Ancient games of the Russian people. Russian folk outdoor games. M. Litvinova


Running games

"Snake" (Russian folk game)

All children take each other's hands, forming a human chain. The child standing first becomes the leader. He begins to run, taking everyone else with him. While running, the leader must sharply change the direction of movement of the entire group several times: run in the opposite direction, make a sharp turn (at an angle of 90°), twist the chain like a snake, describe a circle, etc.


1. All children must hold hands tightly so that the “chain” does not break.

2. Players must accurately repeat all the leader’s movements and try to run “in pursuit of each other.”

3. It is good to use natural obstacles in the game: run around trees, bend down while running under their branches, run down the slopes of shallow ravines. When playing indoors, you can create an “obstacle course” of large cubes or sports objects (hoops, skittles, gymnastic benches).

4. The game can be stopped if the “chain” is broken and a new leader can be chosen.

"Salki" (Russian folk game)

Before starting the game, you need to choose a driver (“tag”). On command, all the children scatter, and the driver begins to chase one of the children. Having caught up with the fleeing child and touched him with his hand, the driver says: “I have spoiled you!” Now this child becomes the driver and must “trash” the other one.


1. The driver chases only one child from the group.
2. The rest of the children, running around the playground, follow the change of drivers and must run away from the new driver.

"Cat and Mouse" (Russian folk game)

This game, like “tag”, begins with the choice of a driver (“cat”). Other children - “mice” - scatter in different directions, and the “cat” tries to catch up with them. The player he touched with his hand becomes the driver.


1. The driver chases different children, trying to catch up with the child who is closest to him.

2. If the “cat” wants to catch up with a particular child, then he must first loudly call him by name. According to the terms of the game, you can change the “goal” several times, i.e. call another name and start chasing this child if he is close to the “tag”.

3. All players must carefully monitor the change of drivers and try to stay at a distance from them during the game.

“Sticky Stumps” (Bashkir folk game)

The drivers (there are several of them at the same time) squat down, and the rest of the players run between them. The drivers try, while squatting motionless, to catch or at least touch the running children with their hands (“branches”). If they succeed, then the caught child becomes the driver, and now he himself must catch (“glue”) the cheerful runners.


1. You cannot catch players by their clothes.
2. “Stumps” should not move.

"Messengers" (Yakut folk game)

In the vast expanses of the Far North, where this game originated a long time ago, messages were transmitted by special people - messengers. They rode on reindeer or dog sleds, and the “writings” themselves, even before the development of writing by the peoples of the North, were made using knots on bundles of ribbons made of thin strips of leather or rope. To play you will need two such bundles of ribbons with knots.

Before the game starts, children are divided into two teams and paired up. In each couple, one child will be the “messenger” and the other the “deer.” In a room or on a site, a place is designated for two “pillars”. Players of a certain team will have to run around each “pillar”, and the “deer” should run first, and the “messenger” from this pair of players should run behind him, not one step behind him. The game is played in the form of a relay race: each messenger, together with his deer, “jumps” to the post, runs around it clockwise twice and quickly returns to his team. There he gives his bundle of ribbons (“letter”) to the next pair of players, and the new “messenger” with the “deer” sets off again.

The winning team is the one whose “messengers” are the first to hand over the “letter” to the judge at the end of the journey.


1. The “messenger” should not overtake his “deer”.
2. It is necessary to make two circles near the pillar.
3. The next “messenger” does not have the right to run out to meet the players of his team returning with a “letter”.

"Gate" (Russian folk game)

All children are divided into pairs and face each other. They join hands, which they raise high above their heads, forming a “gate.” Children from the last pair quickly run under the gate and stand in front of everyone, then the next pair runs. The game ends when all the children run under the gate.


1. Children hold each other’s hands while running under the gate.

2. You cannot touch the “gate”.

3. During the game, you can change the height of the goal, gradually “lowering your hands”: this will significantly complicate the task.

"Traps" (Russian folk game)

For this game, several players are selected and stand in pairs, facing each other. They hold hands and raise them up, as in the game “gate”: now these are “traps”. “Traps” must be placed evenly across the playing field. The rest of the children run around, freely running through the “traps” while they are open.

Suddenly the “traps” close: the drivers lower their hands (the signal can be the referee’s whistle or the music stopping). Those children who were running through the traps at that moment find themselves trapped.

The caught players and children, who portrayed “traps” in the game, join hands and stand in a circle, raising their clasped hands up. The remaining players form a “chain” that snakes around in a circle, running through “traps”. The “traps” are closing again, and again some children are trapped: now inside the circle.


1. The game continues until only a few children remain at large.

2. The game can be repeated 2-3 times, replacing the “traps”.

3. At the end of the game, the most dexterous players and the luckiest “trap” should be noted.

"Golden Gate" (Russian folk game)

At the beginning of this game (other options for its names: goose bridge, golden bridge) two players are chosen. They will be the "sun" and "moon". These players face each other, hold hands and raise them to form a “gate.” The rest of the players join hands and walk in a line through the gate.

The drivers (“sun” and “moon”) repeat the tongue twister in recitative:

The Golden Gate does not always let you through: The first time it is forgiven, The second time it is forbidden, And the third time we will not let you through!

The “gate” closes at the last word and catches whoever was passing through it at that moment. Children, knowing that the “gate” closes at the end of the poem, rush through it faster. The drivers can also speed up the tempo of utterance: this way the whole game becomes more dynamic and unexpected.

The caught player stands behind the “moon” or “sun”, and the game continues again until all players are divided into two teams.

"Golden Gate - Circular" (Russian folk game)

In this game, half the players form a circle by holding hands and raising them up - this is a round goal. The remaining children form a living chain, which alternately goes around each player standing in a circle. Children depicting the “gate” repeat the verse in recitation (see the game “Golden Gate”).

At the last word, the children lower their hands and catch those who are inside the circle.

The caught children, together with the children already standing in the circle, form an even larger circle, and the game continues. Gradually, the chain of players becomes shorter and shorter, and there are more and more children in the circle.

The game ends when only a few children remain outside the circle.


1. You cannot stop in front of the gate and not enter it if you are about to pronounce the last words of a verse. Such children are also considered caught.

2. Children in the chain should not open their hands. If a player “breaks away” from his chain and is left alone, then he is also considered caught.

"Burners" (Russian folk game)

The game is played in a clearing or in a hall at least 20-30 m long.

They choose a driver - a “holy man”. Pairs of players line up behind him (usually a girl and a boy in pairs), the first pair should stand behind the “gorelytsik” at a distance of 10 steps.

All players say in unison:

Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out. Look at the sky: Birds are flying, Bells are ringing.

Beginning with the words “the bells are ringing,” the “burner” looks up. At this time, the couple standing behind everyone separates their hands and goes around the column of players from different sides. The children quietly approach the “golytsik”, at the last word (“they ring”) they jump up and run forward, past the “golytsik”, trying to pair up again in front. The driver is trying to “smear” one of the players. If he succeeds, then he forms a pair with him, and the caught player himself becomes a “burner.” Game continues.

The “gorelytsik” must gradually move forward so that the distance between him and the first pair does not decrease. When playing in the hall, on the contrary, the players in the column must take several steps back so that the distance between the players and the “golyitsik” remains the same.


1. “Gorelytsik” has no right to look around and spy which couple is about to run away.

2. The “Gorelytsik” can “harass” those running only until they grab hands again.

3. Sometimes it is customary to mark a place in front of the “burner” (about 15 m), until which running players should not try to connect their hands.

4. Each pair of running children stands in front of the entire column.

“Udmurt burners” (Udmurt folk game)

The players are divided into pairs and lined up in a column, as in Russian “burners”. However, the driver stands facing the first couple, in front of them, about 10 steps. He holds a handkerchief or scarf in his raised hand.

The last pair separates their hands, and each player runs along his side of the column forward, towards the driver. The player who manages to grab the handkerchief first becomes the leader, and the other player becomes paired with the previous driver at the head of the column. The entire column gradually moves forward, and the driver retreats a few steps back so that the distance between him and the first pair does not decrease.


1. The signal for each pair to start running is for the leader to raise the scarf up above his head.

2. The driver should not extend the handkerchief towards one of the players, but should hold it in his hand raised high.

3. If the running players simultaneously grab the handkerchief, then the driver remains, and this pair stands in front of the column.

4. Players must not forcefully snatch each other’s handkerchief.

“Pegs” (Mari folk game)

Before starting the game, all players must stock up on wooden pegs about one meter long and stick them into the ground around the driver so that a circle with a radius of 3-5 m is formed. The driver must first ask each child for a peg, but children may not give their peg because in this case, they will have to take the place of the driver.

If all the children refuse the driver, then he begins to get angry and tries to grab any peg. To do this, he must place his hand on the selected peg and count loudly to three. On the count of “three,” the driver runs out of the circle and runs around. The owner of the circle simultaneously rushes into the opposite side, trying to overtake the driver and reach his peg first.

The one who reaches the peg first becomes its owner, and the loser stands in a circle and must lead again.


1. You cannot run before the word “three”, otherwise the start will be repeated.
2. You cannot shorten the circle by cutting it diagonally.

"Polyana - pole" (Udmurt folk game)

This folk game is best played in a clearing with soft soil. If the ground is heavily trampled, then you should ask the children, before starting the game, to specially dig up or loosen the place where the pole will be stuck (a thick stick 2 m long).

A circle border with a radius of 10-15 m is drawn around the pole (depending on the age of the children, this distance can be reduced). The driver stands near the pole, the rest of the players stand outside the circle.

At the driver’s conditioned signal, the players take turns running into the circle and, without stopping, hit the pole with their hand or foot while running (this must be clarified before the start of the game). If the pole falls upon impact, then the driver must rush after this player, trying to “slap” him before the player crosses the boundaries of the circle. If the driver catches up with the player, then the unlucky player becomes the driver. If not, then he returns to the center of the circle, re-sticks the pole so that it stands strictly vertical to the surface of the site, and the game continues.


1. Only one player can run into the circle, the rest of the children wait for their turn.

2. The driver must not interfere with the player hitting the pole.

3. If the pole did not fall, but only tilted, then the driver will not catch up with the player.

4. If during the game one of the children specifically does not want to push the pole too much so that the driver does not chase him, then such a player is appointed as the driver.

"Two Frosts" (Russian folk game)

For this game you need to choose two drivers - “two frosts”.

One is "Red Nose Frost" and the other is "Blue Nose Frost". Two extreme lines are designated at opposite ends of the field: here you can hide from the “frost”. Two “frosts” are walking across the field. They loudly say: “I am Frost the Red Nose!”, “And I am Frost the Blue Nose.” And then together they ask the children: “Well, which of you will decide to set out on this little path?”

The children answer in unison: “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost!” After this, the children try to quickly run from one end of the field to the other in order to have time to hide behind the saving line of the field boundary, where the frost is no longer scary for them. The “Frosts” are trying to catch up and “harass” the children running across the field. If “frost” touches a child’s hand, then he is considered “frozen.” This player must freeze (“freeze”) in the position in which the “frost” overtook him.

The children, having crossed the field, rest a little, and the game continues. “Frosts” ask again: “Well, which of you will decide to set off on the little path?” The brave men answer: “We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost.”

On the way back, the children try to help out their “frozen” friends: they can be saved from icy captivity if, while running past, they manage to touch them with their hands. “Frosts” try to “freeze” children running past and protect their captives.

After several runs, they choose other “frosts” from among the most dexterous players who have never been caught and were able to rescue other children from captivity in the ice.


1. You can cross the site only after the words: “We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost.”
2. If one of the children did not run with everyone else, but hesitated on the edge of the playground, then he is considered “frozen”.

“Stop, deer” (game, Komi people)

This game is very popular among the peoples of the Far North, in which players can test their skills as deer. The game is played on the street or in a large gym, where the boundaries of the “pasture” are specially fenced off before the game begins. The driver (“shepherd”, “hunter”), who is determined by lot or counting, must catch several “deer” during the game.

The game begins when the driver shouts: “Run, deer!” All players scatter across the site, and the “shepherd” tries to catch up with any “deer” by touching it with a small stick and saying: “Stop, deer!” The game continues until the “shepherd” catches five deer.


1. You just need to touch the player with the stick, and not hit him.

2. Players who run out of bounds are considered caught.

The drivers (players of the team that was catching up) quickly turn and run back to their side of the playing field. They strive to reach the end of the playing field on their side. However, the upset player must shout loudly: “Olenma!” (“I am!”), and on this command all players turn and try to catch up with the fleeing opponents in order to, in turn, “smear” any of them. The roles of those escaping and those chasing can change several times until one of the teams manages to reach their end of the playing field in full force.


1. You cannot run beyond the side line; such a player is considered “greasy”.
2. You must definitely shout “Olenma!” so that all the players on your team can hear that their player has been “spoiled.”

"Cossacks-Robbers" (Russian folk game)

The game is played outside. All players are divided into two teams. They cast lots: the players of one team become “robbers”, and the other - “Cossacks”. The “Cossacks” have a “camp”: it is guarded by one of the “Cossacks”. The “Cossacks” give the “robbers” some time to hide, and then go to catch them. If the discovered “robber” manages to reach the Cossack “camp,” he is not considered caught, but becomes a “Cossack” himself. The game ends when the “Cossacks” catch all the “robbers”.


1. It is necessary to limit the place where robbers should hide.
2. The caught “robbers” are taken to the “camp”, where they will be guarded by one “Cossack” until the end of the game.

Wolf and Sheep (Russian folk game)

Before starting the game, you need to choose a “wolf” and a “shepherd”, the rest of the children will be “sheep”. On opposite sides of the site, the boundaries of two “sheepfolds” are marked - these are places where “sheep” can escape from the wolf. Before the start of the game, all “sheep” must be located at the edge of the field, in one of the “sheepfolds”. A circle is drawn in the center of the site: there will be a “wolf’s lair” here. The children say in chorus:

Shepherdess, shepherdess, blow your horn! The grass is soft, the dew is sweet. Drive the herd into the field, for a walk in the wild!

The “shepherd” plays the “horn” and thus lets his “sheep” out for a walk in the water meadow. The “wolf” closely monitors the grazing “sheep” from his “lair”. When the “shepherd” shouts: “Wolf!”, the “sheep” must have time to run to another sheepfold, on the opposite side of the field. And the “wolf” jumps out of his “lair” and tries to catch them (“grump”). The “shepherd” protects the “sheep” by shielding them from the “wolf”. The “sheep” that the “wolf” caught leave the game.


1. The “wolf” should not catch the “sheep”; it is enough to just “grease” them.

2. The “shepherd” should not delay the “wolf” or grab it with his hands; he can only shield his “sheep”.

3. “Sheep” are not allowed to return to the “sheepfold” from which they came out to pasture. They must definitely cross the “field”, getting to its opposite side, bypassing the “wolf’s lair”.

"Hawk and Ducks" (Buryat folk game)

The game is played outside. It is necessary to divide the site into several zones: “reeds”, “lake”. A “lake” is a defined, free-form area at one of the opposite ends of the field. At the other end of the field there is a “hawk” - this is the leader who will catch the “ducks”. “Ducks” must, on command, run away from the “hawk,” hiding in the “reeds” on the way to the “lake.” “Reeds” are several players who are located in random order at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other on the way of the “ducks” to the “lake”. The “ducks” are saved first among the “reeds”, and then in the “lake”, where the “hawk” can no longer catch them. If the “hawk” managed to “catch” several ducks, then they are considered caught and go out of the playing field. The Hawk continues to catch fewer ducks. The "hawk" wins if he manages to catch all the "ducks". Rules:

1. “Reds” should not move from their place or catch one of the players with their hands.

2. The “reeds” can sway while standing still, and thus prevent the “hawk” from catching the “ducks”.

3. Each “duck” must get lost in the “reeds” and not immediately run to the “lake”, where it will be completely safe.

“Running with a stick in hand” (Ingush folk game)

There are many traditional techniques of this game, popular among peoples. North Caucasus: hold a stick on your palm, finger, fist, elbow, etc.

Let's look at how you can organize an entire running competition while holding a stick in the palm of your hand. To do this, you need to determine in advance the distance from start to finish and mark it. It can be 50-100 m, but small children can run a shorter distance. It is also necessary to prepare wooden sticks with which the participants will compete in the race. They should be approximately the same weight and size so that all participants have the same difficulty in keeping their poles balanced. If schoolchildren compete, then the sticks can be up to 1 m long; if the game is played with older preschoolers, then the length of the stick should not be more than 50 cm. Participants in the same race should also not differ very much from each other in height.

Children must run from start to finish, holding a stick in front of them in the palm of their outstretched hand. If a child drops a stick while running, he is out of the game.

The winner is the one who managed to reach the finish line first and not drop the stick.


1. If during a run a participant supports a swaying stick with his other hand, then he is considered a loser and must drop out of the game.
2. If a player makes a “false start,” his result is not counted.

“Blind Bear” (Ossetian folk game)

Traditionally, in this game, players attracted the attention of the “blind bear” with the help of rattles: two wooden sticks the length of a pencil. The ends of one of the sticks had “notches”, when passed along them with the smooth side of the other stick, a peculiar crackling sound could be obtained. However, you can use other sound signals, such as ringing a bell.

The leader of the “blind bear” is chosen by lot. This child is tightly blindfolded.

The rest of the children approach the bear and begin to crack wooden sticks. The “blind bear” follows the sound and tries to catch or “slap” any player. To escape from the bear, the players run away in all directions. But at the same time they must not leave the playing field.

The caught player himself becomes a “blind bear”.


1. If a player leaves the playing area, he is considered a loser.
2. A player approaching a bear must rattle his rattles.

"Zhmurki" (Russian folk game)

Before the start of the game, it is determined by lot who will be the driver. He is tightly blindfolded so that he cannot see anything, and placed facing the wall. The driver counts loudly: “One, two, three, four, five: I’m going to look.” During this time, the remaining children must hide indoors. If the game is played outdoors, then it is necessary to determine the boundaries of the area beyond which players cannot go. The driver begins to search for the children by touch, and they, running from place to place, try not to make noise so that he does not hear where they are. The driver first tries to catch the player, and then, if he succeeds, he must determine who is in front of him. The guessed player himself becomes the driver.


1. If the driver goes in a direction where there is not a single child, then you can help him by saying: “It’s cold, very cold!” As you get closer to the players, it becomes “warmer”.

2. A caught player is released if the driver cannot correctly determine by touch who is in front of him.

3. Sometimes it is allowed to specifically exchange certain items of clothing (bows, hairpins, caps) to make it more difficult for the driver to recognize the players with their eyes closed.

Zhmurki (in circles) (Bashkir folk game)

This game can be played outdoors or indoors. Before the start of the game, it is necessary to prepare small circles on which the players will later stand. We recommend cutting out such circles from thick cardboard of such a size that you can stand on them with both feet. However, you can simply draw circles with chalk on the asphalt or with a stick on the ground. The main thing is that they are clearly visible, and the number of such circles is slightly greater than the number of players.

In the center of the site, they “spin” the driver blindfolded so that he loses orientation and does not know which way he is going. At the command of an adult, the driver walks at random, and the other players run from circle to circle until the driver comes close to one of them. Then everyone “freezes,” and the driver must, in complete silence, try to find by touch where the player is hiding. A child who is caught can squat, lean to the side, but under no circumstances leave the circle. If he was unable to maintain his balance and stepped outside the circle, he is considered a loser.

If the driver managed to find the player standing in the circle, then he must still determine by touch who he caught. If he succeeds, then this player becomes the driver.


1. All children can again run from circle to circle, make noise, clap their hands, only until the driver comes close to the player “in the circle.”
2. A child who tried to run away or simply did not keep his balance (moved from his place) when the “driver” came close to his circle, becomes the driver himself.

Zhmurki "Masha and Yasha" (Russian folk game)

For this game, children choose a boy and a girl as drivers. The boy is appointed “Masha”: now he must speak in a thin voice, and the girl “Yasha”: from now on she speaks in a deep voice. Both drivers are blindfolded. The rest of the children join hands and form a closed circle around the leaders. The drivers stand in a circle, they are spun around to make it more difficult for them to maintain their orientation, and they are released to “look” for each other. “Yasha” is looking for “Masha”, calling out to her in a bass voice, and “Masha” responds, but is not in a hurry to meet “Yasha”. If “Yasha” blindly mistakes another child for “Masha”, the mistake is pointed out to him. The game continues until the funny couple finally meets. You can then choose another pair of players.


1. “Masha” is considered caught if “Yasha” touched her with his hand.
2. If “Yasha” cannot catch “Masha” for a long time, you can invite the heroes to change roles or give way to other children.

“Painter and Paints” (Tatar folk game)

Before the game starts, a driver (“painter”) and a “mistress of paints” are chosen. The rest of the children become “paints”; each child chooses his own color, but so that the “painter” does not hear its name.

The driver (“painter”) addresses the “mistress of paints”: “Grandma, grandma, I came for paint. May I take it?" “I have a lot of colors,” the “mistress of colors” answers, “which one do you want?”

All the “paints” sit side by side on the bench and wait to see what color the “painter” will name. The named “paint” must jump up from the bench and have time to run to the opposite end of the room or area, where it will be possible to hide behind a specially drawn line.

The “painter,” calling “paint,” does not know whether the “hostess” has it or what kind of player it is. He must try to guess desired color, and then either have time to catch the fleeing “paint”, or at least “grab” it. Usually, according to the conditions of the game, the “painter” must collect at least five paints. Then you can choose another “painter”, “mistress of paints”, assign new names to the “paints” and start the game again.


1. The painter should not catch the “paint” when it is just rising from the chair.
2. Two players cannot choose the name of the same “paint”.

“Cheers, that’s it!” (hide and seek with tongue twisters) (game of the Komi peoples)

Before the start of the game, children are divided into two teams and choose two judges who will strictly monitor compliance with the rules throughout the game.

The lot determines which team will hide first. All players of the other team stand in a circle and say a tongue twister in chorus the agreed number of times, for example, “All beavers are kind to their beavers.” (The correct pronunciation of the tongue twister should be accessible to everyone. If there are children on the team with problems with the pronunciation of certain sounds, then the tongue twister can be replaced with a simpler one: “Under the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.”) The judges monitor the correct pronunciation of the tongue twister and count how many once it is pronounced. During this time, all children from the other team must have time to hide.

