Lowe tank weak points. Video guide WoT German premium tank Lowe. The most preferred tactics for playing Leo

Fans world games of tanks probably know the German premium tank “Lion”. This is one of the oldest level 8 premiums that can be purchased in the game store or in the game client. You can buy the Lion tank now; the price of the Lion King of Beasts will be 12,500 units of game currency. It is worth noting that since the introduction of LOWE into the game, quite a lot of premium tanks have appeared, however, the effectiveness of this German is still the most discussed topic on gaming forums. The fact is that the car is quite extraordinary, and not in capable hands can cause a lot of pain and suffering. At the same time, the tank will be interesting for experienced players and will be able to provide maximum pleasure from the game. To get a complete picture of the capabilities of this machine, consider heavy tank"Lion" from all sides.

Lowe performance characteristics

You can start your review of the Lion tank with undeniable advantages that this machine has. So, strengths Germans look like this:

Great review. The developers awarded "Lyova" a viewing radius of 400 meters. Note that this is an excellent indicator even for medium tanks, and we are talking about a heavy tank. Therefore, “Lion” often gets the right to fire the first shot, which sometimes allows him to turn the outcome of the battle in his favor.
Margin of safety. The car boasts health in 1,650 HP, which is higher than that of classmates.
Damage. The German has excellent armor penetration for his level in 234 millimeters. In this case, the one-time damage is 320 units. The picture is slightly spoiled by a weak DPM: 5 shots per minute prevent “Lion” from becoming the best farmer in the game.
Weapon. There is simply nothing to complain about here. The gun aims perfectly, has good stabilization and aiming speed. It is curious that the characteristics of the “Lion” allow you to shoot on the move and still hit.

Let's move on to shortcomings . The Lion tank causes indignation among players with the following parameters:
Huge silhouette. There is simply nowhere for a German to hide in the random area: they light him from afar and focus him at a distance.
Dynamics. The ratio of tank mass and engine power Just none. If on a flat surface LOWE freely accelerates to a cruising speed of 20/km/h, then swampy ground turns it into a slow-moving vehicle. The vehicle has poor maneuverability, so it becomes easy prey for heavy tanks and light tanks of any level.
Armor. The formidable “Lion” has long earned a reputation as a cardboard tank that penetrates any projection and burns perfectly.

The tank has quite a few weak points, so the developers decided to increase the tank’s chances of survival by increasing its armor ratings. According to them, the Lev tank should stop suffering from its classmates after the accident. Let's see how things are in reality.

Tank "Leva" after UP in update 9.17

So, if you listen to the rather confused comments of Murazor (head of the equipment balance department), you can understand that LOWE AP removed the VLD, sides and turret so that the heavy vehicle could tank normally and not absorb shells like a sponge. In addition, the issue of increasing the maneuverability and dynamics of the long-suffering German remains under consideration. In reality, the changes to the Lion in World of Tank look like this:

1. The thickness of the sides has increased to 100 mm
2. The upper frontal part has become thicker 15 mm and now pleases with a 185 mm indicator
3. The roof of the tower - became 80 mm against 70
4. The dividing strip between the NLD and VLD has become thicker 225 mm
5. The weak spot under the turret is covered by an armor plate, thick 175 mm

The changes are quite significant, however, how will they affect the survivability of the car in random? AP technology always gives rise to another burning question.

Equipment and perks for Lowe (Leo)

Despite a bunch of shortcomings, the installed equipment must be selected in such a way as to maximize the improvement positive sides. It is better to carry out battles on the “Lion” in the following configuration:

  1. Rammer.
  2. Stabilizer.
  3. Ventilation.

You can install an “enlightened lens” in the third slot, but WG already gave the German an excellent overview.

Repair and firefighting are required from crew perks. The remaining skills can be learned in any order, depending on the tactics of the game.
A fire extinguisher must be included in your equipment. Some recommend replacing the consumable with a chocolate bar or octane gasoline, but given the flammability of LOWE, this is quite dangerous.

