Language styles. Scientific style of the Russian language

1. General characteristics of the scientific style.

2. The main linguistic features of the scientific style of speech.

3. The term and its specific properties.

4. Brief description of substyles.

1. General characteristics of the scientific style.

The sphere of scientific communication is distinguished by the fact that it pursues the goals of the most accurate, logical, and unambiguous expression of thought. The leading position in the scientific style is occupied by monologue speech. In most cases, the scientific style is implemented in written form. However, with the growing importance of science in modern society The scientific style of speech is also acceptable in oral form: conferences, symposiums, seminars, scientific discussions, etc.

1. Scope of use



2. Topic

Any scientific information intended for serious scientific or educational study, as well as for the popularization of knowledge in order to educate people of different ages and various types of activities

3. Goals

To present and justify scientific knowledge for the purpose of developing a scientific field based on the use of arguments, facts, and empirical research data

Present and explain scientific facts in an accessible manner for the purpose of teaching a specific audience (school, university, etc.)

Present and explain scientific facts in an accessible manner in order to popularize the achievements of the scientific field.

4. Substyles

Actually scientific

Educational and scientific

Scientifically popular

5. Main genres

Textbook, study guide, essay, seminar, dictionaries, etc.

Popular scientific publications (manuals, articles, TV programs, radio)

6. Basic linguistic features

Use of terms in general scientific concepts; deductive way of presentation

Limited use of terms and concepts explained in the text; inductive way of presentation

Limited use of terms and concepts using colloquial speech and journalistic style; inductive way of presentation

7. Leading style features

Logicality, specificity, accuracy, conciseness, generalized - abstract nature of information, objectivity

Logicality, specificity, accuracy, imagery, emotionality

2. The main linguistic features of the scientific style of speech.

The main features of the scientific style are: accuracy, abstraction, logic and objectivity of presentation; these features are realized using the following linguistic elements.


The requirement for accuracy of scientific speech predetermines such a feature of the scientific style dictionary as terminology: actively used: special vocabulary, terminological vocabulary, international terminology ( management, sponsor, sequester, realtor), general scientific terminology ( function, process, condition, universal, reason, state); scientific style does not have the property of being generally accessible;

The use of general literary phraseological units, inter-style phrases, acting in a nominative function ( magnetic storm, rational grain, voiceless consonant);

Special words like usually, usually, systematically, regularly etc.

Speech clichés: represents..., consists of..., consists of...

Polysemantic stylistically neutral words are not used in all of their meanings, but, as a rule, only in one. For example, see in the meaning of “to be aware of, to understand”; " We see that scientists differ in their interpretation of this phenomenon.»;

The desire for generalization is manifested in predominance abstract vocabulary above specific: nouns with frequency are abstract meanings type thinking, perspective, truth, hypothesis, point of view, conditioning and under.;

The lexical composition of the scientific style is characterized by relative homogeneity and isolation, which is expressed, in particular, in the lesser use of synonyms. In a scientific style, the volume of text increases due to repeated repetition of the same words;

There is no colloquial or colloquial vocabulary. This style is less evaluative. Emotional expressive coloring is alien to the scientific style of speech, since it does not contribute to achieving accuracy, logic, objectivity and abstractness of presentation. The following statements are unacceptable: “An incomparable method of integration...”; “Integral behaves quite well...”; “The solution to the problem trembled at the tip of the pen...” In some genres of scientific style, expressive vocabulary may be used, but only to strengthen logical argumentation.


Nouns in – NIE, - IE, -OST, - KA, - TSIYA with the meaning of a sign of action, state, change: thinking, gasification, function;

Unit h. in the meaning of plural: salt, dirt, oil;

Genus forms case: norms of literary language, language of interethnic communication;

Complex forms of comparative and superlatives adjectives: more complex, most important;

Short forms of adjectives expressing not temporary, but constant sign objects and phenomena: the language of the work is rich and emotional;

Verbs in the present tense: atoms move, words are combined into phrases;

Future and past tense forms to indicate timelessness: Let's create an equation, apply the method of statistical analysis, the experiment was carried out;

The pronoun WE instead of I;

Prepositional combinations, which can be full-valued words: based on, compared with..., depending on...;

Short forms of participles acting as predicates;

Rarely used: simple superlative form of adjectives with suf. – EYSH -, - AYSH – due to its emotionally expressive tone; words like now, currently, at this moment; forms of the 1st person unit. number of verbs and the pronoun I, forms of the 2nd person singular. and many more numbers.


The detachment of the author and the objectivity of the information presented are demonstrated as much as possible, which is expressed in the use generalized-personal And impersonal designs: it is believed, it is known, there is reason to believe, presumably, one might say, it should be emphasized and so on.;

The desire for a logical presentation of material in scientific speech is determined by the active use of complex sentences of the conjunction type, in which the relationships between the parts are expressed unambiguously, for example: “ Sometimes 2-3 lessons are enough to restore fluent speech.”. The most typical are complex offers With subordinate clause causes And conditions : “If an enterprise or some of its structural divisions is performing poorly, this means that not everything is in order with the management.”».

The purpose of an emphatically logical presentation of thoughts is also served by the use of introductory words, with the help of them the following is achieved: sequence of messages, degree of reliability of information, sources of information: firstly, secondly, finally; apparently, as they say ..., according to theory and etc.

The use of passive structures is typical: “Russian Grammar” reflects and describes many phenomena of colloquial and specialized speech;

The use of compound nominal predicates, which is associated with the task of determining the signs, qualities, properties of the phenomena being studied;

Using the link IS: language is the most important means of human communication;

Use of participial and participial phrases, plug-in constructions.

Sentences are typical where the subject and predicate are expressed by a noun; the demonstrative pronoun THIS can be used: language is a system of signs;

The use of nominative sentences is limited (only in headings and as points of the plan), non-union sentences.

A distinctive feature of written scientific speech is that texts can contain not only linguistic information, but also various formulas, symbols, tables, graphs, etc.

The sphere of social activity in which the scientific style functions is science. The leading position in the scientific style is occupied by monologue speech. This style has a wide variety of speech genres, among which the main ones are scientific monographs and scientific articles, dissertations, scientific and educational prose (textbooks, educational and methodological manuals), scientific and technical works (various types of instructions, safety rules), annotations, abstracts, scientific reports, lectures, scientific discussions.

As well as genres of popular science literature.

