Poems on the topic “Sports” for kindergarten children. Sports for children A story about playing sports in kindergarten

Olga Oledibe
Presentation for children of senior preschool age: “For children about sports”

About sports for children

What's happened sport:

Sport– this is the main one component physical education. also in sports competitions are organized in various sports disciplines(species sports) – from banal football to windsurfing. Sports can be amateur, but sometimes professional.

As it was before…:

First attempts to emerge sports arose among cavemen, it was a struggle. IN Ancient Greece there was already a wide variety of species sports. Greatest development received various types of wrestling, running, discus throwing and chariot competitions.

Who it athlete?

An athlete is a person engaged in any kind of sports professionally, or amateur

Professional sport

These are the types sports in which athletes compete for awards and participate in competitions.

Amateur sport is sport, where a person engages in those activities sports the way he wants.

Kinds sports

Species a lot of sports: this is swimming, jumping, running, wrestling, tennis, hockey, football, basketball, golf, volleyball, throwing, gymnastics.

Kinds sports are divided into group and individual.

More than one person involved:


1 person participates:


Every athlete receives awards!

Awards are prizes received athlete at competitions.

These are medals, cups, wreaths, bowls, figurines, certificates.

Awards and certificates

Athletes train 4 hours a day in order to compete

Types of competitions:



World (World Championship)

European (Europe championship)

All competitions are judged by judges. Their number depends on the type sport and type of competition. This is from 2 to 8 judges!

The most important competitions are Olympic Games. They are held every 4 years.

There are summer and winter

Exercise equipment

They exist to athlete could train his muscles and simply maintain physical shape.

Nutrition athletes

Athletes spend a large number of energy, so their food must contain protein, as well as carbohydrates and fats, but in smaller quantities. Proper nutrition athlete provides him good condition health, to win competitions


Sports team game, the goal of which is to score the ball into the opponent’s goal, using individual dribbling and passing the ball to partners with the legs, head and other parts of the body - except for the hands. The team that scores more goals wins the match.

Sports a team game on an ice or grass field in which a ball or puck is driven into the opponent’s goal with special sticks.


Two teams play basketball. The goal of the game is to throw the ball into the opponent's basket and prevent the other team from gaining possession of the ball and throwing it into their own basket. The ball is played only with hands.


Team sport game, during which two teams compete on a special area divided by a net, trying to direct the ball (hands only) to the opponent's side so that it lands on the opponent's court.

Sports playing with a ball and rackets on a special court (a court divided by a net. The goal of the game is to hit the ball with a racket to the opponent’s half so that he cannot hit it or hits it in violation of the rules.


Sports a game with a shuttlecock and rackets on a court divided in half by a net. The goal of the game is to land the shuttlecock on your opponent's side and prevent it from falling on your side.


View sports which involves overcoming certain distances by swimming in a minimum amount of time.

Sports a team game with an oval-shaped ball on a special court. The goal of the game is to pass the ball to each other with your hands (only back) or kick (in any direction, ground it in in-goal or kick it into the goal (shaped like the letter H) enemy.

Team sports game with ball and bat. Two teams are participating. The essence of the game: players of the attacking team stand in line at the base and hit the ball sent to them with a bat. While the ball is flying, players run from one base to another. Defenders are trying catch the ball and hit it "defector".

Sports acrobatics.

View sports, competitions in performing acrobatic exercises related to maintaining balance (balancing) and rotation of the body with and without support.

Riddles about sports

1. I don’t understand, guys, who are you?

Birders? Fishermen?

What kind of net is there in the yard?

Wouldn't you interfere with the game?

You'd better go away.

We play …___

2. There is a game in the yard in the morning,

The kids were playing around.

Screams: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” -

So there is a game -... ___

3. In this sports players

Everyone is agile and tall.

They love to play ball

And throw it into the ring.

The ball hits the floor loudly, so this is it.

4. Everyone hits the ball with their feet, kicks,

Like hammering a nail into a gate,

Everyone screams for joy: "Goal!".

The name of the ball game is …___

5. One hit with the racket -

The shuttlecock flies over the net.

Although Seryozha hit him hard,

The shuttlecock hit the net.

Anton won today.

What were they playing? IN ___

6. The tournament is underway. The tournament is in full swing.

Andrey and I play together.

The two of us go out onto the court.