Where to penetrate the Lion tank

After the update, the Lion tank undoubtedly began to look more solid and protected, however, the developers were unable to completely cover the vulnerable areas. So, the Leo penetration zones look like this:
NLD. In principle, a classic of the genre, but the formidable king of beasts did not avoid the “pain point” of all German heavyweights: the front transmission. Therefore, penetration of a relatively small armor plate often leads to a fire.
Rear of the tower, sides under the tower. The ammunition rack is located here, covered with a thin layer of sheet armor.
Stern. Fuel tanks are located here, which can be easily attacked.
Frontal projection of the tower. It sounds quite strange, because the gun mantlet covers almost the entire frontal armor, making the turret practically invulnerable. However, the tank has weak cheeks, and the commander's cupola also looks like a tasty morsel.
Armor plate between turret and hull. Despite the AP, 175 mm is often not a significant obstacle for powerful guns level 7-8 tanks.
Rollers. There is completely no armor here, so the vehicle is placed “on the harp” with the obligatory damage.
Driver's hatch. This is a vulnerable zone for any tank, but in a dynamic battle it is very difficult to target a small hatch.
Note that the indicated penetration zones are not an absolute panacea. The probability of causing damage depends on the caliber of the gun and the firing range.

How to play the Lion tank

Considering the rather extraordinary characteristics of the tank, many players have a question: “How to play on Lev?” In order for the game to bring maximum pleasure, we need to forget that we are going into battle in heavy gear. LOWE is an excellent fire support tank, so it is recommended to give preference to long-range firefights, maximizing the accuracy of the gun and a good alpha strike. It is better to avoid direct confrontation with classmates: “Lion” can tank, however, it cannot boast of good armor.

When playing at the top, you shouldn’t get carried away and be proud of your invulnerability. “Lion” has disgusting dynamics, so it’s easy to twist and tear it apart using cardboard sides. In addition, the car is quite slow, so it makes sense to decide in advance on the direction of attack. At the same time, you should try to avoid open areas, where the bulky silhouette turns the German into a large and slow-moving target.

In principle, the “Lion” is a good positional tank, which may not move at all in battle. It is enough to find a competent position, covering the NLD and shoot at opponents appearing at the line of sight.

lowe video

“Lion” is a difficult tank to master and requires some getting used to. However, the machine brings in quite a decent income, provided that the game tactics are chosen correctly. Here short video about the capabilities of this tank.

10-06-2016, 00:01

Good day, tankers and fans of heavy equipment! Today we will talk about a real heavy tank, the most famous and most expensive premium in our game, which can be bought through the hangar for gold - here is the Lowe guide.

Probably every player, even a beginner, knows this famous vehicle, a German premium heavy tank of the eighth level, which everyone simply calls Lev or Leva. However, now you will see a detailed Lowe review and understand what this unit is.

TTX Lowe

So, we will begin the analysis of all the main parameters with the fact that the cord has a very good margin of safety and a really good overview of 400 meters, which can easily be brought to top values.

As for how this car moves, we are a real heavy tank. Even though in patch 0.9.17 Lowe the mobility characteristics were transformed, the engine power increased from 800 to 1000 horsepower and the vehicle gained more dynamics, the tank still remained slow. Our maximum speed is as much as 35 kilometers, now it will be somewhat easier to achieve it, but maneuverability is still very weak and spinning the proud lion will not be a problem.

With armor, everything is more interesting and ambiguous, because we seem to have it, and at the same time it seems to be missing. What does it mean? The fact is that a Lowe tank can tank levels seven and even some classmates (the latter with difficulty), but tanks of the ninth and tenth levels penetrate us without problems. And if we also take into account our huge dimensions, then hitting Lev is not a big problem. The only exceptions are situations when we show the side or bevel of the turret at a very favorable angle, but even in such a situation Lowe World of Tanks can get penetrated.


