Methods of interior design in a private house. High-quality landscaping of the territory of a private house at reasonable costs Ideas for home improvement

Sources unpleasant odors There may be trivial things: unwashed dishes, spoiled food in the refrigerator, dirty laundry, a stagnant trash can or waste products from pets. Once you get rid of the causes of strong odors, familiar aromas will reign in your home again.

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In any modern interior there is a place for cozy things that will add softness and warmth to your home: be it beautiful dishes, exclusive rugs or unusual items furniture. Just a few of these accents will breathe life into your home and make it a place you always want to return to.

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Small, but not cheap, details will add special charm and sophistication to your home: beautiful dishes, expensive pillows, designer lamps or floor lamps. This will help give the rooms style, as well as other details that interior designers advise you to pay attention to.

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Home Ideas / Home Improvement Ideas

A children's bed cannot be chosen simply by color or simply by size. There are many different subtleties that you might not guess about the first time, and then you either buy new furniture or put up with an unsuitable option. Therefore, before you buy a children's bed, you need to find out more about what they are like.

Home Ideas / Home Improvement Ideas

In order for the automatic assistant to serve properly for as long as possible, it is necessary to carefully monitor its condition and promptly clean it from dirt, scale and debris. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the three main ways to do this yourself, without involving professionals.

Landscaping the site of a private house, urban or country-type, is a process no less labor-intensive, costly and creative than creating the interior of a home. A beautifully designed spacious garden plot or a small backyard, captivating with its originality - in order to realize your ideas about the beauty of landscaping local area all means are good. Even within an urban private household with a small piece of land, you can create not only an attractive, but also practical green corner. Well, on the scale of suburban areas, the implementation of various types landscape design will be limited only by your own imagination and budget for landscaping the territory. In our extensive selection of design projects for decorating adjacent areas, we tried to collect examples for every taste, budget and stylistic preference. We hope that you can be inspired by interesting design ideas and bring to life your own ideas for organizing landscape design in your summer cottage, garden area or private yard.

A detailed plan is the key to a successful design

Before you start purchasing the necessary equipment, seedlings and finishing materials, it is important to draw up a clear and detailed plan for the location of all elements of landscape design - from large buildings to the smallest bush. After all, even creating the image of a site that seems to have been created by nature itself requires the tireless attention of the owners. The more detailed and accurate your layout of elements and the sequence of their occurrence on your site, the less time, effort and money you will spend on landscaping the local area. Agree that it would be a shame to spend a lot of effort creating a flower bed in a place where you will subsequently have to lay a water supply for an artificial reservoir.

On detailed plan The location of landscape design elements on the site should be noted:

  • buildings (gazebo, summer cuisine, canopy, veranda, outdoor shower, children's playground);
  • reservoirs or water structures (laying drainage and water pipes is carried out first);
  • alpine slides, cascading structures made of stones;
  • garden paths;
  • places for planting trees and shrubs;
  • the location of flower beds and flower beds (the time it takes to organize the design element of the site will largely depend on the type of flower bed);
  • fencing of the local area (in some cases zoning large plot made using small fences, “living” walls, the location of which must also be foreseen in advance);
  • decorative elements;
  • lighting and illumination system for the facade of the house and site.

There are a lot of options for landscape design; there are design styles with their own basic concepts and motifs, within which some classification can also be distinguished. But we can safely say that all the basics of stylistic trends are just a “skeleton” of design, to which you can add your own ideas and fantasies.

Conventionally, all design options for local areas can be divided into those that look as if nature itself created the image of the site, and man was only able to effectively fit into the resulting picture. It seems that perennial plants themselves grew in surprisingly organically selected places, bushes and flowers were located around them, and small ponds seemed to have existed in their places for many years - the person only laid paths between these harmonious elements of the site and used a lighting system to highlight the most spectacular ones.

The second option is a qualitative opposite - strict symmetry, precise sizes and shapes, clarity in the arrangement of all elements, indicating the tireless attention of the owners to the appearance of their local area. If there is a lawn on such an area, then it is perfectly trimmed, the garden paths are stunning with the clarity of their shapes, and in the flower beds the flowers are arranged according to their blooming time.

