Standard feature. Characteristics from the place of work to the employee: a sample of how to write a job description

A characteristic is an official document issued by an organization to an employee in various situations. While labor laws and labor relations does not require the employee to provide a reference, many organizations do not neglect this document if the employee submits a reference, for example, when applying for a job, and in some cases, organizations may apply with a formal request to the previous place of work to present the reference to the employee. Draws up a description, as a rule, the head structural unit in which the employee works (worked). When compiling a description, the head of the department must demonstrate an individual approach, show that he knows the employee well, objectively evaluates his business and personal qualities. Precisely because the characteristic must be objective, in some cases it may contain not very flattering assessments of the qualities of the employee. The main thing at the same time is to maintain restraint, correctness, not to allow expressions that are offensive to the employee and unfair assessments.

As a rule, the characteristic provides an assessment of the employee as a specialist, an assessment of his professional activity as an employee, business and personal qualities.

In the text of the characteristic, several parts can be conditionally distinguished:

1 - head part;

2 - personal data about the employee;

3 - data on the labor activity of the employee;

4 - assessment of the business and personal qualities of the employee;

5 is the final part.

■ In the first - header part indicate the title of the document (CHARACTERISTICS), position held by the employee (including the name of the organization), last name, first name, patronymic of the employee (in full), for example:

■ In the second part - personal data- indicate the surname, initials of the employee (the name and patronymic can no longer be completely repeated), year of birth, education (in this case, it is indicated which educational institutions, where and when the employee graduated), specialty (profession), academic degree and title (if any) ). As a rule, this part of the characteristic is drawn up as the first paragraph of the text, for example:

■ The third part contains a description employee's work activity. Usually, this part indicates from what year and in what position the employee began his labor activity in this organization (it is allowed to indicate in which organizations and in what positions the employee worked before joining this organization), it is indicated in which positions and in which departments the employee was transferred, that is, given brief information about him career growth. The same part contains a description of the results of the employee's labor activity: the most significant results of his work are listed (what work he supervised or took part in, what work he performed independently). It can also provide information on advanced training, obtaining additional education, second profession, retraining, etc., for example:

Sokolov M.V. has been working at Praktika LLC since January 2002. Initially, he held the position of an auditor in the audit department, and since 2004 he has been working as a senior auditor in the same department. Prior to joining Praktika LLC, Sokolov M.V. For two years, he worked at CJSC Znak Kachestva as an auditor's assistant. During his work at Praktika LLC, Sokolov M.V. As part of a group of specialists, he participated in audits of a number of companies, in particular, OJSC Nota, OJSC Investbank, etc. Currently, he is the head of a group providing consulting and auditing services to CJSC Rosta.

In 2005 Sokolov M.V. completed advanced training courses with honors Russian Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation.

■ The fourth part gives assessment of business (professional) and personal qualities of an employee. The indicators by which such an assessment is carried out can be very diverse. Special meaning in the characteristic it has an assessment of the professional competence of the employee, his business qualities, working capacity, psychological and ethical qualities.

Assessing the professional competence of an employee, one should pay attention to his experience, the level of his professional knowledge, knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal documents, erudition, the presence of interest in foreign experience, the ability to self-educate, knowledge of one's own rights and obligations, etc.

The business qualities of an employee are manifested in his ability to establish and maintain business relationship with colleagues, management, employees of other companies; in the ability to carry out managerial functions or conduct analytical work, engage in work planning, monitor the implementation of work, etc.

The performance of an employee is assessed by how active he is in the performance of assigned duties, by the ability to organize the labor process and perform work efficiently and on time, by behavior in difficult situations, by the ability to take responsibility for the results of work, for the effectiveness of decisions made or the results of work.

The personal qualities of an employee are manifested in his relationship with colleagues (goodwill, sociability), in the level of the general culture of the employee, his psychological qualities.

When evaluating the qualities of an employee, it is very important to correctly place the accents, to determine, if possible, the level of knowledge and skills of the employee. Naturally, in one case the level of knowledge, experience, skills can be assessed as "very good" or "high" (for example, It has great experience, It has high level knowledge, deep knowledge), otherwise as "sufficient" (for example, has sufficient experience, has sufficient knowledge), in the third case as “not very sufficient”, “small” (for example, not familiar enough with the questions..., lacks deep knowledge...), in the fourth case as “lack of knowledge, experience, skills, etc. (For example, has no experience in the field ..., does not have the skills ... and etc.).