Having finished pronouncing the tongue twister, the players from the driving team begin to look for hidden opponents. When you manage to find the first player of the other team, you need to shout loudly: “Chur!”, and call the found child by name. Then all players from both teams run to the place of the draw and, holding hands, say the same tongue twister once in chorus as at the beginning of the game. Each team has its own judge to monitor the correct pronunciation of the tongue twister.

The winning team is the one that completes this entire sequence of actions first. She gets the right to hide.


1. Before pronouncing the tongue twister, all players must have time to join hands.
2. The tongue twister must be pronounced correctly, without rearranging words, syllables, or sounds.

What to do with a child? Modern games mainly focused on online format. We invite you to get acquainted with Russian folk outdoor games. The children will be happy. And parents are happy, because movement is life!

Give the children more and more content general, human, world, but mainly try to introduce them to this through native and national phenomena.

V. Belinsky

The “Main Directions for the Reform of General Education and Vocational Schools” sets the task of “improving work on comprehensive development children preschool age, to cultivate a sense of beauty, to form high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate the beauty and richness of one’s native nature, to cultivate in the spirit of love for the Motherland.” Nurturing selfless love for the Motherland is the main, leading principle of Russian and Soviet pedagogy.

The homeland appears before the child for the first time in images, sounds and colors, in games. All this is abundantly contained in folk art, rich and varied in content.

Funny outdoor games are our childhood. Who doesn’t remember the constant hide and seek, traps, and tag! When did they arise? Who invented these games? There is only one answer to this question: they were created by the people, just like fairy tales and songs.

Russian folk games have a long history, they have been preserved and come down to the present day from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation, absorbing the best national traditions. Boys and girls gathered in the evening on a village street or outside the outskirts, danced in circles, sang songs, ran around tirelessly, playing burners, tag, and competed in dexterity, playing rounders. In winter, entertainment was of a different nature: there was mountain skiing and snowball fights; They rode horses around the villages with songs and dances. All folk games are characterized by the Russian person’s love for fun and daring.

Particularly popular and beloved were games such as burners, Russian lapta, blind man's buff, gorodki, and ball games. The game of blind man's buff was widespread in many regions of Russia and had different names: “Blind frying pan”, “Zhmachki”, “Chicken blindness”, “Crooked Rooster”, etc. Before starting the game, the children had a conversation with the driver in chorus: “ Cat, cat, what are you standing on? - “In the kneader” - “What’s in the kneader?” - “Kvass!” - “Catch mice, not us!” They will talk to the driver like this, and also make him turn around in one place several times, and only after that he begins to look for the players, as a rule, with their eyes closed.

There were also many games where the success of the players depended primarily on the ability to accurately throw a bat, knock down towns, catch a ball or hit a target with a ball (towns, lapta, etc.). Both the names of the games and the rules were different in different regions of Russia, but what they had in common was the desire to win, to gain victory.

Russian folk games for children are valuable from a pedagogical point of view, they have a great influence on the education of the mind, character, will, develop moral feelings, physically strengthen the child, create a certain spiritual mood, and interest in folk art.

The collection includes outdoor games collected from various sources. They are quite diverse in their content, themes and organization. Some games have a plot, their rules are closely related to the plot (for example, “Kite”, “Hen”, “Geese-Swans”, “The Herd”). In games like “Lyapka”, “Three are many, two are enough”, “Hot Seat” there is no plot and roles, all children’s attention is directed to movement and rules. There are games in which the plot and actions of the players are determined by the text. In the game “Paints” the buyer talks to the driver: “Knock-knock!” - "Who's there?" - “Buyer.” - “Why did you come?” - “For paint” - “For which one?” - “For blue.”

Various songs are attractive for children in Russian games. In the game "Corners" each dash is accompanied by singing. At the last word, the players change places, and the buyer-driver strives to occupy the corner vacated during the dash.

In games like “Burners,” the text distracts the attention of the catcher; while singing, he must look up.

The collection presents games mainly for children of senior preschool age. They are divided by types of movements: games with running, jumping, throwing; some of them can be carried out both in warm and cold seasons. Low mobility games are also presented, suitable for playing in inclement weather in a limited area.

The collection contains many ancient and modern rhymes and conspiracies. In any Russian game there is always a driver or presenter. There are usually many people willing to fill this role, but you need to choose one, sometimes two, which is what counting rhymes and conspiracies are used for.

The driver can also be chosen by drawing lots. It is carried out differently than counting, and is used in those games where you need to split into two parties.

In the practice of preschool education, folk games are rare. There are folk games in some collections, but they have been so changed that in the new version they have lost folk traditions, deprived of a game beginning, etc.

Russian folk games and their variants, given in the collection, are available to preschool children. They can be successfully used in working with children during walks and physical education.



Lines of different shapes are drawn on the ground - these are paths. The players run along them one after another, make difficult turns, while maintaining balance. You need to run along the path, stepping exactly on the line, not interfering with each other and not bumping into the person running in front.

Instructions for carrying out. The game can be played with any number of children. The length of the track can be arbitrary, but not less than 3 m. This game can be played as a competition. Draw several lines of the same shape and place colored flags at the end of each. The first player to reach the flag must quickly raise it above his head.


Children take each other's hands to form a chain. One of the extreme players in the chain is chosen as the leader. He runs, carrying all the participants in the game with him, and as he runs he describes various figures: in a circle, around trees, making sharp turns, jumping over obstacles; moves the chain like a snake, twisting it around the end player, then develops it. The snake stops and spins around the leader.

Rules. 1. The players must hold each other’s hands tightly so that the snake does not break.
2. Exactly repeat the leader’s movements.
3. The leader is not allowed to run fast.
Instructions for carrying out. You can play “Snake” at any time of the year on a spacious area, lawn, or forest edge. The more players there are, the more fun the game is. To make it lively, we need to teach children to come up with interesting situations. For example, the presenter calls by name last player, the named child and the one standing next to him stop, raise their hands, and the leader guides the snake through the gate.
Or: at the leader’s signal, the children scatter, then restore the snake.


All participants in the game stand in pairs facing each other and join hands - this is the gate. Children from the last pair run or pass under the gate and stand in front of the column, followed by the next pair. The game ends when all players pass under the gate.
Rules. 1. You need to run or walk so as not to hit the gate.
2. As they run through the gate, the children hold each other’s hands.
Instructions for carrying out. The height of the gate can be different: children can raise their arms and hold them at shoulder level or at waist level. The lower the gate, the more difficult it is to run under it.
A more complex option is when children, running through the gate, carry various objects, for example, a ball in a spoon, a bucket filled with water, or pass by rolling a large ball with their hand in front of them.

Empty place

The players stand in a circle and choose a driver. Starting the game, he runs past the players, spots one of them and continues to run further in a circle. The stained one quickly runs in the opposite direction from the driver. Whichever of them is the first to reach an empty space in the circle takes it, and the one who is late becomes the driver.
Rules. 1. Children only run in circles.
2. Those standing in a circle should not delay those running.
3. If children run to a free place at the same time, then they both stand in a circle and a new driver is chosen.
Instructions for carrying out. They play this game at any time of the year on a large area where they can run around without interference.
The participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other, everyone’s hands are lowered. If there are a lot of children, it is better to organize two circles of players.

Common tags

The game begins by choosing a driver, he is called tag. All participants in the game scatter around the site, and the tag catches up with them. Whoever he touches with his hand becomes a tag.
Rules. 1. During the game, children need to carefully monitor the change of drivers.
2. Fifteen should not run after only one player.

Tag with house

Two circles are drawn along the edges of the site - these are houses. Children, running away from the driver, can run into the house, where the tag cannot salt them. If he touches the player on the playing field with his hand, then the one who has been touched becomes a tag.

1. To avoid staining, you need to sit down or stand on some object.
2. When the tag catches up with the player, he can jump on two legs like a bunny, and he can no longer be spotted ("Bunny" tags).
3. The player who has been spotted, if he is fast and dexterous, can immediately return the spot to the driver, and the former player remains the tag (“Tags with transfer”).
4. Everyone playing, except for tag, chooses a name for themselves from flowers, birds, animals. The tag does not stain the one who said his name in time, for example, “fox” (“Fifteen with a name”).

Interrupted tag

In this game, Fifteen needs to loudly say the name of the player he wants to stain. But if, during the pursuit, the tag sees that another participant in the game is next to him, he changes his decision, calls him by name and tries to catch up with him and stain him. The Tainted One leaves the game.
Rules. 1. Fifteen first calls the player by name, and then catches up with him and spots him.
2. In the game, the tag can change its decision many times depending on the situation.

Circle tag

The participants of the game stand in a circle, each marking their place with a circle. Two players stand behind a circle at some distance from each other, one of them is a tag, he is catching up with the second. If the runner sees that the tag is catching up with him, he calls one of those close to him in the circle by name. He leaves his place and runs in a circle away from the tag, and the player takes his place. A free circle can also be occupied by a tag, then the tag becomes the one who is left without a place. He catches up with the player who ran out of the circle.
1. Running in a circle is not allowed.
2. The player running away from the tag can run no more than one circle.
3. If the tag hits the runner, then they change places.
Instructions for carrying out. During the game, children must be very attentive; if the player is lazy, he will let his friend down. Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other, facing the center. A tag can be replaced if it has run two laps and has not stained or taken up an empty seat.
The game will be fun and interesting if the runners quickly change places.


A cord is pulled out on one side of the platform, and a tag becomes behind it. All participants in the game are on the opposite side of the site, where their home is located. Fifteen loudly says the words: “Beware once, beware two, beware three!” At this time, the players walk across the field and come close to the cord. With the last word, the tag jumps over the cord and tries to catch up and stain one of the children. Together with the stained one, he quickly runs away behind the cord. The game is repeated, but there are two tags.
1. The players run to their house only after the words of the tag: “Beware three!”
2. Fifteen is allowed to hit only one player.
3. The tag only jumps over the cord, but if, while jumping, it touches the cord, then it repeats the jump.
4. Players cannot be salted outside the house.
Instructions for carrying out. The game is played on a large free area. The distance between the players' house and the place where the tag is located is 10-20 m. The height of the cord can be changed during the game: the higher the cord, the more difficult it is for the driver to jump over it. The words “Beware once, beware two, beware three!” the tag says slowly so that the players can get closer to the cord. The closer they are to the cord, the easier it is to pick them off.
Option. The players catch up with the tag and the player he takes with him, and try to stain one of them until they jump over the cord. The one they stained returns to the field.


The driver runs after the children and, trying to insult someone, says: “I insulted you, you insult someone else!” The new driver, catching up with one of the players, repeats the same words.
Option. The driver catches someone and asks the caught person: “Who had it?” - “At my aunt’s.” - “What did you eat?” - “Dumplings.” - “Who did you give it to?” The person who is caught calls one of the game participants by name, and the named one becomes the driver. The game repeats itself.
Rules. 1. The driver runs after only one of the players.
2. Participants in the game must carefully observe the change of drivers.

Traps in a circle

A large circle is drawn on the site, a stick is placed in the middle of it, and the circle is divided into two parts. All participants in the trap game stand on different sides of the circle. The trap, running around the stick, runs from one side of the circle to the other and tries to catch one of the players. The one who is caught becomes a trap.
Rules. 1. During the game, the trap should not run over the stick and run out of the circle. Other players run over the stick. The length of the stick should be less than the diameter of the circle.
2. You cannot stand with your feet on a stick.
All participants in the game, except for the trap, stand behind the circle. They run across the circle, and the trap catches them. The caught player becomes a trap.

Three is too many, two is enough

Children stand in pairs one after another, facing the center of the circle. Two people start the game, one of them is the driver, he stands 3-4 steps behind the one who is running away from him.
The person running away claps his hands three times, after the third clap he runs away from the driver. In order not to be insulted, he stands in front of some couple. Before getting up, he shouts as he runs: “Three are too many, two is enough.” The one who stands last in this game runs away from the driver.
If the driver manages to smear the runner, then they change roles.
Rules. 1. During the game you cannot run through the circle.
2. The runner must not run more than two laps.
3. As soon as he runs into the circle, he must immediately stand in front of some pair. Anyone who breaks this rule becomes the driver.
Instructions for carrying out. If the driver managed to make fun of the runner and they switched roles, then the runner can stand in front of one of the pairs after a short run.
Sometimes the driver does not manage to catch up with the players running away from him for a long time, since they are stronger than him and run faster. In this case, you need to replace him, but not reproach him, but positively evaluate his efforts.

Eagle owl and birds

The players choose an owl, he goes to his nest. Imitating the cry of the bird they have chosen, the players fly around the playground.
At the signal “Owl!” all the birds are trying to fly to their nests. If an eagle owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is, and only then does the caught one become an eagle owl.
Instructions for carrying out. Before starting the game, children choose for themselves the names of those birds whose voice they can imitate (for example, dove, crow, jackdaw, sparrow, tit, crane, etc.). It is better to choose nests of birds and eagle owls on high objects (on stumps, benches, etc.). Each bird hides from the eagle owl in its own nest.
Option. Children are divided into 3-4 subgroups and agree on which birds they will portray. Then they approach the eagle owl and say: “We are magpies, where is our home?”; “We are seagulls, where is our home?”; “We are ducks, where is our home?” The eagle owl names the place where the birds should live. Birds fly around the site, and at the word “Owl” they hide in their nests. The eagle owl must recognize the caught bird.


All participants in the game stand in a circle. The driver with a handkerchief follows the circle, puts it on the shoulder of one of the players and quickly runs around the circle, and the one who was given the handkerchief takes it in his hand and runs after the driver. Both of them try to take an empty place in the circle.
If the player with the handkerchief catches up with the driver and is able to put the handkerchief on his shoulder before he takes a free place in the circle, he again becomes the driver, and the player who gave the handkerchief takes the free place. If the runner is the first to stand in the circle, then the player with the scarf remains the driver. He walks in a circle, puts a handkerchief on someone’s shoulder, and the game continues.
1. Children should not run across the circle.
2. While running, you are not allowed to touch those standing in the circle with your hands.
3. Standing players must not delay running players.
4. The players should not turn around while the driver is choosing who to put the scarf on their shoulder.
Instructions for carrying out. The more children take part in this game, the wider the circle will be, which means that more effort will be needed to occupy an empty seat. Children in a circle stand one step apart from each other.


The players choose a mistress and a cockerel, everyone else chooses hens. The cockerel takes the hens for a walk and to peck the grains. The housewife comes out and asks the cockerel: “Cockerel, cockerel, have you seen my chicken?” “What is yours like?” - asks the cockerel. “It’s speckled, and the tail is black.” - “No, I haven’t seen it.”
The hostess claps her hands and shouts: “Kshsh! Kshsh!” The chickens run into the house, and the housewife catches them, the cockerel protects the chickens.
The owner takes all the caught chickens into the house.
1. Chickens run into the house only when they say: “Kshsh, kshsh!”
2. The cockerel, while protecting the hens, should not push away the mistress. He, with his wings wide open, stands in her way.
Instructions for carrying out. The housewife's house and the rooster and hens should be kept as far away from each other as possible (10-20 m). To complicate the game, on the way to the house, the chickens overcome obstacles, fly over a fence (jump over a stretched cord) or run along a bridge over a stream. In their home they fly up to a perch (on a bench).

By the bear in the forest

The players choose a bear and determine the location of its den. Children go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries and sing a song:
The bear in the forest is tired of the bear,
I'll take mushrooms and berries! Frozen on the stove!
The bear wakes up, leaves the den, and slowly walks across the clearing. Suddenly he quickly runs after the players and tries to catch someone.
The one who is caught becomes a bear.
1. The bear leaves the den only after the children sing a song.
2. Children, depending on the behavior of the bear, may not immediately run to their house, but repeat the song and provoke it.
Instructions for carrying out. It is better to place the bear's den at the other end of the site. The bear must get out of the den (climb over a log, climb out of a box, basket).

Swan geese

Participants in the game choose a wolf and a master, everyone else is a geese-swan. On one side of the site there is a house where the owner and geese live, on the other there is a wolf under the mountain. The owner lets the geese out into the field to take a walk and browse some green grass. Geese are leaving home
far. After a while, the owner calls the geese: “Geese-swans, come home!” The geese answer: “The old wolf is under the mountain!” - "What
Is he doing there? - “It’s nibbling on little gray hazel grouse.” - “Well, run home!” The geese run home, and the wolf catches them.
The one caught leaves the game. The game ends when all the geese
1. Geese can fly home, but the wolf can catch them
only after the words: “Well, run home!”
2. When geese enter the field, they must disperse throughout the entire area.


All participants in the game are divided into threes, each three has a coachman and two horses. During the game, the driver gives various commands, the horses carry them out, and the coachman controls and carefully watches whether the horses perform all the movements accurately. The horses walk at a walk, gallop in a circle, turn right, left, etc.
To the words of the presenter: “Horses, in different directions!” - the coachman lets go of the reins, and the horses quickly scatter around the area. To the words: “Find your coachman!” - they find their coachman as quickly as possible. When the game is repeated in each trio, the coachman changes.
Rules. 1. Horses must follow all commands accurately.
2. The coachman whose horses make a mistake receives a fine - a blue ribbon is tied to his reins.
Instructions for carrying out. The most difficult part in this game is the role of the driver, who comes up with various movements for the horses. Therefore, when the game is played for the first time, an adult plays the role of driver. At the end of the game, so that the triplets get together, you can give a new task: “Coachman, find your horses!”
The game ends as soon as the three players play the role of coachman. At the end of the game, the top three are awarded.

Lifesaver (Black stick)

Children choose a driver using a counting rhyme. He runs away from them and faces the wall. There is a magic wand against the wall. The driver takes the stick, knocks on the wall and says: “The stick came, but didn’t find anyone. Whoever he finds first will go for the wand.” After these words, he puts his wand against the wall and goes to look. Noticing one of the players, he loudly calls him by name, quickly runs up to the wall, takes a stick, knocks on the wall with it and shouts: “I found a magic wand...” (calls him by the name of the player). This is how the driver finds all the children. When repeating the game, the one who was found first must drive.
If the player who has been found runs to the magic wand before the driver, he quickly takes the wand and says: “Wand, help me out!” - knocks it on the wall, then throws it as far as possible and, while the driver is looking for it, hides. The driver finds a stick, returns to the appointed place, knocks with it and says loudly: “The stick came, it didn’t find anyone, whoever it finds first will go for the stick!”
1. The driver should not spy when the children are hiding.
2. The driver speaks the words slowly so that all the children can hide.
3. He must search throughout the entire area, not stand near the magic wand.
4. Children can run from one hiding place to another while the driver looks for the magic wand and puts it in place.
Instructions for carrying out. This game is good to play on the edge of the forest. It is imperative to limit the play area and show children several places where they can hide (behind bushes, trees, stumps, in a ditch, in tall grass).
To play the game you need to make a magic wand from wood 50-60 cm long, paint it bright color so that it is clearly visible in the green grass.
Complication for the game. You can help out the player who was found by the driver. If one of the players comes out of hiding unnoticed, quickly runs up to the magic wand, knocks it on the wall with the words: “Lifesaver, help me out...” and calls the person being rescued by name. The stick is thrown as far as possible, and while the driver is looking for it, the children hide again.


The players choose a shepherd and a wolf, everyone else chooses sheep. The wolf's house is in the middle of the site, and the sheep have two houses at opposite ends of the site.
The sheep call loudly to the shepherd:
Shepherd, shepherd,
Play the horn!
The grass is soft
Sweet dew!
Drive the herd into the field
Take a walk in freedom!
The shepherd drives the sheep out into the meadow; they walk, run, jump, and nibble grass. At the shepherd’s signal “Wolf!” the sheep run into the house - to the opposite side of the site. The shepherd stands in the way of the wolf and protects the sheep. Everyone caught by the wolf leaves the game.
1. During the run, sheep should not return to the house from which they left.
2. The wolf does not catch sheep, but kills them with his hand.
3. The shepherd only shields the sheep from the wolf, but should not hold it back with his hand.

Hot seat

A line is drawn on the site, behind which there is a hot spot. The driver stands 3-4 steps away from him. Children disperse across the playing field.
The players need to run from the playing field to the hot spot and return back, but the driver does not let them in. The one he insulted remains behind the line in a hot spot. As soon as the driver hits the sixth player, the game ends. Everyone goes to the field, and the sixth player becomes the driver.
The winners are those players who managed to run to the hot spot several times.
Instructions for carrying out. Where the hot spot is, there are ribbons. The players who managed to run to the hot spot take a ribbon. At the end of the game, by the number of ribbons you can find out which of the players is the bravest and most dexterous. If the player with the ribbons is still insulted, he puts one ribbon in its place and remains behind the line.


On opposite sides of the site, two houses are marked with lines, the distance between them is 10-20 m. The participants of the game are divided into two equal groups and occupy the houses. The driver stands in the middle of the platform. Players need to move from one house to another. The driver does not let them pass, he tries to make people run across. Salenny leaves the game. The group with the most players at the end of the game wins.

Running to the rescue

The game is played as simple dashes, only two circles are drawn on the site not far from the lines of the houses. Players, displeased by the drivers, do not leave the game, but stand in one of the circles. They can be rescued by players of the same team. Running past, the player takes the victim, who is standing in a circle, by the hand and runs with him to his team’s house.


On one side of the platform a circle is outlined (about 1 m in diameter) - a place for the driver. At a distance of 20-30 steps from the circle, at the opposite end of the court, a horse line is drawn, with the players standing behind it.
The driver, standing with his back to the field, says loudly: “Walk quickly, make sure you don’t yawn... Stop!” When he says these words, the children quickly go to him, but at the word “Stop!” freeze in place. The driver quickly looks around and, noticing someone who did not have time to stop in time and did after the word “Stop!” movement, returns it behind the stake line. The driver turns his back again and says the words, and the children begin their movement from the place where the signal found them.
The game continues until one of the participants in the game stands with both feet in a circle before the driver says the word “Stop!” The one who did this becomes the driver, and the game is repeated.
Rules. 1. The driver is not allowed to look back until the word “Stop!”
2. He can say the phrase: “Walk quickly, look, don’t yawn... Stop!” - at any pace, but loudly.
3. The players begin to move simultaneously with the words of the driver. You are only allowed to move by walking.
Instructions for carrying out. To occupy the circle of the driver, you need to be attentive, have self-control and be able to quickly respond to a signal. This is one of the few games where a child wins the right to be the driver.
The game is very interesting if the driver says the words
at different paces: sometimes very quickly, before the word “Stop!” pausing, then starting slowly and ending quickly.
Game "Stop!" can be carried out at any time of the year.
1. All participants in the game have balls. To the driver’s word: “Walk quickly, look, don’t yawn... Stop!” - children go and play ball at the same time, doing any exercise. They can dribble the ball, hitting it with one hand, alternately with their right and left, throw it up and catch it, etc.
2. The driver says the words and plays the ball at the same time. While moving, children perform the same exercises as the driver.
3. Only the driver has the ball. He says the words: “Walk quickly, look, don’t yawn.” All players go towards the driver: “One, two, three, run!” To the word “Run!” children run to the horse line, and the driver quickly turns and, without leaving his place, throws the ball at the runners. The one who was hit by the ball becomes the driver. If the driver misses, then he drives again. But it also happens that while the driver was speaking the words, one of the children reached the circle and managed to stand in it. The driver finishes the phrase, passes the ball to the one who stood in the circle, and runs away with the players behind the line.


