Raw materials for the production of ceramic tiles. Methods for producing ceramic tiles. Necessary materials and equipment

-> Manufacturing, construction, Agriculture

Production of ceramic tiles.

Tile, as one of the most sought after building materials, has always been in demand. People do not stop building and renovating apartments even during a crisis. And if large manufacturers specializing in the manufacture tiles for new buildings, today during the crisis they “specifically suffer” first of all, then by focusing on providing individual apartments with tiles, you will always remain in the “plus”.

Advantages and features of tile production

In this case, small business, unlike large production, has several quite “solid” advantages. Firstly, there is a lot of variety finished products, which a large manufacturer can hardly “boast” of. The depreciation of the national currency also played into the hands of “small” tile producers, significantly increasing the cost of imported products.

Basics competitive advantage small production tiles– the ability to produce truly high-quality products at prices below competitive ones.

Equipment for the production of tiles

For purchase minimum set equipment necessary to start production ceramic tiles it will take about $10 thousand.
For this amount you will receive: a concrete mixer, a vibrating machine, molds for tiles, a chamber for spraying patterns, glazes and a semi-industrial oven for drying products at a temperature of about 200 degrees. Equipment for the production of tiles can be purchased either as a set or separately, which will be a little cheaper.

However, in order to produce not standard tiles, but something exclusive and unique, you need to acquire additional accessories. A multifunctional modernized spray chamber will cost from $3 thousand. To apply various designs, you will also need a set of stencils. Approximate cost of a set of 200 pcs. stencils - about $600.

It is also possible to purchase a wide variety of other devices that allow you to make tiles, for example, self-luminous, however, a standard set will be enough to produce both wall-mounted, so floor tiles.

Materials, premises and personnel for the production of ceramic tiles

The quality of the finished tile largely depends on the quality of the materials used for its manufacture. It is better to use high quality cement and granite screening. Also, you will need plasticizers, dyes and glaze. Based on monthly production tiles to cover 5000 meters square areas, the cost of raw materials will be about $12 thousand.

To organize the production of a given amount of tiles, 4 workers will be enough: 2 near the concrete mixer, 1 to service the vibrating table and another one will be engaged in drying and packaging the tiles. In addition, to ensure proper quality of products, it is necessary to hire a specialist with knowledge of the technological process.

Requirements for premises for organizing a business production of ceramic tiles minimal. The required area is about 100 sq.m. It could be a cold warehouse, a barn - almost anything that has walls and a roof...

Payback of ceramic tile production

  • $10 thousand – equipment for the production of tiles,
  • $12 thousand – raw materials,
  • about $3 thousand - wages of employees,
  • about $1 thousand – rent of premises and payment for electricity (may vary significantly).
  • $1.5 thousand - for organizing production and opening a business.

As a result, one-time costs will amount to $30 thousand, and about $18 thousand - monthly.

We will calculate income based on the average cost of selling tiles at $7 per square meter. With a production volume of 5 thousand sq.m. total monthly income will be about $35 thousand.

However, if you think that everything is as perfect and smooth as can be seen from the preliminary calculations, you will have to be a little disappointed.

Seasonality and sales markets.

Ceramic tile– products that are very dependent on the season and fashion trends. Demand for tiles in winter period practically equal to zero. There is no point in working for future use during the cold season, since the produced tiles are next year may no longer be in fashion. Demand for ceramic tiles intensifies in the spring. In the summer, you shouldn’t have any problems with the sale.

Relatively sales market- everything here is according to the standard: through repair teams, advertising and exhibition stands at construction markets and fairs, the Internet and other methods to express yourself and attract customers.

Thus, the real return on investment will be just over 1 year.

And remember, without ceramic tiles Today, not a single major repair can be done. There are many ceramic tile stores in Russia; their assortment will enrich your imagination in terms of tile design and will be a reliable guide to modern renovation trends.

To produce tiles in a factory, the following equipment is required:

  • Concrete mixer: designed for mixing cement and other ingredients.
  • Vibrating machine: designed for compacting concrete mixture.
  • Forms: designed for forming tiles.
  • Special camera: designed for spraying patterns and glazes.
  • Bake: designed for drying formed products.

The listed equipment will be sufficient for the production of ordinary or standard tiles. But, if the manufacturer decides to produce more unique products, then he will need some other devices. It could be:

  • Multifunction camera for spraying, which costs a lot of money.
  • Set of professional stencils, with the help of which drawings will be applied.

The price of equipment for the production (manufacturing) of ceramic tiles is quite high. But the payback is good.

The video below discusses special equipment for tile production:

Calculation of raw materials

To make tiles you will need following materials, each of which plays a specific role in the raw material:

  • (responsible for maintaining the size after the drying procedure).
  • (responsible for the elasticity of the mixture).
  • Feldspar composition (responsible for viscosity).
  • Carbonate composition (responsible for viscosity).
  • Various additives.

To produce tiles you need refractory or fire-clay. Last option most suitable in terms of the amount of impurities.

To bring the clay to the required state, various additives are used. They come in the following types:

  • Glaze (creates a protective layer and gives the product a beautiful aesthetic appearance).
  • Thinning additives (they reduce clay shrinkage and make plasticity several times less).
  • Sludges (reduce the melting point of clay).
  • Plasticizing (make clay more plastic).
  • Engobe (used for decorative processing of the product).
  • Vapor-forming (make the structure of the product more porous).

Manufacturing technologies

The production of tiles is not much different from the production of ceramic products. It has remained unchanged for many years.

Factory Methods

Tile in factories goes through the following stages:

  1. Preparing the mixture.
  2. Formation of products.
  3. Drying in chambers.
  4. Glazing of tiles.
  5. Firing in a kiln.
  6. Sorting of products.

Preparation of the mixture and formation of products

At the preparation stage, the components are mixed to obtain the required homogeneity. First of all, the clay is crushed, then various additives are added to it to obtain the desired chemical.

Before the formation stage, the clay must be wetted. How wet the raw material will be and what additives will be included in it depends on the performance of the finished product.

Molding refers to the pressing of products. To do this, the prepared raw materials are poured into molds and pressed under a pressure of 400 kg/cm2. The result of this process is a fairly strong and very dense product.

Drying and glazing of tiles

At the drying stage, unnecessary moisture is removed from the products. This stage has special meaning. The fact is that the moisture will evaporate during the firing process. The resulting steam greatly destroys the integrity of tile products.

If the drying stage is neglected, then the output can be a lot of rejected products.

Glazing is necessary to add or light tint. The application of the glaze is carried out before the firing stage. High temperature and subsequent cooling transform such a coating into a specific glass.

This coating performs protective functions. As a result, the tile not only gains an aesthetic appearance, but also protects the product from negative influences.

