Wedding photo shoot in nature. Poses for a successful photograph. Beautiful poses sideways, in full height, in summer, on the street

Summer photo shoot is attractive bright colors and the ability to take pictures at any time. If you approach the organization of the process competently, determine a good location, style, choose an image and choose the best professional photographer, then you will receive photos that you will look at with a joyful smile even many years later.

Ideas for a photo shoot in summer are very diverse. You can organize a photo shoot:

  • on a beach holiday
  • on a walk
  • in the park
  • in the city
  • during a picnic in nature

Each of the ideas for photo shoots in summer time interesting in its own way and worthy of attention. However, such shooting requires some preparation.

How to prepare for a summer photo shoot?

For many, a photo shoot in the summer is a long-awaited event, because when it’s outside good weather, the sun is shining brightly, and nature is blooming with riotous colors, you want to take a lot of photographs often. To ensure a successful summer photo shoot, adhere to the following rules:

  • do a photoshoot on a sunny day
  • shoot in the afternoon, when the sun is no longer shining so brightly
  • choose clothes that are appropriate for the location where the photography will take place

For example, for a photo shoot on the beach you can limit yourself to a swimsuit, but to take a photo in the park or in nature, just choose shorts and a stylish top. We must not forget about the hairstyle. Since a photo shoot in summer is usually carried out outdoors or outdoors, the emphasis is on naturalness. This means that you need to choose the simplest hairstyle.

On the street

Ideas for a photo shoot in the summer are interesting and easy to implement. On a warm sunny day you can spend many hours outside; taking photographs in a studio or at home at this time is unreasonable.

An outdoor photo shoot is a concept that combines dozens of ideas, actors which could be families, girlfriends, boyfriends and girlfriends. Ideas for a photo shoot in the summer should be determined based on the “composition of models”, as well as their mood. For example, a summer photo shoot in the city would be perfect for two girl friends. You can organize a walking photo shoot:

  • at the fountain in the park
  • on a bench in the park
  • near architectural monuments, sculptures or decorative figures

There are many places in the city where, by taking various poses, you can get interesting and unusual photographs that will be pleasant to look at.

Photoshoot of a guy and a girl

For men and women, a photo shoot in the summer should be done in a romantic style. There are many ideas for photo sessions for lovers - shooting can be organized in the city, in a field, in a park, on the beach, near the water, in the forest, that is, anywhere where you can create the right mood. Examples of a good summer photo shoot can be seen below.

Walking down the road

A walking photo shoot on the road is not difficult to implement. To get spectacular photos, you just need to choose the right image, fashionable clothes, and for the woman to apply light makeup. A travel suitcase is perfect as a prop - a girl in shorts or a summer dress stands near the road with the intention of catching a passing car, and her lover sits next to her on a suitcase.

Photos of lovers on the road in a field or on a path in the forest turn out beautiful. In summer, the fields are sown, and couples in love look great against their background. Walking photography can be done in cloudy but warm weather, when there are thunderclouds in the sky and it’s about to start raining. Photos taken near a tree growing near the road will be especially interesting.

Let's say a girl is wearing a beautiful fashionable dress, a form-fitting figure, stands with her elbows on the trunk of a birch tree, in her hands are wild flowers, and her gaze is directed to the sky, across which rain clouds float. A young man stands a little further and looks at her with a loving gaze. His image suggests that if it starts to rain, he will do everything to protect his beloved from the weather. Such photographs turn out to be very emotional.

On the beach

On a warm sunny day it is interesting to take pictures on the beach near the water. The girl may be wearing a swimsuit, her boyfriend may be wearing shorts. The poses can be anything - a man sits on the sand and looks at his beloved who is slowly entering the sea, or both sit under a large umbrella on a blanket covered for a picnic. You can also take pictures while playing beach volleyball. A man and a woman take appropriate poses: one of them serves the ball, the second prepares to return the serve. The props you will need are a net and a ball.

At night

The photoshoot of lovers is beautiful even at night. Such photographs turn out spectacular against the backdrop of the embankment, when the stars are reflected in the water. A girl can sit on the parapet, and her lover will stand next to her and gently clasp her shoulders. Both will look thoughtfully at the reflection of the night sky in the river. The beauty of night photography is that you don’t need to wait for sunny weather, apply special makeup, or choose bright clothes. The main emphasis here is on natural beauty, harmoniously combined with the city landscape.

Any summer photo shoot will become a bright and unforgettable event in your life if you contact professional photographer, which will help you choose the right style, image and location for shooting.