We hit the ball with rackets.

And against us are Andre and Denis.

What do we play with them? IN …__

7. Boxers have an equipment - a pear.

And in this sports"fruit" better.

The ball is scored there athlete

At the gate in the shape of the letter H,

The ball looks a lot like a melon.

View call it a sport?

Sports in the life of a preschooler.

Currently one of current problems is to preserve and strengthen the health of the younger generation. First ideas about health and healthy way lives are already formed in preschool age, which is fundamental in the formation of a person’s personality.

Federal State educational standard calls for adaptation to national and regional needs and thereby creating conditions for the spiritual, intellectual and physical development of the individual, his abilities and inclinations, to meet developing socio-cultural and educational needs.Thus, a contradiction is determined between:

Formation of a positive and active attitude of youth with early age to sports and the lack of development of theoretical and methodological foundations;

The child’s need for movement, action and lack of formation of interests and motives in playing sports.

What is the benefit and why is sport important for preschool children? Sport is an integral part of life healthy person who cares about his future. And in order to protect health from a young age, a love of sports must be instilled from childhood, starting from preschool age.

Playing sports with preschool children shapes them positive attitude to their own health, help in organizing activities and leisure, in finding a place in life. Based on this, it is necessary to introduce children to sports.

Considering the formation of an active and positive attitude towards sports, the goal is to develop interest in sports activities among beginners.

The need for this is due to a number of reasons:

Children have an acute motor need due to their development and growth;

Health status due to unfavorable environmental conditions and global climate change;

The increasing role of sport in the development of a child’s physical strength, his inclinations and abilities;

Lack of understanding among children of the value of sports.

All parents dream of raising a healthy and comprehensively developed child, and achieving this goal is impossible without regular physical education and sports.The task of parents is to encourage their children’s passion, control it, develop interest in sports, and not let it fade away. Parents must be convinced that playing sports develops the physical capabilities of the body, disciplines the child, and has a beneficial effect on health, morality, learning and behavior. Only such conviction will make parents true friends of sports, helpers of children in their sports activities. It should be remembered that all children need sports.

Sports for preschool children

Swimming . Strengthens the musculoskeletal corset, nervous system, normalizes blood circulation and breathing. In addition, it hardens and, accordingly, increases resistance to various diseases.

You can offer very basic things to very little ones, simple exercises or water games in the pool. It is recommended to practice effectively from the age of 6–8, when children can already listen intently and attentively, distinguish “right” from “left” and are fully familiar with the parts of their body.

Football, volleyball and basketball. Popular team games develop the ability to win and concede, serve as a prevention of scoliosis and flat feet, and build muscles.

Little players learn to interact, help a teammate and quickly navigate a difficult situation.

Gymnastics. For “princesses” over 4 years old. Plasticity and flexibility, graceful posture are acquired, self-esteem increases, and the appearance of flat feet is eliminated.

Coordination and clarity of movements are honed, girls become more musical and artistic, free and relaxed.

Horseback riding . Its popularity is gaining momentum. Communication with kind, calm animals solves psychological problems, improves general state, the ability to maintain balance, treats and prevents diseases of the musculoskeletal system. You can start doing it around the age of 5.

Tennis . Suitable for older preschoolers. Jumping, concentration, assertiveness, endurance, excellent coordination and reaction - these characteristics are developed on the court. In addition, the functioning of blood vessels and the heart improves.

Skis . Great option for hardening, acquiring independence, endurance, organization. It is better to start between 4 and 6 years old.

Dancing . Ballroom, folk and modern, any - increase performance, impart plasticity and artistry, improve the cardiovascular system.

How to choose a sport?

Before enrolling your child in any section, consult with him. Consult a doctor who will assess your health condition and give the necessary recommendations. Meet the future coach, find out his qualifications, listen to reviews.But remember that you cannot force or coerce a child under any circumstances, as this can only cause harm, and then the child will not want to do anything at all.For most children, the personal example of mothers and fathers plays a role main role in an effort to develop and lead a healthy lifestyle. The child will be more willing to learn new sports by watching active and cheerful parents, which will bring the desired results: the health and joy of your child.

By playing sports from childhood, the child grows up harmoniously developed and not psychologically complex, because does not suffer from obesity, acquires beautiful posture. But not all children strive to play sports. As a rule, there is only one reason for this - a sport that is interesting for the child has not been found.

