Certificate of unemployment benefit amount. Certificate of average earnings for the employment center: what is it for and how to apply for it? How to determine the period of paid work

Features of document preparation and use

For those who, due to their own circumstances or economic situation, have lost their jobs, certain support for the unemployed has been established at the state level. This is expressed in providing assistance in the job search process, which is carried out through the employment service. But much more important for such citizens is financial assistance in the form of a special benefit for the unemployed.

What is needed to receive benefits?

The list of documents that an applicant must have when registering must include:

  • Citizen's passport;
  • Certificate for unemployment benefits;
  • A document confirming the availability of a specialty.

Of the listed documents, usually an applicant who is left without a job may only have problems obtaining a certificate. However, efforts must be made to obtain it, otherwise, in the absence of it, support for the unemployed will be provided in a minimal amount.

But in some cases, confusion may occur with the format of this document, since the employer’s accounting department sometimes issues a certificate in form 2NDFL, the purpose of which is to submit it to the tax service for filing a declaration. But to register and receive support for the unemployed, a completely different document is required. To avoid delaying the registration procedure, when you first contact the employment service, you can ask for a form of such a certificate, drawn up in in the prescribed manner and on the spot former job fill it up.

Confusion may arise due to the lack of established uniform samples of this document, and each employment center may use its own certificate format.

How to cope with filling out a certificate

The best option would be to fill out all the columns and fields of this document together with the accountant at your last place of work. On the unemployment benefit certificate form, entries must be made in the same handwriting and the same color pen. Corrections are not permitted under any circumstances.

In the initial columns of the document you should indicate the surname of the unemployed, his first name and patronymic. Next, enter the date of birth and place of birth. Also, the certificate to support the unemployed should indicate the date of birth - here all data must be written in words, avoiding abbreviations, with the exception of the year of birth.

To receive the maximum benefit possible size It will be necessary to enter the reason for dismissal in the certificate for unemployment benefits, indicating the article of the Labor Code. This may affect the amount of cash benefits while registered.

Regarding information about the employer, it is better to entrust the filling out to an accounting employee or make a note from his words, so as not to change the handwriting of the filling. This information includes the name of the organization, legibly written. Usually next to the name column there is a field for filling in data about the code economic activity enterprises.

After filling out information about the employer, you must indicate data on the amount of salary and the amount of wages actually received. This data is entered with the following parameters:

  • The total number of calendar weeks worked by the employee during the last year of employment before dismissal.
  • Along with this data, the salary for a given position or specialty on average for one month should also be recorded in the certificate to support the unemployed.

The final stage is the certification of the unemployment benefit certificate with the signature of the manager, as well as a round seal and stamp placed in the upper left corner of the document.

A citizen fired from work or looking for a job for the first time labor activity, has the right to register with the Employment Center. Government agencies, performing intermediary functions between the applicant and the employer, work in every city.

The labor exchange provides employment services free of charge: it selects vacancies suitable for an unemployed citizen, pays benefits, and provides referrals to retraining courses. A citizen who has no income, and has not been sentenced to arrest or correctional labor, has the right to register at the age of 16.

The applicant needs to find out where the Employment Center is located and register during office hours. The procedure is simple, but the citizen must have documents. It is impossible to register without them. After registration, the citizen receives the status of unemployed.

An unemployed person is a citizen of working age who is registered with the Employment Center. An unemployed person receives from the state financial assistance. This is unemployment benefits. We will look at what documents are needed for registration in 2018 in the article.


What documents do I need to provide? The applicant must collect the following set of documents:

  1. Passport. This document certifies the citizen's identity.
  2. If a citizen previously worked, a work book is required.
  3. TIN. The certificate is issued by the tax office.
  4. A certificate from your previous place of employment indicating your salary for the last three months.
  5. Diploma and certificate.
  6. Insurance certificate.

What kind of certificate is needed?

