Walls in the apartment - finishing materials, modern ideas and options (90 photos). Wall design. Original ideas for your home Ideas for decorating walls in an apartment

The design of the walls in the apartment can be chosen to suit any color and taste. The methods and offers are so diverse that they can satisfy the wildest fantasies. People who prefer classics are somewhat reserved, high-tech people are daring and bold in expressing their feelings, country lovers are connoisseurs of simplicity, comfort and peace. At first glance, they are all quite different, but there is something that unites them. This is design. Take a closer look at the interiors of the rooms: in each of them you can see paintings on the wall, artistic painting, flowers, panels, photographs and other elements. However, in order for them to harmonize and complement the space, it is necessary to take care of the appropriate finishing. It is all this together that can become a real work of art that the owners can be proud of.

Artistic mood: surge of emotions

Traditional wall design has not surprised anyone for a long time. Returning home after a busy day working day, I don’t really want to see dull and inconspicuous walls. How to fix this? But everything is extremely simple. Try to abandon the usual stereotypes, give free rein to your creative desires, imagine yourself as an artist. So, looking at the walls and seeing a monochromatic surface in front of you, take a chance and add colors there. For example, you can draw a talisman, a willow or birch branch, or your favorite flowers. There are a huge number of such topics. Perfect option- family tree with photographs. Don't fuss, think it over carefully. If you are afraid of ruining the wall, do not be afraid, you can always take paint and repaint it a different color.

Graffiti is a way of self-expression

When it comes to graffiti, many people think of painted street fences and house walls. In a sense, they are right. However, they cannot even imagine that such a technique is a complete work of art. If you choose the right colors and practice a little, you might get it. chic design walls

This method is often found in modern stylistic trends. For example, kitsch is simply replete with colors: graffiti on the walls, paintings written in this genre, duplication of technology on textiles. Of course, not everyone will like such a bright variety. Therefore, for more reserved people, you can limit yourself to one thing, for example a small painting. It will become a contrasting accent and will attract admiring glances.

Magic stencil

The most common finishing is painting the walls. The design turns out to be unsightly, or, more correctly, rather sparse. In order to diversify such a space, you can add multi-colored ornaments using stencils. This method is very simple, even a child can handle it. Some remember Soviet times when it was quite problematic to buy wallpaper, so they painted the walls with regular oil paint, and the drawing was applied with a stencil. Of course, then the variety of ornaments was limited, but now there is something to be surprised by.

Combination of several types of finishing materials

Modern trends in the world of design are making their own adjustments. Designing walls with wallpaper of the same color is no longer in fashion. Professionals recommend combining several types of materials in a room. For example, natural stone and decorative plaster, wallpaper and mosaic. The main thing here is to maintain the contrast of colors. Let one of the walls be bright and rich, then the rest should personify calm. If the entire space is made saturated, this will lead to rapid fatigue. IN modern interiors very often used brickwork. It harmonizes perfectly with all types of finishing materials: plaster, wallpaper, wood panels etc. Such design move inhale new life into the living space.

Floral design

A new trend in the design world is a wall completely covered with plants. It is also called “alive”. How often do residents of noisy and bustling cities want to get out into nature, but either they don’t allow time off from work, or they have too much to do - something constantly gets in the way... And such a modern wall design with flowers can reunite everything that was so much missing. This is the edge of a forest, a flowering meadow, and a sunny meadow. This solution is simply a lifesaver in the world of soulless technologies.

In order to green wall didn't lose hers appearance, it is necessary to select non-capricious plants. It is also worth considering lighting. If there is not enough natural light, then additional sources will be needed. Can be installed LED strip. Its light is favorable for plants and humans.

Original walls in the kitchen

What should be the design of the walls in the kitchen? First of all, practical. This space is quite specific. Here, the surface of the walls is constantly exposed to soot, grease and dirt, so it is recommended to select resistant materials. It could be ceramic tile, mosaic, decorative plaster, skinned. Last option- especially eccentric. He is able to transform the kitchen beyond recognition. As a rule, they are mounted along working area, and in the dining room you can put up vinyl wallpaper.

Also, the installation of railing systems is a kind of decoration of the kitchen space. All kinds of jars, shelves and other devices are hung on them. Above the dining table you can hang a still life painting depicting vegetables or fruits. Family photos will also come in handy here. They will add warmth and comfort to the atmosphere.

