Top 5 smartest dogs. Rating of dogs by intelligence: the most accurate gradation from Stanley Coren. Official list of potentially dangerous dogs in Russia

Which dog breed is the best? Any owner will answer that this is the breed of his favorite. It's useless to argue with him, because the pet's love and devotion will outweigh an objective assessment.

It cannot even be called completely justified expert assessmentDifferent breeds are bred for different purposes. But, we can separate them into groups according to their valuable properties.

Intelligence, beauty, loyalty, size and strength. Here are the criteria by which you can identify the best dog breeds.


No matter what purpose the breed is bred for, the dog’s intelligence will always be the most important indicator. When they talk about intelligence, they mean three of its facets:

  • instinctive;
  • adaptive;
  • obedience.

Instinctive intelligence called the dog’s excellent performance of genetically assigned functions.

Adaptive Intelligence necessary when performing some task only on your own.

Obedience– the ability of an animal to learn commands given by a person.

But this approach to determining the intelligence of a breed is not absolute, because a good sled dog, for example, should be able to drive a team, independently choosing the best path, and the habit of independent actions reduces obedience.

The genotype of dogs of recently bred breeds is very different from the genotype of a wolf, so they learn commands much faster than representatives of ancient breeds.

  1. remembers unusually quickly, but what’s amazing is that he is able to predict the owner's command.
  2. able to think, can experience a feeling of compassion. He studies easily, with pleasure, it’s not for nothing that you can meet him both as a circus performer and as a security guard.
  3. able to remember a command after five repetitions. Excellent mental abilities easily allow you to master the skills of a security guard and bloodhound.
  4. Intelligence is perfectly characterized by the scope of application of its abilities: customs, police, companion for a blind man.
  5. sometimes called a dog with human thinking.
  6. willingly learns, understanding and remembering commands well, but due to mobility nervous system a little timid.
  7. remembers a new command after five repetitions, but Successful learning requires strong motivation.
  8. learns with pleasure, can withstand even routine, but knows how to get around the owner's prohibitions - such an extraordinary use of intelligence.
  9. He has an excellent memory, he is smart, and is able to make his own decisions. Physical activity is necessary to develop intelligence.
  10. enjoys learning, loves challenging tasks.

The Doberman is able to intuitively understand any situation, and evaluates people's intentions by intonation.


When people call dogs the most loyal creatures in the world, they are not mistaken, they are not exaggerating. A loving dog is devoted to his owner until his last breath. This is why we become so attached to our pets.

You can get obedience from a dog, but love and devotion must be earned through a kind, caring attitude.

However, there is also a top 10 best breeds dogs based on their devotion to the owner:

  1. called a symbol of devotion. The animal becomes attached to its owner forever and is very sad without him.
  2. chooses the owner once and for all, He will follow his master everywhere and will give his life without hesitation.
  3. – an affectionate and kind dog, becomes attached to all family members.
  4. They become so attached to their owner that separation even for a couple of hours becomes torture for them.
  5. Collies are strongly attached to the whole family and have difficulty experiencing loneliness. They may even get sick from melancholy.
  6. The affection for its owner is amazing: never gives up, always ready to defend.
  7. loves his owner endlessly, ready to be with him for days.
  8. adores its owner and often fights for his love. Will rush to defense in absolutely any situation.
  9. very attached to all family members, but especially loves the owner.
  10. symbol of brutality, loves and protects the whole family.

A boxer cannot be given to other people - he will not get used to it and will become aggressive.


There is no concept more ambiguous than the concept of “beauty”. For some, a huge dog is charming, for others, a tiny dog ​​is charming.

  1. very beautiful: symmetrically colored muzzle with stripes, almond-shaped Blue eyes outlined in black. The dog looks like a young, full of strength wolf.
  2. not only beautiful in appearance, but also very affectionate, There is a constant expression of a smile on the face.
  3. - a miniature spaniel with round sad eyes. Kind, delicate, playful dog.
  4. Playful little dog – – looks like a toy bear or a fox.
  5. Ears similar to the wings of a butterfly, hence the name.
  6. The Bobtail is a long-haired white or blue-gray dog. Gray-blue specimens usually have blue eyes.
  7. - small, cute, cheerful creature with an unusually beautiful face and fur.
  8. – a powerful dog with a very beautiful tricolor wool.
  9. – a proportionally built dog with slanted eyes, at the same time similar and like a fox and a wolf.
  10. with luxurious wool.


