Technology for making sofa cushions. Cushion. Decorative pillow manufacturing technology

MBOU "Elanskaya Secondary School No. 2".


TOPIC: “Making a sofa cushion at home”

Completed by a 5th grade student

Truzhennikova Alexandra.

Teacher – Kulguskina N.A.

Goal: Sew a sofa cushion at home and give it to your grandmother. Show a master class to girls in grades 5.

Tasks :

    Find literature on sewing and choose interesting pattern for a pillow.

    Apply the knowledge and skills acquired in technology lessons.

    Follow the rules safe work when sewing.

    the work must be neat, original and of high quality;

    Conclusion: I am satisfied with the work done. The result completely met my expectations. I really liked it appearance pillows. I believe that it will perfectly complement the interior of the house and both mother and grandmother will be pleased. The product is made from environmentally friendly fabrics, it can be used as a living room decoration and will not harm your health. I decided that it was possible to make a pretty decent sofa cushion at home.

1. Selection and justification of the problem.

2. The history of sofa cushions.

3. Types of sofa cushions.

4. Sketch of the selected model.

5. Material used.

6. Pillow manufacturing technology.

7. Economic calculations.


During the technology lesson, we were asked to sew sofa cushions for our home. The teacher suggested choosing different models and showed samples of finished pillows. Having studied and considered possible options, we settled on a pillow with a New Year's pattern. We liked it unusual shape pillows, bright colors, the presence of a “face” and “hairstyle” on the pillow. The pillow looks like a toy, so it can not only be a decorative part of the interior, but you can play with it and even make friends. There is an opportunity to give a gift to your family and friends.


The first semblance of sofa cushions arose in ancient times in Asian countries. The interior of a traditional Turkish home is characterized by the absence of any furniture. They sat and ate on the floor, on mats called khasyr or on rugs called kilim and oblong-shaped minder pillows.

In Lebanon, a room intended for receiving guests usually contained a low sofa with flat pillows in bright pillowcases.

In Rus', a sofa cushion was called “dumka”, “dumochka”, since they did not sleep on it, but while lying on the sofa they thought about life, being.

Pillows can be very diverse: in the style of patchwork technology, with embroidery, appliqué, etc.

TECHNOLOGICAL CARD: “Processing of cut details.”

Sequence of work.

Graphic image.

Tools and accessories.

1. Cut out 2 parts

patterned pillows with

seam allowances 0.5 cm.

Patterns, scissors,

chalk, pins.

2.Cut out

pattern small details

pillows with

seam allowances 0.5 cm.

Patterns, scissors,

chalk, pins.

3. Sweep parts

main part,

grind, leaving in

the top part has a 5 cm hole for


Needles, scissors,

threads, sewing

4. Turn the pillow inside out, stuff it,

sew up the hole



Needle, thread, scissors, padding polyester.

5. Sweep and stitch

small parts

pillows, leaving

hole for

eversion with

bottom side.

Needle, thread,

scissors, sewing

6. Turn the parts inside out, stuff them, sew them up with secret stitches

stitches, sew to the main part of the pillow.

Needle, scissors,

7. Create a hairstyle from fur, cord or yarn, sew to the top of the pillow.


Fabric, cord, fur, braid, scissors, needles, threads, glue.


To make a sofa cushion, we may need: drape or fleece in bright colors, cord, braid, buttons, faux fur, sewing threads, floss threads, artificial filler - padding polyester.

Having assessed our capabilities, we decided to use old coats and fur products; we bought threads, braid, and buttons at the store; the teacher suggested padding polyester to us.


IAs a result of a little saving, the pillow cost us quite little and turned out to be very funny and beautiful.

1. Fabric from an old coat.

2. Sintepon.

3. Threads. Used 0.5 spools at a price of 8 rubles. per reel

4. Cord and braid for 6 rubles. for 1 meter, 4 meters consumed.

5. Embroidery threads for 8 rubles. for 1 skein, 2 skeins used.

6. PVA glue - 1 bottle at a price of 12 rubles, 0.5 bottles used.

7. total cost= 4+24+16+6=50 rub.


1. Electric sewing machine.

2. Overlock.

3. Ironing board, iron.

4. Threads No. 40 for machine works.

5. Centimeter, ruler, scissors.

6. Paper for patterns.


A big book of crafts for girls and boys. Dankevich E.V., Zhakova O.V.

Making toys and souvenirs. Molotobarova O. S.

Soft toy. Petukhova E.N.

Soft toy. Sokolova Yu.A.

Technology. Simonenko V.D. Bronnikov N.L., Samorodsky P.S., Sinitsina N.V.

Municipal educational institution "Secondary" comprehensive school With in-depth study individual items."




LEADER Irina Stanislavovna Minaeva - technology teacher, school No. 9, Serpukhov, Moscow region.

1. Selection and justification of the problem.

2. The history of sofa cushions.

3. Types of sofa cushions.

4. Sketch of the selected model.

5. Material used.

6. Pillow manufacturing technology.

7. Economic calculations.


During the technology lesson, we were asked to sew sofa cushions for our home. The teacher suggested choosing different models and showed samples of ready-made pillows. After researching and considering our options, we settled on a pear-shaped pillow. We liked the unusual shape of the pillow, the bright colors, and the presence of a “face”, “hairstyle”, arms and legs on the pillow. The pillow looks like a toy, so it can not only be a decorative part of the interior, but you can play with it and even make friends.


