Interpretation of Thoth tarot cards. II. High Priestess. Interpretation of Thoth Tarot cards

The system of predictions using a deck of cards, called Tarot, has been known, by historical standards, not so long ago - since the end of the 14th century. Where they came from, who invented them and brought them to European lands - nothing is known for certain. Among Tarot lovers, there are several versions of their origin. One of them connects the deck with Egypt, seeing in it encrypted symbols of sacred knowledge that the priests of Thoth wanted to preserve and pass on to descendants. Proponents of this hypothesis are making attempts to decipher the original, original Tarot symbols, although they admit that the authentic form of these drawings has been lost. One of these enthusiasts - Aleister Crowley, the brightest figure of the esoteric world of the 20th century - made a similar attempt to resurrect the secret wisdom of the Egyptian mysteries, lost in the depths of centuries. The result of his work was the famous and quite popular in tarot circles, the “Tarot of Thoth” deck.

History of Crowley's deck

The prerequisite for creating a new deck was Crowley's conviction that at the beginning of the 20th century, namely in 1904, the era of the god Osiris ended and the era of the god Horus began. The change of cycles also affected the spiritual, magical sphere of life, thus requiring adjustments to the symbolic system of Tarot cards. Initially, however, Crowley did not intend to create a new deck. His plans included only correcting the most suitable option of all that exist. But his assistant, artist Frieda Harris, insisted on a complete reworking of the visuals and semantic consistency of the new set of cards. Work on them began in 1938 and lasted five years (instead of the originally intended three months). Thus was born the deck known today as Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot cards.

Features of Crowley's deck

In his views, Aleister Crowley was a terrible syncretist. He passionately sought secret knowledge wherever he could reach. Traveling around the world, Crowley studied the magical, occult and mystical traditions of a wide variety of societies - from traditional religious communities to secret initiation brotherhoods. The most contradictory thoughts, ideas and doctrines coexisted in his head, which he synthesized into a complex eclectic teaching, which he called Thelema. This whole heterogeneous mixture was reflected in the Thoth Tarot, in a sense, drawing a line under all of his work: three years after completing work on the deck, Crowley died.
The first feature of his cards concerned decoration. For Tarot it was perfect a new style, never used before. Crowley owes this to his partner, who was an experienced artist who had a great sense of the essence.

Another interesting and most important hallmark Crowley's Tarot of Thoth is that the interpretation of its symbols is significantly different from the interpretation of other, more traditional versions of the cards. Crowley combined in his work the symbolism of many cultures and occult schools, put his worldview into the pictures and introduced a lot of additional images. Moreover, Crowley swapped some cards, and removed others altogether, replacing them with analogues of his own composition. All this put Aleister Crowley's Tarot of Thoth in a very special position, turning fortune telling into a special independent system predictions.

He left us the exegetical key to his deck in his fundamental book on the Tarot, called The Book of Thoth. In terms of content, this is a rich reference book of fortune telling cards. However, there is also some uncertainty there, so that modern tarotists who use the Tarot of Thoth in their practice sometimes have to calculate the meaning of a particular symbol, relying on own experience, insight and intuition.

Major Arcana in Crowley's deck

The main graphic, and most importantly semantic, changes affected the cards of the major arcana. Therefore, it is worth dwelling on them in a little more detail.

Tarot of Thoth: the meaning of cards and symbolism of images

To use Crowley's deck productively, you need to understand its inherent symbolism. If in other collections a certain amount of freedom in interpretation is allowed, due to a subjective set of associations with a standard archetype, then in Crowley all the cards are strictly tied to their meaning.

It should be noted right away that, unlike other decks, all Thoth Tarot cards are interpreted only in an upright position. The system he developed does not provide special significance for reversed cards - this is true for both the major and minor arcana.

Aleister Crowley excluded the twentieth arcana “The Last Judgment” from the traditional series, replacing it with his own composition called “Aeon”. In addition, in accordance with some French versions of the deck, he swapped the “Strength” and “Justice” cards, plus, as already noted, he quite significantly “corrected” the generally accepted meaning of the pictures, even to the point of changing the names of some of them. For example, the same “Strength” and “Moderation” received the names “Lust” and “Regulation”, respectively.

