Dark ale. They argue about tastes. Irish ale in continental Europe

Ale is a type of beer. Its main difference lies in the preparation technology - rapid top fermentation at high temperature is used. For production, water, malt, hops, barley and yeast are used.

The preparation of ale is similar to the recipe for beer - the brewing of the wort is carried out in a similar way, but differences appear as the product ferments. Top yeast is used, so it does not settle, but rises to the surface. Due to fermentation at high temperatures (15-25ºС), the process is reduced to 3-5 days. Fruity and floral notes in ale arise from the yeast's reaction to high temperature. Typically the aroma is reminiscent of pear, prune, apple, banana or plum. As a result of fermentation, the ale matures and then matures for 1-2 weeks in a cool room.

Traditional ale is not pasteurized or sterilized, so the beneficial substances contained in brewer's yeast are fully preserved. Hops are added to the modern drink; it was not used until the 16th century.

Due to the fact that ale does not undergo filtration, there is always sediment in the container (brewer's yeast). It was this sediment that, when the drink first appeared on the domestic market, caused bewilderment among Russian consumers, since at first it was confused with the sediment characteristic of sour beer. The differences are obvious - the sediment in ale is homogeneous and falls off quickly, but in spoiled beer it looks like flakes and makes the liquid cloudy.

Ale varieties differ in several ways, including alcohol percentage. Today in Irish drinks this percentage is usually in the range of 4-5%. The maximum alcohol content in ale is 10-12%. This drink is called barley wine. The minimum alcohol content in soft ale is 2.5-3.5%.

Ale originally appeared in England. In connection with the conquest and subsequent subjugation of Ireland and Scotland by this country, the drink spread to them.

It is believed that ale became widespread in Ireland at the beginning of the 18th century. Thanks to the unique recipe, the bitterly strong beer became softer and acquired a unique flavor. John Smithwick is rightfully considered the founder of this drink in Ireland. Today, a brand of Irish ale, one of the best in the world, is named after him.

In the 80s of the last century, they began to produce a new ale - Kilkenny, drier and stronger. Today this brand is well known in European countries, as well as in Canada and Australia. This ale is prepared in County Kilkenny in the oldest Irish brewery.

In our store you can purchase Irish ale under the Kilkenny and Smithwick s brands.

Initially, Kilkenny ale was considered a stronger variation of a similar drink under the Smithwick brand and was also distinguished by a greater intensity of its characteristic red hue. The main reason for changing the name Smithwick s to Kilkenny was the different pronunciation of the word - “Smittix”, “Smidix”, “Smizix”, etc. Under the name Kilkenny, the ale was exported. Today these brands are independent of each other.

Here you can purchase Smithwick's pale ale with a typical light ale density of 10.6% and an alcohol content of 4.5%. Light ale has a rich golden color, which is why in America the drink began to be called amber. Pale ale has a rich flavor and slight bitterness, and the aroma is an unrivaled blend of malt, flowers and fruit.

Our store also stocks the famous Kilkenny ale. It has a lower density (10%) and lower alcohol content (4.2%). Kilkenny is distinguished by its red color and bitter taste with a sweetish note of roasted malt.

We invite you to explore the rich culture of draft ales and beers. With us you will always find a variety of brands and varieties, density and alcohol content.

It is difficult to imagine medieval Europe without a tavern and a mug of ale. Now this drink has given way to many others, but in the 15th century in England, ale was so popular that it was considered an essential product at the table. In more southern countries they drank wine, but in the north everything was bad with the vineyards, and therefore the harsh islanders brewed ale.

In fact, its history goes back even further, like all brewing. There is information that the Sumerians had something similar in composition, but the drink we now know began to be brewed in the British Isles. And this is England and, of course, Ireland.

We will not compare ale and wine. These drinks are very different. But it is worth mentioning that what is the difference between ale and beer. Here I would like to warn you that the question itself, on the one hand, may not be entirely correct. Because ale is a type of beer. But on the other hand, somehow it still stands out from the rest of the range and therefore there is a difference between ale and beer (lager). This is what the story is about now.

