Cricket in a greenhouse. Probable reasons for the appearance of a cricket in the house: a folk sign and how to drive a “singing” insect out of the house

Crickets are insects that make pleasant sounds. But over time, these sounds begin to irritate many. The best habitat for them is nature. But recently, crickets have increasingly begun to appear in homes.

Reasons for the appearance of crickets in the house

Causes of small pests:

  1. Light in the house. Like all insects, crickets love light, especially at night. That's why they get closer to home.
  2. Insects may be attracted by the smell of garbage. Garbage that sits for a long time begins to rot. The smell is so strong that the insect senses it from afar.
  3. Increased humidity in the house. In the heat, the cricket is looking for humid environment.
  4. Open doors and windows in the house. WITH open door and any insects from small to large can appear on windows.

Methods of disposal

Getting rid of the singing bug is not at all difficult. First you need to find it in the house. This means you need to listen to its chirping. Then approach him slowly and carefully, otherwise he will get scared and you will have to look for him again. Finding it during the day is very difficult, so it is better to do this at night.

Folk method


  1. You can lure a cricket out in the most seemingly simple way. To do this you need to take a small container. Mix molasses, lemon balm and add a little water. This will definitely attract the cricket's attention.
  2. Lighting sealing wax. The smell repels crickets. Therefore, the insect will quickly leave the house.
  3. Do not leave water in the open. There should be no damp places in the house. A cricket will not live long without water. Therefore, he himself will go into his habitat.


All kinds of special sprays. They can be found in any store. The spray will help you quickly and easily direct the stream to the target. Once hit by a bug, it soon dies. The spray can be used to treat areas where small pests may be located.

Traps and bait

  1. Special baits. They can be purchased at the store. The bait will help lure him out of the gap.
  2. Sticky strips. They are absolutely safe for human health. Sticky strips should be distributed where the cricket may be. He will definitely leave his house and fall into a trap.

Mechanical method

  1. A vacuum cleaner is a safe product. If there are children or animals in the house, then this method is perfect.
  2. Using smooth movements, cover the bug with the jar. Not many are capable of killing. In this case, it is better to catch him and release him.

Tools Overview

Treatment of the premises chemicals should be performed with gloves and preferably a face mask. After finishing, thoroughly ventilate the room.

Effective pest control products:

The female is capable of laying eggs from 50 to 200 pieces, if conditions are ideal, then up to 500 pieces. Therefore, if you do not find a nest in time, then within a month a nest will appear in the house. great amount small insects.

Where are nests most likely to be located?

  1. It's worth checking the basement.
  2. Gaps in the house. The gap could be in the floor or even in the furniture. Carefully look through all hard-to-reach places.
  3. Skirting boards.

How to get rid of nests:

  1. Thoroughly vacuum all corners, crevices, floors, R. The vacuum cleaner must be turned on at maximum power.
  2. Call a specialist to your home. Qualified specialists can easily find and destroy nests.
  3. Pet. If there is a pet in the house, then it will definitely find the nest with its sensitive scent. You should carefully monitor the behavior of your pet.
  4. Treat the basement and baseboards with a special spray. After some time, ventilate.

Prevention of occurrence

To prevent the cricket from appearing again, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

How to carry out prevention:

  1. There should be no cracks in the house.
  2. The trash can must be well closed. The smell attracts small pests.
  3. Don't turn on bright lights at night.
  4. Birds are excellent hunters of crickets. If you make a house for birds, you don’t have to worry that the insect will appear again.
  5. The house should always be clean and tidy.

In order to understand how to get rid of a cricket, you first need to recognize the “enemy in person.” So, a cricket is a jumping insect with two wings that lives mainly in humid climates. Crickets are often confused with grasshoppers due to the similarity of their “chirping” sounds. However, there are several ways to distinguish them:

  • By size (grasshoppers are larger);
  • By color (grasshoppers are often green or gray, crickets are light yellow and brown).

Crickets feed on small insects and plants. They often “chirp” in the dark, but like grasshoppers - in the light. Crickets are divided into two types: field and house crickets. They live in meadows, fields, farms and industrial premises, basements, country houses respectively. Optimal temperature for these insects: 30-35 degrees, and at 20 degrees or less they fall into a lethargic state, stop eating and reproducing.

Why get rid of them?

