Japanese spirea: pink, white and dwarf varieties. How to care for Japanese spirea Gray spirea fruits

About one hundred species of spirea shrubs are known. They differ from each other in crown, shape and color of leaves and inflorescences, but they all have one thing in common: magnificent appearance. To plant a plant in your garden or yard, it will be useful to learn about the main types of spirea.

Spring flowering group of spirea

The group of spring-flowering species consists of spirea, the flowering of which occurs on the shoots of the previous year of life, and the flowers are often white in color. The flowering period of spring spirea begins in late May and early June and lasts approximately three weeks.

Did you know? The genus Spiraea belongs to the rose family. Its Latin name comes from the Greek word "speira" ("bend") due to the presence of gracefully curving branches.

This variety of spirea is a hybrid of species of Spiraea Thunberg and Spiraea multiflorum.

The height of the bush reaches two meters. The crown is wide and lush. Dark- green leaves have a narrow shape. Snow-white flowers with a diameter of 0.8 cm are united in numerous umbrella-shaped inflorescences covering graceful arched branches.

The earliest of the group of spring-flowering spireas. Spiraea arguta (or sharp-toothed) blooms every year and looks beautiful as a hedge, when planted alone or in combination with other plants. It tolerates slightly dry soil, but requires good lighting.

Spiraea oakleaf– a shrub up to two meters high, with a rounded dense crown and long ribbed shoots. In nature, it prefers rocky and mountainous terrain, its growth area is from Eastern Europe to the Far East.

The oblong, pointed leaves are bright green above and gray below, with teeth down to the base. White spirea flowers are connected in hemispherical inflorescences. This species is highly winter-hardy, demanding on soil and lighting.

Result hybridization of Cantonese and three-lobed spirea species.

Spiraea Wangutta bush very large: its diameter and height are two meters. The crown shape is a cascade of spreading arched branches. Along the entire length of the shoot there are many hemispherical inflorescences of small white flowers.

Sometimes spirea Vangutta blooms a second time - in August. It looks beautiful in large flower beds, as well as in a landscape with coniferous trees and near ponds. Loves well-lit places and well-drained soil.

Important! Spiraea plants are good honey plants; beehives can be placed in areas where they are planted.

It grows in the southeast of Western Europe and Russia, the Caucasus, Altai and northern Central Asia.

Spiraea crenatesmall shrub (about 1 m). Distinctive features species - crenate edge of the leaves and the presence of three veins below. The leaves are grayish-green, the flowers are white with a hint of yellow, the inflorescences are wide and corymbose.

This species is not very common in culture. In nature, Crenate spirea grows in thickets on rocky mountain slopes and in meadow and shrub steppes.

The homeland of this species is Japan.

The bush has a height of two meters. Its crown is dense and spherical, the branches spread horizontally.Spiraea nipponensisblooms in early June, the buds are purple and the flowers are cream. Large complex inflorescences densely cover the branches. Green leaves retain their color until late autumn.

Spiraea nipponensis is good in single plantings and in hedges. Not picky about soil, but demanding on lighting. There are two decorative forms: round-leaved and narrow-leaved.

Did you know? The name of the drug “aspirin” comes from the word “spirea”. Acetylsalicylic acid was first isolated in the 19th century from the meadowsweet (Filipnedula ulmaria), at that time classified in the genus Spiraea (Spiraea ulmaria).

Very decorative spirea thunberg bush reaches a height of 1.2-1.5 meters. The crown of the bush is openwork, with thin, dense branches. The leaves are very thin and narrow (length 4 cm, width 0.5 cm); in spring they are yellow, in summer they are bright green, and in autumn they are orange.

At the base of the umbrella-shaped inflorescence with a few flowers there is a rosette of small leaves. The flowers are white with oval petals on thin stalks. Spiraea Thunberga blooms in May before the leaves appear.

She loves light and prefers sunny planting sites; she is unpretentious to soil and watering. In severe winters, shoots may freeze, but this species is quite frost-resistant.

Spiraea gray was bred as a result Hybridization of Spiraea St. John's wort and Spiraea whitish-gray in Norway in 1949.

It got its name because of the shade of the leaves: they are gray-green on top and slightly lighter below, turning a faded yellow in the fall. The inflorescences are also gray on the underside, and the flowers themselves are snow-white. The height of the bush is 1.8 m.

The main pest of spirea sulfur is the snail. The most famous variety of gray spirea is Grefsheim. It is distinguished by a wide rounded crown, very thin shoots that hang beautifully in arches and long flowering.

Spiraea Grefsheim unpretentious to the composition of the soil and lighting; in the shade it just does not bloom so profusely. Frost-resistant and can be grown in climates with low winter temperatures.

Important! A beautiful composition is created by the combination of a spirea sulfur bush with multi-colored tulips, daffodils, crocuses, primroses, and alyssums. An elegant hedge will be made from one or more spirea bushes planted along a fence or mesh. different types.

Spiraea averagea very branched shrub two meters high and 1.2 meters in diameter. The crown is round and dense, the shoots are brown with a red or yellow tint, with flaky bark, round and bare.

The leaves of spirea medium are oval-oblong, with short petioles, with teeth at the top, bright green. White flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. The flowering period is 15-20 days in May. In nature it grows in bushes and on dry slopes.

Found naturally in China and Korea. The height of the bush is up to two meters, the branches are thin, twig-like. The bright green leaves have an oval-oblong shape, with a sharp apex and a narrowed base.

In autumn they turn reddish brown or orange. 3-6 white double flowers with thin pedicels are connected into umbrella inflorescences with a rosette of small leaves.

The species is weakly resistant to frost. For planting, it is recommended to choose a windless place in partial shade or sun; the optimal soil is moderately moist, without lime.

Did you know? The species was first described in 1840 by the Germans Philipp von Siebold and J. G. Zuccarini in the book “Flora of Japan”.

Summer-flowering spirea group

Plants of this group are distinguished by the fact that their corymbose and pyramidal inflorescences are formed on young shoots, which dry out the next year. Flowering begins in June, the flowers have red-pink shades.

Japanese spirea bushreaches a height of 1.5 meters, it is slow growing and straight. In autumn, its leaves turn rich colors orange flowers. The leaves are oblong and have serrated edges; small pink flowers are collected in wide corymbs. The period of abundant flowering is from late June to mid-August.

This species is not particularly demanding on living conditions, but it feels better in sunny places and in moist soil. The plant is frost-resistant and can do without special shelter.

Many varieties of Japanese spirea have been bred: Little Princess, Shirobana, Macrophylla, Candlelight, Goldflame, Golden Princess, Gold Mound.

A low-growing shrub of the Japanese spirea variety Goldflame (height - 0.6-0.8 m, diameter up to 1 m) at first has an orange-red or bronze-golden color of young leaves, later - bright yellow. During the flowering period, the leaves acquire a yellow-green hue, in the fall they become copper-orange with a golden tint.

Did you know? One inflorescence of spirea of ​​the Shirobana variety can contain flowers of snow-white, pink and lilac-red shades.

Motherland Douglas spirea- North America. The shrub has a height of up to 1.5 meters. Its shoots are straight, pubescent, reddish-brown. The leaves are up to 10 cm long, narrow and oblong, with teeth at the top, green and silver on the other side.

Pyramidal narrow panicle inflorescences are collected from bright pink flowers.

Grows well in both sun and partial shade. Blooms from July to September. The beautiful Douglas spirea bush will look spectacular in group plantings along park roads; it has the ability to secure slopes and areas destroyed by water and wind.

This hybrid of Japanese spirea and white-flowered spirea often found in culture. Spirea bush Boumaldacompact and low (0.75-1.0 m), spherical crown, straight branches.

Young shoots are green, glabrous and slightly ribbed, later turning reddish-brown with flaky bark. Leaves are ovate-lanceolate. The flowers are painted in different shades of pink - from light to dark. The inflorescences are flat and corymbose.

Several varieties (Anthony Waterer, Gold flame, Darts Red) and decorative forms (“dark pink”, “curly”, “graceful”, etc.) of Boumalda spirea have been developed. This species is winter-hardy and not picky about soils, but is needed in dry seasons good watering.

Important! Spiraea Boumald and Douglas require careful annual pruning. In the first year, the main branches and those growing inside the bush are pruned, and in subsequent years, the shape of the crown is monitored.

Spiraea Billarda created by hybridization of Douglas spirea and willow spirea varieties. The shrub reaches a height of more than two meters.

The leaves are long (up to 10 cm) and sharp, lancet-shaped, like those of the willow spirea. Long and fluffy inflorescences-panicles of pink flowers are a reminder of the second variety, Douglas spirea.

It blooms in July-August, and the flowers fall off after the first frost. It is a very frost-resistant spirea and does well in cold northern regions. Looks great in a hedge.

