Dude style for graduation in the garden. Photo report of the decoration of the music hall for graduation in the style of a dude

Graduation in the preparatory group of kindergarten. Scenario.

Scenario for a graduation party in the preparatory group of a kindergarten

Glezdeneva Elena Vafilovna, teacher of the secondary educational institution No. 34 d/s "Lukomorye", Tchaikovsky, Perm region.
Description: The script can be used by teachers and music directors in kindergarten for a graduation party. This scenario can be used by teachers of primary schoolchildren.

Stylized graduation party “First-class dudes leave kindergarten»

Goals and objectives:
Creating a positive emotional mood in children;
Improving knowledge about school;
Strengthen the ability to perform on stage and feel confident;
Strengthen communication skills.
2 crooks
Dance with records
“We are little children” (Yu. Entin)
"Children's - Playful"
“We are now students” (Georgy Struve)
“Goodbye, kindergarten” (Words and music by Yu. Slonov)

The teacher-leaders enter to the accompaniment of fanfare.
1 presenter: So we and the guests met again in our hall.
We are ready to accept everyone, we only ask you one thing:
Don’t judge yesterday’s preschoolers harshly today.
They are worried today and their knees are shaking a little.
The sun, a cheerful ray, joyfully knocks on the windows,
And today we are proud of an important word: “Graduate”
2 presenter: Graduates of 2015 from MADO No. 34 are invited to the hall... Meet...

Children run out to the music “We are little children...Yu. Entin” (dance and sing)

In chorus- “We don’t want to go to school!”
Child 1: We grey colour we don't recognize
Our world plays with the whole rainbow.
Chanson, I don’t sing romances,
We are attracted to jazz and boogie.
Child 2: When we walk down the street,
You will turn around in our wake.
We are dudes, which is good
After all, we are not like everyone else.
Child 3: Here are the trousers, the pipes and the cook on the head,
Child 4: Here is a skirt with a wide brim
Child 5: We are not like everyone else, you think.
Child 6: No, we’re just against it
boredom, dullness, sadness. (Sit on chairs)
1 presenter: Played, had fun
You guys are all year round
That's it, it's time to settle down
Now your studies are waiting for you!
Deuce runs in (laughs)
Two: Hello, my fellow dudes, I respect you, you are super! Don’t you want to go to school?! - and that’s right. There’s nothing to do at school!!! I have one friend, Vovka, a cool guy. Maybe someone knows him?
A child comes out and reads A. Barto’s poem “Calls”
I am Volodin's marks
I'll find out without the diary.
If a brother comes with a three
Three bells ring.
If suddenly in our apartment
The ringing begins -
So five or four
He received it today.
If he comes with a deuce -
I hear from afar:
Two short ones are heard,
Indecisive call.
Well, what if one is
He knocks quietly on the door.
Presenter 2: Well, anything can happen in school life.
Two: How to read textbooks
I suggest you play!
Who is brave here, who is the hero?
Kids follow me!
Presenter 2: Well, we love to play.
Game "Blind Man's Bluff"

Two: What wonderful friends I have! Guys, I want to ask you - will you go to 1st grade???
Children (in chorus): No.

Song "Children's - Playful"
(After the song they sat down)
Presenter 1: Oh-hey! It looks like we're in trouble, what should we do? Who should I turn to for help?
Music sounds, Five comes in!
Five:(addresses the deuce) Oh, there you are!!! Again you want to ruin the children’s holiday! (Pays attention to the children and guests)
- Excuse me, Hello children, hello guests. I am Five!
How wonderfully charming I am, all beautifully curved.
I decorate the diary because I am a good student.
What happened to you?
Presenter 2: Five - imagine, our children don’t want to go to school and Two supports them in this.
Two: I have nothing to do with it, they want to have fun, dance, be the most stylish, fashionable. Listen to it yourself.
Scene "Dreams"
1. My years are growing,
It will be seventeen.
Who should I work with then?
What should I do?
2. I really want to become
A flashy top model.
But grandma says
That they are all “boards”.
3. And I will be a showman,
All mustachioed and bright.
I'll spin the wheel
Receive gifts.
4. Good at being a showman
It's better to be a singer.
I would go to the Basques,
Let them teach me!
5. And I want to sing like Galkin,
I can, I can handle it!
Maybe Alla Pugacheva
I'll like you too!
6. We read poems to you,
Clap, try hard.
It was you who raised us,
So figure it out!
Two: Wow, now my girls and men are going to say such crap!

General dance "Rock and roll"
(Remain on the carpet - for the game)

Five: Yes, guys, you dance well. Would you like to play with me?
Children: Yes, we do, we love to play.
Five: Aren't you afraid?
Children: No.
Children solve puzzles, solve examples, on each piece of paper there is a letter - after all the completed tasks, from the letters received you need to create a proverb “Learning is light, not learning is darkness”
With each correctly completed task - the 2 begins to lose strength, melts, falls, disappears - a small number 2 remains

Five: Guys, look what's left of 2! And now you understand that in life it is important not only to dance and have fun, but also to gain new knowledge. Well, guys, I want to ask you - will you go to 1st grade?
Children:(in unison): yes.
Five: What grades will you study for?
Leading: And now we’ll show you this, because in kindergarten our children learned not only to sing and dance, count and write, but also to make crafts

Game “Post your favorite mark”
(made of plasticine, wire, ribbon, etc.)

Children lay out fives, give them to Five and sit on chairs.
Five: You guys are great, I’m very happy. I hope that we will meet very often at school!!! Well, I have to go, See you again at school! (Leaves)
Presenter 1:
The windows are lit until late in the evening,
Parents prepare their children for school.
What worries them at a late hour?
Well, let's take a look at the apartment now!
Dad: My son will soon go to school, to first grade.
I wonder how he will behave?
Mother: I remember the first time my son was in kindergarten without us
He was sad and bored, he even cried...
Dad: First time for all babies
It's hard in kindergarten without us.
Son: (approaches parents)
Mommy, don't be afraid! Dad, calm down!
I'll go to school with confidence, we were taught in kindergarten
Don't be timid and don't be shy,
And try to help your friends.
And in all your affairs be no worse than others!
Presenter 1: Well friends, we hope that no one will disturb us…………..
Pippi Longstocking music is playing.
The girl runs out with a large suitcase.

Pippi. Hello!
Let me introduce myself:
Long stocking
The strongest girl in the world.
Maybe just Pippi.
And in general, I have the most fashionable socks (shows socks)
And you need to greet with your heels,
Like in Patagonia, but you have to get acquainted three times
Spin around in one place, like in Lapland!
(They say hello.)
Well, we said hello and got to know each other, by the way, why are you all gathered here? Perhaps you are meeting me?! How kind of you.
Leading: Wait, wait Pippi, of course we are glad to see you, but today is a special day for us - our children are saying goodbye to kindergarten.
Pippi: Great! And when I was little I loved to dance, walk on the roof and make up funny stories (thought...) What were your favorite things to do in kindergarten?
Children's answers.
Pippi: Guys, do you want to remember how little you were when you came to kindergarten?
Children: Yes
Pippi: And, you know that if you really want it, this wish will come true, even though it is not easy: you just need to close your eyes with your palms and repeat many, many times: “I want to see how little I was!”
Children close their eyes and loudly repeat the wish together. At this time, the multimedia film “We are in the nursery” is playing and the kids quietly enter the hall.

Pippi: Well, now you can open your eyes. Look how small you were just a short time ago!
1 baby: We want to congratulate you - you are going to 1st grade,
Don't forget to come and visit us.
2 baby: We were funny, we were funny, and so are you
When we grow up a little, we will also come to school with you.
3 baby: Congratulations, congratulations, you are going to 1st grade.
We would go too, but we can’t yet.
4 baby: It's time to say goodbye, the school is waiting for you all to study
We want to wish you only A's.
5 baby: And at the holiday for you, we will all dance now.

Children's dance "Kiss Waltz" is performed
1 Child: Don’t be bored, kids, we will tell you from the bottom of our hearts -
We won’t forget our kindergarten, we will come running here!
2 Child: Thank you dear kids for coming to congratulate us.
And with all your heart, please accept gifts from us.
(They give balloons and see off the kids)

Presenter2 (Surprised) Pippi, what's in your suitcase?
Pippi: What I don’t have in it (takes out records), but I don’t know what to do with them.
Leading: Pippi, don't be upset, now we'll show you.

Dance with records (girls)

Pippi. What a great idea you came up with, well done. Now I’ll see what else I have in my suitcase (looks in) Oh, here I have my dad’s gift, my most precious treasure.
Music of crooks.
Crooks appear.