Firing and sorting of products

Another very serious stage is firing. The high temperatures of the oven lead to the necessary chemical reactions, which result in physical changes in the tile. In the oven, the products move through a tunnel.

The oven temperature is different. It ranges from 900 to 1300 ºС. It is very important at this stage to gradually reduce the ambient temperature. If the transition is not smooth or changes abruptly, the product may become deformed.

At the sorting stage, the products are checked. Here the thickness is assessed, dimensions, presence of cracks and degree of defects. Only after this the tiles are packaged and sent for sale.

The following video shows the production of tiles in a factory:

With your own hands

For self-made tiles will need to go through the following steps:

  1. Preparation of raw materials.
  2. Production of raw materials.
  3. Carrying out biscuit firing.
  4. Subsequent decoration.

Preparation of raw materials and production of raw materials

On the first preparatory stage It is very important to choose the right type of clay. Here it is necessary to take into account its plasticity. Plastic raw materials allow you to form absolutely any shape.

The best option in this case is clay of medium fat content. If there is clay with high fat content, then the value can be averaged and sand, pumice or fireclay added to the material. This method will avoid rupture during firing and make the raw material less refractory.

After mixing the components, the resulting mass is wrapped in a plastic bag. It is very important here to completely block the access of oxygen. The raw materials must absorb the available moisture. Air pockets in tiles are greatly reduced quality characteristics. This method will significantly improve the quality of the clay.

For molding, polyurethane molds or any other suitable characteristics are used. When forming, it is very important to distribute the clay well over the mold and compact it thoroughly. In this case, the thickness of the future product over the entire area of ​​the mold should be the same.

The prepared raw material is dried. Readiness is judged by the hardening and lightening of the tiles.

It is important to remember that the raw material itself is very fragile.

Firing and subsequent decoration

Firing is also carried out under high temperatures. The result should be a glass-like product. At home, it will not be possible to achieve a temperature of 1300 ºС; 850 ºС will be enough. Biscuit firing is called because the raw material shrinks. This must be taken into account when calculating the dimensions of the product.

At the decorating stage, you can show your imagination. A variety of designs will decorate any product. The most important thing here is to use glaze. It can be applied with a brush or simply spray. The pouring method is often used. Glossy shine is achieved using varnish or enamel.

Upon completion of decoration, the product is fired a second time. It is important here not to exceed the set temperature value, otherwise the tiles may crack.

The video below shows the manual process production of ceramic tiles:

Ceramic tile production as a business

There will always be a tile business. By opening your own mini-production, you can quite easily find buyers due to the fact that the tiles will cost a little less than those from competitive manufacturers. At the same time, it will not be of low quality. It is these two factors that always come first for the consumer.

So, the purchase of equipment will require approximately 300,000 rubles. The purchase of material will require about 350,000 rubles.

You will also have to pay for additional equipment:

  • Multifunctional spray chamber: approximately 90,000 rubles.
  • A set of professional stencils: 18,000 rubles for 200 pieces.

In addition, it will be necessary to remove the area where the equipment will be installed and the production process will take place. On average, this will require about 35,000 rubles. We will also include considerable energy costs in this figure.

The process is not automated, so it cannot be done without workers. On wages We will allocate about 90,000 rubles for service personnel. At the same time, money will be required for the process of opening a business. This is approximately 45,000 rubles.

Let's divide the listed costs into two types:

  • Disposable ones, which will amount to 453,000 rubles.
  • Monthly payments, which will be approximately 475,000 rubles.

To determine income, we will assume that the production volume is 5,000 m2 of tiles. Let the price per square be 210 rubles. Then the monthly profit will be equal to 1,050,000 rubles. Net income minus monthly expenses will be 575,000 rubles. It will take a little more than a year to fully recoup the investment.

The amount of income from the production of tiles is very good, but everything is so smooth. This business has its pitfalls.

  • Firstly, the sale of tiles is very dependent on the season. So, very little is bought in winter; people mainly start thinking about construction and repairs in the spring and summer. It is at this time of year that you can count on full sales of the tiles made.
  • The second factor is fashion trends. You cannot produce tiles in full during months when they are in little demand. After all time will pass and the tile will become unfashionable and uninteresting. Buyer demand for it will fall.

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There was a period in the history of our country when harsh reality forced us to do any thing with our own hands, namely the lack of a necessary product in trading network, and the only opportunity to become the owner of this or that item was to make it from something at home.

The main component for ceramic tiles is clay

Now modern industry and trade provides consumers with any range of goods, including satisfying the needs of buyers in the finishing materials market. Ceramic tiles are presented in all imaginable and inconceivable types, sizes and colors.

It would seem that it would be simpler: come, choose, buy, install, but this option does not suit everyone, in our rapid age of standardization and standard solutions, I want to highlight my individuality at least in the decoration of a particular room. And this raises the question: is it possible to make ceramic tiles at home with your own hands, realizing your own ideas for decorating the interior space of a bathroom or kitchen. We won't languish. We answer. Yes you can, but subject to certain conditions uncomplicated conditions, about which below.

What is needed to organize ceramic production

First of all, you need to have great desire, patience and confidence in a positive result, and also have available necessary materials, tools, devices and equipment. You may not succeed in everything right away, but the effort spent will ultimately give you the opportunity to be proud of yourself, showing your friends and acquaintances such a rather technologically advanced product as ceramic tile, made from clay with your own hands.

Clay ceramic tiles self made

Selection of raw materials

Everyone probably knows what any ceramics is made from; the main component is clay. Here's a look at what types of clay exist, their properties and the possibility of using them to make ceramic tiles with your own hands. Based on their composition, properties and application, clays are divided into four groups:

  1. Rough ceramic. Contain a large number of impurities in the form of pebbles and sand, as well as gypsum and lime inclusions. Used to make bricks, tiles, dishes and expanded clay.
  2. Fireproof and refractory. They have a high alumina content, have good ductility and high degree fire resistance. They are used in the manufacture of refractory bricks and various ceramics.
  3. Kaolin. Low plasticity clays, used in paper and rubber production and as an additive for the manufacture of earthenware.
  4. Montmorillonite. Main feature is their high plasticity, used as drilling fluid in metallurgy and the food industry.

Plasticity is the ability of clay to take on any shape and retain it as it dries.

Clays are also divided into “fat” and “lean”. The former are plastic and products from them can be given any shape, but to make ceramics with your own hands at home, it is necessary to prepare the clay, for which the starting material is diluted to the required composition with sand, chamotte or ground pumice.

You should not take too “oily” clay, preferably medium plastic

Selection of tools and materials

If you decide to make tiled or regular ceramic tiles with your own hands, you will need:

  • raw materials: clay, filler for dilution, if the clay is oily, water;
  • mold for the production of future tiles;
  • cliche for forming an imprint of a design or bas-relief on the front side of the product;
  • spatula, scoop, trowel;
  • mesh for reinforcing the product.

