Methods for exterior finishing of a house made of aerated concrete. Finishing the house from aerated concrete or foam blocks on the outside. The best options. How to mechanize the process

A building made of aerated concrete can stand without external finishing without any damage to the integrity of the blocks (we are talking about autoclaved aerated silicate). But, over time, dust settles on the surface of the blocks, and the previously white outer surface becomes an untidy gray color with streaks. So it doesn’t matter, sooner or later, but the question arises about the cladding or finishing of aerated concrete on the outside. Inside, the finishing of aerated concrete is done almost immediately after construction: the blocks do not look very attractive in the interior.

Since aerated concrete has very high vapor permeability, there are certain nuances when carrying out finishing works. The fact is that almost all materials conduct vapors worse than gas silicate. This causes difficulties, since in order to ensure normal removal of water vapor from the room, the vapor permeability of the walls - from the room - to the outside must increase. Only special plaster mixtures for foam concrete. But subject to certain rules the finishing can be anything.

Exterior finishing of aerated concrete

First, let’s talk about how you can’t trim. You cannot insulate with polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene, plaster the outside with ordinary sand-concrete plaster, or paint with covering film-forming paints. If necessary, you can use mineral wool as insulation and paint it with paints that do not block the pores for moisture to escape from the wall. Now let’s talk about how to finish a foam concrete façade.

Curtain facades: lining, siding, panels, etc.

When finishing with any materials that are mounted on the sheathing or guides, a gap remains between the finishing material and the wall. It is called ventilation, since in this gap, with the correct design, there is active movement of air from bottom to top. Correct device- this is the presence of holes in the finishing material at the bottom and top. This ensures the movement of air flow from bottom to top. This flow carries away moisture, which is removed from the room. This device solves the problem of condensation and also maintains normal wall humidity. Since aerated concrete has lower strength characteristics at high humidity, maintaining it normal humidity promotes a longer “life” period. The dependence of the strength of aerated concrete on the percentage of moisture content is presented in the graph.

When exterior finishing of aerated concrete with a ventilated gap, most of the time it has a humidity in the range of 10-15%, i.e. is in the optimal zone. To create such a gap, a lath is placed over the entire area of ​​the wall, ensuring a distance of 3-5 cm from the wall to the exterior finish.

For lathing use wooden beam(treated with antiseptics), metal guides - galvanized profiles for drywall or special ones for ventilation facades. The frequency of the lathing is 40 cm. Using this principle, the aerated concrete façade is sheathed with clapboards and façade panels.

When attaching the sheathing to the wall, the question arises: with what, or rather, “what” to attach the sheathing to the gas silicate. You can simply use self-tapping screws (black ones, they are stronger), but in order for the sheathing to hold well, you will need a lot of length. This means that metal goes deep into the body of the block. In winter it is an excellent cold bridge. But this is not the worst. When exposed to wind loads, the frame vibrates, and the vibration is naturally transmitted to the fasteners. Under the influence of vibrations, foam concrete is crushed. As a result, the screw may fall out.

And that is not all. Due to the temperature difference - the relatively warm aerated concrete and the quickly cooling metal of the screw - condensation forms on the screw. When the temperature drops, it freezes, destroying the body of the block. In general, do not simply use self-tapping screws to attach the sheathing to the aerated concrete from the outside.

To avoid such a situation, plastic plugs are inserted into the wall and dowel nails are used. Ordinary ones are of little use, although they are better than just self-tapping screws. If you use regular ones, the length plastic stopper must be at least 30 mm.

In general, it is better to attach it to special ones, which are called “for aerated concrete”. They are available in specialized stores that sell hardware. You may not find them on the regular construction market. From ordinary ones they get wet large sizes plastic part, as well as more developed screw plates.

The installation method is standard. A hole is drilled under the dowel plug (plastic part). Depending on the shape of the screw surface, a plastic insert is driven into it (the upper dowel in the photo) or screwed in (the lower one). Then the screw is screwed in.

When using wooden blocks or galvanized profiles, they are attached to such dowels. The sheathing installation step is smaller than usual - it is about 40 cm. This is for a more uniform distribution of shock loads that arise when strong wind. An example of covering aerated concrete with siding can be seen in the video. There are many useful nuances.

Brick finishing

If you cover an aerated concrete façade with bricks correctly, it will stand for decades without problems. Required condition— there must be a ventilation barrier between the wall of finishing material and the wall made of aerated concrete. Its width is at least 30 mm. In order for it to work, when laying finishing bricks vents are left in the lower part - small holes into which air will enter. To prevent animals from getting into them, they are covered with ventilation grilles.

