, the USSR was, along with the United States, the leading country in terms of development of the ARCP. He was the first to begin the exploration of outer space. The aviation industry had already developed strongly before World War II and confirmed its superiority in quality and quantity over German aircraft during the war. Back in the 30s. the country held many outstanding aviation records. Until 1990, the USSR held 1/3 of the world records in aviation. The aviation industry was one of the largest mechanical engineering sectors in the country.

A feature of the structure of ARKI products was the significant predominance of military aircraft and the rocket and space industry (the ratio of military and civil aircraft production was 80:20). Fully meeting the needs of their air force The USSR exported a large number of aircraft and was, along with the USA, their leading supplier. Since 1961, aircraft from the USSR have arrived in 60 countries (more than 7,500 units, including 4,500 helicopters). Until 1990, the USSR supplied aircraft for 40% of the world's aircraft fleet and 1/3 of the world's fleet of combat vehicles (to the socialist countries of Eastern Europe, many states in Asia, etc.).

The successes of the aviation and then the rocket and space industry of the USSR were due to the development of R&D. The country has developed large research centers (TsAGI) and a number of world-famous design bureaus in aircraft construction (Tupolev, Ilyushin, Yakovlev and many others) and in rocket science (Koroleva). In the USSR, along with the USA, a diversified aviation industry was created, producing all types of civil and, especially, military aircraft. It employed more than 1 million people working at several hundred enterprises in the industry.
After the collapse of the USSR, a number of large enterprises in the industry found themselves outside of Russia (in Ukraine, Uzbekistan), although they were closely connected in a single complex. The reduction in military orders and purchases of passenger aircraft led to the decline of the Russian aviation industry. As international air shows show, the country has all the necessary conditions (design personnel, factories) for the production of world-class aircraft, sometimes ahead of those in the United States and other countries. However, foreign aviation companies do not want to have such competitors; they force the sale of their airliners to Russia, undermining their production in the country.

Shipbuilding is the oldest branch of modern transport engineering, but is currently relegated to the background, having lost its former importance in the production of vehicles. This is due to the low economic efficiency of shipbuilding. It is very material- and labor-intensive; the process of building large ships is long (up to a year), but their cost is relatively low. The service life of ships, guaranteeing their safe operation, is 2-3 times less than that of passenger airliners. Repairing and dismantling old ships is labor-intensive and expensive. Therefore, in a number of countries (especially in Russia) “ship cemeteries” have formed, which pose a certain threat to environment. For these reasons, most industrially developed countries of Western Europe have sharply reduced the volume of their shipbuilding.

However, the role in global cargo transportation is extremely large. Therefore, all efforts of scientific and technological progress in shipbuilding were aimed at increasing the efficiency of the industry: the creation of new types of ship engines that replaced the steam engine; introduction of new structural materials (plastics, fiberglass, aluminum, etc. instead of traditional wood and steel); organizing the production of individual sections of the future vessel with their subsequent assembly at shipyards; designing new types of ships and equipment for them, reducing time for loading and unloading operations; equipping ships with modern telecommunications and radars.

All this is intended to reduce the cost of building ships, significantly increase the size and strength of their structure (for example, create supertankers with a carrying capacity of over 500 thousand tons), reduce fire hazards, improve the seaworthiness of ships and reduce the likelihood of disasters at sea, and ultimately increase operating efficiency and service life. ship services.

Global shipbuilding output under severe impact general condition economy, political situation in the world. This causes either an increase in orders for ships, or their sharp drop, including a switch to the construction of military ships. Thus, fewer ships were built in 1938 than in 1928 during the boom of the world economy. crises in the world in the 70-80s. led to a reduction in tanker construction. Therefore, with a significant increase in the production of maritime merchant ships (over 1950-1995, more than 5 times), in some years there were strong fluctuations.
In the era of scientific and technological revolution, the structure of shipbuilding products changed significantly: the construction of passenger liners stopped; The share of specialized courts has increased sharply. The era of transatlantic high-speed airliners (such as the pre-war Queen Mary, Normandy, etc.) ended with the development of passenger air travel. Small passenger ships (often ferries) are needed by a number of countries (, etc.) for the transport of passengers or for the transport of cars with passengers in. Increasingly, comfortable large tourist (“cruise”) ships (with a displacement of 100 thousand tons or more) are being built, accommodating up to 3 thousand tourist passengers.