1 rogue. Have you heard?
Some red-haired girl has -
A whole treasure and money in the suitcase.
2 rogue. Then we surround this red monster and take away the treasure. It is harmful for children to have a lot of gold. So your money will be ours! Even copper!
1 crook. You and I are a different matter:
tired of saving
we don't know how to do anything
and the need - oh-ho-ho!
2 rogue. And eat and get dressed -
I need money, I need funds,
and when it becomes unbearable,
then we go out to rob!
(Together) Surround, take away!
Pippi. Why take it away?
I’ll give you the suitcase myself if you sing with us! Do you even know how to sing?
Crooks (together): Yes. (singing)
Pippi:This is what you call singing??? Listen to how you should sing!

Song “We are now students” (Georgy Struve)

Crooks: Okay, you sing well, but give us the suitcase!
Pippi: Well, if you don’t know how to sing, then play with us.
Crooks (joyfully). Let's play, let's play, but what?
In cards? Dominoes? In lotto?
Pippi. No, we have other games, more interesting ones!
I'm starting some funny moments - my math jokes.
(Cheaters confuse children and give wrong answers)
1. A rooster flew up onto the fence,
Met two more there
How many roosters are there?
Who has the answer? (3)
2. Six funny little bears
They rush into the forest for raspberries.
But one kid is tired
I fell behind my comrades,
Now find the answer
How many bears are ahead? (5)
3. Once a hedgehog was walking through the forest,
I found mushrooms for lunch:
Two - under the birch tree,
Two - under the aspen tree.
How many will there be?
In a wicker basket? (4)
Crooks together. How is all this not interesting?
Do you know how to style?
Pippi: Wow. what what?
Crooks: Well, that’s our style, the stylish way to dance.

We can't sit still,
We love to have fun
We can sing and play
And, of course, dance!
Dance "Boogie-woogie" (boys)

1 crook. They dance well! And the suitcase is now ours! (They try to lift the suitcase.)
It looks like there are too many treasures, I can’t pick them up!
Pippi. Shame on you! You can't lift a light suitcase!
(He picks up the suitcase and lets it fall on the crook’s leg.)
2 rogue. Ay! Oh! What a strong girl!
Pippi. The most ordinary.
Any child can lift this suitcase! (Children raise.)
Here, have you seen it? You need to do physical education!
The crooks again try to lift the suitcase, they push each other, snatch them from each other - the suitcase opens and they spill out of it school supplies and various toys.
2 crook. Together. Wha-oh! And this is your treasure?
Little liar!
It's not good to deceive adults.
Pippi. And I’m not a liar at all, you thought that treasures were gold and jewelry, but they’re not. This is something without which it is impossible to get to the land of Knowledge.
What will you guys take with you to school?

The game “pack your briefcase for school.”
Pippi: Well done. (Checks the briefcases) All this will be useful to you at school.
-And now, dear children and parents, to your attention “School Lottery”. To my question, the answer is to say loudly who will do what.
(answer “WE” or “WE”)

1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?
2. Who is responsible for keeping track of the first-grader’s uniform?
3. Who will get up at 6 am?
4. Who will eat breakfast first?
5. Who will have to collect the briefcase?
6. Who will read the primer every day?
7. Who will cry, left without strength?
8. Who is to blame if a child gets a bad grade?
9. Who will attend the meetings?
10. Who will take the first grader to school?

Presenter1: Come on, time, wait,
Don't fly into the sky like a bird!
We just have to make it in time
Look back and sing a song,
To hear hello
At the dawn of happy years...

Song: “Goodbye, kindergarten”
Words Music by Yu. Slonov

Pippi: And now it’s time for me to go, and I want to give you this key, which opens the road to the land of Knowledge.
(Pippi runs away).
1 rogue. She sped off! What a nimble one! And she didn’t take us with her!
2 crook. Pippi gave the children a key, but there is only one key, but there are many children. Let's do a trick! Let's do something good - a souvenir!
(Trick with a box with a double bottom. One key - many)
Giving children keys
1 crook. Congratulations to all of you children
Happy graduation from kindergarten.
2 crook. You'll be going to school soon,
Please don't be lazy
We wish you guys
Study well!
The crooks say goodbye and leave.
Children go out in pairs and read poetry

The last time we were in this room, we gathered our parents.
The last time they read poems, sang and danced to you.
How many years we lived here and played and were friends.
With tender sadness, “Goodbye!” Let's tell the group we are dear.
You and I never parted - except on a day off.
There were builders, doctors and tailors here.
Our bedroom has been used for quiet times hundreds of times.
We set the table for dinner, learning etiquette,
And in the albums they drew a house, trees and dawn.
And more than once during leisure hours, sitting quietly on the carpet,
Together with the book, we visited a kind fairyland.
Today we fly away like birds from a nest,
It's a pity that we have to say goodbye to kindergarten forever.
And today, on our farewell day, we will not lose heart,
Our kindergarten will be here for a long time kind words recall.
Our kindergarten, goodbye, we are leaving for first grade.
Although the parting is sad,
(all together) Don't worry about us.

Dance "Waltz"
Presenter1: We would like to wish you, dear guys,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you,
Walk the stairs of life boldly!
Presenter2: The children are leaving along the school road,
But a part of us remains in them!
From the kindergarten, from the school threshold
We accompany them to school:
(together) Good morning!

Goals and objectives:

  • Creating a positive emotional mood in children;
  • Improving knowledge about school;
  • Strengthen communication skills.

(quiet retro music sounds. The presenters come out)

1 Presenter: Good evening, dear guests!
We are happy to greet you. We invite you to a musical retro excursion called
“First-class dudes are leaving kindergarten”

2 Presenter
: The atmosphere in the hall promises to be rosy, romantic, with a slight whiff of nostalgia.
So, sit back and let's... begin!

2 janitors come out and sweep. We saw the record.
- Let's listen to her. They run away.

(The song “We Love Boogie-Woogie” from the movie “Hipsters” plays.
Children run into the hall and stand in a checkerboard pattern. They start dancing.
The presenters stand with the children at the back in the center of the hall.)

Dance "Boogie-woogie"
(children stand in a semicircle)

1 child: We do not recognize the color gray,
Our world is full of rainbows.
Chanson, I don’t sing romances,
Jazz and boogie attract us!

2 child: When we walk down the street,
You will turn around in our wake.
We are leaving kindergarten
And we sing songs different years!

Boy: Here are trousers with pipes and a cook on your head,

Girl: Here is a skirt with a wide brim,

Girl: We are not like everyone else, you think.

Child: No, we are simply against boredom, dullness, sadness.

Leading: What does it mean to be considered a dude these days?
Be a positive, dynamic person
And love life very, very much!

Song "Little by little"

lyrics by I. V. Syzgantsev, music by G. Sukachev (remade)

1. Once I came to kindergarten
My dad left immediately.
But I didn't miss you much
Little by little I got used to it.
E-e-e-e-e... .

2. All the kids shouted:
Take it quickly.
But I covered my ears
Little by little I got used to it.
E-e-e-e-e... .

3. They prepared food for us
Porridge with butter is bad luck.
I gagged and hiccupped
Little by little I got used to it.
E-e-e-e-e... .

4. I really like to jump,
Jump, run and scream.
It seemed to me that I was small
Little by little I got used to it.
E-e-e-e-e... .

5. Here we were able to change our positions,
Taught how to play.
I understood and comprehended everything,
Little by little I got used to it.
E-e-e-e-e... .

6. Year after year time passed,
The release time has come.
And I'm stuck again -
We need to get used to school.
E-e-e-e-e... .

Boy: We have gathered today,
To celebrate our holiday.

Girl: Well, what are we celebrating?

Boy: Well, of course graduation!

Child: What kind of holiday is this?
Who is the hero of the occasion?

Child: Well, of course you and me,
All the boys and girls
What are they standing on the sidelines now?

Girl: Greet us -
1st grade candidates!

: This is us
Brave! Active!
Sports! Nimble!
Smart! Curious!
In general: Dudes!!!

Boy: And it's all?

Boy: No.
And we also:

— Those who like to talk to their neighbor.

- We quarrel and immediately make up.

— We love chatting over lunch.

— The noisiest group in kindergarten.

Headache educators.

— Our favorite day of the week is Sunday.

“But we still love our kindergarten.”

Exercise with balls and toys “Small Country”

Child: Today is an unusual day,
Wonderful, excellent.
There is only one reason for this -
It is clear to everyone!

Very soon, very soon
We will go to school.
And it's time to wish
We have no feathers or fluff!

Girl: Last time we are in this room
Let's be in the spotlight.
Well then, goodbye
Our favorite room.
You often invited us here for holidays.

