College scholarship amount. Personalized scholarships and grants. What is a scholarship? Definition in explanatory dictionaries

2018 is a period of changes and innovations. After a series of reforms and metamorphoses in social benefits and living wage, all the students in the country froze in anticipation. IN next year The Cabinet of Ministers plans to increase payments to students. How will the scholarship be paid in Ukraine and will some of those who count on it suffer?

Will there be an increase in scholarships in 2018?

It is almost impossible for full-time students to live on a scholarship. They are forced to rely on the help of their parents or look for part-time work. But no one would want to lose these monthly payments either. What has changed and what affects the accrual? Will there be an increase in scholarships? There will be a promotion, but at what cost. On average, payments for students will increase by 18%, and the calculation procedure will also change. The scholarship will also be indexed in 2018.

Now the individual rating or average score does not have of great importance. The main thing is to be higher in the overall ranking of students. You will no longer be able to beat a C with an A and count on a scholarship. Excellent or almost excellent students are entitled to monetary rewards. Mandatory rule- get into the % of the best university students established by a special commission (40-45%). This practice has existed for about 4 years, but now it has become mandatory for all higher educational institutions.

A special commission will consider each candidate, whose rating should be about 90% for success, the remaining 10 for achievements in sports, science and group leaders for social work. Due to the innovations, the sessions were forced to be postponed to December so that the Ministry of Finance could completely close the financial year.

Scholarships are divided into types:

  • Academic scholarship – awarded for achievements in the scientific field.
  • Social scholarship– for preferential categories of students.

According to preliminary estimates, 7% of students will receive social scholarships. Orphans, deprived of parental care and those who were left without parents during their studies and at the age of 18-23 will receive a social scholarship. Even if they are included in the ranking of the best students and are awarded an academic scholarship, they will not be deprived of a social scholarship.

Social scholarship in Ukraine in 2018

A social scholarship is available to full-time students who are not on academic leave:

  • orphans;
  • migrants;
  • students whose parents died/disappeared during mass protests or hostilities in the ATO zone;
  • students with disabilities of 1-3 groups;
  • children from low-income families;
  • children of miners who have at least 15 years of underground work experience;
  • students whose parents died while studying at a university or technical school (18 – 23 years old);
  • combatants and their children.

These payments are paid by the authorities social protection. Students applying for a social scholarship must not have academic credits and must be ranked among the best.

To apply for a social scholarship, you need to write an application and indicate:

  1. date of birth;
  2. place of residence and registration;
  3. category for which the payment will be calculated.

Also attached is a copy of your passport and student card. You must provide a document confirming your status as a beneficiary. You can receive this payment up to 23 years of age. Upon reaching the specified age, the scholarship is withdrawn.

Academic scholarship in Ukraine 2018

Students not only from Ukraine can count on this payment. The main criterion is academic performance and rating. The main indicator is academic performance in each individual subject. Those who have debts in subjects, as well as those whose rating is lower than that established for a given course and specialty, are immediately eliminated.

Even before the start of the session, the leadership of the university, technical school or vocational school determines the number of scholarship holders, and based on the results, candidates for receiving financial payments are determined. Those who managed to pass all exams with 10-12 points receive an increased scholarship. It is almost 50% higher than usual. There is a limited number of applicants for such a scholarship - no more than 3% of all.

Presidential scholarship in Ukraine

This payment is awarded to the winners of All-Ukrainian Olympiads and competitions. Scholarship for participation in the competition. T. Shevchenko is:

  • 1420 UAH for those who are studying at a vocational school.
  • 1770 hryvnia for students of academies, institutes and universities of 1-2 levels of accreditation.
  • 2600 – university students of 3-4 levels.

Behind research work MAN allocates 2600 UAH. The Presidential scholarship in Ukraine for participation in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad is 2600, and victory will bring 2950 per month.

The Minister of Finance said that the government is going to increase the scholarship, although the number of those who will receive it will have to be cut. So next year, instead of 40–45% of scholarship recipients, there will be only 25%. And by 2020 it will be only 15%. It is assumed that only truly worthy students - the future of the country - will receive scholarships. Such changes should encourage the efforts of those who strive for knowledge.