The principle of “operation” of the system with a wall made of finishing bricks spaced 3-5 cm

Only this type of finishing, unlike ventilated facades, should be taken into account when calculating the foundation. Firstly, the mass of brick finishing, even half a brick, is considerable, and it must be taken into account when calculating the bearing capacity of the foundation. Secondly, the width of the finishing is taken into account when determining the width of the foundation: the overhang of the brick cannot be more than 3 cm, and a ventilation gap of 3 to 5 cm is also needed between the wall and the finishing.

But, if you simply place a brick wall at the required distance from the wall of the house, there is a very high probability that it will simply fall. Therefore, it is necessary to connect the walls of foam concrete and brick. To do this, even at the stage of laying foam concrete, thin plates called “flexible connections” are installed between the blocks. It's best if they are made of stainless steel. The environment in the solution in which these strips are embedded has an alkaline reaction, and in an alkaline environment, metal, even galvanized metal, quickly deteriorates.

Inserted into seams mounting plates for connection with the brick finishing of foam concrete, but they are galvanized and after a few years the brick finishing may fall off

The plates on the wall surface are placed approximately 60 cm in every second row, the maximum height distance between two rows is 50 cm. The plates are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. In the area of ​​corners, windows and doorways It’s worth placing them more often.

Sometimes when laying the plates they forget about them. In this case, a dowel is screwed into the wall, to which a metal perforated plate or also a special stainless steel pin is already attached. Another option: when laying bricks, a hole is made in the wall exactly opposite the seam into which a pin is driven. The pin should extend 10 cm into the concrete body and almost the entire width of the brick. But the pin is not flexible and can break both aerated concrete and brick finishing (into a brick floor, for sure). Therefore, it is better not to suffer from such “savings”. How to finish aerated concrete using finishing bricks with a ventilator - in the video.

How to plaster a facade made of aerated concrete

As already mentioned, plasters for aerated concrete can only be used with high vapor permeability. These plasters are expensive, but they are applied in a thin layer. Therefore, to obtain a smooth surface, a number of preparatory measures are required.

Start off plastering work possible in case of humidity aerated concrete blocks no higher than 27%. Before starting work, the surface is treated:

  • remove dust with a brush;
  • use a grater to level the surface;
  • dents and chips are repaired with glue mixed with aerated concrete dust, which was obtained when cutting the blocks.

Minimum layer - up to 10 mm can not be reinforced. Due to the adhesive additives in the composition, it will adhere tightly to the surface. If the layer is 10-15 mm, reinforcement with a fiberglass mesh is necessary; with a thickness of 15-20 mm, a metal mesh is required. Exterior decoration aerated concrete with thicker plaster is impractical.

The mesh for outdoor use should have a mesh of about 3 mm. It must be resistant to alkaline environments (written on the packaging), otherwise after a couple of months it will lose strength and will no longer hold the plaster. As a result, the finishing layer will fall off.

Reinforcement is carried out over the applied layer of primer mixture. It is also used specially, has excellent adhesion to foam concrete, and creates the basis for applying decorative plaster. The composition is applied to the wall in a strip. Before it freezes, a mesh is rolled out over it. Using a notched trowel or grater, press the mesh into the solution. After it has completely sunk, take a regular wide spatula and level the surface, adding mortar if necessary. The leveled surface is left to dry. The period depends on the material used and is specified by the manufacturer. The average period is 7 days.

A primer is applied to the dried surface of the reinforcing layer. It performs several functions:

  • equalizes the absorbency of the base (reduces it);
  • paints over grey colour(she is white);
  • reduces porosity.

Using the dried primer (in the description), the final finish is applied - decorative plaster. The technique for applying it depends on the type of composition.

Insulation of aerated concrete walls

With normal calculations and adherence to technology (laying with glue with a joint thickness of 1-2 mm) gas silicate walls do not need insulation. IN middle lane In Russia, the block thickness is 325 mm. If the need nevertheless arises, the insulation must be vapor-permeable. And these are mineral wool and foam glass. Foam glass has excellent characteristics, but a high price. Mineral wool is cheaper. The thickness of the insulation depends on how cold it is in the house, but usually 50 mm is used as a minimum.

When finishing with lathing, it is made from a wider board or profile, taking into account the fact that the thickness of the insulation is also added to the thickness of the ventilation gap. Sometimes a counter-lattice may be needed. These are additional strips, which, depending on the circumstances, are packed along or across the first sheathing. The thermal insulation is attached to the wall with special plastic dowels with a wide mushroom-shaped cap.

