Land captain 2nd rank. The rank of naval captain, which means the first, second and third ranks. What types of troops are assigned naval ranks?

Captain commander (also captain of brigadier rank from 1764 to 1798) rank in 1707-1732 and in 1751-1827. in the Russian navy. Introduced in 1707 in the Table of Ranks, belonged to class V, and was considered lower than rear admiral, but higher... ... Wikipedia

Noun, number of synonyms: 2 cap two (2) captain (21) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

Noun, number of synonyms: 3 cap times (3) caperaz (2) captain (21) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

Exist., number of synonyms: 2 cap three (2) captain (21) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

Military rank of senior officers in the Navy and Navy of many states. Corresponds to the rank of major. It existed in the Russian fleet in 1713-1732 and 20-30. 19th century Introduced into the Russian Navy in 1935. EdwART. Explanatory Naval Dictionary, 2010 ... Marine Dictionary

Military rank of senior officers in the Navy and Navy of many states. Corresponds to the rank of lieutenant colonel. It existed in the Russian fleet in 1713-1732 and 1751-1917. Introduced in the USSR Navy in 1935. EdwART. Explanatory Naval Dictionary, 2010 ... Marine Dictionary

Military rank of senior officers in the Navy and Navy of many states. Corresponds to the rank of colonel. It existed in the Russian fleet in 1713-1732 and 1751-1917. Introduced in the USSR Navy in 1935. EdwART. Explanatory Naval Dictionary, 2010 ... Marine Dictionary

Everyday shoulder strap of captain 3rd rank Captain 3rd rank in the Russian Navy is a military rank corresponding to the rank of major in the ground forces and aviation. Sometimes the abbreviated name "captri" is used. See also Table of Ranks Military rank... ... Wikipedia

Ceremonial shoulder strap for the jacket of a captain of the 2nd rank Captain of the 2nd rank in the Navy of the Russian Empire, the USSR, the Russian Federation and some other countries is a military rank corresponding to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the ground forces and aviation. Sometimes... ... Wikipedia


  • Captain of the first rank, A. S. Novikov-Priboy. Alexey Silych Novikov-Priboy is known as a marine writer ("Sea Stories", the stories "The Sea is Calling", "Jumble Voyage", "Woman at Sea", the historical epic "Tsushima", etc.). Marine theme...
  • Captain of the first rank, A. S. Novikov-Priboy. The author’s vast life experience, uninterrupted connections with many people, including participants in the tragic sea voyage, his painstaking long-term work with historical sources...

The rank of captain belongs not only to the ground forces, but also to the naval forces. In the Russian army it is also used in the air force, but it became widespread precisely in the navy.

Taking into account the hierarchy in the ground forces, it is possible to draw a correspondence between their ranks and the naval ranks. However, this is quite difficult for beginners to do. The rank of captain in the naval forces refers to officers of the senior rank, and it is also divided into ranks.

History of the origin of the title

Captain as a rank was introduced during the reign of Peter the Great, after the emperor returned from a trip to foreign countries. This event occurred at the beginning of the 18th century, but a few years later the division of captain into ranks was abolished.

Since then, during the time of tsarist rule, a captain of the first rank had a slightly modified title; it sounded like “fleet captain.” In fact, practically nothing has changed in the functioning of the army, only the names of individual elements of the structure have changed. At the same time, the concepts of captain and colonel managed to merge, so the title “captain of colonel rank” was present. It is worth noting that this approach is optimal from the point of view of understanding which rank in the ground forces corresponds to a particular rank in the navy.

In the mid-fifties of the same century, the captain's ranks were again restored. Moreover, an age limit was even established, that is, a maximum period during which a particular serviceman had the right to occupy the position of captain of the first rank. The maximum number of years was 55, but this limitation applied only to this rank. A captain, for example, of the second rank could remain in this rank indefinitely.

When the communists came to power and the time of the Soviet Union came, another rank was established, which related to engineers who, like others, carried out ship service. “Engineer of the first rank” was also assigned to this title. It was assigned only to those military personnel who were engaged in engineering and were on floating personnel. Other military personnel were given the rank of colonel.