Most big problems are associated specifically with house crickets, since in cold weather they move to warm rooms and disturb their owners with their chirping. Another reason why it is advisable to get rid of crickets is unsanitary conditions, which immediately appear due to insects in the house. They can also damage furniture and wallpaper in the house.

In addition to these reasons, there are certain signs associated with the appearance of these insects in the house. Although they vary, we can highlight the main “dangers” that cricket tenants may face:

  • A cricket flying around the house means a fire;
  • Flew away from home - to grief or illness;
  • Stopped chirping - to poverty or illness;
  • Started chirping during the day - to a quarrel;
  • Notice white insect- to death.

All signs agree that a cricket can promise bad luck, but under no circumstances should you kill the insect, you can only catch it and take it outside, otherwise you will have to expect bad news.

Methods for getting rid of crickets

Insects are one of those creatures that are quite difficult to get rid of, because they are “tenacious” and never neglect the opportunity to have offspring. All methods of breeding crickets are divided into types depending on the habitat of the insects:

  1. in the house;
  2. greenhouse;
  3. apartment;
  4. bath;
  5. car;
  6. vegetable garden

How to get rid of crickets in a private house

In this case, there are two methods of control: chemicals and traps. Of course, the first one can be discarded if the owners are against the use of various harmful substances or there are children and pets in the house, and the second one is not suitable for those who want to do everything faster and less troublesome.

Chemical method

The method will not cause much trouble. First you need to choose a poison. In this case, you should take into account whether the crickets had time to lay eggs (there are special sprays that fight them as well).

The most popular substances are those based on dichlorvos, since it is both safe for humans and effective. You can also purchase poisons from insects in general, and not just from crickets. Exists specific features application of each product, however, a universal trajectory of actions after purchase can be identified:

  • Close doors and windows.
  • Shake the substance.
  • Spray 30-35 cm from the surface on all places where pests were noticed.
  • Ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

In this case, the use of protective glasses and a respirator is mandatory. Animals and children should be kept away from chemicals. Repeated treatment should be carried out after one and a half to two months in order to neutralize the crickets that appeared during this time from previously laid eggs. Special attention When processing, attention should be paid to baseboards and the spaces between the floor and walls. These places are inaccessible to humans, and, often, the inhabitants of these particular zones survive after all their efforts.


The method is more troublesome, but safe. All types of traps differ, perhaps, only in the complexity of their manufacture. The following options are effective:

  • Strips with glue. Making them is simple: cut paper and cover it with any adhesive substance. It is better to place it on windows, near walls and doors, as well as in damp and warm places;
  • Bowl of water. Place a medium-deep bowl (or similar container) with water and molasses in a warm, damp place; The latter will attract the crickets, after which they will not drown in the container. The bait needs to be changed periodically and the bowl cleaned;
  • Trap pit. In a glass you need to mix milk, sugar, corn flakes and alcohol. The pleasant smell of food will lure insects, and the evaporation of alcohol will complete the job;
  • Animals. Pets eat not only special food, but also small insects. Therefore, a cat or bird can become reliable helpers in the fight against crickets 😉;
  • Sealing wax (colored fusible mixture). It is enough to simply light it, and the crickets will leave the house themselves, because they cannot stand this smoke;
  • If there are not many crickets in the house, you can simply catch them in a jar and take them away from the house.

How to get rid of crickets in an apartment

Most often, crickets appear on the first and second floors of high-rise buildings, forcing residents to frantically recognize , how to get rid of crickets in the house forever. It’s not difficult - you can use both methods for a private home and several others:

  • Create uncomfortable conditions. Crickets prefer a warm and humid environment, but if you turn it into a dry and cold environment, they will either leave the apartment or die;
  • If insects enter the room from the basement, all cracks must be eliminated. This also applies to windows and doors;
  • The simplest method is to invite exterminators.

How to get rid of crickets in a greenhouse, garden or plot

To the question “how to get rid of crickets in the garden or greenhouse?” the answer is clear: no by chemical means, as they will harm the harvest. It is better to use traps or traditional methods:

  • Pollinate the plants with a mixture of red pepper and tobacco dust;
  • Pour into the kettle at the bottom sugar syrup and leave it in the greenhouse;
  • Bury a bottle of it in a greenhouse or garden draft beer. The neck should stick out a little from the ground. The crickets will run into the bottle, after which they are easy to take out;
  • Make a strong decoction of wormwood, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 4 and water the ground. After two days, loosen the soil and water again;
  • Spread the wormwood between the beds.