Romantic bedroom

The main task when decorating a bedroom is to maintain an atmosphere of peace, lightness and comfort. It is not advisable to overload its space with bright things. Calm wallpaper on the walls, airy curtains on the windows, soft light - this is exactly what is needed for complete relaxation. However, you can bring a little joy into this space. For example, the wall at the head of the bed may differ significantly from the rest. There are many options for its design. This includes photo wallpaper, decorative stone and even fabric. Unlike the main range, it should be several tones brighter. You can also add emphasis using ornaments. A beautiful lamp that matches the overall style will complete the interior.

Decorating the living room

Do bright design walls in the living room are not at all necessary, since there is always a lot of furniture in this room, household appliances and decorative items. However, in order to add individuality to the interior, you can get a little creative. For example, a composition of family photographs on the wall will add originality; you can also use mirrors different sizes. They will add depth and mystery to the space. If the interior is decorated in classic style, then antique paintings in beautiful gilded frames will look great against the general background, giving the interior majesty. If there are several doors in the living room, you can hang a panel above the opening. This will slightly distract attention from the unsuccessful layout.

To summarize, I would like to advise: do not be afraid to fantasize and accept bold decisions, even if they seem absurd to someone. The main thing is that you will like it!

Anyone who has at least once encountered such a problem as apartment renovation knows how seriously you need to take this topic. After all, your mood and well-being every day depends on how your home looks!

What kind of interior do we want to see in our apartment? How much do we want to invest? Will we do the repairs ourselves, or will we hire a team of finishers? To avoid problems in the future, it is better to answer these questions before starting repairs.

To add uniqueness and harmony, modern interior designers offer a lot of methods for decorating walls in an apartment. Depending on the initial state of the wall surfaces, functional purpose rooms, the owner’s preferences, material capabilities, we can highlight the main options for their design.

Before choosing a wall design method and starting decorating work, their surfaces must be leveled and, if necessary, plastering and puttying work must be carried out.

The most common finishing method. Thanks to this finishing, you can create designs of any complexity and color scheme. There are paints on water based, alkyd, silicate. For interior spaces Mostly water-based paints are used.

Water based paints

Most often, water-based paints are used to paint walls. They have a quick-drying effect, are odorless, and are easy to apply with any tool. By adding white acrylic or emulsion paint pigment color can be achieved in any shade.

You can paint the walls in your apartment not only solid color, any creative ideas possible to make it a reality. A store or company that sells colors and paints has a computer tinting service. With its help, a specialist will select the shade you need.

An inexpensive type of water-soluble composition is water-based paint. Excellent adhesion, a small number of layers to form an even paintable wall makes them popular among buyers.

You should know that this type of paint is not used in wet rooms and it will not withstand mechanical stress.

Silicone paints based on aqueous polymer dispersions are more expensive than water-based paints due to their strength characteristics. Such coatings are durable and not afraid of moisture.

Acrylic paints based on aqueous polymer dispersions have low hiding power, but are also durable. They can be applied in “damp” areas.

To give a relief to the surface, textured paints are used, with different fillers. The result of the pattern texture depends on the tool used to apply the composition.

Alkyd compositions

This type is not used for living rooms. This is evidenced by their properties: they contain alkyd resins, are not afraid of moisture, high temperature, have a specific smell, the brightness of the color loses its hue over time.

Silicate paints

Used in rooms with high humidity(kitchens, baths). They are durable, resistant, protect surfaces from fungi and mold.

The disadvantages of the application are the following: the release of evaporation during painting; it is necessary to use a respirator; poor adhesion to surfaces that have previously been painted.

Using wallpaper for decoration

Traditional and simple finishing method. The advantages of using wallpaper as decoration are the following: huge selection, easy to choose based on cost, quality, appearance, there is no need to resort to the help of specialists for pasting, you can do it yourself.

Wallpaper is classified into paper, vinyl, textile, non-woven, washable, photo wallpaper. The most popular are paper and vinyl. These types do not require special effort When gluing, you will need wallpaper glue to apply to the surface.

Wallpaper with liquid composition

This finishing material“liquid wallpaper” has no resemblance to wallpaper. It is a mixture of plaster, which, when diluted with water, forms a liquid composition that can give any texture and relief to surfaces.