One of the most important genres of the scientific style is the scientific article, which can convey information that is diverse in nature and purpose and is most often used as the main source of scientific and technical information: it is here that everything new that appears in a certain branch of science is recorded. Scientific style belongs to the number of book styles of literary language, which are characterized by a number of general conditions functioning and linguistic features: preliminary consideration of the statement, its monologue nature, strict selection of linguistic means, inclination towards standardized speech.

The emergence and development of the scientific style is associated with the evolution of various fields of scientific knowledge and diverse spheres of human activity. At first, the style of scientific presentation was close to the style of artistic narration. Thus, the scientific works of Pythagoras, Plato and Lucretius were distinguished by a special emotional perception of phenomena. The separation of the scientific style from the artistic one occurred in the Alexandrian period, when the Greek language, which spread its influence throughout the entire then cultural world, scientific terminology began to be created. Subsequently, it was replenished by Latin, which became the international scientific language of the European Middle Ages.

During the Renaissance, scientists strived for conciseness and accuracy of scientific description, free from emotional and artistic elements of presentation as contradictory to the abstract and logical representation of nature. It is known that the too “artistic” nature of Galileo’s presentation irritated Kepler, and Descartes found that the style scientific evidence Galileo is overly fictionalized. Subsequently, Newton's strictly logical imposition became the model of scientific language.

In Russia, a scientific language and style began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century, when authors of scientific books and translators began to create Russian scientific terminology. In the second half of this century, thanks to the works of M.V. Lomonosov and his students, the formation of a scientific style took a step forward, but the language of science finally emerged in the second half of the 19th century.

Scientific style has a number of common features, manifesting themselves regardless of the nature of the sciences (natural, exact, humanities) and genre differences (monograph, scientific article, report, textbook, etc.), which makes it possible to talk about the specifics of the style as a whole. At the same time, it is quite natural that, for example, texts on physics, chemistry, and mathematics differ markedly in the nature of their presentation from texts on philology, philosophy, or history. The scientific style has its own varieties (substyles): popular science, scientific business, scientific and technical (production and technical), scientific journalistic, educational and scientific.

The style of scientific works is ultimately determined by their content and goals scientific communication- as accurately and completely as possible, explain the facts of the surrounding reality, show cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, identify patterns of historical development, etc. The scientific style is characterized by a logical sequence of presentation, an ordered system of connections between parts of the statement, the authors’ desire for accuracy, conciseness, and unambiguity expressions while maintaining the richness of the content.

The language of scientists is often said to be “dry” and devoid of elements of emotionality and imagery.

This opinion is overly generalized: often in scientific works, in particular polemical ones, emotional, expressive and figurative means of language are used, which, although being an additional technique, stand out noticeably against the background of a purely scientific presentation and give scientific prose greater persuasiveness. Let's give two examples.

The famous Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov wrote in one of his scientific works:

Like a calligrapher who draws complex shapes on paper with the same stroke of the pen, a skilled operator can give a cut a variety of shapes, sizes and depths with the same stroke of a knife... How soon have you brought this flap into tight contact with the bloody edges of the skin , his life changes, he, like a plant transplanted into foreign soil, receives new properties along with new nutritional juices.

He, like an alien plant, begins to live at the expense of another on which he vegetates: he, like a newly grafted branch, demands that he be cherished and carefully protected until he becomes related to the place that the surgeon assigns him for his permanent residence.

IN modern work in radiophysics the following is given figurative comparison: The power of the reflected signal during planetary radar is negligible. Imagine that a kettle of boiling water was poured into the ocean, and somewhere thousands of kilometers away a glass of water was scooped out of the sea. In theory, the poured boiling water “slightly” warmed the oceans. So, the excess thermal energy in a randomly scooped glass of sea water is of the same order as the energy of the received signal reflected from Venus.

A characteristic feature of the style of scientific works is their saturation with terms, in particular international ones: on average, terminological vocabulary usually accounts for 15-25 percent of the total vocabulary used in the work. Here are two examples of grammatical definitions from school textbooks:

  • - Nouns are words that denote objects and answer the questions: who is this? or what is it? - in this definition, the term is only a phrase of nouns, but its presence and the entire construction of the sentence give the text a scientific style;
  • - A verb is a part of speech that includes words denoting an action or state of an object - this sentence also has only one term (verb), but this sentence is also an example of a scientific style.

The uniqueness of the style of scientific works lies in the use of abstract vocabulary. Here is an example from an article by academician S.P. Obnorsky “Culture of the Russian language”...

The Russian language is the great language of the great Russian people. Language is an essential component of the concept of nation. It serves as the main instrument of culture, the main factor spiritual development the nation, its creativity, national identity. It is in the language that in the most complete way - and, moreover, in the understanding of the people themselves - all stages of the history of this people from the most distant times are imprinted, all the steps along which the movement of their culture was directed. Therefore, the rich past of a people, the intensive development of its culture is the key to the rich and powerful development of the language of a given people. This is precisely the Russian language. In its strength and wealth, the duration of the historical process the people went through and the intensity of the cultural development of the Russian nation throughout the entire course of its history were expressed.

This text contains many abstract nouns: factor, development, creativity, self-awareness, comprehension, movement, expression, duration, intensity, flow, etc. The words are used in their direct (nominative) meaning.

The scientific style has its own phraseology, which includes compound terms (angina pectoris, solar plexus, thyroid gland, right angle, point of intersection, inclined plane, freezing point, boiling point, voiced consonants, participial phrase, complex sentence, etc.), of various kinds. cliche (consists of..., consists of..., represents..., is used for..., etc.).

The language of science and technology also has a number of grammatical features. In the field of morphology, this is the use of shorter variant forms, which corresponds to the principle of “saving” linguistic means. Thus, from the variants key - key (“the tip of a lever in various types of mechanisms”), cuff - cuff (“a ring for fastening the ends of pipes”) in the technical literature, the second, i.e., shorter, masculine forms are preferred.

In scientific works, the singular form of nouns is often used in the plural:

A wolf is a predatory animal of the dog genus (a whole class of objects is named, indicating their characteristic features);

The linden tree begins to bloom at the end of June (the specific noun is used in a collective, general sense);

The shape of the ear, nose, and eyes is studied (the word form is used instead of form, since it has the same relationship to subsequent nouns).

Real and abstract nouns are often used in the plural form:

  • - lubricating oils;
  • - high quality steel;
  • - red and white clays;
  • - great depths;
  • - low temperatures;
  • - noise in the radio receiver, annual and quarterly repairs.

