Secrets of rice dreams. Why do you dream about rice? Interpretations according to different dream books

Everyone sees dreams – even if not everyone remembers them. And not all dreams are distinguished by a fantastic plot, complex twists and turns and amazing adventures of the dreamer.

Most dreams are simple and show us, the sleepers, pictures from everyday life, everyday life and ordinary, familiar things. But you should not forget that this is only usual in reality - but in dreams everything is different, even the most ordinary object has meaning, sometimes deep and significant.

From this point of view, it is extremely curious what rice means in dreams - the same one that everyone is accustomed to, which is in every home. The interpreters have a lot of interesting things about this cereal, and it will be nice to know that, according to the dream book, rice or rice porrige most often are a very favorable sign for the dreamer.

It is a symbol of wealth, foreshadows happiness, well-being in the home, a wedding - and many other good and desirable things. But in order to accurately and reliably determine what rice means in a dream, when opening a dream book, it is worth taking into account all the details of the dream - after all, the interpretation depends on them.

There are relatively few examples of “rice” dreams, but they all vary greatly:

  • You simply saw rice in your dreams.
  • A lady or lovers dreamed about him.
  • Scattered cereal in a dream.
  • Rice grains are piled up in dreams.
  • Rice porridge in your dream.
  • You ate rice, or there was rice porridge on the plate in front of you.
  • We prepared a rice dish in our dreams.
  • They sowed rice in the field.
  • They sat or lay on it.
  • We bought rice in a dream.

Each such dream, it is worth saying in advance, promises something pleasant. But what exactly, the dream book will tell us. And you should be more careful to find the correct, suitable interpretation and find out what awaits.

What did you see in your dream?

Suppose that you saw rice, grain or porridge in your dreams from the outside. This means that you didn’t eat it, didn’t cook it, or did anything at all - you just saw it. What it was like, in what form - this determines the interpretation of the “rice” dream.

1. As the wise dream book says, rice portends great domestic happiness in its fullest extent. This means well-being, a cozy home, a full cup, and, of course, harmony and love in the family. Your wisdom and love for your hearth have done their job - there will be light and happiness in the house.

2. People in love dream of rice as a sign of a happy, magnificent wedding, which will certainly be remembered for a lifetime, and which will be followed by a long and surprisingly happy, harmonious family life, full of joy and love! It’s hard to even imagine a more favorable dream for lovers than rice, according to dream books.

3. A woman has a “rice” dream with great happiness. Women's fulfillment as a wife, mother, friend, great bright love, peace and harmony in the soul - all this foreshadows rice in women's dreams.

4. Such a dream, in which rice was scattered - no matter on the table or on the floor - is a clear and unambiguous symbol of wealth. Don’t even think about doubting it – it awaits you new level life, beautiful and rich, and all your needs and desires will be fully realized.

5. If you saw rice in a dream in the form of grains piled up in a heap, in this case the interpreter again promises great happiness. Your dreams will come true, you will certainly be happy very soon.

6. Rice porridge seen in dreams portends good health to the dreamer. If you are unwell, or are often exposed to illnesses, be convinced that everything will pass without a trace, good health, a lot of strength and energy await you. But take care of yourself, don’t forget about your health!

To eat or not to eat?

Let's consider why rice is dreamed of in a dream, where the dreamer not only saw white grain from the side, but also showed some activity. You ate it, cooked it, bought it - all these actions are interpreted differently by the dream book. Remember the dream - and find out what awaits you.

1. Eating rice porridge or any rice dish in a dream is an excellent sign that promises complete happiness in the home. Poverty, need, quarrels, misunderstandings in the family - you are in no danger of finding out what it is. Prosperity and comfort, stability, joy from communicating with family, love and complete harmony at home await you.

2. If you cooked anything from rice in a dream, some new tasks and responsibilities await you in reality that will make you much happier. In this new business, even if it is somewhat troublesome, you will find yourself and will be fulfilled, receiving great satisfaction. Plus, it will bring you wealth and prosperity!

