Technical characteristics of gas silicate blocks. Basic properties of gas silicates and their influence on operational parameters Sound insulation qualities of aerated concrete blocks

The widespread use of gas silicate blocks in construction indicates their enormous popularity. In terms of value for money with excellent characteristics aerated concrete blocks Nothing more optimal than gas silicate has yet been invented. Aerated concrete is autoclaved cellular concrete - a time-tested building material used in almost all types of structural elements structures and buildings itself for various purposes. But where did the technology for producing cellular concrete come from, and when did it begin to be used in its modern form? Developments aimed at obtaining a new multifunctional building material have been carried out since the end of the 19th century. By the beginning of the 20th century, several foreign experimental scientists managed to obtain a patent for the invention of the so-called “miracle concrete”, because at that time the world was in dire need of large quantities of artificially produced stone for construction. Experimenting with constituent elements, by trial and error, a prototype of a modern aerated concrete solution was obtained. However, the properties and characteristics of gas silicate blocks, of course, were not at that time the same as we know them now. Modern gas blocks appeared only in the 90s. These are well-known foam concrete, polystyrene concrete and aerated concrete blocks. Regarding the latter, they come in two types: non-autoclave and, accordingly, autoclave hardening methods. Non-autoclaved aerated concrete is heterogeneous and quite often contains harmful air pores, which cause greater shrinkage during operation. Aerated concrete obtained by using the autoclave method is much more environmentally friendly and stronger than non-autoclave concrete (about twice as much). The method for producing cellular concrete was proposed in the thirties and since then, in principle, has changed little, although the properties of gas silicate blocks have continuously improved and the scope of its application has expanded. Sand, cement, lime, gypsum stone and plain water. Aluminum powder is added to the mixture of these materials in small quantities, which promotes the formation of small air cells in the mixture, which make the material porous. Immediately after swelling, short-term exposure and cutting of the mass into products of the required sizes, the cellular concrete mass is placed in an autoclave, where it hardens in a steam environment. This energy-saving technology does not leave any waste that would pollute the air, soil and water. Gas silicate blocks autoclave hardening are a material with unique properties. After all, it united best quality Two ancient building materials: wood and stone. In recent years, due to a noticeable increase in requirements for the thermal insulation qualities of building envelopes in residential and public buildings one of the few types of concrete from which it is possible to build truly thermally efficient structures optimal thickness It was cellular concrete that became the material. The characteristics and properties of gas silicate blocks give this building material a number of very important advantages:

Gas silicate blocks are light weight.

This is, perhaps, the main and undeniable advantage of gas silicate over brick. The weight of the gas silicate block is in the range of 488 - 500 hundred kilograms/m3, depending on the size of the aerated concrete blocks.

An ordinary block (according to GOST 21520-89) has a density grade of D500 and a size of 250 by 625, a thickness of 400 mm and a weight of about 30.5 kilograms and, in terms of thermal conductivity, can replace a wall 64 cm thick of twenty-eight bricks, whose weight is one hundred and twenty kilograms. Big sizes gas silicate blocks with low weight significantly reduce installation costs and significantly reduce construction time. To lift aerated concrete, you do not need a crane: several people can handle this, or you can use an ordinary winch, therefore, the light weight of such cellular concrete allows you to reduce not only transport and installation work, but also the cost of arranging foundations. Aerated concrete blocks are much easier to process than foam concrete. They can be sawed, drilled, planed and milled using conventional tools.

Gas silicate blocks are environmentally friendly.

Since autoclaved aerated concrete is made from sand, cement, lime and aluminum powder, it is not suitable for toxic substances are released, as a result, in terms of its environmental friendliness it is close to wood, but at the same time it is not prone to rotting and aging. Aerated concrete products are completely safe for humans; in a house built from it, you can breathe just as easily as in one built from wood.

Speed ​​and efficiency when working with gas silicate blocks.

