World of Tanks combat tactics. World of Tanks battle tactics: strategy on maps, team battles and randomization. Main components of the map

27-04-2016, 11:19

Hello, tank men and women! Now we will talk about a tank that until recently was disliked by almost everyone; here is the STA-2 guide.
Probably everyone knows that this is Japanese premium tank eighth level. Many considered this vehicle to be the worst premium, while others liked it no matter what. However, in patch 0.9.15 the STA-2 tank was transformed, its armor penetration was significantly increased. Now we will look at its characteristics, talk about the use of the Japanese in battle, and everyone will be able to get a more complete picture of this updated ST.


The first thing I want to talk about is the general performance characteristics of this tank. Why do so many people dislike him so much? We have not the best, but quite good viewing parameter, as well as an acceptable amount of HP for our level.

Otherwise, the STA-2's characteristics leave much to be desired. There is no armor, we can easily be penetrated into any projection by all the enemies we have to fight with. Even the gun mantlet only ricochets off on major holidays.

The STA-2 tank received good mobility already in update 0.9.17. Since its release, we have a good top speed of 55 km/h (previously it was 45 km/h), engine power has increased and now our dynamics are almost 17 horses per ton (versus the previous 15), which indicates very good dynamics, and The car accelerates faster. Now you can’t really call this Japanese slow, but adding good maneuverability to the improved parameters, the once dull premium tank begins to look more and more attractive.


We continue the STA-2 review. Let's look at the weapons of the Japanese Prem and now everything is not so bad. As already mentioned, in patch 0.9.15 the STA-2 received an armor penetration AP, now our gun is capable of killing the enemy quite well, so causing damage and farming silver has become a more noble activity. It has become much more comfortable to fight at the top of the list, but still there are a large number of strands that you will have to drive into the side to cause damage or charge gold.

Do not forget that the STA-2 WoT does not have a preferential level of battles, for this reason you will have to carry some gold ammunition with you, but now this is not so necessary.

Let's continue to consider the characteristics of the gun and the next parameter - one-time damage. Everything is fine here, most of the premiums at the eighth level have the same numbers. By the way, our rate of fire has been slightly nerfed, but we are still capable of delivering over 1900 units of average damage per minute, not the most best indicator, but also not bad.

Regarding accuracy, STA-2 Japanese tank has a fairly fast aiming time, mediocre accuracy and stabilization, these parameters need to be adjusted by installing equipment and upgrading the crew’s perks.

Really good parameter in terms of armament, is the vertical aiming angles, the gun is tilted down by 10 degrees.

Advantages and disadvantages of STA-2

From the review of the characteristics it is clear that the machine has quite a large number of weaknesses, but for ease of perception, let's break down its strengths and weak sides the points.

Decent DPM;
Excellent vertical aiming angles;
Good armor penetration;
Not a bad review.
Lack of armor;
Not a preferential level of battles;
Weak mobility and dynamics.

Equipment for STA-2

IN game World of Tanks STA-2 equipment is selected quite simply, the main thing we need is to improve stabilization, increase our DPM and General characteristics. For these reasons, the choices would be:
, , .
The last item can be replaced with , which will subsequently bring the review closer to the maximum values.

Crew training

For STA-2, the characteristics and perks of the crew also play quite great importance, because this is not only a great way to improve the most important characteristics of the car, this crew can be placed on pumped cars.
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for STA-2

Regarding what equipment to select for the STA-2 tank, there are, as usual, two options. For those who want to save money, and are suitable. However, if you do not feel any economic problems in the game, best choice will be , and , where last option if desired, you can replace it with .

Tactics for playing STA-2

Of course, when considering the Japanese STA-2 tank guide, one cannot fail to mention combat tactics. This vehicle feels comfortable on the second line due to its weak armor. However, with update 0.9.17, the Japanese received improved mobility; if you use it wisely, you can not only fire at someone else’s light, but also make forays behind enemy lines, approach the enemy from inconvenient sides, or kite him between houses on city maps.

