Kivi TVs are a new vision of Ukrainian smart technology. The Ukrainian company KIVI is introducing a new line of Smart TV to the market. What is the correct name for kiwi?

What is the real name of kiwi and where did this little hairy fruit come from? Where is the connection – bird and fruit? What is another name for kiwi and what does a yellow kiwi look like? Details in the article!

“Kiwi” is the name given to the fruits of a plant growing in countries with a subtropical climate by breeder A. Elisson. He assigned this name to the fruit due to its associative similarity with the kiwi bird, which is recognized as a “star” in New Zealand. The legendary bird even appears on the country’s emblem. Popular, already for everyone famous name, I received the fruit a little later - what is the real name of kiwi?

Kiwi bird

Kiwi is also called “Chinese gooseberry”. This less popular, original name was assigned to the fruits of the Actinidia plant, which originated in China. The fruits of a tree-like vine - this is what Actinidia looks like - were originally called gooseberries. Due to the fact that the word “gooseberry” was already in use and meant another plant, A. Ellison’s proposal from New Zealand was liked by the whole world and became firmly established in everyday speech.

Did you know that the largest kiwi-producing country is China. Paradoxically, the Chinese themselves do not like to eat this fruit. Mass cultivation provoked favorable climate and great demand for exporting products to other countries of the world.

Where kiwi grows - beneficial properties to the limit

Currently, a number of countries are engaged in growing the fruit: Italy, New Zealand, Greece and Chile. IN summer time years, kiwi is also grown in Russia - in Krasnodar region. The juiciest and delicious fruits copies are considered to be imported from New Zealand and Greece.

Did you know that the peel of the fruit contains more vitamins and antioxidants than the pulp? By the way, it can be eaten after washing the surface.

The taste of kiwi is impossible to describe. Well, try it yourself! What does he look like? A mixture of pineapple, gooseberries, banana, melon, apple and cherries? And in one word? Happened?

Thanks to its nutrients, kiwi cannot be compared with other fruits, not only in terms of taste buds, but also in the amount of vitamins. For example, the fruit contains 20% more vitamin C than lemon. And calcium is 6 times higher than in a banana.

What is a real kiwi with yellow flesh called?

Yellow kiwi - gold kiwi

A variety of kiwi, which is very similar to lemon, has a yellowish tint to the peel and a “golden” color of the pulp - called gold kiwi. It is recognized as a real gold bar of New Zealand, as it was first produced there. It has the vitamin filling of a “super fruit” and is recognized as almost the most useful product worldwide. The “yellow modification” is capable of breaking down fats (perhaps these are the first steps to solving “how to lose weight while sitting on the couch”?), saturating the body with vitamins and microelements for for a long time. The yellow version of the fruit is still quite difficult to find in Russia - it is sold in stores with exotic fruits or by ordering via the Internet.

This rough, pubescent berry is a storehouse of vitamin C. It’s hard to believe that it has existed in this form for less than 100 years. Thanks to New Zealand breeders, it has become larger and much tastier. To understand whether it is possible to grow healthy berries at home, let’s imagine how kiwi grows in its homeland.

The birthplace of Yang Tao, which means strawberry peach in Chinese, is China. The culture belongs to the genus Actinidia, species Actinidia sinensis. It was brought to New Zealand at the beginning of the 20th century. The Chinese berry weighed no more than 30 g. Thanks to selection, it became larger, its taste was enriched without compromising beneficial properties, which allow the fruit to be used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Like its ancestor, kiwi is a vine. But in wildlife she doesn't date. This is an artificially improved plant. Even a new name was invented for it.

Where does kiwi grow? Cultural plantations exotic fruit can be found wherever the climate allows it to grow: in Italy, South Korea, Chile, Greece. But the recognized leaders in the production of this healthy berries are New Zealand and China. So the kiwi returned to his homeland in triumph. Despite the considerable difficulties associated with growing this exotic fruit, the first plantations appeared not so long ago in Abkhazia, in the south of Dagestan, on the Black Sea coast Krasnodar region. In short, now in order to find out how kiwi grows, you don’t need to go abroad. You can see this exotic on the territory of our country.

Kiwi can withstand temperatures down to -15 degrees, so it winters well under cover even in regions with cool winters.

