Tests for self-knowledge online. Psychological association tests. What unusual sexual attractions do you have?

Most people wonder how to find themselves in life and understand what to do. Psychological tests were created by specialists so that a person could know his purpose and choose a profession. Not all of us are born with a clear understanding of the meaning of existence. And sometimes it’s quite difficult to decide what you need. There are several stages in identifying goals, inclinations and activities that bring pleasure to a person. It is necessary to undergo various tests aimed at solving this problem.

It’s better to start by identifying your needs and priority goals, for example, by taking the psychological test “What do I want from life?” Defining them allows you to understand yourself and choose your life’s work. To find something you like, you need to figure out what a person is interested in and in what direction he should move. A favorite activity is a chance to combine business with pleasure. If you make it a profitable job, then such work will not only be for the benefit of others, but will also become a pleasant outlet or even the main meaning of life. A few simple tests will guide a person, help him set a goal and find himself.

Number of completed: 5952 992 48

Everyone wants to get a place in the sun. But how do you know which path is best to choose? An interesting test: How to find yourself in life and understand what to do? will tell you what is more suitable for a particular person. Your favorite activity will definitely bring success.

Number of completed: 2604 434 21

There are so many amazing roads in life, full of obstacles and unexpected gifts. But how to find yours? The test “What do I want from life?”, developed by psychologists, will point in the right direction and open up new opportunities for any person.

Number of completed: 2852 475 23

A life goal is the basis for a person’s self-realization. But it is very important to immediately set your priorities correctly. Psychological test “How to find a purpose in life?” will help you better understand where you need to go. This approach will ensure future success.

Number of completed: 3348 558 27

It is not always possible to adequately determine whether we are doing the right thing. Psychology can be of significant help here. Test What am I doing wrong in life? will allow you to look from the outside at the established way of things and pay attention to possible human mistakes.

Number of completed: 1984 331 16

It would seem, who can know us better than ourselves? But this is not always true. Sometimes we ourselves do not understand what we need, getting lost in unnecessary thoughts. Psychological test “How to understand yourself?” will help you truly discover your personality and find the key to the innermost doors of the soul.

Number of completed: 3720 620 30

Every person has a lot of obvious and hidden talents. It’s great when we know about them and constantly develop them. But sometimes just a psychological test: “What can I do best?” allows you to discover unknown facets of your personality. This is the right path to self-improvement and self-realization.

Number of completed: 3472 579 28

There are so many interesting things to do in the world now! How to choose one of them? Psychological test “How to find your business in life?” will help you decide on activities that will best suit a person’s personality and inclinations.

Number of completed: 3224 537 26

There are so many exciting and entertaining things in the world! But what is better to devote your life to? Sometimes modern psychology answers this question better than the person himself. By taking the test “What am I interested in in life?”, you can learn a lot of useful things and direct your efforts exactly to what will bring success.

Number of completed: 3596 599 29

What is the meaning of existence? Each person finds it for himself independently. Psychology provides significant assistance in this matter. Test “How to understand the meaning of your life?” will open new facets of the mind and turn the usual worldview upside down.

Number of completed: 2852 475 23

In your opinion, those who always adhere to the rules of good manners:

Number of completed: 2356 393 19

You are about to complete a job that has been started and put off for a long time. And suddenly your lover (lover) calls you and asks to meet. Your actions.


With the following test we will try to determine how muchyou have a strong will . After all, willpower directly determines how fruitful a person’s work or study is. Try to answer the questions with utmost frankness. Three answer options are used: “yes”, “sometimes it happens”, “no”,

    Are you able to complete work that doesn't interest you?

    Do you effortlessly overcome internal resistance when you have to do something unpleasant?

    When you find yourself in a conflict situation (at home, at school), are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at the situation objectively?

    If you are prescribed a diet, can you overcome culinary temptations?

    Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned the day before, if you don’t have to?

    Will you remain at the scene to testify?

    Do you respond quickly to emails?

    If you're dreading a plane ride or going to the dentist, can you resist changing your mind at the last minute?

    Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that your doctor strongly recommends?

    Will you keep your promise in the heat of the moment, even if fulfilling it will bring you a lot of trouble?

    Do you strictly adhere to your daily routine?

    Do you disapprove of library borrowers?

    Even the most interesting TV show won't make you put off urgent and important work?

    Could you stop the quarrel and remain silent, no matter how offensive your opponent’s words addressed to you may seem?

FULL NAME. studying

Number of points


From 11 to 29 points. You have a strong character and can handle stress well. You are a reliable friend. Your self-confidence in your future is well founded. You are independent, but you always listen to the opinions of others, who value and respect you for this.

From 30 to 40 points. You are too independent in all respects. Not only do you not tolerate any interference in your affairs, but you also cannot listen to the opinions of other people. Are you sure that you will always accurately assess all the pros and cons of decisions made?

Exercise “Sense of proportion”

Are you putting too much effort into achieving any goal? Remember that self-confidence is good only in moderation, otherwise it turns into a disadvantage.

Therefore, from time to time ask yourself: “Am I too self-confident?” Learn to ask yourself this question, especially in difficult cases, and even when everything is cloudless, it’s worth thinking about this topic. Believe me, it won't get worse.

From 11 to 29 points - 12 people

From 30 to 40 points.- 0

1 0

1 1

1 2

Results of identifying the level of independence.

There is a person in the class, a person is tested.

This test will help you find out how generous or stingy you are when choosing a gift.

1 . I prefer to come up with and make a gift with my own hands, because I don’t like to go shopping.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

2 . I always buy a gift in advance, and I prefer to choose it at a flea market.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

3 . I practically don’t spend money on gifts, but I choose quite expensive wrapping paper.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

4 . Instead of a gift, I prefer to send a tender and touching congratulatory letter.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

5 . I have the ability to sneak out of a party unnoticed at the moment when a gift needs to be presented.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

6 . In my opinion, the most important thing in a gift is its originality, not the price.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

7 . Before I go shopping for a gift, I make a detailed list of stores where I can find something worthwhile.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

8 . To save money on a gift, I pour low-quality wine into an expensive wine bottle.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

9 . On birthdays I go without a gift, masking myself with lush congratulations and a small bouquet of flowers.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

10 . I generally don’t spend money on any gifts and, when I come to visit empty-handed, I remain simple-minded and completely equanimous.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

11 . I don’t have the opportunity to give expensive things, so I choose gifts that may be useful to their future owners.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

12 . I always make a list of gifts in advance and allocate a certain amount for them.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

13 . I always give unnecessary trinkets given to me to my friends.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

14 . I prefer to give a lottery ticket, which I hide in several layers of wrapping paper.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

15 . Before someone's birthday, I pretend to be sick and just send them a birthday card.

B. Sometimes.

B. Never.

After passing the test, look at the table below to see which letters you got the most, and then read the results.


Maximum I. You are simply a virtuoso in the field of saving. However, you hide it carefully. And only those who have known you for a long time and well are able to discern your stinginess. When choosing a gift, you adhere to the principle that it should be inexpensive, but very original.

Maximum O. You certainly know the value of money and try not to empty your wallet as much as possible. But your frugality is fully compensated by the amount of energy spent on choosing an inexpensive but very useful gift, or a gift found through long wanderings through sales and stores that offer a big discount.

