Drying autumn leaves for applications and preparing for work. How I learned to keep autumn leaves beautiful for a long time How to preserve a craft made from autumn leaves

There is a way, and more than one, to preserve flowers almost in their original form. It's about o preserving flowers in glycerin, gelatin and, of course, salt. What kind of canning can do without salt! The latter method is only suitable for compositions in closed vessels and does not involve removing the flower from the solution.

Let me note right away that flowers in gelatin and glycerin remain just as flexible and only change color slightly. They become more faded. If you want a truly magical result, don't wait. And as soon as you receive a bouquet as a gift, select a few flowers for canning. The only “but” is that foliage that is too young cannot be preserved with glycerin.

It is better to take dense, not too young flowers. Oddly enough, too young foliage cannot be preserved with glycerin. It is better to remove excess leaves immediately. Carefully examine the flower you decided to preserve. If you see damaged petals and leaves on it, then it is better not to use such a flower. The stem must be cut diagonally, remove the skin or bark (if it is a twig of lilac or apple tree, for example) approximately 7 cm from the bottom and split it. This is necessary so that the solution penetrates better into the flower.

Glycerin is diluted with water in the ratio: 1 part glycerin to 2 parts hot water. The resulting liquid is poured into a jar, vase, or any other beautiful vessel to a height of approximately 20 cm and placed in a cool, dark place. Penetrating into the leaves, glycerin absorbs their liquid and replaces the moisture evaporating from the leaves and stems with glycerin. The liquid level must be maintained, therefore, as it dries, the solution must be topped up. This only applies to open containers.

In closed vessels, the level remains virtually unchanged. It takes from two weeks to two months to completely soak, depending on the size and thickness of the stems. But the result obtained is worthy of admiration! For this reason, it is worth being patient and waiting. Plants preserved in this way retain their elasticity and flexibility and do not require special care; they can be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust.

It takes from two weeks to two months for complete saturation, but the result is certainly amazing!

You can also preserve individual leaves. It takes much less time from 2 to 3 weeks. But you also need to take into account some features. Fern leaves, for example, release milky sap after cutting, which can clog moisture-conducting channels in the stem. In this case, the end of the stem should be held over the flame until it darkens.

Glycerin only guarantees us the preservation of the flower’s shape. But you can “conjure” the color yourself.

In order to give plants the required color, you need to feed the plants with artificial water-soluble dyes, adding them to a glycerin solution. You can use brilliant green, acrylic, oil, silver, colored transparent varnishes, now craft stores provide us with a large assortment of similar products.

It happens that plants were unsuccessfully preserved and white oxidized spots formed on them, which spoil the appearance of our plants. You can correct the situation by bleaching the plants for a couple of days in the following solution:

1. Water 500g.
2. Denatured alcohol 160g.
3. Acetone 160g.
4. Oxalic acid 50g.
5. Acetic acid 99% -10g.
6. Sodium bisulfate 120g.

Flowers in decorative bottles.

The beauty of these decorative bottles difficult to put into words. And even a photograph cannot fully convey to you their brightness and tenderness.

To create a composition you need a transparent bottle beautiful shape. It must be washed well and disinfected with boiling water. Plants can be planted immediately by splitting the stem and filled with a solution of glycerin and water in a 1:2 ratio. For the best effect, before putting the plants in the bottle, you can put them in a solution for several days so that they are saturated with it. Then you put the flowers in the bottle, carefully straighten them with chopsticks, carefully fill them with the solution and seal the neck hermetically. The neck can be additionally decorated with twine, ribbon or filled with sealing wax

Fresh roses or petals, dahlias, lilies, chrysanthemums, etc. are well suited for decorating bottles. At the same time, you can put shells, beads strung on a thread, small figurines, and beautiful buttons in the bottle. Fresh flowers can be replaced with artificial ones.

Another reliable preservative is a strong solution of gelatin with sugar, approximately 1/1. You can also use a very strong saline solution.

Flowers should not be placed tightly in a bottle or jar; they should seem to hang inside the vessel. The compositions inside the bottle can be different, but sometimes one flower is enough.