A certificate is a document issued by an employer. At the employee's request, a certificate is issued by a personnel service employee within 3 days. More often, the certificate is prepared on the organization’s letterhead; the document reflects information about wages citizen for the last 3 months. On the left, in the upper corner, the name of the organization where the certificate is issued is written. The fact of employment of a citizen is confirmed by the name of the organization, the signatures of the chief accountant and manager with a transcript, indicating the days and months of experience.

Of the entire set of documents, citizens experience the most problems thanks to this certificate. Not all accountants know how to fill it out correctly, but employees of the Employment Service thoroughly study this document. If the certificate is written incorrectly, it is returned to the citizen. The former employee must demand that the employer correct it. Thus, employment is delayed over time.

Citizens often bring personal income tax certificate 2 to the Employment Service. She doesn't fit. If the employees of the organization issuing this certificate to the dismissed employee do not know about this, they must be informed.

How to register for unemployment at the Employment Center?

In order to register, you must:

  1. Collect the necessary documents.
  2. During reception hours, write an application and submit documents to the employment service employee.
  3. Get unemployed status.
  4. Report to the Employment Service twice a month.

What documents are needed when making redundancies?

Workers are leaving due to for various reasons listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If a layoff occurs due to layoffs, the unemployed must register as unemployed within 2 weeks from the date of dismissal. After 14 days have passed, the citizen will be able to register. But the citizen will miss one month’s salary. The list of documents for a citizen who has been laid off from work includes:

  • passport;
  • employment history;
  • salary certificate for the last 3 months.

It would be nice if a citizen, upon learning about the layoff, applied for a certificate form from the Employment Center. This would save him from errors in the certificate that could be made by an accountant.

What documents are needed upon dismissal?

After dismissal, it is in the interests of the citizen to register within 14 days. Citizens who have had a break in their work experience for more than a year do not need an income certificate.

This article will focus on a certificate for the labor exchange. We will find out in what cases it is issued, how it is issued and by whom. Also at the end of the article you can download a sample certificate for the labor exchange, which is relevant for 2015. So, let's start with the situation in which a certificate is issued.

Help for the labor exchange

In what cases is a certificate issued and executed? Let's imagine a situation: your organization has experienced a reduction in staff and many employees find themselves “on the street.” Or, let’s say, they quit because at will. Naturally, due to the rapidly changing situation, employees were unable to prepare an “exit plan” in advance, that is, they were unable to find a new job. Therefore, it would be logical to assume that former employees will join the labor exchange in order to get at least some money before finding a new job. But how much money can an unemployed person receive in benefits? Good question. In general, the final amount of unemployment benefits is calculated by the employee’s average earnings for the last 3 months that he worked in the organization. Of course, if your organization was the last place of work of this employee. Based on the above, we can conclude that an employee has every right, upon dismissal, to ask his organization for a certificate for the labor exchange, that is, a certificate of average earnings. To do this, ask him to write a statement and issue a certificate. Remember that the organization cannot refuse to provide this document, because the financial and life well-being of the former employee depends on it. If you are interested in reading about these processes in official sources, then open the Labor Code Russian Federation on article number 62 and number 3 from 1991 “On employment of the population of the Russian Federation. Let’s make a reservation right away in order to protect you from annoying mistakes: the document for the employment service does not indicate the average salary figure, which was obtained as monetary compensation for unused vacation time and severance pay. The average monthly earnings figure is calculated differently, we will tell you what to do.

How to prepare a certificate for the labor exchange?

Let's now look at how a certificate for the labor exchange is issued. Let us warn you right away that there are no standards when preparing this document. You have the right to issue such a certificate arbitrarily, based only on some mandatory items. By the way, we recommend that you download a sample of filling out a certificate for the labor exchange, which you can find at the end of the article. A good example will make your task much easier. The main and most main point, which is present in the certificate for the labor exchange - these are the details of your organization. This fact is confirmed by representatives of Rostrud in a published appeal dated November 8, 2010. The certificate for the labor exchange must indicate the data of the organization, information about the employee, as well as the period of time that he worked in the organization. Well, as we have already said, you should write down the average employee’s earnings for three last month. Don’t forget to write down exactly which three months are included in your calculations, because this information is also required by the employment service due to the fact that there are often cases when this period does not coincide with the last three months. In the case of obtaining a certificate for the labor exchange, you can safely forget about the 2NDFL format - it will not be useful to you, since the Employment Law implies other formats. Let’s now draw up step-by-step instructions for filling out a certificate for the labor exchange. What we need for this: the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a calculator, details of the organization, employee documents, personnel certificates and papers, a company seal, a blank form issued by the employment service, the employee’s payroll Last year work.