The first semblance of sofa cushions arose in ancient times in Asian countries. The interior of a traditional Turkish home is characterized by the absence of any furniture. They sat and ate on the floor, on mats called khasyr or on rugs called kilim and oblong-shaped minder pillows.

In Lebanon, a room intended for receiving guests usually contained a low sofa with flat pillows in bright pillowcases.

In Rus', a sofa cushion was called “dumka”, “dumochka”, since they did not sleep on it, but while lying on the sofa they thought about life, being.

Pillows can be very diverse: in the style of patchwork technology, with embroidery, appliqué, etc.

TECHNOLOGICAL CARD: “Processing of cut details.”

Sequence of work.

Graphic image.

Tools and accessories.

1. Cut out 2 parts

patterned pillows with

seam allowances 0.5 cm.

Patterns, scissors,

chalk, pins.

2.Cut out

pattern small details

pillows with

seam allowances 0.5 cm.

Patterns, scissors,

chalk, pins.

3. Sweep parts

main part,

grind, leaving in

the top part has a 5 cm hole for


Needles, scissors,

threads, sewing


4. Turn the pillow inside out, stuff it,

sew up the hole



Needle, thread, scissors, padding polyester.

5. Sweep and stitch

small parts

pillows, leaving

hole for

eversion with

bottom side.

Needle, thread,

scissors, sewing


6. Turn the parts inside out, stuff them, sew them up with secret stitches

stitches, sew to the main part of the pillow.

Needle, scissors,


7. Create a hairstyle from fur, cord or yarn, sew to the top of the pillow.


Fabric, cord, fur, braid, scissors, needles, threads, glue.


To make a sofa cushion, we may need: drape or fleece in bright colors, cord, braid, buttons, faux fur, sewing threads, floss threads, artificial filler - padding polyester.

Having assessed our capabilities, we decided to use old coats and fur products; we bought threads, braid, and buttons at the store; the teacher suggested padding polyester to us.


I As a result of a little saving, the pillow cost us quite little and turned out to be very funny and beautiful.

1. Fabric from an old coat.

2. Sintepon.

3. Threads. Used 0.5 spools at a price of 8 rubles. per reel

4. Cord and braid for 6 rubles. for 1 meter, 4 meters consumed.

5. Embroidery threads for 8 rubles. for 1 skein, 2 skeins used.

6. PVA glue - 1 bottle at a price of 12 rubles, 0.5 bottles used.

7. Total cost = 4+24+16+6=50 rub.


1. Electric sewing machine.

2. Overlock.

3. Ironing board, iron.

4. Threads No. 40 for machine work.

5. Centimeter, ruler, scissors.

6. Paper for patterns.


A big book of crafts for girls and boys. Dankevich E.V., Zhakova O.V.

Making toys and souvenirs. Molotobarova O. S.

Soft toy. Petukhova E.N.

Soft toy. Sokolova Yu.A.

Technology. Simonenko V.D. Bronnikov N.L., Samorodsky P.S., Sinitsina N.V.

Barteva Valentina

This creative project was developed as part of the study of the "Handicraft" section in 7th grade and was made using the "Patchwork" technique. The project solves an important technological problem - rational use fabric scraps or waste-free production.



Municipal state educational institution

secondary school in Zarya

Oparinsky district, Kirov region

Creative project by technology

Elegant pillowcase for

sofa cushion

7th grade student

Head: Levkina L.A.

Technology teacher

Zarya 2012

1. Justification of the problem.

2. Initial ideas

3. The purpose and objectives of the project.

4. Basic parameters and limitations.

5. Project work plan.

6. Research. Design analysis of analogues

7. History of patchwork.

8. Study of consumer demand.

9. Design specification.

10. Characteristics of the materials and equipment used.

11. Manufacturing technology.

12. Safety precautions and work culture.

13. Environmental assessment of the project.

14. Economic justification project.

15. Expert review products. Attribute analysis of the product (5-point rating system). Spider diagram.

16. Self-analysis and self-esteem.

18. List of references.

Justification of the problem and need.

The apartment in which we live, work and relax should be comfortable, cozy and of course beautiful. To achieve this there is no need to spend a lot of money. Aren't we familiar with apartments furnished with expensive fittings, which, nevertheless, give the impression of being boring and formulaic? At the same time, often a small, modestly furnished room reveals good taste housewives. But for this you need to do a lot with your own hands.

A safe haven after working day is a sofa or armchair. And here you simply need a comfortable and beautiful sofa cushion.

Few people will deny themselves the pleasure of lounging on the sofa, surrounded on all sides by pillows. Sofa cushions are those pleasant little things that give an apartment a lived-in look, emphasize its individuality and are always ready to carefully offer themselves to a tired owner or guest. And a sofa cushion made in the form of a children's toy will certainly appeal to those children who come to visit you.

Pillow - best friend person. Especially after work! There are a lot of beautiful ones on the store shelves. How to make not just a pillow, but an elegant pillowcase that will decorate any pillow?

Make an elegant pillowcase - The best way get rid of the remnants of scraps, which I have enough for this work. And also express yourself through creativity. After all, any novice craftswoman can cut and decorate a pillow. A homemade pillowcase will decorate any faceless pillow.