0. Fool

Traditionally, the Fool card with numerical value zero is placed between the twentieth and twenty-first arcana. However, Crowley returned it to the beginning of the general series, proposing to start the semantic sequence from scratch.

The Fool (Jester, Fool, Madman) correlates with the planet Uranus and the element of air. It means novelty, idea, the border between old and new forms, spirituality.

1. Mage

The Magician in the Thoth Tarot is associated with Mercury. Means wisdom, strength, spiritual potential, capabilities, skills, abilities, creative potential, energy, thought and intellectual processes, communication.

2. High Priestess

Associated with the moon. Symbolizes introversion, internal focus, feelings, instincts, intuition.

3. Empress

This figure is associated with Venus and is in charge of all the traditional Venusian aspects of life - love, relationships, sex, fertility, beauty and pleasure.

4. Emperor

His figure is associated with the sign of Aries. Therefore, it embodies qualities such as leadership, dominance, idealism and devotion. The Emperor symbolizes struggle, ambition, power, exaltation, anger, stubbornness, fanaticism, energetic action.

5. Hierophant

The hierophant (sign - Taurus), that is, the initiate, carries the idea of ​​​​the material embodiment of spiritual principles. Therefore, it is explained as labor, diligence, willpower, organization, structure, patronage of higher powers.

6. Lovers, also called Brothers

This is one of the most difficult cards in the Thoth Tarot. Interpretation on a surface level is determined by the sign of Gemini and the idea of ​​communication - communication, interaction, inconsistency, choice.

7. Chariot

The Chariot is ruled by Cancer. Its associations include the concepts of strength, victory, internal search, introspection, and overcoming obstacles.

8. Regulation

This arcana is ruled by the sign of Libra. Accordingly, it is interpreted as balance, justice, harmony and poise.

9. Hermit

The hermit is associated with the sign of Virgo. Its meanings: search for knowledge, wisdom, depth, departure from everyday life, meaningfulness and systematization, self-sufficiency.

10. Wheel of fate

It is located under the rule of Jupiter. Reflects global turns of fate and universally significant phenomena - politics, religion, ideology. It can be interpreted as happiness, luck, and in a figurative sense as a tailwind.

11. Lust

This card is located in the competence of the sign Leo. Associated with ardor, conviction, absorption, creative energy, burning with something - an idea, desire, etc.

12. Hanged Man

It is subordinate to Neptune and correlates with the element of water. The semantics of the arcana are sacrifice, loss, suffering, punishment.

13. Death

Sign - Scorpio. Most often it means change, transformation, change. Perhaps a crisis, destruction, collapse of an idea, business or stage of something. Very rarely - physical death.

14. Art

Art is another challenging arcana in the Thoth Tarot. The interpretation of cards usually has no connection with this aspect of life at the level of a separate archetype. Crowley brings it under the sign of Sagittarius. The semantic series of this arcana is consistent actions, symbiosis of different forces, interaction.

15. Devil

The figure of the devil, associated in the Thoth Tarot with the sign of Capricorn, reveals the concepts of subordination. At the same time, it speaks of constraint, hindrance, obsession, slavery and material absorption.

16. Tower

The image of a tower or fortress under the auspices of Mars means danger. In addition, these are drastic changes, sudden blows of fate, turning points and moments.

17. Star

The star is ruled by Aquarius. This card symbolizes hope, opportunity, inspiration, unexpected help, faith.

18. Moon

The Moon card is associated with the sign of Pisces. This arcana speaks of mistakes, confusion, deception, delusion. May mean witchcraft and the beginning of change.

19. Sun

The sun is associated, of course, with the sun. The meaning of this card is victory, triumph, glory, power, fulfillment, satisfaction, truth and selfishness.

20. Aeon

The innovative card “Eon” associates Crowley with Pluto and the element of fire. He is charged with the beginning of a new business, the results of the past, the opening paths of the future, a transitional stage, a threshold.

21. Universe

This chart is ruled by Saturn. Interpreted as the final synthesis, result, universe, perfection, completeness, integrity.

Minor Arcana

The Thoth Tarot attaches particular importance to the major arcana. The cards of the minor arcana in Crowley's edition as a whole did not undergo significant changes. The only thing that distinguishes them is their unique design, devoid of a storyline, but giving imagery to the symbols of the suits themselves.

