The first national architectural competition to develop concepts for the development of public spaces has started. The first national architectural competition to develop concepts for the development of public spaces has started. National architectural competition

On March 7, a national architectural competition began to develop concepts for the development of key public spaces in 15 Russian cities. The start of the process was given by the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia Mikhail Men at a press conference, broadcast which can be viewed in the official group of Strelka KB. The list of cities whose space is planned to be transformed by architects includes the capital of the Vladimir region.

The competition was organized by the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML) and CB Strelka with the support of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia. The competition will consider ideas for improving public spaces in cities with a population of up to 1 million inhabitants: Astrakhan, Vladimir, Vladikavkaz, Volgograd, Izhevsk, Kaluga, Kemerovo, Lipetsk, Stavropol, Ryazan, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Khabarovsk, Cheboksary and Chelyabinsk.

Russian Construction Minister Mikhail Men explained that previously the functions of developing the urban environment and public spaces were assigned to municipalities, and each municipality “implemented its policy based on its own vision”:

“For the first time, a national competition for Russian architects is being held in 15 large and medium-sized cities of Russia. The competition provides an excellent opportunity, on the one hand, to improve the quality of improvement of these cities, and on the other hand, to give impetus to the development of the urban environment throughout the country. Selected projects will be implemented in this year. We are considering the possibility of financing, including through federal subsidies for improvement. Implemented with the support of the local administration architectural projects improvement of streets, squares, parks, embankments will replenish our library - the library of the Ministry of Construction in the region best practices on the development of urban spaces. This is a unique opportunity for established architects and newcomers to participate in the project of transforming the cities of our country.”

General Director of Strelka KB Denis Leontyev said at a press conference that the competition is primarily aimed at regional architects:

“Projects will be implemented regarding the improvement of city-wide spaces - embankments, squares, parks and streets, through which thousands and hundreds of thousands of residents of these cities pass every day. These are the spaces that all residents will notice changes in. We believe that such spaces should act as a catalyst for the systemic transformation of the urban environment. The spaces created as a result of the competition will be able to become business cards these cities. For this purpose, we are announcing this competition. Technical specifications have already been prepared for each city - they determine the financial boundaries of the project.”

Strelka KB is working on transforming urban space in 40 Russian cities, varying in size and population. Leontyev noted that in major cities There are already companies and the architectural community that are working to transform the urban environment. And small towns, due to their specific nature, do not have an established professional community due to small size. The 15 selected cities, according to Leontyev, have never participated in national and international competitions, and developing projects to transform the urban environment in these cities will be useful, since there is no such mechanism locally.

The 15 winners of the competition for each city will be announced on April 28. The winner of the competition will receive a reward of 400 thousand rubles and a contract to develop a design project for its implementation. Second and third places will be awarded prizes of 300 thousand and 100 thousand rubles and will have the opportunity to participate in the design of public spaces in other cities. The total prize fund of the competition amounted to 12 million rubles.

General Director AHML Alexander Plutnik noted that “small cities should be developed based on their rich history and this story needs to be put into a modern environment.” Among similar cities with a rich cultural and historical heritage, which can be clothed in a comfortable urban environment, The Plutnik named Vladimir.

On the competition website you can register to participate and get acquainted with terms of reference, which includes a list of objects for creating a project for transforming the urban environment in each city.

Transforming public spaces in 15 cities Russia will take place in preparation for the FIFA World Cup, which will be held in 7 cities of Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

Architectural competition in 15 cities - part big project improvement of key public spaces in Russian cities. Over the coming years, new, modern and comfortable public spaces will appear in Russian cities. This is the first such federal-scale competition with open participation, giving both experienced and young independent architects the opportunity to take part in creating a new image of Russian regional centers.​

Based on the results of the competition, concepts for the development of key public spaces will be created and implemented in the following cities: Astrakhan, Vladimir, Vladikavkaz, Volgograd, Izhevsk, Kaluga, Kemerovo, Lipetsk, Stavropol, Ryazan, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Khabarovsk, Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk.

The start of the project is timed to coincide with the 2018 FIFA World Cup, but is not limited by its framework. Sports events are only the starting point for a large-scale program for the development of public spaces, designed for five years, from 2017 to 2022.

In each city participating in the project, from three to twelve public spaces will be landscaped, including streets, squares, parks and embankments. One space in each city is planned to be implemented in 2017 - as part of the first part of the project. It is these territories that are included in the open competition. The remaining spaces will be landscaped between 2018 and 2022. In Izhevsk, competition participants are invited to develop a project for the improvement of the Zodchego Dudin embankment with an area of ​​6.3 hectares, Izvestia UR reports.

