Room thermostat for gas boiler. Room thermostat for a gas boiler - trips to the boiler room are cancelled. How thermostats for heating boilers work

All available for sale gas boilers regardless of manufacturer and quantity different functions initially they can maintain the temperature of the coolant in the supply pipe using an internal sensor. The choice of this temperature falls on the homeowner, who, with every change in weather conditions, is forced to visit the furnace room and adjust the power of the water heating installation. To get rid of such inconveniences, you can install a room thermostat in your home. gas boiler. These simple means of automating the operation of the heating system will be discussed in this material.

Why do you need a room thermostat?

Traditional regulation of the operating power of the unit by rotating the coolant temperature knob is considered indirect, since the gas boiler “does not know” the temperature in the premises of the house, but only heats the water at your command. When the weather outside worsens, heat loss increases, the room begins to cool, and heating devices give off heat more intensely. At the same time, the water in the return pipeline becomes colder, the temperature difference between the supply and return increases, and the boiler consumes more fuel to maintain the set coolant temperature. With further cooling, the installed power is not enough and you go to the furnace room to “turn the knob” or give a new command to the controller.

Of course, during operation, each homeowner will experimentally determine the position of the handle or what to ask the controller depending on the weather conditions outside. But this will not save him from visiting the furnace room, while the process can be significantly simplified by using direct control of the power of the gas boiler based on the air temperature in the premises. One of simple ways that allow direct rather than indirect regulation is the use of a room thermostat.

The principle of operation of the simplest thermostat is as follows: when the air temperature in the room reaches the value you set, the device closes electrical circuit, which connects it with a gas boiler. This is achieved by a heat-sensitive element with an expanding medium located inside the housing, which mechanically acts on the electrical contacts. In more complex products, such an element is electronic sensor temperature.

After the circuit is closed, the combined gas valve or heating installation controller turns off the operation of the burner device or switches it to the “low flame” mode, this depends on the design of the unit. The coolant in the batteries cools down, the air temperature decreases, as a result of which the thermoelement breaks the circuit and the burner operation resumes.

Direct control is more effective than indirect control, since the heating of water in the system depends on the microclimate in the house, and exactly as much fuel is used as required.

Types of thermostats

Fundamentally, these devices can be divided into 2 groups:

  • remote thermostats connected via wires;
  • wireless room thermostats for gas boilers.

Devices of the first type are distinguished by their simplicity and reliability, as well as low cost. The design provides for constant maintenance of one temperature, set by a handle on the front side of the product. As a rule, the control range is from 10 to 30 ºС.

Various manufacturers offer models powered from an external electrical network, powered by batteries, or directly from the boiler installation controller. The main disadvantage of thermostats of this type is that only one air temperature can be set. If you need to change it, you have to go “turn the knob” again. In addition, some inconveniences are associated with the laying of wires, so it is better to install such devices during new construction and installation of a heating system.

Set several air temperatures that must be observed in different time day, can be found on the display of the programmable controller. Moreover, it is possible to set a program for a week in advance and in this way completely automate the control of the gas boiler. In conditions where the heating system is already in operation, it is more convenient to install a programmable wireless thermostat, then the interior details will not be disturbed by the laying of wires.

Such devices have one drawback that deserves attention; this is the battery life, which must be monitored and changed on time. Otherwise, the device will turn off and the gas boiler will rely only on the readings of the internal sensor, heating the coolant to a high temperature.

Note. All modern battery-powered thermostats have a low-battery warning function and the need to quickly replace batteries.

When installing wireless devices, connecting a thermostat to a gas boiler involves installing a signal receiver in the combustion unit room and connecting it to the controller or gas valve heater That is, installing the devices will not take much of your time and money, although the product itself will cost significantly more than a simple wired thermostat.


Installing room temperature regulators will allow you to create comfortable microclimate conditions and operation of heating equipment, as well as reduce gas consumption. But it should be remembered that fuel savings are possible only after measures to prevent heat losses in the building. Otherwise, gas consumption can only increase, because the thermostat will not stop the boiler until the set temperature in the room is reached.

And other companies that operate on gas allow you not only to heat your home, but also not to spoil your appearance interior of your home.

All items included with these wonderful heating devices many consider them unnecessary nonsense and call them “accessories” that can be completely dispensed with. The boiler heats the water to the required values, then, when the coolant cools down, it turns on again and brings the water temperature to the level you need.