Garden paths - practicality and beauty

Garden paths are not only a necessary element of landscape design for moving around the site at any time of the year, but also a way of zoning the territory and decorating it. Proper placement of paths will help you spend a minimum amount of time and effort moving around the site, between its main elements. Regardless of what style of territory design you choose, what to fill your garden plot or small yard with - paths are necessary to move from the house to the garage, gate or gate, buildings (gazebo or canopy) and various landscape elements.

The main requirement for a garden path is the shortest distance from one element of the site to another. Sometimes, to shorten the path, it is necessary to sacrifice the beauty or originality of the landscape design element being laid. As for the width of the paths, there is an unspoken rule for the main tops - 1-1.5 m. For small paths leading the owners of the site to the most hidden corners of the yard - at least half a meter wide.

In addition to size, there are also some requirements for the appearance of the tracks. These territory design elements should not resonate with the image of the site. Paths must also correspond to the basic choice of landscaping materials. If there are an abundance of stone structures (barbecue, fencing, facing the foundation of a building or even finishing the facade), it would be logical to use natural material and for arranging the site with garden paths.

Conventionally, all types of paths can be divided into two types - solid and non-solid. The name speaks for itself. The choice of one type or another will depend on the size of the site (length of paths) and the role of garden paths in its arrangement (whether they are a key design element or play an exclusively practical role).

By type of material, garden paths can be divided into:

  • stone (plate, pebbles, paving stones and more);
  • wooden;
  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • paths made from scrap materials and construction waste (from glass to used plastic covers).

Here is an example of designing a garden path in the now popular steppingstones style. Elements of such trails seem to represent places to place your feet - you move along large stones or sawed logs dug into the ground. One of the practical and at the same time economical ways design of such a path - making concrete tiles various shapes. You can make a beautiful, modern and practical path on your own.

An original and outwardly very attractive effect can be achieved by combining the material used for garden paths. For example, strictly square concrete slabs look harmonious when combined with pebble stone. No less effect can be achieved by combining solid wooden paths with small pebbles or plasters.

Flower beds and flower beds - site decoration

Flower beds and flower beds are a necessary element of any landscape design. Even in the most modest-sized courtyard you can find a place to organize a flower bed, especially since there are a lot of types of these landscape design elements. Flowerbeds differ in shape and size, location in relation to the horizon and the choice of plants for planting. Find yours best option every owner can personal plot, summer cottage area or private courtyard.

Flowerbeds are divided into the following types:

  • regular - they are planted in such flower beds different plants, blooming at a certain period of time, but arranged in the form of a certain pattern;
  • irregular – the most popular look flower beds that can delight the owners of the site and their guests with blooms throughout the warm period of the year;
  • raised - differ in design features, the structure is a frame made of wooden planks, stones or bricks covered with earth and located above the horizon line;
  • vertical (“living” walls) are the best option for small plots or decoration of fences, walls of some buildings
  • carpet - plants are planted so tightly and in a clear order that it allows you to create an imitation of a carpet pattern;
  • monoflowers - the name suggests that such a flower garden contains plants of the same type.

You can often find raised flower beds in garden plots and in the courtyards of private houses. Which are used not to decorate the territory, but as an agricultural element - for growing cucumbers and tomatoes. The concept of “dacha hard labor” has sunk into oblivion for many of our compatriots, but the opportunity to bring fresh vegetables and herbs to the table overpowers modern trends in landscape design.

Artificial ponds in the local area

Small reservoirs, fountains, ponds and home waterfalls have always been popular among landscape designers, and their customers. Looking to the side Japanese design gardens and parks, which have become an example in many areas of this type of design art, then stones, plants and water should be present on the site.

When organizing water structures on a site, first of all, you need to decide for what needs you need them - will it be an exclusively decorative pond or will the water from it be used for irrigation, for example.

Fencing the site - using the fence as decoration

Any area needs fencing. Of course, the fence design, material and color palette will be chosen by you in accordance with the design of the facade of your house. But fencing the local area can be used not only to mark the boundaries of the site, protection from uninvited guests and prying eyes, but also to decorate the landscape design of your yard. Climbing plants planted near a mesh fence or fence with special hooks will create a green image of the boundaries of the site.