To get a child interested in sports, there are two ways. The first is visiting competitions, where you can watch professionals, because it is always an exciting spectacle. Second - own example. Children learn about the world through repetition, so your little one will be excited to take part in the family sports tradition.

Parents often wonder at what age to start playing sports? Each child’s age has physiological characteristics; take them into account when choosing a sport for your child.

Pediatricians believe that you can start swimming lessons right from birth. Simple wallowing will improve health and train all the baby’s muscles. At congenital torticollis, rickets, scoliosis and flat feet swimming best view sports But before you start classes, still get your doctor’s approval; there are also contraindications.

A child 2 - 5 years old is not yet ready for team games, but he will enjoy running, climbing, dancing, and ball games. This period is very timely to start classes. At this age, many parents send their children to figure skating, gymnastics, tennis and swimming. It is at this age that they begin to master those sports that require complex technique and excellent coordination.

From the age of two onwards, involve your child in family sports activities. It could be morning exercises, short runs in the park in the warm season, for winter you should buy a treadmill for your home, practice simple outings into nature with ball games as often as possible. The child will happily do all this if adults set an example.

Children, having reached the age of 6, can clearly understand the rules of team games and their concept. Team games teach the child how to live in society and socialize him. Children from this age begin to enroll in football, tennis, gymnastics, and martial arts sections. The very popular athletics is not suitable for preschool children; they may come to it later. This is due to the physiology of children; the development of endurance and strength qualities begins at the age of 8.

Very often, parents are upset when their child changes one sport to another. But this is absolutely normal for children younger age, because they want to try absolutely everything, and your child is simply looking for what is closest to him.

Olga Shkrebko

I study in Pedagogical College on correspondence department. This semester we are going through new item"Theoretical and methodological foundations physical education and development of children of early and preschool age.” On homework in this subject, the teacher gave the task to come up with didactic game.Suggested several topics to choose from: "Olympics 2014", « Kinds of sports» , "Healthy lifestyle". I have chosen a topic « Kinds of sports» .

Didactic game– active view educational activities, a game, aimed at the education and development of children.

The purpose of my game is to introduce children to some species sports, sports equipment, top up lexicon child with new words. The game includes methodological support, pictures with views sports, pictures with objects. A game intended for senior preschool age

It is best to laminate all game materials. I hope mine a game I will like it and it will be useful for working with children

Didactic game

« Kinds of sports»

Age from 5 years

Target: introduce children to species sports; sports equipment; replenish your child’s vocabulary with new words; creating motivation in children to engage in physical education and sports;


Introducing children to different species sports;

Development of positive motivation for exercise sports and introduction to a healthy lifestyle;

Expanding the child’s motor capabilities by mastering new movements;

Enriching knowledge in the field physical culture And sports;

Forming interest in a particular species sports.

Enrich and systematize children's knowledge about species sports;

Develop logical thinking;

Develop speech in preschoolers;

Create a need for a healthy lifestyle.

Expected result:

Learn to navigate different types sports;

Development of positive motivation for exercise sports;

Expanding the motor capabilities of children by mastering new accessible movements;

Forming interest in certain species sports;

Developing confidence in your abilities.

Progress of the game.

Choose the right pictures for each type sports. Name what is drawn on it. Explain why this particular picture.

Football - team sport sports in which the goal is to kick the ball into the opponent's goal with the feet or other parts of the body (except hands) more times than the opposing team.

History of football

Games similar to modern football have existed for quite a long time. different nations. The birth date of football is considered to be 1863, when the first Football Association was organized and rules similar to modern ones were drawn up.

Rules of the game

Separate football the game is called a match, which in turn consists of two halves of 45 minutes. The pause between the first and second halves is 15 minutes, during which the teams rest, and at the end of it they change goals.

To football play on a field with grass or synthetic surface. The game involves two teams: each from 7 to 11 people. One person per team (goalkeeper) Maybe play hands in the penalty area near his own goal, his main task is to protect the goal. The rest of the players also have their own tasks and positions on the field. The defenders are located mainly in their own half of the field, their task is to counteract the attacking players of the opposing team. Midfielders operate in the middle of the field, their role is to help defenders or attackers depending on the game situation. The attackers are located mainly in the opponent's half of the field, the main task is to score goals.