Design and make an elegant pillowcase for a sofa cushion.


  1. Pick up suitable idea for a future product.
  2. Conduct research and development of the selected product option.
  3. Pick up necessary tools and materials.
  4. Make a product.

Project work plan.

Thinking about the work plan, I drew up a diagram in which I included the necessary factors

Basic parameters and limitations

  1. Cushion must be coordinated in color and material with the furniture upholstery, bedspread or sofa cover.
  2. Must serve color accent, a spot that makes the interior of the room unique and interesting.
  1. From the variety of options, I need to choose exactly the one that suits the interior of my room.


Relevance of the project, historical data.

Fascinating needlework, sewing from patches, appeared in Russia in ancient times, but it gained particular popularity in the second half of the 19th century. Patchwork originated and developed among peasants. Careful housewives cut and sewed clothes, and collected scraps, from which they subsequently sewed all kinds of products (panels, pillowcases for sofa cushions, bedspreads, blankets, vests, handbags, toys, etc.), such products were useful and beautiful, filled everyday life and brought joy eye. Among the urban population, products made from rags for a long time were considered signs of poverty. And only in the 70s of the 20th century, when the folk style came into fashion, interest in patchwork arose again.

Sewing from rags is also called “patchwork mosaic” - products assembled from colored rags. They are distinguished by artistic taste, integrity of composition, and decorativeness.

Patchwork mosaics - bedspreads, blankets, curtains, panels, napkins, rugs, paths - still decorate many residential building interiors and arts and crafts exhibitions. Ancient crafts are flourishing thanks to the work and creativity of young masters. Their secrets are carefully kept, passed on from generation to generation - and the thread connecting us with distant ancestors does not break.

Nowadays, the patchwork technique has not lost its relevance, but, on the contrary, is gaining a new level. Working in this technique has many positive aspects: the opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of decorative and applied arts, to become familiar with folk art, and the opportunity to express oneself. What is attractive about this work is the relative cheapness of the materials used and for the future housewife good preparation To family life: learns to be thrifty, practical. And also working in the patchwork technique helps to expand knowledge in the future choice of profession.

Design – analysis of existing analogues

Before you start practical work To make a pillowcase, you need to select a sample. In the magazine “Wonderful Moments” there are many interesting drawings and photographs using the patchwork technique, and you can also find pillow samples on Internet sites.

1. Cute pillow, well-chosen colors, but the product has small crocheted napkins.

2. Impressive model with many different small sizes geometric shapes, which will be difficult to do.

3. Good decision, the color scheme also suits me, the product is not very difficult to manufacture.

Studying consumer demand.

10 people were interviewed.

Survey questions

Survey results

1.Do you like patchwork sofa cushion?

a) yes

b) no

+ + + + + + + ++

2. The pillow should be:

a) using patchwork technique

b) with embroidery

c) knitted

+ + + +

+ + + +

3.Which topic do you prefer?

a) still life

b) drawing

c) pattern

+ + + +

+ + +++

4. The pillowcase should be:

A) bright colors

b) subdued tones

+ + + + + + + + + +

5. What size should it be?cushion?

a) big

b) small

c) average

+ + +

+ + + + +

6. If you decided to buy such a thing, what should the price be?

a) low

b) high

c) average

+ + + +

+ + + + + +

So, according to the survey results, it turned out that the majority of respondents like a sofa cushion as an element of home interior decoration. The pillowcase for it should be made using the technique of patchwork or embroidery, preferably in the form of a pattern, bright colors, medium size and low cost.

Design - Specification

Product name

Wall panel

Purpose of the product

To decorate the interior of a home, satisfies the aesthetic needs of a person

Market (who can use and buy it)

wide range of buyers

Single product, small batch

single product

Requirements for size and shape

small size, rectangular shape

Style and finish requirements

using the flap technique, bright colors,

in the theme of the pattern


inexpensive, easy-to-process shreds various colors, cotton, wool blend, artificial

Manufacturing methods

manual method, machine - sewing patches with a zigzag stitch, creative work, does not provide for industrial production

Safety precautions

The product can be manufactured in a technology room in compliance with safe labor practices when working

Requirements from the human factor,

safety in use

Aesthetic requirements

creating beauty, comfort in the home and good mood

Environmental requirements

waste-free production, use of environmentally friendly materials

Economic requirements

The product is economically profitable, as it is made by hand using recycled materials.

Necessary materials, tools and equipment.

  • A simple pencil, a set of colored pencils, a tailor's colored chalk;
  • square ruler, measuring tape;
  • 1 set of safety pins, 2 needles (medium and long) for handwork;
  • small scissors, large scissors for cutting;
  • 1 cardboard and 1 tracing paper measuring 12x14 cm, 1 album sheet;
  • scraps of fabric, threads for running and machine stitches;
  • pillow 60 x 60cm;
  • sewing machine, iron and ironing board.

Choice of fabric.

Exploring various materials, used in the manufacture of pillows, I found optimal solution between the cost of the material and the availability of its processing. To make a pillow using the patchwork technique, you can use fabric scraps that are always available at home, and the easiest to process and safest for human health are cotton or linen fabrics, which have similar properties.

Color solution

Particular attention in patchwork technique is paid to color and its combinations. All colors are conventionally divided into warm (red, yellow, orange) and cold (blue, purple, green), also known as achromatic colors. Also neutral (chromatic) white, black, gray.