The most that Crowley contributed to the minor arcana was changing the suit of pentacles to discs. At the same time, the previous semantic core the suit itself remained the same.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that for the Thoth Tarot, the layouts used when working with ordinary decks are also quite acceptable and do not require specific additions. Correction is made only for the interpretation of the images themselves.

Thoth tarot cards were created in the first half of the twentieth century by the black magician Aleister Crowley and the outstanding artist Frieda Harris. The cards from the Thoth deck are very unusual - they used a rather strange color scheme that has not been used anywhere before, and they themselves are filled with a lot of esoteric symbols from various mythologies of the world.

Symbolism of Crowley's cards

The deck of tarot cards is considered one of the most comprehensive and ambiguous in interpretation. The full interpretation of these cards can only be found in the Book of Thoth. In addition, when fortune telling with the Thoth tarot, only the direct meaning of the cards is used, so their negative aspect quite often has to be caught at the level of intuition.
The symbolism of Thoth cards is quite multifaceted - the mystical symbols of the most different countries peace, knowledge of astrology and Kabbalah. Therefore, working with this deck of cards must be especially painstaking and thoughtful, and the tarot reader must not only understand the basics of working with a regular deck of tarot cards, but also understand other magical sciences.
When explaining the symbolism of his cards, Aleister Crowley emphasized that in 1904 the era of the Aeon of Osiris ended, and now the era of the Aeon of Horus has begun, which will last for the next 2000 years. In his opinion, this means that with the onset new era New interpretations of tarot cards were also needed, which he accomplished in his publication, “The Book of Thoth.”

Major Arcana of the Thoth Tarot

Just like in regular tarot card decks, in the Thoth tarot deck there are 22 major arcana with almost identical names. The main difference between this deck of cards is that instead of the “Judgment” card, which symbolizes the atonement of sins and resurrection, Crowley suggests using the “Eon” card, symbolizing the end of the past and the beginning of the future stage of development.
In addition, he decided to rename some cards, and swapped “Justice” and “Strength”, as was previously customary in France. Crowley gave his own interpretation to each of the major arcana, but he added many small additional details-symbols to the drawing of the card, which gives a lot additional material to interpret the meaning of the card. Therefore, very often the meaning of the Thoth tarot cards is completely different from the traditional ones, especially for those cards whose names have changed.
Another of Crowley's innovations was that he assigned the letter Tzadda not to the Star, as was previously customary, but to the Emperor. An outstanding Kabbalist of the 20th century explained this by saying that the letter C itself is more consistent with the king and royal power.

The meanings of the major arcana in career and personal life

When reading, the main attention should be paid to the major arcana of the Thoth tarot that have fallen out. They mean:

  1. Jester. When asked about a career, such a card from the Thoth deck symbolizes a break from previous work and thinking about new achievements. It also means a lack of professional qualities to do the job. In personal relationships, the Jester foreshadows flirting, fleeting frivolous feelings and new meetings.
  2. Mag. This Thoth card indicates that you will achieve success in professionally– pass the exam, report, and be able to successfully negotiate. In personal relationships, it indicates the end of a quarrel and further attraction with a partner, but only if you take your first step towards this.
  3. Priestess. Thoth tarot card, symbolizing that you have chosen a career where you need to be guided by intuition and the subconscious, based on your knowledge of human psychology. In relationships with the opposite sex, it indicates complete trust, sincere affection and a strong spiritual connection with a loved one.
  4. Empress. Professionally, this card from the Thoth deck indicates that you can change your job or start your own business; it can also mean rapid career. In her personal life, the Empress promises the revival of seemingly dead relationships or the strengthening of current ones, which can mean an addition to the family.
  5. Emperor. Thoth tarot card, indicating that you need to take control of the situation and pursue your goal with discipline in order to get the desired promotion. When asked about your personal life, the Emperor points out that your relationship has passed the test of time and now it is no longer afraid of anything.
  6. Hierophant. It can mean either receiving a second education or learning your craft as a receiver, or that you are now walking the right path and following your calling. In personal relationships, it predicts the blossoming of love and trust of partners in each other.
  7. Lovers or Brothers. In the professional sphere, it indicates that you enjoy your work and the team around you. In personal life, this Thoth tarot card predicts the reconciliation of lovers and makes you listen to your heart.
  8. Chariot. The meaning of this card suggests that you do not need to be afraid to take risks or take on new tasks - everything will be successful. In your personal life, you will experience the development of relationships and some revival of old ones.
  9. Regulation. In professional terms, it means that you are about to undergo an audit or submit reports; now you will have to reap the benefits of your activities. In the romantic sphere, now you should not be guided by emotions, but you need to act carefully and thoughtfully.
  10. Hermit. This Thoth tarot card suggests leaving work and sharing your experience with another person, and can also mean realizing your purpose. In personal relationships, it also symbolizes loneliness and an attempt to realize one’s real desires and feelings.
  11. Fortune. Such a tarot card, both in career and in personal relationships, means that now you need to trust your destiny.
  12. Lust. It symbolizes that now is the peak of professional activity in your life, the main thing is not to be afraid to take risks. In your personal life, a hurricane of passions from love to hate is now raging, and you should slightly contain it.
  13. Hanged. In career terms, it predicts either hard, tedious work or no work at all. In personal life, such a Thoth tarot card is also stagnant, a serious crisis, a quarrel and fruitless attempts to break the vicious circle.
  14. Death. It can mean either quitting your job or retiring. In relationships, it also indicates their breakup - final and irrevocable.
  15. Art. Professionally, it indicates that you were able to find a balance between work and rest, and that you find it easy and pleasant to work. In love, this Thoth tarot card symbolizes harmony in relationships and equality between partners.
  16. Devil. When resolving career issues, it indicates corruption and prohibited practices. In personal life, it marks a relationship built not on love, but on hatred, when two people do not give each other tenderness, but try to fight for power over each other.
  17. Tower. In a career, this Thoth tarot card symbolizes either an absolute change in activity or its complete cessation. In a relationship with a partner, it means a break in the relationship, which will bring relief.
  18. Star. When asked about both career and relationships, it marks the beginning of something new and wonderful that will bring success and happiness.
  19. Moon. This Thoth tarot card says that now you are afraid to take a decisive step to advance your career, as soon as the fear goes away, everything will definitely work out. In personal life, the Moon predicts jealousy and unstable relationships.
  20. Sun. In professional and personally symbolizes happiness and pleasure in everything you undertake.
  21. Eon. The meaning of such a card when asking questions about your career indicates that you need to completely change your working principle and perhaps learn some new techniques. In personal life, the Eon tarot card promises either a new feeling or an addition to the family.
  22. Universe. This card from the Thoth deck means that you enjoy both love and relationships with your partner. Your life brings you nothing but joy.

But when interpreting the alignment, you should also pay attention to the minor arcana of the Thoth tarot, which can complement your interpretation or direct it in a different direction.

Aleister Crowley's Tarot is a unique storehouse of wisdom that has survived to our time. The name of the creator of the deck is still shrouded in various legends and myths. And the most experienced and skilled magicians are happy to use his deck for work.

Aleister Crowley's Tarot Cards - Historical Background

Crowley's tarot cards cannot be called a banal deck of cards. The central figure here is the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and magic, who, according to ancient legends, taught the Egyptians writing. In addition, the deity Thoth is the personification of the night luminary of the Moon and is considered the left eye of the fiery God Horus, who in turn was damaged during the fight with Set. If you turn to Greek mythology, then there we will find the deity Hermes, who is the prototype of Thoth. Many are attributed to him magical abilities, the main of which is the patronage of magic, alchemy and astrology. The composite image of this deity is considered by many mystics to be the founder of alchemy. Many legends are also associated with the famous emerald tablet, which often becomes a subject of controversy for lovers of the occult even in our time. Aleister Crowley claimed that during his stay in Egypt he made contact with the ancient gods, who allowed him to become familiar with the emerald tablet. It was precisely the forbidden knowledge that he received at that moment that prompted him to write the book of Thoth and create his own deck of cards. One of the most popular is .

