Do-it-yourself warm summer kitchen in the country. DIY summer kitchen. Recommendations for construction. Summer kitchen with barbecue: work area

Happy owners suburban areas have an excellent opportunity not only to plant potatoes, but also to enjoy outdoor recreation, away from the bustle of the city. Some people cannot imagine their vacation without a noisy company of friends with a barbecue or barbecue to boot; others prefer to spend time in silence or reading a book. The arrangement of a recreation area at the dacha depends, first of all, on the purpose it will serve and on the size of the site itself.

A standard plot of 6 acres significantly limits your imagination. Spacious gazebo or complex architectural forms can't be built here.

But we will try to create a multifunctional design in combination with a summer kitchen. In this article we will tell you how to build a summer kitchen with your own hands.

Tools for building a summer kitchen in the country

  • Woodworking machine with decent power. Dry planed wood costs three times more. If you have time, you can process the wood yourself; if you have extra money, buy something ready-made.
  • Chain saw for timber It is better to use a light, electric one.
  • Jigsaw. The more powerful the better.
  • Screwdriver
  • Drill
  • Tape Grinder for processing edges.
  • Electric planer
  • Circular hand saw
  • Hacksaw
  • Brushes

Materials for the construction of a summer kitchen

  • Beam 100×100
  • Boards 25 mm thick
  • Waste oil
  • Ruberoid
  • Paint or Pinotex
  • Linoleum
  • Nails
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Stapler and staples

Preliminary calculations showed that the size of the building 3x4m will be quite enough so as not to occupy everything free space plot.

The basis of our design will be a frame made of 100×100 timber. This is the most optimal, inexpensive and reliable solution. Each element, after cutting to the required length, must be trimmed on a machine and planed using a plane. It is necessary to treat not only the visible parts of the structure, but also all other parts, soaking them generously with waste oil.

This procedure is not performed for the sake of economy - the oil protects the wood from rotting, therefore, the structure itself will last more than one season. The ends, the most vulnerable place, must be coated several times until the oil is absorbed. It is better to take the oil itself relatively light. Before starting work, try on a piece of wood to ensure the desired shade.

I used ordinary sand concrete blocks as the foundation. Under each block you need to dig a small hole and fill it with sand. We also pour sand around the blocks themselves. It makes no sense to make a solid foundation cushion.

We connect the ends of the beam in a simple way- half a tree. To do this, mark 100 mm (a little less after jointing), remove half of the thickness, then connect it using nails. We must fasten the joints from the inside with corners using long self-tapping screws. The corners should be large enough: you can buy special ones, with a stiffening rib, or simply cut them with a grinder from any available metal.

This method ensures sufficient strength and stability of the structure. The frame can be easily lifted around the corner if some part suddenly settles due to the lack of a foundation. In the spring, light buildings often “walk”, sometimes you have to level them a little.

If you want to save money, it’s better to buy regular boards and plan them yourself. The difference in price is colossal. A day of work and the boards are in perfect shape. We impregnate the bottom side and ends with waste oil before laying, but the top of the boards after finishing the work. To speed up drying, you can dilute the oil a little with turpentine.

The frame itself is built from the same timber. With correct calculations, the result should be almost no waste, given the standard length - 6 meters (in reality, about 6.2 meters). A height of 2 meters will also be sufficient if calculated individually.

I decided to make the roof a little more complicated. A single-pitch roof would look bad on such a small structure. An ordinary gable with a ridge also doesn’t look very nice. I had to tinker a little, but I managed without a skate. I decided to use metal tiles as a covering.

Roof sheathing. For the sheathing I used 25 mm boards, also planed on a machine. It is better to soak them on the ground in advance, so as not to raise your head later. Impregnation is necessary for the same reason - protection from rotting. In addition, paint adheres to treated boards much better and less is required. But I decided that I would not paint the ceiling additionally. The structure of the tree already looks quite decorative.

The next stage is installation of the sheathing. First of all, ordinary roofing felt is laid on the roof, overlapping, as it should be. It is advisable to immediately waterproof the area in case of rain. It is not so expensive, and besides, when installing metal tiles, there are leaks in the places where the self-tapping screw is screwed in. Considering the small thickness of the boards, I did not use proprietary screws with spacers - the ends would stick out very unesthetically.

We cover the walls with the same boards. Initially there were thoughts about lining, but I had to abandon it for a number of reasons. As you know, it is much thinner, less durable, and the price is much higher. Under the lining you need a more frequent frame; you cannot attach the same shelves to it in selected places, because during construction it is difficult to determine what will have to be placed where.

But boards also have their drawbacks. The board, no matter how tightly it is nailed, dries out over time and cracks form. With heavy slanting rain, some water flows inside. I solved this problem in the following way: I covered the frame with linoleum to match the color of the wood and secured it with staples and a stapler.
It turned out fast and convenient. But this procedure can only be performed next year. Initially, the boards are adjusted almost perfectly on the machine.

The end result was the following:

It is advisable to coat the floor with sanding before winter. This cannot be done in the summer - it takes too long to dry even with turpentine. This method is not suitable indoors - the smell lingers for a long time, and the fumes are not very useful. But on outdoors they are not felt at all! Further painting does not take much time, but I decided to leave the floor in this condition for the winter, since the paint may peel off due to snow and rain.

So, our building is ready. Inside there is a summer kitchen with a drain into a buried barrel, several shelves for children's toys and even a computer. Behind folding table During the holiday, more than 10 people can be comfortably accommodated. Everything is under a roof, but at the same time - in the fresh air. There's a barbecue nearby so you don't have to go too far.

In such a country summer kitchen you can have breakfast and lunch until late autumn, because you can stay at home in the city. And here nature is all around, the birds are singing...

In the warm season, it is much easier to create culinary masterpieces in the summer kitchen. In addition, a separate structure will allow you to avoid the stuffiness and fumes that accompany frying, boiling and baking in the house. The open space will allow you to cook fish, meat and vegetables on coals, make a barbecue, roast marshmallows on the fire with your children and many other things. To build such a kitchen, it is not at all necessary to call hired workers, because you can do everything yourself.


