DIY lamp (58 photos): options for tabletop, pendant and wall lighting. How to make a lampshade (plafond) at home Unusual ceiling lamps with your own hands

Decorating the house yourself is a favorite pastime of many housewives; this article reveals how to make a lamp with your own hands. You can revive the interior of a living room, bedroom or hallway using improvised means, just by changing the shade of a chandelier, floor lamp or table lamp. Do-it-yourself lamp shades can be used not only in residential interiors, but also in cafes, pubs, and pizzerias.

Selection of materials and lamps for the lamp

Products made for children's rooms must be made from natural, non-toxic materials and painted with environmentally friendly paints.

When manufacturing, you should also remember fire safety Therefore, lampshades made of flammable materials made from paper, plastic, feathers or threads should only be used with lamps that have a low heating temperature.

You need to use LED or fluorescent lamps. They have a number of advantages:

  • long service life;
  • minimal heating of the base from the glass part;
  • the light has three shades: warm, cold, neutral.

In addition, such lamps are also called energy-saving; their only drawback can be called high cost.

It is also advisable to have a specialist connect the wire to the socket. You should not try to perform this operation yourself, as this may lead to undesirable consequences. It is more convenient to decorate an existing lamp frame or make it from durable and not very heavy materials.

To create lamps they use following materials: scissors, mounting knife, fishing line, wire, pliers, hot gun, in some cases it can be replaced with super glue. They should be used by an adult; it is unacceptable to involve a child in gluing. Since in one case he will get a burn, and in another he may glue his fingers together or stick to the parts of the future product.

What can a lampshade be made from?

Many craftsmen make lamps from completely unnecessary materials:

  • made of plastic or glass bottles;
  • newspapers, thin or colored paper;
  • artificial or natural threads;
  • dried branches unusual shape;
  • disposable spoons;
  • old disks.

Plastic lamp

You can easily make a homemade chandelier from plastic containers of different sizes.

  1. For the base you need to take a 5 liter bottle. The bottom is cut off from it. Then circles with a diameter of 1.5 cm are drawn on the surface. They need to be cut out with a mounting knife or small scissors.
  2. The bottom of the bottles for decoration is cut off and the entire surface is cut with scissors into strips 0.5 - 1 cm wide, then the workpiece is heated over a lit burner. When exposed to heat, the stripes will take on a chaotic appearance.
  3. Then the blanks are inserted into a 5-liter container with holes, and the lids are screwed on the inside. Then a wire is threaded through the large neck and the lampshade is installed. For such a lampshade you need to use an energy-saving lamp.
  4. In some interiors you can find a fancy lamp made on the basis of an ordinary hanger or straw hat. In general, nothing can limit the scope of imagination of both home craftsmen and professional designers.

Glass bottle lampshade

Very interesting option homemade chandelier obtained from glass bottles. They are used to decorate the halls of catering establishments. Also this a good option for the kitchen in a residential building or apartment. This can be a lampshade consisting of one or several bottles, the bottom of which is cut off. You can do this yourself, but it is better to use the services of a workshop where they cut glass and mirrors.

How to use thread

For a lampshade made of threads or ribbons you will need: a ready-made frame made of strong wire, threads different color, scissors, glue.

  1. The frame consists of two rings connected to each other by metal pieces. You can make it yourself from strong wire.
  2. One color or several shades of thread is required.
  3. A thread is secured to the bottom, then it needs to be pulled through the top ring, lowered down and thrown through the bottom ring. You need to make sure that the thread is taut and the turns fit snugly against each other. As soon as the thread runs out, you need to attach the next piece to the bottom ring.
  4. Carefully trim the remaining threads and glue them on the back side.

Spoons for lamp

You can make a multi-tiered, colored lamp from ordinary disposable spoons.

  1. It is necessary to make a frame from wire; for a round small lamp you need to make three circles with a diameter of 12, 18, 26 cm. Then the circles are fastened together using fishing line. The largest diameter will be at the top; there should be the same distance between them.
  2. In the spoons you need to make a small hole with a thick needle at the top of the handle.
  3. Spoons are painted with acrylic paints in three colors, for example, yellow, orange, red.
  4. Assembling a homemade chandelier: cut the fishing line to a length equal to the distance between the circles. A spoon is tied to one end of the fishing line, and the other to the frame. You need to tie spoons to the lower circle of small diameter yellow color, to the middle - orange and to the top - red.

