Test whether my husband and I will be together. Love and marriage

“People meet, people fall in love, get married,” as the old song goes. But not always! Most often, strange, uncertain, jumping relationships arise - in a jerk, on the run, in an eternal hurry. How to determine from the first time who is in front of you and what you can hope for? How can a man get his bearings when he sees a girl for the first time? How can a girl understand how her partner sees her?

Who attracts you? Passionate rebel or unstoppable romantic? Raging fire or measured flame? What do you expect from your partner? What kind of relationships do you attract? And if something is going wrong in your life, perhaps it’s time to sort yourself out? Even if everyone around you screams that you are a arrogant loner, is that really true? Perhaps your happy story is just beginning...

How to win the heart of your chosen one and not let your feelings fade away? What is your partner thinking about and how serious are his intentions? What surprises can this relationship bring to you? What do you know about the person with whom we want to connect our lives? Perhaps, before you plunge headlong into the whirlpool of violent passions, you should better understand your partner?

In this important section, you will be able to find out how well you match your personality with your partner. This calculation can reveal to you whether your relationship is in calm sailing or rough, stormy waters. If your names match particularly well, you'll understand why your relationship is so simple and enjoyable. But, of course, we are not always attached to people who suit our character, and if you find that the one you love...

Sometimes people say that: " perfect love can not be". But you must admit, who among us, at least once in our lives, has not dreamed of meeting our ideal partner? From time to time, we hear about loving couples who have walked hand in hand through their entire lives. And we involuntarily think about why they were so lucky to meet and keep their love? What secret do they know? Is it possible that numerology will tell you the answer to this question!?

This calculation will be very useful for those who plan to build a serious relationship with their partner. For example, submit an application to the registry office, create a strong, happy family. But as you know, for any construction, you need a solid foundation. Does your couple have it? What will your relationship be like? Who is the head in this house? The “Compatibility according to the Pythagorean system” calculation will help answer these and many other questions...

Have you ever had such a date in your life when time flew by in a flash, and you still wanted to tell your partner so many things? But maybe there have been other meetings in your life when you had to yawn from boredom, and on the fly come up with an excuse to leave quickly? What is the secret to a perfect date?


From this layout you will learn about the feelings of your loved one and his attitude towards you. this moment. There are 3 positions in fortune telling: does your loved one love you, what does he want from your relationship (love, family, sex, money, just fun, etc.), whether there is a threat to you from the outside. If you have a rival or rival, last card will tell you about it...

Name given at birth , predetermines not only a person’s characteristic behavior, but also his entire future fate. Since ancient times, humanity has been searching for a formula for the harmony of mutual attraction between two people. Many people are interested in what principle can be used to determine compatibility, knowing only the name.

Do you know that psychologists have developed such a unique technique? By getting to know a person and knowing only his name, you can independently give a probable forecast for the beginning of a relationship.

According to scientists - onomasts, specialists who study names, every name, already from birth, is definitely “charged”. When a relationship begins, these two “charges” collide, forming energy. How strong, harmonious and beautiful this energy is, so compatible are the “charges” and, accordingly, the names.

Having known your companion for many years, it is even more interesting to check the energy of your union. It is likely that the information received will be useful in solving existing problems and will give a fresh twist to your relationship.

Name compatibility test

The test is carried out simply:

1. You need to know the name of the person you are interested in.

2. Carry out a simple calculation using the attached table.


* Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a specific number. See the attached table for the ratio of values.

The value is taken as a basis only capital letter name!

* Add the meaning of the two names. If the resulting two-digit number is greater than 12, repeat the addition.

Example: Vladimir + Lyudmila = 3 + 13 = 16, 1 + 6 = 7

7 is the necessary, sought-after number.

* Pay attention to the resulting numbers - 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. Each of these numbers will be “golden” if it was composed of numbers of the same value: 1 + 1, 2 + 2, 3 + 3, 4 + 4, 5 + 5, 6 + 6.

And it will not be such if during addition the following values ​​were taken: 1 + 3, 2 + 4, 3 + 5, 4 + 6, 5 + 7, 8 + 4, etc.

The “golden” combination has one of special meanings:

1. Higher powers are interested in your union.

2. Your union already existed in past life. You have been given a second chance!

3. Your couple is about to accomplish something epoch-making. Take advantage of the chance offered by fate!

Compatibility meaning of your names


You and your partner are able to create a relationship that is clear, clear and specific. They resemble a classic example from a psychology textbook. Most likely, you already have a personal psychologist, or this issue is being resolved.

In any of your areas of employment, work and perseverance in achieving your goal is your urgent need.