The design of summer kitchens can be closed or open. Both are popular among owners of private houses. In order to decide which model to build on your site, you need to study the pros and cons of both options. A closed summer kitchen is, in essence, real home. It has a door, a roof, walls, a floor and a ceiling. There are projects combined with glassed veranda, a terrace, a cellar, even a bathhouse - there are many options, the only limitation is the owner’s imagination.

In most cases, lighter building materials are chosen for the construction of a summer kitchen and they refuse to insulate the structure, because in the cold season they use a “winter” catering unit located in the house. But there may be more solid and durable structures made of brick or foam block that can be insulated.

The advantages of the closed type are:

  • protection from precipitation, winds, street dirt and insects and rodents;
  • safety of things inside;
  • greater degree of security.

There are also disadvantages:

  • more costly and labor-intensive construction;
  • additional design and calculations;
  • the object must match building regulations and regulations (a permit will be required to put it into operation), but if the rules were not followed, it will not be easy to register ownership of the structure.

It is not advisable to build a closed kitchen in a country house that will be empty all winter. But in country house where the family lives all year round, such structures are in great demand.

Open kitchens are structured like a gazebo. The base is usually made of concrete or tiled. Support pillars are installed on it along the entire perimeter or two walls are erected, and free space is left instead of the other two. There may be a canopy on top of the structure, or perhaps a light roof.

In an open kitchen it is much easier and safer to install a grill, barbecue or oven, because the likelihood of fire is much lower. Often a summer kitchen is connected to a foundation platform without walls or roof.

This type of construction has quite a few advantages:

  • fast construction;
  • minimal calculations and costs;
  • budget project.

There are also disadvantages:

  • does not protect from winds and rains;
  • poorly protects against insects;
  • For the entire cold period, you need to put everything indoors.

The summer catering unit can be connected to residential building. It is most convenient for the border to pass from the side of the utility block. The connection can be established either by a transition or by an ordinary device with different outputs.

Selecting a location

Choose a place for a summer kitchen on garden plot necessary in such a way that it fits well into the overall landscape composition and did not disturb the location of the beds and flower beds. It is better if it is a free-standing structure in the shade not far from the house. Firstly, it is more convenient to connect all the necessary communications to it. Secondly, if the structure is planned to be open (with a grill, barbecue and space for relaxation), then the refrigerator will have to be left in the house. Consequently, food will need to be brought from there; it is faster to do this when the distance is short.

It is safer to place the kitchen so that it is located in the depths of the site, away from the road. It is equally important to ensure the drainage of melt water and sewerage, so it is advisable to choose a place with a slight slope for the building.

You cannot build a summer kitchen near cesspools, septic tanks and toilets for obvious reasons. It is better to choose the side for its construction that is leeward, so that all kinds of odors do not disturb guests and owners, and smoke from the barbecue does not go into the room.

A very simple and convenient design of a summer kitchen is a structure made of two solid wooden or brick walls, along them there is an oven or stove, shelves, tables or a table. Instead of the other two walls - open space. This is a very practical and functional structure, and it can also be extremely beautiful, especially if you decorate the open space with trellises and let climbing plants grow over them.

It is not so expensive both in terms of money and materials, and in terms of construction time. This will become an obvious fact when drawing up a construction plan. For such a structure you need to choose a place in the shade, but not damp. A low-lying location is also not suitable, as it will attract the attention of insects.

If the summer kitchen is an extension to the house, it is very important that it is completely fireproof, especially if it is planned to install a stove or barbecue there. The source of the fire should be as far as possible from the wall adjacent to the house. As an extension, the summer kitchen is in most cases open. Otherwise, there will be two rooms in the house that are absolutely identical in functionality and purpose.

The decision to make a kitchen directly above the cellar can be very successful, because then it will be easy to both get food from there and place various kinds of preparations there for storage.


Summer kitchens open type, as a rule, are constructed from lighter materials and are not insulated.

  • The foundation can be made of concrete or sand concrete, cinder block.
  • You can lay boards or tiles on the base. After this, either pillars are installed from a profile pipe made of metal or other material chosen by the owner, or two walls are erected from brick or timber.
  • The free space can be decorated with a lattice of boards, or it can be left open.

The easiest way to build an enclosed kitchen will be a frame-type timber structure, installed on a columnar foundation. It can be sheathed with clapboard or OSB boards. Mini-timber cladding is also good. Despite the ease of constructing the frame, finishing can be done in almost any type: timber, plaster, siding. If brick or concrete walls, as well as walls made of foam blocks, stone or aerated concrete, the construction of an additional frame made of metal profiles or wooden slats will be required.

Wooden structures They are built from timber, logs or solid wood, but it is important to remember about the poor fire resistance of the material. The wood needs to be impregnated special compounds from rotting and burning. Brick structures more durable and fireproof. But they require significant financial and time costs for construction.

Polycarbonate buildings are inexpensive and lightweight. This material allows the sun's rays to pass through, but has a layer that protects against ultraviolet radiation. It is reliable and durable.

Another inexpensive and lightweight material for construction - SIP panels. It is extremely popular among owners of summer cottages. Consists of chipboard or wooden board outside and polystyrene foam inside. To choose material for construction, first of all, you need to decide what type of kitchen will be built, how functional it will be, and whether the family lives outside the city permanently or comes from time to time. Once all the questions have been answered, the choice will be easy to make.

Exterior finishing may be from the following materials:

  • false panels;
  • decorative plaster;
  • brick;
  • wooden boards or slats;
  • tile;
  • fake diamond.

This is far from full list what can be used to cover a summer kitchen.

When choosing a material for interior decoration, you need to proceed from the purpose of the room. In addition to beauty, it should, if possible, resist the absorption of odors and the formation of fatty deposits; It would be good if it could be easily washed and cleaned. The most suitable is ceramic tile, it is ideal for decorating a work area.

If for some reason it is not possible to lay the tiles, there are still many options:

  • wallpaper;
  • drywall;
  • painting walls is the easiest and most affordable way to refresh your kitchen;
  • tree;
  • plastic panels.

If the summer kitchen is built like a gazebo, that is, it has no walls, part of the space can be filled with lathing. Climbing or creeping plants - grapes, bindweed - will greatly decorate it. You can also hang thread or voile curtains in the openings - they will add air and at the same time block the path of dust. During periods of insect activity, special hermetically sealed curtains will save you from their invasion.