Biologist from Uzhgorod G.V. Straton, through long selection, created new variety Kiwi - Valentine, which can withstand frosts down to -28 degrees without freezing! This plant can winter even in the middle zone.

A vine needs support; in a wild forest, trees play its role. On plantations, supports are created artificially by tying plants to specially stretched nets and installed poles.

What does kiwi grow on? Like his ancestors, he loves fertile loose soil with a high humus content, moist, but without stagnation of water. Actinidia in the forest most often grows in partial shade. Cultivated kiwi prefers sun. And he also needs regular watering, fertilizing, mulching, pruning and shaping. There is a lot of hassle when growing this berry. But this doesn’t stop real gardeners. Many people try to grow this valuable fruit at home.

Growing at home

Growing kiwi from seeds is a fascinating activity that requires patience and compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology. You will have to wait a long time for the first fruits - kiwi blooms only 3-4 years after sowing, sometimes flowering occurs only after 6 years of cultivation. But even flowering is not a guarantee that fruit will set. This plant requires a pollinator. We need a Kiwi man and a Kiwi woman to live nearby. To maximize the likelihood of such a neighborhood, several specimens of this exotic fruit will have to be planted in pots, since it is possible to find out which plant has grown - male or female - only with the beginning of flowering. On female specimens the pistil of the flowers is much larger. There are monoecious plants that bear both male and female flowers at the same time. They don't need a pollinator.

At seed propagation In kiwi, at least 70% of the plants will be male.

Preparing and germinating seeds

Seeds are easy to obtain. To do this, just buy kiwi in the store. The fruit must be completely ripe. Seeds have the highest germination capacity in early spring. It is at this time that they begin to germinate.

The algorithm for preparing seeds for sowing is as follows.

  • Remove the seeds from half the fruit and thoroughly wash them from the pulp.
  • The seeds are dried.
  • Place on a cotton pad moistened hot water, which is placed on a saucer.
  • Put on a plastic bag and place in a warm place. The bag must be removed regularly to ventilate the seeds. The cotton pad should always be damp, but not over-moistened.
  • As soon as small roots appear, it is time to plant the seeds.

Transplantation into soil

Most suitable for initial cultivation plastic containers with a small transparent lid. This is a ready-made mini-greenhouse for plants. Drainage is made at the bottom of each container and filled with a planting mixture of peat, sand, humus and turf soil in equal parts. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the moistened planting mixture and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. Its thickness should not be more than 3 mm. Germinated seeds germinate in 2 weeks. It is necessary to spray the soil surface with water, as young seedlings are very sensitive to lack of moisture. Tender shoots shade from straight ones sun rays. As soon as the plants have 2 pairs of true leaves, they are planted in larger containers.

How to make a pick?

In order for the plants to grow and develop well in the future, the soil for them is prepared in the same way as for seedlings, but the amount of peat is reduced by increasing the proportion of turf soil and humus. Root system Kiwi grows wider than deep, so the containers for planting are not too deep, but wide.

Sequence of actions when picking.

  • Drainage is made at the bottom of the planting container.
  • Cover it with soil to 1/3 of the height of the pot.
  • Carefully remove the plant from the container in which it grew before picking. The earthen ball cannot be disturbed, so the plants are watered 2 hours before picking.
  • Place the plant in new pot, covering the roots with soil.
  • The first few days after picking, small kiwis especially need protection from direct sunlight.

Kiwi reproduction

The seed propagation method is described in detail above. It is inconvenient because you not only have to grow a lot of plants, but also wait a long time for fruiting. It is much easier to propagate kiwi vegetatively. Both lignified cuttings of the first year of life, which are harvested in winter, and green ones, which are cut in summer, are suitable for this. Rooted, they will completely repeat the characteristics of the plant from which they were cut.