Now let's move on to the consideration of weapons and there is practically nothing to complain about here. At Lowe, the gun is its main pride and advantage, and first of all, I will say that we have excellent farming potential, because there is more than enough armor penetration here, even to penetrate a dozen.

The WoT Lion tank was also given a good alpha strike, but our reload speed is low, and therefore about 2000 damage per minute is our ceiling (this takes into account the pumped-up crew and installed modules).

Otherwise everything is fine. The gun is very accurate, capable of hitting the target accurately at long distances, and is also well stabilized. The aiming time is also tolerable, and the elevation angles of Lowe World of Tanks at -8 degrees are comfortable, as can be seen in the screenshot. But there is a pleasant surprise here, after patch 0.9.17 Lowe can lower the gun by 10 degrees, so that the game from the tower will be even more effective.

Advantages and disadvantages

As you can see, everyone is strong and weak sides German Leo are visible to the naked eye, all these nuances stand out quite clearly. However, for ease of understanding, let's break everything down.

Excellent armor penetration performance;
The gun is very accurate;
Comfortable tilt angles;
Not a bad alphastrike;
Large margin of safety;
Good review.

Poor mobility;
Weak armor;
Huge size;
Not the best damage per minute;
Not a preferential level of battles;
Low stealth factor.

Equipment for Lowe's

Due to the special style of play on this tank (we’ll talk about it later), the appropriate modules must be installed on it. However, our main task is to emphasize the advantages of the tank and for these reasons the following equipment is installed at Lowe:
1. – long reload times and weak PDM must be compensated for, so this module is incredibly important.
2. – will allow us to become even more accurate, and in some cases even shoot right away.
3. – an excellent option that enhances many important characteristics together.
There are several alternatives to the last option. The first of them is, with which the process of causing damage will be even more enjoyable, because we are not getting down very quickly, and this module will help with solving this problem. The second alternative is with which Lowe tank World of Tanks is able to achieve maximum visibility and play from its own light.

Crew training

Another very important point for any tank is crew training. In our case, the vehicle is controlled by a universal set of 5 tankers and this is an excellent way to get additional benefit, so at Lowe the perks are upgraded as follows:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for Lowe's

Consumables in our case are quite standard option. If you want to save as much as possible and farm as much as possible in each battle, it is better to take , , . However, we still recommend bringing premium equipment to Lowe, as it significantly increases your survivability. By the way, if desired, the fire extinguisher can be changed to one, but this is for those who are not afraid of fires.

Tactics for playing at Lowe

When playing Leo, there are a few things to keep in mind: the most important moments. Firstly, despite the increased engine power, we still have poor mobility, so this cord is, in fact, a one-way machine. Secondly, although we are a heavy tank, and Lowe received AP armor in 0.9.17, it can still be penetrated, especially if we're talking about about battles at the bottom of the list, so you need to act carefully and try to protect your safety margin.

Based on these two nuances, at Lowe the combat tactics at the top of the list may involve pushing through directions and getting closer to the enemy. But most often it still comes down to playing from the second or third line, a sort of tank destroyer style. Still, in addition to the two disadvantages described above, we have an excellent precision weapon that allows us to inflict damage over long distances. Thus, simply by taking a good position and trying not to glow, you can deal very decent amounts of damage and take a lot of silver out of the battle.
With this game strategy, it is important to learn how to calculate the distance to the target, since the Lowe World of Tanks tank is barn-shaped and glows very strongly after a shot.

However, as already mentioned, you can successfully fight in urban conditions, even getting close to the enemy. To do this, you need to become a diamond and dance slightly. Or show your side or part of the tower at a good angle. This increases the likelihood of ricochets or non-penetration due to the thick tracks, which often eat up incoming damage, and the streamlined shape of the tower.

Either way, remember Lowe WoT tank feels most comfortable at the top of the list, but even in a battle against levels 9-10, this beast is quite capable of showing its teeth. The main thing is to learn to calculate your strength, analyze the mini-map and always hide from artillery, we are its favorite target.