When constructing sentences, the authors’ tendency to use fewer verbs and more nouns is noticeable: in scientific literature, definitions of concepts are more common, and names of actions are less common. In particular, this affects the choice of the form of the predicate: instead of a verb, a verbal-nominal construction is used, consisting of a noun with the same root as the verb and another verb that has a weakened lexical meaning:

  • - testing of a new machine is being carried out (cf.: a new machine is being tested);
  • - calculating and solving devices are used (cf.: calculating and solving devices are used);
  • - what follows is a list of signs (cf.: the signs are listed below);
  • - there is an increase in temperature (cf.: temperature rises);
  • - growth occurs (cf. grows);
  • - an increase occurs (cf. increases);
  • - make calculations (cf. calculate).

Adjectives are widely used in scientific works, clarifying concepts by indicating its various features and thereby performing a terminological function. For example, A.E. Fersman in the book “Entertaining Mineralogy” points out the many shades of green in which stones are painted: turquoise green, bottle green, bluish green, golden green, emerald green, olive green, grass green, apple green , also: pale green, dirty green, dense green, grayish green, bluish green, bright green, etc.

Among the syntactic features of the scientific style, the tendency towards complex constructions should be noted. Such structures provide a convenient form of expression complex system scientific concepts, establishing relationships between them, such as generic and specific concepts, cause and effect, evidence and conclusions, etc.

For this purpose, sentences with homogeneous members and a generalizing word: wider, generic concept opens with the help of narrower, species concepts. For example, A.M. Peshkovsky, in his book “Russian Syntax in Scientific Coverage,” building his classification of phrases based on the concept of predicability, wrote:

Based on the possession or non-possession of this meaning, we will divide all phrases into:

  • 1) phrases containing a predicate, or indicating by their formal composition an omitted predicate, or, finally, consisting of one predicate; we will call all such phrases sentences;
  • 2) phrases containing two or more predicates or two or more phrases indicating by their formal composition omitted predicates or consisting of only predicates, we will call all such phrases complex wholes...;
  • 3) phrases that do not contain a predicate and are not themselves predicates.

It is quite natural that different types of complex sentences are common in scientific literature. For example, in a study on aesthetics we read:

The special and unique originality of music among other types of art is determined by the fact that, striving, like every type of art, for the broadest and most comprehensive coverage of reality and its aesthetic assessment, it does this by directly addressing the spiritual content of the world of human experiences, which it activates in its listener with extraordinary power.

In complex sentences used in scientific texts, there are often compound subordinating conjunctions characteristic of book speech in general: due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, despite the fact that, in while, meanwhile, while, while, etc. They allow us to more accurately identify the relationships between the parts of a complex sentence than simple causal, concessional, and temporary conjunctions.

To combine parts of the text, in particular paragraphs that have a close logical connection with each other, words and their combinations are used that indicate this connection: therefore, in this case, first, then, in conclusion, thus, so, therefore, etc.

The means of connecting parts of the text are also introductory words and combinations: firstly, secondly, finally, on the one hand, on the other hand, etc., indicating the sequence of presentation.

In general, syntactic structures in scientific prose are more complex and richer in lexical material than in artistic prose. For example, in works of fiction of the 60s of the XIX century. (in the author's narration in the novels of I.A. Goncharov, I.S. Turgenev, N.G. Chernyshevsky, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, F.M. Dostoevsky, N.S. Leskov and L.N. Tolstoy) complex sentences make up 50.7 percent of the total number of proposals, i.e., half, and in scientific works of the same period (works of the chemist A.M. Butlerov, physiologist I.M. Sechenov, linguist A.A. Potebnya, literary critic A.N. Veselovsky, also “ Aesthetic relations of art to reality."

N.G. Chernyshevsky and the historical and philosophical “Epilogue” of “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy) - 73.8 percent, i.e., almost three quarters.

Moreover, the average size of a complex sentence in artistic prose is 23.9 words, and in scientific prose - 33.5 words (in simple sentences, respectively - 10.2 and 15.9 words). The average sentence size (regardless of structure) in the author's narrative in the same novels is 17.2 words, in scientific research - 28.5 words. In general, a sentence of a scientific text contains approximately one and a half times more words than a sentence of a literary text.

The scientific style is realized mainly in written form of speech. However, with the development of mass communication, with the growing importance of science in modern society, and the increase in various kinds of scientific contacts, such as conferences, symposia, scientific seminars, the role of oral scientific speech is increasing.

The main features of the scientific style in both written and oral form are accuracy, abstraction, logic and objectivity of presentation. It is they who organize into a system all the linguistic means that form this functional style, and determine the choice of vocabulary in works of the scientific style.

This style is characterized by the use of special scientific and terminological vocabulary, and recently international terminology (manager, quotation, realtor, etc.) has occupied more and more space here.

A peculiarity of using vocabulary in a scientific style is that polysemantic lexically neutral words are used not in all of their meanings, but only in one. For example, the verb to count, which has four meanings, here primarily realizes the meaning: to draw some conclusion, to admit, to believe.

Use in one, becoming a terminological meaning is typical for both nouns and adjectives, for example: body, strength, movement, sour, heavy, etc.

The lexical composition of the scientific style is characterized by relative homogeneity and isolation, which is expressed, in particular, in the lesser use of synonyms. The volume of text in a scientific style increases not so much due to the use of different words, but rather due to the repetition of the same ones. An example is the passage: “Transport inter-shop connections for the main types of raw materials and finished products, as well as the transfer of goods between production shops and warehouse and transport facilities are mostly provided by continuous transport (...) Motor transport finished products is supplied to nearby consumers, and they also perform auxiliary loading and unloading operations.”

In the scientific style there is no vocabulary with a colloquial and colloquial coloring. This style, to a lesser extent than journalistic or artistic ones, is characterized by evaluativeness. Ratings are used to express the author’s point of view, to make it more understandable, accessible, and to clarify the idea. Scientific speech is distinguished by the accuracy and logic of thought, its consistent presentation and objectivity of presentation. In the syntactic structures in the scientific style of speech, the author’s detachment is maximally demonstrated.

This is expressed in the use of generalized personal and impersonal constructions instead of the 1st person: there is reason to believe, it is believed, it is known, presumably, one can say, etc.

The desire for logical presentation of the material leads to the active use of complex conjunctive sentences, introductory words, participial and adverbial phrases, etc. Most typical example- sentences with subordinate reasons and conditions, for example: “If an enterprise or some of its divisions is performing poorly, this means that not everything is in order with the management.”