Naturally grows in the Far East, Japan and Korea, in Eastern Siberia. The shape of the leaves of this species is similar to the shape of birch leaves - oval with a wedge-shaped base, for which it received its name.

In autumn, the green leaves turn bright yellow. The low-growing shrub of birch-leaved spirea (height 60 cm) has a spherical dense crown and ribbed, sometimes zigzag-curved shoots. The inflorescences have the shape of a dense panicle of numerous white or pinkish flowers. Flowering begins in June.

In nature, the shrub grows in coniferous and mixed forests, on mountain slopes. The plant is shade-tolerant, but blooms better in lighted places and moist soils. Shelter in winter is not required.

Natural range: North America. White spirea bush has red-brown ribbed shoots and pointed leaves. White flowers of a summer-blooming species are an uncharacteristic phenomenon for this group of spireas. The flowers are united into loose pyramidal inflorescences-panicles at the ends of the shoots.

Flowering lasts from early July to early August. The plant is moisture- and light-loving, average winter hardiness. Used for single and group planting, in hedges.

It grows in western North America, Europe, Siberia, the Far East, China, Korea, and Japan. In nature spirea willow grows near ponds and swamps. Its upright growing bush has a height of up to two meters.

The leaves are shaped like willow leaves: narrow, elongated and pointed, up to 10 cm in length, dark green above and light below. Its straight and elastic shoots are colored in different shades: brown, yellow, brown, reddish. Inflorescence panicles of white or pale pink flowers are long and fluffy, reaching a length of 20-25 cm.

The plant is frost-resistant, the optimal soil is fresh, slightly moist. Used in group plantings.

All types and varieties of spirea have excellent decorative properties and different flowering periods. Knowing these features, you can skillfully combine plants of different types and create a beautiful garden that will delight the eye with a variety of colors and shapes from spring to autumn.

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Spiraea belongs to the ornamental shrubs that shed their leaves for the winter. Most species are frost resistant. The most common in our gardens are Japanese spirea, gray and the Wangutte hybrid. There are other types and varieties of spirea, photos and descriptions of which are also presented in this article. It is worth getting acquainted with the variety of species and varieties in order to choose the most suitable one. All spireas have similar requirements, but differ in height, number of inflorescences, flowering date, flower color (some bloom white and some pink), and leaf color.

Brief description of the plant

Spiraea is a plant native to Japan, Korea and China. It is characterized by abundant flowering, especially in spring, and beautiful leaf color in autumn. These beautiful ornamental shrubs bloom, depending on the species, from April to May or from June to September. They have little soil requirements, but they grow better in good conditions and love sunny, not dry places. Spiraea tolerates air pollution well.

These are ornamental perennial plants with a moderate growth rate. Caring for them does not require much time and effort; propagation involves rooting herbaceous or woody cuttings. Almost all types of spirea are winter-hardy.

The botanical type Spiraea (Spiraea L.) includes about 80 species. Many of them are grown as ornamental plants. Varieties and types of spirea vary greatly in height, color of leaves and flowers, and flowering time.

According to the shape and method of flowering, spirea species are divided into 2 groups:

  • Early flowering period (April-June) - flowers appear on last year's shoots, collected in small white umbrellas.
  • Late - summer flowering (late spring - summer - early autumn) - pink color predominates, the most popular look- Japanese spirea and its many varieties. The birch leaf species is noteworthy.

Early varieties blooming in spring

Arguta (sharp-toothed)

Early spirea (Spiraea × arguta) or arguta spirea blooms in April, sometimes flowering continues until early May. It grows up to 1.5-2 m. It has a wide crown, the shoots hang picturesquely. White inflorescences consist of densely arranged flowers.

May freeze in severe (or snowless) winters, so late autumn It is recommended to cover it. Suitable for creating free hedges. It is often planted near fences, in shrub compositions.

Spiraea arguta, photo


Spiraea nipponica Maxim - Nippon spirea grows up to 1.5 m. The bush is about 2 meters wide. Blooms profusely from May to June - white flowers almost cover the stems. The species is frost resistant.

Spiraea niiponica

Name and description of the variety Photo
"Snowmound". A beautiful shrub with a dense crown. The dark green leaves contrast wonderfully with the flowers that appear in June. Small flowers, collected in inflorescences, are located along the entire length of last year's shoots. Additional benefit– low requirements. The variety is recommended for planting in public places, in gardens, dachas, as a tapeworm or for group plantings, and is intended for creating natural hedges. Height: 1.5 meters.


Spiraea prunifolia - plum-leaved spirea grows up to 2 meters, has thin curved shoots covered with green shiny leaves. The leaves turn orange in the fall. It blooms in May-June with white flowers. It is better to plant it in a protected place, because in severe winters it may freeze. Before the onset of winter, the shrub should be covered, since it is less frost-resistant compared to other species. Requires a sunny, warm position. Recommended for creating shrub combinations.

Spiraea plumifolia, photo


Spiraea × vanhouttei – Spiraea Vanhouttei forms magnificent bushes reaching 2.5 meters. Blooms in May-June. Flowers remain on the bush for a relatively long time. Resistant to frost.

The flowers are collected in large white inflorescences; they do not produce seeds. Spiraea Vangutta is usually used in gardens and parks to create unedged hedges. The plant has no special soil requirements. Preferred position: sunny, partial shade. The shrub is ideal for parks and gardens. Spiraea Wangutta is planted next to the wall of the house, on the lawn, along the fence. The shrub looks beautiful in a composition with jasmine and viburnum blooming at the same time.

Spiraea Vanguta, photo


Spiraea × cinerea – gray spirea grows up to 2 meters in height, with drooping shoots. The leaves are gray-green in spring and summer, yellow in autumn. It blooms in April before the leaves appear, the inflorescences are white. Resistant to frost.

Beautiful flowers, a showy crown and easy growing are good enough reasons to plant this shrub in your garden. Good resistance to pruning allows the shrub to be used as a hedge. Blooming gray spirea creates a romantic impression.

Spiraea gray - interesting varieties

Name and description of the variety Photo
Variety "Grefsheim" looks great in gardens, creates wide shrubs with a large number of arched thin shoots. It is worth growing it as a tapeworm in a visible place. Looks great against the backdrop of large shrubs and trees.

"Graciosa". White, densely arranged flowers completely cover the bush, reaching a height of 1-1.2 meters. Flowers cover the entire curved, last year's shoot. Blooms in April-May.


Spiraea crenata L. is a crenate species found mainly in central and southern Europe, especially in the Balkans. This shrubby plant, reaching a height of 1 meter, forms a series of raised shoots that gradually hang to the ground under its own weight. In spring, the shrub looks beautiful when the shoots are densely covered with small white flowers. For good growth, the shrub requires medium-fertile, moderately moist soil.

The plant is resistant to periodic drought, but it needs to be watered, especially during prolonged heat. The species combines with other varieties of spirea and shrubs with weaker growth. Too large bushes growing close in close company can drown out the crenate spirea. Frost resistance allows the plant to be planted in cold regions. Can be grown in containers.

Spiraea crenate, photo


Spiraea thunbergii is a species rarely found in gardens. IN last years The emergence of several attractive varieties gives hope for changing this state of affairs.

One of the most interesting varieties "Fujino Pink" is a bush with raised shoots, forming oval bushes, blooming profusely with white or slightly pink large flowers. Flowers are arranged in bunches of 3-5 pieces. The slightly pink shrub attracts attention. It has no special soil requirements and is resistant to long periods of drought. In the garden it is better to place it in a sunny place - this will increase the number of flowers.

In warm regions, you can not pay attention to the position of the shrub; in colder regions, it is worth planting it in places protected from cold winter winds. The frost resistance of this species is much less than that of Japanese spirea. In the spring you can feed the shrub, to which it will respond with lush growth - light pink flowers will bloom on these growths next year.

Spiraea Thunberg, photo

oak leaf

Spiraea chamaedryfolia is a low shrub with a very interesting, attractive crown, up to 1.5 meters high. The stems are angular, zigzag, curved towards the ground, giving it a characteristic, wide and irregular shape. Naturally grows in South-Eastern Europe, Siberia, Central Asia. The shrub has beautiful, oval or ovate, green leaves, deeply serrated at the edges. The leaves are slightly pubescent underneath.

At the end of May, numerous white flowers appear on the bush, formed into dense convex inflorescences located on the tops of the side shoots. The stamens are much longer than the petals, giving the inflorescences a fluffy effect. The plant, grown in good conditions, often repeats flowering in July-August. This is an undemanding shrub; it needs ordinary, average garden soil, moderately moist. Prefers sunny or semi-shaded positions. Resistant to frost and dirt. This is a fast growing plant.

Spiraea oakleaf, photo

Summer-flowering species


Spiraea betulifolia or birch leaf spirea grows up to 1 meter and is very hardy. The name comes from the fact that the plant has birch-like leaves. Blooms in early June.

