We build the roof with our own hands. Rules for building a roof with your own hands How to properly make the roof of a house with your own hands

Everything will be calculated and taken into account.

Types of roofing. Pitched roofs (for example, attics) traditionally have a frame supporting system consisting of rafters, a ridge, a mauerlat, various struts, sheathing, etc. The material for the supporting elements can be wood or a metal profile.

What kind of roofs do houses have?

Before starting construction with your own hands, you need to decide what kind of roof the house should have, carry out everything preparatory work, make a drawing.

First you need to consider what types of roofs there are, what their features are.

Modern construction uses different types roofs and types of their arrangement. A shed roof is used in a house where one of the walls is higher than the other. This is the most cheap design on the consumption of roofing and lumber. For private housing construction, this design is rarely used. As a rule, this type of roof is installed on outbuildings, garages, and sometimes on sheds. Such a roof does not have an attic space and a rafter system in the classical sense.

Hip roof - a 4-slope roof with triangular slopes from the ridge to the eaves (hips) on the end sides. If the slope does not reach the eaves, the roof is called half-hip.

A gable roof is two rectangles connected at the top sides. They form two pediment triangular planes. The area of ​​the slopes can be very different, it all depends on the size of the building. You can easily build such a structure with your own hands. In addition, there will be an attic that can be used as a utility room, or equipped extra room. This must be taken into account when drawing up a drawing of the future roof.

The hip roof is the most common type of roofing for private housing construction. It looks like four triangles (not necessarily identical), which are connected by their vertices at one point.

First, a reinforced reinforced concrete belt is made. It runs along the top of the walls of the house. Its purpose is to strengthen the top of the masonry and level the horizontal mark of the walls of a private house. For wooden house construction this structural element is not taken into account.

Galvanized studs must be inserted into the reinforcement frame of the belt. They will help attach the Mauerlat to the base of the reinforced belt. Calculation of the length of the studs should take into account the protrusion from the Mauerlat by 2-3 cm. The Mauerlat acts as a base rafter system, it is made from timber with a section of 150x150 mm or 200x200 mm. Calculation cross section depends on the load that the rafter system can withstand and the weight of the roofing pie. The power of the Mauerlat depends on the magnitude of the loads. All this data should be reflected in the drawing of the rafter system. On reinforced belt waterproofing is installed. This simple operation can be done with your own hands. You can use roofing felt as waterproofing, laying it in two layers. It is better to take galvanized nuts for the studs that will fasten the Mauerlat, this will help avoid corrosion. During installation, you need to use a building level to maintain horizontality.

To build correctly with your own hands, you need to be extremely careful. For each element, a calculation must be made and everything must be entered into the drawing. Then the roof of the house will be built correctly and will last long years.

Installation of house roof rafters

The role of rafters can be played by a board (section 150x50 mm) or timber. In addition, you can’t do without various bars, boards different sections to arrange spacers, crossbars, struts and other connecting elements. Availability of all necessary elements must reflect the drawing, which must be constantly consulted during construction.

What type of roof is chosen determines which rafters will be installed: layered or hanging. A hip roof involves the installation of diagonal rafters and frames, that is, short rafter legs, the purpose of which is to support the diagonal rafters on both sides. They rest on the mauerlat.

Sloping rafters, compared to conventional rafters, must withstand one and a half loads. The length of such rafters is longer than the standard length material used for ordinary rafters, so they are made in pairs.

When building with your own hands, you definitely need helpers. The owner of a private house cannot cope with such work on his own.

Regardless of which rafter system is used, the Mauerlat serves as a support for the lower end of the rafter. The upper ends rest on the ridge. Sometimes it is possible to focus on the opposite rafter. This is how it turns out roof trusses. For connection, a ridge beam or two boards are used, located at an angle on both sides, which form a ridge. To strengthen the rafter legs and give the entire structure the necessary rigidity, spacers and struts, jibs and braces are used. Everything is carried out depending on the requirements included in the drawing. The legs of the rafters must protrude beyond the walls of the house by at least 400 mm to protect their foundation from precipitation.

For private housing construction (step) is in the range from 0.6 to 1 m. Calculation of the pitch of rafter legs and their number can be done as follows:

  1. Measure the length of the roof slope and multiply this value by the selected distance.
  2. Add 1 to the resulting amount and round to the nearest whole number. Thus it turns out required amount rafters for one slope.
  3. Divide the length of the roof slope by the resulting value - the result is the distance that should be between the axes of the rafters or the pitch. The axis runs through the center of the rafter.

For example: a roof slope is 17 m long, the step size is chosen to be 0.6 m, it turns out 17/0.6+1= 29.3 = 29 rafters needed for the slope.