How to build a closed one?

It’s not difficult to build an enclosed summer kitchen with your own hands. Especially if you choose a suitable lightweight material for this - polycarbonate, SIP panels or a frame structure made of timber. If construction is planned with brick, it will be much more difficult, since a more solid foundation will be required. Plus it will take longer. It is important to remember that the walls of the future summer kitchen must withstand the impact environment. Therefore, if the climate of the area is rainy and windy, it is better to take care that the covered structure does not leak or become leaky from precipitation or snowstorms. If winters are very frosty, it is very important to properly insulate the kitchen.

The layout can be any - with a bathhouse, a cellar, a veranda, with a stove or stove. The original solution would be to install it in the kitchen wood burning stove With hob, if you make it metal, it will be quite cheap. Also, a covered summer kitchen can stand on the same foundation as the house and have a common entrance with it. Or it can be attached to it by a passage or attached to the veranda and then there will be two entrances. If you assemble the entire frame of the extension from a metal profile, then the walls can be glazed or double-glazed windows installed.

If it is not possible to supply electricity to the structure, purchasing a diesel generator will solve the problem.

Construction of an enclosed kitchen is, in fact, construction of a house, so it is characterized by the same stages:

  • preparation and pouring of the foundation;
  • summing up communications;
  • walling;
  • roof construction;
  • cladding if necessary;
  • interior decoration.

Construction open

An open summer kitchen is even easier and faster to build than a closed one. There is no need for a particularly strong foundation; you can lay any floor you wish. Tile is preferable for this type of structure, as it is less susceptible to wear and negative effects. On open area The sun is shining, precipitation is falling, dust is flying, insects are flying, and ceramic tiles of all types of floor coverings are the most resistant to all these phenomena.

No matter how convenient and thoughtful the device is country house, it’s rare that a country house can be built without creating a summer kitchen with your own hands. From early spring to the deep autumn cold, most of the cooking, preparation, processing and preservation of the harvest takes place in the summer kitchen. Here they prepare food for the whole family and relax in the evenings in the summer, so the kitchen can rightfully be called the central place in the dacha.

How to find the right solution for a summer kitchen

There are about as many projects and options for summer cottage kitchens as there are cottages themselves. Often, to save money, owners choose the most simple circuits open summer kitchen in the form of a rebuilt gazebo or terrace. Summer cuisine It is usually used as an auxiliary room in order to rid the house of odors and streams of hot air from the stove, and the owners and guests from the suffocating atmosphere in the summer. Most of the room is protected from rain and sun by awnings and false walls, but still, open summer kitchens, very beautiful and elegant in the pictures, actually remain inhabited only three to four months a year. In cool and rainy seasons, the open summer kitchen turns into a summer shed for equipment, and the owners have to move into the house, forgetting about relaxing in the fresh air.

From a practical point of view, closed summer kitchens in the country are more convenient. Properly selected dimensions and arrangement of space will ensure comfortable conditions in the kitchen no worse than in the open version. The kitchen area at the dacha is a living organism in which everything is important, from the location of the building to the nuances of the interior; every detail must be thought through, drawn on paper and even look at photos of projects for a closed summer kitchen at the dacha given in available sources.

Initially, before putting the main idea of ​​the project on paper, formulate for yourself options for solving the most fundamental technical problems:

  • The nature of the construction of the closed summer kitchen, its size and the location of the building relative to the dacha and the site;
  • How and from what materials it is most convenient to build a summer kitchen;
  • Arrangement of drainage and water supply systems, power supply lines, ventilation;
  • How to arrange a closed summer kitchen, arrange the main kitchen attributes - stove, refrigerator, hood and kitchen furniture.

Advice! Most rational decision will plan the summer kitchen premises at the design stage country house and the location of the main buildings.

In this case, two buildings can be built on the same foundation and even with a common wall, which greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of construction estimates.

Where to build an enclosed kitchen

Unlike open version kitchen space, which can be placed under a canopy or in a gazebo, without much regard for its location, a closed scheme assumes the presence of an insulated foundation, ceiling and walls, which means it needs to be placed on the leeward side, closer to the well, away from the septic tank or drainage pit .

There are few options for the location of a closed summer kitchen:

Important! A closed kitchen, unlike an open version, will require a full foundation that supports the relatively massive structure of the building.

The construction of an outdoor closed kitchen is a little more expensive, but there are no problems with leveling the foundations and roofs of two buildings; moreover, the design of the summer catering unit can be made completely different from the main building of the dacha.

In such a room you can install a small gas stove with a propane cylinder, which will be enough to warm the room and prepare food for the family.

We build a closed kitchen with our own hands

The design of a closed summer kitchen is selected depending on the climate and whether the dacha is used from November to March. For middle zone and northern latitudes, it is advisable to build an enclosed kitchen space in the form of an extension to the dacha made of foam blocks, on a solid foundation. Walls made of foam concrete perfectly retain heat in a room, even with a significant temperature difference, and during the summer heat they work like a thermos.

It will be more convenient for the southern regions frame construction made of wood with a large glazing area and, importantly, high ceilings. This arrangement of a closed kitchen provides excellent ventilation, even if the walls are lined with plasterboard or OSB boards. In addition, in the summer heat it is much more pleasant to be in a house made of wood than in a building made of concrete, stone or corrugated board.

Summer kitchen made of foam block

The technology for adding a closed summer kitchen made of foam concrete is practically no different from the construction scheme for any other small extensions made of foam concrete. The material for the kitchen box will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, and with proper design, you won’t even need independent heating; a small cast-iron stove-stove will be enough.

It will be possible to start working on a closed kitchen no earlier than in the fourth or fifth year of completion of the construction of the dacha. We make the foundation for the kitchen according to the same scheme as for the dacha. Most often, this is a shallow strip foundation, reinforced with steel reinforcement, which will need to be connected to the steel frame of the foundation of the dacha. At the same time, it will be necessary to lay channels under sewer pipe and plumbing.

The floor in a closed kitchen must be insulated by backfilling expanded clay under a concrete screed or by laying EPS sheets. If the dimensions of the closed kitchen box do not exceed 3x4 m, then the number of reinforcing rod belts can be reduced to two, one each in the upper and lower wall frames.