The ale prepared using classical technology does not contain hops. Thanks to this, it acquires a soft, sweetish taste, and in general it cooks much faster than lager. Unlike other beers, ale is produced exclusively by top fermentation. That is, during the cooking process, a special type of yeast is used, which ultimately forms a characteristic cap on the surface.

However, with the spread of hops across the territory of modern Great Britain, a number of ales still have a bitter aftertaste, since brewers began adding seeds from the cones of this plant to the composition.

Features of the production of classic ale

The top-fermentation method is generally less demanding on technology and therefore it is quite possible to prepare ale at home or in a small brewery.

To have a general idea of ​​what this wonderful drink is, it is also worth considering its main varieties.

So the story about ale, its history and characteristics has come to an end. We can talk about this ancient drink for a long time. But in conclusion, I would like to note: in order to understand what ale is, it is best to experience it through your own experience. And try it, of course, on tap. Because if you're going to drink it, it's real English ale.

A drink like beer is popular all over the world. It is made by fermenting grains and yeast. There are many types of intoxicating drink, but many divide them into 2 groups - ale and lager. The term "lager" is more often replaced by the term "beer".

Irish ale and beer: how are they different?

The difference between these two drinks is that they are prepared using different methods (preparation method) and the fermentation of yeast. Previously, ale did not contain hops, but today most producers add it.

What is the difference between ale and beer? ? The difference lies in how the yeast is fermented in the barrels: ale uses yeast that collects at the top, while beer uses yeast that ferments at the bottom.

The production of ale and beer begins in the same way - brewer's yeast is added to dried barley or other types of grain, resulting in a fermentation process. When making ale, fermentation occurs faster, the drink is stronger and does not last as long as beer.

The fermentation process of ale is carried out at a higher temperature. Yeast with a high enzyme content is used. The yeast rises to the top like beer enzymes, resulting in foam on the top of the beer barrel, the required temperature is 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Classic beer is fermented at a lower temperature, using a different type of yeast that ferments under the right conditions. As a result, the yeast settles to the bottom. Fermentation occurs more slowly, so beer lasts longer than ale. Typically, the shelf life of ales is limited to a few weeks, and beer - to months.

Also, these two drinks differ in taste. In ale, it is brighter, richer, and hoppy. Plus, it usually has a higher alcohol content. The beer has a mild aroma, not as hoppy.

They also have different popularity in different regions. Ale is found in Belgium, the British Isles, the USA and Canada. Classic beer is popular in Germany and other European countries.

The most popular types of ale: which ones?

There are many types of this drink and today we will tell you about the most popular and in demand. Perhaps you will have the opportunity to try them by visiting one of the above countries, since it is very difficult to find ale in our stores:

Bitter ale (Bitter) - for those who prefer a classic taste. It can be distinguished from other types by its bitter taste; the strength of the drink can vary from 3 to 6-7%. It contains hops; thanks to the addition of caramel coloring, you can find ale of different shades on sale - both very light and dark.

Barley based (Barley Wine)- compared to the previous version, it is much stronger, the alcohol content can reach 12%. The drink will appeal to those who adore fruity taste and aroma. They drink this ale in wine glasses.

Wheat based (Weizen Weisse) - It can be recognized by its light shade and combines the aroma of fruits and plants. Quite soft, pleasant-tasting ale.

Mild- a soft, light drink, with a minimum alcohol content (about 3%), and has a malt aroma. You can buy a light or dark version.

Stout- you will recognize it by its dark caramel color; the drink contains roasted malt. The drink is healthy, contains many nutrients, relaxes and soothes, and has a minimal alcohol content.

Porter- You can recognize this ale by its herbal aroma. It has an average strength, up to 6-7%. Color may vary depending on composition.

How to serve ale?

We are used to drinking classic beer chilled. Ale is usually served unchilled, at room temperature. But nevertheless, it all depends on the type of drink; some varieties are still cooled before serving. The general trend is that the lighter the ale, the colder it should be.

Which is better - ale or beer?