Red, yellow, blue are the primary colors that, when mixed, give all other colors; the color wheel will help you choose fabrics by color for making a product from scraps. Colors are combined opposite each other and through 1 (harmony of the triad), in a large circle through 3 colors

Harmony of the triad

The principle of contrast is used in the work, i.e. a combination of light pink and light green.

Safe work rules

Safety rules when working with needles, pins and scissors

Needles and pins

1 . Store needles in a cushion or pincushion, entwined with thread. Store pins in a box with a tight-fitting lid.

2. Do not throw away a broken needle, but put it in a box specially designated for this.

3. Know the number of needles and pins taken for work. At the end of the work, check for their presence.

4. During work, stick needles and pins into the pad, do not put them in your mouth, and do not stick them into clothes, soft objects, walls, curtains. Do not leave the needle in the product.

5. Do not sew with a rusty needle. It does not penetrate the fabric well, leaves stains and can break.

6. Attach the patterns to the fabric with the sharp ends of the pins in the direction away from you, so that when moving your hands forward or to the sides you do not get pinned.

7. Before trying on, check to see if there are any pins or needles left in the product.


1. Store scissors in a specific place - in a stand or work box.

2. Place the scissors with the blades closed away from the person working; when passing, hold them by the closed blades.

3. Use well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

4. Do not leave scissors with blades open.

5. Monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.

6. Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

Rules for operating a sewing machine.

1. Rotate the flywheel only towards you.

2. Select the thickness of threads and needles in accordance with the fabric.

3. Check the degree of tension top thread, stitch size, type of machine stitch.

4.Thread the threads in strict accordance with the instructions for the sewing machine (the upper and lower threading threads should be the same number and preferably the same color).

5. Remember that when sewing, the part of the product should be on the left side of the person working, and the seam allowances should be on the right side.

6. Place fabric under the foot, pierce it with a needle, lower the foot, and bring the threads behind the foot with ends 8-10 cm long.

7. Upon completion of work, raise the needle and foot, move the fabric to the side, tighten the threads and cut them using a knife located on the sleeve sewing machine.

8. Do not allow the sewing machine to operate when the fabric has come off the teeth of its rack.

9. When finished, place a piece of fabric under the foot and turn off the electric sewing machine.

Rules for working with an iron

1. Before using the iron, check that the cord is in good condition.

2. Turn the iron on and off with dry hands, grasping the plug body.

3. Place the iron on the stand.

4. Make sure that the sole of the iron does not touch the cord.

5. When finished, turn off the iron.

Manufacturing technology.

Making templates.

For the selected product I used such work techniques as patchwork sewing and volumetric appliqué. The “Squares from Triangles” technique was used - this is the most interesting and easy to master technique for assembling flaps. To obtain a high-quality product from triangles, it is necessary that the stitching lines are even, the width of the seam is equal to the width of the foot (0.6 - 0.75 cm). The technique involves assembling a canvas from a certain number of blocks. Machine stitch - for regular straight and zigzag stitches.

The work began by collecting the necessary scraps of texture and color in accordance with the sketch. Scraps of cotton fabrics in light shades of pink and green. I ironed the prepared flaps, determined the warp thread, and laid them out in order.

Before you start making the product, you need to prepare templates from cardboard and cut out 2 triangular templates. The next stage of work is cutting out the parts for the pillowcase from the prepared scraps (all parts without seam allowance!).

Based on the sketch, the number of squares made from fabrics of a certain color is calculated. You should cut exactly according to the template, otherwise it will be difficult to combine the squares when sewing.

The principle of joining squares into a fabric is as follows: first they are sewn into strips, and then the strips are sewn together. For rectangular product The squares are sewn into stripes along the shorter side - this is much more convenient. In our case (a square product) all sides are equal, so start with any of them.

Connect the strips into a fabric with the right sides facing inward, pin them together, aligning the cuts, and sew exactly along the seam allowance line. Press the seam “on the edge” and then press it out.
Iron the canvas.

The bottom part of the pillowcase is plain and cut to the size of the fabric. Then the two parts of the pillowcase are folded with the right sides inward and connected with a stitch seam. The seams are covered with a zigzag stitch, the edges of the pillowcase are hemmed with a closed cut.

Manufacturing sequence.


Operation name.

Graphic image.

Tools and equipment.

Connect the triangles with a pressed seam

Connect squares into stripes

Sewing machine, thread, needles, scissors

Connect the strips into a canvas

Sewing machine, thread, needles, scissors

Cut out the bottom piece of the pillowcase

Pillowcase top piece, scissors

Connect the pillowcase parts with a backstitch, overcast the seams

Sewing machine, thread, needles, scissors

Finish the top edges of the pillowcase with a closed hem stitch.

Sewing machine, thread, needles, scissors

Turn the pillowcase inside out and straighten the corners.


Conduct final finishing and WTO


Ecological justification

My job didn't require use large quantity resources: energy costs, complex tools, expensive materials, energy-intensive equipment. When creating my project, I used scissors, an iron, glue, a sewing machine and I believe that there was no damage environment was not applied.

As a thrifty housewife, my mother gave me scraps of various fabrics; they remained with her after making sewing items, and I also used things for work that were no longer suitable for wear. Thus, there was no need to throw them away, therefore, no damage was caused to the environment, and the things received a second life.

