Typical configuration of 1C accounting. Standardization of standard solutions

1 Pre-project survey
1 800 - 2 500 ₽
2 Drawing up technical requirements/tasks
3 Installation and configuration of the program*
4 Transferring data (entering initial balances)
5 Revision 1C
6 User training
* Free when purchasing 1C software products.

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Today, no company can afford to remain without management system. If you provide services or sell goods, you need to interact with customers, count material assets, take into account incoming revenue, analyze expenses, and understand the state of mutual settlements. Even these basic needs require precise recording and can derail a business if they are forgotten to be carefully managed. And if you have a complex production process, large turnover or numerous personnel, the importance of management information increases many times over; it plays a role dashboard for a complex machine - commercial organization. For a business to be manageable, flexible, and automated, you need an information system that exactly matches its functionality. How can you understand that a business is already ripe for choice? information system? And if it is ripe, how to achieve the maximum effect from implementation? Let's try to understand these issues.

When companies come to the conclusion that it is necessary to implement 1C

In the software market, the situation is such that almost every business project has an accounting department, it can be outsourced or in-house, and it has already become customary for us that accounting is carried out in the 1C Enterprise Accounting program. Thus, life has already decided for us that when an enterprise has an accounting department, an accounting system is introduced. Often this occurs painlessly and unnoticed, because... the mentioned solution of the 1C company has become a de facto standard and specialists accounting either already familiar with this system, or easily mastered thanks to common courses and open sources.

  • What about the management system? There's a lot more variety here. Sometimes its role is played by spreadsheets, sometimes by self-written products or online services. Under what circumstances does the decision to implement arise?
  • Often the need to establish a management system is dictated by accounting. At some point, the volume of data entered by accounting departments reaches such a size that it is already difficult for a person to cope with their entry. And an understanding of the absurdity of manually duplicating information that already appears in management accounting systems begins to emerge.
  • It happens that already at the startup stage people realize the need for a strategic choice of an information system, because The project promises to be challenging from the very beginning. Then the key parameters will be known in advance functionality systems.
  • If the company has been developing for a long time, then managers begin to feel the need for analytical reporting, which simple systems cannot provide. Examples include such sections as the source of customer acquisition, product or service categories, personal successes of managers, revenue or transaction costs.
  • Sometimes organizations have implemented a fairly high-quality product, but it is no longer supported or support is too expensive. Such a solution stops in its development and gradually managers notice that competitors are beginning to outstrip them in speed of work, understanding the needs of their audience, and staff efficiency.
  • A lot of time has passed since the launch of the business, and it has greatly diversified, grown, and developed new directions that were not planned during the previous acquisition of the management program. These areas require other capabilities than those included in the existing solution.

How to choose the right software solution

First of all, you need to understand what areas the business will deal with and what tools the system should provide so that these areas can successfully function and develop. Then you need to choose a solution that not only covers the foreseeable needs, but also in the future will teach staff new business opportunities. It will provide deeper analytics than is currently required; thanks to the settings, it will allow you to connect more complex functionality, launch advanced accounting blocks that are used on a large scale, i.e. the system must grow.

Based on 1C products, you can build a well-thought-out strategy for the development of software infrastructure. Development and implementation is just the beginning; if you do not take care of the possibilities of updating and integration in advance, then soon the company will again face the need to radically change work processes and choose a more advanced main accounting system.

For a start-up business for one person, you can take the most budget-friendly product, Enterprise Accounting (BA) Basic. The price is affordable for almost everyone; one person can work at the same time, but you can create several databases and access them one by one. Still, the product is intended for delivery tax reporting, but there is nothing wrong with that; a young company always has a familiar accountant who can help figure it out. The more interesting thing about this configuration is that it implements a standard trading process, i.e. you can purchase goods/services, create an agreement, issue an invoice, receive payment through a bank (you can upload payment data directly or through exchange files) or a cash register, prepare shipping documents. And if you have experience as an accountant, then you can do more complex operations. For many startups, this is all they need. If suddenly the staff begins to grow, you can upgrade by paying extra for the difference between the basic version and the PROF version and purchasing additional user licenses, i.e. you have nothing to lose. It should be noted that almost all products have this pleasant bonus; upgrades to more advanced versions can be made by paying an additional cost difference.

Next in product line 1C for trading companies there is a fork in specifics: for retail companies with a small number of stores there is a Retail configuration, and for wholesale or larger ones Trade Management (UT). Retail is a fairly common trade front office, it allows you to conduct almost all necessary trade operations, and integrates well with trade equipment. In addition to the main task, this product can also be useful for simple warehouse accounting (you can even carry out inventory), includes management of marketing campaigns, purchases, delivery includes mobile app, there is simple analytical reporting, integrated with UT and BP. The first integration option will be useful if the network has grown and a more powerful back office is needed, and integration with the BP is needed for filing tax reports, i.e. Accountants are thus freed from duplicating trading operations with their hands. In addition, it is possible to synchronize data from all stores, for example, with one (or an arbitrary number) central database using the so-called URIB technology.