Before starting the game, you need to choose a driver, the one who will “burn” - hence the name of the game.
All participants in the game stand in pairs, one after another, with the leader in front, at a distance of two steps from the players. Participants in the game chant the words:
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
Stay at your hem
Look at the field:
Rooks are walking
Yes, they eat rolls.
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing!

As soon as these words are sung, the driver should look at the sky, and the children of the last pair let go of their hands and quietly run along the column, one on the left, the other on the right. When they catch up with the driver, everyone shouts loudly to him:
One, two, don't be a crow.
Run like fire!
Two children run forward, deftly dodging the driver, trying to take each other’s hands. If they hold hands, then the “burner” is not scary for them, they calmly walk and stand in front of the first pair, and the driver “burns” again.
If the driver does not catch the runners when the game is repeated, then he “burns” a second time. If he doesn’t catch anyone the third time, the players can sing the following song:
Ogarushek, ogarushek!
You stand badly -
Stand on the black pebble!
You'll completely burn out!
(Cinder, cinder - the remnant of an unburned candle.)
But if the driver manages to catch one of the runners, he stands with him in front of the entire column, and the one who is left without a partner “burns.”
The game continues until all the pairs have passed.
1. The driver should not turn back.
2. He catches up with those running away immediately after the words: “Run like fire!”
3. The players of the last pair start running only with the last words: “The bells are ringing!”
Instructions for carrying out. Burners is a very fun game, they play it in the warm season. There can be many players, the more, the merrier.

Burners with handkerchief

All participants in the game stand in pairs one after another, the driver stands in front of the column and holds a handkerchief in his hand above his head.
The players say in chorus:
Burn, burn, oil,
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
Look at the sky
Birds are flying!
After the words “Birds are flying!” the players of the last pair quickly run forward, and whichever of them is the first to take a handkerchief stands with the driver in front of the column, and the latecomer “burns.”

Double burners

The players stand in pairs in two columns at some distance from one another. At the front of each column are the drivers. With the last words “The birds are flying!” children standing in the last pairs run along the columns (one on the left, the other on the right), trying to join in pairs in front of the column. The drivers do not allow them to see each other and try to tarnish one of them.
If the running players managed to take each other’s hands before they stained one of them, they stand first in the columns, and the drivers “burn” again. If the driver manages to spot a running child, he stands with him in front of the column, and the players left without a pair become “burning”.
Option (Fig. 8). The players stand in two columns in pairs, one opposite the other at a distance of 10-15 m. The drivers are the first in the columns. After the words “The bells are ringing!” the children of the last pairs from each column release their hands and run forward, trying to pair up with the players of the opposite column. Holding hands, they stand in front of one of the columns.
The drivers try to insult one of the players until they connect. The driver and the player whom he insulted stand in front of the column. The one of the players who is left without a pair “burns.”


Children choose two drivers, one of them is the shuttle, the other is the weaver. The rest stand in pairs in a circle or semicircle facing the center. Children in pairs take each other's hands and make gates. The shuttle stands at the second pair, and the weaver stands at the first. At the weaver's signal, the shuttle begins to run like a snake, not passing the gate, and the weaver catches up with it. If the weaver catches up with the shuttle before it reaches the end of the semicircle, then it becomes a shuttle. The child who was the shuttle goes to the beginning of the semicircle, chooses the player of the first pair and stands with him at the opposite end of the semicircle, the player left without a pair becomes the weaver.
If the shuttle runs to the last gate and is not caught, then he and the weaver are the last to stand, and the first pair begins the game. One of the players in the first pair plays the role of a shuttle, and the second plays the role of a weaver.
1. The shuttle starts the game only at the weaver’s signal.
2. The weaver and the shuttle, when running under the goal, should not touch the players standing in pairs with their hands.

Cat and mouse

Before starting the game, the players choose a cat and a mouse, take each other’s hands and stand in a circle. The cat stands behind the circle, the mouse is in the circle. The cat tries to enter the circle and catch the mouse, but the players close the entrances in front of it. She tries to crawl under the gate, the players crouch down and do not let her into the circle.
When the cat finally makes its way into the circle, the children immediately open the gate and the mouse runs out of the circle. And they try not to let the cat out of the circle. If the cat catches the mouse, then they stand in a circle, and the players choose a new cat and mouse.
1. The cat can catch the mouse both in the circle and outside the circle.
2. Players open the gate only for the mouse.
Instructions for carrying out. If the cat cannot catch the mouse for a long time, a new pair is chosen.
1. During the game, children slowly move in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other, with everyone’s hands down. The cat and mouse run freely, the children do not close the gate.
2. Two pairs can play at the same time, but in this case the cat runs after only one mouse.

Mouse and two cats

For this game you need to choose two cats and one mouse. The players stand in a circle and hold hands. On opposite sides of the circle, the gates are open, cats run into the circle and run out of it only through the open gates. In front of the mouse, the players open any gate. If one of the cats managed to catch the mouse, she stands in a circle with it, and the second cat chooses the other cat and mouse to play with.

Cat and mouse in the maze

The players stand in rows of 5-10 people and take each other’s hands. The mouse runs away from the cat between the rows. As soon as
the cat begins to catch up with the mouse; at the signal from the leader (adult), the players lower their hands, turn to the right or left and line up in perpendicular rows. The cat again finds itself far from the mouse. When the cat finally catches the mouse, they stand together in one of the rows, and the players choose another pair.

Ocean is shaking

The participants of the game scatter around the site, stop at a distance of 1 m from each other, and each person marks their place with a circle. The driver walks between the players, performing different movements. He approaches the players and, with the words “The sea is worried,” puts his hand on the player’s shoulder. Everyone whom the driver touches follows him, performing the same movements. So the players all leave their places. The driver takes them as far away from the circles as possible. Then he suddenly stops, turns to the players and quickly says: “The sea is calm.” The driver and the players run to occupy the mugs. The one who did not have time to occupy the circle becomes the leader.


On opposite sides of the site, two cities are marked with lines at a distance of 10-20 m from each other. Game lines are drawn 2-3 steps from the city, and the place of captivity is marked on the left side.
Children are divided into two groups, go to their city, stand one after another facing the city line. At a signal from an adult, the first numbers run to the town of their opponents, run to the playing line, stand on it with one foot and quickly return to their city. The players who are second in teams catch up with those running away. If they manage to nag those running away, they take them captive, while they themselves stand last in their ranks.
Then the third numbers run towards the enemy city, and the fourth numbers catch up with them, etc.
If the player who is catching up runs out of the city before the opponent steps on the game line, they shout to him: “Wrong!” He must return to the city, take his place and only then begin to catch up with the enemy. Those who are catching up do not always manage to catch up with those who are running away. In this case, they return to their city and stand last in the row.
The group with the most players left wins.
1. It is not allowed to spot the opponent behind the playing line.
2. The second player begins to pursue the opponent only after he has stepped on the play line with his foot.
3. Players can free their comrade from captivity if they hit him in the palm of his outstretched hand.

Pike and crucian carp

On opposite sides of the site, mark the place of the hole where crucian carp hide from the pike. Pike lives in the reeds.
Before the start of the game, all the crucian carp gather in one hole. At a signal, they swim out of cover and try to move to the opposite side of the river. Pike goes hunting. The caught crucians do not leave the game, they take each other by the hands and stand in the middle of the playing area, forming a net. The remaining crucian carp, swimming from one side of the site to the other, pass through the net. There are more and more people caught, the net is getting longer. Then a basket is made from the net, and the players stand in a circle. Participants in the game must run into the basket when running. The game ends when the pike catches all the crucian carp.
Rule. Pike should not swim into the net or into the basket for crucian carp.
Instructions for carrying out. The more players there are, the more interesting the game is. Holes for crucian carp can be marked with a simple line, but it is better to pull a cord under which the crucian carp swim. The places where the pike hides (there can be 3-4 of them) need to be made along the edges of the area.
Excited players can make a network when there are at least 3-4 of them. If at the beginning of the game the pike hit, for example, only one player, then he stands aside and waits for there to be more of them. Players representing the network can be placed in two rows.

Bears with a chain

A circle is outlined on the playground - this is a den where two bears live. The players walk around the site, watching the den. The bears are waiting for an opportunity, unexpectedly run out onto the playground, holding hands, and catch up with the players. If they insult the player, they loudly call him by name, take his hands and quickly run away to the den. Players can help out their comrades: if they catch up with the bears and touch their hand
one of them. then the bear releases the caught one.

Corners (Kumushki)

For this game you need to draw a quadrilateral. There are 5 participants, one of them is the driver, and four occupy the corners. The driver approaches one of the players and says: “Gossip,
give me the keys! The one standing in the corner replies: “Go, knock over there!” At this time, the remaining players run from corner to corner. If the driver manages to take the corner, then the player who was left without a corner takes his place.
Option. The players stand in a circle, each marking their place with a pebble or drawing a small circle. The driver stands in the center of the large circle. He approaches one of the players and says: “Gossip, give me the keys!” They answer him: “Go, there
knock!” While the driver goes to the next player, the children change places.
The driver should not yawn and try to occupy the circle. The player left without a seat becomes the driver.
Instructions for carrying out. The game had different names: “Keys”, “Neighbors”, “Corners”. The game is good for pain
shoy platform. At first, the corners should be placed close to one another, then it will be easier for the driver to occupy the corner. Then the distance can be increased. If there are trees on the site that are located close to each other, then the players stand near the trees. The driver can also say the following words:
Mouse, mouse, sell the corner!
For the awl, for the soap, for the white towel,
For the mirror.

Day and night

A line is drawn in the middle of the site, and two cities are marked on both sides of it, 20-30 steps away. The players are divided into two equal groups: one of them is night, the other is day. Stand at a distance of 1 m from the center line, 2 steps apart. Opposite each group is the enemy's house.
When everyone has taken their place, the leader casts lots - a board painted black on one side. If the white side of the board falls, the presenter shouts loudly: “Day!”
Players from the day group turn and, running between the night players, quickly run to their home. They run after them and try to tarnish them. The stained ones move into the group of the night.
The leader casts lots again and the game continues. The group with the most successful players wins.
1. It is forbidden to run to your house before the leader gives a signal.
2. You cannot kill players outside the city limits.
3. It is not allowed to turn back when players are running to their city.
4. You can catch up with those running away only when they all run past the opponents.
5. When repeating the game, all players stand at the center line.

Run and run away

On opposite sides of the site, lines are drawn at a distance of 10 m from each other - these are houses. The players are divided into 2-3 groups and stand on the same line. Children appointed as drivers go to the opposite side and stand at the line, each opposite their group.
The first numbers start the game. At a signal, they run to the opposite line, reach the drivers, hit them on the outstretched palm and quickly return. The drivers try to catch up with those running away and show off.
If the player is upset, then he goes to the driver’s side and stands in front of him. Players who managed to leave unsalted stand at the end of their row. The game ends when they run
the last players in the groups. The group with the fewest players in the game wins.
Instructions for carrying out. If the area of ​​the playing area allows, then the distance between houses can be increased to 30 m. The number of players is not limited. If more than 25 people take part in the game, you need to divide them into 4 groups.

Hares in the forest

For the game they choose hares and a fox, the rest of the children choose trees. Lines are drawn on opposite sides of the site - these are fields. On one of them, hares gather before the start of the game.
Children representing trees stand from each other at a distance that allows them to hold hands. The fox lives in a hole at the edge of the forest (the hole is indicated by a circle).
Hares run into the forest, they need to move from one field to another, but a fox is hunting for them. She tries to catch hares, and takes the caught ones to her house.
The trees prevent the fox from running through the forest: the children take each other’s hands, squat, bend over, and wave their arms. Hares pass freely between the trees. The game ends when all the hares move to the opposite side. Starting the game again, the children choose the hares and the fox again.
Rule. The caught hares remain in the fox's hole until the end of the game.
Instructions for carrying out. In this game, the number of hares and foxes may be different, depending on the number of players. The more foxes, the more difficult it is for hares to run through the forest. The entire course of the game depends on the trees. Children playing the role of trees must carefully observe the actions of the sly fox and constantly change the position of their hands and rearrange themselves.


The players stand one after another, holding their belts. The baker stands in front, he is the leader, the last one is the pie. A customer approaches the baker and asks: “Where is my pie?” The baker replies: “It lies behind the stove.” The Last Pie Player
shouts: “I’m running, running!” With these words he runs away
presenter, and the buyer tries to catch him. If the pie manages to stand in front of the leader, he becomes the baker, and the last player becomes the pie, and the buyer goes to buy again. If the pie is caught, then he plays the role of a buyer, and the buyer acts as a baker.
Rule. The buyer should not stand in one place; after the words “Behind the stove lies,” he runs to the end of the column and catches the pie.

Cossacks and robbers

The players are divided into two groups. One by lot depicts Cossacks, and the other - robbers. The robbers run away and hide. Cossacks have their own home (camp). They leave to catch robbers, leaving one Cossack to guard the camp. Caught-
The Cossacks bring the great robbers to the camp. The game ends when all the robbers are caught.
Instructions for carrying out. The game is especially interesting at the edge of the forest, where there are trees, bushes, and small holes. Then it is more difficult for the Cossacks to catch the robbers. Sometimes it is agreed that captured robbers become Cossacks. To distinguish robbers from Cossacks, you can tie scarves around your neck or pin a distinctive sign on your sleeve. If the game takes place on the edge of a forest, then you need to limit the place where the robbers should hide.

Hide and seek with the house

A house is outlined on the playground. The driver chosen by the children stands near the house, closes his eyes and waits for everyone to hide. At the signal, he goes to look for the children. He loudly calls everyone he finds by name, he quickly runs out of hiding and runs to the house, the driver catches up with him and tries to disgrace him. The stained player becomes the driver.
As the game progresses, it also happens that the one found manages to run home unspotted, then the driver leads again, and the player hides with everyone else.


On the playground they mark the house for the driver - the blind man. He gets up into the house, turns away, closes his eyes, all the players run away and hide. The driver goes out to search, calls the person he finds by name and quickly runs to his house. The player who has been found tries to catch up with the driver and make fun of him before he runs into the house. If he succeeds, then he shouts: “To the porridge!” All players come out of hiding, stand around the driver and say the words:
I eat, I eat porridge,
I eat straw.
Eat with us, Aponas,
Catch up with us!
After these words, the children run away, and the driver catches up with them. The one he stains becomes the leader. If the driver reaches the house and is not spotted, then he goes to hide, and the one found takes his place.
Rule. The driver must look for players all over the court.


A stake is driven in in the middle of the site, a rope 3 to 5 m long is tied to it. A circle is drawn around the stake for the length of the rope. The driver takes the free end of it and stands at the stake. The participants of the game stand behind the circle, turn their backs to the center and throw each object (for example, a bag of sand) over their heads. Turning to the driver, they ask him: “Have you woven bast shoes?” The driver answers:
"No". The players ask again: “Have you woven bast shoes?” - and hear the same answer. They ask for the third time: “Have you woven bast shoes?” - “Weaved!” - the driver answers. Then the children run in a circle and try to take their object, and the driver guards the bast shoes: he runs in a circle and tries to stain the players.
The one whom the driver has tainted takes his place. The players take their items and the game starts over.
Sometimes the driver, no matter how much he runs in circles, fails to stain the players, and he leads again.
Rules. 1. The driver runs in a circle only for the length of the extended rope; he is not allowed to run outside the circle.
2. If the player fails to take his item, he leaves the game.
3. Players playing in a circle are allowed to move from one place to another.
4. The driver can salt the players only in a circle.
Instructions for carrying out. It is better to play the game on
a large area, in this case the running distance for both players and drivers increases.
The game is more fun if two drivers guard the thrown objects in the center of the circle. This creates certain difficulties for the players.


The players are divided into pairs and disperse around the site. They take each other's hands and form circles-baskets.
Two drivers stand at some distance from each other, one of them is a tag, he catches up with the second player. The runner runs between pairs and, so as not to be insulted, quickly calls one player from any pair by name. The player whose name was called runs away, and the player of the leading pair takes his place. If the tag hits the runner, they take each other’s hands and form a basket.
Rule. The children of the driving couple should not run far from the rest of the players.

Catching birds on the fly

One of the players is a bird catcher, he stands facing the wall. The players are divided into groups of several people and agree on which birds they will represent. Then they approach the bird catcher and ask: “We are magpies, where is our home?”; “We are jackdaws, where is our home?” The bird catcher names the place where the birds should live, and the children occupy their houses.
To the words of the bird catcher: “I catch birds on the fly!” - birds fly in different directions around the site, shouting merrily. The bird catcher catches them. The caught player becomes a bird catcher, the birds fly back to their homes. The game repeats itself.
1. Birds should fly out of their home only after the bird catcher’s words and fly throughout the entire area.
2. Each group occupies only its own house.
3. The one who makes a mistake leaves the game.
Instructions for carrying out. Players can imitate the cry of the birds they are portraying. The game can be complicated if each new birder changes the location of the bird houses.


A square is drawn on the ground - a town, each side of which is 6-10 steps.
The players are divided into two equal groups, the players of one group go to the town. The other group remains in the field and stands around the town. The field players, throwing the ball to each other, try to make fun of someone inside the city at a convenient moment. The one who was insulted leaves the game. If a field player misses, he is also out of the game.
The game ends when one of the groups loses all players. Then they change places and the game continues.
1. Players of the town are not allowed to go beyond its borders.
2. Field players are not allowed to hold the ball for a long time and move from place to place.
Instructions for carrying out. No more than 16 people take part in the game. The number of players can be increased if the game is played on a large site. Children can pass the ball to each other or throw it around. By agreement, you can play 2-3 balls.


The players are divided into two equal groups and take places on opposite sides of the court, where the lines are marked
their homes. For the game, they choose a driver and call him “grandfather-horn.” His house is located to the side.
The driver says loudly: “Who is afraid of me?” The players answer him: “Nobody!” - and immediately run from one house to another across the entire field. They run and tease the driver:
Eat a pie with peas!
Eat a pie with peas!
The driver runs out of his house and tries to make the players look bad. Those whom he insulted catch those playing with him. As soon as the players run from house to house and the driver and the assistant take their place, the game resumes.


Before the game starts, children choose a kite and a hen, the rest of the players are chickens. They stand one after another and hold on to their belts, with the hen in front. The kite is digging a hole, the hen with her chickens comes up to him and asks:
- Kite, kite, what are you doing?
- I'm digging a hole.
- What do you need a hole for?
- I'm looking for a penny.
- What do you need a penny for?
- I’ll buy a needle.
- What do you need a needle for?
- Sew a bag.
- What do you need a bag for?
- Put down pebbles.
- What do you need pebbles for?
- To throw at your children.
- For what?
- They trampled the cabbage in my garden.
- Was your fence high?
Kite stands up, raises his hands up, showing the height of the fence:
- That's what it is!
- No, my chickens won’t fly over this one.
- But I’ll still catch them.
- I won’t let you catch my children.
The kite tries to catch the chickens, the hen protects them, chases the kite: “Shi, shi, shi, villain!” The caught chicken leaves the game, and the kite continues to catch the next one. The game ends when half the chickens are caught.
1. Chicks should hold each other's waist tightly.
2. The one who could not stay in the chain quickly takes his place.
3. The hen, protecting the chickens, should not push the kite away with her hands.
Instructions for carrying out. All players need to be given a cord or ribbon, they will tie it around their waist. This belt is comfortable to hold on to while playing. It is easier for the hen to protect the chickens if no more than 10 children take part in the game. If the playground allows, then two groups can play at the same time, each with its own hen and kite.
Sometimes, before starting a conversation with the kite (he is digging a hole at this time), the hen and chicks walk around and sing:
I walk around the kite
Necklace below
Three threads each
I lowered the collar
Short around the neck.


History knows neither the year nor the place of birth of ball games, which indicates their antiquity. Ball games are very popular, they are considered the most widespread, they are found in almost all peoples of the world.
Before moving on to the description of the ball games that are most famous in Russia, we will tell you how balls were made in the old days. In common people, balls were most often made from rags and stuffed with rags. In the northern provinces, balls were woven from bast - straps made from linden, birch or willow bark. The inside of these balls was empty or filled with sand. In some areas, balls were made from sheep's wool. First, they rolled up a clump of wool and tried to give it a round shape. When the lump rolled well, they threw it into boiling water and left it there for half an hour. Then they were taken out of the water, rolled again and dried. Such a ball was light and soft, and its elasticity was not inferior to a rubber one.
Only children from wealthy families played with rubber balls.
While playing ball, the children sometimes performed quite complex figures, each repeating, as a rule, three times. In different places in Russia they were called differently.
Candles - throw the ball up low at first and catch it. Throw higher the second time, even higher the third time.
Under the sky - throw the ball up, let it fall and catch it from the rebound from the ground.
Forging nails - hitting the ball with your hand on the ground.
Grips - raise your hands with the ball above your head, release it and catch it on the fly.
Flip-floppers - place the ball on the palm of your hand, toss it slightly, turn the back of your hand, hit the ball up, and then catch it.
Top water pumpers - hit the ball against the wall, catch it as it bounces off the wall.
To chase a hare - throw the ball on the ground so that it hits the wall, and catch it from the rebound from the wall.
Slappers - hit the ball against the wall, hit the ball that bounced off the wall with your palm so that it hits the wall again, and then catch it.
Jackdaws, crows, onlookers - stand with your back to the wall, throw your head back so that it touches the wall. From this position, hit the ball against the wall and catch it with both hands.
One-handed - throw the ball up with your right hand and catch it with your right; throw with your left and catch with your left.
Handles - lean on the wall with your left hand, hit the ball with your right hand against the wall from under your hand, catch with both hands. Lean against the wall with your right hand, hit the ball with your left hand against the wall from under your hand, and catch it with both hands.
Through the legs - rest your left foot against the wall, from under it hit the ball against the wall and catch it with both hands. The same, but rest with your right foot.
Clap your hands - hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands and catch the ball.
On the knees - hit the ball against the wall, slam your hands on your knees and catch the ball.
To wind the threads - hit the ball against the wall, quickly make a movement with your hands, as if you were winding threads, and catch the ball.
With dressing - hit the ball against the wall, and while it is flying, make a movement as when putting on a hat. After the second throw, “put on your shoes,” etc.