Stages of making ceramics

The technology for producing ceramic tiles with your own hands consists of the following steps:

  • Clay of medium plasticity is taken, poured into a container and filled with water. After several days of soaking, the clay is mixed and kneaded. Then, through a fine sieve, the material is ground into another container, after which the mass is distributed onto old newspapers or a rag in a layer of 10-15 mm. Once the clay reaches the desired thickness, it is mixed and placed in a plastic bag.
  • The material prepared in this way is placed into molds and compacted; this must be done so that the level of the molding mass coincides with the edges of the mold, for which excess material is cut off with a knife or cutter.

Most quality forms made from polyurethane, the products are quite smooth with the same parameters.

  • Next, the technology for making ceramic tiles with your own hands goes into the pre-drying stage. It lasts until the mass acquires a lighter shade and this period depends on temperature environment and humidity. The result is a raw tile. If something went wrong for you, then at this stage you can still correct the situation, for which the spoiled semi-finished product is soaked in water, and the molding procedure begins again.
  • The process of firing raw tiles is the most technologically advanced stage, because the semi-finished product must be exposed to high temperatures of about 1000-1200 degrees, which requires special equipment. To make ceramic tiles with your own hands, you can limit the temperature to 850-900 degrees, which is achieved in an electric muffle furnace. The production technology allows this, provided that the clay mass contains pumice, which is sintered at the specified temperature. This primary firing is called biscuit firing for some similarity in the resulting finely porous structure of the workpiece, after evaporating the water from it. The ceramic workpiece has already acquired the necessary hardness and strength. This product is called terracotta.

Stages of technology: making raw materials, firing ceramics and applying a decorative layer

  • If you want to make majolica with your own hands, that is, fired ceramics, with the front side covered with glaze, or, more simply, tiles, then the production technology does not end there. It is necessary to do another firing, but with glaze, for which a multicomponent mixture is prepared, the main components of which are glass, kaolin and tripolephosphate in powder form. All components are mixed and diluted with water. The resulting mixture, with a brush or by pouring the workpiece, is distributed over the product, and a second firing is performed.

Particular attention should be paid to controlling the process temperature; it should not be higher than the primary firing temperature. Otherwise, the glazed surface may be damaged or the terracotta workpiece may sinter.

This tile manufacturing technology allows you to create unique compositions on the glossy surface of the product, for which different glaze compositions are used. If glazing with firing is not suitable for you for some reason, you can create an attractive, smooth and shiny surface with your own hands by treating the workpiece with enamel or varnish.

And so, if you read the article to the end, and the difficulties of making ceramic tiles from clay with your own hands, reflected in this manual, did not frighten you, then honor and praise to you. After all, knowing what and how to make such a unique finishing material, originality and individuality of the cladding, as well as the delight of your friends and acquaintances, are guaranteed to you.

Mixtures of different materials are used:

  1. clay materials that provide plasticity wet mass necessary for molding tile blanks;
  2. quartz raw materials - mainly quartz sand, which forms the “skeleton” of a ceramic product, that is, it performs a structural function necessary to limit and control the change in the size of the product, which is inevitable during drying and firing;
  3. materials containing feldspars (aluminosilicates of sodium, potassium, calcium, etc.) or carbonates (in particular calcium), due to which, during firing, the required viscosity is achieved, which ensures the glassy and dense structure of the finished product.

The production of ceramic tiles consists of the following stages:

  1. Clay mining. The production process begins in quarries where the raw materials are extracted. The types of clay used must be strictly defined chemical composition, in the future this largely determines the properties of the material and its behavior during pressing and firing. The clay arrives at the factory, where it is stored in special containers. Each container contains its own type of clay.
  2. Preparation of the mixture. The clay is mixed with other components in strictly calculated proportions, enters the pre-grinding area to a certain size and undergoes the following operations: 1) grinding; 2) mixing; 3) hydration. Preparation of ceramic mass, depending on the properties of the raw materials and the type of product being manufactured, is carried out:
    - semi-dry method (by pressing from a powdery mass - the clay is first crushed and dried, then crushed and fed for molding);
    - plastically (from a dough-like mass using heat treatment - the clay is crushed under pressure, then sent to a clay mixer, where it is mixed with additives until a homogeneous plastic mass is obtained);
    -wet method (starting materials crushed and mixed with a large amount of water (up to 60%) until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then liquid mixture enters special tanks).
    To make the body of the tile (in production it is often called a sponge cake, since in color and shape it resembles a cake layer), raw materials are thoroughly crushed and mixed to obtain a completely homogeneous mass for subsequent molding.
  3. Product molding. Two methods are used for molding - pressing and extrusion.
    When pressing, the powdery mass is compressed by the press in two directions, under high pressure movement and partial deformation of the granules occurs, due to which even unfired tiles have the appropriate density and strength.
    During extrusion, clinker tiles are made from a dough-like mass and are shaped by pressing them through a special hole in the extruder, shaped like a future profile. Extrusion differs from the dry pressing method in that in the production process there is a so-called “liquid phase”, when a viscous mass is squeezed out of a certain shape under pressure and then trimmed. Exactly these technological subtleties allow the production of material various shapes, while pressing can only produce flat tiles of certain sizes. Clinker tiles made by extrusion can be much thicker than pressed ones, and also convex or concave, which makes it possible to produce special clinker elements, for example, corner, external and internal.
  4. Drying the product. Mandatory intermediate operation technological process The production of ceramic products is drying. Drying performs important role, since at this stage the water that was necessary for molding is removed from the product. Drying conditions are critical to product integrity and the process must be carefully controlled to avoid warping, cracking or other defects. In the production of ceramic tiles today, the most common are drying installations with hot air drying. This installation ensures that moisture reaches the surface of the product, its further evaporation and removal. The speed of the installation (the drying process lasts several tens of minutes) is ensured by good heat transfer, efficient ventilation and relatively high air temperature at which dehumidification is performed. If the raw material, having high humidity, immediately after molding, subject it to firing, then it will crack. Further, during the drying process and final high-temperature firing, the tiles “shrink” (a proportional decrease in linear dimensions), this is precisely what explains the presence of calibers assigned to the tile - in fact, a designation of its actual size. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to predict this decrease during the firing process with millimeter accuracy; it depends on many factors. Therefore, in the future, on final stage, the tiles are sorted according to the actual size (caliber), which in turn has small tolerances, according to ISO standards.
  5. Application of glaze (enamel). Glaze (from the German Glasur, from Glas - glass) is a glassy protective and decorative coating on ceramics, fixed by firing (transparent or opaque, colorless or colored). Glaze is a mixture of various minerals and compounds (frits, sand, various oxides, coloring pigments that are applied to the surface of the product and melted). There are glazes different types, colored or non-colored, matte and glossy, even transparent. The color of the glaze is achieved by adding salts and metal oxides, for example, cobalt gives Blue colour, chrome - green, iron - red. The tiles can be glazed or unglazed. In glazed tiles, the upper, relatively thin layer has a glassy structure, that is, the surface of the tile differs from its base and provides a visual effect (color, gloss, ornament, etc.), as well as a number of properties, such as water resistance, hardness, etc. etc., which the tile base cannot provide. Thus, glazed tiles contain two layers with different structures: the glaze on the surface and the base located below. Unglazed tiles, on the contrary, have a uniform structure throughout their entire thickness. Today, there are several dozen ways to apply glazes to the surface of ceramic tiles. The glaze can be applied in the form of granules, a paste or a sprayed suspension. Technologically, the enamel is applied using a machine - a large round drum, the circumference of which is several times greater than the length of the tile. The drum, when rolled, applies liquid enamel and since the length of its circumference is much greater than the length of the tile, 3-4 tiles are processed per revolution. The moment of application can occur in different ways: before firing, after firing and even during firing. To give the tiles a more aesthetic appearance, the glazing process can be used in conjunction with the application of various images. Axial displacement of the drum is often used in order to make a large number of tiles with a non-repeating pattern, while maintaining the selected design and color of the series.
  6. Burning. By firing the tiles, just like other ceramic products, acquires mechanical characteristics that make it suitable for various uses. These characteristics are a consequence chemical reactions and physical changes that occur both in the tile itself and in the glaze (in the case of glazed tiles). Firing is carried out in continuous kilns, which are a tunnel through which the tiles move on special conveyors, while being subjected to preheating, as a result of which moisture evaporates, then the tiles are fired at a temperature depending on the type of product from 900 to 1250 ° C and more. A characteristic property of clays is their ability to turn into a stone-like mass when fired. For each type of tile (and sometimes for each collection), an individual temperature regime. The maximum firing temperature also differs for different materials. For double fired tiles - about 950°C, for single fired tiles - up to 1180°C, for porcelain stoneware - up to 1300°C. After being in the firing area for a certain time, the tiles move further along the tunnel, gradually cooling to a temperature that ensures its safe unloading from the kiln. After cooling, the tile acquires a structure with high mechanical strength.
  7. Sorting. Before entering the packaging area and then to the warehouse, the tiles are carefully sorted. This process is designed to solve three problems: 1) reject defective products; 2) separate tiles of the first grade from tiles of lower grades; 3) group tiles of each type into commercial lots in terms of size (caliber) and color (tone). The sorting order can be as follows: after leaving the kiln, the tiles come to the area of ​​flaw detection and calibration, and then visual control of tonality. Tests at the flaw detection site consist of placing each tile on so-called rails located along the edges of the tile and rolling a roller in the center, acting on the tile with a certain load. If a tile has a defect, it cannot withstand the load and breaks, automatically not being subject to further testing. Defects in the enamel surface are checked visually, simultaneously with determining the tone of the tile. Next, the tiles are sorted into batches, packaged, labeled and sent to the finished product warehouse.