The species forms very dense and compact bushes. The stems of the plant are red-brown in color, and the leaves are broadly ovate, green above and grey-green below. Birch leaf spirea blooms in June with white flowers collected in inflorescences. These shrubs can grow almost anywhere:

  • on dry and wet soil;
  • in the sun and in shady places.

The Tor Gold variety has golden leaves, which adds to its attractiveness.

Spiraea birch-leaf variety “Thor Gold”, photo


Spiraea billardii - Billard's Spiraea grows up to 2 meters, tolerates drought and harsh winters. The flowers are purple-pink and appear in mid-summer. The shrub is resistant to air and soil pollution.

Spiraea Billarda, photo


Spiraea japonica (Japanese Spiraea) is a group of ornamental deciduous shrubs with beautiful flowers and decorative leaves. There are more than 10 varieties of the Japanese species available. Dwarf bushes are ideal as ground cover plants, while taller versions (grow up to 80 cm, and sometimes up to 1.5 meters) are suitable for taller compositions.

Some varieties have yellowish leaves, others have copper leaves, and others have green leaves. In autumn, yellow leaves turn orange, green leaves turn yellow or red. On the eve of winter, before the plant loses its leaves, they turn dark red.

Even in winter, dense bushes decorate the garden. Filigree reddish branches covered with frost crystals or a thin layer of snow look especially impressive. In spring, the tender leaves take on a reddish hue, which eventually turns to a regular green or yellow color.

This is a frost-resistant species, blooms from June to late summer. pink flowers. Japanese spirea tolerates a variety of soil types but requires full sun exposure. This easy to grow plant is recommended for beginner gardeners.

The Japanese type of spirea blooms for a very long time and profusely (from June to September) and has flowers of a pale pink or dark pink hue. Flowers appear on the tops of annual shoots and are collected in rather large and flat inflorescences.

The success of the Japanese species is evidenced by the fact that several dozen different varieties were bred. Dwarf varieties reaching a maximum of 50 cm in height are attractive. Below are the best varieties of Japanese spirea, differing in the color of flowers and leaves, as well as flowering, growth, and height.

Japanese spirea - interesting varieties with photos, names and descriptions

Varieties Photo
"Goldflame" is a beautiful shrub with a hemispherical shape. The special charm comes from the young leaves, which are initially coppery-orange in color and then turn greenish-yellow. Pink inflorescences appear from July to September. Size: width/height of the bush – 0.8/0.9 m.
"Goldmound" - golden leaves, pink flowers, bush height - up to 60 cm.
"Little Princess" - with green leaves and pink flowers. This is a low-growing ornamental shrub, up to 60 cm tall.
“Albiflora” is a slow-growing, low variety of spirea, reaching a height of 50 cm. The variety has hard, straight shoots and light green leaves (up to 7 cm long) of a lanceolate shape. The shrub blooms in July-August with small white flowers formed into dense inflorescences.
"Anthony Waterer" is a rather low shrub (80 cm), compact, semicircular in shape with hard, thin shoots. The large (7 cm long) leaves initially have a reddish tint, becoming dark green over time. Additional leaf decoration is white or yellow spots. The variety looks most beautiful from June to September, when it blooms with bright red flowers collected in flat inflorescences with a diameter of 8 cm. The shrub is frost-resistant and tolerates drought well. To fully appreciate its beauty, it is worth planting plants in small groups or creating an unformed hedge.

“Crispa” is a slow growing bush that is quite low (50-60 cm). Young leaves are red and then turn dark green. The bush looks most beautiful in summer: it blooms in July-August with beautiful red-pink flowers.
“Froebelli” is a dense, compact shrub, reaching 1 m in height. The wide elliptical leaves are initially brown-red, later turning dark green. The variety blooms from July to September with dark, red-violet flowers collected in wide inflorescences.
“Golden Princess” is a variety with very decorative leaves that turn brown-orange in spring, yellow in summer, and change color to red-copper in autumn.
"Goldflame" is a dense and compact, slow-growing shrub. The height of the shoots is 80 cm. The bush has decorative shoots, the leaves are yellow-orange in spring, golden-yellow or green-yellow in summer, and acquire warm copper-orange tones in autumn. The flowers of the variety are collected in small inflorescences of red-pink color.
"Golden Carpet" Bush with a compact, round shape. The leaves are yellow, elliptical, young growths are yellow-brown. Blooms at the turn of June-July. Size: 0.5 meters.
"Goldmound" is an ornamental shrub with yellow leaves and lilac-pink flowers that bloom in July-August. The leaves remain intensely yellow until the late autumn months. The variety forms dense, low bushes, up to 40 cm high.
“Little Princess” is a slow-growing, dense shrub that has a dome-shaped shape and reaches a height of 60 cm. Tiny (approximately 2-3 cm long) leaves are dark green and lilac-pink in color.
"Macrophylla" - a shrub with rigid, straight shoots and can grow up to 1.5 m in height. The variety is characterized by decorative, large (up to 15 cm long) leaves. The apical leaves are dark red during the summer months, becoming pastel colors in the fall, ranging from red, orange, and yellow. The flowers of the variety are inconspicuous. The bushes look most beautiful planted individually or in groups. The variety is suitable for creating low, unformed hedges.

“Pruhoniciana” is a dense, widely growing shrub, 50-60 cm high. The leaves of the variety are dark green; in autumn they change color to red and orange. The shrub blooms in June-July and has interesting flowers: pale pink with a darker center. The flowers are collected in fairly large inflorescences. The variety is ideal for ridges and low, unformed hedges. The shrub can be planted in rock gardens.

"Shirobana" is a dense, compact shrub. Quite low, can grow up to 1 meter in height. The shrub has light green, elongated leaves. A distinctive feature of the “Shirobana” variety is its two-color flowers: pink and white. The variety blooms from July to September.
"Bulata" (Bullata). A low shrub up to 40 cm high. Pink flowers appear in June on the shoots of the current year. Has low soil requirements. The plant is ideal for rock gardens as an attractive plant cover.
Country Red. A variety with a dense, spherical crown, up to 80 cm in height. The dark green leaves turn purple and burgundy red in the fall. Red flowers against a background of green leaves develop in May-June. The plant is undemanding.
"Pygmaea Alba" Shrub with a flattened spherical shape. The leaves are light green. White flowers appear at the end of this year's shoots in June-July.
"Genpei" Low variety with a rounded crown. The flat flower umbrella changes color over time. From June to August you can admire flowers ranging from white to pink.


Spiraea salicifolia – Spiraea salicifolia usually blooms in June-July. It can be found growing wild in wet meadows and dry soils. The species is very unpretentious and tolerates almost all conditions. The shoots are tough, the bush forms underground stolons, thanks to which the plant reproduces quickly. Height: up to 2 meters. The flowers are usually pink, but white are also found.

Willow spirea, photo


Spiraea densiflora (Dense-flowered spirea) is a rather low shrub, growing up to 60 cm in height. The plant has intricately curved shoots of red Brown and dark green, wrinkled leaves that change color to orange-yellow in the fall. The bush looks most beautiful in June-July, when dark pink flowers appear, collected in dense umbrellas, placed on the tops of the shoots. Densely flowered spirea is drought-resistant and is grown even in cool regions of our country because it is not sensitive to frost. These shrubs are ideal for low, unedged hedges.


Spiraea douglasii - Douglas spirea reaches a height of 1.5 m. The variety quickly enters the growing season - leaves appear in early spring. The bush produces impressive inflorescences (20 cm long) pink or purple. Blooms from June to July. The shrub is completely frost-resistant. Well suited for creating unformed hedges from several types of compact shrubs.

Alba (white)

IN wildlife white spirea grows in wet meadows, open spaces along streams or lakes in North America. The stems are hard, straight, brown-yellow, glabrous. The inflorescences are 10-12 cm long and consist of small white flowers that bloom in June–July. Shrub with low soil requirements, resistant to low temperatures and drought. Prefers loamy, heavy soils and can grow in soils with moderate moisture. Tolerates sunny and shaded positions well.

Spiraea occupies a prominent place among ornamental shrubs. For its lush flowering, unpretentiousness and frost resistance, it has won the love of summer residents, landscape designers and breeders. But some types and varieties of spirea are held in special esteem.

The name of this shrub translated from Latin means “bend”: the branches of the plant form a graceful arc. People sometimes call spirea meadowsweet, but this is incorrect. Meadowsweet and spirea have similar inflorescences, but they are different plants.

Spiraea is a shrub of the Rosaceae family, which has almost a hundred species. All of them are undemanding to growing conditions, reproduce easily, grow quickly, bloom for a long time, tolerate pruning well and have many other advantages. Today, spirea is widely used to decorate summer cottages and city parks.