  • Competition type: open architectural competition.
  • We invite you to participate: landscape designers and architects.
  • Registration fee: absent.
  • Registration deadline and deadline for submitting bids: April 18, 2017.
  • Results announcement date: April 28, 2017.
  • Prize fund: the total prize fund is 12 million rubles. In each of the 15 cities it is distributed as follows: 400,000 rubles for first place, 300,000 for second and 100,000 for third
  • Organizers: Russian Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services; AHML.
  • Operator: KB Strelka.
  • Full name of the competition:
  • Official website of the competition:
  • Contacts: [email protected].

The areas for improvement were selected based on comprehensive research. In addition to urban planning and GIS analytics, interviews with local experts and citizens, and meetings with the administration were conducted in cities. Activity was studied in in social networks, which helped identify the most popular spots in cities.

In each city participating in the program, key areas are identified that are loved by citizens and tourists, but require high-quality renovation. The development of these spaces is intended to improve general state urban environment in Russian regional centers, create new city symbols and influence the life of every citizen.

The project pays special attention to the needs of users - residents, tourists, students. Important place focuses on developing use cases for families with children, youth and retirees.

The competition tasks are based on the basic principles of creating a high-quality urban environment: comfort and safety of users, environmental friendliness of materials and solutions, functional diversity and identifying the uniqueness of the place. Thanks to this, public spaces in the cities participating in the project will not only become iconic urban areas, but will also help develop the economy, culture and tourism.

Mikhail Men, Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Russian Federation:

"First federal program the formation of the urban environment simultaneously affects a third of Russian cities. It is important to note that the planned qualitative changes are being carried out quickly: it is expected that citizens will see the first results in 2017, and the competition is an important part of the whole process. This is a platform for attracting talent, where candidates will be selected on competitive terms best ideas landscaping. They will help cities become more modern and emphasize their individuality, which will not only give a positive economic effect, but will also increase the level of comfort Everyday life in the regions."

Competition regulations

  • 03/08 - 04/17/2017. Acceptance of competitive proposals.
  • 04/18/2017. End of acceptance of competitive proposals.
  • 19.04 - 27.04.2017. A series of competition jury meetings in 15 cities of Russia.
  • 04/28/2017. Announcement of the winners.

Participation in the competition

Russian-speaking landscape designers and architects are invited to participate in the competition. Member registration as legal entity or individual entrepreneur not required. The competition provides equal opportunities for participation by both experienced and young architects.

Prize fund

The amount of the prize fund is 12,000,000 rubles. In each city, it is distributed as follows: 400,000 rubles for first place, 300,000 for second and 100,000 for third (including VAT, personal income tax and any other applicable taxes).

In addition, the winners will have the opportunity to show their projects at the final exhibition, which will be held in Saratov as part of the “Environment for Living” forum. Apartment and city" from May 13 to May 15, 2017.


The jury will include representatives of the administrations of 15 Russian cities, the Foundation for the Unified Institute for Development in the Housing Sphere and the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, as well as leading Russian and international architects and experts in the field of development of public spaces.

Press release:

On March 7, the first national architectural competition to develop concepts for the development of key public spaces in 15 Russian cities starts. The competition is supported by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation and organized by AHML and KB Strelka. You can propose ideas for improving public spaces for the following cities: Astrakhan, Vladimir, Vladikavkaz, Volgograd, Izhevsk, Kaluga, Kemerovo, Lipetsk, Stavropol, Ryazan, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Khabarovsk, Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk. These are medium-sized cities with a population of up to a million inhabitants. The finalists will be determined at the end of April.

Mikhail Men, Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation:
“For the first time, the federal program for the formation of the urban environment simultaneously affects a third of Russian cities. It is important to note that the planned qualitative changes are being carried out quickly: it is expected that citizens will see the first results in 2017, and the competition is an important part of the whole process. This is a platform for attracting talent, where the best improvement ideas will be selected on competitive terms. They will help cities become more modern and emphasize their individuality, which will not only have a positive economic effect, but will also increase the level of comfort of everyday life in the regions.”

Based on the results of the competition, updated public spaces will appear, and their appearance will give rise to further transformations on the scale of each city.

The winner in each city will be determined by jury voting. From the federal government, the jury includes representatives of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, as well as AHML. On the regional side, these are administrations and experts in architecture and urban planning - those who are well acquainted with the specifics of their home city.