Initially, the Tarot was created as a playing deck, but Alistair endowed them with special symbolism and made an integral attribute every occultist. Frida Harris is a famous Egyptologist artist, thanks to whom the deck was created. Thoth's book, in turn, is an explanatory guide that allows you to understand the symbolism of each picture. It describes the cards, drawing on the cabal, astrology, the occult sciences and the beliefs of Crowley himself. Not only for a beginner, but also to an experienced magician It will be quite difficult to start working with the deck without reading this book. It contains various references to the main works of the famous mystic, which make the deck easier to understand. In 1944, Thoth's book was released to the world, but Alistair's name was hidden behind the pseudonym "Master Therion". In the same year, the Tarot itself was published in an edition of 200 copies. This edition is considered inferior because it was published with photocopies of the book, and not with the original watercolors. The attribute was made in two colors: scarlet was used for the shirt, and blue was used to color the picture. Today this edition is referred to as the “One-Color Tarot of the Holy Grail”, which is considered the greatest rarity. In the Tarot of Thoth, as is customary, there are great major and minor arcana. Elder:

  • Priestess;
  • Empress;
  • Emperor;
  • Hierophant;
  • Lovers;
  • Chariot;
  • Regulation;
  • Hermit;
  • Fortune;
  • Lust;
  • Hanged;
  • Death;
  • Art;
  • Devil;
  • Tower;
  • Star;
  • Moon;
  • Sun;
  • Universe.

Among the younger ones:

  • cups;
  • swords;
  • wands;
  • disks.

Once a deck was also released that contained not 78, but 80 cards. It is notable for the fact that it was executed with the addition of Frida’s special watercolors. It contains three various options Maga: Greek, Indian, Egyptian. Alistair himself chose Greek. However, Frida kept all three images. All minor arcana are divided into four parts, which are symbols of the four elements. The Great Arcana corresponds to the twenty-two letters of Hebrew. Crowley not only changed some of the names, but also the serial numbers, adding specific symbols to the images themselves. This once again proves that before starting to work with this deck, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the text of the Book of Thoth, since it is the foundation on which the entire philosophy of Crowley’s teachings is based. Aleister Crowley's Tarot cards can be used for a variety of fortune telling and layouts. They help their owner and give very clear answers to questions. With the proper skill, you will learn to accurately use them to look not only into the future, but also into the most hidden corners of the human soul.

The Thoth Tarot deck of cards is one of the varieties of Tarot, invented in the 19th century by the combined works of the great people Aleister Crowley and artist Frieda Harris.

Aleister Crowley is a unique person endowed with a special gift, a magician, a Satanist. The cards from this deck look quite decent and you can endlessly admire the artistic images. A deck of Thoth cards is a whole magical, magical Universe. It closely intertwines such sciences as astrology, Jewish Kabbalah, numerology, etc.

People learned to predict fate using Thoth cards relatively recently - around the end of the 14th century.

Interpretation of Thoth Tarot cards

Thoth Tarot cards are multifaceted and ambiguous in interpretation and reading. ABOUT full interpretation cards can only be found in the Book of Thoth. So, let's try to decipher the meaning of each card.

This traditional card has numerical designation zero. The Fool card is equated with the element of air and the planet Uranus. Marks ideas, a new format of life, spirituality;

This card in interpretation correlates with the planet Mercury. Manifestation of wisdom, excellent creative success, thoughts, skills, achievements;

Symbol – Moon. Characteristics include thoughtfulness, concentration, and developed intuition;

This figure has a connection with Venus, therefore it is called a symbol of sex, love, fertility and pleasure;

The Emperor is associated with Aries. The embodiment of such qualities as leadership, power, as well as stubbornness, strict adherence to the task;

It carries the idea of ​​the real embodiment of our thoughts and spiritual foundations. The card is deciphered as diligence, determination, responsibility, punctuality, striving for the highest;

This is one of the most difficult Tarot cards; Gemini is attached to it. The interpretation speaks of choice, relationships, inconsistency in decision making;

The patron of this card is Cancer. You can safely include victory, self-searching, constant self-improvement, overcoming difficulties in your arsenal of associations;

The card is under the leadership of the sign of Libra, therefore, the main properties are balance, complete harmony, tranquility;

The Arcana is correlated with the sign of Virgo. It is interpreted as a search for depth, meaningfulness, a departure from everyday affairs;

Wheel of Fate
The map is ruled by Jupiter and reflects the most important phenomena: religion, political processes;





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Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot cards are named after the mythological character - the Egyptian wise god Thoth. They are different from common tradition. Some, even very experienced tarot readers, are afraid to use the Thoth deck in their rituals. Others use only these Tarots, and would never exchange them for any others.

