Dried parsley. How to properly dry greens at home

Drying is the simplest, cheapest and least labor-intensive method of harvesting. You can dry anything: berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs. They are dried whole or cut into pieces in the fresh air or in a warm oven. You can also do this in the microwave. Drying is extremely easy. And you don't need a lot of space! Not for the drying process itself: you can do this even in the room or kitchen, even on the balcony; nor for subsequent storage: dried preparations are greatly reduced in volume compared to the original raw material.

However, among all these unconditional advantages, there is one disadvantage: the significant ease of preparation of dried preparations in no way guarantees their further preservation without problems. The greatest danger for them is high humidity: it can cause mold. Food moths also love them! Why am I all about sad things? We'll dry it, period! And for storage we will choose a drier place. Let the moth choke! We can also dry it with special drying - from the waste left over after preparing the preparations. Let's say that after sorting the raw materials you are left with damaged fruits that are unsuitable for your preparations. They can be dried, unless, of course, they are affected by diseases. In addition, for drying, you can use peeling apples and pears, and even squeezing after making juice. And all this, imagine, is worth drying not only to feed the insatiable moth. Everything that the moth has not eaten will be useful to you in the winter: add it to some dish as a seasoning, or even brew a medicinal tea.

However, as in everything in our procurement business, the higher the quality of the raw materials, the better the quality of the dried preparations. The easiest way is to dry greens and herbs at home. Let's start with them. And we will also choose the simplest method - drying in the sun or, rather, in the open air. Although this is a lengthy task, it is not at all troublesome.

How to Dry Greens, Herbs, White Roots, Root Vegetables and Vegetables Outdoors

Drying greens. Spoiled by the summer abundance of greens and herbs, we often relax and forget that spring will pass, summer will end, and with it they will almost disappear from our table. Almost, because greens can be bought in winter, but spicy herbs will have to wait until next spring. Frankly speaking, dried herbs are, of course, not at all the same as fresh ones. They are different, but that is their beauty. In addition, they retain many useful substances. Usually at home it is customary to prepare dried parsley, dill, celery, tarragon (tarragon), basil, lovage, mint and lemon balm.

There are two ways to dry herbs and herbs:

.Method 1. Wash the sprigs of greenery or herbs, shake off the water and let them dry a little, laying them out on a towel. Then tie them into small bundles (each type separately) and sushi in the open air, perhaps on the balcony, hanging them at a distance of 7-10 cm from one another, in a place protected from the sun and wind. This is necessary so that they do not turn brown from the sun, and from losing their aroma from the wind. You can dry herbs in the room. To do this, do not cut the prepared greens, but tie them into bunches and hang them on a stretched twine.

. Method 2. Prepared as in the first method, cut the greens and herbs with a knife or scissors, lay them out on sheets of paper and put them on a cabinet or take them out to the balcony. Turn the greens once a day and they will be ready in a few days.

BY THE WAY, you can prepare dried sorrel or spinach in the same way.
The main condition when drying greens: the faster it dries, the better it retains its natural taste, color and aroma.

When the greens are dry, rub them into a coarse powder with your hands, place each type separately in glass jars with lids or paper bags and store in a dark, dry place. Unfortunately, when dried, herbs partially lose their characteristic taste and aroma, so I do not recommend storing them for too long. At the same time, their taste and aroma acquire a new sound, which is also not bad. Add dried and properly preserved greens and herbs to the first and second courses a few minutes before the end of cooking. Before this, you can mix them in any ratio, selecting them according to taste and aroma, but you should not mix more than three herbs at the same time. In addition, you can sprinkle dry mixtures of herbs and herbs (can be mixed with salt) on boiled potatoes or season meat and fish before cooking. Speaking of fish. For fish dishes, you and I can prepare a special mixture of dried herbs.
To prepare a spicy mixture for fish dishes, rub between your fingers or palms, then sift and mix 1 tbsp. l. dried parsley, 1 tbsp. l. dried celery greens, 1 tsp. dried savory greens, 1 tsp. dried basil greens. Then add chopped spices to them: 1/2 tsp. fennel seeds, 2 bay leaves, 1 black peppercorn. Store the finished mixture in a tightly closed jar in a dark place.

BY THE WAY, dry greens can be kept in a salt shaker on the table: the salt it contains will completely or partially replace the salt in the prepared dish. The same can be done with the dried white roots ground into powder. It is known that some dried herbs and their roots can be used for diseases that require restriction of salt and other spices, such as hypertension. So, dried basil, for example, allows you to significantly reduce salt consumption, and in combination with lovage, exclude other spices and herbs from the menu.

