Stradze Alexander Eduardovich biography. Stradze: The Ministry of Education and Science will conduct an audit of sports facilities in universities

FULL NAME: Stradze Alexander Eduardovich
Date of Birth: 06 September 1966
Place of Birth: Krasnodar city
Education: higher education – Kuban State Academy physical culture, Saratov State Socio-Economic University
Family status: married, has two children
Job: Director of the Department public policy in the field of education of children and youth of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Motto in life:"Be ready!"

Tell us about your student life.
My student life is unlikely to be a role model for other students, because as a child I played a lot of sports, swimming, and all my time spent as a student was devoted to sports. This means that I trained twice a day: before and after school. And sometimes he slept during lectures, sometimes he behaved incorrectly and skipped them. However, I received my first education in Kuban State Academy physical education, and, in principle, completed it quite well: without a honors diploma, but good, without C grades. Still, it seems to me that the student life of a real student should be a little different. On the other hand, I wish the students a student life like I had: playing sports is also great! Later I got a second one higher education– economic. But since I already received it on a paid basis, and I could afford to study easily, it was closely related to my work. Those. then I could no longer call myself a student, but a professional who was already working in a certain sector. All my life I have devoted myself to pedagogy, and my education is strictly pedagogical.

What projects have your Department implemented over the past Last year, and how effective was it?
Basically, these are projects that actually reflect the activities of the Department. Let's take a few key ones. Firstly, one of the most important projects is modernization additional education. This is a project that gives the opportunity and right to all of us, who have already gathered within the framework of the activities of some university or other educational institution, to remember why we came here, to this university. In our opinion, this system of additional education can radically change the consciousness of people entering a higher educational institution for the sake of a crust, and will encourage them to study for the sake of knowledge. The second project is to support the activities of student associations: we financed this project, as a result of which 95 universities received subsidies for the implementation of this project. In 2013, one of its stages ends, and now it is important that we correctly evaluate its results, see how effective it was, and, based on the data obtained, continue it or close it. Another important project is related to the development of physical culture and the need for the formation healthy image life on base educational institutions is a question of the development of school and student sports clubs. In general, we have a lot of projects, completely different, and we can talk about them for a very long time.

What is the relationship between the Department and students? public organizations?
It is very important for us that we are able to create for student organizations an understanding of their own importance in the university. Today, the times have passed when these same student organizations were appointed or, by order, became the leaders of the student body. Today it is important for us to organize the natural process of elections and the realization of the student’s right to be elected - to become a leader. And it is important that such elections are held in all universities everywhere, so that they affect the entire interested student part, and, most importantly, that as a result of these elections, the university administration has equal partners. Because in some universities, unfortunately, they think that the main ones are the administration, the rector, etc., but, you know, this is absolutely not true. Students have always been and will be the most important thing at a university. Therefore, if we cannot organize their proper management of the university, the development of their own university, then this will be very bad. And the Department’s task is to organize and show this work as very important and priority.

Do you like what you are doing now?
Really like. In general, I believe that you should not do work that you don’t like. I always advise all the people around me, friends, colleagues, not to do what they don’t want. Moreover, work should bring pleasure and satisfaction. It so happens that my work is very hard: a lot of travel, business trips, meetings. On the one hand, this is interesting, on the other hand, it is a great return of energy. When you don’t have enough time for your family, when you don’t have time to keep track of how your youngest son grows and changes, this is not at all healthy and this is not an example to follow. They say that a person who leaves work at the wrong time, distributes his responsibilities incorrectly, and performs them incorrectly, such a person is ineffective. And I never leave work on time.

That is, you devote little time to your family?
Catastrophically few. Sometimes I find myself with my family on weekends, and, thank God, there is still such a thing as vacation. But he is extremely a rare event, once a year, maybe, and even then I can’t take more than two weeks off, it’s just wrong. In this regard, I am a very bad example in my position as director of the department of state policy in the field of education. Unfortunately, I do not deal with the topic of raising my own child.

Besides your main job, do you have enough time for any hobbies?
Interested in sport. I believe that a person should get involved in some active activities. I really like to swim, run, and play. I really love cinema, good cinema. Even if I have very little time, I devote it to watching good films. At the same time, I don’t waste my time on films that are among the biggest box office draws.