Tarot Thoth - a deck that has received great recognition

The creator of the Thoth Tarot, the most mysterious dark magician of his time, Aleister Crowley, acquired a terrible reputation and was known to everyone as a very cruel person. Despite this fact, his Tarot became widespread. They carry rich symbolism, which is based on ancient mythology many cultures.

History of the Thoth Tarot

The Thoth Tarot cards, along with the Book of Thoth, were developed in the early 20th century by the English mystic, occultist and tarot reader Edward Alexander Crowley, better known as Aleister Crowley. The cards were created together with artist Frieda Harris, who was also passionate about mysticism.

Aleister Crowley was a dark magician and Satanist, one of the most famous ideologists of the occult of his time. He created his own doctrine of Thelema and was a member of the Order of the Silver Star. Because of his views and immoral behavior in public, Aleister Crowley's relationship with society did not work out; many were afraid of him.

Crowley studied already known Tarot decks for a long time. He was not satisfied that the interpretations of the cards were unclear and the meaning was revealed only to a select few. He decided to create such a deck of Tarot cards so that everyone who decided to study magic would discover their symbolism.

Artists, out of superstition, did not want to collaborate with Crowley, all except Frieda Harris. She was an Egyptologist, interested in mythology and mysticism. Alistair explained to her the meaning of each Arcana and each individual card. Work on the deck took a long time, and they were printed only after the death of the creators. The Second World War prevented the work from being published on time.

The drawings turned out to be very complex, abstract, they differed from traditions. The reverse side of the cards depicted the Rose and Cross of the Golden Dawn.

Description of Thoth Tarot cards

According to the Tarot tradition, Aleister Crowley's deck is divided into Arcana - Major and Minor.

Tarot Thoth is a deck that is traditionally divided into the Major and Minor Arcana

The Major Arcana are called Tarot Trumps, there are 22 of them.

Crowley changed the names and meanings of some trump cards from the traditional Tarot, and moved some to other positions.

The Major Arcana Gallery includes cards.

  • Fool or Jester. Opens the deck.
  • High Priestess.
  • Empress.
  • Emperor.
  • Hierophant or high priest.
  • Lovers/Brothers. Crowley gave the card a double name.
  • Chariot.
  • Regulation. The original name was Justice, and position XI.
  • Hermit.
  • Fortune. The original name was Wheel of Fortune.
  • Lust. The original name is Strength, and position VIII.
  • The Hanged Man or the Gallows.
  • Death.
  • Art (Alchemy). Original name Temperance.
  • Devil.
  • Tower.
  • Star.
  • Sun.
  • Eon. Original name Court.
  • Universe. Original name: World.

The Thoth Tarot traditionally has four suits of the Minor Arcana, each with 14 cards.

  • Wands.
  • Swords.
  • Cups.
  • Disks. Traditionally, this suit is called Coins (Dinars, Pentacles). Crowley changed the name. The disk symbolizes the Earth. In the Middle Ages it was represented as a flat disk.

The images of the first ten cards of the suit do not have a plot that is suitable for interpretation. Each card has its own content and symbolism. The next four arcana have changed names compared to the canonical ancient Tarot. The Page card received a new name and a new meaning. The Knight became the Prince, the King became the Knight, and only the Queen remained the Queen.

Each Aleister Crowley Tarot card of the Thoth Tarot has an astrological correspondence.

Symbolism of the Thoth Tarot

The signs depicted on the Thoth Tarot cards belong to mythology different nations and various spiritual practices. Thoth cards contain mystical symbols:

  • Ancient Egyptian mythology.
  • Mythologies of India.
  • Astrology.
  • Cabalistics.

The interpretation of the meaning of each lasso is ambiguous, it is multifaceted. Aleister Crowley gave his cards a detailed interpretation from his personal, very specific point of view on magic and astrology. The symbolism of many cards coincides with the traditions of the Tarot, but the meaning of some cards has changed or received additional meaning.

This refers to the Arcana, which Crowley renamed. The magician believed that at the beginning of the 20th century the old era ended - the Aeon of Osiris, and the countdown of a new milestone began - the Aeon of Horus, which would last for the next two millennia. Based on this conviction, he did not give his cards an unambiguous classical interpretation. A change of era changes the astrological framework, and therefore the meanings of the Tarot arcana.

