Statuses about yourself beloved. Status about yourself, your beloved, with meaning: a selection for all occasions. Funny statuses about yourself, about positivity

  • I know how to forgive insults, but you may have to wait a very long time for this.
  • Men, don’t ask me a stupid question - where have I been? It’s clear that it’s not with you)
  • I can’t figure out how much champagne to drink in the morning so that it’s good...
  • I dream of a bed like this... that would stand on the seashore)
  • I’ll be more careful in the future... men are very weak and touchy now)
  • In addition to the crown, I also have a scepter!
  • Touch my bones more often - I love massage!
  • I'm ready to wait... but only for the waiter with my favorite dessert!
  • I want to marry for love, and in my understanding, love is a fur coat, diamonds, a car...
  • Fear my silence! After all, something will definitely follow him)

I admit that my most erogenous zone is my hands, and when there are a lot of green bills in them)

  • And why am I not a flight attendant? I would send everyone from the heights of heaven)
  • I want the boomerang law to apply when I spend money!
  • The most delicious thing you can find in my house is ME!
  • Why do I do whatever I want? - Yes, because there is no ring on the ring finger!
  • Let me make some correction - I am not a riddle, but an enigma!

Funny statuses about yourself, about positivity

  • I'm so unpredictable and I'm not going to change!
  • Where do I rock? – Ask Google!)
  • I'm simply amazing! Keep your fingers crossed for me)
  • I'm not sick of love and therefore I don't do reckless things.
  • The sponsor of my life is a good mood every day!
  • My second profession is a good fairy)
  • I just regularly go for hair removal, otherwise I’m fluffy)
  • I give preference to dancers... who are ready to dance to my tune)
  • I’m ready to sacrifice my expensive lipstick, but only so that the mascara never smudges!
  • When I find myself in an unclear situation, I start dancing... let everyone also be confused!
  • What I am not, but for someone I am the woman of his dreams.

Don't look at my photo! I just got a bad photographer.

  • She promised everyone to quit smoking... and now how to live? I'm thinking...
  • In my soul I have an incomprehensible age - either I’m ready to go on maternity leave, or I’m already ready to retire...
  • Don't talk to me about marriage! Do I look like a suicide?
  • I give free solo concerts - I play on my nerves professionally!
  • I have a motto in life: even if everything is bad, I try to smile sweetly.
  • I will help you remove not only damage, but also money from your accounts)
  • I never cut from the shoulder. I'm drinking slowly!
  • Why should I behave like everyone else? I'm the only one like this in my oblivion)

New, cool statuses “about my beloved”

  • I don't need a diagnosis because I'm happy!
  • I'm not a squirrel to be fluffy for everyone.
  • If they put horseradish on me, then I will pickle it with cucumbers)
  • When I love, I torment, irritate and get offended)
  • The recipe for happiness is very simple - take me and carry me in your arms!
  • I may be crazy, but I'm comfortable.
  • From tomorrow everything will be different for me! But I haven’t decided for sure yet)
  • Although my diction is fine, I can still hiss as hard as I can!
  • I’m always calm - it’s just my character that makes me nervous.
  • Ask me where I get such a chiseled figure? – I admit that I get sick at night)

My eternal age is 20, and everything else is experience!

Who doesn’t like to write statuses on social networks from time to time: funny, sad, angry - it all depends on the mood and situation. And everyone is the first to post a status about their beloved (meaningful or funny). After all, even the aphorisms of the great Faina Ranevskaya are now perceived in precisely this way.

For the envious

If you want to “click on the nose” of your ill-wishers and are looking for a status about yourself, your beloved, with meaning, then check out the small selection below. Maybe there is something suitable.

  • If you are discussing me, it means you care. I don’t care, and I’m not discussing you. No time, you know.
  • Nothing motivates better than your envy: I read it and my mood rises, and I want to do great things again.
  • Yes, beautiful, yes, smart, yes, sexy. With a fur coat, a car and a cool guy. Who's stopping you?
  • Before you throw a stone at my garden, take a closer look at yours. Have you taken a closer look? Same thing.
  • I love posting photos, I learn so many new and interesting things about myself, my beloved, at once.
  • To those who visit my page more often than their own, I can only say one thing: I am smart and beautiful, and you only confirm this.

