Average consumption of wallpaper glue per square meter. Wallpaper glue and its consumption Consumption of wallpaper glue per 1 m2 of wall

Calculating the amount of wallpaper glue for the world's most common brands - Metylan, Exlusive, Quelyd, Kleo, Pufas, or Moment is not difficult. On the packaging, in addition to instructions for preparation and information for what type of wallpaper this or that adhesive composition is intended, it contains information about how many rolls can be pasted with a given volume, what amount of solution will be obtained if the contents of the package are diluted, and what area in m 2 can be paste over with this volume. Therefore, it is very easy to decide how many packs of wallpaper glue you will need during the renovation.

Certain discrepancies between the data indicated on the packaging and the actual consumption may occur in several cases. We will talk about them in this article.

Why does consumption depend?

The consumption of wallpaper glue may differ from the tabular data given by the manufacturer on the packaging in the following cases:

  • using glue that does not match the type of wallpaper;
  • applying wallpaper to the wall and canvas, if the technology requires applying glue to only one of the specified surfaces (for fiberglass and non-woven);
  • loose, uneven, porous, unprepared wall surface;
  • application to a previously unprimed wall (critical for heavy and non-woven wallpaper);
  • excessive application to the wall and canvas due to the use of an inappropriate tool - a long-haired roller or a large brush.

How to avoid overspending

In the tabular data on the packaging, the manufacturer indicates the approximate surface area of ​​the walls or the number of rolls, for gluing which one package of this wallpaper adhesive composition will be enough.

The “reference” data obtained during test tests of each batch are presented. You should never focus on the consumption of the amount of dry glue substance per 1 m2 by measuring it from a pack with spoons and weighing it on scales.

The manufacturer uses wall surfaces prepared in accordance with national standard and SNiPs, which are almost always ignored by those who carry out work in apartments and those who carry out repairs with their own hands.

Therefore, there is no need to complain about the unreliability of the data provided. If you don’t have enough glue or there is a lot of it left after finishing the work, look for the reason in a violation of the technology for preparing the walls, in the tool used, or in the fact that the composition does not match the type of wallpaper (especially heavy or non-woven).

The most effective method To avoid overspending is to prepare the walls.

In addition to removing old wallpaper and obligatory filling with finishing putty, the wall must be primed before pasting.

For priming, you can successfully use the same adhesive composition that you plan to use for wallpaper, only diluted in a 1:2 ratio with water. But this should be done if there is no special acrylic primer available.

It is: firstly, cheaper, and secondly, its composition has much higher waterproofing properties. Much less moisture is absorbed into putty or plaster. After such preparation, non-woven wallpaper can be removed from the wall during repairs very easily.

How to calculate quantity

To ensure that overuse of wallpaper glue does not become an unexpected surprise for you, make sure that the composition you purchase matches the type of wallpaper (paper, non-woven, vinyl, etc.). If you use the so-called “universal” or “for all types of wallpaper”, be prepared for the fact that the discrepancy between the tabular data (m2) on the packaging and the actual consumption can be up to 20%.

This is due to the fact that such adhesive solutions are prepared from the same composition, but using various quantities water. The greater the dilution, the lighter the type you can glue.

Therefore, one pack can be enough for 5-7 strips (530 mm x 2500 mm) of heavy “foamed” vinyl, 7-10 of non-woven ones, or 15-20 strips of the same size of light single-layer paper.

Usually the area occupied by windows and doors is neglected because standard houses they occupy 7-12% of the wall area. Such an error does not matter if you are making repairs in small apartment or a separate room.

But, if the renovation area is 100 m2 or more, and the room has “French” windows, attachments, stained glass windows, built-in furniture that cannot be dismantled during renovation, then their area, of course, should be subtracted from the surface area of ​​the walls.

In custody

When purchasing glue, you need to remember: calculate how much of one or another building material required, with an accuracy of less than 10%, not a single construction or finishing specialist will undertake. Buy so many packs of glue so that its actual quantity exceeds the need with just such a reserve.

It is known that there are several types of wallpaper, and each of them has its own specific paste. If you want your efforts to decorate the walls not to be in vain, you must follow the rules for selecting and combining materials, as well as the rules for calculating the required quantity of each of them.


Wallpapering requires priming the walls; this unique ritual will help the wallpaper stick firmly to the wall. For priming, you can use a special primer or regular branded wallpaper glue, which is marked “for priming.”