Types of ceramic tiles

Each stage of production for various types tiles have their own characteristics, which further determine the characteristics of the resulting material.


Enameled ceramic tiles designed for indoor wall cladding. Enamel gives the tiles shine and allows you to display the pattern of any design, and also protects the ceramic body of the tile from moisture penetration. The body of the tile, the so-called “cookie,” is obtained by pressing a moistened mass of red clay under pressure in special molds, followed by firing at temperatures up to 1040 ºC. The entire production cycle of this type of tile occurs in two processes: 1) to create the base, only the base of the tile is fired, firing is carried out at low temperatures. The result is a highly porous shard (with a water absorption rate of up to 10%), which has not undergone shrinkage and does not require further sorting of the tiles by size (calibration). At the end production cycle The tiles undergo control of planometric parameters and linear dimensions. If a tile does not meet the specified parameters, it is automatically removed from the conveyor and sent for processing. 2) To fix the enamel, glaze is applied to the base and a secondary firing occurs, characterized by an even lower temperature (700-900 ºС). For the second phase of firing - the phase of applying enamel - only pre-selected quality tiles. The general meaning of stage-by-stage firing is to ensure the necessary strength characteristics of the “biscuit” (required high temperatures), and maintaining the color of the desired brightness and saturation (with low temperatures coloring pigments practically do not fade). The thickness of the “cookie” is 5-7 mm, it is inferior in strength to other types of tiles and has interior applications. The enamel covering double-fired tiles is either glossy or matte and does not have high surface strength because these tiles, used primarily on walls, are not expected to be subject to mechanical and abrasive stress (they will not be walked on). The exception is some series of tiles recommended by manufacturers as floor tiles. Since the process of applying enamel does not affect the geometry of the tile in any way, these parameters are no longer controlled after production is completed; the tile is checked for surface defects. The main formats for tile production: 20x20 cm, 20x25 cm, 25x33.3 cm. Externally, bicottura can be distinguished by: relatively small thickness; red-brown clay base; light weight; glossy shiny enamel.
Bicottura is usually made in collections consisting of several colors: a lighter one - most often the basic one in the series and additional ones - darker and with a large number of decorated elements. Decorated elements are made in the following ways:
- using an additional third firing: pre-made tiles are cut to the desired size (for example, a border). The required pattern is applied to the finished tile. This is done different ways depending on the expected effect - by applying a design through meshes or stencils with paints, gold, glaze (sometimes in powder form). Next, another layer of enamel is applied to the product, followed by firing at an even lower temperature (up to 700 ºC) to fix the design, while the glaze powder melts, forming a relief design.
- using gypsum: to produce relief decorative elements of large thickness, gypsum is added to the batch, which imparts plasticity, then molding occurs, followed by enamel coating and firing (sometimes drying without firing).