You determine this level yourself, and the device’s task is to turn on every time to support the program you set. The boiler is manually adjusted by you and is “responsible” for heating the water, but the air temperature in the room is not its task.

What should you do if suddenly the air warms up above the set norm due to the sun’s rays, or in cold weather it cools down to uncomfortable temperatures?

Option one is to do nothing and let the boiler itself, turning on and off countless times, heat the coolant.

Option two is to purchase a device called a room thermostat for a gas boiler, thereby guaranteeing warmth and comfort to your home and protecting a rather expensive heating device, in this case the boiler, from rapid wear and tear.

Mechanical room thermostat

Room thermostat or the thermostat certainly cannot be classified as an unnecessary accessory, because... This device regulates the operation of the boiler and ensures the heating of air, not water, and for this, as you remember, the boiler is not responsible.

Water cools much faster than air and the boiler needs to be turned on approximately once every ten minutes to maintain the required temperature. The pump of the device works in this mode without ceasing and wears out quite quickly.

What happens to the boiler to which the room thermostat is connected? Let's figure it out in order to draw a conclusion about the need for this device or its complete uselessness.

Operating principle of a room thermostat

A room thermostat is a modern compact device that allows you to control and regulate the air temperature in the room, the value of which you determine yourself. In some European countries, for example, this device is considered mandatory for installation in any home, and I think there is no need to explain how Europeans can save on literally everything.

So, when the air temperature drops by at least 0.5 degrees, the thermostat gives a signal to the boiler to turn on, and it accordingly heats the water, raising the air temperature to the required numbers.

If the temperature remains at the level of the indicators you have determined, the boiler does not turn on, saving gas and electricity so much that the payback of the device itself occurs very quickly.

Gas and electricity bills constantly surprise us in terms of growth, and I think it would not hurt anyone to save up to 25-30 percent family budget only when the thermostat is working. This is such an “accessory”!

What about the boiler's operation? Can you imagine how much less often it will need to be turned on if the thermostat controls the operation of your heating equipment? The service life of the boiler is doubled.

Let's determine the advantages of a room thermostat:

- the device holds desired temperature in the house, creating an atmosphere of coziness and comfort;

— when connecting a thermostat, there is no need to constantly monitor and regulate the operation of the boiler;

- saving Money and quick payback of the device.

Main types of thermostats

Room thermostats can be divided according to the method of influencing heating equipment (in this case, a gas boiler) and according to the quantity and quality of the functions they perform.

According to the method of regulation, thermostats are divided into 2 types:

- wired;

- wireless.

For the first type, it is necessary to connect the device directly to the boiler, and thermostats of the second type monitor its operation using a radio signal.

A wireless thermostat contains two devices at once, one next to the device, the other in the room from which temperature control will be carried out. The devices are connected to each other via a radio signal.

Room thermostat for Baxi boiler

The unit, located in the room, is equipped with a display on which you indicate the desired air temperature in the room, i.e. program its operation. That is why these types of thermostats are called programmers.

Features of room thermostats for boilers

According to the set of functions they perform, thermostats are also divided into two types:

- simple or mechanical;

- programmable.

Simple room thermostats have one function - they maintain the required air temperature, that is, they perform their main role. Programmable thermostats are capable of interfering with the operation of the boiler even from a distance.

You can set a program for such a device for a week and a month in advance, you can change the temperature from day to night, you can program the device in such a way that the house will greet you with warmth exactly when you arrive after work or after a long business trip.

If you have already decided to purchase a room thermostat for your boiler, but are not looking for high prices, start with the simplest model, and only when you realize that you really need the device, purchase a more complex design.

Also, analyze the conditions of your room: it happens that wired devices simply cannot be connected in a given room, then your choice will be limited only to wireless thermostats.

Mechanical room thermostat for gas boiler

Recommendations for selection and installation

When purchasing a device, get a qualified explanation from a specialist and use some tips:

1. It is better if you purchase a thermostat from the same manufacturer that made yours. In this case, installation and installation will be easier and control over gas equipment will be more reliable. Although many people buy various devices that successfully function for quite a long time and well.

2. Be sure to consider the size of the room in which the device will be installed and the temperature it will control.

3. It will not be at all superfluous if an additional layer is laid in a room equipped with a thermostat; in this case, your savings in material resources will increase significantly.

4. Since the room thermostat is “responsible” for the air temperature in the room, there are a number of restrictions in its use, which we list below:

— do not install the device next to objects that prevent free air circulation;

- do not cover it with decorative elements such as shelves, curtains, etc.