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The army of many foreign countries uses the rank of captain. However, in order to avoid repetition, a modified name is often used. It sounds like "captan" because that is how it is read in English and other languages ​​derived from Latin.

On ships, sailors and military personnel of lower rank may call the captain by the abbreviation “cap.” Of course, this is not provided for in the military regulations, but a similar trend is being observed more and more often. For the most part, this is a tradition or custom among naval personnel. As many experts say, if on a ship the captain is called “cap,” this is evidence of close friendly and comradely relationships between crew members.

Correspondence of naval ranks to the ranks of the ground forces

Many people wonder what captain of the first rank is, what is the rank in the ground forces, and how to relate them. It turns out that this rank corresponds to the rank of colonel. On the shoulder straps of a captain of the first rank, you can see the obvious differences from this rank of the ground forces. Accordingly, a captain of the second rank is the equivalent of a lieutenant colonel, and a captain of the third rank is equivalent to a major.

The question often arises, which rank is higher - captain or major? If we are talking about the ground forces, then a major is definitely higher than a captain, since the first belongs to the senior officer corps, and the second to the junior officer corps.

If the fact that the captain belongs to the navy is taken into account, then it is necessary to clarify what rank the captain has, since seniority will depend on this factor. As already mentioned, major corresponds to the most junior captain rank in the navy.

A captain of the first and second rank will be higher than a major in the ground forces, and a captain of the third rank will be equal in rank to him.

For still very young military personnel, it remains a mystery what rank after captain is in the naval forces. The rank of captain is a rank that refers to the senior officer rank on a ship. All three ranks mean that the officer who holds them is in the senior ranks.

Find out: The rank of corporal in the Russian Army, the history of the appearance of this rank

Next comes the highest level of the Russian army, and the first step is the rear admiral. In the ground forces, this rank corresponds to the rank of lieutenant general or major general. The fact is that there is an unequal number of ranks in the senior officer corps in these types of troops, so it is quite difficult to answer this question accurately.

Therefore, when asked what rank comes after captain, we can say with certainty that next come admirals, who, in turn, are also divided into several types according to seniority.

Navy captain's shoulder straps

The shoulder straps of a captain of the 3rd rank look similar to the shoulder straps of a major, with the exception of the color scheme. The parameters of the shoulder insignia of military personnel of this rank are as follows:

  • there are two gaps on the shoulder straps, which are indicated by two parallel straight lines of golden yellow color;
  • strictly between these stripes there is the only star that is inherent in this title;
  • the diameter of the single star is 2.2 cm;
  • the distance from the edge of the shoulder strap is 6 cm;
  • There is no data on the distance between the stars for this rank, since the star is in a single copy.

The shoulder straps of a captain of the 2nd rank correspond to the appearance of the shoulder straps of a lieutenant colonel. The parameters of the shoulder insignia of this rank are as follows:

  • captain of the second rank, whose shoulder straps differ in appearance from the previous rank only in the number of stars, also have two yellow gaps on a grayish-blue background;
  • on each shoulder strap there are two stars, which are at the same distance from each other;
  • the diameter of each star is, similar to the captain of the third rank, 2.2 cm;
  • the distance at which the stars are located from the edge of the shoulder strap is 3.5 cm;
  • there is also no provision between the stars of a captain of the second rank, since they are at the same distance in relation to each other.

The shoulder straps of a captain of the first rank in appearance correspond to the rank of colonel in the ground forces. The parameters of his shoulder insignia are as follows:

  • there are three stars on each shoulder strap;
  • the diameter of each star, compared with previous ranks of senior officers, remains unchanged and is 2.2 cm;
  • the distance at which the stars are located, counting from the edge of the shoulder straps, is the same as for a captain of the second rank, 3.5 cm;
  • since a certain distance separates the third from the first two stars along the shoulder strap, the interstellar space parameter is present in this case and amounts to 3.5 cm.

Find out: How to properly sew and attach shoulder straps to a shirt

Stepan Petrovich Toporkov was, as we cadets said, a young and promising officer - he was only forty-five years old, and he was already a captain of the third rank! He came to us as a company commander from the Nakhimov School, where he raised boys. His former charges told how he would come into their barracks in the early morning and yell into a megaphone: “Company! Wake up in fifteen minutes!!!” At our school, he was not involved in such matters, but his credo could be defined in his own words: “We must do bad things to people, so that later they will feel good!” and “If necessary, we’ll all lay in the coffin, but so far such a need has not arisen!”