What is your favorite film?
I can’t name any specific films. I’d rather say my favorite directors: Emir Kusturica (“Dad on a Business Trip”, his documentaries, “Maradona” is a masterpiece), Pedro Almodovar (recently watched his film “The Return” with Penelope Cruz for the hundredth time). I also love the works of Andrei Zvyagintsev (“Return”) and Pavel Lungin (“Island”).

How do you see your future personal and career?
I see it as applied to the activities that I am engaged in today. If they tell me that I will work as some kind of minister on a topic that I do not understand at all, I will definitely refuse. I see my career growth only in accordance with my activities - this is pedagogy, working with students, teaching. With pleasure, when I am ready for this, I would work at a university, perhaps as a manager. For me this is very important work. But working for the sake of pastime or a decent pension in the future is not my thing. I need to get satisfaction from what I do.

What qualities do you think a person should have in order to achieve success in any field?
I will name four qualities that a person must have to achieve success. I’ll call them “Qualities of the Four Cs”, because... they all begin with the letter “K”, like the word “quality” itself:

  • firstly, a person must be competent in the matter in which he wants to achieve success, he must have a certain level of competence in this topic;
  • secondly, he must be sociable, because if you are at least three times competent, but cannot communicate with people, find an environment of your own kind, friends in organizing this business, then, unfortunately, nothing will work out for you;
  • The third “C”, which is very important for me, is the ability to work in a team, i.e. a person must understand what a team is for him personally;
  • and the fourth “C” is control over all the previous three “Cs” so that you are constantly competent, sociable and able to work in a team.

But it is also very important that every person has a sense of his place in life. If you understand that you occupy not someone else’s place in life, but your own, you will definitely succeed. If you are uncomfortable, uncomfortable, if every morning you are worried that you are going where you don’t want to go, and doing something that you don’t want to do, then you need to change your job, you need to change your type of activity, because this is already a bad story.

Your motto in life.
Be ready! When I was a pioneer, they told me: “Be ready!”, and I answered: “Always be ready!” And over time, I realized that my motto in life is: “Be prepared!” Be prepared for any changes, for any difficulties, for any meetings, for any, unfortunately, misfortunes - you need to be ready for this. And in order to be prepared for anything, you need to be in excellent moral, physical, and social condition. This motto, be prepared, obliges me to always be in shape.

Basic scientific principles formulated by the author based on the research:
1. Social activity is a mass activity aimed at social changes in society; it is categorized in sociological thought on three semantic grounds. Firstly, as a form of representation for the articulation and implementation of social interests. Secondly, as an activity aimed at increasing or consolidating the achieved social status positions. Thirdly, as an activity related to the ability to influence what is happening social processes and events for social change or conservation social relations. In the process of development of sociological thought, the understanding of social activity is characterized by a transition to multi-paradigmism associated with the interpretation of social activity as a result of social subjectivity under the influence of certain structural and institutional circumstances.

2. In the study of social activity of the population, institutional, structural-functional, structural-activity and conflictological approaches dominate. In the structural-functional model, social activity is associated with the processes of social differentiation and integration, with the inclusion of new socio-professional groups of people in the system of social relations through the occupation of certain social niches. Structural-activity and conflictological approaches are based on an understanding of the dynamic and flexible nature of activity in the process of internalization as the ability to influence and participate in social change.

At the same time, the structural-activity approach places emphasis on the process of interiorization (awareness and inclusion of structural norms as immanent in life strategies) with the awareness of subjectivity as an opportunity to participate in social transformations. The socio-conflictological paradigm aims to analyze social activity in the process of formation, emergence and resolution of social conflicts as the interaction of parties with multidirectional vectors social activities. Thus, in an integrative sense, social activity is considered as a type of activity aimed at social change through the inclusion of collective subjectivity.

3. In Russian society, social activity is characterized by localization, concentrated either at the level of the active metropolitan “minority” or in groups of “infringed” interests (defrauded shareholders), which leads to segmentation of the space of social activity and the need to take into account differences in activity at the social macro level associated with the promotion of institutional changes, and at the social micro level, produced by the deterioration of social well-being.