The cut branch should not be thinner than 5 mm and have 3 buds. You need to cut them with a well-sharpened knife so that the sections do not wrinkle. The bottom cut should be directly under the bud and have a slope of 45 degrees. The upper cut is made straight, departing approximately 1 cm from the bud. For cuttings of summer harvest, cut off all leaves except the top one. It is shortened by a third. The harvested cuttings are placed with the lower cut in a container filled with water. room temperature to a height of 4 cm. After a day, they are transferred to a solution of a root formation stimulator, in which they are kept for 24 hours. In both cases, put a plastic bag on the container with cuttings. After this, the cuttings are ready for planting in a cutting bed with peat soil. The mini-greenhouse must have a double covering - a film and a backing made of non-woven material. When using artificial fog, the rooting rate of cuttings is up to 95%. Rooted cuttings are planted in separate containers and grown in a greenhouse. In warm climates, plants are ready for planting in the ground after a year; in other cases, they are planted after 2 years.

Kiwi can be propagated by pieces of roots 1 to 1.5 cm thick and up to 30 cm long. They are planted in a substrate with a temperature of about 24 degrees. It must be constant, so bottom heating will be needed. As soon as the shoots grown from dormant buds reach a height of 15 cm, they are transplanted into separate containers, shortening the parent root. Subsequently, they are grown in the same way as rooted cuttings.

For getting large quantity For seedlings on plantations, the grafting method is used: splitting, simple and improved copulation, summer budding with a shield in a T-shaped cut. Budding can be done in spring and summer; all other types of vaccinations are carried out before the buds open.

Features of care

For successful cultivation kiwi requires only 3 components: plenty of light, timely watering and annual fertilizing with vermicompost or humus.

This plant can only be grown on a southern windowsill, but the light should be diffused. In winter, additional illumination with phytolamps may be required. Don't forget that it is a vine and good care will reward with rapid growth - mature plant can reach up to 7 m. During the growth process, it needs support. Any artificial restriction in growth will certainly affect flowering and fruiting. Kiwi can be pruned only in the dormant stage in winter, which requires a temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius, and after the leaves have fully bloomed in summer. In the phase of the beginning of sap flow, the plant is very vulnerable and can simply bleed out juice. Pinching the tips of the shoots will give the plant the opportunity to grow wider. In order for it to develop evenly, the kiwi pot needs to be rotated 15 degrees every 2 weeks.

Why is kiwi dying?

The main reason for the death of the plant is improper watering. It is harmed by both lack and excess of water.

Other reasons include the following:

  • the appearance of fungal diseases and untimely control of them;
  • unnoticed pests that are not controlled;
  • lack of lighting and nutrition;
  • freezing of the plant if it grows on a balcony or loggia;
  • cutting and pinching shoots during active sap flow;
  • damage to young shoots by cats who really like the smell of kiwi.

In home culture, kiwi rarely gets sick and is damaged by pests. If you follow all the rules of agricultural technology, the plant will be healthy and will give you tasty and very healthy fruits.

In accordance with Russian legislation all electronic payment systems are required to establish certain restrictions on financial transactions for anonymous users. To remove these restrictions and expand your capabilities within the service, you must go through the identification procedure, that is, confirm your identity. Similar conditions apply to all payment systems and QIWI is no exception. If you want to fully use this service, you will have to meet a number of specific requirements. In this article we will tell you what QIWI Wallet identification is and how to go through it.

Become an identified user of the Qiwi wallet or by contacting the nearest company office. For most users, the first option is interesting, since online identification is much more convenient. However, to obtain maximum status, you will still have to visit a QIWI branch or one of the points of the payment system partners. Let us consider in order what types of identification exist and how they differ.

  • Important
  • One user can have no more than 5 accounts in Visa QIWI Wallet. If you exceed this limit, you will not be able to pass identification for the next wallet.

What is QIWI Wallet identification

Identification in payment system QIWI is not a mandatory procedure. You can remain anonymous users without any problems. At the same time, almost all the functionality of the service will be available to you, however, there will be limits on withdrawals, the amount of monthly payments and the balance on the balance. To increase these limits, you just need to confirm your identity. QIWI has three statuses. What status you will be assigned depends on your level of identification.

QIWI Wallet statuses:

  • Anonymous;
  • Standard;
  • Maximum.

The “Anonymous” status is assigned to the user automatically immediately after registration. In principle, if you don’t plan to have a large turnover on your wallet, then you can do without identification. To understand whether you need an identity verification procedure, you need to understand what conditions are typical for all statuses.