How to get rid of crickets in a bathhouse

A cricket in a bathhouse is a situation similar to the options already discussed, when a house cricket settled in a house or apartment. How to get rid of it is a simple question: you can use all of the above methods without exception.

How to get rid of crickets in a car

Crickets in the car - a rare event, and most often there are only one or two insects in the car. The easiest way is to catch them one by one or simply open the windows and doors so that they fly away on their own. In this regard, the topic - how to get rid of crickets in a car - is quite simple. The only one possible problem– the living creature laid eggs, which in itself is unlikely. But still: in this case, it is best to use chemicals, since driving with eggs is unpleasant, and cleaning absolutely everything is a difficult task.

Most often they start in ceiling lamps - where it’s warm, here’s a video on the topic

How to get rid of cricket eggs

There are three methods:

  1. Destroy the eggs along with the crickets with chemicals;
  2. Do not destroy the eggs first, but re-treat them after a new “batch” of insects appears;
  3. Vacuum the apartment thoroughly, especially in hard to reach places, having previously installed a high-throughput nozzle.


If insects appear in the house, they need to be exterminated immediately, since this will become more and more difficult every day. When choosing a method of control, you need to take into account exactly where the crickets appeared. After the initial cleansing of the space, you need to make sure that there are no eggs, otherwise they also need to be destroyed immediately.

Night musicians - field crickets, not only evoke a romantic mood, but are also rightfully considered garden pests. They can affect potatoes, tomatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, beets, tobacco, corn, beans, wheat and rye. Insects eat the stem at the base, spoiling and destroying the crop.

The invasion of crickets can be compared to locusts, because the rapid pace of reproduction and the insatiable appetite of these insects can be compared with such “competitors”. What to do if there are crickets in your area, as well as possible solutions Such problems are described in the information in our article.


Crickets are also a threat because they are really fast and effective ways It has not yet been invented to destroy these pests. The use of insecticides in most cases is impractical, because damage is also caused to plantings.

The good appetite of these insects brings serious losses, especially considering that they prefer succulent stems cultivated plants, but do not help exterminate weeds. If there are crickets in the area, it is necessary to act immediately to prevent the strong spread of such a threat. But how to destroy the onion fly in the garden, and what chemicals can be used, this will help you understand


There are no special measures to prevent the spread of these insects. Crickets love damp places, so they often settle in swampy lowlands. If you create on the site unsuitable conditions, insects will leave it, but on the other hand, watering is vital for plantings, so periodic moistening is indispensable.

Crickets are omnivores, so they have no particular preference for vegetation. It has been noticed that they cannot tolerate the smell of wormwood, so several bunches of this grass scattered between the rows will repel pests well.

Another problem can be aphids, but here’s how to spray an apple tree against aphids, and what chemicals can be used. This will help you understand

A characteristic sign of the appearance of crickets on the site is plants that have dried out at the roots, as if they had been nibbled on.

In addition, an observant person will note holes in the ground where insects live. In addition, pests love wooden boards, old furniture and other wooden items. For crickets, this is an excellent chance to provide shelter for their larvae, and for the gardener it is an additional threat.

This is why it is recommended to remove or replace wooden building materials when there is a large cricket infestation. Insects will have nowhere to lay their larvae and, perhaps, they will leave the area in search of more suitable place. It will also be useful to learn about which means are the most effective.

How to remove from the site, garden

It is extremely difficult to get rid of crickets, especially since they will be extremely reluctant to leave their favorite place. Catching these insects is useless and pointless, because numerical superiority will clearly be on their side. At the same time, in the history of plant cultivation, gardeners have not faced such problems, so there is still a way out. All selected methods can be divided into traditional and chemical, and it’s up to you to decide which one to prefer. You may also be interested in information on how to deal with black

How to get rid of crickets using folk methods:

  1. Build traps. In addition to “civilized” purchased options, beer traps work well. They are simple and accessible. To organize such a trap, it is enough to dig several bottles (glass or plastic) in the area. The neck should be level with the ground to make it easier for insects to crawl through them. You need to pour some beer or a sweet drink at the bottom (but for some reason beer works better). Insects, attracted by the smell of the drink, get inside and drown. By periodically updating the contents of such traps, you can quickly and painlessly get rid of pests for garden plants. You can get rid of it using exactly the same method