Programmable thermostat for gas boiler

Connecting a thermostat to a gas boiler with your own hands

According to the principle of operation, a room thermostat is very similar to a car one, but, unfortunately, the latter cannot turn off the internal combustion engine, and the room thermostat will turn it off at the right time, preventing it from overheating the air in the room.

Many are stopped by the fact that to install a thermostat it is necessary to call a competent specialist, but this is completely optional. You can safely install the device yourself if you take into account some recommendations:

— before starting work, it is necessary to drain all water from the system by opening the inlet valve;
— purge and disconnect the adapter;

— tighten the nuts located between the adapter and the valve, ensuring that the threads are intact.

The basic rule for operating a room thermostat is to protect it from any mechanical damage, because In this case, very sensitive elements of the instrument sensors can be damaged.

Each room needs a separate one, take this fact into account when calculating financial resources, which you expect to allocate for purchase from your budget.

Each room has its own temperature - higher for the nursery, slightly lower for the bedroom, etc. Make sure that the doors between rooms are tightly closed, otherwise the operation of the device will be difficult. Let's watch the video.

Manufacturers and prices

As for the price of thermostats, for example, the simplest device for a boiler from Baxi or Protherm will cost you 35-45 dollars. At the current rate, it’s a little expensive, but don’t forget that the device will pay for itself soon enough, and the savings on electricity and gas will also be noticeable. The choice is yours!

A room thermostat is a device that allows you to regulate the operation of your heating unit in the form that is most convenient for you. It will help reduce gas and electricity costs, increase the service life of the boiler and ensure constant temperature in room. The article contains a lot useful tips on choosing a thermostat, its installation, connection and further use.

In this article:

Principle of operation

The gas boiler operates cyclically, turning on when the temperature of the coolant (water) drops to a certain value, which you set manually. Then the pump starts working.

The lack of automation leads to the need to adjust the parameters of the heating system throughout the cold season. But even manual adjustment does not guarantee that on particularly cold days the apartment or house will not freeze, and on a warm sunny day it will not turn into a sauna.

It is for these purposes that thermostats are used.

They are equipped with an air temperature sensor for the heated room. You yourself can set the desired temperature on the thermostat - it will automatically turn on the gas boiler and pump at the right time, and only for the required period of time.

Unlike a gas boiler, for which the most important parameter is the temperature of the coolant, the thermostat cares about the air temperature in the room.

You set the minimum possible temperature once, at which you feel comfortable staying in a room without heating. As soon as the air temperature drops below this value by 0.25-1 degrees (the step depends on the device model), the thermostat automatically starts the boiler and pump.

If the temperature exceeds the threshold you set by the same 0.25-1 degrees, the thermostat will automatically turn off the heating system.

Three main advantages of thermostats

Automation for gas boiler

The air in the room does not cool down as quickly as the coolant in the circuit, so the number of starts of the heating unit is reduced many times over, which has a beneficial effect on its service life and your financial condition.

As stated above:

  1. they increase the level of comfort - the room temperature will be stable in any weather, only the frequency of switching on the heating system will change;
  2. eliminate the need for frequent adjustment of boiler parameters;
  3. significantly reduce heating costs.

In normal mode, the boiler fires on average once every 10 minutes and heats the water for 1-2 minutes, while the pump operates constantly. If there is automation, the boiler will turn on much less frequently, and the pump will work only when necessary, pumping the heated coolant through the circuit.

According to some reports, savings can be up to 25-30%, which makes the device very effective and quickly pays for itself.

Types of room thermostats

Automation for regulating boiler operation can be divided into:

  • Wired– communication between the boiler and the controller is provided by a wired connection (requires additional installation).
  • Wireless– the entire work process is controlled using a radio signal.

The wireless thermostat kit includes two units, one of which is installed near the boiler and connected to its terminals, and the second is installed in the room from which the operation of the heating system is supposed to be controlled.

Both blocks are connected to each other via a radio channel. For ease of use, the control unit is equipped with a mini-keyboard and a liquid crystal display.

Wireless thermostat programmer

According to the functions they perform, room thermostats are divided into:

  • Simple– can only maintain a predetermined room temperature.
  • Programmable– they are also called programmers. They have a rich set of functions: you can change a number of boiler parameters remotely, configure temperature conditions"day" and "night", program heating system by day of the week.
  • With integrated hydrostat function– they allow you to monitor the level of humidity in any room where there is a need to control the microclimate. They have a built-in mode for reducing and increasing humidity.