Song “Clap Your Hands” Lyrics by E. Zaritskaya

1. We go on stage for the last time,
Eyes, like suns, burn.
We were all waiting for this concert -
Even the youngest of the guys.

We all love dancing, jokes, songs.
We are ready to perform all day.
Today we are very interested,
Meet all the parents together.

Clap your hands
We will sing for you.
This concert is good
We have last time.
Both grandmothers and mothers
They are worried about us.
Clap your hands
We will sing for you - 2 times

2. I spent the whole evening choosing a dress,
I'm tired of trying on bows,
I was really looking forward to this meeting,
So as not to disappoint you.

Grandmother and mother did not sleep at night,
Even the red cat was worried
Repeated the song stubbornly
Dad, brother and neighbor Fedot.

Chorus: same

3. Soon we will become students,
Soon we'll go to first grade together,
We will never stop surprising you.
The school will become like home to us!

And now for the last time on stage,
We will remember this day forever!
The best reward will be for all of us
Friendly (kind) smiles of moms and dads!

Chorus: the same.

They sit on the chairs.

1 Presenter: Well, let's continue. Here are the most stylish and fun guys preparatory group.
It is not enough to have clothes and a forelock on your head to become a first-class fashionista. There is still a lot to know. And now we offer the guys to take the test. It's called "Savvy".

Joke problems

There is an oak tree in the field. There are three branches on an oak tree, and on each branch there are three apples. How many apples are there in total? ( Apples don't grow on oak trees)

How many ears do three mice have? ( six)

Grandmother Dasha has a granddaughter Masha,
the cat Fluffy, the dog Druzhok.
How many grandchildren does grandma have? ( One granddaughter Masha)

Arranged by Andryushka
Two rows of toys.
Next to the monkey -
Teddy bear.
Together with the fox -
Bunny oblique.

Following them -
Hedgehog and frog.
How many toys
Arranged by Andryushka. ( six)

Game "Perestroika".

The word STILYAGA is written on 7 plates. 7 children participate in the game. Everyone has a plate with one letter in their hands. The presenter reads the quatrains, the children make up words.

Defeated all enemies
Bogatyrskaya - FORCE!
Forests of dark beauty,
Red cheat - FOX!
The thick album is white and clean,
Anyone familiar with paper - SHEET!
Old woman, evil hag,
A woman known to everyone since childhood - YAGA!
Smart guy, graduate, hard worker,
Today at the holiday you - Hipster!

Leading: Well done boys! I think that the first test was passed with dignity.

2 Presenter: I wonder what our children dream about?
We don't keep this a secret...

Scene "Dreams"

1. My years are growing,
I'll be seventeen.
Who should I work with then?
What should I do?

2. I really want to become
A flashy top model.
But grandma says
That they are all “boards”.

3. And I will be a showman,
All mustachioed and bright.
I'll spin the wheel
Receive gifts.

4. Good at being a showman
It's better to be a singer.
I would go to the Basques,
Let them teach me!

5. And I want to sing like Galkin,
I can, I can handle it!
Maybe Alla Pugacheva
I'll like you too!

6. We read poems to you,
Clap, try hard.
It was you who raised us,
So figure it out!

Leading: Dreamers and visionaries
The school is always happy to wait.
We believe that everyone
To your dream soon
The paths of knowledge will come!

1 Presenter: For all guests and graduates a musical gift - meet the group “Brilliant”.

Song “For 4 Seas” (3 girls)

1 Presenter: Great number! Another surprise for you.

Dance with flower arches

1 Presenter: What a great dance! Moreover, I saw with what admiration our guests looked. This suggests that our graduates are real artists.

Game with parents “School lottery”.

2 Presenter: The child will go to school soon,
School life is coming for you.
It will bring you new worries and troubles,
It will force you to rebuild your whole life.
And now we’ll tell our fortunes in front of everyone here,
Today we will find out what will happen to families...

Several parents come out. The presenter asks a question, the participant pulls out a cube or card from the bag and reads the answer.

Answers: mom, dad, the child himself, Vaska the cat, neighbor, the whole family, grandfather, grandmother.

1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?

2. Who is responsible for keeping track of the first-grader’s uniform?

3. Who will get up at 6 am?

4. Who will eat breakfast first?

5. Who will have to collect the briefcase?

7. Who will cry, left without strength?

8. Who is to blame if a child gets a bad grade?

9. Who will attend the meetings?

10. Who should take a first-grader to school?

1 Presenter: And now I would like to know how mothers and fathers will get their children ready for school.

Game “Get your child ready for school”

2 Presenter: The next number will not leave anyone indifferent. It will give you joy, excitement and trepidation of the soul!

Dance “Fathers and Daughters” (Rainbow group)

Dance of the choreographer (Oblachko group) and the poem “Star”

Child: Autumn will silently approach,
A beautiful leaf has been dropped from a branch.
Along gilded roads
September will come slowly,
For boys and girls
Starting the school year.

Child: We go to school and say:
Dear kindergarten, thank you for everything!

A song about kindergarten.

Leading: And now we look 50 years into the future.

Dramatization “This is how we meet!”

Misha: Lena, hello! Is that you?
How glad I am to meet you!
I remember so often
our favorite kindergarten!

Girl: Hello, I'm glad too,
that you recognized me, my friend,
Remember, we didn't share
pie in the younger group?

Boy: The pies were great,
good, so good
I still remember
we ate them to our hearts' content!

: Oh, what years these have been!
You can’t bring them back, you can’t catch up with them,
Even in venerable old age
Let's remember the kindergarten.

Boy: We will remember you for a long, long time, dear kindergarten! (hugging each other and leaving)

Child: We will not be sad or suffer.
It's time for us to dance a farewell waltz.

Dance "Farewell Waltz"

Child: We grew up here, we played here,
We made friends here.
But the years passed quickly,
And we became a little more mature.

Child: Now it’s time for us to go to school -
Books are waiting for us, and knowledge...
To our dear kindergarten
We will say: "Goodbye!"

: Don't be sad, our nannies,
our teachers!
We will come to visit you,
We will definitely!

Boy: Thank you for your kindness,
Patience and affection,
For the kind voice, for the game,
A fairy tale told.

For a warm, motherly look,
Your love and tenderness.
We, remembering kindergarten,
More than once “Thank you!” let's say.

Thanks to everyone who taught us,
Who fed us and who treated us!
And to everyone who simply loved us.

Bow to you and thank you!

Children present flowers to kindergarten staff. They take their seats.

Leading: The sun is shining tenderly in the sky,
The breeze plays with the leaves,
Well, we are very sad today,
We say goodbye to our beloved children!

Leading: We would like to wish you, dear guys,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you,
Walk the ladder of knowledge boldly!

Song: “Learning must be fun” Music by Sosnin

2 janitors enter, carrying a record.
1. Sorry, we took the record to listen to it. Here, take it.
2. Such a good song, and most importantly - soulful. ( leaving)

Leading: This is how we ended up with a retro excursion along the route 50-2000. Judging by your smiles and applause, you liked her. ( further words at the request of the presenter)

(Presentation of diplomas, certificates and gifts to children)

Poems of thanks to the team from parents and kindergarten graduates

Parents: Perhaps silence is golden
But how can we remain silent now!
Our cheerful guys
Absolutely delighted with you!

They are growing up little by little -
Look - they will reach the crown!
They will forever preserve everything that
You gave it to them until the end!

Your hearts, souls and nerves,
Bottomless supply of talent!
Although children only go to the first one,
For them, you are always top class!

Manager and security,
And to nannies, janitors - everyone:
"Thank you for your calling
Fidgets are funny to love!”

We wish you love and happiness!
Great ideas and salaries!
The entire future is in your power!
Long live our kindergarten!

(give flowers, Thanksgiving letters employees)

Graduation party "Hipsters - show!"

Name: Scenario of the graduation party “First-class dudes leave kindergarten”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, graduation, Preparatory group

Position: music director of the first category
Place of work: GBOU secondary school SPDS "Solnyshko" village. Verkhniye Belozerki
Location: s. Verkhnie Belozerki municipal district of Stavropol, Samara region

Stylized graduation party “First-class dudes leave kindergarten”

The hall is decorated with old records. Music by Glen Miller. The presenters enter.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear parents!

Presenter 2: Hello, dear guests!

1 presenter: There are various holidays throughout the year,

And today is our holiday:

First graders will go for the first time

To your friendly school class.

Presenter 2: And the parents are sitting on the sidelines

And they look at them with excitement,

As if we saw it for the first time

Their grown-up children.

1 presenter: Today is our graduation

Not even very simple

Gambling, reckless,

Cheerful and stylish.

A child peeks out from behind the curtain and says the password.