If the drawing did not work out the first time, the defects can be eliminated by easy dismantling and the application process can be repeated.

Photo wallpaper

Another way to create a “modern” style for the walls in an apartment is photo wallpaper. This unique style decorations, due to their brightness, will transform the room and visually increase the space.

Decorative plastering

An unusual and expensive finishing method. Creative people in this way they will be able to realize their fantasies and ideas. With the help of decorative plaster, relief is achieved on walls of varying depths. With the help of cutters, reliefs are trimmed and given various shapes.

The beauty of the walls in the apartment is created using a plaster mixture consisting of sand, cement, lime with the addition of fillers. Meet me in the store plaster mixtures you can separate or finished form. In the first case, you will need to knead all the ingredients in a bucket.

Plaster can be mosaic or textured. With the help of such technologies, various stylish panels are created. A special tool is used to work with decorative plaster.

Decorative rock

Is expensive facing material. Beautifully laid stone will add originality to your home. Stone cladding can be artificial or natural.

Not everyone can afford to buy natural stone. Variety of species artificial stone not inferior natural stone. In stores you can find a large assortment of stones, and choose according to color and preference.

The choice of stone for finishing should be carefully thought out, and the design of the future room or corridor should be created in advance. This finishing in its final form can give the room a visual “heaviness” and “narrowing”.

Cladding walls with clapboard

This type of cladding is a popular method these days.

Simple installation, pleasant final appearance, additional sound insulation of walls in the apartment, long term operation, the use of environmentally friendly materials, the ability to level walls without additional work- all these are the advantages of covering walls with wooden lining. This lining is made from different types of wood, which are quite expensive in cost.

To inexpensive and modern material wall decoration can be attributed to PVC panels. Fastening such panels to uneven surfaces carried out with the installation of the frame. Plastic panels can be used in rooms with high humidity.

Another a budget option cladding using MDF panels. The advantages of MDF lining are similar wooden lining. The installation principles of the two types are similar.

Don't decorate the walls MDF panels in moisture-resistant rooms. There are laminated, veneered, and painted wood lining types.

Photo of the walls in the apartment

Techniques wall design are very important for those who want to transform their interior with minimal means and effort. Surprisingly, as soon as you re-paste the wallpaper or decorate the surface in some way, everything becomes new look, fresh and interesting. We will look at several classic and original ways, how you can transform any of the rooms, express it in a new way.

Apartment wall design

Apartment wall design in general is determined most often at the stage overhaul when you prepare a room for yourself and your taste, not step by step, room by room, but as a whole. In this case, the important thing is to decide, that is, will it be wallpaper, if so, what kind, what texture, material, pattern.

If you do not want to glue wallpaper, you can use other methods, such as painting or plastering. Moreover, if these methods give you unpleasant associations with government institutions, then we hasten to assure you that painted and plastered walls are a real fashion trend in living rooms and kitchens. Without them, neither a fashionable loft nor a fresh Scandinavian style, nor minimalist hi-tech.

Among other things, the monochromatic smooth texture will allow you to feel like a real artist and decorate the surface not with stickers or stencil designs, but with real canvases. Extremely popular to do on a painted surface. wall design with flowers and birds in oriental style, especially if we're talking about about the accent place in the room. Most often it is located either above the sofa or on the wall opposite it. Look at one example of such a painting, for which you will need ordinary interior paints. If you want to draw a tree, flowers or a branch with a bird yourself, then first you need to create a pencil sketch, then small area test how the paint will absorb and dry, and then start painting. If the premises are not yet inhabited and you have experience working with an airbrush, then you can use it. By the way, this technique can also be used for, but choose waterproof paints, and when painting on glass, stained glass ones.

Write about traditional wallpaper wall design in the context of fashion it is difficult. On the one hand, they never go out of fashion, but on the other hand, covering surfaces with completely colored and bright wallpaper- clearly yesterday. If you liked unusual design, then treat the roll as shown in the previous example - make a frame from plasterboard, cover it with a selected piece of wallpaper and hang it like wall design, photo which you see above as a big picture.

It is also necessary to mention frames, which are used in many examples of beautiful modern design. You can turn an accent wall into a vernissage not only with frames filled with paintings and photographs, but also with empty frames, decorative plates, embroideries, herbariums, etc. In this case, decoration with frames is used, but they are all different in texture, size, color scheme, which creates a very interesting overall effect.