    Cricket trap

  2. Spraying with wormwood infusion can also be used to protect against crickets, aphids and other insects. To do this, you need to boil 250 grams of fresh herbs in two liters of water. Leave the resulting broth for 5-8 hours, strain and dilute to 10 liters. This mixture can be used to treat plantings, as well as known places where pests accumulate. Spraying must be repeated several times to best result, and you can also scatter fresh wormwood around the area. But how grapes are sprayed during flowering, and what products should be used, is indicated in this

    Spraying with wormwood decoction

  3. Attracting natural enemies - birds. Tits and starlings pose a great threat to these insects, so it is necessary to take care of feeders and drinkers, and, if possible, make houses for breeding offspring. Your feathered helpers will definitely thank you for such care, ridding you of many pests in the area, including crickets. An alternative could be breeding poultry. Chickens and pheasants willingly eat these insects and your area will always be safe. By clicking on the link you can learn more about the chickens of the breed
  4. Film shelters. The first spring warming is characterized by night frosts, so insects are looking for a warm shelter. In this capacity, you can offer them crumpled rags and pieces of polyethylene. Early in the morning it is necessary to collect all the “traps” and destroy the insects hidden in the folds. Alternatively, just throw it in a bucket of water. The crickets will drown, and this method will help control the number and reduce the population. But how to choose the right weed film for your garden, and what you should pay attention to, is outlined in this

Video on how to get rid of crickets:

The listed methods are simple and safe, but do not provide quick results and maximum efficiency. You can combine them with more modern ones, but you should be aware that the use of toxic chemicals can kill birds, so you should not take such risks with wildlife.

Chemical extermination

There are no special preparations against crickets, but combined action insecticides can be used. Conventional products designed to kill cockroaches, moths and ants can be ineffective and even dangerous. Before use, you must familiarize yourself with the specifics of using a particular product, and also take the necessary measures to protect your respiratory system and skin. It should be noted that the number of chemical treatments should not exceed two times per season, and harvesting can be done no earlier than a month after using insecticides.

What drugs are suitable for killing crickets:

Crickets in the garden mean not only midnight singing, but also serious damage to the crop. A few individuals will not cause serious harm, but the rapid reproduction rate and omnivorous nature of these insects pose a great threat to cultivated plants. If you notice on your site characteristic features the appearance of these pests, a review of suitable methods for getting rid of them, proposed in our article, will help you.

In fairy tales, crickets are always positive heroes; many good omens are associated with them. That is why in life a person’s attitude towards these insects is good-natured and condescending.

What does a cricket look like, photo

Once insects become people’s neighbors in an apartment or house, everything changes. Not everyone likes the night trills, and in appearance the insects are more reminiscent of the less pleasant cockroaches.

House cricket - small size insect. The body is slender, slightly flattened. It covers dura shell from grayish-yellow and straw-fawn to fairly dark shades of brown with specks, streaks and spots.

On the sides of the ovoid, flattened head are small eyes. Long antennae often exceed the size of the owner himself. The insect has well-developed wings. There are 3 pairs of legs. Thanks to the special structure of their hind legs, crickets can jump well. Feature insects - the ability to produce specific trills and crickets.

Why and where do these insects appear in an apartment or house?

In nature, crickets live close to humans, preferring old buildings with many cracks, old rugs and high humidity. As the weather gets colder, insects move into new buildings, even found on the upper floors. The reason is renovation or complete reconstruction of the house.

One of the reasons for the appearance of uninvited guests in multi-storey building is the breeding of “night singers” by one of its inhabitants and the escape of crickets from the place of detention.

Insects can be brought in both as part of the product and in things from the previous home.

In human homes, insects need warmth and food. Damp, warm rooms with abundant food have become favorite places for crickets. Therefore, the lack of cleanliness and a considerable amount of food waste in uncovered trash cans are perceived by insects as invitation cards.

House crickets have chosen warm basements, warehouses, industrial premises, heating plants. The “night musician” also settles in people’s homes. Crickets move indoors when it gets colder.

Insects are omnivores. IN natural conditions they prefer plant foods. But the diet is diversified by eating other insects and even young individuals of their own species.