3. Harvesting rice in dreams - sure sign prosperity and stability in for a long time forward. Your efforts will now be justified and will bring generous fruits that you will reap for a long time. Need definitely does not threaten you, this is what the dream book promises.

4. Sowing rice in a field is a dream that promises a business trip or a business trip. This may be an unexpected or not very desirable trip, but believe me, it will be very pleasant and easy, and will also bring good income and open up new prospects.

5. If you bought rice in a dream, this portends a good increase in your income.

6. If you were sitting or even lying on rice in a dream, in this case the interpreter foretells you great happiness in all areas of life, and the fulfillment of all desires.

Rice is a wonderful sign, rare in that it does not carry any negativity in dreams. Any “rice” dream is good, and if you are lucky enough to see it in your dreams, rest assured that happiness awaits you. Author: Vasilina Serova

Rice in a dream

For farmers to see such a cereal in a dream, the dream book foretells a good harvest. When the cereal is saturated with a large amount of garbage, this means that the dreamer should be patient and plant those crops that are unpretentious. This way you can avoid damage.

Young girls will need information about what dreams of scattered rice mean. This image predicts a wedding, because according to folk custom, the newlyweds are showered with rice mixed with confetti and coins. For married people, such a plot promises domestic happiness and harmony in personal relationships.

An unfavorable interpretation has a dream where you accidentally spilled rice. A similar plot is explained in the dream book as the arrival of a difficult life stage in a family. There may be quarrels and disputes between husband and wife.

Why do you dream of boiled rice? This dream vision has some ambiguity. First of all, the dream foreshadows dismissal or layoff from work, as a result of which the accumulated money will be spent on living expenses. Secondly, the dream promises a major quarrel in the family.

When a man cooks rice in a dream, radical changes in his personal relationships await him. Sometimes for young guys such a plot predicts a break in relations with their current girlfriend and a desire to live independently.

For wives to cook rice, portends minor worries and daily fuss associated with departure, or repair work. Sometimes such a picture can mean the birth of a grandson or nephew.

To find out why you are dreaming a large number of rice, you need to remember the dishes where it was placed. The cup predicts upcoming changes in better side, a saucepan - minor difficulties with money that can be resolved, a basin - excellent well-being, a bag - fortune in games and a profitable investment.

A positive sign is a dream where you had to buy rice at a grocery store or supermarket. Such a dream is interpreted as an increase in the dreamer’s financial well-being. For entrepreneurs, such a plot portends successful business development.

Did you have to eat rice in a dream? In the near future, everything will improve in the family, the spouses will finally find harmony among themselves.

Other dream books

There are dream books that give a negative interpretation of what one is dreaming about. White rice. According to the dream book of S. Canonite, this cereal expresses poverty, collapse and minor difficulties, in addition to the forced economy of money for food and other items. A contaminated and uncleaned group indicates problems in everyday life and illnesses.

According to Miller's dream book, rice is considered a favorable sign, predicting profitable business and romantic relationships. A girl who cooks porridge in a dream will very soon acquire additional responsibilities, due to which she will become more successful and rich.

Hasse's dream book explains that looking at rice in a dream is a favorable sign that expresses the essence of a person, his integrity and ability to come to an agreement. Cooking porridge means getting better soon and getting rid of unpleasant events in a past life.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 03/23/2019

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. Abundance happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus, he says...

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 17th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today come true on the 19th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that no serious restrictions are foreseen, and much of what was planned can be easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come to life only as a result of hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

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RICE – Miller's Dream Book

If you saw rice in a dream, positive changes will come in your life. You will achieve success, you will make new and loyal friends. All your endeavors will be successful. For collective farmers, such a dream promises a bountiful harvest.

If you eat rice in a dream, happiness and family comfort await you.

If you dream of clogged rice, it means that you should pay attention to your health - problems are possible. Maybe you will have a small disagreement with your friends.

If a girl cooks rice in a dream, it means that she will soon have new responsibilities that will make her happy and rich.

RICE – Modern Dream Interpretation

You see rice in a dream - this dream is a harbinger of success. In many ways, strong friendships contribute to your success. Wait: soon good news will fall on you. A person engaged in agriculture, such a dream promises a bountiful harvest.