With humor

Are you in a good mood or want to have a little fun? Then a status about yourself, your beloved, with meaning, but humorous, will do.

  • I'm not a princess or a queen. I am a goddess. Bow down.
  • I’ll wake up and look in the mirror: my eyes are swollen, there’s a pillow mark on my cheek... Well, isn’t it a miracle?
  • They say that where we are not, it is always good. But where I am, it’s always awesome!
  • Rare view. One-piece copy. Exclusive tuning. Unique firmware. There are really no guarantees. Only for those who are not afraid to take risks.
  • I’m a real girl: I say one thing, think another, do a third, and still dream... Oh, what I don’t dream about!

  • Let women stop galloping horses, but I’m a girl. So give me some coffee and some cake.
  • Today I am white and fluffy, like an angel. Because I forgot my broom at home.
  • I'm not vindictive, I just have a good memory.
  • I don't have cockroaches in my head. They had long been devoured by some terrible monster.
  • I'm all so sudden, all contradictory. It's the most scary thing.
  • If he wakes up, you can’t just put him to sleep.
  • Blonde, smart and beautiful. Not looking for anyone. Just showing off.
  • I'm like a convertible. Just as steep without a roof.
  • I start easily, start quickly, cool down slowly.
  • Professionally I step on the same rake. Maybe it's time to give master classes?
  • I'm kind, very kind. When I get enough sleep.

Let's add poison

Do you want something special? Then a status about yourself, your beloved, with meaning (bitch) will do.

  • If a bitch is a woman who knows what she wants and how to achieve it, then yes, this is about me.
  • Today I wanted to be a sweet and kind girl. Until my inner bitch woke up and told this idea to go to hell.

  • Bitchiness is not a flaw, it's
  • I’m not a boor, but a virtuoso of words: I don’t swear, but I send beautiful messages.
  • Why did we break up? I was bored. Yes, that happens too.
  • It's hard to be a princess when the crown comes off.
  • I won’t run after you, wait for calls or SMS. I don't like it - the door is there.
  • It’s not me who allows myself too much, it’s you who allow yourself too little.
  • To communicate with a man you only need two fingers: you beckon with your index finger, and you send with your middle finger.
  • To be respected, first learn to respect yourself, and not whine that someone else has a better life.

Status about yourself, beloved

With meaning you may like the following phrases:

  • Yes, I am strong, purposeful, I can do anything. But sometimes you just want to wrap yourself in a blanket or ask to be held in your arms.
  • If you leave, you can come back a million times. If I leave, it will be forever.
  • I'm not alone. I'm self-sufficient.

  • Even the strongest women have the right to be weak.
  • Every Vanilla Barbie also has a heart. And while I portray an impenetrable bitch, it cries from your rudeness and anger.

In verse

If you want to be original, then you should try to post a status about yourself, your beloved, with meaning in poetry. For example, these.

I can be quiet, brave, sad,

Playful, tender, fatal.

Cheerful, pretentious, serious,

Silly, smart, lively.

I can be timid or a bitch,

A granite rock, a nervous lady,

Either an angel or an evil witch,

But the main thing is always yourself.

Are you looking for a status about yourself, your beloved, with meaning, humorous and at the same time in poetry? Please!

In heels or sneakers,

With or without makeup,

I'm equally beautiful

Well, just a miracle of miracles!

Statuses about your beloved - - Are you offended? - No, I'm behind the ax...

That's the kind of person I am - I don't remember evil. I have to write it down.

What should I be? I don’t know myself...Mysterious or simple? dream... I will be a GIRL - A DREAM!!!

I’m like a little girl… there are a lot of toys, but I need exactly the one that the other girl has….

When I feel bad, I sing. And then everything becomes bad for everyone!

I don’t know about you! And everything is great with me! I have money, and there’s always not enough money, I don’t have a mansion, there’s no fireplace, I’ve never been to Paris. But the children are beautiful and healthy! My husband loves it! Mom is alive! Life is Beautiful!

I don't have time for those who hate me, because I spend my time on those who really need me.

I am the only one and you won’t have another, because I have a special appearance and a special character.

Over the years I make fewer and fewer mistakes. But their quality is undoubtedly growing.

There is no harder work than trying to look beautiful from eight in the morning until midnight.

I am not a countess, but I behave with dignity. And I don’t show it if it hurts...