At the same time, if you have chosen a passive style of play, try to shine as little as possible, choose good key positions so that a good shot opens up and at the same time you are safe. Don’t stay in one place for a long time, move around, support your allies in different directions.

When playing actively, look for convenient moments to attack, kill slow enemies, set them up for a shot, and so on. In addition, STA-2 is now an excellent support tank, capable of influencing the outcome of the battle, helping to push directions together with mobile CTs or hiding behind TTs.

It is also worth understanding that with the release of patch 0.9.15 STA-2 the tank has become a good farmer; you can now export acceptable amounts of silver not only from battles at the top of the list, the main thing is to learn how to implement your CSA.

Summarizing everything said above, this vehicle is worth taking not only to upgrade the crew for medium tanks in Japan, but also for the purpose of earning money.

In this chapter, we will introduce you to the basic tactical principles that will help you achieve victories more effectively.

  • Firing accuracy while moving is significantly reduced. The increased aiming circle of the gun during movement makes this statement very clear. Therefore, sometimes it is better to stop and wait until the gun’s aiming circle becomes as small as possible.
  • The side and stern are less armored, so it is better to shoot at the side and stern, and not at the enemy’s forehead.
  • The closer to the enemy, the easier it is to penetrate the armor. However, if you have a powerful gun, then it is better to shoot the enemy from a long distance. With a standard cannon, hit from close range and, if possible, on the side.
  • A tank ambush is a very successful tactic. Stand in the bushes with only the barrel pointed out, turn on the sniper mode with the mouse wheel and shoot. This technique is especially effective for anti-tank self-propelled guns that have powerful gun with increased combat accuracy and low visibility.
  • They can kill you too. Don't take unnecessary risks, maneuver, dodge, fire. If you are left alone against many enemy tanks, it is wiser to retreat to your own.
  • When shooting at a moving tank, hit with anticipation - aim at the front of the hull, or slightly ahead of the target in the direction of movement. This is especially true for self-propelled guns.


You start the game next to a flagpole with your team's flag flying on it. Around the flagpole is the territory of your base. The base is considered to be a circle with a radius of 50 m. The center of the circle is marked with a flag.

At the other end of the map is the enemy base. You can win by destroying all enemies, or you can capture the enemy base. Each tank that is within the enemy base receives capture points at a fixed rate. If there are several tanks in a zone, their points add up. The base is considered captured when 100 capture points have accumulated. Rules for awarding capture points

  • If a tank leaves the base, its points are reset to zero.
  • If a tank is damaged, its points are reset to zero; the generation of points does not stop.
  • If a tank is destroyed, its points are reset to zero and generation stops.
  • The presence of “host tanks” in the base area does not in any way affect the condition of the base.


Tree destruction

When ramming a tree, the impulse comes from the tank. If the mass of the tank in tons is less than the diameter of the tree, the tree does not receive damage. If the tree fails to fall, the tank stops. The tank does not receive damage from collisions with trees (as well as with other map objects and already destroyed tanks). The tank does not ram bushes. Fallen trees no longer serve as an obstacle to either travel or visibility.

Thanks to full-fledged system visibility, taking into account bushes and trees, you can hide in the bushes, waiting in ambush.

  • Trees only affect visibility when undamaged. A fallen tree does not affect visibility.
  • Trees located less than 15 meters from the observer do not affect visibility. It is believed that if the tree is close, the observer will always find a gap.
  • If the target tank is blocked by a tree located more than 5 m between the tank and the observer, then it does not automatically become invisible (given the relative thinness of the tree crown).


The current version of the game takes into account the influence of terrain types on the speed of movement of the tank:

  • The tank moves on asphalt and roads at maximum speed.
  • On grass, on land and arable land - with average.
  • In swampy areas it is very slow.


The following factors affect the visibility of your tank:

  • Obstacles: the tank is not visible behind buildings and terrain.
  • Vegetation: if the tank is closer to the bushes than 15 meters, then they do not affect his vision, that is, he sees enemies through these bushes, but the enemies do not see him.
  • Tank size: the larger the tank, the farther it is visible to others.
  • Tank Movement: A moving tank is more noticeable than a stationary one.
  • Shooting: a shot dramatically increases the visibility of the tank.