Knowing yourself, solving problems of interpersonal relationships, your couple uses a scientific approach. Based on your remarkable knowledge, even when quarreling, you experience a purely scientific interest - will it be possible to get out of the conflict without losses?

Knowing perfectly well your partner's shortcomings, you especially distinguish his advantages. Maybe gratitude to each other is the basis of a stable relationship?


1. If you are just planning a relationship where the compatibility of your names will be equal to “2,” then look for a psychologically oriented man. You can successfully suggest this test for verification.

2. Living as before, showing sincere interest in your partner’s personality, you will maintain stability in your relationship.

3. It is beneficial for the development of your couple to take part together in activities that provide excellent food for personal growth:

* A trip to a desert island;

* Vacation spent in an abandoned, remote village;

* participation in a television show or psychological training;

* Extreme kayaking down a mountain river;

* And even participation in political struggle.

"2 gold"

The relationship resembles an equilateral triangle with an obligatory bisector, which, as is known, divides one of the angles in half. Each side of the relationship is equally present in the life of your couple - emotional sensuality = discretion = sexuality. The heart, mind and body most often cannot find a compromise and rage in fits of unprecedented passion. In rare moments of “peace”, when all 3 parties successfully agreed, it would seem that happiness has arrived! But no, there is a feeling that life has stopped, there is not enough energy, dynamics, speed. The body requires drive, the attraction of all nerve receptors, a state of war, a thriller, a detective story, a melodrama, and only when this is achieved does the long-awaited happiness come.


1. Don’t waste your energy trying to prove to “the whole country” that such a relationship suits you and the intervention of a psychiatrist is not required. Just live and maintain your relationship with your spouse.

2. If you are just planning a relationship with a man where the compatibility of your names is equal to “golden 2”, then the time has come to surprise! An extraordinary act is what you need!

Famous representatives in category “2”:

* A Nna Timireva and admiral A Alexander Kolchak 1 + 1 = 2

* A Nna Kern and A Alexander Pushkin 1 + 1 = 2

* Fitness model A Nna Tkachenko (Sasha Brown) and participant of the Mr. Olympia tournament, Russian bodybuilder A Alexander Fedorov 1 + 1 = 2

* Politician A Alexander Turchinov and candidate pedagogical sciences A Nna Turchinova 1 + 1 = 2


Your couple is a shining example and a source of envy for many. The image of your family life based on mutual respect dominating unbridled passion. The core of your couple's relationship is responsibility, a sense of duty, mutual sympathy or banal calculation, but still not love. Is this a discovery for you? No need to worry, love, after all, is a form of calculation. As the actress said, in one famous film - as long as the calculation was correct. This circumstance cannot interfere with a respectable family life.

This established foundation can only be destroyed by surging love. The following chain of events can cause the situation to develop in two directions. The first option for the development of the situation involves abandoning a new hobby in favor of the usual family way of life. The second option involves the destruction of the traditional family structure, existing relationships and the building of a new family.


1. If you value relationships, create the most comfortable living conditions for your partner, which are difficult to refuse.

2. If you are just planning a relationship with a man where the compatibility of your names is “3”, you need to carefully study his habits. When trying to make an impression, do not go beyond generally accepted norms.

Famous representatives in category “3”:

* Film actor, participant in the Comedy Club television project, TV presenter P Avel Volya and former gymnast, TV presenter and fashion model L Yaisan Utyasheva 17 + 13 = 30 = 3 + 0 = 3

* TV presenter ABOUT Lyga Buzova and Russian football player, midfielder, second vice-captain of Lokomotiv Moscow D Mitriy Tarasov 16 + 5 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3

* Singer, participant in the show “The Voice” WITH Evara Nazarkhan and B Ahram Pirimkulov 19 + 2 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3

* Actor and director B oris Nevzorov and A Nastasia Ivanova, actress, known for the film - I Can’t Say Goodbye 2 + 1 = 3


Your union is represented by two unique and absolutely different people. From the outside, it is difficult to say for sure about the relationship in your couple - whether a non-aggression pact has been concluded today or you are rehearsing an etiquette scene. In any case, everything looks decent from the outside. But everyone in this union has built strict boundaries and skillfully guards their inner world. Even after living together for more than one year, you remain an unknown mystery to each other.


1. If the emotional tension is dominant at the moment, try not to do anything, this way you can save the marriage.

2. If you are just planning a relationship with a man where the compatibility of your names is “4” - create a mysterious image for yourself, speak incomprehensibly and remain meaningfully silent. Train your gaze into nowhere.