To summarize, I will say, despite various reviews, the German Lowe tank is worth taking, and even more so in the realities of update 0.9.17, because in the right hands this vehicle is really capable of a lot, and besides, it is an excellent farmer for silver credits. Even being at the bottom of the list, you can take out of battle an average of 50,000 silver without any problems.

5 years and 11 months ago Comments: 20

Lowe is one of the oldest tier 8 premium tanks in World of Tanks, at the same time it is also the most expensive: the price is 12500 gold, if you buy it in the game, or $50 if you purchase it in the premium store. Is it worth the money? On the official forum in the profile topic, you can often come across the opinion that it is not worth the money, since a lot has changed since its introduction.

Many fast and maneuverable tanks appeared, which made the game more dynamic. The slow and clumsy Leo really doesn’t feel very comfortable in many battles. But this does not mean that the tank is bad, you just need to choose the right tactics. Let's start with the characteristics of this machine, which will indicate its most preferred tactics. Then we will focus on the choice of equipment and equipment.

Cons of Premium Lowe

There really is a reason not to love Leo, he has some significant shortcomings , which greatly complicate the game on this premium tier 8 heavy tank.
  • Firstly, it is large in size. Leo is easy to hit even from long distances and is very easy to spot.
  • Secondly, this is a very bad dynamic. The mass of the tank is more than 90 tons ( exact value depends on the installed equipment), while the specific power is only 8.64 hp. per ton. You can only reach the stated maximum speed of 35 km/h if you roll down a steep hill. On a flat surface, the tank develops approximately 20 km/h, and viscous soil turns it into a turtle.
  • Thirdly, this is a bad reservation for the eighth level. The thickness of the upper frontal part and the forehead of the turret is 120 mm. Moreover, the slope of the upper frontal part is quite mediocre; it is consistently sewn with guns with penetrations of more than 200 mm. The lower frontal part is even thinner; it can be penetrated even by medium tanks of the sixth level. Moreover, Leo transmission is located in front, which in the game is part of the engine. So Leo, like most others German tanks, suffers from frequent fires when the lower frontal part is pierced.
The sides and stern are naturally weaker armored: only 80 mm. The sides and rear of the tower are the same thickness. The only strong point of the Lion is the massive gun mask, which almost completely covers the forehead of the turret. It is not only thick, but has a streamlined shape, which greatly increases the chance of ricochets.

Overall: there are many shortcomings

As you can see, the shortcomings are serious; Leo can become an easy target for someone who will take him out from a long distance. And weak dynamics will not allow this premium German tank to hide from the enemy. Also, do not forget that Leo does not have a preferential distribution of battles; he can be thrown even to the tenth level, which will penetrate this tank from almost any angle.

Pros of the German Leo

But the shortcomings of an individual tank in World of Tanks are always compensated for by some positive features. Leo's most important advantage is his weapon. It is very accurate (scatter only 0.33), this is truly famous German accuracy; you can confidently hit the enemy even from 500 meters. And if you add more, you can shoot “from one corner of the map to another!” There are few guns in the game that are more accurate than the Lion's guns.

It is distinguished not only by excellent accuracy, but also by high penetration: 234 mm for a conventional projectile (294 mm for sub-caliber ones). Average damage is 320, this is standard value for a level eight heavy tank. Unfortunately, the rate of fire is quite mediocre: exactly 5 rounds per minute without a rammer.

The mixing amounts to 2.86 seconds, but it’s worth saying that the gun has good stabilization when moving even without an installed vertical stabilizer. That is, when changing position or simply rotating the tower, re-alignment will take very little time. In close combat, you can shoot on the move and at the same time consistently hit the enemy’s vulnerable spots. Many German tanks also have accurate guns, but alignment takes a lot of time due to poor stabilization; the Lev is a very pleasant exception here.

Another advantage of Leo is good review 400 meters, which is the maximum indicator for the eighth level. High visibility allows you to notice enemies from afar and take advantage of the high accuracy of the gun. The Lion has a high safety margin (1650), which to some extent compensates for its weak armor.