It is impossible to say for sure which of the presented drinks is better. It depends on habit and taste. If you like a bright hop aroma, opt for ale, but in our area it will not be so easy to find.


Ale is a type of beer that is produced through rapid fermentation.

Unlike lager, ale takes less time to prepare and the ale is sweeter. Preparation of such a drink takes 3-4 weeks, some types are prepared for 4 months. The drink also changes its taste depending on the storage time. Aged for several weeks, it tastes like a young beer with a strong flavor, but ale aged for several months has a pleasant herbal flavor.

To increase the strength of the ale, it is enough to store it for a month at room temperature. Beer lovers claim that such storage makes the drink even tastier.

Ale is a very ancient drink. The Sumerians knew how to brew it, although they did not add hops to it, and therefore it took very little time to prepare it. The first mention of hoppy ale was first found in England already in the 15th century.

The name “ale” has Proto-Indo-European roots and literally means “intoxication.” Before hops were brought to England, the name “ale” meant drinks made by fermentation. Drinks that included hops were commonly called “beer.” The presence of hops has become a characteristic feature in order to separate beer from similar drinks. Hops gave the beer a pleasant bitterness and also perfectly set off the sweetness. Gruit was originally used to make ale. It was a kind of herbal beer that had tonic and even psychotropic properties.

In the Middle Ages, ale was very common. This is due to the fact that in those days drinking water was a very valuable product; it was obtained from rain or snow in small quantities. River water was dangerous to drink as it contained a large number of dangerous microorganisms. Low-alcohol drinks, including beer, were considered a safe alternative to drinking water. Unlike other products, this beer had a long shelf life, which was a very important advantage at that time. Beer gained particular popularity in those areas where growing grapes was problematic due to the climate or soil.

It is customary to classify ale by yeast type and fermentation temperature. At a standard temperature for ale of 15-24 degrees, esters are released. As a result of this production process, the drink is obtained with an original, slightly fruity taste. In its preparation, mainly barley malt is used.

Ale beer is very common in England. This is one of the few countries where the predominant beer type is ale rather than lager. The British drink mostly draft beer, so the maturation of this product is carried out not in brewing companies, but directly in the pub cellar. Atrectus is considered the first British brewer. His name was discovered during excavations of a Roman fort, indicating that the Romans consumed Celtic ale in Britain. In 1342, the London Brewers' Guild appeared, which was a big event in the history of the intoxicating drink. The founding of the London Guild marked the professionalization of the brewing industry.

On the world market, the main producer of ale beer is Great Britain, accounting for about 90% of all production. Basically, traditional ale can be found on the territory of the manufacturer; buying English ale abroad is quite problematic.

Calories: 41 kcal.

Energy value of the product Beer ale:

  • Proteins: 0 g.
  • Fat: 0 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 2.9 g.

How is ale different from beer?

Many lovers of intoxicating drinks often do not know how ale differs from beer.

According to accepted standards, “beer” is the general name for drinks that are produced by fermenting malt wort. Ale, on the other hand, is a type of beer, but has distinct production characteristics. Ale, unlike another type of beer - lager, is not pasteurized or filtered. The drink is first infused and then poured into barrels. The main distinguishing feature of ale is that it is produced using the top-fermentation method. The result is a drink with a more complex aroma and taste, predominantly copper in color.

The ale is poured into small barrels, and in this form it ends up in the bar. Next, a tap is installed in the lower part of the barrel, and a small hole is left in the upper part so that air can enter the barrel. The presence of air allows you to maintain the so-called “yeast cap”, which, in turn, protects the drink from rapid oxidation.

To avoid oxidation, a keg of ale should be drunk within a few days.

Types of ale

Traditional ale is usually divided into the following types:

Bitter, or bitter ale, is the national English beer; it appeared due to the fact that brewers began to add a little hops to the drink, so the taste of the ale became slightly bitter. This drink has a pleasant dark copper color and has a refreshing taste. The strength of Bitter is within 4-5%.