"4 gold"

At a certain stage, while communicating, you suddenly realize that you didn’t meet by chance - it was fate! Gossip, intrigue, breakups and meetings, kidnappings, letters, fame and secret patrons - everything from this set is possible, don’t be surprised!

Your biographies coincide in many ways, which worries and delights you at the same time. Coincidence can manifest itself in anything - the same taste, the same city, similar goals and dreams. But most importantly, you both understand that there are higher powers controlling your thoughts and actions.


1. Try not to look for mystical meaning in everyday trifles. This will quickly get boring for both of you.

2. If you are just planning a relationship with a man where the compatibility of your names is equal to “golden 4” - do not flirt and be as sincere as possible, the falseness will be immediately noticed by his heightened mind.

Famous representatives in category “4”:

* Famous resident of the Comedy Club AND grief (Garik Bulldog) Kharlamov and actress TO Christina Asmus 10 + 12 = 22 = 2 + 2 = 4

* Singer AND Anna Friske and TV presenter D Mitriy Shepelev 8 + 5 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4

* Famous tennis player B Oris Becker and designer, actress and model B Arbara Feltus 2 + 2 = 4

* Theater and film actor TO Irill Safonov and the lead singer of the group "Factory" A lexandra Savelyev 12 + 1 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4


Today one talks about love in a romantic and spiritual aspect, the other argues, believing that there is no love, there is only sex. To agree with your partner tomorrow and hear a completely opposite opinion in return.

Your favorite thing to do as a couple is to argue, energetically prove your point and play to the public. You prefer to solve any problems while lying in bed.

You often demonstrate a “controversial and humorous” lifestyle, amusing others. It also applies to serious things, such as the budget. At first you squander money terribly, then you energetically try to patch up the resulting gap.

Everything that is simple is boring for you. Scandals, even invented ones, make life brighter, richer and more fun.


1. The men in this couple live “on display” more than the women. The family will turn into show business if playing to the public prevails over common sense.

2. If you are just planning a relationship with a man where the compatibility of your names is “5” - play on equal terms, initially positioning yourself in an extraordinary and bright way. Or accept the role of a fan, realizing that you will not always be noticed in the crowd.

Famous representatives in category “5”:

* Chess genius R Robert (Bobby) Fisher and M Iyoko Watai 18 + 14 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5

* Prima A Alla Pugacheva and the king of the stage F Ilip Kirkorov 1 + 22 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5

* Queen of Russian rock and roll AND Anna Aguzarova and producer N Ikolay (Nick) Poltoranin 8 + 15 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5


An amazingly favorable union! One of you has integrity and maximalism, the other compensates with worldly wisdom and the ability to give in. Both instinctively feel when it is time to count money, and when it is time to count stars, when it is necessary to give in, and when to show strength. Thanks to innate intuition and insight, conflicts practically do not arise in this couple.

Your couple is an example perfect marriage. Life flows warmly and smoothly. You do not traumatize your partner with all-crushing passion and do not chase vivid sensations. The idyll can only be disrupted during a period when priorities change - a child is born or career growth requires special energy.

A difficult moment for this couple is the period of life when both partners have difficulty maintaining their personal mental “balance.”


1. To maintain strong feelings, you can sometimes take vacations separately.

2. If you are just planning a relationship with a man where the compatibility of your names is “6”, try not to show your interest openly. To take the place of “Woman No. 1” in his life, generate doubts and basic curiosity.

"6 gold"

Your couple understands each other in half a glance and half a word. But this is not boring and banal predictability. You are absolutely convinced that this is just saving time in order to get to know your partner better. The means of development and mutual enrichment in your couple is sex. The very fact of intimacy is a pleasure for you.

Fate constantly tests your relationship's strength. But while complicating life on the one hand, it helps on the other. At a difficult moment, when one of you is running out of strength, the law of balance comes into play, and the other’s strength increases tenfold.

The only thing that can destroy an idyll is force majeure (the outbreak of a war, the outbreak of an epidemic or a global flood).


1. If you have been together for some time, then higher powers have already taken care of you - almost instantly you begin to feel as if you have known your partner all your life.

2. If you are just planning a relationship with a man where the compatibility of your names is equal to “golden 6”, you can calmly fold your arms. Everything will be decided by fate, apart from your desire.

