We compare air disinfection technologies in medical organizations. Modern methods of indoor air disinfection Which air disinfectant to choose for your home

In megacities, air problems consist not only of harmful emissions from cars and factories, but also of pathogenic microbes. In places where there are large crowds of people, everyone can be a carrier. Therefore, in order to purify the air from airborne viruses, they were invented Appliances and industrial installations. We will talk about the first, relatively small devices, capable of air disinfection.

Who should think about air disinfection first?

Today, the scope of application of air disinfection devices has expanded from medical institutions to almost any premises where it is desirable to minimize the number of harmful microorganisms in the air. Thus, air disinfection devices are relevant for:

  1. Families with children

    Any parents want to protect their child from diseases, and if there are often guests at home, they can bring influenza and other ARVI viruses with them. And parents themselves, returning from work, can unknowingly become a source of infection. In order for the baby to get sick less, bacteria should be removed from the air, and therefore household equipment for air disinfection is gaining popularity among young parents today.

  2. Business

    In rooms where there are a lot of people (fitness clubs, beauty salons, offices, child care facilities), the number of disease-carrying microbes can be greatly increased. Responsible companies that care about their employees and visiting clients consider it their duty to prevent them from becoming infected with ARVI and various viruses using air disinfection devices and other methods of disinfecting places with large crowds of people.

  3. Medical institutions and catering establishments

    In such rooms, air disinfection is especially important, since pathogenic bacteria in the air can settle on food and medical devices and, as a result, receive another way to enter the human body.

    Therefore, an air disinfectant in one form or another is usually present in medical institutions and in the kitchens of canteens, cafes and restaurants.

By the way
For animals, air purification is no less important, since many diseases among them are transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, veterinary clinics, farms and pet hotels also use different methods of air sterilization.

Equipment for indoor air disinfection

Standard methods of disinfecting indoor air and surfaces usually involve chemical exposure (bleach, special solutions) or the use of traditional means (strong salt solution, tea tree oil, etc.). But, in addition to this, there are special irradiators and other devices for air disinfection. They are easy to use and are increasingly being purchased for the premises mentioned above, although some types of such equipment have their drawbacks.

Salt lamp. A simple device consisting of a block of salt and an incandescent lamp inside. The air in the room where such a lamp is used is filled with negatively charged ions, which neutralizes the effects of electrical appliances that emit positively charged ions into the atmosphere. In addition, a salt lamp, although not completely, rids the air of harmful microorganisms and fungi, and is also a pleasant interior decoration.

Humidifier . In traditional humidifiers, water is poured into a special tank, which then flows onto the humidifying cartridges. The built-in fan drives air through them, as a result, the air is humidified and, at the same time, dust is removed.

There are also ultrasonic humidifiers. They crush the water into tiny particles and then release this cloud of water out. Many air humidifiers are equipped with ionizers, which, like a salt lamp, disinfect the air.

Ultraviolet lamp . Quartz lamps have long been used in medicine to sterilize air in treatment rooms and operating rooms. There are open-type lamps in which the source of hard UV radiation is not covered by anything. With such a device, air disinfection occurs quickly, but during its operation there should be no people or animals in the room, since an open-type quartz lamp that is turned on is hazardous to health.

Another type of UV lamps is lamps closed type, or bactericidal recirculators. They do not irradiate the air directly. The lamp is located inside the device under a casing; the device draws in air from outside and releases it already processed and purified. You can be near such a device while it is working, since harmful radiation does not escape outside. A bactericidal recirculator does not disinfect air as quickly as an open lamp, but it is safer.

How to choose a device for air disinfection?

Today, many people opt for closed-type air disinfection lamps - even in household use, and not just in medical institutions. They allow you to remove at least 90% of germs from the air, unlike air purifiers, which only capture large particles (dust, wool).

If you have allergies in your home, it is recommended to use an air purifier with a HEPA filter along with a disinfectant, since it just rids the room of allergens in the form of dust and fur particles. A UV filter is not capable of this; it only removes bacteria and viruses from the air.

Even if the air is clearly infected (for example, someone in the house is sick with the flu), the risk of infecting other households will be greatly reduced. In addition, a bactericidal lamp for closed-type air disinfection can operate continuously, including when people and pets are nearby, and will not harm them.

In places where there are large crowds of people, especially children, a recirculator is indispensable as an air disinfectant. With him permanent job During the working day the air will be cleared of germs. Even if a child in kindergarten or an office employee catches ARVI, the people around him are unlikely to get sick, even with reduced immunity. As a result, the number of quarantines in child care institutions and sick leave at enterprises is decreasing.