Kitchen wall design

Separately, you should touch upon kitchen wall design, since we are accustomed to thinking that it is simply impossible to use anything other than tiles and wallpaper there. However, if you follow fashion trends, then you can bring a fresh design idea into the kitchen.

After wall painting design in the kitchen can be done using vinyl stickers, which are very popular, inexpensive, and very easy to install. There is a fairly extensive collection on kitchen themes, and you can glue patterns in the area kitchen apron, and near dining table, and decorate a window with a window sill. We offer as interesting option stickers with images of kitchen utensils. Black pictures will look especially bright against a light, plain background.

Photo wallpaper can lead you to create unusual kitchen triptychs, which, like one of our previous examples, are placed on a plasterboard base. It will look very impressive if the background of the pictures and the color of the walls match in tone, then the relief and volume that appears when using this technique will be especially visible. You don’t have to look for such pictures in stores, but order them at a printing center, where they will be printed for you adhesive base, which will be convenient for you to transfer to a wooden box.

And the last example, which can be called ultra-fashionable, is the transformation of part of the wall into a slate board, making the kitchen look like a creative cafe. The effect of a surface for writing with chalk can be provided by special slate paint or wallpaper with a similar effect. They are produced on a moisture-resistant base with a slate coating and, thanks to this, you can wipe the resulting board with a damp sponge, like a real one, and it will not be damaged by water. In addition to menus or drawings, you can turn it into something like your personal profile - write statuses for today or notes to your family.

If during the cosmetic repairs, you can create a unique atmosphere while showing maximum creativity. It is not always possible to choose ones that will suit the interior. And the final solution on the wall may not look the same as in the catalogue. An excellent alternative is in an apartment. Design, photo monochromatic examples, combining several colors or performing interesting geometries on surfaces will help create an experimental start to personal creativity.

Main fashion trends of the outgoing and next year have become combined with simplicity, comfortable and. Imitation of natural materials, complex prints with geometric patterns, and surfaces with a metallic sheen are actively introduced into the interior.

To diversify your design, you can choose paint for the walls in your apartment in bright colors. It is important to comply with this.

Before choosing a shade, you can look at the options on the computer using recommendations for color combinations. Using graphic programs, you can paint surfaces and doors, taking into account the arrangement of furniture.

All shades combine well with each other in the interior gray. But this is too cold a tone for an apartment. Good decision- dilute with blue, white or .

For home decoration suitable yellow, pastel beige, apricot, pink colors. Combinations of tones cannot be performed only on the intuitive ability. Incorrectly selected variations can cause dissonance in space. The halftones should be in harmony with each other. Photos of ideas for painting walls in a room are instead presented in the catalog of harmonious interiors.

This is interesting! Halftones of the same basic tone can be applied to strips of different widths. This great idea for the hall or bathroom.

Combinations of several tones are used for. As an option, smooth transitions of the same color on one wall. You can paint the surface with one tone, and all others with another.

A successful combination of pale yellow with a rich shade. You can combine coffee, cream, beige, brown or white undertones. Different widths of fragments can either reduce the space.

The seating area is painted with an apricot tint, and in combination with it, the rest of the surfaces are painted with a light yellow color. This contrast will give the room additional volume, filling it with sunlight.

Contrasts are often used in the interior: yellow and blue, black and white, green and red. But this is the exception rather than the rule. A non-standard combination of tones when painting walls in the interior in the photo gallery will help you make a decision.

How to choose paint for walls in an apartment?

The final paint should be selected based on several criteria.

  • Convenient consistency for application;
  • good hiding power - it is possible to paint with little paint consumption;

In addition, it is important that the paint is environmentally friendly, resistant to mechanical stress, does not fade, is easy to apply and does not have a strong chemical smell.

Manufacturers strictly monitor compliance with safety standards when producing mixtures for finishing works. Let's look at the main question of how to paint the walls in an apartment instead, and what paints are recommended to use for final repairs.

Acrylic paint

The resins in this paint form a film on the wall after drying, which protects it from damage. One of the main advantages is abrasion resistance. Thanks to the wide selection of pigments, you can create any look. The final version on the walls has a nice matte tone. Without a pronounced odor, they dry quickly and are safe - the main advantages of acrylic compositions.