How to obtain a certificate for the labor exchange?

Your organization probably has a company seal, so you can put it in the top left corner. On the right side we enter the individual tax number of the company, which is indicated in the certificate. We do this so that there are no contradictions with the tax service, because during the audit it will find that the amounts of employee benefit transfers do not add up. Next, fill in the column “Grade issued.” There we enter information about the employee who was registered in your organization. Do not forget to write down the time period that the employee worked in your organization, based on the dates of admission and dismissal recorded in the work book. After this, we will begin to calculate the average monthly salary of an employee. We add up all the money that was transferred to the employee over the last year. We exclude the time when the employee took administrative leave, that is, unpaid. Next, divide the total amount of money by the total number of working days for the last year. To make calculations easier, use the working day calendar.

So, we got the amount that the employee received on average per day. Next, we multiply the resulting number by the number of days the employee worked in the month we need. We enter the final figure in the certificate column for the labor exchange. We enter all periods when an employee took administrative leave, absenteeism, or unpaid study leave in the required column and specify specific reasons. After all of the above, we collect the signatures of the chief executive and the head of the organization for reference. At the same time, do not forget to indicate them full names and positions held. We put the seal of the organization. Remember that in case of fraud or provision of false information to the labor exchange, the persons specified in the certificate will be responsible.

So, we figured out how to draw up a certificate for the labor exchange. We have established in what cases it is issued and by whom. Remember that drafting this document is very important for your former employee. To see clearly how it is filled out, download the sample from the link below.

This material will tell you about a certificate from the employment center about non-receipt. You will be able to familiarize yourself with brief information on this topic.

A person who has lost his job can contact the Employment Center to find a new one. This organization:

  • Pays unemployment benefits.
  • Engaged in employment of citizens.
  • Refers for retraining.

Obtaining a certificate is a free public service.

Unemployment benefits are two-time payments every month to citizens who register and re-register in the system once every thirty days.

However, not only those who need help can turn to the Employment Center for help. new job. This organization also issues certificates to those categories of citizens who do not have unemployed status.

You can apply for this document:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Foreign citizens.
  • Stateless persons.

The main condition will be the provision of all official papers.

You should come for this document on the days when citizens are received, so it would be better to find out the Center’s work schedule in advance.

Where to get it


  • A certificate of non-receipt of unemployment benefits is issued by employees of the Employment Center located.
  • The receipt period should not be more than four working days.

You should write your information legibly if you are filling out the application by hand. This will help to avoid mistakes when drawing up the document.

Documents to be received

In order for you to be issued such a paper, you must collect the following:

  • Statement of the established form.
  • A document identifying your identity ().
  • Work record book (read how to obtain an extract from the work record).

No more documents are needed.

You can order this paper only by applying in person with the documents. It is not possible to place an order through the website.

Where you might need it. Filling Features

Help required:

  • For registration.
  • For getting .
  • To receive other social benefits ().

In order to be eligible for any government assessments, this document is required.

You might be interested. Certificate of average earnings:

Filling Features

A certificate confirming the lack of registration as unemployed and non-receipt of benefits is drawn up on the letterhead of the Employment Center. This document should contain the following information:

  • Full address and name of the Employment Center.
  • Name of the official paper.
  • Last name, first name, patronymic of the citizen to whom the document is issued.
  • His date of birth.
  • Passport details.
  • Home address (read about actual address).
  • The text of the document confirming that the citizen is not registered with the Employment Center and does not receive benefits.
  • Where is the document submitted?
  • Position, surname, name, patronymic and signature of the person who issued the certificate.
  • Date of issue.