The turning speed of the chassis is 24 degrees per second, which is greatly aggravated by the weak engine. The turret rotation speed is almost the same: 23 degrees per second. So hooking up with Leo is not a problem. The radio's range of 710 meters is enough for combat on any map.

The most preferred tactics for playing Leo.

It's obvious that low speed they do not allow you to change flank and return to base in order to break the capture if you have gone far. So you need to take the choice of direction seriously; you are unlikely to be able to change it during the battle.

Poor armor makes the Lion an easy target even for lower level tanks. They will certainly pierce the sides and lower frontal part, and a high-level self-propelled gun can send it to the hangar in one or two shots. So you need to be careful not to go on open spaces(you will be crossing them for a very long time), always stand behind cover.

You should generally think of Lev as a tank destroyer with a turret.

The preferred combat distance for Leo is far, at the very limit of visibility. You are unlikely to be able to break distance with the enemy due to weak dynamics, so you need to move forward with extreme caution. It is often better to stand behind cover for a minute than to drive forward and die in the crossfire.

Targeting weak spots on Lowe is quite simple.

At close to medium range, an accurate weapon allows you to target small vulnerable spots. You can quite consistently hit surveillance devices from 150-200 meters, which are shown by some kind of firefly. You should always hide the vulnerable hull behind cover and show the enemy only the strong forehead of the tower. This advice applies to almost any tank, but is especially important for Leo: you can spend the entire battle in one position (even a very long one), so its choice often plays a decisive role.

If you are thrown into predominantly the sixth and seventh levels, then you can even lead the attack. An excellent overview will allow you, and a good weapon will make you one of the main damage dealers of the team. But you still need to be careful and hide the lower frontal part behind small obstacles or in folds of terrain. Also, don't forget about the cardboard sides: several tier 6 medium tanks can easily destroy you if they spin you around.

It is worth saying that the upper frontal part and, especially, the gun mantlet will rarely be penetrated in battles with the sixth and seventh levels. If you play correctly you can get a large number of, do not forget to turn the hull and place the tank in a diamond shape. Just don’t overdo it, because the side armor is only 80 mm.

In battles with eighth levels you need to be careful. It is no longer categorically possible to lead an attack; for this there are more mobile tanks with thicker armor. You need to either take classic positions for tank destroyers and deal damage from there, or act on the second line of attack, wait for the enemy to reload, ride out and deal damage.

As already stated, Leo can be thrown into battles to the ninth levels, and even to the tenth. For such opponents, Leo will be an easy target if they detect you. You need to act extremely carefully. Your task is not so much to cause damage as to help your allies. You can shoot down enemy tracks and cover self-propelled guns. Leo has a good view, so sometimes you can highlight your opponents.

Don't forget to stand behind the bushes. Of course, Leo represents a very big tank, the camouflage coefficient of which is extremely low. But if you stand in the bushes and do not shoot, then the enemy will have to drive up quite close to detect you. You will be able to take the first shot, which is sometimes a huge advantage.

Among the ninth and tenth levels, there may be problems with penetrating them from a long distance: you will have to shoot at the silhouette, it will not be possible to target vulnerable points, and a penetration of 234 mm is unlikely to be enough to hit many targets head-on. Sub-caliber shells greatly lose penetration as the distance increases, and their normalization is only 2 degrees, so they are also unlikely to help. It will be necessary to either change position or wait until a less armored target appears.

Close combat on Loew.

Although Leo feels great in long-range shootings, nevertheless, at least sometimes he will have to engage in close combat. Against tanks of a lower level, the upper frontal part and the placement of the tank in a diamond shape will save you, but for opponents of a higher level you will be a very easy target. Not only will you be penetrated, but you will also not be able to quickly hide behind cover after a shot due to poor dynamics. It often makes sense to drive out from behind cover with a reverse diamond: you can hope for a rebound from the side, and it’s better to punch into the side than into the lower frontal part, because in the latter case the car may catch fire.