Under these conditions, the main criteria for studying social activity are the relationship between various social groups to social activity as a way to change circumstances, as well as preference for a specific form of social activity. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the non-overlapping activity at social macro and micro levels contributes to the formation of an attitude towards social activity as a mechanism of forced action, which determines the operationalization of the criterion. Thus, the main criterion for studying social activity in Russian society, characterizing it general signs and special features is a survey toolkit associated with obtaining empirical and analytical data on the criteria of position towards social activity as a social attitude and a way of forming life strategies, choosing a specific form of social activity, trust in institutionalized forms of social activity and assessing the prospects for social activity in Russian society .

4. Social structure Russian society, characterized by excessive social inequalities, produces distrust at the interpersonal level and a lack of points of attraction between different social groups. Groups with high social resources are focused on social activity in the context of defending corporate interests, demonstrating low interest at the macro level, which is expressed in the demand for institutional changes associated with the increasing role of the newly formed urban strata in socio-political life.

At the same time, for the basic layers of the Russian population, the selected adaptive strategies are aimed at sporadic forms of activity in order to attract the attention of power structures to solve everyday problems. Such a neopaternalistic orientation leads to the fact that social activity is localized in certain problem areas and, due to the influence of narrow group interests, does not achieve a socially transformative impact, reproducing a situation of social subjectivity in which no group of the population can claim the role of a “nuclear” driving force social activity in Russian society.

5. In the institutional dimension, social activity, traditionally addressed to the institutions of civil society, in Russian version is influenced by a shortage of institutional resources, which is associated, on the one hand, with the lagging effect of formal legal norms, and on the other, with the fact that in Russian society, institutions of order have the highest priority, acting as a guarantor, but not a guideline and catalyst for social activity. The emerging civil institutions aimed at maintaining activity in the field of human rights protection are not included in the integration into the infrastructure of emerging social interest associations. The institutionalization of social activity in Russian society includes multidirectional trends: on the one hand, the growth of institutional platforms for positive social activity (volunteer movements), and on the other, the formation of a socially destructive minority that has sufficient high degree negative mobility, occupying marginal positions in the growing “fourth” sector of public life. In this situation, it seems that the development of social activity is connected both with the strengthening of its institutional and legal framework, and with the fact that socially active groups include state dialogue at various macro levels as an institutional strategy.

6. The algorithm of social everyday life, including activity at the social micro level, creates a mosaic picture of localized areas of social activity, which, although it does not produce a cumulative social effect, form the basis for transferring irregular social activity into a state of collective social practices. In the social activity of the Russian population, everyday life has priority over macrosystemic problems, and the possibility of including social, sociocultural innovations in the public sphere, the social macrolevel, depends on activity at the social microlevel. At the level of everyday activity, activity is situational in nature, associated with mass social reactions, which requires the formation of conditions for converting forms of everyday activity into a position of awareness of collective action at the social macro level. In the behavioral strategies of the majority of Russians, social activity takes the place of a situational factor, except for the group of increased hypertrophied social activity (“anti-system” opposition), and they can be classified as social-pragmatic and social-altruistic. Socio-pragmatic practices are based on the satisfaction of pressing interests, and are usually associated with the attenuation of social activity after realizing the realistic expectations or partial satisfaction.

7. Social activity in Russian society is determined by parallelism organizational forms and social self-organization. It's about that the development of social activity of the population according to a traditional organizational scheme, although outwardly obvious, is limited, firstly, by the priority of the state in comparison with public organizations and the logic of adhering to the state, and secondly, by the distrust of Russians in the structures of social representation and delegation of interests. Social self-organization formed at the social micro level creates networks of mutual assistance and mutual support, having a strengthening effect only in interaction with authoritative public organizations.

8. Strategies for social activity of the Russian population are formed under the influence of both socially differentiating (status factors) and the specific attitude towards social activity as a way of building life priorities. The social activity of the population is manifested through traditionalist practices, focused on the unconditional support of the state as a guarantor of order and stability and carried out at the level of manifestation of political loyalty, which can be characterized as a strategy of active loyalty. The strategy of conditional support for social activity is aimed at recognizing social activity as an important factor in public life and social self-realization; it contains both obligations to support social activity and expectations from the activities of public organizations to satisfy group needs and influence strategic decisions on the development of Russian society as an integrator public expectations. The strategy of uncertainty fixes the non-inclusion of social activity in the system of life priorities or focuses on social activity as “activity in the future.”