The QIWI wallet is characterized by the following identification levels and limits:

  • Anonymous(default status without identification) – balance balance limit – 15,000 rubles, payment limit per month – 40,000 rubles, cash withdrawal limit – 20,000 rubles per month;
  • Standard(simplified identification) – balance limit – 60,000 rubles, payment limit per month – 200,000 rubles per month, cash withdrawal limit – 40,000 rubles per month;
  • Maximum(full identification) – balance limit – 600,000 rubles, no limits on the amount of payments, cash withdrawal limit – 200,000 rubles per month.

As mentioned earlier, the “Anonymous” status is available by default. “Standard” status provides for simplified identification, which can be completed remotely via the Internet or terminal. Full identification of the QIWI Wallet is required to obtain the “Maximum” status. Here you won’t be able to do without visiting a Qiwi branch or one of the partner locations. This level of identification is relevant if you need a very substantial amount, or if you need to carry out large financial transactions. In principle, you can decide for yourself what status you need based on your personal needs. Below are instructions for obtaining the “Standard” and “Maximum” statuses.

How to authenticate QIWI Wallet online

If you do not plan to keep more than 60,000 rubles on your Qiwi wallet balance, make payment transactions in the amount of over 200,000 rubles per month and withdraw more than 40,000 from your wallet monthly, then the “Standard” status will be quite enough for you. To obtain this status, you do not need to visit a QIWI office. The simplified identification procedure can be completed remotely via the Internet, the nearest terminal, or by calling the QIWI call center at 8 800 707 77 59 . Most often, QIWI Wallet identification is carried out via the Internet, so we will consider this option in detail.

To identify your Qiwi wallet online, you will need the following information:

  • Full name of the wallet owner;
  • Passport series/number;
  • Date of Birth;
  • TIN, SNILS or compulsory medical insurance policy number.

As you can see, the service does not require much information. Essentially, they require information from you to confirm your identity. Of course, you will also need a computer and Internet access. The procedure itself does not involve any difficulties. Below is a detailed guide.

To authenticate your Qiwi wallet online, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings personal account and select the “Identification” section;
  2. Find the “Standard” status and click on the “Get online” button;
  3. Enter your current data (full name, date of birth, series and passport number) and click on the “Continue” button;
  4. Confirm the entered data in the state database after checking your TIN with the one indicated on the screen (if you find an error, enter the data manually);
  5. Information about your assignment to “Standard” status will appear on the screen.

As you can see, everything is very simple. The simplified identification process takes only a few minutes. Difficulties may arise only for users who are not citizens of the Russian Federation. For foreigners, the simplified identification procedure becomes much more complicated. It is no longer possible to do everything via the Internet. You will have to go to the Qiwi bank office or the CONTACT system point. In addition to the passport, a notarized translation of the passport into Russian will be required.

  • Important
  • QIWI Wallet identification is also possible through social network VKontakte, but provided that you have already confirmed your identity in the social network.

How to complete full identification of Qiwi wallet

For active users of the QIWI service, the “Maximum” status is required. This type identification provides for no limit on payments and transfers. As for the limit on cash withdrawals from the card, you can no more than 200,000 per month. You can withdraw more from your wallet only through transfers. You can learn more about the conditions of the “Maximum” status on the official website of the payment system.

You will not be able to obtain the “Maximum” status via the Internet, terminal, or contacting support. Full identification of a Qiwi wallet requires visiting the nearest QIWI branch or partner point. There are branches of QIWI JSC in every city, but this does not mean that QIWI Wallet identification is not available to everyone. There are also partner points where you can also go through identification. Surely, in your city there is a Euroset salon or a CONTACT system point. They will also be able to help you go through the full identification procedure.

You can go through full identification:

  • In any branch of QIWI JSC;
  • In Euroset;
  • At CONTACT system points;
  • In MTS, MegaFon, Beeline and Tele2 stores (only for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region).

If you are a citizen of Russia, then to undergo full identification you just need to come to one of the above points with your passport and report your desire to receive “Maximum” status. The specialist will ask you to provide your passport and provide your QIWI account number. we told. We remind you that it is no different from the phone number that you used to register in the payment system. A verification will also be carried out to confirm that you are the owner of the wallet. An SMS with a code will be sent to your number, which you must enter in the “Identification Confirmation” section. Next, the employee will fill out the necessary forms, and you will only have to check the correctness of the specified data and sign.