Maximum P. You are a real hoaxer who does nothing but show off. You manage to present penny gifts in such a way that they increase in price several times. And you have the habit of carefully storing the trinkets given to you in the closet, so that on occasion you can give them to someone else.

Maximum S. In you, the desire for savings is combined with cordiality and genuine sincerity. Your financial condition does not allow you to spend money on luxurious gifts, but nothing prevents you from showering the birthday boy with enchanting congratulations and compliments.

Such attention makes such a strong impression on the hero of the occasion that the thought does not even occur to him, where is your gift?!

Maximum N. You are a greedy person the likes of which the world has never seen. You don’t even try to fight your stinginess or hide it in any way. The best way for you to save money during the holidays and birthdays is to hide somewhere far away or pretend to be an incredibly busy person. However, you love receiving gifts. Try giving something back sometime. Perhaps you will like the emotions you experience.

Test "Are you an extrovert or an introvert"

The famous philosopher and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung believed that there are 2 ways of existing in the world around us - as an extrovert or an introvert. The first tend to expand the circle of their acquaintances, constantly communicate, establish business and friendly connections, and take everything they can from life, and even more. The latter, on the contrary, are content with a narrow circle of friends, often withdraw into themselves and live in a world of their own making. However, there is a third type of people - ambiverts, who are a dual nature with character traits of both an extrovert and an introvert.

You are an extrovert if:

1 . You manage to schedule several important meetings on the same day, but at the same time be late for most of them, visit an exhibition of paintings, go to a sensational performance, read an entire novel on the bus, make acquaintances there and talk to half the city on the phone.

2 . You are in a disgusting mood if your TV, radio or phone suddenly breaks down, and there is no way to fix it in the near future.

3 . Every day your circle of acquaintances increases exponentially.

4 . You can easily remember the faces of new acquaintances, details of their biography, incidents from life, but you are not able to keep various formulas and numbers in your head for a long time.

5 . You prefer to spend time among many friends, do not like loneliness and avoid gloomy and withdrawn people.

6 . You are reputed to be witty and cheerful and have an easy-going and easy-going character.

7 . Public speeches and toasts are your element. During the holidays, you strive to take a place from which it would be convenient for you to communicate with everyone.

8 . You are always aware of all events.

9 . You easily find a common language with strangers and feel great in a new company.

10 . You make important decisions without thinking about their consequences, and enjoy unplanned trips to other cities.

11 . If necessary, you can soberly weigh everything and find the only right solution.

12 . Many plans and projects are born in your head, but only some of them are destined to come true.

13 . You are annoyed by people who constantly worry about your well-being.

14 . You are dependent on the opinions of others; their praise and recognition are important to you.

You are an introvert if:

1 . Even a seemingly insignificant event, in the opinion of others, can influence your decision.

2 . From time to time you dive into yourself and indulge in pleasant memories. After watching a good film or performance, you are in a state of delight for a long time.

3 . You experience some difficulties in communicating with others, you have difficulty making contact with unfamiliar people, and you have practically no friends.

4 . You are not able to remember the details of a particular situation, but you can outline it in general terms.

5 . You are annoyed by the sound of a running tape recorder or TV, extraneous noise or loud conversations.

6 . You belong to that category of people who prefer to have few things, but those that suit you perfectly.

7 . You love to pose in front of the camera, collect various trinkets, and wear jewelry.

8 . You love and know how to cook.

9 . In a large company, you only feel comfortable if you remain unnoticed and have the opportunity to observe others.

10 . You have difficulty getting used to the new environment and team.

11 . You always stubbornly defend your opinions and stand up for your principles.

12 . You take your health too seriously.

13 . You think for a long time about the problem that has arisen, consult with a loved one before making any decision.

14 . Sometimes you hear from people around you that you see the world through dark glasses, but you don’t want to believe them.


If you have more positive answers in the first group of statements than in the second, then you are an extrovert, and if on the contrary, then you are an introvert.

If the number of “yes” answers coincides, you are an ambivert, that is, people whose character contains extrovert and introvert traits.

Test “Wrinkles and your character”

Wrinkles can tell a lot about a person's character. It is enough to take a closer look at the faces of those around you, and their psychological portrait will be ready.

Wrinkles at the corners of the mouth and eyes mean that a person has a cheerful disposition.

Wrinkles around the mouth indicate that a person is afraid of everything in the world and needs reliable protection from the outside world.

Wrinkles around the eyes talk about a person’s ability to pay attention to little things.

Small horizontal lines above the outer edge of the eyebrows- This is a sign of devotion and honesty.

Deep wrinkle between the eyes is the hallmark of true intellectuals. In addition, it is found in shy people, and in combination with a low forehead, it indicates a person’s preoccupation with problems that seem insoluble to him.

Large horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are people who are distinguished by their good nature and foresight.

Fine horizontal wrinkles on the forehead They reveal a person as a gossip and indicate his inability to complete things he has started.

Nasolabial fold- a sign of disappointment in life or physical suffering (if it falls below the mouth), and if there is a wrinkle that starts from the eyes, it indicates that the person has reached the limit of his capabilities.

Angular wrinkles above the eyebrows and a wrinkled face speak eloquently about the feeling of anxiety that a person constantly experiences.

Small wrinkles in the corners of the mouth, directed downward, and near the eyes- a sign of nervousness, and in combination with angular wrinkles on the forehead, they indicate a person’s aggressiveness.

Horizontal wrinkles under the eyes indicate that a person has the ability to be surprised in this life.

No wrinkles or folds at the corners of the mouth due to the weakening of the cheek muscles, it reveals an indifferent attitude towards everything in a person.

Test “Character Traits of Women and Men”

This test is a list of 118 character traits that was published by the American magazine Omni.

With its help, we can check whether we correctly imagine what qualities men and women should be endowed with.

Try to identify feminine, masculine and neutral (common to both sexes) qualities from the proposed list, and then check yourself using the table.

1. Aggressiveness.

2. Activity.

3. Ambition.

4. Analytical mindset.

5. Athleticism.

6. Carefree.

7. Carelessness.

8. Cheerfulness.

9. Quick thinking.

10. Generosity.

11. Believe in yourself.

12. Loyalty.

13. Receptivity.

14. Hot temper.

15. High moral qualities.

16. Ready for action.

17. Democratic.

18. Discipline.

19. Kindness.

20. Gullibility.

21. The spirit of competition.

22. Malice.

23. Greed.

24. Pretense.

25. Femininity.

26. Liveliness.

27. Cheerfulness.

28. Caring.

29. Thoughtfulness.

30. Shyness.

31. Maturity.

32. Impulsiveness.

33. Individualism.

34. Infantility.

35. Sincerity.

36. Sophistication.

37. Conservative.

38. Culture.

40. Love for children.

41. Following fashion.

42. Masculinity.

43. Softness.

44. Reliability.

45. Having your own opinion.

46. ​​Assertiveness.