9. Highly educated, socially mobile urban strata claim the role of leader of social activity. At the same time, a collective subject of social activity correlated with the state of civil society has not been formed. In these conditions Russian state takes on the role of coordinator of social activity, which, on the one hand, increases the level of representation of socially active segments of the population, and on the other hand, contains the risk of separation from the social micro-level, from the level of social everyday life and deepening the differences between the actors of everyday action and the social expert community , claiming a monopoly in the field of social activity.

10. Russian society has not overcome the period of social disintegration, which is due to the lack of formation of the basic integrating values ​​of public life. Among various social groups and individuals, their own symbolic codes are formed, which causes the effect of mistrust and misrecognition. Despite the fact that in Russian society there is a growing trend of social altruism, the priority of social utility of social activity, the conflictual pluralism of values ​​leads to the fact that this sphere turns into a field of competition between the values ​​of social activity and instrumental activism based on the situational perception of social activity. Social activity belongs to the semi-nuclear values ​​of Russian society, that is, going beyond instrumentality, it does not have a value-motivational impact at the social macro level.

11. Identification trends in Russian society show that social activity is converted into civic identity in the context of building the potential of socially active segments of the population. It should be noted that the state of the identification matrix of social activity is influenced by the priority of social micro-level identities, which limits the identity of “community and solidarity” to a circle of loved ones and the formation of Russian civic identity, in which social activity acts as a consolidating factor. In conditions of increasing public demand for social altruism, associated mainly with the policy of “small deeds,” social activity becomes a form of social belonging and self-determination of small groups, which contains a tendency to develop into an integrative identity in the context of the formation of an infrastructure of social activity at the social macro level.

12. Prospects for the development of social activity in Russian society are associated with the process of institutionalization of civic activity, with an increase in the role of the population in the reproduction of political, legal and social relations, on the basis of a framework consensus that establishes and shapes positive attitude to social activity as the most relevant option for combining personal and public interests.

The state of social activity in Russian society shows that the localization of social activity is overcome in the context of the implementation of socially mobilizing projects and the formation of an integrating civic identity. The network principle, which plays a certain role in activity at the social micro level, reproduces distancing from government agencies, which, in the conditions of unconsolidation of Russian society, reproduces or deepens social gaps in the system of social relations in Russian society. It is obvious that social activity can be included in the system of social positioning when focusing on modernization trends in Russian society on the basis of social dialogue between political and economic elites and the emerging “creative” class, speaking from the position of social altruism and social creativity.

Articles in journals reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation

1. Stradze A.E. Sociological thought about social activity: analytical potential // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2010. No. 7. Special issue. 0.5 p.l.

2. Stradze A.E. Sociological approaches to the study of social activity // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2010. No. 11. 0.5 p.l.

3. Stradze A.E. Social activity of Russians: micro-level effect // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2012. No. 11. 0.5 p.l.

4. Stradze A.E. Social activity and identification trends in Russian society // Bulletin of KIGI RAS. 2013. No. 3. 0.5 p.l.

5. Stradze A.E. Russian society: prospects for social activity of the population // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2013. No. 7. 0.5 p.l.

6. Stradze A.E. Social changes in Russian society in the context of social activity of Russians // Historical and social-educational thought. 2013. No. 3. 0.5 p.l.

7. Stradze A.E. Social activity in Russian society: an axiological aspect // Historical and social-educational thought. 2013. No. 4. 0.5 p.l.

8. Stradze A.E. Adaptive strategies of the Russian population and social activity // Bulletin of Higher School “Alma Mater”. 2013. No. 7. 0.5 p.l.

9. Stradze A.E. Social activity, limits of self-organization and organization // Bulletin of the Adygei state university. Series “Regional studies: philosophy, history, sociology, jurisprudence, political science, cultural studies.” 2013. No. 2. 0.5 p.l.

10. Stradze A.E. Social activity: positioning in social space // Theory and practice social development. 2013. No. 5. 0.5 p.l.

11. Stradze A.E. Social activity in Russian society: specific manifestations and identification criteria // Humanitarian, socio-economic and social sciences. 2013. No. 4. 0.5 p.l.

12. Stradze A.E. Institutionalization of social activity: theoretical and applied problems // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. 2013. No. 3. 0.5 p.l.

13. Stradze A.E. Integration of sociological approaches to research youth policy/ A.E. Stradze // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2008. No. 10. 0.5 p.l.