Spiraea can live on the site for decades

The height of spirea can vary from 50 cm to 2.5 m. Flowering time - depending on the type - occurs in spring, summer or autumn. The shape of the crown can be spherical, weeping, pyramidal, cascading or erect. In addition to flowers, spirea also decorate the area with decorative foliage. Many varieties with openwork leaf shapes have been bred. In autumn they change color to bright red, yellow, and orange.

All types of spirea are divided into two large groups: spring-flowering and summer-flowering.

Spring-flowering spirea and their varieties

Spring species of spirea form inflorescences of predominantly white and cream shades. Flowering is usually very lush, at this time the bush looks like a white cloud. Due to this, spring spirea is sometimes called May snow. We list some of the most common types of this type.

Spiraea Vanhouttei (Spiraea x vanhouttei)

This hybrid spirea is a medium to tall shrub that produces a dense cascade of white flowers in late May. Tall varieties look great alone, while lower varieties look great in mixed plantings. Spiraea Wangutta is also suitable for hedges.

The most popular variety is Pink Ice, with variegated leaves and cream inflorescences.

Spiraea Wangutta variety Pink Ice - perfect plant for solitaire planting

Spiraea chamaedryfolia

One of the first to bloom - in early or mid-May. The shrub grows up to 1.5 m, sometimes a little higher. This species reproduces well by root shoots, so it is often planted in city parks. Also, oak-leaved spirea easily tolerates pruning, which is why it is excellent for hedges.

Spiraea oakleaf is not only an ornamental plant, but also a good honey plant

Spiraea nipponica

This is a lower shrub different shapes. Its height usually does not exceed 1 m. It blooms very profusely in late May and June. The Snowound and Halvard Silver varieties are especially impressive.

Spiraea Nipponensis varieties Snowound (left) and Halvard Silver (right)

Spiraea thunbergii

In the wild, Spiraea Thunberg is found on mountain slopes and in valleys. The bush reaches a height of no more than 1.5 m. Its dense branches are strewn with graceful leaves, which change their color from green to orange in autumn. Lush white inflorescences adorn the spirea from May to June. The plant prefers sunny places and middle lane may freeze in harsh winters.

The most popular varieties– Fujino Pink (with soft pink inflorescences on drooping branches) and Ogon (with golden-green willow-like leaves and white inflorescences).

Spiraea Thunberga Fujino Pink (left) and Ogon (right)

Crenate spirea (Spiraea crenata)

A spectacular shrub up to 1 m high with a loose crown and obovate leaves of a grayish-green color with a characteristic crenate edge and protruding veins. Yellowish-white flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences.

Thanks to its well-developed root system, crenate spirea is not afraid of frost or drought.

Spiraea x cinerea

This is a hybrid of St. John's spirea (Spiraea hypericifolia) and whitish-gray spirea (Spiraea cana). The plant is a shrub up to 2 m high with branched shoots, gray-green pointed leaves and white flowers collected in loose inflorescences. This spirea blooms in May - early June.

The Grefsheim variety is especially interesting. This is a small, densely branched shrub with arched drooping branches, narrow leaves and large white double flowers.

Grefsheim is not only very beautiful, but also a completely unpretentious variety. The bush grows very quickly, tolerates pruning well, is not afraid of the cold and does not need good lighting

Summer-flowering spirea and their varieties

In spring spireas, flower buds are formed on two-year-old shoots, and in summer ones - on shoots of the current season. That's why they are cut off more often. Summer-blooming spireas are distinguished by inflorescences, usually in different shades of red and pink. Here are the most famous types.

Spiraea salicifolia

It usually grows from 1 to 2.5 m. From the end of June, the upright shrub is covered with light pink inflorescences. The light foliage, similar in shape to willow, turns red in the fall.

Spiraea loosestrife is most often grown in hedges.

In gardens, the most popular is the large-flowered form of willow spirea (f. grandiflora) - with more lush light pink flowers.

White-flowered spirea (Spiraea albiflora)

So named because it is one of the few summer species with white flowers. It blooms for a long time from the second half of summer and exudes a pleasant aroma. The bush is usually low - 1-1.5 m.

Of the varieties bred, it is worth noting Macrophila. Its foliage changes color twice: young leaves are red, gradually they become green, and in the fall they turn yellow.

Spiraea white-flowered variety Macrophila is famous for its large leaves

Japanese spirea (Spiraea japonica)

This is the most common spirea. It is distinguished by its small height (usually about 50 cm), blooms for one and a half to two months, starting in mid-summer. Looks good in borders and group plantings.

Among the numerous varieties, one of the most spectacular is Shirobana. On one bush there are simultaneously flowers of white, pink and red shades. Also good are the varieties Golden Princess (distinguished by golden foliage), Gold Mound (leaves are also golden, but darker and with a pink tip).

Spiraea japonica varieties Shirobana, Golden Princess and Gold Mound (from left to right)

Douglas spirea (Spiraea douglasii)

A shrub up to 1.5 m high with straight, reddish-brown, pubescent shoots, oblong-lanceolate silver-green leaves and dark pink flowers, collected in narrow pyramidal or paniculate inflorescences. The plant blooms from July to August for approximately 45 days.

Douglas spirea is often used to strengthen slopes and slopes

Spiraea x bumalda

This hybrid of Japanese spirea and white-flowered spirea is found in gardens even more often than its “parents”. Spiraea Bumalda is a low shrub (up to 75 cm) with a spherical crown, erect branches, ovate-lanceolate leaves and pink or crimson flowers.

The most popular varieties:

  • Gold Flame (flowers are pink, leaves are bronze-orange when blooming, later golden-yellow, greenish-yellow in summer, and copper-orange in autumn);
  • Darts Red (inflorescences are deep crimson, the leaves are pinkish when blooming, dark green in summer, and red in autumn).

Spirea Gold Flame (left) and Darts Red (right)

Billard's spirea (Spiraea x billardii)

This is a winter-hardy hybrid of Douglas spirea and willow spirea. The bush grows up to 2 m high, is distinguished by broadly lanceolate leaves and pubescent bright pink inflorescences that decorate the plant in the second half of summer.

The most popular variety is Triumphans (with purple-pink spike-shaped inflorescences).

Spiraea Billarda variety Triumphans is suitable for creating hedges, as well as for group and single plantings in gardens and parks

Spiraea goes well with other plants. These can be flowering shrubs and strict conifers. Planting spirea allows you to cover the leafless part of lilacs and other shrubs and trees bare below. Miniature varieties will find their place among the stones on an alpine hill or in a rock garden. And tall spireas make excellent hedges. Select a corner in your flower garden for a charming spirea - and you won’t regret it!

Spiraea is a genus of ornamental deciduous shrubs of the rose family. Another name is meadowsweet.

Spirea is quite unpretentious in care. There are about a hundred varieties of this plant.

Spiraea grows in steppe, forest-steppe and semi-desert areas. The first mentions of meadowsweet date back to the 15th century. Four centuries later, V. Dahl entered all the information about this plant into his dictionary.

Today there are a large number of varieties of spirea, distinguished by their decorative look, frost resistance and long flowering period.

Appearance of spirea

Spiraea shrub can be miniature (up to 15 cm in height) and tall (up to 2.5 m).

The plant has a fibrous root system located at a shallow depth. The branches can either creep along the ground or be erect, spreading or lying. Their color varies from light brown to dark brown. The bark can delaminate in the longitudinal direction.

The petiole leaves are arranged alternately and can have a lobed, lanceolate or rounded shape. The flowers are small, but their number is quite large, they form a variety of inflorescences. Their shades are different: from snow-white to bright crimson. Flowers can be located either evenly throughout the entire branch or only at the tips of the shoots.

Reproduction occurs in four ways:

  • dividing the bush;
  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • cuttings

Spiraea is used for flower beds and to create hedges. Any rock garden and stone garden cannot do without dwarf meadowsweet.

You can also make living green carpets from miniature spireas. A single meadowsweet bush also looks good.

Varieties of Spiraea

Types of spirea are divided depending on the flowering period:

Spring-flowering. They are distinguished by early flowering and flowers of various tones of white, which appear in the 2nd year of life of the branches. These varieties have a rather lush bush shape.

Spring-flowering species include gray spirea, gray spirea Grefsheim, spirea Vancutta, spirea Argut. All of them belong to the white spirea;

Summer flowering. They bloom in summer. Flowers bloom at the tips of young branches, while older branches dry out over time. Flowers can have different colors. A striking representative is Japanese spirea. It has many varieties.

There are also other varieties of spirea that bloom in summer. An example would be willow spirea, spirea Boumald, Douglas, Billard and others.

How to grow spirea

Planting and caring for spirea is not very difficult. The soil for meadowsweet should be leaf or turf. For shrubs, a mixture of soil, sand and peat in proportions of 2:1:1 is perfect.