The meaning of the Thoth Tarot cards is described in detail in the "Book of Thoth"

A comprehensive description, symbolism and meaning of the Thoth Tarot cards are described in The Book of Thoth. This is a valuable work that reveals mystical secrets. Those who want not just to tell fortunes, but to seriously study the magic of the Tarot, should definitely read the book.

Practicing sorcerers who use the Tarot based on their personal experience, give a simplified interpretation of the cards. Sometimes their interpretations differ from the canonical ones intended by the creator. Especially these are the renamed cards - Aeon, Art (Alchemy) and Lovers.

Interpretation of the Major Arcana of the Thoth Tarot

The Major Arcana of the Thoth Tarot are the most important in the Tarot deck. They are most saturated with symbols and reflect all aspects human life and its events. Each card received an interpretation in the Book of Thoth. But practicing magicians often disagree with existing interpretations. They assign some cards, if not a new meaning, then additional properties.


The first card in the Thoth Tarot deck. Symbolizes the beginning, new potential, an abundance of ways of self-realization, creative disorder, the recklessness of youth, naivety, irresponsibility. Irresponsibility is negative value Shuta. Layouts for future business development, if the Jester appears in them along with a negative card, will signal that you need to take the matter more seriously and gain new experience.


It means willpower, desire for life, determination, skill and experience, cunning and mental acuity. If the Mage is given in the reading, this may mean that the person has a magical gift. This card always carries a positive message.

High Priestess

Symbolizes feminine, and everything connected with it - wisdom, intuition, the ability to wait, creativity.


It also carries feminine power and symbolizes cyclicality. It means the birth of a new life, renewal, thirst for life, sensuality, trusting relationships in the family.


A strong power card. It symbolizes a sense of reality, a willingness to answer for oneself and others, leadership skills, pragmatism, tenacity of character, uncompromisingness.

Sage Card

Symbolizes understanding, indicates smart person. If the alignment gave the Hierophant card, this may indicate that soon a person will understand himself, learn the truth, find harmony between the soul and the body, or learn about an important event.


Map of love, friendship and trusting human relationships. In plans for the future, it may directly indicate an imminent marriage.


Symbolizes the path - the path of life, the path to success in business, the path of knowledge or comprehension of the truth.


Regulation - a card symbolizing the restoration of justice

It is a symbol of balance and harmony. In fortune telling for the future, the card means that affairs and relationships with people will return to normal, and justice will be achieved.


A very controversial card. Her positive side- solitude, self-knowledge. Negative meanings – isolation, selfish actions, depression.


A positive card of luck, especially in matters of finance. And it also symbolizes the beginning of something new, serious changes in life.


The interpretation of it in the books of Aleister Crowley differs from the modern one. Practicing magicians define Lust as a powerful energy card. It means fearlessness, love of life, passion, willingness to take risks.


The card is considered negative. It means powerlessness, difficult life circumstances, doubt, the need for sacrifice, and the lack of an alternative.


A negative card symbolizing death and destruction. May warn of the imminent death of a person, a pet, destruction of a business, loss of a job, divorce.

Art (Alchemy)

The card always has a positive message. It means achieving harmony in business and relationships, overcoming difficulties and conflicts, and recovery from illness.


Symbolizes the worst manifestations of man - envy, greed, deceit, selfishness, lust. The Devil appearing in the chart suggests that you need to beware of the manifestation of these qualities in someone or in yourself.


Symbolizes the emergence of a new one in place of the destroyed old one. Changes can be both positive and negative. Positive – clearing thoughts, realizing something new, breaking up unnecessary relationships. Negative – bankruptcy, divorce, separation from loved ones.


A strong positive card of new hope. It means happiness, harmony, the emergence of new previously unavailable prospects, new relationships.


Negative card. Symbolizes difficulties, obsession with fears, depression, bad feelings.


The interpretation of this card is diametrically opposed among different practicing magicians. Some consider it extremely positive, symbolizing happiness, the birth of something new, the development of oneself and one’s creative abilities. Others call it negative. They say that the Sun falling in the chart means that failures, quarrels, and nervous breakdowns await in the future.


Aeon card - the beginning of something new (for example, a work project)

The map was created by Crowley as a symbol of the beginning of a new era - the Aeon of Horus. And the meaning put into it was the same - the beginning of something new, a change for the better.