Ball up

Children stand in a circle, the driver goes to the middle and throws the ball with the words: “Ball up!” Those playing at this time
They try to run as far away from the center of the circle as possible. The driver catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!” Everyone must stop, and the driver, without leaving his place, throws the ball at the one who is closest to him. The stained one becomes a driver. If the driver misses, then he remains again and the game continues.
1. The driver throws the ball as high as possible and only after the words: “Ball up!”
2. The driver is allowed to catch the ball from one bounce from the ground.
3. If one of the players after the words “Stop!” continued to move, then he must take three steps towards the driver.
4. When running away from the driver, children should not hide behind
construction sites or trees.
Instructions for carrying out. Children stand in a circle close to each other. It is better to outline the place of the driver in the center of the circle with a small circle. If the driver did not catch the ball, which rolled far, before shouting: “Stop!”, he needs to catch the ball and return to his place. Children in the game must be very attentive and quickly respond to the signal.
Option. The driver stands in the center of the circle and performs an exercise with a ball; children count to five. On the count of five they quickly
scatter. The driver shouts: “Stop!” - and throws the ball at the player who is closest. The stained one becomes a driver. If he misses, he must catch up with the ball, and at this time the children try to run as far as possible. At the signal “Stop!” everyone stops, the driver again tries to insult someone.

Flip flops

Children stand in a circle facing the center at a distance of a step from each other. They choose a driver, count to 5: the fifth is the driver. He goes to the center of the circle, calls one of the players by name and throws the ball on the ground so that it bounces in the right direction. The one whose name the driver called catches the ball and hits it (slaps it with his palm), standing in one place. The number of ball hits is by agreement, but not more than 5, so that children do not have to wait for a long time. After hitting the ball, the player throws it to the driver. The game continues until someone drops the ball. The one who dropped the ball takes the place of the driver. You can play with 2-3 balls, then choose 2-3 drivers.


Two circles are drawn on the ground at a distance of 10-15 m from one another. All the players stand in one circle, and the rummager-driver is in the field. One of the players approaches the border of the circle, hits the ball hard on the ground so that it bounces as high as possible, and quickly runs into the next circle. The baller catches the ball on the fly or from a rebound on the ground and tries to smear the runner. If he makes a player look bad, he stands in the first circle with the players, and the person made bad becomes a rummager. If the ball flew past the runner, then the driver-fumbler still remains in the field. He picks up the ball, passes it to the circle where all the players stand, and the game continues. The game ends when all the children from the first circle run to the second.
1. Along with the player who threw the ball into the field, other children can run across, but there should be no more than three of them.
2. The baller throws the ball at the runners from the place where he caught it.
3. The players remain in the second circle until the end of the game.
Instructions for carrying out. No more than 10-15 people take part in this game. The success of the game depends on how well the children control the ball. The players need to hit the ball harder on the ground: a strong blow causes it to jump high and makes it more difficult for the player to catch the ball. It is played on a flat surface so that the ball bounces well. To play, it is better to take a medium-sized ball.
Option. Several circles are drawn on the site, there may be 3-4 of them. One ball is placed in each circle. Children choose the leading ballers based on the number of laps. All players, and there are no more than 10 of them, stand in the first circle. The drivers each go to their own circle and stand away from it.
The game starts at the signal. One of the players in the first circle hits the ball on the ground and, while the baller catches it, runs to the second circle. If he is not hit during the run, he runs from the second circle, also hitting the ground with the ball in it, to the third, from the third he runs to the fourth and returns to the first circle. The next child runs from the first circle as soon as the baller returns the ball. So all the children run from circle to circle one after another. If the player gets insulted while running, he takes the place of the rummager. The rummager goes to the first circle and waits for his turn to run.
The winner in this game is the one who is never hit during the run. The game ends when all players return to the first circle.
1. The players and the baller must not hold the ball.
2. The baller, regardless of whether the ball hit the runner or missed, returns the ball to his circle.

Place candles

Make a small hole in the ground, lower one end of the board into it so that its other end is raised above the ground. A ball is placed in a hole on the board, the driver kicks the protruding end of the board, the ball flies upward, and the players run after it. The one who caught the ball or took it first from the ground goes to the hole, puts it on the board and hits the board. Game continues.
Rules. 1. Players must stand on convenient distance from the board with the ball.
2. During the game, it is not allowed to take the ball away from each other.
Option. A small board, at one end of which a basket or box is attached, is placed on a low crossbar. Balls are placed in the basket according to the number of players. I'm playing-
The players stand in a semicircle at some distance from the board. The driver kicks the free end of the board, the balls scatter in different directions. Each child tries to catch or find a ball and put it in a basket. The one who came running last with the ball becomes the driver.


Children (no more than 4 people) stand one after another, facing the wall. The first player throws the ball at the wall, and the one behind him catches it. Having caught the ball, he throws it at the wall, and the first player catches it. Then the first one throws the ball again, but in such a way that it bounces off the wall and reaches the third player. The third catches it and throws it at the wall, the first catches the ball and throws it again so that, bouncing off the wall, it flies over the heads of all the players and reaches the fourth player, who must catch the ball.
After this, the players change places, the first one stands up last, the second first, etc. The game ends when all the players play the role of leader.
1. When catching the ball, players are allowed to move from their place and catch the ball as it bounces off the ground.
2. The one who did not catch the ball leaves the game.
Option. Two teams of players (each no more than 10 people) stand at the line at a distance of 1 m from the wall. At the signal, the first players in the teams simultaneously throw the ball against the wall, quickly move away and stand behind the last one in their team. The second players catch the ball. They also throw the ball against the wall and quickly leave. The ball is caught by third players, etc. If the player drops the ball, he picks it up, stands in his place and continues the game. The team whose players drop fewer balls wins.
Rules. 1. When throwing and catching the ball, you can move away, but do not cross the line.
2. Before catching the ball, the player must quickly approach the line.
3. It is allowed to catch the ball as it bounces off the ground.
Instructions for carrying out. The success of the game depends on the children's ability to throw and catch the ball, so it is necessary that each team includes players with approximately the same skills and ball handling skills. The game is best played as a competition.
By agreement, players can perform a variety of actions when catching the ball. different tasks. They can be simple or more complex: 1) hit the ball against the wall and catch it with one hand, right or left; 2) hit the ball against the wall and catch it from the bounce with one hand, right, left (all these exercises can be performed with clapping); 3) hit the ball against the wall, throwing it from under your feet, catching it, etc.

Throwing the ball

Participants in the game are divided into two groups, no more than 10 people in each, stand behind the lines opposite each other at a distance of 3 to 5 m. By lot, the right to start the game is given to a child from one of the groups. He calls one of the players by name and throws the ball to him. He catches and immediately throws the ball to the player on the opposite side, calling him by name. If the player does not catch the ball, he leaves the game, and the right to continue the game remains with the team that served the ball. The team with the most players left wins.
1. When catching the ball, the player must not go beyond the line.
2. A player is out of the game if he does not catch the ball.
3. It is not allowed to hold the ball in your hands for a long time; If the player violates this rule, the ball is passed to another group.
Instructions for carrying out. If the game involves more than 20 people, you need several balls. The game is interesting when, when catching or throwing a ball, children, by agreement, perform different tasks, for example: before
catch the ball, clap your hands above your head, behind your back, in front of your chest; clap your hands 1 - 2 - 3 times; throw the ball from the shoulder, from under the foot or from the hand.
Option. Children are divided into two equal groups, stand opposite each other at a distance of 3-5 m and begin to throw the ball. If the one to whom the ball was thrown does not catch it, he moves away from his team and stands next to the player who threw the ball to him. The team with the most players wins.
Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other and begin to throw the ball, calling by name the person who should catch it. The ball is thrown around until one of the players drops it. The one who dropped the ball stands in the center of the circle and, according to the instructions of the players, performs 1-2 exercises with the ball.
1. If a player drops the ball while performing an exercise, he is given an additional task.
2. The ball is allowed to be thrown to each other only through the center of the circle.
Instructions for carrying out. This game is best played with a small number of children. You can take any ball for the game
sizes, depending on the children’s skills: the smaller the ball, the more difficult it is to catch it and perform exercises.

Old bast shoes

A line is drawn on one side of the site - this is the city where all the players are located. The space outside the city is a playing field. Children stand up to the line and roll the balls towards the field. Whose ball rolled farthest gets to drive. The balls remain on the playing field, only the driver takes one ball. He waits for the players to come out to get the balls, and tries to hit everyone who crosses the city line with the ball. When the driver misses, he catches up with the ball, and the players try to take their balls and run over the line. If the players are not caught, then they roll the balls again, and the driver in this case remains the same. If someone is insulted, then the insulted person becomes the driver.
Rules. 1. Players must take only one ball from the playing field.
2. The driver is allowed to move from one place to another on the playing field.
Flying ball
The players stand in a circle, the driver is in the middle of the circle. At the signal, the children begin to throw the ball to each other through the center of the circle. The driver tries to hold the ball, catch it or touch it with his hand. If he succeeds, then he stands in a circle, and the one to whom the ball was thrown becomes the driver.
Rules. 1. Players are allowed to move when catching the ball.
2. Players must not hold the ball.
3. The thrower cannot touch the ball when it is in the player’s hands.
Ball with stomp
The participants of the game are divided into two groups and stand opposite each other at a distance of 4-6 m. Any object is placed in the middle of the field. The first player of one of the teams starts the game by lot. He calls a player from the second team by name, throws him the ball and quickly runs to the middle of the field, stops at the object, stomps his feet and returns to his place. At this time, the player who caught the ball tries to insult him. If he misses, he goes to the first group, but if he hits the ball, then the successful one goes to the second group. The group with the most children wins.
Ball race (Fig. 18)
Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other, facing the center, counting on the first and second numbers. So they are divided into two groups (first and second numbers). In each group, the players choose leaders. They should stand on opposite sides of the circle. At the signal, the presenters begin to throw the ball only to the players of their group, in one direction.
The group in which the ball returned to the leader first wins.
Children choose another driver. The game is repeated, but the balls are thrown in the opposite direction. By agreement, the game can be repeated 4 to 6 times.
1. The presenters must start the game at the same time upon a signal.
2. The ball is only allowed to be thrown.
3. If the ball falls, the player who dropped it picks it up and continues the game.
Instructions for carrying out. To play you need two balls of different colors. In order for children to understand the rules of the game, you first need to play it with a small group (8-10 people). Players must throw the ball accurately and be careful when receiving the ball: the one who catches should not stand still and wait for the ball to fall into their hands. He needs to follow the direction of the flying ball, and if necessary, take a step forward or sit down.
Option 1. Children stand in a circle, counting on the first and second numbers. Two players standing next to each other are leading, they take the balls and, at a signal, throw them one to the right, the other to the left in a circle to players with the same number, i.e. through one. The team that gets the ball back to the leader the fastest wins.
Option 2 (Fig. 19). The participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of a step from one another and count on the first and
second numbers. Two players standing next to each other are the leaders. They take the balls and, at the signal, run in opposite directions around the circle. Having run around the circle, they take their place and quickly pass the ball to the players with the same number, i.e. through one. Game continues.
The winner is the team whose players are the first to run around the circle with the ball and drop fewer balls.
Rules. 1. The player is allowed to pass the ball to a player of his team only when he takes his place.
2. Players must throw the ball to each other.
3. You are only allowed to run around the circle.


All players, except the driver, stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, calling the name of the one who must catch it. The driver stands in the middle of the circle and tries to hit the ball flying above him with his hand. As soon as the ball thus detained falls to the ground, the players scatter, and the driver quickly picks up the ball and, shouting “Stop!”, tries to stain one of the players. The stained one becomes a driver. If the driver misses, then he goes back to the circle to drive.
Rules. 1. The players must quickly and accurately pass the ball to each other.
2. The driver stops only the flying ball.
3. The driver marks the children from the place where he picked up the ball.
Instructions for carrying out. It is advisable to conduct the game with subgroups of 10-12 people. The driver must carefully
follow the direction of the flying ball and act confidently and deftly to stop it. Every child should be taught to be an active driver.
If a large group of children is playing, it is better to divide them into 2-3 circles and choose a driver in each circle.


One of the children is chosen by lot as a hunter, all other players are game. The game begins like this: the hunter plays a ball, while the others walk around the site. After 3-4 exercises he shouts: “Game!” Everyone stops, and from his place he spots one of the children. The stained one becomes the hunter's assistant, remains on the platform and stands not far from the hunter. If there is no game close to the hunter, he can pass the ball to his assistant, and he spots the players.
A hunter may throw the ball inaccurately and miss. In this case, the players move to other places. The hunter runs after the ball, takes it, shouts: “Game!” - and everyone stops.
The game continues until the hunter has a certain number of assistants (by agreement - from 3 to 5 people).
1. Players are not allowed to move after the word “Game!”
2. The players can move to a new place if, during the Transfer from the hunter to the assistant, the ball was not caught and fell to the ground.
3. Players are not allowed to hide from the item hunter.
4. The hunter must perform various exercises with the ball.
Instructions for carrying out. This game must be played on a large area, otherwise the hunter and his assistants will quickly
catch game. To make it more difficult, you can allow children to dodge the ball - deflect, squat, jump, but they cannot move from their spot.


Children stand against the wall at a distance of 4-5 steps, one of them has a ball. At the signal, he throws the ball against the wall and calls one of the players by name. The one who was named catches the ball and throws it against the wall, naming a new player, etc. If the player does not catch the ball, then he becomes a tag. He needs to quickly pick up the ball and shout: “Stop!” Since the children are all scattering in different directions at this time, when the signal “Stop!” they stop. Salka stains the nearest player, the stained one leaves the game. The players go to the wall, the tag starts the game. If the tag misses, then while he is running after the ball, the players try to run away as far as possible. Salka takes the ball and shouts: “Stop!” - and again stains the players.
The game continues until half of the players are killed.
1. Players are allowed to catch the ball as it bounces off the ground.
2. Salka should not move from his place when he marks the player.

Kick the ball out of the circle

Children stand in a circle at a distance of two steps from each other, holding their hands behind their backs. The driver stands in the center and places the ball
to the ground and, kicking it, tries to roll it out of the circle. The players do not miss the ball, they kick it back to the driver. Whoever misses the ball goes to drive.
1. Players must not touch the ball with their hands.
2. Players are allowed to hit the ball so that it rolls on the ground.
3. The driver is not allowed to move further than two steps from the center of the circle.
Instructions for carrying out. No more than 10 people take part in the game. Children should be reminded to push the ball with the inside of their foot or toe. You can't hit the ball too hard. If the players want to stop the ball before passing it to the driver, it is better to do this with the inside of the foot or the sole, raising the toe.
Option. Children, just like in the previous game, stand in a circle, but with their backs to the center. There should be several people driving, but no more than 4. The goal of the game is not to miss the ball into the circle.
Defend the city
The participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of one step, everyone has small balls. A town has been built in the middle of the circle, that is, several pins have been placed at such a distance that the ball can pass freely between them.
The town is guarded by three watchmen. The players, standing in one place, kick the ball into the town. The one who, by rolling the ball, knocks down the pin, takes the place of the guard.
1. Players must only roll the ball.
2. You cannot pass the ball hit by the guard outside the circle; whoever misses the ball is out of the game.
3. The watchmen are allowed, while protecting the city, to move from one side of the circle to the other.
4. The guard holds and hits the ball only with his foot.

Ball in hole

Children stand in a circle, choose a driver according to a counting rhyme, and he stands with the players. A ball is placed in the hole in the center of the circle. Children, calling the driver by name, say the following words: “Kolya, don’t sleep, get the ball quickly!” The driver runs to the hole, and the players scatter at this time. He takes the ball and shouts: “Stop!”, calls one of the players by name and throws the ball at him. If it misses, it remains king again; if it hits a player, then the stained one becomes king. The game is repeated; The ball is placed in the hole, the driver stands with the children in a circle.
Rules. 1. The driver must run after the ball only after the words: “Take it quickly!”
2. He is not allowed to hold the ball immediately after the word “Stop!” he must call the player by name and throw the ball at him.


On level ground, the players dig holes - holes at a distance of 10-15 cm from one another. There must be one more player than there are holes in the game. At a signal, children run to the holes and occupy them (put small pebbles), position themselves on both sides of the holes; whoever is left without a hole starts the game. He rolls the ball, and as soon as the ball hits one of the holes, all the players scatter. The child whose hole the ball fell into quickly takes it and shouts: “Stop!” He tries to make one of the players look bad. The salty one goes to roll the ball, and the one who started the game takes his hole. If the child misses, then he goes to roll the ball, and the players stand at their holes.
Instructions for carrying out. To play holes, choose a flat, well-compacted place. You need to place sticks along the holes on both sides so that the ball does not roll to the side and hits the target faster. You can roll rubber balls, medicine balls, balls. The game is more interesting if no more than 10 children play.

Russian lapta

1 The proposed option is slightly modified and adapted to the capabilities of older preschoolers.
The name of the game comes from the name of the stick with which the ball is scored - it is somewhat similar to a shovel and is called a lapta.

The participants of the game are divided into two equal groups, each with a driver. The playing field is marked in the middle of the site. On one side of the playing field at a distance of 10 to 20 m there is a city, and on the other there is a place for a horse.
By lot, players of one group go to the city, and the other group disperses across the field. The game is started by the leader from the city group. He hits the ball with his rounder, runs across the field beyond the line and returns to the city again. During the run, the players of the driving team (field) try to stain the runner. If they succeed, they move to the city. Otherwise, the players remain in their places. The game continues, the second player scores the ball and also runs across the field beyond the line.
However, players are not always able to return to the city immediately. In this case, they are waiting for someone to help them out, and only the one who hits the ball far can help them out.
There may be this option: if the one who kicked the ball
could not immediately run over the line, he waits for the next player to kick the ball; then two players run behind the stake line at the same time.
1. City players serve the ball into the field one by one; the batting ball must not cross the city limits; if there is only one player left in the city, and everyone else is outside the line, then he is allowed to serve the ball 3 times; The host is allowed to kick 3 goals.
2. Field players spot the runner from the place where the ball was lifted or caught; in order to quickly mark the runner, it is allowed to pass the ball to the players of one’s party;
3. Anyone who cannot score the ball with a rounder is allowed to throw it into the field with his hand.
4. The city team loses and moves to the playing field if all players hit the ball, but no one ran over the line; all players ran across the line, but did not return to the city; During the run, the city player was insulted.
Instructions for carrying out. The first condition of this game is the friendly action of all party players and strict adherence to the rules. It is also very important to choose the right driver: he must have good control of the ball, be active, follow the progress of the game, and skillfully place the players taking into account their skills.
It is better for the driver to start the game first - this will allow him to further observe the progress of the game, help the players, and, if necessary, on occasion, help out his comrades.
When serving the ball, players must look where to send it: where there are fewer players or where there are none at all. If the players run to the city, then the ball in the field must be sent further to the con line; if they are fleeing the city, then throw the ball with a weak blow
so that it falls closer to the city line.
One in rounders
A horse line is drawn on the site. Two people are playing. One child stands behind the horse line, he throws the ball and hits it with a lapper. Another catches the ball in the field. If he catches the ball, he goes beyond the line to hit the ball.
1. In case of a miss, the player has the right to hit the ball twice.
2. After two misses, the horse player changes places with the field player.
Gifts (Fig. 21)
The game differs from the previous one only in that the ball in the field is caught not by one player, but by several. The one who caught the ball goes to the stake to score the ball, to “give gifts.”


Three players play this game: two players stand behind the line, the third goes into the field to catch the ball. One of those at stake throws the ball, the second hits it into the field. The one who hit the ball leaves the rounder and runs to the line at the end of the field, runs behind it and returns to the line. The fielder tries to spot the runner. If he misses, he quickly picks up the ball and throws it at the runner again. If he stains the runner, he goes to the line to hit the ball, and the stained one remains in the field. If the field player does not have time to spot the runner, then he throws the ball onto the line and the game continues. The horse players change places: the one who hit the ball serves it.
1. The horse player must not linger behind the line at the end of the field. If he was unable to return beyond the stake line, then his place is taken by a field player, and he remains in the field.
2. The players on the horse change places in case of two misses when hitting the ball.
Instructions for carrying out. The distance from the horse to the line at the end of the field should not exceed 10 m, otherwise the runner will not be able to return to the horse.
Those playing on the stake need to try to hit the ball as far as possible, then it is safer for the runner to return to the line of the stake; while running, he may suddenly change direction, suddenly stop or sit down.

Circular rounder

They draw a circle on the ground - this is a city. Children are divided into two equal groups: the players of one go to the city, and the players of the other remain in the field. Field players are drivers. They move away from the city with the ball, and one of them hides it. Then they return to the city, some holding their hands behind their backs, some in their pockets, some under their shirts, so that it is impossible to guess who has the ball. They all run around the city and say: “I’ll hit someone, I’ll burn someone!” Or: “Zhigalo, zhigalo!” The one with the ball is waiting
an opportune moment to make fun of one of the city's players. If he throws the ball and misses, the playing cities shout: “Burned, burned!” - and he leaves the game.
If the hit is successful, then the field players run away, the spotted one takes the ball and throws it at the fleeing players. He needs to get back, to stain one of the field players, so that the city players stay in place. If he does not win back, the players change places. The field players hide the ball again.
The game continues until one group loses all players.
1. The city player throws the ball at the runners without leaving the circle.
2. Players should not go beyond the city boundaries; the one who crossed the line is out of the game.
3. Players of the driving team must not hold the ball.


Children are divided into two equal groups, stand opposite each other at a distance of 3-4 m and begin to throw the ball to each other. If the child does not catch the ball, he goes to the other team and stands behind the player who threw the ball to him. The team with the most players transferred wins.
1. The players throw the ball to each other in order.
2. The one who starts the game can come up with any exercise, and others must repeat it exactly.
Instructions for carrying out. If a large number of children take part in the game, then you need to give 2-3 balls. An adult can
take charge of the game and tell the children what exercise they should do.
On the site they draw a city - a square with sides of 1 m each. A line is drawn 6-8 m from it, on which everyone, except the driver, marks their place - puts a pebble, a cube, digs holes. The driver on the lower side of the city places a figure of 5 ryuhs (towns) and stands not far from the city.