In human homes, crickets prefer leftover food: pieces of fruits, vegetables, bread crumbs. Crickets eat cockroaches, moths. The “singers” like drops of drinks, excluding alcoholic ones.

During the day, uninvited guests hide under baseboards and lurk in dark secluded corners.

You can detect “neighbors” only after dark by sound.

How to get rid of crickets (with reviews)

Not all people like night singing. Therefore, they try to evict the night singers, the cause of sleepless nights, from the house, despite good omens associated with these insects.

There was one cricket living with us, first under the stairs, then he moved to the toilet. We sealed the cracks in the toilet through which he could pass, and from the heat generator side we gave him a ride against cockroaches and crawling insects with a lavender smell. A few minutes later I found him dead on the way to the air - apparently he came out to catch his breath, but he still died from the aerosol. Another one was killed by his mother in the toilet. And I vacuumed another one with a vacuum cleaner when he crawled into our house from the street. In the cold they become less mobile and are easy to catch. You can't let him warm up - his blood will warm up and he'll start jumping - no big deal. And only males cricket during the mating season - they attract females, who then lay 100–300 eggs. Crickets hatch from them and begin to scream the same way after a month (at puberty). So you need to get rid of them as soon as possible, because you will never understand whether the females have come or not, they are quiet, or maybe they have already arrived, been fertilized and laid eggs. Briefly speaking. destroy immediately upon discovery.


If there is a cricket in the house, it is important to get rid of the restless neighbor immediately, before several individuals have settled in the room: the cricket attracts females by chirping. After the “performers” reproduce, it will be necessary to treat both the workers and the workers with insecticides. special services Call for disinfestation.

To rid your home of uninvited guests, they use traps, “grandmother’s” products and chemicals.

However, the most safe method All that remains is to dry and ventilate the premises. If there is a lack of humidity, crickets die or leave the apartments. And this option does not harm the health of the inhabitants of the house.


Feeders are one of the simplest methods of controlling crickets. A little molasses is mixed with water, the finished mass is placed in a deep vessel. Sweet insects will certainly go for a treat and end up inside the container. They won't be able to get out on their own.

The “catching pit” is more difficult to manufacture. For it, take a two-level container and place it on a bowl. Mix sweet corn flakes with milk, add sugar and place the bait in the lower container, pouring alcohol into the upper one.

The aroma of food will attract the attention of crickets. They will begin to fly over the container. Alcohol fumes will kill insects.

It is important to use alcohol: only it is harmful to insects.

A trap with a sticky surface will catch the cricket. The tape is hung where uninvited guests were noticed. It is recommended to purchase several sticky traps.

Folk recipes

Use wormwood infusion to repel crickets.

  1. Pour 2 large spoons of chopped herbs into a liter of water.
  2. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, cover with a lid, remove from heat and leave for 2 hours.
  3. The product is filtered and poured into a container with a spray bottle.
  4. The composition is sprayed on all surfaces, including baseboards and window frames.

The powder of pyrethrum and Persian chamomile helps a lot in the fight against insects. Crickets cannot tolerate the characteristic aroma. That's why natural remedy used to scare away night “singers” and keep them out of the home. The powder is scattered in areas where restless neighbors appear.

Wax helps a lot. They light it, fumigating the apartment. Insects cannot stand the smell of such smoke and leave the room.

It is more troublesome for people to hunt. Since crickets are awake at night, you have to try to destroy the enemy with the lights on. You have to focus on the sound made by the insect. Having determined approximately the location of the singer, they light a flashlight and show dexterity. Fly swatters and slippers are also used.

Insects have excellent hearing and reaction: they do not allow you to get closer than 3 meters to themselves.

For private houses there is the old way. Sweet bait is prepared for crickets, leaving a sweet fruit in the place where uninvited guests are concentrated. At night, insects go for a tempting treat. This is where they are caught.

The cricket's habitat is filled with boiling water. This method works in a private house, but the method is unacceptable in an apartment.

If a cat or dog lives in the house, then catching a cricket will not be a problem for the owners of the premises. The animal catches the “night singers” and eats them. Insects are especially loved by more exotic pets, lizards, for example. It is for their feeding that insects are bred specifically.

It is good to hang feeders near the house so that birds catch crickets.


If the nocturnal performers managed to lay eggs, then more serious measures will be required. Among toxic drugs, products based on Dichlorvos are suitable. The drugs “Super”, “Varan”, “Neo” are effective.