Combining fencing with vertical flower beds you can create a completely unique image of the boundaries of the site and the entire territory as a whole. Original “live” inserts of greenery and flowers will refresh appearance even the most urban style fence.

Buildings, recreation areas and barbecue areas

Having even a very modest-sized local area, any owner would like to organize places to relax on fresh air, an area for meals, barbecue preparation, a sector for accommodating guests and holding parties. Depending on the size of the plot, your needs and financial capabilities, you can design recreation areas with different functional backgrounds.

From European countries, the motif of organizing recreational areas similar to Spanish patios has penetrated into landscape design. A small area, most often fenced on all sides by buildings, structures or a fence, is arranged in a universal way - here you can simply talk in the fresh air, have a snack, drink refreshing drinks, receive a small group of guests and even have a modest party. In Russian realities, such a place to relax must necessarily be accompanied by the presence of a barbecue - rest on outdoors without cooking the kebab is not considered successful.

In order to organize a place for a meal, terraces or areas under canopies are ideal so that you can enjoy delicious dishes in the fresh air, without fear of rain. Most often for dining area used garden furniture– metal, wood, wicker. Considering that the functional segment is located under the roof, it is possible to use soft pillows to increase the level of comfort and even organize a soft relaxation area on sofas and armchairs made of artificial rattan. Here, under the canopy, you can place barbecue equipment. On the one hand, such an installation is convenient in terms of traffic, on the other hand, it is safe, because the barbecue equipment is not part of the main building.

Site lighting is an element of landscape design

Providing the local area with a sufficient level of illumination at night is a matter of not only safety, but also beauty. Thoughtful and competent location lighting fixtures will allow you not only to move around the site without a hand-held flashlight, but also to create a completely unique atmosphere in a private courtyard and the facade of a house. Highlighting parts of buildings, flower beds and paths, steps and decorative sculptures, you can end up with a unique image of your personal plot.

Formally, all lighting for the yard and home can be divided into functional (utilitarian) and decorative. From the names it is clear that the first is necessary to a greater extent for safety (this includes illumination of the entrance to a building, garage, gate or gate, the entrance to the site itself), and the second is responsible for decorating the territory with the help of lighting (illumination of the most prominent elements of landscape design, which can be either fountains and bridges across a pond, or the most ordinary lilac bush).

For small areas, backyards of private urban houses and just small cottages, it may be enough to evenly distribute the lamps along the garden paths and hang the lantern on the building at the main entrance. For large territories may be needed different kinds lighting fixtures - from pendant lamps for buildings to LED strips for large trees and shrubs.

Lighting equipment must be all-season, durable and preferably powered by solar energy. When using any type of lighting, it is necessary to plan the placement of lamps in such a way that the boundaries of the site can be seen even at night. But at the same time, the lighting should not be too bright - a garden path flooded with light in pitch darkness makes a psychologically difficult impression on a person walking along it.

Just ten years ago, our compatriots were proud to decorate their summer cottage or the local area of ​​a private courtyard with various sculptures. But following Europe, where the use garden gnomes and sculptures of animals began to be considered bad form, and Russian owners of courtyards and estates stopped decorating their garden paths in this way. But the use of flowers will never go out of style. Flowering plants in large garden pots and tubs, fancy flowerpots or monolithic concrete structures will always be relevant.

The advantage of this type of decoration is that you can use flower pots everywhere - on a spacious area to decorate a terrace or dining area under a canopy, and on a small backyard, where nothing fits except a couple of comfortable chairs and a table. But in the realities of the Russian climate, you need to make sure that you have a place to hide flowers during the cold season.

The presence of a personal plot opens ample opportunities for implementation different ideas. In a beautiful frame the main thing will look impressive. The territory can be marked for recreation and recreation for adults. Qualified landscaping of the territory of a private house will help increase the level of comfort and successfully solve a number of practical problems.

Read in the article

Landscape design of the courtyard of a private house: photos and comments

To make it easier to formulate your own wishes and prepare terms of reference, you need to familiarize yourself with implemented projects. The following examples The photos are accompanied by comments that explain individual decisions.

This technology allows you to create a reliable coating with your own hands, providing good protection foundation from moisture. Install behind the outer edge. Reinforcement is used to strengthen the structure.