Features of the technology

A medium tank hits light tanks, a heavy tank hits medium tanks. But slow heavy tanks become easy prey for howitzers, which, in turn, are completely defenseless against nimble light and medium tanks in close combat and require guidance from their forward units.

So the secret to success in battle is the coordinated actions of the team. Cover your self-propelled guns, keeping them away from the main impact force(heavy tanks) enemy fast light tanks. Attack in a coordinated manner. Shoot one enemy from different sides. And be sure to guard your bases. You can lose even if the enemy is alone, but he will be at your base. Below is a description of the expected course of action for the player, depending on the selected tank.

Heavy tank

Move forward, shooting enemies. You can stay to cover the self-propelled guns or serve as a reserve.

Medium tank

ST is a tank designed for maneuver. That is, for quickly reaching a position that is key in battle, or for building up efforts in the right direction. Be it, or retreat to defend the base to shoot down a capture, etc., etc. This is where the tactics come from combat use ST - in other words, a set of techniques and methods of action that allow you to achieve victory in battle.

If with the first point - quick access to a position that is key on the map, or on one of the flanks, most sane drivers of medium tanks do not have problems, then with the second there is an almost universal problem. Except for clan fighters.

The main tactical mistakes of the ST are made during the following types of build-up of efforts - this is when moving from flank to flank, to strengthen the attacking group and breakthrough.

Typically, when making these mistakes, CTs act as follows:

The CT quickly moves to a key position, takes it and continues to stand, playing swing with the enemy, even after the TT approaches. This is not true. And this is very harmful. After the heavies approach, the ST must give them primacy and look around and assess the situation. If the enemy on your flank is strong, feel free to leave the TT and move to the other flank, there you will have more chances to break through, because - obviously, if the main forces of the enemy are here - then on the other flank there is only a cover that is much easier to break through. Now about the breakthrough.

Don't be the first to break through. This is the job of heavy tanks. Your job is to go into the breakthrough with the second echelon, preferably after the enemy’s tanks are discharged. At this moment, rush through, surround the enemy group from the rear and flanks and help your tanks quickly deal with the enemy. The chances of a successful battle in this case will increase radically.

Light tanks

Don't stand still. Use roundabout routes to scout enemy positions and report their coordinates to your artillerymen. A light tank is quite difficult to hit if it is not stationary, just as it is difficult to notice otherwise. And if the enemy gets carried away, you can capture his base.

Tank destroyer

Shoot from afar, from the bushes, preferably from the flank, in sniper mode, from a long distance. If you sense danger, immediately change your position.

self-propelled guns

These are clumsy, slow machines with enormous firepower. With luck, even a Tiger can be destroyed by a Hummel self-propelled gun with one shell. Howitzers do not have a sniper mode. Instead they have theirs, special regime, activated by pressing the Lshift key, or by CTRL-clicking with the right mouse button in the mini-map.

The howitzer shell flies in a parabola, so you can fire from behind cover. Take a good position, hit the heavy tanks at the thin roof (and all other little things at any point) and hope that the enemy tanks will not reach you. If the enemy does break through, switch to normal mode and hope that you reload faster than the enemy destroys your weak armor.

Armor visualization

Armor values ​​and weak points are visualized here. Of course, the internal modules of the tank are not shown here in 3D (although this can still be worked on). This section will be expanded in the future. For now, the armor values ​​and main weak points are simply displayed here.

When looking at the diagram above, remember that the angle of the armor is taken into account. The steeper the slope, the greater the chance of non-penetration. Thus, shooting at thick armor facing directly at you can give best result than shooting at thin but sloping armor.

Examples of armor visualization:

Don't knock down trees! This gives away your position, even if you are invisible to the enemy.

Use terrain elements!“Fire from behind cover” and “Shot and hide.” Find an indestructible cover, such as a building, a rock, a hill, or the wreck of a destroyed tank. Drive out to shoot, then duck back to reload. This way you can deal damage and reload safely.