Child: Does Uncle Yosya work in kindergarten?
2 presenter: What are you talking about, he’s been retired for a long time!

Child: And we are from Nolik

1 presenter: Come to Broadway, let's have a good time

2 presenter: Meet our dudes!

The graduates run in to the music of Glen Miller's "Good Vibes."

1 child : We bright color let's just admit
Our world plays with the whole rainbow.
Chanson, I don’t sing romances,
We are attracted to jazz and boogie.

Child 2: Bright ties, dresses and trousers,
Backcombed hairstyles, fun all around,
And there is no place here just for boredom,
And we don't care if they don't understand us.

Child 3: We are touched by the looks of passers-by,
We give all people our positivity,
We are all different, none of us are alike,
And each of us has our own creativity!

4th child: Today is graduation in the kindergarten,

We gathered with the whole family.

Dads and moms are watching now

And they try to understand:

Are our worries over?

Or are they starting?

Song “We are students” music by Struve

5th child: Spring day, sunny. We're having graduation.
Mama can't wait to come home in the evening.

Child 6: Let the grandmothers gossip - we shouldn’t sneeze on them.
Youth is not eternal - you need to take a walk.
Child 7: Hipsters!

All: Have fun!
Child 8: Hipsters!

Everyone: Dance and sing!
Child 9: Hipsters!

All: It's more fun with us,
We will light it up with our energy.
Child 10: You can’t throw it up or jump quietly,
Excellent support and turn,

After all, our dances are very dashing,
And in this we have reached our heights.

Child 11: Let’s release the energy to freedom,

Together we are strong, we feel the drive,
We do not tempt our nature,
We dance with abandon, and that’s all the fun!
Dance "I Love Boogie-Woogie" After the dance they sit on chairs

There's a knock on the door.

1 presenter: Someone is knocking on our door,

And he's afraid to come here.

I'll go and have a look

And I will invite guests to the hall (looks behind the door, opens it).

1 presenter. A centipede is hurrying towards us.

Centipede exit .

Baby 1: I woke up before everyone else

I put on my shoes before everyone else

Pulling 40 feet

40 small boots.

The presenters remove the leading fabric.

1 presenter. Oh, this is not a centipede, these are our kids.

2 kid: We are little dudes,

But we'll grow up soon

And also after you

We'll go to first grade

3 kid: We envy you a little:

You are almost schoolchildren.

And we sincerely wish

Have a nice trip!

Dance "Boogie-woogie" (right hand forward).

12th child graduate: Don’t be bored, kids,

We will tell you from the heart -
We will not forget our kindergarten,

We will come running here! ( escorts the kids to the door)

Presenter 1: Oh, funny, funny!

You were like that too.
When moms are on show,

Brought you in for the first time
13th child graduate: And we remember how we came to kindergarten for the first time! And now we’ll tell you about it

The song “Little by little” music by G. Sukachev.

Music is playing. The graduate and Grandmother come out

Graduate: Grandma, prom is coming very soon, but I don’t have a dress.

Grandmother: Don’t worry, granddaughter, I have one dress, I wore it 60 years ago. Fitted, sleeveless, and a full skirt. I “threw a break along the Broad” in it!

Graduate: What kind of language is this?

Grandmother: Yes, I was a dude. And this was our language - slang. It was a glorious time...

Graduate: Grandma, tell me!

Grandmother: After the war, people wanted to dress up. Most often they sewed the outfits themselves, but sometimes they exchanged them with visiting foreigners. So I exchanged a Russian souvenir for this dress, I really liked it. The American was pleased with the exchange. And me too!

2 presenter: Well, let's begin our walk along Broadway. To become a real dude you must follow the rules of the dude. Rule one: “Hipsters are bright clothes”

14 child: Stylish style. He's unusual

This is a bold, catchy, elegant outfit

Gorgeous hairstyles, as usual,

Red lipstick, natural look.

15 child: The dude guy has short trousers,

So that the colored socks are visible.

Skinny tie, rubber boots

Wide jackets with sewn pockets

Child 16: The stylish girls dressed beautifully

The top was open and the sleeves were short.

Bright hats, scarves - everything is playful

Beads, bracelets - stylish composition

17 child: Flower dress with flared skirt,

Large polka dots. Or a naughty print.

The belt is wide on a fragile waist,

High hairstyle with a cool ribbon.

18th child: Hipsters from all our pop stars

They never lag behind in anything, ever, anywhere.

At our holiday without a soundtrack

They will play for you together, and later they will sing.

A dude and a jazzman come out.

Jazzman: Holding a graduation ceremony in kindergarten, playing the button accordion, balalaika, trumpet, drums.

Hipster: Can I play the saxophone?

Jazzman: Don't you know that a saxophone is equated to a bladed weapon. Come in 10 years, when they play jazz at matinees in kindergarten, then we’ll play.

Children's Orchestra "Rock and Roll"

Host: Well, let's continue our walk along Broadway. Rule two - dudes are ideological show-offs

Scene "Dreams"
1. My years are growing,
It will be seventeen.
Who should I work with then?
What should I do?
I will read books
Strive for knowledge.
To become very smart,
To go abroad.

3. And when I grow up,

I'll get married right away.

I will choose a husband like this

Like Natasha Koroleva.
Dresses are very fashionable

I will wear it.

About me as Natasha
Everyone will talk

4. Can he become a deputy for me?

Anyone can be this.
I'll drive with a flashing light,

And divide the budget among everyone.

5. I will be a businesswoman,
Let them teach me!
I'll buy mom a fur coat
Dad - a cooler Jeep!

6. Businesswomen feel good

A better model!
I really, really want to become
A flashy top model.
But grandma says

That they are all “boards”.

7. Well, model, so what?
What did you find cool in her?
I'll run for president
I will receive gifts
I will rule the country
Increase everyone's salary!
8. Are you guys interested in
Only fame and salary.
And I have my own dream,

She has simple beauty.
I want to become a teacher
Let everyone be surprised.
After all, from kindergarten and school
That's where it all begins.
Children come to the garden
both an artist and a banker,
And then they find themselves,
To conquer the whole world!

All: We told you dreams
Clap, try hard.
It was you who raised us,
So figure it out.

1 presenter: Here are the most stylish and cheerful guys from the “Real Boys” group. They will also share their dreams.

Dance-song “Boy Dreams” music by E. Shashin

Presenter 2: Our walk along Broadway continues. Rule three - music is always with you

2 presenter: The record will be played at the dance,

No one could stand still.

And the sleeping town trembled,

From the tramp of two hundred feet!

2 dudes come out.

Hipster: Listen, Bob, I have a request for you, teach me how to dance stylishly, which is difficult for you, two stomps, three slams

Bob: Jazz is not a polka, not a square dance, it doesn’t need to be faster, stronger, higher, it needs drive.

2 presenter: On our dance floor there is also noise, laughter, fun and good mood, because the coolest girls are performing!

Girls' dance "Hipsters".

After the dance the Bell appears
Call: Hello, friends! I'm the good old school bell looks at parents) I see, I see familiar faces. Vaughn ( dad's first and last name) here and ( mom) found out. How have you grown and matured...
Presenter 1: Dear Call! They have long been called by their first and patronymic names. And today your former students are seeing their children off to school.
Call: Are these kids future first-graders? Well, I’ll definitely make friends with them. Yes... I've seen a lot in my time. And how many guys have I helped out, let’s be honest. It used to be that kids would come to school with unlearned lessons and wait, can’t wait for the bell to ring, so that their teacher wouldn’t ask. And here I am. And now I’m going to a vocal lesson - I need to maintain my voice. It must be ringing and melodic, so that on September 1st it does not go out of tune.

The song "I love rock and roll."

Pyaterochka runs into the hall.

5: Hello, guys! Hello, Call!

Call: Hello, Pyaterochka. How are you doing?
5: I miss school terribly and the excellent students. After all, they rejoice at every five. And how are you?
Call: I can’t wait either school year, so I tuned my voice. I can call the game. (bell rings)

5: Good activity. I just know a very decent game.

Game "Fun Counting"

Children stand in a circle and walk to the music. When the music stops, Pyaterochka says: “Let’s line up in groups of 2 (3,4,5).” Children must follow the command.

5: Well done! We completed the task well. I hope we will remain great friends.