Almost any scientific text can contain graphic information; this is one of the features of the scientific style of speech.

The Russian language uses several styles: official business, colloquial, journalistic, artistic, and scientific. Today we'll talk about scientific style. What is the scientific style, how to apply it correctly in life?

The scientific style is the current style in the speech of a literary language; it has several features: accuracy and unambiguity of statements, direct word order in a sentence, the use of scientific terminology, the nature of speech - monologue, normalization, logic, clarity.

Textbooks, reference books, dictionaries, abstracts, reports, coursework, dissertations, and tests are written in a scientific style. The scientific style of speech is divided into several substyles, such as scientific (scientific article, diploma), educational (recommendations, all kinds of reference books), popular substyle (article in a scientific publication, scientific essay).

Features of the scientific style in Russian

Scientific style of speech is used in a number of different disciplines and sciences. It also has various genres (monograph, report, article, scientific book, textbook, dissertation).

In the scientific style, logic and a consistent presentation of the author’s thoughts, a clear and orderly connection between sentences are encouraged. This style does not accept omissions, excessive “water” in the text, or expressions of emotions. Everything must be described accurately, concisely, concisely, and the content must be rich. What is logic in scientific style? This is the presence of semantic connections between sentences, paragraphs and paragraphs in the text.

A text that has a consistent presentation of thoughts suggests conclusions arising from its content. Often scientific text is divided into separate blocks for better understanding. The thought in each of them must be clearly visible either deductively or inductively. This style should be clear, understandable and accessible.

Vocabulary of scientific style of speech

Also in the scientific style there are such lexical units as terms. They usually make up fifteen to twenty percent of general content in a text written in a scientific style. An example of a text in a scientific style with the content of the term: “Bulimia is a mental illness caused by a perverted perception of one’s appearance, which is characteristic of a large number of people living in developed countries.” Often terms are words that are understandable in other languages, since they are international.

Morphology of scientific style

The scientific style involves an economy of words in favor of brevity and precision, so it uses certain grammatical forms. For example, this is the use of words in the masculine gender instead of the feminine: “cuff” (m. r.) instead of “cuff” (f. r.).

In scientific style, the names of concepts take precedence over the names of actions, thus using fewer verbs.

Every schoolchild could notice that in scientific style the singular form implies the plural. For example, this happens when a definition of a particular concept is written in a textbook: “a word is...”, “a frog is...”, “an atom is...”. The concept is used in the singular, although the definition itself refers not only to this one concept, but to all the same ones. “An atom is...” - the definition refers not to one atom, but to all atoms in the world. It turns out that the terms in the definitions are used in a generalized form.

As for verbs in the scientific style, they are used with weak meanings of person, number and tense: instead of “the calculation is made” - “the calculation is made by...”; instead of “the answer is found” - “the answer is found with the help of...”, etc.

Most often, for the scientific style, verbs are taken in the timeless present of the imperfect form: “percentage is”, “population lives”, “molecule is divided”, etc.

For the scientific style, pronouns you, you, and 2nd person forms are practically not typical; verbs in the 1st person form are rarely used. The most commonly used pronouns are “we” and the 3rd person form.

Syntax and scientific style

We all know that a text written in a scientific style is very difficult to understand and is overloaded with terms and definitions. The sentences are constructed in a complex manner and sometimes take up an entire paragraph. Usually, for the scientific style, sentences with homogeneous members of the sentence and generalization words for them are used. Subordinating conjunctions, introductory words and combinations, and cliche words are also used. Examples of units inherent in the scientific style in the text: “Consider the given option”; “It’s worth comparing the current offer”; "The text is presented as follows"…

Substyles of scientific style

  • Scientific identifies and describes modern facts, new discoveries and patterns. It is used to write scientific reports, articles, and reviews.
  • Scientific and educational. Typically, textbooks and reference books for students in various educational institutions are written in this style.
  • Scientific and technical. This style is used to write various materials for technical specialists.

Genres of scientific style

In this style, one can note such genres as journal article, monograph, textbook, review, textbook, lecture, oral presentation, scientific report. All of the above are primary genres, as they are presented by the author for the first time.

There are also secondary genres, such as abstract (already processed information), synopsis, annotation, etc. Genres of the educational and scientific style are report, lecture, coursework. In a word, everything that relates to the educational process.

In our country, we first heard about the peculiarities of the scientific style in the eighteenth century, when science began to develop. Then both terms and books containing them became necessary. Articles written in a scientific style began to appear. Special thanks should be expressed to M.V. Lomonosov for his enormous contribution to the development of science in our country.

Sphere of communication– scientific activity.

Speech function– informative (communication of objective generalized knowledge).

Specific features– logicality, evidence, dispassion, semantic precision (unambiguousness), ugliness, hidden emotionality, objectivity of presentation, some dryness and severity.

Typical genres:

    monograph a scientific work devoted to a deep and thorough study of one topic;

    thesis research work prepared for public defense of its provisions;

    treatise a scientific genre that examines a specific issue or problem;

    Research Article an article characterized by a purely scientific presentation of information and a lack of emotionality;

    dictionary and encyclopedic articles;

    review review of scientific work;

    annotation a brief description of the content of the scientific work;

    theses briefly expressed provisions of a scientific work;

    graduate work graduate student research work;

    course work – educational scientific genre, similar to a thesis, but smaller in volume and with less topic coverage;

    lecture (academic, educational, popular science);

    scientific report.

Scientific style norms


Use of vocabulary with a clear meaning (unambiguous words) in order to eliminate ambiguity in interpretation.

Use of abstract and concrete vocabulary to denote general concepts.

The use of non-literary language is prohibited.

Wide use of special terms.

Limited use of emotionally expressive vocabulary and phraseology.

Minimal use of lexical synonyms.

Intentional repetition of words as a result of the undesirability of using synonyms and pronouns instead of nouns.

Permissibility of repetition of words.

The predominance of nominal vocabulary over verbal vocabulary.


Preferable use of sentences that are complex in structure and semantics.

Activity among all types of complex sentences of complex syntactic constructions with cause-and-effect relationships.

Limited use of incomplete sentences.

Frequency of single-component generalized-personal and indefinite-personal sentences, limited use of impersonal sentences.

Widespread use of introductory words and introductory sentences for greater logic, accuracy, and reliability of speech.

Prevalence of participial and participial phrases, passive constructions.

Inadmissibility of excessive language means and colloquial constructions.

Use of clichéd syntactic structures.