Drainage is required. The hole in which you plan to plant the spirea should be 1/3 larger than the size of the roots of the shrub, its depth should be at least 0.5 m. It is very important that the root collar is located on the surface of the ground.

The plant can also be planted in spring. Spiraea favorably tolerates the proximity of junipers, fir trees, and thujas.

Meadowsweet prefers well-lit places. Some varieties also feel great in a shaded area. The soil must be fertile and it is recommended to loosen it regularly. A drainage layer is required. It is advisable to mulch the bush immediately after replanting. Peat is perfect for this.

The plant loves moderate watering - 15 liters of water twice a month. Systematic weed removal is mandatory.

You can feed the bush using complex fertilizer. It is recommended to fertilize after cutting the plant, and in July it is a good idea to use a mixture of manure and superphosphate (10 g per 10 l).

Spiraea can suffer from aphids and spider mites. To get rid of ticks, karbofos is recommended, and pyrimor will perfectly destroy aphids. But, in general, spirea are quite resistant to pests.

Spiraea needs systematic pruning as it grows over time. For spring-flowering varieties, only the ends of the shoots are pruned once a year in spring or summer, and after 7-14 years it is necessary to remove all the old branches, for which the bush is cut to a stump. A new bush is formed from new growth (5-6 shoots).

After a couple of years, weakly growing and old branches are pruned again. Late-flowering meadowsweet is pruned in the first spring months. This procedure must be carried out at least once a year. The more shoots you prune, the more powerful the new branches will be.

It is necessary to get rid of old shoots in a timely manner. A four-year-old shrub can be pruned to a height of 30 cm every year.

Decorative spirea bushes will perfectly decorate your garden. They are easy to care for, they are quite frost-resistant, and their life expectancy is quite long. This is an excellent choice for gardeners.

Photo of spirea

Spiraea is a genus of deciduous ornamental shrubs of the Rosaceae family. They are found in forests, forest-steppes and semi-deserts, as well as mountainous regions in the north. In the Asian part, one of the borders runs through the Himalayas, the other through Mexico.

There are about 100 varieties of spirea. Some of them are frost-resistant, tolerate drought and need high-quality soil. Reproduction occurs by cuttings, dividing bushes, and also by growing from seeds.

Description of spirea

Spiraea has a wide variety of shapes and colors depending on the type and variety of bush. Some specimens tend to change color from one to another closer to autumn. The height of certain species can exceed 2 m.

Delicate spirea blooms will decorate your garden

The flowering of spring varieties is short-lived, while in summer varieties it is longer and more widespread. The first flowering occurs in the 3rd year of the plant’s life, and this may be the opening of only a few buds.

The range of uses of plants is very diverse. They are used for medicinal purposes, forestry, landscape design. The root system of plants perfectly strengthens the soil.

When choosing a variety, pay attention to the flowering period of the crop

All spirea can be divided into two large groups:

  1. A group of spring-blooming spireas.
  2. A group of summer-blooming spireas.

Spring-flowering spirea: characteristics of varieties

This category includes representatives of spirea, which bloom in spring or early summer. In these varieties, buds are formed on last year's branches. Therefore, shrubs should be pruned only after the crop has completely faded.

Spiraea gray

Hybrid shrub. Brought out in the middle of the 20th century. It has a branched structure with felt shoots. About 2 m high.

Spiraea gray

The leaves of the bush are pointed, grayish-green in color and a little lighter in places. Snow-white flowers are collected in corymbs. At the crown of the shoot the inflorescences are sessile, a little further - on long deciduous branches. Flowering can begin in May, and by the end of June the spirea is already mature. In terms of size, gray spirea is a very compact shrub due to its flowing branches with snow-white flowers. Suitable as a single or group planting. Flowering shoots look great in decorative bouquets.

Attention! Reproduction of hybrid species of shrubs by seeds is impossible. The seedlings do not inherit the characteristics of the mother bush.

The most popular variety of this species is Grefsheim - a compact shrub with drooping branches that look like arches. Narrow-leaved, double flowers, white. They gather in dense inflorescences located along the stems.

It is a wintering species.

Spiraea arguta

The second name of the species is sharp-toothed spirea. It is a hybrid species of Spiraea thunberg and multiflorum. Arguta is an early spirea that blooms first. It is distinguished by its special decorative effect and powerful flowering. After flowering, the garden turns into a beautiful openwork carpet. Height is approximately 1.5–2 m. It has a large crown, graceful branches and narrow leaves of a rich greenish color.

Spiraea arguta

Flowering is abundant, begins in May and lasts quite a long time. Arguta flowers are snow-white, collected in inflorescences.

Compacta is a variety of Arguta spirea that was bred in Germany in the 19th century. Is a shrub. Its height and circumference are 1.5 m. Distinctive features are long growth and instability to frost.

Spiraea Wangutta

A shrub that is classified as a profusely flowering spirea on last year's branches. The height of spirea is no more than 2 m. Flowering occurs in late May or early June. White flowers are collected in clusters in the form of umbrellas. The color of the leaves is very unusual - blue-green.

Spiraea Wangutta

They look great in single plantings, as a hedge, or in combination with other shrubs or trees. Original compositions are obtained from Vargutta spirea with maples and conifers.

Attention. Spiraea Vangutta is the only one of the genus Spiraea that has chosen limestone soils.

Vargutta's famous variety is Pink Ice (Catpan). The flowers on the tops of the shoots are cream-colored. The leaves are light green in color, gradually turning into spots of cream color.

Variety Pink Ice

The variety is winter-hardy, but in the meantime, the tips of the shoots may freeze in young growth.

Spiraea crenate

Distributed in the southern latitudes of Russia, Western Europe, Caucasus and Altai. It grows in steppe meadows, as well as in mountainous areas.

The height of the bush is no more than 1 m, it has a loose top. Its leaves are oblong, about 4 cm long, and greenish-gray in color. It is the three-vein leaves that are the identifying marks of crenate spirea.

Spiraea crenate

The flowers are white-yellow, collected in corymbs. The branches are short and leafy.

Flowering begins in June and lasts about 3 weeks. Fruiting occurs only in July.

Spira crenate is not afraid of frost or drought; its root system is very developed. Good lighting is the key to abundant flowering. It is found mainly in nature and is used in forested landscapes. Has hybrid varieties.

Spiraea oakleaf

Distributed in Siberia, Europe and Central Asia. A small shrub, its height is about 2 m. The leaves are bright, green in color, their length is 3.5–4 cm, and have pronounced serrations. In autumn, the foliage turns yellow-orange.

Spiraea oakleaf

The flowers are snow-white and heavy. Under their weight, the branches bend to the ground. Blooms during May. The average period is 3 weeks. A shade-tolerant plant, not afraid of cold weather and lack of moisture.

Advice. This type of spirea is successfully used in landscape design as a hedge. This species can be pruned, thereby achieving the desired shrub shape.

Spiraea nipponensis

Dense bush of spherical shape. Its height is only 1.5 m. The birthplace of the culture is the Japanese islands. The leaves are round, crenate and entire. Their length is 4-5 cm. White flowers are collected in inflorescences that cling to the shoot.

Spiraea nipponensis

Flowering occurs in May and lasts about 3 weeks. Nippon spirea loves sunny areas, but can grow in slight shade. Resistant to winter cold and undemanding to soil composition.

Reproduction is carried out by three well-known options: dividing bushes, growing from seeds and green cuttings.

It has many varieties, the most popular being Snowmound and Halward’sSilver.

Both varieties begin flowering in June.

Spiraea average

Shrub with erect stems. Its height varies from 1 to 2 m. The crown looks like a ball and is dense. The leaves have an oblong appearance with teeth in one part and sparse hairs in the other. The foliage color is green.

Flowering occurs in May and lasts only 14 days.

Spiraea average

This species is not afraid of frost and shady areas. It reproduces by the root system: it is well developed. The average spirea begins to bear fruit after 3 years of age. You can cut, trim. Suitable for various types of plantings.

In nature, it can be found in Siberia, Central Asia and the Far East.

Spiraea thunberg

Distributed in Korea, China and Japan. Grows on mountain slopes.

A shrub whose average height is 1.5–2 m. The leaves are green, dense, 3.5–4 cm long; in autumn they acquire a yellowish tint. Is a decorative look.

Spiraea thunberg

The flowers are white, collected in sessile umbels. The beginning of flowering of the plant is May, the end is June. Ripening of the fruits of Thunberg's spirea occurs very quickly. Fruiting begins at 3 years of age.

Growing from seeds and cuttings are the main methods of propagation of this species. Spiraea is a sun-loving plant with abundant flowering. In winter frosts, the outermost part of the shoots may freeze.

Summer-flowering spirea: characteristics of varieties

In plants of this category, inflorescences appear on young shoots of the current year. Next year they will form again on young branches, and the old ones will dry out. After three years of age, the old shoots are pruned, thereby rejuvenating the spirea. Thanks to its developed root system, the plant is considered durable. But despite this, it should be pruned once every four years.