After the game, the children sit on chairs, music plays, and Unity runs in
Unit: General greetings to everyone! Hello, crammer! Are you talking about knowledge? What are they needed for. The more you know, the more you forget, the more you forget, the less you know, and if you know nothing, there is nothing to forget.
Call: Smart. At least write it down!
Unit: My soul is light from such “deep” knowledge, I even want to sing.
Sings a song based on the song “Our Neighbor”
1. I live and don’t get bored, because there isn’t even a day

So that the lazy school kids forget about me.
If your studies are difficult, the subject is not going well,

2. I will decorate your notebook and diary with love.

I don’t need your knowledge, be calm, student.
Let them put you in a corner, I have one answer:

Then for you there was and is not a better friend anywhere.
Unit: Something like this!.. Just like Laima Vaikule. Or this one... as her Christina Rob
Call: I’m also a pop connoisseur. Don't Rob, but Orbakaite. Eh, you klutz, one word - one.

5: Shame on you! No one loves you or is waiting for you at school. Because without knowledge there will be nothing good in the world. Get out of here already!

Unit: Well, I’ll leave, but not just like that.... ( angry). I... I'll mark September 1st on the calendar. And you, bell, I will tear out your sinful tongue... ( count runs away)
Call: We weren't afraid. I'm calling the game again.( rings a bell)

Game "Pencil case, notebook and book"

Children put on hats and run around the hall to the music. When the music ends, the children must put their pencil case, notebook and book together and stand together.

After the game, the Bell and Five say goodbye: “See you at school!” and leave.

2 presenter: And the last rule of the dudes, rule four - life is like a holiday. This holiday began 7 years ago with the birth of our Babies.

Presentation “Hipsters in childhood” music by Caruso

Presenter 2: Well, time has flown by quickly,

And the last hour of the graduation celebration struck

Let's all hold hands before parting

And we’ll dance a merry rock’n’roll for you now

Forgave bnew rock and roll

1 presenter: As a farewell, I suggest baking a cake

The game "Cake" is being played
All children join hands and line up in one long chain. The leader is in front of everyone. On command, the children begin to “bake a cake”: The leader turns around himself, winding the entire chain. The presenter spins until a large “Cake” is formed. The condition is not to release your hands. As soon as the entire chain wraps around the leader, you should stop.
Presenter 1: This is how the cake turned out! ( asks the children) Why do we have it?
Children's answers: With gratitude to the kindergarten staff
Presenter 1: What’s missing on the birthday cake?

Children: Svechek. ( I all raise my hands up)

1 presenter. That's how many candles! And now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake(hands in a ring). Give everyone a treat.
Children scatter in different directions, stand scattered and read poetry.

Child: Dear kindergarten staff

Without exception, please accept our good wishes.

And hearty congratulations

Child: Galina Ivanovna, our manager

In the whole world there is no one more beautiful than you

We all know without embellishment

You love us very much.

Child: Thanks to the laundress, nurse

Psychologist, caretaker

And the physical teacher, and everyone, everyone, everyone

And the musician too.

Child: Thanks also to the cooks.

Without your delicious porridge,

We all won't grow up

Child: Thanks to the teachers

We will say many times

And to our dear nanny

We love you very much!

Child: We wish you love and happiness

High ideas and salaries

The whole future is in your power

All together: Long live our Kindergarten!

Farewell song “Shalyay-go ahead”

Children and teachers stand together and say goodbye

Go ahead and play.

1. Here we are again in this hall
All flowers, smiles are all for us
Here we didn’t know any worries with you, we didn’t grow up noticeably
Kindergarten is in our hearts, graduation happens once
We say goodbye to him today.

We thought it wasn't necessary
Letting go of your childhood
We hoped that we would have enough time
Carefree live and play
But... but now we see that childhood is leaving with the stencil “don’t be bored”

Stop, stay, at least for a day,
Go ahead!

Go ahead and play
The school is waiting for your guys
Go ahead and play
So goodbye kindergarten
Go ahead and play.

2. We know, because everything is not bad.
And school life awaits us.
This is our wonderful funny era,
Gives you and me strength
Let's remember the cute faces and say goodbye to the teachers
And may love protect us all
Go ahead and play.

Chorus: Goodbye kindergarten
Go ahead and play
The school is waiting for your guys
Go ahead and play
Your childhood is behind you, don’t forget about us
So goodbye kindergarten
Go ahead and play.

1. Once I came to kindergarten

My dad left immediately.

But I didn't miss you much

Little by little I got used to it.

E-e-e-e-e... .

2. All the kids were screaming

Take it quickly.

But I covered my ears

Little by little I got used to it.

E-e-e-e-e... .

3. They prepared food for us

Porridge with butter is bad luck.

I gagged and hiccupped

Little by little I got used to it.

E-e-e-e-e... .

4. I really like to jump,

Jump, run and scream.

I felt like I was small

Little by little I got used to it.

E-e-e-e-e... .

5. They were able to keep me busy here

Taught how to play.

I understood and comprehended everything

Little by little I got used to it.

E-e-e-e-e... . little by little

6. Year after year time passed

Release time has come

And I'm stuck again

We need to get used to school. E-e-e-e-e... .

I love Rock and Roll

I love ripped jeans
I really like singing with the guitar.
Philip Kirkorov's mother is listening,
And grandma loves Sofia Rotaru...

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll!

I don't like stupid songs

And the whole school knows about me

Let them say that pop music is more interesting

I just don't like her

After all, I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll

I respect sports

And I don't have bad habits

If you don't agree with me, don't argue.

I'm not the last and not the best student

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll! 3 times

Dance-song “Boy Dreams”

music - Egor Shashin, lyrics - Natalya Kuzminykh

This morning on an amazing flight,

The cheerful plane called me again.

We will fly higher than the mountains, even outrun the birds,

Let's say hello from the clouds.

Blocks and icebergs don't scare me.

I've heard worse stories somewhere.

And with a brave ship we will go around the world,

We will find unknown countries.

CHORUS: We are little boys, inseparable friends,

But we each dream only about our own.

Walk the seas, play, invent something there.

It is only important to become a person in life.

Captains and pilots of the last century.

Understand computer a person should.

I’ll create a robot for you, it will do everything itself.

There is no limit to miracles.

Every day from morning to evening I sing,

Today I am the good doctor Aibolit,

Well, tomorrow D'Artagnan is in a hurry to see everyone.

Life is like an eternal game, and I will become an actor,

I will smile at you from the screen, friends.

“First-class dudes are leaving kindergarten”

2 crooks

Dance with records

“We are little children” (Yu. Entin)
"Children's - Playful"
“We are now students” (Georgy Struve)
“Goodbye, kindergarten” (Words and music by Yu. Slonov)

The teacher-leaders enter to the accompaniment of fanfare.

1 presenter: So we and the guests met again in our hall.
We are ready to accept everyone, we only ask you one thing:
Don’t judge yesterday’s preschoolers harshly today.
They are worried today and their knees are shaking a little.
The sun, a cheerful ray, joyfully knocks on the windows,
And today we are proud of an important word: “Graduate”

2 presenter: Graduates of the year MDOU No. are invited to the hall... Meet...

Children run out to the music “We are little children...Yu. Entin” (dance and sing)

In chorus - “We don’t want to go to school!”

Child 1: We do not recognize the color gray
Our world plays with the whole rainbow.
Chanson, I don’t sing romances,
We are attracted to jazz and boogie.

Child 2: When we walk down the street,
You will turn around in our wake.
We are dudes, which is good
After all, we are not like everyone else.

Child 3: Here are the trousers, the pipes and the cook on the head,

Child 4: Here's a skirt with a wide brim

Child 5: We are not like everyone else, you think.

Child 6: No, we're just against it
boredom, dullness, sadness. (Sit on chairs)

1 presenter: We played and had fun
You guys are all year round
That's it, it's time to settle down
Now your studies are waiting for you!
Deuce runs in (laughs)

Two: Hello, my fellow dudes, I respect you, you are super!

Don't you want to go to school?! – and that’s right: There’s nothing to do at school!!!

I have one friend Vovka, a cool guy.

Maybe someone knows him?

A child comes out and reads A. Barto’s poem “Calls”

I am Volodin's marks
I'll find out without the diary.
If a brother comes with a three
Three bells ring.
If suddenly in our apartment
The ringing begins -
So five or four
He received it today.
If he comes with a deuce -
I hear from afar:
Two short ones are heard,
Indecisive call.
Well, what if one is
He knocks quietly on the door.

Presenter 2: Well, anything can happen in school life.
Two: How to read textbooks
I suggest you play!
Who is brave here, who is the hero?
Kids follow me!
Presenter 2: Well, we love to play.

Game "Blind Man's Bluff"

Two: What wonderful friends I have! Guys, I want to ask you - will you go to 1st grade???
Children (in unison): no.

Song "Children's - Playful"

(After the song they sat down)

Presenter 1: Oh-hey! It looks like we're in trouble, what should we do? Who should I turn to for help?

Music sounds, Five comes in!