Drying roots. After drying the tops of the greens, you might still have some roots left. I hope they haven't ended up in the bin yet? Even if these are thin parsley roots, they should be dried. What can we say about the more impressively sized roots of parsnip and celery! It is these dried preparations that appear in many recipes under the general name “white roots”. So, when buying greens, it is better to take those with roots. Firstly, it is usually fresher, and secondly, the roots will come in handy. Experienced harvesters usually dry the roots of parsley, parsnips and celery. I dry it all myself every year. But the roots of dill and coriander, I don’t know why, are not usually dried. In addition, some producers, huddled in cramped city apartments and unable to store carrots and beets in their natural form at home, prefer to dry them too. The only downside is that drying these root vegetables in the open air destroys more vitamins than, for example, drying them in an oven, where they dry faster at a higher temperature.

To reduce the loss of vitamins in dried carrots and beets, blanch the prepared raw materials in boiling water for several minutes before drying.

BY THE WAY, White roots, on the contrary, should not be blanched before drying, otherwise they will lose their aroma.
To dry the roots of parsley, parsnips and celery, as well as carrots and beets, clear them of any remaining soil, wash, dry, scrape or peel off the thin top layer with a knife, and then finely cut into strips or slices 3 mm thick. Don’t forget to blanch and dry the carrots and beets. Then place pieces of roots and root vegetables (each type separately!) on a sieve or on a tray covered with clean paper, and place the sushi, depending on the weather, on the balcony, on the radiator or simply on the windowsill, turning it over every day. Or string the pieces on a thread at intervals of 0.5 cm between them and hang it directly in the room or in the shade in the air away from direct sunlight.

BY THE WAY, from 100 g of fresh root vegetables you will get 14-15 g of dry ones.
When the roots and root vegetables are dry, put them in storage, each type in a separate bag or jar. And in winter, when preparing soups, borscht or stews, add these dried preparations to them, but not closer to the end of cooking, like dried herbs, but rather closer to the beginning, so that the roots have time to boil. However, some of them can be ground in a coffee grinder and not only added to prepared dishes, but also kept on the table as a seasoning and then instead of spices. For example, celery root powder can almost completely replace salt, because it contains the same substances that enter our body with salt.

Drying vegetables is not much different from drying herbs and roots. Although for drying vegetables that are juicier than roots and greens, it is still better to choose the second method - hanging drying.

To prepare dried peppers, wash well-ripened pods of sweet or bitter red peppers, dry them and, without peeling them, place them in a warm room for drying for several days. Then tie the pepper pods by the stalks to twine or strong thread so that they do not touch each other, and hang them in a well-ventilated, bright place protected from precipitation (the weight of the entire hanging structure should not exceed 2 kg). When the pepper is dry, put the sweet pepper in storage or grind it in a coffee grinder, and the bitter pepper can be hung with twine in the kitchen - both beautiful and always at hand.

To prepare dried eggplants, wash them, dry them, cut off the stalks, and cut the fruits themselves lengthwise into not very thin slices. Make a slit in the middle of each plate, then string them on a strong thread so that they do not touch each other, and hang them to dry in a cool, dry place. Having dried the eggplants to the state of dried fruit, you can store them at least until the next harvest, but be sure to store them in a dry place.

BY THE WAY, you can dry apples in the same way.
Before eating, pour boiling water over dried vegetables (sweet peppers or eggplants) for 30-40 minutes, and then prepare from them everything that you usually prepare from fresh ones.

How to dry berries

It is enough to simply prepare dried chokeberries, strawberries, raspberries, black currants, rowan berries, bird cherry and blueberries at home. They (except black currants) can be dried either in the sun or in an oven. To do this, prepare ripe berries (except raspberries; for drying it is better to take not quite ripe berries of garden and forest raspberries, since ripe ones become limp when dried), preferably collected in warm sunny weather, and lay them out for drying on a tray covered with paper, and place it on balcony or any other ventilated place and turn the berries over every day. Or place the prepared berries on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and place in a slightly preheated oven. First, dry the berries at 40-45 °C, and when they are dry, dry them at 60-70 °C. Shake the tray with berries periodically while drying. All this time, the oven door should be slightly open. Usually the berries dry out in 2-3 hours. To check their readiness, squeeze several berries in your fist: well-dried berries should not release juice. Place the finished dried berries in jars with tight-fitting lids.