The total prize fund allocated for the competition within the framework of the Urban Environment Development Program of AHML and Strelka CB will amount to 12 million rubles. The finalist who proposed the best concept for the development of public space, in the opinion of the jury, receives a reward of 400,000 rubles and a contract for the development of a design project. For second and third place, the winners receive cash prizes in the amount of 300,000 and 100,000 rubles, respectively. Architects who take second and third place also receive the opportunity to further participate in the design of other urban public spaces. All projects will be shown at the exhibition as part of the forum program “Environment for Living. Apartment and City”, which will take place in Saratov from May 13 to 15. The city administration will implement the developed projects. Thus, over the coming years, new spaces for citizens to spend their leisure time will appear in cities.

The deadline for accepting competitive proposals is April 18, and the winners will be announced on the website at the end of April.

How the territories were chosen

The sites for improvement were selected as a result of interviews with citizens and research into the activity of social network users - which points in the city are photographed more often than others. At meetings with administrations, the final decision on the choice of territories was made. In each city, spaces have been agreed upon that are loved more than others by citizens and tourists and that need quality renovation. These are streets, squares, parks and embankments, with an average area of ​​7 hectares.

About the program

The architectural competition in 15 cities is part of a large project for the improvement of key public spaces in 40 cities of the Russian Federation and is part of one of the areas of the joint program of the Russian Ministry of Construction, Strelka Design Bureau and the Foundation for the Unified Institute for Development in the Housing Sphere (created by AHML). The program was initiated by AHML and is designed for 2017-2018. The work is being carried out in accordance with the priority project of the Government of the Russian Federation to create a comfortable urban environment.

With the support of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation and the Foundation for the Unified Institute for Development in the Housing Sphere, an Open National Architectural Competition with international participation was announced to develop concepts for the improvement of key public spaces in 15 municipalities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of the implementation of programs for the development of concepts and design projects for the improvement of public spaces.

The purpose of the Competition is to identify and attract Russian specialists to the development of design projects for the improvement of key public spaces in the territories municipalities subjects of the Russian Federation.

The architectural competition in 15 cities is part of a large project for the improvement of key public spaces in 40 cities of the country and is part of one of the areas of the joint program of the Russian Ministry of Construction, Strelka Design Bureau and the Foundation for the Unified Institute for Development in the Housing Sphere (created by AHML). The program was initiated by AHML and is designed for 2017-2018. The work is being carried out in accordance with the priority project of the Government of the Russian Federation to create a comfortable urban environment.

You can propose ideas for improving public spaces for the following cities: Astrakhan, Vladimir, Vladikavkaz, Volgograd, Izhevsk, Kaluga, Kemerovo, Lipetsk, Stavropol, Ryazan, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Khabarovsk, Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk.

The start of the project is timed to coincide with the 2018 FIFA World Cup, but is not limited to the mega-event. Sporting events are just the starting point for a large-scale program for the development of public spaces, designed for five years, from 2017 to 2022.

In each city participating in the project, from three to twelve public spaces will be landscaped, including streets, squares, parks and embankments. One space in each city is planned to be implemented in 2017 - as part of the first part of the project. It is these territories that are included in the open competition. The remaining spaces will be landscaped between 2018 and 2022.

The winner in each city will be determined by jury voting. From the federal government, the jury includes representatives of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, as well as AHML. On the regional side, these are administrations and experts in architecture and urban planning - those who are well acquainted with the specifics of their home city.

The areas for improvement were selected based on a comprehensive study. In addition to urban planning and GIS analytics, interviews with local experts and citizens, and meetings with the administration were conducted in cities. Activity on social networks was studied, which helped identify the most popular spots in cities.

In each city participating in the program, key areas are identified that are loved by citizens and tourists, but require high-quality renovation. The development of these spaces is intended to improve the general condition of the urban environment in Russian regional centers, create new urban symbols and influence the life of every citizen.

The project pays special attention to the needs of users - residents, tourists, students. An important place is occupied by the development of use cases for families with children, youth and retirees.

The competition tasks are based on the basic principles of creating a high-quality urban environment: comfort and safety of users, environmental friendliness of materials and solutions, functional diversity and identifying the uniqueness of the place. Thanks to this, public spaces in the cities participating in the project will not only become iconic urban areas, but will also help the development of the economy, culture and

We invite you to participate: landscape designers and architects. The competition provides equal opportunities for participation by both experienced and young architects.