In about six months, the box will settle, and it will be possible to lay the roof, install windows, and perform decorative finishing. Closed summer kitchen of this type in autumn-winter period can be used as additional room for flowers and seedlings. In a similar way, you can build a closed kitchen, located separately from the main building of the dacha. But in practice, such projects are implemented less often, since they cost much more than an extension.

The internal walls can be covered with sand-cement plaster, and the ceiling can be covered with plasterboard and painted with water-based emulsion, as in the living quarters of a dacha, but not everything is so simple. Any experienced summer resident will confirm that the interior design of a closed summer kitchen is seriously different from a regular kitchen:

Important! In the stone room of a closed summer kitchen, you can easily build a fireplace or wood-burning stove. Often, for the sake of being able to use summer time a brick or stone wood-burning stove and a summer kitchen is being built in the country.

Considering the fact that in a relatively short period of harvesting, preparation and conservation, it is simply spent great amount gas and electricity, this solution will help seriously save on energy resources.

In addition, an extension to the house can be made on a pile or columnar basis, due to the connection with load-bearing wall dachas, it is possible to provide the necessary rigidity of the box without the use of traditional reinforcing belts for foam concrete. If you assemble an extension from steel profile, then the walls can be made entirely of glass, or in this case from double-glazed windows, as in the photo.

Combined and wooden closed summer kitchens

The summer kitchen box does not have to be built entirely from stone and foam concrete. Often a full-fledged foundation and part of the walls up to the level of window openings are built from concrete and brick. The rest of the walls from the middle are made using frame technology from a metal profile, steel pipes or wooden beam. Such designs allow you to build a brick oven or install a cast-iron firebox, abandon the ceiling, and make the roof with a large slope of the gable roof.

High ceilings guarantee comfortable living conditions in the kitchen at any time of the year, in the summer heat and winter cold.

The designs of closed kitchens are not limited to stone and combined buildings. There is no point in building a closed catering unit from stone and brick if the dacha is used only in the spring and summer. It’s easier and cheaper to assemble a frame or completely wooden version; it will be cheaper and more convenient.

One of the most popular solutions is to use ready-made projects and designs of closed wooden gazebos for summer cottages. This simplifies the development of a summer kitchen layout and reduces the cost of designing a building. We can cite as an example one of the most popular Finnish buildings designed by the “Villa Albatross” project, often used as a summer wooden house, an enclosed wooden gazebo, and of course, a summer kitchen.

The advantages of using such a scheme are obvious:

  1. The structure of the summer kitchen building is almost entirely made of pine boards and timber. This simplifies construction and allows you to assemble a room box in a matter of days;
  2. The closed kitchen has a huge glass area. In good weather open windows allow you to get the atmosphere and conditions in an enclosed summer kitchen at a level comparable to open areas and canopies;
  3. The foundation is made of piles, asbestos cement pipes. In one fell swoop, the problem of waterproofing and insulating a closed building is solved by filling it with expanded clay and laying a sheet of extruded polystyrene.

For your information! The octagonal shape of the building was chosen very well. Except optimal use internal space, rounded side walls give additional stability to the frame structure even in open, well-ventilated areas of the dacha.

The unusual shape of the walls requires the use of a special form of strapping and joists for the plank floor, such as the one shown in the diagram. The roof of the structure has to be assembled from eight separate slopes, but the original dome technology as in the video:

The floor inside the enclosed space of the summer kitchen can be left plank or laid with laminated OSB plate or linoleum. If a wooden beam and board treated with an antiseptic and preservative are used for a summer kitchen, then there will be problems with removal excess moisture there is no room in the atmosphere. Otherwise, after a few months the wood will begin to rapidly absorb water and deform with the formation of cracks and crevices.

If necessary, a closed summer kitchen can be insulated along the outer surface of the walls using traditional technology shown in the diagram. Mineral felt is laid on the walls and secured plaster mesh and a layer of primer and decorative plaster is applied. The corners and the base part are lined with artificial stone.

In a similar way, you can perform decorative finishing in the style of a Danish house, when the surface of the kitchen walls is finished with waterproof plasterboard, and the elements of the planks and beams of the frame and ceiling are left open, as in the photo.

Interesting solutions for building an enclosed kitchen

Often when building a summer kitchen you have to look for original solutions the most painful problems associated with the arrangement and layout of the premises. Perhaps, from a design point of view, such buildings are not masterpieces of design, but in practical terms, without a doubt, these are the most convenient and thoughtful solutions.

Optimal location of the stove in a closed kitchen

For example, the rules fire safety It is required to move barbecues, barbecues, and Finnish braziers with an open firebox flame to a distance of at least two meters from wooden and flammable materials. If you need to install a barbecue with a hood in your summer kitchen, the easiest way to do this is according to the diagram shown in the photo.

The design of the closed kitchen is made in the form of an extension to frame dacha. This solution allows summer construction to be very light and rigid. Installed on pile foundation the strength of the frame is enough to make one of the side walls in the form glass panel to the entire height of the ceilings. The main problem is that the heavy stove or fireplace wall with a chimney was moved outside the summer building and lined with natural stone and painted corrugated steel sheet.

A traditional wood stove requires some modification interior design in a summer kitchen, for example, the walls and ceilings are usually lined with wood in the style of a log house made of logs or timber. The area around the stove in the project must be laid out non-flammable materials, especially in the area of ​​adjoining chimney to the floor beams and in front of the ash pit and firebox.

An excellent option would be to install a summer kitchen in your dacha. electric stove and an oven. The availability of electricity is critical for processing and storing food, but the light in the country can go out for many hours, so the interior often contains a gas stove with a cylinder along with a microwave and a conventional electric stove. Besides, experienced summer residents They know that it is difficult to preserve and process the harvested crops into salads and jam with an electric stove in the country due to the low thermal power.

Glazing and interior options for a closed summer kitchen

In the summer heat, a closed kitchen in a country house can turn into a real hell if the size of the windows and the operation of the ventilation systems leave much to be desired. The simplest solution involves installing four to five windows for a wooden frame building instead of the traditional two window openings.