48. Tenderness.

49. Independence.

50. Dislike of rudeness.

51. Unusuality.

52. Disorganization.

53. Impermanence.

54. Impracticality.

55. Unpredictability.

56. Sociability.

57. Liveliness.

58. Optimism.

59. Experience.

60. Thoroughness.

61. Openness.

62. Charm.

63. Hunger for praise.

64. Attractiveness.

65. Attachment.

66. Directness.

67. Punctuality.

68. Developed intuition.

69. Developed imagination.

70. Relaxation.

71. Jealousy.

72. Sharpness.

73. Self-confidence.

74. Secularism.

75. Seriousness.

77. Strong character.

78. Addiction to power.

79. Tendency to dominate.

80. Tendency to idealism.

81. Tendency to possess.

82. Tendency to change.

83. Risk appetite.

84. Modesty.

85. Complexity of character.

86. Compassion.

87. Leadership ability.

88. Ability to defend your opinion.

89. The ability to empathize.

90. Tactfulness.

91. Warmth.

92. Patience.

93. Tolerance.

94. Manner of speaking quietly.

95. Hard work.

96. Respect.

98. The ability to rely only on yourself.

99. The ability to understand others.

100. Ability to understand jokes.

101. Ability to work.

102. Ability to entertain.

103. The ability to sympathize.

104. The ability to make a person change his mind.

105. Ability to compromise.

106. Moderation.

107. Perseverance.

108. Stubbornness.

109. Trick.

110. Honesty.

111. Cleanliness.

112. Sense of responsibility.

113. Sense of humor.

114. Breadth of horizons.

115. Selfishness.

116. Extravagance.

117. Energy.

118. Brightness.

Now check your answers in the table.


If your choice does not differ greatly from the data in the table, this suggests that you have generally correct ideas about what men and women should be like. If you have a lot of neutral traits in the 1st or 2nd columns, this indicates that you attach too much importance to the so-called manifestations of gender in a person’s life.

Test “Define your character by initials”

Scientists have long proven that our name influences our character and destiny. But many believe that character traits can be determined by initials. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself.

Test "How do you laugh?"

Have you ever noticed that everyone laughs differently? By watching a person laugh, you can learn a lot about him.

If a person covers his mouth with his hand while laughing, this indicates that he is not too confident in himself, is very shy, timid and is not a leader by nature. Excessive self-criticism prevents him from living. You need to try to get rid of it, and then everything will become much easier.

Does a laughing person touch his lips with his index finger?

He is an undoubted leader who focuses on himself. Loves to be the center of attention.

Trusting people often throw their heads back when laughing. This suggests that their emotionality allows them to sometimes commit rash acts only out of impulse, which is sometimes not always useful. You need to be more restrained and rational.

Dreamers always touch their heads with their hands when laughing. They dream in reality, and reality sometimes turns out to be cruel to them. If you don't come down to earth, it could end sadly.

A slight squint while laughing speaks of a person’s confidence, calmness and originality. Such people know how to lead a crowd, and they have answers to all questions.

Thunderous peals of laughter and a wide-open mouth betray an immoderate and temperamental nature (sometimes too much). More restraint wouldn't hurt.

A quiet laugh with a preliminary bow of the head speaks of a person’s calm, gentle and kind character. He will always find a common language with any person and adapt to any situation, without forgetting about his conscience.

Does a person hold his chin with his hand while laughing? This means that he is forever young, and his soul always remains young and pure, despite any hardships in life!

A wrinkled nose while laughing speaks of fickle nature. Whims and frivolity sometimes interfere with the life of a person who laughs this way. You need to try to control your mood.

In the absence of any manner of laughing, a person can be called a pronounced individual personality, always and in everything relying only on himself. Although it would be nice to at least sometimes listen to the opinions of others.

Test "How do you sleep?"

It is in a dream that a person is most vulnerable and defenseless; he does not pretend. When he sleeps, he is who he is, without embellishment.

People who sleep curled up are grown children. They have grown up, but their consciousness does not want to say goodbye to childhood. They like to be cared for, when someone makes decisions for them and tells them what is good and what is bad. They easily succumb to the influence of others, alas, not always positive, they are extremely unconfident and timid in making important decisions. In life, such people rely more on their momentary mood than on logic and reason.

Those who prefer to sleep on their back are usually very sociable and trusting. In nature, for example, small wolf cubs always lie down in front of adults with their tummies up, thereby showing their defenselessness and submissiveness. Such people are very friendly, they rarely conflict. They have a healthy and balanced psyche. They perceive their surroundings without embellishment, finding positive aspects even in troubles.

Those who like to sleep on their stomach can easily be considered among the leaders. They almost always control the situation, are never late for anything, and demand the same from others. Every day is planned out for them, and if something suddenly knocks them out of schedule, it throws them off balance. These people cannot be artists and poets, because they are completely devoid of imagination.

Those sleeping on their sides with their knees bent are completely non-conflict people. They easily enter into reasonable negotiations and can get used to any living conditions. Such people are good, energetic and persistent performers who complete their work efficiently and on time.

They are not at all interested in leadership, and in the family they prefer to be protected and cared for.

If during the night a person changes the position in which he sleeps many times, we can say that something is gnawing and bothering him; the problems of the day have not left him even during sleep. It is very useful for such people to walk in the evening, and to ventilate the room in which they rest more often.

Test "How kind are you?"

This test will help you find out how kind and sympathetic you are.

1 . Are you able to spend all the money you have on gifts and pleasant surprises for friends?

A. Yes (1 point).

B. No (0 points).

A. Yes (0 points).

B. No (1 point).

3 . Imagine that you are playing backgammon with a beginner. Will you give in so as not to upset your partner?

A. Yes (1 point).

B. No (0 points).

4 . Do you ever say nice things to others just to make them feel good?

A. Yes (2 points).

B. No (1 point).

5 . Are evil, poisonous jokes your thing?

A. Yes (0 points).

B. No (1 point).

6 . Can you call yourself a vindictive person?

A. Yes (0 points).

B. No (1 point).

7 . Do you have the tact and patience to listen to things that don’t interest you at all?

A. Yes (1 point).

B. No (0 points).

8 . Have you ever picked up stray animals on the street?

A. Yes (1 point).

B. No (0 points).

9 . Do you play to the end if you see that you are guaranteed to lose in this game?

A. Yes (1 point).

B. No (0 points).

10 . Do you play mean jokes on someone to make others smile with approval?

A. Yes (0 points).

B. No (1 point).

11 . Are you willing to respond to other people's requests?

A. Yes (1 point).

B. No (0 points).

12 . Can you cry while watching a melodramatic film?

A. Yes (1 point).

B. No (0 points).


Less than 6 points. Your kindness is selective. You always help some people and don’t demand anything in return; for the sake of others you don’t lift a finger. As a result, the latter often take offense at you and do not understand the reason for such an attitude. To avoid conflicts, try to distribute your attention and kindness evenly. After all, every person deserves participation and understanding, not just those we like.

7–9 points. Most likely, you have difficult relationships with others. And the reason lies in the fact that you do not consider it necessary to show kindness and understanding when communicating with people. Try to be a softer and more responsive person, and then positive changes will certainly occur in your life.

More than 10 points. You are kindness and responsiveness itself. There are always many friends around you who know perfectly well that you can come to their aid at any time. Of course, it’s good to help out your friends, but don’t forget about yourself.

Test “How long will you live?”

Everyone wonders how many years he or she will live. You can find out the answer by going to a fortune teller, or you can take this test. To ensure the most reliable results, answer questions sincerely. If he unpleasantly surprises you, think about your life. Maybe something needs to be changed in it right now, for example, getting rid of bad habits?

Our starting point will be the number 72. From it you need to subtract or add the points you scored to it. So, let's begin.