It’s as if you are cooking rice - you will be able to make your life cozy.

In a dream, you seem to be eating rice - first, hopes that you have already doubted will come true, and then you will feel happy. Don’t be alone with your happiness, share it - it’s impossible to do better with happiness.

You dream of brown rice - you will quarrel with one of your colleagues. Without knowing this person fully, without being able to rely on his integrity, do not turn your back on him.

RICE – Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Selective - wealth and happiness; rice grains piled up - fortunately; scattered - unfortunately; rows of rice and wheat alternate - great happiness; you sow rice in the field yourself - traveling on business; seeing yourself among standing rice is a great happiness and benefit; reaping standing rice while harvesting - portends peace and prosperity in the family; receiving standing rice and unexpectedly losing it - establishing order, acquiring the correct sequence.

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The first cultivated cereal is rice. Using it, you can prepare many dishes that will be not only tasty, but also healthy. Sometimes people have dreams with his participation. Interpreters will help you solve the vision.

Most dream interpreters are sure that rice dreams are good. Let's consider the interpretation from dream books in more detail:

  • XXI century. Your cherished wish will come true, and the marriage will be happy.
  • American. Happiness and harmony in the family.
  • English. You'll have to save for a while.
  • Wangi. The dream foreshadows changes for the better.
  • Grishina. To fulfill dreams and harmony in the family.
  • Denise Lynn. There will be a major family celebration, most likely a wedding. This event will bring a lot of joy to all family members.
  • For the bitch. Success in your endeavors, nice talking and good health.
  • Health. To an upset stomach.
  • Winters. Things will work out for the best. There will be a good opportunity to get rich.
  • Islamic. To receive an inexpensive but necessary gift.
  • Chinese. Wealth will increase.
  • Miller. Success in love and friendships.
  • Newest. You will taste a delicious and unusual dish.
  • Peter Leyman. Work will give good result.
  • Family. To success in love and strong friendship.
  • Modern woman. You will be lucky in amorous affairs. In addition, you have great relationship with friends. You can always rely on them. Soon you will start a joint venture that will bring good dividends.
  • Modern. To improve your health.
  • Wanderer. Your wishes will come true and your earnings will increase.
  • Fedorovskaya. To profit.
  • Gypsy. Night dreams symbolize poverty.
  • According to the Islamic dream book, rice dishes seen in the kingdom of Morpheus promise wealth won from the enemy.

    Treating another person to rice pilaf means new and interesting acquaintances

    Why did a woman or man dream about it?

    The interpretation of the dream also depends on who dreamed it:

  • To a girl. To the emergence of new responsibilities that will make you not only happy, but also financially secure.
  • To a woman. Fortune will smile on you. Success with the opposite sex and promotion awaits you.
  • Pregnant. The upcoming birth will be easy, and the baby will be born healthy.
  • Married. To complete idyll in the family, large purchases, sometimes to a change of place of residence. If you happen to cook rice in a dream, then be prepared for troubles. Perhaps you will soon start renovations, or relatives with children will come to visit you. Your relatives will want to stay with you for a while.
  • To a man. Dramatic changes are coming on the love front. Most likely, you will want to part with your passion and be alone for a while.
  • For entrepreneurs, the dream indicates that their efforts are not in vain. They will bear the expected fruits.

    Rice porridge seen in the kingdom of Morpheus foreshadows discord in relationships with others

    Description: white, brown, boiled, scattered

    The way the cereal looked in the dream also influences the interpretation:

  • Boiled. You will be sorely short of money. Seeing thin rice porridge in a dream means fuss and anxiety.
  • White. Good progress of affairs, stable income and excellent relationships with loved ones.
  • Brown. Financial problems and difficulties will arise on the way to achieving the goal.
  • Scattered. Get ready for trouble.
  • Raw. According to the Islamic dream interpretation, poverty and illness await you.
  • Clogged. To illnesses, grief and quarrels with friends. According to the dream book for lovers, you will quarrel with your loved one over a trifle.
  • Selected. To improve your financial situation and financial stability.
  • If in a dream you sowed rice, but failed to reap the harvest, then you should not be upset. You will soon find yourself in a difficult situation, but you will quickly find a way out of it. The current situation will become for you good lesson for the future.