Five:(addresses the deuce) Oh, there you are!!! Again you want to ruin the children’s holiday! (Pays attention to the children and guests)
- Excuse me, hello children, hello guests. I am Five!
How wonderfully charming I am, all beautifully curved.
I decorate the diary because I am a good student.
What happened to you?
Presenter 2: Five - imagine, our children don’t want to go to school and Two supports them in this.
Two: I have nothing to do with it, they want to have fun, dance, be the most stylish, fashionable. Listen to it yourself.

Scene "Dreams"

1. My years are growing,
It will be seventeen.
Who should I work with then?
What should I do?
2. I really want to become
A flashy top model.
But grandma says
That they are all “boards”.
3. And I will be a showman,
All mustachioed and bright.
I'll spin the wheel
Receive gifts.
4. Good at being a showman
It's better to be a singer.
I would go to the Basques,
Let them teach me!
5. And I want to sing like Galkin,
I can, I can handle it!
Maybe Alla Pugacheva
I'll like you too!
6. We read poems to you,
Clap, try hard.
It was you who raised us,
So figure it out!
Two: Wow, now my girls and men are going to say such crap!

General dance "Rock and roll"
(Remain on the carpet - for the game)

Five: Yes, guys, you dance well. Would you like to play with me?
Children: Yes, we do, we love to play.
Five: Aren't you afraid?
Children: No.
Children solve puzzles, solve examples, on each piece of paper there is a letter - after all the completed tasks, from the letters received you need to create a proverb “Learning is light, not learning is darkness”
With each correctly completed task - the 2 begins to lose strength, melts, falls, disappears - a small number 2 remains
Five: Guys, look what's left of 2! And now you understand that in life it is important not only to dance and have fun, but also to gain new knowledge. Well, guys, I want to ask you - will you go to 1st grade?
Children: (in unison): yes.
Five: What grades will you study for?
Leading: And now we’ll show you this, because in kindergarten our children learned not only to sing and dance, count and write, but also to make crafts

Game “Post your favorite mark”
(made of plasticine, wire, ribbon, etc.)

Children lay out fives, give them to Five and sit on chairs.
Five: You guys are great, I’m very glad. I hope that we will meet very often at school!!! Well, I have to go, See you again at school! (Leaves)
Presenter 1:
The windows are lit until late in the evening,
Parents prepare their children for school.
What worries them at a late hour?
Well, let's take a look at the apartment now!

Dad: My son will go to school soon, to first grade.
I wonder how he will behave?
Mom: I remember the first time my son was in kindergarten without us
He was sad and bored, he even cried...
Dad: First time for all babies
It's hard in kindergarten without us.
Son: (approaches parents)
Mommy, don't be afraid! Dad, calm down!
I'll go to school with confidence, we were taught in kindergarten
Don't be timid and don't be shy,
And try to help your friends.
And in all your affairs be no worse than others!

Presenter 1: Well friends, we hope that no one will disturb us…………..
Pippi Longstocking music is playing.
The girl runs out with a large suitcase.

Pippi. Hello!
Let me introduce myself:
Long stocking
The strongest girl in the world.
Maybe just Pippi.
And in general, I have the most fashionable socks (shows socks)
And you need to greet with your heels,
Like in Patagonia, but you have to get acquainted three times
Spin around in one place, like in Lapland!
(They say hello.)
Well, we said hello and got to know each other, by the way, why are you all gathered here? Perhaps you are meeting me?! How kind of you.
Leading: Wait, wait Pippi, of course we are glad to see you, but today is a special day for us - our children are saying goodbye to kindergarten.
Pippi: Great! And when I was little I loved to dance, walk on the roof and make up funny stories (thought...) What were your favorite things to do in kindergarten?
Children's answers.
Pippi: Guys, do you want to remember how little you were when you came to kindergarten?
Children: Yes
Pippi: And, you know that if you really want it, this wish will come true, even though it is not easy: you just need to close your eyes with your palms and repeat many, many times: “I want to see how little I was!”
Children close their eyes and loudly repeat the wish together. At this time, the multimedia film “We are in the nursery” is playing and the kids quietly enter the hall.

Pippi: Well, now you can open your eyes. Look how small you were just a short time ago!

1 kid: We want to congratulate you - you are going to 1st grade,
Don't forget to come and visit us.
Kid 2: We were funny, we were funny, after all, so are you
When we grow up a little, we will also come to school with you.
Kid 3: Congratulations, congratulations, you are going to 1st grade
We would go too, but we can’t yet.
4 baby: It’s time to say goodbye, the school is waiting for you all to study
We want to wish you only A's.
5 kid: And at the holiday for you, we will all dance now.

Children's dance "Kiss Waltz" is performed

1 Child: Don’t be bored, kids, we will tell you from the bottom of our hearts -
We won’t forget our kindergarten, we will come running here!
2 Child: Thank you dear kids for coming to congratulate us.
And with all your heart, please accept gifts from us.
(They give balloons and see off the kids)

Presenter 2(Surprised) Pippi, what's in your suitcase?
Pippi: What I don’t have in it (takes out records), but I don’t know what to do with them.
Leading: Pippi, don't be upset, now we'll show you.

Dance with records (girls)

Pippi. What a great idea you came up with, well done. Now I’ll see what else I have in my suitcase (looks in) Oh, here I have my dad’s gift, my most precious treasure.
Music of crooks.
Crooks appear.
1 crook. Have you heard?
Some red-haired girl has -
A whole treasure and money in the suitcase.
2 crook. Then we surround this red monster and take away the treasure. It is harmful for children to have a lot of gold. So your money will be ours! Even copper!
1 rogue. You and I are a different matter:
tired of saving
we don't know how to do anything
and the need - oh-ho-ho!
2 crook. And eat and get dressed -
I need money, I need funds,
and when it becomes unbearable,
then we go out to rob!
(Together) Surround, take away!

Pippi. Why take it away?
I’ll give you the suitcase myself if you sing with us! Do you even know how to sing?
Crooks (together): Yes. (singing)
Pippi: This is what you call singing??? Listen to how you should sing!

Song “We are now students” (Georgy Struve)

Crooks: Okay, you sing well, but give us the suitcase!
Pippi: Well, if you don’t know how to sing, then play with us.
Crooks (joyfully). Let's play, let's play, but what?
In cards? Dominoes? In lotto?
Pippi. No, we have other games, more interesting ones!
I'm starting some fun moments - my math jokes.

(Cheaters confuse children and give wrong answers)

1. A rooster flew up onto the fence,
Met two more there
How many roosters are there?
Who has the answer? (3)

2. Six funny little bears
They rush into the forest for raspberries.
But one kid is tired
I fell behind my comrades,
Now find the answer
How many bears are ahead? (5)

3. Once a hedgehog was walking through the forest,
I found mushrooms for lunch:
Two - under the birch tree,
Two - under the aspen tree.
How many will there be?
In a wicker basket? (4)
Crooks together. How is all this not interesting?
Do you know how to style?
Peppy: Wow. what what?
Crooks: Well, that’s our style, the stylish way to dance.

We can't sit still,
We love to have fun
We can sing and play
And, of course, dance!
Dance "Boogie-woogie" (boys)

1 rogue. They dance well! And the suitcase is now ours! (They try to lift the suitcase.)
It looks like there are too many treasures, I can’t pick them up!
Pippi. Shame on you! You can't lift a light suitcase!
(He picks up the suitcase and lets it fall on the crook’s leg.)
2 crook. Ay! Oh! What a strong girl!
Pippi. The most ordinary.
Any child can lift this suitcase! (Children raise.)
Here, have you seen it? You need to do physical education!
The crooks again try to lift the suitcase, push and snatch it from each other - the suitcase opens and school supplies and various toys fall out of it.
2 crook. Together. Wha-oh! And this is your treasure?
Little liar!
It's not good to deceive adults.
Pippi. And I’m not a liar at all, you thought that treasures were gold and jewelry, but they’re not. This is something without which it is impossible to get to the land of Knowledge.
What will you guys take with you to school?

The game “pack your briefcase for school.”
Pippi: Well done. (Checks the briefcases) All this will be useful to you at school.
-And now, dear children and parents, to your attention “School Lottery”. To my question, the answer is to say loudly who will do what.
(answer “WE” or “WE”)

1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?
2. Who is responsible for keeping track of the first-grader’s uniform?
3. Who will get up at 6 am?
4. Who will eat breakfast first?
5. Who will have to collect the briefcase?
6. Who will read the primer every day?
7. Who will cry, left without strength?
8. Who is to blame if a child gets a bad grade?
9. Who will attend the meetings?
10. Who will take the first grader to school?