Lightweight and elegant lampshade

For a paper lampshade, paper or thin cardboard is suitable. Such a lampshade can be either rectangular or square. First you need to think about the size of the lampshade; the larger the room, the wider the structure can be. In a small nursery or hallway, a lampshade with a diameter of 30–35 centimeters will look good.

The frame can be made of wire; it will consist of an upper and lower part; consider making a lampshade in the shape of a cylinder.

  1. You need to make two circles of wire of the required diameter. They are connected to each other using a fishing line, the distance between the lower and upper frames is 12 - 15 cm, the hoops are fastened with fishing line in three or four places. How larger diameter base, the more connecting elements need to be made.
  2. You can draw circles on a piece of paper different diameters, figurines of cartoon characters. Outline drawings can be taken from the Internet and printed, then redrawn using carbon paper. A special ruler is suitable for drawing circles, or you can outline lids or buttons of different diameters. Some designs are cut out completely with a stationery knife, others are cut along the contour.
  3. The paper is tried on the base and glued with an overlap. Then glued to the wire, it can also be secured using thin wire. To do this, first make a hole in the paper with a thick needle or awl, then thread the wire and carefully tie it to the frame. It is advisable to glue thin paper, as it can easily be damaged.

Exclusive lampshade made of metal basins

  1. Cans made of any metal are used; an interesting option would be made from copper or aluminum containers. An old, used basin will also work. If it contains through hole, it needs to be welded or sealed, for example, epoxy resin.
  2. The inner surface must be painted light color so that the light reflects as much as possible from it.
  3. The outer surface can be painted in a dark, rich color that harmonizes with the interior.
  4. A fringe about 5 centimeters long is glued to the bottom of the headband with hot glue. In the central part of the basin you need to make a hole for the wire. It can be drilled with a drill or pierced with a nail.

Such a lampshade can be decorated with a mosaic of CDs. To do this, the discs are cut into small fragments with sharp scissors, which are glued to the outer surface of the pelvis. You can glue only the bottom outline and paint the rest. Or decorate the entire surface of the lampshade with such a mosaic. The more convex the surface, the smaller the disc fragments should be.

Natural materials

An original lamp can be made from a dry branch of an unusual shape. It needs to be cleared of bark and covered with stain, then, if desired, treated with clear varnish. The branch must be attached to the hook on the ceiling using regular fishing line. Then I wind the wire with the lamp onto the branch several times. A branch entwined with several wires looks beautiful.

You can make a lamp from plastic hangers. Described in detail in the video:

Lamps for different rooms

DIY bottle chandeliers are more suitable for the kitchen. Structures made of glass or plastic will be easy to clean from dust and wash if necessary. For the kitchen, hallway or living room, a lamp made of natural wood.

For a child's room, a painted lampshade would be more suitable. plastic bottles, floor lamp from bright threads or paper composition. Last option cannot be called durable, but this is the option that children will like. Girls will like a lampshade with butterflies and plant elements; boys will like designs with cars, superheroes or bright plastic lampshades.

In some cafes and pubs they are used for hall decoration. original lamps from bottles. These could be beer bottles. They can serve as a lampshade for light bulbs, or be an interesting frame for a lamp.

Ideas for homemade lamps by location

With your own hands you can give new look floor lamp. You can decorate the lampshade with fabric, threads, paper with cut-out designs, and you also don’t need to ignore the base and leg of the lamp. They can be painted with acrylic paints, glazed, and decorated with beads. The decor of the lower part of the floor lamp should echo the elements in the upper part. The easiest option is to decorate the lampshade solid color lace or guipure.

Decorating lamps

Bottom part A lampshade made of threads can be decorated with pom-poms of the same size hanging on a thread. They are glued to the inside of the frame with glue. Pompoms can hang at the same or different heights. They can be made in one color or combined several shades.

