Ways to learn English. English from scratch: how to start learning successfully

Today we'll talk about speed. More precisely, how to quickly learn English language. Let's find out in what cases urgent and quick English language learning may be needed. Let's try to determine what kind of training fits better: with a teacher or independently. And we will share with you tips on how you can improve your level of English in a short time. Let's get to it!

Why do you need to learn English quickly?

Let's answer first main question, which torments many: “Is it possible to quickly learn English?”

Our answer: “You can. But at the same time, you must set a clear goal for why you need to improve your level of English.”

You may need:

  • study at a prestigious foreign university;
  • successfully pass an interview in English;
  • work for a transnational company or open your own international business;
  • take an international English test, such as IELTS;
  • travel or go on a tourist trip;
  • moving to an English-speaking country, etc.

You may say, “Why? After all, I can prepare for all these events on my own: buy a tutorial or download an application with the necessary phrases and memorize them.” And you'll be right. Partly. But will such training be fast and effective as you wish? Not really.

Reasons to study English via Skype with a teacher

  • Selected training program— after the first communication with you, the teacher will be able to select the optimal English language learning program for you. Will focus on your weak sides and will help you avoid mistakes in learning.
  • Understanding educational materials — in class, the teacher will be able to explain to you a grammatical rule as clearly and clearly as possible or explain why you need to use a particular expression or phrasal verb.
  • Control and motivation— the teacher will monitor the learning process, monitor your progress and motivate you in class.
  • Expert opinion- the teacher has knowledge that will help you when passing the international test, since he himself has successfully passed this test before and knows all the pitfalls, or he has experience in preparing students to successfully pass an interview in English. Teacher from own experience understands what you need to know and what to pay attention to.

How to speed up learning English with a teacher

So, what should you pay attention to if you want to quickly learn English with a teacher:

  • Choose a suitable teacher.

Find a teacher with whom you feel comfortable. Choose the temperament that suits you best: an “old school” teacher - strict and demanding, or a person with a good sense of humor and energetic. You definitely won't get bored in these classes.

And do not forget that your teacher must have experience in the issue with which you approached him (passing international exams, preparing for interviews, etc.).

If you find your teacher, you will definitely not give up on your studies and will continue to improve your foreign language to the level you need with pleasure.

  • Exercise as often as possible.

Don't forget that you need to quickly and effectively prepare for important event, so don’t rush to relax. Study with a teacher 3-5 times a week, 1-2 hours each time and devote self-study the same amount of time. 50% of learning is completing your homework.

  • Always do your homework.

As we've already shared, studying after class is an important part of the process because repetition helps you learn the material better. Ask your teacher to give you extensive assignments to develop all your English skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. And don't forget about grammar and vocabulary exercises.

  • Study with a native speaker.

If your level of English is Pre-Intermediate and higher, then you can try your hand at communicating with “native speakers”. This will increase your self-confidence if you travel abroad or when you work with foreign partners. In class you will have to express yourself only in English to be understood, and you will learn to rephrase what you want to say.

If you are afraid to stay face-to-face with an American or a Briton, then you can always try your hand at group classes - Conversation Clubs.

How to speed up learning English on your own

  • Read more. Books, magazines, social media posts, articles: if they are in English, read them. They will help not only diversify and sharpen the existing lexicon, but also learn new and useful information.
  • Learn words and expressions. Place stickers with their names on all objects in the house (we also recommend reading about learning English at home). You will be surprised how many items there are in your apartment whose names you don’t know. Put the names on the doors of the rooms, household appliances, and even cereal. Learn words and phrases from your favorite songs. The “Genius” website contains not only words, but also explanations of the meaning of individual phrases of almost all popular songs.
  • Run tests. Tests not only test your knowledge, but also help you understand a misunderstood rule if there are comments on the tasks. Be sure to take tests from the textbook you are studying from, and also visit sites with grammar and vocabulary tasks.
  • Subscribe to podcasts and English YouTube channels. Podcasts are radio-style audio files on various topics. Find the ones that interest you the most and listen to them on your way to work or school. Also look through English-language YouTube for interesting blogs. Try to choose channels with useful and interesting content. It may be difficult to understand native speakers at first, but don't stop! Soon you will begin to understand what you hear, and in addition, expand your vocabulary. By the way, we advise you to subscribe to our YouTube channel !
  • Ask your friends for help. Ask friends who speak English to communicate with you only in English. It will be useful for you and your friend. We guarantee.