The participants of the game each stand at their own mark and take turns throwing bats from their places into the city. Having knocked out the rumblings, the players run into the field to get sticks. The driver hurries to place a new figure and take any free space. The one who missed his place becomes the driver.
1. The driver should not repeat the figures.
2. Each player throws only one bat.
Instructions for carrying out. The teacher must ensure the safety of children in the game. To do this, it is better to carry it out on a playground or away from the playground.
Before starting the game, children agree on the number of pieces. If the game takes place on an asphalt site, then instead of holes, you can draw circles with chalk. No more than 5 people take part in the game.


A hole is dug on the site, and the driver places a ball in the hole. At a distance of 3-6 m, a line is drawn from where the players alternately throw the bat at the ball. They place a catch near the hole - small board. As soon as one of the players hits the ball, everyone who threw the bats runs after them and quickly returns to their places, knocking the bat on the way. The driver runs into the field for the ball along with everyone else and, before putting it in the hole, also knocks on the board. The one of the players who knocked on the catch immediately after the driver stands at the hole with the ball, and the driver goes into the field.


A large circle is drawn on the site. One of the children is chosen as a bunny, he goes into a circle, and all the participants in the game stand behind the circle. They throw the ball to each other, but so that it hits the bunny. The bunny runs in a circle, dodging the ball. The one who stains it takes the place of the bunny in the circle.
1. Participants in the game must not go beyond the boundaries of the circle.
2. Before passing the ball, you need to call by name the person who is supposed to catch it.
3. You need to pass the ball quickly, you cannot hold it in your hands.
Instructions for carrying out. There should be no more than 10 people playing; They stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. The faster the game participants pass the ball, the more interesting the game is and the more opportunities there are to spoil the bunny. The bunny, if he wishes, can catch the ball. In this case, the player whose ball was caught stands in a circle and plays the role of a bunny.

The most dexterous

The participants of the game are divided into two groups and face each other. A line is drawn in the middle of the court between the players. The driver stands on the line, and at his signal, the children begin to throw the ball to each other. The one who caught the ball quickly throws it at the driver. If he misses, he stands on the line and starts driving. If the ball hits the driver, then all the players run away, and the driver tries to stain those running away. The one whom he stained takes the place of the driver. If the driver misses, he stands on the line and continues to drive.
1. The driver is allowed to run along the line from one end to the other.
2. The driver is allowed to catch the ball, then he changes places with the player who sent him.
Instructions for carrying out. Depending on the skills of the players, the distance between the teams can be from 3 to 6 m. It is better to play with a medium-sized ball. The one who catches the ball should not stand still. He needs to carefully monitor the direction of the flying ball.


Everyone who takes part in the game takes the balls, stands in a semicircle, and everyone marks their place with a circle. At a distance of 3-6 m, in the middle of the semicircle, there is a large ball, guarded by a guard with a stick. The players take turns trying to knock him down with their balls, and the guard hits their balls with a stick. If the ball hit by the guard does not reach the player, he remains in zero.
The player can take the ball, but in such a way that the guard does not insult him. The upset player becomes a guard.
When one of the players hits the big ball, the guard quickly
returns it to the same place. But at this time, the players whose balls are on the line try to take them.
1. The guard hits the balls only with a stick.
2. The players knock the ball down, observing the order. The next player throws the ball at the target as soon as the guard returns the thrown ball.
3. The guard can only insult the player with his hand.

Knock out the ball

Cells are drawn on the ground, and horse lines are drawn at a distance of 2 m on either side of them. Each cell contains 3-4 balls. The participants of the game are divided into two teams and stand behind the lines opposite their opponent’s cells.
All players on one team start the game at the same time. At a signal, they roll the balls and take the knocked ones. Then the players of the other team roll the balls. The team whose players knock out the most balls wins.
1. While rolling the balls, the players stand behind the stake line.
2. The participants in the game knock out the balls one by one.
Instructions for carrying out. Each team has its own colored balls. They can be wooden or polyethylene. The game can also be played with balls. The balls must be placed equally in the cells. The dimensions of the cells are 50X50 cm, they are placed on the same line in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 30 cm from each other.


A circle with a diameter of 50 cm is drawn on the site. One of the players is chosen as a guard. He stands in the middle of the circle, where a pyramid of 7 small balls is installed. At a distance of 2-3 m from the circle, a line is drawn, from which the players alternately throw a ball or ball, trying to knock down the pyramid. The one who gets into the pyramid and knocks the balls out of the circle receives a chip from the guard. When the players knock out all the balls, the guard builds a new pyramid. Game continues. The one who knocks out the most balls wins.
1. Players must not go beyond the line.
2. Everyone hits the pyramid once, after which they pass the turn to the next one.
3. The player receives a chip for each knocked out ball.
Instructions for carrying out. The ball that the players hit
it should be larger size than balls in a pyramid. The pyramid is set up in different ways: 5 balls lie on the ground, and 2 on top, or 6 lie on the ground, and the seventh on top.


Two lines are drawn on the court at a distance of 4-6 m. The players are divided into equal groups and stand opposite each other behind the lines.
At a signal, everyone simultaneously rolls balls or balls to each other, but so that they meet. The presenter gives one chip to the children whose balls have met. The pair with the most chips at the end of the game wins.
Number of repetitions of the game by agreement.
Instructions for carrying out. The area where the game is played must be level. The distance between players needs to be increased gradually. This game requires children to have a lot of attention and the ability to efficiently distribute efforts when pushing the ball away depending on the distance. Children need to be told that the greater the rolling distance, the more energetic the push on the ball should be.
Option 2 (Fig. 27). A flag or any other object is placed in the center of the site. At a distance of 1 m from the flag, two lines are drawn on both sides, then at a distance of 1 m from these lines, a second pair is drawn and, finally, a third pair of lines is drawn at a distance
1 m from the second. The players are divided into equal groups and stand opposite each other behind the last lines. At the leader’s signal, all children simultaneously roll balls (balls) to each other, but so that they necessarily meet in the center. The players whose balls have met move to the second line, and then to the first. The pairs whose players are the first to reach the first line win.


On the site, several holes are dug in one row, but no more than 10, and they are marked with numbers. At a distance of 3 m from them, a line is drawn from which the players roll the balls into the holes one by one, starting from the first. The first player starts the game, he rolls the ball until he misses. The second player continues the game after him, then the third, etc. When the turn reaches the first player again, he starts the game from the hole that he did not fall into.
Whoever gets into all the holes first wins.
Instructions for carrying out. No more than 10 people take part in the game. There may be holes different quantities, not necessarily by the number of players. Children can throw the balls into the holes instead of rolling them.

Ball against the wall

A line is drawn at a distance of 1-2 m from the wall. The players stand in the field outside the line freely, as it suits them. The driver stands at the line facing the wall and hits the ball against the wall so that it flies over the line. In the field it is caught by the player for whom it is intended. convenient. The person who catches the ball throws it to the driver. If the driver catches him, he goes to play in the field, and the one who threw the ball takes his place. If the driver does not catch the thrown ball, then he remains to drive against the wall.
The game can be complicated if the players are given 2-3 balls and choose 2-3 drivers.



A circle is drawn on the ground. One of the players stands in the middle of the circle - he is a tag. At a signal, children jump over the line of the circle and, if there is no danger of being greased, remain inside the circle for some time. Continue jumping on two legs in place or moving forward to the center of the circle. Participants in the game try to dodge the tag and jump out of the circle in time. The greasy one becomes a tag.
1. Players are only allowed to jump out of the circle. The one who runs out of the circle leaves the game.
2. Fifteen chases the players, also jumping on two legs.
Instructions for carrying out. The size of the circle depends on the number of players. Before starting the game, you need to agree on how the children will jump over the line of the circle: on one leg (right or left), straight or sideways on two legs.
Option. The game starts in the same way, but the one who gets dirty does not leave the circle, but becomes an assistant to the tag. As soon as the number of tags increases to 5, four go out of the circle, and the one who was hit last remains a tag. The game repeats itself.

Sparrows and cat

All players pretend to be sparrows and are behind the circle. The driver - the cat stands in the middle of the circle. The sparrows jump into the circle and then jump out of it. They collect grains (chips are scattered inside the circle). The cat runs in a circle and tries to catch them. The sparrow, which the cat touched, pours out all the collected grains, then begins to collect them again. At the end of the game, the most agile sparrows are celebrated.

Boilers. Classes

A figure is drawn on the ground. Each square of the figure is called a class. The players set a queue: who will start the game first, who will be second, third, etc.
The first player throws a pebble into the first class, stands on one leg, and jumps over the line into the same class. He knocks a pebble out of the first class with his toe and jumps out himself. He throws the pebble again, but this time to the second grade. Jumps on one leg to the first, then to the second class and again knocks out a pebble with the toe, etc.
In the fourth grade, you need to take a pebble in your hand and stand so that one leg is in the fourth grade and the other is in the seventh. Jump and rearrange your legs so that one is in the sixth grade and the other in the fifth grade. Then the player on one leg jumps into the eighth grade, and then into a semicircle, where he rests for some time.
Standing in a semicircle, the player throws a pebble to the eighth grade. On one leg he jumps into the same class and moves the pebble with his toe to the seventh class. He jumps again, turns to the right during the jump and puts his feet in the seventh and fourth grades. Moves a pebble in the sixth grade, jumps up and stands with his feet in the sixth and fifth grades. Then, standing on one leg in the sixth grade, he moves the pebble to the fifth grade, jumps up and stands again in the Pebble, moves it to the fourth, moves it first. After that, he pushes out and jumps out on his own.
If the player has passed through all the classes, an exam awaits him. He puts a pebble on the toe of his foot and walks on his heel through everything
classes. You need to walk carefully so as not to drop a pebble or step on the line. Only after the exam does each participant finish the game.
1. The next player starts the game if the previous player’s pebble fell on the line or in the wrong class, or the player stood with his foot on the line.
2. The player who made a mistake starts the game again from the class where he made a mistake.
Instructions for carrying out. In this game, children independently control the implementation of the rules. They need to be taught that they can jump on both their right and left feet. The child must knock out and move the pebble with his free foot: if he stands on his right foot, then he moves the pebble with his left, and vice versa.
The game can be ended when one of the players with the fewest mistakes completes all classes and passes the exam.


Classes are drawn on the ground. A participant in the game throws his pebble into the first class, jumps on one leg into the same class, pushes it from the first class into the second, and then through the swamp into the third class, remaining on one leg, and so on until the fifth class. From last class he either knocks the stone through all the classes into the field at once, or pushes it, jumping on one leg from class to class in order, or carries the stone on the toe of his foot.
Rule. If a pebble falls into a swamp, the game must be started all over again, from the first class.

Relocation of frogs

Before the start of the game, the players choose a leader (elder frog). All players (small frogs) squat, resting their hands on the floor or ground. The older frog takes them from one swamp to another, where there are more mosquitoes and midges. She jumps ahead. During the game, the driver changes the position of his hands: hands on his knees, on his belt; jumps in short jumps, long jumps, jumps over obstacles (over sticks) or jumps on planks, bricks, jumps between objects, etc. All frogs repeat these movements.
Having jumped into another swamp, the frogs get up and shout: “Kwa-kwa-kwa!” When the game is repeated, a new leader is chosen.


Children stand in a circle at a short distance from each other. The driver stands in the center and rotates a cord with a weight at the end (a bag of sand) in a circle. The players carefully watch the cord, and when it approaches, they jump up in place so that it does not touch their feet. The one who is touched by the bag becomes the driver.
A circle is drawn on the site, with a driver in the center.
1. The players stand at a distance of 3-4 steps from the circle. The driver rotates the cord. As soon as the bag reaches the player, he runs up and jumps over it.
2. The driver circles the cord with the bag, and the children run towards and jump over it.
3. Children are divided into several subgroups, but no more than 5 people in each. They stand one after another and take turns jumping over a rope with a bag at the end. The one who jumped over is the last one in his group. If he touches the bag, he leaves the game. The subgroup with the most players left wins.
Rule. You need to rotate the cord with the load so that it does not touch the ground.
Instructions for carrying out. For this game you need a cord 2-3 m long with a load at the end of about 100 g. The length of the cord can be increased or decreased depending on the size of the site and the number of players. When the cord rotates, the driver can change its height.


Children are divided into pairs and stand 3-5 steps apart from each other. Couples pretend to be fighting roosters: jumping on one leg, they try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who lost his balance and stood on the ground with both feet is out of the game. Before starting the game, children agree on how they will hold their hands: on the belt, behind their back, crossed in front of their chest, or with their hands to hold the knee of a bent leg.
1. The players must approach each other at the same time.
2. You cannot push each other with your hands.
Instructions for carrying out. Most often, in a pair, one player leaves the game, one remains the winner. Winners from different couples can unite and continue the game.
A rooster fight can also take place in another position, for example, in a squat, with the players holding their hands on their knees.

Salka on one leg

The children disperse around the playground, close their eyes, everyone’s hands are behind their backs. The leader walks among them and quietly puts a handkerchief in the hands of one. To the word “One, two, three, look!” children open their eyes. Standing still, they look at each other carefully: “Who is the tag?” A child with a scarf suddenly raises it up and says: “I’m a tag!” Participants in the game, jumping on one leg, try to get away from the tag. The one he touched with his hand goes to lead. He takes a handkerchief, lifts it up, and quickly says the words: “I’m a tag!” The game repeats itself.
Rules. 1. If the child is tired, he can jump alternately on his right and then on his left leg.
2. When the tags are changed, the players are allowed to stand on both feet.
3. Salka should also jump, like everyone else playing, on one leg.

Hello neighbor!

The players are divided into equal groups and stand in two rows facing each other at arm's length. The first players are the leaders, they start the game: they stand on one leg and jump in the direction of the other team. Without stopping, they turn to the player: “Hello, neighbor!” The one addressed answers: “Hello!” - and jumps after the leader. The game ends when all children form one chain of jumping behind the leaders.
1. Children must repeat the movements of the leader.
2. Anyone who performs movements inaccurately leaves the game.
Instructions for carrying out. As the game progresses, the leader performs various exercises, and the players repeat them.
They jump on the left leg, on two legs, on the right leg, on two legs sideways, perform jumps, etc.

Buy a bull

On a flat area, children draw a circle and stand behind its line at a distance of a step from each other. The driver - the owner - stands in the center of the circle. There is a small ball or ball on the ground in front of him.
The driver jumps on one leg in a circle, rolling the ball with his free leg, and says, turning to the children: “Buy a bull!” or “Buy a cow!” He tries to hit one of the players with the ball. The one who was insulted takes the ball and stands in the center of the circle in the place of the driver. If the ball rolls out of the circle without hitting anyone, the driver brings it, stands in the circle and continues to drive.
1. Players should not go beyond the circle.
2. The driver can hit the ball from any distance without going beyond the circle.
3. The driver is allowed to change legs during the jump, jump on either the right or left leg or on two legs.
Instructions for carrying out. In winter, you can play on a well-trodden snowy area, rolling an ice cube, ball, puck or some other object. The game is interesting when the driver hits the ball suddenly. He jumps in a circle, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowing down his jumps, suddenly stopping, making deceptive movements, as if he were hitting a ball. This behavior of the driver makes the players jump, step back or take a step to the side.



Children choose the owner and two buyers, all other players choose paints. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly names it to its owner. When all the paints have chosen a color, the owner invites one of the buyers.
The buyer knocks: “Knock-knock!” - “Who’s there?” - “Buyer.” - “Why did you come?” - “For paint.” - “For which one?” - “For blue.” If there is no blue paint, the owner says: “Walk along the blue path, find blue boots, wear them and bring them back.” If the buyer guesses the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself. A second buyer arrives and the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they take turns and sort out the paints. The buyer who guesses the most colors wins. When the game is repeated, he acts as the owner, and the players choose buyers.
Rule. The buyer should not repeat the same paint color twice, otherwise he gives up his turn to the second buyer.
Instructions for carrying out. The game is played with children both indoors and on a walk. The owner, if the buyer has not guessed the color of the paint, can give a more complex task, for example: “Race on one leg along the blue path.” If there are many children playing, you need to choose four buyers and two owners. Buyers come in line to buy paints.


The game starts like this. The leader goes around the players and says:
They sent us a hundred rubles.
Buy what you want,
Black, don't take white,
Don't say yes or no!
After that, he asks the children various questions, and he himself tries to get someone to say one of the forbidden words in a conversation: black, white, yes, no. The presenter conducts a conversation something like this: “What is sold in the bakery?” - “Bread.” - “Which one?” The player almost answered: “Black and white,” but remembered the forbidden words in time and said: “Soft.” - “Which bread do you like more, black or white?” - “Everyone.” - “What kind of flour are buns made from?” - “From wheat.” Etc. The one who uttered the forbidden word gives the driver a forfeit. At the end of the game, everyone who is left without a forfeit buys it back.
1. Players must answer questions quickly; the answer cannot be corrected.
2. For each prohibited word, the player pays the presenter a forfeit.
3. The presenter can conduct a conversation with two players at the same time.
4. When redeeming the forfeit, the presenter does not show it to the game participants.
Instructions for carrying out. The game can be played in a forest clearing or in a shady corner of the playground. No more than 10 people take part in the game, all children have several forfeits. They must listen carefully to the driver’s questions and think before answering.
When redeeming forfeits, the participants in the game come up with interesting tasks for the owner of the forfeit: sing a song, ask a riddle, read poetry, tell a short funny story, remember a proverb and saying, etc. The most difficult role in this game is the role of the leader, so at first this role is performed by the teacher . Forfeits can be redeemed after 5 people lose.


A ring is put on a long cord and the ends of the cord are sewn together. All players stand in a circle and hold the cord with both hands from above. The driver stands in the middle of the circle, closes his eyes and slowly turns 3-4 times, standing in one place. The players quickly move the ring along the cord. Then the driver says: “I’m going to look.” The last word serves as a signal for children. One of them hides the ring in his hand. The driver opens his eyes and tries to guess who has the hidden ring. The one he calls takes his hand off the cord. If the driver guessed right, then he stands in a circle, and the player whose ring was found goes to lead.
1. Move the ring along the cord only when the driver turns around himself with his eyes closed.
2. The driver says the words: “I’m going to look” - with closed
3. The player must remove his hands from the cord as soon as the driver calls him by name.
Instructions for carrying out. If there are more than 15 people who want to play, then put 3 to 5 rings on the cord and select 2-3 drivers.


Before the game starts, the players say in chorus:
Firstborns, firstborns,
The bells rang.
On fresh dew,
In someone else's lane.
There are cups, nuts,
Honey, sugar.
After the word “Silence!” everyone should shut up. The presenter tries to make the players laugh with movements, funny words and nursery rhymes, and a comic poem. If someone laughs or says one word, he gives the presenter a forfeit. At the end of the game, children redeem their forfeits: at the request of the players, they sing songs, read poetry, dance, and perform interesting movements.
1. The presenter should not touch the players with his hands.
2. Forfeits for players must be different in color and shape.
Instructions for carrying out. The game can be played in different conditions. You can play a phantom as soon as one of the players laughs, smiles or speaks. This relieves the tension that is created in children during the game.


They take a long rope and tie its ends. The participants of the game stand in a circle and take the rope in their hands. The driver stands in the middle. He walks in a circle and tries to touch the hands of one of the players. But the children are attentive, they lower the rope and quickly hide their hands. As soon as the driver leaves, they immediately take the rope. Whoever the driver hits on the hand goes to lead.
1. Players must hold the rope with both hands.
2. During the game, the rope should not fall to the ground.
All children sit in a row: whoever sits first gets the phone.
The presenter quickly says a word or a short sentence in his ear. What he heard, he passes on to his neighbor, who, in turn, passes this word on to the next player, and so on until the last player.
After that everyone says what they heard. The first one who mixed up what was said sits at the end, the players move closer to the phone. Each child can act as a telephone once, after which he sits at the end of the row.
Flies - doesn't fly
This game takes place at the table. The players place their fingers on the table, the leader names birds, animals, insects, flowers, etc. When naming a flying object, everyone should raise their fingers up. Whoever raises his fingers when naming a non-flying object, or does not raise his fingers when naming a flying object, pays a forfeit.
Sometimes they play like this: everyone stands in a circle and when a flying object is named, all players jump. If a non-flying item is named, they stand still.


Children sit on a bench or chairs, with everyone’s palms folded together and lying on their knees. The presenter, with a pebble in his hands, walks around the participants in the game and makes a movement, as if placing a pebble in each of them’s hands. He actually quietly puts a pebble on one of the players, then moves away from the bench and calls: “Pebble, come to me!” The one with the pebble runs up and shows it. Now he will be the leader. But if the players notice who gets the pebble, they can detain this player. In this case, the leader remains the same.
1. You should try to place the pebble unnoticed, so that no one knows who has it.
2. The player with the pebble should not leave before the words: “Pebble, come to me!”


Two fishermen are chosen, the rest of the players sit in a circle with their hands clasped together. They represent the bank of a river, and hands folded on the knees represent merezhi. One of the fishermen walks along the shore, holding a small fish in his hands. He lowers his hands with the fish into the folds and discreetly places it on one of the players. The second fisherman must guess who has the fish. If he does not guess right away, then he is allowed to name the names of 2-3 more children. The first fisherman sits down, the second one lowers the fish into the net, and the one who found the fish goes to guess.

Ocean is shaking

Depending on the number of players, chairs are placed in two rows so that the back of one chair touches the back of the other. All participants in the game sit on chairs. The driver says: “The sea is worried.” The players get up and run around the chairs. “The sea has calmed down,” says the driver, and the children take the empty seats. Someone will be left without a seat, since one chair is occupied by the driver. The one who missed it goes to drive.
1. Players are not allowed to run close to the chairs.
2. You can take an empty seat only after the words: “The sea has calmed down.”


The straws are scattered on the table, the participants in the game take turns choosing them, but so that those lying next to them do not move from their places. If a child, carelessly choosing a straw, moves the neighboring one, he leaves the game. Whichever player takes the most straws wins.
1. Straws are scattered on the table or thrown from a small height.
2. You can take them with your hand or with a long straw at the end with a hook.
Merezha - woven from willow twigs cone for catching fish.
Instructions for carrying out. The straws are made of the same thickness and length (10-15 cm). There should be up to 10 straws for each player.