Method with salt.
It is necessary to cut off the rose buds that are ready to bloom so that the flowers have a stem left. Table salt is heated in a cast iron frying pan until it turns into a very fine dry powder. Afterwards, you need to take a tin box and pour a layer of already calcined salt onto the bottom. The buds need to be placed on the salt, but in such a way that they do not touch each other under any circumstances. The buds are filled to the top with salt, after which the box must be hermetically sealed. When fresh flowers are needed, the roses should be removed from the box, carefully cleaned of salt, slightly trimmed the stem and placed in water. They will come to life and bloom. You can do it another way: pour in cardboard box calcined salt, put flowers there, cover them with the same salt, then close the lid, put the box in plastic bag and put it in a cool place. In this case, when fresh flowers are needed, you need to take the plants out of the box and put them in a bath or bucket of warm water for 2 hours.

Almost any flower - from a fragile wildflower to a luxurious garden rose, any leaf and blade of grass can become not only part of a school herbarium, but also turn into an ikebana, a postcard for your beloved grandmother, material for decoupage, scrapbooking and a real painting that will be an excellent decor for your home . But for this you need to know how to properly dry leaves and flowers.

There are many ways to dry plants and other natural materials to preserve their original shape and color. There's even a way to instantly prepare leaves and other supplies for fall crafts and herbariums. And he will help you out a lot if you learned this evening that your child needs to bring this same herbarium to school tomorrow.

But sometimes there is no need to rush, especially if you want to create something unusual and unique from the gifts of nature. And then air or volume drying comes to the rescue, allowing you to preserve both the shape and color of beautiful delicate flowers. You just need to be patient so as not to accidentally spoil anything.

And then real magic is born under your hands and the flowers continue to delight the eye when the blizzard is blowing outside the window with might and main.

Air drying without hanging

If there are no plants for hanging suitable conditions or places, they can be wrapped in paper napkins (preferably rice ones) or other moisture-absorbing material, and then placed in boxes or on top of cardboard.

Flowers usually dry in 2-3 weeks.

This method is suitable for plants such as ammobium, periwinkle, heather, gypsophila, goldenrod, kermek (statice), lavender, echinopsis and the like.

Air drying in a vase with water

Some plants wither very quickly, so it is difficult to dry them in their original form. Therefore, a combined method is used for them: air drying plus water.

The ends of the stems must be cut diagonally and the plants should be placed in a vase with water, immersed no more than 4-5 centimeters.

As the water evaporates, the plants will dry out.

After the buds have wilted a little, remove the flowers and trim the ends of the stems that were in the water to prevent mold.

Then dry the plants by laying them horizontally on cardboard or paper.

This method is suitable for plants such as globe artichoke, heather, carnation (after the flower has fully bloomed), gypsophila, hydrangea, lavender, bulbous, yarrow, chicory and the like.

Air drying with hanging

Air drying is an indispensable method for large flowers and plants that are needed for crafts or winter bouquets.

For such drying you need dark (without straight sun rays), a dry, cool room with excellent ventilation (pantry, attic, garage, attic).

Depending on the type and size of the plant, the drying process lasts different quantities time.

What flowers can be dried?

The air method is easy to dry ornamental grasses or spikelets of cereal plants (rye, wheat, barley, etc.), as well as medicinal or beneficial herbs (mint, St. John's wort, nettle, etc.).

Flowers: cornflower, hydrangea, decorative onions, poppy, rose, lilac (cut immediately after the lower flowers bloom), physalis.


Harvest the ears a couple of days before flowering or after the ears turn a light straw color.

After harvesting, gather the ears into small bunches, placing the tops of the plants at different levels.

Tie the stems tightly, but not tightly, and trim the ends of the stems, straightening them out.

Hang the bunches side down on taut rope or wire, at least 15 centimeters from the ceiling. The gaps between the beams are 10-15 centimeters.

You can secure bunches of flowers on hooks, paper clips or clothespins.

Leave the grains to dry completely.


Cut flowering plants as soon as the flowers bloom. Remove the bottom pair of leaves or all the leaves if you only want the flower itself.

Tie the plants at the base of the stem, 5-10 pieces in a bunch. It is better to wrap every 2-3 stems, and at the end the entire bouquet with a tourniquet, elastic band or twine, so that the flowers do not fall apart after drying.