  • Communicate as often as possible. When given the chance, just start talking! And no “sorry, my English is not good.” The interlocutor will appreciate your desire and will happily forgive you your mistakes without unnecessary requests. Apologizing will only add to the awkwardness, especially for you.
  • Immerse yourself in the language environment. When will you plan? another vacation, think about English-speaking countries: England, USA, Canada, Malta, Australia and remember that abroad, instead of a hotel room, you can live with other people. Just practice your English and meet new and interesting people.
  • Consider studying abroad. Nothing will get you as far as taking a language course in a country where it is spoken. Take an English course abroad! You can go there with any language level and at any age.
  • Be confident in your abilities. Never tell yourself that you can't speak English or that you won't be able to learn English on your own. Instead, say: “I am practicing English effectively and making progress every day” or “My level of English is better than half a year ago,” and if something doesn’t work out, then say: “I’m not doing well yet, but I I know - everything is ahead! Such words will motivate you and give you confidence in your abilities.


It doesn’t matter at all which way of learning English you choose: with a teacher or on your own. The main thing is to understand why you need the language and what you want to achieve once you get the level you need.

Remember to use your tongue Everyday life as often as possible - this will help not to lose your knowledge and skills. Follow our tips and you will learn English quickly. We are sure of it!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

1. Learn with interest

Any teacher will confirm: abstract learning of a language is more difficult than mastering a language for a specific purpose. Therefore, at first, learn things that will be useful to you in your work. Another option is to read resources in a foreign language related to yours.

2. Remember only the words you need

There are more than a million words in the English language, but at best a few thousand are used in everyday speech. Therefore, even a modest vocabulary will be enough for you to talk with a foreigner, read online publications, watch news and TV series.

3. Post stickers at home

This effective way expand your vocabulary. Look around the room and see which objects you don't know the names of. Translate the name of each subject into English, French, German - whatever language you want to learn. And put these stickers around the room. New words will gradually be stored in memory, and this will not require any additional effort.

4. Repeat

The technique of spaced repetition allows you to better remember new words and concepts. To do this, review the studied material at certain intervals: first, repeat the learned words often, then return to them after a few days, and after a month, reinforce the material again.

5. Use new technologies

6. Set realistic goals

Be careful with the load and don't overwork yourself. Especially at the beginning, so as not to lose interest. Teachers advise starting small: first learn 50 new words, try to apply them in life, and only then take on the grammar rules.

Hello friends! Many of us want to know English for various reasons, some need it for career advancement, some for employment, some dream of moving to live abroad, and some just want to be a modern person, and you never know. reasons can be invented. But, despite this, less than half decide to take the first step towards their dream, and only a few achieve success, and fear and misunderstanding are to blame the right approach. So let's figure out how to properly learn this simple language, which, according to experts, is much simpler than the Russian language, how learn english from scratch and efficiently?

We will help you learn English - READ MORE

How to quickly learn English?

The very first and most sacred rule of success is thinking. The trouble is that while learning another language, we continue to think in native language, and this is fundamentally wrong. It doesn't matter whether you know ten thousand words of English or only 10 words, you must think, form sentences and perceive speech like a true Englishman! As long as you translate word for word, this language will always remain foreign to you.

Learn to perceive text abstractly, not a single Englishman or American perceives speech literally, so learning should begin not from memorizing words, as we were all taught at school and which is absolutely useless, but from constructing simple sentences. Just by catching this thread, you will make dramatic progress in understanding the language, even if your vocabulary is very modest.

How to learn English at home?