Thanks to such characteristics of gas silicate blocks as their impressive dimensions (600 by (50-500) by 250 mm) with low weight, the construction process is quick and easy. In this case, the speed of construction actually increases significantly (4 times) and, accordingly, labor costs decrease. At the ends of some types of gas silicate block, special grooves and ridges are formed, as well as grip pockets intended for hands. There is absolutely no need for 1-1.5 cm of mortar in the masonry; an adhesive layer of 3-5 millimeters, applied with a notched trowel, is quite enough to reliably strengthen the block. Aerated concrete blocks have an almost ideal configuration (since tolerance their edges do not exceed one millimeter), which makes it possible to use thin-seam masonry technology and significantly reduces the cost of work. The cost of gas silicate blocks is low compared to the same brick, but glue for making thin seams is approximately twice as expensive sand-cement mortar, but the material consumption during the production of aerated concrete block masonry is reduced by about six times. Ultimately, the resulting thin-seam masonry makes it possible to reduce construction costs by three times. masonry mortar, moreover, in view minimum thickness connecting glue reduces cold bridges in the walls and makes the house warmer.

Gas silicate blocks have low thermal conductivity.

It is provided by air bubbles, which occupy about 80 percent of the material. Indeed, it is thanks to them among positive qualities aerated concrete blocks have a high thermal insulation capacity, due to which heating costs are reduced by 20-30 percent and you can refuse to use additional heat-insulating materials. The walls, which are made of gas silicate blocks, fully meet the new SNiP requirements for the thermal conductivity of the walls of public and residential buildings. In a dry state, the thermal conductivity coefficient of aerated concrete is 0.12 W/m °C, at 12% humidity - 0.145 W/m °C. IN middle lane In Russia, it is possible to build walls from gas silicate blocks (with a density of no more than 500 kilograms/m3), whose thickness is 40 cm.

Energy saving thanks to gas silicate blocks.

Today, energy saving has become one of the most important indicators. It happens that neglect of this parameter leads to the impossibility of operating a good-quality brick house: the owner simply could not financially afford to heat so much large room. When using an aerated concrete block with a weight of 500 kilograms/m3 and a thickness of 40 cm, the energy-saving parameters are achieved within the normal range. The use of aerated concrete blocks with a density of more than 500 kilograms/m3 leads to a noticeable deterioration in parameters (thermal properties are reduced by fifty percent when using blocks with a density of 600-700 kilograms/m3). Gas silicate blocks with a density of less than 400 kilograms/m3 can be used in construction only as insulation, due to their low strength characteristics.

Gas silicate blocks frost resistance.

The qualities of aerated concrete blocks in terms of frost resistance allow them to become record holders among materials used in low-rise construction. Excellent frost resistance is explained by the presence of reserve voids, into which water is displaced when freezing, while the gas silicate block itself is not destroyed. If the construction technology of aerated concrete is strictly followed, the frost resistance of the building material exceeds two hundred cycles.

Soundproofing qualities of aerated concrete blocks.

Due to its cellular fine-porous structure, the soundproofing qualities of gas silicate are many times higher than those of brickwork. When existing air gap between layers of aerated concrete blocks, or when finishing the wall surface with denser building materials, sound insulation of approximately 50 dB is provided.

Autoclave hardening blocks fire safety.

Cellular aerated concrete blocks are not afraid of fire. Chimneys made of gas silicate blocks are laid through any wooden structures without cutting, since they conduct heat poorly. And since only mineral raw materials of natural origin are used to produce aerated concrete, aerated concrete blocks belong to the group of non-combustible materials and are able to withstand one-sided fire exposure for 3–7 hours. When using aerated concrete blocks in conjunction with metal structures, or as cladding, they are ideal for the construction of fire-resistant walls, elevator and ventilation shafts.

Aerated concrete blocks strength.

With a low volumetric weight of the gas silicate block - 500 kilograms/m3 - it has a fairly high compressive strength - in the region of 28–40 kgf/cm3 due to autoclave processing (for comparison, the same foam concrete is only 15 kgf/cm3). In practice, the strength of the block is such that it can be safely used in the construction of houses with load-bearing walls of up to 3 floors, or without limiting the number of floors - in monolithic frame construction.

Gas silicate blocks are easy and rational to process.

Aerated concrete blocks are quite easy to process: they can be sawed, drilled, planed, milled without any problems, using standard tools that are used for wood processing. Channels for pipes and cables can be laid using ordinary hand tools, or you can use power tools to speed up the process. Hand saw will make it easy to give gas silicate any configuration, which completely solves the issues with additional blocks, as well as the external architectural expressiveness of structures. Channels and holes for arranging electrical wiring, sockets, pipelines, etc. can be cut using an electric drill.