UT is a trading solution capable of covering the needs of most trading enterprises with its functionality. Here already in full height there is customer relationship management, a high-quality sales unit, including the front of the cashier’s workplace (if the flow is not very high, this front is quite applicable, but with a large flow it is more logical to use the above-mentioned synchronization scheme with Retail). Purchasing, warehouse, delivery, finance, reporting, synchronization with the site, BP: almost everything you need modern enterprise. The product is intensively developed and updated frequently. The level of the program can be indicated by such a complex and advanced opportunity as automatic creation orders as needed.

In addition to trading companies, 1C also took care of production. The most budget-friendly product that supports production processes (it should be mentioned that this configuration also supports trading processes at a decent level) is called Small Firm Management (SFM). For production organizations with up to 30 people, it is difficult to come up with something more suitable in terms of price/functionality. The production circuit allows you to create specifications, maintain a production schedule, and calculate costs. There is synchronization with the site, with the power supply unit. But still, this solution is lightweight and will satisfy the needs of small organizations consisting of one or two production units.

A more serious management system is Integrated Automation (CA), it includes accounting, personnel, trading circuit and more complex subsystems of production, finance and planning. What is noteworthy is that to switch to this solution there are standard tools for UT and BP, i.e. You can actually, as mentioned above, plan a strategy for the development of a company’s information system, roughly understanding the path ahead of it. This configuration has synchronization with the Document Flow and Retail website. Combining accounting and management has its pros and cons. Users are placed under increased responsibility for the quality of the entered data; in practice, this results in numerous errors and subsequent corrections, because Something doesn't add up in the accounting department. However, synchronization is also not a perfect subsystem, and when accounting becomes complex, the accounting department may not be satisfied with the quality of the information received from the management system, because some data is converted with simplification or generated automatically. The production unit in KA is already focused on several departments; it supports processing, tolling, work in progress; usually this solution is implemented in businesses with more than 30 active users.

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There is enough material in front of you new topic. This is the author’s technique of Vera Khomichevskaya. Her experience combines the topic of implementing 1C software products (which she has been doing for 18 years) and the coaching method (which she has been using for 9 years).

In fact, this is something that is absolutely necessary for any implementation of 1C and the absence of which causes many problems in the initial stage. Among the implementation standards there are many regulatory and formative recommendations, but the topic of methods for demonstrating the implementation goal is missing software product(accounting automation) for a clear understanding by both parties (Customer and Implementer) of the criteria for successful implementation, that is, the result.

Where does successful implementation begin?

This material was born on the basis of many years of practice of the author’s own participation in projects for the implementation of various 1C: Enterprise software products and systematization of the experience of fellow implementers. Based on the analogy that family happiness cannot be built by only one of the spouses, but requires awareness and involvement in the process of both, the laws (or, if you like, the rules) and the criteria for successful implementation are not the task and merit of one of the spouses. parties to the implementation, namely both - the customer and the performer.

Therefore, the material will be useful for reading and understanding both for those who are in the role of implementers and for those who are to automate their enterprise. If you are a customer, you will have the time and opportunity to study the pitfalls of implementation in a calm environment.

If you are an experienced implementer, you will simply receive enough information to ensure that all your experience fits into the system. If a beginner, this will be that first step towards mastery, which has no end point of achievement, but which is obtained by practice and training, constant training and systematic practice. In this case, as in many others in modern world, it is impossible to stand still without falling behind.

He who is forewarned is forearmed!

In the beginning it was...

Any phenomenon in our world has certain stages of its life or existence. This, if reduced to a minimum, is the beginning (generation, acceleration...), the actual process itself ( stable phase, life, trip...) and its completion (fading, stopping, completion...). And in most cases, both the movement and the achievement of the goal depend on the start.

Activities such as the implementation of software products to automate various types of accounting are no exception. Each of these projects has its own beginning, a period of actual implementation and a period of completion, stating the result. If we go from the final stage, then it is there that both sides of this project can understand and evaluate how successfully everything went, was completed, and worked out.

But a satisfactory completion does not arise on its own; it is the result of the right start and optimally structured progress of the project itself. Hoping that everything will work out by itself is naive, our world is structured in such a way that you need to make an effort to get a result... Otherwise, the victory of entropy and chaos (which, frankly speaking, does not fit with modern software products). In order for the grain not just to germinate, but to bear good fruit, it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions for it. In order for both the customer and the implementer to be as satisfied with the implementation project as possible, it is necessary to take into account many factors, or at least be aware of their existence.

Prologue about historical parallels

The first meeting between the implementation specialist and the customer sometimes evokes analogies of a historical nature - how two heroes came out to meet each other, with an entire army behind them. And, as history again claims, it was this meeting that often determined the outcome of the entire battle.

Why such a parallel? - you ask! It seems that we are not fighting at all, but just the opposite - we are moving harmoniously and amicably towards a result that can be assessed as “successful implementation.”

And I would like to agree, if not for a few “buts”.