Correct Application bactericidal lamps involves, first of all, the correct choice of device. For different purposes and premises, UV disinfectants are selected individually, and the following should be taken into account:

  • Bactericidal efficiency of the recirculator. The instructions for the device should describe how many bacteria are removed in rooms of different sizes, with a certain number of people, for a specified operating time. For your parameters, this figure should be 90–99%;
  • Type of allocation: recirculators with bactericidal lamps are wall-mounted, floor-mounted or mobile.
  • Dimensions.
  • Operating time of bactericidal lamps: usually this is 8 thousand hours. There are models with built-in lamp operation meters so you can know exactly when to replace it;
  • Price.

If you choose a bactericidal air disinfectant for home or apartment , then it’s worth choosing a smaller option, even if it also has lower productivity (20–50 m3/h will be enough). There are rarely many people in living quarters, and the area is usually small.

If you have small children or pets, a wall-mounted recirculator is recommended so that they do not accidentally drop the device and do not show undue interest in it. The mobile device will be useful for those who want to disinfect the air in the room where they are located. It is better if the home recirculator has a timer for counting the operating hours of the lamp, since it is unlikely that anyone will keep a schedule for turning it on, as is often done, for example, in medical institutions.

Use of germicidal lamps in offices, as a rule, more intense, since there are many people in one room for a long time. Therefore, usually the recirculator, if there is one, is constantly turned on during the working day. Accordingly, it is worth choosing a device with a long service life, high efficiency, and high power of bactericidal lamps. To save money, it is recommended to purchase recirculators from the manufacturer - this way, at an affordable price, you can buy a device with sufficient performance even for a large office.

In establishments where they provide medical services, as well as in beauty salons, fitness centers, veterinary clinics, restaurants, cafes And such places require especially thorough air disinfection, so devices with a capacity of up to 100 m 3 / h are installed there with the ability to eliminate 99% of microorganisms even with large crowds of people.

Today you can take care of your health and the health of your loved ones different ways, and the main one is protection from external harmful factors. With an air recirculator, microbes die or lose the ability to reproduce, which reduces the risk of getting sick tenfold. The main thing is to choose a device of sufficient power.

Where can I buy a bactericidal recirculator for air disinfection?

A company specialist tells how to choose a store and brand of recycler, how to avoid buying low-quality products:

“Companies with more experience usually have a better understanding of which recirculator is required in a given situation, for a particular room. Not everyone can immediately understand the instructions for air disinfectants, so it is recommended to contact qualified specialists. In addition, reputable companies offer only high-quality devices, because maintaining a positive reputation is important to them.

There are a number of reasons that force us to resort to comprehensive cleaning and disinfection of air and surfaces in the home. These are not only seasonal influenza and ARVI viruses and fungal infections, but also allergic reactions, which are most often observed in young children with weakened immune systems. In this case, the question of how to completely disinfect an apartment becomes especially acute. In addition to expensive air purifying devices and specialized chemicals for cleaning floors and other surfaces, there are also traditional methods, which are safe and highly effective.

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    Methods for disinfecting premises

    Apartment disinfection should be carried out not only during mass epidemics of influenza and ARVI. To prevent the accumulation of pathogenic microbes in the room, you need to clean all surfaces and air in the apartment quarterly. This significantly reduces the likelihood of various diseases, including allergies, in all family members, including children.

    To disinfect a room from harmful bacteria, viruses and toxins, you must use the following: effective methods:

    Chemical substances

    This includes universal cleaning products based on monochloramine or bleach, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi, for example, “Whiteness”, “Sanita”, “Shine”, etc. You can also choose special remedy for disinfection in the department household chemicals. These include:

    • Erisa Dez;
    • Dezaktinn;
    • Nick;
    • MultiDez;
    • Deconex;
    • AvanSept;
    • Medilis;
    • Clindesin.

    With their help, you can disinfect any surface - floors, furniture, bathroom tiles, etc. Among the disadvantages are possible allergic reactions and negative effects on pets.

    Essential oils

    Oils with an antiseptic effect added to special aromatic lamps clean the air well in the apartment and get rid of germs. These include pine needle, fir, eucalyptus, tea tree and lemon oil. Advantages of the method:

    • Safety for children and animals.
    • Highly effective in combating microbes.
    • Relaxing effect and improved well-being. Some scents work well against viral infections and cure headaches.
    • Economical. Just two drops of any 100% essential oil are enough for 20 square meters.

    Disadvantages include the occurrence of allergies, especially to citrus aromas.

    Fumigation of premises

    This method has been used since ancient times. To destroy dangerous bacteria that cause various diseases, our ancestors set fire to dry leaves of juniper, rosemary, lavender, sage or eucalyptus. This method is absolutely safe and effective, but some odors can cause unpleasant consequences in the form of allergic reactions.

    Salt lamp

    This device will help disinfect small room. Salt crystals form ions in the air and destroy most dangerous viruses. The big advantage of this method is the saturation of the air with healthy particles. sea ​​salt.