Then the length of the slope is divided by the resulting value: 17/29 = 0.58.

0.58 cm is the distance between the axes of the rafters that will be installed on the roof.

It should be taken into account that the pitch of the rafters also changes depending on the type of roofing and the slope angle. The greater the slope, the larger the pitch of the rafters. If the roof is steep, then the load in it is not distributed over the entire roof plane. Most of it falls on load-bearing walls. For example, if the slope angle is 15 degrees, then the distance between the rafters will be 0.8 m, and if you increase the slope angle to 75 degrees, then the pitch will become larger - 1.3 m.

It is also important to consider the length of the rafter leg. The longer it is, the smaller the step between them. With a large length, deflection loads increase, which can be reduced using a system of supporting posts.

Rafter system gable roof is a set of triangles placed in a row, which are connected at the top longitudinal beam. In a hip roof, the ridge has a forked appearance at the end, forming two diagonal rafters on each side, which bear the main load from the roofing pie. This is a complex design, and it is not easy to do it yourself.

For a gable roof, the first triangles of rafters are assembled on the ground. They are then lifted and temporarily secured using spacers. Immediately you need to strengthen it with ridge beams. Afterwards, you can begin installing the remaining rafters, according to the requirements included in the drawing.

Rafters can be fastened not only by mortise and notch, but also by iron brackets and metal corners, self-tapping screws and nails.

Installation of sheathing for roofing material

After the rafter structure is completely installed, the counter-lattice is inserted into the rafters from bars with a cross-section of 50x50. There should be a gap of 50 mm between the waterproofing and the insulation. This method allows the roof to “breathe” and prevent moisture from accumulating.

Waterproofing is laid on top of the counter-lattice. If the attic will be used as a living space, then insulation should be done immediately: lay mineral wool or polystyrene foam in the space between the rafters. This layer will act as an additional noise absorber. A vapor barrier membrane is laid on top. This will prevent condensation from forming.

The sheathing is attached on top of the waterproofing, perpendicular to the rafters. To do this, you can use boards, bars or moisture-resistant plywood. It all depends on what roofing covering is taken into account in the drawing of the future roof. For a soft roof, a continuous sheathing is required.

Roof covering for roof

When drawing up a drawing of the roof of a house, depending on the slope, it is indicated which roofing covering will be used. Slate covering or tiles are used for minimum slope at 22 degrees. Using soft roof(roofing felt, euroroofing felt), you need to take into account the number of layers: for three - 5 degrees of slope, for two layers - 15 degrees. If a profiled sheet is used, then the slope must be at least 12 degrees, for metal tiles - at least 14. The ondulin coating is mounted on a surface with a slope of 6 degrees, and for soft tiles 11 degrees is required. Membrane coating can be used on any roof configuration and on any slope, minimum 3-5 degrees.

The roof covering is laid from the bottom up and from the edge of the roof opposite the windy side. The fasteners will depend on what material is chosen.

Before we start describing step by step construction roof, you need to understand its structure as a whole. As a rule, all roofing systems include three separate parts, which together constitute a single roofing structure:

1. The most important part of the roof can be called its supporting frame, which consists of a rafter system, sheathing and ridge boards. Materials such as reinforced concrete, metal and wood can be used to construct a supporting frame.

However, when building a private house, wood is most often used, which not only has a low price, but is also, in principle, easy to construct a roof. It is this option for roof construction that will be discussed below.

At the same time, we note that for constructing a rafter system it is best to use boards 5 cm thick and 10 cm wide, and for constructing sheathing, boards 2.5 cm thick and 10-12 cm wide are suitable.

2. The second part of the roof is an insulating layer, on which the service life of the roof depends.

As practice shows, one of the main problems of the roof is evaporation and the appearance of condensation, which have a significant impact on the supporting structure as a whole and can simply render it unusable. And to prevent this from happening, you should choose the right insulation layer for the roof structure. For this purpose, roofing felt is mainly used, as the most cheap material, but you can also very often find the use of steam-waterproofing film or glassine.

3. And the last, no less important part is the roofing material, which can also be of different types.

The most common and cheapest roofing material is, of course, asbestos-cement and bitumen slate. The second place in popularity is most likely occupied by ondulin, which is very similar to wavy slate and has excellent resistance to negative influences. Metal tiles are less in demand, although they are considered the most practical material, but it causes some difficulties during installation.