Products made from scraps allow for waste-free production, since even the smallest scraps may be needed for work. By doing this, we benefit the environment without polluting it.

Economic justification

The cost of a pillowcase for a sofa cushion made using the patchwork technique can be calculated as follows: We do not take into account the cost of the fabric, since we use remnants of fabric used for making other sewing products.

Name of materials used

Price, rub)

Consumption of materials

Material costs


Base fabric (cotton)

1 Sewing thread (any color) for basting parts

10 (1 reel)

1 PC

1 Colored sewing threads for sewing parts

10 (1 reel)

1 PC



Total: 86.92

Despite the rather insignificant material costs, I received an elegant pillowcase that will decorate the interior of my room, and at a much lower cost than I would have to pay if I bought a similar product in a store.

Aesthetic assessment of the product

My work produces a positive emotional effect. It will become a bright spot of color in the interior of the room. Made with high quality.

Self-assessment of work

In the market and in stores, sofa cushions are sold, as a rule, “Chinese” production. Their range is not very diverse, and the quality leaves much to be desired. In addition, we are very often not satisfied with their design and prices. The pillowcase I made turned out to be elegant and bright. Of course, in the process of doing my work I encountered many difficulties, but it seems to me that I overcame them. A small pillowcase made by me can serve not only as a decoration for a sofa cushion in the interior of my room, but also, on occasion, serve as a toy for small children.

You will sleep sweetly today,

And you won't forget my gift.

After all, I will sew you a pillow,

Note: a pillow, not a toy.

Dreams will be bright on her,

And everything is greener in the yard.

Tell me how you slept,

And what in the dream has now come true.

Justification for choice……………………………………………………….…….8


Material used………………………………………………………..10

Preliminary cost calculation…………………………………….11

Calculation of material costs……………………………………………………12

Technological stage

Manufacturing of the product………………………………………………………13

Technological map……………………………………………………14-16

The final stage

Calculation of the total cost of manufacturing a sofa cushion……………18

Project evaluation…………………………………………………………………………………..19

List of references………………………………………………………...20


Relevance of the project is due to the fact that it helps to attract students to making products with their own hands, the development of aesthetic taste, perseverance, and the ability to finish a job to achieve a result in accordance with the goal.

Object of study : decorative sofa pillow.

Subject of study : application of knowledge and skills acquired in technology classes with the opportunity to realize their creative ideas during productionpillows.

Hypothesis : if you use inexpensive or used materials, you can make any product creative design at the lowest cost, as it saves the home budget.

Objective of the project : design and manufacture a productwith minimal material costs.

Tasks :

    Analyze which similar products have already been developed and are commercially available.

    Develop your own version of manufacturing and decoration decorative pillow.

    Choose inexpensive, environmentally friendly and easy-to-process material.

    Develop technological map making decorative pillows.

    Develop the ability to independently obtain knowledge using various media, expand yourhorizon.

    Evaluate the work done.

Organizational and preparatory stage

Selection and justification of the problem

A birthday is the happiest day in a person's life. All relatives and friends gather for the holiday. We all love holidays. They bring a lot of fun and joy into our lives. Gifts are important attributes of a birthday. But the question often arises: what to choose for a souvenir? The best gift is the one made with your own hands. It will be unique, original, and a piece of yourself will remain in it.

I have a problem: what to give my mom for her birthday? A reliable “shelter” after a hard day is a sofa and an armchair. And for this you simply need a comfortable and beautiful sofa cushion. After looking through several magazines, I noticed various pillows.

The pillow should be beautiful. The future gift should be suitable home interior. The product must have a low cost.

When I substantiated the problem that had arisen, I immediately understood: my task was to design and make a sofa cushion as a gift for my mother.

Rice. 1. Project diagram.

History of origin

Pillows as a household item were invented a long time ago.

Pillows differ in their roles, that is, in the place and time of their use. Some of them are clearly head-mounted, placed in the full sense “under the ear”, while others are support ones (under the barrel, under the elbow and wherever else you want). With the development of everyday culture, the sets of pillows for the day and for the night became different.

In the Middle Ages, Europeans no longer reclined at the table, but sat on chairs and benches, usually with straight and hard seats. Then special flat pillows appear, which are carefully placed on the seats. And small foot pads are also being invented to protect the feet from the cold of stone floors in castles. And I also needed a pillow under my knees during prayer. And on the saddle for a beautiful lady, and not rarely - for her pampered gentleman.

It turns out that in almost every life situation some kind of pillow is involved - in the carriage and at home, at a picnic and when feeding a child.

We can see the very first pillows found in the pyramids in the Hermitage, in the Egyptian hall. They don’t even remotely resemble what our contemporaries are used to sleeping on. The pillow of the ancient Egyptians was a curved plank on a stand and served not for comfort, but for maintaining a complex hairstyle. Solid wooden cushions covered with leather have been found in Russia, dating back to around the 5th century BC.

First soft pillows appeared in Greece. There they began to be richly decorated and served not only for practical purposes, but also valued as a decorative item. But the biggest role was played by pillows, namely decorative pillows, in the oriental interior. Although they appeared there later than in ancient Greece, however, the custom of decorating a home was evidence of the owner’s wealth. In addition, they replaced furniture, because in the East it is traditional not to sit on chairs - only on carpets and pillows.