The predominance of sequential (chain) connection of parts of the text through the use of personal and demonstrative pronouns, adverbs, introductory words, repetition of nouns.

The predominance of narrative sentences in terms of the purpose of expression.

Monologue form of presenting a scientific text.

The use of “intellectual expressiveness” (the precise and logical use of linguistic means to give the text persuasiveness and emotional evaluation) as a means of imagery specific to scientific speech.

Limited use of figurative language.

Method of presentation

Objectivity of presentation, a certain dryness and rigor, which does not, however, exclude a kind of expressiveness, which is achieved by the accuracy and conciseness of the presentation, its argumentation.

Dispassionate, convincing presentation.

Generalized abstract nature of the presentation due to the use of verb forms and personal pronouns with a weakened grammatical meaning of the person.

Example text scientific style:

INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM- a phenomenon in world politics associated with the spread of violence in the form of terrorist acts that threaten the normal course of international relations. This concept is more journalistic than legal in nature from the point of view of the possibility of developing a universal definition of international terrorism, and consequently, defining the political and legal framework of responsibility for committing terrorist acts.

Need for international cooperation arises when: the attempt, organization or participation in the commission of a terrorist act, as well as the form and method of its implementation, are prohibited under international law or are prosecuted by virtue of custom that has acquired the meaning of “jus obtio” in international relations, or should be prohibited due to their contradiction basic norms and principles of international law; the object of violent acts is given protection under international law; the act of using force or the threat of its use is committed by a subject of international law and, thus, subject to consideration within the framework of this system, or committed by an individual or legal entity, but the situation in which these actions are carried out determines international consequences due to the danger of such actions for international peace and security or the presence of an international element in the tort.

(Political Science. Encyclopedic Dictionary)

Formal business style

Sphere of communication– official (legislation, office work).

Speech function– informative.

Specific features– formality, accuracy, unambiguity, impersonality of presentation, standardization.

Typical genres:


    laws (codes);

    message from the President;






    different kinds business letter(letter of order, cover letter, etc.);



    oral business negotiations;

    diplomatic letter;

    declaration of intent;


Official business normsspeech style


The choice of vocabulary is conditioned by the need to express imperativeness and regulation (the use of infinitives, verbs with the meaning of obligation, adverbs, short adjectives, intensifying particles, specific forms of verb tense, etc.).

Using neutral vocabulary with a clear meaning, devoid of emotional and expressive coloring.

The use of stable turns of business speech with unexpressed emotionality and expressiveness.

Limited use of lexical synonyms.

Deliberate repetition of words.

The highest frequency of use of nominal vocabulary (verbal nouns, denominal prepositions and conjunctions, short adjectives) compared to all other functional styles.


The greatest activity is in complex syntactic constructions and simple complex sentences.

The use of simple sentences of increased size by including means of “detailing”, clarifying the informative content of the sentence: homogeneous and isolated members, introductory words, chains of infinitives and gendered nouns. etc. etc.

Widespread use of one-part (usually infinitive and impersonal) sentences.

Prevalence of sentences with passive constructions.

Use of clichéd syntactic structures.

Use of complex sentences.

Among subordinate clauses, the greatest activity is conditional, the least activity is causes.

The predominance of the union connection over the non-union connection.

Direct word order in a sentence.

Use of figurative means

Lack of figurative language

Method of presentation

The special prescriptive-statistical nature of speech.

Impersonality of presentation, excluding the use of the 1st and 2nd person forms and corresponding personal pronouns.

Formality, dryness and severity of presentation.


Constructing a text according to a certain cliche.

Example text formal business style:


FULL NAME.: Orlov Igor Ivanovich

ADDRESS: 127322, Moscow, st. Leskova, 7, apt. 11

TELEPHONE: 2103318

CITIZENSHIP: Russian Federation


EDUCATION: 1977 – 1982 – Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, majoring in ELECTRONIC COMPUTERS with the qualification of SYSTEMS ENGINEER. 1967 – 1977 – secondary school No. 27 (Moscow). Upon graduation, I received a certificate of qualification as a PROGRAMMER.

EXPERIENCE: From 1992 to the present - head of the computer science department at the financial company "FIN-TRUST" (provided software support for the company's activities and the functioning of computer equipment).

From 1982 to 1992 – engineer at the Research Institute of Instrument Engineering, since 1985 – head of the sector (developed computer systems).

From 1980 to 1982 – senior technician at the Moscow Statistical Office (developed automated workplace algorithms).

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I have experience working with spreadsheets, text and graphic editors in DOS and WINDOWS environments, and also have knowledge of programming systems in PASKAL, C and DBMS languages, such as DBASE, FOX PRO, etc.

I have a number of publications in the special magazine "Home Computer". I speak English (read and translate with a dictionary). Upon request, I can provide the necessary recommendations. Signature I.I.Orlov

Journalistic style

Sphere of communication: 1) in a broad sense – mass communication: newspaper, radio, television, cinema, etc.;

2) in a narrow sense – diverse genres of newspaper speech.

Functions of speech– informative, influencing, popularizing.

Specific features– information content, evidence, accuracy, open evaluation of speech, standardization, expressiveness.

Typical genres:

    feature article – the genre of presentation and analysis of various facts and phenomena of social life with their direct interpretation by the author;

    article a short story in a newspaper or magazine that reveals a particular topic;

    the note a short message in a newspaper on a current topic;

    essay general or preliminary considerations on any subject, which the author presents in a conversational style, showing his individual position;

    pamphlet a work with a topical socio-political exposure with elements of satire;

    proclamation a printed appeal of a propaganda nature, including in the form of a leaflet;

    manifesto appeal, declaration, appeal of a public organization, political party, containing the program and principles of their activities;

    program a statement of the main provisions and goals of the activities of a political party, organization, government;

    feuilleton a satirical or humorous depiction of any phenomenon or person;

    interview a conversation between a journalist and one or more people on current topics broadcast on television, radio or published in a newspaper or magazine;

    reportage prompt notification of any event;

    address (welcome address) written congratulations on the occasion of the anniversary, presented at a ceremonial meeting;

    resolution rally (meeting) - a brief summary of the final decision of the rally (meeting);

    speech on radio and television by a political scientist.

Standards of journalistic speech style


The heterogeneity of the lexical composition, manifested in the combination of book vocabulary with colloquial and vernacular vocabulary.

Use of special vocabulary and terminology from various fields of knowledge: politics, economics, culture, etc.

Application of commonly used vocabulary with a new expansive meaning.