All these parts of the roofing system must be made of sufficient quality, since the reliability of the entire finished structure depends on them. And the roof, no matter what type it is, must be able to perform the following functions:

  • the roof must withstand wind and snow loads;
  • must be waterproof;
  • the roof structure should not accumulate condensation;
  • the roof should provide the house normal humidity and even temperature;
  • must have good resistance to temperature changes and chemical influences;
  • Lastly, the roof must be constructed in such a way that it can be cleaned and repaired.

Roof Construction Steps

As we have already mentioned earlier, we will consider the load-bearing frame of the roof structure made of wood, which is most often used in the construction of private houses; we will take the cheapest materials – roofing felt and slate – as insulating and roofing materials.

Note that there are two methods of attaching the lower part of the load-bearing roof frame to the wall of the house: the frame is either attached to the floor beam, or the frame is attached to a special Mauerlat, which is a thick wooden beam 15x15 cm in cross section, laid along the axis of the wall.

Mauerlat helps to evenly distribute the loads in places where the roof structure is supported along the entire wall of the building, however, most often you can do without it, that is, use the first option, but keep in mind that the strength of the beams and walls of the house themselves must be so high as to withstand the entire roof.

When describing the construction stages, the load-bearing roof frame is attached to the floor beam.

Step 1 Installation of rafters

We begin to build the supporting frame. To do this, first of all, using nails 1.5 cm long, you need to fasten the rafters together at the top point in the form of an end connection. Then, stepping back a little lower from the top point, about 60-65 cm, you additionally need to fasten the rafters together with a board, you should get a structure in the form of the letter “A”.

Next, first of all, the outer rafters are installed, while their lower ends are laid on the wall of the house with an extension of about 20 cm. The outer rafters are also attached to the house using nails 20 cm long, and are additionally strengthened with two bevels - one edge, which is fixed to rafter board, and the other to the ceiling beam.

Then you need to install the rafters in the center of the house and mount a ridge board on top, which will give the rafters a stronger connection to each other. After all this work has been done, you can install the remaining rafters according to the same principle as they did before. It must be remembered that ideally the distance between the rafters should be no more than 50 cm.

Step 2 Lathing installation

Before moving on to this step, we note that the lathing system can be of two types, which have their own certain features designs and are designed for a specific type of roofing material.

The first and most labor-intensive is considered to be a continuous type system, which, as a rule, consists of two continuous layers, the seams of which intersect in each row. The first layer of such a system is mainly made from edged boards, and waterproof plywood is used as the second layer.

The second, most common and most simple type sheathing is a thinned system that is commonly used for rigid roofing material. And in our case, we will use exactly this type of lathing. To do this, the sheathing boards are laid at a distance of approximately 5 cm from each other with an extension of approximately 25 cm beyond the outer rafters. The sheathing boards are also fastened with nails, that is, two nails to each rafter leg.

Step 3 Insulation

To organize insulation on top of the sheathing, it is necessary to lay rolls of roofing felt vertically with an overlap of at least 15 cm. You can fasten the roofing felt to the sheathing with medium nails with a wide head.

At this step we should also mention insulation. If it is assumed that the house will be without an attic or with a residential attic, then it is recommended to also lay insulation material between the rafters, which is most often used polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

Step 4 Roofing

The last step in building a roof is laying down the roofing material, in our case it is 6-wave slate. You should always start laying slate from the bottom. At the same time, when laying the first three rows, you must check how even these rows are, otherwise, if one of the rows of slate has even the slightest deviation from a straight line, you will have to re-cover the entire roof.

When laying, it should also be taken into account that the overlap of the second row of slate onto the slate of the first row when laying longitudinally should be at least 10-15 cm, and when laying transversely, the overlap of one sheet of slate onto another should be at least one “wave”. The slate sheets are fastened using special slate nails.


As you can see, building a roof consists of just a few simple steps, and the proposed option for installing a roofing system is good for reasons such as:

  1. The construction of such a roof does not require huge amount building materials, and, consequently, high material costs;
  2. The roof installation described above is so simple that you can easily and quickly do it yourself, and, therefore, you can save on hiring a team of builders.
  3. And lastly, by building a roof with your own hands, you will always be sure that all the work has been done efficiently and the roof will not let you down in inclement weather.

Building a roof with your own hands is quite difficult, but real challenge, which can be accomplished by adhering to basic technologies and recommendations. This article will help you get necessary information about the features and options for roof construction. Construction requires serious preparation. First of all, you need to create a project required design and carry out the necessary calculations.

Roof design

This is one of the most important and difficult stages, which requires accuracy and care in calculations. First of all, you need to choose the most optimal design roofs. After this, it is necessary to calculate the amount of materials for the rafter system. Its configuration directly depends on the selected blood type. In most cases, owners give their preference to single- and double-pitched roofs. Of course, you can create more complex designs with straight or broken slopes.