There are no clear instructions regarding the form for filling out this document, so some details may change.

Filling example

To obtain a certificate, a citizen should write an application addressed to the director of the Employment Center, here is a sample.

Results, a certificate from the Employment Center confirms the fact that you have not received assistance from the state in the form of monthly payments.

If you intend to register with the Employment Center, you will need to prepare whole line documents. Let's figure out what a certificate for the Employment Center is and what is needed to obtain it in 2018.
Due to the economic crisis, the unemployment situation in the country has worsened significantly. Most people do not have the opportunity to find a job. University graduates cannot find work in their specialty, so they are forced to retrain. It often happens that a person is unable to work a year or several years before retirement due to layoffs.
In such cases, unemployed persons are entitled to financial assistance from the state. To apply for assistance, you need to register with the Employment Center and officially record your unemployed status. The size of the payment depends on how long the person has been in this status.
The legislation of the Russian Federation regulates social assistance payments to unemployed citizens. The amount of the benefit is not the same for everyone and depends on many nuances, therefore it is calculated for each person separately.

Payments of social assistance to unemployed citizens are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation

In 2018 in Russia, the minimum amount of social assistance is 850 rubles per month, and the maximum is 4,900 rubles.

It is advisable to complete the certificate in question in one of 2 ways:

  1. On company letterhead.
  2. Place a corner stamp of the company indicating the legal address.

Here is the most important thing that needs to be reflected in the certificate of average earnings for the employment center:

  • TIN and OKVED of the employer;
  • FULL NAME. a former employee who requested a certificate;
  • legal name of the enterprise;
  • the entire period of work of the former employee;
  • the amount of calculated average earnings for the last 3 months (in numbers and in words);
  • number of calendar weeks of paid work 12 months before dismissal;
  • the number of working hours per day and working days per week on a full-time basis, indicating dates;
  • the number of working hours per day and working days per week on a part-time basis, indicating dates;
  • article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which part-time work is established;
  • periods excluded from the calculation (dates and reasons for exclusion);
  • the basis for issuing the certificate (indicate the employee’s personal account, pay slips, etc.);
  • FULL NAME. and signatures of the head of the organization and the chief accountant;
  • date of issue of the certificate;
  • phone number to contact the company.

Main concepts

When applying to the labor exchange by employees of the employment center, the standard dismissal of employees is recorded, without certain cases described in the law.
Benefits are calculated if a person worked in their last place for at least 26 weeks.
A person receives 75 percent of his average earnings for three months, then 60 percent for 4 months, after which the amount is only 45 percent.
After 12 months, if a person has not found a job and remains on the stock exchange, he receives the minimum benefit amount.
It is worth noting that the amount of payments received can be increased due to the regional coefficient. Also if the person worked officially and paid all taxes.

There are some features in which a person is assigned a minimum benefit, namely:

  • previously unemployed citizens;
  • the person was fired under the article;
  • the person has not worked for more than one calendar year;
  • the person worked at the enterprise for less than 26 weeks;
  • the person was expelled for no valid reason from training courses or advanced training courses from the employment center.

Refusal to register is possible only if a person has not submitted a complete package of documents.

Where to go

In order to register, you must provide a certain package of documents, one of which is a certificate of average earnings. You can get it from the HR or accounting department.

Legal regulation

Basis for legal regulation questions related to registration are the following documents:

  • RF Law No. 1032 “On Employment in the Russian Federation”;
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 62 “On approval of the procedure for calculating average earnings to determine the amount of unemployment benefits.”

How to fill it out correctly

A correctly executed certificate and a fully assembled package of documents is a necessary condition when applying to the labor exchange.
There is no set form to fill out, but there are some guidelines:

  • the certificate must be on the official letterhead of the enterprise or have a corner stamp;
  • it must indicate the details of the enterprise, full name and legal form;
  • information about the period of work;
  • the amount of average income for the last three months;
  • signatures of the chief accountant and manager;
  • date of issue of the certificate.