But do not pull the rope too tightly or wrap it excessively, so that moisture does not accumulate in the dressing areas.

Hang the bunches with flowers or spikelets down on a stretched rope or wire, at least 15 centimeters from the ceiling. The gaps between the beams are 10-15 centimeters. You can secure bunches of flowers on hooks, paper clips or clothespins.

In a bunch, the leaves should be well ventilated and the flowers should not touch each other.

Leave the flowers to dry for 15-30 days. If the petals are thick and dense, or not optimal conditions, then the drying time can be increased to 40 days.

When the flowers are completely dry, the petals will be hard and fragile to the touch.

General rules

Large flowers and flowering branches should be dried one at a time (hydrangea, peony, rose, lilac).

The thorns must be removed from roses.

It is better to bind different types of plants separately, because their drying time may vary.

Bulk drying of flowers in a wrapper

Absorbent cotton

In addition to powder drying using bulk substances, you can use absorbent cotton wool. In this case, the petals also retain their shape and color well.

Place all the petals, including the very central ones, with pieces of cotton wool. Hang the plant by its stem on a hook or rope.

The flower head usually dries in 5-6 days, but the cotton wool can be removed only after the stem has completely dried.

Toilet paper

When drying flowers using toilet paper the cup is flatter and the papery texture leaves marks on the petals, but it doesn't fall apart.

The flower is transferred with paper in the same way as with cotton wool.

Waxing fresh flowers and leaves

Fresh flowers can be covered with paraffin, including a bouquet given for a holiday. Almost all types of flowers can be treated with paraffin.

Dip the brush in melted paraffin, then carefully and delicately work the petals and leaves.

It is better to start from the outermost ones and move towards the center of the bud.

After the petal has completely dried, you can move on to the next one.

DIY wax autumn leaves step by step with photos

Natural material This is an interesting thing, but short-lived. After some time, the moisture from the collected leaves evaporates, they become brittle and fragile, and lose color. How to prolong life and decorative look? You can make wax autumn leaves that retain their shape and color for a long time.
Description of material: The master class will be useful for high school students, teachers, and parents.
Purpose: room decoration, decorative bouquets.
Target: creating a decorative bouquet.
- develop creative abilities
- cultivate accuracy and perseverance
For work we will need:
1.Fresh autumn leaves.
2. Candles (the most common white candles).
3.Baking paper or foil (we will place the leaves on it to dry).
4. The saucepan and container for the water bath are preferably wide so that your largest leaves can easily fit into it.
5. Stove, kitchen.

The process itself is as follows:
1. Melt the candles in a water bath. (Amount so that you can freely dip the leaf, approximately 1.5-2 cm from the bottom of the container.) As soon as the wax has melted, reduce the heat to low to maintain heat.

2. Spread baking paper or foil near the stove - the leaves will dry on it so that they do not stick to the surface. The distance from the stove to the foil should be minimal; ideally, cover the edge of the stove, otherwise you will need to scrape off drops of wax for a long time.
3. When the wax becomes liquid, dip the leaf into it, turn it over so that the wax covers it on both sides, 5-7 seconds will be enough.

Take it out and let the beads of wax drip directly over the pan. To do this, first hold it for 6 seconds with the tips down, then, if it is tight, turn it a little to completely cut off all the drops and so that no accumulated wax remains on the tips.

Then quickly place the sheet face up on foil or baking paper. The sheet dries quickly - in about 1 minute. After a couple of minutes, the leaves can already be used for work. Foil or baking paper must be periodically cleaned of wax drops, or a new one must be placed so that the drops do not stick to the leaves. When you put the sheet to dry, a small drop may remain on the tip and extend beyond it - after drying, this drop can be easily removed manually with a knife or fingers, but so as not to damage the entire coating of the sheet.

If a child will participate in the process, then he must be at least 7 years old, and then he can dip the leaves into the wax himself, but only with a long petiole and after a thorough explanation of how hot the wax is. As soon as the child is tired, let him become a spectator. But in general, although this activity is interesting, it is not for kids.