Pale ale is a type of ale made from light malt. Its special feature is the local water from the city of Burton, where brewers first made this drink. Burton's water is rich in minerals, which could not but affect the taste of the new drink. Pale ale was so loved by the local population that soon all of England knew about the new beer. The name of the drink translates as “pale ale”, because its color is pale honey or golden, which distinguishes it from other types of ale. Its taste is pleasant with a slight bitterness.

India pale ale - it was invented at the end of the 18th century in India, which at that time was a British colony. Unfortunately, the beer did not survive sea travel. When the drink reached the shores of India, its taste was hopelessly spoiled. In this regard, brewer George Hodgson decided to add more hops to the ale, which would play the role of a natural preservative in the drink. So George Hodgson invented a new strong, hoppy ale that finally survived the sea voyage without loss of taste. This drink became known as “India Pale Ale”; it is stronger than other types of ale; today it is produced in Burton and London.

Porter - a drink that appeared in the 18th century as an alternative to traditional ale. Porter owes its appearance to Ralph Harwood, who began using dark malt and burnt sugar to produce beer. The beer had a light taste, which harmoniously combined sweetness and bitterness. The drink got its name due to the fact that London “porters” were very fond of it. The strength of beer is 4.5-10%.

Stout is a type of porter and belongs to the type of ale. Ireland is considered the birthplace of stout. Stout is a beer with a characteristic bitterness. Its taste and color are due to its high degree of roasting. This is what distinguishes stout from other types of ale. There are many types of this drink: dry, coffee, etc. It all depends on the characteristics of preparation and the additional ingredients included in the ale.

Brown ale is a British beer known as "brown ale". Initially, it was a dense, sweet, low-alcohol beer. Then they began to add large amounts of hops to it. The range of tastes of this ale is extremely wide (it can be nutty, caramel, etc.).

A special type of ale is the traditional “real ale”, which is distinguished by the fact that the drink is not filtered or pasteurized. The shelf life of the so-called “live ale” is only a few days.

Real ale is a traditional British ale, known since the 17th century.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of ale are due to the presence of hops and other components in its composition. Ale in moderate quantities prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. The drink contains vitamins B1, B2, as well as minerals such as potassium, calcium, zinc, selenium, and iron.

How to drink correctly?

Ale beer has its own characteristics of consumption.

In order to fully enjoy the taste of ale, you should drink it from special beer mugs. They are traditionally made from glass, ceramics, and wood. Nowadays, such mugs have been replaced by transparent glasses (it is believed that the play of this foamy drink is better visible in them).

In Great Britain, it is customary to drink beer in pints, that is, a little more than 0.5 liters. To begin with, drink about half of the drink, then half of what is left. They drink ale beer slowly, enjoying its pleasant taste. Before drinking, the beer can be cooled slightly (up to +6 degrees), since a supercooled drink loses its taste. Interestingly, some types of porter are served warm.

It is not customary to eat ale beer, as even the most delicate dish will overwhelm its light fruity taste. The traditional Russian snack for beer, that is, fish, is simply inappropriate when drinking ale. In addition, the fishy smell is quite difficult to get rid of, and it will definitely end up in the glass. The difficulty is that it is not customary to wash beer glassware; it is enough to simply rinse a mug or glass with hot water.

Ale is not usually mixed with other alcoholic drinks; it is drunk on its own. Drinking beer on the go is also considered bad manners. The true taste of ale can be enjoyed in a good bar or in the company of close friends.

Use in cooking

In cooking, ale can be used to prepare some dishes.

The drink has a pleasant bitterness and a sweetish aftertaste, which gives dishes a special taste. Ale is perfect for preparing the base for soups with the addition of oysters or crabs. Also, preparing beef, onion and cheese soups cannot be done without it. Ale goes well with seafood, meat dishes, and fish.

The drink is great for making very delicate French batter. In order to prepare a beer batter, we will need ale, 2 egg whites, 40 g of butter, 125 g of flour. Pour 1/8 liter of ale into the flour and stir until smooth. Then add butter, 2 egg whites, mix again. This batter is perfect for cooking meat, fish, and also for frying shrimp.