Gas silicate blocks sizes.

The autoclave curing block manufacturing process guarantees highly accurate dimensions - usually 250 by 625 millimeters with varying thicknesses of 50 - 500 millimeters (+ - millimeters). The deviations, as you can see, are so minimal that the newly laid wall is a surface that is absolutely ready for applying putty, which is the basis for wallpaper or painting.

Non-hygroscopicity of aerated concrete block.

Although autoclaved aerated concrete block is a highly porous material (its porosity can reach up to 90 percent), the material is not hygroscopic. If exposed to rain, for example, aerated concrete, unlike wood, dries quite quickly and does not warp at all. Compared to brick, aerated concrete does not “suck” water at all, since its capillaries are interrupted by special spherical pores.

Application of aerated concrete blocks.

The lightest gas silicate blocks with a density of 350 kilograms/m³ are used as insulation. Aerated concrete blocks with a density of four hundred kg/m³ are used for construction load-bearing walls and partitions in low-rise housing construction. Gas silicate blocks with high strength properties - 500 kilograms/m³ - are applicable for the construction of both non-residential and residential buildings reaching more than 3 floors in height. And finally, those gas silicate blocks whose density is 700 kg/m³ are ideal for the construction of multi-story buildings when reinforcing row spacing, and are also used to create light floors. Builders call gas silicate blocks, which do not require special care, unpretentious and eternal. The autoclave curing unit is great for those who want to reduce construction costs. The cost of aerated concrete blocks is low, and besides, building a house made of aerated silicate requires less finishing and building materials than a brick one. And working with gas silicate blocks is quite simple, which reduces labor costs and speeds up the process of building construction - construction from gas silicate blocks is carried out on average four times faster than when working with brick.

Gas silicate blocks delivery and storage.

Gas silicate blocks are packaged by the manufacturer in a fairly durable heat-shrinkable sealed film, which reliably protects the material from moisture exposure. Therefore, there is no need to take care of proper protection of aerated concrete from negative atmospheric influences. The main task of the buyer who independently transports aerated concrete blocks is to protect them from various types of mechanical damage. When transported in a truck, pallets with installed blocks must be rigidly secured with soft slings, which are designed to prevent pallets with blocks from moving and friction. When unloading building materials, soft slings are also used. If aerated concrete blocks are freed from protective film and will be stored in an open area, exposed to precipitation - please note that from high humidity the characteristics of aerated concrete blocks deteriorate, so this material should be kept under a canopy or even in a closed warehouse.

Masonry made of aerated concrete blocks.

Work on the construction of buildings made of aerated concrete blocks can be carried out at temperatures down to – 50 degrees; when using special frost-resistant glue. Since aerated concrete is quite lightweight material, it does not cause the glue to squeeze out. Unlike brick walls made from aerated concrete can be laid out without pauses. According to building regulations, gas silicate blocks with a thickness of 375 - 400 millimeters are used for laying outer walls, and for interior walls - at least 250. In order to prevent the penetration of moisture from the basement, gas silicate blocks should be laid on a waterproofing layer (for example, roofing felt) - dimensions it should be slightly larger than the width of the aerated concrete blocks in the masonry. The first layer of gas silicate blocks is placed on the mortar for leveling purposes in order to compensate for existing unevenness in the foundation. The laying of the gas silicate block begins from the largest building corner in terms of its dimensions. The blocks are leveled using a level and a rubber hammer, ground using a grater, after which the masonry is thoroughly cleaned of dust. Particular attention must be paid to laying the very first row of gas silicate blocks, because the convenience of all further work and the final quality of the construction depend on its evenness. You can control the laying of gas silicate blocks using a level and a cord. The next row of laying gas silicate blocks begins from any of the corners. In order to ensure maximum evenness of the rows, do not forget to use a level, and if the wall is long, also lighthouse intermediate blocks. The rows are laid with the obligatory ligation of gas silicate blocks - that is, the displacement of each subsequent row relative to the previous ones. The minimum displacement value becomes 10 centimeters. The glue that protrudes from the seams is not rubbed down, but removed using a trowel. Gas silicate blocks with complex configurations and additional ones are made with a hacksaw for blocks.

