Sverdlov Evgeniy Davidovich academician email. Association of State Research Centers “Science. Membership in scientific societies


Anniversary of Academician Evgeniy Davidovich Sverdlov

Sverdlov Evgeniy Davidovich

In 1955-1956 worked as a pipe-laying fitter 3, then 4 categories of the 1st trust of the Mospodzemstroy Administration SMU-3. In 1961 he graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in Chemistry, followed by postgraduate studies there. In 1965-1988. - senior laboratory assistant, junior, senior researcher, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Chemistry of Natural Compounds of the USSR Academy of Sciences (renamed to the M.M. Shemyakin Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences, then to the M.M. Shemyakin and Yu.A Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Ovchinnikov RAS). From 1965 to the present - head. laboratory of the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1988-2006. - Director of the Institute. Currently, he is the scientific director of the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Advisor to the Russian Academy of Sciences.

At the same time, in 1984-1987. - Professor of Chemistry, Faculty of Physical and Chemical Biology, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, from 1993 to the present - Professor of Molecular Genetics, Department of Molecular Biology, Biological Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1984, Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences since 1991, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1997 - Department biological sciences.

Specialist in the field of bioorganic chemistry, molecular biology and genetics.

Academician E.D. Sverdlov is an outstanding specialist in the field of physical and chemical biology, molecular biology and genetics. His main works are devoted to the development of methods for studying genetic material, analysis of the structure and functions of genes, chemistry nucleic acids, development theoretical foundations modern biotechnology and the production of biotechnological products for medicine and Agriculture.

1967-1985 A series of studies devoted to the development of methods for modifying nucleic acids and chemical approaches to determining their sequences, secondary structure and functional properties. Many chemical processes, developed during this period, are currently routinely used in world laboratory practice. In 1972-1973 was put forward and experimentally substantiated fundamental principle sequence determination (Sverdlov et al. FEBS Letters, 28, 231, 1972; FEBS Letters 33, 15, 1973), which underlies modern methods nucleic acid sequencing.

1980-1991 A series of studies on the structure and functions of bacterial RNA polymerases was carried out (together with the laboratories of Academician Yu. A. Ovchinnikov and R. B. Khesin). For the first time in the world, the primary structures of RNA polymerases from E. coli, S. typhimurium and Pseudomonas putida were determined. For the first time, mutations were identified that cause resistance of microorganisms to the antibiotic rifampicin and its derivatives and, thus, for the first time, data were obtained on the nature of resistance to this antibiotic in M. tuberculosis, which causes serious problems in the treatment of tuberculosis. As a result of these studies, methods for affinity modification of protein-nucleic acid complexes were developed, which are also still used in everyday laboratory practice. These works have received widespread global recognition, they are referenced in major articles and reviews in the field.

1986-1991 A series of works has been carried out to study the structure and functions of Na, K-ATPases, which are the most important components of ion transport systems in animal and human cells, the disruption of which leads to cardiovascular diseases. For the first time, the structures of subunits and their genes in pig and human ATPases have been established, the existence of gene families encoding these subunits has been shown, and the features of their expression in different tissues have been determined. Models of the functional organization of the enzyme in cells were constructed.

During the same period, a number of developments were carried out in the field of biotechnology, which led, in particular, to the isolation of human interferon genes and the creation of strains producing these bioregulators, important for medicine and agriculture. Genetically engineered human alpha interferon was the first domestic genetically engineered drug used in the clinic. The drug recombinant human interferon is used in the clinic to this day.

1992-2009 Methods for large-scale comparative analysis genomes of humans and animals, as well as their microbial pathogens, which is important for understanding the genetic basis of pathologies and the principles of evolutionary and population genetics. The technology known in the world as suppressive subtractive hybridization has received the greatest recognition. The technology makes it possible to identify differences between genome expression products in various fabrics, including tumor and healthy ones. At the same time, studies are being carried out on endogenous retroviruses, the features of their structures and the possible pathological consequences of their activity in the genome of host cells. Methods have been found for the simultaneous analysis of all genomic retroviruses, and a large-scale study of their expression in different tissues, tumor and healthy cells is currently being carried out. A series of methods have been developed that allow the identification of the most important functional elements of genomes - transcription regulators, enhancers, insulators, and transcription factor binding sites. Identification of these elements is necessary to understand the functioning of the genome as an integral system in life processes, the emergence of new functions in the process of evolution and their disturbances in various pathologies.