Famous representatives in category “6”:

* Famous singer A Alla Pugacheva and parodist, comedian, TV presenter M Aksim Galkin 1 + 14 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6

* State and political figure D Mitriy Medvedev and WITH Vetlana Medvedeva 5 + 19 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6

* Politician YU Liya Tymoshenko and businessman A Alexander Timoshenko 32 + 1 = 33 = 3 + 3 = 6

*TO Ethrine Middleton Duchess of Cambridge and Prince U William Duke of Cambridge 12 + 21 = 33 = 3 + 3 = 6


At the very beginning of the relationship, the note of love was set too high - the melody of passion consists entirely of chords of bliss! Eyes blinded by a partner perceive everything around them in pink.

It's hard to hold a high note throughout a relationship. One day, a moment comes and the eyes open, the brain, clouded with pleasure, begins to realize the realities of life: being together is hard work, and at the same time there is no desire to live without each other.

The man in this couple, as a rule, immediately makes it clear to others: this is my territory and this is my woman. It is important for him that everyone knows about it. And first of all, he does not let his wife forget about this. An intelligent, well-read, promising man in this couple plays main role, being a friend and mentor.

It takes a lot of effort for you to coincide in your phases: when one slams the door, the second is ready to sit down and come to an agreement. Another time the situation is repeated in reverse.

One of you needs to be a peacemaker during a conflict, to show all your accumulated wisdom, this is the most difficult thing in a couple’s relationship, otherwise divorce is not far off.

If you are still together, then you owe this to the only sphere life together- sex.


1. Preserving your union is only possible with joint participation. Both partners must have one desire - to save this marriage. The arbitrator must be at least a psychologist.

2. To win such a man, you need a model of a situation in which you urgently need his support.

3. If your relationship has already been established, make every effort to maintain passion in it, otherwise only resentment and emptiness will remain.

Famous representatives in category “7”:

* Singer A LSU and businessman I n Abramov 1 + 33 = 34 = 3 + 4 = 7

* President of the U.S.A B Arak Obama and lawyer M Michelle Robinson Obama 2 + 14 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7

* President of Russia IN Ladimir Putin and ex-wife L Yudmila Putina 3 + 13 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7

* Actress, singer, model N Orma Jean Mortenson (Marilyn Monroe) and playwright A Mercury Miller 15 + 1 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7


In your couple there is a crazy and reckless love that causes envy among others. Your similarity in everything, even in small things, intensifies every year. You enjoy doing everything together. By the way, having conceived a family business, your tandem has every chance of success.

The true punishment for your couple is separation, so it is better to remain without rest than to separate, even for a short time.

Special rapport sometimes leaves you. A sense of tact or shyness may prevent one of the couple from talking about the problem out loud.


1. While maintaining harmony in a couple, do not try to present yourself only with the best side, be natural. Remember that there is nothing more boring than an impossibly correct partner.

2. If you are just planning a relationship with a man where the compatibility of your names is “8” - learn to feel and think like him, while remaining an individual. There is no need to strive to sacrifice yourself - after all, by doing this you destroy your “I”.

"8 gold"

The way you live often shocks those around you. The traditional understanding of family and your relationship are far from each other. By allowing yourself to love madly, you, at the same time, are not trying to establish total control over each other. A sacramental mixture of absolute freedom and maximum trust makes your life exciting, like high-speed racing with a broken steering wheel - you can never predict how it will all end.

When one of you decides to take control or lets someone in on the details of your relationship, things can get heated.

Despite the fact that your relationship is not always cloudless, you can be considered the strongest married couple.


1. To always be interesting to your partner, do not rush to share your secrets. It's interesting to unravel the mystery.

2. There is no better way to win the heart of your partner - just tell him out loud: “I will never be with you” and, at the same time with your eyes: “We have been together since the creation of the world.”

Famous representatives in category “8”:

* Football player of the English club Manchester United D Avid Beckham and Posh Spice IN Victoria Beckham 5 + 3 = 8

* Pop star, theater and film actress TO Kristina Orbakaite and businessman M Ikhail Zemtsov 12 + 14 = 26 = 2 + 6 = 8

* Poet, prose writer E Duard Asadov and the Mosconcert artist G Alina Razumovskaya (Asadova) 31 + 4 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8

* TV presenter TO Senia Sobchak and actor, director M axim Vitorgan 12 + 14 = 26 = 2 + 6 = 8


Your couple deserves a whole collection of gold medals for their extraordinaryness! The paradox of one is easily complemented by the originality of the other. If one person has no time to wash the dishes because of the rush at work, the other one will throw them away without hesitation and buy disposable ones instead.

A fairly multifaceted union, monotony will never overshadow your relationship. Being in a state of eternal search, you cannot stand marking time. So you might go too far. Each of you periodically becomes interested in someone on the side, eagerly rushing into new relationships. Interest, just as it flares up instantly, disappears so quickly. You are aware of what is happening and understand the situation. But still, to maintain this union you need a lot of wisdom and patience.