I washed the floors, wiped the dust, washed the clothes, sorted out the dishes, cleaned up, cleaned the bath... Damn! I want to marry myself!

I'm not trying to prove that life is easy for me alone. I'm just tired of waiting for my prince to be found!

This is my will: if a person disappoints me, I exclude him from my life. I can greet him and talk to him, but as a person he no longer exists for me.

Just a person... I just live as it turns out and very rarely - as I want.

Are you talking behind my back? That means I'm ahead! Are you discussing my life? That means it’s more interesting than yours! Are you trying to find faults in me? So you are jealous! Continue in the same spirit!

When you start discussing what a sinner I am, don't forget to reconsider your life.
And I assure you, my “correct” ones, we will burn in hell together.

I'm sick! Diagnosis: “Acute lack of fairy-tale events in my life.” Recipe - "Relaxation. Champagne. Love!"

But I sympathize with the hundreds, am carried away by the tens, admire the few, and love to devour.

I know you guys don’t like me, but kiss me on the ass - I won’t improve!

For those who are haunted by my personal life... Let me explain: My statuses do not correspond to reality! Personally, everything is fine! There is nothing valuable on the page, I keep all the most precious things in my heart...

I'm happy by default, please don't change the settings.

I look great... I live an awesome life... I behave as I see fit... And in general I’m delighted with myself.

Seeing yourself from the outside is much more important than in the mirror.

I am the happiest person in the world. No, I didn't fall in love... I got enough sleep!

It doesn't matter what I am. It is important that with you I will be exactly as you deserve me.

In fact, I'm not jealous, I just don't like it when people touch my things...

Praise yourself: the opinion remains, but the source is forgotten!

  • Girls! Never doubt your attractiveness. Remember: scales lie, people are jealous, and the mirror is generally crooked.
  • I wanted to become the best - they didn’t let me! I wanted to become the worst, but I couldn’t... I had to remain unique!
  • Nothing adorns a man more than Me walking next to him!
  • I still can’t get used to the fact that I have to share with my husband the most precious thing I have: myself!
  • I don’t have a stunning figure, long legs or other girlish charms, but my mother gave me gorgeous eyes and a kind heart.
    • Statuses about your beloved self - I, of course, am the sun, but nothing shines here for you.
    • It turned out that I am a goddess... Wherever I go, everywhere “Lord, you again!”
    • I am amazed by the people who wish me the fulfillment of all my desires! Suicides...
    • I am air, don't try to hold it. Breathe while I let myself breathe!
    • I am a very proud girl, sweet and confident, impeccably beautiful and inexplicable.
  • Men devouring me with their eyes, at least try not to slurp!
  • I don’t know my worth - I’ve never mentioned it!
  • I'm the best! I walk and sow good things: now my wallet, now my keys...
  • Only my daughter will be better than me.
  • I'm realistic. Romantic. And indecisive. In general - a treasure.
  • Oh, lucky is the one who takes me as his wife! And the one from whom I take the heart will be unlucky.
  • I'm certainly not a queen, but the crown suits me very well.
  • Of course, I'm not a princess, but for most of you I'm just a gift.
  • I am the force that you cannot resist.
  • You don't need to re-educate me! I raised myself for too long.
  • I can do everything myself. I can saw, plane and paint. Repair, cook on the run. Why should I, Petya, Vova, Vasya, drink vodka and I can!
  • I'm not arrogant - I'm just better than many.
  • Morning is not a time for princesses; princesses wake up by lunchtime.
  • I'm so proud because I was offended. I am strong and confident because I was hurt. I am very brave because I am no longer afraid of anything.
  • My character is golden, that’s why it’s so heavy.
  • Briefly about yourself: rumpled in the mornings, cheerful in the evenings!
  • I will never in my life be one of the backup options; being an extra doesn’t suit me.
  • I love good words when they are all about me!
  • I'm a bitch - and I'm not going to hide this joyful fact. I am selfish - and this is another plus of mine. I love only myself, which means I am not alone.
  • White and fluffy until you step on your tail
  • My character is excellent. You just need to heal your nerves.
  • A woman in love has no rivals!
  • If an ordinary girl is a mystery, then I am a super secret state secret!
  • I’m one of those people who, when asked about shortcomings, answers: “Too good for you!”
  • I'm smart, although I don't look like it.