Silicone paint

The composition includes emulsified resins. The coating has high vapor permeability. Protective film does not allow moisture to seep into the composition, which allows it to be used in rooms with high humidity.

Latex paint

The main advantage of latex composition is abrasion resistance. To obtain a matte, silky finish, it is enough to apply a thin layer of the composition. Can be used not only for basic painting, but also painted or.

Decorative paints

Decorative wall painting is the most common composition. The effect of gold or silver, silk or velvet, analogy natural stone will bring any flight to life.

Manufacturers have launched the production of a completely new composition - chameleon, which changes color depending on the lighting. In addition to aesthetic possibilities, decorative compositions highly environmentally friendly and reliable, which makes them suitable for.

Painting wall surfaces in a short time will radically change the interior. However, the procedure is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Paint will not hide wall defects; all defects will appear, perhaps in an enhanced form. For some designs, ostentatious sloppiness on the walls is acceptable. But for most techniques you need to go through the first two stages of preparation. Before you paint your walls beautifully, you need to follow these steps.

Why do you need a primer?

The primer is applied for better adhesion of the compounds. Application before painting is recommended acrylic composition. This is a universal material and is suitable for any type of paint.

The primer should be used before each coat and before the main painting step. It is applied with a roller, brush or spray quite liberally. Drying time depends on the temperature and humidity of the room. The surfaces are ready for application of the main coating from 4 to 12 hours.

Putty stages

Surface leveling can be divided into 2 stages: roughing and finishing. It is better to use dry mixtures or ready-made compositions as the material.

To complete the first stage, it is necessary to completely abandon the previous compositions. Large defects are sealed with mortar. Permissible deviations at this stage should not exceed 4 millimeters. Next comes the stage of alignment with the starting lineup.

Important! The shelf life of the prepared starting putty is about 45 minutes, after which the unused solution hardens. The composition should be diluted in small portions.

The starting solution smoothes out the main irregularities. Various application methods can be used. There is no need to bring the surface to perfect condition; this will be done on final stage repair. Errors at this stage are acceptable. For better strength, you can use reinforcing mesh.

At the final stage, the finishing composition is applied. The application thickness is no more than 2 millimeters. After which it is necessary to sand the coating. Quality preparatory work can be checked by bright . A beam of light is directed at the wall under different angles. Identified defects should be sanded and primed.

How to paint the walls in an apartment with your own hands: an interesting technique

You can be as creative as possible when painting walls. For regular painting you don't need any special skills. First of all, you need to paint all the corners, then move on to the walls.

When painting with combinations, masking tape will help to achieve even lines. Let's consider step by step process combined painting of walls water-based paint with vertical stripes.

Photo Description of work

All surfaces are painted with water-based paint using a roller. Beige paint with a matte surface was used as the main tone.

The paint should be applied in two layers using a roller with velor or mohair bristles. Drying time for each coat of paint is 3-4 hours.

On wall surfaces, pencil marks are made along a ruler. Then you should stick masking tape on them, which will protect the base from paint.

To paint the stripes, use a composition with a glossy sheen. You need to prepare 3 blue shades, with the help of which the drawing will turn out more interesting.

The stripes are painted with a soft brush or velor roller. You can touch the edges; the tape will preserve the clear geometry of the lines.

Paint drying time is 4 hours, after which you can remove the masking tape.

A luxurious combination of glossy stripes on a matte base.

Doing the work yourself can save you a lot of money. family budget. Price per square meter painting walls when applying 1 layer costs from 90 rubles, 2 layers – from 170, 3 – 250 rubles. It’s easy to calculate the cost of everything.

You can watch this master class in the video below:

Painting walls in an apartment: design, photo catalog of non-standard solutions

Coloring has its own nuances and various interesting techniques. Let's consider basic tips for using paints depending on the purpose of the premises. A photo design for painting walls in a house will help you make your choice.

Painting the walls in the bedroom is most preferable. Bright shades are not suitable for the bedroom; it is better to use calm shades that promote harmony and relaxation. The right combination halftones will help not only to have a good rest, but also to wake up vigorously in the morning.

You can choose a combination of two pastel shades, which are performed in the horizontal direction. The dividing line can be clear or smooth. An interesting technique is to retouch clear boundaries with a sponge.