    For people working on the land, rice seen in night dreams promises a good harvest.

    The location of cereals in the kingdom of Morpheus

    It is important to remember the place where the dreamed rice was located:

  • In the bowl. To change for the better.
  • In a plate. Troubles will be a thing of the past. A period of peace and tranquility begins.
  • In the package. A joyful event will happen in the family.
  • In a saucepan. Money problems will be solved by themselves, and income will increase.
  • In the hair. To the honor and respect of others.
  • In the bag. Invest your money successfully or you can hit a big jackpot.
  • A dream in which you found a bag of rice grains marks a major success and many joyful events.

    Watching in night vision how another person eats a rice dish - good sign. Someone close to you will soon get rich

    Actions in a dream: cook, buy, eat

    Events occurring in a dream also affect its meaning:

  • See from the outside. To great wealth.
  • Scatter. For family people, such a vision promises conflicts with household members, but for a girl or unmarried woman - a marriage proposal, and happy wedding.
  • Collect spilled rice. If you collected rice from a flat and clean surface, you will achieve what you want with some effort. If in a dream the cereal crumbled onto the ground or a dirty floor, then you will conflict with others.
  • Cook. To pleasant chores and new obligations that will make you happy. According to the dream book for a bitch - to peace and comfort in the family. For a sick person, night dreams in which he was preparing rice dishes promise a speedy recovery.
  • Buy in the store. The dream indicates that you are managing your household correctly. An item that you recently purchased, or are planning to buy in the near future, will be useful. According to the dream book of the medium Hasse, income will increase. If you bought rice mixed with lentils, you can avoid major troubles.
  • Sort through. You will work hard.
  • Eat. To a family idyll and devoted friends. According to the culinary dream book, eating boiled rice in a dream means wasting money that you have been saving for years, and according to Chinese, it means failure to realize your plans. According to Miss Hasse, you will live a long life and rarely get sick.
  • Harvest rice. To peace and happiness. If in a dream you reap a rich harvest, then the business you have started will be a great success.
  • Sow rice A business trip is coming up.
  • Lying or sitting on rice. To unprecedented luck. There will be a great opportunity to bring your long-planned plans to life. The new venture will be successfully completed, bringing you considerable income.
  • Sell. Be careful when making business decisions. Before you take any action, think it over carefully so as not to incur losses in the future.
  • For newlyweds, seeing scattered rice in their night dreams means getting their own home.

    Sprinkling rice in a dream means hard work, but the result will be worth the effort.

    Interpretation of other dreams about rice

    It’s good if you dreamed of rice pilaf. In this case, success in business and career advancement awaits you. If the pilaf has turned into a viscous porridge, then an unfortunate misunderstanding will occur, due to which the plans will be ruined.

    Dreaming of minced meat with rice predicts health problems. But the disease will pass in mild form, and soon you will be full of strength and energy again.

    Seeing a lot of rice cereal in a dream is fortunate. Such information is offered in the 21st century dream book.

    It also matters what exactly the rice was with:

  • with meat - to sadness and disappointment;
  • with chicken - to problems and difficulties;
  • with fried fish - to a full and happy life.
  • If in the kingdom of Morpheus you are planning to cook a rice dish, but there is not enough cereal, then get ready for difficulties and money problems.

    Rice often seen in the kingdom of Morpheus - good sign. Such dreams promise a good relationship with others, peace in the family and financial well-being. It’s bad if the grain was mixed with dirt, or the rice dish you dreamed about turned out unsuccessful. In this case, difficulties will arise along the way, health problems and quarrels with loved ones are possible.

    Eat pancakes or rice - portends unfulfilled desires.

    Reaping standing rice while harvesting means peace and prosperity in the family.

    Selected rice - wealth and happiness.

    Getting standing rice and unexpectedly losing it means establishing order, acquiring the correct sequence.

    Seeing wheat and rice portends great wealth.

    Scattered rice - unfortunately.

    Rice grains are piled up - fortunately.