    But there are also disadvantages. By using salt lamp Only a small room of up to 10 square meters can be disinfected. For more large rooms this method will be less effective.

    UV lamp

    The action of the ultraviolet spectrum is a very effective and low-cost method of disinfection and destruction of viruses and bacteria. Thanks to these positive qualities it is widely used for disinfection in medical institutions. In addition, it is accessible. At home, one portable ultraviolet lamp is enough, which can be purchased at any specialized store.

    It is important to note that ultraviolet radiation can be harmful to the human body, therefore there should be no people or pets in the treated area. You need to go out for 15–20 minutes and then thoroughly ventilate the room. Fixed objects (sofas, cabinets and other furniture), an aquarium with fish should be covered with a thick blanket during disinfection.

    Air recirculator

    The principle of operation of the device is to sift contaminated air through the ultraviolet spectrum. Thanks to this, all viruses and pathogens are destroyed. In addition, the advantages of a bactericidal recirculator include the following:

    • ultraviolet light is securely hidden inside the device, so cleaning the apartment can be carried out even with a large crowd of people, this will not harm the body at all;
    • maintaining permissible level microorganisms in the house;
    • Possibility of disinfecting a room with an area of ​​up to 50 square meters, but the power can be adjusted for smaller rooms.



    On to the pros of this device include:

    • increasing indoor air humidity;
    • cleansing from pathogenic microorganisms, the main thing is to fill the device with clean water on time;
    • safety for people and animals.

    The disadvantages include the high cost of consumables.

    Folk remedies

    You can disinfect your home yourself using well-known and proven means at hand. They will help to quickly and efficiently clean your home of pathogens and will not harm residents or pets. In addition, they are always available and are quite inexpensive, unlike various devices and store-bought chemicals. These include:

    • hydrogen peroxide (3%);
    • concentrated solution of common table salt;
    • table vinegar or acetic acid;
    • ammonia;
    • soda-soap composition.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    Hydrogen peroxide is used to disinfect linen or bleach it, to clean light-colored carpets or wipe floors. To prepare the solution you will need:

    • water heated to 60 degrees - 10 l;
    • hydrogen peroxide (3%) - 200 ml.

    In this composition you can boil laundry, wash carpeting, or simply wash the floor with it. This product not only fights bacteria and germs, but also eliminates any unpleasant odors.


    Instead of peroxide, you can use a package of regular table salt diluted in three liters of water. It effectively removes dirt from laundry, renewing its color, from carpets and floors, kitchen tables and shells, etc. An important advantage is that the saline solution is odorless, does not cause allergic reactions and is absolutely safe for humans.


    Regular table vinegar is considered among housewives to be the most effective disinfectant. It is capable of destroying most known viruses and pathogens. A small amount of vinegar is mixed with water in a spray bottle and then sprayed onto all surfaces in the room.

    The only drawback is the poorly ventilated vinegar smell, which not everyone can tolerate. In this case, instead of vinegar, you can use lemon juice or an aqueous solution of citric acid.


    Universal ammonia is in no way inferior to peroxide in its cleansing and antiseptic properties. It is enough to add a few drops of ammonia to a glass of water and wipe all surfaces in the house with the solution. Using this substance, you can get rid of fungal spores and carry out comprehensive sterilization of your home.

    But it should be noted that ammonia has a specific pungent odor, and its entry into the respiratory tract can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, when cleaning the premises, it is necessary to use a special protective mask, and then thoroughly ventilate the entire apartment.

    Soda-soap solution

    Fabric upholstery of furniture, children's toys and souvenirs can be regularly treated with a soda-soap solution. It effectively cleans the surface from the accumulation of microbes. To do this you need to rub laundry soap on a fine grater, dissolve in a bucket hot water and add a pack there baking soda. This composition can also be used to clean floors. It is absolutely safe and harmless for children and pets living in the apartment.

    Rules for cleaning the apartment

    Before you begin directly cleaning your apartment from viruses, bacteria and fungi, you should familiarize yourself with the precautions and basic rules of this procedure:

    • Small children and animals must be removed from the apartment for the entire cleaning period.
    • Hands should be protected with thick rubber gloves, and the respiratory tract with a respirator or fabric mask. To protect the mucous membrane of the eyes, special safety glasses are required.
    • General cleaning should begin with living rooms, carefully treating every surface and corners. Disinfection should be completed in the kitchen and sanitary facilities. Sinks, toilets, bathtubs or shower stalls especially need thorough cleaning.
    • Black mold should be removed with special solutions.
    • The selected cleaning liquid should be changed as it becomes dirty.
    • Particular attention should be paid carpeting, curtains, furniture upholstery, soft toys etc. They should be treated with a concentrated soap solution or using a UV lamp.