  1. The English Mastiff is the largest breed: at the withers – 90 cm, weight 100-110 kg.
  2. reaches 80-87 cm at the withers with a weight of 70 to 90 kg.
  3. The Iberian Mastiff, with a height of 77-81 kg, weighs 70-100 kg.
  4. The Spanish Mastiff reaches 77-80 cm at the withers and weighs 80-100 kg.
  5. grows up to 77-78 cm, weighs 60-80 kg.
  6. can grow up to 70-90 cm with a weight of 80-100 kg.
  7. with a height of 70-75 cm it can weigh 50-80 kg.
  8. grows to 72-80 cm with a weight of 54-77 kg.
  9. has a height of 66-81 kg, weighs from 60 to 82 kg.
  10. reaches 64-70 cm with a weight of 70-90 kg.

Alaskan Malamute

  • the jaw develops a force approximately equal to 39 kg/ To make it clear, this is 13 times more than the pressure of a roller when laying asphalt;
  • compresses jaws with a pressure of 23 kg/;
  • jaws compress with a pressure of 16.7 kg/;
  • jaw strength is 16.5 kg/

Choose a dog based on your goal, because a dog of any breed will primarily demonstrate genetically determined functions: a rottweiler will never play with a ball, and a lapdog will never show miracles of courage.

Additionally, watch a short video about the TOP 5 best dogs:

For centuries, people have trained dogs to attack, hunt, and even kill. Many dog ​​owners prefer to keep and train pets that are small in size and extremely loyal to other people, but there are people who have most dangerous dogs in the world.

We present to you the top 10 list of the most dangerous dogs, selected based on statistics of dog attacks on humans in the United States and Canada during the period from September 1982 to December 31, 2014, according to Petolog and Dogsbite.

In Russia, similar data in open sources No.

Dog attack statistics 1982-2015

1 3397 2110 295
2 535 296 85
3 113 73 15
4 111 63 18
5 83 27 26
6 Akita70 52 8
7 German boxer64 31 7
8 Chow Chow61 40 8
9 Labrador (USA)56 45 3
10 German dog37 19 3
11 Mastiff English28 17 5
12 Doberman23 12 8
13 Cane Corso21 12 2
14 Bulldog English20 14 1
15 Australian Cattle Dog20 5 0
16 Alaskan Malamute15 5 6
17 Heeler Australian13 5 1
18 Saint Bernard12 7 1
19 Golden retriever11 7 3
20 Australian Shepherd11 5 0
21 Plotthound10 1 0
22 Belgian Shepherd - Malinois7 4 0
23 Shar Pei6 6 0
24 Dachshund6 6 1
25 Shih Tzu5 5 0
26 Jack Russell Terrier5 2 2
27 Brazilian Fila5 1 1
28 Dogo Argentino5 3 1
29 Pyrenean Mastiff4 2 1
30 Poodle4 1 0
31 Collie4 3 1
32 Catahoula Bulldog4 1 1
33 Breton epañol4 1 0
34 Hound with black mask4 4 0
35 Beagle4 3 1
36 Springer Spaniel3 4 0
37 Shiba Inu3 1 1
38 Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier3 2 0
39 Dalmatian3 3 0
40 Coonhound3 1 1
41 Chesapeake Bay Retriever3 2 0
42 Bull Terrier (English)3 1 0
43 West Highland White Terrier2 1 1
44 Weimaraner2 1 1
45 Rhodesian RTJback2 2 0
46 Rat Terrier2 1 0
47 Bobtail2 0 2
48 Dogue de Bordeaux2 1 0
49 Cocker Spaniel2 2 0
50 Briard2 0 1

The most dangerous dog breeds

Number of people dying in reporting period — 3.
There were 45 cases of injury as a result of the attack.

Our ranking of the most dangerous dog breeds opens with Labradors, which are little associated with threat. This is a companion, a guide, best friend children, but it is very difficult to imagine a Labrador attacking a person. However, according to a study conducted by Animal Friends, Labradors often attacked postmen and postal couriers. They considered a stranger entering the house a threat to the “pack.” At the same time, male postmen were bitten by Labradors more often than women. In the summer, when children and dogs spend a lot of time outdoors, attacks increased by 10%. The postmen have only one solution: bribe the four-legged guards with treats and make friends with them.