Use the uneven terrain! Fire from the reverse slopes, from behind the crests of the hills. In this case, the tank's hull is hidden from the enemy by the ridge and only the turret is visible. Rise up to shoot and step back to reload. If you rise obliquely, the tower will move to the side in the enemy's sights - it will be more difficult for him to hit.

Remember! The projectile flies in an arc. If you take cover behind the reverse slope of a very gentle uneven surface, you run the risk of getting hit in the turret by a projectile that has gone around the uneven surface. Use this feature yourself: if, due to a long and gentle irregularity, the enemy is visible even a pixel, point at him and shoot - the projectile will go around the irregularity in an arc and, quite likely, will hit the roof of the enemy car.

Don't expose yourself to multiple guns! This rule covers a lot of ground, from using cover to pick off enemies one at a time to avoiding obvious bottlenecks on the map.

Tanks crossing the ridge are very vulnerable! They expose the lower armor plates without the ability to return fire. Shooting down the tracks of the most dangerous enemy tanks when they are on the crest of a hill will allow your allies to shoot them without damage and will not allow you to retreat.

Shooting from the edge of a high cliff can be dangerous, exposing the lower armor plates of your tank, but can give good results thanks to shooting at poorly protected enemy roofs.

Attack the enemy, especially the slow ones, from the flank or rear! Tanks, as a rule, have a well-protected bow, worse sides and the weakest stern. Fast medium tank can defeat a heavy one by simply moving around it and shooting at its weak points while avoiding its slowly rotating turret. This is especially effective in one-on-one duels in open areas without cover.

One on one, don’t expose the side and don’t let him come in from the flank! When faced with an enemy who is trying to get around you, turn your body with your forehead towards the enemy. This will force him to make a wider turn, exposing vulnerable points when he himself has to shoot at your thick frontal armor.

Don't let yourself be flanked - several opponents / threat from the front (more common option)! When several opponents intend to flank you, or one is almost on board, and another is firing from the front, simply move back, exposing your forehead to the most serious enemy (this can be either one coming from the flank or shooting from the front). This will delay the enemy's outflanking from the rear, allowing for some time to receive shells into thicker armor. Remember to concentrate your fire on one target until he or you die.

By knocking down the enemy's tracks, you make him motionless! Damage to the tracks stops the tank until the crew repairs them. You can knock down a caterpillar by ramming it (depending on the speed and mass of the opponents) or by firing at the tracks. “Always deprive dangerous opponents of their tracks on open places, where they are open to artillery. If your comrades are crowded behind you in a narrow passage (for example, on a city map) and the enemy jumps out in front of you from around the corner... shoot down his caterpillar! Each tank standing behind you can fire a shot, knock down the track again and together finish off the enemy, preventing him from driving behind cover.”

The ram is the weapon of heroes! But ramming a heavier enemy is often not heroism, but stupidity, if it is not done wisely. In order to immobilize a strong enemy, hit his guide and drive wheels with your frontal armor. With a regular blow to the side, you will not only immobilize the enemy tank, but you will also lose the tracks. Yes, this is a difficult technique - learn, practice on cats.

A frontal attack by anti-tank missiles can mean certain death thanks to their sloped armor and powerful front-mounted cannon. But their weak side and rear armor and inability to fire in all directions except forward makes them extremely vulnerable if their tracks are down.

In a group, your chances of survival increase. Barring special circumstances, supporting each other in a group is preferable to heroism and risk. When you're together, you deal more damage and spread the damage between you, attacking and defending more effectively. This can also mean waiting in place with everyone else, even if you don't agree with this tactic - a coordinated bad plan has a better chance of success than an uncoordinated good plan. This does not mean that the whole team should be huddled together. When the bulk of the team goes in one direction, the rest open up, giving a coordinated opponent an easy victory.

Destroy one at a time. Concentrating fire on one enemy until he is destroyed is better than spontaneously shooting at several targets, since in the first case the tank is quickly taken out of the game along with the damage it could cause.