    After completing the work, the room must be thoroughly ventilated. This is especially true for treatment with strong-smelling chemicals, ammonia or vinegar.

Disinfection and purification of air in the room is one of current problems for a modern person. After all, breathing is one of the vital functions in the body. In order to maintain lung health, people tend to go to a pine forest, mountains or the sea. But this is not enough, because we spend most of our time in rooms where the air leaves much to be desired. Therefore, cleaning and disinfecting the air in the room is as important as, for example, purifying drinking water.

What we breathe in the room:

Dust, smog and exhaust gases penetrating through the window;

Mold spores and fungi;

Dust mite secretions;

Harmful impurities from materials used in the manufacture of furniture;

Tobacco smoke;

Smells from cooking.

This will help clean and disinfect the air in the room.

Solve the problem of clean air in own apartment, private home or office is available to everyone. To do this, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

1. Ventilate all rooms in the room as often as possible, regardless of the environmental situation in the city. In this case, you need to keep the window sash open for at least 15 minutes and repeat ventilation every 4-5 hours.

2. Use only a high-quality vacuum cleaner with high power suction. It is worth considering that vacuum cleaners with a replaceable dust collector are much more effective at sucking up small dust particles. Equally important is the effectiveness of the filters that purify the air leaving the device. After vacuuming, it’s a good idea to wet cleaning to eliminate the remaining 30% of dust.

3. Regularly changing bed linen, at least once a week, helps reduce the amount of dust in the room. After changing linen, it is advisable to carry out wet cleaning, paying close attention to hard-to-reach areas, for example under the bed, sofa, closet.

4. Purchasing an air purifier will solve the problem of indoor air pollution. In choosing, it is advisable to give preference multifunctional devices which are equipped with ionizers. This will allow you to qualitatively clean the air in the room, as well as saturate it with negatively charged air ions. For people with allergies or bronchial asthma There are special air purifiers.

5. Filters installed in air conditioners and ventilation systems are also capable of cleaning and humidifying outside air, which enters the room.

6. Placing pots in the room indoor plants. They have the ability to detect the slightest changes in the environment and carry out detoxification. If their surface is regularly cleaned of dust, the air in the room will become 35% cleaner. The best plants to purify indoor air are dracaena, ficus, spathiphyllum, chlorophytum, myrtle and ivy.

7. Use of volatile antibacterial substances, e.g. essential oils lemon, fir, tea tree, eucalyptus. They help eliminate infections in the air and have an antiseptic effect. In addition, the vapors of finely chopped garlic, which are considered natural antioxidants, can disinfect the air in the room and not harm your health. In this case, the garlic should be replaced with fresh one every day.

8. Using a salt lamp. There is a version that the action of this device helps disinfect the air in the room. The principle of its operation is simple: salt crystals form ions, which then contribute to the settling of dust along with all pathogenic flora. At the same time, the room is saturated with useful particles of sea salt. However, the salt lamp has a significant drawback - its short range, approximately 3 meters.

9. Use of bactericidal air recirculators. According to the results of numerous studies, it turned out that they are able to destroy up to 99% of all existing pathogenic bacteria in the room. They are available in several modifications and can be used in both large and small rooms up to 45 sq.m. The principle of operation of a bactericidal recycler is simple: with the help of a fan, air is sucked into the device, there it is disinfected using an ultraviolet lamp, and then the air is blown out. During operation, the device processes the air in the room several times. At the same time, it is absolutely safe for humans, animals and plants. Due to the fact that the lamp is inside the device and its rays do not shine on anyone, you do not have to leave the room while the device is operating.

Air purification and disinfection is the key to health and good mood all family members.

Special points to consider when choosing air purifiers and humidifiers for child care facilities.

What do you need to know about air and purification devices when choosing equipment for childcare facilities?

  • Air disinfection devices are mandatory for installation only in medical offices. Installation of air purifiers in kindergarten groups is recommended sanitary doctors, but is not required. Therefore, most often, their purchase is carried out by parents.
  • Devices must have certificates of conformity. Certificates of registration for medical equipment are not required when installing devices in bedrooms and playrooms.
  • When selecting an air purifier, it is necessary to take into account that a large number of children in one room complicates the task of air disinfection. Choose devices with a large performance reserve.
  • The rate of spread of infection and the severity of the disease depend on the number of viruses that have entered the human body and the readiness of the immune system to resist pathogens.
  • Air purification devices can reduce the concentration of pathogenic microflora in the indoor atmosphere several times. These devices have long been used in healthcare settings and significantly reduce the risk of infection transmission. But there are no devices capable of 100% purifying the air of viruses and bacteria in a room where people are present.
  • During epidemics, air disinfection devices can significantly reduce the likelihood of the spread of disease, but it is equally important to ensure a healthy atmosphere in rooms where children are present for a long time throughout the year. This will strengthen the body's defenses. Viruses attack everyone, but not everyone gets sick, and those who get sick experience the disease differently.
  • The dirty air of city streets and especially indoors weakens the immune system. Clean air strengthens.
  • Rospotrebnadzor has determined the following air environment parameters for preschool children's organizations. (SAHPIN The air temperature in the playroom is not lower than 21 C. The bedroom is not lower than 19 C. Relative humidity is 40-60%. The air exchange rate is 1.5-2.5. Airing for 10 minutes every 1.5 hours. Concentration harmful substances air in rooms with constant presence of children should not exceed maximum permissible concentrations (MPC). These norms are not always observed for various reasons. This is especially true for ventilation and maintaining the required humidity.