It is a symbol of successful completion, reaching peaks, assertion in one’s knowledge, and recovery.

Minor Arcana

The main meaning in Tarot layouts is carried by the major arcana, the remaining cards complement big picture new symbols and meanings. Each suit of the minor arcana symbolizes one of the four elements.

  • Wands – Fire.
  • Cups – Water.
  • Swords - Air.
  • Disks - Earth.

The interpreter gives the cards from Ace to Ten of all the minor arcana classic meanings; only the meanings of the last four cards, which Crowley changed their names, differ.


Wands are a fiery suit; they are responsible for the emotional aspect of life. Basic meanings of the arcana.

  • Ace – creative energy, logic, new beginning.
  • Two – possession, dominance.
  • Three is a virtue.
  • Four – completion (usually good).
  • Five is a struggle.
  • Six is ​​a victory.
  • Seven – valor, active actions.
  • Eight – speed, dynamic development.
  • Nine is strength.
  • Ten – suppression, obstacles, problems with the law.
  • Prince – active development, the path to achieving a goal, energy.
  • Princess - overcoming fears.
  • Queen – activity, thirst for development, passion.
  • Knight - unbalanced excessive energy, cruelty, aggression.


The suit of Cups is watery, they are responsible for feelings and everything connected with them. The simplest and most popular interpretations of the cards of the suit of Cups of the Thoth Tarot.

  • Ace – love and kindness, a supporting set of human feelings.
  • Two is love.
  • Three – abundance of feelings, fruitfulness of work.
  • Four – luxury, a feeling of fullness.
  • Five is a disappointment.
  • Six is ​​pleasure.
  • Seven – imposed stereotypes, self-doubt, alcoholism.
  • Eight – lethargy, laziness, depression.
  • Nine is happiness.
  • Ten – satiety.
  • Prince – pessimism, negative attitude towards life, depression.
  • Princess - lightness, optimism, inspiration, hopes for the best.
  • Queen – ambiguity, an incomprehensible situation.
  • Knight – leadership qualities, awareness of strength, movement towards a goal.


The airy suit of Swords is responsible for the intellectual sphere, issues of understanding and awareness of events, ideas, one’s role in the world, etc. Basic meanings of cards.

  • Ace - understanding, clarification.
  • Two – peace, tranquility, unambiguous clear thoughts.
  • Three – grief, anger, jealousy.
  • Four – a truce in a complex conflict.
  • Five – defeat, fear of failure.
  • Six – science, pure reason without emotions, high order.
  • Seven – futility, pessimism, awareness of one’s uselessness.
  • Eight is an active intervention that will lead to negative consequences.
  • Nine – cruelty, self-accusation.
  • Ten – collapse, emotional imbalance.
  • Prince – indecision, lack of understanding of the situation.
  • Princess - conflict, scandal.
  • Queen - radical changes of views, changes of opinions.
  • Knight – understanding of the task, self-confidence.

Knight of Swords - self-confidence


The earth, which is represented by disks, always symbolizes everything material and tangible. These are finances, real estate, the fruits of labor and all the emotions that the possession of material values ​​evokes. Basic interpretation of cards by suit.

  • Ace – small capital, profit from working on the land.
  • Two – changes, positive or neutral.
  • Three is work. The map indicates only the activity, not its result.
  • Four - strength, power.
  • Five – anxiety, complication of the situation.
  • Six is ​​success.
  • Seven is defeat.
  • Eight – prudence, stability of position.
  • Nine – acquisition, can be material or energetic (finding a friend, stable relationship, etc.).
  • Ten – prosperity, in monetary matters or in matters of human relationships.
  • Prince - advancement towards a material goal, receiving the fruits of one’s labor.
  • Princess – high material potential. In a reading, it may indicate pregnancy.
  • Queen - growth, the emergence of vitality, finding something you like that will bear fruit.
  • Knight - indicates that the time has come to collect the fruits of your activities and enjoy the process. A strong material card.

Fortune telling with Thoth Tarot cards will reveal aspects of life, events and emotions in all their diversity. This amazing and unique deck is not inferior to the ancient Tarot cards, and in some ways even surpasses them. It was designed by its creator taking into account the variability and cyclical nature of life. Crowley believed that magicians should reveal secrets, and not create them, fooling everyone's heads. He managed to fully realize the idea in his Thoth Tarot.