E.D. Sverdlov took an active part in the Russian Human Genome Project, was the head of one of the sections and made an invaluable contribution to the successful implementation of this project.

Engaged in the creation of new generation drugs. Currently, under his leadership, a large complex project is being implemented “Development and production of pilot batches of new effective targeted-modified therapeutic and diagnostic agents of post-genomic generation for use in oncological practice”, which is carried out within the framework of the Federal target program and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The goal of this project is to create and release into the clinic the first gene therapy drugs for the treatment of patients with lung and esophageal cancer. The project unites the largest medical and educational centers in the country, such as the Russian Oncology Research Center named after N.N. Blokhin RAMS, Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov, Novosibirsk State University, as well as whole line institutions Russian Academy Sci.

The book “Organic chemistry of nucleic acids” has been translated into English language edited by Nobel laureate Lord A. Todd and is a reference book for chemistry laboratories involved in nucleic acid chemistry.

Chief Editor journal "Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology", member of the editorial board of the journals "Bioorganic Chemistry", Reports of the Russian Academy of Sciences, "GENE" (until 2003), the Netherlands, "International Journal of Genome Research", USA.

He was a member of the Bureau of the Biological Sciences Division. Member of the Bureau of the Scientific Council on Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

He was the head of the complex project "Development and production of pilot batches of new effective targeted-modified therapeutic and diagnostic agents of post-genomic generation for use in oncological practice" of the federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007-2012" .

Honored Professor of Moscow State University. Honorary founder of the Science of Longevity Foundation.

Member of the German Academy Leopoldina, European Academy of Sciences.


Sverdlov Evgeniy Davidovich

In 1961 he graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. He studied at the graduate school of the Department of Radiochemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, and in 1965 defended his Ph.D. thesis. In 1965 - 1998, researcher, group leader, laboratory head at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after. MM. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov RAS.

In 1988 - 2006 - Director of the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Since 2006, Advisor to the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific director of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Specialist in the field of bioorganic chemistry, molecular biology and genetics.

Corresponding member since 1984, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1997 – Department of Biological Sciences.

E. D. Sverdlov proposed principles for studying the primary structure of DNA. Established the structures of genes encoding bacterial RNA polymerases (1981-1986, together with Yu.A. Ovchinnikov). Discovered the multiplicity of ATPase genes and the tissue specificity of their expression (1987).

Since 1977, he has been involved in genetic engineering developments. He cloned the genes encoding human interferon, and obtained strains of these important biologically active compounds, on the basis of which they were created industrial production. He carries out work on the creation of genetically engineered antiviral vaccines.

Recently he has been studying the influence of retroviruses on speciation in primates (comparing the genomes of great apes).

A team of scientists from the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, under his leadership and with his direct participation, was the first in the world to completely map the 19th chromosome.

Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology”. Member of the editorial boards of the journals “Bioorganic Chemistry” and “International Journal of Genome”.

Member of the Bureau of the Department of Biological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Member of the Bureau of the Scientific Council on Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Member of the Nanotechnology Council.

Head of the complex project project “Development and production of pilot batches of new effective targeted-modified therapeutic and diagnostic agents of post-genomic generation for use in oncological practice” of the federal target program “Research and Development on priority areas development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007-2012."

Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1991), full member of the German Academy of Sciences "Leopoldina", member of the European Academy of Sciences.

Member International organization by the human genome (HUGO). Honorary founder of the Science of Longevity Foundation.

Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes.

Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of Honor.

A country:

USSR USSR→Russia, Russia

Scientific field: Alma mater: Awards and prizes:

Evgeny Davidovich Sverdlov(born November 16, Dnepropetrovsk) - Soviet and Russian biochemist, professor, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (December 26), academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (), full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (May 29), Doctor of Chemical Sciences.