What air purification devices can be used in kindergartens and schools?

  • medical bactericidal ultraviolet irradiators - recirculators.
  • medical photocatalytic air purifiers
  • household and industrial air purification devices including ionizers.
  • household and industrial air humidifiers.
  • medical air humidifiers with volumetric disinfection function.

Each type of device has its own advantages and disadvantages. Read more below

Bactericidal recirculator or closed-type UV irradiator.

A bactericidal recirculator or closed-type UV irradiator is a medical device for disinfecting air in the presence of people. Used throughout hospitals. The most popular in kindergartens. The action is based on ultraviolet irradiation of air passing through the chamber under the influence of fans.

Very simple to implement. They consist of a housing, ultraviolet spectrum lamps, a fan, power supplies and control units. As a rule, they have a lamp operating time counter. Thanks to the protective screen, ultraviolet rays do not escape beyond the device. Lamps must be replaced after 8000 - 9000 hours.

Irradiators OPEN type differ in the absence of fans and the absence of a protective screen in the case. The action is based on direct irradiation of the entire volume of air in the room in the absence of people. It is not advisable to use such devices in children's institutions.

Advantages of bactericidal recirculators

  • They have been used in medical institutions for a long time. There are Roszdravnadzor certificates for all devices
  • High level of consumer confidence.
  • Easy to maintain.
  • High rates of air purification from viruses and bacteria
  • Ultraviolet rays can neutralize some toxic chemicals.
  • When air is irradiated, the ion balance is restored.

Disadvantages of bactericidal recirculators

  • It is necessary to change lamps after 8000-9000 hours. (1 year of continuous work)
  • They do not remove dust, aerosols, mold spores and some bacteria from the air.
  • Low efficiency in purifying air from toxic pollutants chemical compounds.

Bactericidal recirculators different manufacturers have virtually no significant differences. All use standard 15 and 30 watt lamps and commercially available fans for system units. The main differences between different devices brands- price and design of the case.

Photocatalytic air purifiers.

Photocatalytic cleaner is relative the new kind devices used for air purification and disinfection in medical institutions, industry and at home. The principle of operation is the oxidation and destruction of microorganisms and toxic chemical compounds on a catalyst under the influence of ultraviolet rays. They have a wider spectrum of action than UV recirculators. Cleaning is carried out in the presence of people. All photocatalytic cleaners have dust filters.

Pros of photocatalytic air purifiers.

  • Used in medical institutions. Some devices have Roszdravnadzor certificates.
  • High rates of air purification from viruses, bacteria, mold spores.
  • They purify the air from most toxic chemical compounds.
  • Cleans the air from dust and aerosols.
  • When air is purified, the ion balance is restored

Cons of photocatalytic air purifiers.

  • Dust filters need to be changed every 4 to 12 months. (depending on model)

Spraying disinfectant solutions in the presence of people - comparatively new way combating airborne infections. The technology is simple and effective. Water containing active components is sprayed using ultrasonic humidifier. Silver ions or ozone dissolved in water are used as a disinfectant. To date, Roszdravnadzor has approved only devices using silver ions (Aquacom humidifiers) for use in medical institutions. The effectiveness of this equipment has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies.

The main advantage of these technologies is that processing is carried out simultaneously throughout the entire volume of the room.

The second significant advantage is that these devices are able to maintain the required humidity in the room.

The disadvantages include the need for daily maintenance - adding water.

How do medical devices differ from household devices?

  • Medical devices have certificates confirming their effectiveness against the tested types of bacteria and viruses.
  • Medical devices, as a rule, have lower performance than household devices at the same price.
  • Household appliances have more cleaning stages.
  • Household appliances have a more modern and high-quality design and more modern system management.
  • Both household and medical devices are safe for use in the presence of children.

How to choose a device for a specific room?