Basically, pillows are divided into decorative and those that are intended for sleeping. Everyone involved in interior design is most interested in decorative pillows. After all, just like in architecture and furniture, every style and trend has its own pillows. They change their decoration and shape depending on the location and time: in France of the 18th century - delicately embroidered with ruffles and tassels, in Venice - trimmed with brocade and lace, in a Russian merchant house - dressed in colorful chintz and laid out in a pyramid...

The most used pillows remain in the bedrooms. And those that are present in the living rooms, in the daily life of the owners, become the subject of special care. They are dressed up in carpet, silk, cloth, and even brocade pillowcases, decorated with braid, tassels and fringe. Delicate hands embroider patterns and initials on them. Pillows are usually given as a sign of love or attention. In merchant and wealthy craft families in Russia and Central Europe, pillows were an indispensable part of the dowry.

Sometimes pillowcases were made from the same fabric as the upholstery. But more often, day pillows were made of velvet, rep, silk, and decorated with appliqués, satin stitch embroidery or cutwork. Since the last quarter of the 19th century, cross stitch, simple or double, the so-called “Bulgarian”, has been in particular fashion.

Huge selection of fabrics and decorative finishing makes modern pillows diverse. Their shape can also vary - from different rectangles to circles, ovals and rollers, or even take the form of hearts, rosettes, animals. Play and whimsy are so necessary in our busy lives. In Rus', a “sofa pillow” is called “dumka”, “dumochka”.

Aalternative models

In magazines and books, I found several models of pillows. Toy pillows. Pillow in the shape of a heart. Pillows made using patchwork technique. A pillow made using the stained glass technique.

I immediately gave up pillow toys. It is not serious to give them to an adult. And then to make them you need bright colorful fabric.

After researching all the possible options for sofa cushions, I decided to make embroidery from satin ribbons and relief appliqué. Doing this work allows me to use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. The choice of shape and fabric for the pillow is made taking into account the purpose of the interior.

Sometimes a single pillow is enough to provide the necessary comfort and create the right splash of color in a simply furnished room.

I also chose this model because it would be inexpensive. Of course, the work is labor-intensive, but it allows you to try your hand at sewing, apply the knowledge acquired at school in practice, and use your imagination a little.

Having explored all possible options, I decided that a pillow using satin ribbons and appliques would be a wonderful gift for mom's birthday. It will delight and complement the interior of the apartments.

Justification for choice

Having explored all possible options for sofa cushions, I decided to make it from a plain fabric and decorate it with satin ribbon embroidery in the form of a flower branch with a butterfly appliqué, which are made separately, combining fabrics of different colors and sewing them on so that they look embossed.

The manufacturing process is accessible and allows me to use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

I made the choice of finishing option for the sofa cushion taking into account my spring mood, and I made the choice of shape and fabric for making the sofa cushion taking into account the purpose of the interior.


Material used

To make my sofa cushion, I chose the following types of materials:

    cotton fabric;

    artificial filler (sintepon);

    linen fabric;

    braid - zipper;

    satin ribbon;

    silk fabric;



    scraps of silk fabric.

Tools, fixtures and equipment used

Tools and accessories:


    hand needle;

    tailor's chalk;


    paper for making a template;



    sewing machine;


    ironing board;


Preliminary cost calculation

The cost of a sofa cushion can be calculated as follows:

I did not take into account the cost of fabric for the main pillow and the cost of padding polyester, since I use leftover fabric available at home. I took the padding polyester from a used jacket that was no longer used for wearing.

1) I also didn’t take into account the cost of silk fabric for making the “Butterflies” applique, since I use leftover fabric from already sewn items.

2) I purchased the fabric for the top pillowcase of the sofa cushion, satin ribbon, zipper braid, lace and threads in the store, and I already had beads and beads in stock at home.

3) To make a pattern for a sofa pillow and a template for appliqué, I use leftover wallpaper.

Table 1.




Fabric (linen)

180 rub.


81 rub.

Braid - zipper

15 rub.

1 PC.

15 rub.

Satin ribbon

2 rub.


10 rub.


10 rub.

1 PC.

10 rub.


10 rub.


5 rub.

satin tape

10 rub.


70 rub.


191 rub.

Calculation of material costs

The cost of materials was:

C 1 =191 rub.

Material costs also include electricity consumption (t). It includes:

a) working on a sewing machine:

T 1 =1 hour 30 min.

b) wet - heat treatment: T 2 =30 min.

T=T 1 + T 2 = 2 hours.

The total power consumption of a modern sewing machine is about 100 W, or 0.1 W. The cost of 1 kW is 1 rub. 66 kopecks, then the cost of working on the machine (C uh ) in 2 hours will be

C uh = 1 rub. bbkop (0.1 kWh 2) = 0.34 rub.

Material costs excluding labor costs are:

M 3 = C 1 +C uh =191+0.34=191.34 rub.

Technological stage

Manufacturing of the product

Before cutting, I prepared the fabric: I decoated it, determined the direction of the grain thread in all the scraps and in the fabric, the front and back sides, as well as the presence of weaving defects.

Following safety rules and sanitary and hygienic requirements, I begin work on the manufacture of a sofa cushion.


Table 2.

Making a pillow.

Make a template for a square pillowcase with a side of 40cm from thick paper.