Set your priorities. Remember who you are. Are you a heavy tank, a medium tank, a self-propelled gun? For example, as a heavy tank, you shouldn't waste time chasing a "light frag" when there is a more significant threat, such as an enemy tank behind cover, waiting to ride out and shoot. Likewise, when playing CT, don't waste time on targets you can't hit, look for someone easier to help your heavies. The exception is when a “light frag” hits your enemy artillery position or an enemy tank captures your base - in both cases, this tank becomes the main threat and number one target.

Use your more armored comrades as cover from enemy fire, especially helping allied heavy tanks against enemy heavy tanks. By staying alive, you can continue to cause damage to the enemy and help your team. Think through their intentions and do not block their path to retreat to cover.

Shoot ahead at fast-moving targets! The projectile does not hit the target immediately after being fired; it remains in flight for some time. During this time, the target can change its location. This means that you must aim at a certain distance in front of the target, depending on the speed, direction of the target and the distance to it. When the target moves frontally, it is done range lead, when flanking (to the side) - angular lead. If everything is calculated correctly, the projectile will be in in the right place just when the enemy sets himself up for her.

A quick dash from cover to cover will minimize your chances of being discovered and destroyed! When moving from cover to cover, especially between two buildings, take into account the acceleration. The higher the speed you develop by the time you leave for open terrain, the faster you will get through it and the shorter the period you will be open to enemy fire. If the situation allows, you can move back a little before the jerk to give yourself more distance to accelerate.

Don't be afraid to run away! If the team's plan fails or the odds are slim, instead of making a suicidal rush, they should retreat, regroup, and change strategy.

Place your armor at an angle to reduce the angle at which the projectile hits your armor! Turning your tank further (by 20-30 degrees) relative to the enemy will reduce the angle at which the projectile hits the armor and increase the chances of non-penetration or ricochet. But don’t lose sight of this, you can expose the opponents’ side to the far right or left of you, so this maneuver is preferable to use in confined spaces and one-on-one battles.

Continue to coordinate your attack as events unfold! In the example above, while the two enemy heavy tanks are distracted, the medium tanks flank them. Break into groups and work together to defeat your opponent with a coordinated strike. Use cover, camouflage, terrain and tank features to your advantage.

Always change direction! It is much more difficult to hit a maneuvering enemy.

Stay close to cover when driving around it to expose yourself to the smallest number of enemies. In places where tanks are lined up on opposite sides of the crest of a hill, an open exit means certain death. Knowing who is there waiting for you is a key factor in deciding whether to move through an obstacle or stop and hold your position. If you are not able to help knock out the enemy by driving over the ridge, try changing tactics and going in a different direction. When your comrades prevent the enemy from going around the ridge, you can use this opportunity to flank the enemy.

Beware of enemy luring tricks and learn to use them to your advantage! You may take more enemy projectiles than you expected when leaving cover or moving towards a narrow passage in pursuit of an easy kill. Learn to recognize obvious bait, take into account the enemy’s behavior and his potential sniper positions on the map.

Don't be predictable, it's easy to resist!

Advanced tactics

Try using a roll shot to hit a low target when reaching the ridge. The tank rolls forward and backward when it starts and stops moving. Tanks with small vertical guidance angles are weak in battle on hills. Accelerate to a decent speed, and then, when your tower appears over the hill and sees the enemy, brake. The tank will tilt forward and the sight will go down, increasing the declination angle of the gun, making it possible to fire a shot at an angle unforeseen by the characteristics of your tank. Keep in mind that you will have a very short window of time to get the shot and the accuracy will be poor, but those few extra degrees of declination will give you the opportunity to land a hit. If your opponent isn't aiming at you, try rocking the tank back and forth (by pressing W and S alternately) to see if you can get a surprise shot.

Crazy Tactics

Risk everything and rush all together in the same direction! When the battle begins, the enemy team will begin to distribute itself, but not you... You throw all your forces in one direction. With good timing and luck, you can break through their defenses and begin to capture the base before the enemy launches a counterattack or captures yours. own base. Rush is considered an unconventional strategy designed to defeat the enemy by surprise. In general, a rush is difficult to counter without reconnaissance and easy with reconnaissance.

Tank shield: deployed. With an excess of tanks low level in trainers