Presenter1: Come on, time, wait,
Don't fly into the sky like a bird!
We just have to make it in time
Look back and sing a song,
To hear hello
At the dawn of happy years...

Song:"Goodbye, kindergarten"
Words Music by Yu. Slonov

Pippi: And now it’s time for me to go, and I want to give you this key, which opens the road to the land of Knowledge.
(Pippi runs away).
1 rogue. She sped off! What a nimble one! And she didn’t take us with her!
2 crook. Pippi gave the children a key, but there is only one key, but there are many children. Let's do a trick! Let's do something good - a souvenir!
(Trick with a box with a double bottom. One key - many)
Giving children keys
1 rogue. Congratulations to all of you children
Happy graduation from kindergarten.
2 crook. You'll be going to school soon,
Please don't be lazy
We wish you guys
Study well!
The crooks say goodbye and leave.
Children go out in pairs and read poetry
The last time we were in this room, we gathered our parents.
The last time they read poems, sang and danced to you.
How many years we lived here and played and were friends.
With tender sadness, “Goodbye!” Let's tell the group we are dear.
You and I never parted - except on a day off.
There were builders, doctors and tailors here.
Our bedroom has been used for quiet times hundreds of times.
We set the table for dinner, learning etiquette,
And in the albums they drew a house, trees and dawn.
And more than once during leisure hours, sitting quietly on the carpet,
Together with the book, we visited a kind fairyland.
Today we fly away like birds from a nest,
It's a pity that we have to say goodbye to kindergarten forever.
And today, on our farewell day, we will not lose heart,
We will remember our kindergarten with a kind word for a long time.
Our kindergarten, goodbye, we are leaving for first grade.
Although the parting is sad,
(all together) Don't worry about us.

Dance "Waltz"
Presenter1: We would like to wish you, dear guys,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you,
Walk the stairs of life boldly!
Presenter2: The children are leaving along the school road,
But a part of us remains in them!
From the kindergarten, from the school threshold
We accompany them to school:
(together) Good morning!

Post Views: 8,923

Graduation to the school "Hipsters"

Musical material:
1. dance – exit “Top, clap, drop!”
2. song “Kindergarten” (music and lyrics by Kostin)
3. song “First-graders” (I. Krutoy)
4. dance junior group“Ladoshka” (paired with graduate boys)
5. dance – roll call rock and roll
6. Preschool Waltz
7. Song “Farewell”
8. Dance with balloons “Rainbow of Desires” (graduate girls)
9. number of teachers song “Knots”
10. Flash – mob “Parents can too”

1 presenter
2 presenter
Correspondent – ​​child of the group

"The Hipster Goes to School"
"Interview with preschool children"

math peas game
quick survey for first graders
game "make a word" - with parents
attraction "What will you become"

Fanfare sounds.
The teachers come out.
1 V.
Good evening, dear parents, employees and guests of our holiday! We are glad to welcome you to our hall!
2 V.
Today we have gathered with you for the last time to see off our graduates to school. The atmosphere in the hall promises to be rosy, romantic, with a slight whiff of nostalgia.

1 V.
We came to you now with excitement,
Today is our graduation.
How quickly our children have grown up
And the years flew by quickly with them!

2 V.
But don't let sadness obscure your smiles,
And the guys will only have joy,
And although they cannot avoid small mistakes,
Greet our preschoolers with applause!

Both: Meet, they are rushing to us:
1 V. Merry
2 V. Perky
1 V. Beautiful
2 V. And cool
Both: First-class dudes!

· Dance “Top, clap, drop!”
They remain in place.
1 child.
We do not recognize the color gray
Our world is playing with the whole rainbow!
And soon we will go to school,
The entire kindergarten is seeing us off!
Today we are graduates
Hipsters - well done!

2nd child:
When we walk down the street
You will turn around after us
We are leaving kindergarten
And we perform songs from different years!

· Song “Kindergarten”
3rd child (walks between the guys)
Listen up, dudes,
I'm telling you the truth!
Life in our garden is bright, wonderful and very interesting!
And I have long dreamed of making a movie about our life!

All in unison. Movie?

4 child.
And what, indeed, in fact,
We all wanted to make movies.
Well, let's shoot, it's decided!

All in unison. Hooray! Cinema allowed!

5 child.
So, the conversation is over,
Attention, friends! Motor!
We created our film from the heart,
Famous actors played in the film.
And now the hour has come - our movie has been made,
Actors - on stage! Watch our film!

6 child.
We have been creating it for many years,
There were victories and there were adversities.
And now the time has come to part,
Actors on stage, go ahead, kids!

7 child.
Very soon, very soon
We'll go to school
And it’s time to wish us peace and feather!

· Children perform the song “First-graders”.

1 Q. So, today in our kindergarten there is a premiere of a film, work on which lasted five whole years.
2 Q. The solemn hour has come for all of us - finally we will see his most interesting shots!
7 child.
The first shot is of a baby (clapping a clapperboard).
Graduates come out.
8th child:
Remember five years ago,
How did we go to kindergarten?
9th child:
What are you talking about, we didn’t go
They carried us in wheelchairs.
We often sat on our arms,
They didn’t want to stomp their feet.
I remember crying every day
I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window.
10th child:
And someone walked around with a pacifier,
And someone wore diapers.
Sometimes I ate poorly,
They spoon-fed me.
And if we didn't sleep,
They rocked us on our arms.
11 child
Oh, hear, someone is already knocking on our door,
And he's afraid to come here,
I'll go and have a look
And I’ll tell you, dudes! (greets incoming kids)
Children of the younger group enter.
(music "Mustachioed Nanny")
1. We gathered for graduation,
But they didn’t let everyone in, but we broke through.

2. We put on our dresses and washed our cheeks,
They became beautiful and hurried to you.

3. We are tired of waiting for our performance
We want to dance at the celebration.

Teacher of a group of children:
Only you will help us and support the little ones.
Let it be a happy time at school, we wish you
In chorus: “No fluff, no feather! »

12 child.
We accept congratulations,
We want to dance with you,
Let's take the kids now
Let's start a dance with them!
Dance "Palms"
(paired with graduates - boys.)
Children give the kids soap bubbles.

13 child.
The second frame is educational! (claps the cracker).
We have a lot of fun in our kindergarten,
But we not only have fun,
We're still working on it!

Game "Math Peas".
Prepare the painted pea pods,
inside each pod: different quantities of peas.
Children go "to the garden": choose any pod
and to the cheerful music they jump and move in all directions.
Another group of children are holding numbers.
The task is to count the peas at the signal (at the end of the music) (children do this while moving in hops) and stand near their number, i.e. so that the number of peas coincides with the number they are standing next to.
Raise the pod high up so that everyone can check the answer.

2 V.: Well, our children are great! And now a quick survey.
“Every first-grader should know this.”
Children are asked to answer the questions:
In what month do they go to school?
Where do students put their school supplies?
What do students write in their notebooks?
Who teaches children various lessons at school?
What is the break between lessons called?
What is the name of the notebook for recording homework?
For adults - vacation, for schoolchildren -..?
Addition sign?
A signal warning us about the start of a lesson?
What is the name of the spacious room where students sit during class?
1B. Well done boys! I see you are ready to go to school! Aren't your parents bored? We have a game for you.

Game with dads "Perestroika".
The game involves 4 people, a couple of letters per participant.

Dad wears a “vest”
- letters N - L on the chest and back; A - O; E - I; Sh-P

2 V.: - Now we will tell you riddles, and you must make up the answers from the letters that are on your chest and back. You are allowed to consult! The answer will always be 4 letters, be careful.

1. It can be a fish, but it can also be a tool (Saw).
2. A tree from whose flowers aromatic tea is brewed (Linden).
3. It can be football, it can be wheat (Field).
4. What you can’t hide in a bag (Awl).
5. Shoes for the wheel (Tire).
6. Sometimes it’s marine, sometimes it’s used for shaving (Foam).
7. Little horse (Pony).
The presenters alternate reading riddles.
Parents rearrange themselves to form a word.

2 V.: Well done! You all receive the honorary title "Assistant Dude - First-Grade"

15 child.
Frame three is entertaining! (claps the cracker).
We grew up in the garden.
We learned a lot of new things.
They drew and read.
We played together having fun

16th child:
Although we are not uncles, although we are not aunts.
You won't find us more talented anywhere.
Here we have become actors, soloists,
We are the best in the world, we are future artists!