Great solution - application textured paint for walls in the interior. Photos of beautiful techniques in the gallery will tell you right choice.

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From the review you will learn design ideas, template options, and what materials are used. How to make a drawing on the wall in an apartment with your own hands, from printing the sketch to applying the pattern.

Paint drawings in the children's room

Painting the walls in the kitchen

Comfort is especially important in the kitchen. This is the place where the hostess spends quite a lot of time. In the evening the whole family gathers for dinner in the kitchen. Often, guests are received there. Choosing a kitchen is often associated with financial success families.

For painting wall surfaces in the kitchen, both muted and bright colors. A combination of orange and red tones can harmoniously fit into the interior, which is absolutely not suitable for other rooms in the apartment.

Living room as an art object: non-standard painting techniques

In the living room you can implement the most unconventional techniques. Any color scheme will fit into the interior, provided it is combined with and.

Or are successfully placed on neutral walls. Using masking tape, you can highlight these areas by painting them with compatible shades.

Bright colors do not need additional decoration - they are an independent accent of the room. If you plan to focus on the elements in the living room, the color of the walls should not attract attention.

Negligent design techniques are not suitable for every interior. The wall surface can be painted not up to the ceiling. The effect of shabby and aging walls is created. This is suitable for .

Splashes of paint and the effect of random strokes will also become the highlight of certain designs. You can create a color using the ombre technique with smooth tonal transitions. A wall with drips of paint in the form of colored rain takes on artistic sophistication. This is a real living room art object that does not require additional decoration. Non-standard techniques for painting walls in the interior are presented in the photo gallery below.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Have you done expensive renovations to your home? modern technology, now your ceilings and walls are smooth and white? This deprives your home of comfort and coziness. The design of the walls should give your home expressiveness, individuality and home comfort. You can make your own wall decor. After all, designers have developed many methods of decoration that are not complicated and easy to implement.

Painting walls with acrylic paints

You can paint the walls acrylic paints. To do this, you need to show your imagination, prepare paints and a brush. This method of designing walls with your own hands has its advantages; it is considered the simplest and most affordable.

If you have artistic talent, it will not be difficult to come up with a drawing and implement it on the wall. There are also special stencils that are applied to the wall and painted along the contours. It will be easy to choose a suitable design for your interior, because there is a large range of stencils on the market. As a result, designing the walls in your apartment with your own hands will bring you pleasure.

Decorating walls from leftover materials

From the remains of the most different materials you can create decorations on the walls. First you need to make a test sample on paper from wallpaper, paints and fabrics. This way you can see whether the materials match each other in texture and color. By creating several samples for comparison, you can choose the appropriate option.

The color of the details can be matched, or you can make them contrasting. So, for example, calm tones are better suited for decorating a children's bedroom; motley colors would be inappropriate here.

You can cut out geometric shapes and various patterns from leftover wallpaper. You will get stencils that are suitable for decorating wallpaper, or you can use them to paint walls. In this case, wallpaper of contrasting colors is better suited, so various letters, patterns, geometric shapes will stand out well against the general background. By looking at the wall design photo gallery, you will be able to see all the subtleties of this art, and this will help you make your own wall decorations.

Decorative plaster

You can make decorative plaster on the walls yourself. This method of decorating walls is simple and does not require special skills. With its help you can hide all the unevenness and imperfections of the walls. If you show diligence and diligence, the plaster can turn out to be of any shape. In this way you can finish the wall in the form geometric shapes or with pearlescent effect. To do this you need a plaster trowel and a little skill and patience.

Use of natural materials

This method of wall decoration is complex, but effective. Natural gifts are used here: pine cones, dried branches, tree roots various forms. The main thing is that there are not too many elements on the wall, and that they are combined with other interior details of the room.

The wood that you will use for wall design must first be sanded well so that its surface is smooth and shiny. Then the workpiece is painted with a protective special means to protect it from rotting and fungal damage.

Wooden decorations can also be used as hangers in the hallway, you just need to screw in the appropriate size hooks.

Exotic items, such as Japanese paper lanterns, African masks, and embroidered paintings, are suitable for wall decoration. Great importance the design of the walls has the taste and imagination of the owners.

Wall design photos

Below in the photo gallery you can see photos of wall designs that will help you create your own unique and unique design.