These are enameled ceramic tiles designed both for wall cladding and for laying tiles on the floor. Some of its types are frost-resistant and, accordingly, allow this series to be used indoors and outdoors. The entire production cycle of monocottura occurs in one firing process. A specially prepared mixture consisting of different varieties clay with the addition of others natural ingredients, mixed in special containers and moistened at the same time. Then it is dried and ground in huge vertical drums almost to the state of suspension, and fed under pressure into a mold. The size of the pressed tiles at this stage exceeds the nominal size by approximately 7-10%, that is, ceramic tiles, having a catalog size of 30x30 cm, still have a size of approximately 33x33 cm. All this happens because during the final firing and drying process the tile narrows , proportionally decreasing in linear dimensions. Next, the ceramic tiles are sent to a special final drying chamber and to an area where enamel is applied to the unfired tiles, which after firing protects the structure of the tiles and gives the originally intended color and design to the tiles. After applying the enamel, the tiles are sent to a furnace up to 100 m long. Gradually heated there to a temperature of 1200 ° C and then smoothly cooling, the ceramic tiles undergo that same single firing, as a result of which the base becomes extremely hard and the enamel is fixed on it, forming a strong bond with the tiles. one whole. After leaving the kiln, the tiles are sent to the area for flaw detection and visual control of tonality and calibration, after which they are sorted into batches, packaged, labeled and sent to the finished product warehouse.
The main differences between bicottura and monocottura: greater hardness (density) of the material as a result of the use of a more powerful press and higher firing temperature, the presence of series with low water absorption (<3%), морозостойкими качествами (некоторые типы плитки одинарного обжига производят специально для эксплуатации при минусовой температуре, такой плиткой можно облицовывать постройки снаружи), более толстая и прочная основа плитки, более твердая, износостойкая эмаль. Плитка одинарного обжига подвержена усадке, поэтому могут встречаться расхождения в размерах (калибрах плитки), которые отличаются в разных партиях. Эмаль у плиток одинарного обжига, кроме повышенных прочностных характеристик, обладает стойкостью к бытовым моющим средствам, а некоторые виды этой плитки обладают также повышенной стойкостью к агрессивным химическим средам.
Decors for monocottura are produced in two types: floor and wall. The production of floor decors is very similar to the production of the main material, with the only difference being that a pattern of a given design is applied to blanks of the required size, which is then also fired, and therefore the hardness of the decor enamel is not inferior to the strength of the main field. Wall decors are made using the same technologies as for bicottura, and therefore do not have the strength characteristics of the base material. In many cases, monocottura ceramic tiles are offered as floor tiles in the appropriate color and size for certain bicottura series, thus complementing them.
There is also a special subtype of monocottura, produced in the 10x10 cm format. Tiles of this format are recommended, as a rule, for tiling the “apron” in the kitchen (decorating and protecting the wall between the lower furniture tables and upper cabinets) and have a smaller thickness (about 6 mm) and more number of different decors. Since these ceramic tiles are used mainly in interiors, they do not have all the advantages of monocottura (softer pressing and firing parameters are used), but, nevertheless, they are stronger than bicottura and can be used as flooring in private interiors ( cottages, apartments and so on).


A separate type of single-firing tile is produced using the technology of pressing and subsequent single simultaneous firing of the body of the tile and the applied glaze. When producing monoporosa, clay with a high carbonate content is used. This product is highly porous and has a high water absorption rate - up to 15%. The thickness of the base is 12 mm, because the strength of such tiles is less than that of monocottura. The monoporosa production technology makes it possible to produce large slabs. Since a white mixture is used in production, this allows a thin layer of light enamel to be applied. This is very beneficial because, for example, bicottura, which has a red base, requires a thick layer of light coating. Therefore, the most common colors are those that imitate marble. The surface of the tile is decorated both in the traditional way - by applying a pattern to the product, and by cutting under water under high pressure using special equipment, in this way you can get a beautiful prefabricated decor, including pieces of natural stone. Such tiles are less dense than monocottura and can only be used for interior decoration.

GRES (Ceramic granite)

Porcelain granite, painted throughout, is a single-fired, non-enameled ceramic tile made from light grades of clay. The mixture from which gres tiles are made consists of several types of clays, quartz sand, feldspar and coloring pigments (metal oxides) - natural components that, unlike natural stone, do not serve as a source of increased radioactive background and are a safe material for health. The phases of porcelain stoneware production are similar to monocottura. The mixture is pressed, dried, and then fired at very high temperatures. In this case, the source material is sintered and forms a monolith. Thanks to this, porcelain stoneware has high technical characteristics, such as: low water absorption - less than 0.05%, resistance to chemical influences, increased abrasion resistance, impact strength, bending strength, resistance to temperature changes, clarity of pattern and color, coloring the product does not change under the influence of external factors. Based on surface type, ceramic granite is divided into several main types:

  1. Matte - tiles with this surface are not further processed after leaving the oven, so they have a natural appearance.
  2. Polished - the raw surface of the gres is cut evenly and then brightened. As a result, the tile becomes sparkling. After polishing, a composition is applied to the product that closes micropores and makes the surface less susceptible to contamination. However, such tiles have several disadvantages (if water gets on them, they become very slippery, and they are also very easy to scratch, so polished tiles need to be looked after especially carefully and cleaned with special non-abrasive liquid detergents).
  3. Semi-polished (lapped - from the Italian lappato - lapped, smoothed) porcelain stoneware - is obtained by cutting off a smaller top layer of gres using surface grinding technology (special grinding stones are used for this). Typically, uneven tiles are treated in this way, resulting in an impressive combination of polished and matte areas. The surface of lappatted ceramic granite is easier to clean from dirt. Lapatated ceramic tiles differ from polished tiles in that they are processed less intensively, as a result of which the tiles acquire a shine and non-slip surface.
  4. Smalted ceramic granite (gres porcelanato smaltato) has become widespread. Its manufacturing technology is very similar to the production of monocottura - the applied enamel, which determines the color and texture of the surface, is fired along with the tile as a result of a single firing, but the material has the same high strength and frost-resistant properties as porcelain stoneware.
  5. Another technology for processing ceramic granite is retification. Retification is an additional mechanical processing of already finished material, which consists in cutting off the side edges on each side of both matte and polished tiles on special machines (using diamond wheels), to give all tiles in the series, without exception, the same size in each format and in the same way smooth edges of the product. This operation allows you to lay tiles of different sizes, as well as combine matte and polished tiles of the same series with minimal joints of 1 mm, which is an additional advantage and is almost impossible for unrefined tiles. Nevertheless, it is still recommended to lay such tiles with a seam - so that when the building shrinks or when the tile expands (for example, due to temperature changes), it does not crack.


These are typically single-fired, unenamelled ceramic tiles. It is made from red clay by extrusion - pressing through a square, rectangular or, for example, hexagonal shape. Cotto is used mainly for finishing floors. The extrusion method allows you to obtain tiles of the most bizarre configuration. The most popular sizes: 250x250, 300x300, 200x400 and 400x600 mm. The body of the cotto has a variety of natural colors of yellow, brown and reddish. The facial surface is usually treated with special brushes, as a result of which hard tubercles appear on it. Finally, the surface of the cotto can be polished, ground, or, conversely, made deliberately rough. The main technical characteristics of cotto: low water permeability and abrasion, resistance to compression and bending, resistance to chemical and atmospheric influences.