Conditions for registration

The package of documents that must be provided for registration with the employment center is primarily related to the reason for the employee’s dismissal from the enterprise.
If the employment relationship was terminated due to violation of the norms prescribed by the labor code, then a certificate of income is not needed.
This is due to the fact that this category receives a fixed payment according to the law. minimum size benefits.
In 2018 it is 850 rubles. The benefit is paid every month.

At your own request

If a person quits previous place work at his own request, he needs to submit the following package of documents to the employment center:

  • work book;
  • passport or other document that proves identity;
  • information about income;
  • educational certificate;
  • certificates of completion of any courses, or documents on advanced training (if any).

By agreement of the parties

If the dismissal of an employee occurred by common agreement of the parties, then the list necessary documents identical to the previous one. Namely:

  • employment history;
  • passport;
  • document on existing education and completed courses;
  • accrual certificate Money over the past three months.

Dismissal under article

If the employee was dismissed from the enterprise due to violation of labor discipline standards, which are provided for by the labor code. Then in this case he must provide:

  • passport;
  • document on education, as well as in the presence of a certificate of completion of courses or advanced training;
  • employment history.

When contracting

If the reason for termination labor relations If there is an order to reduce the number of employees of the enterprise, then the dismissed employee is obliged to register with the employment center.
You must also obtain unemployed status no later than 14 days from the date of layoff.
The employee must provide the following package of documents to the employment center:

  • passport;
  • work book;
  • educational certificate;
  • if a person has completed courses or undergone advanced training, then a certificate confirming this fact;
  • certificate of income received for a three-month period;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • if a laid-off employee has children under 18 years of age, their birth certificates must be provided.

Important! In a situation, if a person has not registered for a period of weeks, after the severance of employment relations with the enterprise, then he loses the opportunity to receive benefits in the amount of the average salary for three months. Provided that no job was found for him that suited him within the first 14 days.

Registration procedure (form, rules and mandatory information)

According to labor legislation On the day of dismissal, the employer is obliged to provide his former employee with:

  • funds that were not paid to him;
  • a certificate that must be provided to the employment center.

If a person has not been issued a document, then he must make a written application requesting its issuance.
Such an application must be executed in two copies. One copy is with the applicant, and the second is with the person who accepted this appeal.
From the moment the request is made to the enterprise, the employer is obliged to consider the request within three days and issue the necessary certificate with all the information.
If a certificate is not issued within the specified period, the dismissed employee has the right to contact the prosecutor’s office or regulatory authorities with information about this violation of rights.

Certificates for the employment center to receive benefits

There is no official form of certificate that would be fixed at the federal level, at this moment does not exist.
But the Ministry of Labor and social development suggested using a specially designed form. Chief Accountant the enterprise is obliged to form and fill it out.
If the enterprise does not have such a position, then the manager can independently fill necessary information. Sometimes enterprises create their own form of this certificate. upon its acceptance.
The form for the certificate must be branded, and if it is not there, then contain the corner stamp of the enterprise. The calculation period that must be indicated is the last three months before the date of dismissal.
When calculating the average earnings of an employee of an organization, the following indications must be taken into account:

  • wage;
  • payment for working conditions;
  • additional payment for the position or to the tariff rates;
  • awards and so on.

In order for the received certificate to have legal force, it must also indicate the following information:

  • information about the company: full name, tax identification number, legal and actual address, contact details;
  • information about the employee;
  • data on the period of work;
  • the amount of average wages for the last three months;
  • signature of the chief accountant or manager;
  • seal of the organization.

About average earnings

According to the law, when applying to the labor exchange, you must provide a certain package of documents. One of them is a certificate of average earnings for the last three months.
According to labor code the manager is obliged to issue this document to the employee at his request. The certificate should contain the following information:

  • the full name of the organization with its legal form;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the employee;
  • date of hiring and date of dismissal;
  • how many weeks he worked in this position;
  • information about all payments received over the last three months.