Fans of the breed will be pleased to know that with proper training, the retriever will become.

Deaths - 8.
Mutilation - 40.

The breed originated in Mongolia thousands of years ago and was later introduced to China. In the photo, these fluffy “dogs” with a blue tongue, which is why they received the nickname “dogs that licked the sky,” look extremely attractive. Unfortunately, Chow Chows are very aggressive towards strangers.

Chow chows sometimes attack strangers and even on the owners when they lack exercise or are simply bored.

Deaths - 7.
Injuries - 31.

The German Boxer can be described as very intelligent, loyal and harmless to its owner and family members, but these dogs are extremely distrustful and suspicious of strangers.

Deaths - 8.
Injuries - 52.

Hachiko, of course, is the most faithful friend, but Akita Inu may not be as friendly towards strangers as they are towards their owner. These cute looking Japanese dogs were originally bred for hunting. They were also used for dog fighting at one time. Akita Inu are very territorial animals and should not live with another Akita Inu of the same sex to avoid fighting. The dog can also attack a stranger who enters the protected area, and given the size (up to 70 cm at the withers) and weight (up to 45 kg) of the animal, the attack can be fatal.

Deaths - 26.
Injuries - 27.

Huskies are believed to be one of the oldest dog breeds that exists in the world. Like their Malamute cousins, they are used primarily as sled dogs and must be kept active at all times. These photogenic, intelligent and beautiful dogs are usually loyal and friendly to humans. But with poor or no training, they show signs of aggressive behavior and can attack children and small animals. According to a study from 1982 to 2014, out of 83 husky attacks on humans, 51 attacks were committed on children.

Deaths - 19.
Injuries - 49.

In fifth place on our list was a breed that appeared as a result of crossing a dog and a wolf. Wolves are the ancestors of modern domestic dogs, and are known as one of the most dangerous predators in the wild.

Even when properly bred, tamed, and trained, wolf hybrids retain most of the wolf's instincts, making them very dangerous to keep as pets. Wolfdogs are the most evil dogs if their socialization is left to chance. Thanks to their cunning and strength, they are dangerous not only to other people, but also to their own owners.

Deaths - 18.
Injuries - 63.

These massive dogs with powerful limbs were first used in Spain to guard livestock and as house watchmen. They are very independent, stubborn and malicious towards strangers, which makes them not only an ideal guardian for the family property, but also an obvious threat in the hands of a weak or mentally unstable person.

Deaths - 15.
Injuries - 73.

German Shepherds are a fairly new breed of dog, with a history dating back to the 19th century when the German Shepherd Club in Germany worked to create the perfect breed for flock protection in rural communities. An adult German Shepherd can weigh 40 kg and reach 62 cm at the withers, which is approximately comparable to the size of a Malamute.

High intelligence and aggressiveness makes German Shepherds one of the best guard and police dogs. And 15 cases of fatal attacks puts them in third place in the top 10 most dangerous dogs in the world.

Deaths - 85.
Injuries - 296.

The Rottweiler is one of the strongest dogs in the world, with a developed protective instinct. Adult male dogs are approximately the same size as a German Shepherd, however they are much heavier, with some weighing around 50 kg. Bitches are slightly smaller - they weigh up to 42 kg.

Most Rottweilers tend to show dangerous behavior due to irresponsible behavior of the owner, lack of socialization and training. The Rottweiler is known for its extremely powerful bite.

Deaths - 295.
Injuries - 2110.

Remember, the Pit Bull Terrier is the most dangerous dog with a strong jaw. If you are looking for a dog that will protect your property from thieves without sparing your stomach, then you cannot find a better American Pit Bull Terrier.

He is powerful, resilient, brave and aggressive. But without proper training, a pit bull is the most evil dog in the world. These dogs require extensive and regular training to curb their aggression. Pit bull terriers can attack children even when not provoked. This is absolutely not the breed that an inexperienced dog owner should own.