For accurate calculation power of the rafter system and the step between the rafter legs, it is necessary to take into account the following loads, which are summed up:

  1. Total weight of the roof frame.
  2. The weight of all the constituent elements of the roofing pie.
  3. Maximum snow loads are taken into account.
  4. Windage of the structure and wind load.
  5. It will not be superfluous to take into account the weight of the people who will carry out maintenance or repair of the roof.
  6. For maximum structural reliability, it is worth considering the impact of disasters such as hurricanes or large amounts of precipitation.

Wind and snow loads directly depend on the climatic conditions of the region where the building is located. In addition, the angle of the selected slope will affect the possibility of snow coming off the roof on its own.

When calculating the amount of material for the roof, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the finishing roofing materials, since they must overlap. Also, when calculating the pitch of the rafters, it is worth taking into account the geometric dimensions of the insulation, which will further reduce the amount of waste of thermal insulation material.

The width of the sheet of rigid roofing material must correspond to the pitch of the rafters, and the width of the basalt or glass wool insulation is calculated with a margin of 10 millimeters. All this will allow you to install rolls or soft insulation boards without gaps.

To help anyone who wants to build a roof with their own hands, there will be special tables and reference literature. Also today on the Internet you can find an online calculator for calculating the design and parameters for any roof. If you plan to create a complex roof, you will need the help of a professional architect.

On preparatory stage You can make a general calculation of the cost of the entire roof. To do this, you need to draw up an estimate that will show all stages of construction, quantity necessary materials and their cost at this moment time. To think through and distribute your budget as rationally as possible, you can use the help of a professional estimator, who will not only quickly calculate everything, but also point out areas where you can save. In any case, it is worth adding 10% to the price received for the delivery of materials and the purchase of fasteners.

Today there are several types of roofs that you can build with your own hands:

  1. Single pitch roof.

The main advantage of this option is an excellent opportunity to save on material. In addition, these structures are lightweight, which reduces the pressure on the building. It should also be noted that installing a roof with one slope is quite simple and takes a little time.

As for the shortcomings, they include a not particularly attractive appearance and lack of attic space, which could be used. Due to all this, pitched roofs are most often used in the construction of sheds, warehouses, garages, temporary buildings and others. outbuildings. On modern stage similar structures are used in the construction of small cottages.

  1. Gable roof.

Roofs with two slopes are more in demand in construction due to the relatively light weight of the structure and fairly spacious attic spaces. All this allows you to equip the attic under the roof. They have an attractive appearance and harmonize perfectly with any structures. It should be noted that this design allows both slopes to be evenly heated by the sun's rays.

A gable roof has no obvious disadvantages. However, compared to single-pitch models, it requires more building material, and also has more weight. During construction gable roof it is necessary to install a ridge and gutters to drain rainwater.

  1. Hip roof.

This is another option for building a roof with your own hands, but it is not very popular because the design has many difficulties. To erect such a roof, you will need special construction skills or the involvement of specialists.

As for the advantages, it is a large attic space and an excellent aesthetic appearance. The attic is very warm because all four slopes are heated evenly. In addition to the complexity of construction, the disadvantages include the large weight of the structure, which will increase the pressure on the load-bearing walls of the building.
  1. Combined roofing.

This is the most optimal solution for a building with at different levels or structures with special geometric shape. Such designs add originality and creativity to the entire structure. Correctly made calculations allow the slopes to harmoniously fit into the overall appearance.

It should be noted that building a combined roof is quite simple, since it can be erected in separate sections or on floors.

Of course, in modern construction there are many more types of roofs, but these are the most optimal options for DIY construction.

The main stages of building a roof with your own hands

Preparation of lumber

The construction of the roof of a house or other structure is carried out on the basis of a detailed design, in which it is necessary to indicate all dimensions, length and cross-section structural elements. Methods and materials for fastening units are also noted.

To protect the material from rotting processes, fungi, insect mold and fire, it is treated with special fire-bioprotective agents before installation. The maximum effect can be achieved through two-time treatment. Installation is possible only after the wood has completely dried.

Often, for maximum strength and strength of the rafter system, metal elements such as channels and corners are used. Still, when self-construction This is rarely practiced on roofs, since it requires the use of a welding machine and additional equipment.

Features of building pitched roofs with your own hands

Self-construction of the roof involves the implementation of simple projects with one or two slopes. If you have enough knowledge and skills, you can make more complex designs. But at the same time it is necessary to carry out complex mathematical calculations of dimensions and precise markings.