If you are a representative of the stronger half of humanity, then subtract 3 from 72. If you are a representative of the weaker sex, add 4 to this number. This is due to the fact that on average women live 7 years longer than men. Consequently, for the former, the life expectancy is taken as 76, and for the latter – 69 years.

If you are a resident of a city with a population of more than 1 million people, subtract 2.

If you live in a rural area, add 2.

If your work involves mental activity, subtract 3, and if it involves physical labor, add 3.

If you lead an active lifestyle and exercise regularly, add 4, and if you only do it occasionally, add 2.

If you intend to get married soon or are already married, add 5; if not, subtract 1 year for every 10 years of single life (starting at age 25).

If you tend to sleep more than 10 hours daily, subtract 4, if 7-8 hours, do not add or subtract anything.

If you suffer from insomnia, subtract 3.

If you are an impulsive, hot-tempered, nervous or aggressive person, subtract 3. If you are the calmest and most balanced person, add 3.

If you can call yourself a happy person, add 1, otherwise subtract 2.

If you constantly break traffic rules while driving a car, subtract 1.

If you earn little at your full-time job and are always looking for a part-time job, subtract 2.

If you only graduated from high school and have no other education, add 1. If you have a college degree, add 2.

If you are a working pensioner, add 3.

If your grandmother or grandfather lived to be 85, add 2; if both lived to be over 79, add 4.

If one of your grandparents died before age 50 from a serious illness, subtract 4.

If one of your close relatives died of cancer, heart attack or other serious illness before the age of 50, subtract 3.

If you are a smoker and “destroy” more than 3 packs of cigarettes a day, subtract 8, if 1 pack – 6, if less than 1 pack – 3.

If you drink alcohol daily, subtract 1.

If your weight exceeds the ideal weight for your age and height by 20 kg, subtract 8, by 15 kg - 4, by 5 kg - 2.

If you are a man over 40 years old and undergo regular medical examinations, add 2.

If your age is 30–40 years old, add 2, 40–50 years old - 3, if over 50 years old - 4.

The number you get as a result of additions and subtractions is the age to which you may well live. Extending your life is in your hands if you begin to take your health more seriously and do not acquire bad habits.

Test “What are you and your friends like?”

Relationships with others, especially friends, are very important. If you want to learn more about yourself and your friends, answer the questions in this test.

1 . What spiritual qualities do you value most in your best friend?

A. Reliability (you can always rely on him).

B. Solidarity (no matter what, a friend will always take your side).

B. Sensitivity (a friend does not need to talk for a long time about his state of mind, he understands everything without words).

D. Loyalty (no matter what unseemly act you commit, he is always there for you).

D. Compatibility (together you are never bored).

2 . If your best friend came to you in the middle of the night in a terrible state, what would you do?

A. Invite them in, give them some tea and try to calm them down.

B. Pretend that no one is home and don’t open the door.

B. Open the door to explain to your friend that you are going on an urgent business trip, thereby hinting to him that he came at the wrong time.

D. Invite him into the house and quickly put him to bed, explaining to him that you need to get up early.

D. Apologize to him for not being able to let him in, but make a promise that tomorrow you will definitely listen to him somewhere on neutral territory.

3 . It’s as if your friends had come to an agreement: first one poured out his soul for an hour, and before he could finish, the second one appeared with the same intention. What will you do?

A. Invite your friends to all discuss their problems together in order to jointly find solutions.

B. Tell your first friend that you have another appointment and join another friend.

B. Apologize to the second friend and explain to him that you are very busy solving the first friend's problems.

D. Leave your friends alone because they have something to talk about.

D. Let your friends know that they are putting too many problems on you.

4 . How many friends did you have before the age of 10?

A. None.

D. More than 3.

5 . How many of your friends know each other?

B. Almost everything.

G. Several.

6 . What would you do if one of your friends asked you for your new super-fashionable tie for one evening, in which you have never appeared anywhere?

A. Give me a tie without even thinking about it.

B. Allow me to use your tie, but very reluctantly.

B. Give only if this friend is a very careful and conscientious person.

G. You will refuse, saying that you will wear it yourself that evening.

D. You will refuse, saying that you yourself would first like to update the item.

7 . A friend you've invited to dinner unexpectedly tells you that he's on a diet that he doesn't intend to break. What will you do?

A. You won’t indulge him and tell him that he can make an exception once.

B. Present your friend with the fact of eating what is prepared, and be offended if he begins to be capricious and demand something light.

B. Ask what diet dish he prefers and prepare it.

D. Cook something low in calories without consulting a friend.

D. Prepare the lunch menu in such a way that it suits both you and your guest.

8 . A very close friend of yours asked you to lie about him to another equally close friend. What will you do?

A. Do not agree under any pretext.

B. Agree only if you find out all the circumstances.

B. You will refuse and at the first opportunity you will tell your second friend about the first friend’s intentions.

D. Offer to become a mediator between them, explaining to your friend that you can’t build anything on a lie.

D. Agree to help your friend, but on the condition that he will never contact you with such requests again.

9 . You realize that your friend is having financial problems. What will you do?

A. Using hints, you will try to find out as delicately as possible what happened to your friend.

B. By directly telling your friend that you know everything, you will try to find out what is the reason for his troubles.

B. Ask him directly if he needs your help.

D. Give your friend good advice.

D. Pretend that you know nothing at all and have no idea about anything, because you do not consider yourself to have the right to poke your nose into the affairs of another.

10 . A friend has approached you with a request to lend him a large sum of money. What will he get from you?

A. As much money as he asked for.

B. Money and your sincere condolences regarding his financial problems.

B. Money and your advice on how to live.

G. Only your instructions.

D. Only your sympathy and excuses that not everything is going smoothly with your money.

11 . Which of the following animals do you find the cutest and most attractive?

B. Dog.

G. Monkey.

12 . You can say about your friends that this is...

A. People who are similar to each other, but clearly different from you.

B. People who are similar to each other and to you in their internal attitudes.

B. People are very different, with some you find it interesting and easy to communicate, with others – not so much.

G. People are like people, there is nothing remarkable about them.

D. The dregs of society.

13 . How do you treat your work colleagues?

A. Consider them your friends.

B. Call them your friends as long as you work with them.

B. In general it’s good, and you maintain friendly relations with some people.

G. Indifferent.

D. You prefer to keep your distance from them.

14 . What quality do you value most in a friend?

A. The ability to listen for hours to your complaints about life.

B. Be a remedy for loneliness.

B. Ability to entertain.

G. Think like you.

D. Mutual assistance.

15 . What do you think is the most important thing in friendship?

A. Provide assistance at the first call.

B. The ability to give timely and correct advice.

B. Share useful information even when not asked.

D. Never tell a friend how to live.

D. Always find time to listen to a friend.

After answering all the test questions, calculate the number of points scored using the table.


Less than 70 points. You consider yourself an ideal friend and are confident that others completely agree with you. However, this is not the case. You are used to taking more often than giving, and in friendship the latter is more important. You don't have many real friends. The rest came to you by the will of fate in order to be under the protection of a strong person or to receive some benefit. Deep down in your soul, you understand this very well, but you still continue to bask in the rays of their not always sincere respect. If you get tired of one of your so-called friends, you easily say goodbye to him.