The shape of a maple leaf is easily recognizable. It can be seen on the Canadian flag, and indeed, there are hardly people in Russia who cannot imagine it. Maples are very beautiful in autumn: their leaves acquire beautiful colour, they smell somehow special. Children and adults collect them into beautiful yellow-orange bouquets, which, perhaps, can be called symbols of golden autumn.

But they don’t last very long in this form. How to extend their life? And what else can you do with them? In fact, there are a lot of options. First of all, you need to choose the right leaves: they should be fairly fresh, the process of rotting should not yet begin in them. Having collected a sufficient amount, you can think about how to preserve them. Most popular way- iron them through newspaper sheets. This will help remove from the leaves excess moisture and prevent rotting. But this measure may somewhat spoil their beautiful color. Another one wide known method- invest Maple leaves in the book for a while; it will not harm it if you line the blanks for the herbarium with newspaper. But you will have to wait a couple of months for the results to be good.

So what can you do with dried leaves? Firstly, the same bouquet, which will last much longer, especially if you cover it special composition, which is used by florists.

Secondly, they can be used for applications, herbariums and similar crafts. Some even make them beautiful roses, folding several leaves around each other in a special way. Such flowers can be coated with paint and made into wonderful Christmas tree decorations, especially since handmade is now very much appreciated, especially if it is such an exclusive item.

In addition to the decorative function, maple leaves can serve as medicine, they are quite widely used in folk recipes. Thus, they are believed to have wound-healing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties, and

can also serve as an antiemetic, diuretic, and antipyretic. There is even an opinion that the maple leaf has an analgesic effect. However, it is better not to use such drugs without consulting a doctor, since only a professional can choose the right medications for the patient.

By the way, not all maples have the same leaf shape, but there are about 160 species in this genus. The number of their lobes varies; they can be round or more

elongated. But almost all nations in one way or another revere these trees; they have a place in the famous Japanese gardens, maple leaves inspire poets and composers to create poems and songs.

In addition, it is valuable wood and an excellent honey plant. In Canada, of which it is a symbol, it has been used for a very long time and added to desserts. This is how great the significance of this tree is for a person. Regardless of how useful and practical the maple is, it is simply beautiful, and its leaves can long remind romantic people of warm autumn days and the people who were nearby.

From dried leaves, flowers and herbs you can create unique paintings - both exquisitely complex and completely simple, which even small children can make. There are several techniques for making paintings, and perhaps you yourself will come up with something new.

Collect and dry beautiful plants and enjoy creativity with your children, develop imagination, neatness and a sense of beauty.

Collect leaves, flowers and herbs for future paintings it is possible from spring to autumn.

Dry They are better in old heavy reference books or magazines. Thick plant stems do not dry well, so it is recommended to cut them in half lengthwise. Leave the plant in the book for 10-14 days.

Glue take it thick enough so that drops do not form.

If according to your intention colorful but transparent petals must be superimposed on a dark background and retain their original color, then first you need stick them on thin white paper , cut along the contour, and then include it in the composition.

So, on a fine autumn day you went out to the park or forest and collected a large collection of beautiful bright leaves and plants.

Applications can be made as from freshly picked leaves and dried. If you want to preserve the leaves, two drying methods can be recommended.

The first, well-known, method - putting leaves between the pages of an old unnecessary book. It is better to lay each leaf on both sides with a paper napkin.

The second method is express drying of leaves using an iron. Just remember that the leaves are not sterile, so it’s better to iron them on a surface that you don’t mind throwing away later, for example, on large sheets paper. You also need to place a sheet of newsprint or a paper napkin on top of the sheet before ironing. And now more details.

Powder drying

This method of drying flowers and leaves is not quick or easy. It will require bulk substances with hygroscopic properties: sifted river sand, semolina or corn grits, salt or crushed chalk.

Powder drying also has its advantage: it completely preserves the shape and vibrant color of plants or inflorescences.

Heat the sand in a frying pan so that no moisture remains and let it cool. Pour 2 cm of sand into a cardboard box and place flowers on it.

Gently sprinkle sand on top until the plants are completely covered.

After two to three weeks, you need to make holes in the bottom of the box so that the sand can spill out.