To simplify the choice, you can use the same wallpaper glue for pre-treatment of walls as for gluing, then its packaging should indicate “for priming walls before gluing.” It is also necessary to take into account that different types of wallpaper require different amounts of glue for priming and gluing.

Calculation and application

Calculation of the amount of glue is done in two directions: for priming and for gluing walls. Each manufacturer supplies packaging with the composition detailed instructions about the method of its preparation, use and calculation, but there are some basic indicators. Yes, for ordinary paper wallpaper you will need from 70 to 80 grams of the finished composition per 1 square meter area for priming, and from 42 to 48 for gluing.

For vinyl wallpaper: from 70 to 80 grams of the finished composition per 1 square meter of area for priming, and from 28 to 34 for gluing.

Textile and texture wallpaper heavier, and therefore the glue for working with them must be special, its consumption will increase. For primer you will need about 90 grams, and for gluing from 32 to 38. Please note when choosing that these special compounds usually have the prefixes “Super” or “Premium” in the name.

Popular non-woven wallpaper is also glued with a special glue, and if you choose wallpaper on a smooth basis, you will have to spend from 30 to 32 grams of the composition per square meter, but if not embossed - from 25 to 30. For the primer you need to take a paste in the amount of 70 grams per square.

Fiberglass wallpaper has good adhesiveness, and therefore to prime the walls under it you need a smaller amount of mixture; it is enough to apply 50 grams per square, and for gluing use 25-30 grams. Please also note that the glue is very “tenacious”, so it is often used to work with heavy coatings (vinyl, non-woven fabric), using the same calculation scheme as for glass wallpaper. When applying more composition, lumps and wet bubbles often form, so in this case, saving is not only reasonable, but also necessary.


You should not take concentrated adhesives with a reserve; they usually contain an additive that has the ability to “corrode” a thin layer of material in order to ensure high degree adhesion. Therefore, for priming, concentrates must be diluted based on the basic calculation of 90 grams per square, and for gluing - 15-25 grams, no more.

Professionals recommend finding out the area of ​​the room being repaired before hanging wallpaper yourself. Besides, Special attention You should pay attention to studying the packaging of the glue. On the back of the boxes or bags it will be indicated what type of wallpaper this glue corresponds to, and how much glue you will need to use.

In order for the repair to go quickly and without unnecessary problems, you need to calculate many parameters in advance. Wallpaper for walls is no exception. As a rule, we are interested in such parameters as the size of the wallpaper.

By the way, you can read more about all this in the articles “”, as well as “”. However, in addition to all this data, we need to take into account some other characteristics, one of which is the consumption of wallpaper glue per 1m2.

This is important to know, including for the reason that, having as accurate an idea as possible about how large the consumption of wallpaper glue will be per 1 m2 (by the way, not only it, but also all other finishing and Supplies), will help you avoid some mistakes. As a result, you will be able to avoid the unnecessary loss of time needed to correct them. So, let's take a closer look at the main points that affect how much glue is needed for the job.

Types of wallpaper

Not everyone knows, but in fact this is so: the rate of consumption of the adhesive composition largely depends on what material the wallpaper that is to be glued is made of. In addition to, strictly speaking, the types of materials, one should also take into account such a thing as the thickness of the canvases themselves. The fact is that it often happens that for a stronger installation you may need to use a larger amount of wallpaper adhesive. This, in turn, will affect its increased average consumption. To put it quite simply and clearly, there are 2 main, fairly large groups of wallpaper, the classification of which is made depending on the weight of the canvases themselves. So, the wallpaper can be:

  1. Light. This group includes, first of all, single-layer paper wallpaper, also widely known under the name “simplex” (you can learn more about their features and characteristics in the article “”). It is generally accepted that the consumption of wallpaper glue for such light coatings is quite small and does not exceed 1 g. per 1 square meter of wallpaper. In addition, it must be said that almost any adhesive composition, including a universal adhesive composition, is suitable for paper simplex.
  2. At the same time, vinyl, non-woven and other thick and massive wallpapers, which are usually classified as “heavy”, are very popular. Of course, for them it is necessary, as a rule, to select specialized types of glue, the consumption of which per 1 meter2 will, accordingly, also increase.

