Scary stories and mystical stories. Presentation for a reading lesson (grade 2) on the topic: Presentation for a literary reading lesson. Theme E.I. Charushin "A terrible story"

This section contains the most hand-selected horror stories published on our website. Basically these are scary stories from life told by people in in social networks. This section differs from the “best” section in that it contains scary stories from life, and not just interesting, exciting or educational ones. We wish you a pleasant and exciting read.

Quite recently I wrote a story for the site and clarified that this is the only mysterious story that happened to me. But gradually more and more new cases emerged in my memory, which happened, if not to me, then to the people next to me, who, of course, can be completely disbelieved. But if you don’t believe everyone who is next to you, then you don’t have to believe...


This was in the early 50s. My grandmother's brother, an electrician by training, returned from the war and was in great demand - there weren't enough people, the country was being rebuilt from ruins. So, having settled in one village, he actually worked for three - fortunately, there were settlements close to each other, he mostly had to walk... In a hurry, walking from one village to another, he often...


I heard this story on the train from my neighbor in the compartment. The events are absolutely real. Well, at least that's what she told me. It took five hours to drive. In the compartment with me was a young girl with a little girl of five years old and a woman of about sixty. The girl was so restless, she constantly ran around the train, made noise, and the young mother chased after her and...


This happened strange story in the summer of 2005. At that time, I finished my first year at the Kyiv Polytechnic University and came home to my parents for the summer holidays to relax and help with renovations in the house. The town in the Chernihiv region where I was born is very small, the population is no more than 3 thousand, there are no high-rise buildings or wide avenues in it - in general, it looks ordinary...


This story happened before my eyes over several years with a person whom I could then call a friend. Although we rarely saw each other and almost never communicated on the Internet. It’s hard to communicate with a person who is diligently avoided by simple human happiness - troubles at work, depression, constant lack of money, lack of relationships with the opposite sex, life with a disgusted mother and brother, whom even...


This story is not mine, I don’t even remember exactly whose. Either I read it somewhere, or someone told me... A woman lived alone, in a communal apartment, lonely. She was already many years old, and her life was hard. She buried her husband and daughter and was left alone in that apartment. And only her old neighbors and girlfriends, with whom she sometimes got together over a cup of tea, brightened up her loneliness. Is it true, ...


I'll tell you my story too. The only mysterious story that happened to me in my life. It really can be attributed to a dream, but for me everything was very real and I remember everything as it is now, unlike any other bad dream. A little background. I see a lot of dreams and like any other person who dreams a lot, I can not only often...


One young couple was looking for an apartment. The main thing is that they said that it should be inexpensive, but also that good condition. They finally found the long-awaited apartment: it was inexpensive, and the owner was a nice little granny. But finally the grandmother said: “Be quiet... the walls are alive, the walls hear everything”... The guys were surprised and with a smile on their faces asked: “Why are you selling the apartment so cheap? This is for you...


I don't like children. These little whining human larvae. I think many people treat them with a mixture of disgust and indifference, like I do. This feeling is aggravated by the fact that literally under the windows of my house there is an old kindergarten, all year round filled with hundreds of screaming, raging short men. Every single day you have to walk through their pen. Summer this year was very hot for our region and...


This story happened to me 2 years ago, but when I remember it it becomes very creepy. Now I want to tell it to you. I bought new apartment, since the previous apartment did not suit me very much. I had already arranged everything, but I was confused by one closet that stood in the bedroom and occupied most of the room. I asked former owners remove it, but they said...


This happened in St. Petersburg, at the Novodevichy cemetery in 2003. At that time, our hobbies included the occult and the so-called black rituals. We had already summoned the spirits and I was sure that I was ready for anything. Unfortunately, the phenomena that happened that night forced me to reconsider my views on life, now I will try to retell everything that I remember. Linda met me on Moskovsky Prospekt. I...


Our family had a tradition: every summer we went to the Vologda region to relax with our relatives. And the edges there are swampy, the forests are impenetrable - in general, a gloomy area. The relatives lived in a village on the edge of the forest (in fact, it was a holiday village). I was 7 years old at that time. We arrived in the afternoon, it was cloudy and raining. While I was laying out my things, the adults were already lighting up the grill under...

The boys Shura and Petya were left alone.

They lived in a dacha - right next to the forest, in small house. That evening, their father and mother went to visit their neighbors.