But why are scholarships being delayed? The fact is that all changes in accruals provoke its delay. It is unknown who and how many will be counted, and whether they will be counted at all. Students are indignant: when will the scholarship be available? They are reassured that for those who study hard, a monthly payment will be calculated and all students will be paid in full by the end of the year.

Scholarship amount in Ukraine in 2018

As the current President of Ukraine stated, he will not sign a budget that does not include payments for students. He also completely denied rumors that the master's degree will only be paid. So how much is a scholarship in Ukraine? They vary in size depending on educational institution where the student is studying:

  1. Those who receive an education at a university of 3-4 levels of accreditation will receive 1,100 hryvnia for academic success. If the student is an excellent student, then he is entitled to 1600 UAH.
  2. For university students with 1-2 levels of accreditation – 830 hryvnia.
  3. Vocational school students can count on 415 hryvnia monthly payments.
  4. Students of academies, universities, institutes of 3-4 levels of accreditation who have chosen complex specialties for themselves can count on 2036 UAH, and if the level of accreditation is 1-2, then 1536 UAH.
  5. Social benefit for a student in a vocational school is 1000 UAH.
  6. Students receiving benefits will be able to receive 2000 UAH of social benefits.
  7. Personal financial incentives for special achievements are: 1000 hryvnia for vocational school students, 1600 for university students of 1-2 accreditation levels and 2100 UAH 3-4.

Some deputies say that the number of students receiving scholarships should be reduced to 10%, and the scholarship itself should be increased to 2,500 UAH. Will this make it easier for the other 85%? Hardly.

Also, every student who is going to have a good rest is wondering whether they receive a scholarship in the summer. Of course yes, but only those who were able to successfully pass the summer session.

Ukraine – Europe

Only those who are in need or have high scores in all subjects should receive the scholarship. Special attention is given to the profile ones. Many students are accustomed to the idea that a scholarship is a regular payment to a student, and not an earned reward for achievements. The government of the country is going to change this by providing scholarships to preferential categories and those who actually study.

How are things going in other countries?



From 450 to 14 thousand rubles

In Russia, as in Ukraine, the educational institution a student is enrolled in plays a big role. Vocational school students receive the minimum, university students - about 6 thousand, but graduate students receive from 10 thousand.

800 zlotys

Education in the country is both paid and free. Scholarships are divided into social (for those who are in difficult financial situations) and for academic performance.


On average 800 euros

Education is free, scholarships are provided to the most successful students.

1 – 15 thousand dollars

Almost all training is paid, but there are many grants for diligent students that cover not only the cost of training itself, but also accommodation.

600 – 700 CZK

The Czech government supports both those students who are in difficulty, those who study well, and those who make their mark in science. Most universities pay all their graduate students a stipend of about 7 thousand crowns.

1 – 5 thousand yuan

Different universities calculate payments to students differently, but only for excellent studies and active scientific activity.

Just like in other countries, what kind of scholarship in Ukraine will now depend on the performance of each student.

How to calculate your performance rating

How to calculate your place in the overall ranking of academic performance, because you don’t want to lose scholarships to those who have already spent it in their thoughts. It must be taken into account that specialized subjects give greatest number points. The overall ranking used to assign a scholarship includes: academic achievements, as well as scientific and athletic excellence.

The calculation mechanism for all students of the same course is absolutely the same and cannot be different. Those students whose studies are paid not by the state, but by their parents or organization, cannot count on a monthly payment, despite their good academic performance. The criteria by which the selection will be made must be published for everyone to see.

Perhaps such changes will help to “grow” the best specialists, which will compete with students from any university in another country.

This year presidential scholarship in Ukraine was assigned to 270 distinguished students. The payment is made by the Ministry of Education and Science through the MAN directly to the scholarship recipient’s account.

How are excellent students encouraged? They are awarded an increased scholarship; in Ukraine in 2018, there were 1,400 scholarship holders who were able to receive it. Education is not valued in times of dependence on money. Perhaps the awarding of scholarships for academic achievements can restore the belief that all roads are open to an educated person.

Today in the Russian Federation there are about 15 types of calculating the amount of scholarships awarded to students, doctoral students, graduate students, interns and residents.

Of course, the size of these scholarships does not allow the student to feel like a wealthy person, but if the student has a certain right to several types of scholarships, total amount his income may be approximately 20 thousand rubles. Let's do some calculations that will clearly show you how you can get this amount.