The doors can be opened in ventilation mode or swung wide open, depending on the weather conditions and air temperature at the dacha.

In addition, the traditional stone closed kitchen has always been inferior to the open plan in terms of illumination and the amount of sunlight penetrating into the room. Today, for a modern dacha and summer kitchen, the maximum amount of natural light is becoming an unrecognized standard in the construction of summer houses. country houses.

Regardless of whether the closed kitchen is attached to the cottage premises or is designed as a separate building, the larger the windows, the higher the comfort inside the building. In this case, it is important not just to glaze the closed kitchen, but to correctly position the window openings in the structure of the building.

Traditionally, a closed summer kitchen in a country house is divided into two main zones - dining and working. The place where family members sit for lunch or relax with a cup of tea should be open to the sun's rays as much as possible. Equip the work area large windows does not make sense, because due to high humidity and temperature changes, the glass will regularly fog up with condensation and fumes from everything that is being cooked on the stove.

In addition, it is important to correctly install the window for brick stove, if there is one in the summer room. Such a window is installed to take in air from outside the kitchen during cold times to avoid drafts and heat loss inside the room.

For small-sized summer kitchens, often combined with closed veranda, as an exception, the size of windows can be increased to the maximum.

For a summer kitchen room combined with a gazebo and dining room, the size of the windows is increased to the maximum; the larger the room, the more difficult it is to achieve a good level of illumination. The window can reach the basement and occupy more than half the surface of the walls.

The interior and interior design of the summer kitchen is very nice, finishing with stained wood and natural stone. Often, such solutions are resorted to if the summer kitchen is part of a summer house building, built from timber or rounded logs.

For more traditional stone and frame buildings Internal finishing with clapboard or decorative plaster is used. Part of the walls adjacent to the stove or stove can be tiled with tiles or ceramic mosaics.

To get rid of the disadvantages inherent in closed and open circuits summer catering unit, often combined options are built at the dacha, in which part of the walls and window frames are made removable. At the same time, the walls, floor and ceiling are insulated, and after the removed glazing is returned, such rooms can easily be converted into a closed or winter version.


The most unusual and practical of all closed summer kitchens can be called a building in the country, assembled from a 20-foot sea container, photo. It is difficult to stay in such a room in the heat, but in spring and autumn the construction fully lives up to expectations. If the site for the future dacha has just been purchased and does not have full-fledged buildings suitable for temporary use, such as a kitchen, such a closed building can simultaneously serve as a storage place at the dacha for equipment and some accessories, even a scooter or walk-behind tractor. Subsequently, it is enough to cover the room with bricks, make a full-fledged oven and sewer system, and you can perfectly prepare dinners and preserve fruits and vegetables in the country for many years to come.

In the warm season, especially during the conservation period, the presence of a summer kitchen greatly simplifies the cooking process and makes it more enjoyable. It is not necessary to hire specialists for construction - all stages can be completed independently. If you choose the right materials, a summer kitchen will not cost too much, which is beneficial for the budget-conscious owner. great importance.

Types of summer kitchens

Summer kitchens can have a closed or open design. Both types are widely used in summer cottages and suburban areas. To decide which type to choose, you should study all the advantages and disadvantages of such buildings.

Closed kitchen

This kitchen has windows, doors and a roof, just like a full-fledged house. There are options combined with a bathhouse or summer shower, cellar, workshop, with an attached veranda for eating and relaxing. Usually, lightweight materials are chosen for construction and the building is not insulated, so the room is not used in winter. At the same time, there are kitchens made of brick and foam blocks, which are more durable and can be insulated if necessary.

Advantages of closed structures:

  • a closed kitchen requires more materials and therefore costs more;
  • the project will require additional calculations;
  • the construction process is more labor-intensive and time-consuming.

This option is more suitable for country houses where the owners live permanently. But in a dacha that is empty in winter, building a closed kitchen is not always justified.

Open kitchens are built according to the principle: a concrete or tiled base, support pillars around the perimeter, and a canopy roof. A stove is installed under the canopy, kitchen table, benches. Sometimes the kitchen is made without a canopy if it is used exclusively for cooking on vacation on clear days. The building materials for an open kitchen are most often wood, brick, and natural stone.

Summer kitchen - project with barbecue


  • the room cannot be used during the cold period;
  • no protection from wind and insects;
  • poor protection from rain and dampness;
  • You cannot leave food.
  • all furniture that will be there must be hidden for the winter in closed, dry rooms, otherwise it will quickly rot.

Where to build

The location of the kitchen is of great importance. Khozdvor, and cesspools should be as far away as possible, but communications, on the contrary, are closer. You will have to supply water to the kitchen and connect electricity, so it is best if the site for construction is near the house. You cannot choose a place in a low place, otherwise the floor will become damp. A closed kitchen can be attached to the house, but an open kitchen is better placed in the garden or near a pond, away from the road.

Construction of an open kitchen

There are many options for building an open kitchen, but the main stages are always the same: marking and preparing the site, laying out the foundation, installing load-bearing supports, installing the roof and interior design of the room.

To work you will need:

  • level;
  • shovel;
  • pegs and twine;
  • tape measure; sand and crushed stone;
  • cement mortar;
  • pieces of reinforcement;
  • timber 150x150 mm;
  • Circular Saw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer and nails;
  • metal squares;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • boards 25 mm thick;
  • primer.

Step 1. Marking

The selected area is cleared of all excess and the turf is removed. They determine one of the corners of the building and drive a peg into the ground, and then measure the width and length of the area for the kitchen from it. Beacon pegs are placed in each corner and string is pulled between them. Check the correctness of the markings along the diagonals - they must be the same length. After this, soil is selected inside the marking to a depth of 15-20 cm, leveled and compacted.

Step 2. Pouring the foundation

The bottom of the pit is covered with an even layer of sand, leveled, and compacted well. If necessary, communication pipes are laid along the bottom and crushed stone is poured on top. A reinforcing mesh is laid, metal rods 20 cm high are inserted into the corners of the site, and formwork made of boards is installed around the perimeter. The height of the formwork above the ground surface should be about 10 cm; using the level on inside the formwork marks the line for pouring the mortar so that the site is level. Knead and pour it into the formwork, following the markings. Communication pipes are closed with plugs, otherwise the solution may get inside. The surface is leveled according to the rule, after which the foundation is left until completely dry.