When it got dark, Shura and Petya washed themselves, undressed themselves and went to bed in their own beds. They lie and are silent. There is no father or mother. It's dark in the room. And in the darkness someone is crawling along the wall - rustling; maybe a cockroach, or maybe someone else!…

Shura says from his bed:
- I'm not scared at all.
“I’m not scared at all either,” Petya answers from the other bed.
“We are not afraid of thieves,” says Shura.
“We’re not afraid of cannibals either,” Petya answers.
“We’re not afraid of tigers either,” says Shura.
“They won’t come here,” Petya answers.

And just Shura wanted to say that he is not afraid of crocodiles, when suddenly they hear - behind the door, in the entryway, someone quietly stamping their feet on the floor: tramp... tramp... tramp... slap... slap... tramp... tramp ….

How Petya will throw himself on Shura’s bed! They covered their heads with a blanket and clung to each other. They lie quietly so that no one can hear them.

Don’t breathe, says Shura to Petya.
- I'm not breathing.


And through the blanket you can still hear someone walking behind the door and puffing in addition.

But then mom and dad came. They opened the porch, entered the house, and turned on the light. Petya and Shura told them everything. Then mom and dad lit another lamp and began to look around all the rooms, in all corners. There is no one.

We arrived in the hallway. Suddenly, in the hallway along the wall, someone runs into the corner... He ran and curled up in the corner like a ball. They look - yes, it’s a hedgehog!

He must have climbed into the house from the forest. They wanted to pick it up, but it twitched and stabbed with thorns. Then they rolled him up in a hat and took him to the closet. They gave me milk in a saucer and a piece of meat. And then everyone fell asleep. This hedgehog lived with the guys at the dacha all summer. He still puffed and stamped his feet at night, but no one was afraid of him anymore.

Reviews about the fairy tale

    good story. interesting WOW


    I liked it very much!!!


    I really liked this story

    “A Scary Story” by Evgeny Charushin

    The boys Shura and Petya were left alone. They lived in a dacha - right next to the forest, in a small house. That evening dad and mom went to visit.

    When it got dark, Shura and Petya washed themselves, undressed themselves and went to bed in their own beds. They lie and are silent. There is no father or mother.

    It's dark in the room. And in the darkness someone is crawling along the wall, rustling...

    Shura says from his bed:

    “I’m not scared at all.”

    “I’m not scared at all either,” Petya answers from the other bed.

    “We are not afraid of thieves,” says Shura.

    “We’re not afraid of cannibals either,” Petya answers.

    “We’re not afraid of tigers either,” says Shura.

    “They won’t come here,” Petya answers.

    And just Shura wanted to say that he is not afraid of crocodiles, when suddenly they hear... outside the door, in the entryway, someone quietly stamping their feet on the floor: stamp... stamp... slap... slap... stamp... stamp...

    How Petya will throw himself on Shura’s bed!

    They covered their heads with a blanket and clung to each other. They lie quietly so that no one can hear them.

    “Don’t breathe,” Shura says to Petya.

    - I'm not breathing.

    Stomp... stomp... splat... splat... stomp... stomp... splat... splat... And through the blanket you can still hear someone walking and stomping outside the door.

    But then mom and dad came. They opened the doors, entered the house, and turned on the light. Petya and Shura told them everything.

    Then mom and dad lit another lamp and began to look around all the rooms, in all corners. There is no one. And suddenly someone runs along the wall into the corner... He ran and curled up in the corner like a ball. They look - yes, it’s a hedgehog! He must have climbed into the house from the forest.

    They wanted to pick it up, but it twitched and stabbed with thorns. Then they rolled him up in a hat and took him to the closet. They gave me milk in a saucer and a piece of meat. And then everyone fell asleep.

    This hedgehog lived with the guys at the dacha all summer.

    He still puffed and stamped his feet at night, but no one was afraid of him anymore.

    Outline of the story “A Scary Story”

    In the 2nd grade literature course, it is proposed to draw up an outline of Evgeniy Charushin’s story “A Scary Story.” We present to your attention such a plan. We hope it will help you complete this task.

    1. Shura and Petya were left alone.
    2. Someone rustled in the hallway.
    3. Petya and Shura realized that the hedgehog was rustling.
    4. The hedgehog stayed with the guys.

    During the classes:

    Look at the portrait, what can you say about the character of this person? - Who might he be by profession? (Writer).

    This is a portrait of Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin, a children's writer.(I am attaching a “Writer” sign)

    What section are we studying? (About our smaller brothers).We have already read some of the works in this section. Who are they about?(About animals) – This section also includes the work of E. Charushin. Why do you think? Who was he writing about?(About animals)

    Today we will get acquainted with one of Charushin’s works. Knowing the author, can we guess the genre of the work that we will get acquainted with today?(Fairy tale, story?)

    I write down my guesses on the board.