Choosing nature as the main setting for a photo shoot will always be correct. After all, it not only makes it possible to realize thousands of amazing and simultaneously original ideas, but will also allow you to feel your beauty, enjoy the shooting, and recharge yourself with positivity for many days to come. In other words, you will combine business with pleasure, and even get new works for your portfolio.

How to decide on an idea

In this article, we intend not to touch upon topics regarding standard ideas for an outdoor photo shoot. Maybe for some, filming around a campfire with barbecue and noisy company. We recommend not to associate such shots with the artistic component of photography in general. On the contrary, give your preference, at a minimum, to classical genres, the result of which is not only beautiful, but also harmonious, built on aesthetics and in the best traditions of the style you choose. Of course, you need to strive for perfection in everything, including photography. So, when choosing ideas for an outdoor photo shoot, don’t be afraid to experiment and don’t back down if developing an image seems difficult to you.


You can conduct a photo shoot in nature at any time of the year, in any weather conditions, at any time of the day, which is another important advantage of choosing such a place for a photo shoot.

For some reason, many people believe that filming should be carried out, for example, only on a fine, preferably summer, day. In the fall, the most they can do is conduct a photo shoot during the Indian summer, but early spring and winter are not at all appreciated. This is obviously a wrong position. Yes, let's face it, shooting in conditions such as frost, rain, bad weather, night time or dawn is very uncomfortable, but by rejecting it, you lose the opportunity to get exactly original photos, not a “broken record.”

If you find the scenery worthy of being captured in the frame, it doesn’t matter what time of year it is. There are so many ideas for an outdoor photo shoot that you won’t have any problems choosing them. Below, as an example for a photo shoot, we will give ideas that will be appropriate in certain weather and seasonal conditions.

Photo shoot in winter

At this time of year, especially if it is snowy, it is most often worth paying attention to atmospheric styles such as “dark”, “dark fashion”, “fantasy”, “gothic”. You can find ideas for a photo shoot within the framework of the classics. For this, classic makeup, a high hairstyle and definitely outerwear with a trim made of natural fur, preferably a coat or short fur coat. As for other styles, winter is more suitable for dark, mysterious genres (vampires, witches, fairy tales, etc.), but on a fine sunny day you can expand the list of ideas to joyful genres, for example, with a festive theme (New Year's evening or Christmas around the fire).

Photo shoot in spring

The first month of spring is not much different from winter, so it is best to start shooting in April. For spring nature, light styles are suitable - “beauty”, “classic”, “nature”. You can play with the idea of ​​a spring girl or the rebirth of nature. Also, spring decorations are suitable for staging different scenarios for romantic love stories or photo walks. Spring is considered the most romantic time of the year, so your images for a photo shoot should be appropriate.

Summer photo shoot

Summer nature is full of colors and at the same time scorched by the sultry sun. It is ideal for implementing many themes within historical styles, “fantasy”, “cosplay”, “hippie” style, “grunge” and so on. Another huge plus of summer is that you can conduct a sea photo shoot or filming on any other beautiful body of water.

Photo shoot in autumn

If spring is a joyful romance, then autumn is fraught with a sad, one might even say, nostalgic romantic note. Playing out a love story in the background autumn nature will always be truly touching and sincere. It’s not for nothing that many poets were so in awe of this time of year. In addition to love story, styles such as “classic”, “retro”, “hippie”, “fantasy”, “drama”, “beauty”, “nature”, to some extent “steampunk” and “grunge” are ideal for autumn "

Photo shoot on a rainy day

Never miss an opportunity to have a photo shoot outdoors on a rainy day.

If it's summer or early autumn, then all the cards are in your hands to implement ideas within the framework of sexual romance or vulnerable drama. When the rain comes already at the end of autumn or at the beginning of spring, the atmosphere of such nature dictates quite nostalgic or creepy ideas(a lonely figure of a woman in black on the road, a beggar woman in an old dress, and so on).

Perhaps a photo shoot at outdoors in natural conditions - one of the most interesting species photography for a photographer. Photo sessions in nature provide truly limitless scope for imagination and joint creativity between the model and the photographer. In nature, any model (be it a beginner or experimental model) it is easier to reveal yourself. In such conditions there is less embarrassment in front of the camera, and the pictures come out as sincere, lively and natural as possible. This is the main difference between filming outdoors and filming in a studio. Choosing the right one will help reveal the real image of the model and emphasize its full depth. It is imperative to take into account the time of year and day. This will affect the lighting and a lot of other important details of the photo shoot.