To decorate paper lamps you can use lace, thick tulle, beads different sizes. Decorate glass jars Or bottles can be glass pebbles, which can be purchased at hardware stores. You can also use buttons of different sizes and colors. Small buttons can even be glued to PVA.

On new year holidays It is customary to decorate the Christmas tree, but you can also decorate the shades of lamps and floor lamps. Here you can use regular rain, hand-cut snowflakes, Christmas tree figures, decorative balls and a regular garland. If a wall or floor lamp is installed Powersave lamp, then its lampshade can be decorated paper snowflakes.

Wall sconces are installed in living rooms, bedrooms, and children's rooms. After repairs, you can use old sconces only by changing them appearance. You can paint the body of the lamp in a light color, and apply bronze or silver paint on top with a hard bristle brush to create a patina effect. If the lampshade is glass, the desired pattern is applied to its surface using a glass stencil. Here you can use contour paints (they are used to create stained glass) or aerosol paints.

People who have developed creative abilities very often create interior elements with their own hands, and making a master class chandelier is not difficult. Only it is better to buy factory-made lamps for the bathroom, because they must be small and reliable.

Dwellings containing objects self made, acquire a refined and original look.

We make a chandelier with our own hands from plastic bottles

To make a chandelier from plastic bottles we take:

  • If there old chandelier, you can take her island
  • Many colorful bottles
  • No more than ten steel rods
  1. From plastic bottles we use scissors to cut out any figures that you want to see on your chandelier (animals, flowers, etc.)
  2. We attach several twigs to the chandelier island. From the rest we make something similar to a hedgehog, connecting the rods in the middle. We remove one rod where the light bulb will be
  3. Next, we supplement the resulting frame with previously cut plastic figures.
  4. We connect the island and the hedgehog together.

Now you know how to make a plastic chandelier with your own hands. To consolidate the material, we recommend that you watch a video that contains examples of chandeliers made from plastic bottles:

Making a chandelier with your own hands from wood

To make a wooden chandelier we will need:

  • Twelve strips for door trim, 30-45 cm each.
  • Liter jars from which we will make lampshades (6 pieces).
  • White and wood-colored paint.
  • Self-tapping screws for wood.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Seaming machine.

Description of the manufacturing principle.

  1. Making the planks smooth using sandpaper
  2. We need room for the electrical wire, so we make a notch on the back of each strip.
  3. We drill three strips to which we will attach the shades.
  4. We paint the planks a wood color.
  5. We make a regular hexagon from the plans.
  6. We attach the cartridge to the hole in the lid.
  7. We roll up the jars with light bulbs inside.
  8. We paint the lampshade in any light color.

DIY chandelier made of wood, photo below:

Making a chandelier with your own hands from threads

To make a chandelier from nylon threads we take:

  • Let's make a lampshade from a plastic bowl
  • Multi-colored threads
  • Fastening paste

Description of the manufacturing principle.

  1. First of all, let's make the paste. Mix half a glass of flour and two glasses of water, two glasses of water with a temperature above 60 degrees, boil and throw in about three tablespoons of sugar. Stir and wait until it cools down. Next, we’ll look at how to make a lampshade with your own hands for a chandelier.
  2. Throw the yarn into the paste.
  3. We wind the resulting yarn around a bowl.
  4. After 24 hours, separate the resulting thread lampshade from the bowl.
  5. We attach the lampshade to the bottom and that’s it, the chandelier can be hung on the ceiling

Attention! A DIY lampshade for a chandelier requires the use of a light bulb of no more than 60W, as it is made of flammable materials.

Have you decided to change your interior and want something unusual? The store offers a huge selection of different things, but why not make something yourself? The designer lives in each of us, you just need to wake him up, change the world that surrounds you, make it the way you see it!

Why not start with a chandelier? She might become business card your home, which no one else has. This will not only save your money but also give you a sea of ​​unforgettable emotions.

Make a chandelier shade with your own hands. You will be surprised that things that you were ready to throw away can be useful to you and reborn in your new invention.

First you need to decide on the style of what kind of chandelier you want.

If you are young - a romantic style chandelier is for you, you need to decorate country house– country style will be just right.