Spiraea japonica

The birthplace of this extraordinary beautiful view are Japanese and Chinese spaces.

Japanese spirea is a small bush, the height of which is 1.5 m. The leaves are oblong. The upper part of the leaf is green, the reverse is bluish. After blooming, reddish tones appear.

Spiraea japonica

The plant blooms throughout the summer season. Pink flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of corymbose panicles.

Used to decorate flower beds and hedges. Required condition is spring pruning of the plant.

Japanese spirea has many different varieties. Here are some of them:

Spiraea white

A very common species in our country. Cultivated since the 18th century.

Small bush. By the age of ten it grows 160 cm. It has ribbed, drooping red-brown shoots. The leaves are acute, 6.5 cm long and 2 cm wide. White flowers are collected in pyramids in the form of panicles.

Spiraea white

Flowering occurs annually in July. Its duration is about a month. Ripening usually occurs in October.

The plant loves moist soil and moderate watering. It can be grown from seeds or propagated by cuttings.

Spiraea birch leaf

Found in forests, on mountain slopes and on the sea coast. It can be found in Siberia, the Far East, Japan and Korea.

A light-loving shrub, but it also does well in the shade. It is protected in a nature reserve.

Spiraea birch leaf

It gets its name from the similarity of its foliage to birch leaves. They are ovoid in shape, length is about 4 cm, and width is 1.5-2 cm. The height of the bush is about 60 cm. The crown is spherical. The flowers are white and pinkish, collected in corymbs.

Flowering lasts from June. Duration - one month.

Spiraea Billarda

A hybrid species of Douglas spirea and willow spirea. It is a winter-hardy plant, so it grows well in the northern latitudes of our country.

Spiraea Billarda

It is a small shrub with spreading branches. It reaches a height of 200 cm. It has wide leaves. The flowers are pink. They are collected in inflorescences in the form of pyramids. Flowering occurs during the summer season and before the onset of the first cold weather.

Ripening does not occur, because Billard's spirea is a hybrid species.

Spiraea Boumalda

A hybrid species of Japanese spirea and white-flowered spirea. A wonderful plant, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish it from the Japanese spirea itself.

Its height is 75–80 cm. The shoots are ribbed, the branches are erect. The leaves are sharp, about 7.5 cm long. There are species with flower colors ranging from pinkish to dark clove. Blooms throughout the summer.

Spiraea Boumalda

Grown from seeds and by cuttings. Moreover, the second option is optimal for Spirea Boumalda.

Among the variety of varieties of this species, the most famous ones can be distinguished.

Spiraea douglas

The homeland of this species is North America. Douglas spirea is an upright shrub. The leaves are lanceolate, their length varies from 3 to 10 cm. The flowers are dark pink. Flowering duration is 1.5 months. Flowering occurs in July, and fruit ripening occurs in September. Grown from seeds and by cuttings.

Spiraea douglas

Spiraea looseleaf

Photophilous species. It grows everywhere, but mainly near water bodies. It is protected in nature reserves.

The height of the bush is 200 cm. The shoots are smooth, red-brown in color. The leaves are sharp, their length is about 10 cm. Spiraea flowers are white and yellow collected in pyramidal panicles.

Spiraea looseleaf

The species is frost-resistant. Prefers moist soils with good mineral content. Grown from seeds and by cuttings. In Russia it is found in Siberia and the Far East.

Growing spirea: video

Spiraea in landscape design: photo

Spiraea or meadowsweet is a common ornamental shrub of the Rosaceae family. The plant is often used to decorate garden plots due to its abundant flowering and ease of care. Today there are about 100 varieties, differing in color, height, as well as the timing and duration of flowering. From the article you will learn the names of the most interesting types and varieties of spirea.

Description and photo

The spirea plant is a deciduous shrub up to two meters high. The most common forms are weeping, erect, hemispherical, cascading and creeping. Depending on the variety and type, the plant has a different leaf blade, as well as different inflorescences. Spiraea flowers are small, but very numerous. The color of the petals varies from white to crimson. In some species, the inflorescences completely cover the entire bush, while in others they are located only on the upper or lower part of the shoots.

The plant is often used in landscape design due to beautiful foliage, which in some species changes color during the season, as well as decorative flowers. The shrub is unpretentious in care, undemanding to climate and soil. Spiraea grows and develops quickly, but flowering is observed only 3 years after planting.

All types of this shrub are conventionally divided into two groups - spring-flowering and summer-flowering spirea.

Spring-flowering species and varieties

This group blooms from late spring or early summer. The buds are located on last year's branches, which is important to consider when pruning the bush. Consider the spring variety of spirea.

Spiraea gray

The bush reaches a height of up to 2 meters, has highly branched shoots with pronounced felt pubescence. The leaves are gray-green, but the shade is lighter on the sides. Small and numerous flowers are collected in small inflorescences located throughout the bush. Flowering is observed in May, the fruits ripen by June.

This is a hybrid species that does not reproduce by seeds; the plant is planted as young bushes, usually arranging them in small groups. Flowering shoots can be used to decorate bouquets.

The most interesting variety is Grefsheim. It has good winter hardiness, so it can be grown in cold regions.


Originally from Japan, where it is widely used to decorate the garden. The shrub reaches 2 meters in height and has a spherical shape. The long leaves are green in color and can remain in color until late autumn.

Flowering begins at the end of May and lasts up to 25 days. The flowers are yellow-green in color and collected in corymbose inflorescences, abundantly located along the entire length of the shoots. More often this type of spirea is used for single plantings. In Europe, two varieties are popular - Snowmand and Halvard Silver. They are compact and easy to maintain.

oak leaf

It is found throughout Europe, where the shrub is often used for hedges. Spiraea is an erect shrub up to 2 meters in height. The shoots are often pressed to the ground under the weight of heavy inflorescences, so regular pruning is required. The leaves are pointed, the plate is green on top and gray on the bottom.

The flowers are small (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), collected in white spherical inflorescences. Flowering begins in mid-May and lasts up to 25-30 days. Grows quickly, propagation by seeds is possible.

Spiraea arguta

A slow growing plant that is often used in decorative compositions with other perennials. Prefers bright and dry places, which is important to consider when planting. Even in favorable conditions it grows very slowly.

A distinctive feature of this species is its spreading crown, abundantly covering the entire bush. The leaves are strongly serrated and have a rich dark green color. The flowers are rich white in color, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Flowering begins in late spring and can last up to 30 days; pruning can be done only after the petals have fallen.


It can be found everywhere in the meadow and shrub steppes of Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Prefers to grow at higher elevations.

It is a low shrub, rarely exceeding 1 meter in height. It has a loose green crown, collected from oblong gray-green leaves. It got its name from the crenate edge of the leaf blade.

The flowers are white with a slight yellow tint. The inflorescences are corymbose, located on short branches. The flowering period is only up to 20 days; it enters the fruiting stage from mid-July.

Crenate spirea has a highly developed root system, so it is recommended to plant it away from beds with cultivated plants. This species can often be found in city parks and forest plantations.

Spiraea thunberg

It grows under natural conditions in eastern countries - Japan, China and Korea. It looks especially beautiful on small hills, so it is often used to decorate alpine slides.

In a garden, the bush reaches a size of up to 1-1.5 meters and branches abundantly. The shoots bear dense and small leaves, which acquire a golden hue in the fall. The inflorescences are represented by sessile umbrellas consisting of small white flowers.

Flowering begins in May and continues until the end of June. This variety of spirea prefers well-lit places and does not tolerate low temperatures, so in cold regions it is recommended to cover the bush for the winter.

Spiraea Wangutta

The plant is represented by a powerful and tall bush that reaches a height of up to 2 meters. It differs from other species in its interesting cascading crown shape, consisting of many small green leaves of an obovate shape.

The deep white flowers are collected in hemispherical inflorescences that cover almost the entire length of the shoots. Flowering begins at the end of May and lasts up to 2-3 weeks. Sometimes there is a secondary and less abundant flowering, which occurs at the end of August. This is a shade-tolerant and unpretentious plant that can be used for single or multi-species plantings. It goes best with shrubs and coniferous trees.

Summer-flowering varieties

This group of spirea produces flowers on young shoots. Every year, old shoots dry out and new ones appear to replace them, on which flowers actively develop. Below are descriptions of the most common species of this group of spiraea.


One of the most famous and popular varieties of spirea, which is often used to decorate the garden in Japanese style. It is represented by a compact, almost dwarf bush with abundantly pubescent shoots, which completely shed their foliage in the fall. It is this type of spirea that is most often depicted in pictures in botanical reference books.

Flowering in favorable conditions continues all summer, the average duration is 45 days. The flowers are red or pink, collected in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences. It looks most advantageous in combination with yellow spirea varieties.