Also, the foundation for the kitchen can be made of a columnar type using bricks. The marking is carried out similarly to a monolithic foundation, after which square-shaped pits up to 50 cm deep are dug. The bottom of the pits is filled with sand and compacted, then a metal rod is inserted, around which the brickwork. The height of the foundation columns is checked by level. If necessary, the columns are leveled with an additional layer of cement.

It will be attached to the reinforcement bars bottom harness made of timber, which is joined using the “claw” method. The timber is laid on roofing felt, previously glued with bitumen to each column. Subfloor logs made from edged boards are mounted on the bottom trim.

Step 3. Installation of load-bearing supports

At the lower ends of the beam, holes are drilled for reinforcing bars protruding from the foundation. The front posts are made 20 cm higher than the rear ones to make it easier to mount the canopy. Install the beams at the corners of the site, level them, and then fix them to the base with metal plates on anchor bolts. Along the upper edge, the pillars are connected with timber strapping, and horizontal jumpers are mounted at a height of 70-80 cm from the floor.

Table. Roof slope depending on covering

Roof materialWeight sq. m (without base), kgApproximate durability, yearsRoof slope, degrees
Sheet black steel3-5 20-25 16-30
Cink Steel3,5-6 30-40 16-30
Ruberoid4-13 13-15 4-27
Roof tiles40-50 60 or more30-45
Asbestos cement14-20 40-45 27-50

Step 4. Installation of the canopy

Primed boards along the width of the structure are nailed to the top frame every 50 cm. Internal joints must be reinforced with metal squares so that the canopy does not come apart when strong wind. Waterproofing material is laid on top of the boards, thin slats are stuffed and sheets of slate or

Step 5. Floor installation

The most optimal solution There will be tiling. It is not afraid of moisture, is easily cleaned of dirt, and easily tolerates temperature changes. Wooden flooring in an open kitchen quickly deteriorates under the influence of atmospheric moisture, dries out from the sun, is damaged by insects, and therefore requires regular care. So, take the tiles, tile adhesive, notched trowel and begin tiling the floor. Lay the tiles from the corner: apply a little mortar to the back surface, apply it to the floor and level it.

In the photo - porcelain tiles for the street

To make the seams as even as possible, special plastic crosses are used, which are inserted at the joints. Laying is constantly monitored by level, otherwise the coating will be uneven. If you plan to install a barbecue in the kitchen, the floor underneath does not need to be tiled. After completion of the work, the seams are cleaned of dust and mortar residues, and then rubbed with a special mixture.

Step 6. Arranging the kitchen

For greater comfort, the space between the floor and horizontal lintels can be lined with boards or covered with wooden figured bars, leaving the door passage free. A stove, benches and a table are installed, electricity and water are supplied. In conclusion wooden surfaces covered with stain and varnish or painted, protecting the wood from environmental influences.

Prices for various types of construction boards

Construction boards

Construction of a closed kitchen

Indoor kitchens are also very diverse, but the most convenient and easiest to implement is a frame structure made of timber on a columnar foundation. For cladding, it is recommended to use lining or OSB boards.

During the work you will need:

  • Circular Saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • shovel;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • dry planed timber 100x100 mm;
  • boards 25 mm thick;
  • long cord and pegs for beacons;
  • roofing felt;
  • cement mortar;
  • construction studs;
  • working off;
  • nails and screws;
  • sand.

Step 1. Marking the area

The selected area must be prepared: level the hills, remove tall grass, stones, and debris. Now you need to determine where the facade line will be located and place 2 beacons on it. The distance between the pegs is equal to the length of the facade. Perpendicular to this line, measure the length of the side walls from each beacon and also place marks. A cord is pulled between the beacons, and the diagonals are measured in the resulting rectangle. If they are equal, the marking is done correctly. In the center of each side of the future kitchen and at the intersection of the diagonals, you also need to drive in pegs - these are marks for intermediate posts.

Step 2. Preparing the foundation

Using a shovel, dig holes in places marked with pegs to a depth of 40 cm; The dimensions of the pit should correspond to two cinder blocks laid flat. The walls and bottom of the pits are leveled, a 10 cm layer of sand is filled in and compacted. 2 lower cinder blocks are laid on the sand, covered with mortar, a construction pin is inserted in the center so that it rises above the ground surface by about 25-30 cm. Then the second row of cinder blocks is placed on top across the first, mortar again and the third row. Finished pillars must have the same height and be located on the same level.

Step 3. Installation of the bottom trim

The lower trim consists of two rows of timber, knocked together. All beams are generously coated with waste oil, paying special attention to the cuts, and then dried. In the beams of the bottom row you need to make holes for the studs, and in the top row you need to cut grooves for the floor crossbars. The depth of the grooves corresponds to half the thickness of the beam, and the width is equal to the thickness of the crossbar.

Pieces of roofing felt are placed on top of the pillars, sliding them directly onto the studs. The lower beams are applied to the posts, the location of the studs is marked, and holes of the appropriate diameter are drilled. Next, lay them on the foundation, thread the studs into the holes and tighten the nuts. The ends of the studs should not protrude above the surface of the timber; on the contrary, it is better when they are slightly recessed into the wood. Check the piping with a level along the entire perimeter to avoid distortions. Now you need to lay the top row of beams, nail them, and insert the floor beams into the grooves. For greater reliability internal joints It is better to strengthen it with metal plates and screws.

Step 4. Summer kitchen - log house

This summer kitchen has a wonderful appearance, environmentally friendly and retains heat well indoors. However, it is extremely important to treat the material with a fire-retardant impregnation to prevent the wood from being damaged by insects.

It is worth remembering that the log house will shrink over several years, so it is not recommended to additionally sheath the walls of the summer kitchen.

To ensure that the walls inside the room are even, each log along its entire length is hewn with a plane or grinder. At the ends of the logs, grooves are cut for joining (the “paw” method). This method was not chosen by chance. Firstly, the logs will be used without residue, and secondly, even if the corner connection has a small gap, this will not affect the functionality and convenience of the summer kitchen.