What you need to know about preparation

As a rule, in most cases it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the surface before you proceed to wallpapering. One of the preparation stages before gluing is applying an additional layer of primer. Surely not everyone knows, but it is quite acceptable to use the same glue as a primer, which then, a little later, will be used when gluing wallpaper. The only difference is that its consistency is much more liquid compared to what will be used in the gluing process.

In any case, the consumption of wallpaper glue per 1 m2 in such cases will not increase much. When making calculations, it will be enough to add an additional 7-8 grams. glue solution.

We take into account the type of working surface

Yes, that’s true: the consumption of wallpaper glue is largely influenced by what kind of wall material you are going to glue on top. So, for wood and other materials derived from it, relatively little glue is required. At the same time, for harder materials, such as stone, hard plastic, concrete and the like, the average consumption adhesive compositions may grow. Therefore, this should also be kept in mind.

What's the best way to count?

Consumption table various types and wallpaper glue. Some popular ones are presented trade marks. Click to enlarge:

It must be said that the principle of counting itself is not so confusing. Therefore, if you are interested in how much glue is needed per 1 m2, you can write down brief instructions:

  1. To begin with, measure the length and height of the walls of the room, and then calculate the area that will need to be glued.
  2. In addition, do not forget to subtract the area occupied by doors, windows and other similar obstacles that you will not have to glue on top of.
  3. Consider whether you will need additional treatment of the wall surface and covering it with primer.
  4. After this, carefully study the instructions that are included on the glue packaging or indicated directly on it. As a rule, it indicates, in one form or another, consumption rates, based on their recalculation per 1 m2. On the other hand, sometimes it is indicated how many square meters of wallpaper your package will be enough for. In any case, based on these data, as well as knowing the area that will need to be glued, you can calculate how much wallpaper glue you may need.

Attention! In some cases, you will have to take into account the fact that among the surfaces to be pasted there is also a ceiling.

In any case, I would like to note that if you buy glue with a slight excess, it will become the right decision. On the other hand, stock up a huge amount powder is also not worth it, since it has a certain shelf life, after which you simply will not need it.

If we talk about which wallpaper glue is the most economical, it should be noted that liquid formulations are optimal in this regard. On the other hand, such adhesives are quite expensive. Therefore, the increased price may offset all the benefits of low consumption, and you are unlikely to save money.

Pour cool water into a clean bucket, see our table below for the amount of water. Start stirring the water quickly and pour out the contents of the package at the same time. Wait 3-5 minutes and then stir a second time. The glue is ready.

Table: wallpaper glue consumption per 1m2 for different types of wallpaper

Types of wallpaper glue, their characteristics and properties

How to choose wallpaper glue

When choosing wallpaper glue, you must proceed from the information about the wallpaper itself, which is written on the label for it. The consumption of wallpaper glue per 1m2 is always written on the packaging (see photo). You can refer to our table.

In the production of wallpaper glue, there are several types of adhesives, these are:

  • wallpaper adhesive for paper based: light single-layer, duplex (embossed and smooth), corrugated, ceiling, washable; heavy wallpaper (coarse fiber), structural, foam wallpaper.
  • Adhesive for vinyl wallpaper. As part of the adhesive for vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, methylcellulose is added to the main components (starch and antifungal additives) (find out how long it takes non-woven wallpaper to dry);
  • Universal adhesive intended for different types wallpaper The universal glue is based on modified starch and components that prevent the appearance of fungus.
  • In addition to special-purpose adhesives, a universal adhesive is also produced. This glue can be used for wallpaper of any type. It contains esters of modified starch and antifungal substances.

What does wallpaper glue consist of?

If the wallpaper is ordinary paper and the room is dry, then the simplest glue consisting of starch essence (methylcellulose) and a small amount of antiseptics up to 2-3% will do. But all other types of wallpaper, as well as high room humidity, require more specialized types of glue.

Besides, special types glue will be required when wallpapering in difficult conditions, for example, in cold rooms where dampness and draft are constantly present. If necessary, cover large areas and carry out complex work under the ceiling, you may also need special types of wallpaper glue. Vinyl, non-woven, fabric or metallized wallpaper require a higher content of PVC and PVA emulsions - up to 50%. The packaging of such glue may indicate that this glue is used for fiberglass.