It should be said that Leo is very dangerous to ride alone. You may come across a group of enemy medium tanks that will easily destroy you. It will take them quite a long time if they are levels six or seven, but medium tanks of levels nine and ten destroy the Lion very quickly.

So you should always stick to a group of allied heavy tanks, which will drive away enemy medium tanks and provide cover if necessary. If you do go somewhere alone, then it makes sense to ask for help from your allies. Mutual assistance for random people is not a common occurrence, but they can help you.

The choice of equipment is largely determined by the preferred tactics.

It is definitely worth installing a large-caliber rammer, as this will increase the damage dealt. But with other slots it’s not so simple. In the end, you will have to choose between enhanced aiming drives and a vertical aiming stabilizer for the second slot and between coated optics and a stereo tube for the third slot.

It all depends on how much you move during the fight. If you will mostly be standing, then you need to choose reinforced aiming drives and a stereo tube. If you change your position more often, you should opt for a vertical stabilizer and coated optics. In general, the second option is usually chosen, since you often need to roll at least back and forth to make it difficult for enemy artillery to aim.

But the equipment is simple: a repair kit, a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher.

The tank burns often, so the last consumable should not be neglected. A repair kit and first aid kit will be useful in almost any battle, because with a damaged ammunition rack or a shell-shocked gunner, your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Because tank Lowe - premium, then most likely you will be transferring crew from other heavy German tanks. By the way, the crews on all German heavy tanks in the game are identical in composition, so there will be no problems.

In general, the Lion requires skills and abilities that are also required for other heavy German tanks:
This is repair for the entire crew, a sixth sense and an eagle eye for the commander, radio interception for the radio operator. The fire extinguishing skill is replaced by a fire extinguisher; it is very rare for a tank to burn twice per battle. The driver-mechanic should definitely take the Virtuoso or the King of the Off-Road, they have a very good effect on the mediocre dynamics of the Lion.

Video from World Of Tanks about Lowe

Hello dear friends. Today I will tell you about the Lowe tank.

Of all the goodies, this Tier 8 tank only has an accurate gun, and unfortunately, the armor of the hull and the side of the turret.

A little history

The Lowe tank, from the German lion, was intended for breakthrough tactics and retaliation. As expected, the tank was supposed to have a 15mm kwk gun installed. But the project was closed because Hitler did not want to invest money in something unknown. So the project remained only in drawings. (Now the Germans will cry))

Leveling up

Doesn't need pumping. Because Leva is a premium tank. But I'll tell you about the weapon.

Gun: 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/70 A weapon with high damage and damage. (Penetration - BB -234;Golda-294;Of-60), (damage -BB-320;Golda-320;Of-420).

An accurate and damaging weapon, combat can be fought at any distance.


The profitability of Leo depends on how much damage you dealt and how many crits you made to the enemy. In some victories I got 130k silver and 3k experience. The profitability is stable and cannot be compared with the same Type59, whose profitability is higher than its competitor. But it is quite profitable, and people are drawn to this tank. Throws us into battle levels 8,9,10

Leo problems

Lev's main problem is the armor and accessibility of all gas tanks and ammunition racks for damage. So don’t stand on the side and the front and in general! Keep your distance from your opponent. Otherwise, you will have to carry not only a repair kit and a fire extinguisher, but also a fire truck.

Leva also burns very often, in 4 seconds everything that can be damaged is damaged because the burning crew is running around the cabin in a panic)).

I think there is still a gap in price. 12500 gold - not everyone can afford it. Moreover, you don’t want to spend money on cardboard with low mobility. Therefore, I am more inclined towards the IS-6; T-34; Well, and last but not least the Su122-44.

Pros of Leva

A fairly accurate weapon, common to all German tanks.

1. Good turret armor.

2. Greater profitability of the tank.

3. Very good review.



Vertical stabilizer

Improved ventilation.