BY THE WAY, dried berries retain their medicinal properties, and chokeberry berries also lose their excessive astringency.

Some berries, for example, rowan and bird cherry, can be prepared in powder. It is very comfortable. The powder is easier to store: it takes up less space and is less susceptible to spoilage, and its range of use is somewhat wider than that of dried berries, which are traditionally used only for brewing berry teas and preparing compotes or jelly.
To prepare powder from rowan or bird cherry berries, blanch the prepared berries (each type separately!) in salted boiling water for 1 minute, and then dry well in the oven (using the method described above) and grind in a coffee grinder to a fine powder. Store this powder in a hermetically sealed jar. Rowan berry powder can be mixed into sauces, jelly, cookies, and confectionery to add a piquant and sour taste. And from bird cherry powder, also called bird cherry flour, delicious pies are baked. You can also make tasty and healthy drinks from such powders. To do this, just brew 1-2 tsp. powder with 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew a little.
Be sure to dry barberry berries in the fall. In the Caucasus, dried and powdered barberry berries are served as a seasoning for many oriental dishes, especially kebabs. Why don't we follow the example of our Caucasian comrades?

How to store and use dried preparations

If you are fascinated by the drying process and want to continue and experiment with other fruits besides those mentioned, that’s great. The main thing is not to forget that before use, all dried fruits must be thoroughly washed to remove any dust that has accumulated on them during drying and storage, and then soaked in cold water: this makes their subsequent culinary use easier. For example, the soaking time for finely chopped dried apples, pitted apricots and berries should be from 8 to 15 hours. When using dried preparations, keep in mind that for preparing various dishes they must be taken 4-5 times less than fresh fruits. For example, if you want to use dried apples where the recipe calls for fresh ones, you will have to soak about 450 g of dried apples instead of the 1.5-1.8 kg of fresh apples required by the recipe. Cook the soaked dried fruits with the lid closed and at a low boil in the liquid in which they were soaked. Because sugar slows down the absorption of water, do not sweeten cooking fruit until it is soft. Use the liquid in which dried fruits were boiled to prepare other dishes or for compote.

In any case, when cooking from dried fruits, keep in mind that during drying they lose a lot of vitamins; in this regard, they cannot be compared with fresh ones. However, the medicinal properties of dried berries and herbs are not affected by their mummified state. And it pleases! At the same time, one cannot but be upset by the fact that their medicinal properties are also affected by careful compliance with the conditions of their proper storage.

Some practical advice from experienced producers:

Dried fruits are well preserved in gauze bags in a suspended state at a temperature of 8-10 ° C in a dry, well-ventilated room. If you have the opportunity to provide them with similar conditions, use this method, but still check the contents of the bags from time to time and remove any spoiled drying material.

In the absence of a dry, cool and ventilated place in the house, place your dried preparations in well-tied or sealed plastic bags (bags with a special fastener are also suitable) or in glass jars with tight-fitting lids. This is done because dried vegetables, fruits and berries absorb from the air not only moisture that is harmful to them, but also foreign odors.

Even properly stored dried products should be periodically checked and ventilated. This is necessary in order to promptly detect traces of mold and uninvited parasites in the form of food moths, the larvae of which are very fond of feasting on dried fruits.

As a means to repel moths from your dried fruits, you can use only the weakest-smelling, and therefore weakly effective, means, for example, dry citrus peels. Use it alternating with dry lavender or oregano herbs. Sprinkle dried fruits with chopped grass or pieces of peel, as well as clothes: this will protect them for some time from the attacks of moths.

Dill takes one of the first places among the herbs used in cooking. Dill is used to flavor salads, first and second courses of meat, poultry and fish. How to preserve this spicy herb for the winter is the main topic of our conversation today. The best ways to store dill are to freeze and dry it. At the same time, dried herbs have the brightest aroma. We will talk about how to properly dry dill at home so that it does not lose its taste and beneficial properties in this article.

If you plan to process greens from your own garden, then you need to carefully approach the issue of collecting them.

It is best to use very young plants for drying that have not yet developed a dense tube with a seed umbrella. The collection time is at the beginning of summer.