Reinforced concrete products are durable. They are able to perform their functions for decades without damage. But on large areas Such coatings do not look expressive enough. We should not forget that this technique involves “wet” labor-intensive processes. To ensure high quality, work will have to be performed at air temperatures above 0°C, in dry weather.

For your information! Yard surfaces made from asphalt mixtures are not recommended. Vapors from petrochemical products can have a negative impact on human health.

For your information! To figure out how to properly plant a house garden, in addition to plant parameters, you need to take into account additional important factors. You should consider the location of flower beds and the design of relevant structures, the laying of water supply, drainage, and electrical networks. A comprehensive preliminary analysis will help optimize the design of a summer cottage and accurately calculate cost estimates.

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An ideal solution for fencing an area that will not only serve protective functions, but also to delight the eye with its beauty and shape. How to choose plants, what are the nuances in planting and caring for them - read in our article.

Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos and examples

You can create a documentation package yourself. In any case, it should contain answers to the following questions:

  • How to beautifully plant flowers in the yard so that they look good from important vantage points (entrance area, recreation area, from the windows of a residential building).
  • What to plant to ensure uniform flowering succession and create expressive compositions throughout the season.
  • What flowers suit general style design.
  • How to arrange network engineering, passages for relief.

Plants for the yard in a private house are selected taking into account the exact planting location.

For your information! To study implemented ideas, use thematic photos that are not difficult to find on the Internet. When studying different options one should evaluate the complexity of the work, the reality of repeating technological processes on one’s own without unnecessary labor and monetary costs.

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Photos and other materials from this article will simplify adoption right decisions. They will help you accurately implement the most daring ideas, eliminate mistakes and not exceed the established budget. A photo of a garden on a private plot demonstrates zoning using green spaces. The passage is decorated with an arch. This design is not difficult to make from metal or wooden parts. To create a beautiful private garden, you will need sufficient space. Original flower beds can be made from old ones car tires with your own hands. This material is easy to process, so the garden design can be diversified without unnecessary physical effort. Finished products retain their consumer characteristics in good condition for a long time. Furniture for the yard and garden This figure shows the initial stage of preparation of documentation. It needs to be supplemented with dimensions individual elements, parameters of parts. Next, they make a list of purchases necessary for building a children’s playground in the yard, Supplies, tools.

For your information! If you don’t know how to build a yard or individual structures correctly, contact the specialists. When placing an order with them, specialized enterprises themselves prepare a package of project documentation without additional payment.

Construction of a gazebo in the courtyard of a private house, photo

For your information! The final price of arranging a yard in a private house depends on the cost of parts and materials, transportation costs, and the cost of reproducing technological operations. An attentive owner also takes into account the total costs of repairs during future operation.


The idea of ​​bunk beds quickly gained popularity, and designers boldly stepped forward. They offer new way space zoning: sleeping area or arrange a recreation area “under the ceiling”.

Unlike bunk bed, the second level in the room is an independent structure with reliable fastening and high-quality lifting. Any areas can be located under it: kitchen, workplace, living room or sleeping place.

Partitions are a way of zoning in an apartment or office. Regardless of the design, they make the interior more complex and interesting. Even translucent and viewable options cope with their task - highlighting the area from the general view.

For those who are looking for their ideal solution, we offer our article with dozens of interesting examples.

Spiral staircase- an elegant “spiral” in the interior, which will always be in fashion. It is this design that allows rational use of space and creates a feeling of lightness.

The variety of design ideas makes it ideal in any stylistic design. True, the steep climb may not be acceptable for older people and small children. In any case, you need not only to think through the design, but also to evaluate the degree of safety.

It would seem, why combine anything in a private house to expand the space and fill it with light, when it is already spacious there compared to city apartments?

Firstly, even owners of private houses are faced with the problem of lack of square meters. Secondly, the combined areas of the kitchen, dining room and living room are very convenient for big family when everyone gathers in common area and, mom is preparing dinner, the children are playing and discussing school news, and dad is watching TV or reading the newspaper.

Brickwork, in which the strict pattern of the seams is harmoniously combined with the “individuality” of each stone laid in the wall - business card loft interior style.