In addition, when creating complex multi-slope structures, it is necessary to calculate the rafter system down to the centimeter. If you make even a small mistake in the location of the diagonal rafters, the entire structure may not withstand the load during operation. Because of this, you should not resort to very complex architectural forms that require careful professional calculations.

To build a high-quality roof, you need to understand the main stages of frame construction:
  • construction and installation of the Mauerlat;
  • creation of a rafter system;
  • final installation of the roofing pie.

To complete all these steps, you need 2-3 people who have the skills to use construction tools.

Roof frame - Mauerlat

Before constructing a roof, it is necessary to carry out finishing work with the walls of the building. To begin with, they are brought to the required height. After this, a waterproofing layer of roofing felt or roofing felt is laid on all horizontal surfaces of the load-bearing walls. In the case of the construction of single- or double-pitch walls, insulation is done only on the walls where the rafter legs designs.

Mauerlat is a wooden beam with a rectangular or square section, which forms the basis of the entire roof structure. With its help, uniform pressure is applied to all walls and the foundation of the structure itself. In this case, the Mauerlat acts as a place for attaching the roof to the walls of the building.

Features of fastening the Mauerlat to the building

This element of the roof structure bears the entire load, since the entire roof is built on its basis. In most cases, high-quality wooden beams with a cross-section of 15x15 centimeters are used. If the structure is heavy, it is worth using timber with a large cross-section. They must be installed parallel to the ridge of the future roof.

For the strength of the entire structure, it is worth thinking about fastening the Mauerlat even when building the walls. To do this, thick annealed wire is installed in the masonry, which is placed 4 bricks below the installation of the Mauerlat. The ends of the wire should be long enough to wrap around the beam. They must be installed along the entire perimeter of the roof at a distance of one meter. Can be used as additional fastening bolted connections or nails.

All this will prevent the roof from moving even under strong wind loads.

Rafter system

The beginning of the assembly of the roof truss system is the installation of the structure on the gables. In the presence of load-bearing wall or partitions in the middle of the building, you can install a beam and supports for the ridge girder on it. Thereby top part the rafter leg is attached to the ridge purlin, and the bottom leg is attached to the mauerlat.

If the width of the entire structure is small, A-shaped rafters without a ridge girder are used. Maximum structural rigidity and load reduction are achieved through the installation of spacers. The fastening of the rafters is reinforced with metal or wooden plates. Bottom part the rafter leg should rest against the mauerlat. If your project provides for the projection of the rafters for the overhang, recesses are made in the Mauerlat itself for fastening.

The roof project can be completed without laying the Mauerlat on the walls. Because of this, the beams are mounted across the walls, and their length must exceed the width of the building. The pitch of the beams must correspond to the pitch of the rafters. The strength of the structure is achieved through reliable fastening of the beams using reinforcement or pre-installed wire.

To build a roof with an attic floor, layered rafters are used. They have additional support points with posts and connecting girders. In such a design, struts for maximum structural rigidity would also be useful.

DIY roof frame installation

The frame is one of the main components of the roof. It ensures the strength and durability of the entire structure. This system is a rafter attached to the Mauerlat.

The best option for beams is a section of 7x15 centimeters. The rafters are mounted in special cutouts and secured with large nails. In this case, it is worth following the fastening technology: the first nail is driven through the entire rafter diagonally into the mauerlat; the second one is scored in the same way, but with opposite side; the third is driven from above perpendicular to the structure.

By adhering to technology, you can avoid shifting rafters in the future. As for the upper part of the beams, they are pulled together so that one beam can cover the end of the second. They are also secured with nails or bolts.

At this stage of construction, the most optimal roof slope angle is selected, which is compared with climatic conditions and maximum precipitation. IN middle lane Russia should tilt the slopes at an angle of 40-45 degrees, which will allow snow and rainwater to flow freely. Load indicators are also taken into account when installing rafters. To avoid sagging, it is worth installing the rafters at a distance of 1 meter.

In hot and dry climates, the angle of the slopes can be much lower, but not less than 3 degrees. For precision design and construction, a special tool is used - an ulometer.

Arrangement of sheathing

Lathing is made to cover the roof; it can be done different ways. When using tiles, a continuous sheathing of the structure is required.

Solid wooden boards with a thickness of 25 millimeters are used as the material for the sheathing. When selecting material, pay attention to the absence of chips, cracks and other damage. As for the length, it should be equal to the distance of two spans, as a rule, it is two meters. Their joints will be located on the supports themselves.

The sheathing may not be continuous depending on the finish coating. The boards are also used to form the ridge, but they are laid more densely. The sheathing material is attached to the structure using nails.