From the very first days of commanding us, he received the nickname “Brigade Commander” (remember, in “Bumbarash”: Brigade Commander Me Ne Kolun?), the title of “Captain of the Second Rank” and began to spoil our blood. We must pay tribute - he knew how to do this well! His public speeches alone in front of the company line are worth it! The record for the duration of such a performance is forty-eight minutes. Moreover, it should be noted that he usually liked to perform after classes, that is, before lunch. But since the daily routine did not provide for this kind of performance, lunch began immediately after class, but not for us! After listening to a bunch of pearls from the Brigade Commander, we went to the dining room to have a cold lunch. Thank God, such disgrace did not continue every day; occasionally we managed to have a hot meal.

That same record-breaking (48 minutes) speech by the Brigade Commander was dedicated to one cadet - Vasya Ukhovertov. It all started shortly before that day, after another trip to the vegetable warehouse. We often had to work in vegetable warehouses, fortunately, not only in potato warehouses. If we worked with apples, watermelons, grapes, etc., then, in addition to returning with bellies full of vitamins, we also did not forget about our comrades - we brought with us as much as we could. For these purposes, we had special clothing: the old discarded peacoats that were given to us for work had the lining trimmed so that the entire peacoat became one large pocket, or, if you like, a bag. We used these pea coats to bring fruit to the barracks. We must pay tribute to the workers of the vegetable warehouse - they knew very well that we were leaving with full pea coats, but, feeling sorry for the always hungry cadets, they allowed us to eat and carry it out - we did not cause such great damage to our state.

That time we worked with apples. By the way, they worked hard: a carload of apples, which is sixty tons, was unloaded by five people in a couple of hours. They arrived at the barracks, as usual, with full pea coats. We fed our comrades, and there was also some leftover “for the house, for the family”: about ten or twelve people put the remaining apples in lockers so that tomorrow, during dismissal, they could be carried home.

In the morning we went to classes. And the Brigade Commander came to the barracks and immediately started doing what he loved - checking the bedside tables and lockers. Having discovered a significant number of “non-statutory” apples in several of them, the Brigade Commander called the orderly Vasya and asked the appropriate question:

Why are apples made here?

Vasya, already accustomed to the tongue-tiedness of the company commander, replied that these were apples from the vegetable warehouse.

Take a duffel bag and collect all the apples for me,” the brigade commander ordered the orderly.

What if they don’t all fit into one duffel bag? – Vasya asked.

Why, comrade commander?

After lunch, we’ll take them to the vegetable warehouse to hand them over and apologize for the theft.

“So we didn’t steal,” Vasya tried to explain. - They gave them to us like that.

They couldn’t give them to you, this is not a private shop, but a state vegetable warehouse. Follow orders! - The brigade commander began to get nervous - he did not like unnecessary questions.

Following orders, Vasya collected all the apples into three duffel bags and placed them near the orderly’s bedside table. And before lunch, going to the dining room to check the table setting for the company, he decided to make adjustments to the received order, especially since, as he later explained, “it was said to collect the apples, but it was not specified where to put them after picking.” In general, Vasya, going to the dining room, grabbed his duffel bags with him and laid out all the apples on plates, dividing them equally among the company cadets. The brigade commander had his own separate table next to us in the dining room. This table was left without apples. When the Brigade Commander, having brought us to the dining room, discovered that he had been deprived, he was terribly indignant, saying, who was so careless in accepting the tables? Why are there no apples on my table? To which Vasya calmly replied:

So, comrade commander, you will not eat stolen apples.

The brigade commander almost choked on such impudence:

Company sergeant! After lunch, line up the personnel in front of the dining room!

They say that after lunch it would be good to sleep for about a hundred minutes to settle down and digest. We had to stand for about forty minutes. The company commander's speech was long and incomprehensible, and it ended with the words:

For failure to comply with orders and demonstrated toothlessness in relation to apples, I declare three days of arrest for cadet Ukhovertov!