From 75 to 140 points. You can say you are lucky with your friends. The relationship between you and them deteriorates only when the egoist awakens in you. To avoid conflicts, try to understand the behavior of your friends and put yourself in their shoes. No one demands huge sacrifices from you and complete dissolution in their life. But everyone can provide simple friendly participation and moral support without any harm to themselves.

From 145 to 215 points. One can only dream of a friend like you. You have qualities such as attentiveness, loyalty and generosity. You can be relied upon in difficult times. Your friends value and respect you for this. Friendship comes first for you. However, this affects your loved ones and relatives, who also need attention and care. Try to find a middle ground, and then there will be complete harmony in your life.

More than 220 points. You are a good friend, and your friends take advantage of this shamelessly, without giving anything in return. Afraid of not pleasing them, you rush to help them out at the first call, completely forgetting about yourself. But if you need help, you have to rely only on your own strength. Think about yourself. Don't you deserve to be treated with more respect? Start loving yourself, treating yourself the way you currently treat your friends, and then you will see that many of them will change their attitude towards you for the better.

Test “Do you have a masculine or feminine character?”

If you want to better understand yourself and determine whether you have a masculine or feminine character, be sure to take this test.

1 . Whatever society I find myself in, I always prefer to play first violin in it.

B. I don't know.

2 . In a difficult life situation, I always count on someone coming to my aid.

B. I don't know.

3 . Under any circumstances, I make the right decision without much thought.

B. I don't know.

4 . Since childhood, I have been different from everyone else in that I am impressionable, I sympathize and feel sorry for everyone.

B. I don't know.

5 . I am able to force respect for myself.

B. I don't know.

6 . I always devote a lot of time to my appearance; taking care of myself gives me joy and satisfaction.

B. I don't know.

7 . In my opinion, a person should learn to adapt to life circumstances, and not act impulsively.

V. I don’t know.

8 . There is always a place for flirting in life.

B. I don't know.

9 . I have great willpower.

B. I don't know.

10 . I always have a small mirror with me.

V. I don’t know.

11 . I remember the insults inflicted on me for a long time and calm down only after I manage to take revenge.

B. I don't know.

12 . I lack endurance in difficult life situations.

B. I don't know.

13 . In my deep conviction, love is an intimate feeling that does not need to be demonstrated to others.

B. I don't know.

14 . I am the last romantic in the world.

B. I don't know.

15 . My character is a copy of my father's character.

B. I don't know.


For answering “yes” to odd-numbered statements and “no” to even-numbered statements, award yourself 10 points. For the answer “I don’t know,” add 5 points.

Less than 49 points. You are 100% woman. Nowadays it is very rare to meet a person belonging to this type. If you are happy to stand at the stove, have no aversion to doing laundry and cleaning, and also adore children, you are the epitome of the ideal life partner. A man who loves you will be faithful to you for the rest of his life. If you are a representative of the strong half of humanity, you urgently need to engage in introspection, unless, of course, your life does not suit you in some way.

50–99 points. In different situations you behave differently, that is, in one case you show your masculine qualities, in another – typically feminine ones. You know how to be soft and feminine when necessary, and decisive and strict when circumstances require it. Such psychological flexibility and the ability to adapt make your life much easier, allow you to establish contact with the right people and, without conflicts, part with those whom you consider unworthy of yourself.

100–150 points. You are 100% a man with qualities such as independence, determination, self-reliance and self-confidence. You can hide behind you, like behind a stone wall. You have a clear idea of ​​what you are striving for and always achieve your goals. As for the relationship between a man and a woman, here you show some straightforwardness and stereotyping. But if you are a member of the fair sex, you should think about whether you love yourself and are you satisfied with your life?

A person’s propensity for a particular disease can be determined by his handwriting - this is exactly the conclusion that doctors, graphologists and psychologists have come to. And the result of their collaboration was this test. Take it, and then you will know what you should be wary of in terms of health.

To do this, take a clean (without rulers or cells) sheet of paper and write on it with a ballpoint pen or pencil (in no case with a felt-tip pen, marker or gel pen) 10 lines of any text. Then analyze your own handwriting using the criteria below and calculate the total score.

General character of your handwriting
Connecting letters in a word
Pressure force on paper
Line direction
Letter shape
Slant letters
Letter height


Less than 48 points. As a rule, such handwriting is found in older people, as well as in young and middle-aged people with weakened immune systems.

49–72 points. You should pay attention to the state of your nervous system. Most likely, you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or are prone to allergies and obesity. It is advisable for you to move more and improve your diet.

73–95 points. There is no threat to your psyche. But the respiratory organs should be protected from colds and other misfortunes. It would also be a good idea for you to consult an endocrinologist and get an ECG done.

96–105 points. Your main problem is high blood pressure. The bouquet can be complemented by diabetes and arthritis. And all this can happen due to ignoring the advice of doctors and loved ones regarding your health.

More than 106 points. You are a very unrestrained and aggressive person. Most likely, you have already acquired stomach ulcers and heart disease. To calm your nerves, you often resort to alcohol and sedatives, but this is not the answer. It is necessary to change your attitude towards life.

The questions you will find in this article will help you get to know yourself better. By trying out different situations and asking yourself the right questions, you can discover thoughts and patterns in behavior that you usually miss. Grab a notepad and pen and let's get started.

Know yourself.

1. Who are you?

As luck would have it, nothing comes to mind. The question is so broad that it even causes irritation. We can’t just look inside ourselves; psychological mirrors usually help with this. A psychological mirror is a smart person (ideally a psychotherapist) who would guide you. But if there are none nearby, then the right questions will replace them. And also a pen and paper to catch those thoughts and feelings that can be very well disguised and go unnoticed for a long time.

2. What is the meaning of life? What is love? Who are you?

These questions don't get a bad rap because they're incorrect. They are simply not broken down into more precise pieces, so they are difficult to process. The question of who we are needs to be divided so that it is easier to digest. Not “Who am I?”, but “Who am I at work, in relationships, with friends, children?”

3. What happened to you as a child?

Jordan Whitt / Unsplash.com

The question seems ridiculous, but, unfortunately, it is not. Almost everything that we are today is the result of behavioral patterns established in childhood (and safely forgotten). Children, due to their mentality, cannot fully understand the characteristics of their own psyche. We live the first 10 years blindly before we even learn to understand our motives and emotions. Now is the time to go back and rethink them.

Freud's theory is overrated, discredited and considered incorrect, you might argue. In some key areas this is true. But Freud's basic idea is considered undeniable and definitely true in psychology: the unconscious and childhood largely determine the choice of partners, sexual preferences and moral principles. Therefore, there is nothing left but to work with this difficult material.

4. What is shown in this picture?

This is a card from an association test developed by Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach. The idea is to show you something vague, indefinite, and then your imagination fills in those ambiguities with its own associations, while at the same time releasing some of your repressed fears, expectations, desires. People with hidden aggression will see hostility, scandal. People who suppress sexual desires - the vagina. What do you see?

5. Continue with the following sentences:

  • All men are men at heart...
  • When you get to know them better, all women...

A favorite technique of psychologists is to ask you to quickly, without thinking, complete an unfinished sentence. We will not be able to fully control our unconscious, and therefore we will discover some important attitudes that we usually suppress. In the process of self-discovery, you will most likely be scared by some things. But that's okay, we're all very weird.