Interior finishing of aerated concrete

Finishing aerated concrete indoors has its own characteristics. Most often, such walls are still plastered. You can use the same expensive mixtures as for exterior finishing, but it is very expensive. There are ways to make walls normally using ordinary cement or gypsum plaster. But this requires additional measures: a preliminary relief is created using cheap tile adhesive. It has good adhesion (adhesion) even to a relatively flat surface of aerated concrete and creates an excellent basis for applying subsequent layers. plaster. The procedure is as follows:

You can apply plaster over the dried glue, or you can lay tiles. She definitely won’t go anywhere: she will hold on well. In wet areas - bathroom, kitchen - you can choose a film-forming primer, which reduces the vapor permeability of paints.

To learn how to properly prepare a gas silicate wall for plastering, watch the video. With its help, plastering aerated concrete walls with your own hands is clear: everything is laid out step by step and chewed.

Interior finishing options

Almost all options are acceptable for finishing aerated concrete walls inside:

  • Drywall or gypsum board on bars or profiles. There are no difficulties with fastening: no wind loads, no frost. But that's only if we're talking about about the house permanent residence. On seasonal unheated dacha and the installation of dowels is required inside.
  • Lining in all its forms.
  • Plastic panels.
  • Painting, but on a prepared and leveled surface. And paints are still better with at least some kind of vapor permeability. Unless you can use film-forming compounds in the bathroom or kitchen.

Of all these processes, only painting requires some explanation. It is not necessary to plaster a wall made of aerated concrete for this type of finishing. In general, the walls should be almost even. If there are chips, dents or protrusions, everything can be solved very simply. They are sealed with the same glue on which the blocks were placed. If the dents are large, you can add sawdust, which is formed when cutting the block, to the glue. The seams are rubbed with the same composition.

If there are protrusions, they are trimmed off with a special grater, but you can also sandpaper, fixed on a block. These products achieve a smooth surface that can be painted. The wall is cleaned with a brush attached to a holder to sweep away the dust. The dust-free wall is primed. The primer is selected compatible with the selected paint. They must be compatible. It is advisable to apply the primer twice. Then paint is applied to the completely dry primed surface.

After completing the construction of a house made of aerated concrete, you can think about it external cladding, since it is very important for the correct visual perception of the structure. Its type depends on many components, among which the leading place is occupied by the main material of the structure. Private houses made of aerated concrete are in greater need of high-quality external design due to the structure of the blocks.

Characteristics of a house made of aerated concrete

Aerated concrete is a type lightweight concrete, which is made from siliceous aggregate in combination with binders. Some time ago, aerated concrete was used only to create thermal insulation inside the house. Nowadays, aerated concrete blocks are used as a full-fledged building material. Structures built from aerated concrete have a number of advantages. But such private houses require compliance with certain rules when decorating, which are mandatory in order to avoid poor-quality results:

  1. When constructing the load-bearing structures of a house from aerated concrete, the quality of the construction should never be neglected, since any flaws will be noticeable even after external decoration.
  2. The cladding must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, taking into account the fact that aerated concrete has high vapor permeability.
  3. It is not necessary to carry out additional thermal insulation, since the thickness of the walls and the specificity of aerated concrete are sufficient to create comfortable conditions inside the house.
  4. If you choose stone or brick finishing, you need to calculate the load-bearing capacity of the foundation to make sure it can support the weight of the decoration.

Important! Decorating the facade of a house made of aerated concrete is carried out only after the completion of the construction itself and in the warm season.

Variety of finishes for the facade of an aerated concrete house

In order to choose the only correct option to decorate a house made of aerated concrete from the outside, you need to understand the varieties and features that exist on this moment options.

Brick decoration

Exterior design made of brick is one of the best options for a house made of aerated concrete, due to the strength and reliability of the resulting structure. Such a facade will withstand external influences and look stylish. Thanks to in various ways masonry and surface design of facing bricks, you can choose the appropriate type to create a particular house design from aerated concrete. A structure made of aerated concrete, due to its hollowness, will create the correct microclimate in the room, and the exterior design with brick will protect such a structure. The only thing you need to remember is the need to leave a gap between the brick and the aerated concrete to eliminate the formation of condensation. It is best to equip this gap with supply-type ventilation. In this case, in brickwork holes are left, which are called vents with a diameter of at least 1/100 of the entire wall area.

Advice! To maintain the ensemble, the brick cladding of a house made of aerated concrete can be combined with the same fence or paths, as well as adjacent buildings on the site.

Typically, tall buildings are faced with natural bricks. If a private house consists of two floors, it is more rational to decorate it with clinker tiles. The surface of the tile has the same specifications, as the facing type of brick. To carry out the finishing, it is best to invite a specialist, since the work is difficult for a master who does not have specific experience.

Decorating the house with bricks is planned at the design stage of the future structure, so that it is possible to calculate the load and create a foundation that will withstand it.