In addition, the certificate must contain:

  • corner stamp or it must be issued on the letterhead of the enterprise;
  • round seal;
  • signatures of the manager and accountant;
  • date of.

From last place of work
Upon termination of the employment relationship, the employer is obliged to issue a certificate of average wages and all unpaid amounts.
This certificate is necessary for registration at the labor exchange; the only exception is if the person was laid off from his last job due to a violation of the labor regime.

For what period should information be provided (for how many months)

The Employment Law regulates that a certificate of average earnings for an employment center must be drawn up for three full months preceding the date of dismissal of the employee.
This norm distinguishes this process determining average earnings based on general rule. For example, if you quit on September 18, the payroll period is taken from June 1 to September 1.
From this time, the accountant must exclude the following periods:

  • Vacation time, when his place of work was retained and vacation pay was paid;
  • Periods of incapacity;
  • Downtime that occurred through no fault of the employee;
  • Time off;
  • The time of child care provided to the employee additionally, for which payment was made;
  • The period of a strike when the dismissed person did not take part in it, but because of it could not work;
  • The time when the employee did not work with payment of wages in whole or in part.
  • Periods when the employee used his time off.

Attention! In practice, it may turn out that this billing period will not contain either the employee’s salary or the days actually worked. Then, as the calculation period, you can take the full three months preceding this time.

Form for certificate of average earnings

Previously employed citizens who apply for benefits submit a certificate containing information on the average salary for the last 3 months of their work (Clause 2, Article 3 of Law No. 1032-1 of April 19, 1991). The certificate must be prepared by the last employer for whom the citizen worked.
An employee can request to prepare a certificate for the labor exchange about average earnings in advance, even before the day of his dismissal, and then the employer will issue it on the last working day, with work book and other documents (Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). You can request a certificate later, after you have quit. Then the former employee makes a written request to the employer, and he is obliged to prepare the document within 3 days (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Is there a single certificate on average wages? There is no universal form for all cases of providing information about the average salary. To apply for a loan from a bank or receive subsidies from social security authorities, as a rule, you can provide a 2-NDFL certificate. The employer also issues the resigning employee a certificate of two-year salary in form 182n, which is necessary for calculating sick leave and other benefits at the new job. But certificates of this format are not suitable for assigning “unemployed” benefits.

To submit to the employment service, a certificate of average earnings is filled out according to the form given in the letter of the Ministry of Labor dated August 15, 2016 No. 16-5/B-421. This form is recommended for use to ensure uniform documentation when registering unemployed citizens. At the same time, it is allowed to draw up certificates for these purposes in any form, provided that it contains all the data required for calculating unemployment benefits. Employment service employees have no right to refuse to accept such a certificate, the Ministry of Labor said in a letter.

What to pay attention to

When we're talking about about the employment center, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there are certain duties that a citizen must fulfill while registered. Namely:

Visit the employment center exactly on the day and time appointed by the employment center employeeTypically this means meeting with your advisor twice a month and possibly attending group classes or lectures once or twice. If a citizen does not show up at the time indicated to him, then the amount of benefits he receives may be reduced or the payment may be completely stopped.
If the labor exchange employees have found a vacancy suitable for their qualifications, then the citizen is obliged to go for an interview, and he must do this within three days from the date of receipt of information about the jobIf within twelve months a person cannot choose a single vacancy that suits his qualifications, then any available vacancy that does not require special qualifications will be considered suitable for him

Lately, everyone has come across the concept of unemployment regularly. However, it is worth noting that some categories of citizens are not:
  • citizens under 16 years of age;
  • old age pensioners;
  • persons who were sentenced to correctional labor;
  • citizens who refused courses offered by the entertainment center twice (if they had never worked before and did not have any qualifications);
  • other categories of persons.

Help from the employment service: calculation of average earnings

The employer calculates the average earnings according to the rules established by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 12, 2003 No. 62. This calculation procedure differs from the usual determination of average earnings for vacation pay or sick leave in that the amount of the average salary is calculated for 3 months, and not for 12, as usual.