Many people like the idea of ​​reproducing the skillful work of a mason in their apartment. To implement it, it is not necessary to take up a trowel and a hammer. It is enough to make an imitation brickwork on any wall or on a separate section of it.

Glass blocks cannot be classified as an innovative building material. In the same time, modern technology and the assortment differs significantly from those in Soviet time, when glass blocks were often used in industrial and public spaces.

On the market building materials Not only domestic products are represented, but also Western brands (German and Italian quality is the most trusted). There is also a wide choice of price categories.

For modern people, time is becoming more and more valuable. And it is measured not only in monetary terms. After all, how can you determine how many dollars one hour spent with loved ones is worth? If you’re going to save your time, you should start in the kitchen.

Harmony and comfort are the main wishes of all summer residents. Our ideas for a country house will be clearly embodied in competent landscaping. At the same time, saving effort, time and finances is important to us, because a relaxing holiday is the main activity on a country estate.

The strict format here gives way to original, sometimes fantastic ideas for landscape and interior design. Combination of fragments is encouraged ready-made options. And the country style dominates here in its diverse manifestations, which gives us freedom of choice.

Original home improvement

It is the thoughtful interior of the dacha that contributes to a comfortable, restorative holiday. Stylish and comfortable design is possible even for a hut with one room, and its external decoration is important both for durability and for creating a pleasant mood. Home improvement with your own hands is interesting, joyful and practical.

We'll paint the facade bright colors, and we’ll make the walls, windows, and door slightly contrasting. Solar yellow goes well with brown, blue, red, or green. From such color ideas our small house will sparkle like a cute field bouquet, and flowerpots on the windowsills will only emphasize the similarity.

Country flavor

In the photo - pastoral cozy design small house.

Advice! The interior space of a single room will necessarily require division into areas for relaxation, lunch, and sleep. A mobile and decorative screen with fresh indoor flowers, a transparent or heavy curtain will fashionably and unobtrusively divide the room.

The designers’ instructions state that the following elements will add valuable folk flavor to the architecture:

  • carved frames on the windows and entrance;
  • thematic pastoral paintings and photos;
  • souvenir crafts and attributes of peasant life;
  • wooden parts coated with varnish rather than paint.

Modern touches

  • Eco-style and minimalism are also suitable for small dacha. They will help us create magic: turn the house into a beautiful and worthy abode.
  • Only natural shades are characteristic color scheme these styles.
  • We will equip country houses from block containers with a transformable table and a chair-bed to expand the space.

Unusual furniture

Country furniture should contribute to a pleasant stay. Its comfort is successfully combined with ease of transportation or transformation to save space.

And coating with varnish or paint guarantees hygiene and ease of cleaning.

  • We will attach the tabletop using the Russian log house technique, and the benches to logs. This set is stable without nails - a hacksaw and an ax will make the joints strong.
  • Will increase the lifespan of rustic furniture quality wood walnut, oak, cherry, beech, birch, linden. Teak is the most resistant to frost, pine provides a healing effect, and aspen suppresses unhealthy energy.
  • The most suitable are solid logs, twigs, fancy stumps and logs, and we use chipboard, plywood, fiberboard in details: for backs, seats.

  • Decorating such furniture with fabric, stones and metal inlay will provide it with originality and uniqueness.
  • Fastening parts with bolts, screws, nails guarantees reliability and stability. PVC and furniture glue will save you from squeaks.
  • Careful grinding and treatment with special moisture-repellent coatings will increase the durability of the country house set.

  • Old furniture - free material for parts stylish interior and original landscape. So, we’ll put flower pots on the chairs and convert the cabinets into decorative flower containers for the garden.
  • We will repair rare furniture and update its decor: we will inlay it, varnish it, or simply paint it.
  • Homemade will save family budget . A strong rope, an old chair and bearings - that's what we need. Wooden chair We will strengthen it with slats and paint it. Then we drill holes for the rope and tie it on a strong branch of a mighty tree.

Decoration of the cottage

The most comfortable, but of the same type, especially need original arrangement. country houses from block containers. Our imagination and efforts will give them a charming originality and characteristic personality. And the use of construction waste will make such artistic and architectural design absolutely cost-free.