Filming season

Photo sessions in the city or outdoors can be carried out at almost any time of the year. Each season has its own charm: gentle blooming spring, riot of colors in summer, romantic Golden autumn... Everything depends on the imagination of the photographer and model. It is clear that filming should be avoided in excessive heat, as well as in heavy rain and frost - unnecessary extremes will not be beneficial. In other cases, you simply need to successfully select accessories and clothing, depending on the time of year, air temperature and weather. A photo shoot should be fun and enjoyable for the model. In this case, the realized image will be as natural as possible.

It is worth noting that this is a particularly interesting time for photo shoots in nature. First of all, this is the spring period from mid-April to May. At this time they bloom wildly orchards, magnolias, bird cherry and other shrubs and trees. This period is fleeting - the plants bloom quickly and literally fall off in a few days, so do not miss this moment so as not to miss the natural beauty. Spring surroundings are well suited for romantic photo shoots. Delicate makeup, a feminine dress and loose hair will go perfectly with the blooming spring nature. Everything next depends on the skill and experience of the photographer. In summer we provide the broadest opportunities both for the photographer and the model. The weather makes it possible not to be limited either in the choice of clothing or in the choice of locations. It is appropriate to shoot in any style: from romance to ethno. You can completely rely on the artistic concept. Traditional places for summer photo shoots are: a golden wheat field, a flowering meadow, a beach or a sand pit or a forest. An inexhaustible source of inspiration in the summer is aqua photography. You can shoot a lot of interesting scenes on the water in summer. Autumn photo shoots traditionally take place during the golden autumn. It is important not to miss the time of leaf fall. After all, in autumn you can contemplate an incredible palette of colors, daylight delicate and soft - all this will wonderfully emphasize the beauty of the model. The photographer in such a photo shoot only captures the beautiful.

Filming time

To reach best results, the photographer must, taking into account the weather, successfully choose the time of day for shooting. It is quite a mistake to think that the brightest photographs can be taken during the day and in sunny weather. In the case of portrait photography, this lighting is not the best. Eyes narrowed from the sun and an intense gaze, shadows on the model’s face, as well as excessive contrast between light and shadow are best avoided. When the weather outside is cloudy or partly cloudy, this is optimal. Such lighting will be favorable for a portrait photo shoot. In portrait photography, working out shadows is very important aspect. Clouds in the sky scatter sunlight, making shadows softer. Most the right time A day for a photo shoot on the street is considered to be early evening or morning. The times of dawn and sunset are especially valued. A truly magnificent palette of sunrise and sunset provides rich and soft sunlight. Such lighting paints nature in golden colors and gives a stunning shade to the model’s skin. It is this black and white pattern that is soft and ideal for portrait photography. Every minute the sky changes its shades, the sun sets (or rises) rapidly. It is necessary to catch these valuable minutes, or even seconds, which limits the time of the photographer and model. For any photo shoot, you need to prepare well, select the necessary things, do your hair and makeup. And in the case of such a precise timing, you also need to arrive at the photography location in advance.

Preparing for filming

Now in more detail. To achieve a bright, cohesive and eye-catching image in photographs, all components are important: clothing, hairstyle, accessories, model's makeup and location. Everything in the frame should look organic. To ensure that everything matches the photographer’s artistic vision, it is better to start accessories in advance, discuss all the details and the image. Outdoor photo shoots will require several sets of clothing. It is also worth taking with you and additional accessories, so that in this way it would be possible to change different images. But don’t forget that outdoor photo shoots often involve mobility. You will have to carry things with you, it follows that the bag with things should not be overloaded: it should not be too bulky or heavy. An assistant will not be superfluous during the shooting. You should carefully iron the clothes and fold them in such a way that they do not wrinkle. Don't forget about shoes that will match the model's image. In addition, shoes should be comfortable to move around. If you do not invite a professional hairdresser and makeup artist to the photo shoot, then you should do your hair and makeup in advance. Fix your hair securely with hairspray. It must keep its shape well, as the wind may blow. Take some cosmetics with you to the photo shoot: lipstick, powder, eye shadow. This is necessary so that you can change it slightly for new images. In addition, it is worth considering some other little things that are usually not talked about. Although, these little things are quite capable of spoiling the mood during shooting, or even complicating the photo shoot. So, for example, if you are taking pictures in a forest or meadow, it won’t hurt to take mosquito spray. When photographing on the beach or in any open area, it is a good idea to take sunscreen. When the weather forecast predicts rain, you need to grab an umbrella. These tips may seem obvious, but even such obvious things are worth taking into account.

As a rule, a photo shoot in nature takes 2 hours. Longer shooting times can be tiring for the model. The photographer has an important task - to create the right atmosphere during the photo shoot and allow the model to relax. Only a liberated model will be able to organically fit into the character.