Do you think it is possible to get a Smart TV that is designed taking into account your wishes and interests? This is exactly what the Ukrainian brand KIVI did, whose name stands for Kindle Vision.

The first line of Smart TVs from this company included 14 models and went on sale in the fall of 2016. And after a very short period of time it was presented in the largest chain stores. What about 2017? For a whole year, KIVI studied the wishes of users on forums and thematic platforms, collected them together and inspiredly created new “smart TVs”.

What did KIVI, a company with the slogan “high quality at an affordable price,” offer this year?

1) Wide selection of diagonals and colors

The range of TVs ranges from compact devices with a diagonal of 24 inches to huge ones of 65 inches. The company also offers several color solutions: Various combinations of black, gray and white.

With 4K Ultra you will be able to see the picture in maximum detail. The 3840×2160 resolution is completely immersive. Even on the largest diagonals it remains solid and without visible pixels.

3) Availability of T2 tuner

No need to connect to watch TV external devices. Very convenient if you are used to watching your favorite channels via digital television.

The company has its own development, KIVI TV, where they offer as many as 150 channels, of which 117 are free when purchasing a TV. The application is already installed on the TV, which makes the work very simple - all you have to do is register.

5) HDR – enjoy the color

KIVI keeps up with the times - therefore, all TVs in the new line have a built-in HDR decoder. When viewing original HDR content, you will see it the way the director intended it to be seen. When watching any movie, even without HDR metadata, you will see deep blacks and more saturated colors. This is one of modern technologies, which really works.

6) A.C.E. – look at the picture in its full realism

New image processing technology, namely the Advanced Color Engine, has been created to expand the color palette and provide better color control. Now colors can be brighter and more saturated, without losing the realism of the picture as a whole.

The main task of implementation new version The OS is about more comfortable platform management for any device, faster operation and the emergence of support for new playback technologies. In built-in Play Market you will find many apps and games optimized for TVs. At the same time, you can still install third-party applications manually.

8) Remote control pointer with keyboard and ergonomic remote control

The highlight of the new line is the remote control pointer with keyboard. QWERTY keyboard, backlighting of all keys, support for 3 languages ​​and switching them directly from the remote control, Kivi TV button, built-in battery, cursor control. With the goal of creating a user-friendly, yet aesthetically and ergonomically distinct device, KIVI has configured the keys for predictive input - they work differently in different menus. Fewer buttons, easier to use.

An ergonomic infrared remote control is included with TVs. Made in a minimalist style, it will provide maximum user convenience.

Own development of the KIVI company. This application allows you to use your smartphone as a remote control and touchpad, which provides maximum convenience and versatility in using the TV. Also through the application you can launch programs on TV and enter text by voice.

10) New hardware and panels

Higher brightness, contrast and more powerful hardware.

11) Changing input/output ports

Now all smart TV* will have the following ports and tuners:
CI slot
Optical audio output

Output for headphones and portable speakers
HDMI support: CEC, ARC, 2.0 (same as current line)

Quite recently, the Ukrainian market was conquered by Kivi TVs - equipment with modern characteristics and moderate cost. These devices were first introduced to our customers in 2016. And at the end of last year, manufacturers introduced a new generation of television equipment. The updated models have retained their main trump card - accessibility, coupled with a set of parameters that is not inferior to products from famous brands. The list of their advantages includes excellent image quality, Smart TV support, and stylish design.

Until recently, the budget segment of TV devices was represented mainly by products from unknown Chinese brands. Less often - outdated models of “mid-level” companies. Simple design, minimal functionality - everything that could be expected from such equipment. The mid-price category was dominated by the most simple models leading manufacturers, without “smart” functions. New Kivi devices have entered this arena with high resolution, smart functionality and a relatively low price. Such new items are on the shelves of the largest stores consumer electronics could not help but attract attention.

Kivi TVs - a solution for Ukrainian wallets

Our customers are accustomed to distrusting new names of inexpensive equipment. Therefore, the first thing I would like to know about new representatives of the TV market is what kind of company is Kivi? And also - where is this equipment produced?