    Who will the work we are going to meet today be about? ( About the animal)

    I write down my guesses on the board.

    Stage I: Working with text before reading(anticipation):

    Let's read what E. Charushin called his story.

    Guess what this work will be about.

    Look at the illustration for the story. What does it show? Can you guess what animal we'll be talking about?

    Children's statements are written on the board.

    "Strategy keywords» Phrases on the board.

    • Shura and Petya were left alone;
    • near the forest;
    • neither dad nor mom;
    • dark;
    • not afraid, not afraid;
    • someone is stomping;
    • closed their heads;
    • huddled together;
    • (parents) came;
    • lit;
    • hedgehog

    What feelings do you get when reading these lines?

    Who will be the hero of the work? Can you imagine how events might unfold?

    Working in fours. One person from the group makes his prediction.

    Formulation of the problem:And in order to check and clarify our assumptions, we must conduct a “dialogue with the author” through the text. After all, reading is communication with the author not directly, but through the text created by the author.

    Stage II: Working with text while reading:

    Conception stage. Initial acquaintance with the work.

    Let's check if any of our assumptions are confirmed.Let's find out which of the assumptions was confirmed.

    "Reading aloud with stops».

    After reading each paragraph, I ask questions about the content of the text and the forecast of future events.

    Why were the boys left alone?

    - How old were the boys? Are they big or small? What words confirm this?(They washed themselves, undressed themselves, went to bed in their own beds)

    Who can crawl on a wall?

    Do you think the children fell asleep right away?

    Imagine that your parents left and you went to bed with your brother or sister and you couldn’t sleep, what would you do?(Talk)

    Read the boys' conversation.

    What were the children talking about?

    Were they actually scared?

    Vocabulary work (as you read):

    What is a canopy? (I’m showing a picture of the canopy. The canopy is the room between the living part of the house and the porch in village huts.)

    - How would you behave if you were the boys?

    How did the boys behave? Read it.

    Why did the boys hide?

    Why were the children scared?(They didn't know who was stomping)

    And you were probably scared too. After all, the author does not tell us who is spanking the room. And we all expect something terrible, terrible. What question would you like to ask the author? (Who scared the boys?)

    Who scared the guys?(Hedgehog)

    How many of you have seen a hedgehog? (Showing a picture of a hedgehog)

    What do you know about hedgehogs?

    How are hedgehogs useful?

    Re-read the moment when mom and dad came.

    Let's read aloud in a chain. Reading two paragraphs in a chain with stops.

    Yes, it's a hedgehog!

    Select options:

    Joy , sadness, fear, surprise, anger, relief

    Why did the hedgehog get into the house? Where real home hedgehog? Will a hedgehog be comfortable living in a city apartment? Why?

    (Wild animals and birds feel uncomfortable in an apartment. They need a forest. Only hungry and wounded animals can be taken home to help them, but then they must be released)

    Why did the hedgehog visit the guys at night? ( Night Dweller)

    Physical education minute:

    - How did mom and dad react to the boys’ fright? Did they start laughing at them? Why?

    What would you do with a hedgehog?

    Let's read what the boys did with the hedgehog.

    What strange words did you come across?

    Vocabulary work CHULAN is a room in the house that serves as a storage room.Showing a picture of a closet

    Reading the test aloud, stopping until the end

    ..., read the text to the end.

    How did the hedgehog behave when they were looking for him? Why?

    Why did the hedgehog curl up into a ball? Replace the expression “curled up in a ball in the corner” with a similar meaning. (Curled up in a ball)

    What did the boys do with the hedgehog?

    Why was no one afraid of him later?

    Why did the hedgehog stay with the guys at the dacha?

    What of our assumptions was confirmed? What are we doing wrong?

    III Working with the text after reading:

    Do you think the work you read is a fairy tale or a short story? Prove it.(Written in prose, described real events, there is no magic, magic, animals do not have a voice, character)

    Problematic question:- Do you think Petya and Shura are brave or cowardly? (They are brave and do not show fear).

    How do Shura and Petya convince themselves not to be afraid?- Re-read their dialogue. This is the most tense moment in the story. Let's try to read it role-by-role. But before reading, let's define:

    TONE – calm or excited

    PACE – fast, slow or leisurely

    VOLUME – quiet or loud

    Reading dialogue by role.

    (He sympathizes with them. He considers them brave because they tried to overcome their fear. And I believe that they can be called brave.)What is courage?

    Courage is the ability to overcome fear.

    For whom did Evgeny Charushin write this story?