Children gather on the playground and choose a driver - a woodpecker. Everyone stands in pairs and forms a circle, the woodpecker stands in the middle. The players walk in a circle and all say the words together:
A woodpecker walks near the granary, (The granary is a room for grain.)
Looking for a grain of wheat.
The woodpecker answers:
I'm not bored alone
I'll take whoever I want.
With these words, he quickly takes one of the players by the hand and stands in a circle. The one left without a pair stands in the middle of the circle, he is a woodpecker. The game repeats itself.

Sun and month

All children gather on the playground and choose two presenters. They step aside and quietly, so that no one can hear, agree which of them will be the month and which will be the sun.
The participants of the game stand one after another, put their hand on the shoulder of the person in front or take him by the belt. The sun and the moon come up to the players, take hands and raise them high, creating a gate. The players sing a song:
The aunt walked, walked,
She walked and walked, pockmarked,
She walked through the meadow
She led the children around:
Older, younger,
Medium, large.
With this song they pass through the gate. The sun and the month stop the latter and quietly ask: “Who do you want - the sun or the month?” The player also quietly answers who he will go to, and stands next to either the sun or the month. Game continues. At the end of the game, you need to count who the most players went to.


The game of pebbles was once popular in Russia. They called it differently: kremushki, galans, prospheres. To play, children take five pebbles the size of a hazelnut, round or oval, with a smooth surface. These pebbles are easy to hold in your hand and easy to scatter while playing on the table. (You can also use acorns, etc. for the game.)

Before the game, children, by mutual agreement or rhyme, decide who should throw pebbles after whom. But there is also a special lot when all the players take five pebbles, throw them up slightly, turn their hands palms down and try to catch them on the back of their hands. Whoever has the most pebbles on his hand starts the game. Then the participants in the game sit in a circle at the table, each with their own pebbles. The place where the game takes place is called the kon. The players lead the line “in the direction of the sun,” that is, from right to left.

Among the pebble games, there are simple ones, when children perform only one figure (such as “Breast”, “Heat”, “Bridge”), and difficult ones, when children perform several figures. The combination of figures can be complex, and not always everyone who plays succeeds , but frequent repetition of the game gives its results.
These games are exciting and useful, cultivate attention, concentration, resourcefulness, develop dexterity of hands and fingers, and precise coordination of movements.


The player takes five pebbles in his hand, throws one up, and scatters four on the table. He catches a thrown pebble and throws it up again. And while he is flying, you need to have time to touch one of the pebbles lying on the table with your fingers. If several pebbles lie together, you can touch them all at the same time and have time to catch the falling pebble. The pebbles touched by the player are put aside.

The same game, but the scattered pebbles need to be turned over or simply moved from their place.

Children place four pebbles in a row close to each other. The fifth pebble is thrown up, four pebbles are quickly taken from the table and the fifth one is caught.

From hand to hand
The same game, but you need to have time to take as many pebbles from the table as possible and, before catching the thrown pebble, transfer them to the other hand.

Children take five pebbles in their right hand, throw one up, and place four on the table with their chests and catch the thrown pebble with the same hand. The pebble is thrown up again, the four pebbles lying on the table are quickly taken and the thrown one is caught.
The game ends when all players complete the piece.

On the hem
The player scatters four pebbles on the table, and throws the fifth one up. Before catching a thrown pebble, you need to have time to take one pebble from the table and put it on your knees, the hem of your dress. The game is repeated until the players pick up all the pebbles and place them on their laps.

Across the river
The same game, but the pebble is thrown from under the left hand extended forward.

The player scatters four pebbles on the table, and throws the fifth one upward. You need to quickly take one of the lying pebbles and have time to catch the thrown one. One of the two pebbles is thrown up again, and the second is quickly placed on the table; Instead, you need to take the next one and catch the thrown one. The game ends when all the players exchange pebbles.

The child takes five pebbles in his hand. One of them is thrown up, and four are scattered on the table. He catches the thrown pebble and throws it up again, quickly takes one pebble from the table and catches the thrown one. The game is repeated several times until all the pebbles are collected from the table.

The child holds five pebbles in his hand. One of them throws up, quickly puts two pebbles on the table and catches the one thrown up. There are three stones left in the hand. Once again the player throws one pebble up, places the remaining two pebbles on the table and catches the one that was thrown. The third time the pebble is thrown up, and you need to have time to take two pebbles from the table and catch the thrown one. The fourth time when tossing, you need to take the remaining two pebbles.

IN right hand players hold five pebbles, throw one up, and put four on the table, but so that three lie together and one separately, and catch the pebble thrown up. The pebble is thrown up again. Before catching him, you must first take three pebbles from the table. The pebble is thrown up again, the remaining pebble is quickly taken from the table and the thrown one is caught.

Odd and even
One of the players takes a handful of pebbles, throws them up and, turning his hand palm down, catches the pebbles on the back of one hand. Covering the caught pebbles with his other hand, he asks the players: “Even or odd?” Whoever guessed wrong pays forfeit. The one who gave all his forfeits leaves the game.

To play you need 40 pebbles. All the pebbles, except one, are placed on the line. The first player throws one pebble and, before catching it, quickly takes as many pebbles from the horse as he can and catches the thrown one. Having caught it, the player puts all the pebbles aside except one, throws one pebble again and, while it flies, again takes pebbles from the horse.
If the player does not catch the thrown stone, the second player starts the game. Whoever picks up the most pebbles is considered the winner.


Exercises with pebbles

1. Throw a pebble to each other, catch with both hands.
2. Throw the pebble to each other, catch it alternately with your right and left hands.
3. Toss the pebble from hand to hand.
4. Toss and catch a pebble with your right hand.
5. Toss and catch a pebble with your left hand.
6. Toss a pebble with your right hand and catch it with your left hand.
7. Toss a pebble with your left hand and catch it with your right hand.


1. Children stand one step apart from each other, facing in a circle. The pebble is passed with one hand in a circle, first to the right, then to the left. Depending on the number of playing pebbles, there may be three or more pieces. The one who dropped the pebble leaves the game. The game is repeated several times.
2. The same game, but the children throw pebbles to each other.
3. Five pebbles are on the table. The player throws one of them up; quickly knocks on the table with the palm of the same hand, catches a thrown pebble and places it in left hand. So he throws the pebbles one after another, knocks his palm on the table, tries to catch each thrown pebble and transfer it to his left hand.
4. Five pebbles are on the table. Each player takes turns throwing one of them up, quickly clapping his hands, catching the thrown pebble and placing it on the table. So he throws the pebbles one by one, claps his hands, catches them and puts them on the table. The winner is the one who, by tossing one by one, catches all the pebbles before others.
5. Five pebbles are on the table. The player throws one of them up, catches it and transfers it to his left hand. So, one by one, he throws all the pebbles, transferring only those he caught to his left hand.
6. The child scatters four pebbles on the table and holds one in his hand. He throws it up, quickly takes a pebble from those lying on the table and catches the one thrown up. Of the two stones in his hand, the player must transfer one to his left hand. So, throwing a pebble up, the child takes the pebbles from the table one by one and tries to catch the thrown one. If he catches a pebble, he transfers it to his left hand. The first one to finish the game wins.
7. Five pebbles lie in the left hand. The player throws one pebble and catches it with his right hand. The caught pebble is placed on the table. Throwing a second pebble with his left hand, he catches it with his right and places it on the table. The game ends when one of the players, throwing and catching in this way, puts all the stones on the table.
8. The pebbles lie on the table at a short distance from each other. The player takes one pebble with his left hand, throws it up, and catches it with his right. He takes the second pebble with his left hand, throws it up, and catches it with his right. So the player, throwing stones one after another with his left hand, catches them with his right, placing them on the table.
Option. The same game, but the player throws the pebbles up with his right hand and catches them with his left.
9. The pebbles on the table lie in pairs at some distance from each other so that they are convenient to take. The player throws one pebble up, quickly takes a couple of pebbles from the table and catches the thrown one. Of the three stones in his hand, he places two on the table, but away from the stake. Once again he throws one pebble up, takes another pair of pebbles from the table and catches the thrown one. And so the first player performs the figures until he drops the pebble. Then the next child starts the game.
By agreement, players place from 3 to 6 pairs of stones on the line.
Option. The same game, but the pebbles are placed on the table in threes.
10. Pebbles are scattered on the table. The player takes one pebble in his left hand, throws it up, and with his right hand he takes one pebble from the table and with the same hand catches the thrown one. He places two pebbles from his right hand on the table, but away from the stake. The first player performs the pieces until he drops the pebble. The second player starts the game but the first player waits for his turn.
You can put from 5 to 10 pebbles on the line by agreement.
1. The same, but the players throw the pebble with their right hand, and take it from the table and catch it thrown up with their left hand.
2. The same, but the players take two pebbles from the table, alternately with their right and then with their left hands.
Instructions for carrying out. Children can play with pebbles indoors, and during the warm season while walking, but only at the table. In order not to wait for a long time for your turn, there should be no more than 5 people participating in the game, each with their own pebbles.
You need to start playing pebbles with simple exercises and until the children learn to do simple figures, go to difficult games do not do it. One player gives way to the second if he fails to complete the next piece. The game can be finished in different ways: either when one of the players completes all the pieces correctly, or when all players complete the pieces. The one who completed all the pieces and did not drop the stones is the most dexterous of the players.


From a round stick or rod with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm, cut 15-25 pieces 2-2.5 cm long. Cut them lengthwise to make small logs. One side of the log is flat, and the other is semicircular. There should be 30-50 of them,
The one who starts the game first takes the logs in his hands and scatters them on the table. Then he selects those that lie in the same position and clicks on one of them, trying to hit another log. The log that was hit is considered knocked out, and the player takes it as a win. As soon as the first player misses, the second player starts the game. He can also collect logs and scatter them on the table. The game continues until all the logs are won.

Rules 1. During the click, you must not touch the nearby logs with your hand.
2. Logs that have fallen on top of each other in the same position, that is, either up or down, can be taken as a win.
3. You can click to knock out only those logs that are lying separately.
4. Logs that lie alone on top are considered out of play.


Fleas are plastic circles with a diameter of 12-15 mm and a thickness of 1 - 11.5 mm and circle-bits with a diameter of 200-25 mm. The players sit opposite each other at the table, each with 5 fleas and one bat. Placed in the middle of the table
friend, but in different ways.
Fleas are placed on the stake line and, pressing the edge of the bat onto the edge of the flea, they make it jump up so that it falls into the box. If a flea gets into the box, then the player gets the right to drive the next flea. If he misses, the next child starts the game.
You can adjust the height and length of the flea's jump by pressing the bat on its edge. with different forces or drive not into a box, but into the center of the table onto a square or circle cut out of soft fabric or paper, cardboard.


The child begins to play with a top from a young age. You can not only just run it, admiring the movement, but also organize various group games with it.
1. Children launch tops at the same time: whose top spins longer than others wins.
2. Tops are launched into collars or between objects that are placed on the table. The one whose top doesn't hit them wins.
3. The tops are released one at a time: whose top knocks down the most balls scattered on the table wins.
4. Circles or squares are cut out of colored paper - the playing field (the sides of the square are 15 cm, the diameter of the circle is 20 cm). Children simultaneously launch tops, each on their own playing field: whose top does not leave the playing field wins.


The players scatter spillikins (different figures) on the table and pull them out one at a time with a stick with a hook at the end so as not to touch the one lying next to it. If the hook used to lift the spillikins is attached to a cord, then picking up the figurine will be even more difficult. The one who pulls out the most spillikins wins. The game ends when all the spillikins are taken apart.

Blind Man's Bluff

Common blind man's buff

One of the players, the blind man's buff, is blindfolded, taken to the middle of the room and forced to turn around several times, then they talk to him, for example:
“Cat, cat, what are you standing on?” - “In the kneader” - “What’s in the kneader?” - “Kvass.” - “Catch mice, not us.” After the words, the participants in the game run away, and the blind man’s buff catches them. Whoever he catches becomes a blind man's buff.
Kvashnya - wooden utensils for kneading dough.

1. If the blind man’s buff comes close to any object that can be hit, the players must warn him and shout: “Fire!”
2. You can’t shout “Fire!” in order to distract the blind man's buff from the player who cannot escape from him.
3. Players should not hide behind any objects or run very far.
4. Players can dodge blind man's buff, squat, and walk on all fours.
5. The blind man's buff must recognize the caught player and call him by name without removing the bandage.

Instructions for carrying out. The game can be played both in the room and on the site. The boundary of the playing area must be precisely defined, and the participants in the game must not go beyond it. If a blind man’s buff crosses the boundary of the playing area, then he should be stopped with the word “Fire!”

Children should run silently around the blind man's buff. Brave players can quietly approach him, touch his shoulder, back, arm and just as silently run away; They can say a short word behind the blind man’s buff: “Ku-ku!”, “Ah!”

Blind man's buff on the ground

The blind man's buff is placed in the middle of the playground, blindfolded, and he turns around himself several times. The players ask him: “Where are you standing?” - “On the bridge.” - “What are you selling?” - “Kvass”. - “Look for us for three years!” After the words, the participants disperse around the site, the blind man's buff goes to look for them. Children, while the blind man's buff is looking for them, do not leave their places, but they can squat, kneel or get on all fours. The found player becomes a blind man's buff only if the driver recognizes him and calls him by name.

Circular blind man's buff (Tube)

Children stand in a circle and choose a blind man's buff. He goes out into the middle, is blindfolded, given a paper tube in his hand and forced to turn around three times. At this time, the players join hands and walk around the blind man's buff so that he does not know where everyone is standing. When everyone stops, the blind man's buff takes a few steps towards the players and touches someone with a straw, asking him: “Who?” They answer him: “Me-oo!”, “Ku-ka-re-ku!” Zhmurka must guess by the voice of the one who answered him. If you haven’t guessed right, then you can just drive. The child whom the blind man's buff recognizes becomes a blind man's buff.

Blind goat

Zhmurka is blindfolded and led to the door. He knocks on it, and the players ask: “Who’s there?” “Blind goat,” answers the blind man’s buff.
The players all say together:
The goat is blind,
Don't come near us.
Go to the kut
Where canvases are woven,
They'll give you a canvas there!
The disgruntled goat knocks on the door again.
"Who's there?" - “Apanas!” - the goat answers. “Apanas, look for us!” - with these words the children run away. Zhmurka listens to the steps and tries to catch someone. Dexterous players dodge, and the caught player becomes a blind man's buff.


Everyone who wants to take part in this game stands in a circle, chooses a blind man's buff and the player he will look for. Zhmurka is blindfolded, another child takes the bell. When the bell rings, the blind man's buff must catch it. The game ends when the blind man's buff catches the player with the bell. Another pair is chosen and the game is repeated.
Option. Two pairs are selected. The blindfolded people are blindfolded, and the players take: one - a bell, and the other - a pipe. Zhmurki catch only their own players.
It's time, grandma, for a feast! Everyone stands in a circle, blindfolded in the middle of the circle. The players walk in a circle and say the words: “Grandma, grandma, it’s time for a feast!” Grandmother-blind man's buff replies: “Nothing!” - “In the matting!” - “Not good” - “In the basket!” 2 - “Pokato.” - “Fly on wings!”
At the last words, everyone stops, and the blind man's buff waves his hands and walks towards the players. He stops in front of one player and tries to recognize him: he runs his hands over his dress and hair (it is not allowed to touch his face). If he finds out, the player becomes a blind man's buff and the game starts all over again.

Crooked rooster

One of the players is blindfolded and placed on a bench. The children come up to him and say: “Goodbye, crooked rooster!” - and quickly disperse around the site. The driver, a crooked rooster, gets up from his seat and goes to look for the players: he spreads his arms wide, listens to every rustle. He tries to make the player he finds laugh in order to recognize him. If the child is recognized, he becomes a driver.
1 Canvas - hand-made linen fabric.
2 Lukoshko - a hand-held basket made of twigs, wire, etc.



In many outdoor games there is a driver: in one game it is a bear, in another it is a kite, in a third it is a shuttle. To start the game, you need to choose a driver. He is appointed or chosen according to a counting rhyme.
Children love playful, funny counting poems and quickly remember them. All participants in the game stand in a circle, in a row, or sit on benches, on the lawn, and one of them goes to the middle, pronouncing the words loudly, clearly, and intones a rhyme, for example:
I'll go buy a pipe
I'll go outside.
Louder, pipe, pipe.
We're playing, you drive!
A ram walked along steep mountains.
Pulled out the grass
I put it on the bench.
Who will take the weed?
That one will go!

The one who pronounces the counting rhyme, with each word, and sometimes syllable, touches the players in turn with his hand, not excluding himself. Whoever gets the last word becomes the driver.

If there are few participants in the game, then they count differently: they say a counting rhyme, and whoever gets the last word leaves the circle, and the counting rhyme is repeated until only one player remains. He must lead - catch the ball, catch and salvage those running away, be a kite or a hen.

Some rhymes contain a question, the answer to which involves continuing the calculation, for example:

A man was driving along the road, how many nails, tell me quickly,
Broke a wheel on the doorstep. Don't overthink it!

Whoever received the words: “Don’t think about it!” must answer how many nails are needed, but it is better not to name large numbers, otherwise you will have to count for a long time.

If two drivers are selected in the game, for example in “Mouse and Cat”, then first the mouse is chosen according to the counting, then they are counted again and the cat is chosen.

The success of the game depends on the driver, his activity, and ingenuity, so it is not always advisable to choose a driver using a counting rhyme. In such games where the role of the driver is especially
difficult, such as “The Kite and the Mother Hen”, it is better to nominate him or invite the participants of the game to choose him, having suggested in advance what qualities he should have (run well, quickly navigate the environment, be observant, accurate).

Often in games, all participants are divided into two groups, and you need to decide which of them to start the game. In this case, two players, one from each group, measure themselves on a stick (“contest”). To do this, select a stick 40-50 cm long, one of the players takes it by the end, the other, pressing his hand tightly to his friend’s hand, grabs it higher, then the first moves his hand higher than the hand of the second, etc. Which player will grab the end of the stick , he wins for his group the right to start the game.

There is an easier way to choose the order - guessing. Which hand is the item in? Which of the two ends of the scarf has a knot? Which of the two sticks (or straws) placed at one end is longer, which is shorter? This way you can choose the drivers or decide which group should start the game first.


One, two, three, four, Five, six, seven, Eight, nine, ten. The White Moon is coming!
Whoever reaches the month will go to hide!

The apple was rolling
Past the garden
Past the vegetable garden
Past the stockade;
Who will lift him up?
That one will come out!

White hare,
Where did you run?
- To the oak forest!
- What were you doing there?
- He tore his tusks!
- Where did you put it?
- Under the deck!
- Who stole it?
- Rodion.
- Get out!

The peas were rolling across the dish.
You drive
But I won't.

I went to the forest
Ela cones -
She told us.
And we are Shishki
We don't eat
Tare Mare
We'll give it back!

The pig is walking
According to the forest
Tears up the grass-ant.
She vomits
And he takes
And puts it in the basket.
This one will come out
There he goes.

The cuckoo was walking
Past the network
And behind her
Small children
And they shouted:
“Kuk! Poppy!"
Take it
One fist!

The fox was walking through the forest,
The fox tore the stripes,
The fox weaved bast shoes
My husband has two
Three for myself
And for the kids
On the bast shoes!

The cuckoo was walking
Past the network
And behind her
Children are small.
They ask for a drink.
Come out -
You should drive!

Under the mill
Under the spit
Two ruffians got into a fight
That's the whole fairy tale!

It's time to go home -
Feed the guys
Water the calves
Milk the cows.
You should drive!

The wattle fence wove
She led the children.
The children walked
We've reached the end
We've reached the end
Let's go back.

The soldiers were walking
To the market
What did you buy?

First plants,
The little pigeons were flying
By the morning dew,
Along the green lane.
There are apples, nuts,
Honey, sugar,
Get out
To the corner!

Ahi, ahi, ahi, oh,
Masha was sowing peas.
He was born thick,
We'll rush, just wait!
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out,
Stay at your hem
Look at the field.

Jump and jump,
Jump and jump,
The bunny is jumping -
Gray side.
Along the forest
According to the snow
I sat down under a bush,
I wanted to hide.
Whoever catches it drives it.

Sitting on a bench -
Tsar, prince,
you will

Brynn Indians,
Brynn Indians,
Let's play!
Brynn Indians,
Don't want!
Brynn Indians,
There I go!

Oh you little owl,
You big head!
You were sitting on a tree
You turned your head -
She fell into the grass,
She rolled into a hole!

Along the path
Daria walked
I found a ball of thread.
The ball is small,
Alyonka threads,
The ball is rolling
The thread is stretching.
The ball is far, far, far away,
The thread is long, long, long.
I took the thread
She pulled and tore.

Over the seas, over the mountains,
Behind the iron pillars
There is a tower on the hill,
There is a lock on the door.
Go get the key
And unlock the lock.

Thin legs
Dancing along the path...
The night is near
Fly away.

A rooster walks around the yard.
Himself with spurs,
Tail with patterns.
Stands under the window
He screams throughout the yard.
Who will hear
He's running.

A cuckoo flew past the garden,
Pecked all the seedlings
And shouted: “Ku-ku-mak,
Open one fist."

Look at the sky
The stars are burning
The cranes shout:
- Gu-gu! I'll run away!
One, two, don't be a crow,
And run like fire.

Somersault along the path
The bunny jumps barefoot.
Bunny, don't run -
Here are your boots
Here's your belt
Don't rush into the woods.
Come join us in a round dance
Make people happy.

The birds were singing
They took off and flew towards the forest.
The birds began to build nests!
Whoever doesn't howl should drive!

The wheel rolled
It rolled far away
And not in rye,
And not in wheat,
And until the very
To the capital.
Who will find the wheel?
He leads.

Just like the fox was walking along the path,
I found a letter in the cotton,
She sat down on a tree stump
And I read all day.

I'm going, I'm going
To grandma, to grandpa
On horseback
In a red hat.
On a flat path
On one leg
In an old shoe
Over potholes, over bumps,
Everything is straight and direct,
And then suddenly... into the hole!

One two three four five!
The bunny went out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out,
Shoots straight at the bunny.
Bang! Pow! Missed,
The gray bunny has escaped!

Circle the hoop,
Circle hoop
Who's playing,
It will be so.
Who doesn't want to be a snake?
Get out of the circle!