DIY chandelier (photo based on lampshade decorations)

To make a chandelier with our own hands, we take:

  • Light bulb socket.
  • Power cord.
  • Frame for a chandelier.
  • Decor for jewelry.
  • Multi-colored threads.
  • Hot glue.
  • 60 Watt light bulb.

For the frame, what's left of your old, long-forgotten chandelier is suitable. Many famous designers began their illustrious careers by giving old items a shine, bringing them back to life and putting them up for sale.

Take measurements and decide on the fabric you will use. Sewing the cover the right size put on the frame. You can decorate the lampshade however you like. These can be cut out flowers, animals, figures, beads and much more that your imagination can reproduce. We attach a socket equipped with a low-power light bulb to the lampshade and everything is ready. A lampshade made by yourself will lift your spirits every time you look at it.

Making a New Year's chandelier with your own hands

How to make a New Year's chandelier with your own hands to surprise your friends with your suddenly discovered talent?

To make a chandelier we take:

  • Organic glass or thin wooden sheet.
  • Linen rope.
  • Multi-colored balls.
  • Small stapler.
  • We use glass parts left over from an old chandelier.

Description of the manufacturing principle.

We start by cutting a square from plexiglass, the dimensions of which are 50:50 cm. We make holes every 5 centimeters throughout the entire area, as chaotically as possible. We take a linen thread and thread it through the water hole and out into another, adjacent one. The length of the extended ends should be two meters. We repeat this procedure until we fill all the holes in the square.

We hang this composition instead of a chandelier on the ceiling and continue to decorate the chandelier as christmas tree. We take the balls and tie nylon threads of different lengths to them, and tie them to the structure, concentrating them in the central part. Next, we perform the same operation with glass products, but we hang them at the edges; the length of the thread should be less than on the balls. If you look at the structure as a whole, it will look like an inverted pyramid.

Now you know how to make a New Year's chandelier with your own hands. Start your crafts right now and you won't stop with the chandelier.

Recently, chandelier decorations such as thread wrapping have become very fashionable.

Description of the manufacturing principle.

We will need a lot of thread and PVA glue, as well as an inflatable ball. Cotton threads are perfect for our project, since the glue applies evenly to them and behaves obediently.

We wrap the inflated ball with threads, apply glue and wait until it dries. Then we simply pop the ball with a needle. Cut a hole on top for the light bulb and you're done. Your result can be compared with the DIY chandelier in the photo.

When thinking through a product, we must not forget that this is an item that is connected to an electrical network. Elements of the product that come into contact with electricity must be reliably insulated and made with wires of the appropriate cross-section. Connections must be made in accordance with the operating rules for electrical appliances.

Important. When creating a layout of the chandelier's electrical wires, options for its inclusion are taken into account. Options may include simultaneous or partial switching on of lamps. If this is not provided for initial stage creation, further modification may be required.

Necessary tools, materials:

  • drill with a set of drills;
  • screwdriver probe;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • electric cartridges;
  • electrical wires;
  • electrical tape, insulating elements;
  • pliers, round nose pliers;
  • hacksaws for metal, wood;
  • knife, scissors.

The materials for creating the supporting base of the chandelier and decorative details may be different. Everything is determined by design, imagination, and creative abilities.

Chandelier made of plastic spoons

Disposable tableware is always an accessible, cost-effective material. It’s easy to make a chandelier from these items. This material can be processed, is always in stock, has low price, wide color range.

To create you will need:

  • plastic bottle for drinking water;
  • disposable spoons (the quantity is determined by the capacity of the bottle);
  • glue for plastic;
  • the tools listed in the first section.

Manufacturing procedure

Cut off the bottom of the bottle and dry the container thoroughly. The spoon holders are cut off, their length should be 2-3 centimeters. Apply glue to the holders and stick to the surface of the bottle. It is necessary to glue carefully, try not to leave empty spaces. Each top row of spoons is glued between the spoons of the bottom row on top. Thus, the outer surface of the bottle is covered. An electric cartridge is attached in the middle of the bottle. The chandelier is connected to the home electrical network and fixed in a designated place.

Disposable spoons stain well. If necessary, the chandelier is painted in the desired color.