...Having drowned the Wilhelm Gustlov, captain of the third rank Marinesko became the personal enemy of the Fuhrer. Having arrested Vasya, captain of the second rank Toporkov became the personal enemy of the entire company, which is almost a hundred people. The Fuhrer was alone, so he could not come up with a worthy revenge on his personal enemy. It’s not for nothing that Toporkov himself said that “one head is good, but two boots are a match.” One hundred cadets found a way to take revenge on the Brigade Commander.

The next “cultural trip” to the vegetable warehouse took place a week later. It must be said that at that time there was an “onion famine” in St. Petersburg - it was impossible to find onions in stores during the day, what can you do - times of total shortage! And it had to happen that at the vegetable warehouse we had to unload a whole truckload of onions!

Toporkov always went to the vegetable warehouse with a briefcase. What he was wearing there—a change of underwear, a couple of sandwiches, or a volume of the Internal Service Regulations—is a mystery shrouded in darkness. However, this briefcase gave us an idea of ​​how to spoil the Brigade Commander.

When he once again approached our truck to check how we were working, one of us suggested to him:

Comrade commander, let's put some onions for you at home?

To which the brigade commander replied:

What are you talking about, why is this?

So, comrade commander, in Leningrad there are no onions for sale at all. When else will this one hit stores? And it is unknown whether he will do so at all. And so your wife will thank you. Let's put some in your briefcase.

If I were the commander, I would wonder why the cadets, who had always openly expressed not only hatred, but at least strong dislike for him, suddenly decided to do a favor? But the Brigade Commander, touched to the depths of his soul by such a manifestation of kind feelings towards him on the part of his subordinates, lost his vigilance and handed over the briefcase, however, with the words:

Well, no need...

Continuing to show “tender feelings” for the company commander, we loaded the briefcase to the brim with the finest onions. If he managed to bring them home, the wife would be very touched by her husband’s thriftiness. But... apparently, it was not the brigade commander’s destiny to receive gratitude from his half.

Just before the line-up to go home, a “Cossack” was sent to the checkpoint with the task of whispering in the ears of the “VOKhRushka” ladies that a grandiose robbery of the vegetable warehouse was being prepared. The task was completed successfully, since, upon approaching the gate, we found it closed, although usually they were opened before we approached it. The line stood up. The gate didn't open. The brigade commander waited - to no avail. Then he waved his hands at the gate - silence. The brigade commander resolutely headed to the guardhouse. As soon as he stepped out the door, the gates immediately swung open, and he could go and get on the bus. However, none of us went out of the gate - everyone was interested in how the matter would end. A crowd of cadets huddled at the windows of the building.

Unfortunately, nothing could be heard through the closed windows. We had to watch a silent movie. The plot developed as follows. The brigade commander, entering the guardhouse, found there the head of the VOKhR, two middle-aged VOKhRushkas and a couple of hefty lads-loaders, apparently invited to support the pants of the valiant guard. Judging by the gestures of the Brigade Commander, he tried to get the guards to open the gate and let the line out to the bus, while pointing at his watch, saying that it was already late.

The chief of security listened carefully to the Brigade Commander, then asked him something, pointing to the briefcase. The brigade commander blushed, but actively shook his head, clutching the briefcase to himself with both hands. The head of security again pointed at the briefcase and said something. The brigade commander, lowering one hand with the briefcase down, began waving the other in front of him, poking his finger at his shoulder strap, shaking his finger at the guards and hitting himself in the chest with his fist. He finished his speech
by taking off his cap and lowering his head down, showing everyone his bald head and patting it several times with his palm (probably, juicy slaps were heard at the same time, it’s a pity that we didn’t hear).

I think the brigade commander’s monologue sounded like this:

What are you allowing yourself to do? I am a captain of the second rank of the Soviet Union (sometimes he called himself that...), awarded a bunch of orders (a small bunch of anniversary medals...), and I’ll line you all up here myself! So that a Soviet submarine officer (actually, in the past - the head of the guardhouse and the company commander at the school...) could steal something? Never mind! Don't disgrace my gray hairs with suspicions! (Why did you arrest Vasya?..) What are you poking at my briefcase? There I have a change of linen and a list of personnel, nothing else. You have no right to search an officer! I protest!!!