The goal of the game is to score the ball into the opponent's goal, do this as many times as possible and try to prevent a goal from being scored into your own goal. The match is won by the team that scores the most goals.

If the teams score the same number of goals during two halves, then either a draw is recorded or the winner is determined in accordance with the established regulations of the match. In this case, additional time may be assigned - two more halves of 15 minutes each.

Hockey is a very exciting and spectacular sport. sports. Hockey is a game sport sports.

Hockey sports team game with sticks and a puck on a special ice platform. The goal of the game is to score the puck into the opponent's goal. The team that scores the most goals wins the match.


It is a rectangle with a flat ice surface.


Much attention is paid to hockey equipment. Athletes care to protect yourself as much as possible from painful impacts from the puck and stick, from impacts when colliding with another player, from falling on the board. The player's equipment consists of: stick, skates, helmet and visor, shin guards (knee pads and elbow pads, breastplate (armor, shoulder pad), gloves (gaiters, mouthguard (device to prevent dental injury, throat protection (collar).

Command structure.

Usually 20-25 players from one team come to a match. The minimum and maximum number of players is determined by the tournament regulations. There must be six players on the field at the same time from one team: five field players and one goalkeeper.

Duration of the game.

An ice hockey match consists of three periods of 20 minutes of net time. Breaks between periods last 15 minutes.

Judges. A hockey match is officiated by a refereeing panel consisting of three or four referees. One or two referees are called chief referees, the other two are called assistant referees, or linesmen.

Skis are a device for moving a person on snow. They are two long wooden or plastic strips with pointed and curved toes. Skis are attached to the feet using bindings; nowadays, special ski boots are required to use skis in most cases. Skis move using their ability to glide over snow.

Ski sport, includes cross-country skiing over different distances, ski jumping, combined events, alpine skiing sport, freestyle.

Skiing technique.

1. Simultaneous stepless movement.

Movement with this move is carried out only by simultaneously pushing away with the hands. The move is used on gentle slopes, as well as on the plain when good conditions slip.

2. Variable two-step stroke.

The cycle of movements in an alternating two-step move consists of two sliding steps and alternating push-offs with sticks for each step.

3. Simultaneous two-step move.

This move is used on flat terrain under good to excellent sliding conditions. The simultaneous two-step cycle consists of two sliding steps, simultaneous push-off with the hands and free gliding on two skis. Currently, this move is rarely used by qualified skiers.

Benefits of skiing sports:

Correct formation of breathing;


Development of the vestibular apparatus;

Strengthening the cardiovascular system;

Increased endurance, performance and body tone;

Development of leg muscles and strengthening of the abs.


Volleyball is one of the most popular types sports. It is particularly spectacular and dynamic.

Game history.

Priority in creating volleyball belongs to William Morgan, a physical education teacher at one of the US colleges. One day he invited his pets to throw a rubber inflatable tube through a fishing net. Morgan noticed that they were exchanging passes with great excitement. This forced him to take a place on the site himself. After the lesson, Morgan developed the first rules of the game. He called her "mintonet". This is where the history of volleyball began. Godfather of a new kind sports Alfred Halsted became a professor at Springfield College. He called this game volleyball.

Volleyball - group game. It is played between two teams on a 9x18 m court, divided in half by a net. Each team has six players on the court; substitutions are allowed.

Purpose of the game.

Use your hands to direct the ball towards your opponents and land it there.

Rules of the game.

A match can go through a maximum of five games; the team that wins three games wins. Each game consists of episodes, in each of which one point is played. The team that wins the point is the one whose opponents either let the ball land on their court, or during an attack sent the ball outside the opponent's court, or more than three touches or committed another violation of the rules such as catching the ball or touching the net. The team that won a point in the episode, serves in the next episode. The team that scores 25 points wins the game.


Gymnastics (I exercise, I train)- one of the most popular types sports and physical culture.

TO sportytypes of gymnastics include: sports, artistic, acrobatic, aesthetic, team.

Wellness types of gymnastics.

Hygienic gymnastics - used to preserve and strengthen health, maintain high level physical and mental performance, social activity.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a type of health-improving gymnastics. An important element rhythmic gymnastics is accompanied by musical accompaniment.