  • Father - David Immanuilovich Sverdlov- employee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b)U; mother - Yudith Markovna- school teacher.
  • Graduated in 1955 high school With silver medal in the Stavropol Territory, where he was evacuated with his mother during the war. In the summer of 1955, he entered the Physics Faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, but did not pass the competition. For a year he worked as a mechanic at Mospodzemstroy. At first labor activity received the third and then the fourth category, becoming a fairly qualified pipeline fitter, but even then he did not give up the idea of ​​​​entering Moscow University.
  • In 1956 he entered the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. He was a student at the Department of Radiochemistry, studying the synthesis of radioprotectors (substances that protect against radiation). He completed his thesis on the topic "Reactions of 2,3-dibromopropanol with thiourea-35S"(head - V. M. Fedoseev). He studied at the graduate school of the Department of Radiochemistry and in 1965 defended his thesis on the topic “Interaction of thiourea with some halogen derivatives of the propane series”(scientific supervisors: Doctor of Chemical Sciences A. B. Silaev and Candidate of Chemical Sciences V. M. Fedoseev).
  • After finishing his graduate studies (), he received the position of senior laboratory assistant at the Institute of Chemistry of Natural Compounds of the USSR Academy of Sciences (current Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after M. M. Shemyakin and Yu. A. Ovchinnikov RAS), where he worked at the same time until 1988. From 1988 to the present - Director of the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1991 - RAS).
  • Currently, Academician E. D. Sverdlov heads the laboratory of the structure and function of human genes at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after. M. M. Shemyakin and Yu. A. Ovchinnikov RAS.
  • In 2001, E. D. Sverdlov was awarded the title of full member of the German Academy of Sciences “Leopoldina”, in 2002 - member of the European Academy of Sciences.

Direction of scientific activity

  • Main research is in the field of nucleic acid chemistry.
  • In 1972, he proposed principles for studying the primary structure of DNA. Established (together with Yu. A. Ovchinnikov) the structures of genes encoding bacterial RNA polymerases (1981-1986). Established (1986, together with Yu. A. Ovchinnikov) the structures of genes encoding Na, K-ATPases of animals, including humans. Discovered (1987) the multiplicity of ATPase genes and the tissue specificity of their expression.
  • Since 1977 he has been involved in genetic engineering developments. He cloned the genes encoding human interferon and obtained strains that produce it, on the basis of which the industrial production of injectable interferon was created. Carries out work on the creation of genetically engineered antiviral vaccines. Investigates the influence of retroviruses on primate speciation (comparing the genomes of great apes).


  • Kochetkov N.K., Budovsky E.I., Sverdlov E.D. et al. Organic chemistry nucleic acids. M., 1970 (Translated into English: “Organic Chemistry of Nucleic Acids”, 1971);
  • Sverdlov E.D. Perpetually mobile footprints of ancient infections in the human genome // FEBS Lett., 1998 May 22; 428(1-2): 1-6. Review;
  • Lapuk A.V., Khil P.P., Lavrentieva I.V., Lebedev Y.B., Sverdlov E.D. A human endogenous retrovirus-like (HERV) LTR formed more than 10 million years ago due to an insertion of HERV-H LTR into the 5" LTR of HERV-K is situated on human chromosomes 10, 19 and Y // J Gen Virol 1999 Apr;80(Pt 4):835-9;
  • Sverdlov E.D. Retroviruses and primate evolution // Bioessays, 2000, Feb;22(2):161-71.Review;
  • Vinogradova T.V., Sverdlov E.D. e.a. Solitary human endogenous retroviruses-K LTRs retain transcriptional activity in vivo, the mode of which is different in different cells // Virology. 2001 Nov 10;290(1):83-90.

Awards and prizes

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An excerpt characterizing Sverdlov, Evgeniy Davidovich

They were silent. Prince Andrei looked closely into those mirrored, impenetrable eyes and it became funny to him how he could expect anything from Speransky and from all his activities associated with him, and how he could attribute importance to what Speransky did. This neat, cheerless laughter did not stop ringing in the ears of Prince Andrei for a long time after he left Speransky.
Returning home, Prince Andrei began to remember his life in St. Petersburg during these four months, as if it were something new. He recalled his efforts, his searches, the history of his draft military regulations, which were taken into account and about which they tried to keep silent only because other work, very bad, had already been done and presented to the sovereign; remembered the meetings of the committee of which Berg was a member; I remembered how in these meetings everything related to the form and process of the committee meetings was carefully and lengthily discussed, and how carefully and briefly everything related to the essence of the matter was discussed. He remembered his legislative work, how he anxiously translated articles from the Roman and French codes into Russian, and he felt ashamed of himself. Then he vividly imagined Bogucharovo, his activities in the village, his trip to Ryazan, he remembered the peasants, Drona the headman, and attaching to them the rights of persons, which he distributed in paragraphs, it became surprising to him how he could engage in such idle work for so long.