This finishing material is the most affordable and budget-friendly for the exterior decoration of aerated concrete houses. It has the following advantages:

The façade of a house made of aerated concrete can be finished with siding in a horizontal or vertical arrangement of panels. The first design option helps to imitate log wall, and the second is usually used to finish non-residential buildings.

If necessary, the space under the siding can be decorated with a heat insulator such as polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or mineral wool. To decorate a house made of aerated concrete, you can use all currently known types of siding. It is metal, vinyl, wood or cement. The main condition for purchasing such material is its high quality. The lifespan of such a design directly depends on the material chosen for the panels. Aerated concrete is considered the most durable for finishing houses vinyl siding. Let's talk about it in more detail.

The material is a system of decorative strips that can create a unified design on the wall surface. This version of siding contains several polymer layers, which give it high technical and quality characteristics.

Such panels answer modern requirements for facing material:

  • Presentable appearance. A large assortment of shades and textures allows you to decorate the building in a certain style and combine it with buildings on the site. The panels fit most harmoniously into the facades of aerated concrete houses.
  • Protecting the walls of the house from external atmospheric influences.
  • Reliability and durability of the coating, thanks to which a house made of aerated concrete resists mechanical stress.
  • Durability. Vinyl panels can last more than 50 years if properly maintained.
  • Easy to care for. To clean the siding surface, use water and soap solution. None special means no need to buy.

For houses made of aerated concrete, two-layer vinyl siding is usually used, which has an additional layer that improves the dimensional stability of the panel itself. For better protection Such panels are covered with a special outer layer.

Plaster finishing

For aerated concrete blocks special plaster compositions with the addition of components that prevent moisture absorption. For quality implementation Plastering work must be done according to an algorithm. First of all, preparatory work is carried out. This includes cleaning the facade of aerated concrete house from the old coating, if any, as well as from dirt and dust. After this, the walls must be primed with a composition intended for aerated concrete.

A reinforcing mesh made of fiberglass or a metal equivalent, but with small cells, is installed on a dried aerated concrete wall. The mesh is necessary for better adhesion of the plaster to the wall.

After the plaster has dried, it can be painted in one or more shades, depending on the wishes of the owner of the house. Also, the facade can be decorated with patterns that are applied through a stencil.

Advice! If, during the plastering process, irregularities appear on the house, they are sanded and covered with a layer of paint.

If a house made of aerated concrete is in a soft climatic zone, then the surface can be plastered without insulation. For harsher areas, an internal layer of insulation on the structure will be required.

To decorate aerated concrete blocks, light plaster is usually used, the quartz sand in which is replaced with mineral components. Thanks to this composition, plaster layer does not affect the load-bearing capacity of walls, and its diffusion properties are quite high. Also, such plasters have a high thermal conductivity coefficient.

But there is a small drawback - the low strength of the material, which is why experienced builders It is not recommended to use such a coating in finishing the base and walls basement Houses.

Installation of a ventilated facade

Such exterior finishing of a house made of aerated concrete will be convenient in terms of the fact that you can immediately insulate the walls of the building. In addition, this design will allow moisture to be removed from aerated concrete due to the presence ventilation gaps in the facade.

A ventilated facade consists of a profile, which is most often made of metal, a layer of insulation and finishing cladding. Can also be used wood profile, it will be the only solution for those buildings made of aerated concrete whose load-bearing capacity is low. The design of a ventilated facade can be made with any currently known finishing material.

Successful design options

Today, the façade of a building can be decorated in any way. in an accessible way. The design of the plastered surface of the half-timbered structure is considered a novelty. This allows you to simulate a frame structure on the surface of aerated concrete. To complete the cladding, polyurethane moldings in the form of boards are attached to the walls.

Plastered surfaces are ideally combined with tiles or decorative panels, which can decorate the base of the house, window and door openings or corners.

The cladding of part of the house will look beautiful wood siding, and parts with light plaster. Thus, it is possible to achieve Scandinavian style in design.


Exterior finishing of a house made of aerated concrete is a complex task that requires mandatory design. The choice of material must be carried out in accordance with the specifics of aerated concrete so that the design is not only decorative, but also protective function for home.

Types of materials for exterior finishing of aerated concrete blocks

Finishing a house made of aerated concrete from the outside does not require the application of protective coatings. Contact of unprotected aerated concrete with the atmospheric environment leads to a change in the properties of aerated concrete and seriously deteriorates the appearance, so I advise you to protect aerated concrete:

  • facing brick;
  • textured, vapor-permeable paints;
  • siding, ventilated facades;
  • special vapor-permeable plaster mixtures that preserve the ability of aerated concrete to “breathe” and protect it from moisture.