Amount of minimum, increased and social scholarships for the 2018 – 2019 academic year

So, the minimum state academic scholarship in our country is 1633 rubles for higher education(bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs) and 890 rubles for average vocational education(training programs for skilled workers, office workers, training programs for mid-level specialists), the maximum is 6 thousand rubles. The last scholarship can be received by university students who do not have bad grades.

For well-study students, an increased scholarship is provided - from 5 thousand to 7 thousand rubles, for postgraduate students, its amount ranges from 11 thousand to 14 thousand rubles. To be fully eligible to receive such increased scholarship, a student or graduate student must not only be an excellent student, but also become an active participant in creative, sports and other social endeavors at his university.

State scholarship for graduate students and doctoral students, postgraduate studies or scientific and pedagogical personnel ranges from 3120 rubles, scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in the specialties of technical and natural sciences - from 7696 rubles, trainee assistants – from 3120 rubles, residency – from 6717 rubles Doctoral students receive from 10000 rubles

State social scholarship, for the 2018 – 2019 academic year, paid in the amount of 890 rubles per month for secondary vocational education and 2452 rubles for higher education.

Students who also receive academic benefits are entitled to receive this payment. Also entitled to a social scholarship are persons who are orphans, live without parental care, disabled people (groups 1 and 2), veterans and disabled combatants, people affected by nuclear power plants and persons whose family income is per one of the members family does not exceed the minimum in the region.

Read also: How to get a student loan?

In addition to the above types of scholarships, a number of nominal scholarships are accepted in the Russian Federation: for example, the scholarship named after. A.I. Solzhenitsyn is 1,500 rubles, the scholarship named after. V.A. Tumanova - 2000 rubles. A personal scholarship may also be awarded to students studying in the specialty of journalism, literature, etc. A.A. Voznesensky - 1500 rubles.

The scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation for well-study students ranges from 1400 to 2200 rubles, the amount for graduate students is from 3600 rubles to 4500 rubles.

There is also a special scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation and a scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation, paid to those students who are studying in the highest priority specialties for the state: economics, modernization. The amount of payments ranges from 5 thousand rubles to 7 thousand. For graduate students, this amount is paid in the amount of 11 thousand to 14 thousand rubles.

Let's conclude: if you are interested in your successful studies, this can be rewarded with a ruble: the better you study, the more scholarship payments you can receive.

If you believe that you may benefit from additional scholarships, you should contact the Dean's Office to obtain the necessary information.

Students of universities, technical schools and colleges who are enrolled on the budget receive special payments from the state. The number of payments depends entirely on the educational institution where the educational process takes place. What is the scholarship at the university, it is better to ask those who study there, because it is different everywhere. In some educational institutions they are not paid at all, being converted into free meals on the premises of the institution.

Where does the scholarship come from?

Every year the state plans a budget for education. Roughly speaking, economists calculate how much money needs to be spent on scholarships and on educating students in general. The data is then added up to create a single budget. The funds are distributed to all educational institutions in the country.

The scholarship is credited to students' accounts at the end of the month. To receive it, you need to apply for a state bank card. The state scholarship can be regular or increased, depending on the student’s academic performance. For example, having a high average score, as well as taking part in various events held by the administration of the city, college or university, you can receive an increased scholarship. In this article we will tell you in more detail what a scholarship is and what it can be like.

About an active social position

Particularly distinguished activists may be sent to state events in another city. As a rule, they are accommodated free of charge in comfortable housing and fed in local canteens at the expense of the state. In addition to the above benefits, they are given lump sum payment, the size of which is fixed in advance.

All of the above varies from state to state.

What is a scholarship? Definition in explanatory dictionaries

IN in a broad sense The words scholarship is a non-permanent aid, expressed in monetary terms, which pays for the student’s education and is often issued as a monthly allowance for the student’s living expenses. Often issued to everyone who studies on a budget, as well as junior researchers, graduate students and doctors of science. Below are some definitions of this concept in a somewhat simplified form:

Types of scholarships in the Russian Federation

Scholarships in the Russian Federation are divided into the following four types:

  1. Social scholarship. Paid to low-income students in accordance with the list submitted by the educational institution. The list can be expanded by the administration of the college or university.
  2. Academic scholarship. The most common type of payment, it comes to the student’s account and is accrued based on the results of his session. All newcomers to the budget form of education are paid the same amount of money before the first session.
  3. Honorary scholarship. Designed for particularly distinguished students. The decision to issue such a scholarship is made by a special authority (governor's office, etc.).
  4. Company or enterprise scholarship. The student receives it only if, after completing his studies, he undertakes to work at the enterprise that paid him the scholarship.