Sketch “The Hipster Goes to School”
chair with tie.
Presenter of the skit (child).
Once upon a time our dude
He decided to go to first grade.
I put on a bright shirt,
I combed my hair and looked.
Hipster schoolboy.
All is ready! Can I go to school?
I have to go now!
All I need is a bright tie,
But where to find it? puts on a tie.
Hipster schoolboy.
That's it, I'm ready for school,
Open the doors!
Meet the handsome student soon!
Presenter of the skit (child).
He's in a hurry to go to school,
Dancing, dancing and squealing.
A dude came into class
The Teacher comes out (child of the group, glasses).
Presenter of the skit. The teacher looked sternly and asked:
Teacher. What time is it now?
You're three hours late (looks at Hipster)
And they didn’t take the briefcase with them,
How will you work:
Write, read, study?
Hipster schoolboy.
We love dudes very much
Don't read, but have fun!
Hipsters! It’s more fun with us, let’s light it up with our energy!
We've been dancing merrily since the morning,
All the children in chorus: We are the happiest children in the world!

· Dance - roll call
Teacher. Well, dude, I wish you a happy journey. I ask you to come to the director immediately. (leaves)
Presenter of the skit.
Here comes our dude and doesn’t understand
Why do they immediately call the director?
He enters the office, his mother is nearby, his father is not there.
Our dude sees: things are bad
He hears..
The Director (child of the group) comes out,
walks around, looking up and down at Hipster.
What kind of miracle is this?
Why did you come to school?
And textbooks, briefcase
Did you bring it with you?

· Hipster schoolboy.
I didn't bring anything.
Why do I need school?
How so?
After all, learning is light!
You know, it's hard these days,
There is no happiness without science!
Read this word (shows)
Hipster schoolboy.
La-la-la, and you're done!
No, it won't work that way.
You need to study at school.
Hipster schoolboy.
Everyone, I agree, convinced!
You convinced me!
I'll go to school soon
I will study everything you need!
Presenter of the skit.
Listen guys,
Don't play hide and seek at school!
You study computer
Respect your teachers!
General bow of the stage performers.
1B. Guys, I think we have guests!
The Correspondent (child of the group) runs in to the music,
with a camera, with a microphone.
Correspondent: Are you really late? How so? While I was reporting on the government meeting, I missed the celebration in your garden!
2 Q. Don’t worry, dear correspondent, our holiday is just beginning! Look at our dudes - graduates, at their happy parents!
The correspondent clicks the camera (in different directions)
accompanied by cheerful music
Then everything is fine!
I am a cheerful correspondent,
I want to take you to school!
I'll connect my microphone,
I'll interview you!
Graduates will answer your questions!
The participants in the scene come out.
The correspondent approaches the children one by one with a microphone,
asks a question:
Correspondent (to the artist). What is your favorite activity?
The child is an “artist” (with a brush).
I don't like colors,
I dream of becoming an artist.
I can easily draw your portrait at the age of seven!
And a wonderful still life, I’ll draw it without any hassle!
I’ll paint a summer landscape, all I need is a brush and gouache!

Correspondent (director). What are you dreaming about?

The child is the “director”.
Of course I will soon
A well-known director.
I will travel abroad:
To Cannes, Rome, Paris and Nice,
attend festivals,
Visit different mayors.
From all over big world I'll bring souvenirs!

Correspondent (director). What is your most cherished dream?
The child is a “pianist.”
I want to become a pianist
A wonderful artist,
Music has been with me since childhood,
I love her with all my heart!

Correspondent (to DJ). What will you become when you grow up?
The child is a “DJ”.
I'll become a cool DJ, I'll play music,
Namikyuyu new topic, to get all the people excited.
With Kolya Baskov we will record a super dance hit,
The whole world will hear about me, the whole country will start talking!

Correspondent (to the next respondent).
Why are you silent?
Are you saying anything?
You can't tell us
Who do you dream of becoming?

The child is a “teacher”.
Are you guys interested?
Only fame and salary.
But I have my own dream, it has simple beauty.
I want to become a teacher
Let everyone be surprised.
After all, from kindergarten and school
That's where it all begins.

17 Child.
Both the artist and the banker come to the garden as children,
And then they find themselves,
To conquer the whole world!
There is no more honorable job!
There is no profession more needed
Give care every day -
What could be more important!
In chorus:
You are one hundred percent right, Kindergarten is the head of everything!

I am a cheerful correspondent,
I managed to take you to school!
I'll turn off my microphone
I'll interview you at school!
And now - a moment of attention! A photo for memory!
(participants in the scene stand up for a photograph). Smile! I'm filming! (the correspondent takes photographs).
18 Child.
Where to study, who we will become,
We don't know yet.
In the meantime, we are all dreaming,
And let's play, let's play!

The attraction “Who Will You Become” is held:
Children run around small gramophone records to the music,
on back side inscription - profession.
With a point of music, take any record.
The presenter reads the inscription from the reverse side.
Professions by number of children.

19 Child.
We'll dance at school
Perform pas de deux!
Well, the waltz, everyone knows it -
The whole world is interested!
And now for the cuties
Waltz dance for all dudes!

· Dance “Preschool Waltz”

20 Child. Frame four – farewell! (claps the cracker)
Children go out in pairs and read poetry
The last time we are in this room -
They gathered their parents.
The last time poetry was read,
And they sang and danced for you.
How many years have we lived here?
And they played and were friends.
With tender sadness, “Goodbye!”
Let's tell the group we are dear.
You and I never parted -
Only on weekends.

There were builders here
Doctors and tailors.
In our bedroom hundreds of times
We rested during a quiet time.
The table was set for dinner,
Learning etiquette
And they drew a house in albums,
Trees and dawn.

And more than once during leisure hours,
Sitting quietly on the carpet,
Together with the book we visited
In a good fairyland.
We're leaving today
Like birds from a nest
It's a shame we have to say goodbye
Happy kindergarten forever.

Preschool childhood leaves one day,
And everyone will feel this today.
Toys are leaving: cars, rocking chairs,
And baby books and squeaky dolls.
But we can’t forget this colorful world
And our kindergarten is kind, cozy and bright,
AND warm hands, and a gentle look,
TOGETHER: Thank you, thank you for everything, kindergarten!
This is the word we want
Add up from capital letters,
And to all kindergarten workers
Give with love!
Children hold up signs with the letters “THANK YOU!”

· Song "Farewell"
21 children.
We loved going to kindergarten,
And we were able to compose a dance for the kindergarten.
We will give you the “Rainbow of Wishes” now,
May all your wishes come true!

Balloon dance for preparatory group girls

· "Rainbow of Wishes"

1 Q. You went to our kindergarten for many years. We grew up and studied together, learned a lot of new and instructive things. Together we became great friends, and friends, as you know, often see each other and do not forget about each other. Come to visit us. We will be very glad to see you!

· word of teachers
1B. Dear guests, our film has come to an end. You saw his best shots. Now our grown-up children can rightfully go to first grade!

2B. Attention please! Let me introduce you to the main creators of our film - people without whom today's holiday would not have taken place: .
22 child.
Everyone is very excited today
This happens in moments of separation.
Don't be sad, now he will congratulate us
Our manager, mentor and friend!

The manager's word.
1 V.:
Who brought you to kindergarten for the first time?
Who was always worried about you?

Children: Parents!

2 V.: All life’s joys and hardships, ups and downs, disappointments and victories have always been shared with you by your wonderful parents. The floor is given to the parents of our graduates! Applause!

· Flash – mob “Parents can do it too!”
1 Q: And now we will take an oath from the parents.
I'll ask my parents to stand up
And we swear to promise:
1 V:
Whether I am a mother or whether I am a father,
Always say to the child: “Well done!” I swear!
Parents: I swear!

Never scold him for getting bad grades, and help him do his homework. I swear!
Parents: I swear!

1 V:
Forget your “I don’t remember... I don’t know...”
And learn English and Russian together! I swear!
Parents: I swear!

Try to be an exemplary parent
And never forget your oath. I SWEAR!
Parents: I swear!

1 V:
And if I still offend the child,
I'll buy him right away... a box of condensed milk! I swear!
Parents: I swear!
Well done! Now you all receive the honorary title “Assistant Dude - First-Grade”
And now comes the solemn hour,
He is very serious and important to you!
The first award in my life is presented,
Diploma of completion of kindergarten!
May you have many rewards,
But the first in life is more valuable than a treasure!
Presentation of diplomas and gifts.
Children take the balls and stand scattered.

1 V:
You will never forget your first ball!
And you will always remember your beloved kindergarten!
Our ball is over, the holiday is over!
Presenters together:
Have a nice trip, first grader!
Let the balls fly
Let the children dream!
With clear lights of fairy colors
Well, today we are with dancing, poetry
Let's go to the sky
Children all together:
Balloon fireworks!

· To the song “Balloons”
children go outside with their teachers,
stand in a circle and make a wish.

One two Three! Fly with a wish into the sky!