Using slate or metal, you can save boards and create a sparse sheathing. In the case of using rolled soft materials, the lathing is made continuous. If necessary, double lathing can be created. The first layer is laid parallel to the ridge, and the second perpendicularly along the slope.

Building a roofing pie with your own hands

The construction of the roofing pie begins immediately after installation of the rafter system. At the first stage, it is necessary to lay waterproofing systems, for which roofing felt or a special membrane is used. The protective material is attached to the rafters. Special attention pay attention to installation technology. It is worth noting that overlap over the ridge will significantly impair roof ventilation.

A counter-lattice is placed on top of the waterproofing materials along the rafters. It is represented by bars with a cross section of 50 millimeters. This will create the necessary ventilation gap between the roofing and the waterproofing. The entire lathing system is attached to the created counter-lattice. As mentioned earlier, the type of lathing depends on finishing material roofs.

The next step is laying the roof covering. When constructing pitched systems, it is customary to use the following materials:

  • Sheet materials: metal tiles, corrugated sheets, steel, aluminum seam roofing. Wavy or flat slate is also used.

Do-it-yourself roof cornice filing

This procedure is carried out on final stage erection of the roof. In this case, the walls must be insulated, since the box must fit closely to them. Otherwise, in the future you will have to break the filing or leave this section of the wall uninsulated. The entire frame is made of wood. In its design it is similar to a box. The filing is attached to the fillet and the continuation of the rafters.

To make it, you will need two boards, one of which goes towards the wall, and the second goes down from the rafters. They are connected to each other at right angles using screws or self-tapping screws. When installing, a small gap is left between the boards.

Roof insulation

This is one of the most important points when building a roof. There are two options for insulation: from the inside and from above the sheathing. Internal heating is carried out when the attic space will be used for living. This way you can hide free space between the rafters.

Initially, a waterproofing film layer is laid along the entire perimeter of the roof on top of the sheathing. It is necessary to ensure that the film thoroughly covers all structural elements. Between the sheathing and the rafters, slats arrive on top of the film. After all this it gets nailed mineral wool. The insulation boards are laid end to end and secured construction tape. All this will make the attic space warmer for living.

Other materials can be used as roof insulation, such as mats made of straw, seaweed or ecowool. The most optimal insulation for roofing today is mineral wool. It is an environmentally friendly and fire-resistant material. In addition, mineral wool has affordable price and does not require use special tool for installation.

Roof design begins with the collection of loads. It is necessary to calculate the total weight of one square meter the entire roof structure. To do this, you need to first draw roof drawings and calculate snow and wind loads according to the area where construction is taking place.

In order to correctly collect the load, you need to know specific gravity all materials used for roof construction, from the type of wood to the type of insulation and outer covering. This data is necessary for correct selection pitch of rafter legs. The greater the load, the smaller the distance should be between the rafters.

The maximum distance that is allowed between rafters should not exceed 1200 mm. A distance of one meter is considered optimal. Next, you should select the cross-section of the beam.

To calculate the roof structure, there is a special algorithm consisting of many formulas, but all of them are intended only for analyzing the construction of large industrial buildings. For private construction, the process of selecting a section can be simplified.

The height of the beam is calculated from the maximum length of the rafter leg. 1/20 of the length will be optimal height timber. But 1/3 of the resulting height will be the required width of the beam. The result is a durable system that can withstand heavy loads.

IN wooden house the top framing beam for the frame house will serve as a support for the rafters. IN brick house Along the upper edge of the masonry, you need to install a mauerlat - a horizontal powerful beam, which is attached to the wall with crutches.

You can build a roof with your own hands in a few days if you plan the whole process correctly. At the junction of two different materials, for example, brick and wood, it is always necessary to install waterproofing. Instructions for constructing a roof begin with the correct installation of load-bearing beams. Then inclined rafters are installed at the angle specified in the project.

To secure the rafters, bevels and strapping boards are installed as part of the sheathing. Fastening all the rafters in single design make the wooden roof stable. At this stage, it is important to accurately align the position of the rafter legs; they must be in the same plane, strictly in the correct design position.

After securing the rafter legs, the sheathing is filled, which is a row of boards with a certain pitch; the final covering will then be attached to them. If the roof is made of soft materials, the sheathing is made of a continuous type from sheets of plywood. In all other cases, it is enough to nail the sheathing elements at a certain distance from each other.

Afterwards, protective materials are laid (insulation and vapor barrier) and the final roof covering is installed. In some cases, insulation is done inside the structure after installation of the roofing material. The rafter roof must be ventilated to ensure a normal microclimate for the structures and their durability.