Chandelier with moths

A chandelier made of moths looks nice and exotic. It is not required to make it financial costs and abundance of material. All family members, including children, can participate in production. For production you will need:

  • Internet access;
  • Printer;
  • electric cartridge with two external disks;
  • a piece of cardboard, fiberboard, plastic, pvc;
  • compass, simple pencil;
  • colored paper, foil;
  • nylon threads, knife, scissors;
  • a set of tools, accessories for electrical equipment;
  • PVA glue.

Manufacturing procedure

We find a photo on the Internet various types moths. We copy, print, cut out along the contour of each moth. We define colored paper for making each type of moth. From the selected colored paper we cut strips equal to two wingspans of the selected moth species. Fold the strips in half. We apply the contours of the moths to the stripes and trace them. Cutting out the silhouettes of moths. We get a symmetrical double contour of the butterfly.

Draw a circle on cardboard (plastic, fiberboard, pvc). The diameter of the circle is arbitrary, determined by the intended volume of the chandelier. In the center of the circle, cut a hole slightly wider than the outer diameter of the electric chuck. In the resulting disk, drill a small-diameter hole at a distance of up to 10 mm from the edge. If necessary, paint the circle in the desired color.

We connect the electrical cable to the socket. Using the outer disks of the chuck, we attach the manufactured circle to it. We hang the cartridge at a convenient height for work.

We insert nylon threads into the holes made. The threads are cut to different lengths. They are hung around the diameter of the circle in a chaotic manner. Fixed on the top platform of the circle and painted over. Apply glue inside the contours of the butterflies and glue them to the threads.

Important. In this option, it is not important to maintain the symmetry of the moth stickers. You need to glue it so that the threads are not visible, but the moths should imitate flight. The dynamics of movement will add elegance and beauty.

We connect the chandelier to the electrical network.

Wine bottle chandelier

This option is more technologically complex. Requires ability to use special tools. Glass is a fragile material and quite difficult to process. The result of the work is an elegant thing.

Materials and accessories:

  • empty wine bottle;
  • glass cutter;
  • abrasive paper or circle;
  • electric cartridge;
  • electrical wire;
  • electric drill with a set of drills;
  • disk made of metal, wood.

Crafting an Item

Using a glass cutter, cut off the bottom of the bottle at the required height. Using abrasive sandpaper or a circle, we clean the edges of the cut from burrs and sharp protrusions. We insert an electrical cable through the neck of the bottle and connect it to the socket. We drill holes in the disk. The number of holes corresponds to the number of bottles used to make the chandelier.

We attach the wires from each light bulb to the top of the disk. Closer to the center of the disk, we drill 4 holes symmetrically for attaching the chandelier holder bracket. We hang the chandelier by a bracket from the ceiling and connect it to the power supply. We decorate the connection point.

Making a chandelier is accessible to every family. For this you do not need any special materials or devices. It is important to combine the idea with the materials available on the farm. A self-made chandelier will become an undoubted decoration of your home.

Creativity on one element will inspire household members to work on improving other parts of the home. Joint creative work will only strengthen friendly family ties.

Do you want to transform your interior, adding a touch of originality and modernity to it? It's time to learn how to make a lamp with your own hands, because thanks to this piece of furniture your home will stand out from the rest and become unique. The creative process itself will be very interesting and useful, so if you wish, you can invite the children and create your masterpiece together. Dekorin has selected for you the most beautiful lamps and lamp shades that can be made from paper and other available materials.

1. Paper lamp: how to make it yourself?

From such simple material Just like paper, everyone can make incredibly beautiful and modern lamps with their own hands. In the photo below we have presented several unusual options homemade lamps made from paper. Enjoy watching!

Chinese lanterns: DIY paper lamp

Thanks to such a simple and at the same time interesting subject decor, like Chinese lanterns, you can add a little brightness, vibrant colors and a sense of celebration to the interior.

Materials you will need for this:

  • Colored or white paper;
  • The cartridge you can remove from old lamp either buy;
  • LED light bulb (note that you should not use a heated light bulb, because we make the lamp from paper);
  • Pencil and ruler;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Thread;
  • Awl.

Making a lamp with your own hands (step by step with photos)

First, you need to draw lines on the back of the paper that will create the relief of the lamp. Below is a drawing according to which it is proposed to make markings.