Internal partitions made of gas silicate blocks.

Regardless of which of the modern partition designs you decide to use in own home(for example, partitions made of metal profiles and plasterboard sheets), you will still need to make some kind of sandwich system using insulation in order to achieve optimal level soundproofing. And, as you know, any of the sandwich systems is much higher and more expensive in terms of labor intensity than masonry made from gas silicate blocks. The problem with partitions is easily solved by an aerated concrete block. For construction internal partitions aerated concrete blocks are taken with a thickness of 75 and 100 millimeters and a density of 500. The resulting wall is quite strong, heat and sound insulated, but at the same time light.

Reinforcement when laying gas silicate blocks.

When arranging walls in low-rise buildings residential buildings Reinforcement is used from aerated concrete blocks, which is assigned according to special calculations, in accordance with a specific project. As a rule, reinforcement is carried out through two to four rows of masonry; Additionally, reinforcement is installed in the corners of buildings.

Aerated concrete blocks, therefore, are a truly economical and effective building material, whose properties allow the construction of buildings for various purposes in the shortest possible time. Gas silicate blocks are produced in two types: wall and partition. Both are certified according to GOST. This highly environmentally friendly material is manufactured using advanced technologies using the most modern equipment, which provides the gas silicate block with the highest quality and consistency of important technical characteristics. If you are interested in purchasing it, please contact the company Attribute-C , because we know everything about aerated concrete and offer our customers only high-quality aerated silicate blocks, manufactured according to all technological standards and having impeccable characteristics of strength, thermal insulation, durability, etc. Attribute-C will provide you with any volumes of aerated concrete blocks and, importantly, in addition to sales, we also offer you fast delivery of aerated silicate blocks with careful unloading. You will appreciate our impeccable service and prices for gas silicate blocks, which are noticeably lower than many similar organizations in the Moscow region. It’s easy to order gas silicate blocks with delivery, you just need to contact us by phone 8-499-340-35-47, or send a request to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. To view it, you must have an account Javascript enabled. You can rest assured that they will definitely answer you and discuss all the terms of payment and delivery of gas silicate blocks. And if you have any questions, write and get all the answers you need.

Additional information about aerated concrete blocks:

In modern construction technologies great importance given to the choice of material for the construction of a particular type of building. One of the most popular building materials today is gas silicate blocks, which have a number of advantages and are used quite often.

Their widespread use is due to the optimal balance of price and quality - by and large, no other building material maintains this proportion as profitably.

If you look at it, it’s unlikely that aerated concrete is a modern building material - it was developed back in the late 19th century. At the beginning of the last century, a group of scientists even patented the discovery of a new miracle material, but its properties were far from those that distinguish today's gas silicate.

In its modern form, gas silicate material was obtained at the end of the 20th century - it is concrete with a cellular structure, the hardening of which occurs in an autoclave. This method was discovered back in the 30s, and since then it has not undergone any significant changes. The characteristics were improved by introducing refinements into the technology for its production.

Aerated concrete is one of the basis for the production of gas silicate blocks

Manufacturing principle

The following substances are used as starting ingredients for the production of aerated concrete:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • lime;
  • gypsum;
  • water.

To obtain a cellular structure, a portion of aluminum powder is added to the composition, which serves to form bubbles. After mixing, the mass is kept for the required time, waiting for swelling, after which it is cut into pieces and placed in an autoclave. There the mass hardens in a steam environment - this technology is energy-saving and highly environmentally friendly. During the production of aerated concrete there is no release harmful substances that can cause significant harm to the environment or human health.


The characteristics that distinguish gas silicate blocks allow us to consider them as a building material that is well suited for the construction of buildings. Experts say that aerated concrete combines the best qualities of stone and wood - its walls are durable and protect well from the cold.

The porous structure of the blocks guarantees high fire safety indicators

The cellular structure explains the low thermal conductivity coefficient - it is much lower than that of brick. Therefore, buildings from gas silicate material not so demanding in terms of insulation - in some climatic zones it is not required at all.