Among special courts The largest share is made up of tankers for the transportation of oil and petroleum products, liquefied liquids, chemical cargo (ammonia, acids, molten sulfur), food products ( vegetable oils) etc. Tankers account for up to 1/2 or more of the tonnage of new ships. In recent decades, the number of container ships being built to transport many types of finished products has increased. Of great importance are fish canning floating bases, research vessels, icebreakers for a number of countries, lighter carriers, etc. The share of vessels for transporting bulk cargo (coal carriers, ore carriers, etc.) is decreasing.

In the geography of the world shipbuilding industry in the 20th century. fundamental changes have occurred. Historically, the largest shipbuilding industry in the world has traditionally been in the UK. She was the leader before the Second World War (1938 - 33% of ships built) and in the post-war years (1950 - 38%). After this, the decline of the country's shipbuilding began. In 1970, Japan pushed Britain into second place. In 1970, it already accounted for 48% of the world's ship tonnage; Great Britain, which in 1980 did not even make it into the top ten leading countries in world shipbuilding, was relegated to 4th place.

Shifts in the location of the world's shipbuilding industry in 1950-1995. greatly changed the entire geography of this once leading branch of mechanical engineering, which had been formed over centuries. In 1938, more than 77% of the world's tonnage of ships built came from Western European countries. world shipbuilding has brought Asian states into main region this industry: in the mid-90s. it provided 78% of the world's ships (including Japan - 49%, the Republic of Korea - 25 and the People's Republic of China - 5%). Asian countries - leaders in world shipbuilding - have simultaneously become world-leading exporters of products in this industry (also up to 3/4 of their supplies).

Until 1991, the great potential of the USSR shipbuilding industry was only partially used for the needs of civil shipbuilding (nuclear icebreakers, a small number of large tankers, and sea-type vessels were built). The main capacities of the industry were fulfilling military orders (a similar situation was in the USA). The needs for civil courts were met by the significant ones created in the socialist countries - the German Democratic Republic, Yugoslavia, Romania, etc. After 1992, Russia lost a number of shipbuilding centers in. The Russian shipbuilding industry, having stopped receiving orders, practically does not work.

The production of rolling stock for railways developed during the PR period, and its heyday occurred during the MTR era. This was due to massive intrastate and intraregional flows of cargo for industry and the rapid growth of passenger traffic. By the beginning of the scientific and technological revolution, the production of locomotives and all types of freight and passenger cars had reached its maximum in the developed countries of Western Europe and the USA. Competition with road and air transport has significantly reduced production volumes. It continued to grow only in Asian countries (China, India) and the USSR, where the role of railway transport remained leading in the domestic transportation of goods and passengers.

The changing role of rolling stock in transport has contributed to the search for ways to improve locomotives and cars. The main ways are to increase the speed of trains, especially passenger trains, and increase the carrying capacity of cars, as well as the weight of freight trains. The introduction of powerful electric and diesel locomotives into production made it possible to increase the speed of passenger trains to 200-300 km/h (the speed record for an electric locomotive is 537 km/h). Such trains required high-speed roads. Magnetic levitation (“cushion”) passenger trains have become a new type of train. The weight of freight trains reached 20 thousand tons (more than 300 cars in one train).

The structure of rolling stock for railways produced in the world has been continuously improved. Already in the middle of the 20th century. industrialized countries of the world stopped producing steam locomotives: the USA since 1955, France - 1956, USSR - 1957, Germany - 1959, Great Britain - since 1961. New types of locomotives - diesel locomotives and electric locomotives - are much more efficient. For freight transportation, a very wide specialized fleet of wagons, tanks, etc. is created. for liquid, gaseous and solid cargo. An important direction for improving all types of rolling stock for railways is increasing the safety of their operation and environmental protection (noise effect).

The production location of railway rolling stock has undergone significant changes, but still reflects national and regional characteristics of its use. The leaders in the production of these products were the “great railway powers” ​​of the world: the USA, the USSR and, after 1991, Russia, China. Large national needs for rolling stock determine the scale of its production. In some years, the maximum production of locomotives in this group of countries reached from 1 thousand in the PRC to 2.2-2.4 thousand in the USSR and the USA, freight cars in the USSR - more than 70 thousand and the USA - more than 100 thousand, and passenger cars from 1 thousand in the USA to 1.8 thousand in the GDR and China and 2.2 thousand in the USSR. The industrial countries of Western Europe, with their products oriented towards export, produced up to 1 thousand locomotives (Great Britain, Germany) and up to 2.5 thousand passenger cars (Germany).