When choosing the type of finish, you need to know that aerated concrete is perfectly permeable to steam and air. If the finish is not air-vapor tight, this will lead to moisture accumulation between the aerated concrete and the finish. This moisture will intensively destroy the material and the structure itself.

I do not recommend protecting aerated concrete cement-sand mixtures, polystyrene foam boards, film-forming paints or dense adhesives.

Finishing a façade made of aerated concrete with textured special paints over vapor-permeable putty is simple and inexpensive way. The cheapest is the “Prospectors” paint.

  • The paint is diluted with water, mixed thoroughly and applied with a roller to the gas block. It is convenient to change the color of the paint by adding pigments. I don't recommend saving on paint.
  • Preparation consists of processing the protruding irregularities with a jointer and grouting the seams.
  • I recommend starting painting a month after preparing the base, so that the chemical reactions in the materials are completed.
  • If the aerated concrete is of poor quality, there are a lot of chips and unevenness, you can apply thin-layer vapor-permeable plaster.


Paint consumption is about 0.4-0.6 kg/m2

Exterior finishing of aerated concrete walls with sheet materials reliable way protect the building. The house can be covered with vinyl siding, clapboard or ceramic, metal sheets, vertical or horizontal method installations.

  • I recommend attaching the sheathing sheets to the sheathing.
  • Install the sheathing on nails or expansion anchors. The sheathing creates a ventilated space of 2...4 cm, which is extremely useful for removing condensation and additional insulation.
  • Vinyl siding is often the best way to protect aerated concrete. Available in sizes 385x25.5 cm, thickness 1 mm.

Calculation of quantity of material

Divide total area surface per area of ​​one panel, get the number of required panels
Don't forget to add 7% to the resulting number, which will be spent on processing corners and difficult places

Facade thermal panels are a composite of foam plastic, glass wool on extruded polystyrene foam and marble chips on the outer surface.

Thermal panels are lightweight - they do not load the foundation, are attached to aerated concrete using construction adhesive, and are made of high quality material.

Today thermal panels are the most easy way protection of aerated concrete and additional insulation. The sheathing is not installed on the wall; you can glue the thermal panels yourself.

Facing brick finishing

Protection of aerated concrete with facing bricks should be carried out with a gap of 30...40...50 mm. Brick and aerated concrete walls must be connected with flexible connections. This is usually fiberglass or perforated steel.

In new masonry, connections are inserted into the seam between the masonry during the masonry process itself.

“Clinker tile” panels are a two-layer composite of polyurethane and German high-quality clinker tiles Stroеher, Feldhaus Klinker. Attached directly to the facade with dowels without preparatory work on aerated concrete. After installation, the seams are unstitched.

Tile consumption

Divide the surface area by the area of ​​one tile and multiply by 1.07

Preparation of the base, regardless of the type of finish

I advise you to start exterior finishing of aerated concrete walls by preparing the working surface of the wall. First, repair defects in joints, chips, and seams. This is more of an event to insulate the building. It is useful to apply " warm seam", seal voids and seams polyurethane foam. Putty the seam.

It will be very good if the primer is covered with a deep penetration waterproofing compound, then fungus is guaranteed not to appear.

Helpful information


The leaders at the lowest cost with a clear advantage are vinyl siding and thermal panels. Using them to protect an aerated concrete wall is half the cost of painting or building a brick wall.

German clinker tiles cost twice as much for aerated concrete cladding Brick wall. The manufacturability of siding and thermal panels allows you to do the work yourself.

This is the most optimal material for protecting aerated concrete on walls.

The interior decoration of a house made of aerated concrete serves not only for decoration, but also performs a number of functions for insulating and protecting walls. Since aerated concrete is a porous material, its condition is greatly affected by temperature and humidity, therefore the external and internal finishing aerated concrete walls acts as a natural protective barrier. This means that it is important for owners to know what materials to choose for cladding and how to apply their properties in practice.

“Bare” walls made of aerated concrete do not look presentable enough to leave them unfinished Source

Features of interior decoration of walls made of aerated concrete blocks

Due to its porous structure, aerated concrete has high air permeability. If the wall does not have interior decoration, warm water easily seeps through it room air. In the wall cavity it cools to the temperature of the outside air, forming condensation that accumulates in the pores of the material. Thus, walls made of aerated concrete without finishing create large heat losses and become damp due to the formation of condensation.

The main task of interior finishing of a house made of gas silicate blocks is to reduce the permeability of the walls, that is, to “seal” the material from the side of the room. For this purpose, special plaster, plasterboard or wood sheets. Decorative wall decoration on this basis can be of any type.