    You see yourself among the standing rice - great happiness and benefit.

    You sow rice in the field yourself - you go on business.

    Sitting or lying on rice and wheat means great happiness.

    Alternating rows of rice and wheat is great happiness.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

    Subscribe to the Dream Interpretation channel!

    Seeing rice in a dream

    A good sign is to see rice in a dream; it promises success and heartfelt friendships. This dream promises success for all shared endeavors, and it will reward farmers with generous harvests.

    If you eat rice in a dream, happiness and family comfort await you.

    If you dream of clogged rice, it means... You are threatened by illness and discord with friends.

    If a girl is currently cooking rice, it means that in the near future she will have new responsibilities that will make her happy and rich.

    Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

    What does the dream mean?

    Yes - health and long life; cook - you will recover from a serious illness; buy - property growth

    Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

    What do dreams mean?

    Dreaming of boiled rice portends a shortage material resources; eating it in a dream means eating away years of accumulated savings.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

    Dream about Rice

    Seeing rice in a dream is a sign of quick profit and prosperity in the family. Buying it in a dream means an increase in wealth and success in business. If in a dream you eat rice porridge, then in reality you will experience reconciliation with friends or loved ones thanks to endurance and patience. If husks are found in the porridge, then get ready for quarrels or some kind of litigation.

    Cooking rice porridge in a dream means that you will repent of your bad actions and try to correct the situation. For patients, such a dream predicts a speedy recovery. See interpretation: porridge, brew, cook.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

    What does Rice mean in a dream?

    If a girl saw herself cooking rice in a dream, it means that in the near future she will have new responsibilities, which as a result will make her not only rich, but also happy.

    As you can see, dreams with plants are very different and are interpreted ambiguously. Whether you believe such predictions or not is up to you, but you shouldn’t pay attention to them at all. After all, brain signals that are realized in our dreams in the form of bizarre pictures. can help you understand your feelings and experiences, explain the cause of stress and depression.

    However, some people are very emotional, and they should be more relaxed about various kinds of predictions. It happens, for example, like this: one woman dreamed that she was poisoned by mushrooms. And after that, she categorically refuses not only to eat them, but also to go into the forest. Although such a dream can be easily explained by the influence of some external factors, for example, a horror movie I watched at night about mutant mushrooms grinning evilly from under a slippery hat.

    So the only one the right decision this issue there will be the following: stick to the golden mean, that is, do not blindly believe in superstitions, but also do not neglect the persistent signals of your psyche.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

    What does Rhys predict in a dream?

    Buying rice in a dream means increased prosperity, cooking means getting rid of a serious illness, eating means longevity. Sort through rice - a difficult and painstaking task awaits you. Real rice pilaf means a promotion and quick success; rice porridge - you are in danger of discord with loved ones. Treating someone to a rice dish is a sign of making new acquaintances.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

    What does it mean to see rice in a dream

    Rice in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing success and cordial friendships. Good luck will accompany joint business projects. People working on the land are waiting bountiful harvest. Eating rice in a dream means family joy and comfort in the home.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

    Seeing rice in a dream

    Sprinkle, wash or cook rice - such a dream promises wealth and health.

    Imagine your house is filled with bags of rice.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

    Dream Prediction Fig

    Rice dreams of success in love and friendships.

    If you ate rice in a dream, then fate will give you family happiness and a cozy home.

    Contaminated rice portends illness and discord with friends.

    If a girl cooks rice in a dream, then pretty soon she will have new responsibilities that will make her happy and rich.

    Boiled rice portends a lack of material resources.

    If you ate boiled rice, you will have to spend the savings that you have saved up for years.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

    Why do you dream about Rhys?

    White, clean grains of rice: a sign of a very good flow of your affairs, strong prosperity and excellent relationships with others.

    At the same time, rice porridge, especially if it is liquid in your dream, portends some confusion and anxiety.

    Buying rice: a sign of proper farming.

    If you recently made or are just about to make some kind of acquisition, then the dream promises that it will be very useful for you.

    Dirty rice: portends grief and discord with loved ones.

    Interpretation of dreams from