However, these production figures covered the period 1950-1980. Since then, in all these countries (except China), the production of rolling stock for railways has decreased several times. Domestic demand in Western countries fell due to competition road transport. Many (India, Brazil, etc.) have organized own production carriages and locomotives. Until 1991, their large-scale production was in foreign countries CMEA (GDR, Czechoslovakia). These products met the needs of all states of Eastern Europe and primarily the USSR, but in the 90s. the production of cars and locomotives decreased by 3-5 times.

The production of rolling stock in Russia fell especially sharply: in 1990-1997. The production of freight cars decreased from 25.1 thousand to 5.0 thousand units, passenger cars - from 1225 to 517 units, mainline diesel locomotives - from 46 to 13 units. A significant part of the enterprises in this industry ended up outside Russia (in Ukraine). As a result, the railway network fleet does not receive a sufficient amount of new rolling stock, is aging and can cope with transportation only due to a significant reduction in its volume.

General mechanical engineering. It includes the manufacture of various machines and equipment for many sectors of the national economy, mainly the sphere of material production. It provides equipment for the entire fuel and energy complex from fuel extraction to its processing, metallurgical, chemical, pulp and paper, etc. Special meaning had the creation innovative types power equipment - nuclear reactors in the USA, Canada, Japan, USSR and a number of Western European countries (France, Great Britain, Germany, etc.). This also includes the production of metalworking machines, forging and pressing equipment, robotics for mechanical engineering itself. Mechanical engineering supplies equipment for, light and in every country. A modern feature is the orientation of the main high-tech industries (pharmaceutical, polymer materials, reagents and highly pure substances), as well as perfumery and cosmetic products, household chemicals etc. to ensure the daily needs of a person and his health.

Development determined the process of national economy. It involves the widespread widespread use of industry products, the full implementation chemical processes into different sectors of the economy. Industries such as oil refining (except nuclear power plants), pulp and paper, production building materials(cement, brick, etc.), as well as many productions are based on the use of chemical processes for changing the structures of the original substance. At the same time, they often need the products themselves chemical industry, i.e. thereby stimulating its accelerated development.

A special feature of the chemical industry is its very wide, diverse raw material base. It includes the mining and chemical industry (mining sulfur, phosphorites, potassium salts, table salt, etc.). In most countries of the world (except Russia) it is usually classified as mining. The most important suppliers of raw materials are also industries that are not part of the chemical industry itself (petrochemical, coke chemical, gas chemical, forest chemical, shale chemical). They supply not only raw materials (most often hydrocarbons, sulfur, etc.), but also intermediate products (sulfuric acid, alcohols, etc.). The most important result of scientific and technical progress in the second half of the 20th century. - widespread and widespread transition of the chemical industry to the use of petroleum products, associated and natural gas: The vast majority of the industry's products are obtained from them.

The specific features of the chemical industry that influence its location are as follows:

  • very high energy intensity (primarily heat capacity) in industries related to the structural restructuring of matter (production of polymer materials, organic synthesis products, electrochemical processes, etc.);
  • high water intensity of production (cooling of units, technological processes);
  • low labor intensity of most industries in the industry;
  • very high capital intensity;

Most of the products in these industries are one-piece and are produced only on orders, they are expensive, the manufacturing process is long and stretches over many months, and the volume varies from year to year. Other types of products are relatively massive and are produced in hundreds of thousands and millions of copies (tractors, sewing machines, mechanical watches, etc.). General engineering products have a very wide range. Therefore, the industry has developed a noticeable specialization of countries in a number of products, which determines the high exportability of production.

The location of general mechanical engineering production largely follows the geographic features of the entire mechanical engineering industry. Thus, the production of machine tools and forging equipment - the “core” of all mechanical engineering - is concentrated in three leading countries - Japan, Germany and the USA. On them in the mid-90s. accounted for up to 60% of all production in this industry in the world. The leader in the machine tool industry remains Western (about 1/3 of production in the world), in second place (1/4). There, besides Japan, the newly industrialized countries became major producers of machine tools. Together with the People's Republic of China, they produce more products than the United States.

Almost the entire range of general engineering products is produced by only a few countries in the world - the USA, USSR, Germany, Japan. After 1991, Russia lost the opportunity to produce it across the entire range, because a number of enterprises were lost. However, the remaining ones were sharply reduced in 1991-1997. production of many types: excavators - 5 times, turbines - 4 times, tractors - 17 times, combines - 30 times, tower cranes - 84 times. Whole line Russia is forced to purchase types of products in this industry (including tractors and combines) from other countries of the world.

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