In the same fourth part of the characteristic, information is provided on the forms of employee incentives, the rewards or penalties available to him (for example, according to the results of work in 2005 was awarded a valuable gift).

■ The final part of the characteristic indicates purpose of characterization (The characteristic is compiled for presentation in ...).

The text of the characteristic is stated from the 3rd person of the present or past tense ( graduated, worked, performs, has). The characteristic is drawn up on standard sheets A4 paper, signed, as a rule, by several persons, for example, the head (or deputy) of the organization and the head of the personnel service (or the head of the unit in which the employee works). The characteristic can be signed by one person - the head of the organization, in this case it is necessary that on the copy of the characteristic remaining in the organization there are visas of the head of the department in which the employee works and the head of the personnel service. Signatures are certified by the seal of the organization. The date of issue of the characteristics is affixed below, under the signatures on the left. The characteristic is drawn up in two copies: one for transfer (sending) to the destination, the second (copy) remains in the organization.

Characteristic- this is a document, a kind of review of a person as an employee or student, which contains an assessment of his personal, business qualities, social, labor activity. The characteristic is provided, as a rule, from the last place of work or study. It is prepared by the head of the structural unit, at the school for the student - the class teacher.

Characteristics samples

Characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office

A characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office is a document that is a socio-psychological assessment of the personality of a conscript. This characteristic issued for submission to the draft board in the military registration and enlistment office with educational institution or from the place of work of the conscript. How to write a characteristic to the military enlistment office A characteristic to the military registration and enlistment office is written in any form from the third person of the present or past tense. It contains the following information: name of the document; personal data of the conscript (name, ...

Characteristics per employee

A characteristic for an employee is a document that contains an assessment of the employee's business qualities and a description of his work activity. In some cases, it is also called a production characteristic. Characteristics for an employee may be required at the embassy to apply for a visa, when an employee is employed in another organization, etc., as well as in a medical institution, when he passes a medical and social examination, a medical and labor expert commission. How to write...

Characteristics per student

A characteristic for a student is a document that is an assessment of the social, psychological and other personal qualities, character traits of a student. The characteristic of the student is compiled for a new teacher in order to find individual approach to him and establishing work with him or for submission to another educational institution. If you need to write a testimonial for a student to the draft board, use the advice of the article How to write a testimonial to the military registration and enlistment office. How...

Characteristics from the place of residence

A characteristic from a place of residence is a document, a review of neighbors about a person, an assessment of his character, personal qualities. A characteristic from the place of residence can be issued for submission to an educational institution, when applying for a job, to the court, etc. How to write a characteristic from the place of residence A characteristic from neighbors is written in any form on a sheet of A4 paper. Characteristics from the place of residence usually contains the following information: name of the document; Name, date of birth, address and...

Characteristics from the place of work

A characteristic from the place of work is a document that contains an assessment of the professional activity of the employee, his business and personal qualities. A characteristic from the place of work is issued for submission to other organizations - to a bank for a loan, to a military registration and enlistment office, a court, a tax office, etc., or for use within a company - when an employee is transferred to another position, to another department, to determine his compliance with the position held, when imposing penalties or encouragement and ...

Characteristics of a student from the place of practice

The characteristic of the student from the place of practice is a document that contains an assessment of the professional knowledge and training of the student, his business and personal qualities during his industrial or undergraduate practice. The characteristic of the student is compiled by an employee of the personnel department or the head of the department of the organization in which the student had an internship and is provided to the educational institution. How to write a characteristic for a student The characteristic of a student from the place of practice is written ...

How to write a testimonial

How to draw up a characteristic, what data and information to indicate in it?
First comes the name of the document.
This is followed by text that includes the following information:
  • personal data of the person for whom the characteristic is issued (name, date of birth, education);
  • information about labor activity (place and period of work/study, positions held, functional duties);
  • assessment of professional activity (achievements in work/study, rewards, rewards or punishments that were applied during work/study);
  • assessment of personal, business qualities;
  • information about advanced training courses, additional education;
  • for what purposes and where the characteristic is issued;
  • signatures of authorized persons of the institution that issues it, seal;
  • Date of preparation.

Having a good reference increases the value of the applicant and increases the chances of a successful interview and hiring.

How to write a description of an employee is a question that interests every employer. The characteristic is business document, which describes the professional qualities of the employee and a summary of the essence of his professional duties. In the modern business world, characteristics have somewhat outlived their usefulness. First of all, because of its template. In their place are increasingly coming letters of recommendation.