Popular models and manufacturers

The most popular on the Russian market are temperature sensors from brands such as Siemens, IMIT, Thermolink and Baxi.

The range of manufacturers is very wide and includes both models entry level, as well as serious thermostats for multi-circuit boilers with a wide range of additional functions.

Let's look at several popular models and compare their characteristics.

ModelRangeDifference, °СDegree
protection, IP
IMIT TA3N 70+5 - +30 °С1 30 2-wireNoNo600
Siemens RAA 21+8 - +30 °С 30 2-wireNoNo1200
IMIT BLUE+6 - +35 °С0,2-0,4 20 2-wireEatYes3300
IMIT BLUE RADIO+6 - +35 °С0,2-0,4 20 Radio channelEatYes10 900

Device selection

The thermostat you choose must meet your needs and be technically suitable:

  • If it is not possible to install conductors from the thermostat to the boiler, then a wireless model is suitable for you.
  • If you want to optimize the operation of your heating system as much as possible, you should take a closer look at programmers and.

Thermostat-programmers usually have 2-3 weekly modes, and 3-4 daily ones. This will ensure that the apartment is warmed up to the required temperature while you are at home, and the system will automatically switch to economy mode while you are away.

Most models have inertia. That is, the heating system is turned on in order to warm up the room before your arrival.

A good option would be to choose a device from the same manufacturer as your gas boiler. This will avoid difficulties during installation ().

Installation and connection

Connection points: 1 (N0) and 2 (COM) - boiler control, 2 (COM) and 3 (NC) - cooling control

When installing, you should remember that the quality of its operation depends on the correct choice of placement of the device.

So that the thermostat can accurately evaluate average temperature premises, some rules should be taken into account:

  • Place the device at a height of 1.5 meters above the floor. This is due to the fact that warm air rises upward, and the cold concentrates below. You should do the same if you have heated floors.
  • Integrate automation only into interior walls. External walls always a little cooler, even despite the quality of the thermal insulation.
    Air should circulate freely around the temperature sensor.
  • The device must not be placed inside cabinets or covered with curtains. The design of most models will fit perfectly into any interior.
    Eliminate outside influence.
  • The thermostat should be located away from heating devices or cold sources (windows, doors). It should not be exposed to air jets from the air conditioner or direct Sun rays.

Connection diagrams can be found in the instructions supplied with the device..

You can also use the following information:

  1. Turn off the power supply to ensure safe work.
  2. Find appropriate place for installation. If necessary, install the installation box and connect phase and neutral to it.
  3. Connect the thermostat to the boiler. To do this, connect the zero, phase and ground of the thermostat with the corresponding contacts of the gas boiler (standard markings are N, L and PE, respectively).

To reduce fuel and electricity costs, it is worth taking into account several important points:

  • Reduce the thermostat temperature if you plan to leave the room for a long time.
  • It makes sense to set the temperature 3-4 degrees lower at night. The first family member to rise in the morning can increase the temperature and warm up the room. Automate this process if you purchased a programmable thermostat.
  • Keep your device in working order. Change batteries without waiting for the device to fail.
  • Make sure that in rooms for the elderly and disabled the temperature does not fall below 16 degrees.
  • Recommended temperature:
    • 20 degrees for common areas;
    • 18 degrees for a children's room;
    • 16-19 degrees at night;

Choosing a gas boiler and thermostat from one well-established manufacturer will avoid many problems associated with the operation of the heating system in the future.

Achieving comfortable temperature in the house, we manually control the operation of the gas boiler. This regulation is very relative, since we set the coolant temperature on the boiler. Costs weather conditions change in one direction or another, as the temperature in the rooms decreases or increases, it is necessary to again regulate the heating of the coolant on the boiler. This applies to all gas water heating units, even expensive ones with high level automation. You can get rid of the daily run to the boiler room if you install an external thermostat for a gas boiler. Some boiler equipment manufacturers supply it with their products as an option.

How it works?

In a standard situation, the boiler system heats the water to the set temperature and does not react in any way to the fact that the house becomes hot or cold after a change in weather. Even daily changes in street temperature make themselves felt. The regulation of a gas boiler based on the coolant is indirect; in order for the regulation to be direct, it must be carried out based on the air temperature in the rooms. For small ones one-story houses It is enough to install one room thermostat in a passage room to solve the problem.