    E. Charushin was also once a little boy, he was also afraid of something.

    Getting to know the works of E.I. Charushin

    Teacher's story about E. Charushin:

    E.I. Charushin was born on October 29, 1901 in the city of Vyatka (now the city of Kirov). From childhood, his mother instilled in little Zhenya a love of animals. Together with his mother, he fed ducks, chickens, turkey poults, looked after them, treated a bird with a broken wing, looked after his beloved three-legged dog Bobka and, living in village house, even dreamed of raising a giraffe. This is how his childhood passed.

    They say that as a 6-year-old boy, Zhenya decided to imitate the birds and eat what they eat. So, he ate “unimaginable disgusting” - porridge from a dirty chicken trough and fell ill with typhoid fever.

    Zhenya learned to swim at the age of 11, when, together with a herd of cows, he swam across the wide Vyatka River, holding on to a cow’s tail. Zhenya Charushin's father was an architect and artist. Whatman paper, ink, paints - the boy liked it all. Zhenya watched as his father colored drawings of future houses and drew with enthusiasm himself. Unlike his father, he did not draw at home; his drawings most often included birds, dogs, bears and other wonderful animals. “I grew up with a pencil in my hands” - that’s what he said. E. Charushin, remembering his childhood. When Zhenya grew up and became Evgeny Charushin, he illustrated books about animals. Among best works Charushin - illustrations for the book by S. Marshak “Children in a Cage”. In his drawings, E. Charushin accurately depicts animals in movement and action.

    (I show books with drawings by E. Charushin, I hang the illustrations on the board)

    This is only part of the books that Charushin illustrated.

    He also wrote short stories for children and adults. In books he talked about his pets, as well as about animals living in the forest.

    An artist who draws animals is called animal painter. (I post a sign)

    Charushin was an excellent animal painter. After all, in order to truthfully portray an animal, you need to study it well, know not only the appearance of the animal, but also its movements, habits and even character. For example, in his books E. Charushin wrote about the amazing kitten Tyup. He lived at his house, and he was nicknamed Tyupa because he moved his lips funny, as if he was talking. How accurately the artist depicted a fluffy kitten - Tyupa hid, ears erect, eyes wide open. How much curiosity is in his gaze!

    Guys, what should a person be like who can accurately convey the habits of an animal, its character?(Observant)

    Do you know how to observe? How many of you have watched any animal at home or in the zoo, in the forest? Close your eyes, remember what this animal looks like?

    Whoever tries to describe the animal without naming it, and we will listen and determine who the story was about.(3-4 people)

    E. Charushin said: “I learned from childhood to understand the animal - to understand its movement and facial expressions. It’s even somehow strange for me to see that some people don’t understand the animal at all.”

    Game "Complete the sentence"

    Guys, I’m telling you, the beginning of the phrase, and you continue it:

    • The future writer fell in love with nature because...
    • E. Charushin portrayed animals truthfully because...
    • From his books you can learn about...
    • An artist who draws animals is called...
    • The kitten who lived at the Charushins' house was called...

    What is the name of the story we read today?

    Does the title of the story match its content?

    Does the illustration correspond to the text read? What moment is depicted? Select and read the lines to the illustration on p. 137

    Why did E. Charushin name the story that way? (The boys were very scared)

    - Is a hedgehog a scary animal? Why were the children afraid of him?

    Think about times when you behaved just like these boys. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions.Children tell their stories from life.

    Checking and evaluating the knowledge of knowledge:

    Now we will find out who was the most attentive in our class.Children take a test on the content of the text in pairs.

    After checking the test:

    - Why couldn't the children give the hedgehog an apple? (The hedgehog does not eat apples)

    Reflection on activities in the lesson.

    Compilation of a collective syncwine “Hedgehog”


    Round, prickly.

    Puffs, rustles, stomps.

    The hedgehog hunts at night.


    The students say “thank you” to the guys who worked actively during the lesson. Explanation of choice using helping words.

    Helper words on the board:

    • worked actively in class;
    • gave complete and correct answers to questions;
    • did not make mistakes when reading;
    • helped a friend;
    • was attentive and focused;
    • used knowledge acquired in other lessons to answer;

    For their excellent work, these guys receive an image of a hedgehog as a souvenir.


    homework and optional assignments.

    – Prepare a short retelling.

    – Make up 3-4 questions about the text you read.

    - Match the proverbs to the text read,


    – Draw an illustration for your favorite part of the story.

    Literary reading

    E. Charushin. Scary story.


    We're in a great mood

    And smiles are a common thing.

    Let's wish each other well,

    It's time for us to start our lesson.