Of course, it is better to study a language unknown to you under the supervision of a knowledgeable person in courses or at school. But the trouble for our brother is that even many certified specialists of Slavic origin know the language only from school textbooks, which were written by Russians for Russians, and not a single Englishman would understand a word of their pronunciation. Because you will learn English on your own at home or under the supervision of a mentor there will be no significant difference, because in the end everything depends only on you.

Self-study tips:

  • listen to music, watch news and films with Russian subtitles on American and British resources;
  • communicate daily in English with other people, preferably with native speakers of this language; for this you can use dating sites with foreigners;
  • if you have money and need to learn a language as quickly as possible, you can hire a foreign online teacher.

How long does it take to learn English?

It all depends on abilities, perception and approach. The easiest way to learn a language in your environment is to go abroad. In this case, within a month you will at least be able to navigate foreign speech, and after six months you will already understand it quite well. If you learn a language on your own in your native country, then with diligence it can take from two to three months to one year, in problematic cases up to two years.

How to learn English in 5 minutes?

It is impossible to learn a language in 5 minutes using any method, but you can learn to perceive it, remember, we talked about this at the beginning of the article? For most people, this may take a month or three, but a select few can comprehend it in 5 minutes, even if they have never studied English before, it’s like enlightenment in Buddhist teachings.

How to learn English in a week?

The only sure way is to go to Britain or America with a personal translator and spend the whole week closely communicating with others, absorbing all new information like a sponge. In this situation, of course, you won’t know the language, but you will learn to perceive it correctly, and this is the main thing.

How to learn a language in three months?

The technique is the same for three months or a year, it all depends on how diligently you do it. If you communicate with a native speaker every day for 2 hours, watch videos and listen to music in English and rarely use your native speech, then you can learn the language in three months, otherwise the training may take up to a year.

In order to understand the very essence of the language, I advise you to start with the famous polyglot Dmitry Petrov, he will not only sort out the essence of the language in your head, but also give great confidence that you can do it. His free course of 16 video lessons will help you make a very strong start in this direction. Just by watching it, you will already know half the language; then all you need is constant practice and success! The first video lesson by Dmitry Petrov can be found here:

Today we will discuss different spoken English levels, how study it correctly and For what, and how much time needed to study it.

In the last century, hardly anyone thought about learning spoken English, since most of the attention was paid to the boring study of grammar and vocabulary.

But now it is more relevant than ever! The need to learn a spoken language is determined by the need to communicate with foreigners, in which, for example, most of the most important work issues are resolved. Without the opportunity to ask or answer, the chances of mutual understanding disappear, and, consequently, the situation reaches a dead end. But not with us!

Do you need spoken English

Immediately determine the purpose for which you want to learn spoken English. We hope you're already aware, of course. Indeed, depending on this goal, you will need to achieve a certain level of language proficiency.

In what direction do you want to move? Do you need to study grammar to prepare for certain tests? Or improve your spoken English for tourist trips? Depending on your goal, you have a chance to better select material for independent study.

Mostly people learn to speak English for the following purposes:

  • English for work(English for workers). This could be participation in international conferences, exhibitions, search for new partners or suppliers, search new job V international company etc. Many people simply need spoken English in their work, because... negotiations, business trips and international conferences require solid knowledge. Such people constantly try to improve their vocabulary, learn to pronounce words and sentences correctly, and also understand what others are saying to them.

Ways to learn spoken English online

It’s worth noting right away that this is a risk. And not just any one, but a huge one! Especially if you decide to start this dangerous business from scratch. If in doubt, take any test online - it will show how reasonable it would be to try to engage in amateur activities in your case.

By learning a language on your own, you risk your pronunciation, which no one (except you) will control. There is a high probability that the pronunciation English words will be imprinted in your memory incorrectly (or not imprinted at all), and then it will all come back to haunt you in communication. Therefore, we recommend paying attention to “ED Class” from “EnglishDom”.