The name Kiwi is not associated with either the berry or the cute shaggy bird. It's just a sweet-sounding acronym for “Kindle Vision.” This is the name of a Ukrainian company whose brand is gradually gaining momentum in the domestic market. The production of its products is based on the principle that many well-known brands successfully adhere to. Direct manufacturing of the equipment takes place in China. And Ukrainian specialists carry out inspection and certification. Manufacturers emphasize that the utmost attention is paid to quality control. Before entering the market, Kiwi TVs undergo thorough testing, where more than 400 indicators are checked.

The company's mission is to create smart, convenient, high-quality, and at the same time affordable devices. This technique is designed to improve the quality of life of Ukrainians. Manufacturers focus specifically on the Ukrainian market, adapting their products to the requirements of our customers.

The company strives to constantly improve its products. To do this, its specialists study consumer reviews and suggestions - for example, on specialized forums. Work on subsequent models is based on these wishes. This approach is bearing fruit, which can be seen in the new generation.

Features of Kiwi TVs - from appearance to functionality

Briefly, the models of this brand can be characterized by the phrase “ best quality by itself reasonable price" So far, Ukrainian developers have not proposed any unusual solutions or innovative features. But, if you compare their products with models of similar cost, you can note a noticeable advantage. Their quality and functionality cannot be called budget or compromise.

The new line includes models with screen diagonals from 24 to 65 inches. The design of the devices is simple but elegant. The bezels around the screen are quite thin and elegant. On the back side, the outline of the case is not “chopped”, as in many budget devices. Everything is smooth, neatly rounded. It should also be noted that the build quality and materials are decent.

New models do not lack connectors for switching. There are USB, HDMI, LAN, component input and optical audio output ports, as well as a CI slot. Of course, it is possible to connect an antenna. The number of connectors differs depending on different models, so when choosing, you should pay attention to this parameter.

All models are equipped with a dual TV tuner (digital and analogue). Therefore, no additional equipment is required to connect digital television.

Among the most important advantages for which Kivi TVs have become famous, it is worth mentioning the excellent image quality. Manufacturers equip their products with displays from Lg, Samsung or Innoluх. The latter brand belongs to a leading manufacturer of TFT screens, whose products are used by many popular electronics brands.

Most models have flat screens. But there are options for fans of curved displays. These devices are 65UC30G and 55UC30G with a diagonal of 65 and 55 inches, respectively.

Top models with a diagonal of 43 inches and above have 4K resolution. For modern television technology, this is not an excess at all, but an additional condition for comfortable use. The 4K screen delivers detail without a hint of blur or grain. By the way, such a display can be viewed from a closer distance, which is especially important for small rooms.

Models of the new line support a number of technologies to improve the image. In particular, the Advanced Color Engine for rich, natural color reproduction. All models of the new line support HDR video playback.

There is also a small minus - quite laconic image settings. In principle, there are enough of them to adjust the picture to your liking. But users who are accustomed to numerous correction options may feel the lack of customization flexibility. Perhaps manufacturers will listen and correct this defect in the future.

Support for smart functions is another feature without which modern TV devices cannot be imagined. Models of the new Kiwi line run Android TV 6. This platform has a simple, intuitive interface. It will be especially easy to understand for those who are familiar with the Android system. mobile devices. It is possible to install any necessary applications from the Play Market. If desired, you can even install third-party programs. Of course, after making sure that they are optimized to work on a television device.

Summing up

Kivi is a new name on the Ukrainian market, which is already associated with accessibility and quality. According to manufacturers, since 2016, more than 25,000 Ukrainians have purchased products of this brand. The company continuously improves its products, trying to bring them closer to world standards. And the main thing is to make them as convenient, ergonomic and useful as possible for our users.

The models of the new TV line of this brand have already become an interesting, competitive product. They are well suited for those who need “smart” television equipment with excellent images. A nice bonus is support for most codecs and the ability to install any programs from the Play Market.

Consider big choice TV equipment and choosing the most suitable TV is offered by the Rozetka online store. Here are the models with the most different characteristics, in all price categories. The store provides convenient selection, simple ordering and fast delivery.