So we figured out what a scholarship is and what types it comes in.

Students who have not received a scholarship may request one-time financial assistance, which is paid once a semester.

Governor's Scholarship

It is worth mentioning separately the payments from the regional governor. Their main task is to force the student to stay in the area so that he does not look for better life in other regions of Russia or even in other countries. Is this possible in practice? Of course not, scientific personnel are fleeing their native country. Incentive payments also do not help, which is not surprising, because the salary is not higher than 15 thousand rubles. The Governor's scholarship is paid to students who have achieved visible success in a certain field of activity and have a high average score.

Details about payments

There are a lot of people who want to receive a grand from the regional governor, so you must not only want it, but also show in practice that you are worthy of annual payments. To do this, you need to achieve success in one of the following activities:

  • Science and research in it.
  • Creativity, sports, etc.
  • Social burden. This means participating in student, city, and state events, and taking initiative.

In addition to the fact that the student must achieve certain heights in the above areas, he is also obliged to:

How to get such a scholarship?

Getting it is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The decision to award a governor's scholarship to your account is made not only by the administration of the educational institution, but also local authorities authorities. In order to receive it, you need:

What do you need to do to lose your monthly payments?

Since we know what a scholarship is, it’s time to learn how to lose it. This is not an easy task, so you will have to make the maximum amount of effort and “force” yourself not to go to school. Moreover, take a walk not just once or twice, but systematize this process.

To increase your chances of losing benefits and not competing in the scholarship competition, you need to get bad grades. This guarantees you not only deprivation of payments, but also the coveted expulsion from the educational institution.

For many students, a scholarship is their only means of livelihood; for others, it is a significant help. There aren't that many students for whom the scholarship doesn't matter. Therefore, it is not surprising that most students in higher education closely monitor the amount of their tuition fees and the procedure for calculating them. In this regard, a very popular question is: is the scholarship paid in the summer, in the months during which classes are not held? First, let’s figure out what a scholarship award actually is.

A scholarship is a special payment made to full-time students of higher and vocational educational institutions. To receive it, you must meet a certain level of academic performance, so not all eligible students receive the scholarship. The exception is for students in the first semester of the first school year, that is, those students who have not yet passed the first session, they receive academic payments without exception.

In Russia, universities and other organizations pay the following types of scholarships:

  • academic;
  • personal;
  • nominal;
  • social.

The conditions for receiving an academic allowance are the least strict: to do this, it is enough just to close the session on time with “good” or “excellent” in the subjects taken into account, after which the student is provided with payments for the next six months, including in the summer. Interestingly, students who study abroad can also receive benefits, but for this it is necessary to conclude a special international agreement.

Benefit payments in summer

In order to receive payments in the summer, you must successfully complete the session of the second semester the first time, and the average score on the exams should not be lower than four. However, this is only a standard requirement; each university can set its own rules, which is why the conditions for receiving scholarships in different universities are not the same.

Vacations occur not only in the summer months, so it is useful for students to know about the principle of calculating benefits during these periods. Payments during periods free from study are no different from regular ones; they are, by analogy, made at the scheduled time, their size and availability depend only on the student’s performance.

By the way, it is worth knowing that the scholarship for June is determined by the session for the first semester, since the session of the second semester takes place in June, based on the results of which payments for the first semester of the next academic year will be determined, including for the remaining summer months. Thus, even if the student fails the session, he will still receive an allowance for June, unless he failed the previous session.

It is important to remember that graduates do not receive benefits after passing the last session, because they are expelled from the university or other educational institution in connection with its graduation. Almost always, graduates are expelled before the first of July, therefore, they can only receive benefits in the first summer month. It can be concluded that students who are still studying and have successfully passed the last session of the academic year will receive a scholarship in the summer.