With our course " Spoken English“Your doubts will be dispelled in a matter of minutes. Classes are held via Skype under the guidance of an experienced teacher who will definitely be able to monitor your progress, support you in difficult moments and help you deal with problems on the way to learning spoken English.

In these classes you can learn to speak English and practice your acquired knowledge, while improving your grammar. You will be able to communicate, hone your pronunciation and remove obstacles as they arise, and you will also understand possible moral barriers that prevent you from communicating in English.

You will feel free and confident with our teachers!

  • Self-study. Learning a language on your own is hard and long work. You will have to spend hours analyzing material that an experienced teacher can clearly explain in half an hour. You will have no one to speak the language with, and knowledge without practical application- this is that one... a wolf in sheep's clothing. In addition, you will make mistakes that there will be no one to correct! Remember about a mentor, a mentor, a person who will control you. You gotta have one!

In the future, you will most likely have to relearn, which will take even more time. Why do you need this? It would be wiser to immediately master and hone the correct pronunciation rather than unlearn the incorrect one later. Agreed?

  • Online training. This is a completely different matter! Essentially this is training through courses or special programs(as a rule, they contain an explanation of the theory and exercises for consolidation. But what is the use without speaking practice? In many online course oh, unfortunately, it is not provided.

  • Set aside regular time to study. Probably the most difficult thing is to force yourself to exercise regularly, and not just according to your mood. But it is necessary. In order for learning English to become a quality educational process, and not random classes from time to time, it is important to allocate certain days, times and durations for classes, and adhere to them in principle.
  • Exercise while commuting(to university or school). This time is suitable for listening to audio recordings or reading books in English. Many people also find it helpful to practice together with a friend or in a conversation club. Just imagine - competitions! In addition, it’s harder to cancel a class if you simply don’t feel like doing it, because you have an agreement with another person, and you will feel responsible, and if you refuse, you will be ashamed (and maybe even have to apologize).

  • Try to speak out loud in your target language from day one. Don’t be shy and don’t be afraid of mangling words and incorrectly constructing sentences - it’s better to look awkward now than when you’re already at the “Advanced” level, and you simply won’t be able to make mistakes and ask questions. Just a joke, of course. But sooner is better than later. The most important thing for you is to get used not only to the language in general but also to communicating in it.
  • Learn phrases that are useful and interesting to you, Tongue Twisters, remember quotes and interesting data in English. Keeping your goal in mind, remember what you might need in the future. For example, a phrase like: “Excuse me, sir. Is there a restroom somewhere around here?” will obviously bring you more benefit than knowing that Washington is the capital of the United States.
  • Don't be fussy about grammar. On initial stage your task is to fill your vocabulary, learn basic phrases and methods of constructing them. Are you sure that you have already passed the initial stage? Then carefully begin to familiarize yourself with the grammar as needed. But try not to leave anything unclear behind you.
  • Chat with people on the Internet. English speakers of course. Preferably native speakers, as there is a possibility that English learners from other countries will only hinder your progress in learning and confuse you with their clumsy pronunciation. Today, the Internet is a full-fledged tool that allows you to solve a variety of issues. One of them is the need to communicate with native speakers. The good old aforementioned Skype will help you with this, which gives you the opportunity to communicate on a variety of topics.

  • Listen to the radio. I remember we had one article. Despite the fact that this business is already considered obsolete, it is still very useful. You can immerse yourself in the language environment without searching for listening materials! Right at home or in the car, on the street or at a boring meeting. This is a great way to develop and practice spoken English.
  • tell us about yourself. You can write a short biography about yourself in English, and as you progress in your studies, as well as changing tastes/interests, add to it and edit it. First, you can write a story in your native language, then translate it into English together with a native speaker, which at the same time will allow you to learn many new English words. Try to use interesting words and construct beautiful sentences in Russian to make your biography look even better in English!
  • Don't Aim for General Language Courses. At the initial stage, personal Feedback with the teacher, otherwise you risk being left with mistakes on your own.