6. Draw your family on a piece of paper

Draw parents, brothers and sisters, a house, the sun, a tree. This is not a strictly scientific method, but it does suggest certain thoughts.

  • The one you drew next to you is closest to you.
  • The one who is at the greatest distance from you is emotionally far from you.
  • By the size of the figure depicting you, you can tell whether you have high or low self-esteem.
  • Home is an extension of you, your ego. Is it in good condition?
  • Windows characterize the degree of your sociability. Does your house have a door? Do you let people into your life?

7. Are you optimistic about humanity and the future of the planet?

8. Did you sleep well last night?

nomao saeki / Unsplash.com

We are inclined to deny that there is any connection between the answers to these two questions, attributing all our thoughts about the high to impartial rational calculation. But we must accept the fact that to some extent our thoughts are influenced by our physical state: how we are, what we ate for lunch, how long ago we were hugged. In this sense, despite our big brains, we are not as far removed from babies as we once were.

9. What do you blame your parents for?

Why do you think they were the way they were? What pressured them and what difficulties did they experience? What can a good friend tell you about them?

Of course, your parents may take most of the blame for your failures. But shifting responsibility prevents you from better understanding what is happening in your life. Your parents were in the same position in relation to their parents and also cannot be fully responsible for their mental characteristics. What if we start thinking about the feelings of our parents, who, oddly enough, are also victims?

10. Let's say that you are of traditional sexual orientation. Have you ever wanted to touch the body of someone of the same gender as you?

Sigmund Freud made a brilliant discovery: much remains in the unconscious because of our own disgust or, as he called this phenomenon, resistance. The unconscious contains those feelings and desires that challenge our comfortable view of ourselves. But the price for comfort is high: it is difficult to get to the bottom of the causes of anxiety and neuroses. So we need to come to terms with our endearing quirks and contradictions.

Nathan Walker / Unsplash.com

People we tend to find attractive aren't just for objective reasons (because they're friendly, you can talk to them about politics, or they like sports like you). But also because they bring with them problems and difficulties that are especially attractive to us. Most of us go through the same suffering, which is usually associated with the suffering and experiences experienced in childhood.

12. How exactly does your partner irritate you?

Don't just blame the other person for their shortcomings, such as being distant or overly sensitive. We must admit that, on the contrary, it is precisely these shortcomings that attract us. We look for them to reproduce the pattern of dissatisfaction we learned in childhood.

In general, in relationships we look not for what gives us the most pleasure, but for what seems familiar and close. Understanding the nature of this driving force will help us learn to empathize with ourselves and be more understanding towards our partner. After all, how does he know that we find him attractive in part because he can upset us?

13. Write down five qualities of a partner that you really find difficult to live with.

A good partnership is possible not so much between two healthy mature people (there are not so many of them on our planet), but between two crazy people who are lucky enough to find a safe place for the other person in themselves, among their relative madness.

14. How do you feel when you start to like someone?

You may feel depressed and start to bother this person or, conversely, try to run away from the admirer (“Why does he/she have such bad taste?”). This is a typical response from a person who does not know how to love himself, and about half of them are like that (mainly because the people who are most important to us in the past were not interested in us). Start resisting suspicions about yourself. At least in order not to dump them with rage on the person who shows interest in you.

15. What is the main problem in your relationship with your mother?

16. What is the main problem in your relationship with your father?


These questions may sound like clichés, but it takes time for their true significance to emerge. Spend, say, one hour answering each of the questions in writing. If you are honest, you will experience not the most pleasant emotions: sadness, anger, resentment. But in order to move on, you need to deal with your grievances and experiences.

17. What did you learn about relationships from your parents?

Humanity is experiencing unprecedented growth in terms of technological progress: we are learning more and more effectively transferring our knowledge. But we have not made nearly as much progress in the emotional sphere. Because we do not sufficiently realize that the negative patterns of behavior that we acquire in childhood, we reproduce in adulthood. Try to recognize yours before letting them out.

18. What slightly unhealthy, weird things do you find attractive in a partner?

Do your parents have these character traits? According to the theory of repetition compulsion from psychoanalysis, we are all drawn to problematic things that we encountered as children. This does not mean that we will repeat all the actions that will lead to emotional trauma. In some cases, on the contrary, we will avoid every aspect associated with this experience and thus continue to remain attached to it.

19. Make a list of people who really attract you.

Have you ever experienced, even fleetingly, sexual attraction of any kind towards each person on this list? And did this attraction entail any difficulties, no matter what the reason (perhaps this person had a date, or he you, or it made you doubt your sexual orientation)? The reasons for such excitement are always hidden within ourselves.

20. If you assessed yourself impartially, what would you warn a friend about if he were thinking about a relationship with you?

People can tell a lot about themselves and their problems. After all, in fact, we do not need those who are completely free from any problems or shortcomings. We need people who can explain their problems and how they cope with them.

21. Explain what you think is happening in this picture?

It's not clear what's going on in this picture because the image is (intentionally) vague and ambiguous. Therefore, whatever you say comes from within. The details you add and the story you tell reflect the state of your inner world. Especially if you are absolutely sure that you understand what is shown in the picture, and you persistently prove it. This image is a test that psychologists use to evaluate your psychological defense mechanism, projection.

22. What is shown here?

Another controversial image. Here you can see many stories: a mother and her sick child, a wife who kills her husband moments before the kiss. Write what you think is happening here. Then ask a friend to do the same. Discuss what aspects of your life and personality you, without knowing it, are projecting into the picture.

23. Write what you will answer to the phrase “I’m very sorry that we splashed your clothes, although we tried very hard to avoid the puddle”?

Your answer can be used to judge your attitude towards disappointments. Typically, there are three options:

  • we get angry, we go into a rage;
  • we don't go into a rage because of an internal feeling of shame that prevents us from reaching the extreme point, even when there is a reason for it;
  • we do not fly into a rage because we think that other people's reactions will be violent and unpleasant if we express our dissatisfaction.

24. How would other people react if you explained to them how you feel?

As children, we form a belief about what will surely happen if we open up about our feelings. Since people often turned away from us, we learned to hide our “bad” thoughts. And at first glance we may seem obedient and friendly, but you just have to look deeper...

To become a mature person, you need to understand the basis of self-knowledge: the world of childhood is not the whole world. This is one part of it, although it has a significant influence, from which we could not escape at the time. But, fortunately, we have become more eloquent and resilient than when we were five years old. Take courage and express your feelings.

25. What weaknesses do you have (or could you have) as a parent?

It is very difficult to imagine the possible disadvantages, especially if we truly want to be loving and kind parents. Nevertheless, we will have shortcomings, and they can be divided into two groups:

  • recreated according to the type of unhealthy behavior patterns from their own childhood;
  • an overreaction to unhealthy childhood behavior patterns that have influenced our own behavior patterns.

26. Name three sexual scenarios that particularly excite you.

Sexual fantasies can be interpreted as an attempt to recreate what causes us problems or is unavailable in the world outside of sex. So, for example, a uniform can be attractive because people in uniform seem strict and instill fear in us. Or we want to be seen and heard in public because our parents were overly well-behaved prudes. - these are small utopias that tell us about problematic parts of our biography.