Sports gymnastics is one of the oldest forms sports, which includes competitions on various gymnastic apparatus, as well as floor exercises and vaults. Gymnastics is the technical basis of many types sports, corresponding exercises are included in the training program for representatives of various sports disciplines. Gymnastics not only provides certain technical skills, but also develops strength, flexibility, endurance, a sense of balance, and coordination of movements.


Rhythmic gymnastics - type sports, performing various gymnastic and dance exercises to music without an object, as well as with an object (jump rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon).

Sports acrobatics.

Sportsacrobatics includes three groups of exercises: acrobatic jumps, pair and group exercises.

Gymnastic apparatus: rings, parallel bars, pommel horse, crossbar (horizontal bar, gymnastic ball, hopper (ball).

Boxing - contact view sports, a martial art in which athletes punch each other with their fists special gloves. The referee controls the fight, which lasts from 3 to 12 rounds. Victory is awarded if the opponent is knocked down and cannot rise within ten seconds (knockout) or if he received an injury that does not allow him to continue the fight (TKO). If after a set number of rounds the fight is not stopped, then the winner is determined by the judges' scores.

Rules of the game.

Typically, rounds last 3 minutes. Each boxer enters the ring from the corner assigned to him, and after each round he goes here to rest, receive advice from a trainer and the necessary assistance from a doctor. The referee controls the fight: while in the ring, he monitors the behavior of the fighters, counts knockdowns and fines for breaking the rules.

A participant in a fight can become the winner by knocking out his opponent. If a boxer is knocked to the ground by a punch and touches the floor with any part of the body other than the leg, the referee begins the count. If he rises within 10 seconds, the fight continues, if not, then he is considered knocked out, and his opponent becomes the winner.


Since the main part of boxing is strong blows, measures are taken to avoid hand injuries. Most coaches do not allow their players to participate in sparring without bandages and boxing gloves. Before the start of the fight, boxers agree on the weight of the gloves, since more easy option Allows you to deal more damage. To protect teeth, gums and jaws, fighters wear a mouthguard.

Boxers improve their skills on two main types of punching bags. To practice the speed of the strike, a pneumatic bag is used, and in order to increase the force of the strike, a heavy bag is used. Punching bag can be suspended or floor-mounted. Boxing training ra includes a large number of general exercises: jump rope work, running, strength exercises. The helmet is used in amateur boxing, as well as by professionals during sparring to avoid cuts and bruises.


Swimming - view sport or sports discipline, which consists in overcoming various distances by swimming in the shortest time. Swimming is one of the most popular activities sports. This is the rare case when classes sports At the same time they bring both pleasure and a wonderful healing effect.

Drawings on archaeological finds indicate that people in Ancient Egypt, Assyria, Phenicia and many other countries knew how to swim several millennia BC, and the swimming methods they knew were reminiscent of modern crawl and breaststroke. At that time, swimming was of a purely applied nature - for fishing, hunting for waterfowl, underwater fishing, and in military affairs. In Ancient Greece, swimming began to be used as an important means of physical education.

Types of swimming:

Freestyle is a swimming discipline in which a swimmer is allowed to swim in any way, changing them arbitrarily along the course.

The start in backstroke is from the water.: athlete, facing the bedside table, holds the starting rails with both hands, resting his feet on the side of the pool. Except when making a turn, athlete must swim on your back.

Medley swimming is a discipline in which a swimmer covers equal parts of the distance in butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle.

Swimming styles:

Breaststroke is swimming on the chest, during which symmetrical movements of the limbs are made in the horizontal plane. In this case, the shoulders should be parallel to the water, the arms should be brought to the body under water, the movements of the limbs should be coordinated.

Butterfly - swimming on the chest, distinctive feature which is a simultaneous stroke with the arms and their subsequent removal from the water, while the legs move in the same way as during breaststroke. Butterfly requires a certain preliminary preparation, hand strength.

Backstroke swimming - lying on his back, the swimmer makes strokes with his arms and kicks with his legs.

Krol is the most quick way sport swimming; alternating strokes with half-bent arms, accompanied by continuous movements (up down) outstretched legs.

Tennis allows for both individual and team competition. In the first case there are two players on the field, in the second there are four (two on two or "steam room" a game» ).

The player’s task is to use a racket to hit the ball into the field area defended by the opponent. (or rivals). The ball must not leave the field of play.

Tennis men and women play.

The playing field is called a court. In the middle there is a net that crosses the width of the court and divides it into two equal zones.