We take with us: first aid kit, fire extinguisher, repair kit. Set.

To the crew:

Battle tactics

Leva can act as a Sniper or Support. There is no third. Sniper: We stand in the bushes, track down and kill the enemy. Don't forget to change positions. If detected, it is better to find shelter. The main task of Leo in this mode is to deal more damage to the enemy. Leva should not go with the herd, go with the minority because that is where your help will be needed. We do not engage in close combat. We will quickly be “carouseled” and dismantled. Don’t sit in the bushes for a long time, change your tactics. Lyova is afraid of artillery due to her size. Support is provided from a distance. That is, we do not go after a chosen ally, we help everyone at once.

Bottom line

Like any German tank Leva has high accuracy, but poor booking. So it's more PT-ST than TT. Regarding the purchase, if you want to enjoy the accuracy of your tank, then Leva is your best friend)

Thank you for your attention. There was a Soviet tankman with you.

Video World guide of Tanks from JMR about the German heavy premium tank of the 8th level - Lowe (for gamers the most familiar sound of Lowe). Today this is the most expensive tank in the World of Tanks game store. It costs 12,500 gold coins, which is approximately 1,500 Russian rubles. With the help of maxims held from time to time during the gaming period, you can slightly reduce this amount, but for this you will have to wait. Let's see what we get by paying this money.

Players who have upgraded to level nine to ten vehicles are beginning to face an acute shortage of silver credits. The main task of a premium tank is precisely to combat this problem. Leva, of course, does it well. If you don’t use gold shells for silver, it will be very difficult to go into the red, even without a premium account. With successful battles, you will withdraw 60-80 thousand credits net. If you are upgrading the branch without having any heavy tanks, then when buying a premium tank it makes sense to choose Leva. You can transfer crews from German tanks into it without retraining; in this case, while earning credits, you can simultaneously upgrade the base of the vehicle, and also remove stars every day, doubling or tripling the experience for the team on both tanks. In addition, you do not need to research anything on a purchased premium tank. You can use the experience you earn to quickly upgrade your crew or switch it to free mode to research other tanks. As the developers say: “Investing unrealistic money does not provide a decisive advantage over other players.” In addition, they go further to say that for this reason all premium tanks should be inferior in some way to their upgraded counterparts. In the case of Leva, you will have to look for these shortcomings.

Comparison of the Lowe tank with its classmates

Let's compare it with other 8 heavy tanks World level of Tanks. In terms of HP, it is in second place on the list, second only to the KV-5; by weight - the third out of twelve. Due to its relatively weak frontal armor, it is not recommended to ram it. His mass protects him from being rammed by faster opponents, most of whom will receive more than they give out. The aiming speed is average; in practice, aiming this weapon does not cause discomfort, like with Soviet heavy weapons or the T-34. Accuracy is second place, excellent value. Excellent visibility is the maximum at the level, but is slightly inferior only to the American ST of the ninth level and several tanks of the tenth. The rate of fire is low; only the T-34 and IS-3 reload slower than us. But a very good penetration. There are more of us, among the large heavies, again only the T-34 gun has penetration. In general, by purchasing this vehicle, we get an excellent, balanced heavy tank of the 8th level, about which it is difficult to say that it is inferior to its other classmates.

How to break through Lowe - tank armor tests

Let's move on to practical tests V Battle World of Tanks. Let's get acquainted with the armor of the tank. Now we will learn how to penetrate a German Lowe tank, where to shoot and where its weak points are. Let's start with a tier 4 gun, with a penetration of 105 millimeters. Breaking through a nearby Firefly. The tank cannot be penetrated into the forehead, with the exception of the commander's cupola. But the sides and rear of the tank are made of cardboard, even for the lowest-level guns. Typically, this weapon cannot cause damage from above.