Any work can be divided into stages. So, do it yourself roof step by step.

First step. Calculate the roof, collect the load, determine the cross-section of the beam and its length. Be sure to summarize all data in a material consumption specification.

Second step. Prepare all the necessary tools, purchase materials, prepare a place for storage. Consider a mechanism for feeding heavy structures onto the roof. On the day of work, you may need to hire a truck crane.

Third step. Prepare the surface for work. Start installing the mauerlat, strapping beam and rafter legs. Carefully check the design position of the rafters. At the end of the working day, make sure that the working structure is securely fastened.

Fourth step. Supply of sheathing boards. Fastening the sheathing and laying protective materials under the roof. At this stage you will have to do a lot of trimming work. Working with a hacksaw is difficult and takes a long time, so you need to rent a parquet saw or jigsaw.

Fifth step. Installation of roofing material, checking joints. Here after graduation installation work, you can hem the box to eliminate wind pressure from the side of the wall under the covering structure.

A gable sloping roof significantly improves the functionality of the attic space. A conventional gable roof creates dead space with an inclined plane, in which you cannot stand at full height.

A gable sloping roof expands the space due to the special design of the inclined plane. Thus, you get a full-fledged interior space that can be equipped as a bedroom.

According to the drawings, such a house roof is built by installing strictly vertical racks and horizontal ties, and hanging and layered rafters are lined up on the sides of the improvised rectangle. To provide the structure with the necessary strength, struts are installed from the floor beam to the middle of the layered rafter.

All other work is carried out similarly to the scheme described above. The main difficulty in building a structure for a gable sloping roof is choosing the right section of timber and installing all the elements according to the drawing. In most cases, insulation and vapor barrier are added to the roofing pie. This greatly complicates the installation process rafter roof, but do without these elements attic room it makes no sense.

For a private home it is preferable to choose pitched roof, which has a slope greater than 2.5%. The simplest option is pitched roof, but this type is used only on auxiliary structures. The design is characterized by one flat sloping roof plane, which rests on the two side walls of the building.

A gable roof is considered universal, which rests on two external walls at the same level, and the inclined planes are brought together in the middle into one ridge knot. The end part of such a roof is called a pediment and is usually sealed with the same material from which the load-bearing part of the house is built.

The hip roof is hipped roof without pediment. On all sides of the building, the roof slopes upward from the top edge of the wall. This type of roof is better suited than others to withstand wind and snow loads, but is quite difficult to construct. All components of the roof frame must be built in compliance with the complex laws of statics of structures.

A hip roof looks something like a hip roof, but its main difference is that all four planes of the roof have a strictly triangular shape. As a result, from the center of the building, inclined planes diverge in four directions, forming a tent.

A broken or mansard roof is the creation of broken roof planes at an obtuse angle. The result is a fairly large room. mansard type, which can be used as residential.

All types of roofs have their advantages and disadvantages. Some look better, but require significant construction costs, others are simple to construct, but also unpresentable in appearance. The choice of roof is usually made after determining the snow and wind area. It is important to agree on the type of roof at the design stage.

In fact, building the roof of a frame house is no different from building a roof for other types of buildings. The only point concerns the fastening of the rafter legs to the supporting structures. Here, instead of a Mauerlat, a strapping beam is used.

The rest of the technique is similar. For ease of construction, before starting it is necessary to build a raised floor or install a full wooden floor. Installing rafters from scaffolding is inconvenient and labor-intensive.

For a frame house, it is recommended to choose the least massive roof structure, so that it does not create critical pressure on the load-bearing elements. No additional elements should be added to the roof, including dormer windows, if they are not provided for in advance in the project.

DIY roof. Design

Depending on the roof structure, you should select the amount of materials and the cross-section of the support beams. For a private house, especially a frame type, the most effective are gable and gable sloping roofs. All other designs are quite complex and require large quantity supporting elements, which significantly weigh down the entire roof.

For a frame house, it is better not to use natural ceramic tiles as a coating. In addition to the fact that it is very heavy, for installation you will need to pack the sheathing thickly. As a result, it will be necessary to further strengthen the supporting racks or reduce the pitch between them, which will lead to waste of materials.

The support beam serves to secure the rafters at the bottom. It is impractical to rest the rafters on the wall, so they use additional beam, which takes up the inclined load and transfers it to bearing structures strictly vertical.

Sufficient timber should be used as a support beam large section. It must be firmly fixed to the wall. In the case when the roof, together with the supporting beam, simply lies on the wall, the roof can be undermined by the wind. Despite the heavy weight of the entire roof, it can fly away in heavy gusts of wind.