The need for paperwork

Despite this, the essence of the characteristic and its purpose should be understood by every person of working age.

You should find out in what cases it is needed:

  • when changing positions or moving to another enterprise;
  • in the conditions of certification of workers;
  • when issuing a large loan;
  • in case of adoption;
  • in litigation;
  • when entering educational institutions.

The structure of the characteristics from the place of work

It is written in a free form, but in compliance with the structural parts.

Questionnaire. Here the personal data of the employee, the availability of education, academic degrees are indicated, educational institutions are listed.

The work activity of the employee. It indicates when and by whom the person worked, from what time and by whom he has been working in the current organization. It should be indicated whether the employee was transferred to other departments. This column indicates the labor "exploits" of the employee, what he did significant for the organization. You can characterize the personal qualities shown at work. In the case when the employee took courses, attended seminars, received additional professional education, it is required to designate in the document.

Information about the human qualities of the employee. This column indicates the professional qualities, knowledge, skills acquired by the employee during his stay in the labor institution. You can focus on the diligence of a person, his desire for personal and professional development.

Separately, you need to write about the communicative qualities of a person, his relationship with members of the team. Does the employee have authority among colleagues, how aggressive can he be, how does he resolve work conflicts. Emphasis should be placed on the psychological general level culture and education. The same section includes possible awards, thanks and encouragement to the employee.

Conclusion. In this column, the purpose and place of the requirement for the characteristic should be indicated. The document is signed by the head. The person who draws up the characteristic is responsible for the information contained in it. The authority to draw up the document belongs either to the inspector of the personnel department or to the head of the enterprise. One copy of the characteristic is taken by the employee, the other by the organization.

There are two types of characteristics: internal and external. Therefore, there are several ways to write a characteristic from the place of work.

An internal characteristic is compiled for use in the organization itself. It may be required in several cases:

  • for the implementation of collections;
  • for reward or gratitude;
  • in the event of a promotion.

External is compiled for sending to other structures and organizations. Before drawing up such a document, the employee is required to take permission, fixed on paper.



to the psychologist of the Emergency Hospital

Sokolova Anna Nikolaevna

Sokolova Anna, born in 1984. In 2006 she graduated with honors from the State Medical Institute. She joined the organization in April 2008.

During the period of work, she carried out psychodiagnostic, psychocorrectional, psychoeducational work with colleagues and patients. In my work I used modern technologies psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis, carried out advisory work on the assessment psychological state patients, carried out the necessary rehabilitation procedures.

Sokolov A.N. executive and conscientious worker. She complies with the norms of behavior adopted in the work team. Colleagues are friendly and polite. Behave in a friendly and courteous manner. In the event of a conflict, he behaves diplomatically, prefers to search for solutions that satisfy the interests of all parties. In the process of communicating with colleagues and patients, he shows attentiveness and tact. She is distinguished by diligence and high efficiency. In difficult times for the organization, Sokolova A.N. supports the work in every possible way, sometimes staying overtime. The main qualities that distinguish an employee: conscientious attitude to their work, the desire for self-improvement, increasing professional skills. Regularly attends various courses, seminars, trainings. There are no disciplinary actions.

Head physician N.Ya. Weinstein




on Pyotr Ivanovich Korotkov

bearing factory worker

the city of Tver

Petr Ivanovich has been a foreman for about 1.5 years. He joined the company in 2012. At the workplace, he behaves irresponsibly, negligently treats the performance of duties.

The work is done poorly, half-heartedly. In the work without initiative, requires guardianship and control. Korotkov P.I. he is slow, he remembers the instructions given to him badly.

Relations in the work team are conflicting, may show aggression. Warm, friendly relations are not maintained. Keeps aloof. Does not participate in corporate events.

It has disciplinary action for walks.

Differs in weak intellectual development, concrete thinking.

He was elected brigadier, but with official duties could not cope. Does not participate in the life of the plant. No awards or commendations.

Differs in regular violation of labor discipline, shows a tendency to an antisocial lifestyle.

Among the team and management does not enjoy authority.

The characteristic was issued for submission to vocational school No. 12 of the city of Tver.