Aerated blocks are quite affordable in terms of material compatibility - they can be paired with both plaster and wood Source

Types of materials and methods of interior decoration

IN modern construction exists big choice finishing materials for aerated concrete. Thanks to this, choosing the cladding to suit your taste and budget is not difficult.

For rough finishing of aerated concrete use:

For decorative finishing aerated concrete can be used:

    paint and varnish compositions;

    textured plaster;

    wooden or plastic sheathing.

For the right choice you need to imagine the properties and advantages of each of these materials.

When installing rough finishing, if necessary, the walls can be additionally insulated Source

Plastering walls

Using plaster, you can level the surface of walls for painting or wallpapering. However, ordinary cement-sand mortar is not suitable for finishing aerated concrete walls indoors. Special plaster mixtures are used in construction, which have the following parameters:

    They retain moisture, so when applied it does not penetrate into aerated concrete;

    Improves the adhesion of plaster to aerated concrete;

    Make the solution more flexible and comfortable to apply;

    Accelerate the hardening process of the mixture on the wall;

    Increases the strength of the coating;

    Eliminates cracks during application.

It is better to entrust the work of applying plaster to a wall made of aerated concrete professional craftsmen. The surface is quite difficult to level due to the texture of the blocks and uneven seams. It's also important to note that plaster takes a while to dry, so finishing the entire house may take several days or weeks.

Plaster is one of the optimal materials for rough finishing Source


An alternative to plaster is the installation of plasterboard sheets. The method of laying the material depends on the evenness of the wall. If the blocks are laid flat, the drywall is simply glued to the wall. This method If the wall requires leveling, you will have to install the sheets on metal carcass with a layer of insulation.

Drywall is an ideal basis for any decorative finish. It can be covered decorative plaster, paint and wallpaper. Sheets of plasterboard can be used to cover all rooms in the house.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects houses made of aerated concrete from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.


Wood is an environmentally friendly material and has a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the house. This type of home decoration looks very cozy. If you do wood cladding throughout the house, it will completely look like a real log house.

Wooden cladding goes well with aerated concrete walls due to the technical similarities of the materials. Both wood and gas silicate have a porous structure and good thermal conductivity. However, the lining is subject to mandatory treatment with water-repellent and antifungal varnishes.

The most popular types of wood for home decoration are pine and spruce. They are characterized by high strength, aesthetic appearance and a pleasant pine aroma.

Covering the walls with clapboard will make the room indistinguishable from a room in a log house Source

Laying ceramic tiles on aerated concrete is recommended in rooms with high humidity- bathroom or kitchen. The tiles will create a protective barrier that will prevent the walls from becoming damp from steam and condensation.

To lay tiles you need to use a special glue that will create good adhesion with aerated concrete wall. Ordinary cement mortar It is not suitable for these purposes; you need a sealed composition with antifungal additives.

When covering walls made of aerated concrete with tiles, you must additionally take care of a powerful ventilation system so that moisture does not linger in the room. This is the only way to avoid the appearance of fungus and mold in the bathroom.

Ceramic tiles - excellent protection against moisture Source

Wallpapering walls

After puttying or covering with plasterboard, the walls can be covered with any wallpaper. It is worth considering their breathability. Eg, vinyl wallpapers create additional protection for aerated concrete from moisture and temperature changes. Paper fabric is more “breathable”; it is recommended to combine it with a dense layer of plaster.

The technology for gluing wallpaper on a wall made of aerated concrete differs little from the standard one. Before starting work, the wall must be primed. Otherwise, the recommendations related to the type of wallpaper and the base for gluing are followed.

When choosing wallpaper, the main thing is to choose not only the material, but also the design Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of reconstruction and rebuilding of houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Painting the walls

Painting the walls in a house made of aerated concrete is done on top of plaster or plasterboard sheathing. For finishing, water-based paint of one of four types is most often used:





In order to additionally protect aerated concrete from water, it is used acrylic paint, which has moisture-repellent properties. Silicone and silicate paint are vapor permeable, so they require laying reliable plaster.

Before painting, rough finishing of the walls is required - primer, plaster or drywall Source

PVC panels

Installation plastic panels on a wall made of aerated concrete - this is a budget-friendly and easy-to-execute finishing option. PVC panels can be different colors, and also imitate the texture of wood or stone. The main condition for their installation on aerated concrete is the presence of a waterproofing layer. This is especially important when finishing a bathroom or kitchen. Also, PVC panels suffer from temperature changes, so they should not be used in finishing balconies and hallways.

PVC panels are a pretty nice and budget solution Source

    Finishing mixtures must be selected based on their compatibility with aerated concrete. Any company has building materials with this mark.

    Instead of conventional leveling plaster, you can use a decorative textured mixture. You won't be able to stick wallpaper on it, but paint will look very impressive.