Widespread use of neologisms and occasionalisms.

Use of foreign language vocabulary, internationalisms. Great activity of evaluative vocabulary.

Use of catchwords, proverbs and sayings.

The use of “newspaperisms” (linguistic means distributed mainly in newspaper-journalistic style) and standardized newspaper phraseology, both general language and newspaper phraseology itself).

Inadmissibility of unmotivated repetition of words, tautology.

Wide use of proper names and abbreviations. General nominal character of newspaper vocabulary.


Admissibility of simple and complex sentences only with a clear structure.

Syntactic heterogeneity of journalistic speech: a combination of book syntax (the use of complex sentences and simple ones, complicated by isolated members, introductory words and sentences, inserted constructions, etc.) with colloquial syntax (the use of incomplete sentences, parceled and connecting constructions, etc.).

The use of monotonous syntactic structures is inadmissible.

Wide use of incentive and interrogative sentences.

Activity of passive syntactic constructions.

Use of direct speech and dialogue.

The use of a simple verbal predicate, expressed by stable verbal combinations, a personal verb to denote a generalized action.

Peculiar use of homogeneous members: pairing, repetition, gradation.

Using simple sentences specific in form and semantics as newspaper headlines.

Prevalence of nominative sentences (use of chains of nominative sentences at the beginning and in the middle of the text).

Preferred use of complex sentence over other types of complex sentence.

Low frequency of complex sentences with different types of connection.

Use of figurative means

Widespread use of figurative means with a pronounced emotional value.

The use of means of verbal imagery: tropes (constant for newspaper speech metaphors, metonymy, personification, paraphrase, etc.) and figures (antithesis, parallelism, inversion, anaphora, epiphora, etc.).

A deliberate “collision” of book vocabulary with colloquial and vernacular vocabulary in order to create expressiveness.

Method of presentation

Using the 1st and 3rd person forms in a generalized sense;

Generality and conceptuality of presentation;

Generality and open evaluative presentation.

Addressing the speech to a wide range of readers, which requires simplicity, clarity and accuracy of presentation.

Reasoned presentation.

Factuality of presentation.

Example text journalistic style:

Unity - friendly guys

Young bears wear red and blue ties and don’t yet know

who is Shoigu

In the Saratov regional center “Unity” there is a big holiday. In the Petrovsky district, the ranks of the “bears” were replenished with three thousand schoolchildren at once. 90 percent of Petrovka residents aged seven to fourteen years swore allegiance to the cause of Shoigu’s party.

This significant event was not at all the result of the great propaganda work of local activists-insurgents. The Petrovsky party cell came, as they say, to the ready, taking under its wing the existing youth organization for two years, the largest in the area. It was founded by the director of the House of Children's Creativity Oleg Tumkin, who has been nurturing the young generation for almost four decades. Oleg Nikolaevich says that initially he set not political, but purely educational goals.

– There are 30 schools in the area, each “sculpting” a child in its own way. And in educational work there must be an ideological core, similar to the pioneers, but taking into account modern features. We gathered the head teachers and counselors and decided to unite all school organizations.

The schoolchildren themselves came up with the name for their club. It was in December 1999, and informed youth proposed to be called “Unity”. Now it turns out that the guys acted very farsightedly. However, it was difficult to expect anything else in an area where the entire administrative resource was working for “bearish” agitation.

Almost all teenagers under 14 years of age, and in general half of the district’s schoolchildren, have joined the organization. Parents are not particularly interested in politics, but are glad that their children are at least somehow settled<…>

(N. Andreeva Unity are friendly guys // Obshchaya Gazeta. No. 18, 10.24.2001)

Art style

Sphere of communication– aesthetic (fiction).

Speech function– aesthetic (creation of an artistic image).

Specific features– imagery, emotionality, expressiveness, dynamism, inadmissibility of the standard, pronounced author’s individuality.

Typical genres– novel, story, short story, poem, lyric poem, etc.

Artistic Style Standards


Heterogeneity of the lexical composition (combination of book vocabulary with colloquial, vernacular, dialectisms, jargon, etc.).

The use of all layers of Russian vocabulary in order to realize the aesthetic function.

Activity of polysemantic words of all stylistic varieties of speech.

There is a greater preference for using concrete vocabulary and less preference for abstract vocabulary.

Minimal use of generic concepts.

Wide use of folk poetic words, emotional and expressive vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms.

The general verbal nature of artistic speech and, in connection with this, the widespread use of personal verbs and personal pronouns.


Ability to use all types of simple and complex sentences.

Relevance of syntactic constructions with redundant linguistic means, inversion; conversational structures.

Wide usage of dialogue, sentences with direct speech, improperly direct and indirect.

Activity of parceled structures.

Unmotivated use of clichéd syntactic constructions.

Inadmissibility of syntactically monotonous speech.

Using poetic syntax.

Use of figurative means

The widest use, compared to other functional styles, of verbal imagery: tropes and figures.

Achieving imagery through the deliberate collision of different linguistic means.

Using all means of language, including neutral ones, to create a system of images.

Method of presentation

Polysubjectivity of artistic speech: a combination of the speech of the author (author-narrator, author-creator) with the speech of the characters.

Example text artistic style:

The Baturin estate was beautiful - and especially this winter. Stone pillars at the entrance to the yard, a snow-sugar yard, cut into snowdrifts by runners, silence, sun, in the sharp frosty air the sweet smell of children from the kitchens, something cozy, homely in the tracks made from the cook's to the house, from the people's to the cook's room, stables and other services surrounding the yard... Silence and shine, the whiteness of the roofs thick with snow, low in winter, drowned in snow, a reddish blackened garden with bare branches, visible from both sides behind the house, our treasured hundred-year-old spruce, raising its sharp black and green top to blue bright sky because of the roof of the house, because of its steep slope, like a snowy mountain peak, between two calmly and high smoking chimneys... On the sun-warmed gables of the porches, the jackdaw nuns are sitting, pleasantly huddling together, usually talkative, but now very quiet; old windows with small square frames look out affably, squinting from the blinding, cheerful light, from the icy gem play on the snow... Creaking your frozen felt boots on the hardened snow on the steps, you rise to the main, right porch, pass under its canopy, open the heavy and black door time, an oak door, you pass through the dark long hallway...

(I. Bunin. The Life of Arsenyev)

Conversational style

Sphere of communication– interpersonal relationships (domestic sphere).

Speech function– establishing interpersonal relationships.