We fold the paper along the marked lines to form a kind of accordion. At this stage, it is important not to rush and do everything carefully so that the lamp comes out smooth and beautiful.

Now we create a lampshade for a lamp from paper around the socket. At the junction, the sheet can be glued with ordinary PVA glue or joined in any other way. Please note that without gluing the edges, you will have an easier time changing the bulb in this light fixture.

Our Chinese lanterns are ready! In the photo below you see what happened in the end.

More ideas on how to make table lamp or hanging lamp from paper you will find in our article.

2. How to make a lamp from wood with your own hands?

From such a simple material as wood, you also have the opportunity to make a very creative lamp with your own hands. You just have to look around: nature itself inspires us with its extraordinary forms to create. Each of us has celebrated at least once in our lives beautiful shape any branch or snag. Dekorin offers to reflect their beauty in interior design as an original and functional lamp.

Using a branch, you can make a lamp from wood yourself without using special tools and skills. Required material you can easily find it in the forest or near the house. The main thing is that this driftwood is already dry, but not too rotten, because it will have to support the weight of the lampshades and at the same time serve you as long as possible.

DIY floor lamp made from a wooden branch (photo)

In fact, depending on your wishes, you can make a floor, table or ceiling lamp from a branch. Here we will look at the option of making a floor lamp.

First of all, you need to make a strong base for the floor lamp (for example, pour cement mortar into any container and insert our branch into it for wooden lamp). After some time, the container can be removed, after which it will remain reliable and stylish. cement base and a lamp leg. Also read how from a simple cement mortar can be done .

At the next stage, you need to use improvised means to attach a cord with a socket and a light bulb to the driftwood. Our floor lamp is ready!

Ceiling and even Wall lights from the branch. You can decorate them with either ordinary light bulbs or antique shades or lampshades. Examples are in the photo below.

3. How else can you make a lamp with your own hands from scrap materials?

Do you have a favorite lamp that you don’t want to part with, but the appearance of its shade leaves much to be desired? Don't worry, everything can be fixed! Dekorin will tell you how to make a lamp shade with your own hands. Just look at the photo: what original and even intricate lampshades for lamps you can make yourself!

Also read:DIY vases from glass and plastic bottles

How to make a lampshade for a lamp with your own hands from threads

This lamp will become a creative and unique decoration of your interior. It will easily fit into both the kitchen and the bedroom and living room.

So what you will need: balloon(you need to consider the size and shape inflated balloon, because the shape of the lampshade will depend on this), thick cotton threads (preferably twine), PVA glue about 250 g, a hanging cord that will hold the lampshade, an energy-saving lamp, scissors, a needle, any cream, a brush, a cotton pad, and also a cotton swab.

Step 1. Inflate the balloon to the desired size and tie it securely.

Step 2. Using a cotton pad, lubricate the ball with any cream to make it easier for the threads to detach from the base later.

Step 3. Thread the needle and pierce the glue bottle all the way through. Wind the threads around the ball as you see fit, but do not pull them too tightly.

Step 4. When all the threads are wound, apply a little glue to those places where there is not enough of it. Now the lampshade is almost ready and should be put away to dry overnight.

Step 5. In the morning, take a dried lampshade and start pressing the ball with a cotton swab to help it separate from the threads. Carefully and most importantly slowly deflate the balloon, because by doing it quickly, you risk creating a dent in the lampshade with your own hands.

Step 5. Mark the future hole and make 4 cuts in all directions so that the light bulb and socket can fit into the lampshade.

Finally, you need to insert the socket with the light bulb, and carefully attach the lamp holder between the threads. The lampshade is completely ready, now all that remains is to hang it in the room you have chosen and enjoy the results of your creativity.

How to make a lamp with your own hands: 15+ ideas and photos updated: March 27, 2017 by: Oksana Krutsenko


The most suitable and available materials- this is paper and textile. They are easy to transform, each of us is familiar with them and can be found in everyone. home. Wonderful lamps are also obtained from threads or yarn. Naturally, glass can also be used for lampshades. At home, these are ordinary or unusual, with an interesting shape, jars or bottles. In particularly daring projects we have noticed plastic containers, and coffee packaging, and plastic children's toys.