The next weapon has a penetration of 160 millimeters. Medium tanks of the 7th–8th level, as well as many heavy tanks of the 7th and the Soviet premium TT of the 8th, will shoot at us with no less penetration. Nude confidently makes his way in front, very often the engine is equipped with it. The vast majority of German tanks have a transmission here, and what’s more, when shots are fired periodically into this area, the Leva burns. The upper frontal part is just as problematic as the turret; it only penetrates into a narrow strip of the base. Even the caterpillars do not get through under the small diamond shape. But increase the angle, and they begin to take the blow.

And the last test. A gun with a penetration of 268 millimeters. There are no hard spots left for the tank; it may, of course, ricochet off the turret, but that will be luck.

Let's draw conclusions: this fighting machine relatively well armored at the front; classmates shooting in the forehead and standing under a small diamond of a tank will have to shoot at weak spots; the sides and edges can be pierced by anyone; For high-level opponents, Leva's armor does not present any problems.

We looked at the armor. Now let's shoot a little. To begin with, let's take a few shots at someone else's light from a distance of 500 meters - the distance of almost maximum visibility. As you can see, the gun is quite suitable for extreme range shooting. However, we must remember that not all opponents penetrate us head-on, and also take into account the possibility of a miss.

Second test: shooting from medium distances - a distance of 200 meters. As you can see, all the shots hit the silhouette of the tank, but only two - in the precisely aimed place.

Test three: shooting, on the move, from a distance of one hundred meters. Quite good accuracy for the 8th level is incomparable with guns, say, T-34 or IS-6.

At the beginning of the review, I didn’t say anything about Leva’s maximum speed. Let's make another practical comparison. We will drive along a short route with sticky soil in several heavy tanks of the 8th level. Unfortunately, the maximum speed indicator in the game says little: the dynamics of the tank’s speed are also largely influenced by the engine power and undocumented features of the chassis. It is believed that Leva is a very slow tank. Of course, he is not fast, but, as you can see, he is not an outsider.

Let's summarize. Before us is a classic heavy tank, designed to solve the problems posed to this type of tank, it’s good if it copes. At the top, he is capable of holding the defense and pushing the direction. Unlike the French, he cannot change flank several times during the battle, but this is not required of him. Excellent visibility makes it possible to detect enemies in a timely manner. Guns, especially if you load sub-caliber shells when necessary, allow you to target and inflict damage on almost any enemy, with rare exceptions. He can work both in the first line and behind more armored comrades. At the bottom of Lev's list is a decent support tank. But, like any other tank, you shouldn’t recklessly throw it into the thick of enemies or march across fields. Always play from cover, taking into account possible artillery hits, and plan escape routes. Then this car will be very nice!

Equipment, equipment and crew skills for Lowe

And finally, let's go over the equipment, equipment and crew. The first set of crew skills is standard, at least for random battles. “Light bulb” - to the commander, “Repair” - to everyone else. Second set: select “Overview” for the commander and radio operator; mechanic and driver - “King of off-road”. With a mass of one hundred tons, the tank lacks maneuverability. The loader should set “Intuition”. Instantly switching to a land mine to shoot down a grapple or a sub-caliber weapon for difficult to penetrate opponents can be very useful. For the gunner we select “Sniper”. The accuracy of the tank is quite comfortable. And you shouldn’t miss the chance to set the enemy on fire or blow up his ammunition rack. Then everyone - “Combat Brotherhood”. The second and third set of skills can be swapped if you wish. The equipment is standard: fire extinguisher, repair kit and first aid kit. Use equipment in battle by pressing F4, F5 and F6. It may be strange at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll see that it's worth it. A fire extinguisher on the tank is required. When the frontal parts are pierced, it burns quite often. The most common equipment installation option is a rammer plus a lamp; The third slot is occupied by either ventilation or optics. Ventilation will improve all the characteristics of the tank by about 2.5%, and the optics will give us visibility above the maximum in the game, allowing us to expose even some camouflaged opponents earlier.

On this video WoT review The German heavy premium tank Lowe has come to an end. We learned all the secrets of the game at Lowe, as well as a lot of useful things.