Below we present the main properties of gas silicate, thanks to which it has become so popular in the construction industry:

  • small weight with impressive dimensions– this property allows you to significantly reduce installation costs. In addition, a crane is not required for loading, transportation and erection of walls - an ordinary winch is sufficient. For this reason, the speed of construction is also much higher than when working with brick;
  • good machinability– a gas silicate block can be sawed, drilled, milled without any problems, using ordinary tools;
  • high environmental friendliness– experts say that this indicator for aerated concrete is comparable to wood. The material does not emit any harmful substances and does not pollute environment, while, unlike wood, it does not rot and is not subject to aging;
  • manufacturability– gas silicate blocks are made in such a way that they are easy to work with. In addition to their small weight, they are distinguished by a convenient shape and technological recesses, grips, grooves, etc. Thanks to this, the speed of working with them increases 4 times compared to the construction of brick buildings;
  • low thermal conductivity of gas silicate blocks– it is due to the fact that aerated concrete consists of 80 percent air. In buildings built from this material, heating costs are reduced, and they can also be insulated one-third less;

A house made of gas silicate will maintain a stable microclimate at any time of the year.

  • frost resistance– there are special voids in the structure where moisture is displaced when it freezes. If all are sustained technical requirements before production, the frost resistance of aerated concrete exceeds two hundred cycles;
  • soundproofing– a very important parameter, since today the noise level on the streets is quite high, and at home you want to relax in silence. Due to its porous structure, gas silicate retains sound well, comparing favorably with brick in this regard;
  • fire safety– mineral substances that are used to make gas silicate do not support combustion. Gas silicate blocks can withstand fire for 3-7 hours, so they are used for the construction of chimneys, elevator shafts, fire-resistant walls, etc.;
  • high strength– gas silicate can withstand very high compressive loads, therefore it is suitable for the construction of buildings with load-bearing walls up to three floors high or frame-monolithic buildings without any restrictions;
  • non-hygroscopic– aerated concrete does not absorb water, which, once on it, dries quickly, leaving no traces behind. This is explained by the fact that the porous structure does not retain moisture.

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The main disadvantage of gas silicate is its insufficient bending strength, but the specifics of its use are such that it practically eliminates the possibility of bending loads, so this disadvantage does not play a big role.

The less air in the body of an artificial stone, the higher its strength and density

Brands of aerated blocks

The density of gas silicate blocks is the main criterion that is considered during labeling. Depending on its size, the building material has different sets characteristics, which determines the scope of its application.

Below we will look at different grades of gas silicate and how they are used in construction:

  • D300– the most suitable building material for the construction of monolithic buildings. The density of gas silicate blocks of this brand is 300 kg/m 3 - it is well suited for building walls of low-rise buildings in one layer or for double-layer ones monolithic houses With high degree thermal insulation;
  • D400- it is used for construction two-story buildings and cottages, as well as for thermal insulation of external load-bearing walls of high-rise buildings;
  • D500- this is a variety with the best combination insulating and structural characteristics. It is identical in density to a log or wooden beam and is used for the construction of partitions and interior walls buildings, window and door openings, as well as shells of reinforced lintels, rafters and stiffeners;
  • D 600- this is a gas silicate block with the highest density, which is 600 kg/m 3, it is used where it is necessary to install strong walls subject to high loads.

Below is a table illustrating other parameters that distinguish gas silicate blocks of different brands.

Depending on the density, all gas silicate blocks are usually divided into structural, structural-thermal insulating and thermal insulating

Dimensional accuracy

Gas silicates may have some deviations in their dimensions. Depending on their size, there are three categories of accuracy of this material:

  • The first category is intended for laying the block dry or on glue. It allows dimensional errors in height, length and thickness of up to one and a half millimeters, rectangularity and angles - up to two millimeters, ribs - up to five millimeters.
  • The second category is used to lay gas silicate blocks on glue. In it, the error in the main dimensions is allowed up to two millimeters, rectangularity - up to 3 millimeters, corners - up to 2 millimeters and ribs - up to 5 millimeters.
  • The third category of gas blocks is placed on the solution, in which the error in the main dimensions is no more than 3 millimeters, in rectangularity - less than 3 mm, corners - up to 4 millimeters, ribs - up to 10 millimeters.