Official list of potentially dangerous dogs in Russia

  1. Akbash
  2. American Bandog
  3. Ambuldog
  4. Brazilian Bulldog
  5. Bully Kutta
  6. Purebred Alapaha Bulldog (Otto)
  7. Bandog
  8. Wolf-dog hybrids
  9. Wolfdog, wolf hybrid
  10. Gul dog
  11. Pitbullmastiff
  12. North Caucasian dog
  13. Mixed breeds of dogs specified in paragraphs 1 - 12 of this list.

The fact that a dog of a particular breed attacked a person does not mean that the breed as a whole should be condemned. Each dog has a unique character and is shaped by the environment in which it grows.

Even a small but ill-mannered Chihuahua becomes a real monster and can attack other people and animals, thinking that it is protecting its territory or owner. Therefore, there is no objectively the most evil breed of dog or the kindest breed of dog. There are only breeds that demand increased attention and need owners who are experienced and know how to properly train their dog.

Doberman Pinscher. Many people think that representatives of this breed are stupid. But this is not so - Dobermans just need to be trained, otherwise you will end up with a harmful dog who will do whatever he wants.

5. Doberman Pinscher. Many people think that representatives of this breed are stupid. But this is not so - Dobermans just need to be trained, otherwise you will end up with a harmful dog who will do whatever he wants.

It is imperative to train dogs of this breed, otherwise their outstanding mind will do no less outstanding tricks. Very active dogs that can protect their owner if he can give her a lot of attention.

4. Golden Retriever. It has a lot in common with the Labrador Retriever, but the Golden Retriever is much smarter. This dog is a family dog ​​- and that's how it is. Retrievers are very kind, they like children, they understand everything on the fly and can learn very quickly.

3. German Shepherd. Actually, there is nothing special to say about German shepherds - everything is clear as it is. Representatives of this breed have been featured in many films.

2. Poodles. Unbelievable but true. In fact, poodles are very smart and can do more than just jump around and perform tricks in the circus. Poodles used to be both rescuers and observers. They know how to swim and can help a drowning person.

1. Border Collie. Dog handlers around the world call this breed the smartest. These dogs are not slackers at all, they love to work. It is sometimes said about border collies that dogs of this breed live to work.

Very easy to train, friendly, love children. In general, they can be useful everywhere - both as a security guard, and as a nanny, and simply as a good house dog. In our country, these dogs are not very common, but their popularity is constantly growing.

Dogs are considered one of the smartest and most intellectually developed animals. They are able to remember many human words and understand their meaning. Most breeds are highly trainable and naturally intelligent.

But, there are several of the smartest dog breeds that are superior to all others according to a number of criteria, according to scientists.

Here they are:

5. Doberman Pinscher

Quite a large breed, bred in 1800 in Germany. She was positioned as a dog capable of protecting the owner from ill-wishers and attacking first, with the appropriate command.

Despite the prevailing opinion that Dobermans are stupid, they are very intelligent and friendly. These dogs need good training from a very early age.

If they are not given enough attention, they will grow uncontrollable and will do whatever they want.

4. Golden Retriever

An ancient breed obtained by crossing several breeds. Initially, Golden Retrievers were intended to help hunters; they retrieved game from the water. All representatives of the species have intelligence and good intelligence.

They are very easy to train and remember many commands and gestures. They are quite friendly to strangers and dogs on the street. Get along well with other animals.

3. German Shepherd

A very popular breed among dog handlers and lovers of simple classics. Many people love shepherds for their character, intelligence, appearance and unpretentiousness in content.

The first mentions of this breed are found in records of the 7th century AD. IN modern world This species is used as: security guards, police officers, guide dogs, but most often – pets. German Shepherds make good nannies and friends for children.

Shepherd dogs have very high level intelligence and are able to independently make thoughtful, informed decisions when finding themselves in difficult situations. They need to be trained both physically and mentally. Always ready to defend their person.

2. Poodles

Representatives of this genus are different sizes. Larger ones, for example, can seriously protect owners from ill-wishers. A medium-sized poodle can easily save a drowning person. They were used as water rescuers and law enforcement officers.

These cute dogs are great companions, capable of cheering or comforting, depending on the situation. They easily learn everything new. They need not only physical activity, but also mental activity, in the form of mathematical and logical problems.