To save money, owners of country houses prefer to do some construction work with your own hands. How to make a roof in a private house is a question many developers ask. But before carrying out work, you should study all the information about roofs. You need to know what roofs exist, familiarize yourself with their shapes and design features. It's no secret that these elements perform many functions. The range of their characteristics is not limited to protecting the interior of the house from the penetration of moisture, cold air currents and snow. Our article will tell you all about the features of roofs, and will also describe in detail the construction of the roof.

Roof installation of a private house and its types

Modern construction has found its application various types roofs of houses. Of course, each type requires an individual one. Let's talk about the most common ones, as well as their advantages and features.

DIY roof of a private house: preparation

In addition to choosing the type of roof, think about what material will be used to cover it (more details: ""). Based on this, the parameters of the rafter system are determined. The weight of the roof covering affects its pressure and loads. Therefore, it is important to resolve the issue with the method of fastening the roofing elements. Finally, it is worth deciding on additional parts of the rafter system.

The best option calculating the material for the rafter system and roofing is the availability of a roof drawing. The diagram usually indicates all the fastening points of the rafter system. They, in turn, strengthen the elements.

The roof has the greatest weight ceramic tiles. The rafter system and foundation (+ walls) must take into account the weight of this material. Wood is most often used for the rafter system coniferous species. At the same time, its humidity should be no more than 20%. The wood should not contain knots or blue stains.

Tools for arranging the rafter system:

  • vapor barrier material;
  • waterproofing film;
  • insulation material;
  • iron staples;
  • self-tapping screws, nails, screws;
  • roofing tools.

How to build a roof for a private house: rafter system

The design of the rafter system involves supporting the lower end of the rafters on the mauerlat. In this case, the upper end rests on both the ridge and the opposite rafter. As a result, trusses are created. They connect using ridge beam or two boards forming a ridge. To strengthen the rafter legs, special struts, struts, jibs, braces and crossbars are installed. All these elements make truss structure quite tough and durable.

Arranging gable roof, the first two structures of the rafter system (triangles) must be assembled on the ground. Only after complete assembly can they be lifted onto the roof. Spacers are used for temporary strengthening. Then, the elements are connected using ridge beams or boards on both sides. Next, the remaining rafter legs are installed. For the convenience of workers, floor beams are usually laid on the mauerlat. Temporary flooring must also be present.

To fasten the rafter system, not only mortises and notches are used, but also iron staples, metal corners, screws and nails. The rigid frame of the rafter system will be provided by struts, crossbars, ties and stops. Sometimes it becomes necessary to lengthen the rafter legs. In this case, the first step is to splice two rafter boards. Short pieces are installed at the joint on both sides.

Roof structure of a private house: sheathing

Having finished installing the rafters, you can fill the sheathing. To arrange it you will need boards (2.5 cm thick) or bars. The sheathing can be either continuous or have gaps. But before that, waterproofing should be laid along the rafters. When creating a living room in the attic, it is best to insulate the roof in advance. The insulation is installed in the space between the rafters. The material can be mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

To create a “warm” living space in the attic, lay insulation in a double layer. The thickness of one layer should not be less than 50 mm. The insulation layer helps absorb noise from outside the room. A vapor barrier membrane is laid on the insulation. It protects the material from the formation of condensation on it. To avoid spending extra money on repairing the roof of a private house, follow all the instructions and recommendations. Try to lay the layers of the roofing pie correctly.

Roof arrangement

Perhaps the main stage of all work. Arranging the frame with roofing material is a very important procedure. Today you can find a wide range of materials to suit every taste and price category. The most affordable and reliable material is slate. However, many are confused by his appearance. As an alternative, you can use modern polymer versions of slate - Euroslate or Ondulin.

Today, more and more often, developers give preference to another roofing material– metal tile. The coating is relatively inexpensive, and at the same time it has its own appearance and excellent performance characteristics. The disadvantage of metal tile coating is low level sound absorption.

Roof shapes, professional advice, details on video:

Thus, the roofs of houses are done both by one’s own hands and by specialists. But it is worth noting that the first option can sometimes outperform the work of experienced installers. This is due to the fact that the owners of country houses are trying to make high-quality roofing work. It is logical that a well-designed and executed roof will last for many years, so it is worth ordering from trusted specialists. At the same time, it is very important not to waste your financial resources for additional repairs. It’s better to carry out all the work efficiently once and arrange a comfortable home for yourself and your loved ones.

Having finished assembling the roof, you can begin arranging the drainage system. You can learn how to carry out such work from the article: "". We recommend watching photo and video materials on this topic in order to keep abreast of all the innovations in the construction market.