Plant director (signature) V.P. Serafimko

How to write

  1. Degree of professionalism: experience, skills, knowledge of professional issues.
  2. Knowledge of professional responsibility.
  3. Knowledge of document management.
  4. Ownership modern methods and technologies.
  5. Ability to plan work, anticipate risks and prospects.
  6. Degree of performance.
  7. Attitude to work.
  8. Discipline and responsibility.
  9. Ability to support initiatives.
  10. The opportunity to spend personal time on troubleshooting.
  11. Punctuality.
  12. Organization, initiative, independence in the execution of instructions.
  13. Persistence.
  14. Modesty.
  15. Communicative qualities.
  16. Ability to resolve conflicts.
  17. Relationships in the team.
  18. Objectivity, exactingness.

The information provided in the reference is extremely important for the applicant, because it gives the employer an idea of ​​the competitiveness of a person, his personal and professional qualities.

How to write a characterization for an employee

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During his life, a person is faced with various evaluation situations. Most often, his personality is subject to a comprehensive study in cases of employment, dismissal, transfer, admission to educational institutions, and so on. In such cases, a characteristic is compiled - a description of the business and personal qualities of a person. How to properly compose Samples and examples of such documents - in the article.

Structural elements characteristics

In order to have a general idea of ​​​​how it is compiled from the place of work, a sample of it should lie on the table of each representative of the personnel department or manager. The main data that describes the characteristic from work are:

  • work success, professional knowledge and skills, rewards or penalties;
  • social characteristics of a person;
  • business and moral qualities of the employee.

In general, you can use the general structure, which must correspond to the characteristic for an employee from the place of work. The sample (or schema) looks like this:

  • name of the organization, date of compilation, outgoing document number (if the characteristic is not drawn up on letterhead);
  • FULL NAME. employee, date of birth, position;
  • education and stages of the employee's professional activity;
  • all kinds of rewards, punishments;
  • qualifications, compliance with the position;
  • personal qualities of the employee;
  • the purpose or direction where the characteristic is being prepared;
  • signature of the person responsible for compiling the characteristics of the person and the head, round seal.

It must be remembered that there are several potential structures that may be requested characteristics from the workplace. It is better to prepare forms, samples of such a document in several versions, depending on the intended request - for law enforcement agencies, for an educational institution, for banking structures, for dismissal, etc.

Worker skill level

On the qualifications of an employee, assessment of his professional suitability in a characterizing document, it is necessary to describe:

  • all levels of education (indicating the specialty and period of study);
  • training;
  • self-education, participation in trainings, training programs;
  • publications and participation in scientific conferences;
  • promotions and functional responsibilities;
  • introduction of the new in the workplace.

Business qualities

Business qualities are personality characteristics that help to successfully cope with labor activity. They also need to be taken into account when a characteristic is drawn up for an employee from the place of work. A sample document may include the following items:

  • responsibility;
  • punctuality;
  • initiative;
  • interest;
  • result orientation;
  • purposefulness;
  • willingness to take risks;
  • desire to improve their skills;
  • organizational skills;
  • level of self-organization;
  • motivation.

Employee social data

Social information is data that is not directly related to the work process, but one way or another can affect the performance of labor functions by a person. For example, the presence of children in a woman can affect her periodic absence due to their illnesses, the length of vacation or social benefits. Depending on the purpose, such data is often included in the preparation of a job profile.

The sample in such cases should include data on the possible disability of the employee and related contraindications, marital status and the presence of minor children, the presence of disabled close relatives and guardianship of them, the financial situation and the availability of additional jobs, etc.

Psychological characteristics of the employee

In the sample and example of writing a characteristic from the place of work, you can include individual psychological data about the employee. This will allow you to get a more complete picture of the person. Such data includes:

  • value orientations and moral qualities;
  • leadership inclinations;
  • features of thinking;
  • neuropsychic regulation (balance, resistance to external stimuli, endurance or stress resistance);
  • the nature of communication with people (sociability, tact, goodwill, ability to work in a team);
  • way of dealing with conflict situations.

Characteristics from the place of work: examples and sample

Such a sample, in addition to standard data, should indicate the following facts:

  • the educational influence of the teacher on the younger generation, the use of innovative methods in work;
  • the educational success of the students entrusted to him, which show the effectiveness of the teacher's work;
  • psychological characteristics of a person that affect the development of his students;
  • the ability to find contact with parents, to convince;
  • the presence of expressed organizational skills, creativity to work;
  • extracurricular activities;
  • ability to work with documentation;
  • transfer of pedagogical experience;
  • own example for the next generation.

These data will help to understand how humane the teacher is in relation to children, modern in his teaching activities, and whether he can be entrusted with the leadership of the educational process as a whole.