Cut dill from the garden, preferably in the morning, immediately after the dew has disappeared. If there was rain at night, even a little, then it is better to postpone this procedure to another time, since the greens will be too wet, and this can lead to their premature spoilage. For the same reason, it is better not to wash dill collected from your own garden.

If you purchase greens at the market, and the purity of the product is in doubt, then rinse the dill bunches under running cool water and dry thoroughly. A waffle or paper towel is suitable for this. Also, a bunch of grass can be placed in a glass in a draft so that drops of water from the plant evaporate.

How to dry dill

The best way is to dry the entire branches, and then, once dry, grind the thin leaves from the rough stem. The advantage of this method is that the essential oils in the plant will evaporate less and the seasoning will remain aromatic for a long time.

If you nevertheless decide to dry the plant without stems, in chopped form, then you should not try to chop the dill too finely. It is better to do this just before the cooking process, rubbing a whisper of greenery between your fingers.

Basic methods for drying dill at home

Drying in the fresh air

Prepared greens can be dried in bunches or chopped.

Small bunches of 5-6 branches are fixed with a thread to any canopy, placing them with the foliage facing down. At the same time, the place for drying greens should not be exposed to direct sunlight, and it itself should be well ventilated.

Chopped dill is also dried in the shade, placing it in a small layer on trays or flat plates. The top of the grass can be covered with gauze to prevent dust from settling on the workpiece.

Watch the video recipe from the “Cooking” channel. Video recipes" - How to dry greens for the winter

How to dry dill in the oven

Since dill contains a lot of aromatic oils, this herb should be dried at the lowest possible oven temperature, preferably up to 40 degrees. Too high an oven temperature can also cause the product to change color and lose its beneficial qualities.

Place the whole dill slices and branches on baking sheets lined with wax paper. Keep the oven door slightly open. This will allow air to circulate well. The baking sheets should be removed every 30 - 60 minutes, the greens should be mixed and inspected for readiness.

The total drying time can take from 2 to 4 hours.

Drying greens in an electric dryer

The prepared foliage or twigs are laid out in a loose layer on pallets and the unit is turned on to the “Herbs” mode. If your electric dryer does not have one, then the temperature should be set independently within 40 degrees. The product will be completely ready in 3 – 4 hours.

Watch the video from the “Ezidri Master” channel - How to properly dry dill? Dried herbs. Herbs

Drying dill in the refrigerator

Place a thin layer of chopped herbs or small twigs on a flat plate. The top of the structure is covered with a napkin. The container is placed in the plus compartment of the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, and forgotten about for about 2 - 3 weeks. During this time, all the moisture from the grass will evaporate and the workpiece can be transferred to jars for storage.

How to dry greens in the microwave

Place the slices or sprigs on a paper plate or flat container lined with a paper napkin. The top of the dill is covered with another layer of thin paper. In this form, the greens are sent to the microwave oven for 3 minutes at maximum power. After the specified time, the top napkin is removed, and the greens are inspected and mixed. If necessary, drying continues in the same mode for another 2 - 3 minutes.

How to check the readiness of dried greens

High-quality dried dill easily turns into a fine powder if you try to rub the branches between your fingers. If the greens wrinkle but do not break, drying needs to be continued.

The dried product should be stored in dark glass jars with tight-fitting lids in a dark, dry place. Ziploc coffee bags are also great for storing herbs.

Dried spicy parsley has a delicate, piquant and aromatic taste. It is prepared from a garden leaf variety of the plant. In contrast, the root type of parsley is a weakly branched, thickened root.

The seasoning is used all year round to improve the taste of meat side dishes, vegetable and fish dishes. In addition to flavoring, eating dried herbs normalizes the water-salt balance and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in the body, and promotes good absorption of food.

Dried parsley contains beneficial vitamins, minerals and antioxidants just like fresh parsley, although in smaller quantities.

It should be noted that in most spices, spicy parsley is present in the form of small chopped dried herbs or ground seeds.

Dried parsley recipe

Before drying, rinse the greens with water, shake off the leaves, and lay them out to dry separately from the stems on a wire rack or paper towel.

Place the herb to dry in the oven for several hours at about 50 degrees.

  • Parsley is not chopped, but cut to preserve the juice, which contains flavoring and aromatic substances.
  • If you put the roots of the grass in a wooden box, sprinkle it with dry sand and place it in a cool, dark place, the roots of the parsley will be stored for 3-4 months.
  • Even in the hottest heat, it will retain its fresh appearance if it is placed in a dry, tightly closed container, and the parsley should also be dry.
  • For salad, it is best to grate the young roots of the herb.
  • Parsley will become more fragrant if you sprinkle it with warm water rather than cold.