Selection of gas silicate

When purchasing gas silicate blocks, three criteria are usually assessed that influence the decision:

  • functional characteristics - density, frost resistance, thermal conductivity coefficient, etc.;
  • dimensions of one block;
  • volume of one block;
  • price.

Another popular material that has captured a significant share in the building materials market is gas silicate. Ready-made molded blocks have much in common with artificial stone and have noticeable advantages. For this reason, gas silicate blocks have gained such wide popularity in the construction of houses.

Where are gas silicate blocks used?

The scope of application of gas silicate lies in the following areas:

  • thermal insulation of buildings,
  • construction of buildings and load-bearing walls,
  • insulation of heating networks.

In terms of their qualities, gas silicate blocks have much in common with foam concrete, but at the same time they surpass them in mechanical strength.

Depending on the density of the material. There are several areas of application:

  • The density of the blocks from 300 to 400 kg/m3 greatly limits their distribution, and such blocks are more often used as insulation for walls. Their low density does not allow them to be used as a basis for walls, since they will collapse under significant mechanical load. But low density plays a role as insulation, since the closer the molecules adhere to each other, the higher the thermal conductivity becomes and it is easier for the cold to penetrate into the room. Therefore, blocks with low thermal conductivity provide more effective thermal insulation,
  • blocks with a density of 400 kg/m3 have found their use in the construction of one-story buildings and workspaces. Due to the increased strength of the blocks and their lower weight, the cost of arranging the foundation is significantly reduced,
  • blocks with a density of 500 kg/m3 are more often used in the construction of buildings several floors high. As a rule, the height of the building should not exceed three floors. Such blocks, directly depending on the climate, are either not insulated at all or require traditional insulation methods.
  • most the best option for the construction of high-rise buildings is the use of blocks with a density of 700 kg/m3. This indicator allows the construction of high-rise residential and industrial buildings. Due to their lower cost, walls constructed from gas silicate blocks are replacing traditional brick and reinforced concrete walls.

The higher the density, the worse the thermal insulation performance, so such buildings will require additional insulation. More often, the external one is provided with the help of foam or polystyrene foam boards. This material has a low price and at the same time provides good thermal insulation of the room at any time of the year.

Recently, the position of gas silicate as one of the most popular materials in construction has significantly strengthened.

The relatively light weight of the finished blocks will significantly speed up the construction of the building. For example, gas silicate blocks, the dimensions of which have standard values, according to some estimates, reduce the complexity of installation by up to 10 times compared to brick.

A standard block with a density of 500 kg/m3 and a weight of 20 kg can replace 30 bricks, the total mass of which will be 120 kg. Thus, installation of blocks on low-rise buildings will not require special equipment and will reduce labor costs and time spent on building construction. According to some estimates, time savings reach a 4-fold reduction in time costs.

Material characteristics

It makes sense to list the main technical characteristics of gas silicate blocks:

  • The specific heat capacity of blocks produced by autoclave is 1 kJ/kg*°C. For example, a similar indicator for reinforced concrete is at the level of 0.84,
  • the density of reinforced concrete is 5 times higher, but the thermal conductivity coefficient of gas silicate is only 0.14 W/m*°C, which is approximately the same as that of pine or spruce wood. Reinforced concrete has a significantly higher coefficient, 2.04,
  • the sound absorption characteristics of the material are at the coefficient level of 0.2, at a sound frequency of 1000 Hz,
  • The cycle of frost resistance for gas silicate blocks with a material density below 400 kg/m3 is not standardized; for blocks with a density up to 600 kg/m3 it is up to 35 cycles. Blocks with a density above 600 kg/m3 are able to withstand 50 freezing and thawing cycles, which is equal to 50 climatic years.

If we compare gas silicate blocks with brick, the indicators are not in favor of the latter. Thus, the required wall thickness to ensure sufficient thermal conductivity for blocks is up to 500 mm, while for bricks a similar masonry thickness of 2000 mm will be required. The consumption of mortar for laying the material will be 0.12 m3 for brick and 0.008 m3 for gas silicate blocks per 1 m2 of masonry.