The Domovenok gel has a detrimental effect on adults. The drug is used to treat the habitats of uninvited guests. The procedures are carried out over several days. The universal aerosol preparation “Prima-71”, “Neofos-2” works well.

Aerosol products are more effective.

Repeated insecticidal treatment will help get rid of young individuals hatched from eggs. It is carried out in compliance with safety precautions.

  1. Be sure to wear a protective suit, plastic goggles, and a respirator. To protect your hands - gloves.
  2. The doors and windows of the premises are closed, people and animals leave their homes. They even take out an aquarium with fish.
  3. The can of Dichlorvos is shaken several times and spraying begins. Treat all habitat areas in which crickets have been spotted. The composition must be sprayed onto all surfaces, not leaving the corners of the room without attention. It is optimal to do this from a distance of 25–30 centimeters.
  4. All areas are thoroughly treated, the composition is sprayed into the cracks, behind the baseboards lagging behind the walls. The container is held from the face at arm's length to protect it from toxic fumes.
  5. The premises are left after completion of disinfestation for 6 hours.
  6. After the specified time, the windows are opened, ventilating the home for half an hour. Remove dead insects using a vacuum cleaner. Be sure to throw the filter away from your home. They pass with a vacuum cleaner near the corners, near the baseboards, in the corners.
  7. Afterwards they do wet cleaning.
  8. After 40–70 days, repeated treatment is carried out to destroy adult insects that emerged from eggs that were undetected during the first treatment.

Traps alone will not cope with the proliferating “singers”. It is impossible to do without aerosols and mechanical destruction of egg clutches.

Of the modern insecticides, the drug Tarax is recognized as the most effective.

  1. It is diluted with water in the ratio recommended in the instructions; it is diluted with water and the room is treated.
  2. The insecticide forms a film when dried. After contact with it, insects die.

While the premises are being processed, the occupants will have to leave the premises.

Sunlight and fat negatively affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Most often, oviposition is found in the carpet pile. If there is already a family of rattles in the room, then it is best to purchase a special filter for trapping the smallest particles for a vacuum cleaner.

The masonry area is treated with a vacuum cleaner, the bag is hermetically sealed, packed in a plastic bag and thrown away. This will help get rid of house crickets forever.

In the absence of special insecticides, hairsprays and deodorants are effective. It is important to choose a product with a strong aroma. The aerosol is sprayed into the crack where the night troublemaker is hiding. The insect climbs out. Here you will have to show miracles of dexterity.

Comparative characteristics of methods of combating crickets

Sealing waxEffective, drives away insects.
You won't have to leave the apartment for a long time.
Just carry out the processing yourself.
Smoke irritates the eyes.
Care should be taken when fumigating.
Wormwood infusionNatural, does not contain chemicals.
Harmless to people and animals.
No pungent smell.
Cooking takes time.
PyrethrumNaturalness of the product.
Simplicity of application method.
There is no need to prepare the drug.
You will have to clean up traces of the powder after the uninvited guests are evicted.
The powder spreads throughout the apartment.
Duct tapeThere is no need to catch insects.Tapes stick to hair and skin, leaving unpleasant marks.
Hunting with improvised meansNo harm to health.It is ineffective if there is more than one cricket in the house.
Destroy all insects.
The processing will have to be repeated.
You must leave the house during the work.
Great care is required when working.
Ventilation, reduction of humiditySafe for animals and people.
There is no need to kill insects.
You can cool the room and dry out the air excessively. This is harmful to the health of the inhabitants of the house.

If no action helps and the crickets become annoying at night, you need to contact a specialist.

Professionals will carry out disinfestation. During their time, however, they will have to leave the premises, and then carry out cleaning, clean textiles, furniture, and ventilate the home for a long time. But it’s worth it: the night guests will stop disturbing you.

However, in order not to have to re-experience all the “delights” of the struggle, it is advisable to carry out prevention.

How to prevent guests from returning

Sealing all cracks and cracks through which crickets can enter the house will help prevent re-infestation. Insects can enter a room if it is close to sewer pipes There are cracks and holes in the floor and baseboards.