Zealous horse
With a long mane
Jumping, jumping
Along the fields.
Here and there!
Here and there!
Where will he ride -
Get out of the circle!

Cockerel, cockerel,
Show me your skin.
The casing is on fire,
How many feathers are there on it?
One two three four five…
Impossible to count!


There are outdoor games where all the players are divided into groups or teams. In such games, leaders are first chosen or appointed, then the composition of the teams is determined. Collusions help to divide all the players equally so that no one is offended.
The players divide into pairs, step aside and conspire among themselves, come up with names: one, for example, calls himself “magpie”, and... the other - “serpent-mountain”. You can come up with funny nicknames, for example “Stepan the Giant”, “mustachioed cockroach”. It is necessary to negotiate quietly so that the presenters do not hear. Then the children go to the presenters and ask who they will choose, often in the form of a rhyme, for example:
From a bucket of a ruff Or from a basket of a hedgehog?
To prevent the presenters from simultaneously naming the same player, they agree on who will choose first and in which pair: one chooses in the first pair, the other in the second. There are different types of agreements. Let's give examples.
Who do you choose:
Black horse
Balls roll
Or a gold collar?
Or pour water?
Mow hay
Or chop wood?
Forge a horse
Or sweep the yard?
What will you take:
A shaggy bear or a horned goat?
From a river ruff Or from a forest a hedgehog?
gray duck
Or a wooden pipe?
What do you need:
A bag of peas Or a pot of butter?

Reservations add up
Who will you invite to visit:
The cunning fox Or Marya the beauty?
Mustachioed cockroach
Or a striped tiger cub?
What to give you:
A piece of sugar
Or a red handkerchief?
Lily of the valley
Or a fluffy dandelion?
Blue bell Or yellow St. John's wort?
White birch or red rose?
but you can come up with them yourself.


In a wide circle, I see,
All my friends stood up.
I am for you, my friends,
I'm making pies:
Need to bake them quickly
You go and light the stove!
Lived once
Is it me or you?
An argument arose between us.
Who started it, they forgot
And we are still not friends.
Suddenly the game this time
Will he be able to reconcile us?
Legs, legs ran along the path,
Jumped through the meadow and forest
They ran to the meadow and got lost

The bell calls everyone,
The bell sings to us
In a ringing, thin voice:
Ding-bom, ding-bom!
Get out of the circle!
Oblique, oblique,
Don't go barefoot
And walk around with shoes on,
Wrap up your paws.
If you're wearing shoes,
The wolves won't find the hare
The bear won't find you...
Come out - you'll burn!

The little ones are worried:
- How can we cope without a tub?
All the mushrooms are in tubs,
Forgot about the waves!
Look for the waves,
Very tasty mushrooms!
At the linear bridge
I caught a whale in the Neva,
Hid it behind the window
The cat ate it.
Two cats helped
Now there is no whale!
Don't you trust your friend?
Get out of the circle!

Past the forest, past the dachas
A red ball floated down the river.
A pike saw it.
What is this thing?
Grab, grab!
Don't catch it.
The ball surfaced again.
He started to swim further,
Come out, you should drive.

The squirrels treated the hares,
They were served carrots
We ate all the nuts ourselves,
And they told you to drive.
One two three four,
Who doesn't sleep in our apartment?
Everyone in the world needs sleep,
He who is not sleeping will get out!

Once at our Stepan's
The cat was guarding the sour cream.
And when lunch came,
The cat is sitting - there is no sour cream.
Help Stepan,
Look for sour cream with it.

Like in our hayloft
Two frogs spent the night.
In the morning we got up, ate cabbage soup,
And they told you to drive!

Baby squirrels came to the meadow
Bear cubs, badgers.
To the green meadow
Come too, my friend.

Egor took an ax in the corner,
I went into the yard with an ax,
Egor began to repair the fence,
Yegor lost his axe.
So he’s still looking...
Look for an ax too!

Among the white doves
A nimble sparrow jumps.
Sparrow bird,
Gray shirt,
Respond, sparrow,
Fly out, don't be shy!

Once the guys went to the river,
They carried two oars in their hands.
Three sheep meet them
And four turkeys.
All the guys were scared
The oars were thrown into the bushes.
They got scared and ran away,
And you must find them!

There lived one burbot in the river,
Two ruffs were friends with him.
Three ducks flew to them,
Four times a day
And they were taught to count:
One two three four five!
Early, early we get up.
We call the watchman loudly.
Watchman, watchman, hurry up
Go out and feed the animals.

Tili-tili, tili-bom,
A bunny knocked down a pine tree with his forehead.
I feel sorry for the bunny
The bunny wears a cone.
Hurry up and run into the forest
Give the bunny a compress!

Tick ​​tock, tick tock,
An old crayfish lived under the bridge.
The red cat came to the bridge,
Cancer grabbed the cat by its tail.
Meow-meow, help!
Unhook the crayfish from its tail!
Everyone is running, and you run,
Help Vaska the cat.

The cockerel was chopping wood,
The owl baked the pies.
With a stalk for bunnies,
Pretzel with honey for bears.
And you, my friend, what do you want the pie with?
Skok-skok, skok-skok!
The bunny jumped onto a tree stump.
He beats the drum loudly,
Calls me to play leapfrog.
The seagulls lived at the pier,
The river rocked them with waves.
One two three four five,
Help me count them.
Chick-chick, chick-chick,
At night the cricket sang songs,
We went to look for him
The lanterns were lit
We looked under the bush,
Under the fluffy burdock.
Where was the cricket hiding?
Look for him, my friend!

A goat walked along the bridge
And wagged her tail,
Got caught on the railing
It landed right in the river.
Who doesn't believe is him
Get out of the circle!

The seagull warmed up the kettle.
She invited eight seagulls.
Everyone came for tea!
How many seagulls - answer?

The runners are jumping,
Sunny bunnies.
We call them -
Do not go.
Were here -
And they are not here.
Where are the bunnies?
You go look for them.

One two three four!
There were mice living in an apartment,
We drank tea
The cups were breaking
They paid three pieces of money!
Who doesn't want to pay
That's why you should drive!

The bees flew into the field,
They buzzed and buzzed.
The bees sat on the flowers.
We play - you drive!


So that the participants in the game do not argue about who should lead or who should start the game, or which group should stand where, lots are cast.
The lot is symbol, some object, such as a board, cardboard or one-size stick.
If you need to choose a leader in a game, take as many identical sticks as there are participants in the game. They put a note on one. All the sticks are placed in a box or box, mixed, and then the players take turns taking one at a time. Whoever draws lots with a conditional note will be the leader and start the game.
There are other draws. They are called guesses. One of the players takes a lot and hides it in his hand behind his back. In which hand the lot is drawn, no one should know. Then the drawer, holding his hands behind his back, says: “Whoever draws the lot, let him lead!” Two of the players approach him, the drawer asks: “Who is taking in the right hand, who is taking in the left hand?” One takes it in the right hand, the other in the left hand. The drawer opens his fingers and shows which hand holds the lot. The one who guesses correctly wins the bet.
Sometimes, depending on the number of players, they take straws, sticks, and pieces of paper; one of them should be shorter or longer than the others. Their upper ends need to be leveled and the lower ends hidden in the hand. Each player draws one lot. Whoever pulls out a long or short stick, straw or piece of paper starts the game.

"Folk Games"

“Folk Games” focuses on solving problems that contribute to the organization of motor activity of primary schoolchildren in a friendly, joyful atmosphere, but with a skillful combination of rest and movement.

In the old days, there were about three thousand games. Only those that were the most interesting and exciting were preserved. Most folk games are played on fresh air. The games offered by this program are varied, require a lot of movement, ingenuity, give a lot of all kinds of physical skills and abilities, and perfectly temper the body and soul.

A special emphasis of the program is placed on the use of folk games with different physical activity for children with varying degrees of physical activity. The program offers games that require speed, dexterity, courage, and perseverance in achieving a goal.

goal: Teaching elementary schoolchildren forgotten folk games, counting rhymes, and other genres of oral folk art;

Fostering love for the Motherland, its traditions and customs;

Development of physical qualities: dexterity, courage, physical activity, perseverance in achieving goals, friendliness and communication.

Teach the basics of folk games;

Develop motor activity;

To arouse children's interest in physical education and sports1. Plotless games

"Crows and Sparrows"

On lines 3 - 5 m from each other, the teams are located in ranks with their backs to each other. One team is the Ravens, the other is the Sparrows. At the “crow’s” signal, the team of the same name runs away, while the other team tries to catch up and “harass” the runners to a certain point. The team that defeats the most players on the other team wins.


There are two lines on both sides of the site. A group of children stands on each side of the playground beyond the line. In the middle between the two lines there is a child - a trap. After the words: “One, two, three – catch it!” - children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches them. The one who is touched by the trap is eliminated from the game. After 2 runs, the caught ones are counted and new traps are selected.


The guide runs around the counter, returns and, taking the partner’s hand, repeats the exercise. When they return, they take a third, and so on, until the whole team has run the distance. The first team to complete the movement wins.

"White bears"

Two drivers hold hands, and with their free hands they try to “stain” the children running around the playground. Those caught join the drivers, forming threes, fours, etc., and help the drivers. The game is played until all players are caught.

"On one leg"

Jumping on one leg, try to roll the ball around a table, chair or along a winding path with the other leg: go around the chairs, bowling pins or other objects placed in the room - one on the left, the other on the right. The ball must not touch these objects.


Children line up in two lines. Players stand on a line facing each other. At a signal, they, moving on one leg, hands behind their backs, try to push the opponent beyond the control line. The number of ejected ones is counted, and the team with the most wins wins.

"Jolly Run"

The teams stand in opposing columns with boys on one side and girls on the other (at a distance of the length of a volleyball court). Near the guide of the column there is a ball (rubber) and a gymnastic stick. On command, he squeezes the ball between his legs, takes a gymnastic stick in both hands and runs to the opposite column of girls. If one of the items is lost along the way, the player must stop, pick up the item in the same way and continue running. The relay ends when the columns of boys and girls exchange.

"Get on the trail"

Three pairs of footprints are drawn on the floor. Children are divided into teams. Each team has three pairs of tracks in front of them. It is necessary to accurately hit the trail when jumping. The team whose children are more accurate wins.


Two lines are drawn on the site between the start and finish at a distance of 12-15 m. The players are divided into two teams and are positioned with gymnastic sticks at the start. At a signal, they rush to the opposite line, measuring the distance with sticks (with each measurement they place the stick on the ground). The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first without breaking the rules. 2. Games - fun

"Tiger Hunt"

To play this game, you need a target - a plywood board, on which the head of a ferocious tiger is drawn, and in the mouth there is a carved round hole. You must have 5 rubber tennis balls. The task of the players is to hit the ball into the hole with 4-5 steps - the mouth. The one who makes the most accurate throws wins.

"Bring the fish"

Children are divided into two teams. At the starting line, two players are given two fishing rods 1 meter long. A plywood fish is placed at the end of each fishing rod. The fishing rods are held one in the right hand, the other in the left. Participants must carry and lower the “fish” into a lifebuoy, which is located on the starting line at a distance of 8-10 meters. The players begin to move simultaneously at the referee’s signal. Anyone who drops a “fish” must immediately put it on the fishing rods and move on. The team that gets the fish into the circle first wins.

"Turtle Traveler"

For this relay race, each team will need a plastic basin. The guide gets down on all fours, and the pelvis is placed on his back upside down. The result was a turtle. Now she must go all the way to the pin and back without losing her “shell” - the pelvis. When the player “crawls” to the start, the “house” is removed from him and placed on the back of another participant. The team that covers the proposed path the fastest wins.

"Collect the nuts"

Children are divided into teams. Each of them is given 5 hoops and 1 volleyball. The hoops are placed on the floor. Moreover, they may not lie in a straight line. The task of each “squirrel” is to carry the “nut” - a volleyball ball, jumping from “tree to tree” (from hoop to hoop), to the mark and back. Returning to his “hollow”, the player passes the “nut” to the next “squirrel”. The winner is the team that quickly and without losses transfers the “nuts”.

“I’ll knit a silk scarf”

Children are divided into teams. On two stands, between which a rope is stretched, 10-15 inflatable balls, painted to look like nesting dolls, hang on threads. Each player has a small handkerchief, which must be tied to the ball upon a signal. The team that knits scarves the fastest wins.


We divide the class into two teams. They play a relay race among themselves with balloons. You can only lead the ball to the finish line by hitting it on the floor, i.e. by dribbling. The winner is the team whose players all carry the ball to the finish line and back before their opponents. A team can have from five to ten people.

"Get through the bag"

Teams line up in a column along the front line of the volleyball court. On the offensive line, the teacher and his assistants hold bags without a bottom, the other edge of the bag is attached to a hoop. At the signal, players take turns crawling through the bag, running around the pins and returning back to the right side. Folk games (class students)

Russian folk game "Paints"

Participants in the game choose the owner and two buyers. The rest of the players are paints. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly names its owner. When all the paints have chosen a color and named it to the owner, he invites one of the buyers.

The buyer knocks:

Who's there?


Why did you come?

For paint.

For which?

For blue.

If there is no blue paint, the owner says: “Walk along the blue path, find blue boots.”

If the buyer guesses the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself.

A second buyer arrives and the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they come up one by one and sort out the paints. The buyer who collects the most colors wins.

Rules of the game: The buyer who guessed the most colors becomes the owner.

Russian folk game "The Herd"

The players choose a shepherd and a wolf, and everyone else chooses sheep. The wolf's house is in the forest, and the sheep have two houses at opposite ends of the site. The sheep loudly call the shepherd: Shepherd! Shepherd boy!

Play the horn!

Drive the herd into the field

Take a walk in freedom!

The shepherd drives the sheep out into the meadow, they walk, run, and jump. At the shepherd’s signal: “Wolf!” - all the sheep run into the house on the opposite side of the site. The shepherd stands in the way of the wolf and protects the sheep. Everyone caught by the wolf leaves the game.

Rules of the game: During the run, the sheep cannot return to the house from which they left. The shepherd only shields the sheep from the wolf, but does not stop him with his hands.

Tajik folk game "Mountain goat"

The players gather on the site. Two or three children are appointed hunters, and the rest are “mountain goats”. Children pretending to be “mountain goats” walk or run around the playground. At a signal, the hunters chase them and shoot (hit them with balls). The greasy “mountain goat” sits down on the bench. This means he is caught.

Rules of the game: Two hunters can throw a ball at one player at once.

Ukrainian folk game "Bread"

Everyone who wants to play, holding hands, stands in pairs (pair by pair) at some distance from the player who does not have a pair. It's called bread.

I'm baking some bread! (Bread boy screams)

Will you bake it? (The last couple asks)

Will you run away?

I'll take a look!

With these words, the two back players in opposite directions with the intention of joining and standing in front of the bread. And he tries to catch one of them before they have time to hold hands. If he succeeds, he and the caught one make a new pair, and the player left without a pair turns out to be the breadmaker.

Rules of the game: The last pair can run only after the end of the roll call.

Chechen folk game "Tower Game"

A square measuring 50x50 is drawn on the site. A line is drawn from the square at a distance of 1.5-2 m - this is the first half-cone, from the half-cone 6 more lines are drawn - half-cons with intervals of one step. A round stick 15-18 cm long and 5 cm in diameter is placed in the center of the square. A driver is selected from among the players, the others take turns starting the game from the stake, i.e. from the last mark, trying to knock the stick out of the square. If the player knocks out the stick, he runs for his bat, and the driver runs for the stick. If the driver manages to run up to the square earlier and say the word “Tower!”, he becomes the player, and the player becomes the driver.

If the player ran up to the square earlier and managed to say “Tower!”, he approaches the square by one half-kon, and the driver continues to drive. The game continues until one of the players reaches the first half-con, i.e., the first line from the square.

Rules of the game: A miss is considered a loss of a move.

Dagestan folk game “Get your hat”

Players are divided into two teams, up to 10 people in each. There are caps at a distance of 10-15 m. Players on both teams form pairs and move towards the hats, performing different movements. The first pairs move first, then the second, etc. For example, the first pairs move forward, jumping on one leg, the fourth - in a half-squat, etc.

Rules of the game: Only the pair that reaches first has the right to take the hat. The team with the most caps wins.

Buryat folk game "Wolf and Lambs"

They are chosen: one player is a wolf, another is a sheep, the rest are lambs. A wolf sits on the road along which a sheep with lambs is moving. The sheep is in front, followed by lambs in single file. They approach the wolf. The sheep asks: “What are you doing here?” “I’m waiting for you,” says the wolf. “Why are you waiting for us?” - “To eat you all!” With these words, he rushes at the lambs, and the “sheep” blocks them.

Rules of the game: Lambs stick to each other and to the sheep. The wolf can only catch the last lamb. The lambs must deftly turn to the side, following the movements of the ewe. The wolf should not push the sheep away.

Kazakh folk game “Equestrian competition”

Players in pairs (horse and rider) stand on the starting line so as not to interfere with each other. The first player - the horse - stretches his arms back - down, the second - the rider - takes his hands, and in this position the pairs run to the finish line. The rider who is the first to “jump up” to the finish line must jump and take out the scarf hanging on the rack.

Rules of the game: The competition begins only at the signal. The rider takes out the handkerchief. 4. Children's favorite games

"Dodge the Ball"

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 10-15 m. Players from one team stand behind these lines, players from the other team stand in the middle. The players in the middle try to dodge and prevent players from the other team from getting hit by the ball. The player who was hit by the ball is eliminated from the game. When all the players from the middle are knocked out, the teams change roles. The team that eliminates its opponents faster wins.

"Strong Throw"

Children are divided into teams. Teams stand in a line 20-30 m from each other. There is a basketball in the middle. Players throw small balls at a large one and try to roll it to the opponent’s side. The team that succeeds wins.


On the site we draw the outlines of the rocket in different parts. There should be several fewer of them playing. All children join hands. They walk in a circle with the words: “Fast rockets for walking around the planets are waiting for us. We’ll fly whichever one we want! But there is one secret in the game: there is no place for latecomers!” As soon as the last word is said, the children run away, trying to take an empty seat in the “rocket”. Latecomers gather in the center of the circle. We celebrate those children who have never been late for the “rocket”.

"The second odd one out"

Everyone who wants to play forms a circle. There are two people left on the outside of the circle: one is leading, the other is running away from him. When the driver catches up and “slaps” the running player, they change roles.

"Two Frosts"

The players are located on one side of the court, in the middle there are two drivers - two Frosts.” Frosts turn to the guys with the words: “We are two young brothers, two daring Frosts!” One of them, pointing to himself, says: “I am Frost - the blue nose.” Another: “I am Frost – the red nose.” And together: “Which of you will decide to set out on the path?” All the guys answer: “We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!” After these words, the children run to the other side of the playground. The drivers try to “grudge” those running across, the “greasy” ones remain in the place where Frost “frozen” them.

During the next dashes, the players can help out the “frozen” children by touching them with their hands. After several dashes, other Frosts are appointed. Those children who never got to Frost even once are noted, as well as the best pair of drivers.

"Big Ball"

To play you need a big ball. The players stand in a circle and join hands. The driver with the ball is in the middle of the circle. He tries to roll the ball out of the circle with his feet, and the one who passed the ball between his legs becomes the driver. But he stands behind the circle. The players turn their backs to the center. Now the driver needs to roll the ball into the circle. When the ball hits the circle, the players again turn to face each other, and the one who missed the ball stands in the middle. The game repeats itself. The players do not pick up the ball, they roll it with their feet.

"Flip Flops"

The players stand in a circle facing the center at a distance of one step from each other. The driver is selected. He goes to the center of the circle. Calls one of the children by name, throws the ball on the ground so that it bounces in the right direction. The player, whose name the driver called, catches the ball and hits it (slaps it with his palm). The number of hits is transferred to the driver, and the game continues until one of the players drops the ball. In this case, the game starts over. The one who dropped the ball takes the place of the driver. The player takes the place of the driver only if he has picked up the ball from the ground.

"Hide and Seek"

Children go to play in the park. The players decide where they can hide. We form two groups, one of which scatters and hides, and the other sets off in search of those hiding. Then the players change roles. It is necessary to agree on the time during which all players should be found. (For example, counting to 10).


At opposite ends of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located in one of them in a line. In the middle, facing the children, is the driver. The children say in chorus:

We can run fast

We love to jump and gallop

There's no way they'll catch us!

After finishing these words, everyone runs scattered across the site to another house. The driver tries to tarnish the defectors. One of the stained ones becomes the driver, and the game continues. At the end of the game, the best guys who were never caught are celebrated.


All players stand in a circle at a distance of at least two meters from each other. One of the players receives the ball and passes it to another, who passes it to the third, etc. in a circle. Gradually the transmission speed increases. Each player tries to catch the ball. The player who misses the ball is out of the game. The winner is the one who remains in the game last. Counting tables:

The peas were rolling on the dish,

You drive, but I won't.

The cuckoo walked past the net,

And behind her are small children,

The cuckoos are asked to drink,

Come out - you'll drive!

The bell calls everyone,

The bell sings to us

Ding-bom, ding-bom!

Get out of the circle!

The bees flew into the field,

They buzzed and buzzed.

The bees sat on the flowers.

We play - you drive!

Like in our hayloft

Two frogs spent the night.

In the morning we got up, ate cabbage soup,

And they told you to drive!

One two three four five, -

We want to play now.

Don’t say “yes” or “no” -

You still have to drive!


I went to the forest

I ate cones,

She told us.

And we are big shots

Let's give it to Tara-Mara!

The sun hid behind the mountain,

Bunny in the forest

And the bear is in the hole.

Who remained in sight -

I'm going to drive!

Get into the glass

cut the lemon

And get out!

(On fists)

The cuckoo was walking

Past the network

And behind her are small children.

Remove one fist!

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Russian folk games

Russian folk games are very diverse: children's games, Board games, round dance games for adults with folk songs, jokes, and dances. Games have long served as a means of self-knowledge; here people showed their best qualities: kindness, nobility, mutual assistance, self-sacrifice for the sake of others.

There is no need to prove that folk games have long been not just entertainment, but also training, education, psychological relief, and at festivals and festivities they were certainly included in the “cultural program.” Here, for example, are catch-up games: they develop dexterity, tune attention, and improve reaction speed. And special studies show that they also have a very beneficial effect on the formation of a culture of communication.