It is worth remembering, first of all, it is pleasure. This - joint creativity model and photographer, which brings joy.

Outdoor photo shoot

Friends, just a few decades ago we could not even imagine that we could easily take a camera out of the back pocket of our trousers and capture a child’s first step, a tender kiss from newlyweds, or a joint trip to unknown countries. Now this is an accessible reality.

Photography is a great way to make time stop and leave emotions as memories forever. And, whatever you say, the most colorful, “delicious” photo shoots take place outside, no matter what time of year they take place. The variety of ideas for street photo shoots depends only on your imagination; I, as a photographer, will make your wildest wishes come true.

Ideas for an outdoor photo shoot

Original ideas for a photo shoot in nature can be implemented at any time of the year. Some people prefer curvaceous, juicy greens leaves of the summer forest, some - golden spills of ears of young wheat. One loves the blue of the lake, the other loves the cloudless sky and sunbeams on winter snow. The photo session will always turn out to be memorable, and the pictures will be mesmerizing; we just need to discuss the model’s image in advance, select and prepare the location for the shooting, and think about the choice of costumes and makeup.

Here are just a few ideas for an outdoor photo shoot:

Ideas for a winter outdoor photo shoot

I invite lovers of winter stories to organize both individual and group shooting. IN winter time Stories built on contrasts turn out to be very vivid. In clothes it is better to give preference to choosing calm color range, pure, transparent tones, similar to the natural colors of nature at this time. At the same time, red and ginger shades are suitable as contrasting shades. So in the hands of a model there can be a basket of ripe, red apples, fiery bunches of rowan berries, and a shock of red hair coming out from under the hat.

Collective photographs in this style look no less colorful. The group can put on cozy felt boots, colored knitted hats, scarves and just build a snowman together, go sledding, catch falling snowflakes in their mouths, while I do my job professionally. Such a relaxed photo session will allow you to capture the most sincere emotions and forever preserve pleasant memories.

Ideas for unusual children's photographs in nature

Are you happy parents and still don’t believe your luck?

You shouldn’t wait until your baby is one or two years old to take his first unique pictures. Photo sessions can be arranged from the first days of life. I will create unusual subject photographs even when the child is peacefully sleeping. For such photo sessions, sometimes it is enough to decorate a small cradle with a baby under a head of cabbage and an unusual plot is guaranteed.

With older children, you can experiment like on a playground surrounded by peers. Photographing children in nature is always a pleasure! You can do a photo shoot separately in a cloud of soap bubbles, with a bouquet of dandelions in your hand, or simply standing in an autumn puddle.

Your child will not get tired of filming, the process will be unobtrusive, built in a playful way, because the main thing in working with children is delicacy.

And if you want really amazing photos with your children, then Vammi and I will jointly come up with a fabulous plot for a photo shoot in nature and capture the incredible fairy tale story, the main character of which will be your child!

Ideas using auto and motorcycle equipment

A photo shoot in nature with a car or motorcycle is always popular due to the availability of the organization - you can use your own transport or rent a car. At the same time, the general stylistic direction is set by the models’ outfits, accessories, and the design of the transport used. A group of fashionable dudes will look great in a retro car, a gangster party will end with a photo shoot in a stylish convertible, and a couple in rustic outfits will take a breeze along a rural road in a motorcycle with a trailer.

Thematic photo shoot in nature

Residents of megacities try to spend every free minute outside the city limits. People go to their dachas or recreation areas at any time of the year. In summer they swim in stormy rivers or quiet ponds, in winter they ride on cheesecakes. Spring and autumn are the time for walks in the forest, making ikebana and bouquets of yellow leaves.

Thematic outdoor photo shoots are very popular and are more dynamic than indoor shoots. I will help you choose a storyline in accordance with the time of year and your lifestyle: in winter - funny Games and fun, sledding, swimming in snowdrifts; in the spring - a picnic, songs with a guitar around the fire; in summer – beach holidays, volleyball; in the fall - walks in the park, forest, berry picking.

In spring, nature, like a young girl, comes to life and wakes up from sleep. The sweet smell of the first buds appears in the air, the last snowdrifts melt, turning into babbling streams. Isn't this a reason for a themed spring photo shoot? And nature helps us with this, suggesting spring images and giving us ideas for filming.

With the onset of golden autumn, it's time to think about how great it would be to capture yourself at this magnificent time of year. I will conduct for you a wonderful autumn photo session outdoors in the most magnificent landscapes of St. Petersburg, Pushkin and Pavlovsk. Let's figure out together what the theme of your photo shoot will be!