Various coverings are used for courts. It can be grass, soil or synthetic material. Different coatings have various properties ball bounce and athletes adjust their game on different courts.

A tennis racket is a handle with a round rim at the end. Strings made of nylon or bovine sinew are stretched inside the rim. Using a racket, a tennis player hits the ball onto the opponent's side of the court.

The tennis ball is made of rubber. A layer of felt is applied to the rubber of the ball on the outside.

According to the rules of the game, the serving player directs the ball to the opponent's side of the court. The opponent's task is to return the served ball.

Points in tennis are scored by game. One game is equal to four balls and is counted as a 15-30-40 game. The difference must be at least two goals. Having won in six games, provided that the opponent has won in less than four games, the player wins the set.

The condition for winning a match is winning 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5 sets.

Compliance with the rules in tennis is monitored by a referee who is located at some elevation above the field ( "chair umpire"). They help him "line judges".

Tennis competitions are called tournaments. Tournaments are usually divided by gender: women's and men's.

We all have different associations with sports. Someone may not like him yet school lessons physical education, where you had to run, jump, throw objects, try to climb a rope and jump over a goat just to get a good grade in the matriculation certificate. For some, sport is joy and glory, delight and positive emotions, podiums and applause. And when someone hears the word sport, they remember the bitterness of defeat and tears.

But despite all this, many parents want their children to play sports. Sport is self-expression and self-realization, speed of reaction and endurance, determination and dexterity, beauty and grace.

At what age and what sports can preschoolers be taught? Parents often ask this question to teachers, coaches, and physical education instructors.

It’s too early to talk about real, serious sports in preschool age, but different types sports games and their elements, sports entertainment quite accessible to children 4-7 years old. Therefore, let's talk about recreational, amateur sports. Such a sport will not harm a child, especially if selected taking into account his age and individual characteristics.

Parents should know that correctly and wisely selected games and sports entertainment have a beneficial effect on the main indicators of the physical development of children: height, weight, chest circumference, on the development of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, strengthen the health of children, strengthen their body, and help development motor system, develop strong-willed character traits.

Teachers and parents need to know:

It is very important that the child enjoys playing sports. Consult with your child before taking him to the section you have chosen: does he want to play this sport and not another? Exercises should bring joy, only in this case they will benefit your health.

When choosing a section, try to find a place closer to home. For a child who receives a lot of physical activity, a long journey can be tiring.

When choosing sports sections, sports games and entertainment, parents need to take into account the health status of their child. Before starting regular exercise, consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination at a children's clinic to determine the health status and level of physical development of the baby. Then carry out systematic medical monitoring for a year.

The coach has a serious influence on children. A not very respected coach and his inept approach can discourage a child from wanting to play sports. Inquire about the qualifications of the future coach. A person working with children must know the characteristics of the child’s body and the principles of proper load distribution during training.

Think not only about the desires, but also about the abilities of your child.

Sports equipment and uniforms for some sports (for example, tennis, hockey, dance sports) can be very expensive. Calculate your family budget so that in the future your child does not suffer from the fact that you are not able to pay for his classes.

Sportswear and shoes must be appropriate for the chosen sport, stage of training, individual characteristics of children, age and gender, as well as the weather (if classes are held outdoors). Clothing should be light, comfortable, not restrict movement, not interfere with free breathing, not irritate the skin of children and provide as much air access as possible to the skin of the body.

Do not send your child to the section where older children study. The child may also feel uncomfortable if the other guys train longer than him. If there are friends or acquaintances in the section, then the child will study more diligently and with great pleasure.

To prevent dehydration, always give your child a bottle of water during training. Teach him not to be shy and to drink during and after training.

Make sure your child enjoys the section. There can be many reasons why a child does not want to play sports. This is lagging behind other children, children's ridicule, stress, fatigue, bad relationships with teammates, with the coach. Talk to the child, try to understand him, help him. If you consider it necessary, stop training or transfer him to another section.

Praise your child more often and constantly ask about his activities. Let him know that you often think about him, his achievements, his results, that you care.

And we can’t help but mention injuries. Encourage and support your child if he falls during training and gets a bruise, or maybe even a more serious injury: a fracture, dislocation, etc., so that the child does not lose faith in his strength, achievements and skills, so that he does not want to do the chosen sport sports