  • They are attached to the windows Mosquito nets so that insects cannot get into the home.
  • The corners near the batteries are also treated with special sprays to effectively destroy the larvae.
  • Be sure to close the trash can tightly so as not to attract the smell of crickets.
  • It is important not to leave crumbs on the table and immediately remove leftover food.
  • Dampness in the premises is unacceptable. Be sure to warn employees management company or sanitary service employees about the accumulation of water in the basements.
  • Residents of lower floors or private houses require special attention. In the evenings, it is necessary to close the curtains and lower the blinds so as not to attract uninvited guests from the world of insects with bright light.
  • To illuminate the yard, it is recommended to use medium-power lamps, preferably yellow light.
  • Ventilation grilles are covered with fine mesh.
  • Compost heaps should be located at a distance from private houses, in the far corners of the plots.
  • Greenery near the home is trimmed regularly; climbing plants are not recommended to be planted close to the home.

If night trills do not cause insomnia, but appearance insects do not seem repulsive, then the neighborhood can be quite pleasant. However, there are ways to get rid of restless guests. And they should be used so as not to turn life into constant stress.

You can immediately find out that crickets live in the house from the nightly concerts. The “cheerful” chirping of insects does not allow one to fall asleep; it is good if the characteristic trills are produced by one individual, but if there are several of them, it becomes impossible to live. By multiplying and increasing the population, they cover paper, furniture and even wall surfaces. You can get rid of crickets in a private home using chemicals, using or by removing them. The choice of method depends on the number of crickets in your house, on individual characteristics premises. If crickets appear and then disappear, you can get rid of them forever only after establishing the reasons for their appearance.

How to get rid of crickets in a private home using chemicals

If there are a lot of insects, they managed to lay eggs, the surest way to fight them is chemical substances. Choose a product designed to kill all types of insects. The most effective poisons based on dichlorvos are “Varan”, “Neo”, “Dichlorvos Super”.

  • Close all windows and doors before processing.
  • Shake the can.
  • Spray the product at a distance of 30 centimeters from the surface.
  • Spray corners, window frames, places where you have seen pests.
  • Ventilate the room after six hours for 30 minutes.
  • Carry out wet cleaning.
  • When using pesticides, remember safety precautions - use a respirator and safety glasses. Do not stay in the treated room for a long time. Remove children and animals.
  • After 40 - 70 days, repeated treatment will be required, as new insects will emerge from the eggs.
  • You can get rid of eggs using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. After which the contents of the bag must be packed and thrown away.
  • Most sprays will also destroy eggs. Masonry is usually found near baseboards on the floor or along the wall, so these places should be given special attention.

Safe methods of getting rid of crickets in a private home

  • An effective method that always works is traps. Devices in the form of strips with an adhesive substance should be placed in damp and warm places, as well as near doors, on windows and near walls. This method is good when there are children and pets in the house.
  • Use bait. Pour molasses, molasses into a plate and add water. When they smell it, they will jump into the container and drown. All that remains is to periodically change the contents. Chemical baits are toxic but effective.
  • More complex design- trapping pit. Take a glass and place it in a bowl. Mix milk, corn flakes and sugar and place in a bowl, pour alcohol into a glass. The smell of food will attract crickets, but the fumes from alcohol will kill them.
  • Birds and cats love crickets; with their help, getting rid of pests will not be difficult. Natural predators also include spiders and lizards.
  • Light sealing wax in the house. The smoke is so unpleasant to crickets that it will take days for them to leave the premises.
  • If there is only one cricket, just catch it with a jar and destroy it.

Crickets in a private home - preventive measures

To prevent crickets from entering your home and disturbing you with their presence, it is necessary to take a number of measures to prevent their invasion.

  • Seal all doors and windows, and repair even small cracks in the walls.
  • Install grilles for ventilation and cover the windows with mosquito nets.
  • Regularly dry basements, cellars, and, if necessary, all rooms.
  • Store waste in hermetically sealed containers.
  • Make sure there is no tall grass near the walls of the house. climbing plants trim.
  • Place compost pits, piles of soil or a scattering of sawdust away from the house.
  • Do not illuminate the yard area with bright lamps; purchase lamps low power or light bulbs that glow yellow.
  • In the evening and at night, make it a rule to close the blinds and draw the curtains tightly. As you know, all insects rush towards a light source.
  • Keep your house clean.

Now that you know how to get rid of crickets in a private home, your sleep will be deep and sound. And if the night “singer” accidentally wanders into your house, he still won’t last long.