Clinker is a single-firing ceramic tile with a compacted base, in the production of which the extrusion method is used, as well as pressing technology (for example, from the Paradyz factory). Sometimes it is enameled or covered with so-called “salt” - a thin layer of transparent glass. The main characteristics of clinker: high resistance to mechanical loads, low abrasion and water permeability, resistance to chemical influences, resistance to temperature changes, frost resistance. Typically, clinkers are used for cladding floors both inside and outside, as well as in the construction of swimming pools - in finishing plinths, corners, gutters, steps and various connecting elements.


A large-pored tile with a colored base and a front surface, usually covered with an opaque glaze, onto which a bright pattern is applied. To produce majolica, quarry clays containing sand, carbonate fractions and iron oxides are taken. The tiles are produced by pressing followed by double firing. Majolica is characterized by high mechanical strength and resistance to the formation of craquelures (small cracks on the surface of the paint layer in painting - in ancient paintings on canvas and wood, as well as on ceramics, enamel, glass), but due to the porous base, majolica easily absorbs water, so can only be used for finishing interior walls in dry rooms. Despite the limited area of ​​​​use and energy-intensive double firing, majolica is in steady demand due to its high decorative qualities, strongly associated with antiquity.

General recommendations for the selection and use of tiles can be formulated as follows:

Bicottura - used for wall cladding in interiors, sometimes for floor covering (if the selected series is recommended for such use), but only in those rooms that are not directly connected to the street and where, as a result, there is no risk of damaging the enamel with mechanical particles (sand, dust).
Monocottura - is used for cladding all types of surfaces in interiors, and especially resistant types of this tile can be used as flooring in public places with not very intense traffic (still, it must be taken into account that enameled ceramic tiles will wear out faster during operation than porcelain stoneware painted in the mass). Also, frost-resistant series can be used for external and internal work.
Porcelain tiles, painted in mass - cladding of all types of surfaces both indoors and outdoors. It has practically no restrictions on its use - it can be private interiors, restaurants, airports, swimming pools, sidewalk paths, etc. Here it is only especially worth noting that for some outdoor work and floors in special rooms it is necessary to select tiles with an appropriate anti-slip surface (for staircase steps) or streets, special rooms (warehouses, production workshops). Selection of polished porcelain tiles: Due to the very smooth surface of this material, it is used mainly in interior spaces, where there is no danger of water coming into contact with it, which makes it very slippery. You also need to take into account the fact that the use of this material in places that have direct contact with the street (restaurants, cafes, lobbies) exposes it to additional wear, since it will be more subject to mechanical stress and may lose its appearance over time.

Properties and features of ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles are a very durable material. If the tile is laid correctly, its strength limit is 10–20 times higher than that of cement or reinforced concrete - it can reach 30 thousand tons per square meter! A high rigidity index allows ceramic tiles not to bend or deform even under very high tensile loads. And the thicker it is, the higher this figure. The glassy surface of ceramic tiles (glaze or enamel) protects the ceramic tiles from exposure to water. This material has fire resistance and fire resistance properties, making the tiles suitable for lining stoves and fireplaces. It does not burn, protects the lined surface, and when heated does not emit toxic substances. The tile is not subject to destruction when in contact with chemicals (the only threat is hydrofluoric acid). When contacting ceramic tiles, there is no discharge of static electricity, as happens with synthetic surfaces (carpet, linoleum), that is, the tile is a dielectric. Ceramic tiles are made from natural ingredients and are safe for the environment. Ceramic tiles quickly absorb and conduct heat, that is, they have high thermal conductivity. It is one of the most hygienic materials and is very easy to keep clean.