    In order for the cladding to serve for a long time and perform its functions, the house must be organized coercive system ventilation. This primarily applies to the bathroom and kitchen areas.

Examples of interior decoration of a house made of aerated blocks

In this small gallery you can see examples of finishing houses made of gas silicate blocks.



Very practical use of the under-staircase space Source

It is advisable to install in the attic big windows Source

Video description

And a slightly non-standard look at finishing aerated concrete in the following video:


Since the decoration of walls made of aerated concrete indoors plays important role in maintaining the home microclimate, you need to know and understand the difference between the popular options for cladding rooms. Only after selecting the material required according to its characteristics, you can proceed to choosing the most beautiful and suitable look finishing.

The external walls of the house are the basis of the entire structure, so they must be made of a reliable base. Therefore, they are often built from aerated concrete, because this material has high strength and wear resistance, but there is one significant drawback - its unpresentable appearance. In addition, it absorbs moisture like a sponge, so over time it begins to crumble, crack and collapse. It is for this reason that it must be protected. Typically, the finishing of the facade of a house made of aerated concrete blocks undergoes additional finishing, during which they use various materials. But initially it is worth considering the basic qualities of the materials.

Often, when building houses, cottages, and residential buildings, a block of aerated concrete base is used. Aerated concrete is a type of building material, namely a type of artificial stone, which belongs to the cellular type of concrete. It is made from concrete, which is combined with lime and quartz sand. All this is diluted with aluminum blowing agent. The components are diluted with water, after which a reaction is observed that releases hydrogen and foams the cement mass. The finished solution is poured into special molds. After the entire reaction has taken place and the solution has completely set, it is divided into blocks and dried in intended ovens for this purpose. The result is ready-made aerated concrete for building houses.

Aerated concrete blocks

Houses made from these blocks have the following qualities:

  • houses made of blocks are light in weight, so there is no need to build a massive foundation;
  • Due to the fact that this material has an optimal light weight ratio, dimensions do not need to be ordered during construction additional equipment for lifting loads, which ultimately saves money and reduces labor costs;
  • the block can be easily cut, sawed, there will be no difficulties when laying the subsystem, communications and other important parts of the house;
  • rapid construction of buildings made of aerated concrete. It will take about 1 month to build one box of a house from this base;
  • no additional finishing for insulation is required, because aerated concrete has excellent thermal insulation properties. For this reason, houses made from this base are always warm and cozy, especially in the cold season.

Options for finishing facades made of aerated concrete blocks

However, despite the high quality of aerated concrete, it still breaks down over time due to various negative influences. weather conditions. And the appearance is not always pleasing to the eye. Therefore, you should beautifully design the façade of aerated concrete. It can be finished with a variety of materials, from brick to ordinary plaster. But in order for the cladding to be able to protect the external walls from negative factors To extend the service life of the building, as well as to give a presentable appearance, it is worth carefully familiarizing yourself with the features of each material for the facade finishing of buildings made of aerated concrete.


Finishing external walls building a house made of aerated concrete with bricks greatly improves its appearance, makes it presentable, makes it much more beautiful and brighter. In addition, various color solutions bricks, will allow you to choose the material that will fit perfectly into the style landscape design. But during finishing it is necessary to use not ordinary bricks, because it can put additional pressure on the blocks.

In addition, so that the finish can last a long period, during construction work You must follow several important rules:

  • Before installing the brick on the block, you need to prepare the mortar. To do this, it is thoroughly mixed, this will help to avoid sand settling, all components will be distributed evenly. After installation, the brick will adhere well both to each other and to the gas blocks;
  • The mixture should be spread evenly. This will make the seams stronger;
  • to enhance the strength of the entire structure, the thickness of the seam should be at least 10 mm;
  • If mortar gets on the brick during the laying process, it should be removed immediately, otherwise it will dry out and ruin the entire aesthetic appearance of the building.

Scheme for finishing aerated concrete facade with bricks


When choosing a material for finishing block houses, you should choose siding. This material has good qualities allowing to preserve the quality of the entire structure for a long time. Advantages of siding material:

  • the base of this material is heat-resistant, so this material does not deteriorate as a result of temperature changes, it withstands very coldy or increased heat;
  • has high moisture resistance. Rain, snow, hail will not have a negative impact on this base;
  • When finishing a house with this material, a gap remains between the siding facade and the walls in which an insulating base can be installed.

For insulation, two types of insulation can be used:

  • materials with a soft base - various versions of mineral wool;
  • products with a solid base - polystyrene foam with an extruded base or polystyrene foam.