1. Border Collie

A very smart, hardy and unpretentious breed - an ideal pet and companion. Can live both in a family with children and with single people. The breed was developed at the end of the 19th century as a herding dog.

Nowadays the Border Collie is almost never used to guard sheep, but has gained wide popularity as a family pet. Often these dogs are trained specifically to accompany the blind.

Thanks to their intelligence, they are able to guide a blind person no worse than another person. Everyone agrees in this breed best qualities: intelligence, physique, endurance.

If you ask any dog ​​owner, then, in most cases, he will have the smartest dog... And indeed, four-legged companions become not just friends, but family members. They guess the desires and moods of the owner from a word, from a glance, and are able to amaze with their ingenuity. But still, cynologists identify several breeds, whose representatives have more high intelligence. So, which of them made it into the “smartest dog breeds” ranking?

Dogs of this breed were recognized as the smartest dogs, and they had to bypass the more popular highly intelligent ones - poodles and German shepherds. Their ancestors lived in harsh conditions and performed various jobs- from herding livestock to protecting the house.

Thanks to active shepherding service, dogs learned not only to herd livestock, but also to independently solve a lot of problems and overcome difficulties. At home, such a pet behaves like a real shepherd - it watches over all members of the household and, if necessary, comes to the rescue.

This charming curly-haired “smart guy”, although he could not take first place, is still at the top of the ranking. They are used as circus dogs, water rescuers, truffle hunters, but most often they are excellent companions. Their sharp mind, quick wit and unobtrusiveness are captivating, and the absence of shedding and a specific smell expands the circle of possible owners.

A popular universal dog breed, closing the top three. Initially, they were engaged in grazing and protecting livestock, but were able to prove themselves in other areas. capable of performing various jobs - soldiers, guides, security guards, bodyguards, and this is not a complete list of services provided. This confirms that these dogs are smart, quick-witted, hardy and obedient. They also make excellent family pets and companions.

Representatives of this breed are not only smart, but also extremely beautiful and intelligent. They do not have the aggression gene, are always ready to please their owner and willingly carry out almost any command. Their sensitive sense of smell allows them to be used to search for drugs and other hazardous substances. But, in most cases, he acts as a friend and companion - loyal and friendly.

These graceful dogs are often compared to their larger cousins, collies. Indeed, there is an external similarity, but the origin is different. at home they act as a bell, signaling danger. In addition, this pet excels at performing tricks and complex commands, and in the show ring it is difficult to find a more graceful competitor.

Another retriever who has earned the title of one of the smartest dogs. Like goldens, they have a keen sense of smell and often work at customs posts and other services. But more often these cheerful, active and balanced dogs act as family dogs. They adore children, and this is mutual; often dogs of these breeds are bought just for the child.

Translated from French, the name of the breed means “butterfly”. The dogs received this name for their graceful ears, which truly resemble the wings of a butterfly. is an ornamental breed, but its representatives are vigilant in any danger and, if necessary, will protect their owner. They are cute, very smart, often cunning, but thanks to their charming appearance they can get away with almost anything.

The breed was bred to produce a serious working dog, capable of attacking and defending, but at the same time having a balanced temperament. And the breeders managed to develop a breed whose representatives met these requirements. smart, brave, but capable of being stubborn, so they need a strong hand and regular active exercise. At the right approach The dog makes an excellent friend and bodyguard.

Such a big, tough guy with a stern appearance has a sharp mind, quick wit and good physical fitness. According to research, the first representatives of the breed were used in fighting, but today these dogs are used for service, protection or as a family dog.

Need an owner with with a strong hand, regular classes and training. And if you train your pet, he will become an excellent protector. In addition, dogs are used as shepherds, guards, they can serve and be excellent companions.

Like other herding breeds, Australians can cope well with large herds, they are used to constantly being with people and are always ready to help. They are also used for other economic needs, for example, guarding a courtyard. Possessing sensitivity, healers understand the owner even by gestures and perfectly absorb commands.

Having become the owner of a dog included in such a rating, you should not think that such a pet does not need upbringing and training. On the contrary, it is necessary to develop the intellectual and physical abilities of the animal, which nature has endowed it with, giving it the opportunity to express itself, and once again prove that it is not for nothing that it is included in the list of “The Smartest Dog Breed.”