14. Stradze A.E. Dynamics of youth policy in modern Russia in the context of political rhetoric // A.E. Stradze // Bulletin of Saratov State technical university. 2008. No. 2. 0.5 p.l.


16. Stradze A.E. The essence and problems of socialization of youth in modern conditions/ A.E. Stradze. Saratov: Privolzhskoe Book Publishing House, 2006. 6.2 pp.

17. Stradze A.E. Structural-activity dimension of social activity in Russian society. Rostov n/d: SKNTs VSh SFU, 2013. 8 pp.

19. Stradze A.E. Social activity as a factor of social change in Russian society. Rostov n/d, 2013. 1 pp.

20. Stradze A.E. Prospects for social activity in Russian society. Rostov n/d, 2013. 1 pp.

Articles in collections

21. Stradze A.E. New generation / A.E. Stradze // Youth of Russia and challenges of the 21st century: materials of the International. conf. M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations, 2003. 0.4 pp.

22. Stradze A.E. Project culture of youth / A.E. Stradze // Socialization of youth as a resource regional development: materials interregion. conf. Orenburg, 2003. 0.8 p.l.

23. Stradze A.E. Schoolboy - student - young specialist / A.E. Stradze // Preservation and development of the scientific potential of the Volga Federal District: materials from the interregion. conf. Nizhny Novgorod: UNN Publishing House, 2003. 0.1 pp.

24. Stradze A.E. New generation: new values, new orientations, new goals / A.E. Stradze // Spiritual world young man and the future of Russia: materials from the region. intercollegiate scientific-practical conf. Arzamas: Publishing house of the State Pedagogical Institute, 2004. 0.5 pp.

25. Stradze A.E. Analysis of problems and prospects for the development of physical culture and sports in Privolzhsky federal district/ A.E. Stradze // Materials of the meeting of the coordinating council for physical culture and sports at authorized representative President of Russia in the Volga Federal District. Yoshkar-Ola, 2005. 1.0 p.l.

26. Stradze A.E. State youth policy: prospects and risks / A.E. Stradze // Volunteering: values, organization, technologies: collection. scientific works Saratov: PAGS Publishing House, 2008. 0.4 p.l.

The problem of physical training of Russian schoolchildren and students is increasingly discussed in high level. Officials are looking for ways to get the younger generation to think about health and take up exercise. Alexander Stradze, director of the department of additional education, upbringing and youth policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, spoke about educational institutions and the development of student sports in universities in an interview with RIA Novosti special correspondent Irina Goryunova.

— Alexander Eduardovich, how many sports infrastructure facilities are there in universities today, and are they all used for their intended purpose?

— In the universities subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science there are only about two thousand indoor sports facilities that meet modern requirements. But basically the material and technical base leaves much to be desired. More than 300 thousand square meters require overhaul and cannot be used for their intended purpose, many universities have to rent gyms. Currently, universities rent 169 gyms and 231 swimming pools.

Of course, we think this is wrong and want each university to have its own sports facilities. In this plan positive example— the project "500 swimming pools", which we are implementing together with " United Russia"since 2010. More than 30 swimming pools have already been built within the framework of the project. In 2013, it is planned to build swimming pools in 13 universities subordinate to our ministry, and in four universities subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Health.

Unfortunately, we have examples where physical education and sports facilities are used for other purposes, but now we have practically stopped this, at least in subordinate universities. But there is another problem when students do not have the opportunity to use gyms due to unacceptable conditions. Today, 76.3% of the total number of students pay for physical education and sports during extracurricular hours, the average fee per month is 1,353 rubles.

In our opinion, the management of universities is obliged to create the most favorable conditions for students to study at sports facilities. We are now analyzing the situation, and soon we will have a complete picture of how universities use their sports grounds. Based on the results of the analysis, we will take measures against the management of universities where sports facilities are used for other purposes. They will be of the most serious nature.

How many students in total play sports?

“Currently, out of seven million students, only about 25% regularly engage in sports.

In accordance with the strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in Russia until 2020, the number of students involved in sports should increase to 80%. This means that today it is necessary to apply unprecedented support measures in order to reach such a figure.

Regarding the increased scholarships for sports achievements, how does the payment scheme work?