The next day, Prince Andrei went on visits to some houses where he had not yet been, including the Rostovs, with whom he renewed his acquaintance at the last ball. In addition to the laws of courtesy, according to which he needed to be with the Rostovs, Prince Andrei wanted to see at home this special, lively girl, who left him with a pleasant memory.
Natasha was one of the first to meet him. She was wearing a blue home dress, in which she seemed even better to Prince Andrei than in the ball gown. She and the entire Rostov family received Prince Andrei as an old friend, simply and cordially. The entire family, which Prince Andrei had previously judged strictly, now seemed to him to be made up of wonderful, simple and kind people. The hospitality and good nature of the old count, which was especially striking in St. Petersburg, was such that Prince Andrei could not refuse dinner. “Yes, these are kind, nice people,” thought Bolkonsky, who, of course, don’t understand one bit the treasure they have in Natasha; But good people, which form the best background for this especially poetic, overflowing with life, charming girl to stand out!”
Prince Andrei felt in Natasha the presence of a completely alien to him, special world, filled with some unknown joys, that alien world that even then, in the Otradnensky alley and on the window, on a moonlit night, teased him so much. Now this world no longer teased him, it was no longer an alien world; but he himself, having entered it, found in it a new pleasure for himself.
After dinner, Natasha, at the request of Prince Andrei, went to the clavichord and began to sing. Prince Andrei stood at the window, talking with the ladies, and listened to her. In the middle of the sentence, Prince Andrei fell silent and suddenly felt tears coming to his throat, the possibility of which he did not know was within himself. He looked at Natasha singing, and something new and happy happened in his soul. He was happy and at the same time he was sad. He had absolutely nothing to cry about, but he was ready to cry. About what? About former love? About the little princess? About your disappointments?... About your hopes for the future?... Yes and no. The main thing that he wanted to cry about was the terrible opposition he suddenly vividly realized between something infinitely great and indefinable that was in him, and something narrow and corporeal that he himself was and even she was. This opposite tormented and delighted him while she sang.
As soon as Natasha finished singing, she came up to him and asked him how he liked her voice? She asked this and became embarrassed after she said it, realizing that she should not have asked this. He smiled looking at her and said that he liked her singing as much as anything she did.
Prince Andrei left the Rostovs late in the evening. He went to bed out of habit, but soon saw that he could not sleep. He lit a candle and sat in bed, then got up, then lay down again, not at all burdened by insomnia: his soul was so joyful and new, as if he had stepped out of a stuffy room into the free light of God. It never occurred to him that he was in love with Rostova; he didn't think about her; he only imagined her, and as a result his whole life seemed to him in a new light. “What am I fighting for, why am I fussing in this narrow, closed frame, when life, all life with all its joys, is open to me?” he said to himself. And for the first time after a long time, he began to make happy plans for the future. He decided on his own that he needed to start raising his son, finding him a teacher and entrusting him with it; then you have to retire and go abroad, see England, Switzerland, Italy. “I need to use my freedom while I feel so much strength and youth in myself,” he said to himself. Pierre was right when he said that you have to believe in the possibility of happiness in order to be happy, and now I believe in him. Let’s leave the dead to bury the dead, but while you’re alive, you must live and be happy,” he thought.

One morning, Colonel Adolf Berg, whom Pierre knew, as he knew everyone in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in a spick-and-span uniform, with his temples smeared in front, as Emperor Alexander Pavlovich wore, came to see him.
“I was just now with the Countess, your wife, and was so unhappy that my request could not be fulfilled; I hope that with you, Count, I will be happier,” he said, smiling.