However, it was useless for the Soviet officer to argue with the Soviet VOKHR. It ended with the Brigade Commander finally being forced to shake out his briefcase on the table. Selected scarce bulbs remained in the guardhouse, and the Brigade Commander was released. By that time we were already sitting on the bus.

Still, the brigade commander was a smart man. He, of course, understood everything, because the first and only thing he said when he got on the bus was:

And why don’t you love me so much?..

By the way, Vasya never served his three days of arrest: Leningrad is a big city, there was not enough space in the guardhouse.

Noun, number of synonyms: 2 cap two (2) captain (21) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

captain of the second rank- An officer rank in the navy, next to the rank of captain of the third rank; the person holding this title... Dictionary of many expressions

captain first rank- An officer rank in the navy, next to the rank of captain of the second rank; the person holding this title... Dictionary of many expressions

captain- Cm … Synonym dictionary

CAPTAIN- (French capitaine, from Latin caput head). 1) senior chief officer rank in the army or guard. 2) different levels of headquarters of officer ranks in the fleet. 3) the head of a port or seagoing vessel. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

captain- noun, m., used. very often Morphology: (no) whom? captain, who? captain, (see) who? captain, by whom? captain, about whom? about the captain; pl. Who? captains, (no) who? captains, who? captains, (see) who? captains, by whom? captains, about whom? O… … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

captain- A; m. (French capitaine) see also. captain 1) An officer rank (rank) in the army, following the rank of senior lieutenant (in the Russian army until 1917, after the rank of staff captain); person holding this title. Aviation captain. Captain of the Quartermaster... Dictionary of many expressions

Captain Izylmetyev (destroyer)- “Captain Izylmetyev” “Lenin” (since 1922) ... Wikipedia

State Security Captain- State security captain is a special rank of senior command staff of the NKVD and NKGB of the USSR, introduced on October 7, 1935 by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Previous lower rank: senior lieutenant of the state ... Wikipedia

CAPTAIN- CAPTAIN, captain's husband. (French capitaine). 1. Head of a military or merchant ship (marine). 2. Officer rank in the army or navy (pre-military). Company commander with the rank of captain. Captain of the first, second rank. 3. Some of the compound words meaning... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary


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Captain 2nd rank

military rank of senior officers in the Navy and Navy of many states. Corresponds to the rank of lieutenant colonel. It existed in the Russian fleet in 1713-1732 and 1751-1917. Introduced into the USSR Navy in 1935.

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  • - signs of schizophrenia that are of paramount importance for diagnosing the disease, although not pathognomonic for it, for example. primary relational delusions, verbal hallucinations in the form of dialogue and commentary voices,...

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  • - military rank of senior officers in the Navy and Navy of many states. Corresponds to the rank of colonel. It existed in the Russian fleet in 1713-1732 and 1751-1917. Introduced into the USSR Navy in 1935...

    Marine dictionary

  • - 1. Military rank in the RKVMF. 2. Second staff officer rank in the old fleet. According to the laws in force at that time, captains of the 1st rank could be appointed to the positions of commanders of ships of the 1st rank...

    Marine dictionary

  • - military rank of senior officers in the Navy and Navy of many states. Corresponds to the rank of lieutenant colonel. It existed in the Russian fleet in 1713-1732 and 1751-1917. Introduced into the USSR Navy in 1935...

    Marine dictionary

  • - 1. Military rank in the RKVMF. 2. The first staff officer rank in the old fleet. Captains of the 2nd rank could be appointed to the positions of commanders of ships of the 2nd rank...

    Marine dictionary

  • - military rank of senior officers in the Navy and Navy of many states. Corresponds to the rank of major. It existed in the Russian fleet in 1713-1732 and 20-30. 19th century Introduced into the Russian Navy in 1935...

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  • - military rank in the RKVMF...

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  • - A rank in the navy equal to lieutenant colonel in the army...

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  • - noun, number of synonyms: 3 cap-raz caperaz captain...

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  • - noun, number of synonyms: 2 cap-three captain...

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