27. What unusual sexual attractions do you have?


Everyone has a fear of being (or appearing to be) a pervert. It's part of what makes us civilized. However, self-knowledge includes the recognition that the unconscious is by its nature completely flawed and is not a cause for alarm. We have extremely strong censorship mechanisms that 99.9% of the time prevent any of this from being implemented. At the same time, we can explore without fear what is hidden within us and affects our lives.

28. When did you cry or want to cry as an adult?

Most tears in adulthood are caused not by pain, but by the sight of something incredibly beautiful and close (reconciliation between father and son, the sudden generosity of a stingy person, a beautiful garden). We remind ourselves of what we want it to be, and we feel sad that we so rarely see it like that.

29. Write down the five most important things in your life. How much time do you spend on them?

There is a huge difference between what we say we value and what we ultimately do. Ironically, we don't devote enough attention, time, and resources to the things we care about most. It is very important to realize this. Try to reduce this difference.

30. What things do you often buy, even though it doesn't bring you much joy?

We believe advertising, which, among other things, masterfully convinces us of what we should want. It's no wonder that we often have things that don't bring us any satisfaction, but only boredom and anxiety: clothes that gather dust in the closet after one outing, cars that don't justify their high price, and so on. We must monitor not only our expenses, but also the pleasure (say, on a scale from 1 to 10) that our purchases bring us.

31. What are you trying to say with your clothes?

Any clothing can be equated to the uniform of a certain category of people. It reflects who we see ourselves as and what group we belong to. In addition, our appearance can provide important information about some of our anxieties. What are you trying to protect yourself from with clothing?

32. Name three works of art that mean a lot to you.

Dutchlight / depositphotos.com

Often we love in art what we miss in our real life. Our taste is evidence of some need. For example, we like peaceful pictures because we are always in a hurry. Or carefree music, because we feel a lot of restrictions in our lives. Taste reflects not only who we are, but also how we would like to see ourselves.

33. What is your biggest regret?

We regret something so often. After all, sometimes in life you have to make important decisions without having any idea what you will face, for example, who to marry or whom to marry, where to live, what profession to choose. We have to go blind, and this is not our fault. We must learn to share our regrets and experiences. This is the only way to feel less lonely.

34. What are you slightly addicted to?

Alcohol, shopping, cigarettes, porn, arguments... Addiction cannot be strictly defined as an attachment to one specific substance, this concept is much broader. - this is a feeling of a strong need for something, and the cause is most often a serious problem in some area of ​​our life. Therefore, there is no need to focus on the substance or action that causes addiction. Focus on the sorrows and worries that fuel your addiction to him. Understand that you are not a bad person, this is just how your suffering manifests itself. And the solution to the problem of addiction lies in overcoming this suffering.

35. Make a list of three little things that annoy you about the person next to you.

Little insignificant things upset us because they have a direct bearing on larger issues. They go against some of our psychological expectations, such as punctuality, privacy, organization... Ideally, we need to understand what big things matter to us and protect them, with leniency towards the little things that people sometimes do unintentionally.

36. What negative traits of your character would you not like to show to people?

Almost certainly everyone is already aware of these shortcomings. Other people know more about us five minutes later than we know about ourselves decades later, because their knowledge of others is not suppressed by the unconscious. Honesty towards others comes easy. Instead of hoping that no one will ever notice yours, assume that everyone already knows about them. And in the future, treat them with a little humor and self-irony.

37. Rank the following concepts in descending order of importance in your work:

  • money;
  • status;
  • creation;
  • impact on society;
  • Colleagues.

Our career aspirations are influenced by three forces:

  • parents' hopes;
  • expectations of society (other people);
  • the feelings that arise during our work.

We are usually the least likely to listen to ourselves. And most often the first two forces win. It may take several decades before we recognize the terrifying fact that we worked only to please a parent (who may have already died) or for the sake of strangers and, most often, people who are indifferent to us. Most likely, it's not too late now.

38. If you knew that you could not fail in your profession, what would you try?

emarts emarts / unsplash.com

We are often afraid of being embarrassed because our aspirations and desires regarding a career do not correspond to our actual knowledge or skills. And that's why we don't even try. And this is an exact guarantee that your aspirations will never become a reality. We owe it to ourselves to be vocal about what we want to do and who we want to be, even if it won't be easy or without failure.

39. What things have made you jealous lately?

We were taught that envy is bad, and we were strictly forbidden to do it. But in fact, the people or things we envy help us better understand our deepest desires, and this, in turn, tells us a lot about ourselves as a person. Try to keep a diary of your envious feelings, do not accumulate them inside yourself and try to make your dreams come true.

40. What can your work colleagues criticize you for behind your back?

And there is nothing to be offended by. Your fears are well founded. Everything you suspect could have occurred to others, and this is already reality. The point is not to try to avoid such imaginary gossip, but to take measures to combat their existence: do not give others a reason for criticism, strive to be better.

41. What or who do you associate yourself with?

  • If I were the weather, I would be...
  • If I were furniture, I would be...
  • If I were a car brand, I would be...
  • If I were a genre of music, I would be...
  • If I were food, I would be...
  • If I were an animal, I would be...
  • If I were a font, I would be...

To ourselves we are something vague and formless, but sometimes we can recognize the key features of our personality through metaphors and analogies. The animal most often turns out to be particularly revealing.

42. Have you ever been unfair to others?

Make a list of guilt-inducing events where you were particularly unfair to specific people and lashed out at them.

What makes you worry? If you shared your concerns, could the situation change? In the future, try to tell others that you are upset instead of making a fuss over small things.

43. How do you react to stimuli?

Someone is annoying you. What would you say: “You’re so annoying when...” or “I feel irritated when you...”?

Psychologists prefer the second formulation: in their opinion, this approach is the essence of good communication. By describing how others affect you rather than blaming them, you avoid putting people on the defensive. Therefore, they are more likely to listen to you. Self-knowledge helps you separate what applies to you and what applies to other people.

44. Which of the following statements applies to you?

  • When my partner upsets me, I lose interest, withdraw, and want to be alone.
  • When my partner upsets me, I panic, get angry and start a fight.

These are the two most common and unhealthy reactions when you are hurt in . Psychologists describe the first situation as avoidant attachment, and the second as anxious attachment. Choose the third option correctly: explain what hurts you, calmly, confidently and without unnecessary vindictiveness. Only 10% of people do this. But this is the right decision if you want to build a mature relationship.

45. Write down everything bad in your relationship with your parents, and then with your loved one.

Please note that the same problems keep popping up. Or at least you can see a connection between them. There is irony in this. Perhaps it's time to resolve conflicts?

46. ​​What prevents you from making decisions?

Our brain has its shortcomings. Be prepared that when you make important decisions, you will experience them yourself. See mistakes as an opportunity to learn about your weaknesses and take action. Be vigilant when you come to conclusions about your shortcomings, do not let them bother you.

47. Name the first association that comes to mind when you hear these words:

  • skirt;
  • carrot;
  • wool;
  • lock;
  • movie;
  • shot.

We have become so good at hiding what is going on in our souls that the only way to recognize what is really bothering us is to turn off our minds for a while. Analyze your answers, think about what hidden fears and desires they may indicate.

48. How would you describe yourself?

Describe yourself using four adjectives. Ask three friends to do the same. Compare and contrast scores. What did you miss? What did you learn about yourself?

49. Map your failures

Write down your failures, indicating the approximate date they occurred. Next to each failure, write what it taught you.