— The decree of the Government of the Russian Federation provides for the allocation of increased scholarships, including for the student’s achievements in sports activities.

Of the funds allocated, which is about nine billion rubles a year, about 20% is allocated to reward achievements in student sports. In addition, each university has the right to establish its own scholarship from an extra-budgetary fund, and many do this. We have a lot of examples where the rector, interested in the development of sports, finds forms and ways of development. There are also scholarships awarded by regional and municipal authorities, commercial companies and various foundations.

Student sports are gaining popularity and need quality management, infrastructure, fans, and brands.

What is the size increased scholarships and who develops the criteria by which they are paid?

- Today increased scholarships They are appointed for students' achievements in sports activities in almost all universities.

For example, at universities under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science, about 12 thousand students receive such scholarships. The size of the scholarship at universities varies - from 1.25 thousand to 20 thousand rubles per month. The average amount for all universities is about five thousand rubles per month.

Each university has the right to develop its own procedure for awarding scholarships and detailed criteria. But today we insist that the students themselves and student associations take an active part in both the formation of the order and the distribution of the scholarship fund, and that the regulations on the payment and assignment of scholarships be posted on the university website.

How does the ministry encourage universities to allocate funds for student sports?

— We have two big competitions. One is dedicated to the organization in educational institution physical education and sports work, and the second - a comprehensive assessment of the conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle at the university. But you must admit that receiving a certificate for winning a competition is not as interesting as a prize in the form of a new sports facility, equipment or inventory, so we are working on creating new incentives to raise the status of competitions.

We are also thinking about creating a ranking that would allow us to evaluate the university’s contribution to the development of university sports. I don’t think the rector will be pleased to learn that out of three hundred universities, his university is in 298th place. Although the results will begin to be disputed, they will say that the assessments are not objective and were given by the wrong people, but nevertheless we will develop criteria, try to discuss and approve them.

Another incentive is proper PR support for student sports competitions. We'll do that too.

— Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said that he is ready to consider the idea of ​​​​creating a special fund to finance projects for the development of university sports. What are the prospects?

“This is very correct and timely, although the issue remains to be discussed and the mechanism of operation of such a fund remains to be understood.

— Will the ministry participate in the creation of the Association of Student Sports Clubs, which the head of state also spoke about?

— From an organizational point of view, we are already participating in the creation of the Association, but in no case are we going to interfere in its activities.

How does the ministry evaluate the idea of ​​returning to the GTO?

— I would move away from the concept that is familiar to our ears - “TRP norms.” Rather, it should be some national standard physical fitness, different for each age.

If we are talking about people who cannot play sports to their full potential, then we need to understand that there are other forms of working with them that will nevertheless allow them to assess their physical fitness.

In fact, some standards have already been developed and are being implemented experimentally in many regions. The All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture, by analogy with the GTO, developed the “Ready for Work and Defense of the Fatherland” complex. In Moscow, for example, the “Moscow Athlete” complex is being implemented. In Sverdlovsk and Arkhangelsk regions Let's go do your experiment. That is, in every subject of the Russian Federation where they considered it interesting, there is such a form.

When developing an all-Russian standard of physical fitness, we must use a comprehensive individual approach to assessing the physical development of each child, which would fit into the general line of his achievements.

When will this standard go into effect?

— In the near future, together with the Ministry of Sports, we will develop such a standard. Let's create working group, we will discuss it with experts and, I think, by the summer we will have approximate proposals for its design and content.

We hope that at least as an experiment we will launch the standard from the beginning of the next academic year.

Do you already understand how the GTO results will be taken into account when entering universities?

— This remains to be discussed, but there is an understanding that, to one degree or another, these results should be taken into account when graduating from an educational institution.

Will the GTO system be designed only for schoolchildren?

- No, in the future it should spread to everything age groups, but I want to emphasize that this system must be voluntary. If we start forcing people to comply with certain norms, we will get the opposite effect and are unlikely to achieve anything positive.

It should be social movement, in which everyone a person will find your drive, your logic of participation and achieving results.

If we talk about schoolchildren, then in the future we can create a kind of “passport” that characterizes their development, and not only physical. That is, a person will have certain data that will subsequently allow him to create a story of his success, in other words, a kind of portfolio, which, in addition to sports successes, will reflect his achievements in studies, creativity, and social activities.