  • An air purifier can only effectively purify the air in the room where it is installed.
  • The performance of the device must correspond to the volume of the room. Manufacturers of medical equipment recommend passing the entire volume of room air through a recirculator once in one hour. But in kindergartens the population density is very high. Several times more than in hospitals. Therefore, it is worth increasing the air circulation rate. The more air passes through the device, the lower the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms in the air will be. According to various estimates, the optimal rate of air circulation through the device is from 1 to 3. I.e. the entire volume of air should pass through the device one to three times per hour. For example. Volume game room 100 cubic meters. You need a device with a capacity of 100 to 300 m3 per hour.
  • Two devices with a capacity of 50 m3/h. located in different places rooms are better than one per 100 m3/h.

Mobile or stationary.

  • This can be dangerous because... the device is within reach of children. Children can try playing with it. The device is not very stable, and most recirculators have mercury lamps installed inside them.
  • We know from experience that a mobile device does not actually move during operation. When purchasing, many expect that the staff will move it from room to room after the children, but this does not happen. The device is located in one corner, and is not always turned on, because... They forget to turn it on after moving.
  • A mobile device takes up a lot of space.
  • A mobile device is more expensive than a stationary one. Often for the same money you can buy two stationary ones.
  • The air disinfection device does NOT have an immediate effect. He needs time to clear the air. It is better for the device to work constantly.
  • As experience shows, disinfection devices that no one moves or touches work most effectively, i.e. according to the “set it and forget it” principle.

How often should the air disinfection device be turned on?

The air purifier must operate continuously in the presence of people. People breathe continuously and exhale viruses and bacteria along with the air.

The best option would be to install a device with a weekly timer. The device will turn on itself in the morning and turn off in the evening, skipping the weekend. And you will only need to approach such a device to replace lamps or filters.

Unfortunately, most medical devices do not have daily or weekly timers, and only a few can operate from an external timer. It is better not to turn off such devices, otherwise they will forget to turn it on.

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Infections with an aerosol transmission mechanism account for 90% of infectious morbidity in the world. Only acute respiratory viral infections cause more morbidity and economic losses than others infectious diseases. Air disinfection is a preventive measure that helps prevent the spread of infectious diseases with aerosol transmission (tuberculosis, measles, diphtheria, chicken pox, rubella, ARVI, including influenza, etc.).

According to SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities” (hereinafter referred to as SanPiN, to reduce air contamination to a safe level, exposure technologies are used in medical organizations ultraviolet radiation, aerosols of disinfectants, and in some cases ozone, are used bacterial filters.

Technology 1. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation

Ultraviolet (UV) bactericidal irradiation of indoor air is a traditional and most common sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measure aimed at reducing the number of microorganisms in the air of medical organizations and preventing infectious diseases.

UV rays are part of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves in the optical range. They have a damaging effect on the DNA of microorganisms, which leads to the death of the microbial cell in the first or subsequent generations. The spectral composition of UV radiation, which causes a bactericidal effect, lies in the wavelength range 205-315 nm.

Viruses and bacteria in vegetative form are more sensitive to the effects of UV radiation than molds and yeasts, spore forms of bacteria.

The effectiveness of bactericidal disinfection of indoor air using UV radiation depends on:

  • on the species of microorganisms in the air;
  • spectral composition of UV radiation;
  • the intensity of the pulse issued by the source of UV rays;
  • exposition;
  • volume of the room being processed;
  • distance from the source, angle of incidence of UV rays (“do not work” in shaded areas of the room);
  • state of the indoor air environment: temperature, humidity, dust level, air flow speed.

3 ways to use UV light:

direct irradiation carried out in the absence of people (before starting work, in breaks between performing certain manipulations, seeing patients) using bactericidal lamps mounted on the walls or ceiling or on special tripods standing on the floor;

indirect irradiation(reflected rays) is carried out using irradiators suspended at a height of 1.8-2 m from the floor with a reflector facing upward so that the flow of rays falls into the upper zone of the room; at the same time, the lower zone of the room is protected from direct rays by the lamp reflector. The air passing through the upper zone of the room is actually exposed to direct irradiation;

closed irradiation used in ventilation systems and autonomous recirculation devices, permissible in the presence of people. The air passing through the bactericidal lamps located inside the recirculator body is subjected to direct irradiation and reenters the room already disinfected.

Technical means
for UV disinfection

Germicidal lamps

Discharge lamps are used as sources of UV radiation. The physical basis of their functioning is an electric discharge in metal vapors, during which radiation with a wavelength range of 205-315 nm is generated in these lamps (the rest of the radiation spectrum plays a secondary role).

The vast majority of discharge lamps operate in mercury vapor. They have high efficiency in converting electrical energy into light. These lamps include low and high pressure mercury lamps.

In recent years, xenon flash lamps have begun to be used for air disinfection.

Mercury vapor lamps low pressure constructively and electrical parameters practically do not differ from conventional fluorescent lighting lamps, except that their bulb is made of special quartz or uviol glass with a high transmittance of UV radiation; a layer of phosphor is not applied to its inner surface.