We use stone

  • An exclusive table made of wood looks natural in his garden. natural stone. We will independently select and place the stones into a rectangular cube (but easier - from brick). Then we will attach the side cassettes for flowers, line the walls with moss and install the tabletop.
  • Stones and boulders will make our flower beds unique.
  • Gravel will decorate garden alleys and the bottom of a miniature pond.
  • Oasis in oriental style - small garden stones with a flower garden and a pond will give us pleasant freshness even in the heat.

  • We will pave the paths with crushed stone, and the remote paths.

Fence design ideas

Shelves on the fence - practical idea on organizing usually unused space.

Many ideas for country house and dachas delight with their originality.

The main thing is that we will create these options ourselves.

  • All you need is a drill and large multi-colored transparent beads or pieces of glass.
  • IN wooden fence Let's drill through holes and glue beads and glass there.
  • They will sparkle in the sun with precious gems.

Unique bodies of water

  • Technological conditions are such that water is not absorbed at all, and its surface retains the illusion of natural surface.
  • First, we will model the reservoir, calculate its dimensions and determine its location on the site. And at the same time we’ll decide whether this will become a corner wildlife or a cultural recreation area.
  • We will remove a layer of soil along the contour, forming “banks” at the same time.

Advice! You should not dig a deep hole, because the more water, the more difficult it is to clean it. Therefore, even for wintering fish, a pit with a depth below the annual freezing point and a diameter of 2 m is sufficient.

  • The most spectacular ponds have terraces that smoothly descend to the bottom. Here they are, picturesquely holding algae and decor on their horizontal ledges.
  • The bottom of the pit is leveled with sand and covered with waterproofing - geotextiles, polyethylene, roofing felt or old linoleum.
  • Overlapping joints and leaving behind the edges of the walls of the reservoir is 1 m, which will ensure tightness.
  • Thick polyethylene is an excellent hydraulic barrier. When filled with water, it fits tightly along the embossed bottom and fits into the outlet left at the walls. Now only we will fix this release with stones.

Advice. Mandatory sizing with a sealant or thermal soldering of polyethylene seams with an iron through paper is a guarantee of high-quality waterproofing.

  • In a large reservoir, we lay the bottom as hard as possible plastic profile, which we buy at gardening markets. We lay its durable structure directly on the sand.
  • The unique decoration of the pond, its vegetation, paths and decorative highlights in the form of a fountain or a mill will make our country oasis unique.
  • A variety of fountains powered by electricity are quite accessible to us. After all, renting a diesel generator for a summer residence is real and inexpensive. A generator up to 30 kW is ideal for price and practicality.

  • Various configurations of finished models, steps for descent, color variations and other designs are constantly being improved. The owner himself can install it in a couple of hours.
  • We’ll just dig in the purchased frame and plant it with flowers.
  • A bench, sun lounger, hammock and sun awning will turn this wonderful oasis into a special place to relax even on a hot day.

Fairytale decor

Arrangement of the dacha also involves decorating each section of the yard.

For example, we will build a table and chairs from stumps that have not yet been uprooted. You just need to level their surface and attach the painted plywood seats and tabletop.

Children are delighted with the painted flat plywood figures - cartoon characters who have settled in the garden and on the playground. Their price is only the cost of acrylic paints, and we have been able to cut with a jigsaw since school.


  • The sports area usually has the favorite gymnastic equipment, a tennis table and a place for mini football, volleyball and other popular ball games.
  • A gymnastics complex usually consists of horizontal bars, rings, and a Swedish wall.
  • A canopy is appropriate here: it will protect from unexpected summer rain and the scorching sun - it should not blind us.
  • It's nice to relax on the benches after warming up.
  • Electric lighting will extend the time of sports hobbies.


Comfort and beauty coexist harmoniously in a country estate, no matter what its size and topography. It is here that the surrounding nature generously shares healing energy. But only thanks to our imagination, bold aspiration and our hands country house will become comfortable and inimitable.

Only home-made interior and landscape details, independently assembled furniture carry the individuality of its owner, his creative energy. And the material is all around us: large driftwood, dry branches, stones left over from construction, pebbles, sand.

The creative process itself will tell you that even extra stones will become a masterpiece of design in our dacha. We will also get new ideas for stylish and comfortable furnishings by watching the video in this article.