Paper, pencil, ruler, scissors.

Using a pattern of cotton fabric, cut out 2 squares for the pillowcase of the main pillow using seam allowances.

Chalk, scissors, ruler, pins, template.

Fold the parts of the pillowcase with the right sides inward, taking into account the direction of the grain thread, pin together and stitch with a seam width of 1 cm on all sides, leaving room for turning out and stuffing with padding polyester.

Threads, pins.

Cut off the fabric allowances in the corners, not reaching the machine stitching of 1.5 mm.


Turn the pillowcase right side out, straighten the corners and iron the seams edgewise.

Peg, iron.

Fill the pillowcase with padding polyester through the hole and distribute it evenly. Sew the hole with a blind hem stitch.

Threads, needle

Making a top pillowcase for a sofa cushion. Make a template for the “Butterflies” applique of the desired shape and size from thick paper.

Paper, pencil, pattern, ruler, scissors.

Using a template from linen fabric, cut out 2 squares for the pillowcase of the sofa cushion using seam allowances, then similarly cut out butterfly wings from silk fabric using the template.

Chalk, ruler, pins, scissors, template.

On the front side of the upper part, mark with chalk the location of the “flower branch” embroidery and embroider it, starting from the stem with a green satin ribbon, then the flowers with a white satin ribbon. Embroider the centers of the flowers with beads or beads.

Chalk, needle, thread, beads, satin ribbon, scissors

Fold the wing parts with the right sides facing inward and stitch with a seam width of 0.7 cm, leaving room for turning the part out.

Needle, thread, pins, scissors

Turn the butterfly parts right side out, sweep the seam edgewise and iron.

Peg, iron, ironing iron

Place the upper wings on the lower ones so that the upper wings overlap the lower wings by 1.5 cm at the junction. Place assembly lines in the middle of the butterfly parts and gather them to the desired shape.

Needle, scissors, thread.

Decorate the body of the butterfly with a cord and tie knots at the ends of the antennae.

Needle, scissors, thread.

Sew the finished butterflies to the marked places on the top pillowcase with a hidden stitch so that the wings fly away

Threads, pins, scissors.

Prepare a frill, place the right side on the front side of the top pillowcase, align the cuts and baste a seam with a width of 1 cm.

Threads, pins, needle, scissors.

Sew a hidden braid - a zipper - to the lower edges of the pillowcase parts, placing it on the front side of the upper and lower parts between the notches.

Threads, pins, scissors

Pin the bottom and top pillowcases with the right sides inward, align the cuts and sew a seam width of 1 cm to the stitching seams of the zipper tape.

Pins, scissors

Overcast the edges of the pillowcase using a serger.

Threads, scissors.

Turn the pillowcase right side out, straighten the corners, straighten the frill, straighten the seam “on the edge” and iron.

Peg, iron, ironing iron.

Insert the pillow into the pillowcase, straighten it and fasten the clasp.

The final stage

I made my decorative sofa pillow from a plain fabric turquoise color and decorated it with embroidery with a satin ribbon in the shape of a flowering twig and an applique of voluminous butterflies. I decorated the outline of the sofa cushion with a ruffle.

I will make several pillows, different in shape, color and finish. I will give them to my relatives, loved ones and friends.

Excellent quality and aesthetic design will add variety, unique intonation and an element of novelty to the standard furnishings of modern apartments.

Since it is practical and useful thing, my friends will want to give the same pillow to their acquaintances and friends.

They will be able to order from me.

They always recognize my products by my trademark.

Ecological justification.

Sewing a sofa cushion is an environmentally friendly production:

No harm to the environment;

There are no emissions into the surrounding atmosphere;

No harm to health;

Almost waste-free production.

Calculation of the total cost of manufacturing a sofa cushion

Table 3.

Production costs


Material costs:

a) consumption of materials;

b) Electricity consumption;

Labor costs

191 rub.

RUB 0.34;


191 rub. 34 kopecks

A similar item on the market costs 550 rubles. Thus, I came to the conclusion that sewing with your own hands is profitable for two reasons: firstly, savings family budget; secondly, you can always sew that one thing that no one else has, expressing the originality of its manufacturer.

In total, I spent 191.34 rubles, since I tried, in order to save my household budget, to use the remaining scraps of fabrics that matched the texture and beads that I already had at home.

Thus, I saved 358.66 rubles.

Project evaluation

Conclusion : After I sewed the pillow, I will rate my project using the following description.

Let me analyze the points:

Justification of the project and formulation of tasks.

Developing a framework for reflection.

Product manufacturing technology.

I'll think about it in my mind:

Did I do everything I planned?

Yes, I did everything I set out to do. The entire technological sequence of the project has been completed.

Did my project succeed?

In my opinion, the project turned out well.

Am I happy with him?

They are happy not only with me, but also with my grandmother. This pillow brought novelty, freshness and romanticism to her interior.

By answering all these questions, I will evaluate my own work.