Makeup for a photo shoot in nature

Makeup for a photo shoot against a backdrop of nature must be carefully selected to suit created image. It is important that the make-up is done correctly and carefully, this will give the face naturalness and freshness. You need to prepare your facial skin in advance by visiting a cosmetologist a couple of weeks before filming. Use foundations with a mattifying effect, pay more attention to eye, eyebrow and lip makeup. At correct selection make-up cosmetics will last the entire photo shoot without correction. Together we will discuss not only the plot of the future photo shoot, but also the corresponding outfits and, of course, makeup.

Cost of a photo shoot in nature

The cost of street photography is 5,000 rubles per hour. Additional time 1000 rubles per hour. View prices

Order a photo session in nature: +7 -911 237- 02-25

Photographer: Natalya Rodionova

A summer photo shoot will add beautiful and bright photographs of various subjects to your album. In summer you can take photos in interesting images, which cannot be realized in the studio.

You can take an unusual photo in nature - the topics of the photo shoot depend only on your imagination. There are no boundaries: photo shoots can be carried out in forests, cities and villages, at festivals, picnics and concerts. A summer photo shoot at sea looks original. Beach holiday will give not only good mood, but also wonderful photos in the rays of sunlight.

Rustic style photography

A summer photo shoot in the village will not turn out to be ordinary or boring, because there are so many ideas for photos great amount. Colorful photographs can be taken in the field, on picturesque rural streets, near a dirt road. In each of these places you can conduct an original photo session on any topic.

In the village you can implement the following photo shoot options in the summer:

  • with animals (horses, rabbits, dogs)
  • with flowers
  • outdoors (you can pose by the road, in the garden)
  • in the house or in the yard of the house (original photographs are taken with rare attributes, for example: a samovar, a spindle, an antique car)

Even the most ordinary ideas for a summer photo shoot will be interesting if you choose the right accessories. You can turn the area in front of your house into a professional site for a photo shoot - jugs, ordinary rakes, firewood and other household attributes are suitable as props. If you are photographing with the whole family, children (both girls and boys) can be given vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes) or a basket of fruit to complete the image.

It is better to choose clothes for a photo shoot depending on the idea and theme. The best and universal solution There will be dresses and shirts made of light materials. The color scheme should not be bright. Calm tones will create a homely mood and give your photos a rustic charm.

Photography outside the city

Outdoors outside the city offer unlimited opportunities for photo shoots. Both during the day and in the evening, you can take colorful photographs of a couple, a child, or organize an individual summer photo session.

If in the studio you can only play with certain ideas, then in nature there are no boundaries. Unusual images for a photoset can be realized in the forest and garden, by the lake and river, in the field, in the meadow.

To make the photo shoot beautiful and interesting, you should consider the following nuances:

  • the outfit of both boys and girls must correspond to the chosen theme and location of the photo shoot (for photographing in the field the best option there will be loose-fitting dresses, in the forest - simple and practical outfits)
  • in makeup you can use both rich and neutral colors (for example, if the photo shoot is held in a clearing with poppies, you can apply dark shades and scarlet lipstick)
  • You can use bouquets of flowers, hammocks, bicycles and other bright paraphernalia as props.
  • for family photographs, you can choose the same clothes (girls will look good in fluffy dresses, and boys will look good in colorful suits)

During the day in the summer, you can create original photos while walking or relaxing on the river bank - this shooting theme is suitable for both a guy and a girl, and for a family. The couple can be photographed at sunset by the lake.

Options for urban photography

On city streets and in parks, a summer themed photo shoot can be done in the following styles:

  • industrial
  • plot
  • casual

City summer photo sessions can be carried out at any time of the day. It is better to photograph a family with a child during the day. You can also work on creating individual and paired photo stories in the evening.

With baby the best photos obtained during family holidays in parks and festivals. Great pictures can be taken on playgrounds and during walks. Little boys and girls don’t have to pose at all – the photos will turn out natural and relaxed.

An individual photo shoot in the city looks unusual against the background railway tracks, abandoned buildings, roads and cars.

Marine photography

A truly sunny summer photo shoot can be done while on vacation at sea. The pictures of a guy and a girl at sunset are picturesque. Warm sand, sun and beach combined with good poses for photo shoots will help you create original pictures at sea.

For a beach photo shoot to be successful, it is better to:

  • decide in advance where to photograph on the beach
  • do natural makeup
  • use sunglasses, pareos, hats and other accessories that match the theme of the photo shoot

You can add a beach lounger, flowers or cocktails to the frame. The main thing in such summer photography is to choose a warm sunny day.