The main advantage of low-pressure mercury lamps is that more than 60% of the radiation occurs at a wavelength of 254 nm, which provides the greatest bactericidal effect.

They have a long service life (5000-10,000 hours) and instantaneous ability to work after ignition.

For high-pressure mercury-quartz lamps other constructive solution(their bulb is made of quartz glass), and therefore, with small sizes, they have a large unit power (100-1000 W), which makes it possible to reduce the number of lamps in the room.

However, these lamps have low bactericidal efficiency and a short service life (500-1000 hours). In addition, the microbicidal effect occurs within 5-10 minutes. after starting work.

A significant disadvantage of mercury lamps is the risk of contamination of premises and the environment with mercury vapor in the event of destruction and the need for demercurization. Therefore, after the lamps’ service life expires, they must be disposed of centrally under conditions that ensure environmental safety.

In recent years, a new generation of emitters has appeared - xenon short pulse lamps, which have much greater biocidal activity. The principle of their operation is based on high-intensity pulsed irradiation of air and surfaces with continuous-spectrum UV radiation.

The advantage of xenon flash lamps is due to their higher bactericidal activity and shorter exposure time. Another advantage of xenon lamps is that if they are accidentally destroyed, the environment is not polluted with mercury vapor.

The main disadvantages of these lamps, which hinder their widespread use, are the need to use high-voltage, complex and expensive equipment for their operation, as well as the limited life of the emitter (on average 1-1.5 years).

Germicidal lamps are divided into ozone And ozone-free.

Ozone lamps have a spectral line with a wavelength of 185 nm in their emission spectrum, which, as a result of interaction with oxygen molecules, forms ozone in the air. High concentrations of ozone can have adverse effects on human health. The use of these lamps requires control of the ozone content in the air, flawless operation of the ventilation system, and regular thorough ventilation of the room.

To eliminate the possibility of ozone generation, so-called bactericidal ozone-free lamps have been developed. For such lamps, due to the manufacture of the bulb from a special material (coated quartz glass), the output of the 185 nm line radiation is eliminated.

Bactericidal irradiators

A bactericidal irradiator is an electrical device that includes: a bactericidal lamp, a reflector and other auxiliary elements, as well as mounting devices. Germicidal irradiators redistribute the flux of radiation generated by the lamp into the surrounding space in a given direction. All bactericidal irradiators are divided into two groups - open And closed.

Open irradiators use a direct germicidal flow from lamps and a reflector (or without it), which covers a certain space around them. Such irradiators are installed on the ceiling, wall or in doorways, mobile (mobile) versions of irradiators are possible.

A special place is occupied by open combined irradiators. In these irradiators, due to the rotating screen, the bactericidal flow from the lamps can be directed to both the upper and lower zones of the space. However, the efficiency of such devices is much lower due to the change in wavelength upon reflection. When using combined irradiators, the bactericidal flow from shielded lamps must be directed to the upper zone of the room in such a way as to prevent direct flow from the lamp or reflector from escaping into the lower zone.

In closed irradiators (recirculators), the bactericidal flow is distributed in a limited enclosed space and has no outlet to the outside, while air disinfection is carried out in the process of pumping it through the ventilation holes of the recirculator.

Closed-type irradiators (recirculators) should be placed indoors on the walls along the main air flows (in particular, near heating devices) at a height of at least 2 m from the floor. Recirculators on a mobile support are placed in the center of the room or also along the perimeter. Speed air flow provided either by natural convection or forced by a fan.

When using germicidal lamps in supply and exhaust ventilation they are placed in the outlet chamber. Indoors, it is preferable to install irradiators close to ventilation ducts(not under the hood) and windows.

Comparative characteristics of various technical means air disinfection is presented in the table.

Disadvantages of technology 1:

    when using open irradiators, means are required personal protection, use in the presence of patients is prohibited;

    the effectiveness of irradiation decreases with high humidity, dustiness, low temperatures;

    odors and organic contaminants are not removed;

    mercury lamps do not affect mold fungi;

    the use of ozone lamps requires regular ozone measurements;

    the bactericidal flow changes during operation, its control is necessary;

    increased requirements for the operation and disposal of irradiators that contain mercury;

    high price installations and complex maintenance of pulsed xenon lamps.

Technology 2. Application of bacterial filters

Mechanical filters

Filters use a cleaning method in which contaminated air passes through fibrous materials and is deposited on them.

SanPiN regulate the need to clean the air supplied air supply units, coarse and fine filters.

The selection of filters and the order of their use depends on the level of air purity that must be ensured in a particular room of a medical organization. Thus, the air supplied to cleanliness rooms of classes A (operating rooms, intensive care units, etc.) and B (postpartum wards, wards for burn patients, etc.) is subjected to cleaning and disinfection by devices that ensure the effectiveness of inactivation of microorganisms at the outlet from the installation to at least 99% for class A and 95% for class B, as well as filtration efficiency corresponding to the filters high efficiency(H11-H14).