Which of the catch-up catches, besides the banal “tags” and “tags,” were popular in Rus'? Often these were those that were accompanied by proverbs, jokes, chants, and chants. It's amazing how resilient they turned out to be. Maybe because, despite all their unpretentiousness, they conceal some secret, incomprehensible to the mind, but dear to the soul? And that is why games that captivate each new generation have been preserved for centuries. Shall we remember them?

Eagle owl and birds

Before starting the game, children choose for themselves the names of those birds whose voice they can imitate. For example, a dove, a crow, a jackdaw, a sparrow, a tit, a goose, a duck, a crane, etc. The players choose an eagle owl. He goes to his nest, and those playing quietly, so that the eagle owl does not hear, figure out what kind of birds they will be in the game. Birds fly, scream, stop and crouch. Each player imitates the cry and movements of the bird he has chosen.
At the signal "Owl!" all birds try to quickly take a place in their home. If the eagle owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is. Only a correctly named bird becomes an eagle owl.
Rules of the game. Bird houses and the eagle owl's house should be located on a hill. Birds fly to the nest on a signal or as soon as the eagle owl catches one of them.


The game starts like this. The leader goes around the players and says to everyone:

They sent you a hundred rubles
Buy what you want,
Black, don't take white,
Don't say "yes" or "no"!
After that, he conducts a conversation with the participants in the game, asks various provocative questions so that someone in the conversation will utter one of the forbidden words: black, white, yes, no. The one who gets lost gives the driver a forfeit. On the field of play, each person who commits a penalty buys back his forfeit. No more than ten people play, all participants in the game have several forfeits. Children in the game listen carefully to questions and monitor their speech. The presenter conducts a conversation something like this:

- What is sold in the bakery? - Bread. - Which? - Soft. - Which bread do you like more: black or white? - Everyone. - What kind of flour are buns made from? - Made from wheat. Etc. When redeeming forfeits, the game participants come up with interesting tasks for the owner of the forfeit. Children sing songs, ask riddles, read poems, tell short funny stories, remember proverbs and sayings, and jump on one leg. Forfeits can be redeemed immediately after several people lose. Rules of the game. Players must answer questions quickly. The answer cannot be corrected. The presenter can carry on a conversation with two players at the same time. When redeeming the forfeit, the presenter does not show it to the game participants.


Participants in the game choose the owner and two buyers. The rest of the players are paint. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly names it to its owner. When all the paints have chosen a color and named it to the owner, he invites one of the buyers. The buyer knocks: Knock, knock!

- Who's there? - Buyer. - Why did you come? - For paint. - For what? - For blue. If there is no blue paint, the owner says: “Walk along the blue path, find blue boots, wear them and bring them back!” If the buyer guesses the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself. A second buyer arrives and the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they come up one by one and sort out the paints. The buyer who collects the most colors wins. If the buyer does not guess the color of the paint, the owner can give a more complex task, for example: “Race on one leg along the blue track.” Rules of the game. The buyer who guessed the most colors becomes the owner.


The players stand in pairs one after another. In front of everyone, at a distance of two steps, stands the driver - the burner. The players chant the words:

Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out. Stand by, look at the field, the trumpeters are riding there and eating the rolls. Look at the sky: The stars are shining, The cranes are shouting: - Gu, gu, I’ll run away. One, two, don't be a crow, but run like fire! After the last words, the children standing in the last pair run from both sides along the column. The burner tries to stain one of them. If the running players managed to take each other's hands before the burner stains one of them, then they stand in front of the first pair, and the burner is lit again. The game repeats itself. If the burner manages to stain one of those running in a pair, then he stands with him in front of the entire column, and the one who is left without a pair burns. Rules of the game. The burner should not look back. He catches up with fleeing players as soon as they run past him.


The players choose a leader - tag. Everyone runs around the site, and the tag catches them.

Rules of the game. The one whom the tag touches with his hand becomes the tag.


Tag, feet off the ground. The player can escape from tag if he stands on some object.

Bunny tag. A tag can only stain a running player, but as soon as the latter jumps on two legs, he is safe.

Tag with the house. Two circles are drawn along the edges of the site; these are houses. One of the players is a tag, he is catching up with the participants in the game. The hunted person can escape from being spotted in the house, since spotting is not allowed within the boundaries of the circle.

If the tag is touched by one of the players with his hand, that player becomes a tag.

Tags with name. Everyone playing, except for tag, chooses the names of flowers, birds, and animals. Fifteen does not stain the one who identified himself in time (for example, a fox).

Circle tag. The participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of one step. Everyone marks their place with a circle. Two drivers stand at some distance from each other, one of them is a tag, he is catching up with the second player. If the runner sees that the tag is catching up with him, he asks for help from the players standing still, calling one of them by name. The named player leaves his place and runs in a circle, the tag already catches up with him. The empty seat is occupied by the player who started the game. If there is time, a free circle can be taken by a tag, then the tag becomes the one who is left without a place. The game continues, the tag catches up with the player who left the circle.

Cat and mouse

The players (no more than five pairs) stand in two rows facing each other, hold hands, forming a small passage - a hole. There are cats in one row, mice in the other. The first pair starts the game: the cat catches the mouse, and the mouse runs around the players. At a dangerous moment, the mouse can hide in the corridor formed by the clasped hands of the players. As soon as the cat catches the mouse, the players stand in a row. The second pair starts the game. The game continues until the cats catch all the mice.

Rules of the game. The cat must not run into the hole. The cat and mice should not run far from the hole.

Ball up

The participants of the game stand in a circle, the driver goes to the middle of the circle and throws the ball with the words: “Ball up!” At this time, the players try to run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!” Everyone must stop, and the driver, without leaving his place, throws the ball at the one who is closest to him. The stained one becomes a driver. If he misses, he remains the driver again: he goes to the center of the circle, throws the ball up - the game continues.

Rules of the game. The driver throws the ball as high as possible. It is allowed to catch the ball from one bounce from the ground. If one of the players after the word: “Stop!” - continued to move, then he must take three steps towards the driver. Players, when running away from the driver, should not hide behind objects encountered along the way.


To play you need a small rubber ball and a lapta - a round stick (60 cm long, 3 cm thick handle, 5-10 cm wide base). Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 20 m. On one side of the site there is a city, and on the other there is a horse. The game participants are divided into two equal teams. By lot, the players of one team go to the city, and the other team leads. The city team starts the game. The thrower kicks the ball, runs across the court beyond the line and returns to the city again. The drivers catch the hit ball and try to stain the runner. They can throw the ball to each other to hit the runner at a closer distance. If the field players manage to stain the runner, they move to the city. Otherwise, the players remain where they are. The game continues, the second player scores the ball. In turn, everyone on the kicking team acts as a thrower. But players are not always able to immediately return to the city. In this case, they expect to be rescued. Only the one who hits the ball far can help out.

It often happens that the one who hit the ball could not immediately run over the line. He waits for the next player to score the ball - then two players run behind the line. A more difficult situation may arise when all but one of the players on the kicking team are behind the line, then the player who has not yet kicked is allowed to hit three times. If he misses, then the city players give up their place to the drivers.

Rules of the game. Serving workers must not cross city limits. Anyone who cannot score the ball with a rounder is allowed to throw it into the field with his hand. The city team moves into the field if all players have kicked the ball, but no one has crossed the line. Option.

Changes. A line is drawn at the site. Two of the players stand behind this line. One of them (the server) throws the ball, and the other hits it with a rounder. The remaining participants in the game, standing in different places, catch the ball on the fly. The one who manages to catch the ball on the fly goes to hit it, and the one who hit it earlier goes to the catchers. If no one catches the ball, then the player to whom it fell closest takes it and returns it to the server. If the server catches it on the fly, he begins to hit the ball, and the server becomes the one who successfully threw the ball to him. The one who hit before goes to the catchers.

Rules of the game. The one who serves does not have the right to run beyond his line when catching the ball thrown to him. If the server does not catch the ball returned to him on the fly, he takes it and starts serving again. At the beginning of the game, you can set the condition that the game is considered over if one of the players scores ten points, that is, hits the ball ten times without anyone catching it.


One of the players is the driver, he is called the lyapka. The driver runs after the participants in the game, tries to make someone look bad, saying: “You are wearing a blooper, give it to someone else!” The new driver catches up with the players and tries to pass the slip to one of them. This is how they play Kirov region. And in the Smolensk region, in this game, the driver catches the participants in the game and asks the caught one: “Who had it?” - “At my aunt’s.” - “What did you eat?” - “Dumplings.” - “Who did you give it to?” The person who is caught calls one of the game participants by name, and the named one becomes the driver.

Rules of the game. The driver should not chase the same player. Participants in the game carefully watch the change of drivers.

Trap in a circle

A large circle is drawn on the site. A stick is placed in the middle of the circle. The length of the stick should be significantly less than the diameter of the circle. The size of the circle is from 3 m or more, depending on the number of players. All participants in the game stand in a circle, one of them is a trap. He runs after the children and tries to catch someone. The caught player becomes a trap. Rules of the game. The trap should not jump over the stick during the game. This action can only be performed by game participants. It is prohibited to stand on a stick with your feet. The caught player has no right to escape from the hands of the trap.


Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:

Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined -
I went to get water.
With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game repeats itself.

Rules of the game. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses who should put the scarf on their shoulder.


Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The leader is in the center. The players walk in a circle and chant the words:

And Uncle Tryphon There were seven children, Seven sons. They did not drink, did not eat, They looked at each other. At once they did as I did! At the last words, everyone begins to repeat his gestures. The one who repeated the movements best becomes the leader. Rules of the game. When repeating the game, children standing in a circle go in the opposite direction.


The game begins with a roll call between the driver and the players:

- Ding, ding, ding! - Who's there? - Mail! - Where? - From the city... - What are they doing in the city? The driver can say that in the city they are dancing, singing, jumping, etc. All players must do what the driver said. And the one who performs the task poorly gives away a forfeit. The game ends as soon as the driver collects five forfeits. Players whose forfeits are from the driver must redeem them. The driver comes up with interesting tasks for them. Children read poems, tell funny stories, remember riddles, and imitate the movements of animals. Then a new driver is chosen and the game is repeated. Rules of the game. The participants in the game can come up with tasks themselves.


The players choose a kite and a hen, the rest choose chickens. The kite digs a hole, and the hen with her chicks walks around him and chants the words: I walk around the kite, I carry three pieces of money, a penny each, and an owl.

The kite continues to dig the ground, it walks around the hole, stands up, flaps its wings, and crouches. The mother hen with her chicks stops and asks the kite:

- Kite, kite, what are you doing? - I'm digging a hole. - What do you need a hole for? - I'm looking for a penny - What do you need a penny for? - I’ll buy a needle. - Why do you need a needle? - Sew a bag. Why a bag? - Put down pebbles. - Why do you need pebbles? - To throw at your children. - For what? - They're climbing into my garden! - You should make the fence higher. If you don’t know how, then catch them. The kite tries to catch the chickens, the hen protects them, chases the kite: “Shi, shi, villain!” The caught chicken leaves the game, and the kite continues to catch the next one. The game ends when several chickens are caught. Rules of the game. Chicks should hold each other tightly by the waist. Anyone who cannot stay in the chain must try to quickly get into his place. The hen, protecting the chickens from the kite, does not have the right to push it away with her hands.


A small circle is drawn on the site, and a wolf sits in the middle of it. The players, holding hands, stand in a large circle. Between the circle where the wolf sits and the round dance, the goslings stand in a small circle. Those playing in a round dance walk in a circle and ask the goslings, who also walk in a circle and answer questions:

- Geese, you are geese! - Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha! - You gray geese! - Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha! - Where have you been, geese? - Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha! - Who, the geese, did you see? - Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha! With the end of the last words, the wolf runs out of the circle and tries to catch the gosling. The geese scatter and hide behind those standing in the round dance. The wolf leads the caught gosling to the middle of the circle - to the lair. The geese stand in a circle and answer: We saw a wolf, The wolf carried away the gosling, The best one. The biggest one. This is followed by a roll call of the round dance and geese: - Oh, geese, you are geese! - Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ga! - Pinch the wolf, Help out the gosling! The geese flap their wings, run in circles shouting ha-ha, pestering the wolf. At this time, the caught goslings try to fly away from the circle, but the wolf does not let them in. The game ends when all the caught geese leave the wolf. The game is repeated, but those playing in a round dance become geese, and the geese stand in a round dance. The wolf is chosen. Rules of the game. Round dance of geese and goslings walk in a circle in different directions. Everyone should pronounce the text together. A caught gosling can leave the circle only when one of the players touches the wolf with his hand

Big ball

To play you need a big ball. The players stand in a circle and join hands. The driver with the ball is in the middle of the circle. He tries to roll the ball out of the circle with his feet, and the one who passed the ball between his legs becomes the driver. But he stands behind the circle. The players turn their backs to the center. Now the driver needs to roll the ball into the circle. When the ball hits the circle, the players again turn to face each other, and the one who missed the ball stands in the middle. The game is repeated.

Rules of the game. The players do not pick up the ball during the entire game; they roll it only with their feet.


The players stand in a circle around the rope. The driver moves inside the circle, trying to insult someone's palm while it touches the rope. To escape, those standing can pull this palm away from the rope or move it along the rope. The salted one replaces the driver.

Tops, spinners, spinning tops

Launch on the racket for a duration; launch and throw to the other side.


It is necessary to crawl under the arc standing on the ground so as not to fall and drop the arc.


Two people are playing. One player, hitting the ball, twists the rope onto the pole in one direction, and the other tries to twist it in the other - until the entire rope is wound, the one in which direction has more turns wins. You can play for a while.


The driver drives the ball with a stick, trying to roll it into the cauldron (the hole located in the middle of the circle), or occupy one of the holes around the cauldron with the end of his stick, although each is guarded by a player with a stick.


The kubar spins between the palms, it receives a rotational movement, which is usually supported by whipping the whip.


By placing the stick on a finger, palm, leg or other part of the body, they try to keep it in balance while they say the words: “Malechina-kalechina, how many hours until evening? One, two, three... ten"

The Dragon

The dragon is the target, whoever feeds the dragon 10 balls the fastest.


A game for boys and men. A metal rod 12-15 cm long, with a round or faceted head, must be thrown so as to stick into the center of the ring lying on the ground.

Jump rope

Develops coordination of movements. A simple rope helps craftsmen demonstrate ingenious and most unexpected jumps.



Game at the pillar. One of the players holds on to the pole, the rest stand behind him in a chain and try to unhook him from the pole.

Attraction "Giant Steps", 1901, Moscow

A forgotten, but seemingly resurgent yard attraction, which I did not find in my Leningrad childhood in the early 70s.X , but my parents remembered him very well.
All that is needed to set it up is a sensible disregard for the concept of safety, a pole, a rotating wheel on top and several ropes with a loop at the end or even without one.
Speed ​​up, sit in a loop or grab a good hold of the rope - and do those same “giant steps” and other figures.
mentioned in pre-revolutionary literature (often - as “pas de – zhean "), in the middle -Soviet, and even in modern , nostalgic sense. There are also memories L.N. Tolstoy’s daughter about her childhood in Yasnaya Polyana, and even a drawing of the device is given, and touching care is shown about the authenticity of the “giant steps” and not mixing them with similar amusements, as well as many photographs, incl. - American.

This fun has been known in Russia for hundreds of years; its predecessor may well be

maypole , brought by foreigners back in pre-Petrine times, but these are just my assumptions. Although, there are similarities

The photo shows the entertainment of a cadet of the Moscow 1st Cadet Corps - probably those about whom Vertinsky will bitterly and piercingly sing: “They showered them with Christmas trees, kneaded them with mud...”.

sources -

Russian folk winter outdoor games are distinguished by the fact that they use snow and ice as “equipment”. Winter games and fun are almost always a little wild. Perhaps because the Russian frosts encouraged you to move quickly and not stand still - otherwise you would freeze.
Traditional winter fun for children and teenagers was mountain skiing. Moreover, if these mountains were not built, then the guys themselves were sure to fill them. This became the first experience of working collectively for the common benefit. They rode down the mountains on sleds (more like urban entertainment), homemade wooden sleds and ice skates, and the naughty youth rode on real sleighs.
Another entertainment was snowball fights. The rules of the game are very simple - throw snow at your opponent and dodge it yourself. WITH modern options this winter fun, you can read in the article about.

"Snow Tower" - Russian folk winter game

You can play when there is loose, wet snow. A small (about 50-70 cm) turret is built from it. Children are divided into two groups - “defender” and “invaders”. The “defenders” stand near the fortress, and the “invaders” are 5-6 steps away from it, holding snowballs in their hands. The guys say in unison:

"Jack Frost
He brought the cold,
I did something strange on the road,
He built a snow tower.
Who stood in a circle -
Throw the snowball!”

After this, the “invaders” throw snowballs at the tower - one snowball each, trying to destroy it. "Defenders" can fight off snowballs. To do this, the “defenders” can be armed with cardboard or ice cubes. If the tower could not be destroyed, then the teams change roles. The team that destroys the tower wins.

“Storm of the Fortress” - Russian folk winter outdoor game

Before the start of the game, at some distance from each other. You can omit this preparatory part and simply draw two circles in the snow - they will be fortresses. Children are divided into equal teams and come up with names for their fortresses. Let us have Moscow and Kazan.
A “toss-up” is selected from each team. They measure the distance and draw a line in the middle between the fortresses. “Squads” are lined up along this line, each from the side of its “city.”
The drawers stand slightly to the side and cast lots - for example, tossing a coin, or saying “rock-paper-scissors”. Let the drawer of the Moscow “team” lose. Then he shouts: “One-two-three! Run to Moscow!” After this, the Moscow “squad” runs to their fortress, and the Kazan “squad” tries to catch and kill as many enemy players as possible. The Muscovite player is safe as soon as he is inside his fortress. Those players who were insulted go over to the opponent’s side and become members of the Kazan “squad”. Everyone returns to starting position, the lot is played again. If the drawer of the Kazan fortress loses, he shouts: “One-two-three! Run to Kazan!” After this, the Kazan “squad” runs away, and the Moscow army catches up. The game ends when all players are in the same “squad”.

“Frost” - Russian folk winter round dance game

This is a round dance game with elements of tag. Before the game, they choose the driver – “Frost” – with a rhyme. Children stand in a circle and hold hands. “Frost” stands in the center of the circle. They lead a round dance and say:

“Winter is coming,
She has a white braid.
Three aunts go with her -
White undershirts:
Blizzard, Blizzard and Blizzard.
Those aunts have a servant:
Feisty Uncle Frost,
Whoever gets caught freezes!”

After these words, the children run away, and “Frost” tries to insult them, “freeze them.” Anyone who has been affected by the frost should freeze in place with his arms out to the side. The rest of the players can “unfreeze” him by throwing a snowball at him (and, of course, hitting him). When all players except one are frozen, the game ends and the last, most agile player becomes the new “Frost”.
For younger children, you can simplify the rules. The one whom Frost caught up with first becomes the driver. And the game repeats from the beginning.

“Winter Cauldron” - Russian folk winter outdoor game

This game is Russian children's hockey. To begin with, all players acquired sticks - sticks bent at the ends. Today you can use children's plastic clubs for playing. A circle with a diameter of 4-5 meters is drawn in the snow. In the center of the large circle, draw a small circle with a diameter of about 70-80 centimeters. The small circle is the cauldron.
Before the game, the driver is chosen with a counting rhyme - the “watchman”. He stands inside a large circle. All other children are located around the perimeter of the large circle on the outside.
They play with a small piece of ice or compacted snow. Players try to throw the piece of ice so that it lands in the “cauldron”. The “watchman” fights off the ice and protects the “cauldron”. Players can throw a piece of ice to each other, choosing the right moment to throw. The one whose shot is successful takes the place of the “guard” and the game continues.
If you don’t have clubs, you can play the folk game “Winter Cauldron” with your feet.
It must be said that they played at any time of the year, but the rules were somewhat different - much more complex.

"Heel" - Russian folk winter game

This folk game of the Arkhangelsk province is similar to the game “Winter Cauldron”. A circle with a diameter of 2-3 meters is drawn on snow or ice. The driver stands inside the circle. He holds a small piece of ice in his hand. The rest of the children jump on one leg from the outside of the circle. You can't cross the line! The children say in chorus:

Against our yard
Mount Priukatana
Watered with water
Nailed with a shoe.
I'm jumping and jumping on the ice,
The heel fell off
The heel fell off
And left his mark!

After the last word of the song, the driver throws the ice heel outside the circle. The guys are trying to push the ice back into the circle. This must be done with your feet, without stopping jumping on one leg. For kids, you can simplify the rules and allow them to move on two legs. The driver beats off the ice with a stick. Moreover, he can carry the stick beyond the line of the circle, but not go out with his feet. If someone managed to drive a piece of ice into a circle, then he becomes the driver.

"Ice" - Russian folk winter outdoor game

Two circles are drawn - one inside the other - a large circle with a diameter of 5-6 meters and a small circle with a diameter of 0.5-0.7 meters. Instead of a small circle, it is even better to dig a shallow hole. 10-12 pieces of ice are placed in this hole. A leader is chosen. Its place is inside a large circle. He has no right to go beyond its limits. The remaining players are located outside the circle at the beginning of the game. The players' task is to knock out a piece of ice from a large circle. The driver tries to make fun of those children who run into the circle to knock out a piece of ice. The one who was insulted becomes the new driver (the game does not stop). They play until the last piece of ice is knocked out of the circle.

“Korovka” is a Russian folk winter outdoor game.

This game can be played on ice or on very well-packed snow. They choose a driver. The driver steps on a piece of ice called a “cow.” The players stand still, and the driver tries to hit the players with a piece of ice. When thrown, he says: “Buy a cow!” Players can jump over the ice, but do not have the right to run away. The one who was hit by a piece of ice is the new driver.

“King of the Ice Mountain” - Russian folk winter outdoor game

Very active, strong game. Mostly boys played it. A high snowdrift is selected. Everyone usually plays against everyone. The task of each player is to climb to the very top and not allow himself to be thrown off from there. In the game you can push, shove, fight, throwing (rolling) your opponents down. The one who lasts the longest is the King of the Ice Mountain. Sometimes, instead of a snowdrift mountain, they made a big ball out of snow, poured water on it, and played the next day. Climbing onto such a ball and then standing on it, even without being pushed or shoved, is a difficult task.

Winter is a time of many big holidays. Read about winter calendar games and fun.
Sculptures and structures made of snow and ice are also traditional Russian entertainment for children. Watch how to build a snow fort or paint a snowman.
Perhaps you will be interested not only in folk games, but also in modern ones.