  • Practice. Just remember the rule: practice should be everywhere and always. Only she, my dear, will help you master the language. If you can spend Saturday or Sunday practicing your skills, for example, then in just a few months you will reach level B2. But since, of course, not everyone can afford such a “luxury,” you can practice a couple of hours a day, which will allow you to reach the same level... in a year.
  • Don't strive for perfection. No, strive, of course, but without fanaticism. Perceive difficulties as a temporary phenomenon, do not despair and remember that not everything comes at once, and this is absolutely normal.
  • Use “lack of time” to your advantage. You're not constantly busy with other things, are you? Watch English videos, comment on what is happening on the street while you are walking somewhere, name the objects you see around you in English, listen to the radio and songs in English. If you have difficulties with names, look at the dictionary, which you can install on your phone so that it is always at hand. The next thing you know, so many cool words in your head already! Amazing! Use them!
  • You can also keep a diary in English and write down in it all the events that happened to you during the day.

  • And of course reading of interest to you literature, watching your favorite movies Without translation And listening to foreign music not only motivates to learn spoken English, but also improves it.


When we think about how to quickly learn spoken English, we are faced with several questions at once: how to choose the time and properly organize the learning process, as well as how to select materials that would correspond to our level and goals. Leave this matter to the teachers! They can help you decide. Just understand why you need spoken English and start studying with meaning. And with us! We will provide you with everything you need to confidently move towards excellence.

Speak English freely and get skilled ideally!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Hello to all readers of my blog!

As you already understand, this article will talk about how to learn English. without the help of a teacher. And, although, in my opinion, such a feat can be accomplished only if certain conditions are met, it is impossible to say that this is impossible or accessible to a very small number of people.

And if you still decide to take this step, the tips for learning English on your own, set out below, will help you save energy, time and nerve cells on the way to your cherished goal.

Well, let's start the debriefing!

Before reading my tips, let me remind you that there are now many resources online that help you learn the language on your own. I use it myself and recommend it to everyone. Lingvaleo. There free registration and a lot of valuable materials, in addition, you can buy an online course that is right for you (I recommend starting with this ), and learn the language according to a clear scheme developed by professional teachers.

Where to begin? Where to look and how to learn the material? Am I doing the right thing?..

All these questions make your head spin at first. But don't panic, friends! In fact, you are capable of much more than you can imagine!

So, let's go!

  • Desire and motivation

Even the most honored and experienced teacher will not be able to teach you English if you do not want it yourself. After all, when studying with teachers, most of the training is also devoted to independent work. As the famous teacher N.A. said. Bonk: " A foreign language cannot be taught, it can only be learned».

If you are truly obsessed with learning English, then activities should bring you satisfaction, but it’s not worth forcing yourself and trying to study and cram at any cost. Don't waste your time! It’s better to postpone training until better times.

Learning English requires a lot of patience, strong will, self-discipline and hard work. " Too many things!“- you will say, and you will be partly right. Sometimes the most diligent and patient people give up and give up what they started halfway. The reason for this is lack of serious motive. Therefore, even if you don’t have one, invent one! Ready!? Do you want to get a job in a Western company? Enroll in an English-speaking university? Or ? And this will do.

  • From simple to complex

Don't rush to embrace the immensity and learn English as quickly as possible. Believe me, in teaching any foreign language there must be a clear structure, a developed system, otherwise “ everything will be mixed up in the Oblonskys’ house...”

You shouldn’t spend too long classes at first, learn a lot at once rules or read English-language literature in the original. Start with

  1. studying elementary rules and their practice (you will find them in my section!)
  2. reading protozoa with a dictionary
  3. viewing with subtitles in English
  4. auditions
  5. translation of simple sentences of two or three words both from English into Russian and vice versa
  6. performing simple practical tasks
  7. writing short notes passed
  8. passing on the Internet.

A very effective, in my opinion, method of learning a language for those who want to do everything themselves is given in the book Ovadenko “English without a tutor”. This manual, coupled with audio accompaniment, can definitely help you at the initial stage.