After cutting and sprinkling with salt, fresh parsley is kept in an airtight container in the home freezer for several months. Dried herbs packaged in paper bags and stored in a dry place.

Fresh herbs can enhance and change for the better the taste of familiar dishes, giving them unusual notes. True, this product is perishable, so you need to know how to store greens in the refrigerator and freezer, and how to dry them for the winter. Using simple techniques and accessible approaches, you can keep products in an appetizing and attractive form for several weeks and even months. In this case, neither the gastronomic characteristics of the preparations nor the beneficial substances in their composition will be affected. The main thing is to protect products from exposure to heat and ultraviolet radiation, as well as a number of other negative factors.

How can you store fresh herbs?

  • Place the products in a small bowl, fill with cool water and rinse thoroughly. After this, rinse the workpieces under running water, shake them off and lay them out on a towel. Dry the components for at least a quarter of an hour, shaking them regularly. After this, fill dried plastic containers or glass jars with fresh herbs and close them with airtight lids. If everything was done correctly, the blanks will remain in their original form for a month.

  • To store very fresh product for one week, you can also use plastic bags. In this case, the products also need to be thoroughly washed and dried, packaged in packages without filling them too much. After this, we try to get more air into the container and pack it. The best place to store supplies is on a refrigerator shelf located next to the freezer.

Tip: If there is a lot of greenery, you don’t have to wash it. It is enough to sort through the products, remove wilted or darkened branches and put them in a bulk bag. We also add several small peeled onions, which we change every 5 days. At the same time, we change the bag to a dry one.

  • Products will remain fresh for 2-3 weeks if wrapped in plain, unprinted paper. To do this, rinse and dry the greens, wrap them securely in a sheet of paper, leaving no gaps. Before putting the workpiece in the refrigerator, it must be sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

Greens, with the exception of lettuce, can be kept in the refrigerator without pre-treatment. But in this case, it should be thoroughly dried in the fresh air until the signs of moisture completely disappear. This product is packaged in a plastic bag with holes and placed in the vegetable compartment.

Freezing greens at home

Any representative of the impressive group of green plants will retain its freshness and benefits if it is properly frozen. You just need to consider a few important points:

  • The components need to be cleaned, washed, and dried. The leaves should be removed from the stems. Plastic containers with airtight lids are ideal for storing workpieces.
  • Parsley, sage, dill and thyme should be chopped first, this way they are stored better.
  • Dill and mint can be packaged not only in plastic, but also in food foil.
  • After packaging, rosemary and basil should be sprinkled with fine salt. For other types of greens, this technique can be disastrous.

Only one type of product is allowed in one package. Combining several varieties of greens is only possible if the chopped mass is frozen in portions in water, butter or vegetable oil.

Features of storing different types of greens

In addition to the universal rules for keeping greens fresh, you should familiarize yourself with a number of specific points. Compliance with them will help achieve maximum shelf life of products:

  1. Dill and parsley can be stored at room temperature. But to do this, the bunch needs to be placed with its stems in a container of water, and the leaf part should be covered with a bag. The liquid is changed every 2-3 days.
  2. It is recommended to keep mint and dill not in a large bunch, but divided into small parts. This will preserve their aroma as much as possible.
  3. Do not cut off the white parts of green onions. It is better to remove the transparent film from them, soak them in cold water and wrap them in a damp cloth. We first pack the workpiece in plain paper, then in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator.
  4. Lettuce quickly softens and loses its crunchy texture. To prevent this from happening, you need to take a bowl, line it with a paper towel, lay out the salad, and put another towel on top. Wrap the structure in cling film and put it in the refrigerator. Freshness is guaranteed for a week.

If it seems that the product has lost its aroma after long-term storage, place it in cold water for a few minutes. The smell will return and be as intense as it was at the beginning.

How to dry greens according to all the rules?

At home, you can use two methods for preparing preparations. Before drying greens, the products will need to be washed and dried. Next, we proceed according to one of the schemes:

  • In the oven. Separate the leaves from the stems and finely chop. Spread the mixture in a thin layer on a dry and clean baking sheet, cover with a sheet of waxed paper. Place the structure in the oven, preheated to 40ºC, and keep it at the same temperature for three hours. After this, put the composition into sterile glass jars and close the lids.
  • On air. We collect the stems of the plants into small bunches, which we tie with thread. We hang them in a warm, dry room and leave them for several days. Place the finished product in glass jars.