  1. Wear resistance is one of the most important qualities of floor tiles, which characterizes the tile's resistance to abrasion and its ability to maintain its appearance without changes. Researchers at the Porcelain and Enamel Institute of America, who analyze, test and research ceramic materials, have developed a classification of tiles based on the degree of abrasion. It is called PEI for short and is used to correctly select tiles of a certain wear resistance group depending on the type of premises in which they will be laid. If you put a tile of the wrong group on the floor, it will wear out very quickly, lose its strength, become covered with scratches, and the glaze will lose its shine. The PEI classification includes five groups: PEI I – tiles from this group require light use without exposure to abrasive particles (used for walls in bathrooms). PEI II - tiles of this group require operation with a small presence of abrasive particles (used for walls/floors in bedrooms, offices, bathrooms). PEI III - tiles of the third group are laid in any residential premises and small offices that do not have direct access from the street. The tiles are not suitable for stairs, corridors and other high-traffic areas. PEI IV - tiles of this group have higher strength characteristics than tiles of the previous group, and therefore are suitable for any living rooms, as well as for covering stairs, halls, and corridors. PEI V - Tiles of the fifth group are the most durable and abrasion-resistant of glazed tiles. Therefore, only it is used in both private and public interiors with above-average traffic (offices, shops, cafes, restaurants). For places with heavy traffic (traffic), it is recommended to use unglazed porcelain tiles (airports, train stations, shopping centers).
  2. Water absorption is the ratio of the mass of water absorbed by a sample when it is completely immersed in water to the mass of dry matter. The ratio is expressed as a percentage. The water absorption of glazed ceramic floor tiles should not exceed 3% (EN 176 Bl standard), and for wall tiles the water absorption should be at least 10% (EN 159 BIII standard). The water absorption rate of tiles plays an important role when tiling pools. To do this, you need to use only special tiles, such as porcelain tiles, clinker, porcelain tiles.
  3. Frost resistance is the ability of tiles to resist temperature changes. Water absorption and frost resistance are interrelated characteristics that directly depend on the porosity of the tile. When firing any ceramic tile, no matter what technology is used, pores are formed in its body - from the evaporation of residual moisture, from the release of gases formed during high-temperature chemical reactions. Naturally, moisture can penetrate into them from rain, fog, snow - if the tiles are laid outdoors, or from various technological liquids - if, for example, a refrigerator is tiled. Frost resistance is the ability of ceramic products saturated with water to withstand repeated alternating freezing in air and thawing in water without signs of destruction and without a significant decrease in strength, in other words, the frost resistance indicator is resistance to cyclic freezing and thawing. European testing methods stipulate that 25 freezing/thawing cycles at temperatures from – 15Cº to +15Cº (at temperatures from – 20Cº to +25Cº according to GOST 7025-91) are sufficient to establish the presence or absence of resistance. The durability of ceramic tiles is determined by two parameters: the presence and number of pores. Double-fired tiles are quite porous and therefore not frost-resistant. And single-fired tiles with a water absorption of less than 3% are considered frost-resistant. Porcelain tiles, unlike ceramic tiles, have the lowest level of water absorption - less than 0.05%, which is characterized by the absence of pores and microcracks on the surface and resists the penetration of water inside, does not expand and does not cause destruction during frost. Frost resistance must also be taken into account when the tiles are laid outdoors or in an unheated room where the air temperature drops below 0Cº.
  4. Cracking is the appearance of fine cracks in the enamel coating. This happens with low-quality or incorrectly selected tiles under the influence of sudden temperature changes. This defect is sometimes present on the tiles before installation. If it is proven that during the manufacture of the tile the “cracking resistance” standard was violated, the defect is considered a manufacturing defect. When tiles crack some time after installation, the cause may be improper installation of the tiles: the use of poor mortar or glue, or a layer of these materials that is too thick or thin.
  5. Slip resistance is a characteristic that determines the ability of a surface to prevent an object placed on it from sliding. It is expressed by the coefficient of friction, which is most often measured using the German DIN method. The test result is expressed in terms of the angle of inclination of the floor at which the object begins to slide. Slip resistance is a basic safety requirement for residential and industrial premises, as well as for outdoor floor coverings. In bathhouses, saunas and swimming pools, ribbed tiles with grooves are usually laid.
  6. Chemical resistance is a characteristic of tile enamel, reflecting its ability to withstand contact with chemicals at room temperature. Chemicals include acids, salts, bases, as well as household chemicals, pool additives and household products. The tile must resist the aggressive or mechanical effects of these substances without undergoing external changes. According to the EN 122 standard, the following classes of tiles are distinguished for resistance to aggressive environments (environments that cause destruction of materials and deterioration of its properties - the use of household detergents, atmospheric exposure): Class AA - during testing, the tiles completely retained their appearance, Class A - appearance has changed slightly, Class B - significant changes in appearance have been identified, Class C - partial loss of appearance has occurred, Class D - the original appearance has been completely lost. You should not forget about the seams on the tiled surface. They can be protected by filling them with epoxy materials that are highly resistant to chemical attack.
  7. Tone and caliber of tiles. Tone is the color saturation of the tile, which may slightly differ from the declared color. It is indicated on the packaging by a number or letter. Caliber is the actual size of the tile, which sometimes differs by a couple of millimeters from the nominal one. The caliber is indicated on the packaging next to the nominal size. Small discrepancies in dimensions often occur when producing tiles with a very dense base. During production, tiles are sorted into batches of the same size with the tolerance for differences established by the standards. Before laying, the tiles should be checked for discrepancies with the size/size comparison data indicated on the packaging, otherwise even minor deviations may cause unevenness or other defects in the coating.
  8. Bending resistance is a characteristic that determines the maximum value of a static load applied to three points of one ceramic tile that it can withstand without destruction. The lower the water absorption of the tile, the higher the bending resistance. Porcelain tiles have very high bending resistance, while porous tiles have lower resistance.
  9. Tensile strength is the level of possible load that the tile must withstand. It directly depends on its thickness. The ability to withstand loads is especially important for floor tiles. The tile covering should be able to withstand loads such as the weight of a person or furniture easily and not break.
  10. Surface hardness is a characteristic that expresses the ability of a surface to be resistant to scratches and damage. According to the EN101 standard, tiles are classified on a scale of 1 to 10 according to the increasing hardness of the minerals used for the test. Scratches are clearly visible on a shiny tile surface, but on a matte surface they are less noticeable.
  11. Temperature resistance is the ability of the enamel surface not to undergo visible changes due to the “shock” caused by sudden changes in temperature through successive cycles of immersion in water at room temperature and subsequent placement in an oven at temperatures above 105°C. The test shows whether the tile is more or less resistant to such influences.

The method of manufacturing ceramic facing tiles depends on their type, material and equipment used. There are many videos and photos on this topic. But many people are interested in knowing what is the difference between tiles and the production method and what is better to buy.

Let’s say right away that you can do it yourself, but it will not be a cost-effective process. Considerable costs will be required to produce high-quality products.

In today's article we will present methods for making ceramic facing tiles that are the most common in our time.

The method of making cladding is quite different. The production of facing ceramic tiles is a labor-intensive and complex process that requires experience, professionalism and compliance with important nuances and features.
After all, only then can you really produce a high-quality and original product that you need.

Attention: It is important to know that bicottura, monocottura and porcelain stoneware are considered to be the most common and popular materials in the modern world, which means you must definitely take this into account.

In general, bicottura is an enameled ceramic tile; today it is enjoying particular success, because it is increasingly being used for cladding walls indoors. Thus, the room becomes elegant, luxurious and magnificent, and this is what every owner dreams of.


  • Enamel can give the tile not only shine, but will also allow you to display the design of a particular style, and it does not matter whether it is a tile that is intended for the kitchen (see) or a tile for the bathroom.
  • Speaking in general about the production of this type of tile, know that it occurs mainly by firing; real professionals work who know the intricacies and features of this work.

Attention: It is necessary to take into account that the enamel used to cover tiles can be either glossy or matte, which means you decide for yourself what exactly you need to purchase in order to enjoy the product.

  • Enamel is famous for its ability to show its resistance to household detergents, but more and more often they are applied to the surface of tiles in bathrooms (see).
  • Such tiles can be easily recognized, because, as a rule, they have a slight thickness, weight, and a glossy shiny surface.

Attention: Few people know that bicottura today is mainly made in batches, which, in turn, may differ in color. Here everything depends on the desires of the buyer, which means you can purchase the products that you need.

It is also impossible not to add that the method of producing ceramic facing tiles of this type can also be done using double firing - this is one of the common and traditional methods of producing ceramic tiles; if you remember the history, it goes back decades.

These are enameled ceramic tiles, which today enjoy no less success and popularity. It is usually used for cladding walls, laying tiles on the floor, etc.

  • By purchasing some types of such tiles, you will appreciate frost resistance, which means that you can always use the products both indoors and outdoors, which is important.
  • Speaking about the production cycle of this type of tile, know that everything happens in one firing process. The mixture, which is carefully prepared, usually consists of various types of clay; naturally, other natural ingredients must be added to it, after which it is all thoroughly mixed in specially designed containers.

How to distinguish bicottura from monocottura

Indeed, this question interests many people, but in fact, it should be noted that there are some differences that make it possible to understand that indeed these types of tiles are seriously different from each other.


  • First of all, the great hardness of the material;
  • Don't forget about the thicker, more durable tile backing;
  • You can also add hard, wear-resistant enamel here.

The enamel of this type of tiles is famous for the fact that it can really show high resistance to certain household detergents. You can also find tiles of this type on sale that are highly resistant to aggressive chemical environments.