1. Sewing and needlework. Encyclopedia. / Under. ed. I. A. Andreeva - 2nd ed. - M..: “Great Russian Encyclopedia”, 2000. -288s.; ill.ISBN5-85270-255-2

2. Simonenko VD. Technology: Textbook for 8th grade - M.: "Venta-Graff", 2003. - 240 pp.: ill.ISBN5-9252-0469-7

3. Vali Berti Gianna. Patchwork sewing. From simple to complex, - M.: Education, 2002.-80 p.: ill.ISBN5-8405-0259-6

4. Green M.E. Sewing from scraps. - M.: Education, 1981, - 64 p., ill.

5. Eremenko T.I. Artistic processing of materials: Technology of hand embroidery. - M.: Education, 2000. - 160 pp., ill.-ISBN5-09-009600-7

1. Problem situation.

In our living room there are not enough hand-made things that will decorate the house, make it more comfortable and tell about what the owners of this house can do and what they are interested in. In that academic year I learned to sew and crochet, so I want to try using both technologies in this project. My product should not only be necessary and useful, but also beautiful.

Living room

So my goal is to design and make an accessory for the living room.

2. Research.

What are accessories?

I asked this question search engine on the Internet and received this answer: “Accessories (translated from French - this is an accessory of something, corresponding to something, objects.” Obviously, in relation to the interior, accessories are small items that complement it, creating an image.

What accessories are suitable for the living room?

Wall panels, figurines, vases, sofa cushions, chair covers, floor rugs, blankets, photographs.

Which ones can be made from fabric and thread?

Sofa cushions, blanket, chair covers, floor rug.

What fabric can be used to make sofa cushions?

Made from shiny plain satin fabric or thick textured fabric with a bright, expressive pattern.

What yarn should I use to knit living room accessories?

Cotton, linen, artificial or synthetic yarn of medium thickness.

What color should the accessories be?

They should be in harmony with the color upholstered furniture and wallpaper.

What do my parents advise me?

tie something small size. I don’t have much time to make a project; I can’t handle large items.

Who can help me with my work?

My mother knits very well, but she can only give me some advice because she is a very busy person.

What can you sew or crochet?

Initial idea.

I liked a few ideas I saw online.

For example, this blanket.

Knitted pillow

Or a beautiful pillow.

Knitted slippers

Or maybe knitted slippers?

4. Product requirements:

  • accessible manufacturing technology;
  • low consumption of materials;
  • simple design;
  • quick to manufacture;
  • will be useful for all family members;
  • corresponds color scheme living room;
  • low cost of materials.

Having assessed all the requirements, I decided to sew a sofa cushion and knit a cover for it. I need to solve several problems.

5. Selection of materials and tools.

Which pillow shape to choose?

I choose a square shape.

What size will the pillow be?

Sofa cushions can have any size, for example, 50 x 50 or 30 x 30 centimeters. It’s better to choose a smaller pillow, because you can sew a large and a small one in the same amount of time, but knitting a large cover will be more difficult, I’m afraid that the allotted time will not be enough.

Square pillow

My pillow will measure 30 x 30 centimeters.

What fabric to choose for a pillow?

Linen fabric

I'll choose linen fabric, as it is durable, dense and holds its shape well. When my mother was sewing curtains for the living room, there was a small scrap of material left over. I got the idea to sew a sofa cushion from the same fabric as the curtains. If the size of the flap is not enough, I will sew a pillow from several parts, there will still be a knitted cover on top, and the seams will be hidden.

Which pillow filling to choose?


I choose ecofiber because it is durable, environmentally friendly (does not cause allergies), and can be washed.

Which yarn to choose for a cover?

Acrylic yarn

I will choose acrylic yarn, since it is voluminous and can be used to knit a cover quite quickly.

Which cover color should I choose?

A one-color case is boring, perhaps I’ll make it multi-colored, and the colors I’ll choose are: blue, light blue, green, white, pink and yellow. Mom has leftover yarn in her craft box and won’t need to spend money on purchasing new ones.

What tool will I knit with?

I choose a crochet hook because I want to practice crocheting.

Calculation of cash costs.

Ecofiber for stuffing - 1 package - price for 1 package - 65 rubles.

Conclusion: I won’t spend a lot of money on making a pillow with a cover – only 65 rubles.

7. Sofa cushion manufacturing technology

  1. make a pattern (square with a side of 30 centimeters);
  2. cut out 2 parts with seam allowances of 15 mm along the entire contour;
  3. sew a pillow and stuff it with ecofiber;
  4. pick up leftover yarn of several colors;
  5. develop a knitting pattern;
  6. knit squares of multi-colored yarn, connect them together in the form of a pillowcase.

8. Expert assessment and self-assessment

Teacher: The work was completed independently and on time. Good quality. The product is useful and beautiful.

Mother: The pillow is beautiful and we really need it. I'm glad you found the technology lessons useful.

Dad: Well done, daughter! Very beautiful.

Brother: Great! I also want to knit something from squares.

I: my pillow fully meets the requirements presented at the design stage:

  • I was able to make it myself;
  • did not require a large amount of materials;
  • the pillow has a simple design;
  • not much time was spent on production;
  • the pillow is comfortable, all family members can use it;
  • the colors of the yarn are chosen well, the pillow fits well with the interior of the living room;
  • material costs are small.

The pillow turned out good, I really like it. Later, you can knit a blanket and slippers from the same threads and using the same technique.

Friends: my friends liked the pillow and asked me to teach them how to knit.

Classmates: my classmates liked the pillow, they regret that they did not have such an idea.

Sources of information used in the implementation of the project:

Textbook “Technology” for 6th grade students.

Internet resources.