Specific features– ease, unpreparedness, dependence on the situation.

Genres– dialogue when purchasing, talking on the phone, etc.

Linguistic features of conversational style


Use of everyday, colloquial vocabulary ( son, window, TV).

Emotional vocabulary ( hands, plank, tiny and so on.).

The use of emotionally charged phraseological units ( no skin, no face, through the stump of the deck and so on.).


Incomplete sentences ( Are you home? Are you on the tram? I soon).

The predominance of designs with non-union connection.

Specific word order ( She was sent to school in English. Raspberries, I know you don't like).

Use of interrogative and incentive sentences.

Interjective predicates ( The blouse is not ah).

Example text conversational style:

Here's another impression... When I was with a bear for the first time... Once I spent the night in the forest. It’s scary, and it’s cold – the frost cuts to the bones. That time I met the bear. In the evening I came to the talk to eavesdrop - listening means. I hear it sounds like someone sat down there. That is, this is the feeling - as if someone is there. Then a shadow covered me - an eagle owl flew three meters above my head, flew up quietly, and only slightly turned its head. Well, I think I’ll slap him now - I don’t need helpers!

(From colloquial speech)

Questions for self-control

    What is functional speech style?

    Describe the system of functional styles of the modern Russian language.

    How do book styles of speech differ from spoken ones?

Russian language and culture of speech: course of lectures Trofimova Galina Konstantinovna

Lecture 1 Scientific style of speech. Its linguistic and structural features

Scientific style of speech. Its linguistic and structural features

1. Scientific style of speech and its sub-styles.

2. Term.

3. Linguistic features of the scientific style.

4. Ways and methods of creating a scientific text.

One of the spheres of human activity is the scientific and professional sphere. It is served by the scientific style.

Scientific style is one of the functional styles of the general literary language, serving the sphere of science and production. It is also called the scientific-professional style, thereby emphasizing the scope of its distribution. The language of scientific communication appeared in Russia in the 18th century, when scientific knowledge began to be formalized into complete systems, when teaching aids and reference books began to appear.

The specific features of this style are determined by the purpose of scientific texts to convey objective information about nature, man and society. He receives new knowledge, stores and transmits it. The language of science – natural language with elements of artificial languages ​​(calculations, graphs, symbols, etc.); a national language with a tendency towards internationalization.

The scientific style of speech is divided into sub-styles: proper scientific (its genres are monograph, article, report), scientific-informative (genres - abstract, abstract, patent description), scientific-reference (genres - dictionary, reference book, catalogue), educational- scientific genres - textbook, Toolkit, lecture), popular science (essay, etc.).

A distinctive feature of the proper scientific style is an academic presentation addressed to specialists. The characteristics of this substyle are the accuracy of the information conveyed, the persuasiveness of the argument, the logical sequence of presentation, and conciseness.

The popular science substyle has other characteristics. It is addressed to a wide readership, so scientific data must be presented in an accessible and entertaining way. He does not strive for brevity or laconism, but uses linguistic means close to journalism. Terminology is also used here.

The scientific informative substyle must accurately convey scientific information with a description of scientific facts.

The educational and scientific substyle is addressed to future specialists and therefore it contains a lot of illustrative material, examples, and explanations.

The scientific style is distinguished by a number of common features due to the peculiarities of scientific thinking. main feature scientific style – precise and unambiguous expression of thoughts. The task of science is to show patterns. Therefore, its features are: abstract generality, emphasized logic of presentation, clarity, argumentation, and unambiguous expression of thoughts.

The tasks of communication in the field of science, its subject, and the content of speech require the transfer of general concepts. Abstract vocabulary, special vocabulary and terminology serve this purpose.

Terminology embodies the precision of scientific speech. A term is a word or phrase that accurately and unambiguously designates the concept of a special field of knowledge or activity.(diffusion, structural strength, marketing, futures, measurement, density, software and etc.). A concept is a thought about the general essential properties, connections and relationships of objects or phenomena of objective reality. Formation of concepts – important condition scientific speech. The definition of a concept is given by a definition (Latin definition) - a brief identification characteristic of an object designated by a specific term (Inductance is physical quantity, characterizing the magnetic properties of an electric circuit.)

The term enters the language and operates within the framework of a specific terminological system (terminology).

TO specific features The terms include: systematicity, the presence of a definition (definition), unambiguity, stylistic neutrality, lack of expression, simplicity. One of the requirements for a term is its modernity, that is, outdated terms are replaced by new terms. The term may be international or close to terms that are created and used in other languages ​​(communication, hypothesis, business, technology, etc.). The term also includes international word-forming elements: anti, bio, micro, extra, neo, maxi, micro, mini, etc.).

Terminology is divided into 3 groups: general scientific (analysis, thesis, problem, process, etc.), interscientific (economics, cost, work force etc.), highly specialized (only for a certain field of knowledge). Terminology ensures information mutual understanding at the national and international levels, compatibility of legislative and regulatory documents.

At its core, scientific speech is written speech bound by norms. The abstract and generalized nature of scientific speech is emphasized by the inclusion of a large number of concepts, the use of special lexical units (usually, always), and passive constructions (metals are easily cut). Verbs that have abstract generalized meanings and nouns denoting abstract concepts (speed, time) are widely used. Constructions are used that emphasize the relationship between the parts of the statement: introductory words (finally, so), such constructions, as we will further note, let’s move on to the next part, a large number of prepositions expressing various relationships and actions (thanks to, in connection with, as a result of, etc.).

The lexical composition of the scientific style is characterized by homogeneity; there is no vocabulary with a colloquial coloring, evaluative, or emotionally expressive. There are many words of the neuter gender: phenomenon, property, development. A lot of abstract vocabulary - system, period, case. Scientific style texts use compound words and abbreviations: PS (software), Life Cycle (life cycle); contain not only language information, but also graphics, formulas, and symbols.

The syntax uses complex sentences with participles, adverbial and participial phrases, temporal connections (in connection with something), simple sentences such as what is what (hydrogen is a gas), and impersonal sentences. Mainly declarative sentences are used, interrogative ones - in order to draw attention to the problem.

A feature of scientific speech is the activity of the genitive case. This is due to necessity consistent actions in the description and characteristics, explanation. However, the excessive use of such constructions makes it difficult to perceive the meaning of the text.

It should be remembered that in the scientific style the pronoun “I” is not accepted; it is replaced by “we” (“from our point of view”, “it seems obvious to us”).