In addition, do not discard options such as rattan, bamboo and rubber. The basis for a future product can be either just raw materials or already ready product. For example, designers have become adept at creating delightful lampshades from beads, globes, parts of sets, mirror shards and even crumpled sheets of music! You just have to take a closer look at the objects around you...

Understanding how difficult it is to move from thought to action, especially to see an exquisite accessory in an ordinary jar, we have prepared several master classes for you. Following step by step instructions, you can easily make hand-made new things dear to your heart for any room in the house.

Ideas and their implementation

Since we have already mentioned the materials suitable for making lampshades and lampshades, let’s start with paper.

Lamp with butterflies

For work we will need:

  • white thin cardboard
  • thin twine or fishing line
  • glue gun
  • wire for frame
  • utility knife or scissors
  • round pliers

Advice! Before you start work, decide on the dimensions of the lampshade in finished form. In our example, the diameter is 30 cm, which means we need a piece of cardboard 90 cm long.

  1. We make a frame. Cut a piece of wire 96-98 cm long. Roll the wire into a circle with a diameter of 30 cm and secure the ends with pliers.
  2. We cut 3 hanging elements from twine or fishing line. We measure the length of the pieces based on the height at which you plan to hang the lamp. We tie them to the wire in three places, evenly distributing the load.
  3. Draw butterflies of different sizes on cardboard and cut them out.
  4. We fold the cardboard, glue the joint with a strip of thick paper or staple it with a stapler.
  5. We fix the upper part on the wire. For this you can use both glue and thin wire.
  6. The places of joints and cuts can be decorated with butterflies remaining after cutting.
    Look what an elegant lamp we have created. It will fit perfectly into both a children's room and a bedroom. You will see a special chic when you turn on the lamp and butterflies flutter along the walls.

Advice! Instead of butterflies, you can cut out snowflakes, stars or flowers. Decide for yourself what you like best.

60s style

If you ask our grandmothers, they will certainly remember floor lamps with lampshades in the form of an inverted bucket, tied with colored threads. We can do exactly the same thing with our own hands.

We will need:

  • frame for lampshade – 2 pcs.
  • decorative braid (3 colors, choose a combination to your liking)
  • scissors
  • crochet hook

Let's start production.

  • We tie the first braid to the lower ring of the lampshade, leaving a tail of at least 5 cm.
  • Pull it onto the top ring with outside, throw it over it and pull it through inner side bottom ring. We alternate actions until the next sector of the frame begins.
  • We fasten the first braid and take a braid of a different color to work. We knit it to the next sector, not forgetting to leave a tail on the first knot.
  • We do the same with the third sector, filling it with the remaining braid.
  • We stretch the tails along the bottom of the lampshade using a crochet hook.

Now our lampshade from the distant 60s is ready, all that remains is to insert the socket and assemble the chandelier in any order.

Fringed braid

Another one original idea for a lampshade with your own hands, it is also connected with braid, but not single-layer, but with fringe. What do we need for this?


  1. two metal hoop or take an embroidery hoop
  2. fringed braid
  3. fishing line
  4. acrylic paint, the same color as the braid
  5. glue gun
  6. scissors

Advice! Fringed braid can be purchased in stores that sell decor for curtains and furniture.

  1. We paint hoops or hoops acrylic paint. If they are already covered with varnish or other paint, it is better to sand and clean them.
  2. We wait until the paint is completely dry and make three marks on each ring of the lampshade, placing them at an equal distance from each other.
  3. I cut three identical pieces of fishing line.
  4. We tie them to the smaller ring of the lampshade, leaving the upper ends with a margin so that we can then tie them to the lamp cord.
  5. We measure the length of the fringe, subtract 2 cm from it, and tie the fishing line to the second ring using the resulting length. This way we can get a cascade.
  6. Heat the glue gun and carefully glue the braid along the bottom ring.
  7. We do the same with the upper ring, pulling it out from the lower one.

Advice! Please note that the hot glue may melt the line, so be careful not to apply it directly to the line. Drop glue onto the paper, let it cool a little, and then apply it to the fishing line.