The simplest thermostat consists of a sensitive element, which is an actuator, and contact group with regulator. The thermoelement is a closed capsule (bellows), most often a mixture of gases is pumped into it, and less often liquid. The bottom line is that this filler is sensitive to temperature changes environment. When it increases gas mixture expands, stretches the bellows and moves the rod that closes the contacts. A decrease in temperature causes the reverse process and the contacts open.

The task and principle of operation of the gas boiler thermostat is at the moment the required room temperature stop heating the coolant, and after it drops to the lower value, resume work. In the simplest circuit, the thermostat closes two contacts, the wires from which are routed to the heating installation and connected to the solenoid gas valve.

In the operating position, the latter is constantly open; when the thermostat contacts are closed, voltage is applied to the valve and it closes the fuel path main burner, the flame remains only on the igniter. After the temperature in the room has decreased, the voltage is removed from the valve, it opens the gas line and the burner is ignited by the igniter. With this operating scheme, the thermostat is connected to the gas boiler as shown in the figure.

How to connect a thermostat to a boiler

Types of remote thermostats

To maintain the required temperature in the rooms, the following regulators are used:

  • A simple thermostat with a manual temperature indicator and a wired connection. Supplied with cables up to 30 m long.
  • Regulator with display and programming capabilities, complete with wires for connection.
  • The same, with a built-in GSM module for communication with a mobile phone.
  • Autonomous wireless controller.
  • External wireless thermostat for a gas boiler, allowing you to control its operation depending on weather conditions.

The latest type of thermostats is used in conjunction with an electronic control unit of a heating installation that has this function. Most presenters foreign manufacturers provide this feature in their products. The weather-dependent regulator is connected to special contacts of the controller or communicates with it via a radio module. This method of regulation is considered the most effective, since the boiler installation responds to cold weather (or warming) even before the cold penetrates the house and the temperature in the rooms begins to drop.

You can set the required temperature in the house if you install a programmable thermostat for the boiler with a display. Depending on the manufacturer, the electronics of the device can be programmed a week or more in advance so that the required temperature is maintained in the house at different times of the day. The function makes it possible to save fuel, since there is no point in fully heating the house when no one is in it. The same applies to the night time; during sleep, the temperature can be lowered by several degrees, and by the morning it can be raised again.

A thermostat with a GSM module can transmit information to your phone via text messages. Gas boilers from leading European and South Korean manufacturers are equipped with Wi-Fi modules, which can be used to control the operation of the unit via the Internet. Since the controller of such heating installations is connected to room thermostat, then through the network it is possible to remotely change the temperature in the premises of the house.

A new product has appeared in boiler equipment from some leading manufacturers. For remote control All functions of the unit have been developed with special applications installed on a smartphone.

Wireless thermostats for boilers are equipped with a built-in radio module for communication with the controller of the water heating installation. Ease of use and the absence of long wires are the main advantages of these devices. The disadvantage is that heating installations and thermostats are from different manufacturers may be incompatible with each other. Regulators connected to boilers using wires also suffer from the same drawback. The problem arose due to the abundance of different manufacturers of electronics and gas equipment. For this reason, you should buy the device in consultation with a specialist. service department boiler and thermostat manufacturer.

Various additional automatic equipment for gas boilers, including thermostats, have an increasing number of functions, their range is constantly expanding. Some models with a large liquid crystal display can not only maintain the room temperature, but also control the gas burner device in conjunction with the boiler's electronic unit. On the display you can see the temperature values ​​of the coolant and outside air, and in the event of an emergency or minor malfunction, an error code will appear on the screen. Data electronic devices eliminate the need to frequently visit the furnace room to check the operation of the equipment.


The cost of thermostats cannot be called high, but with their help you can significantly save any fuel that is used in your boiler room to heat your home. At the same time, there is additional ease of operation of the entire heating system.

Modern gas boilers are highly technologically advanced and most often have a built-in A thermostat is a device that measures the temperature and humidity of the air in a room and sends signals to the boiler board on how to heat.

Adjustment occurs by turning the boiler power on and off. However, there are situations when you have to connect additional control equipment.

How to connect a room thermostat to a gas boiler?

For mounting the regulator no professional skills or special tools required, it is enough to understand the installation diagram, follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the gas boiler and regulator, and observe safety precautions for working with electric current. Then the installation can be done independently, without the help of a specialist.