The species is represented by a large number of varieties, among which there are shrubs of different shapes, heights and decorative properties. The most popular of them are Shirobana, Macrophylla, Golden Flame, Little Princess.


In its natural environment, it is often found in some states of North America. White spirea is a small shrub with pubescent shoots of red-brown color. The branches contain a large number of small serrated leaves up to 7 cm long.

The white flowers are collected in long paniculate inflorescences, which are highly decorative. Flowering continues from July to the end of August.

Propagated both by seed and by cuttings. It is best suited for creating hedges, but it is often used for single planting. Prefers moist soil, which must be taken into account when choosing a location.


This is a hybrid form, bred by crossing the willow spirea and Douglas. Found everywhere throughout Russia and some southern countries.

The shrub reaches a height of up to 2 meters, spreading is moderate. The shoots bear long, double-serrate leaves. The flowers are collected in dense paniculate inflorescences of red or pink shade. Flowering begins at the end of July and may continue until frost.

Billard's spirea is one of the most frost-resistant species, propagated exclusively by cuttings. Often used to create hedges, it tolerates pruning well. Flower growers prefer to plant the Triumphans variety, which has the greatest decorative value.


A popular hybrid of white and Japanese spirea. It is represented by a compact and low-growing perennial shrub, up to only 75 cm in height. The crown is spherical, formed from long lance-shaped leaves. The flowers are collected in voluminous inflorescences of red, purple or pink color. Flowering lasts up to 50 days, starting in mid-July. The most popular varieties are Anthony Waterer, Darts Red, Crispa and Froebel.


IN growing wild often found in the central regions of Russia, America and Japan. Spiraea loosestrife is a tall, upright growing shrub. The red-yellow shoots bear large, sharp-serrated leaves.

Pale pink or white flowers are collected in a pyramidal panicle, which reaches a length of up to 20 cm. A very frost-resistant species, suitable for areas with damp and infertile soil. Flowering begins only 4 years after planting, which is important to consider when using willow spirea for group plantings.

Spiraea is a popular ornamental plant used in landscape design. Today, a large number of species and varieties have been bred, represented by bushes of various shapes and heights with beautiful small flowers of various colors. The plant grows quickly and is great for hedges.

Spiraea is an ornamental perennial shrub from the Rosaceae family. It is common in forests and forest-steppes of the temperate zone, as well as on the slopes of the Alps, Himalayas and near Mexico. Plants are used for decoration of parks and gardens. Their cascading, curving branches in spring and summer are abundantly covered with small flowers, like foam or a snow cap. Sometimes spirea is called meadowsweet, but this is a mistake. Meadowsweet is a herbaceous plant, while spirea is a shrub with woody shoots.

Botanical characteristics

Spiraea is a deciduous perennial plant 0.15-2.5 m high. It is nourished by a fibrous superficial rhizome. The shoots grow straight, spread along the ground or rise. Over time, even upright branches bend under their own weight. The color of the branches is light brown or dark brown. The bark peels off in longitudinal plates.

The alternate short-petioled leaves have no stipules and are distinguished by a narrow-lanceolate shape with a distinct relief pattern of the central and lateral veins. The edges of the foliage are serrated or toothed. Coloring can be quite varied. Some plants have green leaves throughout the season, while others change foliage several times from red to yellow, green or orange.

The first weak flowering begins in the second or third year of the spirea's life. In mid-spring or already in summer, many umbrella or paniculate inflorescences bloom in the axils of the leaves. Small corollas with a diameter of 6-10 mm, located close to each other, have a disc-shaped shape. Flowers with five individual rounded petals and a lush core (up to 60 stamens and about 5 ovaries) can be white or pink.

After pollination, lanceolate, flat, brown seeds ripen in multi-seeded leaflets. Their length is only 1.5-2 mm. Ripe fruits crack at the seams on their own.

Types and varieties of spirea

To date, scientists have discovered almost 100 species of spirea.

A frost-resistant spreading shrub with ribbed branches grows 1.5-2 m in height. It is covered with ovate or oval leaves. Closer to the edge, the leaf blade is double-serrated. Its length is 35-45 mm. The color of the leaves is bright green, and the reverse side is bluish. Flowering occurs in May-June, when many white corymbose inflorescences bloom.

The vegetation, 120-200 cm high, consists of straight red-brown branches with a circular cross-section. They grow simple oval leaves 25-75 mm in length. At the end of May, dense clusters of white and pink flowers bloom and last up to 45 days. Varieties:

  • Little Princess - spreading shoots up to 60 cm high and up to 120 cm wide with dark green oval foliage in June-July covered with pink-red flowers;
  • Golden Princess - a bush about 1 m tall grows yellowish foliage;
  • Goldflame - in spring, orange-yellow leaves bloom on shoots up to 80 cm in height, which turn yellow by summer and then turn light green, the flowers are red-pink;
  • Shirobana is a spreading bush up to 60-80 cm with small lanceolate leaves that blooms with white or pink flowers by July-August;
  • Crispa is a dwarf shrub with a dense openwork crown covered with small bright pink umbrellas;
  • Anthony Waterer - a low bush with a dome-shaped crown and lanceolate reddish leaves in June-September blooms with large (up to 15 cm) carmine flowers;
  • Macrophylla - a large (1.5 m) spreading bush covered with ovoid swollen leaves (red-green in summer and orange in autumn) 15 cm long;
  • Magic Carpet - a dense crown up to 0.5 m high and 80 cm wide blooms beautiful angular leaves of copper, yellow and orange colors;
  • Frobeli - a shrub 120 cm high and wide covered with reddish-green leaves and pink flowers;
  • Firelight is a dwarf bush with orange-red leaves and deep pink flowers.

A slender, tall plant with erect, ribbed shoots prefers highly moist soil. The height of the shoots is 150-200 cm. The branches are covered with narrow lanceolate leaves with a wedge-shaped base. Bright pink buds form dense panicles about 12 cm in length. They appear in mid-summer.

The hybrid species, about 180 cm high, has arched branches covered with lanceolate gray-green foliage. The reverse side of the leaves is gray. The plant blooms profusely with white corymbose inflorescences that appear in mid-May. The Grefsheim variety differs from the main species in having reddish-brown branches and even more abundant snow-white flowering. A good honey plant.

A large spreading bush quickly grows up to 2 m in height. Its drooping, strong branches are densely covered with jagged, smooth, lobed leaves. The leaf surface is dark green. The reverse side is gray. By autumn, the leaves turn red or orange. Hemispherical snow-white inflorescences open throughout the branch from mid-June.

A spherical, dense bush with horizontal branches grows 2 m in height. The foliage, about 5 cm long, is oval in shape and retains a bright green color until leaf fall. In June, yellowish-green flowers bloom from purple buds. The Snowound variety is a slow-growing low shrub with oval dark green leaves and many white inflorescences on last year's shoots.

An early flowering shrub 1.5-2 m high with arched branches forms a beautiful cascade. Snow-white flowers, like foam, flaunt above the green leaves.

A bush with a low (50-80 cm), dense crown consists of erect shoots covered with small oval leaves. In fall, the bright green foliage turns red, yellow and purple. From mid-summer, young shoots are covered with large umbrellas of dark pink flowers.

Straight red-brown stems with slight pubescence form a crown 1.5 m in height. They grow oval or lanceolate leaves 10 cm long. Dark pink flowers form long pyramidal racemes. They bloom in July-September.

The bush, up to 2 m high, is covered with large, broadly lanceolate leaves and blooms in July with long (up to 20 cm), narrow clusters of bright pink flowers.

A dense spherical bush up to 70 cm high grows small bright green leaves that turn yellow in autumn. In June-August, small white flowers bloom in small hemispherical inflorescences.

Reproduction methods

Spiraea can be propagated by seeds or vegetatively. For hybrid species and ornamental varieties, seed propagation is not suitable. In the spring, boxes are prepared with a mixture of leaf soil and high-moor peat. The seeds are evenly placed on the surface and covered with a layer of peat 1 cm high. Shoots appear in 1-1.5 weeks. Even at an early stage, they are treated with foundationazole or potassium permanganate. After 2-3 months, the roots of the grown seedlings are cut and transplanted into open ground in a training bed. They are located in partial shade or shade. Plants are watered abundantly and the soil is mulched.

The most reliable method of propagation is rooting cuttings. In the spring, before the leaves appear, the lower shoot is bent to the soil and fixed, and sprinkled with earth on top. The top is tied to a support. In the summer, not only the bush is watered, but also the cuttings. It will take root this year, but separation and transplantation are planned for next spring. For better development flowers are removed in the first year.

During spring and summer, cuttings about 10 cm long are cut from semi-lignified and green branches. The lower cut is treated with “Kornevin” and then immediately planted in containers with loose garden soil. After 2-3 months, 50-70% of the cuttings will develop a full-fledged root system. Planting in open ground is carried out next spring.