If you have been dating a young man for a long time and cannot imagine your life without him, then most likely you have already thought about getting together and living together. However, are you ready for this big step in your life? personal life? If you have doubts or just out of curiosity, go through this one, which will give you the answer to this important question.

When answering questions, try to choose the answer that best suits you.

How many of your things are at your boyfriend's house and vice versa?

A. Very little, we try not to bring things into each other's apartments.

b. Basically the essentials: Toothbrush, soap and other small items.

V. There are so many, you won’t even remember them all.

How often do you spend the night together?

A. 2-3 times a month.

b. Few times a week.

V. Almost every night.

How long do you meet?

A. From 6 to 12 months or a little more.

b. Up to 6 months.

V. For a long time, more than a year and a half.

Did any of you "go to the side" ()?

A. This has already happened, but we do not consider each other our property.

V. We believe that fidelity is the key to a strong relationship.

What are your plans for the future?

A. My boyfriend and I have a lot of ambitious plans, some of which we don’t even tell each other.

b. We try to live for today and have not yet discussed the future.

V. We discuss our possible future very often and want to always be together.

What is your attitude towards order in the house?

A. We have different ideas about cleanliness in the house, but this does not particularly bother us.

b. We have different ideas about cleanliness in the house, but we are not yet ready to make compromises.

V. We have relatively the same ideas about cleanliness and the frequency of cleaning.

What do your quarrels look like?

A. Usually after a quarrel we don’t see each other for a couple of days, and then this problem stops bothering us.

b. At the end of a quarrel, one person asks for forgiveness or apologizes.

V. We understand that we are both to blame and always try to find a compromise.

Count the number of answers a, b and c.

Do you have more answers? You and your partner value your personal space and independence so much that you are not yet ready to give it up. Therefore, at the moment it is not recommended for you to live together. But don't despair, maybe everything will change soon.

You have more answers b. Your relationship has not yet reached the stage where you can move in together. This may be because one of you has recently gone through a bad breakup or divorce. Try not to rush things and most likely in a year, or maybe earlier, everything will change.

More answers in . You have a very strong and harmonious relationship in which you are ready to make certain compromises and concessions. You will get along perfectly together, so it’s time for you to take this serious step and start living together.

Ask yourself a few questions. Honest answers to them will help you understand in which direction your relationship will develop.

This question is not easy to answer: romantic flair prevents you from seeing in front of you real person. Research shows that we are usually attracted to partners who are different from us, but, despite all the initial passion, such relationships quickly decline.

For a long-term union, community is important, what unites: similar life values and expectations, interests, level of education, ideas about how best to spend free time.

Have you introduced each other to friends?

If the person you are dating is open to a long-term relationship, the likelihood that he will include you in his circle of significant people - family and friends - is very high. This way he emphasizes your importance in his own life.

The one who, deep down in his soul, realizes that he is still free, is more willing to look around

The more friends you include in your communication and the more willing you are to maintain this connection, the more likely it is that the relationship will develop.

Are you afraid to be alone?

Sometimes we unwittingly begin to view a new relationship as ideal if we are afraid of being alone.

Those who feel uncomfortable being alone find it difficult to leave a relationship, even if there is no feeling of closeness with their partner. At the same time, they behave with him as with a potential life partner: they respond to advances, demonstrate an attitude towards relationships and romantic interest. However, over time, it becomes increasingly difficult to deceive yourself and maintain the illusion of a magical coincidence.

Is your partner showing interest in more than just you?

How we react when we meet sexually attractive members of the opposite sex can also determine the prospects of a union. Research on unconscious behavior shows that partners who are truly involved in a relationship involuntarily restrain their attention to others.

A person interested in short-term relationships avoids the manifestation of genuine intimacy

When this does not happen and your partner is visually evaluating other potential candidates (or you feel this desire within yourself), it is more likely that the relationship will not stand the test of time. Those who, deep down in their souls, realize that they are still free are more willing to look around.

How does your partner react to attempts to get even closer?

A person interested in short-term relationships usually avoids the expression of genuine intimacy. He is generous with touches, hugs, kisses, but less often shows his affection and desire to show care.

Often such people, under plausible pretexts, ignore calls and messages and avoid getting to know their close circle. And although they can formally support conversations about a joint future, they do not initiate them themselves. In words, the partner does not deny the possibility of a long-term relationship, but non-verbal signals may indicate the opposite.