Payments included in the calculation

When a certificate is issued for the employment center, the calculation of average earnings is made taking into account such payments to the employee as (clause 2 of the resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 62):

  • salary (based on official salary, piece rates, as a percentage of revenue), including those issued in kind,
  • commissions,
  • royalties and fees for employees of media and creative organizations,
  • “thirteenth” salary,
  • allowances and additional payments (for increased volume of work, length of service, combination, etc.),
  • regional coefficients and allowances, as well as allowances for special conditions labor,
  • bonuses, while year-end bonuses are accepted at the rate of no more than 1/12 for each of the 3 months,
  • other payments accepted in the organization

For information about the average salary, earnings are taken for 3 months, and not just any month, but the month preceding the month when the employee quit. However, if this is in the interests of the employee, then it is permissible to use the month of dismissal for calculation, for example, when the employee quit on his last day (determination of the RF Armed Forces dated 06/08/2006 No. KAS06-151).

Periods not accepted for calculation

The 3-month billing period should not include time and charges for it when (clause 4 of Ministry of Labor Resolution No. 62):

  • paid maternity benefits or sick leave,
  • was retained by the employee average earnings,
  • the employee did not work due to downtime for which the employer was to blame, or for other reasons beyond the control of any of them,
  • additional paid days off were provided to care for disabled children,
  • due to the strike, the employee could not work, although he did not take part in it,
  • the employee received release from work with or without pay,
  • when time off was granted for overtime on a rotational basis and in other cases provided for by law.

It may happen that the employee’s entire pay period consists of only excluded periods, then to calculate the average, the next 3 months of work, where there are days worked, are taken.

The procedure for calculating average earnings

Let's look at an example of how to make a calculation in a certificate of average earnings for an employment center.
Nikitin A.P. resigned in April 2017 The billing period from 01/01/2017 to 03/31/2017 includes 57 working days according to the schedule. Due to illness, Nikitin worked only 53 days, and the amount of all payments included in the calculation was 98,500 rubles.
First, the employee’s average daily earnings are calculated:

Average daily earnings = Payments included in the calculation, accrued for the billing period: Number of days actually worked

In our case, Nikitin’s average daily salary will be:
98500 rub. : 53 days = 1858.49 rub. in a day
Now let's calculate the average earnings using the following formula:

Average earnings = Average daily earnings * Number of working days in billing period on schedule: 3 months

Nikitin's average earnings are:
1858.49 rub. per day x 57 days: 3 months = 35311.31 rub.
Based on the received amount of 35,311.31 rubles, the employment service will accrue unemployment benefits to Nikitin.

Certificate of average monthly salary: sample

All lines on the average monthly salary certificate must be completed. If any indicator is missing, put a dash. Here we provide an example of filling out such a certificate.

Responsibility for failure to issue a certificate

Labor legislation does not define punishment as such if the employee was not given a certificate of average earnings for the employment center upon dismissal, or upon submission of a written request.
But since this document is mandatory, which the employer must draw up for the employee when submitting a written request, the latter can contact government agencies to protect his rights. He has the right to file a complaint with:

  • Labor Inspectorate;
  • Prosecutor's Office;
  • Judicial authorities.

The Code of Administrative Offenses establishes the following liability for violations of the Labor Code of mild severity that do not cause harm to health or life:

  • For an official - a warning or a fine from 1 to 5 thousand rubles.
  • For legal entity- fine from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

A warning is a measure of punishment, which is expressed in official written censure of the guilty person.
If the violation is repeated:

  • For an official - a fine of 10 to 20 thousand rubles;
  • For a legal entity - a fine of 50 to 70 thousand rubles.

Finally, when registering with the employment center, you must obtain a certificate from the employer about the average salary.
Obtaining this certificate is quite simple; you just need to inform your former management about it.
Does not exist a certain shape, how the certificate should look, but there are certain recommendations for its execution that must be followed.