To build a mortgage crown, we lay two logs opposite each other. We place two more perpendicularly on them. We adjust this square to a single plane so that it lies clearly horizontally on the lower trim of the future summer kitchen. Next, we mark, cut and lay the following logs, between which we lay insulation, for example, moss or felt.

Openings for the doors and windows of the summer kitchen will be cut down in the future. The glass units themselves and Entrance door together with the components will be installed after the roof installation process is completed. We present to your attention a photo report of the construction of a 7x3 m summer kitchen.

Video - Handling

Step 5. Roof installation

Roof trusses are made from boards with a cross-section of 150x50 mm, reinforced inside with spacers and mounted to the top frame. The ends should protrude 10-15 cm beyond the perimeter of the walls. The distance between the trusses is approximately 1.5 m. The roof elements are fastened to the frame using metal plates and bolts. After installing the rafters, a ridge is installed along the trusses, and then the roof frame is sheathed with boards. Corrugated board, slate or other roofing material is laid on the sheathing.

The roof is covered with ondulin

How windows are installed incorrectly

Summer kitchen 7x3 mProject
Kitchen heightHeight from floor to ceiling: 2.15 m (+-5 cm). Skate height: 1.5 m (+-5 cm)
Support-columnar blocks (one bedside table measuring 400x400x4000 mm consists of four cement blocks measuring 200x200x400, interconnected with a sand-cement mixture).
Base strappingUnplaned timber with a section of 100x150mm. The binding is laid in 1 row per edge.
Sexual lagsUnplaned timber 40x150 mm. with a laying step of 700 mm.
Log houseProfiled timber with a section of 90x140 mm, natural humidity
Assembling a log houseThe log house is assembled using metal dowels (nails 200 mm).
Assembling log cornersAssembling the corner into a “warm corner”
Inter-crown insulationLinen jute fabric is laid between the crowns
PartitionsPartition beam 90x140 natural humidity.
FloorDouble floor: subfloor: edged board 20 mm; finishing floor: tongue and groove batten 36 mm. (chamber drying).
It is insulated with 50 mm KNAUF mineral wool, and 2 layers of ONDUTIS insulation are laid.
Ceiling beamsUnplaned timber 40x100 mm. with a laying step of 700 mm.
CeilingThe ceiling is lined with clapboard coniferous species(chamber drying). The ceiling is insulated with KNAUF mineral wool 50 mm, and ONDUTIS insulation is laid.
Rafter structureBar 40x100 mm. with a laying step of 1000 mm.
Roof sheathingThe sheathing is made from 20 mm edged boards. (via the board).
According to the kitchen design, it is gable.
PedimentsCovered with softwood clapboard (kiln-drying). Installed in kitchen gables ventilation grates(prevent the formation of condensation).
Skylights and eaves (roof overhangs)They are sewn up with coniferous wood paneling (chamber drying). Overhang width: 350 – 450 mm (4 linings).
Roofing materialOndulin, color to choose from: red, brown, green.
WindowWooden with double glazing, installed according to the project. The size of the window blocks is 1x1.2 m. Casing bars (swarms) are installed in the openings.
DoorsPaneled. Casing bars (swarms) are installed in the openings.
Room decorationAll corners and joints in the kitchen are sealed with plinth; window and door openings are surrounded by platband.
TerraceSupport columns with compensation lifts (jacks) are installed for shrinkage. Terrace finishing: railings - carved, balusters - turned. There are steps at the entrance.

Step 6. Arranging the kitchen

When the basic processes are completed, you should get serious about the interior arrangement of the kitchen. The walls can be covered with plastic or, since a frame covered with plywood does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Then the stove and sink are installed, electricity and water are connected, and kitchen furniture is placed. At this point, the construction of the closed kitchen can be considered complete.

Prices for drywall and sheet materials

Drywall and sheet materials

Video - DIY summer kitchen

On many private farmsteads old building you can find a small house, which the owners call a summer kitchen. In winter it is hardly used, but in the warm season it is full of life. Does it make sense to build it in the yard of a new house?

Despite the fact that modern houses are much more spacious than buildings from the middle of the last century and are often equipped with powerful climate control equipment, summer kitchens have not lost their relevance. This is due to several factors. The main one is the desire to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, and not in an air-conditioned room. The gentle blows of the breeze and the rustling of leaves are much more pleasant than the monotonous hum of the air conditioner and the flow of cold air that threatens to catch a cold.

Abundance of modern building materials and technology allows you to equip a summer kitchen no worse than an “all-season” one. With electric stoves and gas grills Here you can even cook dishes that are not available in the main room.

Advantages and disadvantages

Spending a lot of time in the kitchen is a peculiar tradition in our country. Here we not only cook and eat, but also receive guests, sit with the whole family all evening long over tea and conversation. So why not do this outside during the warm season?

There are many advantages to this solution:

  • The modern rhythm of life is such that we spend most of our time indoors. And this does not have the best effect on health. Evenings spent in the garden will strengthen it.
  • Cooking outside is a great way to keep your home at a constant temperature by turning on the air conditioner less often. The steam from the pots and the heat from the burners will simply be carried away by the summer breeze. This is especially true for those who prepare canned fruits and vegetables for the winter.
  • All odors remain outside. Agree, the smell of fried fish or cutlets that spreads throughout the house and ingrains itself in the furniture is not the best aroma.
  • For families with small children, such a kitchen is a great way to combine walking with the kids and cooking. It’s enough just to look at the little ones frolicking in the garden, minding their own business.

The building has only one drawback - seasonal use.

Types: open and closed, examples of successful layouts (photos)

Structurally, all buildings of this type are divided into two types: open and closed. The choice of one of them depends on the planned method of operation, the amount you are willing to spend on construction, the area of ​​the free site and many other factors.

Outdoor summer kitchens

This building is more reminiscent of a well-equipped gazebo or terrace.

It is open on 2-4 sides, and protected from the sun and precipitation by a canopy. The advantages of open summer kitchens include:

  • maximum light and air;
  • low construction cost;
  • no need for capital design;
  • speed of construction.

But it also has disadvantages:

  • ubiquitous dust, which will constantly have to be wiped off from surfaces before preparing food;
  • insects that will definitely flock to the light;
  • neighborhood cats who will come at night in search of something tasty that was carelessly forgotten on the table;
  • short service life - only in summer.