Connection diagram

The diagram of the gas boiler must indicate whether it is possible to connect a thermostat to it. It is important to ensure that the installation additional equipment allowed by the manufacturer and will not harm the heating system.

Incorrect installation may cause damage expensive equipment and loss of warranty.

In the case where the control unit will be installed inside the boiler, find a suitable place for it. If necessary, you can use an installation box.

Important! When connecting the thermostat fulfillment of manufacturer's requirements boiler is strictly necessary!

If you study main board diagram gas boiler, it is clear that it has two contacts connected by a jumper, Where electricity first leaves the board and then returns to it, controlling the switching on and off of the heating boiler. In many modern models For ease of installation, this jumper is located on a separate terminal block, where the thermostat is simply connected.

Photo 1. Printed circuit board of a gas boiler. The part circled in red shows the possibility of connecting various thermostats.

But on some types of heating equipment you will have to look for the installation location directly on the board. In this case unscrew the screws that hold the jumper, take it out, and in this place install wires, going to the thermostat.

A correctly connected thermostat passes through itself an electric current going to the boiler from the network, thus controlling the switching on and off of the entire system heating. If the air in the room is heated more than what was set on the regulator during its setting, the device turns off the gas boiler, and when the temperature drops below the specified limit, the heating turns on again and the air in the house is heated.

Materials and tools

To install a thermostat to a gas boiler, you do not need any special tools. Everything that is needed to install the device in the heating system is included in delivery set.

To install the regulator you will need technical passports thermostat and heating boiler for reconciliation electrical diagrams connections, household screwdriver, voltage tester online, fastening tool kit device on the wall in a living room.

Choosing a location to install the thermostat

Before the beginning installation work choose the location for installing the thermostat. Choosing the right room for the device is extremely important., because it is the temperature and humidity of the air in this room that will regulate the entire heating system in the house.

The thermostat must be installed in a residential area, not in a technical one. Usually choose the coldest room throughout the house, for example, a corner one. Installing the device in a boiler room or pantry will lead to incorrect heating operation. Do not hang the regulator close to heating batteries , household appliances emitting thermal interference: kitchen stoves, heaters. It is not recommended to place the regulator in a draft, near windows, or where it will be exposed to direct sunlight.

The thermostat should be easily accessible and visible so that you can change the temperature settings or replace the batteries at any time.

Rules settings:

  • Mounting height no more than one and a half meters above floor level.
  • Do not install externally, cold wall Houses.
  • To the device there must be free access.
  • Do not hang near stoves, air conditioners, or windows.
  • Avoid direct sunlight to the device.

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Before installing the thermostat, you must make sure that the boiler supports the installation additional equipment. Then the heating system is disconnected from the electrical network and the voltage is checked with a tester.

Attention! When installing the regulator, all equipment first disconnected from the electrical network!

After preparing the room: provide free access to the thermostat installation site and to the boiler, sufficient lighting of the working areas.

Installation and connection

All modern gas boilers have special exits for connecting a thermostat. The regulator is supplied with a special mounting cable or mounting using a terminal. If this model has a non-standard connection, then it comes with technical certificate , where there are all detailed installation diagrams.

Photo 2. Detailed diagram thermostat TS2 GMS, showing its connection to the boiler and other equipment.

The connection is to screw the ends of the wires thermostat to terminal boiler, and then install the device on the wall in the living room. As a rule, the instructions have a corresponding section with detailed instructions for installing a thermostat.

Start up, check operation

After connection, the regulator and boiler are started for testing. In that instructions will help, which comes with the regulator in the kit. The thermostat usually runs on batteries; you need to make sure they are inserted into the device and charged.

If the regulator is turned on, the boiler is also connected to the power supply. Using the buttons on the regulator display, you can set various parameters and observe whether the heating system responds to changes. If it works correctly, then fine tuning is performed.

Heating settings

Carry out in accordance with the instructions in the passport regulator In order to ensure the correct operation of the heating system, follow the rules:

  • If the house remains empty for a day or more, then during the absence of the owners they exhibit minimum temperature.
  • Before a long departure, for example, in case of vacation, fresh batteries are installed in the regulator and switch the system to economy mode.
  • It's important to take care of your batteries and prevent their discharge by making timely replacement.
  • Boiler and regulator connected through a voltage stabilizer.

Most thermostats there are already pre-installed programs, which will ensure optimal heating of the room during the day and saving resources at night. The number of such programs depends on the device model. You can choose one of them, or configure the device individually.