Benefit calculation method

Each university has the right to introduce its own unique procedure for calculating benefits; this does not mean that some educational institutions do not pay benefits during the summer months, just that this procedure may have certain features.

The main procedure is as follows: upon successful completion of the session, the student receives benefits for three months - for June (the month in which tests and exams were taken), for July and for August. Those students who were unable to successfully pass exams and tests receive payment for only one month. In other educational institutions, payments for July and August occur simultaneously with September. That is, sometimes a student receives a triple stipend in one month.

It is worth considering that students are guaranteed the right to a scholarship only in state universities, in private educational institutions, scholarships are usually not paid or are paid only to a small part of students for particularly exemplary studies.

By the way, if you close the debt on untaken exams and tests from previous sessions on time, then the scholarship for the summer months will be awarded. That is, it is possible to receive payments for past months if you understand the past sessions. However, to qualify, your GPA must be at least four. Accordingly, it is beneficial for students to take retakes in an attempt to improve their grades.

Another procedure for calculating payments applies:

  • in colleges;
  • in technical schools.

You can also receive scholarships in other countries where students from Russia can study:

  1. Ukraine.
  2. Belarus.
  3. Germany.
  4. France.
  5. Great Britain.
  6. And others.

Scholarship in universitiesrepresents various options financial support for students. We will tell you in this article what kind of scholarships there are at universities, what the amounts of academic and advanced scholarships are.

What is a university scholarship?

A scholarship is a way of government financial assistance full-time students of secondary and higher educational institutions, graduate students and doctoral students.

What kind of scholarship do students get? Currently, scholarships in universities are of the following types:

  • academic, including advanced academic;
  • personal, for example Potanin scholarship from the Potanin Foundation;
  • social;
  • scholarships for graduate students, assistant trainees and residents;
  • presidential and government;
  • for students of preparatory courses - special scholarships paid by the organization that appointed them to particularly distinguished students (usually a scholarship from the organization that sent the student to study at a specific university).

However, when most people say or hear the word “scholarship,” they think of an academic scholarship that students receive monthly if they successfully pass exams and tests.

What is an academic scholarship and how do I get one?

Magnitude academic scholarship on this year established by the Standards for the formation of a scholarship fund, approved. Government Decree No. 1390 dated December 17, 2016. Students of secondary specialized educational institutions cannot receive less than 539 rubles, and university students cannot receive less than 1,484 rubles per month. In this case, the educational institution can set its own higher amounts of scholarship payments.

First-year students are paid a stipend to everyone before the first session, regardless of academic performance. After the first session, an academic scholarship is awarded at least 2 times a year to those students who do not have a grade of 3 in the subjects studied at the end of the session, and who have no debts on exams or tests.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2013 No. 1000, scholarships are issued by order of the head of the educational institution, paid every month. Payment of an academic scholarship at a university stops if the student is expelled from the educational institution, as well as from the next month after receiving a C in exams or tests, or the appearance of debt on subjects taken.

What is an increased scholarship and how to get it?

  • students who have distinguished themselves in their studies or social (sports, science, culture) life of the university;
  • students in difficult financial situations.

The 1st group includes students who have achieved success in one or more areas: who have passed the last 2 sessions with grades of 4 and 5, with more than half of them having to be 5; participated in olympiads, competitions, and shows with positive results; constantly participating in cultural events of the university; having sports achivments. The exact list of grounds for receiving an increased scholarship is established by the Rules for Improving Scholarship Provision, approved. Government Decree No. 945 dated November 18, 2011.

The 2nd group includes students who, due to life circumstances, need additional financial support. These students include: orphans; disabled people of groups 1 and 2; victims of a radiation disaster; combat veterans; students under 25 years of age who have only one parent who is disabled; students from low-income families (see: ).

The decision to pay an increased scholarship is made by the university within the limits of the money allocated from the budget for scholarship payments. If for the 1st group of students the amount of the increased scholarship is not directly stipulated, then for the 2nd group of students the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2012 No. 679 “On increased scholarships for needy first and second year students of federal state educational institutions higher professional education, full-time students at the expense of budgetary allocations federal budget For bachelor's degree programs and specialist training programs with "good" and "excellent" grades, a minimum amount of the increased scholarship has been established. It cannot be less than 6,307 rubles, taking into account academic or social scholarships.