You can move harmoniously and amicably in any direction, if it is defined and certain, and if the road to the goal (route) is obvious to everyone. In other words, there is a plain along which we walk, and there is a mountain towards which we are guided. And the sky is clear and the nights are short. And no obstacles. If the path runs through forests, ravines and swamps, and, among other things, they also prevent you from walking smoothly different ways determining the direction (one is waving a compass, and the other claims that moss grows on north side trees), it is not a fact that the exit from the forest will coincide with the originally intended point.

What does this have to do with some battles, some routes, you say? We are serious people, implementers.

I'm serious too!

Oh, let's look at these analogies!

So, heroes tet-a-tet

...Behind the back of the “hero” customer is his enterprise. Which nominated him - the chosen one! - to a meeting with the implementer. As the most successful way (ideally) reflecting it, enterprises, interests, in general and in particular. Because an enterprise is an entity that is somewhat similar to many similar ones, but at the same time absolutely unique. Similar types of activities, for example. And it is unique by the people (“troops”) who carry out these types of activities. And people are perhaps the least predictable component of any enterprise that is to be automated.

For what qualities was this particular person nominated for the first meeting? How capable is he of reflecting in the very first conversation with the implementer what the enterprise needs - accurately and concisely? Something that will serve as a criterion not only for the completion of the work and the basis for signing the act, but will also earn the status of “successful implementation” - fast or not very fast, complex or simple, expensive or economical, but precisely - successful!

(Since in this article the author positions himself to a greater extent as an implementer, we have to admit that in practice (as experience shows), the “hero from the army” of the customer promoted to the “field of implementation” is extremely rarely a spokesman true goal future implementation, and especially at the time of the first meeting). On the one hand, because it is impossible to know absolutely everything, from the general to the smallest details, on the other hand, because there is no knowledge of what exactly is important for implementation.

...Behind the back of the “hero”-implementer, most likely, is also the team that nominated him, a highly professional specialist, to a meeting with the customer. This “hero” has extensive (hopefully) historical (in time) and practical (in terms of results) experience of successful implementations. And his wealth of knowledge allows him to offer the customer an option only when mentioning this or that type of activity, with this or that structure of the enterprise (if the interlocutor voices it). ready-made solution and practically “write out a prescription” for a “cure” of a complex of his problems. That is, to offer best option(or strategy) implementation. Estimate the required time for the project and even announce the estimated budget.

Needless to say, since one man in the field is not always a warrior (depending on the size of the enterprise), our “hero”-innovator fully imagines all the available resources of his team, his strengths, experience, etc. Based on this, he formulates a proposal.

This is the initial arrangement at the first (not at all short) meeting of the parties with the goal of automating accounting at the enterprise, in other words, introducing an accounting program.

Three pines without a compass or a pine forest without a map

So, first meeting. Which determines a lot. The first step towards... why?

Please stop, whoever you are, at these lines and answer - for yourself personally, based on your own worldview and experience - implementation is process or result?

The answers may vary.

For some (and under certain favorable conditions) this process, and the longer it goes on, the better. “Wishlist” pop-up as events unfold, hourly payment for improvements... etc. I will not give examples of this here and now; I believe that you will find enough of them yourself. This is something akin to the saying that “repairs cannot be completed, they can only be stopped.” This kind of material will not do you any good.

If your answer is still - result, then in this case it is worth further clarifying: “What is the result? What is he like? How do we define and measure it??».

You say - why such troubles? Let’s “run” towards a loosely defined goal, and then we’ll figure it out. (By the way, a very large number of implementation projects follow this scenario.)

But still!? Will the implementer and his team be able to implement what the customer wants? And if, in the end, it can (after repeatedly changing the “vector” of the customer’s request), then won’t the amount of resources expended turn out to be greater than initially expected?

Will the customer be able to describe his requests as accurately as possible so that the implementer can adequately assess all the necessary resources to satisfy them? Configuration, time, budget, specialists, and many other components of implementation?

What is needed to ensure that the path to the cherished act of completion of work (on the one hand) and to a complete idyll in accounting (on the other hand) is optimal? That is, maximum results with minimum resources? Or the work on implementing a software product will turn into an exhausting cycle of iterations, sometimes bringing it closer, sometimes (it happens!) leading away from the desired result, but not expressed with maximum precision.

The saying “get lost in three pines” is often the most accurate reflection of the implementation process, in which the target. Software products are the realm of algorithms that cannot automate vague and nebulous tasks. Namely, vague, vague and “generally” outlined wishes in the overwhelming majority of cases are brought by the customer to the first meeting. Involuntarily, folklore comes to mind again: “Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what!” But at the same time, please determine the timing and budget, because “we are collecting proposals from various implementers and will hold a tender.”

And the competition of promises begins. In which you can understand both sides, because - the market! The customer wants to pay less for the “fog” algorithmization and get more results; performer - get more money by spending less resources. Classic! Which often leads to a grueling process of chasing a vague goal.

This was only the introductory part of Vera Khomichevskaya’s methodology. She is already preparing a sequel for us.