For your information

In operating rooms equipped with ventilation with mechanical filters, the bacterial contamination of the air at the end of a 2-4-hour operation does not exceed 100 microorganisms per 1 m3 of air. In operating rooms with conventional ventilation, this figure is 25-30 times higher.

Ionic Electrostatic Air Purifiers

The principle of operation of such air purifiers is that pollution particles ranging in size from 0.01 to 100 microns, passing through the ionization chamber, acquire a charge and are deposited on oppositely charged plates.

Photocatalytic air purifiers

When using photocatalytic air purifiers, microorganisms and chemicals on the surface of the photocatalyst are decomposed and oxidized under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Disadvantages of technology 2:

    does not affect microorganisms located on surfaces;

    reduces indoor air humidity;

    the need for regular Maintenance and timely replacement of filter elements.

Technology 3. Exposure to aerosols of disinfectants

  • evaporation of aerosol particles and condensation of its vapors on a bacterial substrate;
  • precipitation of unevaporated particles on the surface and formation of a bactericidal film.

Depending on the size of the particles of aerosols, disinfectants are distinguished:

  • “dry” fog - particle size 3.5-10 microns;
  • “humidified” fog - particle size 10-30 microns;
  • “wet” fog - particle size 30-100 microns.

Advantages this method disinfection:

  • high efficiency when processing large volumes of premises, including hard-to-reach and remote places;
  • simultaneous disinfection of air, indoor surfaces, ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • the ability to select the most adequate application mode by varying the operating modes of the generator - dispersion, duration of processing cycles, consumption rates, particle energy;
  • profitability (low consumption rate and reduced labor costs);
  • environmental friendliness (by increasing the efficiency of disinfection using the aerosol method, the concentration of active ingredients and consumption of funds, thereby reducing the load on environment);
  • minimizing damage to processing objects (reducing the concentration and consumption rates of the driving force saves equipment from damage).

This air and surface treatment technology is recommended as a primary/auxiliary or alternative method for disinfection of air and surfaces during final disinfection, general cleaning, before the demolition and repurposing of medical organizations; at various types cleaning; for disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems during preventive disinfection, disinfection for epidemiological indications and focal final disinfection.

Disadvantages of technology 3:

    necessary additional funds personal protection;

    long-term ventilation of premises after using aerosols;

    use only in the absence of patients;

    unsuitable for current disinfection.

Technology 4. Exposure to ozone

Ozone- This Chemical substance, the molecule of which consists of three oxygen atoms. The ozone molecule is unstable. When interacting with other substances, ozone easily loses oxygen atoms and therefore ozone is one of the most powerful oxidizing agents, far superior to diatomic oxygen in air (second only to fluorine and unstable radicals). It oxidizes almost all elements except gold and platinum.

Ozone vigorously enters into chemical reactions with many organic compounds. This explains its pronounced bactericidal effect. Ozone actively reacts with all cell structures, often causing disruption of permeability or destruction of the cell membrane. Ozone also has a deodorizing effect.

At the same time, ozone is a gas whose negative impact on the human body exceeds that of carbon monoxide.


Due to its toxic properties, ozone belongs to the first hazard class and requires extremely careful handling. Ozone should not leak in areas where people work. Under its influence, toxic substances can be formed.

Due to its high chemical activity, ozone has a strong corrosive effect on structural materials.

Disadvantages of technology 4:

    the danger of harmful chemical effects on staff and patients;

    increased safety requirements at work; when disinfecting in medical institutions, the ozone concentration can reach 3-10 mg/m3, so treatment is carried out in the absence of people;

    ozone can spread to neighboring rooms if the rooms being treated are not airtight or if they are not working properly ventilation systems or common air ducts;

    corrosive effect on metal products;

    ozone is unsuitable for routine disinfection;

    long time (120 min.) ozone self-decomposition after use in premises requiring asepticity.

Combination of technologies

Examples of using complex technologies:

  • the latest models of closed UV irradiators-recirculators, which first pass air through filters and then disinfect it inside the working chamber using UV rays;
  • various models of photocatalytic air purifiers, where the air passes through mechanical filters before photocatalysis.

In medical organizations, several technologies can be implemented, both in parallel and sequentially (for example, purifying supply air through filters in the ventilation system and then use recirculators to maintain asepticity).

The anti-mold treatment system includes the initial treatment of air and surfaces with aerosol generators and the subsequent inclusion of photocatalytic disinfectants.


Each air disinfection technology has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be known both when choosing equipment for infection prevention and during its operation.

E. I. Sisin,
epidemiologist, Ph.D. honey. sciences