Weight of one square meter the walls will be up to 250 kg for gas silicate material, and up to two tons of brick. In this case, an appropriate foundation thickness will be required for the load-bearing walls of the building under construction. Brickwork will require a foundation thickness of at least 2 meters, while for gas silicate blocks a thickness of only 500 mm is sufficient. The labor intensity of laying blocks is much lower, which will reduce labor costs.

Among other things, gas silicate blocks are much more environmentally friendly. The coefficient of this material is two points, bringing it closer to natural wood. At the same time, the environmental friendliness of bricks is at a level of 8 to 10 units.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas silicate blocks

Gas silicate blocks, the price of which will significantly reduce the cost of building a house, have the following number of undeniable advantages:

  • Light weight of finished blocks. A gas silicate block weighs 5 times less compared to a similar concrete block. This will significantly reduce delivery and installation costs.
  • High mechanical compressive strength. Gas silicate with the D500 index, indicating that its density is 500 kg/m3, demonstrates an indicator of up to 40 kg/cm3.

  • Index thermal resistance 8 times higher than that of heavy concrete. Thanks to its porous structure, good thermal insulation performance is ensured.
  • Gas silicate blocks have heat-storing properties. They are able to release accumulated heat indoors, which will reduce heating costs.
  • Thanks to the porous structure, the degree of sound insulation is 10 times higher than that of brick.
  • The material does not contain any toxins and has good performance environmental friendliness
  • Gas silicate is distinguished by its non-flammability and does not propagate combustion. It withstands direct exposure to flame for at least three hours, due to which the situation with the spread of fire is almost completely eliminated.
  • The vapor permeability of the blocks is significantly higher than that of competitors. It is believed that the material is able to “breathe” well, while creating a comfortable indoor microclimate.

However, gas silicate blocks are this moment are not capable of delivering a crushing blow to all competitors. This material also has significant disadvantages:

  • Gas silicate has low mechanical strength. When a dowel is screwed into it, it begins to crumble and crumble, and is not able to provide effective retention. Roughly speaking, it is still possible to hang a clock or a picture on a wall made of gas silicate blocks. But the shelf may already collapse, since the fasteners can simply slide out of the wall.
  • The blocks do not have good frost resistance. Despite the manufacturer’s declared cycle of 50 years for brands with increased strength, there is no reliable information about the durability of blocks of the D300 brands.
  • The main disadvantage of gas silicate is its high moisture absorption. It penetrates the structure, gradually destroying it and the material loses its strength.
  • From the above disadvantage comes the following: the accumulation and absorption of moisture leads to the appearance of fungus. In this case, the porous structure serves good condition for its distribution.
  • The material can shrink significantly, as a result of which cracks often appear in the blocks. Moreover, after just two years, cracks can appear on 20% of the stacked blocks.
  • It is not recommended to apply cement-sand plasters. They can simply fall off the wall. Recommended by many sellers gypsum plaster neither is effective means. When applied to a wall made of gas silicate blocks, it is not able to hide the seams between the blocks, and when cold weather sets in, noticeable cracks appear on it. This occurs due to temperature differences and changes in the tightness of the material.
  • Due to its high moisture absorption, the plaster will require at least two coats. Moreover, due to strong shrinkage, the plaster will become covered with cracks. They will not affect the tightness, but will greatly disturb the aesthetic component. The gypsum mixture adheres well to gas silicate blocks, and despite the appearance of cracks, it does not come off.

How gas silicate blocks are produced

It is more expedient to buy gas silicate blocks from those dealers who represent the products famous manufacturers. Modern high-quality equipment on factory lines allows for proper control over the quality of produced gas silicate blocks, thanks to which the buyer is confident in the durability of the purchased products.

The production process itself is divided into several stages, and, characteristically, each of them is fully automated. This eliminates the intervention of the human factor, on which the quality of the products often depends. Especially on Fridays and Mondays. Anyone who has worked in production will understand.

Lime, sand and gypsum are crushed, which forms the basis for the production of blocks. By adding water, the sand is ground until liquid mixture. It is sent to a mixer, into which cement, gypsum and lime are added. Next, the components are mixed, and during this process an aluminum suspension is added to them.