How to cook at home?

You can easily make a refreshing ginger ale at home. This is an effervescent all-natural hop drink with a strength of 4-5%.

According to the recipe, to prepare 5 liters of this ale, we need 300 g of sugar, 1 tsp. yeast, 2 lemons, ginger root. All ingredients are available, ginger root can be bought in the supermarket. It must be finely grated. The spiciness of the future ale depends on the amount of grated ginger added, so if you have gastrointestinal diseases, it is better to use a smaller amount of the root. For those who do not like spicy food, it will be enough to add 4-5 tbsp. l. grated ginger. Next, squeeze the juice of 2 lemons. Lemon juice, grated ginger, 300 g sugar and 1 tsp. yeast now needs to be poured into 5 liters of water. The water should be boiled, but not hot (about 40 degrees).

The future ale is poured into a bottle on which a water seal is installed. Soon the drink will begin to ferment, and after two days the water seal can be removed by closing the bottle with a lid. Next, homemade ginger ale is left in the refrigerator for another day. After this, the drink can be consumed.

The benefits of ale beer and treatment

The benefits of ale have long been of interest to scientists around the world.

Thus, in Finland, scientists came to the conclusion that hops, on the basis of which beer is produced, prevents the release of calcium from the bones, which, in turn, prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Drinking a small amount of stout will also do more good than harm. Thus, the drink is able to enhance antioxidant processes, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the cornea of ​​the eye, and prevents the formation of cataracts.

Harm of ale beer and contraindications

The drink can cause harm to the body if consumed excessively. It is not recommended for use by children, pregnant and lactating women. Although ale is a low-alcohol drink, its excessive consumption can lead to the development of beer alcoholism.

Drinking four glasses of beer per day increases the risk of liver cirrhosis by 2 times.

A drink similar to ale was brewed by the Sumerians 3,000 years ago. A technology close to modern for preparing ales appeared at the beginning of the 15th century. Often, a dark ale beer recipe contained gruit, a mixture of herbs and spices, instead of hops. Gruit consisted of wormwood, heather, ginger, caraway, wild rosemary, cinnamon, nutmeg, and honey. It was sold as a dry mixture and added during cooking. In some countries it is still used, for example, herbs are often added to Czech dark ale.

Today, classic dark ale is brewed from water, barley malt, hops and yeast. Sometimes added sugar is allowed. Fermentation occurs at a temperature of 15-24 degrees, due to which more esters are released. Ale, unlike lager, is not filtered or pasteurized. After cooking is completed, it is poured into barrels and aged from several days to several months.

Types and varieties of dark ale

Great Britain is considered the leader in the production and consumption of dark ale. Almost 90% of the world's reserves of this drink are produced here. Irish dark ale is no less popular. These two countries became the birthplace of the most famous varieties of this drink - porter and stout.

  • Porter is an English dark ale invented in 1722. The drink is foamy, high
  • density, has a bright taste of cane sugar and toasted grain.
  • Stout is an Irish ale, a dark beer, the most famous brand of which is Guinness.
  • It was invented in Great Britain, but due to the ban on using grains in brewing during the First World War, the drink began to be produced in Ireland, turning into a symbol of the country.
  • Belgian dark ale Oud Bruin is produced in East Flanders. Fruits are added to it, which softens the tart beer aroma. No less famous is Belgian red ale, which looks and tastes more like wine.
  • Brown ale is a brown ale with a pleasant caramel-nut flavor and a mild malt aftertaste. Beginners are recommended to start with it, since denser varieties are more difficult to taste.
  • Scottish dark ale has less hops and more sweetness than British versions. It has a pronounced caramel flavor as it is cooked with toasted grains.
  • Barley Wine is a special type of dark ale. This is a high-density drink with a high alcohol content. Because of its bright burgundy color, it is called barley wine.

The Beer Family restaurant menu offers more than 40 varieties of dark ales, including Belgian, English, Scottish, German, and Irish. We welcome guests every day from 11 am until late evening.