Closed summer kitchens

Such structures are a full-fledged house with a foundation, walls, roof, windows and doors.

Most often this is a light, poorly insulated building. The advantages of this type of structure include:

  • long service life - from mid-spring to mid-autumn, especially if a stove is installed inside;
  • absence of insects and uninvited four-legged guests;
  • the ability to lock the room, which means leaving not only food, but also valuables in it;
  • In winter you can store garden furniture here.

Among the disadvantages:

  • high cost and complexity of construction;
  • limited amount of light and air - after all, this is a closed building.

With a large glazing area, the room can easily be transformed into an open kitchen by simply opening or completely removing the windows (if provided for in the project).

Combined summer kitchens

This is a kind of symbiosis of an open and closed structure. It provides a small closed part, equipped for functional area, and big open area relaxation with a table, chairs and, possibly, a barbecue.

The dining area may be under open air, representing a patio. Or it can be protected by a canopy or pergola. A platform covered on all sides with ivy or other vines also looks great. In such a green gazebo it is fresh and cool even in extreme heat.

This option combines the advantages of open and closed kitchens, while having virtually no disadvantages.

Project options

There are a lot of options for building open and closed summer kitchens. It all depends on the imagination and financial capabilities of the owner.

The cheapest option is regular wooden gazebo with hard floor covering. Any available material can be used as a roof. It can be decorated climbing plants. This creates shade, comfort and prevents drafts.

Properly used textiles can achieve the same effect. In addition, curtains drawn in the evening will protect from prying eyes and insects.

If necessary, you can make the summer kitchen closed on one or more sides. To do this, it is enough to cover the spans with light material that does not create a large load on the base - wood or plastic. Often one of the “walls” is formed by the chimney of a grill or oven complex.

One of our best options climatic conditions- a closed gazebo with a large glazing area - French windows. In warm weather, they can be opened, creating a space blown by the breeze, and in cold weather, they can be closed, keeping the heat inside. This type of building can be used from early spring to late autumn, especially if there is a stove inside.

Where is the best place to place a summer kitchen?

When choosing a location for a summer kitchen, you need to consider several factors:

  • Possibility of supplying communications. To ensure full use of the building, it is necessary to supply water, sewerage and electricity. Gas is not necessary; it is much easier to install an electric stove or use cylinders.
  • Remoteness outbuildings. The kitchen should be as far as possible from outdoor toilet, septic tank, dog enclosure and sheds for livestock and poultry. This will eliminate the possibility of unpleasant odor in any wind direction.

An open summer kitchen can be adjacent to the house. This greatly facilitates and reduces the cost of construction and installation of communications. And it’s more pleasant to move between the house and the extension, especially in the rain. It is advisable that there be an adjacent wall without windows. Then smoke, odors and noise will not penetrate into the house.

It can be especially cozy in a space formed internal corner Houses. Then the kitchen seems to have two walls. Its construction requires minimal financial and time costs.

Adjacent to only one wall gives greater planning freedom. You can vary the size, arrangement of furniture and decoration methods. The main thing is that the kitchen is decorated in the same style as the facade of the house.

A very popular option for placing a closed summer kitchen is above the cellar. In this case it monolithic walls serve as the foundation, which significantly reduces costs. In turn, the building serves as additional insulation. This can be either an inexpensive panel house or a full-fledged timber structure. In the latter case, care must be taken to ensure that the foundation can support the weight of the structure.

More interesting options designing and decorating a summer kitchen on video:

DIY summer kitchen: video

Building a simple summer kitchen, closed or open, is not difficult. Most often, wood is used for this - beams of different sections, boards, lining. To protect the material from moisture and insects, it must be coated with special compounds. It is also advisable to use fire retardants, which reduce the flammability of wood.

Let's consider an inexpensive and easy-to-execute construction option.

  • Laying the foundation. For easy panel building or an open summer kitchen is sufficient in most cases columnar foundation. Work begins with marking and removing soil. Then a cushion of crushed stone and sand is poured, formwork and a reinforcing frame are installed. All this is filled with concrete. After it has completely hardened, you can continue working.

  • Lower crown. For waterproofing, an insulating material - roofing felt - is laid on each of the pillars. Then the lower trim is assembled from logs treated with a protective composition. It is attached to the concrete with anchor bolts.
  • Construction of vertical supports and installation of horizontal lintels. All this is also made of wood and connected using metal corners, dowels or cuttings. The installation of jibs in this design is not necessary; a few horizontal jumpers are sufficient.

  • Top frame and rafters. Top on vertical bars the top trim is installed and the rafter system and roof sheathing are assembled. The method of its installation depends on the chosen type of roof.
  • Supply of water supply and sewerage. It is necessary to bring the main communications to the future structure before installing the floor. This will hide the pipes and make installation of the coating easier. Since the system will only be used in summer, it is advisable to introduce pipes from below, between the foundation pillars.
  • Flooring. The most budget-friendly and easy-to-use flooring option for such a kitchen is edged boards. If properly treated, it will last for many years. Subfloor in summer construction not needed, just lay the finishing floor right away.

  • Installation roofing material. The technology for laying the roof depends on the type of material. It can be laid directly on the sheathing or on a special substrate. It is desirable that these be materials with little resonating ability - slate, roll roofing or ondulin. Then the room will not be too noisy when it rains.

At this stage, the open summer kitchen can be considered ready. All that remains is to finish, install furniture and decor. If you plan to have a closed kitchen, construction works need to continue.

  • External cladding. The outside of the structure is sheathed with boards, siding or any other facade material. Preferably the same as the house is decorated, or similar to it.
  • Installation of windows and doors. There is no point in installing expensive double-glazed windows and doors in a poorly insulated building. Regular wooden frames will suffice.
  • The inside of the wall can be lined with clapboard, plastic or moisture-resistant plasterboard, followed by painting.

After finishing work is completed, the room can be used for its intended purpose.

What type and size of kitchen to choose, whether to build it yourself or hire specialists for this - everyone decides for themselves. But this building will undoubtedly make the site much more comfortable and will allow you to spend many unique days and evenings. As you can see, you can build a summer kitchen yourself without any special skills or significant material costs.