Decors for monocottura

You should know that decors for monocottura are usually presented in two types: floor and wall:

  • Speaking about the production of floor decors, I would like to note that the process of their production is similar to the production of the main material, the only difference is that a drawing of a particular design must be applied to blanks of the required size; in the future it is customary to burn it.
  • You can purchase a monocottura, which is presented as a floor product; it will have the color and size you are interested in. It can also be offered in separate batches. In any case, you need to understand that if you wish, you can always choose the type of tiles that interests you.
  • During the production of traditional tiles, which are durable, it is customary to use clays with a high content of iron oxide, as this is the most important condition that must be taken into account without fail.
  • This technology is known and widespread because it is possible to fire slabs of various formats with ease and high quality, after which the products can be laid without significant gaps. Of course, every consumer dreams of this, so you will definitely appreciate it.

Attention: As soon as the production of bicottura begins, know that you must use red clay as a base, and as for light enamel, in any case it must be thick enough, this is the only way the product will not lose color, so you must remember this .

Gres. Ceramic granite

I would like to immediately note that ceramic granite itself looks attractive, elegant and magnificent, which means that if you want to purchase such a product, you will instantly appreciate it as it should.

In general, this is a ceramic tile that does not have enamel, it is not only beautiful and original, but also durable, moreover, you can find various shades and colors of such tiles on sale.


The main advantage of such a product is low water absorption, which, of course, is important. Moreover, we cannot help but add that the product is also highly resistant to chemicals, which is an equally important advantage.

  • You will also appreciate the depth of color, pattern, as well as impact strength, this also includes high resistance to certain mechanical loads, and you must understand that these are really important advantages.
  • Speaking in general about the main parameters for the production of this material, I would like to note that they are similar to the parameters that are usually observed during the production of monocottura, but still, there are some significant differences, and you need to know about them.
  • For example, the mixture from which porcelain stoneware is usually made usually consists of two types of clay. As a result, such products are not only original and luxurious, but also, accordingly, durable, practical and reliable.
  • You must also understand that porcelain stoneware (see) is a material that is safe for human health, which means that when purchasing it, you will know for sure that this is the case.

Attention: Speaking about the range of production of such material, I would like to note that it is presented in a wide variety. This means that you can always purchase the version of ceramic granite that will satisfy your wishes and ideas, and this is the main thing.

You can purchase different types of surfaces, for example, matte or polished; it all depends solely on your taste and financial capabilities.

Matte coating

This surface indicates some features of the material:

  • If you decide to purchase a product with a matte surface, then know that it has a natural, unprocessed appearance, it is obtained as a result of coming out of the oven, and the product does not require further mechanical processing, be sure to remember this.
  • The polished surface is distinguished by its beauty, because the material sparkles, it acquires an unusual and interesting effect, thereby allowing you to get only a great mood from it.
  • But you definitely need to know that such tiles turn out slippery if water is spilled on them, which means that if you want to purchase such a product, you need to take this into account in advance.
  • Moreover, we cannot help but add that such tiles are difficult to care for, which means you need to remember this; they need to be cleaned and can only be cleaned with special means, especially for the first time after installation.

Waxed surface

Such tiles look luxurious and magnificent, worthy, you should see it once to be convinced of this. It looks this way due to the fact that transparent mineral crystals, which have different melting points, are usually applied to its surface.

As a result, the surface is shiny, moreover, it is also famous for being non-slippery, compared, for example, with polished tiles, which, of course, is its main advantage.

Smalted ceramic granite

Speaking about the manufacturing technology of this material, know that it is similar to the technology and production of monocottura. The enamel that is applied to the surface of the product and will determine the color and texture of the surface.

  • But we cannot help but add that today retified tiles are also especially popular; if you start using them, you can create a single, original and attractive surface, which will be distinguished by the fact that the seams will not be visible on it, and this is good news.
  • As a result, you can enjoy the fact that a surface has been created that is lined with natural stone; of course, you will definitely appreciate it, because the surface will look unusual and interesting, and this is the main thing.

Retification is an additional mechanical processing, as a rule, we are talking about the finished material. Here the tiles undergo cutting off the side edges; this work is performed on special machines so that the products can be given originality and elegance.

  • Moreover, it is impossible not to take into account the fact that the equipment is carefully configured, as a result it is possible to process various formats in one batch, while respecting the given template.
  • Naturally, you need to understand that such machines are operated by real professionals who know their business; this is the only way to obtain high-quality and durable products that will serve as real decoration for a long time.
  • It is important to say that it is thanks to the presence of such equipment that it is possible to lay tiles of various sizes, which, of course, cannot but rejoice. Moreover, it is always possible to produce a clear combination of matte and polished tiles of the same series.

As a result, you can get a surface that will not only look decent, but it will also not have any seams, which, of course, can have a positive effect on your mood, and this is the main thing.

In general, the production of any of the listed types of tiles is characterized by complexities and important features that must be observed without fail. After all, only then will it be possible to achieve results by obtaining high-quality and reliable products that are also original.


The production of facing ceramic tiles today is actively developing, moreover, every consumer will be able to purchase, without any problems or difficulties, those products that he dreams of, which, of course, cannot but rejoice.

But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to produce it yourself, meaning mass-produced. It's easier to buy. After all, the production price is quite high.

  • After all, you are well aware that the production of such products is actually developing at the moment. If you want, for example, to purchase ceramic granite, then you can do this without any problems, remember that you can choose the surface that will decorate your home properly.
  • You can purchase a product with the texture of “old stone”; naturally, it will look unusual, decorating any home, so you should think about purchasing just such products.
  • Today you can buy tiles that are designed specifically for swimming pools; they look completely unusual and interesting, which means you can always enjoy them properly.
  • In addition to the attractive appearance of such products, they are also distinguished by durability, practicality and reliability, which means they should be given preference when evaluating the products properly.
  • Many consumers choose matte surfaces for products of this type, as they look unusual, interesting and luxurious.

Attention: If you want to purchase ceramic floor tiles, then you will be offered a wide variety of sizes and colors of such products, which will allow you to purchase what you need.

  • You can always produce a clear combination of such products, thereby making the room look unusual, cozy and comfortable; naturally, your family and guests will definitely appreciate it.
  • On sale you can find a special subtype of monocottura; it, in turn, is produced in the 10x10 format. If you decide to purchase tiles of this format, then know that designers advise doing so. Only when purchasing should you study the instructions, because you need to know its parameters.
  • After all, the products have an unusual appearance, so if you want to beautifully tile the “apron” in the kitchen, then you can purchase just such products, thereby getting a great mood from it.
  • To summarize, I would like to add that today tiles are manufactured in a very diverse range, but the good news is that you can find various types of them on sale, which means that if you wish, you can purchase a product that will be distinguished not only by its attractiveness, but also by its durability, practicality, and it is most important.

Therefore, as soon as you decide to purchase such products, you need to carefully analyze everything, choosing the tile option that is ideal and optimal for a particular room. Everything is in your hands, we hope that our advice and recommendations will allow you to make the right choice of the tiles you have been dreaming about for so long.