The scientific style created a strict system of genres and strict rules of text composition. A scientific text is distinguished by a pragmatic structure, everything in it serves to achieve the final goal and, above all, composition, but at the same time emotions, verbosity, polysemy, and subtext are discarded. Its beauty is the grace of argumentation, simplicity and logic of construction.

Compositionally, a scientific work contains 2 parts – descriptive (overview) and main. The narrative part reflects the progress scientific research, the subject and method of research are formed, the history of the issue and the expected result are outlined. The main part covers the research methodology and technique and the results achieved.

All materials that are not important for understanding the problem are included in the appendix.

The scientific text has:

– topic, i.e. the object of consideration (study), the content of which is revealed in a certain aspect;

– in addition, a subtopic, i.e. a topic that is included in a broader topic, forming part of it and distinguished by a narrower aspect of consideration or consideration of one of the parts of a given object;

– there is also a micro-theme, equal to a paragraph in the text and providing semantic connections between parts of the text.

The structural unit of a scientific text is a paragraph. It contains certain ideas, provisions, arguments, micro-topics. They are expressed in keywords that are easy to isolate, defining the essence of the paragraph.

Each paragraph has a beginning, a main paragraph phrase, a commentary part and a conclusion. Keywords are in a paragraph phrase.

To connect individual fragments of the text, prepositions, introductory words, and certain speech cliches are used (the author considers, it should be noted, this proves, etc.).

The main ways of constructing a scientific text are description, reasoning, and narration. Scientific text is a type of rigidly structured text.

Description is a verbal depiction of a phenomenon of reality by listing its characteristics.

Narration is a story about events and phenomena conveyed in a certain sequence. In this case, a certain order of words in the sentence is observed: subject - predicate.

Reasoning is a verbal presentation, explanation and confirmation of any thought.

A scientific description has the goal of revealing the characteristics of an object, phenomenon, process, and establishing connections ( appearance, components, purpose, comparison). Everyone knows, for example, descriptions in chemistry of the properties of various substances (Titanium is a metal gray. It has two polymorphic modifications... The industrial method of titanium production consists of enrichment and chlorination of titanium ore with its subsequent reduction from titanium tetrachloride with magnesium metal... ("Materials Science")).

From the works of the Strugatsky brothers: “Description of case number sixty-four,” the commandant read. – Case number sixty-four is a brown semi-liquid substance with a volume of about ten liters and a weight of sixteen kilograms. Doesn't smell. The taste remained unknown. Takes the shape of a vessel... If you sprinkle salt on it, it writhes. It feeds on granulated sugar.”

The most common way to construct a scientific text is reasoning. The purpose of reasoning is to verify the truth or falsity of any statement with the help of arguments, the truth of which has been verified and is not in doubt. Reasoning is a method of presentation through which the process of obtaining new knowledge is conveyed and this knowledge itself is communicated as a result in the form of a logical conclusion. Reasoning is constructed as a chain of conclusions based on evidence and refutations. Thus, in A. Chekhov’s story “Letter to a Learned Neighbor,” the author of the letter, a landowner, talks about the world: “You write that on the moon, that is, on the month, people and tribes live and inhabit. This can never happen, because if people lived on the moon, they would obscure its magical and magical light for us with their houses and rich pastures... People living on the moon would fall down to the earth, but this does not happen...”

The task of a scientific narrative is to record and present the stages of changes and formations, i.e., a time frame. That is, a scientific narrative represents a brief or detailed description of processes aimed at subsequent registration of individual stages of the process within the time frame of its occurrence. Narration is a story about phenomena, events in time sequence, it is a statement of the discovery of laws with conclusions and generalizations, comparisons. (“Firms also change their economic policies in the face of inflation. This is expressed, for example, in the fact that they undertake only short-term projects that promise a faster return on investment. Lack of their own working capital pushes companies to search for new external sources financing through the issue of shares and bonds, leasing, factoring.” Economic theory.).

Proof is close to reasoning - a method of presentation through which the truth of knowledge that was in the nature of hypotheses is confirmed or denied. It, like reasoning, contains a thesis + arguments + demonstrations + conclusions.

Texts of flexible construction are based on the logical and semantic cohesion of the semantic parts of the text. They, as a rule, have certain, frequently used elements of language, such as hypothesis, advantages, conditions, reasons, goals, etc.

The structure of such a text is as follows:

The scientific style of speech involves the use of the following methods of logical organization of a scientific text: deduction, induction, analogy and problem presentation.

Logical scheme of a text using deduction: thesis, hypothesis? development of thesis, argumentation? conclusions. Logical design of a text using induction: purpose of the study? accumulation of facts, analysis, generalization? conclusions.

Deduction (Latin deduction) is the movement of thought from the general to the particular, from general laws to particular ones. (The word deduction brings to mind the words of the famous Sherlock Holmes: “It is not so difficult to construct a series of conclusions in which each subsequent one follows from the previous one. If after this you remove all the middle links and tell the listener only the first link and the last, they will produce a stunning, albeit false impression.") The method of deduction consists of three stages.

Stage 1 – a thesis is put forward (Greek position, the truth of which must be proven) or a hypothesis (Greek basis, assumption).

Stage 2 – development of the thesis (hypothesis), its justification, proof or refutation. Various types of arguments (Latin arguments) are used here, serving as the basis for proof, facts and examples, comparisons.

Stage 3 – conclusions and proposals. This method is often used in seminars at universities.

The inductive method (lat. guidance) is the movement of thought from the particular to the general, from knowledge of one fact to general rule, to generalization. The composition is as follows: in the introductory part, the purpose of the study is determined. The main part presents the available facts, describes the technology for obtaining them, and carries out analysis, synthesis, and comparisons. Based on this, a conclusion is drawn and patterns are established. This is how, for example, students report on research work at a university.

A problem presentation is the formulation of problematic questions in a certain sequence. The method originates from the Socratic method. During it, the problem posed is examined and patterns are formulated. For example, during a lecture or report, a particular problem is formulated. The lecturer offers ways to solve it; he makes all listeners participants in the thought process.

The analogy method is formed as follows: if two phenomena are similar in one or more respects, then they are probably similar in other respects.

It is used in the construction of textbook texts, in the course of scientific research work students.

So, the features of the scientific style include accuracy, logic, and use of terms. In addition, it is necessary to remember about the methods of constructing a scientific text and the methods of logical presentation of the material in it.

1. Scientific style and its features.

2. Give examples of how description, reasoning, and storytelling are used in your practice.

3. Language of scientific text.

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