Correspondence of adhesive to the type of wallpaper and surface to be pasted

The more PVA emulsion in the wallpaper glue, the faster and better this glue will work. Heavy vinyl or fabric wallpaper, as well as areas of pasting on the ceiling, are best glued with this glue, since it is necessary high level adhesion. The same goes for the surface. For example, when gluing directly onto concrete, you need glue with a high PVA content.

In addition, if the walls and ceiling are made of plywood, fiberboard or boards, then glue with high content antiseptics, the quantity and composition of which must be indicated on the packaging. The same goes for rooms with high humidity.

Optimal glue consumption

The glue consumption depends on the degree of wetness of the surface to be glued. If you need to paste over wooden walls or fiberboard, then glue consumption will be minimal, since the glue will quickly penetrate into upper layer material and wallpaper stick immediately. But if the surface does not absorb, for example, stone, concrete, plaster, or when it is not smooth and rough, then the glue consumption increases. It needs to be placed more on the wallpaper; it is possible that the walls will have to be primed with the same glue before pasting.

Therefore, the glue consumption indicated on the packaging is very arbitrary. Calculate the glue as indicated on the package and add 10%. If you use a dry mixture that needs to be dissolved in water, then nothing bad will happen if you have a small additional amount of glue in stock.

If the surface is capricious and rough, or you are gluing wallpaper to the ceiling, then this reserve will be used to give the paste a thicker consistency, which will make the work much easier and make the wallpaper lie down the first time. How larger area pasting, the more profitable it is to buy glue.

But! Glue should not be purchased for future use, since it has a shelf life, and you cannot store an open package of even a dry mixture for a long time. Therefore, you should not buy a large package in anticipation of the distant future if the obvious consumption of the mixture for the upcoming pasting is much less.

The most accurate wallpaper glue is ready-made, liquid. It applies better to the surface, lays smoother, and there are no lumps. The only disadvantages of liquid wallpaper glue are its undesirability long-term storage open container and its price. But if you have expensive, heavy wallpaper and you are going to stick it on concrete or putty in a room with high humidity, then you need a good, ready-made liquid glue, preferably labeled “for fiberglass.”

Why glue it tightly?

If many people think that tightly glued wallpaper is very good result, then this is not always true. After 5-7 years, any wallpaper needs to be replaced, so a really good result is when the wallpaper stays tight for the same 5-7 years, does not peel off or peel off, but is easily removed during the next renovation.

It is important to know, that the technology of application and consumption of wallpaper glue of the “Universal” brand will differ depending on the wallpaper to which it is applied. All adhesives, regardless of components, are diluted with water in strict accordance with the instructions supplied with it and the number of rolls of wallpaper (see table). Read our article on how to hang wallpaper with your own hands.

Video: choosing wallpaper glue

For gluing non-woven wallpaper, you can use modern universal compositions, but each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. That is why before purchasing glue it is worth considering the features of different types of glue. It is best to use wallpaper adhesive that is designed for a specific type of wallpaper.

Types of glue for non-woven wallpaper

It is worth noting that wallpaper glue should be colorless, as dyes can appear on the material and ruin it. appearance finishing material. Since the glue consumption for non-woven wallpaper will be less than for paper wallpaper, you can choose expensive compositions.

Common compositions include:

  1. Metylan Non-woven fabric. Such compositions were created for non-woven wallpaper and are the most popular.
  2. KLEO. These adhesives are also popular and come in several varieties.
  3. Quelyd. This adhesive is different in that, if desired, the material can be easily removed from the wall if it is damaged or in a situation where you need to change the decoration of the room.
  4. Moment. This glue is used for gluing all types of non-woven wallpaper, so it is impossible to say for which products it is better suited.

Having considered the characteristics of the presented compositions, you can determine which products are worth purchasing in a particular case.

Metylan Non-woven

This glue can be called universal, as it is suitable for various types described finishing material. In addition to the standard component “methylcellulose”, polymer elements are added to the composition, which increase the adhesion of the adhesive. Thanks to this, the finishing material can be glued to various surfaces:

  • lime and concrete surfaces;
  • drywall;
  • traffic jam

It is worth remembering that when finishing walls you need to carefully repair cracks and surface unevenness. It is necessary to get rid of differences, as bubbles may appear in these places. It is also worth taking care of removing grease stains from the surface of the walls.

When preparing the solution, you must strictly follow the instructions described on the package.