Shake the dried flowers slightly to remove any remaining sand.

These flowers can be used for volumetric paintings or making floral arrangements.

Drying fast-withering plants

There are also plants that wither faster than they can dry (hydrangea, bulbous plants, heather, chicory). They require air drying and immersion of the stems in water.

Cut the lower part of the stem at an angle of 45 degrees and place it in a vessel with water to a height of 7.5 cm.

Drying plants using a hot method (express drying)

Hot drying, that is, iron drying perfect option when to dry the leaves for the herbarium for tomorrow. Also, hot drying can preserve the original color of cornflowers.

Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or cotton pad to remove dirt and dust. There is no need to wet or rub too much so as not to damage the fragile surface.

Line your ironing board with clean paper and place the leaves on it.

If you use newspapers, be careful, as printing ink can print on both the leaves and the surface of the ironing board.

Cover the top with another sheet of paper.

Switch the iron to minimum temperature and check that there is no water in it. If your iron is not too high power, then you can set the temperature closer to average, but not the maximum, because too hot an iron will ruin the leaves.

Iron the leaves several times, then remove the paper and turn them over to the other side. Cover with paper again and iron.

Repeat the procedure until the leaves are completely dry.

Drying plants for garlands and crafts

Leaves and flowers that you want to use not for herbariums and paintings, but to create garlands or other crafts, need to be dried without a press.

To dry, place the plants on paper and straighten them carefully.

Tie the flowers in bunches and hang them with the inflorescences down. The room should have good air circulation and relative dryness

Drying plants and leaves under pressure

Drying leaves under a press is the most famous and simplest method.

Leaves and flowers are simply transferred with sheets of paper or paper towels on both sides and placed under a press, or in books and magazines.

The paper must be changed every day to remove absorbed moisture.

Flowers and leaves will be ready to use after a week.

If the workpieces have become too brittle, dip them in a solution of water and PVA glue (4 parts water to 1 part glue), and then dry.

Leaves dried and processed in this way are ideal exhibits for a herbarium.

Drying plants on a wire rack

Some plants can be dried horizontally on a wire rack (for example, ivy). Some are best not turned upside down (physalis).

Drying flowers in the oven

Single large flowers whose petals are rich in liquid, such as roses or tulips, can be dried in the oven at low temperature.

Watch the process carefully: the flowers should not turn brown.

Before you start work, cover the table with oilcloth so as not to stain it with glue. Prepare the base - a sheet of cardboard, collected or dried leaves, scissors, glue (preferably PVA), tweezers.

First you need come up with a future picture . Then arrange it on a separate sheet of paper. And only then start gluing the individual leaf parts to the base. It is best to apply the glue in droplets along the edges. If you apply glue to the entire surface of the sheet, it may warp when drying the application.

Need a finished picture put under a press for one or two days. Don't forget to do it for her frame!

Types of applications

Overlay applique.

Try to start by coming up with pictures that do not require cutting out any details from the leaves, but are created by overlaying the leaves. You can come up with a lot of such pictures: butterflies, mushrooms, chickens and other birds... The missing elements can be drawn in with a felt-tip pen or made from other natural materials.

Having gotten the hang of simple pictures, children can begin to come up with multi-tiered images. In this technique, leaves are glued on top of each other in layers. The application will turn out bright and cheerful if the leaves are different in color.

Silhouette applique.

In this type of appliqué, excess parts of the leaf are cut off so that the result is exactly what the little artist intended.

Modular application (mosaic).

Using this technique, a picture is created by gluing many leaves of the same or similar shape and size (or, for example, maple seeds). This way you can make the scales of a fish, the tail of a cockerel or a firebird.

Symmetrical applique.

It is used to create individual images or entire paintings with a symmetrical structure, as well as to obtain two completely identical images (for example, reflection in water). To do this, you need to select similar leaves to get an image with its “reflection” or symmetrical in itself (“Butterfly”, “Dragonfly”, “Landscape with a lake”, “Boat on the river”).

Ribbon applique.

A type of symmetrical appliqué. Its difference is that it allows you to get not one or two, but many identical images - ornaments. You get a whole “round dance” of trees, flowers, mushrooms, butterflies, etc.