By appearance the result is an ordinary ventilated façade, only, unlike a subsystem with ventilation, it has a reduced cost and is no different in properties. In addition, during installation it is necessary to comply with certain requirements, since the aerated concrete block has low strength. For this reason, the “frame-wall” fastening units require additional strengthening.

When strengthening, the dowel should expand with a self-tapping screw, for this reason it must be chosen 1-2 mm smaller than the dowel. The standard dowel size is about 6 mm. The mounting depth must be at least 50 mm.

Scheme for finishing a wall made of aerated concrete with siding


The finishing of aerated concrete walls can be done with a variety of finishing materials, not only siding and brick. Plaster is often used for finishing aerated concrete bases. To decorate a house, you should not choose ordinary cement mixtures, because the block will immediately absorb all the moisture from them, which will ultimately cause the destruction of the material. In addition, after drying, multiple microcracks form on the surface of the plaster. For this reason, you should purchase special mixtures that are used specifically for aerated concrete blocks. These mixtures are based on additives that prevent the absorption of moisture into the aerated concrete material.

Wall finishing with plaster is carried out sequentially:

  • The first step is to prepare the working surface of the walls. It consists of cleaning the surface from dust and excess solution;
  • after this, the walls need to be primed with a special mixture, which is intended for aerated concrete material;
  • the next stage is to create a plaster mesh. To do this, you can use a fiberglass or metal mesh with small cells;
  • install the mesh to the wall using self-tapping screws;
  • the presence of a mesh guarantees high-quality adhesion of the plaster to the wall surface. If it is not installed, then after some time the work will have to be redone again, because the layer of plaster may come off over time;
  • after this you need to knead the solution. Dry ingredients are poured into the container, water is added to them, everything is mixed;
  • after that we proceed to plastering the walls;
  • When the entire finishing process is completed, you can begin cladding the facade. To do this, you can paint it completely or paint individual parts.

Scheme for finishing aerated concrete facade with plaster

Protective painting

After finishing the facade with plaster, it is necessary to paint it. This will give an expressive, bright look to the entire structure. Most economical option There will be the use of special paints or vapor-permeable plasters.

Features of facade painting are as follows:

  • in order to paint the facade, you should add to the plaster desired color. Then the walls need to be finished with the resulting mixture;
  • if suddenly you don’t like the color, you can dilute the mixture with another color and paint the facade again;
  • the coloring mixture is applied with a special roller or brush;
  • If unevenness, various connecting scars, or seams appear during painting, they must be carefully rubbed down. Next, using a plane, everything should be sanded;
  • If you are already planning painting in advance, then it is better to purchase an already processed block.

Paint protection

The final stage after plastering should be protective covering walls with a special composition. Typically, hydrophobic compounds are used for painting, which contain special water-repellent components. These compounds are called water repellent. But for aerated concrete material there are special compounds. Mixtures that are used for finishing brick and concrete are not suitable for this material.

Treatment of painted facades with hydrophobic mixtures:

  • hydrophobic mixtures can be applied using a regular paint brush or roller;
  • They should be applied to the blocks in a small layer. This layer will be enough to protect the walls from dust adhesion and from the effects of various negative precipitation;
  • Application should be made to the entire surface, including corners and other hard-to-reach places.

Ventilated facades

A ventilated façade is considered in the best possible way finishing walls made of aerated concrete. This method is used for wall cladding a large number of sheet or linear finishing material - siding, lining, block house, porcelain tiles, sheets of plastic or metal base.

Finishing features of the ventilated base:

  • In order to install such cladding on a block, it is necessary to use a system of guides; if necessary, a lath is made. This facing will provide clearance;
  • the entire structure is installed using nails, dowel or anchor type fasteners;
  • during finishing of the facade from aerated concrete block Systems with vertical guides with wooden base slats are often used. And on the outside they can be sheathed with horizontal materials - clapboard made of wooden base, block house, siding;
  • cladding made of sheet material is usually made together with sheathing, which is nailed to the facade and secured with self-tapping screws;
  • the resulting gap between the cladding and the facade is insulated mineral wool, basalt thermal insulation.

On sale you can find ready-made facade systems made of sheet material. They are already equipped with everything necessary. Their high reliability makes it possible to use them for the construction of private buildings, as well as for multi-story structures.

Finishing buildings made from aerated concrete base is a mandatory requirement for the building to last for a long period. You can use various materials for it - brick, plaster, siding. The main thing is that the material is of high quality and wear-resistant. Also, its installation should be done correctly so that in the future it does not move away or crumble.

Scheme of a ventilated facade


Technology for finishing walls made of aerated concrete blocks using various materials.

Photo of the finished facade of a house made of aerated concrete blocks

Examples of how you can change the facade of a house made of aerated concrete blocks using various finishing materials.