    What work are these lines from? (Guys and Ducklings) Who is the author of this story? (Mikhail Prishvin)

    2. Retelling the text in parts . (you can ask 5-6 hours)

    3. Test based on M. Prishvin’s story “Guys and Ducklings” (Peer check in pairs)

    1.What was the name of the wild duck in the story?

    A) Quack-quack;

    B) Nart-nart;

    B) Teal-whistle.

    2.Where did the duck lead her ducklings?

    A) From the swamp to the river;

    B) From the forest to the lake;

    B) From village to city.

    3.Where did the duck raise her ducklings?

    A) On a hummock, in a swampy forest;

    B) In the reeds, on the shore of the lake;

    C) On a tree, in a warm nest.

    4. Why did the ducklings have to be taken out so far from the lake?

    A) The mother duck was afraid of the fox;

    B) There was no food on the lake;

    C) In the spring, the lake flooded widely, and there was no strong place for a nest.

    5.What were the ducks and ducklings doing near the forge?

    A) Plucked grass;

    B) Swimmed in the sand;

    B) Crossed the road.

    6.Who saw the ducklings near the forge?

    A) Hare Kiryukha;

    B) Guys;

    C) Grandfather Mazai.

    7.What did the guys do with the ducklings?

    A) They began to catch;

    B) Fed with bread;

    B) Let's go to the lake.

    8.Who helped free the ducklings?

    A) Dog Mukhtar;

    B) Mother duck.

    4. Conclusion:

    Guys, what did this story teach us? (children's statements)

    All animals and birds are our “smaller brothers”. We must protect them and

    help them whenever possible. The guys did it for fun

    ugly act. I hope they realized their mistake. With this story

    M. Prishvin wants to warn us against such rash actions.

    We must be true friends of nature.


    1.-Today we will continue talking about nature.Guess the riddle and you will find out who the hero of the new work is.

    Angry touchy-feely

    Lives in the wilderness of the forest,

    There are a lot of needles

    And not a single thread (Hedgehog).

    What do you know about the hedgehog? (listen to 2-3 people).

    We will study a work in which the hero will be a hedgehog. A hedgehog is a small nocturnal predator. There are 5-6 thousand needles in the prickly skin. The common hedgehog is an animal that is active at night. Doesn't like to leave his home for a long time. Hedgehogs spend the day in a nest or other shelters. With the onset of frost, hedgehogs tightly close the entrance to their burrow and hibernate.

    Open the books. Read the title of the text we will learn in class. Who is author?


    1. Biographical information about E. Charushin.

    Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin grew up in the family of an architect. The father traveled a lot and often took his son with him. Therefore, the first lessons in observation were learned during these travels around his native land.My father gave me my first drawing skills. The mother instilled in her son a taste for music, taught him to understand nature and animals.In his books, Charushin depicted bear cubs, fluffy bunnies, foxes, pop-eyed deers, and talked entertainingly about the behavior of animals. It is generally accepted that Charushin began his activity in children's literature as an illustrator of books by V. Bianchi, M. Prishvina, S. Marshak.

    2. Preparatory work.

    What is fear?

    Have you ever been scared?

    Now, let's find out what happened to our hero.

    3.Reading the work ( teacher and good reading students ).

    Was the work really scary?

    How would you title this work? (An incident at the dacha. Uninvited guest. Hedgehog.)

    4. Vocabulary work.

    The words “seni” and “closet” appeared in the text.

    Explain the meaning of the words.

    Seni - in village huts the room between the living part of the house and the porch.Lumber room - a room in the house that serves as a storage room.


    The hedgehog stomped along the path

    And he carried a mushroom on his back.

    The hedgehog stomped slowly,

    Quiet leaves rustling.

    We rested a bit, and now let's get back to our work.

    5. Working with text.

    Do you think the work you read is a fairy tale or a short story?

    Why were the boys left alone?

    What scared the children?

    How did the hedgehog behave when they were looking for him?

    Why did the hedgehog curl up into a ball?

    Think about why there is a hedgehog in the house? Where is the hedgehog's real home?

    Why didn’t the hedgehog then go into the forest?

    Do you think the boys will take the hedgehog to town?

    What would you do?

    Can boys be called brave?

    What mood did this piece make you feel? Why?

    What does this story teach us? (Respect and take care of animals. You cannot take wild animals into your home. After all, their home is a forest. Everyone is happy only at home.)

    6. Reading by roles.

    7. Proverbs.

    What proverbs can be attributed to the text read?

    (One for all, all for one. Fear has big eyes. You can’t even take a fish out of the pond without difficulty).


    What impressed you the most?

    What tasks did you find interesting?

    Will the knowledge of this lesson be useful to you in the future?


    P.99, question 6, write it down on a piece of paper.