Planting and care

For spirea, open, sunny or slightly shaded areas are selected. In partial shade the number of flowers will be much smaller. The soil should be loose and permeable, with moderate moisture. In poor soil, turf or leaf soil is first added, and, if necessary, peat and sand. For hybrid species, the presence of lime in the soil is unacceptable.

Planting holes are dug to a depth of 50 cm. Drainage material must be laid at the bottom. The root collar is left at the same level. Rainy or cloudy weather is optimal for planting. The procedure itself is carried out in spring and autumn. Spring planting Suitable for summer flowering plants. It is carried out until the buds open. The overdried root system is pre-soaked in water. After work, 1-2 buckets of water are poured under each bush and the surface is mulched with peat. Also, absolutely all species can be planted in the fall, before the leaves fall.

Daily care of spirea is simple. Young plants need more frequent watering, but stagnation of water at the roots is not allowed. Adult spirea tolerate drought well, so only in the absence of precipitation they are watered twice a month. 1.5-2 buckets of water are poured under each bush.

Weeding and loosening are also carried out regularly. It is important to remember that the root system of the plant is superficial, so be careful when working.

The plants are fed twice a season (spring and summer). First, a universal mineral complex is added, and then mullein and superphosphate are used.

Typically, spirea tolerates winter well without shelter. If particularly harsh, snowless weather is expected, then the roots of the plant are covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves and spruce branches.

The plant has good immunity, so it almost never gets sick. At the same time, aphids regularly settle on the bushes and spider mites. They especially actively attack young, tender shoots. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to regularly spray the bushes or treat them with insecticides.

Application in landscape design

Such an ornamental and multifunctional plant will definitely find its use in the garden. Dwarf varieties perfectly decorate rockeries. They are used for tamping down deciduous trees and conifers. Spiraea is suitable for creating a hedge, mixborder and background for a flower garden. It can be accompanied by scumpia, weigela, deutsia, junipers and spruces.

Spirea is considered one of the most luxurious shrubs that decorate the garden. It is a perennial plant that has become especially popular among gardeners. However, it is often found in parks. There are more than 90 types of spirea, each of which differs in external characteristics and flowering period. If you are interested, read here.

Varieties of spirea

Spiraea belongs to the Rosaceae family; its representatives can vary in size and shape of the bush. Spring-flowering varieties begin to bloom first. The flowers of the plant are not big size having long threads. A fluffy effect is created. Their shape can be presented in the form of a pyramid or cone. Colors from white to pink.

If you choose the right varieties of spirea, you can create a blooming garden that will delight you with the splendor of flowers and aromas for a long time. In addition, the plant is a honey plant that attracts various insects.

Spring-blooming spirea

The flowers are white and collected in inflorescences. With the onset of May, the entire bush is covered with a snow-white cloud, the weight of which even bends the branches. So the branches are represented by a hanging form.

1. Spiraea oakleaf

The shrub can be up to 2 meters in diameter. Flowering occurs in the second half of May. During this period, the bush is completely covered with white inflorescences.

The plant needs pruning. The procedure is carried out in the summer, after flowering. For this variety, it is advisable to select fertile soil, and the growing area should be well lit. Spiraea oakleaf is quite resistant to frost. It is an excellent decoration for a city park.

2. Spiraea Arguta

It has another name: sharp-toothed. It is represented by a shrub with a size of up to 2 meters in height. It has drooping branches, narrow leaves, rich green color. Flowering occurs at the end of May and is long and abundant.

3. Gray spirea

It has another name - ashy. Its branches are lowered down, the leaves are gray-green in color.

4. Spiraea nipponensis

A small shrub, its height is no more than a meter. The shape is in the form of a ball, which can easily be formed into a creeping one. Flowering begins in May, with white flowers. The bush is strewn with inflorescences from top to bottom. It is advisable to plant this variety on fertile soils, with slight shading. It tolerates winters with difficulty; in severe frosts the plant may freeze.

5. Spiraea Van Gutta

A shrub with a height of no more than 2.5 meters. Its branches are curved, the leaves are gray-green in color. Flowering occurs in June. The plant develops rapidly and prefers to grow in a well-lit area.

Spiraea blooming in summer

Spireas, which bloom in the summer, have pink flowers. The flowers are collected in inflorescences that form on young shoots. Flowering occurs at the beginning of the summer season and continues until the onset of cold weather.

1. Japanese spirea

Has many varieties. The most common types are: Nana, Golden Princess, Shirobana, Darts Red, Little Princess. The size of the bush is no more than 0.5 meters. An excellent option for creating alpine slides or as a planting in a garden composition.

Spiraea japonica

2. White-flowered spirea

The height of the bush does not exceed 60 centimeters. The plant is quite fragrant and unusually beautiful.
Has the Macrophylla variety. Its height is no more than 1.3 meters. The color of the leaf blades is strikingly beautiful: when they bloom, they are rich red in color, and over time they turn into green. Thanks to this feature, the bush in different time year looks completely different.

3. Spirea Boumalda

The shrub is medium in size, its height is no more than 1.2 meters. The leaves are ovoid and the plant is frost resistant. Therefore, when winter comes, it will have to be covered.

Boumalda has a wide variety of varieties, for example:

  • Gold Flame - has leaves of unusual colors, a combination of pink and orange in the spring; yellow in summer; brown-orange in the autumn season.
  • Anthony Waterer - flowers are pink.

4. Billard's Spiraea

The shrub is large, its height reaches up to 2.5 meters. The branches are quite long, flowering occurs from July to October. One of the most interesting varieties is Triumphans. It has spike-shaped inflorescences of bright pink color.

5. Spiraea willow

Shrub up to 2.5 meters in height. The branches are straight sheet plates pale green. Closer to the autumn period they acquire a brownish-red hue. The flowering process begins in June and is represented by pale pink flowers, which are collected in inflorescences. The plant can easily survive winter.

Spiraea - planting and care

Several methods can be used to propagate a plant:

1. Seeds

Seeds cannot be taken from hybrids; as a result, the seedlings will be heterogeneous. Seed material is sown in early spring; boxes with soil are used for planting. In a few months, shoots should already appear. After which they need to be thinned out.

First you need to pinch the end of the main root, so the root system will be powerfully developed. The seedlings should bloom in a few years. During this period, it is necessary to provide them with careful care, which consists of the following: destruction of weeds, loosening the soil, abundant and timely watering.

2. Cuttings

Cuttings are taken from the shoots of the current year's plant. Their length should be approximately 10 centimeters. To improve plant development, cuttings are treated with Kornevin solution. To do this, you need to dip the root part into the solution immediately before planting. If the cuttings are planted in July, then by the onset of autumn the root system will be able to strengthen.

3. Layering

One of the most effective and simple ways reproduction. To use it, in the spring season you need to bend the branches of the bush to the ground, pin them with a wire, and sprinkle them with soil. You can also tie the branches to a peg and leave them in an upright position.

Throughout the season, it is necessary to keep the soil moist, but it is advisable to avoid waterlogging. At proper care behind the seedlings, closer to autumn, independent plants will already form. To speed up development, you need to remove the first inflorescences on young bushes.

Spiraea is popularly known as “bride”

Spirea care

Spiraea is an unpretentious plant and is capable of developing even under normal conditions: fertile soil, well-lit area, absence of stagnant water, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers, protection of some varieties from frost. The only feature when growing a plant is proper pruning.

Spring flowering plants require virtually no pruning. The exception is pruning for sanitary purposes. This procedure consists of removing old branches, dry and broken, frozen over the winter season.

Pruning is carried out after flowering, but there is no need to shorten shoots that have bloomed. This will cause the development of side branches and the shape of the bush will be spoiled.

Summer-flowering plants should be pruned when spring arrives. The procedure is carried out on four-year-old specimens. Pruning is carried out 30 centimeters from the ground. This process should not be neglected, otherwise the bush will lose its decorative shape, the old branches will begin to deviate from the center and lay towards the ground.

If pruning is carried out only on the upper part, the shoots will become thinner, the inflorescences will be small and unattractive.

Spiraea when decorating a garden

Spiraea is often used to decorate the garden. The particular popularity of this plant is explained by the fact that it has a wide variety of varieties and varieties. Each of them has an individual shape, coloring of leaves and flowers.

Spiraea can be used as a single plant or to create compositions. Looks great as a green hedge. It goes well with plants such as: weigela, deutzia, derain, juniper, cypress, pine, thuja, spruce. The effect of such a neighborhood is simply amazing.

Spiraea is a very unpretentious plant, but this does not in any way affect its attractiveness and decorativeness. That is why it is so popular and often found in landscape design. The plant is considered one of the most beloved by gardeners, who give it a special place in the garden.

Unpretentious plants for the garden Gray spirea - white fountain

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