Compositions under this name are well suited for working with heavy non-woven wallpaper. Before carrying out work it is necessary to carry out standard surface preparation. Typically, professionals prefer to use this glue. This is due to the fact that after gluing the canvases are securely fixed to the surface and do not peel off even under unfavorable conditions.

The advantages of such compositions:

  • low cost;
  • no lumps are formed during stirring;
  • cooking takes place within 5 minutes;
  • easy to apply to the surface;
  • contains components that prevent the appearance of fungus;
  • can be stored after preparation for 10 days.

Quelyd glue

It is worth noting that modified starch is used as the basis for this glue, so in terms of adhesion it is worse than other popular compounds. The advantage of this glue is that it has antifungal components. To securely fasten the material sheets, before applying this glue, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface of the walls. The choice of surface preparation actions depends on the type of finish available:

  • if the wall is painted, it is necessary to treat it with plaster and then wash it with soapy water;
  • if there is old finishing material on the walls, you need to carefully remove it and then prime the surface;
  • If the wall is finished with plasterboard or wood, you need to prime it in 2 layers.

If all steps are performed carefully, there should be no problems with gluing non-woven wallpaper with the described glue. Distinctive feature glue is its sliding ability. Thanks to this, it is quite easy to join the canvases after they have been pressed against the wall.

Glue Moment

Such compositions are practically no different from more popular mixtures and hold the canvases quite firmly on the wall. But in order for the material to be well fixed to the surface, you need to carefully prepare it before work.

The glue glides well, so the canvases fit together quite easily. The composition contains components that protect the surface from the appearance of fungus and mold. The glue is prepared within 15 minutes and can be stored in a sealed container for a week.

To find out which glue is more profitable to purchase, you should find out about the amount of mixture used for finishing the rooms.

Glue consumption

Despite the fact that for gluing non-woven wallpaper you need a smaller amount of adhesive, it is worth considering many factors that influence the amount of composition consumed. On many packs of glue it is written that the purchased amount of powder can be used to glue 7, 15 or 30 rolls of finishing material. But when purchasing, you should not rely only on this figure. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer is silent about the condition of the walls, the width of the canvas and the length in one roll.

That is why glue consumption may differ significantly from the figure presented on the packaging. Despite this, you can calculate the approximate amount of glue quite simply by considering several factors that influence its consumption.

Typically, glue is sold in packages of 250 grams, which is enough for about 25 meters of surface. But this is only true if the walls are perfectly smooth and prepared for pasting. The increase in consumption depends on the following factors:

  1. Putty walls. Before gluing, it is necessary to prepare the surface and prime it.
  2. Uneven walls. The more irregularities on the surface, the greater the glue consumption will be.
  3. Lightweight finishing materials. Heavy ones absorb less glue than light ones, so this factor is worth taking into account.

Based on these data, a room with an area of ​​approximately 12 meters, the ceiling height of which is 2 and a half meters, will require about 400 grams of glue. To accurately calculate glue consumption, you can paste small room, and then buy additional adhesive. Based on the calculations made, it will be possible to understand which composition is more profitable to purchase.

How to choose glue

There are many adhesives that are suitable for non-woven wallpaper. The most commonly used mixtures are those containing polymers. This allows you to protect the wall from the appearance of fungus and mold. The glue is also able to withstand heavy weights.

All compositions are divided into universal and special. The first ones are intended for all types of wallpaper, and the special ones are used for products with vinyl covering. Also on the packaging you can see a mention that the adhesive is intended for light or heavy wallpaper.

When choosing an adhesive, you should be based on the following characteristics:

  • wallpaper material and its weight;
  • indoor air humidity and temperature;
  • the material of the surface on which the finishing material will be fixed.

For vinyl, you need to purchase a special glue that is designed for that type finishing materials. If you use universal compounds, bubbles may form under the wallpaper. If universal glue is used, it is worth diluting a more concentrated solution.

When choosing an adhesive, you should pay attention to the manufacturer’s recommendations; the packaging should contain information about what surfaces the selected composition is suitable for. It is worth noting that for vinyl wallpaper you should not use cheap mixtures that are intended for paper finishing materials. If you save on the adhesive composition, after a while after the repair, the canvas may begin to peel off at the edges.

To find out which glue is better, just read the composition information indicated on the packaging. In most cases, you can use it to find out about the preparation time and what types of wallpaper the mixture is suitable for.