Inventory should be inspected regularly. If traces of moisture appear on the walls of the container, the container must be changed and the workpieces must be dried again, but this time for no longer than half an hour.

Harvesting green onions for the winter

  • We wash the product, dry it, peel off surface films and cut into small rings. Dry the mixture again by spreading it on a paper towel. By the time of packaging, the onion must be completely dry, otherwise its taste characteristics will suffer. We put the workpiece into small plastic containers or bottles and put it in the freezer.

  • Wash the onion, peel, chop and lightly dry. Place in ice cube trays and fill with water, vegetable oil or melted butter. Place in the freezer for storage.

Green onions prepared using one of the above methods do not need to be defrosted before use. It, like dried ingredients, is simply added to dishes at any stage of their preparation.

How to properly dry herbs for the winter is the question that worries every real housewife in the summer at the height of the summer cottage season. Is it possible to dry greens in the oven? How to dry greens correctly for the winter so that they can be stored for a long time and at the same time retain their beneficial, taste and aromatic properties?

Is it possible to dry greens in the oven?

However, this process should be approached wisely. It is important to choose the correct temperature and drying time. For example, dill should be dried in the oven for less time and at a lower temperature than parsley.

When drying greens in the oven, the food will be ready much faster than when drying under the sun. At the same time, they remain clean; greens dried in the oven will not accumulate any dust, which cannot be said about drying them in the open air.

How to properly dry greens in the oven

To properly dry the summer greens that the garden gives us, so that they retain their properties and aroma and are stored for a long time, you should follow these steps:

  • prepare a cutting board, sieve and knife;
  • steam the baking sheet and clean the oven;
  • buy baking paper;
  • collect the greens you want to dry into bunches.

In the oven at home for the winter you can dry dill, parsley, basil, dandelion leaves, beets and carrots, young nettles, and onion feathers.

How to properly dry greens for the winter in the oven, step-by-step instructions:

  • Grow or buy ready-made greens.
  • Place the greens one by one in a sieve and rinse them thoroughly.
  • After washing, place the food on oilcloth, on a plate, on wooden boards for cutting vegetables, etc. The greens need to dry out.
  • When all the water has drained, turn on your oven to heat to 30 degrees without placing the baking sheet in it, and in the meantime, start chopping the greens.
  • Chop the greens to your taste (for later adding to various dishes, you should chop the food as finely as possible). If the leaves, dill and other greens taken are young, you can chop them together with the stem for drying, otherwise it is better not to take the stem for drying in the oven.
  • Take a clean baking sheet and spread parchment paper on it.
  • Spread the chopped greens in an even layer of one and a half to two centimeters, no more. Do not mix products while drying.
  • Cover food to dry in the oven with a layer of parchment paper.
  • Place the baking sheet on the middle level in an oven preheated to 30 degrees and close the oven door without closing it tightly.
  • During the process of drying the greens, periodically, every 5-7 minutes, check the products and the oven itself. There should be no condensation on the oven walls. The greens must be stirred, preferably with a wooden object. If the oven is tightly closed during drying, the greens will simply lose their color and aroma, and they will fry. If you dry herbs in the oven for the winter, when drying, leave the oven door ajar by about three to four centimeters for electric stoves and 12-15 centimeters for gas stoves. The oven temperature for drying greens should be between 40 and 50 degrees. If condensation forms in the oven while drying the greens, this indicates that the temperature exceeds 50 degrees and must be reduced.
  • After 100-120 minutes of drying (the greens should wilt during this time), increase the oven temperature to 60-70 degrees.
  • Continue drying the greens for about two more hours, stirring every 10 minutes or so. At the same time, monitor the condition of the products so that they do not dry out.
  • After four and a half hours (in total), the greens should be ready; all that remains is to cool them and place them from the baking sheet into jars prepared in advance, or mix all the products and place them in one storage container. It is important to cover the jars with lids so that the greens do not lose their aromatic properties and any insects do not crawl into them.
  • You can store dried herbs in a kitchen cabinet or any other place at room temperature. It is best if the storage space is dark.

As you can see, drying greens in the oven for the winter is not difficult. The prepared product can be sprinkled on potatoes, meat, lard, added to salads and other dishes - stewed, fried, boiled.