You must recognize patterns. And the best we can do is understand what behaviors lead us to and what they ultimately give us.

50. What did you literally just lie to someone around you?

None of us lives in absolutely ideal conditions. White lies are the price for belonging to society. The desire for complete transparency is a naive and dangerous illusion.

51. Continue the phrases:

  • If a truly kind person wanted to praise me, he would say...
  • If a truly cruel person were assessing me, he would say...

Learn to stick to the golden mean between these two extremes. Be a demanding but generous friend to yourself.

52. Are you dominant or submissive in sex? What about the rest of your life?

Usually the second answer is the opposite of the first. In other words, sex is compensation and relief from stress from ordinary existence.

53. What things in your life would make your loved ones worry if they knew about them?

It’s completely normal to have secrets that even your closest people don’t know about. We try not to scare those we love.

54. What would you like to achieve in your career in a year, five, ten years?

Having your own plans means not being an executor of others.

55. What was your favorite thing to do as a child?

Are you experiencing similar feelings now? A good career involves a connection between your adult activities and childhood hobbies and feelings.

Tests for students “Know yourself”

Goals: encourage students to discover their own self; promote the formation of a positive self-concept; determine the child’s level of independence

Test "How strong is your will"

With the following test we will try to determine how strong your will is. After all, willpower directly determines how fruitful a person’s work or study is. Try to answer questions with utmost honesty. Three answer options are used: “yes”, “sometimes it happens” (“I don’t know”, “I find it difficult to answer”), “no”

1.Are you able to complete work that is not interesting to you?

2. Do you easily overcome internal resistance when you need to do something unpleasant?

3. When you find yourself in a conflict situation (at home, at school), are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at the situation objectively?

4.If you are prescribed a diet, can you overcome culinary temptations?

5. Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned the day before, if you don’t have to?

6.Will you remain at the scene to testify?

7.Do you respond quickly to emails?

8. If you are afraid of an upcoming airplane flight or a visit to the dentist's office, will you be able to not change your intention at the last moment?

9.Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that your doctor strongly recommends?

10. Will you keep your promise in the heat of the moment, even if fulfilling it will bring you a lot of trouble?

11.Do you strictly adhere to your daily routine?

12. Do you disapprove of library debtors?

13. Even the most interesting TV show won’t make you put off urgent and important work?

14. Could you stop the quarrel and remain silent, no matter how offensive the opponent’s words addressed to you may seem?


For a “yes” answer, 2 points are awarded; for the answer “sometimes it happens” (“I don’t know”, “I find it difficult to answer”) - 1 point; “no” - 0 points.

0-12 points. Your willpower is not going well. You simply do what is easier and more interesting, even if it may hurt you in some way. You often take your responsibilities carelessly, which can cause various troubles for you. Your position is expressed by the well-known phrase: “What, do I need more than anyone else?” You perceive any request, any obligation almost as physical pain. The point here is not only weak will, but also selfishness. Try to look at yourself with this assessment in mind. Maybe this will help you change your attitude towards others and change something in your character. If you succeed, you will only benefit from it.

13-21 points. Your willpower is average. If you encounter an obstacle, you take action to overcome it. But if you see a workaround, you will immediately use it. You will not overdo it, but you will also keep your word. You will try to do unpleasant work, although you will grumble at the same time. You will not take on unnecessary responsibilities of your own free will.

This sometimes negatively affects the attitude of teachers towards you, and does not characterize you from the best side in the eyes of others. If you want to achieve great success in life, train your will.

22-30 points. Your willpower is fine. You can rely on you - you will not let you down. You are not afraid of new assignments, long trips, or those things that scare others. However, sometimes your firm and irreconcilable position on fundamental issues annoys others. Willpower is, of course, very good, but you also need to have such qualities as flexibility, forbearance and kindness.

Test “Your level of independence”

Guys, tell me, which of you wants to open your own business in the future? (Children's answers.)

Do you know that an entrepreneur is, first of all, a person who is ready to make decisions himself and take responsibility for their implementation or non-implementation. On your own, and not waiting for recommendations or instructions from above. Let's try to determine your level of independence.

Listen carefully to the statements and answer options, and relate them to your own beliefs and daily behavior. Of the three proposed answer options, you need to choose one.

1. When choosing a club or sports section, you make a decision:

a) completely independently, following your passion and interests;

b) I listen to the opinions of my parents and loved ones;

c) purely by chance.

2.When solving difficult problems or doing homework, you usually calculate:

a) on your own strength and perseverance;

b) for the help of parents and classmates;

c) just in case, a hint.

3. During a conversation with classmates (peers) you:

a) stubbornly defend your point of view;

b) listen to the guys’ opinions;

c) change your views often.

4.When difficult life situations arise, you make a decision:

a) relying only on their knowledge;

b) always consulting with parents and friends;

c) sometimes consulting with parents and friends.

5..If you are assigned to buy products, you are able to make an independent choice of what to buy:

a) of course, I do that;

B) I probably can, but it’s better to consult with my parents;

c) no, this is a problem for me.

6.When talking with parents:

a) I always defend my point of view;

B) I express my point of view, but at the same time respect the position of the parents;

c) I just can’t bring myself to express my point of view.

7.How do you develop as a person:

a) fully listening to your abilities and desires;

B) listening to yourself and to the opinions and recommendations of your parents;

c) completely relying on the opinion of the parents.

8.By taking care of your health, you:

a) listen to your feelings and rely on them;

b) trust the opinion of your parents;

c) you trust only the decisions of doctors.

9.Analyzing various information, you usually:

a) rely only on your point of view;

b) trust only well-known specialists in this field;

C) you cannot accept a certain point of view.

10. When planning your future life, you:

a) rely only on yourself and your strengths;

b) count on the help of parents and good people;

c) rely on luck.

For each answer “a”, score yourself 4 points; for answer “b” - 2 points; and for the answer “c” you don’t get a single point.


From 0 to 10 points. You are very indecisive. So much so that it borders on cowardice. Maybe that's why you are sometimes treated with disdain. Why don't you try to be more independent? Of course, within reasonable limits.

To become more decisive, psychologists recommend performing the following exercises.

Exercise "Decision"

As a first step, make sure your indecisiveness doesn't show on your face. Become more independent internally, and you will have the self-confidence that you so lack.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to make some not very fundamental decision, do it immediately, decisively and irrevocably, do not start your usual reasoning. Limit yourself to just 1 minute of reflection (preferably 30 seconds). Once you have made your final decision, do not back down from it. Try to transfer as many of your tasks as possible to the category of “not very important”, so that their implementation does not depend on long thoughts.

From 11 to 29 points. You have a strong character and can handle stress well. You are a reliable friend. Your self-confidence in your future is well founded. You are independent, but you always listen to the opinions of others, who value and respect you for this.

From 30 to 40 points. You are too independent in all respects. Not only do you not tolerate any interference in your affairs, but you also cannot listen to the opinions of other people. Are you sure that you will always accurately assess all the pros and cons of decisions made?

Exercise “Sense of proportion”

Are you putting too much effort into achieving any goal? Remember that self-confidence is good only in moderation, otherwise it turns into a disadvantage.

Therefore, from time to time ask yourself: “Am I too self-confident?” Learn to ask yourself this question, especially in difficult cases, and even when everything is cloudless, it’s worth thinking about this topic. Believe me, it won't get worse.