After all the components have been thoroughly mixed together, the mixture is poured into molds, which are moved to the maturation zone. When exposed to a temperature of 40°C for four hours, swelling of the material occurs. In this case, hydrogen is actively released. Thanks to this, the final mass acquires the necessary porous structure.

Using a turning grip and a cutting machine, the blocks are cut into required sizes. At the same time, automation controls accurate and defect-free cutting of products.

Following this, the blocks are sent to an autoclave to gain their final strength. This process takes place in a chamber exposed to a temperature of 180°C for 12 hours. In this case, the steam pressure on the gas silicate should be at least 12 atmospheres. Thanks to this mode ready-made blocks are recruiting optimal value ultimate strength.

Thanks to the crane-divider and equipment for final quality control, the blocks are laid for their subsequent natural cooling. After that, possible contamination is removed from the blocks on an automatic line and the blocks are packaged and labeled.

What is noteworthy is that the production process is waste-free, since at the time of cutting, still at the solidification stage, the raw material waste is sent for recycling, adding material to other blocks.

Pallets with packaged gas silicate blocks receive their own technical passport with detailed information physical properties And technical characteristics products so that the buyer can verify compliance with the declared characteristics.

Further work is up to dealers and marketers, on whom the success of product sales will depend.

Aerated concrete is a lightweight porous material that has a rather low strength class. Yes, in terms of compressive strength, aerated concrete is inferior to almost all building materials. But it is very important to understand that even the existing strength is sufficient to build a two/three-story house. The main thing is to choose the required density of aerated concrete, which will provide the required strength for the project.

For the construction of load-bearing walls, aerated concrete with a density from D300 to D700 is used, and the most popular are the middle ones - D400 and D500, as they have optimal strength and heat-saving properties.

Modern plants for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete produce very high-quality and homogeneous aerated concrete, the strength class of which is much higher than that of outdated plants. For example, the best aerated concrete with a density of D400 has a class B2.5, while cheaper ones only reach B1.5.

The numerical value of class B2.5 means that square millimeter aerated concrete can withstand a load of 2.5 N (Newton). That is, a square centimeter is guaranteed to withstand a load of 25 kg.

The concept itself strength class of aerated concrete” means that each block delivered from the factory will have a strength no less than that declared by the manufacturer. That is, this is a guaranteed strength, below which it should not be.

The grade of aerated concrete is the average strength value obtained by testing several blocks from a batch. That is, we took six blocks for testing, and their strength indicators were respectively: 31, 32, 32, 33, 35, 35 kg/cm2. The average value obtained is 33 kg/cm2. Which corresponds to the M35 brand.

Table, compressive strength (aerated concrete)
Brand of aerated concrete Compressive strength class Average strength ( kg/cm²)
D300 (300 kg/m³) B0.75 - B1 10 - 15
B1.5 - B2.5 25 -32
D500 B1.5 - B3.5 25 - 46
D600 B2 - B4 30 - 55
D700 B2 - B5 30 - 65
D800 B3.5 - B7.5 46 - 98
D900 B3.5 - B10 46 - 13
D1000 B7.5 - B12.5 98 - 164
D1100 B10 - B15 131 - 196
D1200 B15 - B20 196 - 262

Strength grade is an average value, and the strength class is a guaranteed value, below which it cannot be.

To determine the required strength class of aerated concrete, you need to know the design resistance of the masonry and the load-bearing capacity of the wall section.

The load-bearing capacity of the wall will be approximately 5 times less than the compressive strength of the material. This is due to various factors that reduce the load-bearing capacity of the masonry and safety margins according to SNiP.

The main factors influencing load-bearing capacity are: wall height, wall thickness, and load application area (eccentricity). The higher and thinner the wall, the more it can bend under load, which reduces its design load-bearing capacity.

The load application area (eccentricity) also greatly affects the strength of the structure, because if the floor slab rests on the wall only with its edge and does not reach the center of the wall, eccentric compression results, leading to a bending moment.

Conclusion. Aerated concrete comes in different densities from D300 to D700 and different strength classes, from B1 to B5, which makes it possible to build houses of varying heights and complexity from it. If the strength of aerated concrete is not enough, reinforced concrete inclusions are used, like reinforced concrete beams, jumpers, reinforced belts and reinforced frames.