  • Regularity is the key to success at

Of course, the hardest thing is to force yourself to exercise regularly. It may be difficult, but in this stability lies probably one of the most important keys to success. Try to exercise every day for at least 15-20 minutes. If the lesson is not intended to be long, then try to conduct it as intensively as possible. Even if you don't feel well or are too tired, or, repeat the words you recently learned. If a language is constantly present in your life, it will become native and familiar to you.

  • Repetition is the mother of learning

Try to repeat the topics covered, refresh your memory of the words you have learned, watch a video you already know, listen to an audio recording, or re-read a story you already know. Not only does this undoubtedly help to consolidate the material covered, but sometimes it is also useful to feel that you know something well and get pleasure from the fact that you understand everything.

  • Variety is good for everyone

No doubt you have one or two favorite ways to learn a language. Some people like to watch videos or prefer to perceive them. Use all the methods available to you: install a training program on your computer, learn the lyrics of your favorite artists’ songs and sing along with them, come up with sentences, watch educational videos (which are also on my blog), communicate with native speakers on Skype, make flashcards with English subtitles, Try teaching yourself a topic you have studied well to a friend, wife or children. In short, any activity that forces you to work with the English language will be helpful.

  • Choosing a time and place

Studying at home, where there are a lot of temptations (drinking tea, lying on the couch, or not missing your favorite show), is not always effective, so periodically it is useful to visit the library, where the atmosphere itself is conducive to work, or try studying while on the way to or from work.

  • Communicate in English whenever possible e

If you are learning a language on your own and you don’t have polyglot friends, then use every chance to put your English into practice. Communication in , special meetings and seminars for English language learners, tourists you meet by chance, like-minded people you find in social network- all this is from this area.

  • How to memorize words
  1. Firstly, it is necessary to remember not only the meaning of the word, but also how it is pronounced correctly. Nowadays it’s much easier to do this - you don’t have to painfully deal with transcription - just type the word of interest into Google translator, and it will pronounce it and give out a few basic meanings.
  2. Secondly, the word must be written. Get yourself a notebook in which you will write down words with translation.
  3. Third, don't try to memorize right away a large number of words It is better to choose from 5 to 10 words, but remember them for sure - this is how to do it.
  4. Fourthly, use the learned words as often as possible. Beginners, especially children, memorize words very well using flashcards or during various competitions.
  5. And finally fifthly, just develop your memory! Believe me, this is very important when studying foreign language. Here, I can offer you 2 ways: develop memory with a person who is a pro at this - with Stanislav Matveev, For example. I am well acquainted with his achievements and methods, as well as a book. I advise you to do the same! The second option is to develop memory with the help of new online resource specializing in this matter. Guys, I didn’t know how exciting and productive this could be!
  • Work on your pronunciation

Phonetics is also the most important part of the English language, because English speech contains sounds that simply do not exist in Russian. Moreover, if you study on your own, this brings additional difficulties. Somehow you must hear the correct pronunciation of a particular word and try to repeat it correctly. and video courses, English-language songs and films, conversations with native speakers, as well as my materials will help you on the path to perfection.

  • Monitor your achievements

After a certain period of study, give yourself a mini-exam:

  1. complete assignments on covered topics
  2. learn and retell a text containing words and rules you already know
  3. pass .

In addition, it would be a good idea to demonstrate your acquired knowledge to a good friend, or even better to a teacher, whose level of language knowledge is much higher than yours. Such periodic monitoring will become an additional motive and, in addition, will allow you to understand how far you have come in learning English.

In custody

Do not under any circumstances think that you are not capable of something or that you cannot cope with something. Be patient, don’t give up, believe in yourself, and you will succeed!

Don't be afraid to make a mistake or say something wrong when speaking English. The roots of the notorious language barrier They grow from there. These tips will most likely not help you overnight, but understand and perceive English speech and your texts will definitely become better. You will understand that you can achieve a lot, which means you will have strength for further improvement!

Thank you for reading my article to the end - I think it was not in vain :)

Bye everyone, take care of yourselves!